Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1892, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MA11CIT 26. 1892. 8PEG1HL NOTICES , foil TIltiSK COLUMNS ADVKIITISKMKNTS will brtnkcn until 1JSO : p. m tot Ilio evening nnd until 8,1:0 : n , m. for Ilio morning or Sunday odl- linn. linn.All ndvrrtlsrmcnts In tbr-fo column * 15 rents a line first Insertion , nnd 10 fonts a line thereafter , or flpcr line prr month. No advertisement taken for less tlmn 21 cent * for tlip first Insertion. Terms , rntb In ndrnnrp. Count nliont seven word * lo the line. InltlnK llgures. symbols , etc. , curb count ns a word , All advertisement * must run consecutively. Advertlsenby requesting n numbered chock , can bate the letters addressed to n numbered letter In cure of TIII : IIFK. Answers o ndrtn-ised will bo delivered on presentation of tlio check. 8ITUATloN8"W ANTED. YIATK&- lie a line flrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for IOM tlmn 2so. KOOKKKK1'KII WITH KIIIST "tliASS references vtnnts n position. A < Wre"lt5jjJS0' | | | A-A I.ADV WHO HAS TIIAVKI.KI ) AMI ABpeakslietmnnnnd Krencli , wouldehaperon n pnrlr of ten In n three inonlhs' trip to Kurnpo. lor particulars B < 1dre sl4Mriorlda ATO , Washington 1) . ( J. Unforencoscjchaniicrt. mil A-SITUATION WANTKI ) IIVTWOIMIAOTIOAI , A shoemakers. AddressT J.I. Ileo omco. WB-2B' A -HOOD r.NIIINKKIl WODLI ) MKK I'OSITION J Von slattnnafy cnglnoi flrstelms roferencrii. Ad dress TS7. Ileo. MK9 I KINISIIKIIWANTH IWITIOKt able to lakocnarRO of finishing room Address T 2S , lice , M1TO 31 * WANTKI ) HTBA11Y SITUATION ( IK ANY A kind nf work , onico work preferred , llcferetico furnished. Address T 31 Ileo. 1 > S7 27' -SITUATION. IIV CA1MIILK ItGOK-KKKl'KIl A of lonit experience' highest city reference * . Ail' , - flrcn , T au. lieu. _ _ - YOlTNtl MAN or HXl-KHIIINf AND KIIIST- claim city references desires " " ns sales- man. shipping clerk or general olllco nsslstant. Art- ilrssl-SS. Ileo. MW. ) 27' _ WANTED-MALE HELP. UATK8 Uon line lint tlnm nnil 10o n line there- nfler. No advertisement taken tor lesi than aie. lY-WANTKI ) . HALKHMKNON SAI.AUY Oil COM- Jnil" lnn to linndlo the new patent chcmleiil Ink crating pencil. llin greatest selling novelty over iiroduccd ! cm fen Ink thorouuhly In two rrrnndsr 110 nbrnslon of papers SU ) to fttl l > er cent prollt : ono niicnl's tales ntnountpd to fGJU In nix days , nnothcr J82 In two hour * . Wo want ono general ngenl In each stntontirt territory. Tor tcrmsnnd lull par- tlculnrn address Monroe Kroscr Mfg , Co , LnCrofine , Wla.IM. . B77 _ _ 1SAt.BSMKN. . I'AYS WKIA. 401 11KK HUM ! . jL-Tj -HAHNKSS MAKBU8 WANTKI ) . COOI ) -li nages paid. K. Htnclic , York , Neb. _ OM" 'n-2S H. It. LAIIOIIKUS WANTKI ) KVKIIY WKKK JJfor Wyoming on the i . & M. It. It. f rue trans portation from Omaha. Call at WXJ 8. 10th Btroel. * -CITY CANVAHSKHB , H ALAHY PAID WKKKI.Y. Singer ncwlnK mnchlno olllcu , 1610 Douglas street. aim-all -AOKNTSWANTKD. KXCKL3IO11 1'OIITIIAIT B Co. , Ware block. 777nl8 -WAN.TKD.KXPKIlT ROXRIl'HAWYKR : NONE JJothtr need lipply. ICajt'omaha llox Factory , Kast Omnhn. T84 ) -WANTii : ) , A nOOI ) IIOTKL COOIC. O. W. > llecd , Gresham , Nob. oai so * > -WANTKI ) , 2 CJOOH COAT MAKKR3. C. > Aron , Crete , Neb. S1SH3 T > WANTl'.D. ' 2JOOOI ) HAUNKHS MAKKKS ITll -I'wholcsnlu manufacturing. Address Ht. I'nul llnrncnn coinpony , Ht. I'nul , Minn. Mail 23 * 1 > WANTKD. I'AllTNICIt , LADY Oil UKNT , Jjmust have from thrco to Uvo hundred dollars cash ; also two talented amateurs ( gouts ) tenor anil bnrltonu voices , must rend uiiislc. Correspond , ntrlctly contldontlal. Ilaro chnnco. Address U. L. aialtlnnd , Fremont , Nob. Mill * 2i ! * - ) , 2 HOYS K , TO IS YKAIIS. OMAHA B-WANTKI , Kast Omaha. U55 0-WANTKI ) . TWO 1'KHSONS 11KCK1VK 1N- .DatrucUonH , keep hooka for now store : J. U. Biullh , Mi New York LI To building. MKO 28 * "B -3A1.KSMBN WANTED. FALCONER'S. 1)52 ) 25 B 1-WANTED , 3 GOOD SALESMEN : SALARY AND commission. Room &l.'i Shooly tlk MtH82li ! * R-WANTCD , WITH A VACKINO HOUSK AT J'Somh Omnha , otllco boy who has bad experi ence with copying press , llllni ; , etc. ; good prospects lor advancement to bright boy ; utatu where last omplo > ed. Address T 21' . lloo. Mi i5 27 * 1 > WANTKI ) , HARNKSS MAKERS KKKPAWAY J > from Pcorla. HI. Strike there. MO.VJ 31 n-ARic YOU A CATHOLIC ; ARK. YOU UNUM- JJployed ? Will you work for fl8.CU i > er week ! Wrlto to ma nt once. J. 11. Cay , 104 Madison street , Chicago , HI. MilifT-gU' ' 1J-H2TOH5A DAY TO AOENT3 SKLT.INfJ OUR -iJI'crfectloa shoe , ( recently patented ) , also the Taylor Adjustable shoe , direct to the consumer ; lirotlt Irom 72o to (2.25 n pair. No competition ; every lady n possible customer this spring. Secure jour territory nt once. Address , with So stamp , Consolidated Adjustable Shoo Company , Lynn , Mass. M 3B 2li -WANTKI ) , PANTS MAKER. FRANK 11AH- rett A. Co. M901 27 - . WANTED TO SKLL OUR GOODS B-SALF.BMEN the wholesale nnd retail trade. Liberal salary and expenses paid. Permanent po sition. .Money Hdvanccd for wages , advertising , etc. For full particulars and reference address Centennial Mfg. Co. . Chicago. HI. MOT4 27" -WANTED. DRUG CLERIC REGISTERED IN Nebraska. Must speak ( Jcrrunn. Apply this .morning to lllnko , llriico & Co. . between 'J and 10 n. .til. Nothing but tlrst-class man wanted. Good wages to tbo right party. MIOOO ' . ' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HATES ISo a line Itrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for lo ss than Mo ' " " GW/N'T-KD" /loOl ) ( Jll FOlGENKllAL louse work ; German preferred- Inquire ' . ' 431 Dodge. enC _ -WANTKI ) , lilllL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- C work. Mrs. U. W. Loomts , 1014 So. 30th avenue. MTta _ _ _ _ /-t-COMPKTENT GIRL FOR GKNKRAL HOUSE- v work , low Hhcrman avenue. VU -WANTED HCN TO TRAVEL FOR OUR Canada nurseries. Btono & Welllnuton , Mndl ton , WIs. _ * " -WANTKI ) , A YOUNIJ GIRL TO ASSIST IN CWANTKI taklna care of children. 2122 8ti Mary's avenue MiM _ C -WANTED , KXPKRIKNCKD DlNDEltY GIIILS. ltec Printing Co. 1114 - - 8KCOXD GIRL. 1014 IO G-WAN1KD-OOOD cunt street. MU01. C-WANTKD , YOUNU LADY TO O1VK LKSSONS to beginner on Kultar. Hunt bo thoroughly com petent , titttto torms. Address T 25 , llco. MUSS 20 * - ) , OIIIL FOll OKNlillAL 11OUSK- 0-WANTICI \York ; Binall family. Cull 1818 Corby. irrj /V-WAITIlKHtf. KOIUHNNHIl. AI'l'LY AT TUB Vj\V < ) iuen'p Kivhangp , Ileo building. V73 25 * 1-WANTKIJ , Ollll. KOH KKNKIIAL 110USK work In Biimll famllr ; ( ioriaan preferred. UI H iiuo. UT& 5(1 ( -tillll , POIt OKNKUAL HOUcKWOIlK. ! MIIS C. H. I'nul. a J Hurt > t. 1)78 ) 87 * / - WANTKII. A VKVf LAWKS TO COMl'lM ? VJIIitB , nddrt'KB circular * , etc. . nt homo ; perumnen irouirnci'it. Adilrem , with ntamp , llounukoupi'r'B Weekly , 1'hllnilelplilu , I'u. FOB KENT-HOUSES. llATKH-I5onltnotlr t timu an1 lUo a Una there after. No ml vurtlBuoian t takun for loai than 8Jo TV-l ilOOM.FLAT , zoji LKAVKNWoilfil M\ J.J I AND Al'AinXIKNTSLN UliBT UKSI. /dcnpa block In city , till ) 8. Kd Blroot. Tol.K'.a aiiia \-LAIlOK LIST OK 11OUHK3. 8TOIIK8 , FLATS * olo. , K und up. 1'nul , 17 Hoard of Trndo . \ 213 A S' B-TOll HUNT. MCI ! NliWLY FUIINISIIKD rooms , Ui N. 19th , llrcnnun llot . MI5H -HUl UKNT , 1ID1JHKH , (7.U ) 1'Hlt MONTH AND upwarrtn. Thu O , K. Davis Co. , 1W& t'aruani l. "V-KLKllAN'F lintlHlT f - 1-1IOOM FIMNIBIIKD .fall modem , near llroivnull halti'KMOD per mo. j C-j1' . HarrlBQii , Ull N , Y , Life. WO alt < RS KOU UKNT , IIOUhK U17 N.17T1I HT , , I ) IIOOMS , -i-'balh , < to. , (3J per mouth. F , 11. Woodrow , Nub. Nat. bunk bulldlni- LU T\-rXll UKNV , A110VK NOS . C24 ANDtlJrt HOUT1I JJIOth utreetraoui | ) Hut , every modem rouvun > luncu , lucludliK Jariiu kite hen range. Apply Winder - or , Kurry A Co. , JOIN , Y I.lfo bldif. iw , KKvuNooj'wrrAdK CKN" Jtrnlly located. ImiulroIH N , luth Btrect. 1M1U1 KNT.KLKiANT UllICK IIOUHK NKA1 . uS0J' } ark' , * 'uom , bath , furupco. eto lllcki , uU5 N , Y. Life. VI7 yj Nor ii } sa'sirrii ST.,8iioo\i iiouMt ALI iodern , f 4i per month. Ii K. lUrrUon. till N. Y JOll UKNT , J AND 8 UOOM MoilKHN * KLAT iliict. cur. Ulli and Jnokton ! . MUJ2-.TU D-IUltOOM IIOlIHll , ALL Heed & M'lby , UU Hoard of Trada ja. : HToiiKa AMI FLATS. A. c , KWWT. -Vrouui Si , Douglas block , Ititb and Dodge. , Ml AM 7\-tllOOM FLAT. MODKItN CONVKNIKNt'KS' , J IUl furnltute. JUU ; montbly purulent * . Co tpfrntlva l ind and 1 ot fu. , 2UJ N IUU t. V < ! > 27 VLAT , ALL u'irrtiiiiu M'clieap tu ixrmonont | nnnt . WrUiUt A L hury ICth nd Ilowiiril ill. "KU'.I rt > Tt"RbOM 'jiuL' K , JI8U tjOUXlt'Tril AVKNUK Uuvur llrpiruoll hall _ J3 IIOOM UOUdK. ItKNT IJOW. IV 'tMIUOM UOUSB.KK tf. JIST. * * VOn KENT-HOUSES. Conffnu l D ( -4 ROOMS , ISTKIXJOR , 17TII AND HOWARD , < l rooms , 7th and Pacific , 17. 3 rooms. 21st and Nicholas , M , ,1 rooms. and draco , IB. llcsldoncei and cottages In all parts of the rtty , D. r. Iltitts. Room I , Ileo building. 1174 ill n- < ! ROOM COTTAtlK , HOT AND COLD WATKU , J-'hathjClofOt , furnace , beautiful lawn and shade. Apply N K. corner Unit and Miami. M1W I * FOR HENT.-FUKNIBIIED KOOMB. rf 15on line first tlmo and Ida n line tliero- aftcr , No adrcrtltement taken for lei > than2Sc. ? , I1IIC19 Dodce Btroct. StPwi 30- - VORNI8HKD ROOMS TOR OKNTI.KMKN ! ferencca required. Hill N 18th. V23 A2 1 ? KOR RKNT. ONI ! l.Altnit KRONT OR TWO -l lidck furnished or unfurnished rooms. 123 bouth t5th street. 8CU KOUR OR SIX OKNTt.KMF.N TO OCCUPY elegant "ii to of roomaandboird : new. tnndern , Irst class ; cheap. Address T 22. Ileo. MU7I 27 * NICBI.Y KURNIHHKI ) ROOM KOR TWO ( IKN- tlomciii ILCO each per month. IW3 Knrnnm. IW7-2C * - ViniNIMHKD ] OR tJNKDRNIHHKD ROOMS with llrst-class board , 1721 Davenport st. 911 00 * . NICK ItOOMS , ALL CONVKN1UNCK.3. 175.1 illnvcnport , MW4 8 * FUKNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 11AT1C8 l&on linn first llmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less Ihnn2. > o. rc VKlfY IK1IU J. Boor , south nnil past , furnished rooms ntThe Frcntcr , " Illi Na 85lh street. MTht-37 * -PLKA8ANT I10OM AND HOAltD. 2011 DOtKI- las St. .M835 V T7i-liaillAHLK ) : 1IOOM9 WITH 11OA11D. SMALL I family , nicely Bltualed. Modern conveniences. 21,10 llnrney.Btrcct. MV.K ) * FOR RENT-1TNFUHNI3HED ROOMS. IIATH8 13c n line llrst llmo nnd lOu n line there- niter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. " T--"AND'"TiiuiciV IIOOMS 'FOII"IIKNT. ' . "tat Gird Hovcnlcenth nvcnuo. M1W2.1I' GirdZ G -Z OR 3 ! RANUK , RATH , I N. ISTII ST. 871 BOARDING. RATKB 16e a line llrst tlmo and IDc a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less thuii35c. S-lSv lf6 A iui "W KMt PULLMAN 110UBK. 1S10 DOUOK , FOR GOOD board , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and la- atton It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. llorn-ro | | > rletor Jl ) A 10' _ POB BENT STORES AND OFFICES. RATK3 l.Vn line flrnt tlmo nnd lOc n Him there ufter. No advertisement taken for less than 3.K.- - KOU llltNT , 8TOUK , 1021 I1OWAUD. 1KOU B3.1 1 VOR RKNT. TllK 4-STOUY BIIICIC UUILDINU. Jaicl Knrnnn etreet. The unlldlnghna a tire-proof cement basement , complete Btenm-hcntlng llxtures , water on all the tloor * , tins , etc. Apply.ut the eRIca of The Uco. 1)13 - . llUILDINr.8 FOll MAMJKACTUIl- T-8UITA1II.K Ing purposes ut Kckurmann 1'laco , Rood enxlna nnd boiler , W5 per month. C. F. 1'arrlson , 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. USinl 1 FOll UKNT , IN HF.STHKTAIL LOCATION IN Onmhn , entire HCCOIK ! floor or departments In Golden Kqglo Shoo Store. 114 a llilh at. 1OI FOB HENT-MISCEKLANEOUS. ItATlCS 15c a line flrett time and lOo n line there after. No vdvertlsemont taken for less thnu 25c. J GAUDKN FAUMS TO HUNT. T. SIUllllAY.SSI J UUICIC YAIIDS FOll UKNT. T. MUllllAY.SlCi3 SlCi3 J KARMB FOR RKNT. II. T. CLARK. COInIZ 1 BOO ACRKS OF ROOD LAND KOR UKNT KOli ' 'onoormoro years , center of Howard county. Neb. . 740 acren under fence. 00 acrot under plow , 1 liouocs and plenty of running water. Tor further particulars call upon or address W. II. Taylor , 1SJ4 Hurnoy street. Omaha. U8S 29 * 1 FOR RKNT , PART OF OUR FIVE-STORY i ) brick warehouse ; good elevator and track facil ities. Omaha Waroboiuo & Morago Co. , UI.I-15 Ix'iivcnworlli at. "J'J 31 7 120 ACRK WARM , 21 MILKS FROM OMAHA , " cash ront. Cu-opcratlve Land and Lot Co. , 'J0. > N. Kith street ! i4l > 7r T-WAREUOUSK , INQU1RU310.SO 15TII 6THKKT. WANTED TO BENT. RATK8-I5C a line llrst Irao and lOc a line there- utter. No advertisement taken for lejs tbau2ja K T1IRKK OKNTLKMKN WOULD LllCKTHKIIK Aeeplng rooms onsultu In flat convonlcdt to lltli ! nnd Farnam Bts. Addre T 24 , lice otllco. ! ) Ji K--A YOUNO MAN DESIRKS ROOM AND HOARD In private family , north part of city : references. Address T 32 Rce IW.I > K-WANTKD. FOR MAY I IN WALNUT HILL. S- room houso. ( ! lvo particulars nnd lowest rental for 1 or 2 years. T SO , iloe. MtUJ 27 * K-WANTKD , 8-ROOJI IIOUSi : . MODKRN , FOR May L not to exceed 135.00. Ulvo particulars. Lock box M , Omaha. MIWI 21 * . BENTAL AGENCIES. HATKS ISo a line llrst tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement tnkcn for less than 25c. L ; 15. C. OARVIN A CO. , 103 SIIEBLY \ -STAR LOAN AND TRUST CO. RKNTAL DE- JUpartmcnt. M'Jll-a2l STORAGE. P.AT158 15o a line rirst tlmo and lOo a line thero- after. No advertisement taken for less than ' 'k ! STVCIIEAl-KST'AND ' 'BJ ST "bTOKAGM house ; In tbo city. Williams Ic Cross,1211 lurn < ! _ y , M CLKAN , DIIV AND PUIVATKLV BTOUICI ) Iiirnlturo. llentlnc ntovoa utorcrt over outnmcr. 1207 Douglas t. Ouinho Ktovo llppnlr iforkB. (141 ( M HltbT BTOKACK IN CITV. OMAHA WAIUC- boii A Storntio Co. , 1213-15 Ixiuvcnwdrtli nt lloUBchuli ] and other uuoiln etorcrt anil cured fur Loir rules. 1'rlvnto nimrtinciitalf Uoslrud. I'lionotl'J WANTED-TO BUY. IIATKS 15o a llnu tlrst tlmo anil IDa u Una tlierair- ter. No adverllnoment taken for loan tlmn TV T KUHNmJUK HOtfmiSJL1 ( T 81 OIIKI ) . 1 > W H . 1111 Fnrnnni t. B8s TVT WANTKI ) Ttl'llUr , KKJIIT OU TI5.V KOOM Jhuuso with moilera Improvements , nail KOOI ! ulr.eil lot , lountod within onn inllo of thu uoatonieu. Ktnl u price. lm of home anil lot nnil foil iiartlcu- Inn by ndilresslnif H 47 lloo olUro. 712 T-WANTK11TO IU1Y.CA8H 11KJISTKII. ANTON 111' , Dworuk , llurwell , liarltold Co. , Neb. ; til 30 * FOB 8AI.E-HORBE8 , WAQONB , ETC. 1KO BALK. IIOUSIW ANljuLs , CHKAI- . J Klilel llty OUCo. . H--illi nnd U.I' , lly , CU ga l > -r'OUHALlJ1ALOTOt'CAnillAaK8BUIllll Yrl J and huvKteaat jour own prices ! BO iliiKlo liar- IICBH. Hdollly l-onii Guarantee Co. , room 4 , Wlth < ni-II liulldlnir , ! i ; TVlll 8AI.K , L1CS11T. b'lYLISU UOAI ) WAUON , J , undharnoBs nearly no IT , Aildrona T'A ) , llvo. TX-KOIl 8ALK C1IKAI' . LI1JIIT UOAI ) WAIJON , Jnunljr pulntrol and In KOOdiirUcr. Inqulro of K , K. Hart , Uckerman place , or oddrosa 1 * . O. _ 1)-CKNTLB 1'OSV WITH 8ADDLK , HAUNKSS L and bupRr. Will take as part payment Kontlv- uian'i lafety. Dr. I'uul , GUI N. Y. Life , U7V :7 * 1FOH8ALKCIIKA1' , IIIOIIHK , ! TO1' , -I 1 Ilirht wntion , I uluiilo hurncia. Inquire ut 11(1 ( BeulllVUllBtreet. il'.iilT 87' FOR SALE-.iynBQBLLANEOU'B. iTATKrt-lia a line tlrat tlmo auit lOo n llna'thor ? after , No advertisement taken for le i than We Q-FINIS UI'IUHIIT 1'IANO. BTANUAItl ) MAltK. u > ed only a few uiontb * , ftt a tacrlllco. 2u i Caldwell - well t. 4BJ -FOll BALK AT A 11A1U1AIN , S15T OF 11OOT und nhuuBhelvliii ! , It IB tu ifood ahape. Call ul UUlIarnoy utruet , I''l Q - 1'UU I'Ul'l'lI'.S , 11 30 , IIAIUCnit 111.1C. Vl'JaJJ Q-IXU HALK Oil TIIADK KOU KAIIM LANDS IN pitntvrii KubroakH , nU hnrrol bteaui roller Uoui mill tllunted at Trkuuiah , Not ) . Thin. Crouch , IUU , IIiirrcttOBl , Oaiaha. tut st QcT ALB.8TANIJAIII > HKW1NO MAC1IINK , chonp , , IWJ Jones itiect. MVb"J SU MISOELLANEOUS. ItATK.S-lio B line tint tlmo nd lOo line there- dfler. No ndTDrtliuiuoot taken foe loa than 2io. ' ' J.V fariiaiu BU up Btalri. mala nnd foiualo lielpi order by wall promptly attoudud to. lleferoucui Omahu tttlonul bank , jfel. BSt. T HAMILTON llHOd. CAUl'KVrKItS ANII ibuilders. . Alt klndB Jobbing ; 41 J a. inn. Tel. in * 3-Al. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ T > HAY FOll HALK. TllK HTANDAIlll UA1TK IVCo , bOer 1,000 ton nclurtnU burn Mored bay foi U on track. Anna. KcbruBka. _ MWIS U-COTNKIl UNIVKltSITV : TWKI.VB DKl'AllT aiButa : nuaiuicriuorulug keuloua. July 6. K. H lUrrU , l.lucolu , hib , wj ; Sv1 MISOELLANKOITS. Conllnuril. - | > -LADIRS' CAUKIl FOIl DUHl.Vd CONKINK- Jvraont. Mrs.Ilurnllf , Uerman graduated midwife , 11880.16th. Mt A 21 11 I'KUSONAK STOP COUOHINO * H.OOJ UK- It ward for a case of throat or lung trouble , last stages oxceptod. which cannot bo relieved by a proper use of Dr. X. Stone's llronchlnl Wafers , 25on tin * nt drugging. For sample , send iOo to Htono Med. Co. . Chloago , 111. JU'Ji 27 * CLAIRVOYANTS. HATK3-1. * a line first tlmo nnd 10o n Una thero- after. No advertisement taken for leas than Ko. MIIS. NANNIK V WA11HKN , CLAlltVOYANT S reliable business medium , flflli year at lla N , JCth. 839 C-AllltlVAL KXTIIAOIIDINAUY. WONDB11FUL OrcveUttons. Clmllonges ths world. Mrs. Dr. M , Lcgrnvc , dead trnnco clairvoyant , nstrologlst , palmist and llfo reader : tolls your Ufa from the cradle to grave ; unites the separated : causes mar- risgo with the ono you love ; tells vthcro you will succeed nnd In what business hest adapted for ; has Ilio celebrated Kgyptlan breastplate for luck and to ileslrov bad Influences : cures tits. Intemperance and an private complaints with massago. baths and alcohol treatment , bend tl , lock of hnlr , name and date of hlrlh nnil receive acciirata Ufa Jhnrt ; 2 cents In stumps for circular ! glva Initials of ona you will marry : also photon nf same , onico 1307 fcouth llth street , nrst Door ; hourt,9 a. in to U t > . m. Tome one , rome nil. and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. ME60--1 MA83AOB , BATHS , ETC. IIATKS lie a line first time and lOc n. Una there- nflcr. No advertisement taken for loss than 25e. riJ > JIADAMK BMlTUls DOUGLAH J- room 7,3d door. Alcohol , sulphur and son baths. M99I ' rp-MIPS fc'IOWK , MASSI'.USK KLKUTIIICIAN JS3 ItntURO block. MIWO 2j' r r MA8SAUK TUIAT.MHNT : , KLKLTUO TIIKH. JLmal baths , acnlp nnd hair treatment , manlcuro and chiropodist. Jlrj.l'osl.SluH S.lJth.Wlthuoll ulk. 311) _ rriADAMK LA nun , MASSAOH. < u > .SOUTH 1.1,1th Btrcot. "rd lloor. lint 4. n lstaut. .M7t-'i ; ; PERSONALS. IIATKS lf > c n Una llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line them alter. No advertisement taken for less than 35c JL M. I'AHUtsil. l-1)UMKilLY OK UKNVKIl. plcasa ccnii your address to A. 1' . llaicltlne , box 1113. Denver. Col. 803 27' _ TT UKO1HJK A. I.ANO till ANYO.NK KNOWING J his nddress iilcnaa write to Heed A. Solby.Oinnlin. M1UI _ , AIIT AND LANGUAGE. V - ( ! . I' . (1KU.KNRGCIC , RANJO TUACHK.I , with Ilospe , orSIHN , 18th st 91.1 T 1IBKOHK ntlYlNO A 1'IANO UXAMINK TUK ' neu ecalu Klmball piano. A llospo , 1913 Douglas. V VOK SAIiK , CI1KA1KOR CASH. A KINK upriijht piano , nearly nctv and standard manu facture. Address U : il. Boo otllco. < 3i MONEY TO LOAN-KEAI.-ESTATE. RATKB-IScallnotlrsttlmo and lOa a line thoro- ifter. No Bilvcrtlsauiont taVo.i for lost than Ua \T CKNTUAL 1X > AN & TllUST CO. BKK BLDO. 803 wUHL , ItKAl.IiSTATK LOANS.3U BUR RLIVO Ii ) \7" MONKV TO LOAN ON IMl'llOVHD CITY ' property , low rate. A , C" Frost , Douslas blk. \\r--RKAl , KSTATK I.OANH , ti TO 7 1'KIt CKNT : II no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Mulklc , First National bank bldK. \r-COATKS , 1011 FA11NAM. KASTKHN MONKY ' IWl W LOANS , G. . WALLACK , 313 IlllOWN I1LIC. 892 TV LOANS Off IMl'llOVKD AND UNIMl'ROVUD cHy propcrty.FI.OUO and to Ipercont. No delays. W.Karnaiu Smith &Co.,15tb nndllarncy. W 1'RIVATK J1ONHY. FIRST AND 8KCONIJ mortgage loans , low rates. Alex. Moore. 401 Rco building _ M78 } W AI'I'LY TO J , Ix LOVI5TT KOR CHEAP ; money ; only Urat class security , 2S ) S. 13tli. 894 \r-JIONKY-TOLOANONHKALKST TK. TUK 1 O. F. lovl Co. . 1505 Farnam flt Ml Tir C. W. IIAINKY , 315 OMAHA NAT. UK. IlLDH. v ? City uiorlxuKea , Lowest rales. Money on hand. SU7 \\r OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKES LOANS ' < on real estate nt lowest nmrket"rutej. Loans made In small or Inrco autn und for short or lonjr time No commission Is charged , and Iliu loans are not rold In the east , but can always ho found at the bunk ou Ilio corner of lath aud Douglas streets ! ' . ' 78U \v ' LOAN3W.M. IIAKUIS , U. 20 , KHKNZKK11LK. UOJ W-ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO , . 318 N. Y Life , lend at low rates for cbolco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property.8'J,1 8'J,1 W "MONEY. 11ONEY. MONKY. $100,000 , TO LOAN In sums of 1.1)0 ) to i5.0UO on Improved or unim proved residence business property In the city of Omaha. No delay In closing loans as money Is on hand. No dealing with eastern parties , nil business transacted hero nnd Interest payable hero and not In tlio cast , also make building loans on most favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. ) 10U Farnam. W-LOANS. CITY PJIOPKRTY. K. NEU. AND W. Iowa farms. K. F. Ringer , I&10 Farnam.M1W3 M1W3 n.23' MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. HATKS ISo a line IIrut llmo and lOa a. line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. ' X-DO YOIMVANT"MONKY' . If so do not fall to get our rate * before bor rowing. We make loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horses , wasrons , etc. , nt the low est possible rate. There Is no unnccosiary delay , but yon get the money on tbo sutna day you ttsk for It. Wo will carry the loan as lon ni you doslro , giving you the privilege ot paying It In full or In part nt any time to suit your convonlenca , nnd any purl paid reduces the cost of carrying tha loan In proportion to the amount paid. Tbero are no charhcs of any kind to bo pain In advance , but you gel the full amount of the loan. Our onicon are oontrallrlocated and are so ar ranged that parllcscalllnj on us oan bo walled on quickly and courteously. If you hare n loan with other parties , or have bought a piano or other furniture on llmo and nnd the payments a llttlo larger than you can meet conveniently , ire will pay It for you and carry the loan ns long as you deslro. U will be to your advantage to soous before securing - curing a loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Room II , Orelghton Illoclc , 15th St south of Postolllee. UW X MONKY TO LOAN. F1DKL1TV LOAN OUAHANTKK CO. On honsoholil xooda , ' plnnos , orttnn.i. hones , milieu , wiiKiins. etc. , ut thu luvreat ponelblii rutci without jniLllclty , romovul of proiorty | or dmnKO of iioBs Tlmo iirrnncmt to milt the borrower , l I'aynicntB of ntiy omuuat cnn bo niailp nt any time , rrducliielioth principal und Interest , thueiflv- hit ? liatrona nil thu lionellts of thu partial rmrmcat plHU. Cull and sea us when you Hunt n loan , Xloner ntwnya on Jinmt ; no dulur ; no publicity ; lowctt rates ; lm lnc B eonllrienllni. KIIIKL1TV IXJAN 1JUA11ANTKK CO , 11. V , Ma > ter > ' Ola sturul , U. I , Wlthncll blk , IMh and Ilarnuy. MIS 8 WILL LOAN MONKV ON ANV KIND OK security ; Btrlctly contlduntlal , A. K. Harris , room I , ( 'ontlneiitnl block. 'JOi V-H ' I'KITCllAHl ) , H. 3 , W1T1INKLL IILK X-W1I YOU WANT A OUATTKL IXAN SK13 W. H. Davis , room SU , Continental blue * . IWJ X-MONKV LOANBI ) O.V FUllNITUItK. IIOHSKd , waiiom , I'luuoi , otc. KrodTony , IU UI , Uuinuu. ? IB _ V MONI3V TO I/OANSO. < W , K ) I1AV8 ON KUllNt- -A-turo , llvo stock , etc , Utilt Oreou , removed to Itoom 8 uiultl. Itorker blk ISj Ar-MONKV ON ilO.NDS. HTOUK9 , WAHUANTS /V-persojiul properly.\Yuyiioillalluy.ll.WJ Kurbach _ _ J _ 'M > MJI A'-HCl.tXWTOLOAN t'HOM $10.0(1 ( UI' ON KUHN1- jvturo. hurifB or mw need eourlty. lowest rutoa. Nubra kn Loan Co. . 1110 Douiilm itreot. M'.UI At } BUSINESS CIIANOES , ItATKS-lSoalliio JJret tlrui ) und lOo u lluo there after , No udvprltMiiucat taken for It'sa thuniJv. " " " " -L hotel at llrokon How , Nub , No luud In tradu.Jll _ -Jll "V-FOIl BALK , A CIOAII MANUIi'ACTOHY AND lobftcco itore of tnunty.ono roan * etandlii r. pa account of old ago. luiiulro of II. Arndt , lllulr. Nob. " \r TOU BALK , JIV UAl'HINa HKSOHT AT X Lake Maunwa. Addreu J. J , Malonney , llchron , Neb. .VJ \-KLOL'llIN ( ; MILL 1'Olt 8ALU , TI1H 8TKA11 power tlourlnv mill , with a c p clty of 115 bbl > . pi'r day , of all modern Improvements , built 2 yearn SKU with ( he ejipenm ot 1 11. ( XXI Al. Iu 1'rnxuu , Raunder Co. , Neb. , u nflereit for i le on eaiy U-nui , For fnrlher prlcul r addrc.M ICnipur llroi. , I'fBjtue. a under Co , , Net ) . UliK S _ Y-TIIK MUNSO.N TYl'KWIlU'Kll IS THK 11KHT. Uachlno * for sale or rent. T. 11. rlmlth , IT Hoard of Trad e. Om ha. MMI ujj _ VUJ BTOllFfoil HALK , bTOCK 111,000. KS- A tublliuedtl jear . mid dolniCKOOd builoeii. AU- dre or call on "U , " room ! U1 , Ouiulm Nat'l bauk bulldlnir. 78i W V - > l KAT 1IAHKKT KOU HALK IN ONK OV TllK t. tnoit thrlvluic lownB of Ncbraaka. Afldrew 1U1- ler A Liter Co. , butcucr * ' > upilUB | , HU Howard t. Omaha. NeU. . . . , _ . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . 4 > u . . i DUBINESSTCttANOES. Oontfitaitl. v . , . . . . .n , nincKYAtVT ) AND GOOD WH.LI J. every thing complete , narfj well , only rard In vl- olalty. W. 11. Oaks , Sllvct'aty , la. I8J76 _ Y-K011SAUJ , OOOn S'Ait OON AND HXTURKS , bottlocallon , UeasortlUr soiling , * lcknci > . Ad dress T 17 , lice. * WD 1 ' HAKKUY KOIl 8AIft"ANY ( ONK 1.OOK1NU fur BBOOI ! bnklnu lnmt | : established over 7U years. Address John WlircAvr , DU9 S , nth street , SU Jo cpli , Mo. _ v , t _ P7027 * Of J. T. TUAIIKSON , I'AllTlr.S J hnrlnrt utifctlled buslnrM transactions with or wlshlns Information of Aho lands or lot < of Mr. ,1. T. Clarkson , ileceased , wl | ( plensn addles * tlin underslnncd , who ha bonn jippolntcd nucnt of his estate. T. B. Clarkson , Onulm , Nob. B77 AJ V-J " BAI.K. CONTRMt'I.ATINU TH1C All/VN XdonlnRonr present brickyard location nnd plat Unit the urotinil , wo offer for sale nil of our fix tures , connhtlns or about 70,000 pallets , 9 drying Bhcds , about 5Vt ) feet kiln sbrds , a number of clay grinders , clay , carts and other articles too numer ous to mention used In manufacturing brick , llalltiy A Ulson , Umnlia. Neb. M8I9 X' V-WANTKI1.1'AUTNKIt WITH Il,0uao0 IN HUT. 1ter business. Address TM. IJco. A1WJ 23 FOR EXOUANQE. HATiS-15c : n line first limn and lOo n linn there ! after , No adTcrtlsement Uikcn for less than 2io , " 1 FYOlTitA V KOOoil fiKififtHfTT'IATfo" trade for lot < rs block 1 , Armour t'laco , Bouth Omaha : clear of all luoumbrnuce. Address N 4 Ileo office. M233 _ V CI.KAN STOCK OF ( IKNICnAI. M'lrSK : WILL /Jtako real estate .tmoticy. Hex UKraukfort , Ind. _ . _ yij ffOn BAI.l ! OR KXU1IANUK FOll YOUNtl /Jirork horses and marcs , ono registered Trench draft stallion , 4 years old , weight 1,70 } . J. W , Dolan , Indlanola , Noli. _ 010 W ) I/ VOn THAIIi : . ACI.KANSTOCK UKOKKHHAIi /-Jmerclmndlso for IniuK and cnah. Address It. W. Watklns A Co. . Frankfort , Ind. M848 M _ rHOOD 8-ltOOM HOUSK IN LINCOLN TO /-Jtrado for boom nnd ohoo or Reneral stock. Write amount of stock. l ck Lox 14 , Hebron , Neb. MI'Jj ' 27' _ V KXClIANOn YOUR 1'HOl'KUTY , 1IH ! M8T , AJcnll or wtlto , Alex Moore , 401 llca bldit. Vo > l KXU1IANOK LAND AND CASH FOll /Jnu'rclmmllfu or drtiKH In good location. I.V. . HullliiKcr. Collcun prlngs , la. VJ2 IiC -KOH 8AI.K Oil KXCIUNOK KOU f.ANI ) . slock of general mcrpliandlsu. In ono of brat towns In Iowa. Nlco building for rent to pur chaser. Address W. B , HcmlMRton , Neola , Iowa. 1'1'J 30 _ r/-K01l KXCHANOK , KINK FAMILY IlOtlHU /Jand ticrhaps some cash for team of ponies , c II. Weil , 1'nrk stables. 28th and Lcavunworth sts. VM3Q _ Z FARMS IN WKUSTKH AND tltANKMN counties , Nebraska for sale ; wllliako some trade , low New York Ufa building.M'.M27 % FOR SALE RBAIj ESTATE. IiATKS 15c a line flirt tlm3 and 103 a Una there after. No adTortl omont taken for less than 2Jo ol sAMc uooj i c ated 1014 liard street Gallon A. Hone jr. 420 TTOIl 9AI.H-S-K COHNKIl 17th. DOHCAS. 82 X * - 1SS 3 cottages , stable forilhorsos , can bodlvlilod Into Slots. Inqtilro at promises 112 90 * IYK ACRK LOT. ) ADJOINING TIIK TOWN OK lllatr , Neb. ; tiood land. U.V. . Mcllrldo. 14I-A-3 * _ 17011 SALK , IIOMK8. ANY I'lUCK. $7V ) . II.2M UP -L caay terms ; Inko clour inoportyu-i first payment U ( ir Wallace , llronn block , Ilitb and Douglas. _ | _ 1J _ 015 M OIKIIN 1U KOOM IIOU3K , DKSIHAllI.H I.OCA- : tlun ; bargain for cash. Address 841 , line. * Jirr M703-30' TTUR 8AI.K SKVKNTJ' : ! ' THOUSAND ACHKS unimproved lands In HoWard , micrmun. ( ireeloy and Valley counties , Nebraska , on very liberal terms , ou deferred payment ) . 0 per cent Interest. Address D. Rcuilck , r. U. irrtl 'i > JI Los AiiKelen , Cul. ' 'i -in nii' _ _ XT l CORNKIl 2UTHJA D H1CKORV , 50X15 1 > .foot ; a tiaruuln for n rVivTlays only. V. K. Dar ling. Harkcr block. . . ' ' , ' ; _ 014 POtt BAI.K AT A BARSAJN lrr > . RI.O31CI , JL1 WMlh Selby's llrat addition to South Omihi Rmall payment doivn , balann ? uiontbly If uoslroJ Inquire I ) . I ) . Tzschuck , uajal a llee. 381 IJAIKlAIN-lO ACIIKB CIXKiit TO CITV * . ONLY J2SX ) -t > | ) cr aero If taken qulck/lllcks,205 N. Y. Life. jfc ) 013-27 _ _ TAW 8ALK-JOO AC11K KAUM IN ULUK ItlVKK X vallcy.Tbaycr county , | Dillon \ nest , i < f Hebron. Ono of tlia very best farms. In the county ; gael house , barn , granaries , crlbd , btc . and an abundance of fruit , Umber nnd running water. Also for nalo or cxclian oTor cued lindnrot city property , n brick pork packlnx bouso nnd.llxtures In Hebron , Thayer county , near R. A M itv'p t. Tor luirtlcnlurn In- dulrp of , nni , ( real estate , iiKcnlln K ON MONTjIl.Y VAYMKNTS. ISO huu- A lots. Tlio O.I' . Davis Co'lSO > Karnamiit. - Ml " _ _ _ ' T7OR KALK T\VO NICK HOUSHS iIx'tlAN COM JI'laco. . splendid nclKhborhood. price $18.500 ; can Uiko fnrt purchano prlcu In good farm land. Hicks , J05N. V.LIfollldg. 948187 _ _ poll 8ALK HALCYON' ' HEIGHTS. . ) ; - Acrcsr half ncres and lots on electric motor road. Also nauflfls auit lots In Halcyon Height * t OMAHA'S HKAUTIKUL SUUUIU1. Only thirty minutes rldo from center of city. Kasy payments , low rote of Intercut. ' Now Is the time to sccnro'a home. f William H. Crary. 2U5 Now York I.lfo Rid ; : . FOR HALK-NKW , MODKRN BUILT IIOUHK , Ilniibcom I'lnco , oleRantly llnlshed throuRhout. all ready for occupancy ; nrplcndid bargain If nold quick. Hicks , .W5N. Y. Llfq'illdi ; . ' .14327 ONMOUTH 1'AHK HAS TUB MOTOR , CITY water , graded street , sidewalk , school , beauti ful location everything to make It attiactlvo. For lots or homes In this beautiful addition on easy terms see ( r. ( ! Wallace , trustee , 3l'i Rrown Illock , lull and Douglas. MM ) AT HALF VALUU. IXTS-ACRKS , HOMK8 , BUnl- ncsn property. Alux Moore , 401 Ueo bldg. 057 FOR SALK-TKN ACHES. 15LKOANT TRACT , Just outside city lliultn , W.MKI ; candako port purchase - chase price In good vacant lot or cottage. Hicks , fOi N. V. Life. 48-27 LOST. RATKS 15o n line flrst tlmo and lOa a line theroaf tcr , No advertisement taken for lt n than 2Jc. T OST-KNO W8H SKTO-KDOa HOD Y IILACK XJond white , head black , white and tan , Now leather collar , Return and get reward. R 1& Darker block , B1UOI 20 osT-i,3oo POUND , C.VKAR-OLD RAY HORSK pigeon toed , long tall. Rcwurd. Jos. 1 * . Me- goath , ion Karnam. , 'W LOST. ON CALIFORNIA UKWKKN I'.ITII AND 2.11) its. , a pair nf spectacleH. Kindly return to L. 1' . Miller , at Orunhu National bank , liSO 27 * LO.ST-13 NOTKS AND 1 DHKO IN KNVKl-OI'K ; return to 8. < 8 ICth tt. , and gut reward. U70 27 * MANTTFAOTUKINO JEWELERS. HATKS 15o n line llrst tlmn nlld.lOa a llnothoro after. No xdvcrtlsoineut taken for less than 25a riATTn-A i i K6TfcLD GOLD""CAIISON " & irTNic's v ruoiii M llarkor block. Omaha , l > 13 a RURIIANK , KXI'KRT * VVATCIIMAK1R , .room S. Ifilt loilgo ; Mreet , The American Watch maker by wall 10 cents n copy. M8 l a , * PAWN BBOKEBS. U ATI 8-Kc n lluo llrst tlmo and lUo a lluo thereat tor. Nondvcrtlsciiieut taken for less tlmn 2Jo. Tra KN' V. MAiVn , iiKMovMu'TOluT'a iftTu BTC J > - "TLAti * c BNviiKira WAN oFihci : , urn DODCK HT. 2 MUU si * 17IIKU MOIILK , OFK1CB JM1M FA11NAM 81V * - K I7 HAIKQOOD3. T AUOB8T BTOOIC IN rilJTIIlK WKHT : TllK AT- . XJrlcal wliiBHiiit brard > a Mpoclulty , Wlx * . banes nwltrhei. hnlr chalaB , vie. , Koad for catnlogUH Mull orders oollcltud. D.ivloa. HI M. 15th et. Ouialm O'O uili E NHAIIIJMKNTii TO 1M < 1HIKSS MAKINIi IN DOllcltcU. Mloibturdy , azoa , ioth Bt. OUTLEBY GlilNDINQ. JKNI ) YOUIl HClhSOIUHrllAZOIlri , KTC. , TO UK ? troiind : lo lidcrand | | & 0'ViIu ] HMtU ' < WJ REM I N G TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , Farnam 8tr t , OMAHA rrniioimls for 1'nlille Library liiilldini ; lloiiTa Sealed buU uiarkoo ; proposals for public library buildlns ; bonds will bo received at tbu otncR of tboclty traaiuror. Omaha. Neb. , up to 13 o'clock noon of tbu L'jtliday of April. | ji . for thu purcbuso of JlOJ.tmilO publlu llurury Inilldlnc bonds ot thu city of Oniahu , NnU. dated May 1st , JBfti. and p.iyabloiO your * after dato. Interest ut tbo ratu of 5 per cent imr un- liuin , puyublc hoinl-unnually. 1'rlnnlpal and Interest payttblu at Koutitw Hros , Now Vork. KaHi bli | iiuibt etato prlco und uiaount fur autt Inoltido uecruod interest to date of d olivary nt Omalia , Nub yio rlglit U reserved to rejuot uuy and ull Usmul under charter uoirer of cllloaof tbo nietropolttun class , and ordlimncu No. .W. upprovi'd Muroli 1Kb. I8'.U IIINUV : UOI/I.N , tu'JCdaitM OltyTreusuror. ATAURH Tor Over Two Ycow my llttlo girl's llfowns C IN tnndo rnlscrnblo by n HILDRBN case of Catarrh. Tlio Tlsclmrgo from the nose was largo , COR- slant nnd very offensive. Her eyes bo- cnmo inflamed , tlio lids swollen nnd very painful. After trying various remedies , I gnvo her S. 8. S. The first bottle seemed to nggmvato tlio disease , but tlio symptoms soon abated , and iu a short tlmo she was cured. Dr. L. D. 1UTCIIEY , MACKEY. IND. \Vritlou Ounrantoo SYPHILIS to Cure Kvorjr Case or Money HoftindoJ. Our cure Is permanent and not a patching up. Cases treated soron years ago have noror seen a symptom since , llyde'crlblnncaso fully wo can treat you by mall , and wo giro the same strong Kimrnntco to euro or refund all money. Those who prefer to conio hero for treatment can dosoandwo will pay rallroadfaro both waysamlhotct bills whllo hero. If we fall to euro Wo challcngctho world fora cn'O that our Magic Remedy will not cure , write for particulars and get thnoTldcnce. In oursOTon years practleo with the Maalollnmody It has been most dtfltcull tooTcrcomo the prcjuillcos agntnstsocallcd specincs. Hut under our strong gmrnntee thousands are trying It nnd be- Initcurad. Woguarantco to cart ; or refund every dollarnnd ns wo havi * n reputation to protect , also financial backing of tVX,030It ) Is I'erfcctlr ' safe to all who will try the treatment , llorettiforo yon have putting up and paying out your tuonoy for different treatments , and although you nrn not yet cured no ono has paid back > our money. Wo will poMtlvcly cureyou , OKIchronicdeepfcatod ciuos cured lull ) tolUriays. InriMtlgato our financial standing , our reputation as business men. Write us for names and addressosof llioso\vo have enrol who have given permission to rofcV to them. It costs you only postage - ago to do this. If your nyiuntmus are sore throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones nnd joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of the boily.fcollngof general depression , jinlns In hcador bones. You Imvono tlmato vn te. Tlio o Mho are constantly taking mercury and potash , should dls. continue It. Constant useof these drugsnlll surely bring sores and eating nlccrs In the end. Don't fall to wrltci All corrcspondunco font scaled In plain en velope. Wu InvHo thamost rigid Invcsllgatlou and w.llldoall In our power to aid you In It. Address , COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omaha. Neb MAGIC CURE FOR ONLY. MEN S300 for u case of LoiT or FAILINO MAS- noon , flonnrnl or NEIIVOUS DEini.tri- . weak ness of body or mind , tlio oircets ot orroH or o\- ccssoaln ol < t or young Vhat wo cannot ouro. Wo cimrnntooovory case or rn fund ovnry ilollnr. Klvc diiyn trial troatniotit SI , full course 83. Perceptible bonoUts runllr.od In three < lnys. Ity mull , securely u icU'oil ( rum observation , CooKUc > iE r Uo. . UMAUV. NKU _ LADIES ONLY IIARIf1 I' Al.K HIHlUI.ATOIt , Sato unl : InnUlu Cortnln to n day or money rctutitlotl. Ity tnnll tl. Securely soulo I from obsorva- tioiL CUOK.ltKJieitV CO. , Omulii. Neb RfllLWHYTlMEGRRD Leaves 11II 1C ACL ) llUULlNt ; 1'O.S , v ( j.l Arrival Omaha. | Depot 10th an1 Mason SU | Onuh i Loaves-I IIURLINUTON It MO. RIVKR.I Arrives Omaha.Depot | 10th and Mason bts. I Oiuqha. leaves UNION PAC1HO. I Arrives Omaha. | Union Depot IQtli nndMqrcy Bts , | Omalia Goln I CHICAGO.It. 1. & PACIFIC. 1'roru East. lUnlon Depot 10th \ Mnrcy Sts. | Kast. 1000 a m . .Atlantic Express t.20 ! p m 4 0 > p m . . Vestlbulo Kxpresi 1.10 p m ( i.IO p m . . . .Night lixpress U.40 a m I CHICAGO , U. I , It PACIFIC. I From West. I Union Depot 10th nnd Marcy 81s. I West. l.OI p ml Dunvr IJinltod IU 40 p m 7.05 p m | lonver < Express [ 7..IO n in Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. , t riT. PAULIArrive Omatiaj U.I' , depot and Mnrcy Sts. | Omaha 6.45 p mj.- St. Paul Limited | U.2o a ui Loaves I CHICAGO * NORTH WKSTK UN Arrlvoi Oinnlialll. P. depot. 10th and Marcy Sts. Omaha I/cnvcn I OMAHA A ST. LOUIS. I Arrives UiiiqliaU. | P. depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sts.Omaha | 4.10 p ni | ht. ftouls Cannon Hall | 12. ' p m Iicaves I F. , E. ( c MO. VALLKY. Arrlvoi Omahal Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha ( IJX ) n m . . .Dcadwood Express 5.2tp m 9.00 a m ( Ex. Sat. ) Wyo. Kxp. ( Kx. Mon. ) 5.2) ) p m 0.10 p m Norfolk ( Ex. Sunday. ) 11.10 a m 6 45 p m , .Bt. Paul Express 1).2 ) > a m Leaves I , ST. P. , M. & O. { Arrives Omaha ) Depot , lith and Webster Sts I Omaha 10W u ni.liiiun3Clty | l > ay Kxura i. . , | S-il p m 10.15 p m-.ICapaaaCllvNlKht | Kxpran. IJ.2J u m Leaves | UllUAil ) , IIUfll.'N & QIJINCV , Arrive Transfer ! Union Depot. Council Dluila Trainf a 'J M n iu Chicago , & .4U p m 10 ( X ) p m . , . , . Chicago Kipresi U.2J u m 7.05 p' ni . . . . . . . Crniton Ixicsl 7.15 a in Loaves I U.MAUA i , ST. LUT3 [ Arrlvoi" 'I'runafl-r | Dillon Depot , Council Illuffa. | Tran fer 'tM i uij. . . . . j-1. Loiilajanon Mail 113.1 j p m Ixiaven CH1UAUOA NOHTIIWKrtTK UN I Arrival Tiunifcr Union Depot , t'ouncll Illmn [ Tran tfar I''Ol p m , . Cblenito KxprcBj tM'v iu 6.15 p ru . , Vestibule Limited U.10 n in 10.00 p la , .eastern Hrer I.I'J p m 8.UU p ui { ICx Hat ) Atlantic Mull ( | { x Mon ) 7..I ) a m 7.10 u m , , , . , , . , Carroll 1'atiuniccr IUIX ) p ra Ladies' "Success" SYRINGE It N wllh tills SyrliiKO u , ' > , * 'A , tlut y011 are MJKE of utt-ilnlni ; your "usliu.unilltls tbo best ' "Ol"18 "f rolalnlns your ulcunllncss. rioftrubbor builtlird | , rubber tubu. Ask your drusalbt for OIIP. mill boBUHKItbas on It tbo tradu mark , "FISH BRAND , " 1'or ono week wo will sell ilium at $1.50 $ Each. mint by ox- Into tbu country. Money to uc'coinpuny the order. OMAHA RUBBER CO 1 520 Farnam St Cor. 1 6th. rioi > anl for PaintingKuBt , Wall ol City Hull. Healed bids will lie received to 11 o'ulock , noon , JlareliWlU , Ib'Ji ut tbUplIIco f/ir unlnt- lim tbo oakt iildo of city bull , wltb two uaska of puru wlittu loud nnd oil. tiilOdOt TIIEO , OLSL'N , Comptroller. niftturbnl the Uurfclnr . About 1 o'clock jos lord ay morning OftiL'jn Domnsoy ntid Hyrnos honrd n suspicions noUo In the rear of a building nt Thirteenth nntt Loavon- worth nnd proceeded to mnko an invostlpa- tlon. They wore Just In tlmo to hear of the escape of n couple ot burglars from the night watchman. Thu thieves captured no plunder nnd made Rood their escape down the rail- wny tracks lonvlnu the door open , A illv trlct messenger was placed In ohargo of tlio promises for the rest of the nlcht. I fool It my dutr to wrtto , rou In ropard to the benefit your Drndycrotlno has been to my wlfo , Kucr silicon child slio has boon sub ject to thu most dreadful headache ; , usually Bovorul times n month , She has tried doctors from Mnlue to California , but none could nrovopt thcso soclls running tholr courso. Brndycrotino ban not failed to effect n euro in n BitiRlo Initnnco , ono dno usunlly bolne sufllclont. Oscar F. frost , Monmouth , Maine. Tor ( irnilliifr'Ciipllnl Atrmir. At n session of the Hoard of Public Works held yesterday afternoon the contract for prad Ing Capitol avenue from the Holt Line sullwny to Forty-elRhth atroeU wns nwnrded to ICd Pholan nt 11' cents ( icrcublo .ran ) . Tbo contract contemplates the removal of nbout 11,000 yards of earth. Do You Ever Wake Up In tlio morning with n dry throat and offensive breath ? A morning drink of SULPHO- SALINE gives prompt relief : It is n mild saline aperient refreshing nnd appetizing. Its continued use cures constipation , biliousness and all diseases caused by a torpid liver. Sold nt leading Drug Stores , Clubs , Hotels and Bars. The tcatert Ore bottled only by the Erctl- eior Springt Coinjiaity at Excelsior Springs Klchardson Co. Onialn 'Kcb Drug . , Agls. . , HUMPHREYS5 This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION . It has been used over 40 years , and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal , Blinder or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Kcctum. The iclief is immediate the cure certain. For Burns , . Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and uncqualcd. For Boils , Hot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistulas , Old Sores , Itching "Eruptions , Chafing or .Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts ami Sore 'Nipples. It is invaluable. Pi ice , 50 Cents. Trial size , 25 Cents. Bold l r DntsgtuH , or etnt po8t-r"td on receipt of price. 8' HI U. CO.'t ' I Ii 113 UlIM.ra SU , MW ! 10I1K. WITCH HAZEL OIL. Extract of Beef. Do you want ncopy of BKUKTKA ? See that it is made from the QHN- UiNK. Incomparably lho"bost. Pui'o , pala table , refreshing. Dis solves clearly. See Huron Llobl 's slznuturolnbliiuon each label , tlnifl ; JAPANESE ? CURE A now and Complete Treuliuont , consisting of Suppositories , Ointment la Capsules , also In llox and Pills ; a Positive CUM for External , Internal llllnd or BloodliiK Itohlnz , Curonio , Recent or Hereditary I'llui. This Remedy has nornr been known to fall , il per box. it fori ; sent burill. . Why suffur from this torrlblo dlsaasiwhona writ ten guarantee Is positively glvim with a box 03 , nt refund the money If not curod. Bond slnmti tor free Sample. Guarantee Isiuu * by I'uh & Co. , Druggists , Hole AKonts , cornuf 15th andnDoiiglii sreets , Omaha. Neb. KOPOSALS KOK HUILDJNU MATKUIAL and lioi'sus U , S. Indlnti Service , Unuiliii mid VYliiiiul > uin Ind I in Agoncv , Wlnnolj.ieo. Tliurston Comity. Nob. , 1MU fcuuleil DIO l > osilu. : ondofju.l "I'ropDS.ilH for IlnllilliiK Mo- nil I Hoieos , " in tlioniHt ) iniiv bo , unil aililrossud tu tlio nudorslsnoil nt WliumbiiRO. Nub. , will bo rei-uivud until 1 o'uioclc , p , in , , of April Uh , IH'U ' , for furnlsliiiiL' nnd dullvurliii ! ut tbo WiiiiiubuKi ) A-joncy , about > 9 , 01 fcot of iisM > rlod Itinibor , til ) vvlirJowi * . UI ( lours , linid- wnro , brink , limp , etc. , rciiilieil ) In ibuoruc- tlon of ! . ' > fYinio liotises for Wlnnobitt'o InilUii ulloHces. Alsalorfnriilslilrm ami ilullvi'rln,1 10 lioruos nt suld iiRonuy , A full Hut , nnd do- surlptlon of tbo nmliiflnl niny hu oiitulnnd iip. on uuplluiitlon to tbo iiu I. llorsos must im of Aijiorluiiinitot'lc , from I to 7 your. * old , hound mid wull. lirolidii to luuntBS , wllli- otit bleinlbb , not loss tlmn 15 liiiiulR lilKli , wo 1 built In projwrUrm tolilulil , mill to wulxti not lu s tbuiiUJO pen tulH. lllildcrn will bo ro- ( jiilrcd tostnti ) BiicL'lllo.illy In Iliolr bids tlio proposed prleo of unnb nrlloltioirrrod for du- llvory nmlor aroiUrac.'t. Trio rlKNtl.siesorvoil to reject , any or nil lilds 01nny part of any bid If ( louiiHMl for tlio I ut Inturuxt oC tlio scr- vlcn. Curtlllod eliucliH : Kaub bid must bo i\o- coinpiiMli'd by n c'orllllod chuolc of UrafL upon homo United btiituu dopohltory or holvunl nntlonal bunk In tbo vlulnlty of tlio rualduncu of tbo blddor. nmilu pnynblu to Ilinordurof tlio CoiiiinlHMonur of Indian All'nirs , for ut least r > pur cunt of tbo amount of tbo proposal , wlilcli clicok ordi-.ift will bo forfultoit to tin * Unlliul Blutes In uato any blildnr or bldditrn rpcolvlui ; an awaid sliull full to prompt ly ex ecute u ennlr.ict wlli ; K ( 'd nnil iufllclonl Hiinttlns , otliortvlHo tobo riituriiou to the bld drr. llldrt iiui'OniM.inled liy cusli In lluu of u uurtiflud cbuol ; will not bo coiialdL-ipil. r > furtbor Iiifoimatloii apply lo ItoiU'.llTrll AHH1 < KV. U. r ) , Inillaii A unl. M 11 il 'Jl t in I'ropoiiula for District ( IrudliiK JloiKls , Honied bldH nmrkcd " 1'roposals ' for district radlir , ' bonds' * will bo roceU oil at tbu ollicu of thu iilly treasurer , Oinuba , Null. , up to IU o'ulouU noon of IlioU'dli duy of A pill , I6f. ! , for tliopuri'biiBuorl | , ' . ' < Kl.iiOdlHtrlut radlriirloiidii ) of tbo city of Oinnbu , Nub. said bonds are dated May 1st , Ih'.iJ , und are payable fium ono to nlno yours utter date tbureof , in donouilna- tldiiaof tlUO.OOaml * .moOoirh | , with Intorc'stnt tbu r.ito of 5 pur cunt per III.IIIIIM , payable bciiil-nnnuully , I'-lnclliHl and Inturoat l > : iy- ublo at Kount/.o Ilroa . Now VorU. fouoo.uo : of OrauiriK District NO. : n. 1,5-0.00 of Uradlna District No.w : , 7Xiu.ojoriradlni ) { District No. W. 2fl.ODJ.00 of UrmlliiK JIUlrlct No. ft- ' . Kadi bid must fcUla prlcu mid amount hoiiKbt for and Includu ucoturu Inlrrot to ditlu of dollvory at Omalia , Neb. Tuo rlKbt U reserved lo reject any and all bids. Ibsued iiiKiorchartorpowor ot oltto-iof tbo metropolitan cluis unit Urdlnuuou NO. S07b , upuroved Muu-li utb , ibW. ibW.URN It Y HOIJN , McliMdSltiu. McliMdSltiu.'J'n 'J'n Uoiitruittors. Proposals for Itio erection of n two stoiy ImnK ana liliiliieus block , MvlO. . , will bo ro- - tvud8 tur < lay. AlMliand. ut lu. ( iu < at tbu K.rat Nntlonal Ilanu of Wood Itlvor. N b. I'lunscnn bosecii ut tbo olllcu of II , T. Jul. I'liflirnuiii , Arobltcol , Oruntl lulund , Nob. Ownera renvrvo the rlijlit to rujuot nny or all proposal * . JlIWIIui STH.TJ ANOTHKII STATEMENT. llppRnte | < i to the Dnkotn Convention Tell of tlio IttnlupM tlniir , SponktDR of the results of the convontlon and the nUllmlo of the ropubllcans of South DnRoln , II. K. ( Irimshnw snlO yesterday to n DKR reporter : "Tho M < llotto faction in tbo convonlloti got completely routud nlthough they burdened the telegraph wires with n great deal of stuff trylnjr to tmfco It npDear thnt the Moody.l'ottlRrow faction hud boon downed nttd that the Moody-l'otlU CrowtnoinvorooppoiciUothoranomlnntlou of Mt * . linrrlson , "Nowto want Titr. HRR to sot the tnaltor properly before the pooplo. In the UHI place there wns no opposition to spoa of , to the ronoinlnnllon of Mr. HnrrUon. As soon n < the republicans of Bouth Dakota roaltiod that liialnc'B nomination would bo out ot the question tbov word practically \inanlntoui lor Harrison. Hut the Mollotto faction thought they could itrouso sympathy for tnolr particular faction by poilni ; ns the aiKJclnl champions of the ndmlntstr.itloii nnd tnnUlncr > t appear thnt the Moody Pottl- Brow faction wns Ijkowariu nnd unsottlcd. IJut wo downed them nt ovor.v turn In tlio read. The entire dolagatlon elected to nt- tend the Minneapolis convention ii null- iMolloUo , nnd I don't sou how the Mollotio men can possibly draw the least bit of con- solntlon from the result of the convontloti. "Nyo 1'bllllps is ono ot tno atrongost nnd most Dronnunccd I'cttlRraw men In Snitlh Dakota. The Mollulto men mttdo n spoclal light on him , declaring thnt ho should not pete to the Mlnnonpolli convontlon.Vo olootod him by n veto of over * X ) out of a total of 000 in the convontlon. ' 'Tho Moody-t'ottlgrow faction had nt least four-fifths of the delegates to the nlnto con * vuntion. Sountor Moodv will head the delegation - gation to Minneapolis ami the delegation will go solid for Harrison. " Spuaklngof rhustiuo uoininnllng conven tion Mr. Gtinislmxv salt ] ; "Our nominating convontlon will lit nil probability bo hold ut Hot Springs nnd will probably not bo called before the early part of Aucust , Beadle county will hnvo a for midable candidate for governor. Ho is a farmer and his tinmo is Davis. "Mr. Sol Star of Deadwood will , I think , bo our next congressman Irom the Hllla dis trict * Mr. Starts mayor of Doadwod nud ts- cnpngoJ In the hardwitro business. " islr. Stnr was seen by a HUB reporter and talked freely upon the political situation. Ho said : "Thapcoplo of South Dakota are for Mr. Harrison , wo would hnvo favored the nomination of Mr. Blntno , but that is out of the question. Hero is n resolution passed by the county convention of Lnwrenco county , the county in which Deadwood it located nnd the homo county of Senator Moody. That explodes the Bluff you have soon nbout Sena tor Moody and his frlonds being opposed to tno rouomlnatton of President Harrison. Hero Is the resolution : 'Resolved , That we , the republicans of Lnwrenco county. In convention assembled , HO Imitrtily fuvor tbs ronoinlnatloii of Iten- J iii n Harrison as president of the United StatcV " Mr. Grimsbnw , Mr. Star and Mr. liayci made a pleasnnt call at Tin : HEI : ofllco. lie led the Gorman and his dudish dross wns the admiration of the assembled fair , but bis stout partner slipped on Ids favorite corn. Sensation11 Salvation Oil to the roscuo. Happiness again I Nothing Is moro provoking than a trouble- somocougu. Cure H with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. lUc. Y. M. C. A. Nntod. Tno attraction at the Youtijj Men's Chris tian association building to-night will bo nn illustrated lecture by Colonel Daniels , formerly state geologist of Wiscon sin. Colonel Daniels tins been n very1 on- thuslnstic collector of line pictures nnd In teresting specimens. His stock of elognnt stereopticon views embraces over 3,000 slides. His descriptive powers nro also ox- coptlonaoly ijood nnd his lectures therefore afford the very highest order o"r entertain ment nnd instruction combined. Colonel Daniols has been nn intimatq friend of Prof. Tin dull , nnd is n trreat enthusiast upon sub jects of natural history. AdmUsIon to Iho lecture will bo compli mentary to nil who call ror tickers' nt the ofllco of the association. Reserved seats may bo had by paying a nominal churgu of 10 cents. Not So llilil After All. IS. V. Wood of McICoe's Ilocks , Allegheny county , Pa. , In spenklntr to u traveling- man of Chamberlain's medicines said : 4i ; recom mend tnctn nbovo all olbors. 1 havn used them myself nnd know thorn to bo reliable. I always guarantee them to my customers and have never had n bottle returned. " Mr. Wood had hardly finished speaking , when a Uttlo girl came in the store with on empty bottle. It was labeled , "Chamberlain's Pnln Unlm. " The traveler wns Interested , na there was certainly n bottle coming back , but waited to hear what the lutlo girl said. It was ns follows : "Mnmina wants another bottle of llmt medicine ; sue savs It is the best inoillcino forrhoumatlsm Bboovor used. " Dottles for sale by druggists. TJIK HKAr.TY MAKIClir. TNSTRUMKNTS ulaoe.l on rocorJ M.troh 3 i. 180. : WAIIHANTV PEKO1 WSHvantaS II Uyan. 40xlK fe U In so so4-iri-ii : . t Snit'n to H N ICond , lot 4 , blook 1 , faurlnx- daloadd . , 400 A U UinlvtHOn nnd wlfo to ! > ' A I'lilllco , ii fitnt oft' u sldo lot 1 , block Oinulia -l. . " > 03 I' A 1'lillleo and wlfo to II LGooId , Hamo 4,3,0 A 1' Tuke v t al to T V Long , lotfi , block ' . OllfUin Hill . 1,830 T I' ' Loiu and wlfu to Tukuy & Allen , lot 0 , block H , liakurplueo . 500 U L Van Camp and wlfo to O Kuialllnrd , lotO. block I. Cnttauo park . 02J < ; K Uolllfr to O ! : Knvder. lot I1.1 , block 1 , anil lot''J , blouk 4 , I'urtlamt place. . . . ] , J30 .1 I' M.ilU-ndur and wtfo to John llcrg , .lot 10. Mallendur place . 2M Same to ( > I ) T Uoii- . lot 0. 8im ! . l3J ! ] ' I ) Urown to O K Davis Co. , n ; i.ft ! of H Kl'Ut lot H , b'ock ! ) . KnnnUu's add. 300 South Omaha L-uml Co. to llenrv Klnloy , lot 1 1. blouk ill , youth Omaha . 450 William Gibson and wlfo to I'rancls Mc- \Villlanit ) , lot It block 0. Ambler plnco. 2,000 Etta Harrison to I II Underwood , lot 10 , block ! . ' , Jlanscn'n plneo . 4'iS C ( t I'lidurwood and wlfu to I'.lUi Harrl- Hon , lotl ) . blocks , Ilawtbornti . 2,500 Oil inline Halloa and wlvos to H A McK.ielirou . , Mvlil.'t In blouk 1 , Amu- h-r pl.iro , . 400 A I vab Waterman and wife to U U Hhurno , M'niv r.-iu-io . 1,003 \\lllliiiu JMorrlson and wlfo to T It ll.ivnos , hii lotf. block 'J , I'lulnvlow add . f . , . 030 H L Wlluy and wlfo to I' A Kemp , lotnfi and 0 and w : t4f t lot 7 , blok TT , OnialuulOO,0 cjinror.UM OISBU * , Anna and Antlraw 1'ulenon to Mnsxlo lludi' , lots II und T , blouk 0 , Waterloo. , . r.5 IZrlk I'etorHOu and wlfo to John Tido- miiii , n\v nw nw H-lU'ii. ) : . . . . . . 1 .1 II llhilraiid wlfu toS I , Wiley , lots 5 null n , and w 'II fcol lot T , blouk TT , Onmlin . . . 1 ) ' II Jolinton und wlfo to snme. naino. . . . 1 DKKDS. 'Francis Knirlubort topubllo ralldcatlon of plalof Ti-o.iull'B mill . , . ,1 K Hlluv tnauiiu , dudloatlonuf plat of llotilovard place In no no-H-W. ; ! , . Total amount of tninsfnrs. , , , . tl'JT. ' tT ! ) Callgraph writing inuehlno Is no longer a uxury , but has bccomo a necessity , PROPOSALS VOn 8BWKR HONDS. Hualcd bids marked I'ropns ' il for Howor" Honda will lie ioiuived | at Iliu qllien of Ihuolty tioauuroruf ibuelly of Omaha , fosli. , up tori o'clock , noon , of tlio"Hli day of April , IU 2 , for the iinielniKo of J.'iO.iWuu MUVIT I'onila of the elty of Omabii. Neb. , dated May 1st , IbtU. p.iy- abfutW yoari after ilatu , Inleruat. fl pur cunt pur annum , jiayablo Hnml-auniiHlly. 1'rlnul- iinl Und Inteieil p'tyablu at ICountzn llroa. , Mow Voik. Denomination tit minds , i'.wo.w ' uiii'h. 1'iicli bid nuiHt Hlato nrlfu and amount Nought for ati't Inulinlu iieci nud Interest up tu dntu of delivery nt Omabn , Nub. Tbu rlttbt Is iui > urvud lo i eject uny ami nil bids , littucd undei clililtur power of t'lllusof the hictro- unlltun ul.itiinndorJiiiuneo No. StfU approved March ' . ' ; i. IKK. . llIONitV 11OLLN , M' ' d'llt.M UltyTreasurur. 1'ROI'OSALS l''OlTl'A VINfi HOK'usI Koalod > ilJ marki'd proposals for Having bonds will bo received at tliu iitllcu of thu city trenstirer of Oniahu , Neb , , up Ui I'J o'clock noon of the -Uh day of April , IhX. . for the purehaauof JXJ.fOO.W ) onvlnx bonds nf Ibuulty of Oinuhu , Nub. , dated Mnyl.JbO.1 , inyjililo J yuan * after uato , Intcruat&pur t'uiil. pur annum , payable iioail-uunuallyi prlnulpal no : InliiroHt-jiayablu ut UijunUo lliiarVuw York. Denoiiitnutlonof bonds. Jloo9o'j oaclu llioh bid must Ktuto priuo nn-1 anjount bouzla for und Inuliido accrued lnture-.t lo date of dullv- ory at Umnhu. Not ) . TJiorlgbl U runurvod to rejoctiny und ull lildii. Itwuod under charter pnwer of 'fllli-s of inutropolltati flni > and ordinunvu NU , WXi , apurovod Muruh 'ji. : 1H03. IlI.hUY IIPM.N. Uity Trutnurer.