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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1892)
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr SATURDAY , MARCH 189& THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Prices in the Wheat Pit Took an Upward Turn. SHORTS BECAME VERY MUCH EXCITED rnrdrlilRoTrJctl Hnnl t Kern the llclow Tlltno of TIniMilny Hut \Vll\i- \ out SIICCCM ItcporM of < lr - innnj-VTroulilo Did It. GiliCtno , III. , March 2"i. ilnlloDnlns wim llio word toJny In tlio nlu Tonight tlio nrlco wisBoarliu iiinjoitlcally nt I'tu ever llio lUuro * of last tilzht. I'.irJrld o tried Imrd toUoop tlia prlcu from KOttlttz ubovo BI'Jc. Around Unit It was estimate ! ho si Id fully 1.003 0 bii.ibiitthotnarlcotjum.po I sky ward white Ms broker * hid still both hands up oTcrliu Uio stitlT. Tlio stronnth wiis largely duo to t'u latj Uvdrpaat c-ililei , bin buying by On 1 iliy un.l rapDrt ? that Germany wnsRottln ; ? nura Involved.-"Hliorts lioaamo uxcltcd tinJ there w w n sirlrton'ull foalliu lit tlio lust fo.v momcnti , the tloiln uoln : liunyntr nt 81UoA Rooil deal of attention wns drawn to the fuel that lloydon ft Co. paid Mny prices to.lay for T.VOJJ bu. ot straight No. 2 O'hlcnKOspr.nx for extort iinJ for another lot of No. S Chicago unrlng In aupaslal olo- v.itor a nretnluni of 3 bid by another buyer and rufinoJ by the owners. There wai a peed deal of Interest In wheat altlio oponlng and prices were lilghor ; the early cublrs quotoil Liverpool l' e hlRhcr and nil uoincstlu markets opunol stroiw with nn advancing lomloncy. Tlio bin u > ellno which ) ias taken place dnrlnit the last row days caused n Rood deal or co\orlnit by shorts who liatl a Rood piolltandcru disposed to secure II , There was UM ! > POIIIO Rood buvltiK for n bcalp on tlio llonjr , sldo on the reaction. I ho upunliiR ftuips fur May snowed an advance of > tc from lust night's close and for some time tlio fiMillnR wus strong " " 'I the nmkut iiulelUv went luHIJioi Now york was a Rood buyer , Cottrolt takltiR about MO.C03 bu. In one lot from 1'nrdrldgo and the local demand was ulM ) nulto slKiri ) for a short tlmo. Jtut thu line \\oiitncr , the absence of any sensational crop dHina.o reports , the llglitcler.riiiico from Now York only T.V ) bu. oflient tlio un- fnvoraiilonrlx ate cables and the free selllna l > y I'niJr.dRe , soon undermined tha market nnd theslro'iBtlullsappo.ired. May Rradually losing lo and soiling off to HUSu ; It was from this point dining the lust hour that the re- inarkablo uutuin occurred. Cciin started httoni ; with buying led by l.titlnliy. blunts covered freely , while the ImyltiR for IOIIR account was Konorou . May opened .njc hlRher and touched MIVc. Hut the iidvanco led to free sollliiR and the buvltiK orders havlns ; been tilled early there was a quick drop toinjjc. The wheat bicak at the HUIIIO was also a weak factor. ub ( quent ad vance In wheat unused the price In corn to jilclc up nml a few moment ? heforo the close wns frotiiiUuu)3J'iU. : There was considerable caustic comment on what was alleged to bo the suspiciously finicky Inspectionresultlnz In tlio continued small proportion of the specu lative Rrade passing iiiustor. Absence of shlpplns orders were noted. It was Mild that elevator men ntU'jc under May were taking the chunco of tlio price of Mo. 2 and No. ii comlni ; closer together and were buylu the latter and hedging by soiling May. In oats there was not us much demand from shorts ns for several days pust. Offerings woiu also moderate and a steady Icollng pre vailed. The condition of the provision mar ket waa summed up by a loading operator In one \\oid stagnation. Mainly In sympathy with wheat , the feeling was nrm , notwith standing the dullness , and the closing was ut about the outside prices of the day. Kstlmatcd iccelptsfor tomorrow : Who it , 2Mc irs : corn , 440 eais : oats.15 cais ; hogs , 1(1.000 ( head. Thoieaalng futures rnnsod as follows : JUmCJ.t.3. OI'h.N. \VIIKAT-N0.2 .March 81M t 81 Way tOK July CIIJ ) > NO. 2 March SS > , ( S3 liny iM June 8J8 38M OATS No. J Mnrch. . . . . . . May WFSU I'oitK Jlnrch B ttt 10 02H 9 05 1002 Mny 10 15 10 15 IMHD March C15 r. 15 e 15 fi 11 May b20 C2J 6 20 EllOHT UIIIS- Marcli 852W 55 May & sMi 5110 567k Cusli quotations were ns follows : 1'i.ouii Dull : Inriulry iilmost entirely local. WIIKAT No. a sprlnz wheat. SIo ; No , a , eprhiK wheat , ? 455i7iiJo ; ! : No. 'J rod. 8. * > Uc. CoiiN-StoaUy ; No. ' . ' , aSJSc : No. a , yellow , 37i ! 0i79iic. : OATS No. 2 , 28c : No. 2 white , 20cj ; i\o. 3 white , SJ'ic. KVK-NO. a , 7S',5c. llAiu.EV-No. ' . ' . 50c ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 42@3Sc ; No. TIMOTIIV SEBD I'rlmc. I'OHK Mesa uork' , per bbl. , S1U.02 ! { ; luril. short rlba sides ( loose ) . t5..r > 7'i : dry salted nhouldcra ( boxed ) , tl.5.5.00 ; bliort clear sides ( boxed ) , M.10. OOUN No. 3. 37@3Jc. ! Iteccliits und shipments today were as fol lows : On the I'rojiico oxchunuo toilny the butter nuirkut was Mteiuly ! fancy croumorv. 27Q2.Sc ; line western , SSfoMet orulniiry , 2J-4o ; fine Uiilry. 1 4,1''KI'KS : unsler. IltiTTKii-Oholco country , ) f.ilr to pood. lh19c. Kdis Miulcct wonk at lie. New York .M.n-liKti. NEW VOIIK , March 2."i. FLOUU Hccolpts. 2 , . - rci ] > lfs ; : export ? , 1UHbbla : . U.r > l8 sacks ; nioil- i ratc'ly nctlvo : hairs. 22.MO hula. Low extra. " , lilljiU.W ( ( : winter \\heut , low crudes. * 2.HO.l.riO ; tnlt to fiincy , lM.fiOdSI.SO : patents , tl,2JS.n : Mlnncjotu clear , JJ.KXSI.5u ; btnil tits , * I.Ki9 4'fl , Con.sMKAI , Dull. WHEAT Heccliits. 201,150 bu. ; exports , 57,700 tni. ; sales , atti i.tiuo bu. of futures ; 158,100 bu. Hpot. bpot innrKet higher , inodcrato tjust- iicas ; No. 2ieil. IH > ! 4@07eU ! In store nnd elevator - vator ; U'l'icQIl.OI tttlotit ; Oip@tl.OUf ) ! f. o. b. ; No , ilrcd , Utauijjo : uiiRradoil red , WcffWI.Oli No. 1 northern. UTto.'BC ' : No. 1 hard , * 1.00c ! ; No. 2 northern , DOe. Options uilvanccd 'i © ISic on reported crop iliiiiinsu In Kansas , bet tor ciililc.s nnd fnrclun buy Ing orders , dccllneil tUOI ic on IcudliiK lonKb sollui'ndvunced J ® isyo on stroiiKeroiiblos , war tulk nnd frightened bhorla anil closed 1 'jo ' ever yesterday. No. 2 roil , March , m'l7c. ; closing nt l)7c ) ; April , inii'illXJiic , closnrat084cMay | ! ; , ( CJjtiaiH ll-IOc , closing nt Ole ; June , Diau 'ic. closing nt ( . fK ) > , < ilUiic , closing at Dl'ici Soiitcniber. bl ) at'lV. ' closlimut'JIe ? ; Uecunihor , closing at 0.1 So. UVK Uiilcti western , BOSOlljo. lUllt.l'.V Qlllot. lUiii.F.v MALT Dull j Canada , tl.OO. UOIIN HocelptH , b7.700 bu , ; exports , B3.712 till. : Bales , b4lWH ) Uu. futuroa ; SOTiUut ) bu , spot. Hpot higher and t.ilrly actlvo ; No. 2. 47ii < i hi ! In elevator ; 48ii@tOo alloat ; ungnvilcd mixed , lGllc ) ; No. J.J7o ; stounior inlxcil. 17U(2lhic. ( Options were alternately \toak ami llrm uml wheat lluotuutod nndcloicd llin ut ' , < U > ? P overycstordnv ! April , 17l8 , " c. Ing ut 4S ? u : May , 40.i4ilflr ! , closing ut iuu Juno , 45'iM5 ( ? o , closing at 45 ci July , 454 © 4 ( > ' 4C. clohlug ut40o. OATS Hoi'oiutw , ' 'O.MO bu. ; exports , 1,701 bu. Bulcs , : id\ooo bu. futures ! 112,000 bu , spot ; spo iniirkot stronaor nnd inoileriitcly uutUo : op tlons llrmor nnd fulrly nvtlvf. April , IIITo ! ; ( Bllti' , uloblut ; ntUUi ; Mny , : tl5MIic ! , Globing n HMic ; spot No , - white , UdiifHUSio ; No. 1. : i5c No. 1 white , : Hu ; nilxuu wuatern , ; il.tQo ; wnlto western. laxiClOc. lUr I'lrm and fair ilomnnd ; shipping , 73aj good to uholco , WcfiWl.w. llors Htoudy but ijulotj 1'uclflo coast , 11 < & 24 SI e. hiHUH Huw , moOorAtoly active nnd lower ; fulr re II n in i : , SUoj coutrlfuguU. DO test , U'o ; vnlcs ; 115 hiids. miikcovado , J test , -'Mm 1,700 baKrtCciitrlfiiualsUU tost.U.'Jo ' ; rollnod , uteinly mid uuiet , MOI.AHBK ? 1'orolRiilower50 ; test , lljc ? ; Now Orleans , uctlvo anil linn. JUCE Hteady. Pi.aiioi.EUUSteady i United closed at 53"io for April. COTTON BRED On. IHill. TAI.I.OW Quiet. ItObiNStondy. . . KddB Quiets western , 1 HIDESHtciuly and quiet. Wooi < bloudy and dull ; uomcstlo fleece , 28 QIAO : ; pulled , vitw.'c. I'OHK Quiet nnd II rin. CUT MEATS I'lrm : tulddlcs , firm ; short clour , 10.40. IjAitn Quiet , steady ; \\esteru steam closed t0.63i ! bid. Halos. 600 Heroes. Options , no sales ; Marcl , 0.5li May , 0.5'1 ; July , 0.tH | August , 10. TV. U Demand moderate : freoh , ( Inn ; western dairy ( nuw ) , IBit-'c ; western ciuunicry , Uxa Moi western fuctury , I5 > i ® ' . > ; 'oi Klyln , ' E Moderately actlvo anO steady ; part ikliim. OiilOc 1'Kl IIION Iiuictlvo : American. tll.7iQ10.S3. Corwsu Quiet ; lake. tl'ilJ asked. l.EAD-Qiifut ; domestic , tl.'i'i asked. TiN-6noiier ; htriilu , tl0.b6 bid ; HO.OJ No\r York Dry Ouoiti Market , KBU YOIIK , March ' . ' 5. Uuvlucu lu dry goods wn rather better nt flMt n * welt n * second linnni. buyers being In butter ntlcnlnnco nnd Kilos Including sonic roun.l lots ot Htnplo cottons. A.s a rule there It extreme cousorva- tlun stilt nnd the Inquiry for cloiUcry of the t comtltlon ot supplies with jobbers nnd others. The mrirkct was un changed In nnv way in reaiirda tone nnd prices , although there nonms to bo more confi dence nnd the print olotha market HUM In shows nctlvltv. Jobbers hnvo hccn offering birgnlns In all dcrmrttrinnts. hut there nro no open buyetc. The situation nil around Is very f.ilr , though there tire ftotno job lots ot fancy Roods , _ _ St. I.ouls Mnrkot . Sr. Louis. Mo. March 23. FLoMii-Klrinor. but not higher. WHEAT Opened 9 o lilchor. then dcellnncd H&'fc. rencloU and steadily ndvnneed to close , the finish being lo for .Mny nnd lao for July abnvo yostonlnv ! No. 2 cash. Mas.V,4c ; Mny closed nt k3 , ' 5JSCc ; July , b.Vjc ! August , MIC. MIC.COIIN Advnncod 'Jc , but trading very ROW | and light : No. 2 rash , : i.vBB'i.Vio ( : April. Ili'iC ! Mnv , 31'jc. OATS Higher but slow ; No. 3 cnsh,20o ; May , ' . ' 3 So. Hvc-Dntl : only Me bid. lUut.BV Quiet ; small sales ot Minnesota at lN Lower n > c. HAV Unchanged ; pralrlc , td.OO'QS.OOi ttrao- tby. . . . . I.KAD Quiet ut ILOT. KI.AX SEKU Qitlot nt Mo. COIIN MIAI : , stonily ut JI.DJ. \VIMSKV Htoiuiy nt $1.1:1. : IlAnniNfi Quiet nt O'Jil o. IHON Corros TIES Quiet nt tl.2' ( I'novistoN'n firmer ; pork. 4I0.3J. - Duv HVI.TI ; : ) MHATS AND BACON Only n smalt jobbing trndo done nt previous prices ! Khoiiluors , SI.30I longs unit ribs , i.YUU ; shorts , Jj.75 ; bovcd lots , no moro lKCitl'T : < l--l < 'loiir , 4OJ3lbs. : wheat , 1(1,003 ( bu. ! corn , 74.000 bu. ! oats , 29.0JJ bu. ! rye , 10.00J bu. ! bnrlcy. 8,030 bu. S-IIII'MKNTS l'IOIir. 0.0)0 ) lllS. ! WllOTt. KI.OOO bu. ! corn , HH.OOO bu. ! oats , 9.0JO bu , : rye , 4i)0tbu. ) ) ; bailoy. none. Omaha Trodiico Market. HIDES No. 1 zrocn salted hides , 4 ® : No. ' . ' croon salted hldoi , 4MSI',4c ' : No. 1 green saltedhldcs. 2'ito4J Ibs , : iiSI4 ! ! No. 2 green sultoil hides25 to 43 Ibs , : i3 > lic ! : No. 1 vonl calf. 8 to 15 Ills . Cci No. - ' vciil CHlf , H to 1.i Ibs. , 4os No. 1 dry Mint hides. 7Q9c : No. 2 dry Mint uldcs. . a'lu : No. I drvsalto.l hides. ! i0e. ( ! Tnl- low , No. 1. : ij5Jlc ! ; tallow. No. " . : i < -c : cioase , whlto A , 4oi grease , white B. 34i ! : > . { o : grease , yellow , 'Jn ; grra o , dark , 2c ! ; old butter , S ! © 254o ; beeswax , prime , Idc ; rough tallow , HJ KIIWTR California rlvorsldo oranges , $2,50 ® 2.75 ; Washington nave's. 9400:31.25 : ! eood np- ilcs , J2.7.VS-I.OO : choice lomotis , J400 < ii4.2V iinoy lemons , M 50 : banaiuts , crated , $ . ' .03 ® .50 ; cranberries , shlpulog block , $ ( ; trawborrles , 43i ! qt. V BO KTAm.Ks Fancy Mimcatlne sweet po- ocs. $ . ' .75 ; California cabhazc , - " , ; per Ib. In rates ; homo mown lottiice , 40u per do/ . ; onions. TAcIMI.OJ per bu. ; Nebraska liuml- ilckod beans. $1.7.Vftl.R5 ; medium , R ! > jI.U ) ; /allfornla coiory , $ I.OOI.15 ; sweet potatoes , -.7' > il..UO ) ; Colorado nnil western Nebraska lotatoc * . ILVillOo ! native potatoes,202io ; lima loans , 4'iHju per Ib. ; water cri'S" . t'4-iit. leases. iilttlSe pprcjl. ; sulnach , 11.0) ) per bl > L ; Spanish onions. $ ! . . " > ) per crate : radishes , 40 < * . HAV Choice hay.00 ifl.iO ( ; poor. Sl.004,00. Knot The general mnr ot was 1IOIl5c. ! GAMK-Mtillunl ducks , JiDixaiOO ; tcel , $1.50 ; nixed , 7. > c-iiJI.OO. ( I'oui.iur Uressod chickens , choice. lOc ; gecbo and ducUs. llI2c ! tin Keys , 12314C. . Cotton Jlurkct. NEW Om.RANg , La. . Mnrch'J. > Steady ; mld- lllng. fin-Kio : low middling , f > \ c ; irood oidl- nary , 'I'ic ; nut recolpu , 07(1 ( bales ! gross , ,412 bales ; exports to Grout llrilaln , Sal > nlcs ; to Trance , d,7u9 bales ; to the continent , 2Jil bales ; sales , -,5)0 bales ; stock , ; Bi.il9 : bales. Weekly Net receipts. 2" > , o77 bales ; gioss.USUtl inlcs ; exports to Great Ilritnlu'S703 bales ; nKr.mcc , HUftl bales ; to the continent20.1:12 : bales ; coastwise , | ib"l bains ; s-ilos , III.'IOO bales. Nuw YOIIK , MnrcliSS. Thn fo lowing are the oti'lnet toi'olnts of cotton ut all ports since September 1 , 1SU : Galvcston , 1.0iltlO ) : bales ; < ew Orleans. 3,203,075 hales : Mobile , BKi.ll.J jales ; tavanuali , lUT.TlH ) bales , Charleston , , Sfi.08a bales ; Wilmlnston , li-.Vii bales : Nor- olk. 4n4.i04 : bales' ! llaltimoro. 58,711 bales ; Now York. U.V.lKlulos ; lloston. 10VJ10 bales ; New port Nous , i'.Ul ' ! bales : riilladolphla. 01,82) ) jalos ; Wet I'olnt , Va. , 31)1,913 ) bales ; Bruns wick , KH.70J bales : total G.4JJ.GI1 bales. ] ) e- luet40.8JU biilosclalmod and counted bv Sa- vHiinnli and ( Jliarloston In their net receipts otal since Sautombor 1 ( corrected ) , 0,399,715 jnl os. Futures closed steady ; sales. 127,700 bales ; March , tO.40 ; April. $0.41) ) ; Muy. WO ) : June , (1.1)1) ( ) ; July , $ T .78 : August , $ u.87 ; Septomucr , . ! W ; October , $7.05 ; November , { 7.18 ; Decem- jcr , 17.27 , Kansas City Markets. KANSAS Cirv. Wo. . March 35. WHEAT- WHS dull and lower ; No. S red , 81c ; No. 2 hard , 7172c. UOIIN Was llrm ; local mlxoi 3243Jc ! ; white , a4c. OATS Sold slowly at27Ho for No. 3 mixed ; SSKVJS'ic for No. 2 wnltc. KVE Weak ; quoted nominally at 75c. FLAX SEED SUu on the basin of pure. BHAN WenU ; Ole for sacked. HAV Barely steady ; wo ik to unchanged ; timothy. JO.OO per ton ; prulrle , I4.5030.0J. l''r.ouit ' Unchanged. HBTTCH Firm at 2233o. Kens Stronir ut lie. UECUII-TB Wheat , 10,000 bu. : corn , 19,030bu : oats. l.i'OO ' bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 20,003 bu. ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; outs , 1,000 bu. CoUVe Mnrkut. NEW YoriK , March 2.1. Options opened steady an'l unchanged to & points up and closed steady at from 5 points don n to 5 points up. Sales , 2T.5JO bacH. Including March , tlXSJ ® Kl.J ! ) ; April. Ili.40 : ® 1450 ; May. $ 1:1.10 : ® 1J. 15 ; lune. * l-.hoaiL'.ni ; Julv , $12.75 ; September , ( I2.50 ; October , SUM ; December. $ U'iO. : Spot tlo. easy , but more active ; No. 7 , } 14.t)7J44j ) ) 14.40. I.tvorpunl Markoti. _ iivEiii'OOf , , March 33. WIIKAT Sloidy , do- iniiiKl pooi ; holders olTcr moderately. Ito- celpts of wheat for the three days. 57,000 centals , Including 17,000 American. COIIN Ptondy ; demand poor. liccelpts of American corn for the pust thieo days , 49,100 ci'iitaU. 1'EAb 0. - , fls per cental , IterrlKcr.itur licrt Market , LiVEiii'OorMarch 25. American refriger ator beef fore quarters , ! iJil ! ; hind ijuarters , "Uil per Ib. LONDON , March 25. American refrigerator beef fore quarters , 2s 4d ; hindquarters , 'Ja 4d per 8 Ibs. by the carcass. Now York J xcliango Quotation ] . New YOIIK. March 25. ( Special Telegram to Tin : BKK.I Exchange was ijuoted as follows ; Clileaco. bixjjnjc discount ; Boston , IJQ''Jc dis count ; fat. Loulu , 25c discount. OH Murkct. LONDON , March 23. LINSEED Oiiv-Qiilot ; 33s pel quarter. TUIM'EMINE Sl'lllIT ? COS 3d per CWt. TrailerH1 Talk. CIUOAOO. Ill , March -Counselnian & Day toCoekroll llros. ; Wheat opened from } io to ; 3u hlghor and ndvnncoJ 'so further on gen eral buvlng by oemnilssion houses. After early orders were tilled 1'ardrldgo sold MO.OOJ liiiHliols nt .Mny wliont at HIJio In one block. and followed ft up with a savage raid , break ing the price to SO'.io. When the second Eng lish cables arrived bringing higher quotations and moderate buying orders the market re covered to Htc , became actlvo on numerous lepoitH of erop damazo by the weather und Insects In Kutisia and Missouri , and the appearance of : i general awakening of public Interest In wheat. The market bo- catno broad und strong and advanced gradu ally to S.'fiiclosing at t)2 ) > jo against HOJO yesterday. Corn has suddenly developed Into u btioiu position , Vnry heavy piuoliuscs miidu this nook though urokurs. supposed to bo covering sborU for 1'ardrldgo , now appear to bo for the long account of a prominent pro vision dealer nnd the II no was consid erably Increased today. The market closed strong at the high point. Oats were dull , hut advanced , ' 40 In sympathy wit h other market * MilppersBoldandthoout- hlilo public were buyers. I'm visions ruled tame , bolnc slightly lower n.iily on a lOo de cline In hogs , but recovered and closed L'ii higher ull mound on account of light olfer- IIIKS and u modovuto demand to cover short orders , CHICAGO. HI. , March 23 F. O. Logan & Co. to J , Hands Commission Co. : Wheat opened strung utBI. c for May. sold up to 81 ? and on gome loallzlnc told oir up.iln to boSc. The closing price was 6Uo , Wo may not have fitruulc oottom , but we are near It If wo have not. A big visible supply lu ut Duluth , Min neapolis and Chicago , with very light deliv eries of winter wheat ut all Interior points. Hoporln of damage to the growing winter plant nro on the Increase , pauloularly from Ohio. This , with the prospuct ot a lute bowing of the spring crop und better foreign advices. has given a healthier tone to the market und wo look for a further advuncu from present prices. Corn is steady. May Kolllntt from 3l > ' c to Mlic. clnalnjj at M.'iiW'J.'ic , Itccolpts are light with no Immedlutu prospect of Ini'iuas Ing. Oats uro llrm and the dunuind for then. la good. Our advices are stocks In thu country uro tcry light. The provision mar luawub lifeless with a very light buslnub PU HIIL' | , ClllUAOO , III. . March 2. > . IConnott , Hopkins A Co toH. A. MeWhortcr ; Wheut has showed moro snap uxluy , It oponeJ stronz on un- o\pcctodly better cablra , was slugged down , lo more then recovered thn decline uiibep quenilv In the fiieo otstronx nppositloa fron I'urdrldco und other bourv. Torolgn market. show llulo tndloutloii of demoralization though the demand from ubioad Is not whal It bliould bo and clearances arc illsuppolnlinz At this rale our uurpiiia proiuUes to bo uu comfortably lar o nt the luulnnliig o unnthorerop year , luiniage rcnortw Hock I liberal. Thu MUIUK flriu , which showed a lurg. butch of iiici'llcnt reports u. vrt-uk ago. WII lie lnsory bad onca today , due ucrlmps to their hanged relations to tlio niaiUut , It U felt by coiuer * utlvo traders that wheat around 8)3 Is cheap , admitting llio situation to bo ni ro y us the most onthiislnstlo beam claim. The upward movement In corn win eonthuicd lirsplto nt the Black demand for cash ( train nnrt llttlo responsa front outsldo ninrkcts. Tno ndvnnce seems to bo arUflclal nnd probably will not lust long. Provisions Imvn brcn extremely dull. At times u full half hour would elapse belncoii trades. .STOCKS AND IIONtt.3. Mntcrl il l.ossos Worn Sustiilnpil by Many of the l.cailliiK Si-curl Ill's. NEW YOIIK , March 23. The stock market tnduy was under the hammer durlnj most of the tlmo und material losses were sustained In many of the leading stocks , Uioiuli tlio llrm undertone of the speculation precluded the selling of much long slock. The toiler anJ grancors were well supported nnd In some cases , ns In Now Kngland nnd Union I'aclflc , positive strength was Boon , though no ma terial advance could bo mada alter the llrst few minutes trading. The nous of the action on the free colnngo bill In congress caused a rush to buy at the opening , In wlilch foreign houses , both Iitlls1i : and German , were complciioii3. Mutot tally higher quotations resulted , nnd In ti few Instnnccd further Improvement was made. In the early trad In : to counteract this Inlluonco. however , a rumor which was put out last night after the close of business Hint Mr. Olcott , chair * man of the Kluhmoml & West 1'iilnt reorgan isation committee , had resigned fiom the committee , caused n bad btoak In the securi ties ot that company and the common lost 2 per cent and the piofcrrcd dropped fiJJ per cent. This drop tmt u wiit blanket on burin ; for the long account in the whole list and tlio decline becoming so mnrkcd llnally dragged the rest of the market down , only the stronu- t-stBto-'Us sticcocoliu In holding uny portion of their opening advance. All support watt withdrawn from Lnko Shore and that stock boj.tmo the loader In the down ward movement , o von \\licn tlio Richmond ft West I'olnt shares loaded ( | iilto sharply. A counter movement In the Inilustiliils failed to help the list much , though Uoadln.c displayed fora tlmo marked activity and strength. Tno bears again circulated rumors riillcctlnz on tlio credit of the Northern Pacific company and material help was derived from thutn In their attack upon the piuforrod stock , which was made ono of the lead In r. cak stocks ot the afternoon. The losses of the two loading stocks , L.tko Slioro and North- urn 1'acllio proton ed , were about 'I per cent fioin the best prices of the forenoon but the general ll .t wasstlll traded In within the narrowest limits and the tindertono ot strength which prevailed throughout thoday piovcntcd uny marlcud decline , though prices were brought In almost all cjbes below thn list of opening figures. The low priced sharon furnished no marked movement , except ns sharp ro-iutlon of about 3 percent In Ohio Southern. The pressure to soil was lifted fiom time to tlmo during the dav and at such time prices rallied feebly , but In the last hour there was nn effort , to cover the shot Is putoutoariy In the day und moro substantial Improvement was made , Northern 1'nclllc preferred especially moving up about 1 percent. Government bonds have been dull nnd firm. State bonds have been entirely negloutod. The following are the closing quotations tor the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex change today Atchlnon . N. Y Central t.ll& Artlms Kxnrcss . 115 N. Y. C. A Bt. } , . pld. 74 Alton , T. 11 85 Oblo Mississippi 2 Alton. T. H. ] > fil. . . 141 do preferred 85 Amerlnui KxpresJ. . . U7to Ontario ft Wctturn. . 1 n. o. n. & N to Orouon Improvoms't 24 Camilla I'nclflo . Orozon Nnv 8T Canada Pouthorn . . . Oreiron Trnns 14 Central I'ttclde . . . . . . Pnclflu Mall X > Ches. & Ohio . ' . ' 4'i I'eorln Ucc. & K lii do 1st profcrrud. . CO I'lttstmri ! 151 ilo 2nit profarroct. . . 42 I' 1'iilnco Chlcnuo fc Alton . 111 ! Koadlim B.IH c. . ii. jty Hock IstHiid fSi ? c. , c. . c. , t M. u St. 1 < . AH. I' Utpfd. 7C Ik-I. Hud. on . St. Paul 77H Del. U \ W . HU do preferred 127 I ) . Alt G. | > fd . St. P. . Mln. .t Mnn..IH East Tcnilfssco . St. 1'nuKtOmali.i.i. . 47 do l t preferred. . . do preferred. . . . . 114 do Vnd iiroTerrc-l. . Tcnn , Oonl A Iron. . . 4d\ { Hrle . Texas 1'aclllc 10JJ do proforrcd. . . . . . Tol. AO. Con. pJd. . . . & ) KortVayno . 1S4C Union 1'aclllc 45M Chl.tKust 111 . C , . ' U.S. Express 47 Hocking Vnlloy 2-J ? { VVabasb.St. U A 1' . . 12 > g lloiiitunTerns ll ilo profurrcd 28U Illinois Conlral . lOSU Wells KB/HO Bx U1 bt. 1' . & llulutli . 12 iVostern Union S7Tfj Lake Krlu 4 , West. . 2JM Am. Cotton Oil GH do preferred 7H ( Oolorndo Coal 3jJ I.akoShoro . U.'ij Ilomeittiko 13 I.oulavIlloA Nnsli. . 74 W Iron Silver ! U LoiilaTlllo&X. A. . . . 2i- > { Ontario 44 omiililB i. Char. . . 50 Quicksilver 3 Mlchlenn Central. . . 110 do preforrcil 19 Mil. US. W 01 Sntro 4 do pfil 130 Ilulwer 30 Minn. A St. I. 1I > H Illchm'nil A W.f.Tor 11H do preferred 23W Wisconsin Con. , 1U Mleeourl Pnclflc Great Northern pfd.131 Molillu A Ohio Chicago UBS 76 Nashville Ch tt 6 Lead Trust 1U > N.J. Contrnl 140 Snuar Trust IOJ Norfolk & . . 49 Southern 1'aclHc. . . . 37 Northern I'aolllc 'Mi O. S , I * A U. N 2liS do preferred . , 0\H \ Dint ( ' . % V.I' . , DenveriO. . . 20 1) . , 11. G. A W 37 Northwestern do preferred 72 do preferred .112 bid. The total sales of stocks wore 511,707 shares. Including : Atchlson. T.'IU ; Chlcngo Oas , bDO ; Erie , V.ICI ; Lake Hhoic. 'i8.n ; Louisville & Nashville. 10.10S ; Northwestern. f > , .l70 : North ern I'uctttc , y.O 8 ; Northern 1'aolflo preferred , 72,7i" > ; Now England , 40.7S.1 ; liendlng , irioOO : lUelnnond & West I'olnt11,40. . ) ; tit , Paul. l8j ' ; Qulon PuclHe. 7,000. 1'limncl.U Itcvlew. NEW YORK. March 2.1 The Post Bavs : The continued break in Lake Shore excited un easiness , because the Iipavy sales , utter so Ion.-a conttniiHiieo of narrow trading , load naturally to the suspicion that this mainstay of the market has positively given way. De spite Its rapid ( loclyie , ho\\uver , It had excel lent support In many quarters. Tne sumo could not bo said ot Northern PnelOu pre ferred , und yet It IH perfectly obvious that In th s a heavy hhoit Interest must have been rolled up. l'or the greater part of today's trading , the Northern Pacific was made the center of u boar raid on the general market. Precisely what this mount It wus perplexing to S'iy. Thoiu was ground for suspicion that the raid was designed to protect covering In other stockh. The lelattvely great stiongth ot Keailiiu suggested this , and there was a suggestive recovoiy In prlsea during the last hour of businc'f , ' , Xoiv York Jlonoy .Htrket. YOIIK. Muroh 25. MOXKV ON CAM. Has/at Hi ® : ! par cent ; last loan ut 2 per cent : clohcd olfered at 2 per cent. PIIIMU MUIICANTIC.K PAPER 4 ® } per cent. Siiiitr.tNO EXCIIANQB Quiet , but htoaily at fl,6 ( ! for slMy-day bills and fl.BS for de mand. The closing quotations on bonds : U. .s. 4s ret ! ] ) ! > ) { Mutual Union 03 1M ( U. H. 4s coup lli.Ji North. 1'aclllo lstc..llH ; U.S. reg 100 North l'aclHo2iids..ll5 I'aclHcilsof'Oi 10U Nortbwcitcrn Con..U7 uUInnn stamped 40 bU Nortliwcsfn deb. Sslo7 Tcnn. new BOI ( ! s..10ti St. i , . & I. M. lien. Ss. be Tcnn. nuw set 5i , . . , . U.IH M. h. A U. K. ( ien..M..10'JU Tcnn. nuw aet .Is GU U.l'nul Consols I''S CnnaduHo.-'nils IOJ it. ! . . ( ; . M'ne. lts.8 ] | Ccn. raclllc Ists 10CK ret. IM G. Tr. 83 tlen. fc II , ( > . iBta. . .US To IT. 1' . ll.O.Tr. 2s. . . 91 1 > . All. G. 4s SI U. 1' . IsU life ! * KrlnJnils KXi't ' Wout hhoni IU.1)J M , K. AT.Iicn.lls , , . , SOVt J. A.H.U. W. Ists. . . , 71 > M , K. AT. Gcn.21. . . . 0 bid. tasked. T.oiulon Htock Murkot. { Copyrighted IKKbjJa-nti Ooritnenititf.1 LONDON. MnrohS.'S. INow York Herald Cable Special to THE BEE.I Business has boon quiet In the Stock oxclmnzo today. The approach preach of tlio settlement Monday being the llrst day no doubt to some ox'.ont checked new engagements , but the mantels , with low exceptions , nave boon morn favorably In clined. The shelving of the Illanil silver bill ana moro reassuring advices togardlng the Boring t.oa question have produced a favor- ulilo Impression. Conbols Improved ! B percent for nionuy nnd the account. Some inilwuys close good In tone , but m the absence of busi ness llio changes established In prices are of no particular Importance , a rise of "i per cent having taken place lu Brighton deferred , anil ' to 5-t per cent In most others. American railways have shown considerable firmness , being favorably Influenced by thu moro re assuring iiupcaranco of thn Boring icu ijues tlon. Unit business been more active the re covery in prices would have boon creator. .Money Ias ugaln been In good domund. Slnco Monday short loans | huvo not been obtained under 2H per cent , The discount market IIIIH continued llrm , two and three months' bills being quoted at 1'i percent. I.ONDO.V , March 2o. The following wora the Londonstouk quotations closing at 4 p. m : Conjoin , money , , . . ' .ti 1.1-18 Illlnoh Central. , , . . ilo , account iuif Muitcun orill' , , N. V. . 1' . AO Ists. , . . WH at. I'nul com , . , VM fan. 1'uclno . . . . . . . . VI I'ennsylvunla ii Krlo , 1) ) { Itoadlnt. , , , M'4 Krlo ccund HW4 \llcli. Cc'ii. now 4 . . l'J ' > j UAII BII.VKU lt'd. The iimoiint of bullion gone Into the Hank ot Knglaud on balances today , Jt-'JjOlKX 1'lminclitl Milton. Mcui'ilis , Tonn. . March 2.1. Clearings. } > I8.- oai ; ; balances , ifiM.lM , ' ; New York selling ut par , KANSAS UITV , Mo. , March tfi. Otourlngs this ilny weru tl,307,710. I'Aitis , March 23. Three ptr cent rentes , tXlf 5''Sio for thn account , NEW YOIIK , Muruh 2.1. Dunk clearings , Slll- HJ/'JIj balances , * I'J77UJJ. 1UI.TIJIOHK , Md. . March SJ. Glearlngs , ft , * ffcH.IUJi balances. $ JU.,2J7. Itato , G percent Plill.AUBU'llIA , PH. . March " 21. Oloailnis tUMJI.211 ; balances. l,7ia.OK Money , U per cent. NEW OiiLKAX' . Li. , Jluroli i Oloarlngs ll,4iSoONow York exchange , commeralul 5Jo perll.WJ premium : bank , II.M per il.oOJ. HOSTO.V , Mans. , March 25. Hunk clearings JI2.UI2.U7U : balances , tlft4,4 ! 7 , Money , 2 tier cent ! exchange on New Vork , 15 to 2J dlu count. ST. LOUIS , Mo. , M irch ea.-CXettrluji , W.08J- 01 : balances , M7iOlV Mnncr-very qnlot nt R7 per cent. Hxtrhango on Now YorK , SOn llscourit " ' * CitirAno. III. . MTvM'h25. Money nulot at , 4H ( SO percent , Ndre'Vork exehanio i lendy , oo o uuo ai coiint. j < Tcrltng oxch n > quiet nt for slMyT ( y bills ! tl.SJ for demand. lank clearing * , * , , & " , * . lloMon ck .MnrMPt. BOSTON. Mas. . . , 21. Thotollowlni were the closliu | irlfotvtin sto ki on the Iloslon stock market toi.iyj ! Atchlion A TopokK , ' HS'I lAtlnntlc Ho ton A Albany.r. W lloston A Mnntnnn. lloslnn , V Malno'TM Cflliim t , V lli'cl.i. . . 270 C. H. Ay. . , , ; j'T07 ' > < Catnips , , . . , . . ntetiliura It H. . . ll iyni 'Krunklln ' rilnt A I'prn M , . .W W | dn preferred . , 85 Onrcoln . , , . K , C. St..I. A , till.Tt'lZt ' ! > flntn Fa Copper. . , 40 I.ltl Hock A , KU M. . . 117 I'ntnnriR'K . 175 MIIBK. OntrM 10 Aunliton I , mil Co. . 25 Max , Con. com. . . . . li''i lluktnn l.aml Co . 25K < N. V. A N. Knglnnil. S ) tnn nivKo l.nnil Co. in do's ISO West Kml 1 Co. ll ) > < Old Colony . . . . , 172 He 1 1 Telephone. . . . ! 0 > U llutland common , , 4 \Vntcr I'oncr . 4' < llutlaml preferred , 0 ! Cent. M . . . ' K n. .v a c . rte prulerroil 41) II. 1 . Allnupt M. ( ) I ! : N. Q. . . . . Denver MlnlnRStocks. j. . March 23. The following list Is thn otoMii3 quotations on the Mlnln ; o\- cnatigo today. .Sales At 5)0. ) 10 Iron Clad Amity , John .1 ' Aruonatit SJV .luotlco 10li llallnrat. . . , H l.cnTcnwnrtli. , , . , . li Manpkuk-Corn II. . . . 4 Lexington . 41W llntrs-lllintcr M l.lttlo llulo 41r.i lllgtmllnn 10 Mny-Matpppn. . . . , * r.iMI lllk-HU 4 MornliiKtillm MI llroirnloir. , * 4 Ora , 4 HI ) Cnlllono li ! I'nrk Consolidated. II Claudia J , . . .1 I'ay Itock I" Ontury 8 I'otoM " Cliy County : i t'urclor Diamond II II1 Itlalto Denver lias and oil 11 Hunulng Lode Kinmons. . , . 4Sl Wlmlo ID ( iettyshurv ? l Sutlon 24 Oolilon Treasure. , , , 70 Uold , Hold Hock 41 .Sun I'riinelsro .Mining Quotation ) ) . SAN FRANCISCO. Oil. . Murch M. The odlolal closing quotations for mlnln ? stocks today were as follows : Alt * , to Nnvnjo H llulner toW Ophlr 1300 Heat A , llolchnr 240 Poles ! I.W Ilodlo Consolidated. 1SS Havana 151 Cliollar 11.- . dlcrr.i Nevada 175 "on. Cnl. , V Vn 11.N Union Con IN ) 'ruwn I'ulnt N ) Utah 25 Inri-kn Con 2JJ Vollow Jacket 115 Jonld A Currr 14" ) Com 15 Inlo A Norcross. . . . i : > u N. Q BS Mexican 111) ) I ) . .1 2J Mono . . . . . 111)M ) N. II. 1 10 Now York Mining Quotations. NEW Vaiuc. JiurcliSj. > The following are the closing mining stock quotations : llcst A llelchcr 223 Mexican ISO Cnlcdunla U. II W' < Untnrlo liuO Cliollar 11U Uphlr. 2SO Dcadwood .VJ I'lymoiith l.'iU KurckaCon ' 'UO Snva o iOJ Ooiilil ACurry 141 Sierra Nevniln 1GJ Unlc , V Not-cross. . . 140 stnmtiirrt 14U loniiistnke HIOJ Yellow Jacket 100 Horn Sllvur IiW ItVU STOCK MAKKKTS. C llttlo nnil Hogs lioth Decline Shnriily on Dull Trading- . OMAHA. March 25. Receipts for the past ( Ivo days wore. liOl ! cattle , IT.llU hogs and 4(88 ( sheep , against 11,411 cattle , a.10'llios ! and 4,14ishccp : the corresponding IIvu days last week. Tlioro has been an Incioaso of 800 cattle ever the same period last week and the receipts of steers particularly were excessive. Dealers generally Imvo bouglit freely the past few days and wcio.Jn a position to demand n heavy cut In pr > oos on all grades of beef and snipping steers. The market was dull , dras- lug and listless ut a decline of fully 10J to 1'ic on nil gradosof Meers. Good to eholco 1,150 to 1,500-lb. steers sold from $ .1.75 to $1.25 , fair to good 1.00) to 1.2JJ-lb. &J.4Q to $1.70 , common toers W.OO to The market U'iifc fairly well supplied with Jiitcher stuft aiiil'tlrlccs ' on nuvthtng dccont were In tlio maln'mich ' ingcd. ( 'ommon grades were slow sale and prices generally weak. Btoekers and j feeders were In fair demand and prices on desirable holdings were quotably - ably unchanged. . S lies were largely at from i.l.OJ to $1.2. ) . with a few eholco bunches soiling at from tl.'M to $3,49 and common stock at from ! 2.40 to I-.UO. Itojlrtisentatlvo sales : " , 'PTEEKS. No. Av. Pr. No ; Av. I'r No. Av. Pr. 3. . 07J $ JUO IT.M310 1.1 50 17..iill : $ IU > 2. 0(10 ( 3 10 3 5J 18. . 1274 3(15 ( 1..10I01 3 35 . a 53 II. . 1,151 370 10.7003 , a 3'i i or. loss 3 r j , r > 7.140H JI70 1..1010 II 35 lo.iii.H : i r > 9 14..1248 370 2..1050 3 33 IB'.llOfl IIM 38. . 1250 370 D. . 8JO 3 10 a..U10 353 1. . 1. OJ 370 17..1005 3 40 3. .12(53 ( 353 14. .ism 370 I8..105t 3 40 as. . HIM 3 rr 21. .1217 375 21..1154 340 8. . 11 17 3 R't 0. .1205 3 75 10..1075 345 4..12I5 3 , r > 5 .134(1 ( 375 4. . ! W5 3 45 91. . 1330 3GJ .11:10 : 3 75 52 .1073 II 45 1H..11SO ; iG ) 21. .1217 373 15..1093 3 r > 3. .1300 300 37. .1359 375 SO..1180 3 45 > o 3 oo 14. .12.11 . ' 0..105,1 345 2. 1335 3 00 111. . 1271) ) 390 3..149J 3 4 > 17. . 1170 3 bO 18..1427 300 19.11105 3 4- 10. 1203 3 05 10..1471) 303 10..1114 341 33. . 1357 3 < Vi B. , 1400 400 4..1--32 3 45 39. . 1301 3CTi 29. .1441 40H 28..12.- 350 38 , .1337 3 05 21. .1JU7 4 IX ) 20 1055 3 50 15. . 1310 3 05 21..1201 401 21..1154 3 5J 31..117J 3 05 19..1457 400 39..1080 35J MIXED. 5 , . 413 1 75 COWS. . K81 1 00 10 .1009 2 25 19. 1ICS 2C5 . 7UO 1 33 17..101.5 2 35 23. . OJ5 205 . 777 1 35 1. . 0 * ) 2 35 11. . 1UW3 205 . 03' > 1 fid 942 2 40 4. OJO 270 . 0:0 1 55 0. . 81,1 2 40 1. . 1)10 ) 270 . 850 1 05 4 715 2 40 800 27U .ion 1 05 IUJ5 2 4J U. 017 270 . OJO 1 05 3..II4J 2 40 4. . 10.17 2 75 . 805 1 03 10.o. . 5 2 50 7 . U8S 28) . 070 1 7 > o. . mi 2 53 ! ) . ,10J ! ) 280 .1100 I 73 2. . OSO 250 7..1H8 28J . mo 1 75 1..1D8J 2 60 5..100) 280 . 610 1 75 u. . IBS 2 50 3..101J 2N ) " 175 5..102J 2 60 fi..111)8 ) 285 ' 1 75 1..UM ) 250 2..IOW 200 . U5Q i a- ii. nio 2 50 C..1270 200 ' 1 83 250 ID. . 102.1 S9J . tuo 1 85 1. 031 2 50 12. ire 300 . 9W ) 1 85 I ) . .1014 2 55 21..1108 30J . fcHJ 1 85 3 .1200 2 U ) 1'JOO 300 1 ! )0 ) 2. 10J.1 2 CO i. 1200 300 ! IMS 200 5. . 10(50 ( 2 O'J i. . UOJ 300 .1070 2 00 010 2 IX ) f 80 310 . r.M ) 2 00 4. 1)25 ) 2 U ) 4J..11JI 3 20 .108. ! 2 03 4. 2 OJ 2..1205 325 . 800 2 00 23. . ft 12 2 3 2. . iiOO : 325 . KiO 2 00 1..10V ) 2 C5 1..15IO 340 . IUi ( 2 10 2. . d5 ! 2 05 ' 341 877 220 J. . W > 2 05 l'l5.M ! ) 1. . I ) JO 8 25 1 , 300 1 50 4. . 017 2 75 1 , . 870 28 > 20 , 475 2 25 1. . ( IIJ 2 75 1 . 0''J 3(10 ( 1 , 800 203 27. . 701 2 83 4.UOJ 340 CAf.VBJ. I. 230 2 00 11. . 183 3.T ) 4. . 143 4M I.l' ' 270 2 ftj 1 , . 110 4 00 2. , 143 4M l' . 140 3 00 3. . 103 4 25 HULLS. 1 , 053 1 05 1..1220 2 43 1..1730 H15 1. . 000 1 8) ) 2. 1475 2 53 1..108J 315 l./JOW 2 10 1..I70J 2 K > ] . .IO-iJ 315 2..1170 2 25 1..14J3 2 f ) 1..17IU 323 1..I210 230 1. . 11)30 ) 203 1..I170 hV5 l..ii2J : 230 4..10C5 2 70 1..I2IO 330 i..ii-u : ; u 35 1..130J 2 711 1..180J 333 1..137U 2 40 1. . 13.0 3 89 OXEN. 2..1335 1 75 2. . 1600 3 10 STOCKBIta AND FEKOKIU. 150. KK 2 45 3. . 811 3 10 85. , 870 255 1. . 7i ) 2 M ) , 023 3 10 0 , , 1)18 ) 323 1..103 2 N ) US' ' ) 3 15 7. . Kit 325 , . 410 2 83 1)10 ) 3 IS 37. , im 325 33 , . R8 l 2 05 , (1J8 ( 3 15 2. . Oil 325 31 , . f7 ! 2 03 , 780 3 13 8 , . TO I .125 1..I010 30J 731 3 3) 7. . UJO 330 0. . G8J 3 UO , 77J 3 21) 3 , , Uil ) 330 1 , . 1150 3 OJ -Jr,12JO 3 20 l..ll.'ll 331 8 , . W ) 3 03 VI if ; . 1)70 ) U 25 21,1037 340 100(1 ( 301 < " < 8'JJ 3 25 1 , . 2. , 770 340 18. . C17 3 00 -lYVOMIXQ CATTMi , No. Av. I'r. r > ohclfora lJ7 ) 3 10 AMU 1 cow and ralfcU ! (28 GO 1 cow nnd calf. . , , 2.5 01 1 cow ami calf trr , 20 J ) . 1 mUlar..UU ) U 00 1 milker , -nrs 2J OJ lloos The siiriy ) | was the heaviest of uny day this wcok , , [ inwlnva liberal Iniireasn over the number recurved Thursday , The market Martini out wotUf nd from &o to lOo lowur und closed fully UglCfVer nil aroutiil. ytilpplug orujpn were fair and light and butcher welghu. "fcold early largely at from fl.'iO to tl.W. After vhcso orduis wore lillcU prices oven on tlicsu were mostly nt from (4.40 to 41.45. I'aokora bid from ri.a. . to f 1.43 and got a good ninny heavy und mixed loads around. 11.40. Throw-outs and rough-ends were picked up ut from IM.OO to tl. - ' . " > . Sovoial loads arrived Into and a number were left In llr t hands , the market closln ; very weak , baleii nmo largely at from } ) .IO to fl.6 > , ngaliiBt from (4.5J to H.W Thursday , the av erage of prices paid being 11.47. ugafiibt (4,51 J , Thursday ana * l.41'i lust Krlduy. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 40. , , .124 (4 45 ( 8 . . .250 120 4 < M . . ,254 12J 443 71. . , ' 'IU 2.XJ 445 71. . . .an ijo 445 M. . . .SOD 203 445 71 , , . ,210 8til 447JS U ) , . 210 120 450 t8. . . . , .201 BO 4M - 1)5 ) . . . . .2IJ HO 4W 70. . . i 8'il 210 4 SO 01. , , , , ; | 4i 40 450 Cl . . 08. . . 100 4M hO , , . . . ' - " - 7 H ) 400 II , . , 450 no ysa 120 4B < M..230 40 450 63 57J 43 440 17 . , . .223 - 4M ] 01 . . .259 200 4 40 f > 0 8.-0 40 45 > .M .274 200 440 0 , , . . . .1US 120 451 SI 252 28) 443 73. . . . .170 43 45S'i ' SO . . . . .210 43 443 M ) . . . WO PJ 4 , VJ1 Ml . . . . .105 81 443 6f . . .IT13 M 4.33' 71 820 t03 443 Gl 318 Ml 4f.2t. 72 803 W ) 443 63 31.1 40 4 52't ' 03 . . . .231 M 4 43 M 2(11 ( 4 .Vi 0(1. ( , . . . 24. RJ 445 87. . . 1IW 120 433 73 . . . . .SB 10) ) 443 OJ 2il 4.V. m ,845 1VO 413 HI. , , . , Si7 120 4 53 . . . . . . ( 120 44.3 f,8 . . . . atl 40 4.13 7/1 817 210 443 r.3 2U S ) 455 W.rOJ 10) 443 77 221 COO 4 55 8) ) 2X > U20 443 ( .8 200 S4.I . 4 55 44 151 83 443 03 218 8) ) 453 02 3IS fid ) 443 Ui 21(1 ( 40 455 153. . . . 2'8 S8) ) 443 1,1. . . .311) ) 5IJ 4 M 7J . . , . . ? * ) 320 44.3 13. . . . , VJ1 453 W. . . . 251 4 43 HO . . . .8'14 ' D 453 G4 274 43 443 r.S..2'U ' 453 " 0 . . . . 245 543 443 b ? 20J SJ 453 II IlJh 40 44.3 83 250 455 OS . . . . SB 120 4 45 virn AND notion. n .113 40 240 II 3V1 40 400 1 2V ) 4 00 8..47J 4 10 8 2V ) 4 00 HIIBKP l-'otir lonils were rcoclveil , two of them billed direct to Swlf U Two single drrks of f air natives sold at from to tl.SV The market Is quot'ibly uncnanged nnd the ilo- niniiil strong. Pair to good natives. # 1.5033 50 ; Avestrrns , ( .oojt.5.43 : cotnmon and stock slioep , U. 504 ? . l. 75 ; good to choice lamhp , weighing from 4 to m Ibs , } l.fj3.5j. Koprcsontallvo sales : No. Av , I'r. 8) native wethers. . R1 II 81 113 native wethers 71 4 83 ItosalpU ii'il l > lsi > .iiitlr : i or Stoa't , Kceelpls at the Union stosU y.lrds. bJUth 3maha , Neb , , for thu iwonty-four hours un3- lirjt nt 3 o'clock p. m. . Mil roll 2 > , 1833. iiKriin-rs. cArri.E. Cars. Head Cars. Ilerul Cnrs. lloail ( "urn. llcnil. fi',4 IIISI'OSITIOV. HUVKIIS. CATT'P : nous. Jmnhn I'ncklni ; company. , 7TO I'lia U. U. Hammond Co. . . , 4I'I hnlM.VI'o UV1 473 Cuilnlijr I'acklnecnniimny. , 2.7Z4 82 Julin 1 * . Hqulros \ Co UT4 Klngan X Son Hpcrrj \ llnrncs 201 Shippers and feeders Total. ( I.IIU Olilcago l.lxo Stock Alarkot. CHICAGO,111 , . March 2.5. [ Special ToIoRram to Tins llEii.l The Ronurat features of today's catllo market \\cro unllko thoao piovalllnR earlier In thu week , The demand called for a less number of cattle than the yards con tained , and therefore the recent adviinco In linces was not sustained. Shippers Irul lim ited orders and were unwilling to pay Thursday's prices. Strictly first L'lass steers wurb ijuoted at from $301 to $5.2.3 , but iiono of the olforlnL-s were good onoiiRh to null anywhere near the last named llRiiro. There u ere several trades at bettor than $4.4) ) , but the major part of the stock taken for dressed beef and shipping account cost from W.5)tol.4' . The supply of butcher * ' and Ciinnors' slock was not In excess of the de mand , and sales were made to about as Rood advantage as on Thursday L/'ows sold anywhere - where from $1.50 to 81.75 for "rubbish. " to from $ .1.40 tof.i.60 forextniRrades , and sales of bulls were nt substantially the satno ranee. There wus a little trading In slockers and feeders at aboui steady prices. itiotatlons ] boin ; from Si 25 to 3.75. The IIOR Market closed weak at a decline of from 6c to 10c , the avcruco of prices being about 15e lower than for Wednesday. Such sorts as then sold at from $193 to $3.dO could not bo moved at from over $ t.80 to S4.85 today , and the shrinkage In the commoner tirades Is not loss marked. Very few of the hoes on sale today Rdt abov $4.7,1. nnd towatd the cloio Rood lots sold around ll.W. OloslnR quota tions were from $1.23 to $4.85 for poor to choice heavy and medium welRhts iu\d from $4,30 to $1.83 tor light , ll will bo seen that lljht and heavy wolRlits aio again selling about the same notch , whoioas a tow days ugo the former commanded u premium of from lOc to 13c. Something In the nature of a boom appears to have struck thu sheep market , Puppllcv are not coming forward ultli siitllclant frco- dom to moot thu current demand , and during the wcok there bus been a marked appreci ation In values. The Rain amounts to from 23o toSOc per leO Ibs , which carries coed to choice westerns to from $3UO to $02 > . and choice natives to from JJ.2.5 to $0.60. Lambs show less change , nothing having sold above " .011 , thouah no doubt a strictly first cluss ar- tlclo would have brought a llttlo more. From the above 11 jures sales ran down to from $ J.M ) to $1.00 for scalawag sheep and to from $3.23 to $3.50 for equally unattractive lambs. Receipts wore : Cattle , 7,5jO ; hojs , 27,033 : sheep. 7.000. The Evening Journal reports : OATTI.E itc- cclpts , 7,50i ) ; shipments. 3.2Ji : market \\ealc to lower ; prime steers. $4.34.05 ( ) ; good lo choice. $ J80I.25 ; others. $ J.404.75 : stockers , $ . ' .00 ® 3.5) ) ; cows. $1.4 (33.00. ( Iloos Receipts. 25.000 ; shipments. 14.00.1 : market 5c lower : rough and common , $1.00 ® 4.33 : packers and shippers. $4.40l.70 ; prime heavy and butcheis' , * 4,70i&1.80 ; pigs , $4.25 ® 4.00. SHEEP Receipts. 8,000 ; shipments , 2,303 : market opened strong , closed weak : owes , $4 S'JWUO : wethers. $3.810.2 > ; westerns. $ B.OD © 0.15 ; yearlings. $ ( i.05 < ac.l7M ; lambs. $5.5'Jffi0.oa Now York I.lvo Htock Market. NRW VonK. March 23. BEEVES Receipts , 2,285 head , Including fourteen cars for sale ; market steady ; nallvo steers , $ . ( .8j4.7J per 1(0 Ibs. : bulls and rous , tl.8C3.50 ; ( liessed beef steady atC@bc pcrlb. ; shipments tomor row , 03J beeves and 4.S01 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 62J head : market J4o per ID. lower ; veals , .5X2G.70 ( per 100 lb . SHKUP Receipts , ; l.ilUShotid ; market steady ; sheep , $5.00:30.7.5 : per 100 Ibs. ; lambs. $0.0007.5) ; dressed muttons , 8HJo ! per Ib. steady : dressed lambs firm at 1 < Dllio. ) ! lions Receipts. 1.757 head , consigned direct ; market nominal and steady at $ I.M3.50. ) Kansas City I.lvo Stock Market. KANSAS Cirr. Mo. . March 25. CATTLF.-Re- folpts. 4.000 ; shlpmonts. 700 ; sfers wore dull and 10t'o lower , selling at SLOO@4 23 ; cows were steady at $ l.553,13 ; stookcrs and tecd- ois. $2.03iai.40. Hooj Receipts. 9.003 ; shipments. 1,700 : the maiket was fairly notlvo and lOc lower : all grades , $4 15(34.00 ( ; bulk. $4.40iS4..r > > . Slim1 : KccollitB. 2.000 ; shipments , 303. The maiket was quiet uncl jalrly steady. He WIIB a I'lonocr , After an illness of a fortnight P. H. Sharp a ploncor merchant , died of uoart failure yesterday afternoon at his homo , 1815 Doug las street. Mr. Sharp was 78 years of ago nnd had lived in Omaha n quarlor century , bavlug como to tbo city In 180" . Ho was born in Now York state in 1S14 , nnd rcsldod in lialdwinsvillc , Onondago county , until ha rc- movcQ to Chicago in 1S55. lie remained in that city Uvo years , after which time ho catno to Omaha , C3 > Ho was a mcmbor of the leather firm of Iluntincton , Sharp & Co. . and also did busi ness later as P. H. Sharp & Co. Two years ago bo retired from active business. Mr. Sharp louvos a wife , a SOD. Henry C. Sharp , utid a daughter , Mrs. A. D , Schormerborc. Arrangements for the funeral will bo made today. lCHAM iiUwllK'fi CUUI11I KKMUDY. Superior to Any Other. Mr.V. . J. Mowroy of Jarvisvllle , W. Va , says : "Sinen wo have been handling Chum- ' bo'rlaln's Couuh Hemcdy wo have suld it on a strict guarantee and found that every bottle did peed service. Wo have used it ourselves and think it superior to any other propara , tlou wo know of. -J und 50 contoottlos for sale Needs Assistance. So do you If you nro BUtToriiiR from loss of appetite , bud digestion , weakness , or if you are conval escent. TnkoJolmnn Hoff'B Malt Extract. It will build up any weakened constitution and aid diges tion and nutrition. Bo euro to get tlio genuine. You would not take counter feit money ? Don't take any imitation of Johann HofTfl Malt Extract. The " genuine " must liave tlie signnturo of "Johann Roil" on the neck of every b ° Kistier & Mendelson Co. , Agents and Importets of mineral waters , 0 Ilarclay Street , New Yoik. YOKE SUSPENDER THE LATEST. Sllpplntr oft tli * ihouitler ImpoK * fihif. A > k your iliolfrfor Uicm r nui ] | IIO for M.HK ' iiblr to I.uce K'u Hunpnidrr < < > . , t > T IB 111 I'rliirv bl , WeW AWNINGS AND TKNTS. OMAHA TtNT & AWNING - ING COMPANY , Klnt' . linnuuockK , oil anil rubber olutlilti , tend lorcnt'Kiio. 111J Knrnntu HAGS AND TWINKS REMISOMAHA BAD 00 DISHDP CO. nnd Slsnl , mnnllla , rotlon ImportprK nirfsHour lnpK. tnlno. rene , lipinp , Jnto , cot ton twine.tnrreil cord- llnKn , I'to SI2 > < ItllfHt. BICYCLES. IJOXliS. II.C.TODD , M.O.DAXON aiccc or to . .1.0.Vllk - , rncon. MTtf cliinr. p ipcr llleycln sold on monthly pneklnK l)0xe ) . Allno\ol- payments 120 N , IMh-at lies In box line , HID li DOOTS AND SUOKS. MOREE-COESHOEC ] , 11UI llowar.l Stroit. Knctorr corner llth nnil Dutulns * tr oli. \Vo nra maklnit clojo iulco < lo caih b iyo.nn I .iro relllnu n clan of iioolt wiilcli II very sulo- nbloirltli racrohviti. KIRKENDALL , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE CO. \Vliolrsnln Mfr . . \RcntB llooln. shoc . nibbprs lloston Itubbur SlioeCo , fi-ItKOOds. llUllillnr- 1102,111)1. ) H0illlariu > yt ! nc > - t. BUKWEUS. JOS. SDHLITZ BREW- IIIQ CO. onico , S , vili nml Leaven- ttorihS. " , Omaha. Joint Murhovor. Acts. CONPECIIONEHY. VOEDELE&DINNINO Mfri ; t'omfpctloncrs nnd jobbers of foreign nml ilaiiiostle fruits , 1110 Howard st. CARRIAGE TOPS. OMAHA CARRIAGE TOP C , J. ANDERSOM , CO. , XlrK topK , bnckB. A T. Darby , Algr. Top' , . etc. Send lor cuitiloin , bnrk , etc. 211 North l.Mh-st. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. OMAHA COAL , COKE & EAGIECORUIGE WORKS LIME CO. , Mim. cnlvanlrcd Iron Hard and soft coal. S K. coriilci1 , window caps etc. , mctnllc itkyllKhta , . loth acd UoiiKlns- cor. . 8ts. 1110 , HUDodKC-Bt. CLOTHING. BLOTCHKY & COHEN , GILMORE & . RUHL , Clothlntf , notionfnrulsli' Mnnufra nml wliol Hiilc liiUb. ( itvu u p trlnl. I'lotblcrs. HUM Iliiruvy Samples prcpnl'l tiy CA- ctrvct , prc'HH. 111,1 llnrncy. DRY GOODS. KILPATRICK-KOGH M.E. SMITH & . CO , , DRY GOODS CO. , Dry foods , notions , fur- Ory pooiU notions , wont's nlslilni ; uooiN. Corner InrnlbbliiK coiKlH. ( r. llth niul U llth niul llonunl ft. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , Illmt rnlc'il cntn log free. ) t > H Capital uvc. FURNITURE BEEBE&RUNYAN FUR. NITURECO. , Grneo nml Thirteenth street ? . GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etc. D.M.STEELE&CO. , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , 1201-1205 Jones Ftrect , 10th nml llnrncy streets , Oranha. Omnhn. GRAIN. S. AMC WHORTER , ' 'ISllil of Grnrtc. Droker In Bruin , etc. Prlviito nlruto N. V. , Clilcacu ( mil bt I.ouls. HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT CO W. A. 1. GIBBON & CO. , HnM. caps , utrnw foods , ulovcs , nilttcnMJwncrs IlntB , nips , ctrnw u ( clcbrntcil ( into illy Cloven , inltttiis. hat. llth nnil llarney. anil lliirnuv. IIARDWARM RECTOR IL WILHELMY LOaECK&LINK , CO. , Dciilcrs' liunlwaro nml Corner 10th nnil Jnckfon inoclmnlcs' tools. Strct'U. UOt Douiflaa Street. MULLIN&MC CLAIM BINQHAM&.SQN. fcpeclnltlcp , butler , esgs , Send uu ) iiur Vffs , lint- i-heese , poultry , ctc.No ter.poiiitrjitninv. hlitcs 15 S. 14th. llet. 1st Nntl etc. 1701 J l.cuvenworlh i btreet. MOORED FERCUSO SCHROEDER & CO. Huttor , Cif * . chopij Cnsli buyers butter nnrt friillx , ponltiy , cniiu * ( ' < ; liiuHlU" . ull other Audits for Myer'n proiluco on couiiulslon Ituynltitf. \ \ \ niul cutlla 1S. llth bt. Bplcf. UX S. llth eu , Ulualin. OREELEY & CO. , J. B. HUSE&CO. Butter , OCRS , poultry , Our speclnltlai : Huttor , Kiinie , hides nnil Irult , ouia nml poultry , ] JU 1U07 llonnnl Street. HunnrilBtruot W. E. RIDDELL Wholsnlo butter , V OKKS llnrs nml oclla for cash. 41,1 S. lllh st. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KING PAPER CO. Carry n full stock of WrappliiK paper , all kinds printing , wrapping nml of twlnoH etc. 14 > lij wrltlnu paper , caril pa * llownrd Htiect. Telo- per et3. pbono , 1TW. STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , Stove rppulrs nml wntcr nttnchnionts for nnil kind of ttoro inuilo. . ' . 1JU7 Douglns. > SASH. TOYS. M. A. DISBROW&CO. H. HARDY &CO. , Tojs. ilolls , n I bum PI Mnnufncturori of snsh Inncy cooils. hoiiBufui * il o o r s , b 11 n rt s u n il n'.ahlliK Kiiods , thllil- mouldings , llrnnch of- ' , ' ren'H cnrrlntrLM Ul'J llie , 12th nnd Hurils bts rnriinm Mrpet. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , - - LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALLEN ROOT & CO. , OAS'ilA'H Iloom . ' 14 Kxclinnirobullil- Itoomn , 10 nnd Gl Kx. Ing , South Omuliu. c'lmimu tHilldliig. Oinahn. Every HI AN can lie S'tKONO and VIO- OHOUS in nil reipcria by using QPANISH NliRVINR.thegrent Spanish Remedy. YOUNO MEN OK OID suOJerhiR from NKKVOUS DRBIiVITY , I/OHT or PAULINO MANHOOD , niRlitly emissions , convulsions , nervom prostration , cnusul hy the use of opium , lohacco or alcohol , wake , fulness , mental depression , loss of power in either sex , spermator- DErnomc AND AFTER usic , rlicca caused by self abuse and over indulgence or any personal weak ness caa be restored lo perfect health end tlio NOI1IB VITAMTY OF STRONG MEl5 ? We give a written Ruarantee with 6 boxes to euro any case or refund the money. $ i p bo > ; b boxoif/ For sale in Omnhabv Snow , Lund & Co. OWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tb eminent specialist In nervous , chronic , private , blnol , skin and nnnnrydltcascii , A rivulnr rcKlsterod gradimlo In mudclne , as itlpiomas nnd cenlUcatc * show , is sun tremlnu wllh the urialest lucr catarrh , spiinnuturrliocu , lost manbood , seminal Wcakneis , nUIH loisos , liupotonoy , syphlll * . mrlcluru , lion orrtiuea , Rloet , Tarlcorulr.ctc , .No nieri'ury u > eJ. Now Ireilment fnrlon of Tllul pouter , Purlles iinnulu t Tlsltmenmj belreatet at homo by correspondence , MeMlilao or Instrumrnt * sent hy nmll oru | iri ; eurely packed , no marks to Indlrato cuntcnts or tenilur. Ono i.iir oniil Inlcrtlovr preferred. tiiiiaullaUo ( roo. orVuipuniivneo strlcilprivate. . "Hank ( Sljolnrlis of Llfu ) suut UlUoo liuursll * . . lou p- . m , to 11 m. ScnU slump lot reply. WEAKNESS ° MEN QUICKLY. THOROUOKLY. FOREVER CURED .by n new perfected eclcnllflo niclliod time connol fall iinleii tbo case I * beyond liunian aid. You feel Improved tlio IIrut day , fcol u bono- III every day I noon know yourself ukln among jneu la body , mind ana hcirt. Drains and lostca ended. ICrorr obsiacla to happjr nmrrlea Ufa ro- inovecl. Narva foico , wlll.oacrggr , brainpower , wlion falling or lost are restorcil by this trraU | Krllons of tlio body en larged anil BtreniitbcDCd. Victims of abuses and excesses , reclaim your manbood ! bufTercrs inia ) folly.Ofcrwork.UHienltli , reiialn yiiur vlnorl Don't ill spalr.ovcn If In Iho last ttnues. Don't Lodulicnrt cneitlf quacka have rob. tifd you. Iittusnboffyim that medical ncleucoauil business honor Mill exist ! hero HO bnml In band. AVrllo for on r IlauU V'ltli cxplanatloui & proofs , mailedcaletlfree. Otcr , OO rcTerenco. MEDICAL 00. . BDPPALO , N. Y. ( > rc. . ! ; icllitu. l oit . MI ruiclil I' " CHrKiiltrt / , . ; ! Ma { , J fftaiut In lt < d Abd fMJ loculllox ti sralal likllmrll > U > u , Take olbfr. JitfuH dtno'oui * utifflw- ioi.J ImUatlma JlUtaeitUii > rttui 4e. In l rai tut I'ftrlleuUri , uillioculiU tud "llrller fur MiillrJ " f > * letter. l > > rrturu 3111 * 11 * rtOO TriClu,6nUll ' ° NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY , - OMAHA , NEB Cni-ltnl - . . . . . . Onkers andllroclorHenry W. Vnto" . uroililant II. ( J. CunhlMK , vluu proihhmt. C H. Alauiloi W V Morte , John H. Ccllliu , J , .V. U. 1'atrlek. 1,3 H A Heed. Caililcr , TI-lLil TIION BANK. Corner lUth nni Farnam 8ts. . CURE YOURSELF ! r bottle of llltf U , Ilioouiy 1 Hon-t'oiionoui ruined ) lor anM ll.o . unnatural illichnrKi * nu drlvnlodlicMtioJinenHni ho