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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1892)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : SATURDAY , MARCH 26 , 1892. FAVOR THE PURE FOOD BILL Senator Paddock's Measure Repotted by the House Ootnmittoe. ALLIANCE MEMBERS WILL SUPPORT IT rive Immntorlnl ClmiiRcn Mmlo In tlio Mrn - uro nncl UK ItmniMllnto I'ltMKRfl U As- uretl Lively nutumlon I'royokcil In the Homo. WASHIXOTOX BUIIKAU or THIS BRE , CIS FouniBBXTit BTIIP.ET , WASHIXHTOX , IX ' , March , 25 , The house coratnlttco on agriculture todoy reported fa.orably by n vote wlilch had but < jno roprosoniallvo opposing , the Paddock pure load bill which passed the senate Uvo weeks ago. Only four iinmatorlul changes were made In iho bill , each of which hna boon submitted to Senator paddock and had received Ills assent. The bill will bo the first called up by the committed and Is as. an red of Inline J late passage. Congressman McKcighan slates that the farmers alliance members will , ho bollovos , bo unanimous In Its advocacy. They Favor Hurrlftnti , J This evening's Star soya ! "Senators who are thoroughly acquainted with South Dakota politics scorn to bo very much sur prised at the publication of a statement which hod it that the delegates to the Min neapolis convo.itlon , chosen on Wednesday last , were Instructed for General Harrison risen Iti fpito 01 opposition of Senator Pottlgrow. To a Star reporter It was stated today that Senator Pottlgrow never wrote a letter or In any way opposed President Harrison. SOH-.O of Senator Potti- jjrow's ' friends say ho has boon maliciously misrepresented by those who nro opposed to the supremacy of republicanism In South Dakota. So lontr as Mr. niainc was regarded as a candidate Senator Pottlgrow , who was in accord with South Dakota sentiment , was n Blalno man. When Mr. Blulno was no longer a possibility South Dakota sentiment was for Huvrlson.i Senator Pcttigrow know this , It is said , and has kept In touch with tils stuto throughout. " Aiill-O | > tlim Lcglsliitlou I'avorocl. In the senate today in presenting a petition signed by 1102 citizens of Franklin countv , Nebraska , praying for the passage of the anti-option bill. Senator Paddock" precipi tated u discussion by making an inquiry aslo what advancement the committee on Judiol- nry had made with the subject. Ho said that without knowing whether the particular bill referred to ought to bo passed or not , ho did know that there was n universal demand In the west for sotDO proper legislation In this lino. Ho know the committee on agricul ture , which was always glad to consider sub jects of this kind , had had no opportunity in this case , bocausolbo bill bad boon referred to the Judiciary comtnltcc. Ho wanted to know wliothor something Is to bo done by the Judiciary coiumlttco directly or liidlroctly. Senator Platt of the committee ou Ju diciary promptly tooK up tbo cudgel. Ho Intimated that as the bill was a revenue measure and properly , therefore , a house bill , the committee would wait until the house had acted. Senator \Volcott here petu lantly protested against the discussion com ing up during the morning hour and wai answered by Senator Paddock , wno replied that ho supposed AS chairman of the cotu rn 1 ttco having subject ! of this Kind In charge and looked to by the agricultural classes In some degree to sco that they roccivod atum- tlou , that ho might properly ralso on Inquiry as to whotbor the senate was'doing its duty. ho liud unwillingly neon the bill go elsewhere - where than to tno agricultural , out It was a committee , asvos well known , which was in tbo habit of dealing promptly with measures sent to it for consideration. Ho bad yielded , however , because informed that there were legal questions involved which made it neces sary ttiat the measure should go to the ju diciary committee , but ho considered his In quiry under the circumstances pertinent and not Impertinent , while believing In the stito- went mode that the Judiciary committee had done nil that It could. Kloctrlcnl Commlsulim'H Kcport. The report of the electrical commission of District of Columbia of which City Engineer Andrew Uosowator of Omaha was chairman has just made its appearance as a house miscellaneous document , entitled , "Houso document No. 15. " It is a bulky volume , containing the report of commissioners to tbo president which was written by Mr. Rosewater , various letters of correspondent : ! pertaining to conduit * and subways and exposition of different systems in use in this and foreign countries and a sot of finely llth- , , ograpbod Illustrations of conduits and sub- vrays now in use in America aud olsowhoro. The work Is an extremely valuable oao and it Is probable that congroas will bo asked to print U in the form of a permanent public document. How mills Fools About the TarllT. Senator-elect Roger Q. Mills was chatting today with a clrolo of congressmen when Representative Owen Scott of Illinois asUcd the question , "Did not your defeat for tha spoaiterslnp bring out such n kindly feeling lor you in Texas that your election to the aonalo is a direct result of your defeat for thoHpcakershlpV "Not at. all , " responded Mr. Mills , "on the contrary them has not boon a tlmo during the last four months that I could not have boon elected to The senate had the Texas legislature boon in session. It the senatorial election bud occurred last December bbforo too spcakorship contest was begun my elec tion to the senate would have boon certain * " Mr. Mills was asked as to bis coming tariff speech , which will bo his lost effort on the floor of the uousq , "It will have to bo n very general speech , " saia Mr. Mills , "for , of course , I can't go into dicus lug the 'spotted tariff.1 My position Is pretty well Jjnown as against the protective policy In wbolo and as against it in spots , so that my pooch will bo very general In character and will bo au arraignment of the tboory of pro tection rat bar than in advocacy ot the par ticular bill unaor consideration. " Imil9luim' Lottery Fight. Ono of the best posted republicans of Loul Blanun , who has just roturued from Now Urleans , said today : Tbo policy of the advocates of the lottery In Louisiana is this : They nro uot sincere In their alleged abandonment of the light f or tn renewal of their charter. Their plan Is , ant ] lias been all along , to keep tbo lottery ques tion In obey unco , as far as practicable , or rather to prevent It from being a promluoir Itsuo In the campaign , but rather to make it Incidental to other questions. At the satno t tlmo their program is to procuru the election L ot men who are friendly to the corporation .both as stnto ofllcors nnd as members of tin * legislature. If the pro-lottery ticket in Louisiana , with MoEnery nt its head , suoulc bo elected , and a majority of tbo legislature should bo In accord with Mr. MoEnory's ad ministration , the question of calling a now constitutional convention to form H now cou etltutlon will ba Unmodlatoly agitated. ' The principal reasons that will ho as signed for calling this convention will bo to j follow the example of the a taw of Mississippi ( .In so framing the slate constitution as to lu euro whlto supremacy. The real reason , however , will bo to have a clause Incorpor ated lu iho now constitution which will glvo now life to the Louisiana lottery. I am of tbo opinion that from the Influence and man ipulations of thli corporation n majority of the detnocratlo voters ot tbo stulo nro sup porters of the MoKnery ticket. Whether or not iho two factions of tbo democratic party can ba brought together and unlto upon ono tlokot is somewhat doubtful. If they dc not unite , It Is possible that McKnory and his associates may bo defeated. Should the democratic primaries result lu tha choice o ! ( ho MoEuery ticket , aud tbo result be ac qulosoed In , it- will bo a decided victory for the lottery , Kcmomber that the proposl tlons looking to a compromise between tbo two factions ot the democratic party origi nated with and emanated from tno pro- lottery people or the MaKneryltes. The lot toryltvs are now making a quiet , instead of a bold and ngprassiro , tight for a renewal o Utelr charter. " Jlliceltnneouj. In tuo soldier' * homes toad contest ni-GUarloi A. . 13alley agalust William P.Towasend from I'ulenltno , Assistant Secretary Chundlo loony reversed ihp decision of the comimi iioner and directed thut the local officers uall receive the Anal proof of To > vnsend ant cancel the entry of Bailey. In the contest o loinmutted oasb eutry between Nasou H. Baker against John M. Sonnott from Grand Island , iho Assistant secretary aQlrms the commissioner's decision , dismissing- con- tost. Senator Mnndorson , who 1m" had an attack of the qulnzy for three or four days , is still endued to his house but Is progressing lowly to the point whore It will bo safe to go out. The second assistant postmaster general ha * declined the petition for a through mall orvlco from Haves Cotitor to North Platte n tbo ground that More or and Dickens have already a sufficient service and Hayor Con or itself Is fairly well supplied. A strong movement Is on foot among the Nebraska contingent In Washington to got Jovornor McKlnlay of Ohio to deliver an ad- drcis at the Beatrice Chnutauqua. General Wllcox will retire from the gov ernorship of the Soldiers' National Homo on \pril 1 , Adjutant General Kollom ot this city and General Stanley , now stationed at Snn Antonio , Tex. , nro bolng pushed for the assignment. Senator Mandorson Is endeavoring to ch ain from the War department for the Soldiers' und Sailors' Burial corps of Omaha bur gun carriages on which to mount their bur three-Inch Hodman guns for monu- nnntnl purposes. A favorable report was today made upon Senator Paddock's last measure to provide 'or ' the adjustment ot certain sales of lands n the late reservation of the confoucratod Otoo and Missouri tribe of Indians In the states of Nebraska nnd Knnsai. The measure uro has been described In Tin : BKK specials. It gives patents where all payments are nado and grants an extension of two years ' 6r deferred payments. The consent of the Indians must ilrst bo bad , however. Senator Mundorson today transmitted to .ho commissioner of the general land olllco a otter from A. U. Humphrey , commissioner of public lands und buildings in Nebraska , in explanation of the state's claim for Indemnity school lands In Boyd county. Ho asks nn early settlement ot the question. P. S. 11. AVi-Morii PunMon * . WAsnixoTO.v , D. C. , March 2. > . fSpoclal Telegram to TUB Bci ! . ] Tbo following list of pensions granted is reported by Tint BF.I ; nnd Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Kobert Stewart , Jos eph W. Caughoy , Moses Taylor , Walter F. [ Itch , Samuel H. Anderson. Additional Peter Ensloy , James K. Hancock , Isaac O. Cooper , Dyer A. Caiklin , Samuel Tigard , lohn W. Smith , General L. Haokloy. In crease George Little , Wilson D. Scott , Ell [ I. Alexander , Original widows , etc. Catherine E. Wales. Iowa : Original Ellaha Horn , William Rossoau , Samuel K. Hardy , Oakloy F. Davis , Frederick Mangold. Charles C. Kobulns , ICmorson P. Snydur , Samuel Wagoner , David Cnrsnor. Additional John W. Cox , Lewis Tanner , Charles D. Field , Henry Meyer , Moses Smith , Samuolllohonsholl. Increase Manly E. Ulco , Hiram Miller , Elliott A. Hogors , Joseph Chllton , Thomas Woldon. Helssuo Stephen A. D. Fonton , John Stnhl , 31mrlos H. Clover. Hcissuo and increase William Hoborts. Original widows , etc. Minors of William Bonnott. Mexican sur vivor John C. Williams ) . South Dakota : Original Albert David Canning , George M. Zcllk , James O. Ulch- irdson. Supplemental John Hognn. Ho- ssue Alexander H. Jones. Original widows , etc. Jane / , . Jones. ABOVE ALL KINGDOMS. Ifov. W. H. Alacknjr'it Adilrcas cm "Tho Kingdom and the Church , " Kov. W. It. Mackay of Pittsburg , who is delivering a serioi of eight sermons at All SalnU church , preached on "Tho Kingdom and the Church" last night. In his intro ductory remarks the reverend gentleman said that the first thing to bo done was to put the Idea out of your head that the king dom of God and the church were the flume. They were not. Tha kingdom of God was Inflriltivoly greater than all the churches combined. The bible was a perfect panorama rama ot the kingdom in which to believe. It was a light that shone everywhere and was the kingdom to work for. It should betaken taken and made a reality in the world. The church was no kingdom. It was sim ply an agency by which the kingdom was to bo worked out. The church , as tno agency , was to make the kingdom a reality. The church was not simply n building at a cer tain street location , but It was all ever town. It was everywhere. The Christian people carried the church around with them. They were in the company of Jesus. The Sunday church was a good institution. It put in spiration in those who attended it. They led higher lives , had bolter ana more faith , a irood and now spirit , and when they loft the church building they iftoro well fitted for the week. Tbo church door then was not locked. They had taken the church away with thorn. Whatever good act or deed a man or woman Old in business or private life , Mr. Maakay ascribed to the churoh. It was the work of the church and nothing else. In speaking of lives of great men , ho said the life of Joius Christ was the only light that had ever made happy hearts. Ho spoke of all Christians as beginners and that any man was good enough to commence or begin to ba a Christian. The man who would associate himself with a . church If It wore not a fact that there wore so many hypocrites and frauds In It , was a knave. That argument wouldn't hold water. If a city had a corrupt government , made so by a lot ot dishonest ofilclals , there was all the more need of that many more honest men to hold them down. To hoar some people talk ono would think the church was composed of a lot of abandoned and wicked sinners. But such was not the caso. The moro hypocrites there were In the church the ii.oro was the necessity for good Christians to bo mingled among them. Iloligioa was n loyalty to Christ , not church doctrines and dogmas , which were simply the opinions of man and could not bo lio- llevod. DoWitt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood , Inoreasostho appetite and tones up the sys tem. It has bonollttod' many people who have suffered from blood disorders. Itwlll hoipyou. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. Council In Cgmmlttco of the Whole DU- CUHKPS Hotenil Amilrn. The city council met In regular adjourned session last night with fifteen member * in at tendance. The whole of the session was devoted to considering matters la the committee of the whole , with Mr. Munro iu the chair. The sum of $3,000 had boon sot asldo for the construction of cross walks , ar.d to apportion - portion these cross walks wai one of the ob jects of tno mooting. After a lengthy discus. Ion the apportionment was roado like this : First ward. 00 ; Second ward , 00 ; Third ward , 15 ; Fourth ward , 40 ; Fifth ward , 50 ; Sixth ward , SO ; Savon tn ward , 70 ; Eighth ward , 45 : Ninth ward , 70. Total , 41)0. ) Then the members trlnd to do something In the way of distributing gasoline lamps In tbo suburbs , but nothing was accomplished. Mr. Brunor , chairman of the committee on gas aud electric lights , bad the figures to show that tbo lighting fund amounted to $51,110 aud that moro money than that was expended for strcot lighting last year. Ho did not sea how any moro lights could bo located. Mr. Lowry was of tbo sane opinion. Mr. Stool said that the reduction on the price of gasoline lamps and some f 14,000 thai was on hand from fast year would admit ol the location of 000 additional lamps. The whole matter went ever until Tuesday night , when a statement showing the condi tion of the fund will bo presented to tbo council for consideration. The Hamilton street grade was discussed and the report of the appralsjrs adopted. Upon motion of Mr. Choffuo , City Attor ney Council wa instructed to report upon the liability of the city with reference to tno pavement around Huosnom park. The market house proposition was disposed ot by the matter Dping referred to tbe city attorney , with instructions ' to prepare a now ordinance , cllinlnnlioe 'all objectionable fos tures , such as .exemption from taxation , free water and f roe gas. llulldlufr 1'urmlU , The following permits were l ueJ yester day by the superintendent of bulldln : Tukey k Allun.ono-story frame cottage , 1'ortV'Urat and Grant HtruoU . . . . . . . . $ 1.000 J. H. MoUormlck , repair * ou store , 410 touth Thirteenth street . . . . , l,00 ( Five minor porinlu . . . . . . , . , . . . , . . , . l.GUO Tqtnl . M.OX Mrs. L. U. Patten , Kockford , III , writes- 'From personal experience I can reeoinuiotu Da Witt's Sarsaparilla , a euro for impure blood and goacrildebUUy. " SAD TRAGEDY NEAR SIIICKLEY ive-Yoar-Old Daughter of Alfred Bengaton Instantly Killed , BRAKEMAN CUSICK STABBED BY A TRAMP Whllo rrotrrtlitff Union Vnrlllc Propfrly nl ViillflIln U KiiiiRoromly t'ut Ills AftmillHiit Will Ho Captured Other Ni'brmkn Now * Xof 01 , Hmctu.Er , Nob. , Mnrch 2 : . . | Spociftl to TUB Dei : . ] A distressing circumstance oc curred II vo miles \vost of here Tuosany oven- ng at the residence of Alfred UonRstou , ono ot the oldest and highly rotpoclod citizens of lie neighborhood. His Days had boon out muting and whcm they came homo loft Ida pun In the granary. A llttto girl , D year * ild , was out plnylne and In some wny tnockod the aim down. It was discharged , ho load entering lior neck killing , her In- itnntly. The accldunt Uai cast n gloom over whole coiniiuttiUy. Ability yur.itlonod. CIAT OKXTKII , Nob. , March 23. ISpoclal TolcRrom to TUB Jinn. ] The hearing or Dr. [ Jogutol was rcsumoit nt8 o'clock last ovon- ng and has now occupied the whole of today with the end not yet In sight. A largo portion tion ot the dofcnso lias boon directed to showing lr. ) Couway's unprofessional prao- ttco , in that ho had made pretense ot ability Lo euro certain cosos generally supposed to bo incurable. Ono particular case of curvature of tbo splno was cited , aud a largo amount ot uiodlcal testimony was introduced during the session of the court last ovonlug. County Attorney Clark , on account of bolngdapnvod of other means ot provlntr the authorship of the alleged HboloUs loiter , bad liimsolf placed upon the stand and made the positive state ment that. Dr. Boghtol had admitted to him that ho wrote It , but did not tntond it for nub- llcatlcn. Dr. Boghtot positively dtiniod this during today's session. A Mr. Dibble of York was sworn by the prosecution and toitlllod equally positive that ho hoard the statement as claimed by Attorney Clark. The prose cution had made good headway In ostablUb- Ing the reputation of Drake Medical uni versity of Dos Molties , In. , of which Dr. Con way at ono time was ono of the faculty ; also , that the doctor was president of iho Iowa State Medical association , the eclectic school , and was a physician of high stand ing.Those Those claims were mot by the defense bv reading a number of letters from members of the faculty of the present Drake Medical in stitute , which was shown to bo now under the management of a different school of phy sicians to the effect that the ola organization was uot in good repute among medical men , and that the parties in charge were a bad lot. _ Supplying Foreign Markets. Fur.T.BiiTo.v , Nob. , March 25. [ Special to Tnn UKBl It would bo worth whllo for the citizens of Omaha to visit the Union Paclllo depot Monday morning and see the fifty-six car loads of fat cattle ourouto to Liverpool , direct .from Nnnco county. John Holmer snipped twotity-tnroo cars of steers March 1'J , aver age weight 1,035 pounds , direct from fullerton - ton to Glaigovv , Scotland. Monday morning tboro will pass through Omaha fifty-six cars shipped by E. S. Burke of the Kent Cattle company , 000 head , averaging over 1,000 pounds each , through bill of lading direct to Liverpool. E. D. Gould and others have made large shipments of stock this spring , most of which have found a market at South Omaha. In 1800 Fullerton was credited on the books of the Union Pacific Hallway company with iho second largest amount of stock shipped out of any town in Nebraska. This through shipment Is a now departure by Nnnco county feeders and the result in a financial xvay is expected to not tno shippers quito an Increase over prices which could bo ootalnod nearer homo. Tbo cars composing the trains \vcro decorated by banners giving full par ticulars as to where the stock was from and to whore It was going. Considerable money has boon spout in preparing the train colng through Monday morning as an advertise ment for Nebraska. .Sent to the Initustrlnl Hchnol. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 23. [ Special to THE BKK.J THE OMAIIA BEE of this morning con tained an I to in to the effect that a young girl named Matthews has been taken from a house of ill repute in South Omaha by her mother who lived in Lincoln. The girl was Fannie Matthews and she lived with her mother on South Eleventh street in this city. The girl Is 17 .years old and has long boon considered incorrigible. A few weeks ago she was arrested in company with a young fellow in the Burr block and taken to tbo police station. This morning her mother filed a complaint , with Judge Lansing to tbo effect that the girl was incorrigible , per sisted In going out nights and consorted with dissolute. characters. Judge Lansing , at the mother's request , ordered to girl sent to the Industrial School for Girls at Geneva. Kearney Ituiikor'n Vlintt Wrecked. , KUAUNBT , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : BEB. | John Darnd , ox-presi dent of the defunct Commercial and Savings bank , which closed its doors several weeks ago , nas boon suffering for some time with mental aberration , and today bo was taken to Milwaukee for treatment in an asylum. Ho tins bocn haunted with tbo idea that Jay Gould would soon establish a heavy banning concern hero and place him at the bead of it. The affairs ot the broken bank are In bad stiapo. Receiver Henry Gibbons does not give any encouragement to depositors. It was estimated by the most conservative that the Institution would pay 10 cents on tbo dollar to depositors , but the turn of affairs nowlndl cates u total loss , Accused of HtcnlliiR Hogo. CBWAII RAI-IDS , Nob. , March 25. [ Special Telegram to Tnu BKI ] A man named Jewell who has boon employed by C. H. Andrews for several months as a farm band was recently arrested charged with stealing six lions from tbo yard of a stock dealer at this place and selling them to another daalor. The preliminary trial was hold yesterday , lasting until late in the nlpht and tbo evi dence was sucu that Justice Leslie placed Jewell under bond for $500 to appear In dis trict court at the coining so lon to answer to tbo charge of grand larceny. Jewell has failed to llnd bondsmen. No HinilliiJC | In Lincoln. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 25 , [ Special to TUB BKH. ] Tlio announcement mat a case of smallpox bad boon developed ut the house at 1579 O strcot and tbo appearance of n flaming quarantine card on the building created a panto In that Immediate neighborhood , Kesi- dents prepared to move away from the vicin ity and business men protested ( gainst the case being allowed to remain there. The nbysiclauH , three In number , who 11 rat exam ined tha case , pronounced It snullpox , but this morning a more critical examination was made , and it was pronounced to bo nothing more icrlous than chicken pox. Iiitoraitlutr .Municipal 1'olltlca , BJ.AIII , Nob. , March 23. ( Special to TUB BKB. | The democratic central committee of Washington county mot here Thursday after noon. Friday , April 8 , was selected as the day to bold tbo primaries , and tbe conven tion to be bold In Blair Saturday , April 'J. In tbu evening , as advortHed , they tried to rally and organize a democratic club , but tbore was not enough Ufa loft to ranko a showing. cl llolikur * llouutl Over. Giuxn IBLANU , Neb. , March 25-- | Special toTim BKK. 1 Slxnf the gang who roDbod t no. Union Pacific frelftnt car on Inst Tues day night , taking ? 300 worth of groceries. boots , shoes , clothing , ota , have been bound ever , paiuely. Harry Kingston , Uaao Smith , Sam Smith , George Hilt , Volney Cinnamon and Biouipua Clnuamau , Yorum'n .Motion Nut Yet I'Ued. HASTINGS , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Telegram - gram oTiin lm : . | It was generally under stood that tbe motion for a now trial in the Yocum ciuo would be made today aud ac cordingly a largo number ot person * re malnod around the courthouse to hear the motion and the decision to bo mnJo , but it had boon arranged thatjvhen Judge Honll goes to Holdrego to hold court tomorrow the term was to cOntlnno tllrAprll 13 , and tomor row after the adjournniaat the attorneys for the defense , who nro u lng nil the tlmo al lowed ( hem by 'Iho statute , will fllo tholr motion r'hnd ' on conven ing In April It will ba disposed of. The case againstloft Tremor for complicity will also come u D for syttlotnonl then. ly ) many the opinion Is hoMUhatcvon in case of n now trial bolng granted It. would be policy for the defendant lo take his sentence nnd for hU friends to circulate u petition for his pardon. itf WnnlPtl tuSliont n I.iuvypr. POXCA. Npb. , March 25. [ Special to TUB BUR. ] On last Tuesday Dr. llulpor of this place made nn attack upon County Attorney J. < T. McCarthy. It scorns that Uutger has for some tlmo been seeking legal support from Mr. McCarthy , but the latterj not ' deeming the ca'io n plausible on , refused to take any steps In regard to It. Tlio doctor , becoming cnragod nt what ho considered undue neglect , sought Mr. McCarthy and drawing n revolver was upon the point of ( ( booting him when ho was taken In hnnd by Sheriff McCabe and lodged In jail. His lioarlnc xvas conducted before .luilpo Hoy- nolds Thursday nnd resulted In his being Wound ever to appear at Iho next term of the district court. Failing to soouro tlio re quired bonds ho remains In Jail. .Stubbed by u Trump. FnnMoxT , Neb , , March SO. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bnn.1 A Union Pacific brakeman - man nnmod CUsIck xvas brought to Fremont from Vnlloy about midnight last night in a wounded condition. Ho was on a freight train and during a stop nt Vnlloy discovered some tramps nnd advised thorn to kcop off the tram , Ono of thorn thereupon f tabbed him , cutting n deep gash on bis shoulder and breast. Ho was faint from the loss of blood when ho arrived here , but was able this mor ning to bo removed to his homo lu Omaha. His nisullant is In the neighborhood of North Bond and will boarroslod. o of Mi TCCU.MSKII , Nob. , March 2r . [ Special to Tun BBK. ] K. C. Usher , wlio has boon man ager of the Love opera house for a vear , transferred his lease today to F. H. Elllok , | r. , mid T. W. Miller , who have already taken chnrgo of Iho bouso. Kcmitln * of Itoolnt linking IJurlnl. Nfii.tatt , Neb. , March 25.- [ Special to Tun BKK.J The ramuins of Hoolof Busing , who committed suicide recently , were burlnd to day. His relatives live ut Grand Uapids , Mich. Tno body was fully identified by the deceased's brother. Couxcir.Br.crp * , la. , Aug. 8 , ' 00. Dr. J. B , Moore : I fool It Is not only a privilege , but n duty , to say a good word lor your Catarrh Cure. After doctoring with several of the best specialists of the country without relief , I was advised to try your Catarrh Cure"and am pleased to say I am entirely cured. Yours truly , \V. A. STHONO , Traveling Agent Fairbanks Scale Co. For sale by all druggists. In John r.iirsou's Ilolinlf. OscnoLA , Neb. , MarcTr l. To the Editor of TUBBED : Tnoro Was an article In your paper a short time ngo.istattug that John Larson had boon arrested in Omaha and taken to tjtromsDurg.Kou. , to answer to the cbarpoof bouso broaklnprj This is a mistake. Larson was arrested and , taken to Strains- burg , and the only cHurgo against him was tho'breaking of the city btroot lamps. As Larson is a irood mechanic and is always willing to work this nxoy bo of some benefit to him , so i sincerely nope you will print it. I'j.vill ' further state that'll am the man that had Larson arrested , and. 1 understand tbo case , and ho Is I know na.bad character. ° " ' B. I. NEWTON. Wonderful results follo'w the use of Piso's Cure for Consumption. Coughs quickly ylold. All druggists , 23d * I'lincriiLof Jtr.iiuo.Txvuliuck , Jr. The funeral of thoTlato Bruno Tzschuck , Jr. , will take place 'today. Short services will bo conducted Dy ilw. A. J. Turkic at the family residence , 1917 Farnam street , nt 2 p. m. , and the interment will bo at Forest Lawn cemetery. H&AiiQUAnTK'is OMAHA GuAitnq. OMAHA , Neb. . March 2(5 ( , 1892. [ Orders No. 0. ] I : The members of this company are hereby ordered to assemble in the Armory at 1 :45 p. m. on Saturday , th o 2ith ( inst. , in full dross , 'for the purpose of attending the fu neral of our late comrade , Bruno Tzschuck , Jr. By order of F. E. BAMPOIII > , Captain Commanding. ' Murrlngo J.icoasoi. The following marriage licenses were Is sued by Judge Kller yesterday : Name and Address. Ago. I Grant Colby. New I'arls , 0 . 24 1 Olive Lamb , Now 1'arls. 0 . 18 I Noah Solomon , Dakota . 29 I InInrL. Johiiion , Orjiahii . 31 Disease never successfully attacks asy torn with pure blood DoWitt's Sarsaparllla makes pure , now blood and enriches the old. City Agsonsnr * Will Confer. The olty assessors have decided to moot In secret session next Monday to dccldo upon what values taoy will plaoo upon Omaha property when they "go out assessing next " month. The mooting" will bo held at the court house and a full attondauco is antici pate 'I. DeWlt fa Sarsnparilla is reliable. JConl Kit ute Owners AfliilrH. A meeting of tbo board of directors of the Real Estate Owners association will 'bo hold this afternoon. Matters pertaining to tbo organization and tbo future course to bo pursued by the association will bo discussed. ' Dowltt'sSirjipiriUa emnuM tns olood. Dr. Blrnoy.nosoatiU ttiroat BKK bldg HALF 1'AKIJ KXCimSlOX To the Hot Hprlng * ot Arkiiniat Via the Wal > anh ICullrond. On April 7 " ( ind 8 the Wubash will soil round trip tickets nt above rate , oed returning until May 10. April Vi the govurnmont will comuionco sulo ut auc tion of town lota from the reservation. Only ! J7 hours from Ornahiv to the springs via the Wabpsli. , For tickets , sleeping- car accommodations and a map showing location of the property to bo sold , with description of the a'drings , call at Wit- bash olllco , 1502 Knrlla'm atroot , or write G. N. Clayton , N. W. ' < P. Agt. , Omaha , Nob. ii A' SWORN STATEMENT Proprietor of tbo People's ' ( Nothing Honso Makes Affidavit. TOMORROW IS YOUR CHANCE ON PANTS I'nrtlr llPcniiR AVe AroOvprstoptopil on I'lno 1'n n In ntnl 1'nrtly llrrmnoVo \Vnnl to no nn ICxlrniinllnnrlly l.urgo Tomorrow wo have docldoil to plvo you cholco of our pants , worth up to S7.,00 , for $3.09. You'd bottor.como in and sco thoin. You U llnd them nwtully chonp. PEOI'LE'S CLOTHING IIOUSH STATI : OF NKIIKAHKA , ) county. f S. Arnsteln , proprietor of the Pdo- plo'n Clothing House , being duly sworn doposus and says that on Saturday , March ( > , 1892 , and on that day only the public can take their cholco among all the pants kept by the said People's Clothing Hotiso for ! nnd DiMOO dollars ( $3.0 ! ) ) , nnd that there are pants in said Block worth up to sovoii dollars ( $7.00) ) and that nothing has boon reserved , laid aside or taken from said stock. S. AUNSTK1N , Proprietor People's Clothing House. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before mo this 2nth day of [ seal , ] March , 181)2 ) , AUTHOR B. DAT.K. Notarv Public. P. S. In order to make tomorrow a day long to bo remembered by our patrons and Mends , wo offer a tow additional snaps. $0.75 will rrivo you choice tomorrow nnd tomorrow only , of suits worth up to 812.00 ; among thorn you will llnd all wool cnssImoroBitlts. 45c will got you a shirt worth 81.00 , and u. flno Windsor tie goes free with every ono of these shirts ; remember to morrow only. 37jc will buy a genuine French balbriggan - briggan shirt or drawers worth exactly double that much , tomorrow only. Also special prices on Prince Albert suits tomorrow only. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING HOUSE , 1303 Douglas street , 2nd door west of 13th street. HE HAS RESIGNED. Sol UavliUoIm No Longer Miumgos the Dully Nebraska Trlbiiuo. Sol Davldsohn , the Joe Pulltzor of iho west In Journalism in bis own fanciful dreams that were never realized U no more secretary and manager ot the Nebraska Tribune Publishing company. His com pulsory resignation was' demanded by tbo stockholders of the Gorman piper March 15. Davidsohn nad boon In his position eighteen months. His place is now occupied by Julius ITestnorof the Fostnor 1'rintlng company. which concern is also interested in the pub lication of the German Tribune. Davldsobn's removal from the man agement of the paper is duo to his mismanagement of affair * . It Is said that ho was very reckless and had not a conservative idea in his head about business matters. Ho did uot oven keep a set of books , and from as near as the company can liguro as to what Davidsohn cost the paper is Bomotbmg like Sj.OOO or SJ.OOO. In forty-five days ho duriod $3,000 In the English edition of the Tribune.- is thought that ho hud looked through a microscope nt bis Heas on the publication of the little English edition of tbo German papor. Tbo only essential qualifications that ho lacked in bolng a Pulitzer of the west. wore that ho had never walked across the bridge of a big river Into the city. Neither had ho had his trunk , xvardrobo and all his ap purtenances tied UD in a rod bandana hand kerchief when he was supposed lo have como across tbo bridge , and landing In the city wont to worn as a waiter in a rentau- rant and finally Docamo the editor of ono of tbo greatest , papers in the world. Davld sohn , was an abridged edition of PullUor. From an advertising solicitor he became the general manager of the Tribune company. As solicitor be was some what of a success and that is why Mr. Fostnor placed confidence in him. The English edition was talked of but the stockholders did not take Kindly to tbo scheme. While Mr. Foslnor was In Cincin nati Davidsolm launched the little afternoon daily , which now accounts for his grief. He oven boucht tha plant without consulting u stockholder , and when reprimanded for his liHlUcrect manner of doing business ho simply said that ho was manager , nnd would startle the populaca with the paper. Ho was on the inside of politics nnd took a con tract to elect Osthoff mayor , hoist the banner of rotorm to tbo pinnacle of the city ball tower and wipe all opposition from the face of the earth. Ho know what ho was dolnp nt that time and now the company knows what no did do If it did not know at that time. Expense to him , it is assorted , was nothing , and whllo protest after protest was made by stockholders as to bis wild , reckless manner of spending money on such a venture , ho continued it uutil they shut down on the publication of the papor. When tbo crisis came Davldsohn came out with the following editorial notice : 'Owing to the phenomenal growth of the English edition of the Tribune tbo manage ment of tbo paper has found it necessary to suspend publication for four or live days in order to put in a now Webb perfecting press. " The German edition is now prospering and all utockholdon are contented , while Davldsobn will go to work as .solicitor for tbo German m Ufo Insurance company. Ho will travel In Wisconsin. Tbo Throat "Brown's Bronchial Troches" act directly on the organs of tbo voice. They have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of the throat. o Disordered liver sot right with Boccham's Pills. very moker's Nose tt'f knows when it is pleased. It is always ' * " ' pleased with the fragrant and peculiar > < J aroma of Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco Which has been for more , than a quarter of a century the desire and delight of comfort lovers everywhere. It strikes the taste of many fastidious smokers. Try It. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. , DURHAM , N , c. SKINS ON FIRE With AGONIZING ECZEMAS nncl other ITCIIIKO , BunstNO , SCALY , and BLOTCHY SKIN and SCALP DISEASES arc relieved in the majority of cases by a single application of the Cutlcurn Romodlos , and speedily , perma nently , and economically cured , when phy- slclans , hospitals , and all other remedies fail. Cutlcurn Romodlos arc the great est skin cures , blood purifiers , axd humor remedies of modern times , arc absolutely pure , and may be used in the treatment of every humor , from the simplest facial blem ishes to the severest diseases of the blood , , skin , and scalp. CUTICURA The great Skin Cure , instantly allays the most intense itching , burning , and inflamma tion , permits rest and sleep , clears the scalp of crusts and scales , speedily soothes and heals raw and irritated surfaces , and restores the hair. CUTICUKA SOAP , an exquisite Skin Purifier and Ucautificr , is indispensa ble in cleansing diseased surfaces. CUTI CUKA KBSOLVKNT , the new Blood and Skin 1'urificr , and greatest of Humor Remedies , cleanses the blood of all impurities nncl poi- vinous elements , and thus removes the cause. Hence the CUTICUKA RKMC- .IES cure every disease and humor of the skin , from pimples to scrofula. 3- " How TO CURR DUKASKS or TMR SKIN , SfALr , AND lluon , " millcil free to any aMreM , 4 P-IRC < I 300 Diseases , 50 Illustrations , too Testimonials. A book of priceless value to every lulTcicr. CUTICURA KBMKDIRS are solJ throughout the world. Price , Cuncum , 500. ; CUTICURA Ser , sc. : Ctmct'RA RESOLVENT , $ i. Prepared by PoTruft DKUO AND CunniCAtConrouAiioN , Hoston , U.S. A. red , rough mid oily iLin nml Pimply , Blotchy Skin , 3 , painful finder-ends with thapetess nail * , ate pic- Vented and cured by CutlOUra Sonp , incomparably the greatest of olun purifiers aivl bcautilict , ' , while rivalling in delicacy and surpassing in purity the most expensive of toilet nnJ nursery soaps. 7Vif entjr medi'cattJtoiltt toafxcv\thtenljrfrrvtntivr anil curt of inflammation anil clogging ol Ithe pores , the cause of pimples , blackheads , rough , red , anil oily skin. DECLINED WITH THANKS. The following correspondence explains itself : LONUONDKHUY LlTHIA Sl'UINO WATKIl CO. , March 17 , 1802. GMNTIKMKN : Having used the LONDONDERRY quito oxtonalvuly , iitiil" soolng you ndvortlso in lay journnlavhlch wo cannot Jo , the cede of olliics pro hibiting1 it , wo thought to wrlto you to inquire if a favorable inuiition from 113 mitrlit not oo used by you in connection with a small cut of our "Homo , " mention ing in connection our location nnd class of cases received. Fraternally yours. OUR REPLY ! Dus. NASHUA , N. II. , Mnrch 10. 181)2. ) GKNTI.KMKN : Your esteemed favor of the 17lh inst. duly received nnd contents noted. We uro lmi > > jy to receive the confidence and compliments of nil the medi cal fraternity , but fail to see how any peed end can bo served by publinhing u cut of your well-known resort. Asa question of "ethics , " it would deceive no intel ligent physician or layman A testimonial carrying such prima facie evidence of the consideration for which it is given would bo of no benefit to us and might injure - juro you by demonstrating that your opinions , which are now counted very valu able , are not after all held so highly by yourselves. Wo have npvor paid ono penny tor a "professional or ifty opinion of LONDON DERRY , nor , judging from the almost dally endorsements that vo see in tbo medical and lay journals , and our enormous and rapidly increasing business , shall wo bo obliged lo do so in the future. Trusting you will receive this in the spirit in which It is given , wo are , Yourn very t uly , LONDONDERRY LITHIA SPRING WATKR Co. N. B. Wo refuse to publish the name of the above well-known Sinitarium , but will give $1000.00 to any charity if wo cannot prove the genuineness of this correspondence. L. L. S. W. CO. CHARLESB , PERKINS & CO. , 36 Kilby St. , Boston , Mass , , Soiling Agis , Paxton & Gallagher , Distributing Agents for Omaha. RUSSIAN Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP. For Farmers , Minors and Mechanics , Cures Chapped Bands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Dellehtful Shampoo. Tlm Unit lese nfti-n aslimlsliestho lu- . rnllil , savins elasticity of mind , buoy- . > niicy nf luxly , KIHII ] digestion , regular " iMiwcln nml ollil llenli. 1'rlco. ar.c-tii. HARD ORSNERS RulTarlnKlnnilnd.bodr andpurra from DllUNK- ENNKSSiirDll'aOJlANIAcnnho aiirely , cufelv and ipeeillly cured by Uianondorf ul nuir ejioclllij CHLORBOGOLD ! No matter wlicttior the ponon Inn mmlerntfl or "jwrlmllcal" drinker or n ' total wreck. " CUI.O. HIUOOI.II destroynil ajipctltuor cravlnu fur alcoholic itlmulmiti wllliaut Imrni or In- coiiTcnlonconndu > 9uro > tlio pallontnaw life and happlnaia. liolnit taiteleii It can ) > o Klvon by u rrlond In tea , oottvu. lomonndo , beer , liquors , or foodwltbouc tlio iiatlont'H knuwlodze , orlt can ba lakon by. tbo patient In tlio niuiio liquid * , with a vuaronluo of ubnolulo gifcceus nml < i ritdlcul cure Umltliurraiia. HurulrmUof ctirun liavo DOOII mmlo Hlll CIII.UR1U(1U1.I la llllnola nlono. 1'rlra wltliln roach of all. only U. CIII.OltiUU I.l > cuu lie htiil of O'ir nuenlnor aen ( poatputd by u . I'limplilotH fiirnlHlind tren. Alt rorroi < t > iidcnca cimUdHNllal. MA1 > ICI1MUEMI ! : AI.OO. , Boll ) l'roirtolora for Uio U. a. , 3JS Dearborn BU , Clilcugo. eOil SALT' 1 OMAHA. KKU. , UV Kubn ft Co. . Co.r 15IU & DuiiKlM BU. J .A. Fuller It Co. , Cor. 14IU & Dnu lu KU. A. U. 1'oilcr & L'u. , Council Illulla. It. TUE SHORTEST LINU TO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'yi as represented on , this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat' ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a , m. City Ticket Office : i'5oi Far- nam St. , Omaha. F , A , NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. UNITARIAN CHURCH litlinnil C * Hlroeti. iduy Krentnu , Jlarcli tbtu. rjnoi < % JOHN KiBicia , Will deliver lili culcuravod lecture , on ' "Hie Discovery of America" TlclrcUWcuuU. NoMT ou sitlo utCuaia i Ui.lf AMUSISMIilNTif fcuvcntecnth nml Hartley Stroata. A SIIAKKNl'RAItKAN COMEDY. A SllAKEHl'EAUKAN TUAOEDV. "Tills ( Saturday ) March 126. Lust Two I'erformniicoj of MODJESKA Ami llor Comimny of I'laycrs. Matlneo This Afternoon at 2:30 : , MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Prlcei l''lmt lloor. 11.00 ; balcony , Too ; rear lial. cony , Me. Evening Performance at 8 , MACBETH I'rlcoa Parquet and clralu , SI.50 ; balnonr , drnl 4 rows , fl.Ou ; Imlconjr , list 6 rown. 7Jo ; ruac bal cony , Wo ; unllory , 2JO. ! BO"Y ID' @ T.HKATBR. FOUR NIOHTS ONLY , BEGINNING TOMORROW NIGHT , Only Mitlneo "Woilnesaay , March 30. SEATS 1're.soiitod with tin ) Full Strength FOR of I Im Amur.'riui 8 IN BR DON mid Company ull , the Urlzlnal Sconury. ON SALE ( 'ostuinus , I'roportluH T-O-D-A-Y. niul - - - - . I'uruphsrmillr FARNAM.ST . , THEATER , tJ& Ilirco Nlglit CoiumoiclniTliiirBdiiy , .Murcliiltb , MAT INK LI BATLJUDAV. TJJK BKST OK Al.I. Nlbbo'j Frenrh llurlaiqtie Co. , In HIS ft IBS i HIS NOBS SliapcljrVlnum. . Kntranclnit .Muilo , Orotiqui iiaiic04or ouiu co ; liinio . llaiutirul lilrU , funny Comcdltim , Unuxo. > rol Hpucl.iUlaj , * Mtarllnx Ullrprlnn. SACKETT AND LAWLER'S WONDERLAND GRAND OPERA HOUSE ISthand Capitol Ave. OPEN DAILY 1 TO 10 1' ' . 11. ; = = slWorraaMcs 2:30,4:15,8.00 : , : , , m ! ' i Wnx Works , llliislona. 1'n mlujjs. l < 'u Oroliuslr.i. llltf.siiow for I.iUiii Moiiny. FARNAM ST , THEATER , 1W& * li'our.Mxlit".CouiinaroiiuJuniUr Jlatlnoo.Marcli'il. 011 AS. A. UOOhUt , InTliu ( ir < > it Cumoitr , OH ! WHAT A NIGHT 11 t'rdttyUltli An I Kunnr Men-li. Tlio Ji.lXlj UiiKllib Wuiulfiri TMl5 ! SI.STKRB LxKIGM , fuTbalr Mnrvolouii Act.Tliu DANCINU DKI.l GRAND" COiNCI-R'IS 11V TUB 1 MARINE BAND. Of Washington , D.C. MR. JOHN PHILIP SOU3A , Conductor , AsolatoJ by the UolulirJtuJ Crlmu OO.IUB. . MI-Mv MAltli ; IlIH'UA. EXPOSITION HAIL , ( ( . WpilolAve. SATURDAY , MARCH 120 , Afternoon mill Ilveulnic. Roaorvoil Seats , $1 , 7ou und 50u , on Sa\o \ ut MoyorVj Music Store , 'J'l day , 21tb , ut 0