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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1892)
fniE OMAHA DAILY BEE : - MARCH 28. 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL nUJFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. t'cihtitd I j Carrier to any partof the City 11. W. TIl/TON , - MANAGER. I Iluilncss OfTlco . . . . . . . Npj1 | I JJ , Y. Plumbing Co. Council Blufla Lumber Co. , coal. Croft's ' chattel loans. 231 Sapp block. A motion for n now trial in the case of Fan- nlo 1. . Patterson aRolnsl the Union Pacific Hallway compnnv will bo nrgued In the dis trict court tomorioiv. Hcnrv Jcnson died nt 4 o'clock yesterday morning , ngcd 5 woclts. Tbo funeral occurred vcstcrdnv afternoon at I o'clock at the resi lience of'bis pnrcnti , 811 Mnln street. The remains wcro Interred In Fulrvlcw ceme tery. tery.The scaled verdict which was returned In the ca a ot llobson against the Ctlc.ico , Bur- llngton & Qulnoy Hnilway company was opened yesterday morning in tbo superior tourt and found to bo lor the plaintiff In the sum of * Ti5. The kitchen nnd basement furniture of the Grand hotel wcro taken possession of Into Wednesday nlcht by n deputy sheriff or. n writer attachment Issued from tbo district , court In favor of George E. UBRO to satisfy n claim for J,000. A committee has boon appointed by the trustees of the Youn Men's Christian asso ciation to nominate n sot of ofllcers for the iissoclatlon tor the coming yoar. It consists of N. P. Dodge , C. IX Pannclco and Henry Belong , who will meet as soon as possible nnd nijreo upon the nominations , which , will bo reported lo thu association at its anuual meeting on Monday evening , April 11. A quiet wedding occurred Wednesday evening at the homo of Mrs. Ella Hcaston , 835 Plorco street , the parties being Mr. Joseph - soph Laudcr of Onmhn nnd Miss Delia Hcai- ton of this city , Uov. A. Overton offlcmting. The trroom is connected with the Garncau Cracker company of Omaha ns traveling salesman. Ho has fitted up a homo in Omaha , nnd ho and his bride will go to housekeeping nt onco. _ L. A. Casper Is circulating n paper among the citizens in general requestInir the touncll to order cgst Plcrco street paved from Oak to Canning street In accordance with the politlou presented by him to the council a long tirno ago and withdrawn when ho loft that body. Ho has secured the signatures ' of a'largo number of heavy taxtuycrs and will present the petition to the council once moro nt its next mooting. A suit for a dlvorco was commenced In the district court yesterday by Marv A. Hancock ngalnst her husband , Joseph II. Hancock. In her petition she nlloccs that she married the defendant , October 18 , 1SS7. nnd lived with htm until the next August. In the meantime tie developed n fractious dis position , nnd abused her , calling her vllo names nnd being guilty of habitual drunk enness , do Dually wont to live with another womar , and she now demands a divorco. The King orC.iRollncNtovca. i The old single generator Dangler was the best pnsolino stove over made , bu ( Suupart & Co. have a now Dangler that is unquestionably the king of vapor btovos. It is called the Dangler Sur prlso , and is simply the old roliabl Htovo with a perfect process ( rcnerator nddcd. It burns a blue llnmo when lighted and has no odor in stopping or Blurting. Shugarte are the only people who handle them. Uow are your awnings ? J. M. Lamcko , 1U1 Pearl. Only homo factory. Jarvls' wild blacltborry Is the best. I'AItAURAl'llS. , 1 < \ M. Hunter loft yesterday for a visit to Ottumwa. C. P. Wright returned yesterday from a trip to Ottawa , III. Mrs. K. C. Smith entertained the young men of tbo Olivette circle last evening at her homo on First aveuuo. B. St. Andrews of Pnrkston , S. D. , is Visiting friends in tbo city. Ho reports -bis state on the eve of the Dlpgost boom ever Known. _ - * Ornnil Spring : Millinery Opening. On Monday , Tuesday nnd Wednesday of next week Mrs. PfollTer's pprlnjj nill- linory opuninf. ; will occur. It will bo tbo most elaborate that Mrs. Pfeiffer has ever attempted , and has required weeks of preparation. Miss Lizzie \Vcitz , an export trimmer und designer , who has had ton years' experience in tbo great eastern wholesale houses , is in charge of the pattern room. The opening will include both stores , 220 nnd 311 Broadway. O. Ynnkorman &Co. , feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 108 Broadway. Jar vis 1877 brandy , purust , safest , best , Olirrlinltzcr AY'iiutx Damages. H. II. Oborholtzcr commenced an action In the district court yesterday to recover dam ages for the Issuance of a writ of Injunction from the district court In favor of M. Kin- ports to prevent the sale of tlio bankrupt stock of clears and tobacco belonging to O. M , Oborholtzcr. The injunction wasp-anted upon nn allocation made by ICInpoits to the effect that the transferor tno stock from O. M. Oborholtzcr to tbo defendant was fraudu lent and without consideration. The Injunc tion bond was signed by Klnport * ns princi pal with J. P. Hess ns surety. Upon a final hearing the injunction was dissolved. Ober- holtzcr alleges that ho has been damaged by the annoyance anu thn delay occasioned by the temporary writ , and ho demands a judg ment of $1,000 against Hess. A suit Is also penning In the district court against Sheriff iiazon for the possession of tbo property of the bankrupt merchant , val ued nt 1,800. Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , lias nil the latest styles nnd newest goodtt. Satisfaction ( ruaranlccd. J. 0. Pryor. formerly of the Bank rupt olioo store on Main street , is now with L , KJnnohun nt the cornorof Pearl nnd Bryant stieot und hopes to ECU bis friends thoro. _ Kxliumcil the llomnlna. Robert Darker , accompanied by the coroner ner , Undertaker W. U. Estop and a few frlonas , wont to Pairvloty ccmotory yester day and exhumed the remains of his brother , John Barker , wto was killed sotno months ugo by a fall from a horso. Although Darker bad not seen his brother for nineteen years ho claimed that ho recognized him without difiicully. The IdontlllMtloii of the body was a preliminary which , had to bo gone through with In order that Burkor might prosecute the suit which ho contemplates bringing against tbo accident compauv to collect Vho f 1.000 of Insurance which his brother carried on bis life , Walnut block nnd Wjorr.lngf coal , fresh mined , received dally Thatcher , 10 Main street. Eastern money to loan on real estate by K. U. Shoafo , Broadway nnd Main. Literary Society Urenultril. A literary society has boon organized nmong the members of the Young lien's Christian association and will bold a meeting this oven- ing. An Invitation U extended to all the young poeT > lo of the city , and especially to ladles , to bo present nt the meotlcgs and to bet-emo members of the society. In addition to the literary exorcises ttiero'wlll bo music , There will also be u debate on thu question ) HosolvcJ , That u city boy in the touutry Is erocncr thau a country boy in the city. The exerclies will begin nt 8 o'cloct. The ar rangements are m tbo bunds of a raromittco consisting of Mowrs , Ned KmpUo , II. II , Harper , H. Halteuuauor and J. O. lloso. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS ilary Charleston Had a Narrow Escape from Death. PAINFULLY INJURED AT THE GRAND \Vlillo ClrnnliiK n U'lmlcnv nt ( tic Hotel She rails Iroin the Third Stori Hearing the KKIIII Lar ceny Case. Mary Charleston , n chambermaid at tbo . rand hotel , met with a sever" accident yesterday nftornoon , She was cleaning the outsldo ot one of the windows In the thlnl story of tbo building over the rotunda , and had climbed out on the window sill for the imrposu. In some way sbolost her balance nnd fell to the glass roof of the rotunda , n distance of nuotit llficen feet , landing on her shoulder. She was picked up almost insen sible nnd carried to u room In the servants' hall , whcro two physicians wcro summoned to attend her. An examination showed that ono upper urm had boon brolym , and the patient was'in such pain that chloroform had to bo adminis tered whllo the doctors were doing their wont. The fracture was finally set , but It was n very didlcult operation , ns It was so near tbo shoulder Joint as to bo very difiluult to got nt. The doctors fear that her arm will bo stiffened for llto as the result of the accident. The unfortunate pltl has boon at the hotel about a month , .mil it Is not known whether she has nnv friends or not. An ef fort will bu mudo to llnd them today , If tbcro nro nny , In order that tuoy may gtvo her the euro sbo ncods. Money to loan. Lowest ratoi. John- ton & Van Patten , Everett block. Wo have our own vineyards in Califo ? nla. Jurvis "Wino comu.xny , Co. Bluffs It is witli pleasure that Misses Sprink & Foaion an noun co to the public that they have scqurccl the services of Miss M. Wheclor of Chicago to take charge of their trimming department. Will bo pleased to sco all the ladies at our now parlors , No. 10 Main strcpt. Ewanson Mimic Co. , Masonio toraplo. Trlcil Tor Ilolibcry. The case of the state against Peta Egan , tbo motion for a continuance of which caused so much trouble Wednesday , vas put upon trial In the district court yostordny. Egan was present , and apparently in his usual health , In splto of the narrow escape ho had had , according to the statement of the physician , from entering death's portal. When it cameto the Introduction of evi dence , it was found that D. McSorloy , "a bar tender In a saloon In tbo .southern part of the city , was missing. Ho was ono of the most important witnesses for the state nnd his services couM not bo dispensed with. A bench warrant was therefore issued , nnd within on hour Mr. McSorloy was marched Into the court room In charge of a deputy sheriff , looking very much its If bo wished ho hadn't been found. Tbo court was lenient , however , and only taxed up the costs of the case to him , which amounted tJ 53.10. This amount was paid and tbo witness was put upon the stand. The trial of the case took up the ontiroday , and shortly before 0 o'clock in tbo evening tuo case was submitted to the | ury. ury.At 10:30 : o'clock the Jury carao In with a verdict , ilnding the defendant guilty of simple larceny and fixinc the amount of tbo property stolen at 50 cents. A perceptible smile ran nround the courc room nt tbo an nouncement of the verdict , which let tbo de fendant off a great deal moro lightly than hod been expected. Tbo 50 cents referred to was money which Sheridan loft lying on tbo bar In a saloon which he ant ! Egan visited on the night when the robbery was alleged to have taken place and was picked up by Egan , who said bo would keep It to treat the next man. Egan admitted ta'ilng this when bo was on tbo stand during iho afternoon. Ho was released on bail until next Monday , when bo will bo sentenced alone with tbo others who have been con victed. The case of tbo state against William Cup- ser , charged with stealing a coat , overcoat and watch from Woolsoy'a restaurant last January will be tried this morning , tno Jury having already boon Impaneled. Cutting : Down tlio Vorco. Mayor Lawrence has not made pubho bis selection of members of bis reorganized police force , but ho Is steadily diminishing the size ot tbo force In accordance with tbo views be expressed at tbo opening mooting of tbo now council. Two men have already been taken oft tbo day force , which leaves three men to do all the , patrolling of the city thatisdouoin the daytime ono on Upper nnd Middle Broadway , ono on Lower Broad way and ono on Lower Main street. Ic Is understood that a corresponding cut will Do made In the night force , tbo length of the various beats being increased so as to Increase - crease somewhat Iho amount of territory covered by each man and thus enable tbo department to do away with two or three patrolmen. It Is pretty well settled that J. M. b'canlan will bo the next chief of police , although bis appointment has not boon given out ofllclally. At the tlmo of tbo Domination ' of IJr. La'wronco for mayor ho agreed to consult tbo delegates to the convention as to the appointment of a chief. The delegates wcro unanimously In favor of Scanlan for the ofllce , and a paper has beau circulated and freely signed oy them in his favor. As Scanlun was the choice of the mayor In tbu Hrst place there can bo but httlo doubt us to tbo result. The now cmef will have his regular duties like any of the men under him , so that it is probable that a reduction can bo miulo in tbo number of men it has been found necessary to employ during the last two years to exercise a general supervision over the force. Tbo ofllco of day captain will be done aw&y with entirely and his duties will bo performed by the chief , while * the duties that have been done by the chief will bo performed by certain parties to bo selected bcroafter , without pay from tbo city. JIKKT aVOAlt. YcBtordaj'u rrorrcilliiRS of tlio Colorado Contention. DENVER , Colo. , March 24. The second day of the state boot sugar convention was a continuation of tbo success of yostordny In attendance and Interest. Able addresses wore made by Professor Ingorsoll of the agricultural department of Nnbraska ; Prof , Dice McLaren of tbo general experiment station of Wyoming ; J. U , Hamilton of tbo Oxford Boot Sugar company of Nebraska , niul Paul Meiers of Denver. The facts and Jlguros produced demonstrate the pocular ad vantages of the so-called arid region for tbo growth and maturity of a boot , rich In sacharlno matter and abundant Intjuallty. A resolution was unanimously adopted and nt once wired to Washington ondorMni ; tbo bill now before congress in favor of tbo free nnd unlimited coinage of silver. A permanent organization will bo effected and the question kept prominently boforo-tbo farmers and capitalist * until the state se cures the establishment of several plants for tbo manufacture of beet sugar. About I'urkn. OuAiu , March 23. To tbo Editor of TUB Ben : Your report in last night's paper In writing up the trip made yesterday by tbo city council to the Veruon Heights and other tracts , whllo substantially correct , lulled to lullysetout the full situation , The object and design of Messrs. Clark , Kountzo , Ames and others in iuvltiug iho city council nnd tbo park commission to lake a trip to these lands was : First , to vlo-.v the Parker tract , eighty acres , offered at f75,000 , and ISO or 103 acres westward at about IT.J.OO'J or $73,03 , * , or considerably Joss thau ono-hulf the price per aero , and with an average distance from the postoftlco site , as shown by Wolff's city map , of ono-half mile. Those lands , if desired bv tbo city council and the park commissioncan bo hud at ua average price of loss than (100 port acre , and , la connection with tbo Fores Lawn boulevard from Thirtieth street west to iho entrance to tbo Forest Lawn cemetery , will maKO , Including thu cemetery , 3J5 acres , one continuous tract of land , uoutalniQU eve 50J ncrci. This tract can bo connected on n halt section line with the Dlstln tract SIX ) rods south making practically ono body of land containing over 000 acrot. Under the state law governing cemetery as sociations , every dollar of revenue derived from thosuloof lots muit bo expended in Improvmc nnd ornamenting the grounds. The boulnvnrd from Thirtieth street to For est lawn as surveyed nnd staked out , and now under contract for grading , provides for n double track oleclrlo line , nnd the line can If need be , bo extended to Forest Lawn the present season If desired. This practi cally presents to the board , to tbo city coun cil , nnd above nil to the people of this city but ono proposition. Will tbo city decide - cido on the imrchaso of eighty acres of the PnrkcresUto forT5OOO.In preference to IbO odd acres for $73,000 to J74.000.tho former Iso lated , the hitter practically giving access to over 000 acres , which gives Omaha ono grand body of land with an electric line to Iho Dlstln tract nnd another similar line to Forest Lawn. S. fcoitif > t > Tin : y i\rn \ i'.ii'ins. Scnntnrfl III i\rcutl\o : Somlon Object to Their Method of ( Jetting No Hi. WASHINGTON- . C. , March 34. It seems singular with the grava emergency confront ing it , and uffalrs of state trembling In the balance , that the senate should lose sight of the real issues of the moment and tuni to scoring newspaper. } for printing news In .vhlch the people have legitimate interests. Vet such is the fact , nnd a largo part of the lir.o during which tbo semite has boon n executive session for the past few days , upposjd to bo devoting I'.self to the ull discharge ot Its high function ns nd- t'lsory boiy to the president , has really been devoted In u.uetulous complaints of news paper enterprise , mutual roctlmlnatlons fora uspectcd betrayal of tbo secrets nnd oarchos forbidden channels through which ho press obtains information. Today the , onato resorted to an unprecedented device , n ordering the withdrawal of all Its htroto- ere trusted employes from tbo chamber , ox- coptlng Secretary McCook. The foreign affairs committee reported through Mr. Sherman , recommending tbo ratification ot the Bering sea arbitration treaty. Mr. Sherman pointed out the ad- t-autago to the United States from ready acquiescence In the submission to arbitration and how Great Britain by refusal of the modus vlvondl would bo placed In an unouvl- nblo light. Sherman also ronorted a resolu tion from the committee In tbo nature of an endorsement of the nttitudo assumed by tbo president , and In substance assuring him of the support ot the senate. The discussion showed that there was no belief that war would result from the"pioscnt entanglement , ni.d for the second ttmo this session there was expressed the Idea that ns Great Britain appeared to bo estopped from acting according to her own best Interests nnd principles of common Justice through deference to the sentiment ot Canada it , would bo well to administer to the latter a lesson by the withdrawal of that priceless concession the privilege of free shipment of products und goods through tbo United States. There was no action taken on the subject. Indications are after a further dis cussion that tbo treaty will bo ratified. RnglUU I'ress Comments. LONDON , March 21. The Dally News says : 'Tnoro Is much force In Mr. Wbarton's ob- ertlon tbnt damages are unrecoverable from ndivldunls. Cannot Lord Salisbury pledge our credit for any line Imposed ? " The Times says : "The possibility of fur ther complications with America over the Bering sea question is causing uneasiness among members of the House of Commons who have special knowledge of tbo affairs. If tbo modus vlvendl is not restored It Is be lieved that America will hurry men-of-war to Bering sea and swoop off the Canadian vessels. On the other hand If the decision is adverse to the American claim , as most people ple acquainted wlih International law ex pect , tboro will bo no means of redress for the injury done by tbo suspension ot sealing lu ISltt. Commenting on the danger of bringing tbo British and American fleets in proximity , tbo Times says It Is only too likely to bring them into conflict , and COD eludes : "Tall twisting may bo a popular sport , but a seri ous quarrel with England is not likely to as sist Mr. Haruson in a presidential cam paign. " _ i"un RELIEF. Iowa People Demand tlio Death of Prohi bition at the Present { Session. DCS MOISES , In. , March 21. Innumerable petitions wero'rcceivod In both branches of tbo legislature today to pass the anu-prohl billon bill as early as possible. It sets forth that tbo Gatch bill , or some similar one , is In accord with the wishes of a very larco major ity of tno people of the state , and that cities are entitled to some relief at the hands of the present legislature before It adjourns. In tbo senate this morning the following appropriations were passed : Institute for thn Feeble Minded. $ [ 0,000 ; Soldier * ' Or phan home. $13,500 ; Industrial Homo for the Blind. $20,800 ; Stale university , STd.OOO : In stitute for tbo Deaf ana Dumb , $10,000 ; Ag ricultural college , 850,000 : Benedict boms , $3,000 ; fish commission , $4,000 ; weather ' and crop service , $5,500 ; dairy commis'slonor , ? 1,600 ; state library , $5,000 ; capltol building repairs. ? 10,000. A bill was introduced by the ways and means committee to revise the revenuelaws. . It requires that ull property bo assessed ot cash valuation. Petitions wore presented asking the passage - sago oftbo mining bills and the establLa- ment of a reformatory prison. The appro priation for the Mount Pleasant insane uos- pltal , $ lS.OOt ) , was passed. A resolution providing for a sifting committee was adopted. In tbo bouso the Australian ballot bill was passed without opposition. Tbo senate bill to protect tbo makers ot negotiable Instru ments was also passed. The Haaa bill pro hibiting cousins from marrying was recon sidered , amended and finally passed , ftob- Inson's bill to prevent Improper use of money In elections was pissod.nUoOrowry's bill to exempt fees to tbo value of $30J from taxation. Bills appropriating $17,700 for tbo normal school uud ( liU50 : for the Fort Madison peni tentiary were passed. After a lively debate , a motion to reconsider Oronoweg's bill com pelling railroads to use uulon depots where erected , prevailed. Tbo remaining bllU passed were : Appro priating for tbo college for tbo blind ; to cs- tabllih a board of park commissioners in Dos Moines nnd Sioux City : to Indemnify the Des Molnes river land settlers who bad boon dispossessed of homes : to amend Insur nnce laws. _ \VU.I , MAKU ANOTIIKR KPFOIIT. Iowa People Determined to Wno Out Prohibition at Once , Sioux CITV , la. , March 24. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Leading republicans to day circulated the following potman to the leglslatuio to reconsider the action on the Gatch bill : We , the undersigned republican cltlrons of Slou\ City , ro [ ieoltiilly uslc Unit you will ro- consldor your \oto to Indcllnltoly postpone thu Outuh bill und pass It in early UH I < ructluiblu. : Wo muUo this request for tlio rcubontbut no bollovo that the p.issiizo of suU bill will bo for the best Interests of the fcluto of lomi , und for tbu f in tbcr reason that If you do not piss suld dutch bill , or some Hlmllur bill , you will full to u duty you owu to tbu people of tbu stiuu of Iowa. About 1,000 signatures were secured today including many prominent business men and prohibitionist * . A ( strong delegation will carry the petition to Dos Molnes. Tbo wires have been kent hot nil day be tween all tbolaigo clllos ot lena urging to similar action. Omnlia Itoyn Took All. An open amateur athletic contest under tbo auspices of tbo Younir Men's Christian association was held at Exposition hall last evening , Two gold medals aud a silver cup were the prizes put up for tbo sixteen con. testants to Mrlvo for. While tbo audience was not as largo as was expected , most of the voung men about town who are Interested lu athletic 8 ports wcro present. The entertainment opened with a hitch and kick , and U. M. Doody ot tbo Omaha Atblotlo club won with a record ol 7 feet 8 Inches to bis credit , liemtzoof the Omaha Athletic club won tbo standing high Jump , making 4 foot 4) Inches. A staudmif bop , step and jump came next , and W. A. DC Bord of tbo Young Men's Christian association carried off the honors , making 27 feet ! ) Inches. Heiutzo won tbo three board jumps , clear ing : " ) feet. Fran * Jclea ot the Bohemian Sokol put a sixteen-pound MiotCRtot / 4 Inchoj. and the winner of thatciHWlt. At the close of the entertainment Holntzo Doody nnd Foyo 'torfkf'Oio ' first , second and filrd prizes rcspccth'Wy ! The prle winners nro nil members of th | Omnhn Athletic club , IT H'lfcX T.JlffilX UM.lll.4. ( Irantl Itnllroinl Cmnhlimtliitv. Arnincril llruclilnfrTlmfiij'liont the AVc t. ST. PAUI , Minn. , I rch 24. An afternoon paper prints tbo following In connection with nn Interview on the 'developments ' of the re cent Kansas City losing to tbo Chicago Great Western railway1 'company { "It Is my humble opinion , " says the In formant , "that ( Jhalrmtm Stlcknoy'a organi zation of the Chicago. Great Western com pany Is the precursor of President Hill's gigantic plan. You will notice that simul taneous with the rnllilcntlon ot the lease of that company of the lines ot tbo Chicago , St. Paul ft , Kansas City the articles of tbo Sioux City , Chicago & Baltimore wore tiled at Sioux City. Those companies wore organ ized for the paine Individual object. The future course of the Chicago Great Western , except that It contemplates the construction of n line to Omaha , Is not generally known , but tbo Sioux City concern is not at all back ard about stating Its object. It Is an nounced that It will build a line across Iowa , on the Mississippi , another to Osago. In. , an other to Ucs Moluos and another to Kcoi'.uit. But It Is not lluely that It will do It. U can. govlacn air line with the Chicago Great Western which will give U nllno to Dubuque - quo nnd another through DCS Moines nnd ttionco to Kansas City , with n practical ebort "hie to Chicago. "In consequence of this the Sioux CItv , Culcaeo & Baltimore will have to build only 100 miles In ordtr to connect. And 1' , as stated , President Hill Is Interested ho will have n line from Puget sound to St. Paul and Chicago , a line from Sioux City to St. Paul and Duiuth , a line from Sioux City to Ulilcaco nnu another from Sioux City to [ Cnnsas City. If , ns contemplated hcro- : oforo , the Pacific Short Line is com pleted to Ogdcn or thereabouts , there will bo additional territory to draw from with the possibility of a line from the Great Northern at Spokane to some point on the Short Lino. Those four taking everything Into consideration , 1 have every reason to ex pect the formation of a great railway system to bo composed of the Great Northern , Chicago cage , Sioux City & Northern , the Pacific Short Line , -tho so-called Sioux City , Chicago & Baltimore , with tbo Baltimore & Ohio as seaboard outlet. Decided Against the "Q. " Cniciao , 111. , March 24. A decision was promulgated today by Chairman Flnloy In the case of the Hock Island road against the Burlington , concerning the sale of a ticket from Chicago to Georgetown , Colo. The ticket was of tbo Burlington Issue and , be sides bcm r bought ot a broker for $23 , was not limited in accordance with the Chicago rate shoit. Ttfo chairman bold that the defendant - fondant was not responsible for tbo sale of the ticket through a tlckot broker at loss than tariff rates , but ilnds the company guilty of putttug an excessive limit on thn tlckot and assesses the usual line for viola tion ot the agreement.- - H- * - OFFICER CORY1S CLOSE CALL. Midnight Prowlers Try to Murder n Police. At 2 o'clock yestei-dhy mornioK an nttemct was made to shodj ollco Ofllcor Cory as ho was walking bis/bgat on North Sixteenth street. jL'ifc Cory was passing "along the Enterprise Credit _ company's "store when ho saw two men peering into thp windows ot the saloon just across tbo allpy ; Ho quickened his pace and tbo pair ran. Cory followed and when near _ the south corner of tbo block ono of ' the men wheeled around and polned ( a glstol at the officer , at the same time telling' ' him to stuud still. T h policeman attempted' , to draw his revolver , but before ho got tbe 'weapc/ri' / fairly in his hand both strangers assaulted him and wrested the gun'from his eras p. It was then that tbe shot was fired. The moment tbo tailor of Iho two assailants gained possession of the revolver his partner pulled a pistol and fired point blank at Cory's head and then quickly disappeared dowu a dark alley. Fortunately for tbo officer the aim was n little high and tbo bullet passed over bis head and just missed tearing a hole through his cap. Cory was stunned and his face was quite badly burned by the powder , causing blood to flow quite freely. An alarm was sent into headquarters by telephone from the Esmond hotel and a load of oQlcers WAS driven to the scone on a run. The injured policeman was hastily con voyed to the station and phvslclans sent forte to pick out tbo powder and dress the bruises. Ofllcor Cory could not give a very good description of the thugs , but ho did tbe best ho could and the city was soon flooded with officers searching for tbo two bad men. A kit of burglars' tools was found in tbo allay near whore the men wcro first scon. IXJUltED IX A 11.11TMU.II > WRECK. Serious Accident on the Utnh Ccntiiil Itall- ro.icl. . PAIIK CITT , U. T. , March 24.rl bo 4 o'clock train this afternoon on tbo Utah Central rail- load between Park City and Salt Lake City , duo at the latter place nt 0:30 : , met with nn accident which was quite serious In its re suits and barely failed of being fatal. About four miles below Park City , when going around a sharp curve , the ono car which comprised the train jumped the rails and was overturned. Tbo train was at once stopped , but not until all' ' of the passengers wcro moro or less injured. There were about thirty people in tbo car and very fe v escaped u llbout Injury and ono or two may die from the Injuries received. The cause of the accident was too much elevation on tbo outer rail , which caused the car to overturn. People from the city flocked to tbo sccno nod ready assistacco was glveu the injured. Those injured severely wore : Miss EMMA of Albany , N. Y. Miss OON.NEI.I. , Salt Lake. Miss Koox , Sale Lake Mits. HANSONHcrber , Utah. MH. L. 1C. TOI.I.H , Berber , Utah. F. C. GENTSCII , superintendent of tbo western division of tbo Paciflc Express com pany. _ _ HIS WIFE'S KX-1WHH.IS1) . Mr. hcbrowakl Inlki About U.iron Do Sleui-s. CIIICIAOO , III , March 21. Regarding the re port that Daron dortours holds that the di vorce recently obuUited by bis wife la South Dakota will not Dojralla In tbo Netherlands , Elliot Bobrowakl , Jpp husband of the former baroness , todav said : "Tha so-called baron knows bettor tharf'to waste his fortune In any effort to prove" a natlvo born Amor- lean to bo ind Dutch woman , or that a i.bonn lido American decree , ot dlvoi ei invalid tbo whole world over , when do/ended tooth nail , und with and without , , diplomatic aid which means no little to thbso who have trampled through Its in Ire. , My advlco to tbo so- called baron's ttoeroingly many friends would bo to stand ) oft and not bring tboir ' baron" so frequently before the American people through th.q | moalum of our great press. Wo are not educated up to the so- called burons dlpUtmatio tactics and someone ono might inlsjuciga him and then . " 'tlio Man of Destiny. " JEriEiisox CmMo. . , March 24. Tbe Mis sourl legislature adjourned sine die at 1 p. in. today. Ono of tbe last acts of tbo house waste to pass a resolution endorsing " 'J'liu Man ol Dostlny. Grover Clnvelund , " for the demo cratic presidential nomination , North DuUotii Dcmorrati. Giuxn FOIIKS , N. D. , March 24. Tbo democratic state convention wai held hero today. The delegation goes to Chicago unia- structed , but in favor of Cleveland. The hliumroclt. In Ireland only ono shamrock if kiio\vfl. It is an indigenous spocloa ol clover , which trails along the ground among UIQ grass in the meadows. The trefoil leaves are not moro than one- fourth the size of tha smallest clover in America , and nro pure green , without any of the brown shading of white and piilk covers. ' WORTH A GUINEA A BOS.1 < In th : family are more often the result of' ' tffttnJtrtJttffatitHiluin most people know. ; mill kerf ftaei i -fl family , by curlm * Hit U S Ilcniliiclir , VVfnttq Hloniucli , Impaired l ltr ( llon , 1 -Q orilrroil I.lvcr , CnnMlpnllon , "nog nil Illllon. nnd X rvnu > DUorilcrnJJ irlnlnz from them cou r . A Of all drucRl u. 1'rlce 2T. cents a box. S New York Depot , 385 Canal St. * 2g DOCTOR will stop a Cough in ono night , : check a Cold in a ( lay , and CURE ! Consumption if taken in time. ! IF THE HTTLE ONES HAVE. WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : Useiirrompily.j A 25 cent bottle may ; , eave their ; lives. Ask ; v Y It Tastes Good. : . - - . i -ffiss-Kvy was : Dr. Acker's English Pills- CUItn CONSTIPATION. Small , pirn , ant , n fnvorllo with Ilia Imllt" . W. II. IlOOKHIl & CO , West Hroailwft > , N. Y. . For Palo by Kulin &Co. , andShorman & McConnell , Omahtv. INDIAN DEPREDATION CLAIMS Persons who have lost property from Indian raids should ( lie their claims under the Indian Dcprolntlon Act of Marah' * , 13J1. The tlmo Is limited , an 1 the claims are taken up by the courtm the orJor lurhluh they nro involved. TakaNotlco that all contracta entered Into with attorneys prior to the Act are mad ] null and void. Information given und all claims oromptly attoridcJ to by the Blili BUREAU OP CLAIMS. OMA1-IA. , NElBI-iASKA. Ruroau Is ciiarantcol ly ) the Omaha II co. the I'loncar I'icss unJ the Sin Francisco Examiner. CHAIN niLK. R. WB3T'S NKIIV'B AND I1UA.IN TUB AT- MKNTft Bpocltto for Itratarli , Dlizlnosi , nn , Xoil- rnlula , ileadaclio , Ncrroiu Prostration ciu ud by nl < cobol or tobacco , Wakefulnos ) , Mental Dcjiroulon , Softcnlnx o ( tha Drnln. otusltu Infinity , mlsory , decxy , death , 1'rcnnturo Old AKO llnrronnon , Lou of 1'owcrln oltlicr ox. Impotency , I.oucorrliool Hn I nil 1'cmalo Weakncssoi , Involuntary I SSQJ , Sosr- .imtorrhoonc.iusuJ by oror-oxortlon ot tba brain. Bclf-abuBp.oTor-InitulKenos. A month's treatment II , It/or ( A , by mill.Vo Quarant33 alx boxel to euro. KachordorforG boxei , with Si will oi-i written - ten RUarantoe to rotund 1C not c.iroJ. Ounrantao Isguod only by A. Scunner , DruBulst. KOO ! n anti , S. E cor. Ilith and Karnam iU. . Omahi. Nob. Dr , Ballsy , $1 The Loading Dentist ' Third Floor , Paxton Blos'c. Telephone 1085. 10th and Fnruam Sts. A full ectof teeth on rubber for $3 I'erfcct nt. Icclli without plntcs or removable bridge work. just the thing for gingers or public speakers , never drop down. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All llllluK nt reasonable rateaall rtork warranted. Cut Uils out for u guide. COUNCIL BJJFK : mm DYE mm All klmlsof Dt'o'nRand Olennlntrdrmo In the highest style of the art. r.uUul nnd Rtalnotl fabrics mudo to look us peed us now. Hod fo.ithcrs cloiino.l hy btoam in Urst-olu s man ner. Work promptly done and delivered in ull parts of the country. Send for nrlco list. . 0. A. MAOHAN , - - I'/tUl'RlETOU. 1 OUUroadwiv. Neir North we itar.i COUNCIL HbUVFl , lO.VA. Sims & SaandcrsTn ln1 ! federal courts. UoDinJ ! . 4 unit j llcno block. Council liiulfj. Ix Chas. Lunkley , Fnncrnl Director and Undortikpr. 311 Broadway , Council Dluds. Tjlaphoii .111. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. "ITUMt HALF. 10 acres of line l-.iicl. suitable -L for ( 'iinlen und fruit : prleo , tJiu per ncroi two miles from cltv ; will take purl payment in city property. Apply to Leonard Cvcrott , Council Illnffs. FOH HAI/K At a bargain , I'-uero fruit IUH ! curden faun ndJoining city llinlu ; good dwelling. ! - H. Hluinfe. T71AKM3 , K rJon lands , Imii9j , lots unJ J-'business Mo.'ks for .1 lie or runt Day A Llosa , i.U I'oarl strout , Oounoll IllulfJ. jj OH HKNT-Ovor 10) ) dwollhiTs of every do- JL'bcrlptlon at prluos varyln ? froni * l to IIUJ per tnoiitli , loc ito4 In all puns of tlio city , . Hlioife. f > 'JJ llroadwuy. ( VSiporiiora for good farms In Iowa. Kino , Petnooth coin land , Kor purtluulars call on 01 nddioss Johnston & Vim ratten , Council 111 n Us. FlIUMKIini ) HOOMB KOK KKNT-XIcoly furnished rooms for gentlemen. tf.'OOau- luud avenue. addition Hats for rout , seven iH earli ; liath ; hot and cold \rutur , TjlOIl HAIjR The ritelllin rchldi > " ( ! o on Bth JL' street , half u liloi'lc north of nth avcnuo motor line. Apply to I'irst .Nailoiul Imnk , Umahn , or N , I' . lodne & Co. , Council illnira. IIUIXH Ui : The Trust Now Has Coinplclo Control of tlio Market. CHICAGO , 111 , , March -M. A rise In the price of whisky may bo loolteil for nt uny tlmo. In accordance , it Is said , with orders Issued by tlioVhlsUv trust to further re strict tlio output on all the distilleriesowned by it , nil ot the Chicago houses in tbo com bine are running "oUort , " Although tha do- inaUd for spirits U brisk , tbo output is not nearly as largo as Ian fall. Tbo records of tbo Internal revenue ofilrohhow u falling- oft In tbo Chicago distillers alone of 1,500 buub * els of Grain per day , which means 0,000 gallons lens of spirits dally. It is asserted that ull this U an indlcatiou .bat the trust lias now more complete masttry ot tbo market than ever before. > INSTITUTE. jj Eye & Ear INFIRMARY FOR THIS TREATMENT OF ALL IloM facilities , apparatus und Komodloj for succrssfu | treatment of nvory form of dlsenso rcmilrlnt medical or surjlf.u tiontmunt. M beds for p.iUcnts , buiril nnd nttciidnnco. Host nccoinndntums In tlio west , wrllo for circulars on dcformlt us niul braces trusses club feet , cilrvatitros of snlnu. iillrs , tumors , e niceroutarrli , biouohltls. In- Imliuloiielectricity , pur.ilysln , opllt'lioy , kill- uey , bladder , OVP. our , skin and blood and all EASES OF PMEN , TY. \ \ otiieii l'HiK. : Wo'lmvu Intel v milled Ti lyliiR- In dpnnrunout for uotiiPti during confinement , strictly ur\ato.l Only liellablo Mcdlcul In- stltutomakluit uSpoululty ot 1'HIVA'L'KUfHKARHS All Illood Dlsuasoa successfully troitot. Sytihllltlo 1'olson removed from tno system without imTLMiry. Now lli < stnr.itl\o ' 1 rent- incut for Loss of VITAIi 1'OWKIl. loroim 1111- itbln to vHlt us inav bo trettcd lit hoinu by torrosuon Icnuc , All coiuinunleutlons confi dential. Medicines or Instruiunnts sent l > y mall oro\prcss , neon rely pacKcd , no inures to Indlcatu contents or si'iuler. Duo perbonnl In- tcrylew pruferro.l. Call unil consult us or send history of your case , and ue111 send In plulu \\rupuor.our nnnif i n AfPimnns uw > n rriv.uo , DUUK lu men , jpcolu | , ) r NOVOUS DIS- casei. Itiipotcney. Svphllls , U lev tan I Viuleo- role , with uncwtion Ihu llr.iees Appliances for Dcformlllos fc Trusos Only in inufactory Intho Wcstof tiiifitiCAi * It : n-l'l.lAAVM , , KLKC1-KW uAirKiiihn A \ n n KI.IH. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th nnd Broadway , Oojnoll Bluff * . Ten minutes' ildo from center of Oni ihi on Omaha and Council IHulTj ulectilu motor Hue. THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. New , modern , wcll-npnointod , thor oughly well-kept , $3 a day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council nhilli. Capital stce'c . / < , Surplus und Profits . HOOOO Xct Capital nnl SurpUi Directors- ) Kit-nundinn , K. I. hliunrX K > J Glca on , K K. Hart , I. A. Jllllar , J. V. lllna'mn nml CbarlcD H. llnnnin TransictRenoral ! ) iul > - Ing otisiness. Largest capital und surplus of any bunk In Southwestern lotta. NTBREST ON TIME3 DEPOSITS FOUND AT LAST Aflor Yo.irs of Unsuooassfdl Search for Cure , Martin. Ander.-ou Qot3 Kolleffrora the Chlnssa Doctor-.V Vol'tnUrTjiti monldl. OMAHA , Nob. . Jnn. 18 , 1892. To whom It May Concern ; This is to cortifv'tlmt I have boon iv constant sufToror for many VCIUM with cntitrrh , nsthma and bronchial aftoo- tlond of the throat , and tried all the tinlout medicines niul romoilies I overheard hoard of , but with no success. I tientcil with doctors in various narla of the country , but none of thorn coulil do mo any good further than giving mo unor temporary relief. I sulforod niirht nn ilny. anil continued to grow worse not withstanding all the medicine I had tnltcn. I had almost given up my iaso as hopeless when 1 was Informed by a friend of Dr. C. Goo Wo , the Chlncso doctor , and advised to go and boo him in the hope of getting relief at least , if not a permanent cure for my trouble. 1 was slow in making up my mind to muko such a radical change in my treatment , ii8 I know a trial with the Chinese tloc- lor would bring mo , but I finally con cluded to give him a triiil. so I called nt > his office with that intention. I tound the doctor a clover , entertaining gentle man , thoroughly posted on my condl lion , and it took only a vary short tlmo to convince mo that ho was the party I was eo long in search of. Ho told mo my case was curable , and that ho could eifro mo , and prouared mo a suoclal tioatmonttn suit my condition , nnfl in two weeks 1 was so much bettor that I had the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability and committed my cnso to hia treatment. I continued to grow batter r.ipitlly and am now entirely well. 1 owe inv cure to D . C. Goo Wo , and am not ashamed to admit it. I ad vise all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Goo Wo. and they will bo cured. For all particulars apply or write to MARTIN L. ANUBKSON , 8121 CumSng St. , Omaha , Nob. DR. C. GEK WO , Uocnlnreridiuitoot Clilncsn tnoclioliip. olehb years'study , ton yoirs' pru-tlco Tro-ils suc cessfully all diseases Umnui to sulTerliighu- mnnity. Kooti , plants : md herbs nuturoN remedies his medlelnes the \ > orld hU wltiii" * < ; l.UiK ) tot- tlrnonlata. U.ill nnd see him , Consult itlon free. Hiisiilso coiittnntly on hind remedies for the following discuses roulv : prepared : Asthnm , Ciuarrh , UliennritlHin. ImllKCstlon. Lost Mnnhoofl. Female Wo.ikiHss. Hlclc lioad- nclie , Illood I'urlllnr. and Kldn y und I.Ivor. 1'ilcc , ono dollnr per bottle or six for Hvo dol- Inis. Those nho ciinnot cull , ono'oso L'-cent stitinp for question list and full pirtleulnrft. Lfhco , Cor. 10th and California Sts. . Om They All Buy It SANDWICH BARREL CART. The best seller on the market. So cheap any one can afford it. So good none can do mitout it. SANDWICH MPG , GO , Sandwich , Illinois. W. M. Jones , Gen'l Ag't , Council Bluffs , la. BAKING . POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE - R.CO. KANSAS CITY.MO.