Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1892, Image 1

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    FHE OMAHA ii r.\ ' \
. \
Commissioner Qreer and President Strang
Will Bo Asked Concerning the Cash.
Ilntr * of tlio Comiiiuilim nnd Stntittcn ut
Nchnmkii i\utlril : by the tlriitlomcn 111
5& Control Will Unto n 1'ull
titscoi.s , Nob. , March 25. | Spcciil to Tnc
Bun. | The Nebraska Columbian commission
held another mealing today In a hopeless en
deavor to ascertain Just whcra It was. Die
effort wus hardly n success , and It was
unanimously decided that nothing rould bo
tlono until Provident Strang nnd ex-Comrals-
Bionor General Groor appeared und onllgbt-
cncl : the board ns to what had occn diiuo by
them without the knowledge or consent of
the commission.
At the morning session a resolution was
adopted calling ox-Commissioner Grcor to
nppcar before the board at Its meeting on
April 5 anil make a full accounting of nil
funds expended during his administration.
lie will ba required to tell what money was
expended , for what purpose , und to present
Item z'd .statements of each nccount together
with vouchers and receipts. It is also n fact
that during hU administration sotno ten or
fifteen counties paid to bin the sum of f50
each to bo used In the purchase of grain cases
for the state exhibit. Ho will bo asked to
inform > lho board ns to the disposition of this
money as well ns which counties furnished it.
Hystcnmtlr ISvaalou of tlio I.nw.
During the informal discussion of the situ
ation this forenoon it was developed that not
only the law , but the by-laws of the commis
sion had been systematically evaded by two ,
nnd probably three , members of tbo commis
sion. Tbcso three members constituted the
executive council , ns provided by law. They
were President Strong , Commissioner Gen
eral Greer and Secretary Powers. AR far ns
the records of the commission show tbcso
thrco ofllclnls completely ignored the law anil
the rules laid down for their guidance. In
hardly n tingle Instunco has the law been
complied with nnd it rests with these gentle
men to prove whether or not their failure to
perform the full measure of their duty was
the result of accident or design. In cither
case they will hardly escape the just criti
cism which the reorganized commission will
undoubtedly bestow ut its meeting next
week. The following ure the by-laws
adopted at the meeting of the commission on
September 10 of last year :
Ily-I.nwn of tlio Commission.
First The name of this commission shall bo
thn Nebraska. Columbian commission.
Hccoml Four members shall bo necessary to
constitute u ciuurum.
Thlid Thn regular plnceof meeting shall bent
nt the olllco of the governor ut the city ot Lin
coln , but the president may. In his discretion ,
call meetings of the commission at any other
jiliKO he may deem proper and Hhall do so on
call signed by u majority ot the commission.
Fourth The regular meeting of the com
mission shull bo on the llrst Tuesday of next
UctoDcr and shall bo on tlio llrst TncsJay of
each alternate month unless othocwlse di
rected ly tlio picsldcnt , and the picsldent
may. If bo thinks proper , call special nicotines
of the commission on clvliix cnch member
thereof at least ten days'notice , and It shall
bo his duty to call special meetings whenever
n majority ot the motiil ors slmll sign u cull
therefor nnd presoi.t thosimo to him.
Fifth-No money shall bo drawn from the
comlSBlon except when estimates shall first
have been made by the executive council
Binned by the president and secretary and no
one estimate .shall exceed W.MIJ except In euso
of emergency and upon u unanimous vote of
the commission nnd approved by the gov
ernor , nnd bcforo uny other estimate can bo
mude or money drawn the president and sec
retary shall present to the commission ami
governor a full , complete nnd Iteml/ed state
ment with vouchers of ull expenditures , ull of
allied shall Lo duly certified to by the presi
dent nnd secretary ns belli , ; Just und correct ,
.Sixth No money shall be paid out for uny
purpose whatever until there shall llrst l.o
Illcil with thn secretary or commissioner ucu-
vral un Item ? cd statement of the claim certi
fied to by the claimant that the account Is
Just , correct and reasonable , and that thu
labor wns rcndeicd or material furnished ns
cimrsod therein , nnd that the name has not
liecii'pald ; und each account , sullied shall
when audited nnd allowed by the executive
council be paid by the president upon the
nicsontiitlon of u wai runt ur.iwn by tlio secre
tary und stHiupcd with thu B2ul oftliocom-
jiils.ilon. 1'rovlded. however , the conimls-
hloner lu' may draw win rants on the
president for the payment of 1)1.Is not evceed-
inj'In any one month * ! , MJ without said bills
belli ) : Hist allowed by tlio executive council ,
lint all Biiob bills must bo reportoJ to tbo
council once u month and must bo
upon by the commission at Its nuxt i
niter said bills shall hivu been p.ild ,
Seventh It shall be the duty of tno secre
tary. In addition to the usual duties of u st
rotuiy. to kcop u hook or books In which a
lull , complete nnd accurate account of all
moneys received from whatever source nnd
Bhowlnn the disbursements thereof , to whom
and for what purpose , which liojk or books
binII at all times bo open to Inspection.
Kljrhth The president shall preside ut ull
nicotines of thu commission when present ,
und In h 8 absence a president pro torn shal
Lo chosen. Ho shall lie the custodian of ull
moneys coming Into the hands of the rommls-
nlon and shall pay the M vine out only on war
rants draw n upon him by the secretary or the
commissioner tcneril. as proscribed In sos-
tlon t1. anil shall un entitled tootj on ull
< jnrstlonn comlni before the comm sx'ou.
Ninth The commissioner shall bo
cx-ollldio member ot thu Unto commission , u
ndvlsu und vote only In easu ot n tic. to i ustlu
In nnd out of season for thu Kr.iml success of
the Columbian exposition and to seu Ne-
lirafcUa tuUoj front runk In tlio great slstor-
liooii of slates lu IKM.
Tenth Tlio commission shall provide .
real , on which shall bo utiKravod the words
'NebriiHlca Columbian Commission. "
nio\cnlb Those by-laws nmy lo changed
altered or amended ut uny regular meeting o
the commission by u twothirdsotuof ull the
members appointed.
] ty-I.iMrn Contrary to Law ,
There is hardly any doubt that the sixtl
section of the above by-laws la illegal. The
law creating the commission und appropri
ating the funds for the atuto exhibit estab
llsbcd the manner in which ttw money should
ba disbursed. Section U of the by-laws
mauos nn entirely different provision for thi
disbursement of the tui.ds. Tbo section a
I originally submitted was correct and tbo
only one that should have been adopted ; bu
in open meeting today members of tha com
mission stated that President Strang ana
Commissioner General Grcer objected so
strenuously to the rule that it was amended
BO ns to permit them to spend tbo uiono >
about as they pleased. Even the nmended
Fcctloa has not been observed , for from th
time It was adopted down to the day ho lof
for Texas President Straup persistently nog
Itclcd to render MI itomlzod statement of th
bills and accounts paid by. him under war
runts drawn by the commissioner general.
Sttrrct'.iry Toner * CrltlcUed ,
ComtnUslonur Gala was disposed to attach
Borne of the blame to the secretary nnd h
did not hesitate to do so In open ineetliijr. H
called attention to section 7 of the by-law
printed above , which provides that the secretary
rotary shall keep n complete und accurate no
count of all moneys receive ! from whatovc
source nnd shpwlncr the disbursements there
of , to whom nnd for what purpose , und tha
euch book shall at all times bo open to in
npcctlon. Secretory Powers has utterly ncp
Icctcd to do his duty as laid down under thl
Boctlon aud Commissioner Gala did not hdsl
tate to characterize his neglect to do HO as
culpable in the extreme.
It was urjctl In Mr. Powers' defense b
Commissioner Mobloy that the president uiii.
the commissioner general had tuidlously ig
iiorcd the existence ot the secretary ; tba
they hud simply gone ahead without consult
ing him. Consequently u was impossible to
him to keep an itemized account of the re
cclptc and expenditures when such receipt
and expenditures were not reported to him
Commissioner Gala replied that , the secrc
lury could have at least entered a forma
protest ; but that ho had searched Ilia rccor
lu a vain effort to find such a protest.
Atullablo FuuiU iiliun : tiMlv
Auditor Henton states this afternoon tha
ho will pay no moro warrants until the law
providing that after ono estimate has been
allowed no further estimates can bo made or
money drawn until the president nnd secre
tary shall present to the commissioner gen
eral a full , complete nnd itemized statement
with vouchers of all expenditures , nil of
which shall bo duly certlllod to by
thn president nnd focrotnry na bcinc
just nnd correct. In this view tbo
uudltor Is upheld by all the member. * of
the commission present. In this connection
it may be said Hint the law made the presi
dent of the commission the custodian of the
funds of tbo commission. The prcsUont is
the only disbursing odlcor and ho Is ro-
npousiblo to no ono but the commission itself.
Ho is not required to Illo his vouchers with
the auditor of state. No thin tr in the Irregular
manner In which the work of the commission
has been conducted can bo construed ns n re
flection upon the auditor's ofllco.
lit HcRiird to the I.Mucutlonnt Kxhlhlt ,
The only matter discussed by the commis
sion today outside of the unfortunate er.
tanclomcnt ot the financial affairs was the
matter of the educational exhibit. The com
mission has boon freely crlllcisod bv the
educational journals over the stnto for its
nttltudo on the matter. The fact Is thattheso
educational journals have been misinformed
ns to tbo wishes of tha commission and in
order to correct any further misapprehension
the following resolution was adopted :
Hcsolved , That tlio Nebraska o'fiicutlonnl
exhibit bo made In the Lllicrul Arts buildup
In connection \\lth educational exhibits of
utliui- stales us tcqulrod by the rules pro
scribed by thu National Ilo.ird of Control , and
that energetic elVorts be nuido to hu\o ihr ex
hibit In keeping ulth the excellence of our
educational system , und that wo o irncstly In-
vlto the houity oo-opuratlon o ; all educators
und educational Institutions In thn state In
ourolFortH to iiiiikou creditable showliu of
Nebraska's advancement and liberality In In
tellectual development , and thnt we will ex
tend ull ( Iminclul aid possible to accomplish
that end.
UesoUcd. That application bo Immediately for U.OOU fnut or door space In the
Arts building to bo used for the educational
After on Informal discussion of other mat
ters the commission udjourned to meet on
April 5.
Desperate Clnir.ietcrM Itooatlng In n Manger
Discovered by Itoya.
A gentleman llvijg on North Sixteenth
street , reported to the pollco last night that
some men had boon hiding all day in an old
unoccupied barn near Sixteenth and Cass
streets. Two young boys were playing
about tha barn during the day and hearing
voices sneaked up and peered through tbo
crack . Lying in u manger on a pile of
rubbish und straw were thrco rather tough
looking customs. The lads listened u moment
mont and heard ono man ask :
What shall we do If they find us here ! "
Why , llll thorn full of load If wo oan't get
away without bcinp caught , " was the answer
vbich the person addressed mado.
This kind of talk frightened the boys and
they run homo to tell their mother. This
was at noon. At 4 o'clock the baru was still
occ'iplo.l. When the bovs1 father reached
homo the circurastunces were rotated to him
and ho nt. . onca repDrtod the matter to thj
llrst ofllcer ho mot. A couple of detectives
hastened to tbo barn aud a thorough search
of the premises wns made but the birds bad
The police think the men wcro the cracks
men who tried to shoot Olticer Cory the
night before.
New York r.uborcrg Hold a Mass Meeting :
Pinorlni ; Exclusion.
NKW YoitK. March 25. A mass mooting of
men and women under the auspices of the
labor organizations WJis held last night to
denounce the Chinese and. demand that they
bo perpetually 'expelled from the country.
Resolutions were adopted requesting tbo'
senate and house to pass ns speedily as pos
sible , effective and perpetual exclusion laws
prohibiting the coming to this country of all
Chinese persons without regard to distinction
or class , except duly autborized diplomats ,
and to enact lawn for the proper rccistratlon
nnd enumeration of these that are here.
Copies of those resolutions were ordered
sent to President Harrison , tbo members of
the cabinet , tha sentto nnd house ns well as
the emperor of China and the Chinese- min
ister nt'Washlngton.
Jlrniovinc the Intruders.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Murch 23. In view of
the fact that the proclamations will soon bo
Issued by the president opening to settlement
the surplus lands of the Cheyenne and
Arapahoe reservations in Indian Territory ,
and also tha , lands recently ceded to the
United States by the Sissoton and
Wahpoton Indians in the Dakotas , Sec
retary Noble has taken steps to have
all intruders removed therefrom by
the military. The former reservation
will bo opened to settlement between the
tlrst ton days of April nnd the latter on
April 15. This action is taken , not only for
the protection of the government b t in the
interest of intruders themselves , as under
the law persons who enter upon the lands
prior to the data fixed upon thereby , forfeit
their rights unaor the proclamation. Similar
action has also been liken with respect to
thu removal of intruders from the Cherokoa
strip in Indian Territory and nil persons
found thereon , whether white or Indian , will
bo promptly removed. The lauds to bo
opjuod aggregate 574,257 acres.
lilaml und Ills .Men Demoralized.
WASHINGTON- . C. , March 25. The
silver advocates are sadly demoralise 1 by the
weakness of their oauio betrayed by last
evening's proceedings of the houso. They
have nil along been confident of u majority
ot thirty or forty. Mr. Bland will at ones
nppial to thu committee on rules to
set apart n day and hour for the further
consideration of the silver bill , thus
cutting off all Intervening motions and forc
ing a votd. The unti-sllvsr people will also
appeal to the committee on rules for permis
sion to offer motions , llrst to suostltuto the
international monetary congress bill ; second ,
to recommend ; t'nirJ , to postpone until De
cember next ; fourth , that the vote bo tauc-ii
first on the International monetary congress
bill. The opponents of tlio bill claim tbl.s
would bo simply protecting the rights of the
Heating : Drum 1'iitoiiteil.
WASHIXOTOX , i ) . C. , March 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BBS.J The Washington
ofllco of TUP. Dm : Bureau of Claims today
procured a patent for Messrs. Held &
Gruouhlgen ot St. Anthony's Park , Minn. ,
on a heating drum. This is a valuable
improvement over anything now in use and
consists of a novel und ingeniously con
structed beating drum calculated for heating
rooms where stoves are not desirable. This
Invention has great advantage : ! over any
! : iud of steve now used. The patent securot
for tbcso gentlemen by tbo Waablngton
ofllco of TUB HKK Bureau is very broad in
its claims and shows the advantages pos
sessed by Tun BUA Bureau of Claims in so
curlntr patents for inventors.
Murderer llc'nry Smith Hungcd.
Loi'iM'ii.i.i : , ICy. , March 25. Henry Smith
was hanged at U:23 : this morning for the
murder ot tils employer , Louis Kpooht , Jan
tmry IS , IS' ' I , Tbo murder grow out ot c
quarrel because Specht would .pot permi
Smith tc tauo his family out riding on Sun
day , Smith died with but sllijbt convul
sions. _ _
Hill farm Mine Victims llurlril.
Du.Niuit , Pa. , March 23 , Tbo twenty
throe bodies of tha Hill Farm uilno explosion
were burled today , amid the most heart
rending scenes of crlcf on the part ol the
relatives present 'Tbo jury verdict attaubed
no Dlamu to the Dunbar company.
ST. Louis , Mo. , March 25. A deed of as
signment was Iliad yesterday by Conrad
Earner , u dealer lu furniture , etc. . to Louis
Heynard as trustee for the creditors. As
sets , (35,000 ; liabilities unknown.
Members of Congress Tired from Their
Struggle Over the Bland Bill.
Poit Morlont on Yc tcnlny'd Vote
on the lllnml Hill An AmitynlH of
the llullotlnsn Wimhlngtou
XIMVS nuil ( losslii.
WASIIIXOTON- . C. , March 23. The free
coinage bill had a demoralizing effect on the
private bill calendar In the houso. The pro-
ongatlon of yesterday's session until 12:10 :
this morning proved a severe trial to the
most of the mcmbera , ami when the house
met today not over II fty of thu 'J3C members
wcro in their seats. Later in the day other
members strolled in , but at no time during
the day would a roll call bavo developed the
presence of a quorum , and It was found im
possible to take decisive action upon any im
portant measures.
After prayer by the chaplain there were n
number of members on their feet asking for
corrections to be made in the record and tbo
journal. Most of these corrections were
directed toward a roll call in the Record
which was incorrectly printed by the print-
inir ofllco. The caption "not votlnc" was
placed over the list of members voting in the
uogatlvo on one ot the motions made last
night and this error led to some confusion.
Itcril Is Siircustic ,
The error was not material but It was
sufficient to bring Mr , Hoed of Mnlno for
ward with the sarcastlo remark : "I j ra
plad to notice thut.thls multiplicity of errors
which has apparently occurred In this con
gress Is not an evidence oi moral obliquity
as It has been in some congresses. "
[ Laughter. ]
The Speaker The chair will state to the
gentleman that what appears to bo n multi
plicity of errors grows out of a single error
at the printing olllco In putting over thn list
of these who voted "nay" the words "not
voting. " It is simply the transposition of a
Mr. Heed These errors will happen. I
want only to point out that fact.
Mr. Bynum 1 call the ccnlloman's atten
tion to the fact that in the present congress
wo have nn opportunity to correct errors
after they are discovered. In some previous
congresses wo have been prohibited froth
dolni ; so ,
The journal having been approved the
house wont into committee of the whole ( Mr.
Mcllao of Arkansas in the chair ) on the
private calendar.
Three hours were consumed in the consid-
cratiun of the bill for the relief uf pnrsonal
representatives of Henry Slbloy , the inven
tor of the Slbley tent , put no determination
was reached. Tbo commfttee rising , the ,
house adjourned -tho evening session being
dispensed with.
IN Till : SBNATIi.
Senator Hoarst'K Memory Honored Other
I'roceciIlniijH Ycstcrilny.
WASHINGro.v , D. C. , March 2. ) . A bill was
reported for the establishment of a lisb
hatchery in Montana and ordered placed < ou
the calendar.
Mr. Sawyer introduced a bill to encourage
postal saviucs , to invest tbo same and to di
vide the earnings among depositors. Re
The senate then , on motion of Mr. Sher
man , went into executive session. When
the doors wcro reopened legislative business
was resumed.
Mr. Wilson from the judiciary committee
reported u bill changing the time for holding
the circuit and district courts of West Vir
ginia , and it was passed.
Senate bill _ appropriatlnc , 8100,000 for a
public building ut Helena , Mont. , was taken
from the calendar and passed.
Tbo senate adopted resolutions offered by
Mr. btanford in respccf. to tbo memory of
the lute Senator Hearst and the business of
the senate wus suspended in order to enable
his associates to pay proper tribute of re
spect to hla high character nnd dlstinculshcd
public services. Eulogies were delivered by
Senators Stanford , Vest , Stewart , Voorhoes ,
Dolpb , Morgan and IJolton ( Mr. IlearM's
successor ) and then as a further mark of re
spect tbo senate adjourned until Monday.
Some of thu Fcittures of Yesterday's Bal
lot Ins on theliluuil Itlll.
WASHINGTON' . t ) . C. , March 23. If
Mr. Catcblngs of Mississippi returns to
Washington in time- special order may bo
brought in the house Monday for tbo immed
iate consideration of the Bland silver bill
and pending amendments. Mr. Bland , dur
ing the afternoon , disclosed his plan by tbo
introduction of n resolution fixing March 23
as the date on which the bill for the free
coinage of silver and pandinir amendments
shall bo taken up and put on its 'passage.
Accompanying the resolution is a provision
giving the speaker power to refuse to enter
tain any dilatory motion. Tbo resolution
wont to the committee on rules.
In view of tbo closeness of the vote on tup
jilvor question as disclosed last night , no
analysis of the tie vote on the teat motion of
Mr. Burrows of Michigan to lay tbo Bland
bill on tbo tabln will bo interesting. On thU
motion each side secured 143 votes and
thlrty-flvo members nra put down a ? not
voting , of which number the Congressional
Record shows that twenty were announced
to bo paired on this vote , leaving 'lftoen un
paired. Of the 143 votes cast in favor of
the motion , eighty-two wore cast oy demo
crats and sixty-six republicans. Tho.noza-
ttvo vote showed the namea of cloven repub
licans , the other 137 being either democrats
or alliance men.
Domounits Opposed In tlio Hill.
The unexpectedly Inreo showing of dcmc ?
crallu votes against the silver bill came from
the following Rtatos ; Now York 10 , Penn
sylvania 10 , Wisconsin 7 , Washington 7 ,
Iowa 7 , New Jersey , Ohio and Maryland 4
each , llllnoU ana Connecticut 3 each , Now
Hampshire , Rhode Island. Louisiana and
Minnesota 2 each. South Carolina , Delaware ,
West Virginia , Missouri and California 1
each. Tbo eleven republican votes opposed
to the motion made by Mr. Burrows are
scattered over the far "west , onlv one vote ,
that of Mr. Vincent A. Taylor of'Ohio , com
ing from cast of the Mississippi. Kansas
contributed two In Messrs. Hrod-
orlck.aud Funstou ; South Uakota two moro
Messrs. Pickler and Jolloy , while the
other six came Irom as many different states ,
Colorado , M. l\ Townsend ; Wyoming ,
ClurU ; N'ovadu , Bartino ; California , Bo wen ;
Idaho , Sweet , and Oregon , Hermann , The
pnlM announced wore as follows ; Mr.
Enocbs with Mr. Tarsno > , Mr. tianford with
Mr. Elliott , Mr. IJuroorrow with Mr.
IIooKer of Mississippi , Mr. Morse with Mr.
Cstchings , E , 13. Taylor of Ohio with Mr.
Gates , Mr. Van Horn with Mr. John&tono of
South Carolina , Mr. Henderson with Mr.
Pet'lo. U'ck with Cnmpton .arid W. A. Stone
with Mr. Jouos. Thn nemos llrst given In
each case being members who would bavo
voted against the bill aud in tba latter these
who would bavo voted for the measure.
I'lilluil to Vote ,
1 " 10 following | s a list of members who
were not announced as. paired and \ \ ho failed
to vote either way ; lossrs. Campbell ,
Wodsworth uud Stalilneclier of Now York ;
forman , Wytoo and Springer of Illinois ;
Cooper ot Indiana , Clioatnam of North Care
lina , Donovan ol Ohio ; Shell of South Care
lina , Hubert of Alabama , Lester of Virginia ,
Boutncr of Louisiana , and Knloe'of Tennes
see. Before the vole was announced Mesira.
Herbert and ICaloo asked the rltrht to vote ,
but under the rules wcro refused. Their
votes offset each , ' ! bthcr , thu-t leaving
thirteen men onvhbsa votn In nn nb-
Holutoly full hotrs6 'tho result would
have bill Rod. ' O these thirteen
members > lessr . V0ibvcr , Cooper , Lester ,
Shell amiVlkaon & ' < xut > 3oqubnt test vote ,
voted with the sllvefmon , nnd Wadsworth
with the antU , whllojnnlri In laver of the
bill were announced on the part of Boatncr
and Korman. abd against the bill. Stnhl-
ncckcr. Both announcements show seven
moro votes for ho silvorltoa nnd two rnoro
for the nntl-i itVcrilos , leaving Messrs.
Timothy .T. Catipboll of Now York ; Cheat-
ham. renubllci n , Ponovnn of Ohio , and
Springer still unaccounted for. This on
nn absolutely ft 11 vote shows at least ono
majority for tie sliver men , but In this
connection It nust bo stntod that n full
vote is practl ally unknown in the house ,
and that \vhll6 ho silver mort concede the
vote is very lose , tnov are loss nblo than
their count on ovcry mombor.
The situation jls less encouraging to the stl-
vor men when tlney consider thtir future
course , ns the largo showing made has un
questionably slrdngihoncd Inolr opponents
nnd some men \vho have always voted in fa
vor of free silver have slnco expressed them
selves ns disinclined , for political reasons , to
further push 'tho matter. To what extent
this fooling wllUlnnuonco some subsequent
votes is unknown.
Seimtorf ) AVIH Adopt orltojcct tlio Arbitra
tion ITrruty In u for Diiya ,
WASiiiNCJTONYjp. C. , March 'Jo , The son
nto today.spent two hoilrs in further consid
eration of tbo Uo'rlng sea arbitration treaty.
As n result tho'discussion has nearly reached
n conclusion nnd n vote is expected to betaken
taken on the motion to ratify the treaty some
time next waott. In fact , there does not
seem to bo any siitrtciont reason why action
should not have boon taken today , although
It was represented in view of the small attendance -
tendance toward the close of the session'that
it would bo bettor to defer the vole until
next week. ,
The discussion his established n strong
probabiKty.'thattho trJaty will bo ratified.
The senators \ylio oppose it as a whole are
very few in number , nnd find their principal
representative' ' In Senator Fclton. His op
position to the irbAty is bawl on the idea
Inut it contemplates a possible surrender of
absolute rights licpuirodfby the United States
from Russia. Bdt the most formidable op
position to the ratification of the treaty is of
members wh6 ( bullovo that it should bo
accompanied , ' 'by ' * n resolution asking the
'right to withhold the exchange of linal rati
fication uutil'tiront tjrltaih consents to renew
the modus vlvuudli 'It has boon represented
by tbo foreign relations committee that the
ndoption of s'iictr aJroolutlon would defeat
tbo treaty , and England would never consent
to bo placed In-tho attitude of renewing the
modus vivoudl ttfrouxn the fear of the re
sults. These representations have had such
un effect tbac today U was made to appear ,
from the trend of the debate , that the treaty
will ultimately be ratified without any such
condition. .
ICmlorso , tllq 'President's Course.
There Is , howqver.jstlll another element in
the sonata that'scoVs ' to follow tbo ratlflca-
tion of the treaty wlth'n resolution endorsing
the president's action up to this point , 'and '
asserting strongly ho purpose of this gov
ernment to protect ; Its property in tbo seal
Islands at all hazards pending aroilration.
This nMearoJ today to have
gathered streoKtb , and it may bo that when
linnl action isr. token , upon the treaty some
such resolution Willj.fao ndopted , although a
largo number of sonAVorg feel that it will Be
unnecessary to do this , as tb,9 president is al
ready fully satisliodfTharhovbas the hearty
support and co-operation of tbo senate.
Notwithstanding alt of the .discussion . had
today , the treaty remains technically un
changed in its position and tha advancement
that is _ to bo recorded is in the approach
made toward a conclusion of the debate. The
.efforts to maintain ; secrecy continue and
there has been.iiiexecutive , session another
investigation.into'newspaper methods.
Complete 1,1st of Chan ai In tlio KejjiiUir
WASIUXGTOK , D. "C. , March 23. ( Special
relogiam to Tup J3uE. ] The following as-
sipnments to regiments of oflicors recently
promoted and transfers of oflicors nro or
dered : I'1 \ *
Lcavo of absence fortbreo months , to take
effect April 10 , on Being relieved from duty
ut Jefferson Barracks , Mo. , is granted First
Lieutenant Hoel'S ! B'snup , Fifth cavalry.
Colonel William l Jordan , Nineteenth in
fantry , having , \ served over thirty
years as an. ofllCer of the army , is ,
0:1 : his oivn ( ajipiontion ) , retired from
active service. , Cantain Augustus G. Tav
sln. Twelfth infantry , will report in person
to Colonel Ln illicit Livingstone , Third ar
tillery , president kff the army retiring board
at Washington Barracks , U. C. , for c.xamlim-
ion by the board , Tbo leave of absence
granted First LloUtonunt Samuel E. Adair ,
Fifth cavalry. Js extended ono month.
First Lieutenant ( Ezra B. Fuller , Seventh
cavalry , will proceed from Fort Klloy , Kan. ,
to PlnoilidgO , B/D. / , upon notification from
the o.lico of the chief quartermaster , Depart
ment of the Platte , reporting on route at the
headquarters Department of the Platte for
instructions , for tbo purpose of supervising
tbo ( lisintnrrmcilt ana identifying tbo
remains of UuftodtStatps soldiers authorized
bv the Eecrotary'of war to be removed from
Pine Uidgo , S. D , , to Fort , Uiloy , Kan.
Upon compiotlon Of this duty Lieutenant
Fuller will rejoin his proper station. Luava
of absence for' four months , to take effect
on or about May 15 , 1UU2 , with par-
mission to apply for an extension
of two months , is granted Colonel
Zonas R. Bliss , Twenty-fourth infantry.
First Lieutenant John Bigelow , Tenth
cavalry , now'ori leiu'e of nbsenzo , will report
in person nt the expiration thereof to the
commanding general , Department of Dakota ,
for nsslgnmont'toduty nt the station to which
his troop , is to be assigned upon itsartlvul In
tuut department.
I'rcnlilcnt IIurrlnoiiiTliinks Their Nutlounl
Kncuinpnimit liaulil lii a Sucresn.
WASIIIXOTOX , D.,0 , , March 25. A message
from tbo president ; transmitting a communication
cation from th'o tlstrict [ commissioners , ac
companied by a ietlrjr from the chairman of
the executive commi leo of tbo Grand Army
of the Republic encaJn'pinont , to bo hold next
September , was laldjbeforo the senate today.
An appeal is ma Jo [ tor , ? 100,030 , one-half to bo
paid by the district for tbo expanses of tbo
encampment. , i
The president sayf ; , .
"Tho event p > one p { nation0 ! Interest and '
the attendance of 'surviving union soldiers
will probably- larger than at any encumo-
inent that bus ovec Uccn held. Tbo parndo
of tbo suryivprs 'of our ereot nrmios on Penn
sylvania a'veuuo wjlt bring visibly back those
momentous days when the great armies of
tbo east aud west marched through the
streets of Washington in high parade and
were received by. ( oar citizens with Joyful
acclaim. It sceiru'tb tno that it would bo
highly npprop'rlaio,5 for congress to aid in
maklnz this demonstration tmpresslvo and in
extending to ttiasoluiors , whoso lives a bene
ficent providence bus prolonged , an oppor
tunity to see id.ho security and peaceful de
velopment aud-Dfoipcrlty which now so hap
pily prevail at ho national capital , theiruits
of their sacrifice and valor , "
\ViiBiiigtnu | | > c vc Notes.
WAstusoTOjy'D ' , C. , March 25. Iho house
committee oa juriculturo , Joclay authorized
a favorable report to ho inada on tba Pad
dock pure foodbill | , wblcbfpassod the senate ,
Tbo cominltteaiiiaJo several amendments to
the bill. 5 * t
Kopresentallyo Geary .today introduced
into tha hou o a bill to prevent the use of
substitutes.for hops or pure extract of bops
in tha making of ale or beer.
/ Tlio J'lrj Uneoril.
slo.NTUEAL , P , Q. , Ma rob 25. The General
Bazaar wnadaniOKOd t'y flT Loss , ? TOCOy.
Sentiment of the Sonata in Favor of Arresting -
ing Seal Stealers Whore Found ,
But Polagio Sealing Must Bo Entirely Sue-
ponded During tbo Negotiations.
No Differences Between Branches of tlio
Government Exist on This Scjoro. .
With Him It UcMsto.Sjv If thu 'Mutter
blmll Ho Settled 1'cnee.ilily-Nu
lutcrtereiieo Will lo
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 23. [ Special
'olccram to THE Bne , ] The Uorlnp sea or-
bltratlon treaty will bo formally ratified by
the scr.ato next Monday. There will , how-
over , DO cither u provision or u resolution in the modus vlvoiull.
This was tbo uoclslon reached in the ex-
oxutivo session this afternoon. The formal
vote na ratification was not recorded because -
cause of the absence of some of the senators ,
but action was talteu showing the purpose of
the senate. Chairman Sherman and Mr.
Orayoftho foreign relations coniralttoo had
boon up to the walto house and had a talk
with President Harrison. They found tha t
the administration would bo entirely satls-
llod with the course proposed. Sen
ator Sherman , and most of his col
leagues of the foreign relations committee ,
have been of thoopinlon that the treaty should
bo ratified indopandently , and than that a
declaratory resolution should bo paisod up
holding the executive in insisting on a re
newal of the modus Vivendi , but the strong
objections ol western senators to this pallcy
are lilcoly to prevail and whatever resolution
is adopted will bo stronger than a moro
declaration. Tba action of the sonata will
bo squarely In accord with the executive de
partment. It commits the senate to arbitra
tion , and at the same time this body empha
sizes the position taken by the president that
lull arbitration would bo scnselosj If the
very points to ba arbitrated were yielded in
advance , In other words , pelagic sealing
must bo stopped from the moment arbitra
tion is agreed on until the arbitrators make
known tnolr decision.
TVllt Muko it Stronj ; Enough.
The United Stales gives its adhesion to the
principle of [ arbitration , as strongly as any
nation could possibly do. It now rests with
Lord Salisbury , to say whether Arbitration
shall fall , for If ho refused to provide for a
renewal of the modus vtvendi. the whole
treaty will'In tbo end be ineffective. *
Three or four propositions wore discussed
in the executive scision this afternoon from
the making of the modus vivendi a part of
tbo treaty , to merely instructing the presi
dent to withhold the exchange ot r-itillca-
tions until tbo modus vivondl is ronowod.
But this .latter does not socm to bo
strong enough to please most of the senators.
They want tbo ratification accompanied
with something official which can DO trans
mitted to Lord Salisbury immediately ns an
ovidouco that the legislative branch of the
government is in full sympathy with the ex
ecutive. The wording will probably be made
strong enough to suit thorn and will bo of a
character to make unnecessary the withhold
ing of tha ratification.
The sentiment of the senate is absolutely
unanimous in upholding the president in ex
hausting every source available to prevent
pelagic sealing pending arbitration. The
view taken is that thu patrol should bo made
as effective as possible , the Canadian
poachers captured wheraver found , and the
British naval vessels loft to take tbo consa-
quonco of uny interference. So it rests with
Lord Salisbury whether there shall bo a
collision or not.
The cabinet now looks upon the matter as
in very satisfactory shape so far as the
United States is concorneJ. Today , for vthe
first time slnco the negotiations have reached
such a critical stutre , the entire cabinet was
present at the meeting.
YVAiisiui's i-oit DIJIII.NC si.v. :
The Most Formidable A'essclH of tlio Jfuvy
bulectc'd for thu Sen Ice.
WASHINGTON- , C. , March 25. The
seriousness of the Bering sea situation was
shown by the attendance of Secretary Blalno
at the cabinet meeting today , notwithstand
ing bis recent Illness. The other members
were all present also. Secretaries Foster
and Traccy held a conference prior to the
mealing , presumably In regard to orders to
Hie naval and revenue vessels assigned to
the duty of patrolling tbo sealing grounds.
It was practically bottled that the xvar ships
Charleston , Baltimore , Boston , Yorktown ,
Adams , Hanger and Mohican , and the reve
nue vessels Corwln , Bear , Hush and Albatross
tress , bo assigned to this duty.
It is understood the decision -.vai reached
that the government await the reply of Lord
Salisbury to the president's last note before
proceeding on the assumption that the Eng
lish government wilt not co-operate in meas
ures for the protection of the sealing indus
ASIUI : > rouTiii : LATUST yawn ,
I'urllamcnt Auxloi'i to Know AVIint HUH
linen Done.
LONDON , March t5 ! , In the House of Com
mons today la reply to a request for informa
tion as to the latest communications from
the United States on the Bering sea ques
tion , LowtherV" parliamentary secretary of
tbfc foreign ofllco-said the correspondence
was still pending , but hoped It would DO
ready for production m the house Monday.
The reply to Great Britain's ' last note to the
United States , he said , was still under con
sideration. Ho said furthermore that tha
foreign ofllco bad had nothing from Washing
ton coiilinning the telegrams published In
this morning's papers that the United States
tonate committee on foroljin relations hud
recommended tbo ratification of the con
Cunaclliiii XiMV < * paper ( oiiuiiuut ,
MONTHIUI. , I' . Q. , Marcn 25.--Tho Star
pi in U the following : The excitement at
Washington regarding the Bering sea matter
bo * not spread hero , Tbo papers and ofti-
clals discredit the idea that the two friendly
powers could come to blows over such an af
fair when so near peaceful arbitration. They
can oulv suggest the exigencies of Interna
tional politics ns tlio cause of the bellicose
tone of the people at Washington.
liettcr to Kurt Cuimtlu Tlnu right ,
LONPON , March 23. Tbo Star , which
yesterday approved of Salisbury's attitude In
declining to assent to the prolongation of the
modus ! vivondl , has changed its views and
today ndvisos Salisbury to renew the modus
vivondl. It says the renewal will cuuso Can-
ndlnus to tcroatn , milling : "But hotter that
than a serious quarrel between Irent ! Brit
ain and the Uultod Slates. "
AVAU'S Ai.Ait.MH IN r.tmopi : .
rrii liin Itiillooitft Ill-hit ; Uioil to Spy Out
ltn l ' Act 1(111 * .
WAHSAW , March S3. Humors ot war (111 (
the air hero , and they nro ijivon an uppsar-
nnco of truth by the presence in Poland of
nnjlmmcnso numborol Uusslan solalcrs. The
purpose , however , may bo simply the pre
rI parations fjr the usual soring m.iniuavors ,
J but the proximity of those troop ) to'tho
Jc Prussian frontier causes a general fooling
of uneasiness. The nativity on
the part of the Prussians across
the frontier incrcnsoi the anxtctv. Prus
sian balloons have been hovering over Uus-
olan fortresses and camps , nnd nro believed
to form a part of an extensive German spy
system. The balloons apptmr to bo under
perfect it i control and Indicate thatnnowund
ii dangerous element has been introduced into
modern warfare.
\Vinily City Orunil Jury After nn Important
but Absent Wltnes" .
The Chicago boodle Investigation Is forcing
itself 1 upon the attention of people far away
| from the windy city , and Just now It Is Be
coming of unusual interest in this vicinity
for ( the reason that one of the most Intensely
concerned parties Is at present lu hiding
at the residence of a relative In Council
B'uffs 1t 1 , wbera ho was unearthed Thursday
evening by n reporter for THE BBC. < ul lu Council lllull'i.
Dotcctlvos were put upon the track of the
man , nnd rumors worn mo ns' to his flight to
Detroit or borne point near the CHimdiati
line , whtlo some of the reports were to the
effect that ho was already on British Roil.
It remained for u representative of
Tun But : to discover the hiding place
of the fugitive , and Thursday ovohini ;
ho was located at the residence of E. H.
Merriam , 010 South Seventh street , Council
Bluffs. Ho was thunderstruck when the
newspaper man made known his identity and
reiterated npnln nnd again that ho coul'd not
understand how in the world his re
treat had been dlcorcrcd. Ho at
ilrst absolutely refused to answer n
single question , but subsequently admitted
that ho leit Chicago socrotlv at 10 o'clock
Sunday evening over the Hock Island ana
cumo direct to Council Bluffs , whcra ho was
joined Wednesday by his wife who loft homo
two days after his departure , Just ns quietly
and secretly as bo had done in order to re
move every means of Jlndlng out what
bad become of the much wanted witness.
Ho refused to say anything whatever regardIng -
Ing his relations on conferences with any of
the aldermen or thuir representatives , on the
ground that it would imprudent to do so and
might do him much harm.
Koasted Ooiinrllincii hi ( ictieral.
"In what way , " was asked him.
"Well , not bodily barm , " ho replied , nnd
then proceeded to arraign aUcouncilmen as u
class for their sordid motives and want of
honor or anything pertaining to it. Ho pro
fessed to know of nothing that had influenced
the aldermen to make his franchise a special
order for Monday night , and refused to say
what had cauod certain aldermen to with
draw their opposition'to'tbo franchise.
He would not say when ho intended to re
turn home'but said that ho had done nothing
for wh'lch to fear indl6tmeut.
Ho assumed to bo resting and taking llfo
easy , but his nervousness.and. apparent deep
concern \\cro widely nt variance with the
indifference" , and contentment that ho pro-
toniled to fool.
Yesterday Mr. Soulo accompanied Mr ,
Merriam to that gentleman's place of Busi
ness and returned home with him to lunch nt
12:30 : o'clock. A reporter who called nt the
house was received by Mr. Merrtara , and in
reply to a question as to Soulo's whereabouts
Mr. Merriam stated that he had go no.
"Whovo has ho gone ! "
"That is none of your business , " was the
somewhat impolite but emphatic reply.
Claims Soulo HUH Clone.
Mr. Merriam volunteered only testate that
Soulo had gonn and had been gone some time ,
and after lui embarrassing silence of several
seconds duration , the reporter thanked the
genial fiontlemun for his Information and the
interview terminated.
Notwithstanding the statement of Mr.
Merriam , it is known that Soule is not only
still in the Bluffs , but ho is still at the resi
dence of Mr. Morriam.
How ho managed to make such a palpable
mistake regarding the whereabouts of the
husband of his wife's second cousin can only
bo surmised.
It is staled that there Is a strong probabil
ity that Soulo will bo indicted today by tbo
Chicago grand jury , but it is generally un
derstood that it will bo more for the purpose
of getting him back to Chicago as a witness
against the councilman than because of an
expectation of convicting him of any offense.
The indications now nro that Mr. Soulo will
again sniff Lake Michigan air before- another
week has rolled nrouni' ' .
Not Inclined to Kick.
A mooting of tbo local branch of the Na
tional Postofllco Clerks' association was held
yesterday afternoon at tbo postoftico and a
resolution was adopted instructing tbo con
gressional committee of the association to
use its influence to sccuro the passage of the
bill recently submitted by the postmasters'
conference in Washington providing for nn
appropriation of ! 00,000 to carrv Into effect
the recent legislation glvintr the postolllco
clerks u leave of absence or vacation. The
general sentiment among the clerks Is that
the bill was introduced for the purpose of
quietly killing their previously submitted
classification bill , but instead of ulcklng on
that score they wisely concluded that half a
loaf is better than none at all , and will ,
therefore , try to sccuro the passage of the
less satisfactory bill.
They Fuyor tlinttntrli Hill.
CitESTO.v , la. , March 25. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB Bni : . ] Petitions having boon
sent to the logUlatuio for the reconsidera
tion of tba Gatch bill , a delegation of repub
licans will leave- hero tomorrow night for
DCS Molnos to secure the passage of the bill
if possible. Delegations will also go from
BUI rounding towns.
KEOMIK , In , , March 25 , A petition was
circulated hero today and signed generally
by republican business men asking the Iowa
legislature to reconsider its action and to
pass the Untch bill , A delegation of repub
licans u 111 take this petition to U ( Moines
for presentation to the legislature.
Tips lor Today ,
Those horses which the knowing ones eon-
bldergood things are found In luolist given :
1. Churchill Clark Piedmont
2 , Ivunhoo West Kimns.
; i. I'rlncu llnrvitrd Uamhler ,
4 , Undue Loxun ,
6. Sandstone SlrOeorgo II.
0. rutiiilty-lluncllt.
1. Topmast-John 1/iieI.liuiJ.
C'J. DuvUoo Illjou , coll.
U. ( Jarilson Umpire Kel
4. Carlolninis Wigwam ,
5. ( Jiiard Censor.
6. Hover
J'olsoned u Whole I'.imlly ,
Ii . , March 25 , Michael Smith ,
bis wife and olgbt children were poisoned by
eating beef affected with lumpy Jaw. The
mother and one boy are still very sick and
may die. The other * are out of danger.
Ileeuu of J > l | > lillicrl < i.
GAIIV , B > v D. , March 25. The doctor *
report now cases of diphtheria , and the city
Board of Health yesterday suspended
schools and placed the city under u rigid
quarantine ,
Marino Band concerts , Exposition hall ,
Kssurred scats on sale at Meyer's music store.
with tbo Lax *
[ thiug but Encouraging.
Prciturtt | Oiniwo Promise *
miptlnii to lluilm'K * All )
ity Kmirlft ItcliiK .Miulu to
latch Aill ltocoiml < lcroil >
Sioux Hfjlila. . , March 25. ( Special
Tin : Bie.lsrs7)t : ) slnco the killing ot Dr. H id-
dock has Sioux City boon so stirred up ns by
the order of Mn > or Plorco that the prohibitory - '
ory low must bo strictly enforced. It' waa
the enforcement of the obnoxious law that
caused that tragedy , which In turn was fol
lowed by more rigid onforoamont. The ro-
suit was the upbuilding of n town nt Coving-
ton , Just across the Missouri river in Ne
braska , which became inmous nil over the
United States for Us population ni liquor
sellers , gamblers , prostitutes , swindlers ,
thugs and outlaws or nil sorts. Llfoln'Cov-
tugton was ono continual rloL A Sioux , City
company built u pontoon bridge across the
river and llltcrolly "coined money from the
throng of visitors who passed over to'Cov-
Ington In endless procession , There was no
open selling of liquor in Sioux city , In Cv-
ington beer and whisky were frco. It wasl
only u mile from the business part of thb city
to tno mad Whirl of the Nebraska joints.
Time ItroiiKUt n C'linniJT.
This continued during ono udmlnlstralion ,
or two years , two years nio Mayor Palmer
was clouted by a largo majority on the under
standing that there wa * to bo no strict en
forcement of the prohibitory Ituv. Im
mediately after the election u petition was
signed by the overwhelming majority of the
business men of the cltv , asking him to per
mit the saloons to run under some form of
license. Ho made an arrangement , known ns
the "Palmer license , " whorobv each
saloonkeeper was lined foO tnco n month foe
permitting "loud aud profane lancuago"
about his place. Except ror Intermittent in- |
tcrruptlous by the Law and Order league
this license has been'in force during the past
two years. During this timu $73UUi' has thus )
been covered into the city treasury , but fori
which , it is said , city warrants would have
fallen fur below par.
The entire spoiling population of Coving-
ton then moved back to this side of thb rlvor ,
mid Coviticton became n deserted town. The
patronage of the pontoon bridge foil off till it
was a losing investment , and there was
doubt whether it was worth whiloto relay it
this season.
So matters wont till the late city election ,
when the question of economy In city ex
penditures superseded all others. Without a
thought of cnlorcoment Mr. Pierce was'nora-
Iniucd us an independent candidate for
mayor , and almost unanimously supported
by the very men whoao names wcro signed to
tbo petition to Mnyor Palmer not to onlorca
the nrohibitory law two years UBO , nnd ho
was elected. The fact that ho Is an anti-pro *
hioitlonist cut Borne llcuro.
Then the Troulilo Commenced. a
Mayor Pierce was inaugurated last Mon
thly niKht. The whole town was agog Tues
day when it was announced that the new
mayor had ordered his chief of police to'plosq
all tbo saloons' , gambling and bawdy houses
and that nottca ha'd already been served on
thorn-to quit by Saturday night. Within an
hour after the announcement was made u pe
tition was out among the business meht'pray-
Ing that no such order bo cnforcbj. ' The
next gay the mayor dcclargod that it was ut
terly useless to present any such petition to
him , tuat ho had adopted a course' frori
which ho. would not daviate and tbnt ho ro.
pnrdcd himself bound by his oath of ofllco. ]
Ho added that ho would not permit the drug
stores to be turned Into saloons.
\Vork on the pontoon bridge Is being pushed
night nnd day. Rents have jumped skyward
in Covington , Tenements which went bog
ging at (10 per month cannot now bo bad for
less than $ oU to $73. Tbo saloon mmi at Cov
ington who control the town government
have formed a trust and have decided not to
Issue licenses , thus enjoying n monopoly of
the immense liquor buainos which is
sure to follow. Accordingly there is
been in tbo little town of Stnnton , justii milo
further , xvhcro there Is gioat demand for
houses for the sporting classes. On this sldo
private clubs arc being organized to supply
liquor to their members. No organized
opposition will bo made to the cnforco'iicnt
of tbo law , but Mayor Pierce is daily in re
ceipt of u good-sized batch of threatening
letters. All the indications nra that Siotix
CKy will have prohibition with a vengeance
for the next two years at least. '
Tlieloua Hunatu I'alU to 1'uss the Kongo
Dus Moixng , la. , March 23. In the sonata ,
bills worn passed to legalize the water power
ordinance of'Des Molnos ; to give legislative *
assent to the congressional net for the 'moro
complete endowment of Agricultural collcgos (
to make more efficient the national guard.
A wrnnplo was precipitated on the consid
eration of the house joint 'resolution for the
submission of a prohibition amendment.
Kelnger for the republicans wanted it con
sidered at once nnd on roll call the majority
was in favor. It was reconsidered nnd the
question deferred , as tbo necessary * two-
thirds could not bo secured to suspo'nd the
rules. The democrats , with the exception of
Smith of Butler , voted against it. This
settles rcsubmlBsion for this ncsslon.
A bill authorizing the executive council to
employ the State baud on occasions when.
necessary was passed ,
A bill to appropriate $700 to Parsons , sec
retary of the sonata , caused a heavy discus
sion , but dually passed under suspension of
the rules.
This itftornqon the sennto took up the
Harsh hill to appoint a commission to raviso
the revenue laws and begun its discussion.
It occupied all the .forenoon and amend
ments tmuto so much discouraged Gatch that
ho moved lor its indefinite postponement.
No action was taken and tbe senate ad
journed ,
In the house after a prolonged wrangle be
tween Clark and Chase over a question of
privilege claimed by Clark , Campbell's bill
to make silver dollars legal tender 111 the
state , was taken up , und Campbell addressed
the bouse at loncth. The bill II n ally wont
over till the afternoon session. Tbo house
passed the sunato appropriation bills , for the
Benedict home , & .000 ; soldiers' ' homo cot-
topiil,000. ) .
Dolph called up the bill to make the na
tional guard effectual aud wanted the scnnto
bill substituted , but as the matter had npt
vet been presented to the house it wont over.
Norrls culled up the World's fair nppro'prhv *
tion bill whlcn , as It passed tlio house , pro
vided for $125,030. Boom oflered an amend- .
motit to make the amount $200,000 , Another
amendment was offered to the effect that no
money bo given if the fair la to ho 'opened
Sundays , Both of thcso were voted down ,
and after an extended discussion tbo bill waa
passed as it came from the senate.
Nlrii Onrstlon fur the Court * ,
.Cnii.Mt Ru'ii > 8 , la. , March 2. " > . [ Special
Telegram to Tim BKE.J A few weeks ago m
large barn and six valuable horses at Tlptca
wcro burned , the result of an explosion of
oil. Messrs. Wheeler and Moflltt will now
brinp sultngnlnst Stuto Oil Inspactor Dunu
and Deputy lleuly of Cedar Rapids forfl'jOi
damaeRs They claim the oil was below te > t
nnd had been improperly branded by the
deputy. H ,
'il to Huvo Keen 1 1. mine ,
UKIIUI Itu'iiu. la. , March 82 , [ Special
Telceram to Tnu HUB. -Mrs. I . P.inulo
Sclmdo , a young married woman , committed
suicide today by shooting herself , No cauvu
is known but it is supposed stio committed
thn dcnJ wnlle lu u itato uf temporary
tjl nberution.