0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. MA11CH 25 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS "Wheat Almost Touched ths Eighty Cent Mark Yesterday , PECULIAR INFLUENCE WORKED THE DEAL I.ntrr In tlio Iiy Tint Crrenl Honii' of Its l.dntStrFiiRtli anil Llom-il at n slight Ailtinif o t ) cr J'rc- 1'rlccfi. ClitCAOO , 111. M.trch -r.lshty cent wlicnt wn tlio K al for the \ic-\ts \ toilny. They dlil not pet there , novcrlholcss the season's < eolo for u low price \vixs asnln broken. May option wns jinlleil ilonn to fcOUo and clixoJ iindcr 8lc. On thootlior hand corn sliowul romarls.iblo ntronpth. chiefly on the expectation of llshtor nocnn-nU iprlnliko wonlhor and we-ilc ablcs took the heart oulot the wheat m rket today. The rccoxcry on thootoso v us on exert - ) > ort hnyliiKinportcd from Mlnnonpolls iind uisowhoro. At the point nnmcd UJO.O Obit for liiitnodliitor.iil shipment was reported : W,00) ) bu. red winter for rail shipment was worked hero by Norton-Wortliliiston , and u lee it liiinUd Hiild ho Kiu'wof Merlins oXLhanao lia\ltiRliucn negotiated In t'hlc.iKO asalnst fiOD.OOO bu. of who it boitRht for foreign ship ment In May and Juno. Whllo things cro nbontat tliolrwnrst tiioClnclnnntl I'rlro Uitr- rent's stateniunt was iceolved , and It Ka\o no cncoiirasotncnt to Iho bulls , remarking tlnit the posslbllltlca of the coming crop nro considered c < | iml tuaslarKO production Us any year prior to last. The noitlnvottum iceolpts nt Mtnno- npolls and Dnliith were CC1 car loids com- ii.irtd with 4.0 on the sumo dny of last week , Trices took a downward course at the fctart , opcnliiK nnywhcro fiom bl'io to 81'u lint Millers were niiiuorous at tlio lowoi quotation , Tlitru wiis u doollno to N3 c , rally to Hln c , iitiothcrHlninn heavier than the first which uinrled the price down to W o and that was followed by it second rcco\ery toHI'ie. About 12 o'elook the tradliu wns aijaln tit nround 803 c Al out the tlmo referred to , rurdrldije , who had boiiKht liberally , drew his litoktri * niilnnd t'avo the iniirkct a clutuio to fulfill the prediction ho h id inado mouths ago that .May wheat would sell utHlu. He.uv lines ttlth 20o per bu. loss uero sold out today and \ery tunny w.ll ha\o from ho to He loss ahead of them. In the Inttor half of the session the wires were occupied with outsldo tinstoiiieia for mnrKUis and the Ken- cral rosionsu ) to 'soil It out " There were hilis as low asKO'ic , butdiuliii the ln > > t h ilf Hour tlio pncn was steady at 8lc. The Uoso was ut M.c ) , ' o lownr than It closed yoUur- < luy. Aceordltu to John Dupue. no deinand except from shorU was what alJed the mU- 'T O things which crontly Intorcsted trader" , lint did not airoet prlens. weio John It. Suill- vnn's application for \l9ltor's ticket to cn- tltlo him to thu | rlvllo.0 of the Moor tomor row and Leopold Illoom's action In poUinx ) ils membership for Hale , prcsunnbly In spleen ut Iho action of the cilroutors In acquitting II ildwln-riirnuui of the Lonltz eliir o-i. The belief that there Is a laruo Mny short- ngo In torn , that Hloclcs are low and mostly controlled by ono honso and the piesumptlon that future receipts would bo moderate with little Improvement In the unulltij : , started rumors of posslulo inunlpiilatlons and shorts recoiercU freely. May opuncd at.Wue , sold ntWHf ; , up to tl'l'fic. ' ' olT 10 IW'Su and at 13 o'olotk wns : is' c. The market wiissteady and IIrm dining the last hour. May sollinir at from : w'.c loll'i'ac , closing at.U'iO. from following the lead of wheat , torn Itself beunmo the leader , mid some of the Hloadlnuss In the for mer near Iho eloso was ascilbed to the BtrciiKlh of the latter. Tim oils maikot exhibited considerable strength mid the spurt that occnired In the corn market shortly before the ( .lose scaroil fiomooftho shorts , anil In tho'r ' cffoits to eoxerthov forced May up to'.S'ic , which ivas the lust price made. June was nominally tliu name as thu active future when the bell "May pork , lard and ribs opened and closed nt the BJIIIO prices us on Wednesday. Tliuru wiishomo trilling woalii.oss siicccodluK the opcnlni ; and a temporary decline of Ho in jiork , 2'ic In lard and fiom ' 'Vic to 5u In ribs. The weakness was duo toofferlnssby Armour , the Chlcaco I'neUliiR company and Kyun f * < 'o. DurliiK most of tbaday WrlRhtind other IOIIRB attempted to sell May pork and buy for July , hate In the day Cudahy became u buyer of ribs. The break of from 8 to 10 points In cotton WIIH Ignored , T Mo strength In corn helped biiylni ; In provisions by scalpers. Intimated rcci-lpts for tomorrow : 19. > cars of wheat. : i"0 cars of corn , ITS ears of outs mul . ' .000 hos , The leading futurca rnnecd as follows : Cush quotations were us follows ; 1'i.ouu Dull and weak : holders anxious to cell. cell.WIIBAT WIIBAT No. 2 sprlni wheat , 70'no ; No. : i spring vrhoat , 74e ; No. 2 red. Hie CoitN EitBlor ; No. 2 , : i74C'j No ! ! , yellow , 275 , 0.17'ae. OATH No. 2. 27'j'c ; No. 2 white , 27\:7Uc : : r > i ) it while , 27',4 ' < 32cc. HVK No. 2. 7h'tc. HAIII.KV No. 2 , oOc ; No 3 , 40 ® " > 8c ; No. 4 , JO ® I'l.A.f Hi in No 1. OilUo. TIMOIIII r-tEii-l'rlme , } 1.22I W. l'oiiK--.Mcss pork , per bul , ? I)7W1000 ! ) ; Inrd. per cwt. . Id 17 ,51020 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) . I5.v.'ii553 ; dry snltud Nlioulders ihoxed ) , J4.5.4t5.00 ; short clear Blilcb ( iKUcd ) , WIIISKV Dlstlllerh1 finished goods , per ual. btiOAH UnrhaiiRecl : cut loaf , 5ftSJ.'c ; Bran- ul-.ted. 4'4 standard " " . - < J ; "A , - c. Uecelpts and shipments today were aa fol low b ! On the I'roJuco oxchunuo today the butter mnrkotwah firm ; fancy croamcrv. 27'Mi,2VSc > oidlnary. axii.'ioi line si L''Is dairy , ® .To. . ' * * kteacly Now York .Markets. NEwYoitK. March 24 ri.ouit-llocclpts. 21- ( U2 likKs : export * . 4.0M hhls , 7,175 sacks ; imirket lower , weak nnd moderately nctlto ; bales. 2i,0"0huls. ! Low extras , - ' no ® . ! . W : win ter whoiit. low grades , if'J.lMXtt.LV ) ; fair in fniier. W.UXT&I 50 ; patents , * l 2i5.00 ; Min nesota. clear. M.85ftl.iUj ! straights , * 4 , Jll . - - 11 Mules. . v'.T uit.o I. rout * MF.Ai , Steady ami quiet. WHEAT Iteoclpts. 24OUObu. ; exports. 17,570 bu. ; sales , lJU'ri.OOO ' bu. of futures ; ill.00 ( bu , MIDI. Hpot market dull and lower ; No. 2ro1 , IXilio In Btoio and elevator ; DSVcfflll OO'i utlo.it ; DSHcSROl f. o , b. ; No. 'I red , Wo ; tin' prndrd icd. BS'iKOOHo ; No. l northern , IO1 , ® li' ) i'8 No. 1 hard , O0'to ; No. 2 northoin , 01" , ® U.,4o , Options were on the downward turn nlmobt steady , holllng oil liWIJio on de- jiressoil foreign advices brlnginz belling ordoiH nnd line erop weather , reacting toward theoloso 'M\v. ' leaving off weak at'i < 3lio ! iindei yeaterday ; No. 2 ro.I , u.1 : i-lCc ; April , imidtO-l' c. cloifngiit IB'.u ; May , IKja-luawsjo , eloslng ut U-i'se ; June , UJUCi'iliio. closing at W > 4o : July. U lit 9 Hue. closing at Die ; August , W ttOI'iP ' , cloilng ut U0'4c ; fcoplembor , bOJi Olj.o. ) eIosliigntb3Jie. 1UK Htendy but quiet : sales , 9,000 bu , ntfllc. IUIU.BY-pull. lUiif.EV JIAi.T Wholly noclocteil. COIIN Hccelpts. 10.150 bu , ; exports , ISI.S.'lO hSo. Options fairly actvo ami on light re ceipts advanced .Wic , closing llrmi March , < W9 ! ? ! c'.0.LnK. ' ' ! V I APrll. 47JS ai7o. tluklnR ut 47. ' o ; May , 451iruiie' 6i6sliig"at 40SC1 June. 4va45J e , eloslng ut 45u ; July. ya45'.o , closliiKnt41 > 40. ) ATS Heeoipts,55.350uu ; exports,531,000 bu. ; tulea , 40.000 bu. futures ; 03,000 bu , spot ! spot lower and dull ; options dull but ( Inner ; Mny , JOfo. olObingntUle ; No. 2 white , April , , closing nti5 ; > , o ; spot No. 2 white , .16 ® . ; mUod western , ai < iJJ5'/5 ; white western , Wallc. HAY-ruIr demand and flrraj shipping. 75o ! good to oholee , Wc4f Jl.to , Hot's tiulot but kteudyj PaclUo coast , lf a bt'UAU Haw , quiet , steady ; sales. 330 tons iiuiscov ado , H'J ' test , ut S'lC ; J.tOO tons concrete , b3 test , at37-IOc' , alt to I'lilludelphln ; lelliuul , quiet , k toady. Moi < t88U' rorolgn , quiet t 60 tcsl.HVc ; Now Orlouus , llrm , good demand. Itici : ( iood demand , itcndy. I'tTiioiKtm Kasy , quiet ; crude In bbls. , I'urker s. t.\60 ; crude In bulk , 1'urker'g , JOO ; Untied closed at MUo for April , t'OTTON bKtll Oil. Qlllet. TAI.I.OW Dull ; city , yo bid. HOHIN ( Jiilet , ctoady , Tuui'KMIM ' ; Quiet , steady ; U7I7' ' < c. JjAiU-I''lrnioi and dull ; vvinititrii Htoam Closed < JW > it iftlcs , 60 tlcTCOsatlilTJi. Ojitluu , avillcrccs : March , to' ! ; M nr(8.53 | July. ton. ; Augmt , M.70. Kens Quiet and about steady ; western , 144c ! ! rccolnlR , l.,737 IIKR . I'OIIK 1'alr cIcinniKl nud firm. nrr MEATS ririni pickled shoulders. $500) ) middles , llrm ; sliorlclo ir. M.41. ItUTrp.it-Fnlr demand ; frc h , firm ; western dairy ( now ) . lH2ie ; western croamcrv ( now ) , 2 © "I'ifi ' western faetory ( now ; , f.'iiiiii''c ; ruin , 20'ic. c3iinK n 1'j'rly acllvo nnO slendyi part 6klms. OftlOc. . . I'm luox Quiet ; American. ttJ.7i31G.3. Coi'i-nii Quiet ! i'lko. till i nskcd. LfAti Unlit domestics JI.25 nikcd. Tl.v-Stionij str.ilts , JllUWblil ; $ J'.M nsUod. St. I , mils FT. Lotri" . Mo. March S4. ri.oun Very ( lull : roallv nothing dotne. WIIBAT Win lery uniettled nud flitcttmtlnz early , but towards the oloio price * were stronger anil Mav llnlsho.l 'ou ' higher anil July ' 4o lower than yestorlnv : cash was lower nt 8lc : May closol ntSIQsi'ic ; Julv , fcO' c. Cnli.v-UiiMi lower ; No. 1 , : I4140 ! options hlghci ; Mny closed at : iV'e. tAis-lletlor ! c-ishaic ; May , 23'Jo. 1UR Dull ; no silos. llAiit.KV- Quiet ; small sales oi Minnesota at lltUN-Qtilet . llAV-Dtill ; pr.llrlota.OOS3.05 ; timothy , JIC.50 ll.is. : l.KAD-riiin at MM. I'l.ix SKUII Loner at Olc. CoiiNMi'AtSttady nttl.05. WIIKKV fcto.idy at tl.lJ. llAddlNO Quiet at r.'iCTSo. IKON Corrov Ttm )1.20l.2" > , 1'iiiivimo.ss Veiy quiet ami slow. I'OIIK Now Kti'.iuhnl , JIU.i7iiItlOM ; ! ; old , . " . Hlti-f10)J2i50- . 1) ) \ SALT MKAT * Shoulders. tl.0 ; longs nnd ribs , * . < nj ; Nhorlu. 8V73 ; boxed lots l" o more. llAfON-Shoulders } 3a7M ; longs and ribs , W2. ; shorts , n.T > suciAit ruiirii HAMS W nrin.ro. KK'Hl'T l'lour. 7.00Jlhs' whuauni CODhu.i coin , ill noobu ; o.ils 2.I.OJJ bti. ; rye , i.tOJ bu. : but ley. 8,000bu. , , _ Siiii'Mt-NT rinur. B.010 Ihs. : who it. 41,000 bu ; corn , 134.0001)11.1 ) uats , 15,0.0 bu , ; rye , 2- ( OOlii. ; birley. l.OOJ bu. Omaha Proilnrn Market. HIDES No. 1 izrccn silted hides. 4'iIMe ' : No. 2 green salted hides , 4Ml'ic ' : No 1 green Baited hides. 2Uo 4) Hit. Wie ; No. 2 gieen saltol hides 25 to 11 llw , , lTJ llc : No 1 veal calf. 8 to 1" ) IhB . Co : No. \eal calf , 8 to 15 Ihs . 4c : No. 1 dry Hint hides. 7 < a o : No. 2 dry Hint hides. nffiOet No. I dry s.ilto I hides. 50c. Tal low , No I. : i'ilc ( ; tillow. No. ' - ' , , l'ie : grease , whltoA. 4e ; grciiBe , whlto 11. IPidJ-l' c ; crease. yellow , . ! e ; gii-a-io. ilitilc , 25c ! ; old butler , 2 ® 2'ic ; bccswaprlmo , lUc ; rough tallow , 1'5 California rl\crsltlnoringcs , $ J.V ) ® 2.75 ; Washington na\o't > . ? 4 W3.1 25 ; unod np- | ) les , $ : .7 , l Oil : cholco lemons. $40071423 ; Fancy lemons , ifl Ml ; b man is. ctated , Ir-.OD ® . ' .riO ; cranberries , shipping stock , JJJOQliUu ; striwboi rles , 4Jc qt. VinKTAiii.Ks I'nncy Mtiscntlnc sweet po- toes. $ . ' .7"i ; California cahhuge. 2' Se per IK lu crate- , ; homo grown lettuce. 40c per do/ . ; onions , 7r > c5Jtl 05 per hii. ; Nebraska himd- ploked beaux , JI.7."i7.l.R' ; medium , ? l 5i@l.i3 ( ; California co'ery , * i UJiM.l : sweet potatoes , K.75&.100 : Colorado ami western Nebraska not itoos .lYiiiOc ; nntlNO potatoes , 202Jc ; limti beans , 4liW4'o per II ) . ; water cmss. 24-qt. eases. rjiJffilSc per qt. ; spinach , 81.03 per bill. ; Spanish onions. $1.5) ) per crate ; radlshcR. 4 dr. 1U\ Choice hay. JVOOCiOiO : poor. SJ.utxS4,00. HUTTKK Choice countiy roll , 22J" o : fair to good. 18ii ° 0o. F.nds The general mnr' etwa llHic. ! OAME-MiiIlnro ducks , $250JUO ; teel. tlM ; tnlxecl. 7"cail.OO. ( . I'out.Tiiv Dressed chickens , choice. lOe ; geese and duck" , llffil''c : turkeys , 12AI4C. "Mllllir.lp"lls rionr Alurket. Minn. M-irch 24. The North western Miller s i > s ; An Increased amount of Hour was maile lust week. Thu aggregate out- | iut was Ki7)2J ' ) 1) ) irrels , aealnst l" > s.0li barrels the previous week and lU,72i barrels for the "orr spondlng time In 1691. The wnter power Ims suddenly fallen olT and that will IIIINO the lilTect of loduclni ! the production this week , The Hour market continues In a very much depiesied condition and thu output lacks a great deal of bolus sola as mode , There ute .somo llrms. however , which have not caught up on their aiders for patent and In filling them thov nro accumulating bakers and low irr.idcs. The foreign demand Is extremely light. Prices nt Minneapolis are consldor.iblv lower than they wore a week ago. Thoio Is hardly enough call for bakers nui low grades to establish quotations. London quotations pcr2s01bs. c. 1. f. , inn cheap at .8s to 28s ( id ; bakers ( nominal ) , 24 > > to 25s ; low grade ( nom inal ) . Us to 14s. Now York Dry Roods Market. NEW YOIIK. March 24 Demand for dry gooJsdlsclosoil no new features today. The bright weather brought out buyers and trade on the spot was Impro\od. Orders by mall were jf the usual \olumo and made of small requests Loading makes of goods wcroclilclly In Interest , and In some brown and blonohed cottons there were round lot sulos. but noth ing special. The niaruct hold steady : jobbers wcro letting out some job lots of prints nud tlno cottons at attracmo prices Ituslncss with Jobber thus stimulated was very fair. I'rlnt cloths hate been the subject of special in uilpulatlon In manufacturing editors , and It Is uncertain whether the price has been changed oi not , its In theubscnccof any stocks nearly all manufactures are llrm at the high est figures , _ Kansas City .Ilirltoti. KAJ.BAB Oirr. Mo. March 24 WIIPAT Was wo ik at a steady decline ; No 2 hard , 4e : No. J red scarce , quoted at 79-iOc. cons Wan llrm : mlxcj .UJc ! ; white , : i4e. OATS Continue In poor demand ; No. 2 mixed , 'J7'/i : No 2 white , 2sUo. ItYE MoudyNo. : 2 quoted nominally at 77ci TI.AX bPED itio on the basis of pure UNAS Weak : Olc for snckod. 11AV Woik ; timothy. $ J 00 per ton ; prairie. ? 4 1030 OJ ItUTrKH Dm ) at2231e. Kis ] Stronat lie. HFCI ti'Th Wheat , 11,000 bu. ; corn , 7,030 bu. : oats. none. SIIIMIBNTS Wheat. 30,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ; oats , 2.030. _ Cotton .Market. Nuw Yoiiic. March 24 Futures closed steady : ales m.7l > n biles ; March , W.44 ; April , $04(1 ( ; Mnv. W 511 : June , JO (13 ( ; July , Jl 74 ; August , M.8. ; Septembci. 80 ! ) . ' ; October , $7.02 ; No\rmbei , J7.12 ; December. J7.SJ. Nuw OIII.KAMLit. . . March 24 Quiet ; mid dling , ( i.Vldo ; low middling , 5 ll-llic ; goodoidl- uarv , 51-lfic ; net receipts , : iH37 bales ; gross , It..ils bales : exports to Great llrilaln , 5'JjU bales ; sales , 2.4UO bales ; btoek , :19V.04 : bales. I.Mfirpoul LimrooiMarch 21. WIIUAT Kasv , de mand poor and holders ollci fieely ; No. 1 Cnll- fornlH , 7s yd percental for red western spring ; none hero : No. 2 red winter. 7s S'ld7s lid. COIIN I'liin ; demand fair ; ml\ed western , 7yt ) ] > ur cont.i ) . . llKi , l' i\tr.i : India mess. G7sCd pcrtlerce. 1IACO.N Lonf | eleur. 4 > Ihs , , ls ! Od per owt. HAVANA , March 21. "Spanish gold , SI4UO 244i. ! rxoliiin.'o firm ; ou the United btntcs short Might gold , O'lQ'JU piemlum ; ou London , i3i pniinlum. Sugar quiet ; 3,100 bass molasses Eitsar. S8 to SSi ! degrees polnrlzutloii , wore sold for spccu- lutlon ut J.VdlSS gold per quintal. ' Collco NEW YOIIIC. March 21. Options opened steady , 5 points down to 5 points up ; closed llrm 5 to 10 points up ; sales. 1'i.iVl ' bags , Including Murcli , tUN ) ; April , fl.1.40 ; May. ll.LOJ ® ! L05 ; June. 112.80 : July. II2.7J : October , II2.UJ December. J1..2J. Spot ICIo dull , steady ; No. 7 , H4.50. Wool Steady. HOSTON , Mass. , March 21. The wool market wusHteady with -i good domaiid ut unchanged urk'cs ; suleu U,03U,009 pounds. Trailers' Tulk. CincAno. III , . March 24. Kennott , Hopkins A. Co to S. A. MuWhorler : The trade seems tuhtocut last settled down to the convic tion that while whnnt has so\ernl times touched better prices speculat lely , for a turn , there Is a commercial basis townid which It Is tending und which It miibt roach bcfoto there can bo any substantial reco\cry , In other words , n foreign or domestic do- muiul must take the wheat olT this narrow professional market before It can respond to the usual bullish Inllueiico , \Shotliorthls point lint , buon reached remains tobobceii The chances are that our surplus will not bo wnntcd oxen at thu present prices and If sou temporary rally Is all thutcanbe expected. Corn Ims benn galvanized Into life by rumors Industriously circu lated that , some mysterious clique has been biivlng with the Intention of Kmiociliig shorts bociuso of the roliithu scarcity of contract grain In store hero. This yarn hua done duty for six months and it ser\od to force In the shorts today. There will bo no trouble about the grading In Muy nor no scarcity of corn. Oats rather firmer in sympathy. 1'rovlsions steady with very lit tie trutlo and no Indications of materially better prices at present. Omcuao. Ill , , March 24 r. 0. Logan & . Co. to J. Hands L'ommUslon Co. ; Wohiuu h.nl u nor. vousund unsettled w limit market today. May opened at 8l > c , gold off to KU'io and as liich us Hivc. The closing prlco li 6u ; e. I'orclgn ad vices uro dull nml lower. Alt ticeounu fiom the winter wheat section are fuvorablo ex cept i > emu received Into from KunbaK. i-o far no ptozross bus been made with the bowing ol surlns wheat. There Is no special feuturo to thlsiniukot bo j mid the fact that our good substantial men are feeling for the bet tom prlio to buy on , and us wo look at the iimrkut for thu near future there U nothing to bring whout ou except the prlco , which Is iclatlvely low as compared with foreign > al- u us. anu whatever of danuico may develop with the weather. With mury thing fuvorablu wheat euiiuot decline much moro. and with accidents that may come there IH u fair pros pectof some luUiuiee. The wet hlanket IB no tpoculath e trading In June or July , May Is iiuar ut hand uud the present holdon cf the options must ho preparoi to take delivery of the wheat or ( ell It out uud buy kouio future upllou Corn stroni. a coed cloal wanted mid llttlo for dale. The nd Ices nro that receipts will bo Ight for the next week or two. In oats there wnn n inodcrito business nnd the biirlng prin cipally local , ' 1 ho strength In torn Is added to iho strcystb 111 ojtjj I'rovlslogs nro steaay and the biislncsi doTn lln tlioiu light. I'lltrAiio. til , Match ; i.-OounBolman A. Day oCookrell llros ; Thooarlv feature In wheat vas cry free litigation by dls-ouraged lolders and covering by shorts , who wcro ontlsllctl with pronts below 8lc for May. Out side news was featureless nnd the market controlled by oparatlons In the pit. Corn fol- owed the whn.it market , May declining to 18 Vc. but became strong and n4v.inc.ei ] le ou icav btiyliu bv provl lnn houses and closed Irm nt i.o higher. O.ntx , pit nil y n scalpers nurkot , r.illvltu nt tlio eloso lit Rympathy wllh corn. l'roIslons were moderately nctl\o nml price ? dcctlnol early ou snipers selling n niitlc'patloii of possible further iinlo.idltu tv p.ifi.urs or commission houses. At thu dt- cllnn. ho oer. packers became hiiyets anil irios roactedun coloring by scalpers. Thoio was \cry llttlo outsldo Intcren In the market , STOCK.S ANI 1IONUS. London AVns Appirently n Seller In tlio N'r.W YOIIK , Mnrch 24. London was nppnr- cutty n sailer In the early dcilln ? ? , but the tansnotlons were open to the suspicion tint : hey wcraorUlntited on this side of the ocean ; and whllo the trndlnj and profosslonnl etc- ments were liber it sellers of the list , there was considerable demand from the shorts nud iho leading stocks g NO evidence of good snp- iiort and dlscotirnacd further nttncks quickly and after a short tlmo of marked activity the market sank buck Into Its now uonmil eondl- tlon'of qulol ude.Tho Industrials were nit : ictl vo and distillers , which had boi'ii comp it.ituo y neglected of late , scored a m.itorl il gain on u fair busluess The ery stubborn roslsttinco olTero I by the gounr.il list to thu efforts at du- iiesslon. howovci , had Its full olTect on the uaiket late In the dav , when the ileiinu I from the shorts became \ cry tirat-nt. and be ginning with Kcadlng , all moved up iai'dlv | n thu last hour. Thu upward movement lu none was Iesstluiti2 pei cent , hut the rest of the list filled to symp ithlro to any ovleut inn prices us u rule , while loinulning llrni , move I n\cr n small range. I'lii ) opcnltu of tlio market was nf- tecto I by the rumors of trouble o\or the ller'ng sea miiltur nml first prices weio goner ill v from ' tier cent to ? per rent ewer than I ist night s figures , bntdtli lug the day their losses wcro moro than madrt up and small fraction it gains aio the rule at the close. ' 1 he ni'tl\lty In the coalers did not lag LIII the llnal s lies and the nmrUcl closed quiet Imt Htm , gcner illy ut sin ill fractional gains for the dav. The Improvements compilsu nd- Minces us follows : Corilnito 2'8 ' per eenl , Dls- llllers 1's percent Jersey CantrM and Lickn- w.iiin i each 114 per cent , and Chicago Gas 1 ? percent. Uox eminent bonds IKUO been dull nnd sto uly. State boids hn\o been dull nnd sto. uly. 1 ho following uro the closnu quot itions for Iho leading stocks ou the Now Yoi k t-took ex change ted iv * The total s ile of stocks were 315.704 shares. Including : Atchlson. 4,100 ; Chicago Ga , U8JO ; Krle. 11.700 : Hocking Valley. .1,713 ; Lnko Shore. 8.1 U ; Louisville A. Nashville , 5.iOO ; Northwestern. .Ii40 ( : North American , 4.190 ; Northern Pacific preferred. 40'M > ; New Knis- laud. ! ) , WI4 ; Heading , O.J.870 : Hlclimond & . West I'olut , 1),2JO ) ; St , Paul. 35,403 ; Union 1'uclflc. 7.0JO. New York Mono. ) YOIIK. Murch 21. MONBV ox OAI.L Kasv nt lli2 per cent ; last loan at 2 per cent : closing oircrcu ut 2 per cent. 1'itiME MKHPAVTifjU I'Ai'Kit 131 per cent. STKitr.tNa EtcitANQE Quiet , but steady at 48 for sixty-day Blllb and J4.87JJ for de mand. The closing quotations on bonds : I'lnunchil Huilciv. NEW YOIIK , .March 24 The Post says : What will pcrhnps always ho ono of tnu romnrkiihlo features of today's murker , was Us utter in- dliroicnco to t'ie slher colna o nncstlon. It could not uo aild that the maikct values UPIO held In the h'llanco awaltinz the result of loduyS vote , for iiobodv bcrlously douhted what the result of thuote could he. The "woikins" of the mrketcii Washlnston ru- mois early In the week was only such scat- tered-hr.ilnoJ proccudlns ; as the i.ild yeslor- day hascd ou the Itoiluic sea rumors. 'I hero Is seine douht as to what moiemcntof iirlccs will follow the vote , und prohahly homo of the recent .slilftln ; of Ion ; stool : , notahly In Like Shore , was of a prccaiitloiinryi'liar.ietor. Hut there U not tlio slightest SKII ! of mustcrni" of forces for an n cn she cump ilrfu. I.omlim .stock .Marliut. ICopyiIjMtI IsniliiJ.fnti Qnrl-u litwi'.lt , ] LONDON. Murcn24 [ Now Vork Herald Oabln ' peclal to TIIK llEU.1 There Is no change In tlio bunk rate which remains nt J per cunt , Tlio.stocU markets today huvohecn Iiiamoio or loss unscttU'd aniliinsatsfactory | ! condition , while new huslne- h is hcen almo- at a standstill , hut reall/atlons In conneetlon with otitstandliiK accounts have hcen tolerahlv numeroiiH I'linds are 1-1(1 ( to ' , pot cent eahlcr. Indian rupee i-apor Is also ' percent lower. I'orolRii government beciirltles c ese Irregular , thoiiKli fiimno"i > Is ruporiud on con tinental hoursos. Homo rillw.iyN lia > obeon more or less dull all dny. IlrUhtou deferred hiuliiK been bpejlally iloprcssed at the close , t pur cent lower owlnu to a l.ugo decrease , i.1,210 In the dolly trafllo btancmenU Kxcept ! i percent In Caledonian deferred , the declluo m ether : > docs not exceed > B to ' { pei cent , while us regards Noithcustoiii. LondonNorth- weatern , Midland anu Great Kustorn , 1m- ] ) rovemont li ostahllshnd , The market for American railways has hccncry much dis turbed hv the uusatUfiiotory outlook In tlio llerlni ; t < u.i dUputc. Un u piossuio for hilcs u general decline has taken place. Miscellane ous securities lmo been nozlcctcd and nro without fe ituro , Money lias boon In food de mand. 24 per cent being paid for short loans. The discount market linn also been firm , two iiud Unco mouths' ullls belnD' ijuotuJ ut 1'i per cent. LONDON , M.irch 54. The followlu ? wore the Londonstouk < iuotatlons oloalni ; at 4 p , m : of England on balances today , 11 000. The bullion lu the ll.iuk of Knglund In- cteascd JtTl.OUO during tha past week. The proportion of the Hunk of Kngland retorvo to llaliHItv. which lust wcelc was 41W per cent Is tiow 4J.B3 per cent. I'lnxiH'liil Mote , NEW Oni.KANj , La. , Muich 24. Clearings , KANSAS CITV , Mo , March 21. Clearings tula dny vvcrol , J2J,18'J. NEW YOIIK , March 24. Hunk clearings , tlSO- 01N.WJ ; baluiicex , (0,217,242. llAi.Tiuoue , Md . Muroh 74 Clearings , II- E7I.45U ; balunccs , Wl.lM. Kate , Q peroont. I'uii.AUEU'iiiA. I'u. . Mnroh 24. Clenrlnzs , tl.87l'Ji bulanceB , ( I,023,8J8. Blouuy , 2 pur cent. MEUIMIIS. Tonn. . March 51. Novy York 01- chiinRo bulling at par ; clearings , ttill.triJ ; buluiiees.jr-U.14l. CINCINMATI , O. , Murch 21. Monov 40 per cent ; Now Vork oitcbangc , 75bUu discount ; cleurlnga , fl.BUUXX ) . br. 1,01118. Mo. . M iri-h 24 Clearings , J 1,1 7- 884 ; bulaucet. CU2.UI7. Money tni.7 percent. l.xcliBnce on New Vork , 2J per cent oUnount. JJOSTON , Mam. , March 24-Ilauk cleuriiign MV15 STOCK MAItKUTS. Cattle Itnthrr Jloro Ki j Hogs Also De cline Ycry sllRlitlj. OviAtlA. March 24. Hecelpts for the past four dajsfool up. HOI'cattle ) , l.Mli" hogs and 3 Ml bheep , against l',7 ' 0 cattle , 2l,0il ho sand H.07J sheep the coircspondln fotn d.ivs lust week. , The supply of ciVttlc was ronsldornbly l.irgor tb.inedno3d'Ly or lust Thursday , hut the run so far this week falls some 70D short of the s.imo tlmo last week. The market was slow and unevenly lower on about everything. Hiislncbt vv is very dull In the line of heavy cuttle , notwlths'tnii lln nvcry fair shipping and expoi tdem.tnd. This was mainly duo to r.ither be irlsh news from oastein markets. Local buvers ncro also bearish on aecou.it of the decline i.u other point ? and p.irtly In anticipation of liberal rec'Clpts the balance of the week. The forenoon trading was compar atively light , null after dinner , while the movement was sbiJievvhat free , prices were If nn ) t.hlni ; easier than In the morning. Goo 1 to choice 1.150 to L.'iOC Ib. steers sold at fiom M 7.1 to.r , with f.ilrtozond I.U03 to I00-lb. steers f rom $ 1.50 to JJ 71 ThoorJIniiry run of light common stock snld from $1.00 to $1 43. Trading In butclierV and canners' stock vv.is mostlv lit smalibiiiches. [ | olds nnd enUs , the entire receipts Qomprlblng .less than 2J Un loads. Huslness wis soinowhnt slow mid prices rather Inclined downward o\copt on the better grades A laid of fancy 1 , 11-11) ) . helfcrj went for o\poit nt1.8J. but fl.Dii to $ .120 bought about everything else In this line. Hulls , oven and Htags were stc idv at from $1 UI to $ 1.5.1. onlvLR steady at from JI.DO to W.2J for nooi to prlmo vo ils. Iho stoukoi and feeder market was not enough dllTcront from Wednesday to niiote. Not n very lie ivy business wni done and prices were generally fullv steady , especially on desirable lots. The supply bclnj rather liberal and the countrv demand somewhat limited , rough thin gtocitdld not sell as read ily as usual , bales were largely uhovo J.I 00 , nnd from that up to J.I 5 ; . Kcprosontiitlv o Bales : CTEEKS. No. A" . Pr No Av. I'r No. Av. Pr. y .1010 $1 00 11 .1087 ? l 50 : I4 .1255 1-1(5 ( 1. . 72J J Ur 4..1147 J50 17..1170 a7J : i 1.1 : i i.iio -j MI IU l.'dl a 70 DM : i no 17. . 070 .1 50 41. .170 Oil : i : u 1J..1010 .150 .1182 , I7J 1140 j.w . i nn a 5ri 41 .1210 1 720 : ID : :4 : I.UI a 75 " 0. : i .11 r > tiss : i 55 2J. 1-VO a 80 i'O lOVi ; i. 6 yi > , Ji7j : i 6,1 10. 118J a so 21. Ui7 12 i.4n : i 55 10 1141 ago 00 .1 4) ) 1171 : i iii 1)1 * .1118 1 112J a 40 nn : IGD 23 .1171 4 a 4) 1147 : idi Ib i.r,8 .1 1-5 11 a 4) ) 1222 : HX ) IB 1J77 a 85 1 8M a 40 iior .1 < ; j 1) ) M-.8 ! a oo 1U 10(1.1 ( , i 4-1 1 150 : i w 21 liOC. a no 10. 11.17 a 4- 1110 : i ou 18 .I1J4 JUO 2.1 a 4- > 1)71 ) .1 liO 400 0..lOKi a 4-1 llifl : i cr 61 141J 40) ) 2J lO''S a 4" 710 : i < r 20 1.CI1 400 21 1012 a sea 3 Ui 18. IVII 4ri ( ) 12 U < I7 a 50 1171 : i 0.1 n nee 401 10 ini2 I 50 H8i : i in 17 1.170 4 10 2 l.'IO a 5) jnu : i K > 5 11118 41 > 18. 1074 a 50 2 1OT1 II 01 1U..140U 4 15 10. 1071 J 5U IU . 120J U 03 . . 9.8 a 25 cows. 1 fiSO I 03 , fU3 2 20 fl 1075 205 1. 1'JOO 1 25 II IUU 2 25 14 1U7J 1 7iO 1 40 U 2 25 h K.M U Oil 1 53 1010 2 .10 10 1017 2 OS 2 . 010 1 fiO 1(1 ( Ml 11 014 2 TJ 1. . Ill J 1 7ri 1040 2 40 1)1) ) 270 1 75 I.'CJ 24) ) 1 810 271) ) : i ! U7ii 1 r , 1115 2 40 H 102.1 2 75 1. . 74' ) I 75 II IUI 2 45 1 . U.U " 75 1 88) ) 1 7" IIK 1125 2 5J 1 1110 275 2 . 03.1 1 73 K 1014 2 50 1. MM ) 275 1 .10JO 1 75 5 10C8 2 50 7 .1014 2hO 1 . DM 1 75 ll _ 11.14 2 5U 7 . 1)78 ) 28J 2 , 703 1 SJ llft 783 2-M K Oil 285 1 03 ftC. 783Ml 2 f > 0 7 102S 203 2 01) ) C.J . Ml 2 50 7. 1000 aw U . tMi.i 2 00 J 047 2 50 1 11.10 .110 ' 20J 1 1110 2 M a..1120 ano 2 WXI 2 00 1.li . 550 2 50 2 , . lira .103 5 . 04 I 2 00 li JI3 a 53 3 ,1141 ! ano 'I. . R'K ) 2 00 1.1J nil 2 fiU 2 14U.1 a 10 2. C80 2 10 J I2.1J 2 0) ) 21 .1.-2I a u 2. HIM 2 10 I1..1U03 2 03 M..1103 a 21 ft 778 2 10 H 1080 2 U5 4 14115 a co 0. . 8.12 2 10 1. 1100 205 14 UII ate 1..10IO 2 10 IIEUEIIS. * 1 ' 103 n 5) 770 2 81 11 828 203 10 50J 2 UO liOO 2 B3 27. . 7DO a 20 14. . WO 2 Oi ! AIVBI , 1 , 300 1 50 10) 2 7.1 8. , 2ri 4 53 11. . 310 1 50 10) ) U UO ] . . 220 45) ) J HI 203 3s3 3 5) 1 100 500 j . 200 2 23 Vr U ) 4 53 4 . 230 5 2i | [ nui.i.a 1 17.M 1 CO 1 1.150 2 35 2. 1V)3 ) 275 1 1270 1 ( .5 1 r | | f. 1ZII 2 4J 1..10.10 283 2 , 09.1 1 83 l'.1870 2 4J 1. . 1181 a 10 2.,1510 2 UO 1 1.I7J 2 SO 1 IMI 32) ) 1 1000 a is 1..1200 2 05 i. 1113 ate : 1. . 0.10 2 23 UJ.1VJ ) 275 1..212J 360 1..10CO 2UQ uliM'M 275 BTAQi 1. 1130 2 53 .U 2 70 3 1303 325 1..13SO S40 mJ..1575 ! 2 73 3 15C1 315 . AND 1. 510 2 CO " 770 II 15 2. . 60.1 32.1 1..10VO 2 00 13 II 1071) ua.i 10 . nn 2 00 2J 2) . . tl)3 ) uai 1. . 7.10 271 IV. , CO ) i2 < > 21 . hU7 1. . 7bO U 00 17 20 1'J..1JO ( | 1 , . KU ) 300 ! D3 32J 8 . hll ) 1. . 513 UCU 700 : i2) ) UIO 407 a 03 , 0-i3 a m 20 j Ils. ) a 41 4m 300 , MO 2 21 111. .1077 : I.M i 723 y oo , U 4 : i2J 070 a 50 MlLKIMtS AND 81'IIINaEIH. 1 cow nnd calf M2 00 1 row und calf 28 t'O ' 1 cow and calf - ' ( K ) 1 cow uud calf , 15 00 1 cow und calf U 00 1 bprlngcr. . . , & f 0 Hods The supply was the most llbirat of the week being fully l.fH/0 moro than Wednes day nnd ubout 400 more than lust Thursday. There has been n deurcnsu so fur this week computed with lust of about 11,000 head. llunlncss was slew from bturt to finish. Itotli local nnd shipping buyers wanted good light anJ butehei weight hoa und prices on the o grades woio geiiornlly htoady nt II.M to tl.W with u few i-liolco lots ami sorts nt 14 0-JiJ to fl.lA , Nearly oieiythlng In this line wus moro or less sorted , the rough uud hea\y hogs be ing thrown out and belling ut from (4.10 to fl.40. There wus no outside demand for heuvy hogs and these grades especially the I'cst heavy hogs biieh us shlppeis tikually tuko were ulKiutSc lower than Wednesday , hovoral loads of huuvy lioirs remained uusold at thu close. Pales of lieavv hojs worn mo lly nt 9l.Mtot4.Vi. The bulk of the trailing was nt from tl.M to $1.00 nstalnst M M to ri.no Wodnos- 'Iny , the gcnor it itvarago of price * pnld being 454'i ngilnst rif.7 Wcdnesdny mil 11.48 Thursday of last week. Representative sales : AND notion , fi . . . 12S 100 7 . 'Ml 80 4 21 Hum i' The two lonils of fdieep received woto hilled dlicrt to SwICt > V Co. and not ollerod forsnlc. There Is n strong and giovv- lug dcmiiud f or < lcslrnblo muttons ntquotnbly llrm prices which are nbout as follows : Pair to good natives. $4.fioQfi fiO ; westerns , W 09ft f > 41 ; common mid stock aheop , ? . ' .fiK ( .I7.1 ; good to choice lambs weighing 40 to 1)0 ) Ibs , f 1,3.1 ® nil IU ; > iiitl-in of Sti3't. Ueeolpts nt the Union stuck yards. South Oinahii , Noli , for the twenty-four hours uiid- liij at .1 o'clock p m. , Mnrch 24 , IS'- ) . lUTHI'T' . JIISP05ITIOS Chicago I.Ho StncK Murltet. CiitCAon , III . March S4. ( Special Tolojrram to TIIK HtE.l All classes of huyors were ac- tluiy onmnoil to luv nnd the suuplv of 14.030 cattto the yards contained was HOMO too larie. Holders sienerilly nskcd higher prices , but did notKcnorally got them , thouvh uuvcrs were iiilto | wlllliu to tal.o the ofTorlnas nt Wcdnes lay's quotations. The daj "s woi l < was done on a oasis of from $ l0 to t ) M for poor to extra IO\\H , lielfoisand hulls , K.i.'i to M75 for Btoelters nnd feeders. 8.2 OJ to $4 00 for Texas cattle and from fJ'JA to M. 15 for dressed > ) ecf nnd shlpphm steers. Unlvasmall ji.irt , of tliu receipts wcro peed cnotiKli to hilni ; more than SI 5i , nor worethoro m.iny sales below $ 'uo. Local iloalors are ant'clpatliiK Increased ar- rlv.ils for ne\t xxcuU and pi tullct a weaker intirKet. At the opening of business this mornlnz ho Hsold us hluh as on yesterday , the best Hilit KoltiK at SI T > anu J\MI belli ; ; paid for e\- tra medium and ho ivy \\ulKlitK. Hut what- oxerof llrmness the iniirUel limy ha\o do\ol- opcd nt the Htartory soon disappeared , An hourly late buyer \\ould not uiv within Tic to lOc of the opening pi Ices and the market dually closed ll.it at that decline. The cniibo or causes of the sudden down turn were not discoverable , today's receipts bolng light nud the run for the remainder of the present week piomlsiiiK to ho correspondingly so. ( Jlosnu quotation1wcro from il.ro toJ4 UJ for poor to primp llcht and from Jl 50 to M 03 for heavy nnd medium weights Tlio quality was r.ither poor and there n as not much triulinK at better th in 84 ( U. bales of sheep an 1 lambs wore at quite as ( rood prices us were pild on the previous dav. There was nn , ictl\o dcm ind at from 54.75 to &i5)toi poor to oxtri qu-illtlcs of the former and at from ? . " > W toifl.0) foi the latter , Sup plies continue moderate ami are llkoly to so continue. Uecelpts were : Cattle , 14,0:0 ; hos , S2.000 ; ftheop , 7.000. The Henlns Journal reports : OATir.E Ke- colpts , 10.0UO ; shipments , 4IO > ; ninrUet steady : prlmo hteors. $4.TiQ > 00 , jroort to choice. Kl KJ © i 0) ) ; others. $ .140 ® . ! SJ : stocUcrs and feeders , H8Jffi.Lii : : cows. Ji.7i < 3-.nii. ) 1IOUS Uocclpt ? . i2.0JO ; Elilpmonts. 11.000 : market weak and lower : rough , 31.IOSI.4J : paeUers nnd shippers , J ) .VKZJ4 TO : prlmohoavv and butchers'weights , 4 b04i4.'JO ; light , tl.75 ® < fUEEP Kecelpts. fi.OM : shipments , 2/101 : market strong ; ewes ? 4 504fi.CO ; natives. K > .75 © O'JJ ; westerns , J5.fc.V30 15 ; lambs. W007.00. New York I.ivo .Stock Market. Nf.w YOIIK , March ' . ' 4. HECVKS Kecolpts. 4V head , all for export ; no trade ; feeling dull ; diessod Ucef steady atCSi ; tier Ib. ; bhlu- ments today. 418 beeves and Hi sheep ; tomor row , 4)i hooves. OALVKS Hecolpts. l.)30 ) head : mirkot dull nnd liopcrlo lonoriSOQ unsold , voaVs , $ J.UO ® 5.70ier | 101 lb . SIIKKP Receipts. 8il7 : hciiid ; sheep So per Ib. loner : lambs steady : sheep. J.YUCKit ; * " . "i : Inmbs , J8 50 ; dressed muttons dull at lK210 ! u peril ) . : droned lambs steady at 1 © lie. Hoes Kecolpts ,1,341 head , consigned direct : mnrkct nominally steady at * 4 "JO5 5J per 103 Ibs. Kinsas City I.Hu StocK Murkot. KANBAH CITV. Bio. March 21. CATTLE He- colpts. 1.700 ; shipments 1.2'd ' : steerd were steady , closing loner nt J.T.2. > ® 4 20 ; cows were oulct and steady at $ I.5'JJ25 ; feeders , If J 05 ® J.IU. J.IU.Hoas Uacclpts. 5,813 ; shipments. 1,400 : good hogs wcro btundy ; othois weak ; all guides , } . ) WSJ.tu ; bulk , 84 I5QIMI. fcHEKP Itecolplp. IOJ ; bhlpmcnts , 1,500. The market was active and strong. CHA.MHKKI.AIN'S VOUU1I JIUMKUV. hiipirlor to Anj-Otlirr. Mr.V. . J. Alowtoy of Jnrvisville . Va. says : "Siticno liuvo been handllnc Cham borlnin's Couch Remedy wo littvo sold It ou a htrlct guarantee and found that oven1 bottle did peed service.Vo have used it ourselves nnd thtnlt It superior to any other prepara tion wo know of.3 und 63 oontooltlos Tor sale by AViintxu imnrcc. Lbzio Kroit7sch has { lied a petition In tbo district coutt , in which she asks to Do divorced from her husband , I oxvis , She avers that Lewis is a common drunkard and for years lias failed to provide for her sup- nori. She also avara that the marrlago took place Rt Graml Haplds , A1ich. , twonty-eighc vears aeo , and that fourteen years ago aba hnd her hut band took up tuolr residence in this city. _ _ _ Mis , TJ. H. Patton , Uockford , III. , writes : J'Froin personal oxporicnco I can recommend Oo Witt's Sorsaparllla , a cute for irapura blood and yoncriVJobillty. " A Bridal Tour , at an Amprican Bum- ntor Hesot t. . , Iluinuu ingenuity has ntailo it possililo that Amoriean ploasttro rcwortH can cany with them the hralth-civitiR DropertiuB of Europe's Firht Health Spring. Wo icfcr to Cnrlhbail. It will pay joti to read up on this his torical spot. For COO j ears il has iir-rfornipil its bene ficent mission. , Kiiijicrora , pools , statesmen , all men of ealth and fatation liuvot < oiight nnd found hi-altlt heio. Quito an taiu-nbivo trip. But you need not o. ISvory dnig btorp will deliver you the Carlsbad treatment in a bottle , m the shnpu of tbo world- renowned Spiudul Baits or the imported Waters. . , . Tnko no substitute. The following on the bottle proea its Kenuinencbs : Eisner & lendolsou Co. , feolo Agents , New York , " Write for pamphlets. , OMAHA rs' Directory Brandreth's Pills arc the great blood purifienV They are a purgative and blood tonic , they act equally on the bowels , the kidneys , and the skin , thus cleansing the system by the natural outlet of the body they may be called the purgative sudorific and diuretic medicine. They stimulate the blood so as to enable nature to throw off all morbid humors , and cure disease no matter by what name it may be .called. One or two of them taken every night will prove an infallible remedy. Brandreth's Pills arc purely vegetable , absolutely harmless , and safe to lake at any time. Sold in every drug and medicine store , qither plain or sugar coated. Dr.DOWN 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th * eminent > | ioriillit | In nervous , clironlr , private , blood , ikln find unnary dlionici A ret-nlnr Anl reulitoreil tirudunto In nil-'clclno , ui dlplnmai anil curllllcatei tlinir. In 11111 trentlav irllh tliOBMaluil nurii'l catarrh , Bpermiitorrhocu , lost latinliooJ , ounnul wunkneis , iilttht loisos , luindiency , irphillk. MtrUlurv von * orrlioon , Kluol , ViirliHKtjIu.tlc. n luurrurx u > u. Isuw trvitiuuiit ( urlo of vltnl piiHrr , I'Mrllni un lMi to Tlill mu ma ; bo Ireatol at lioniu by cjrrBni'unilunci' , Modlclai or Instrument * lout by until oreipri * eureljrpat'koJ. no pjarki to Indlcntu foment" or i'ndur. Ono ijerional Intervloir urolorrcd. CuiisullA"0" tree Corrviponimro nrlclly prlrato. Hook tUut rlt ot Ufe ) eut Ituu. Otlicu Uuur < V.iu. toU p u. 111 B. m. to li m. bind ttaiuy tor repl/i JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL , PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. nnnilTIPANDAI.WOOII CAi'si'i.Ki are tii Illlllll I fllie.it und only cap ule jiriincrlLvd Lu uwwu i nrvtuint pi iiciuuj for itu cure oy ( iunorrluii unddlM.bari.0 Iruuilho urlim ilrktuiu lu5Uu > ( I W pur Lux , DRUNKENNESS Or Ilin I.liiuor Il l.ll l'u | | it . | y Curcil by uUiiiliiUliTlnu lir. lluliu * ' 4jol < lcii .Siic < Illr. It oan bo glvon la a cup of colteo or tea , or In faoa. without tbo kDowlcdira ol I tin patient. It li absolutely liarinlcsi , and will erfrot a pcriaanvnt and euro , wuoiner the patleul U a wodcra' o drinker l on afoobolla wre-olc. It lisa b en Klven : n Ihouiandtk- pf caiM.andlu evgry Intlsncoa porlccl cure haaiol4 lowed II , , rri r I all * . Tlieiyslemouce .mprepnalru wllh the Upeollla.lt bccoiuri an utlci uipoa lblllty for iho liquor opn llle to eilat. IjOI.IIKN M'ICriKIl ! CO. . i'rop'rs. CLrlnulill , O. lu.pairo book ol parlloulara free. Io bo liad r > ' Kuhn .V Co , 15th und IJmulnH bin and If th A ( timing bin. Wholes ilu , ll.iUi | > . llrnrn A. Co iinU Illchuioson Drug Co , Uniuhii , NcU