HE OMAHA DAILY HEE&UDAY , MARCH 25 , 1892 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFF'a OFF1CK : - NO. 12 PEAUti STREET. Kcihctrdly Carrier to nny part of tlio City II. W. T1I.TON , - MANAGER. . JlM1'nc'lsOmco | | ' Tr - I.EI'HOM. Nlsllt jailor N , Y. Plumbing Co. Council HlulTs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans. 204 Sapp block. P.l'olwln wan fined § 11.03 by Judiro Mo- ( Jeoycslordoy for ilrunUcnncss null disturb ing the poaco. Well Palton. atjed 1 year , died yesterday of typhoid fever nt thu residence of his I parents , SXJ7 Avcnuo G. Miss Uunlco Wells will entertain n num ber ot friends nt n masquerade dancing party tomorrow evening at her homo on Oakland avenue. A motion for a new trial in the case ot nijjhmy ngatnRt the Union Pnclllc railway company was argued in the district court yostcrOay Mid tnkon under advisement. Mrs. L. . C. .tames , whoso husband was sent to the penitentiary n ilttlo less than n year npo for bigamy , bus retnlned the services of nn attorney nnd Is about to lllo n petition In the district court for n divorce. A suit was commenced In the district court yesterday by thu Lake Manawa Kutlway company to collect n subscription of SIT5 nl- Icced to Imvo been mndo by I ) . W. Archer to assist In the building of the roau. The meeting * nt the Christian church , IJroadwny and Seventeenth street , nro nightly growing In Interest , ilov. Dr. Car ter is attracting consldoranlo nttcntlon as a preacher of popular manners nnd close rea soning. An attachment suit was commenced In the district court yostoruay ny ( Jeorgo A. Hoaglaml against \V. A McMillan , thu plain tiff alleging that McMillan was about to dis pose of bis property with Intent to def rauil his creditors. The revival meetiacs at the Second Pres byterian church are continued this woek. Bible readings nro conducted encli day nt ! t o'clock by Uev. F. L. Haydcn , and song sor- vlco and vruaching nt 7tJ : : o'clock. lr. Stephen Phclps will preach this evening. The Congregational ladles Imvo arranged for a novel social Fridny ovonlng , at the ros- ulciico of W. W. Wallace. It Is expected that each lady will earn n dollar for the church , and that Friday ovonlng they will nartnto their experiences in securing the de sired fund. Marriage licenses wore issued youordav to the following parlies- Joseph L'luOor ot Omaha and Uolla Houston of Council Bluffs , Jdmcs K. Tnompson of Missouri Valley anil Kmma Pruott of CroiCont , Frank V. Miller of Council Bluffs and Anna May Yutos of Omaha. Mike Marsdcn , an alleged wblto man who believes In the equality of the races to such nn extent that ho has boon living at n colored dlvo on North Main street for sov- erul weeks past , win arrested yesterday morning and given thirty days in the county Jail on the charge of being an inmate of n disorderly house. A man givlnc his nnmo as Frank Andrews was assaulted Inn North Main street dlvo night before last , but was unable to toll who did the ] ob. When ho made his complaint to n police ofllccr ho < vas under the Influence of liquor , and ho was locked up on the chorea ot drunkenness. No ovldonco has been found o convict nnyono of the assault. The case of Fred Hobson against the Chicago cage , Burlington < St Quincy Hallway company was tried in the superior court yesterday nnd a scaled verdict xvas returned after the jury had been out halt an hour. Tlio suit was brought to collect S30 for goods alleged to bavo been sold to the company , and was tried before Justice Cones several months ngo. A judgment was given in favor of the defendant In the lower court , nnd the case was appealed to the district court. How arc your awnings ? .T. M. Lumcko , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory. Jnrvls' wild blackberry is the best. O. Yiinkcriimn &Co. . food , seeds , com mission , country produce , 10813roadway. I'jiliUX.lL r.llt.Wlt.ll'HS. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Stewart of Davenport nro In the city , the guests of Mrs.V. . G. Mason on 13 on Ion street. W. M. Jones , western manager of the .Sandwich Manufacturing company , Is spend ing two days In Sioux City. W. C. McCrary and wife of Kansas City vlsit-lng their parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wit- / Hum McCrary , on North Seventh street. Jttrvisl877 brandy , purest , safest , bos * . . Reitor , the tnilor , ItlO Urondwny , 1ms nil the latest styles iiiul nowcst { joodt ) . Hutisfnotion yuurnntced. I'nriirtliliiK Sonic Sclicinps , "Now that 1'vo been appointed chairman of the committee on streets and alleys , " said Alderman Smith yesterday-I'm huvlnc nn interesting lima Koine through all the old papers that were handed over to mo by my predecessor. 1 never had an idea what schemes mon will try to work to got work to do at the city's ox pen EC. Hero's a petition , for example , asking for the opening up of Nineteenth avenue , from High to Sixth Etrcet , n distance of six blocks. It came in with 11 lot of signatures and Judging from np- pcarancos It was Just the thing needed. Como to look the matter up , nobody lives on iho property to bo affected , the name of only ono property owner is on the petition , and ho owns only ono lot in Unit vicinity. The petition wns circulated for the purpose of getting some man n job of digging.Vo have toicoy \ our eyes peeled for just such things all the timo. " _ J. C. Pryor. formerly of the Bank rupt hoe store on Mniu street , IB now with L , Kinnolmn nt the corner of Pearl nnd liryiuit stioot ami hopes to ECO his friends tlioro. Eastern money to loan on ronl nstnto by Ii U. Shoafo , Broadway and Main. Will KUII tlui liiKiiruiico Company. Hobort Haruor of Winnipeg arrived in tbo city yesterday for the purpose of settling up the affairs of his brother , John Barker , who fell off n horse on Upper Droadway some time ngo and received injuries from tbo ef fects of which ho died a few days later. The remains of the dead man nro > , o bo illsln- to-red today In order thnt there may bo no doubt of hU being the right party. It will bo remembered that an accident policy for * 1,000 was found among the papers of the dead man , but when the policy was presented tor payment it was dishonored , It being claimed that ho had boon under the inlluonco of luiuor at the time ho received his injuries. Mr. liarkor is iiatisflod from the notes of > tlio coroner's inquest that tbo claim is without toundatlon and ho announced bin Intention of making the company pay the face of the policy or llnd the reason why. A suit will probably be commenced to collect the amount claimed In a few days. It is with ploiisuro that Misses Sprlnk V Fortran unnounco to the public that they have secured the Rorvicos pf Miss M. Wheeler of Chicago to tnlJ charge of their trimming department , \Vill bo pleased to sou all the ladled nt our now parlors , No. IU Main street. New Noi-tlnM'ttiTM Depot. The ofllcials of the Chicago & Northwestern Hallway company promise to commence the work of erecting the now posiengor depo juttnssoun 03 bprlng opens suftlclently to ' allow the foundation to bo laid. This' wll probably bo In thu cnuriu of the next six weeks. The depot will occupy the tlto whore now stands the passenger shed at the corner of Broadway and Eleventh street ma wil bo somewhat similar In design to tnoso n Ilxon ) and Sterling , 111 , , only larger. It wll bo of brick with stone trimmings , and wll bo 100x30 fcot. A baggage house will also bo built , and tbo capacity of the present freigh houto will bo doubled. Swcnson Muelo Co. , Mnsoulo temple NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS ) octors Disagree but the Jtidgo Decides That Egan Should Bo Tried. WELL ENOUGH TO COME INTO COURT Sonic IntcrrtliiK Tr < tliiiiiny Concrrnlng nn Alleged llllinnyiiiiiti IIM CMO : \\1II Itn llriiritToilnyNotulth- Ilia rl Pole Kgan , who Is under indictment for committing n highway robbery upon n man named Shcriton a few weeks ngo , was to have had his trial in the district court yester day , but ho riled n motion for n continuance which used up ono day und brought out cer tain facts which tonJnd to show how doctors will differ as to the condition of a given patient. In support of the motion was nn nflldavlt by Dr. W. L. Oupell. In which ho stated that , iigan was taken with nn attack of grip on Tuesday , which vcstcrduy bccumo so severe that ho had to co to bed. Ho considered It duugorous to the life of his patient to go to the court house for a trial insldn of n wceic or ten days nt the outside. In order to II ml out Just how sick Egan was Countv Attorney Organ had nsubptuna served on Dr. Capoll to compel him to como Into com t. for n cross-examination ns to the matter contained in his aftldavlt. His cross- examination came off in tiio uftcrnoon , but ilthough ho reiterated tlio statements bo had nlrcady made , his testimony was not altogether satisfactory to Organ. At his re quest the court directed Dr. U. U. Jennings , the city physician , to call on Kgan nnd raako an examination , Dr. Jennings returned nnd testified that ho found Kenu without n symtom of sickness , although" was In bed nnd trying hurd to mai'.o himself feel badly. Ills pulse , imn- nerituro nnd respiration were normal , his eye bright , and his tongue clean. Ho saw no stu'ti that the patient was suffering from grip or anything else. This testimony caused something of n sen sation In the court room on account of Us difference from that of the physician who had made the nflldavlt. The court thereupon summoned Dr. F. S. Thomas and had him make nn examination with Dr. Jennings. Ho did so and court was held until 0:30 : o'clock waiting for him to return. When ho returned IIH ! diagnosis of the cuso agreed with that of Jcnutngs. M lie motion for the continuance was overruled nnd Egan will go on trial this morning at 9 o'clock. Money to loan. Lowest rate ? . John- ton & Vim Patten. Everett block. i'lltcen Yirs. ! . In notual use nnd just us good as now is the verdict ot a. Hnrdinan upright [ ) iano now at Mueller's. 103 Main street. It is the full winded horse thnt takes the race. _ \Vants to A ltiitu IlesnlinilHtlon. "Now thnt the Oatch bill has been de feated , " said T. J. Evans , who returned from n trip to Chicago yesterday , "wo must begin to ugltato the question of the rcsubmlsslon of the prohibitory question to the people. This Is n matter upon which the mon of both parties must agree , as there can bo no harm in allowing the people ot the state to decide whether they want the era ot prohibition to continue or not. I haven't a doubt that If the question should bo rcsubmlttcd prohibi tion would bo defeated , as in this city.whoro nlno years ngo there were n great many votes cast in favor of it , there would now bo few , if any. But oven If it should carry again wo would have the satisfaction of knowing what is the sentiment of the state at largo. "I beUcvo thnt if the newspapers and the friends of temperance nil over the state agitate the matter with nil their might wo can induce the lepblaturo to oass a bill pro * vlding for the rcsubmtssion of the question to the people before it adjourns. There is still about a week before adjournment , and a great many bills just as important ns this hnvo been rushed through in that space of lirno. Ulvo tbo people n chance to tell whether they wantstnte-wido prohibition era a well roculalcd high license , local option law , and I haven't -loubt ot the result. " Wo have our own vineyards In Califor nia. Jarvis Wino company , Co. Bluffs Wmilcd In Miinclicstcr. Sheriff Odoll of Manchester , Delaware county , In. , was in the olty yesterday look ing for ono John Pangtord , who Is wanted at Manchester to answer to the charge of embezzling $000 placed in his charge by the man for whom ho worked. Odcll has been looking for his man for some time , and the last trace ha had of him was in Grand Island , Neb. , the ofllcinls of which place telegraphed to him that they had Pangford In custody. Before Odoll got there Pang- ford had bepr. roloasoJ on a writ of habeas corpus and had ( jono either to Lincoln or Omaha. The Delaware county nheiiff spent a coed share of the day looking aver this city and Omaha , but without success. Ho left u description of tbo man wanted with Marshal Tomploton. Walnut block and Wjomlng1 coal , fresh mined , received dall > Thatcher , 10 Main street rUIII < 't"Yuten. A brilliant though quiet wedding took place last ovunlng at the residence of I. A. Miller , at the corner of Second avenue and Eighth street , tbo contracting parties being Frank Vi Miller of this city and Miss May Yntcs of Omahu. Only a few of the most Intlmato friends of thu couple were Invited. The ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock after the Episcopal ritual by Uov. E. J. Eab- coolc , rector of St. Paul's church , nnd was very Impressive. After the congratulations of friends had boon extended n mugnlllcont suppsr was enjoyed. The groom is one of the well known young business mon of Omaha and the bride the dnuehtcr of Mrs. Anna Yates. Both are well known In social clnilcs In the two cities. Mr. und Mrs. Mil ler left at once for their now homo at the corner of Tblrtv-nlnth and Hurt streets In Omaha , where they will receive their friends after April 10. ( rliiH Coink-tecl. The trial of William Crlss on the charge of omboizlomont was resumed In the district court yesterday morning. Vcrv Ilttlo ovl- denco was Introduced on behalf of the dolcnd ant and the case was given to the Jury soon after court ononed. After being out about llvo minutes u verdict ot guilty was re turned , I ! reggSayers , the father of Iloss Savors , who was found guilty ot assault with intent to commit manslaughter , withdrew his plea of not guilty nnd pleaded guilty to the charge of assault with intent to do great bodily Injury. This being u less serious offense than the other , ho ' .vlll have only a jail sen tence , which will probably bo made ns light as possible on account cf the old man's ago. Suit for Hallway Injuries. A suit was commenced In thodlstrict court yesterday by W. T. Butcher „ against the Union Puclflo railway company to recover ? ll 'J5 ' for Injuries re ceived while malting a coupling. An a result of his injuries ho claims to hnvo lost his power of speech and the use of his mind. Ho alleges that the company's surgeon , who attended him after the accident , told him that his Injuries were slight , no bones were broken , and it would bo only a short time till ho would bo woll. Ntoamrr Arriuili. At Philadelphia Lord Gough , from Liver pool ; Manitoba , from Glasgow. ' At Boston Catalonia nud Lake Superior , from Liverpool , At London Sighted Saalc , from Now Yorlt. At Amsterdam Dldam , from New York , At Bremen Oldenborg , from Baltimore. At Genoa Fulda. from Now York. At New York Dovonia , from Glasgow ; Lumen , from Liverpool. At TUEZS , Brazil Mall ship Star Advance from Now York , February 28 , for Brazilian ports has arrived at Pornamhuco and pro ceeded March 23. Ciirinuu Organized , A lodge of the Brotherhood of Cannon was last night In the Clark building on Fourteenth street. There were eighteen charter members who applied to the grand lodge of the brotherhood nt Minneapolis fern n charter. The Omaha organization Is one ot the subordinate lodges of tlio crnnd coun cil. The meeting hold IrvJt night wn. < n closed ono. Ofllccrs of the local lodge will bo elected nt the next regular meeting , nftcr thoby-ln ws and constitution will have been nd opted. KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. fifteenth Street Properly Owners Hnvo Settled nil Viaduct. The owners of pronirty nton South Fif teenth street have declared that they want a viaduct , nnd they hnvo also named the kind of n structure that they want erected along the line ol the street and over the tracks. A delegation of some twenty of thosa prop erty owners , headed by Herman ICountzo , John A. McSliano , Gaorga E. Barker nnd W. A. Paxton , hold nn Informal miollng with the members of the Board ot Publlo Works nnd the city engineer yesterday afternoon and expressed their desires. City Engineer Hosownter presented a draft of the plans of n viaduct extending from Leavenworlt to Pacific streets. In ex plaining the plans , ho said that the structure would bo l,0i" > foot in length ; It would have n road bed flity foot In wldtb , with eight fontsidownlks on each sldo. Major 1'uray suggested that a viaduct forty feet wide would answer nil nurposes. Mr. McShano Insisted thnt such u viaduct , would not bo worth n dollar. The city was not demanding a. viaduct for today , but for the future , and the taxpayers did not want another Eleventh street structure. Mr. Pr.xton Insisted that the road bed should bo nt least fifty feet wide. Engineer Kosowutcr informed the gather ing that with the viaduct extending from Loavonworth to Pnclllo street there would be scarcely any grndo nt the approaches. The entire floor would bo almost on n level with the linn qf Fifteenth street , both north and south. Mr. Egbert suggested that it might bo well to prepare plans contemplating r. 'Iloor of stone. Engincorllosawator thought this would In crease the cost of the viaduct to a great ex tent , as it would necessitate much heavier frame work. Mr. Paxton onposcd such n plan. If the viaduct was constructed similar to the ono over Tenth street it would meet the demands of the nubile. Mr. ICountzo urged prompt action , but did not want n viaduct with n stone Iloor , ns It would bo too costly. Ho thought the detailed drawings should bo prepared at once and submitted for approval. The railroads tclght fight the construction of the viaduct if It was too costly , but If made equally ns coot ! as the Sixteenth street viaduct it would be nn cosy matter to show that no excessive de mands were being made by the city. Engineer Hosc\vator did not believe that the railroads or the courts had any right to dictate what kind of a vlsluct should bo con structed a ] to width. Ho also thought that Fifteenth nnd Sixteenth street property owners should work in harmony. The Fif teenth street viaduct could bo constructed , and when it was completed the old viaduct over Sixteenth street could bo rebuilt with out interfering with trnfllc. Upon n vote being taken the property owners all voted to hnvo the structure slxt v- six feet wide , nnd at the sntnu time they voted to have stops taken which would re sult In the completion of the viaduct at the earliest possible data After tbo meeting adjourned most of those In attendance wont down and looked over the site of the proposed viaduct. JtKKT tiUti.lll C'O.Vr7\TlO.V. Address of n Nebraska Mini Yesterday' * Proceedings. Du.Nvnn , Colo. , March 23. Over 300 delegates - gates were in attendance at the opening of the beet sugar convention this morning at the Cham her of Commerce. Noarlv every county in thu state was rep resented , as well as the boards of trade from the cities over the stato. The objects of the convention are to call the attention of capi talists to the many advantages possessed by the fertile lands of tLo stuio for the location of beet sugar factories , and to more widely disseminate among the farmers the result of practical experiments In beet culture and the best known methods of growing the boot. Hon. Platt Rogers , mayor of the city , de livered an address of welcome , which was responded to by prominent speakers from different sections of the state. A number of papers on boot culture will bo presented during the three days' session from agricultural exports. Colonel A. C. Fisk of this city was elected permanent chairman and H. I. Foster ai secretary. The features of the day's session were ad dresses by A. Lunn , editor of the Beet Sugar Enterprise , of Lincoln , Nob. ; Mr. Jennings of the sucar factory at Lebigh , Utah , and Mr. Twinch of Now York , who Is an expert ; also an able paper on beet culture by Hon. Peter Mngnes , chairman of the Board of County commissioners of Aranahoo county. Experiments were made in different parts of the state In the past two vcars which prc.vo that beets grown under irrigation run high in aacbarino matter and produce abundantly , and It is almost an assured fact that In an other year Colorado will be , to some extent , chocKing the enormous llow of money to other countries for importation of sugar. .1//.V7J/M HOllttlllLl' MUIIMTan. Two Itodle * round Hurled llonoath Tons nl lloek at Lend City. DEADWOOD , S. D. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bci.J Edward Owen and Mlllnr Mclvenzlo , minors employed in n drift on the 400-foot level of the Highland mlno nt Load City , were killed last ulpht by the premature - mature discharge of n blast. Failure of the men to nupcarat supper excited alarm and a suarch at H o'clock resulted in lindlni ; their bodies burled beneath several tons of rock. The bodies were terribly mangled , Owen's head having boon completely torn from the body. No night shift was working In the slope , ns Is the case with all contractors. The mon were in a great hurry , not using necessary precaution , and those In a position to know say that they were loading a down hole , which , when fired shortly before , failed to break Its burden. The hole was still warm nnd both were hard at work directly over it when the explosion came. Owen was ! U years old and leaves n wire and child 1 year old. MoKonzle was single and 20 years old. Both were members of the Miners union and very prominent. Stubbed with a I'neknt Knife. DEAmvoon , S. D. , March 2. ! . [ Special Telegram to TIIK BEK. | Ed Thurlow was slabbed In tbo neck with a pocket knife and Instantly killed by Ed Carroll nt U o'clock last night. The killing occurred on the ranch ot Charles VincellotU , eight miles from Dead wood , und was the result of a quarrel arislni ; out of a game of sovcn-up played only for amusement , Tburlow was only } years ot nge. The murderer , who is but 19 , effected his escape , traveling on horseback in the direction of Slim Buttes nnd the cattle ranges , sovonty-livn miles north. The shod ft Is in pursuit , having started from Dcaduood nt 12 o'clock last night. Will Comu to thu Drill. II. A. Klncald , a Denver commission man and captain of the Chaffco light artillery of that place , was in the olty yesterday , mak ing arrangements to enter nls military com pany for tbo prizes offered at the coining en- campmcnt of tbo national compctltlvu drill , which lakes place hero next Juno. Ho was sboivn over the city by Secretary AitchUon of the association. Mr. Klncald expressed himself as highly pleased with the Induce ments offered by Omaha to got military com panies of tbo country to como and compete for the prizes. Ho says several companies from Denver will attend the encampment , and saya from the general Interest taken In it thousands of people from abroad will bo attracted to the city. Mr. Klncald loft lust nluht for tils homo In Brooklyn , where ho will remain two weeks noforo returning to Denver. Inwn Miner * Will Not Strike. OTTUMWA , Iu. , March 23. The proposed strike in the mines ot southern Iowa has been abandoned. Mr. Arthur Meeker of Chicago was mar ried In Paris Thursday mornlnc to Miss Grace Murray , aUo of Chicago. The cere mony was performed at the Hotel Mourlcc. Tbo wedding was a very quiet ono , owing to the fact that Mr * . Murray , the mother of the bride is an invalid , GERMANY IN A fljRY BAD WAY * Looked nt Through Trench Spectacles , Her Sky is Rather Gloomy. VF KAISER WILHELM SAD CONDITION Itrnlcrn In lloily nnjl , IHMrrMrit in .Mind , Without u C'liniirc lnr , nucl I'li.ttiln ' to Secure Our , ll < ; fp C'niillnrit to HtthcrtilMtock. Wfil ISSlliii Jnmri llontw Hcnntll. ] PAIII ? , March 23. | Ne v York Herald Cable Special to Tnr. HER. ] The crisis In Germany , which is occupying the attention of all Kuropo , still continues , and has now divided itself into two distinct issues. The political crisis and the personal crisis of the omporor. No one knows jet how the political crisis will end. It Is positively stated thatCaprlvi's resignation has been accepted , and that ho will bo replaced by Count Otno Eulonbore. Many false rumors , however , have been cir culated during tho. pait two days , nnd this statement should not bo accepted without further confirmation. No ono wishes to ac cept the two ofllcos that of chancellor nnd that of president of the Prussian ministry. Even Ilr. Mlnucl refused the presidency of the council , which Is a clear proof that statesmen are cxtreinaly dissatisfied with the situation , nnd that It must bo dlfllcult to live with the Ilttlo emperor. The situation In Germany ramlnds ono of the crisis In Franco last month. There Is this difference , however President Carnet was nt that time In good hcnltti whereas the ninpcror is seriously 111. Indeed the condi tion ot the emperor's health Is causing quite as much uneasiness as the political crisis. Itu is u Very Sick Mini. The emperor has always been sickly anc1 Is now more seriously ill than helms over boon. Even the o flic ml dispatches admit that such is the caso. The imperial master of the horse has sent to Jlubortusstock twenty- seven horses. Tnis seem to provo that the emperor's sojourn at the chateau , which is two hours away irom any railroad , will bo prolonged. " The "emperor Is suffering , not only from local pains , out also from general debility , which renders him incapable of onv kind of work. When ho does not fed well his fretfulness - fulness Is boundless. The foreign i.inlsteis : nt Berlin , not including the French minister , hnvo informed their respective governments that for some time past the emperor bas been showing distinct symptoms of mono- mnnin , which Imvo alarmed hi * frlondi and hnvo given rise to discussions in regard to the regency. All who ituow the truth of the situation nro comparing the emperor with the unfortunate Louis II of Bavaria , liven their tendency to squander their fortunes is similar. The private funds of the emperor are in great confusion , owing to the reckless manner in which ho spent money in his jour ney through ' Europe. There Is'greaf , uneasiness not only nl Ber lin , but also nt Vienna. ' I know from n re liable source that u telOgraphio correspond ence bus been going on between Emperor Francis Joseph and Prince Albert of Saxony or the purpose of Uncling what Is to bo ifono n case of a catastrophe. . "Germany's years of haplness seem to bo ended , " said the Briit > b minister yesterday , and the same though ; , must have already oc curred to Prlnco Bismarck nt Frledoricks- ruhe. , j An ofllcial bulletin about the emperor's health says that ho > vns altncitcd today for the first time with pulmonary orapbysiema and asthma. f . Socialist * Attack n Cliim-h. A scandalous affair has u t occurred in * the Egllso Ste. Mrtrio at Purls. A number of socialists nnd ritlarc'cists interrupted tbo clorcyman whllo'ho was proachingand begun to break the seats. The congregation tried to stop them and a pitched battla took place in the church. The matter will bo brought to the attention of the ministry next Satur day , and the result will bo that the entire re ligious question will come up for discussion and a bitter fight will bo made against the ministers. The latest news from Berlin nt this hour , 1 :15 : a. m. , Is that tbo emperor has positively refused , o a ccopt Coprivi's resignation , who , In consequence , remains chancellor and pres ident of the council of ministers. I giro vou the news for what it is worth. JACQUES ST. Ciim. I'KAST FOK ItKLIC SEUKKltS. % Sale of tlio Household KITects of the I.lltu ( tone-rill Itoulniigur llogiin. [ Cnpurtoltteil 1 W li-j Ja nsi Gnnl 1 1 llennelt.\ \ BitfsSEW , March 2U. | New York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE. ] The sale of the effects of the late General Boulungor be gan under a tent erected In the court of Amard House , occupied by the bravo general during the last two years of his life , to day. Features of Interest wore somewhat lacking so far , as today's sale only comprised china and kitchen waro. Many ladles at tended the sale In spring tcilottcs. There woroJalsoprescntMme. Scverlno , Boulanger's nephews , and several members of the Bel gian parliament. Bids were somewhat high as the ladies competed keenly for the soup ladles and frying pans which they confessed they wanted as relics rather than for use. The real Interest wil ! begin tomorrow with the sale of the furniture and works of art. It. is unlikely that another American cardi nal will bo created at present , as three nro thought dufllcicnt for North America. The Vatican has yielded to Russia's demand re garding the appointment of Monslgnor Kof- louslil as the Hoinan Catholic metropolitan of Hussla. The vaticun also makes conces sions to Bra/il. whoso now minister hero , Buron Andrea , filled tbo same position under Dom Pedro. _ Aft or Aiucrlrii'H Tucking I'lantH. [ CoviirlaMeil IS92 liu Jiime < Gordon fl mi'tt.1 LONDON , March 2 : ) . [ New York Hcruld Cable Special to Tun Bnu.J The special agent of English capitalists has soiled for Now York , purported to bo affecting a gigan tic consolidation of nil big packing establish- jnent * in Chlcatro , Kansas City and Omaha , Including the Chicago Packing and Provision company. The Idea la to form a company to bo floated simultaneously in Now York nnd London. The utmost secrecy prevails hero as to the plans of the , capitalists interested and the mission of ttiaspccial agent. Sixteen Aimrchl.tU ArrcHtril , lCopurlulittiltS3 ! li flfpnti Q-mton HsJMsH.1 PAHIS , March 24. 2:15 : a. m. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bcn.1 Paris police have just nrF&t'cd slxtona anarchists , who are believed \j \ { tin the authors of the dynamite explosions ipf last week. The principal accused Is linvachol , a dyer at St. Denis , ono of the su Urbs ( of Paris , who has ' ( fled. ! / „ The latest Berllitii dispatches assert that Eulenberg has bosiV appointed chancellor of the empire. H' ' _ DUailronHVrectold C'cntr.il America. lCoj/rJuMf | < /S3J l bi/Vhlnti ( } nnlnn Ittiinrlt. I SAN SAI.VAIIOII , ° { Vfa Galvcston , Tox. ) , March 23. | By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald-Special , toTnisBuE.J A truln was derailed today at Sonsonato , fifty miles southwest of this city on the Acajulco rail road. Thirteen persons were killed and thirty-one wounded. It Is the most terrible railroad disaster that has over happened la Central America. Change * in the Team. Coi.L'Miii's , O. , March 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tnc Buc. ] President Williams of the Western league denounces that , thu players' committee has assigned Frank Shot * becu to Omaha in place of Sulllvuu , who is now subject to selection , It has also assigned Thomas Nugla to Indianapolis in place of Stockwoll. Doll Uttrling , the catcher , today accepted termi. Manager Samuel (3 , Mor ton of Minneapolis has notlUod President Williams that ho desires a nrst baseman and Holder in place of McQulrk and Katz. luMtt ItullroutU Ai ex eil , DCS MOINBF , March 23. The executive council completed yesterday tbo taste of as sessing the railroads of the state. Very few changes worn made and the assessment la about $10,000 higher than last year. The only particular changes were reductions on sev eral unimportant Northwestern branches ng- crcgntlng about 400 miles , att5,000 per mile ; DCS Moinci & Minneapolis nnd Toledo & Northwestern branches , $5,000 per ratio. The following Increases were made : Chicago , DCS Moltics & Fort Mudlson , $1,000 per mile ; Chicago , Santa Fo & California , $500 per mile ; nnbun.ua & Stoux City and branches , $100 per mile ; Maion City it tort Dodge , fl.OOO per milo ; Minneapolis & St. Louli , > 500 per mlle ; Sioux City & Northern , § 1.000 per mile ; Dei Molncs & Northwestern , $500 per mile ; Dos Moluos & Western , ? , " > 00 per mile. LETTKH M't oflolter * remnlnlnz uncnllcl for In the patt ern for the neck ending Mnrcli 21 , KOT. Note 1'nrtlcM rnlllnj for those U-lteri will pli"\ Fny"AilrerU9cil , " Klrliu Ilia ilnlo nt the hcvl of the HdUnnU Inqulro for srvmj.it tlio Inllui' ilollrcrr win- Onw. To nvol.l mhtnlioi hira your milt mUrouoJ to jorr street niicl inimber. UUXl'MSMK.N'S M3T. A Allen K A Allen M Allttrom Anderonn A Alulcrnon.l AiiliKate | | ( ' J Arnrltt ( " II Arliuul I ) r AnnsttonR A ! 1 Aiiftnln J Ajres A It lint pro Itnrber i : H 2 ! inMI pl Hell \V9 HplUmi Mr llrntiPlt W llock A llcck t'rot A A Itlniilinm A lloj-cl n llnyill ! llri-nnun J ( J llro nC\VJ llruwii II A llurk A HurrouKlia N lluthannti 1) U llrjnnt II F O. Cnllpn W Cnfp 11O Ciilhoiin.1 I ) Carroll , ! CnrrnllJ ( J ( InrkV A Cnwati A V ColuT Crlppen U Crlsmnn U Cillck J3 Cnril W J3D. D. Davis.1 U Darin .1 U Dnvls 1) A Demilvin II\V Dnnorun M I * Dnherty U liaison M Dotio nn M lluhltiK J K. ii. : co It Knvhintl J H F. r.irinnkor 1 * 1'nlkner.l II Fehlln K A KlnndtJ i : H hcrV It Fontur .1 W l'o lor r. 0 Kmttimn II W I rltschcr 11 FrnnuJ W Tosillko K ! n. Oensler A lilllesby A tt ( Uley C ( iolertliV lireKU.M l.reenV tirubo W ( ini ) OV tiriintlelil.l 11. llnlcy 1) Ilnri03i ! ! llnnklns II lln > ui < ; HnrtlO llartl DrC S Itnjdoek A llnmelton i : llacerty. ! llnnilln til ) IleiulurBon T HetherliiKton J J llrnrt C HMopJ l < HlsseiiJ I , llliilniier II lllne T 11 HU-Klns ( I Hoax I'll Hurley A A lIunoCO J. James S 1)2 .Inrolis li , len en J .leltrleii I. Jordln W Juno J .tones J J .Itines W II JolH'U A .lohnvon Itcv J Johnson It Johnson , ] I ) V Johnson C 1C Knrrlsou A Knlm M Kareky I'M Kclhy U Keith IIV Kollcj W J Kuril I' KliiK K KlelTinann F Knnpp S 1) Kuliucn Ilcv I1 L , Law ton I. A I.nrson U I.nnulnnil.T l.ncry .1 Link A l.ontrel I ! U I.onl ( i W I.el ( y F Leslie J M Lewli K V l.l\crnool I' I.lnilonV l.oghtj It J.llley K l.jonsT KM. M. Mnrtln mr Mnrllnl'A Marhnm.T Miller .1 Miller V. * K Jloels A K Mortal ! II N Mor-iiini U Morris ( i Mueller Itcv K FMoioi I ) Slorso W f Moraine K Moses J SlohrA Mnrilnu M MJLTB A MO. Slcllrldo K McCorniick.l Mcriymont.1.1 a Slc-Urnn M MeKluney C Mel.nimhlln Uev Slc.Murrny TS. Mc.NUlit mr X. NnntlnlullO NachllcnliJ Nelson mr and Nil-Ills a II North A L , nirs A O. O'llrlRii 1) O'Connell I ) I' Oiairlciul h 11 O'Neill ] j OsternuJ P. 1'npan C 1'nttcrpon I ) 11. Itnv CN Ilpbmiin W ltcdlck.1 lllclmnlson C I1 llhyno F lllck .1 Huberts J W ItoberttiS A Hotton J M S. Snclllok FT Hnnerncln C SayCX Scliucti 110 W A ScUuuler K A Seckntz J A Slniple.1 Simple W SchtcnhcckV brary C ( ! i-extonJ I ! f uwnril W K licrwood F Mieriunn M 11 Mioiilmrrt U W Shlploy ] , IC hlrluler U Mno.I Slimier T S Snakes II Sort'iisen A S-rmrkH W A btewnrd H btuckctt ] j fctonc K KT. T. Tcrrlll C Thompson C A TletlB F Ton urn ( > ToniB W Tsclmdomlc M WW. W. Wnlkor U A Wnlsli J A \Vnlmslej 8 Wnlsh A \Vnm8li-y D D WusliliiKton N II Weir llj Wi-tii-r I' West J M White. C Whitman R M L Wilson M J WIlKockl O Wll ley W J Wlllkomen I WlllMHl 11 Wolf A \Vorley O \Vrlflil A 1 ! LAIHIC31 IA3r A. AdrtU Ij Alton mrs C Anderson A Andurnonll Aiilur-.on y Anderson M Andi-non II Antlll M J Arnold mm M 1 * ArniHtrongiiirallAust A 0-2 H. Hell mm C D Ilencon N Beck M lllnkomrsj llluku mm J T llliiKb O Itomni U llnomer mrs J Hrco nirs I ) V llrown mrs C llronn. ) llrooner U Uurkctt nirs K C lluruutt mrs L llyclon mra K O. Cnlliihan mrs O Cnskncr II Carpenter mra It Ciirthlu M .M LhllKOn .M Column iurs M A Connor mrs S W CucliltiK mri H H n. IlnniKO mrB S C Ilntnkln mm A Ik'Jolni M ItcclliiK 1C Itlohurt II HIcuunlH 11 lllelmrclH I. Itlctcr mr II llooney IUTB U ItOBUinraM llounil mm O A Hubt'rti mr II Bnvld'iomrn KB Fcott II hciitl U I , ' fcoutun mra I' A hrhinuUcr mm J Hi'll mm H Hhrlr r mm .M hhlltt mm K Mii'cl" A M Hiearor K Slmption mm M ( Simmons mra J nmlth A 1) "niltlM ; bnuw I , II hnetl K tjiottlnnooac UK ttcrllni ! mm I > byiiionils inmM - r. ' Tcrryl mr > S J Thompson iurs M V. Volro mm II ' \V. Wrltun 0 Jt Wckth I. \Veb tcr mlts \Vln luw iur KAVIIII mmJ M Wood mm J V. Vurton mrs I I1 Younir ram N Tlllllll AMI rotlllTII CLAS MATTER. Ml 11 Iluntvr MltH K M Illch.MrsO A J'.onmU 1 < J Unplll iirilxm ITALIAN i.uTri ; : . Kranclcco 1'ullottu HlhCKt.I.ANKdllS , Ilorton A. Ifarn. J II lllcc & Co , Omnlm rnbllihlnu IIouiu. Land \ Loan Ahuucluilun. Wuilt-rn I'likllnli- In.1 Company , Nurlh American riiiinouraiih Coui- linnir , ( JmuhnTrukt'uiniaiiy | , Uiml , V Loan Com- jiunr. OniBlmMunli'l \ Cmlt't Cumpiiny , Oniiilin V'unrlUK I'ompuny , Mi'lnllru llrutlirm , llvncu & Co , Ki | anl & Lund ; Oinolm LoilKO No Ul , II K It , tec- mnry ; ti J II , hn O tlrcel. T , B Ci.AitKhov , potlmattor. Too will of General Cullum of Now York in ah os several bequests of great jiubllo In terest , Ho civea fiO.OOO to tlio Moiropolltan Musnum of Arts und smaller amounts to va rious other worthy Institutions , and sots asiao ( .250,000 for tbo establishment of a mo- uiorlul hall In connection with tbo West Point Military acudomy. The American Geographical society is romombcrod In u way tbat will bo highly appreciated by its friends and well wishers , for the general's residuary cstato to the amount of $100,000 ii to bo used for the erection of a building for this society. _ _ ABSOLUTELY PURE FrJAQUEi SV. CO. KANSAS CITV MO. TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS , G. A. Sohoadsao'.c , Proprietor , Orflcas O21 Broadway , Bluffsand V521 FrtrnamSt. , O.naha. Dye , clean and rofinUh good * of overydsacriptlon. Packages raoaivod at either offioo or at tlis Works , Cor. Avo. A nnd 28th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price Hat. Merchants who hnvo hop-worn or soiled fabrics of any ehar.votor can have them ivdyod nnd finished equal to new. BED FEATHERS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the nd most appro veil nmchlnoryiitost at losj coat than yo.i ovoi1 pil I IS CAUSED BY A COLD wlileli prttloi In nnd Inll.imo ! the nlr tuboi leading o the limni. It Is tli'j tiCKlnnlnu' of Bronchial Consumption And 1C neglected lemM to tlmt dlsenso very ; icoillly. A iOmr | > , metallic coiisli ncconipanloi It Tnkottlu tlmcnnj joii e.in certainly cure It nltli SCHENCK'S Which is Without an Kqunl Tor BRONCHITIS nnd for nil dlscnsos lonllnK up to nnd Including Consumption. Ir , Scliciiok's Now Bo ok on Discuses o ( he Lnnuv , l.hcr mr. ! Stomach , bhoiiltl 1)0 in every home. Sent free. Dr. J.H. Schcnck & Son , Philadelphia , P Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing. Cures Chapped. Hands , Wounds , Burno , Etc. Removes nud Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN Specially Adapted ( or Use in Hard Water. DR. MILES' IIP VOU bare one of Hie follonui ; NEW CURE I * HEAHT SVJU'TO.MS , ronTMC | J * * LOOK OUTl HEART. Is a cafe and lelia * ble remedy for 1'al- Pnation pf Heart , 'jiu ' inSidc , Asth- ma. Short Ilicalh , Fluttcring.Dromy. Oppression , \\ind In Slomacli , Irreg ular I'ulte , Click ing Sensation in 'throat , Unensy Sensation in Clictt , Smothering Snclli , Dreaming , Nightmare - mare , Arc. ( iet Dr. Allies' book , 'New and Startling Tacts' FREE AT ALL DUUGGISTS. DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.Elkhart , Ind. Forsaluiy Knhnfe Co. , Douglas und 15th Kt CUBES COUGH BURE IS A One Minute Remedy I'or all affect Ions of the Throat , Lungs anil Uronciilil TU'JJ ; EXCEPT CONSUMPTION 2B A-Ts'D DO OniN'TB. KorHalo hy _ LANICETS ARE THE STRONGEST NONCCCNUINCWITHOUTTHC&'ALADEU SVicvt are ] 00 e/A > lutci , eneh al ill cult , the beat you can buy. E/A IliiUcrln llr.l ofAII. C/A Hxti-a Tf l rtnki neil tu e/A linker , Q'A Hun > v Ulunki U told by Oinalia Medical and Siirpl INSTITUTE , INFIRMARY FOK. THE. FREATMENT ALL lleM facilities , npnaraitii mul Itomodlos for successful iro.itniunt ofnvury form of illsL'iiso ri'quli-ln : nuiillciil or siir lual ttuatmunt. 50 boils fur patients licnrd mill attondanco. Host accotnoilatuins In the wo t. \\rlto fyr clrculnrs on ilofoniiltms and bracus. trusses club feet , uurvatiires ot snliiu , lilies , tumors , cancercatarrh , tiionclilt Is , lu- iiuliuUni.olectriclty. p.tr.ilysls , uullun y , kld- nuy , b.nildur , ovi1. oar , skin and blood and all surgical operation- ; . DISEASES OF WOMEN lU' Women I'lUCE. Wo IIIIMIlately added a l In duurtinunt | for women ( lurliiu' cotillnmnt'nU strictly private. ) Only Kullaulo Medical In * blltuto inaMtiR a Snoclnlty ot 1'RI VATK IMSKASI2S All lllood Diseases successfully trcato ) . Synhllltlo I'olsoi ) removed from tno tyMont without mnrcury. New Kestor.-Ulvo Tront- nient for Loss of VITAL 1'OWKIt. I'orbOlisiin- nlilo to visit us mav bo treated at home by eorrosnon Icnce. All communications 0011(1- ( dentliil Medicines or Instruments sent l > y mall oroxniess , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. Uno nufonnl In terflow preform , ! . Cull ami consult us or sum ! history of your case , and ue will send In plain wrapner , our BOOK TO MEN I'KEE : t'non 1'rlvato. auun iu men , vco \ ( ) r N0rvous DM- cases. Impotcncy. Syphilis , UleutaiU Vnilco- eec ! , with question list. Unices. Appliances for Deformities & Tiusoa. Only manufactory In the Woatof itrilftHt.il- ITl .l/'J'i./.IAC'/i.s , Til lias nt , IH.ECfKlU JtATTKJllKS AMi ItKL'IH. Omaha Medical anil Surgical Institute , 26th and Broadway , Cornell Bluffs. Ten minutes'ildo from center ot Omaha on Omaha and Council ItlitfT.s ulcctrle motor lino. THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffj , Iowa. , , , - j aj i i i utM a New , modern , woU-apnoinloil , thor oughly woll-kopl , $3 a day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. CITIlNSSfATlBANK Of Council Jlluffi. Capital stco'r 4 Hui-jilns nnJ I'rolltn. 4HO,0 < H > Not Uailtil | : nnil Surplus. llrectom-I. I ) . K.I . tnmlim , K , L Wlnrtir' , I'.O. ( Jlcninn , K. K. Hurt. I. A. Mlllor. .1. V Illnoliimi nnd Charles II , Hiinnan , Traiiaiiutcenrrnl h.uik- liiK hiiHincss. l.nr 'L-st uiinltul ami Mirlnn | ) of liny biinU In Houlhwusteni lutvu. NTBREST ON TIME DB POSITS Chas. Lunkley , I'uiicriil IMrcclnr ami Umlorlu'iiT. all Urouihvnv ' , Council SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFro. JiU ( BALK IU IILTUS of line luntl , hiiltublu 1. for Harden utul fruit : price . jiu > er auru : two inllL'H froni cltv ; will t.iliopiirt pnyiuviib iu elty propttrty , Apply tol.eoumd Everett , t'ouiiell Illutrb. TTIOIt SAUK At ii hiiKiiln , U'-uuro fruit ninT -L' garden farm adjoining city limits ; gooil dwelling , U It. Shu.ifo. . l AUMH , g.trJen liurli , IIDIISH , lott milL - biialneM blicki for a ilo or rout Day * IU I'oarl itruot. Uoiinall Hliilfj , UKNToMuwelnjsof every Ao- berlptlou utprluui varying from $1 to < tlo. ) ( > iir mouth , located Iu all purls of thu ulty. K. 11. She ifo. MJ II load way , _ $2) per aero for pee J farms In Iowa. I'lno. binooth rorn liinil , 1'nr purtluulara rail oil or address Johnston & Van 1'utten , Council lllnllu. _ UIINIKHKI ) lUKJMB KOU HKNT Nlculy fnrnlslicd rooms for guiitlemun , : r."JOiiU- luuil avenue. UMIHA"N ( udiiltion Hats for tout , bovun room ! , o.ioh ; hath ; hot anil cold water. D.iy O. r IJnrsi'T hlack N ewfrnTmlluiKl ( li > Kt white bpot on hreusti natno "Don. " Hit- ward foriuturu to U.'O Third .ivciuu' , CounuU Jllutrs. _ l UH XT7l.-Tlio .MollTfr/'ri'bTiTimcc on tli -L. htreet , hulf u blot'lf north ( ifIth aveniiu motor Hue. Apply tu Plrst National lunik , Uwuhu , or N , ( ' . UO < | KU & Co. , I'ouncll lllntlm.