THE OMAHA DAILY IEE : TIlfUSDAY , MARCH 2J , 1892. SPEGlflL NOTICES , AnvnmsHMKNTs KOII THESK COLUMNS will tc taken unlll 1ZSO : p. rn. for thn pTfnlng nnil until 8 M p , m. ( or the morning or Sunday cdl tl n . All rtrtrltaotncntii In them column * 15 cent * ft line flr t Inttrlliin. nnil 10 cent * a line thereafter , or I'J PCT line | > cr month. No artrrrtlpcrncnl Inkcn for leu llien 2J cent * for the nm Insertion. Term * . c li In niUanee. Count ntionl fcren word * to the line. Inlllnlft. fliiiirt * . rj-mtxiln/rlc. . ctrli count ns word , AllnilTPttlicmpnt * iniipt rnn conffcntlTOIr AdTorllfots l > y leqiit'Mlne a mimtorccl clir-ck. can have the Idlers ndilrr i > cd to a nmnbrreil letter In cure of 1m : IIKE. Answers no nddreitcd will be dellverrcl on Tirofrntatlon of tlipchrrk. ' SITUATIONS WANTED. IIATK6 Ito nllnc first time nit lOo n line there after. No nilTcrllncmcnt Uken for less IhsnSSc. "llfKJKKKKI'KH WITH HMIST CLASS CITV A referenceswanlsn | > o. lllon. AddressS20 , Hoc. M SOISti * - CO.MrKTKNT KNOlNKKIl W1HIIKH KM A-A ! teitrefereoici. Joseph K. Morrow. HUN. Itlh street. Mi Ug4' A LADY WHO HAS THAVKI.KII AND A spcaksdrrnian and French , would chaperon n imrly of ten In n thrcn months' trip to Kuropc. For particulars address MRS Florida Ave , , Washlnston ] J ) . C ltoteruncese clianicd. ttttiTi : eTNa ? kNlL18II LADY , KDUCATKD IN A Paris anil Dresden , speaklnc French , ( icrmun and llallnn intently , desire * position as eorcrncss. lllvhcsl icfcrcnco , Address T IX this ortlcp. WANTED-MAZ.E UBLP. It AT KB He a line first time and loc n line there- after. No ndtcrtlsomcnt taken for less than Me. 1 WAXTKt ) . HALK8MHNON hALAHY Mil COM- . > mlsslon to handle lhi > new palcnt chemical Ink rraslng pencil. Thn greatest selllnc norelty PTIT produced ) cruses Ink thoroughly In two seconds , no abrtslon of paper1. ! Ul to MO ix-r tent pront : ono ritciit's tn\rn \ amounted to ( i U In six days , another I S3 In two hours. We wntit ono Bcncral agent In rach ttatonnd territory For terms nnd full par ticulars address .Monroe Krater MIC. Co , IjiCros o , \Vls. . .X M , J-HAl.USMKX. 1'AYS 401 IIKK 1II.IIC. 1W-A2" -HAHNIISS MAKKItS WANTKD. GOOD B wages paid. K. Studio. York , Neb. 4JO-2 ! ! ' IJS It. II. LA1IOHKH8 WANTKD KVKHY VVKUK Jifor Wyoming on the it. \ M. IL 11. . frco trans portation from Omaha. CaJI utiXWS. 10th street. -CITY CA.NVAB8KHS. SALAHY PAID WKI'.KLY. BCITY toirlnR machlno olllcc , ISlli Douglns strcot. MIST-ivll l\VANTi : . KXCKLS1011 P011THA1T o. , Ware block. 777II1S' B-WANTKU.KXPKUT HOX HIPSAWYHHi NONK other need apply. Kail Omaha Ilex Factory , yaul Omnlia. ? i -TWO HAItMMS.y.AKHItS WANT1II ) . THKO. BT Whlmalor , Cook , Nch , MH a * T > -WANTKD , 8ALKHMAN Mlt FINK LINK OF Jipcrfnmcry nnd toilet luxiirlos on commission. Address Hamilton. Ilex US * , P. O. . N. Y. .01 23 -WANTKD , A COO1 > HOTKI , COOK. 0. W B Heed , GroHhnm , Neb. 903 26' ) WANTKD , 2 GOOD COAT MAKK11S C. > Aronf Crete , Neb. M9IJ27" WANTKD , ! JGXD IIAHNKSS MAKKI18 FOIl B wholcsalo iiianufnrtui'lng. Address SI. Paul Harness company , St. Paul , Minn. M'JII ' . * ) 1 > WANTKII , PAHTNKu ! LADY OU flKNT , 4'must h vo from three to flvo hundred dollars ra h ; ulso two talented amaluurs ( ten 1.1) ) tenor anil rmrltonu voices , must read music. Correspond , Mrlctly Contldoutlal. Haru chance. Address U. L. aialtUiid , Fremont. Neb. .MM4 2S 2 IIOYSlrtTOlS YKAIIS. OMAHA B Ilex Kuctory. Kast Omaha. I'Si "O-TWO COAT.MAKKHS WANTKI ) . APPLY AT -Ounce. M. Sclbortf , Wyuiore , Neb. 101 23 * d 1WANTIII ) , A KIHST CLASS WIUTK HAHUKIl , J'stcudy work for IlierlKht man. Address ( JcorKO Mnckcy , l.exliiKUn. Neb. I'M 33 * I WANTKlTWO ! TKlt ONS HKCK1VK 1N- ftmcllorn , keep hooka for now store : J. I ) . Bmllli , ali New York 1,1 fo bulldldg. Mi)33 ) S3 * O-llSTOMi WKKKIA- PKLh "T1IK KllKAT JJI-onderuof a llraro I'coplo , " IrMi home o'dvocntcn. A slumlord Tolume. sire 7x11) , % 0 paios. HltiBtratcil outfit now ready. Kxporlencu unnrcon- ary. Installment 1'ublltlicrs , Dox 15S5 , New . . , York. X/A | * \VANTED-FEMALE HELP. ilATKH-Uc n line ll : t tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for lo is thai ) 2."x > ri-.WANTKD , A GOOD GUli. FOIl GKNKUAL V > boueo uork ; German preferredInqutro 2421 Dodge. _ U14 -WANTKD. GlltL THAT CANDO GOOD PLAIN C cooking where second girl Is kept. Good wages. li'll ' Locust St. _ IJ4U WA fTKI ) , UIKfj FOIl GUNKItAL HOL'SK- C work. Mrs. ( ' , . W. I.oomis , 1U14 bo. SUth nvpiinc. M7i > i _ -WOMAN COOK WAN1KD ; MUST IIAVK CWOMAN C sonia experlonco In hotel cooklnc. Adnruss Motel , ( ircslinm. Neb. MSSO 2a * rv- COMPKTKST ailll. FOIl OKNKUAL UOUSK- wbrk. 1WJ Sherman avcnuo. yil C-\VANTKD \ , OOOI ) WOMAN COOK KOII SM AM , hotel III tlio country. 51 day or J3i month. Oiiiuha ISaililoymuDt'.Hurcau , I11IN. ICth. M9JU 2i- -llllh FOIl ( IKNKHAIj HOUSKWOllIC IN KAM- Hy of two , ftll South 2Mb M. : -2.l- WAXTKUAT O.N't'K. C.OO1) ( Hill , KOlt OK.V- cralliuunewurk. Call X0 Hurt street , Mrs. T. II , Knrrld. UIC 21 -WA.NTKD , A HOUSKKKKI'KIl TOIl ( ! KNTLK < liiiin. IU1 miles from clly 111 lown of 1,00(1 , Ccr rnun prcfi'rreil , ( Jood home lo right parly. Ad dress lork box US > , Omaha. .Ml70'I / * -.WANTKI ) , A YOU.N'f ; ( Hill , TO'ASSIST IN laklnt ; care of children. 2422 bt. Mary's avenue. TOR RENT-HOUSES. \-0 11OOM FLAT , 2103 LKAVKNWOIITH ST. \-HOIISK8 AND APAHTMKNTril.N HE9T HK8I- /deuce bluck In clly. BIG S. . ' 4 ulreet. Tel. ! ? . ) -I.AItdi : LIST OF HOUSKS. STOKES , FLATS J etc. , f J and up. Paul , 17 Hoard of Trade.ZI3 ZI3 A 6 fl-HKSinKNCK FLATS , ti AND7 ItOOMS. WITH .l-'liath , convonlent to business , only I'JO. Jlcnil lovt. Co. , I42lteo , building , M537 -FOltllKNT , 6 NICK NEWLY FUIt.NlSHKI ) D rooms , Kt N , 19th , llronnan tluU. Miv ; ! T\ -FOH 11KNT , HOUSES , 17.00 PEll MONTH ANI ) JL/ iipwurdi * . The O. F * Uavts Co. , 1W5 Farnuin st. st.4Ul 4Ul - ; IMIOOM FUUNISHKD D-KLKIANT near Hrownell hall ; f 100.VJ per rae C. F. Harrison. VIS N. Y. Life. till ) nil _ -FOIl HUNT , HOUSE 1517 N. 17T1I 8T.'J 1UXMS bath , clc. , J2J per month. F. H. Woodrow.Ncb Nut. bank bulldlnK. Ultt T\-l-XIl HKXT , AHOVK'NOS. C4 ! ANHffM SOUTH 4.sjutb alrcct , ii room tint , every modern eonven Vcnce , liicltullnii larue kitchen rango. Apply Wind f < ur , Kerrya , V Co' , 'JU1 N , Y l.lfu bklK. JITW ' - > IAY TfiT , HKVKN 11OO.M COTTAR K OI5X trlly located. Inquire lit N , U > th Btreet. JIT'Jl ' -KOII'HUNT.KJiKUANT IlltlCIC HOUSK NKA1 llDiinroiu Park , S ruonik , bath , luruace , cii lllck > .SU6N. Y. l.lfo. IM7'- ; , NO , CKI SO. SVTH ST. . S ItOOM HOUriK. AM modern , { 45 per month , C. 1' . llarrlaon , ITJ N. Y D-JOIt KENT. 7 ANUS 110OS1 MOIIKHN FLATS La UK Mock , ror. 13lh and Jnckson Ms. FOR RENT.-TURNI3HEP ROOMS. IIATKri l&oa line llrst llmttand lOo a llnu there after. No udverllnuiueut taken for leo < tbun - M ' -FOll HKNT. 'ONE UAWJK Y'UONT OU T\VC b ctlurnlsliccl cr unfurnished looms. Ir.1 Soull TA-FOIt KKNT. FUHNIHIIKIIOU UNFUHNISKKl , modern convenience * , 407 N , Illh m. EFtlllNISHKI ) ANiiNFUHNISHKD JIOOMS ItiKle or ensulte , modern coiivenlDUces. 311 ! So Hitli ktreei. MCU W I ? FUIINISHED ItOOM. MO1IE1IN 1IIJUSK l-ilieuLyns , cic. , 'AH ) llnrne ) t. _ JJ ; CIIKAP , KI.EliANTLY FUIINISHKD FHON1 .rcym lor one or Ivro liuntlomeu. Ihinn , lUUUS , S llth. tii-'r _ _ _ _ _ FUUNISHKD AS 1) UNFUHNISHE11 udno ttitfl. 1 - FOt'll Oil SIX UKNTLKMKN TO OCCUP1 i-ieleitint milo of rooms ana board ; nuir. modern Irstclaiiii-lieap , AddrvxTr. . life. MV7I H tr _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. XATKS-ltaa linn Hut tlmo mid lOo a HneThere aller. N adverllKinienl taken for less tbaa S5o rs-VKUV DESIHA11LK FHIST AND SKCOM i- floor , south unit cu t , furnlilitxl room * at "Tin freiurr. ' 116 No-Sitli ttreut. SliSl-t ? ' UOOiTAND 1IOAHD , BOARDING. Vi-llAV ubAliDHdoWKKKViliS.tSU ' " PUIJ.M AN llOUbK , 1910 DOIK1K. IX ) 11 ( i < XI board , nicer roomi , roiirealvncp > . ratu and Jo lion U caniiot t excelled. Mr . Horn , urourlelor . MA \ ur BENT STORES AND OFFICES Ua a line tint lima uj too B Una then after. Ha tilrfrtlttment taken for lc lliaa tic "IKOH IIKNT.BTOUK , 1131 HOWAH.ll. * SS3 T * 'oi K T.THH.I.KTOIIV UUICK uuiLDi.sii Jtlfl > ra n street. Tlio bulldlUK hit a Bre-pruo t iuvot bukururut. coiuplelg Hcaui-liuntlui : uslurci if l" "A * " < " . K" . * to- Apply HI the oBJe FOR KENT-STOUES AND OrETOES. l--sfiTAni.Kiifn.iiisns rort MAMIKACTUR- Jinn t"irr * < * i < t HcHcrnmnn Place. KOOil rn/tlno anil boiler , fll | icr month. C. K. Harrison. 91J N , Y. Life. 1-FOIl IWJ.ST. IN I1K3TIIKTAH. IXJCATlON IN JlOmnlin. rnllrn necond floor or iloi.artmentu In ( inlrlrii Knclo Shoo Htorp. HI ! < 16th t. I'.U FOB KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IIATKS-ltc a tine first tlmt nml lOc a line thr-re- nflor .No vdTertlicmrnt taken for lc < than 25c , T OA"UIIN : VAUMS ToTil.sT\"T. SIUIHIAY. | ESI _ _ _ _ r -IlfllCK YAUUd I'Olt 11K.NT. T. MVllllAY. MVllllAY.MUI ' MUI 1-tAllHSJOIl HUNT. II. T. Cl.AHK. -oo ACIIKS OK r.wn LAND nm HKXT KOII 'one or more yearn , center ot Howanl connty. ieb. . Till ftcrps under fence. IX ) ncre uiiUer tilow. 3 hoiifcd and plenty uf runnlnit wntcr. Kor lurtlirr mrtlculir * cill npon or adilresi W. H. Taylor , IMI larney street. Omaha. Wl JTJ * "T nm HKXT , I'AHT OK OL'll HVF-STOH\7 ' brick warcliunne ; Kami elevator anil track fncll- UPH. Omaha Wareheasa A htornu's Co. , 1413-Ii K-Bvennorlli t. "Iff 31 WANTED-TO RENT. lATES-ISc line nr t Imo n,1 , lOc a line tlicro- nftct. No rt erll iinicnt taken for lej ihnn 2ia -WANT TO IIKST OK I.KASK , A 1CWANT ; J. Henry Wood , box 714 , clly. 7II-2I * - . A 7 OH * ItOOM HOl'SK. 1'Ult- K-WANTHD. ; centrally located. Apply , W. C. & Co. . SOS NY. . Llfo llnllillng , > n-lat' 1C WANTIID. HOOM IN IMHVATK FAMILY HY first of month. Address T 19 , lice. MW5 II" RENTAL AGENCIES. IATKS Ito a line first time and IDc n'llnn ther - after. No ndvcrtlscnicnt taken for less thai : Sic. I " - " K. c , OAit vN\Vc6M iw sii KBLY lj t vn L - STAH J.OAN AND TltlMT CO. UKNTAL IK- rtartment. MVIl-nl STORAQE. .ATKS-l-V ; n line llrsl tlmu ami IDc o line there after. No advertisement ttkcn for less than Vta M OLDKST , ClIKAl'KSTAND IIKST STOIIAUK homo In tbo city. Williams & Cross,111 I Harney. frST M-CLKAN , DUY AND I'lHVATIILY bTOUKD furnlturo. Heating stoves stored over summer. 207 Douglas st. Omaha Steve llcpalr works , till - KTOItAOK. IN CITY. OMAHA WAIIH- M-11KST house \ Storage Co. , 1313-15 Lcavenirorth r-t Household nnd other goods stored nnd cared for Low rates , 1'rlvalo upnrtmcnU If desired. Phone 41V 710 31 WANTED-TO BUY. ItATKS ISc n line llri-t tlmo and IOC a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for loss than 2. > c. T KUHN1TUHK HOUflHT , BOU ) . \Velli.llll Knrnnm r.L \T-WANTKD TO I1UY , KK1HT Oil TKN ItOOM 1 > house with modern Improvements , nnd food sired lot , located within one mllu of the postonicc. fetnto price , size of house antl lot and full particu lars by addressing a 4T Hvo otllcc. 712 N WANTKDTO BUYCASH HKGISTKIl. ANTON F. Dworak , Iturwoll , ( Jarlluld Co. . Neb. 783 S0 N WANTKI ) , SOI1AVATKll OUTK1T , WITH CA- paclly of about llfly ca es a day ; musl b. ) cheap and In Kooil conillilon. Address T IU , Ibis onice. bW-23 J-WAXTEI > . COTTAOfi. WK HAVK SKVKHAI , 'cosh cuslomcrs for modern U or 7 room cottage. pleasant surroundings , al from (3.500 to fl.lM ) . Kldollty Trust Co. , 1014 Kurnam. B2I-S8 FOR , SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. | > -FOH BALK. HOIISKS AND MULKS , CIIKAP. L Fidelity OH Co. , S 'JUth and U.P. Hy. 641 2S "p-FOirSALK.ALOTOFCAIllllAGKS.SUUUKYS 1 and buggies at your own price ; ulo Mnglo har ness. Fidelity Loau Uuaranleu Co. , room 4Vlth - ncll blllldlnK. 717 | > -FOIt SALK , T.1OI1T , 81YL1SH UOAD WAGON , L nearly new. Address TJO , IJeo MitTT FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. IIATKS 15c a line tlrst time nnd lOo a linn ther ? after. No advertisement taken for lest than 25c * r KINK. UPJUGIIT PIANO. STANDAIID MAIC.K , Wused only a few luontlis , at a sacrlllca. 'Xtt Caldwell - well st 433 - SALK. TWO 1IILT.IA11D AND 2 POOL Q-FOll with cue * , balls , racks ; good order : J75.UO each. Dull tircen , llnrker bloek. M-SiG rj-A TKN 1IOHSK POWKH , VAN DUZKN CAS v Hnd gasoline cnglno with connections In perfect order , for sale at lets than half cost. Used only two years. Address 1'okrok Znpadu Print Co. , Omaha , Neb. 71S-23 FOIl SALK , NKW COUNTKIl AND SHWW Q : casecheap. 1017 Capitol avenue. M71S 25 * FOIl 8ALK AT A 1IAHUA1N , SKT OF HOOT Q and hoe shelving. It Is In good Bbupe. Call at 1112 Ilnrnoy street. 925 - PIGEONS , FOIl SALK CIIKAP. P. P Q-FANCY Miller , 1003 Howard street , Omaha , Nub.MM38 MM38 25" Q -FINK PCO PUPPIES , U SO , BAIIKEH I1LK. 1H93K MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS-lic u line tlrst tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than ' . ! ic. IJ-CANAIMAN KMPLOVMKNT OFFICK , ISO ! ) JXFarnnm ot. up elalrs , male and fcmalo help : orders by ninll promptly altcndod to. Itcfercncc : Omaha National bank. Tel. fol. 7I2-.M 25 HAMILTON HIIOS. CAItPKNTKHS AND l builder * . All kinds jobbing ; 411 S. isih. Tel. HT'J. IS3-AU' - FOIl SALK. TUB STANIJAIll ) CATTK R-11AV Co oITcr l.OuO tons selected , barn stored hay for sale on track , Ames , Nebraska. MS'/ ' ! K-COTNEIl UNlVKItSlTY : TWELVE DKPAUT- menla ; summer morning sessions , July ! . K. 1) . llarrla , Lincoln. Neb. 'Ml 2J * -Tf LAMBS' CAIIKI ) FOIl DUItING CONFINE- -LVmcnt. Mrs. Ilurnllc , Ueruntn crailuiitecl midwife , llliiSo. IClh. Kilt n , CLAIRVOYANTS. 11ATES 15c H line llrsl time nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than S-MADAMK FIHT53A ) CU.MINd HTIIKKT , clairvoyant and trance medium. Independent voices ; tells pest and luttire. 'VI.MJI * S-MUS. NAN.NIK V. WAIIUKN , CLAIKVOYANT reliable business medium , tilth yeur ut IU N , ictii. .Soy C AlllllVAL KXTIlAOIIDINAltY. WONUKHKUL Orcvcl&llons. challenges Ibo world. Mrs. Dr. M. Ix > uravo , dead trance cl.ilrvoynnl. mtroloi.-1-tt. paluilat und life render ; tells your life from the cradle to L'ruva ; unites the tcparaleU ; cautc * mar- rluKO with the one you love ; tells where you will cuccccd and In vrhnt business best bilapled for ; Imi the celebrated Ktryptlan bruastpluto for luck nnd to destroy bad Iniliionccs ; cures tlt . Inleinperiinco ind all private coiuplnlnln trlth maesaKo. baths and alcohol treutnienUend ti , lock of hnlr. name and date of birth and rec-eivo accurate llto jhiirt ; 2ceut In ttamps for circular ; five Initials of one you will marry ; nl > o photos of mie. ( ittlco 1'JJI couth llth ktrt'ot , tlrst ttoor ; hourr , ! ) a. m lo U 11 m. Couiu one , come alL and ba cunvlncmt of tliii wonderful oracle. MKJ ; ! , BATHS , ETC. IIATKS ISc a line Brit time nnd 10u n line thcro- aftor. . No adverlUoinvnl tukun for less than SillTll. 1121 DOUCiLAH 8TlllliKl\ room T.Sd lloor. Alcohol , ulpbui' anil sua balhs. rp--MASSA K TIUATMKNT. KLKCTUO-TIIKH- -Lmnl baths , scalp end hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrj.l'OBl.JI'JHS. ' l5tUWHhuell hlk. . 811) ) _ : _ rp-MAHAMKLA IlUK , StArtSAnK. Ill ) SOUTH -L 1Mb street , ! rd lloor , lint I , ansUtant. M74V25 * fP-MlSS tlOWK , lASSKUSB ELKOTIUCIAN X 32 ? Huuik'Q block. MUM -'S1 PERSONALS. KATICS-lio a Ihu llrsl time anil lOo a line thare afti'r. tia ailvertUumoat takeu for Jen limn ? 5o * J plt-aie nciia your address to'A. K , Hardline , box IIU. Denver , Col , VtJ ' - IK JOHN AIICHIUAI.U WII.I. COMMUN1- ratovTllhtl. 11. Mulder. Oiuaua , lie will leiirii toiui'llilnii It ) lil advaalaiie. Mil5J ) * JT-INKOIIMATION WANTKI ) OK JOHN I.KK , - formerly of Longford , Ireland , drr KooiU talcs , ninu , now kuppetuil to lu HvluK In NebrBikat'lly , Met ) . , helcht i font 3 Inches , black hair , dark lironrn eyes. Inclined to utoopor rpund hhouldvreil , now about i ! yi-ur of uuo. Any Information v cold be fralefully received by his friends , John Cahvrly , 'ortYa tiaklu , Wyo. . or Oanlcl Hughes , C1U Kast Il'JtU strevl. Nenr York Ctly. AIDIU : ' ! UJKOIUIG ( A , I.ANli Oil ANYONK KNOW1NO uls address pluuio ntlto la lleed A ! byOuinlia. " , ABT | AKDJUANQUAOE. V--U. V. U HIJ.HIN HKCK. IIANJO TE AX'H K-Jj > vrltlillonn ) . uriia.S. lath t va \r-HKKOllK JIUVINO A 1'IANO K.XAM1NK TlIK > new c Jo Klmball pl no. A Hoiye , 15U I > ou < lo . \r-KOIl SAhK , CIIKAP JfOll CABII , A VINE > upright ptsno , nearly new and standard uiaou- facture. Address UM. U ouico. 444 u MONjaJTrb LOAN HEAL BarAT.B. 11ATK8-I50 a line first tluio auJ I0o a line tuer - after. t > o * dvcrllsam at takuu for IBU tbsji lij iYllU3T CO. UKK ; \\r-UUU UKAL.KSTATU IyOANa.SU UKB UL1 > ' MONET TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. f'onff u l. \\r-MONKV TO I < OAS ON IMPIIOYKII CITY ' ' property , low r to. A. c ; Krost , Douglas blk.SM SM \\r--llKAl , KSTATK LOANS. BTO 7 I'BH CK.NTi M no nddlllonnl rhanres forcomml * < lon or allor- npy's fees. W. n. Mclklo , Klrst Nallonnl bank bid * . \V-COATES , Ull KAIINAM. KA8TKIIN MONKY M I J1 \\r-IxjANS , O. ( J. > VALIiACK , 31J DllOWN lll.K. SHI \\T MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKI ) OMAHA ' properlyi building loans n specialty , llrcnnan A Co. . Karbacli block. M708 M2i \\-LOANS ON 1MPIIOVKI1 AND UN1.MPHOVKH M clly properly.M.UUU and upword * . < l lo I per cent , No delays , W.Karnam Smith ACo.l5tu ahdllarney. \\r PIIIVATK MONKY. KIIIST AXII SKCONI ) > t inorunco loans , loir rales. Alex. Moore. 101 ItcobullrllnK M7SJ A\T APPLY TO J. U IiOVnTT KOH CHEAP > I money ; only first class security , Z J 9. 13tli. srt \\r-MONKV TO UAN ON IlKAbKST TK. THK > O.K. Davis Co. , 1SO. > Karnam at ' < Jl AV r-C. W. UAI.NHY.SU OMAHA NAT. UK. 111,1)0. Clly mortgages. Lowest rales. Money on band , \V OMAHA SAVINI19 P.ANK MAICK8 I.OAX3 'I on real otlnli-'al lowest market rains. Loans mndc In small or larva sum and for sliorl or lonit tlmo No commission It clinrxed , nnd the loans are not raid In Hie cast , but can always be found at tliobank on Iho corner of ISlh and Douxlas slrccts ' \\r-LOANi.W.M. HAIIIUS , 1U30 , KIIKN7.KII lll.K. ' wn \\r-ASTHO.VY IXAN AND TIltiST CO. . SUN. Y. ' Life , lend al low rales for eholro securlly on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Oruah.i clly property. property.sal sal \\r "MOXIY. : MONKY , MONKY. tiw.ooj TO LOAN " In sunn of tSW lo $ . > . ( WD on Improved nr unim proved residence butlticM properly In tlm clly Mf Onmlm. No delay In closing lonnsns money Is on hnnd. No ilcilltip : ltli raslcrn parties , all InislnoHi transscted hero antl Inleresl pnyablo here nnd nul In Hie t-asl , also make bulldlnit loans on uiosl favorable lerms. " Hdullty Trust Co. , 1UH Karnam. \\r MIASS , CITY PHOI'KHTY. K. NE11. ANI ) W 'i Iowa larms. K. K. lllnxcr , ISPJ Karnnm.MllBaM MllBaM * ' MONEY TO LOAN--OHATTELS. IIATKS lion line llr. t lime nnd lUe n linn there- niter. No adverllscuienl Inken for less tlian :5c. - ) YOU WANT MONK.V X-IK If so do not full to KOI our rate ! before bor row I ne. We mako'loans , without removal or publicity , on furniture , plnnos , horses , wagoni , clo. , nt tlio low est possible rale. There Is no unnecessary delay , but yea set the money on the same dny yon nsk for It. Wo will carry the loan as long as you desire , clTlnu you the nrlvllcito of p.iylnzlt In ( ull or In part at nny tlmu to null your convenience , and any part paid reduces the cost of c.irrrlru tha loan 111 proportion to tbo amount paid. There are no charlirs of any kludtobnpalu In advance , but you Ki't tlio full nmounl of Hie loan. Our ofliccs are cenirally localod and are so nr- rnninnl that parties cnlllnu on us can bo waited on quickly and courteously. If you hnvc n loan with other parlies , or have bought a plnno ur other f u'jlliiro on lime and tlnd Hie pnyiucnls a llttlu laryj Iban yon can moot conveniently , wo wtllpny It lor > ou and carry Hie lonn as long ns you desire. v It will bo to your advantage to sea us before so- curlnc a lonn. OMAHA MOUTOAOK LOAN CO. . lloom 11 , Crelulilon Ulock. Bouiunr.-pQsionim. X MONKY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN GUAUANTKE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of propcity or changa of possession. Tltuo nrrungod to suit the borrower. Pnmcntsof any amount can he ruada at nny time , reducing both principal und Interext. thus giv ing patrons all the buncflls of the partial payment plan. Call and wo us when you want a loan. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confldcntlal. FIDKL1TY 1XJAN GUAUANTKE CO. , II. F. Musters' old Btnnd , 11. 4 , Wltlmcll blk , 15th and llarncy. MJ5 8 Ar WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK aVsocurlty ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. W5 X -IIOB'T PIUTCUAUD , It. 3. W1THNKLL I1LK no ; : -WHKN YOU WANT A'CUATTKl. LOAN SUB W. 11. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. WJ X --MONEY LoTNKD ON FUIINITUUK. IIO11SK3 , wagons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , U. 4U , Ilamec. 910 X MONKY TO LOAN , 30. CO. TO DAYS ON FUilNI- turo , llvo stock , etc. Dull Green , rumovod to Itoom 8 and' ' . Darker blk 1S3 X -MONKY ON llONDS , STOCKS. WAHKANT3 personal property.WuyncJcUulley.Il.40j Karbach UJ ) M31- X-flOOOOTOLOANFHOM f 10.00 UP ON FUIIN1- ture. borses or nny Rood security , lowest rules. Nebraska Loiin Co. , 1316 Douglas street. M'.Ol AM BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES I.'xi a line Hrst lima nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less I V 11UV Till : COMMKIICIAU THK LKAD1NO J holel al DOIT , Neb , No land In truilo. 911 V-FOIt SALK , A C1GA11 MANUFACTOIIV AND 1- tobacco store of l yenty-ono yean' etniullliif. on account of old ago. Inqulru of U. Arndt , Ulnlr. Neb. S1121 rd- A7--KOH SALK , MY UATHINH HKSOHT AT J. Lake Manaira. Address J. J. ilulowuoy , llobron , Neb. ! IO V-FLOUIIING MILL FOIl SALE. THK 8THAM -L ponor tlonrln ; mill , with a capactty of IU bbls. per day , of all modern Improvements , built 2 years nco with tlio expense of IU.IWJ.OJ. In I'rmcaoi Saundcn Co. , Neb. , Is offered for mlo on cany termi. For further particulars address Kasuar Ilros. , PraKiic , Sanudcr * Co. , Neli. S1407 aS Y-THK MUNSO. > TYPKWlllTKH IS THH JJK3T. Maclilues for sale or rent. T , H , Suillh , 17 Hoard of Trade , Omaha. Mlol al : -FOIl BALK , 11OTKL , SHKPHUIIDHOOSK , AT Ansley , CuKtcr county. Neb. Two-story frame bulldlntt. about 11x10) . with Rood , barn ; J slcvplni ; rooms ; hotpl nell furnished. Apply to Dr. J , b. Thom > \Vool : lllver. Neb. 474 2J' v iiiu < ; s'roiiK FOII SALK , STOCIC t2.ooa , KS- J-iatillshcd'.lyean , anddolnuKOod bunlnens. Ail- dress or call on "U , " room 321 , Omaha Nnt'l bank bulldlne. ' Y-rOll SALK. CONTKMPLATIN < ; THK AUAN doulnii our present brickyard locution and pint ling the ground , ITO offer for sulo nil of onrilK. tiircn , romljtlnji of about O.OUU pallets , II ilrylns thi'ds , about SM feet kiln ehcds , u ntmibor of cluy Krlndecs , clny , cum and other articles too numer ous to mention used In manufncturlnebrlrk , llnlley A Oliun , Oinnlm , Neb , MSI'J 2iJ * Y-MKAT MAHKKT FOIl SALK IN ONK OFTIIK X niosl thrlrlnu tonns of Nebraska. Addreas Hiil- Icr ft Liver-Co. , butcharV euppllos , I''li lloxnnljt. Omaha , Neb. JIW120 V ' 'OH SALK , IIIIICKYAIIUANI ) C10OI ) WJLL ; cverythlnK complete , pays well , only yard In vl- alnlty. W. H. Oaks , silver City , la MS.J7 Jt ? V-\VANTKI > , Pin'SlCIAN ; OIIADUATK OF L "regular" ncliool. No "kids" or "bums" wanted. To a coed physician and n ( 'cntleiiiun inn ciinrin- ley n need jirucllcc. Ailcire.B , with full partlcalurs , H. C. b. , euro Illchardson Drue Co , , Omaha. SI9I131 * _ _ _ _ _ _ -FOIl SALK , COOI ) SAIXON ) AN11 FISTbP.KS , beit locution , Itenion for sellluK , Blckncss. Address - dross T 17. lleo , 1UV-I * FOB EXCHANGE. _ HATKH 15o a line llrsl llmo ami IQo a line there ! . No ndvertlseiiient token for le than 2Jt\ y-AMANUFACTUH itToT FKirrioTrBTr NI * /Jlcocrcsm luulnesi for real estate ami cash. II. A. Watroiu. Hcatrlca. Neb. .Mj | Z | V-roit KXL'HAMiK. A STOCK OF HAHI > WAIIK f-ltur c\a.\t \ Nubraika land. K. A. Wutrona. IJcnt- " _ _ r/-IF YOU IIAVK A GOOD UPIUOHT PIANO TO /Jlimlolor lot 4U , ulock I , Armour Plncu , South Ouiuha ; clear of all tucumbruoce. Addreo N W , Ueuonice. i V-WANTKI ) , TO T11A1IK FAIIU LAND AND /Jelly lots tor an Interest lu a bu | ncia that Mil tlve me a pealtlon. Address T 13 , Hue onice. onice.MU1SZ1 MU1SZ1- N STOCK OF UKNKIlALM'jrm : ; W1LI estate Arnoney. Uox'.VjFrankfort , lad , VII r/-FOIl'THAIlS , A/LJ.KAN STOCK OF < ! KxTHAI ' -'mcrchandlso for lands and cniU. Address II.V Walklns A Co. . Frankfurt , 1ml , Mb4S M - \ cool ) SHOOM /Jlrnilo for boon and shoo ur ccneia ! Block Write amount of slock. Lock tax II , Hebron , Neb MWi 27 V KXCHANOK YOUIl PUOPKHTY. IIJ LIST A call or write , Alex Moore , 401 Uoo bldt. 16U y-\viLL iixcHAjMii : LAND AND CASH FOI A/iuerchondUe or drum In need location. L W , Hulllnger. CollcKo Sprlnes , la , W2 20' / WANTKI > , TOT AlK. A COOl ) CLKAN PAT / entrlk'Ut. one vlthaut euui | > elltlou , fur real ct tutu or cash. Addreu T 11 , llc-o , M'.nytJ" V-IF ANYTUISO TO THADK AULIlllCSd , T 18 UA1R GOODS. llATKH-ISo a line Hr.t lime and lOoallni there niter. NoujTertUamont Ukeu for leti than tie f AltKr3T ! STOCK IN K.VIIIIK WESTi ilKXT- -IJrlcal wli : and Uiarils a pecUlty. Wig * , banks awltchc * . lialr tliulut , tie. . Mud for CAlalouuu Mall order * solicited. Uavlct. HI ti. 1Mb t. Oaiaha i 11 FOR SALE nnn. ESTATE. tATKft 15e aline flwt tlifip.nmt IJo a Una there after. No adrertlsemcniJUion for less than Ik ) ( ONLYl 9ITL Callnn A. Hops Jr. IM iron SALK on nKNT-screnit npsimb J. sited and mull honv < s chgap nna on easy terras. W. 3. Mlllard. at Omaha Nut , bank. i 1 7011 SALK-P-K C011NKK TTThrTwilCAP. MHX J IW Scoltmcs , itnble forKfiorses. can bodlvldrj ntoSlots. Inquire al premises IU 30 * 11VK ACHKIXT.I AIJOIN1N ( THK TOWN OF X1 Ulair , Neb. ; good land. IITW. Mcllrldo. _ 1I4-A-.V 17011 SALK. 1IOMKS , ANV PIIICK , n.'O , tt.SM t'P -L easy tornn ; lakp clear pinVorly as tlrslpnymcnl U U. Wallaco. Hrown block , l th and UouKlas. III _ _ _ M IODKIIN IU ItOOM ! IOU9KriKSlilAIILK IXCA- tlou ; bargain for cash. Address S II. Hw. M701-3lr' I.Mll SAMI-SKVKNTKKN THOUSAND ACHES L unimproved lands In Howard , tiliernian. Orectey nnd Vnllcr counties. Nctir.iskn. on very liberal terms , on deferred pajmenls. ( ) per rent Interest Address I ) , llcmlck , 1' . o. boxZJUl l s Aiuclcs , CA | . ! U5il ! _ V 1C. COHNKIl ? JTH AND 1IICKO11V , MXIi 1 > . feel : n l.nrs'nln torn few dnya only. K. K. Dar ling , llnrkor tilock. mi KOUNT.K"I'i.AOK. . IIAIICAINH , NINK-IIOO.M house on Wlrt. fr.v : : f l.nn cash , Klcnant homo on I'lnkney. I6.5UO ; J.VTU cash , balance I.O.U ) per month ; other tine homt-ss noiild consider some trade. J. J. tllbson. Urelxbtun bloc * . .MTM.Mti' I7O11 SA1.K AT A UAH-IAIN IjtP II. IH.OCICI , l-'w , U Selby'a tlrst ml.HUuu to South Omahi Small tmynivnt down , balanca numthly If ilo < lrpJ Inqnlru'j. It. Ttschuck , umMia llt > o. 391 1 ) A ltd A l.V-40 ACltKS CIMR TO rn V. ONLY 1A ) J'pcrncrc If taken quick. IllcVs , SOj N. Y. 1.1 To. iron 8AiE- ACIIK KAjtsi IN iti.un HIYKU J. ) miles west of Hebron. One of tbo very best farms in thn county : tooI house , bnrn , Krnunrlcs , cribs , etc. . and nn nhumlauco of-frult , timber nnd ninnlnu wntor. Also for snlo ur cxclianKC for good lands or city property , n brick pork pncklnit house and futures In Hebron , Thayer county , M. , V M , ilepot Kor particular * In quire of nny real estate nxont In Hebron. K.'i -jK.ONKll-1'OOM HOTKI. AND THIIKK - lots , well locnleil ; purl cash , balnnca on lime. Address lock box HI Wll-ioiivlllo. Nob. SUM SI I , - MONTHLY PAV.Mr.NT8. M houses A lots. The O.K. Davis Co.U05 Karnam st. irolt SAl.K TWO NICK HOUs-KS IN HANtCOM - I'loce. xplendld ncUliborhooit , price fl8.50D ; can tnkp part | iurcha > e price In Kuud farm hind. "Hicks , .TON. Y.UIollhlir. ' . 'lt-T ' HAI.CY'ON Acres , half acres and lots on electric motor road. Also houses and lots In Halcyon Hulelils UMAII.VH 11KAUT1PU1. SUHUlll ) . Only thirty minutes rldu from center of city. Knsy paytnuntK. low rate of Interest. Now Is the tlmo lo secure a home. William II. Crnry. 20J New York Life llldg. M tea-AH iron SALK-NKW , MODKIIN IIU1I.T HOUSK , L Hunpcoui I'In co , elegantly tlnlsbcd throuiiliout. nil ready for occupancy ; arplrndld bnrcnln If sold quirk. Hicks , 803 .V. Y. lilfo lUdn. t'48-ST ' 1 011 SAI.K-I1ALF AOHK AND CO1TAKH. WIST 1of Fort Ouiotm. A flno location for n chicken ranch. A. P. Tukcy. MBI'J-SI MOXMOUTH PAHK HAS THK MOTOIt. CITY miter , crndcd streets , sidewalk , school , beauti ful location everything to mnko It attractive. For lots or homes 1ti this beautiful addition on easy turms see ( i. ( i Wulhico. trustee , 312 llrowu Ulock , ICth and Douglas. T HALF YALUE. IAJTS. ACllKfl , 11OMKS. U property. Alex Moore , 401 lice bldg. W7 I Mil SALK TKN ACI1KS. KLKCANT TIIAIT , just onlsldc city limits , JC.WJ : can take pan pur ch.i oprl u In good meant lot or collage. Hicks , HJ.N. Y. Ll.'e. ' IS-27 LOST. IlATKS-lSoallno time and lOc a line thereat ter. No advertisement taken for loss than 2io. LOST S1ALTKSK CAT : ItVlTITHN Tt > " ll las at. 2d lloor , and get ruivnrd. IU' 23 * LOST KNC1LIS1I PKTTKU IXfi. BODY BLACK and white , head black'c while and tan. New leather collar. Hettirn nnd get reward. It 1 , Ilaiker block. . ilyci 2fl M ANTJFACTURIlfG JE WELEBS. IIATBS 13c n line tlrst tlmo and I0t ! n Ilnothero after. No advcrtlBement.takcn for lees than 25o CASH PAID FOIl OLD HOLD. CA11SON & HANKS room 30 llarkor bloclr , Omaha. 913 ES. Bt'ItllANK. K.V nitT WATCIDIAKKH. ' .rooms. 1511 llodgo stret. ThoxVuierlcnn Wntch1 maker by mall 10 cents a copy. 31823 'M' PAWN.BH01CERS. II ATFB Ifr n line Hrst tlmo and lOo a line thereat ter. No advertisement taken for less than 2oe. B KX F. MAKTI. UKMOYKD TO 107 8. 15TH ST. 071 AB SSNYDUU'S LOAN OFFICE , 1510 OOIX1K BT. M943 31 _ J7HK1) MOI1LE , OFFICE 151IM FA11NA.M ST. 917 BKESSMAKINQ. ENGAGKMKNTS TO 1X1 DltKSS MAKING IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 310 S. 2nth Bt. ttS-1 ! . " ! ' CUTLERY GRINDING. SKNI ) YOUIl SC1S3OUS , HA/.OHS. KTC. . TO 111 ! uronnd to L'nderland & Co. . lOi S. 14th st 913 THK IIIMLTY JIAKICKT. INSTRUMENTS nlaoed on record March L'3 , 1803 : WAHIIANTV OKKDS. Clirosten Hunscn anil wlfo to HKGonrse. n 31 feet of IOIB Guild 7 , block : i-Moyer Jloal ICstutoiind Trust's ndd 8 2.000 M K Slpo to J W Slpc. loll ) , block 4 , Drown I'urlt ] , ? 00 T J Toolcy nnd wlfo to Andrew Miles , lot 15 , biook 1 , Coiner & Archer's add to South Oiiiulm. . . . , i Antlrow Miles ot a ] , executors , to TJ 'looloy , Binio i53 Efflo Dulluy to McCugiio Investment company , lot 0 , block IS , ? d add to Itcd- ford I'laoo s 803 COKoomortoM H lllls = , lot : i , block II , Lincoln 1'laco. 1,030 J 1' Mallendnr nnd wlfo to McOasue Pnv- ItiKS bunk , lots 0 to J ' , blouk 10 , West Afirlplit 2 H II Ernest and wjfo to 0 J Mnrrls. o ' . , ' lot30. blonk'j , Butindcr's & ll's add to Walnut Hill C.V ) O M Klndrua to Annctta Tiptoa , o3Uft Iot8 , block 11 , Heed's Isl add 0,003 QUircr , IM UK8O ? . L A Kodnoy nnd wife to N M Kodnev. w GO ft lots 1 nnd - ' . block 1111. Ho. Urn.-ilii. ; . 1 O OTroxcll to W U Ilcukiiinn. lot T.bloclc 3'1 Kountzu pluco 1 W H lleeUman loU.I Troxoll. same 1 DKEDS. G A licnnott , sliorllT. toJi : Stovetis , o 3ift lot 5. block 10. KeoU'slst 1.500 Total amount of transfers. flll.OO'j PllOl'OSAI.S KUKIII.ULDINQ MATHKIAf , und horses IJ. S. Indluii Service , Omahi : \Vfnuubaco \ Intlliiii Agency. WliineliKO. : Tliuraton County. Nub. , 16'Ji , boaled urn posaU. cndoracJ "I'roposnls for Iliillillns Ma- torlnl unJ Horses , " us UIUIUHO inav be , und atlihx'Mecl to thu undunlKuod ut Wlnnubuco. Neb. , will bo received until 1 o'clock , p. in. , of AprlHth , | 8U7 , for furnlshln : und delivering nt tlio U'lniiobiu'd AKonuy. abuut i-O , U ) fuel of assorted lumber , UJ wliiiloxrs. UJ doors , hanl- ware , brlek , IIIUP , etc. , rt'ijulretl lu tlm erec tion of l.iframu houses farvNYInnobitcn Inilhn AKoforfuriiUUini ; und delivering 10 hordes at wild iigciiy. ( ! > nA full list und Hcrlption of the ! imicrliiiiiiy ; | bo obtained up. on iipiillciitlon to tbo ilndor noJ , Horses ninstljeof Aiuorlean stiJlt ( ( , froui4 loT yuan old , houiidund well , broljn'n ' to lutriictis , with out blemHIi , not less'tljan 15 bunds lilwli , vroll built In Diopjrtloii 'iWlil ' lit , anil to wuljb not less tlum USD pounds llUlilers will bo re quired to state spoullleafry In tbclr bids Ibo proposed prleoof oaob nrflbluolferi'd fur de livery under a contract,1 J l igbt U reservotl o reec iny or a s , nr. tiny part of any bid if deemed for tbo t cMHutiTest of thn si-r- vlcn. CertllleduliccKK : Kacli bid must bo uu- conipanlud by u cortllled heokor draft upon Boino United State ! ) drposltory or tolvent national bank In tlio vlelMty of tlio rt'sldencn of llio bidder , niado payal/iu to Ibo order of the Coniiiils..loncr of I IMII | AITnir > . for nt least Sur | cent of UiqamiMintof Ibu proposal , whluli elirckordraft will bo forfiilteu to thu United States In UUHU any. bidder or bidders rtH'Divliiy nn uwaril shnlf-ifall to promptly ux- ccnto a eiintr.ict wltlr cxxi and sufficient sureties. olliorwlao to bn'H.'tiirneu la tbo bid- dellllils act'oiiiiianlrd uy oasli In lieu ofu rcrtllled ehi'ok will not lie considered r- furtliur Infoimallou apply to KUIHIl'.TMl ASHI-KY , I' . (5 ( , Intllaii Agi'iil. M llil''l t in ORDTNANCE NO. 29 An or.llnanco ctentltiK Street Iinproveinent DUtrlut No. 43. und ilofliilii ? Its limits. llu It crdalncd by tlieulty council of tbo city of iJniulint 1-ertlon I. Tlmt Strcot Improvement ! > ! > ( . trk-t No. 43 bo und tboaamu herouy Is created , r-cctlon - ITIiat Stroal Iniprovenienl Dis trict .No. 4C bhalltooinprl-ouiid Inoltlde&oiiiurli of l.uuvuuwortli sum and the property on ulthcrsldoof said stieet In ravins Districts .No * . 101. li'Jnud 150 us lloj between the west lint ) of ICth unit tlio west line of 2uth nvuntio. Section : > . Thnt this ordinance ebail take pITect and bolu force frim and uftcr Its pass- use. I'us&cd Jlarcn l.'nli , lo > . JUUN GUOVF.P. I'lty Olerk. K I'.DAVIS , I'rt-sldciitnf the City Council , A oprorod Mnnh ITlh. M > , UKU. I1 , 1IKJ1IS , Mayor Written Gunrante SYPHILIS ! Care ttvory Case or Money Refunded. Onrciiro Is permanent unit not piteMnt n ? . O.iill ealeJ fcren TC M a ro Into nerer seen a srraptTn since , llyilc crlblnr o fully wo ran treat you by mall , and wo flretbo tame fining miarnnteo to ctira orrcf ami all money. Thosawho prefer to come hero rortrestmcntcnnilo soanl wo will pay rsllrcwil f r tKilli wajtnnl hotel bill ; white hero If wo fall to curt ) We Challenge the \VorM for a cn o that our MAOIC ItKMKDV will not cnre. Write for partlculftM anl pet the OTlrtence. Incur scren jcirt' prs-tlea wltli tlilOIAOIC lll'.MKnV It ha * . heon most dill -'nil t > oTereonictho prejudice * njnlnU soc.illal "pjoHii Iliitunilerour 'Irons inarantoo thou'sn.U ara trying llnn.l bclnKcuret. Wo euaranteo to CUM orrofml cvcrydnlmr , nnliu wo haven to pri'n nlMillnnnclM btcMtuof SJJO.OI ) It Isperfortlr safaV ) HllnlKi will try tlio treatment. lleritofO'oyoir1 IMTJ been puttlniup nn I tinjlnj oityo'irnnmijy for ,1113. ' cnt tro.ilment * . , ami although you nra not rot ctirj I noono has pal.l back your money. Wo wlil rxi'ltlTelr euro you. Old chronic , tleepsoUo.1 c.i < o ciirel In II to IU days , Invrnlcnto our flnsncUl stanJInz , oar reputation a * tia lniM men. Write for nama * . an 1 nddrewesof the o we Imio curcil who hare Klroa permission to refer to thoni. ItcoMi you only IXM'- nspto do this. If yonr syraplnnn an ) oru timt ! , mucous patches In mimth , rhnnraatlsm In bonmnal loliits hair falling out , eruptions on anyparlof thi jody , fcolhm of ueni'ral itepro . lon , palm in hen I or txincs. You hare no tlma to waste , Tlio3 who arj constanttjr tnklnu moron ry > I l > ot . ! i shoul 1 < U sJ : tlnuolt. Constant use of these < lnus will surely lirhu ores and catlne ulcers In tlio en J. Don't fall to writs. All corrosponJenco sent noalol In plait cruolopji Wolnvlto the most rtzlJ InveMlgMInn an ! wilt ilo M nourpo'acr to all you In It. Adilrcsi OOOEf. REMEDY . .0. . - Onuh , Nebrartv FOR MEN ONLY. fora case of TO T or I'.ui.t.vti MAN- or Nmtvous DKIIIHTV. wonk- ncssof boJy ormlml. the elTcctsororroriorox- repscs In old nr yoiniclliiitwoorxiinot euro. Wo ctinrnntccovory civso orrpfunJ ovcry tloll'ir. I'lvc days trial treatment 91 , full conrso 33. I'crceptlblo bcnollts ro-\llzol : In three tliys. : Hy mull , Boonrely piokod frotn obsorvatlou. CooKllcMBiirOn. . OMAHA. NKH _ LADIES ONLY MARIP I'KMAI.K KKOlTI.ATOi : , ? ; ifo mill IIIHulU Cortsiln to a < liy : or mnnoy rofunilotl. Hy mall SJ. Soouroly soalo I from obsurvn- tion. CUOK UK.'tKltV Clt. , Onmlio. Neb N C TOW For Sale , Rent or Exchange BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Firnam Slraot , OMAHA RfllLWflYTlMBGKRD leaves ( CHICAGO IIUULINI ! I'D V i tj. Arrival Omaha. | Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. Omiht 4. : ) p m Chicago Yanlbule 8.1TJ n m V.SG a m . „ - Kxpress. 9.41 a m 1)20 ) p III .Chicago I'.xpresi. O.UJ p m 0.5(1 ( p m . . . . . .Chicago A Iowa Loca 8.15 a in leaves IDUIlLlNliTO.N & MO. UlYlill.1 Arrives Onmlin. | Depnl 10th and Mason Sts _ _ J Omaha , i a mi..Denver VestlbuTo Limited. . . p m 10.15 n mj Deadwood Kxprosi 4.01 p in no p m Denver Kxprcss 0.35 a m 7.10 p in I Denver Kxpojss S'OD ' p m .MX ) p in'.Lincoln Limited ( KxceplHun.l. ll.q : n m .15 a m | Lincoln Local tl'JO p m leaves 1 K. O. , SV. J. A C. II. Arrives Omaha. 1 Depot 10th and Mason Sts Omaha 3) a m . . . .Kansas City Day Kxpross. . . . V5J p m 9.43 p mjK. C. Nlgiit Kxp via U. P. Trans U40 a m leaves UNION PACIKIC. 1 Arrives Omaha. I Dillon Depot IQlh and Marcy Sts. | Omaha. "B.M a m , Hoalrlce Kxpresj I 7.00 p m 1009 a m1 Denver Kxpress ' 5.00 p tn 2.15pm. OverlnnJKlyer. 9.15pm 4.30 p in HluoiJp'es'cKalrtl3ldKxxcxSunl.l ) | > Ip m U.50 p ml Pncine Ktpreis J11.M n m Going I CHICAGO. IU I. A PACIKIO. i From Kast. Union Depot 10th \ Murcy Sts , | Uast. 10.00 a m' Allanllc Kxpress O.'JO p m 4Ai p ml Vestibule Kxprcss 1.10 p in tUO p m | Night Kxprcss J.W n in ( joins 1 UllICAKU. It. I. & PACIFIC. From West. I Union Depot 10th nnd Marcy Sts. West. p mi . . . .Denver Limited , . . . . | 3. ) p m 7.03 p m | . . . .Denver Kxpress | 7JO o m Leaves ICIUCAUO. M1U & Af. PAULIArrlvo Omahal ' U. P. depot und Many Sti. I Omnhl 6.20 p ml Chicago K.xprc. ' | 'J.V > ' 1.00 p m' Chicago Kxpress. | j.lj leaves I rilOUX CITY A PAClFIf. ( Arrives Omiilin ) Depot. 10th jind Marcy Sts. I Omaha 7'il n m , tflouTCHy Pussenscr. | IOfJp : m MJ p in | St. Paul Kxpress llU.UOu m Ixjavea I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. Arrives Omalinf Depot. 19th nnd Wubster * ts. Omaha > .li p m . ! -t. Paul Limited . 19.25 a in Loaves ICIllCACOfe NOHTHWKSTrtll.N Arrives Oinnhalp. P. ilopot. 10th and Marcy bis. Omnba 7.20 n m ( Kx. Sun'y ) Carroll Passenger. IU.2U p m 11.30 n m , .Chlo.iKO Kxpross. . C.05a m . Veallbnlo Limited. 9.SO it tu 9.15 pro . . . . . . . . . .KaMera Flyer. . . . . . . . . 2.15 P m 7.W p mKx. | ( Jjal.Chle. ) Pass. ( Kx. Mon. ) ! S.Oia m Leaves I OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS. lArrlvcs OmalmlU. P. depot. IQ'.ii nnd Mercy Sts.lOnmhi 4.10 p m | St. Louis Cannon Hall | l'J. " > 5piii J-CUVl'S F. , K. A MO. VALLKY. Arrives Omaha Depot , IJtll and Webster Sti. Ouiah.1 P.UU a uil Deadwood Kxpra.M i..i ) p ra ! > .00 o in ( Kx. tint. ) Wyo. Kxp. ( Kx. Mon. ) S.23p m S..10 p m Norfolk ( Kr. Hundny. ) H.lJn m 5.15 p ml St. Paul Kxprais J.t'i n in leaves C. , M' . P. , M. It. 0. Arrlvo-s Omaha Depot , 13th. . nnd Webster Sts. Omaha 6.13 n m'.SIciit City Accommodation. . I U.U > p m l.OJ p in riloux Clly Kxprosi ( Kx. Sund'y- ) ' ! ! } p m 'i.lj p in1 St. 1'aul Limited 1 U.2 > a m tUAp mllaniroftPois3n'torKx.Suiid'y | ( ) | B.45 o m Laves I MIS80UIU PACIFIC. lArrlvoi Omaha ! Depot 15th and WobttorStt. 1 Omahi U.OUu ml . St. l.oul * Kxpresi. . . . . . . B.U : am \'M \ pm | . St. Ixjuls Kxprcss . & .10 piu Leaves I CHIOAGO , H. I , 4 PACIKIC. Arrlvoi Transfer | Unlou Depot.Council IHulfJ. Transror G.TO p ml NlKht Kxpross 0.20 n m IQ..M n m1 Allanllc Kxpress A.5 ! * p IU I.3J p iu ( .VesllbuloLlniltud 12.60 p IU leaves | K. C. . Hf. JOK & C. H. ( Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot. Council lilufls. iTransfor 10.00 a ml..Kansas City Day . * { xpr 9s. . . | iJ ) p m 10.15 p mj. . . Kansas Cllv Nlalit Kxpren. . . I C.VJ a in leaves U.MAIIA ii ST. LOUIS. Arrives Transft' ! Union Depot. Council ( Huffs. Transfer 4.40 vin . Ht , Louis Canon Hall . p m leaves | SIOUX CITY i PACIFIC. lArrlvoj Transfpn Union Depot , Council Minn's. [ Transfer 7.45 a m . .Monr City Accouiiuo.latloii.IUUJ | p m SM p ui | . . .yt. 1'anl Kxprssi | u.tu n m Leaves | CHIliAtJOA\SOIlTHNVI'.aTKIlN ; Arrlvut Transfer ! Union Depot , Counfll Ululfs. | Tran for 13.01 p mi Chlvngo Kxpress . . . * . . . , . l-M p m 5.15 p nil VcBllbnlo l.hnllod 11.10 a m 10.00 p m1 Knulerii Klyer 1.u : p m 6.U ) p m ( Kxt-ul ) AtUntle Mall ( Kx Mon ) "M H 111 7,4'J ' a ml Cr.rroll Pab < onicTv IU UJ p m PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Soalcil proiirnals will bo rocelvcil l > y Iho iiiidorslsiii.'U until 1 [ IKo'clock ) I ) , in. . April 8th , 1KU. , for Iho following U'lnila ut paving mate rial , viz. : .Sheet aHpliuUiun. . BlouI'alU ur other eranllu. White L'olorutluianUvlone. Hed Colorado MinUslonc. WouJrnir. Kansas , atnno. Vltrllleil hrlclc. Antl trluk hocks ! , all according lo snoclOza- tlnni. Tor rcpavln : I'arlc or 20th avcnno from I.eavenvforth street to Hickory blroel , In the elty of OmaliH , roionrlscil In Mreol Improve- inent DNlrlct tio. x.O , ordered Improved bv OnllimncoNaaiii Kach old to specify u price per siiinro | yard for tlio repaviiix coiuplulo on the avunno. Work lo hu done In niTtinliincu with plnm anil specifications on tile In thu olllcouf the board of jmbllu works. K ich propmat tu bu tnado on printed blanks furnished hy the hour. ! , anil to ho uccnni- panled by u cnrtlllkd check In thn sum of twa , payable to Ihu city uf Omaha , as nil ovalenco of ' 'onil fait It. Thu'bouril will invunl the contract for the ill tier cut kinds of malarial subject to thosii- lootion uf thu material by tlio property own- urs or mayor and city council Thu board reserves tlm ilsnt to reject any or ull bios and to walvi dufcci . 1 > . W , JUltKHAUSEIt. Clialrniaii Hoard uf 1'nbllu Works , OniaUa. Nob. , March 'Jlth , Id' ' ) . ' . tiM 5--JIal Hnl > O lt reivcrn hale. Notice U linrt'by slvcn that pitrstiant to nn order of the DUtrlct Court of Sjllnu County. Nobr.iska , 1 will , us lucelver ot the firm of Duwus and Fo's. offer for Halo to tlio highest bidder for casli allot the litv : library about l.aJO volumoseomposixlol to.\l books , lilKt-stJ und ruiwrts all tuu ofllco furniture' , Cxttirim und uipolntment | , dnks. book cases , baft' , stove , typewriting niaclilnu und ull of the of- llco furniture. lUlurxja nnd upiKJlntmcnlH of every kind and opscrlpVlon Lteluniilna to tbo iald Urn. of UuweaA : lot * . .Sale to bt ) ut Urutu , Nebrjb a. voinmenclnx At 0 o'clock a. jn. April SI , Hfi Tent books will be sold liikolt , jn will ; ilso roixirts nnd Olo'csti The various urtlcUsof tifUeo furniture' , llxtnrej and jp- liolnlmcnU will bu oltertd In tcp irate pluses. A ciiiHlogiio or list of all of tilil property cun bu outulncd by uddrcM iu me ut Urutu , f\vl > . f , I' WHITE , Hecelver. \V. O. SAW OTHER SCHOOLS. Hoard of ItdnrMlon Mrmbrr * Itrtttrn from nn Inspecting Trip. The comrulttoo ot the Board of KJucatlon , which wont to Minneapolis anil Chicago to Investigate echooljrtnd school buildings , re turned yesterday well pleased with the trip. Snoaklng of what they saw Mr. Klguttor said jcstordny to a HP.B reporter ! " \Vo saw some very line buildings In Minneapolis and found the schools of that city far In advance of the Omaha schools In almost ovcry respect. Tha school bulUHi : j are larjo nnd nro neatly kept with substantial rctniningwnlls built nrouna thorn anil plenty of room for the children to piny. Most , of the larger buildings are heated bv slcnin by what is known an the direct nntl indirect system. "Chicago takes the lead In school buildings ns In many ether things. The ouildlnes uro vury li rgo and nro supplied with every con venience otul comfort thai money axn pro cure. cure.Vo visited Toledo lost Momlav to took over the buildings IHtcJ out with the Umcad system. "Toledo is the homo of tlio Smoail system. Every largo school building in that clly has thn Smeail system of boating nnd vonttlatlon In It. 1 nm convinced bv what I saw in Chicago antl Minneapolis that stoain heat and tha direct and Indirect , system of venti lation ns employed in those cities is superior to nny other system now In uso. The Bmead system Is probably the best , hot air system in use , but steam boat ns It is used in Chicago nnd MinnoupolH Is better. It is morn ox * pensive , however , than the Smoad system and that Is nn argument in favor of the latter. " r.viu : KXOIMISION To tbo lint Sprint ; * ol ArkiiiKiis Yist Iho Will,14)1 ) Hnllruiiil. On April 7 nnd 8 the Wubash will soil round trip tickets at above rnto , good returning until Mny 10. April 12 the poverninent will commatico snlo nt auc tion of town lots from the rasurvntion. Only I7 ! hours from Oinnhu to Iho springs via the Wnbnsh. For tickots. sloopln car accommodations nnd ix mnp ahowitiR location of the property to bo sold , with description of the springs , call ntVi \ - basil olllco , Io02 Fnrnam street , or write G. N. Clnyton , K.V. . P. Agt , , Omaha , Nob. O Bottles of SWIFT'S SPECIFIC J relieved mo of a severe Blood trouble. It lias also caused my hair to grow out again , ns it hud been falliug out by the hand full. After trying many physicians In vnin , I nm so linppy to find n euro in S.S.S. 0. II. ELuiiiiT , Galvcston , Tex. S'V J niTPP ! hy forcing out germs of disease MnhO.and the , ison as well. b r It is entirely vegetable and harmless. 5 ' Treatise on Blood antl Skin mailed free. SWIFT'3 SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Qa. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. KJOS. An ordinance levying u spuclitl tax and ns- scsinicnton certain lots und real estate hi thu city of Omaha , to cover the one-half cost of sradlnc Douslas street from Itith to 20tb streets ; 171 li H ! rout from ulley norln of I'ur- nani street to DnduuHlreet ; lath street from 1'ATtiani treot to notice street ; I'Jtb street from Knrn am street to DodcoHtrout ; and the alley In block 110 , from 17th to 18th street. Wlinroui , It having been and bclni ; hereby ad judged , determined and established thut the several lots anil pieces of real estate here inafter reforroJ to , have each been specially bcncflttcd to the full amount heroin levied and assessed usalnst each of siul : lolsnnd pieces ot real estate , respect I voly , by reason of the sradlns of that part of Douclas hi root from Hitli tovutb street ; 17th street from alley north of I'nrnam street to Dodzo street ; and IStli street from 1'xrnam .street to Uoilco street ; lath street from I'linmm street to Doduo street ; nnil the alloy In block 110 , city of Omnlin , from 37th street to Ihth street. Therefore , for the purpose ot paying tbo one-half cost of such grading : I3c Itordnlucd by tbo city counoll of the clly of Umaha : Section 1. That the nno-hiilf cost ot gradlne tbatpartot Duuslas street frotn Hitb slreot to anli struct : Kill street from ulley north of Furnani street to Dodge street : iSlh stiect from Fumum street , to Dodpo stteet , and I'.llh ' strcot from 1'arnan street to Dodao street. In the clly of Omaliu , said onc-luilf cost bolus the sum of fllr74.1 : . said gradlnt ; bolus done under contract with John A. U'lvcofc , bo and the name is hereby levied nntl iis osscd , ac cording to special benefits by reason of said grading , upon the following Iota and real estate us shown by the generally recojnlzcd map of the city ot Omaha , IsSfi. llthogruphotl aim publlsnod by C. 11. Mayuc , said cost belnz EO levied on said low and real estate , respec tively , as follows , to-wlt : UOushlnso41 ) ft It 3 bile 107 City * M 87 James Neville w2 ! ft H a blk 107 " 2 ! ) Kl do It 4 blk 107 " 20952 J B Kolsom It 5 blk 1U7 " a. J 13 St. Mary's Magdalen church It 0 blk 107 " KlO 4(1 ( J U Kolsom H7 blk 107 ' HI ) H\ \ do US blk 107 ' 14'J J A W Street It I blk 103 " SOU r.i John Camnbell U 2 bile 103 " 80 SJ fieo W Doano ltiblk03 : " M ) ( O Kamuol Hums H4 blk 108 " 2UU M Lizz'.e A. Mount It 5 blk IDS " ; i5 ! ) 18 M W Kennedy H (1 ( blk 108 " S 411 1 , Illlen M Jones Ir 7 blk 108 " am W Amelia Grossman It S blk 103 " Xa IB M O Cumins It I blk 110 " 2J-J .VJ do It 2 blk 100 " 6W ! ) ! ' Murphy u H It 3 blk 100 " 44 IK ) M C Ucnfso w X It II blk 103 " 44 00 ( i HUollliisc Hlt4 blk 1UO " 7D 8J M 0 DcnlsowJi ItiblkllW " I2J TO A J Hanscom It .I blk 100 - " ya IS O Davis Kstato e i' It U blk 109 " 110 A J llutiBcoin w 15 It (1 ( hlk 10J " H'J TI : M OCumlnK n It It 7 blk 10 ! ) " " KU f-0 O ] ' Davis Ivitnto H \ \ It7 blk 109 " 111) ) CO M ( 'C'umlinn liltBblklUO " 119 CO O ! ' Davli Kstato s > . , ' It 8 blk 1 " aw 52 Annlo O Mcrldeth It I blk 110 " 200 52 do It 2 blk ill ) " HI : bo Helen Auder ou Iti 3 blk 111 " llllGt lleriuaii Meyers It C bk , no ' 110 GO Ucarto Tllden'ItT blk 110 " 2.HI 41 ! .lo 118 blk 110 " : iTI IS Win H Maul It I blk 114 " : iV ) is John 1) Jones It 2 blk 1'4 " . L ' .i 4:1 : Charles 11 llrown lti : bik 114 " Uil ( , ( J Kost'watnr & Atlb nsS ft It 4 blk 114 II ! ) 73 A Ito owat'er i t ul hll ft It 4 blk 114 ' ail 01 UK Perkins It 7 hlk 114 " 8n J Ceo Whinltb ItS blk 114 " 20952 Nebfdska Telepbouo Co nVJ It I blk IIS " 20 > ) f,2 Harriott 0 Prltcholt s > i U 1 blk 11.1 " 14 : ) CO Nebraska Telephone Con nII 2 hlk 11,1 " 119 m Harriett Gl'rltchottniJ It 2 blk 11.1 " So si I hariih Q Sharp It : i blk 115 " SU 4n N II Knlconur It 4 blk 1 15 " : LV. ) 18 Kmlly J IHIpBsltr > blkI15 " 2110 f > 2 John Aulsllold Ituhlk 115 ' hO BO KdwardU llatesH7 blk 11.1 " KO SO ( IllTord Ditvldso It 8 b.k I 5 " CW fii l > orothavl'undt Itl blk lin " 3.VJ 18 I.uah Itojowater 112 blk liO " > 0 4ti J It Kolsom It : i blk 110 2:10 : 43 Alvln Sa tinders It 4 blk 110 " XO 18 City of Umaha Iti 5 blk 110 " 2 ' . ) .vj do Ito blk 110 " 8l ! B'J Voun ; Men's O A It 1 blk 117 " 140 CO Uuy U liartou If-'blk 117 ' 140 00 A Iufienoo4lft It : i blk 117 " 1.1)04 ) J A Ilorbachws2ftltiblkll7 : " 70 8'J do U 4 blk 1 < 7 " Xi > . ) 18 Total . $ U r74 1C .Section 2. That the one-half cot of grading that part of alley In thn clly ot ( Jnmliii , In ilo'k lin , from Kilt atiuutto JHth street. said onc-lmlf of said cost In-Ill tlu > siitu of { | : tl.6i ! , said riulliiK bnlnz douu undercontract with KuU and Ualluhan , bo and thu same U hereby lavloJ and iihsesscd , uo.-ordlui ; tu pcclul biinu- llt ? by reason of i > aitl uradln. . upon the follow ing lot * Mini tout cstitto atjtthnwn by the eunur- ii Uy recognized mupof tlioellv of Omulm , IH-i , lithographed mil piiDllshoa by U , K. Muyne. said ucsl. ueln i so levlo'l on said lots and real estate , rekptctivoly. as follows , to.-wlt : Doretlioa Pundt , It I bile 110 , City Leah Kobewuler. IfJbllrlM " J 11 KolsoniUablklin " AlvJn Hanndeiu H4 Ink llfl " Omaha City It 5 blk 110 " do It Chile till " TbeHcollldsOolt7blkIIO " do It 8 blk 110 " Tola ! . ' . . , . fiil : 80 Section U. That Ihu spynlul taxei anil assess- ir.ents levied Hiid nKie ii' < l us ufore&ald , hhall boduu Itumodlatuly upon the pasiuge and up- provul'of this ord nitncc. und shall hocomuue- Iliuiiient If not paid within Illly ( lavs theru- ufU'r : anil thereupon interest ahall bu added at the rate of one percent a month , payable Jn ml vuiieo from thu tlmu said taxoi booomoso dollniiueiit. Section 4. Tint this ordinance bball tike elfectund bo In foreo from ami after Its pas- snsts , Passed March 8th , ISO-.1. ISO.1.JOHN GUOVT.S , ( Jlty L'lurlc. UP. I > AVIS. President Olty Oouncll. Approved March Olh , 1 12.QEO. QEO. P. IIEMIS. Mayor , The above ( UK la HOIK duo and pnynblu nt theollleo of thocity treumrorand wlllbacoino delinquent aim hoar Infvroat ufliT April -.Itli , lnl2 , us Been lu section a of ubovu ordinance HOLIN. Treasurer. CHEAPENING DHEADSTUFF3. U I'lour MnitimlfTut tJi . 'l'rlr toSlraiiRlorbrn Imliidll } , The Hour war which is being waged ORalnst Nobrnnka mill ; by the Minnesota mnnufacturors shows no signs ot abating , but Instead is uolnR prosecuted with in * creased vigor. Tuesday ntlcrnoon Minnesota seta through the agenc } of an Omnha groc ery Jobber cut the price on the b ut K ratio ot Hour to fJ.W. ! The prlco on this Hour was fJ.OO before thr ) war was commenced. The reproscntntiro of a Nebraska milt win Is In the rltv says that it was intimated tc him as coming I rom n Jobber tlint the object of the tight was to closoup the Omaha mill , If I hero WAS tnonoy enough In Minneapolis to tlo it. "If they kccpiipJlhoilghtlonKcnouRli. " contlnutxl the Nebraska miller , "to nccom- pllsh that result they will nlsodnvo nil of tha Nebraska mills out of this market. This would bo of great mlvnntago to the Minnesota seta mlllars nutl they can nfford to sell Hour below cost for several weeks to accomplish itVhllo ovcry ono can see that Mlnnototn would bo the gainer if the Onmha mill waste to bo closed up I cannot see , iior have I met nny ono oho who van sco ot what ad * vantage It would bo to the Omaha grocery jobbers who are conducting the light. It looks to mo as If the Jobbers would bo the losers as their trade Is largely lu Nebraska and anything that hurts' Nobrastta must hurt them. If their trade was in Minnesota then I could sco where It would bo to their ad vantage to help thatstato down Nebraska. "Thero Is another point which these Job. bcra should consider. In ovcry town tu Nc > braska where thcro is n Hour mill the retail dealers will feel that they have n personal grievance against the Jobbers that helped to place Minnesota millers on top. However , I do not bollovo that the people of Omaha wilt bo so short sighted as to allow tbolr mill to bo closed up noi do I boltovo they will allow us Nebraska millers lo bo driven out of the nmrUet , " Thu Omaha Milling Company when qucs < tlonod as to the light said , "Mlnu- osotn millers have cut the prlra below the cost ot production but wo are niectltic tbo out and it the peopla of Omaha will remain loyal wo will still bo in it when the war is over. There ap pears to bo n general impression that thn light Is aimed nt us and that is no doubt the truth. Tin : Uii : has made such n success ot the homo patron- ugo movement that Minneapolis commenced to fear that they would lese their Omnha trade entirely. There was n tlmo when Min neapolis uoukl make bolter Hour than No. braskn , but that tlmo has paiaod nnd the people are ( hiding it out , "if the Minneapolis miller * could wear us out it would glvo them the control of the Omaha inarKet nnd they could continue to draw hundreds ot thousands ot dollars out of OmaUa as tboy bavo done in the past. " I was persuaded by n friend to try "Salva tion Oil" for neuralgia nud headache. I found it a great relict nil or u tow applica tions. I cheerfully recommend it to ull vvuo likewise suffer. U. II , McUEK. To unfortunaio chronlo couphewvn rec ommend the timely use of Ur. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 cents. di soaso , treated : is Btioh smtl par ma nently cured. No publicity. Noinlirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless mill oflcctunl. Rotor by permission to Bur lington Htiwkoyo. Send "c atnmp for pamphlet , Shokoquon ClienuciL , Co , , Burlington , la. WAS TOO HANDY WITH A PEN. Postal Clerk Irlijlity'n Peculiar Correspon dence liotH Him Into Lots of Trouble. Chief Clurlc Vandorvoort , of the railway moil service , wont to Lincoln yesterday mor- nlnglojiUcnd the trial of Postal ClorlcV. . C. Weighty , ot the Hastings-Lincoln run , for using the mails for illegal ( mrpo.103 nud for abstraollng money from the mails. Tno case is ono in which blackmail was at- tomptea and nn investigation led to Leighty's arrest. A Lincoln banker received nn an onymous communication from Hustings stat ing that thn writer had certain papers in hU possession that it would bo well for the banker to buy , und that if tboy wcro not so purchased they would bo published the result would not bo pleasing to the banner aforesaid. The writer directed that In ease the banker saw flt to comply with the request the money should bo forwarded to n given address nt Hoslincs. The posloflicu authorities wcro notified and plans were arranged to catch the blackmailer. Tlm money was scut as ell- reeled , and ofllcers worb watching- tha Hastlics postofllco lo the man who palled for the letter. Ho did not call ; tu fact , the leller was never received at that oftlce. Auottaor letter likewise disappeared cud the postonicc inspector concluded that somn postal clerk was the guilty party. A trap was set for him , but for. some reason ho failed to tumble Into It , nnd Lcighly w.i * then nrrostcd on suspicion. The suspected clerk hts boon on this mall route for the past oleht mouths , but wns a postal dork some tirao ago running out of Chicago. Ho uflorwards toad law for n tlmo in Lincoln , and Is regarded as a sharp , shrewd young man. The chief clerk was called as a witness in the case for tbo purpose of identifying tlm handwriting of tbo defendant. This is to tastily tflut I have tested the roodical properties of Dr. J. B , Mooro' * Trco of Lifo remedy to my entire satisfaction , nnd can most heartily recommend It to Iho suf fering and afflicted everywhere , to 09 all claimed Ser it in the abovo.statement. Lint spring I was suffering frotn loss of appetite , constipation , etc. , originating from kidney and liver trouble , ami I hr.d not used ono bot- tlt ) of this great life rernedv until I was creatly relieved. My wife , also , being at n very critical stage in Ufa , was sullerinjr much nt tltnea , and hy the mo of ibis roinody ' has be'on saved from much suffering and pos sibly from orctnaturo death. Our youngest son's health for several years has been very delicate , ilo contracted some lung trouhlti by taking cold with moaslus , which produced great nervous debility mid occasional bleed- in c of the IUUCK ; ho has used some four bottles tles of Tt'f'O of Llfo , und foals ana looks as though now llfo had been given him. If you nro atlllclod , try It. UKO. MII.I.EII , Pros. Ulder. Box 01 , Carlisle , Iowa. For sale oy all druggists. Tho.SUter.4 tn Illume. Tbo sisters in cbargo of the Bt. Jamoi orphanagnat Homson think the published ac counts of their connection with the U'lngato children are a little misleading. Tlio two children ware loft ut tha orphan- ugo some tlmo ago by tholi- father , who guva instructions thut they should sco no visitors. Last Sunday a gentleman giving tbo name of J. T. Wllloughby , who said ho was the brother-in-law of the children's mother , called alone at Iho orphanage and nskoa it the mother could sco the children. They In formed him that ba would huva to xocuro an order from the father , from whom limy hud received the children and their Instructions , ho ono wo * rnfusad admittance to the insti tution and thusluari acted In parfoct accord with the nuitotns of such plauoi. A Kuinitt M-ill's KtjmriHiico with and Cold * , Colds and coughs liuvo boon so provident during the past few months that the experi ence ol Albert Favorite of Arkansas City , Kan. , cannot full to interest omo of our readers. Hero it is In his own words : "I contracted a cold early last nprliif ; thai set tled on my luns and bud hardly recovered from It when I caught another that hung ou ul ) summer tmd left mo wth a baoKlng couglt which I thought I never would coi rid of , I bad used Chambcrlnln's cough remedy some fourteen years ugo with much succoij unu concluded to try H axoln.Vhur , I hud got through with ono bottle my cough had left jno nnd I have not suffered with a cough or cold since. I have recommended it to nthor- and nil apeak wol | of It. " DO cent bottles for Biilo by druggists. I'onl ( 'ruHlitul by Ji Motor Train. 'I , K. Armour , a motonuau , bad his foot crushed at .Sixteenth and Ohio Blroots yctter- day forenoon. He llvfs nt 1510 Obfoitrcot and wa on his way homo to dinner when the accident happened. ilo was riding on tha motor car and in in Jumping lost hu foollutr , whan the truiler passed over his rignt foot , crushing It severely. Two of his tow wore amputated cud Iho surgeons tulnx that othurtviso uU foot will ba iiwod.