THE OMAHA DAILY BKEt ttrURSDAY , MARCH 21. 1892. IOWA'S ' DELEGATION DIVIDED Unable to Agree on the Question of Free Coinage. NO FAVORS FOR THE BLAND MEASURE S'linyer County' * Cltlrom Will He Itclloicil or the NctTMlty or 1'iiylni ; Tnifor thu Itcnrllt of Imllmis It \VII1 lie ( irncrat , WASHIXOTOX nuiiEAU OP rnn Br.B , G18 FouiiTRBNTii STHKIV , > WASHINGTON. I ) . ( J. , Mnrch 23. ! ) Ills reportoil that the democratic wing of the Iowa delegation lit tbo house are waterIng - Ing on tno question ot frco coinage. TosJay Tun Ur.n correspondent sought to ascertain tholr position Us they know it at this tlmo , Mr. Hamilton Is counted nnd will probably vote against the bill. Ho says ho has notdo- clarod himself publicly. Mr. Bowman wants to vote ngnlnst It , but ho says hla constitu en Is hnvo told him to vote for free colnugo. Messrs. Whlto and Duller will castthulr votes for the free silver bill. Mr. Hayoa Is the outspoken opponent of free coluugo In the entire delegation anrt is nn earnest advo cate of nn Inlcrnntlonal blmotnlllo agreement before anything Is done with the free silver bill. Mr. Soorly Is nlso n bollovor In the In ternational plan for settling the silver con i troversy , but ho says ho has not made up bis mind whether ho will support tbo Ulnud bill or not. Indian T.nmla to llo Tnxi'il. Senator Mandorson hns prepared a bill of great Importance to all stiitos having within thorn Indian lands. It provides thnt the lands which have boon nllnttod to nny In dians In severally under the nro visions of any law or treaty by which the lands nro to bo bold In trust bvtho United States or nro to bo exempt from the taxation or which may here after bo so nllotcd , shall bo subjuct to state and local assessment nnd taxation , the same as any ether lands similarly located in such state , provided , however , that this act shall not authorize the sale or incumbranco of any such land on account of such assessment or taxation or In any manner In tcrfera with the trust In which such lands are hold bv the United States whllo such trast continues , and further thnt no lands shall bo assessed or taxed under Iho provisions of this net for a period of llvo years from Iho date of the np- provnl of Iho allotments , nud further thnt during the continuance or exemption the tnKCs so taxoj or levied shall bn paid fron , the treasury ot the United States to the county treasurer or other legally authorized ofilcorof tbo county or municipality to which such taxes uro payable at such tlmo as they shall become duo and payable , and further that the tnxos shall only bo paid on receipt of the sworn state ment of the county treasurer , or olhor legally authorized ofllcar of the county or municipality to which such taxes are pav- nblo , showing that such tax has been legally assessed and levied nnd that It Is then duo and payable and tbo sworn statement of the United States Indian ngcnl , or if there bo no agent , of some otllcnr of Iho United States designated by the secretary of the interior that the lands upon which tnxos have been levied have not been assessed at a higher rate than ether lands in the vicinity similarly located and improved , accompanied by the cortlllciuo of the secretary ot the interior tnat the lands nro within the state and county described in tbo statement nnd that the lands therein described have been al lotted In severally. Tbo bill makes a continuous appropriation to meet the taxes and assessments author ized. This bill , It Is understood , was sug gested by iho condition of affairs which ex ist nt nnd ucnr Ponder. In Thurstou county , Nob. , mentioned some months ago by Tim BKK specials as having been brougnt to the attention of Senators Mnndorson nnd Pad dock and the Interior department ofllolnls by Mr. Peebles. It would turn into the counties of Nebraska and some ether states a per manent tax of considerable proportions. Tno bill'hns been submitted to Secretary Noble , bis assistant , .fudgo Chandler , and Indian Commissioner Morgan , and meets tholr up- provul. The ofllcials say there can bo no doubt that tbi ! burden of taxation is borne by white property holders in many localities occupied largely by Indian lands , although the latter got most of tbo bcneilt of the taxes. An Important Land HIM. Senator Carey of Wyoming said today thai lie was continent bin bill llxinc $1.25 an acre ns tbo uniform prlco for government land ! would bo passed by both bouses of congress , It has already boon favorably reported frorr tOo senate committee. Senator Carey says further : "A circular was the general land ofllco In 1887 declaring that thereafter pur chasers of desert lands would bo required tc pay 50 cents per aero at the tlmo of original entry and J3 per acre nt iho time of rlnal proof. Kulinps In compliance with this cir cular at local land oftlcos were contested , Though there appears to have been a great difference ot opinion on the subject , the sec retary of the interior on an appealed case bold , in 1889 , 'that the act of March II , 1853 , fixing the prlco of publlo lands within rail road limits at 2.50 nn acre , was not repealed by tha desert-land net , which fixed the price of desert laud at $1.25 an aero. * ThU de claloa was reached under tno rule of con Btructlon that statutes uro repealed by express provisions of a subsequent law , 01 by necessary implication , and in the lattoi cosn there must bo such a positive repugnancy nancy between tbo provisions of the old and now law that they cannot stand together 01 te consistently reconciled. "In some cases the laud was entered al $1.25 nn ncro , and at the time of final prool the ontrvmon were required to pay for the land al the rate of S-.f ! > 0 an acre. Appllca lions were made by untrymon in some in stances for the amount overpaid on final ccr tlflcatcs. These applications were rejectee on tbo ground thac repayment cannot bo rcc ognlzcd In tbo absence of express statutory authority. "Tho committee flrtd" that since tlio passagi of the net approved March ! ) . 18'JO , whiub among ether things , amended the aoser lund law of March ii , 1877 , the uniform rullnj of tbo land department 1ms been to doclan the price of alt lands subject to entry undo the desert land laws ut $1.25 an aero. "Desert lunds nro tbojo that will 'not pro duce ngricultural crops without artificial if rlgaiion , which under the most favorable ) con dlllons is expensive. Tha committee , with oul quesllonlng the decisions of the land do pur t men t. thinks that the government 1 : amply mild for thcso land * at $1,25 an acre especially If nn Incident of tholr sale U i reclamation of iho land , "Tho second section of the bill authorize the repayment to ontrymun of the ex cos which was required to bo paid by thorn o over $1.25 an ncro for desert lands,11 It Witt Give ( JartuH Cliancc , The Star today says ; 'Ungadlor Conors David S. Stanley has appointed a genera court martial to moci at Fort Drown , Tex , on March 28 for the trial of oucu imlltur prisoners ns may bo brought before It. It i believed that some sensational development : will bo brought out with regard lo the no lions of certain military commanders durln , the Uurza campaign on the borders in th trial of some of tno offenders. " The above hns reference especially to Car tain John Itourke. It is staled in olllclu circles lhat tno court martial was convenoi to appease the clamor ot Uarzu's revolution ary friends on iho Teixus border and glv thorn nn opportunity to substantiate thcl charge * ana grievance * . It is not believed however , that It can bo shown that Captati Hourko acted Improperly or thai bo oxceude Ills authority , .MUrollniiuoni , In the homestead proof case of William II Hawk , guaidlau of Charles (1. Moyor. oul lielrof I'lilneas Meyer deceased , from th Huron. S , U. , oftlro , Assistant Socratar Chandlur today sfllrtned tbo decision of th commissioner rcemlriug additional oftldavii Blowing that Phlneas Meyer acluallvreside on the Intnl. Ohurlos A , Cronoy , formerly editor of tli Olonwood Opinion of lilonwood , la. , died t his residence In this city yesterday afiei noon. Mr. Cronoy was a typo measurer c Iho government printing ofllco , where li curved Binco the , incoming of thu admlnutn tlon to the tlmo of Uls death. H. bbullz was today appointed posimaslc at McUunn , Cherry county , Neb. , vlco t Mendo. resigned , anil U. Urooks nt Mooi craft , Crook county. Wyo , , vlco J. Mllto resigned. Also W. I < ako at Collage , Hardi oouuly , la. , vlco W. A. Corawuv , ruaiguod D. M. Patterson nt Pekln , Kookuk county. In. , vlco C. J'owoll , rcilpncd , and II , E. Heath nt Grays , IMnghnm county , Idaho. S. O. Osborno of Gtomvood , In. , an Inspoo- tor ol Immigration , called BtTun UEK burotiu today. Ho tins Just raturnod from the lown republican state convention , The second assistant postmaster general today granted Senator Mondorson's request for extra mall service on the O'Noll-Fort ' Itandall route to six trips a week , but ho lira'- Us such service to that part of the route bo- tyi-oen O'Noll and Bponcor. It Is discovered that the rivet nnd harbor bill reported to the bouso on Monday pledges the Roverment to over JJO.OOO.OOO by entering Into nine now contrncts for river imorovo- mcnt under the regular contract system wnlch must bo complotou. Tlio bill professes to appropriate but $20,000,000. This is therefore - fore the moU extravagant river ana harbor bill reported In very many years , If , Indeed , It ever luid an equal. This from an "cconoin- Icnl" democratic house. The assistant secretary nnirmod the decis ion In the homestead and ilosort land content ot George II , Harbour against Lewis E. Uonnr and Thomas 1' ' . Burns from Montana , rejecting the claim. 1 * . S. H , Nmvs rou Tin : AUMY. Co m pi ! to l.lit of Ulmnitei In the Iloffitlnr .Service. * W.V8ntxoTo.v , D. 0. , March 23 , [ Special Telegram to THE Bnn. ] The following as- Upnracnts to regiments of ofllcors roceutly promoted and transfers of ofllcors are or dered : Second Lieutenant Tlomann N. Horn , Second end nrtlllory , U transferred from battery II to battery 10 of that regiment. Ho will join the battery to which ho is transferred. The following transfers In the Ninth infantry nro ordered : Cnptnln Jcmo M. Lee , from company 1) to company 1C : Captain John A. liiiHlwIu , from company 1C to company D. The lonvo of absence on account of sickness granted First Lieutenant Lawrctico D. Tyson , Ninth Infantry , February 18 , IS'JJ , was extended ilftcen days on account of sickness. The extension of leave ot absence granted First Lieutenant David O. Shanks , regimental adjutant , Eiclitoontti Infantry , February V , Is further extended fifteen days , WVntcrn I'onilDin. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBK. ] The following list of pensions granted Is reported by TUB BEIS and Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Gcorgo II. Shaffer , Ell Campbell , . .lohnV. . Davis , William Butidy , Mason Tlngloy , William A. Shoe maker , Samuel Long , Aug'ist Obcrlo , John M. Millhollen , James II. H kill to , James II. Golu. Additional Wltlinni J. Perkins. Henry J , F. Wort , Jonathan L. Fltzeorald. Supplemental George W. Barnard. In crease Hampton Horton , J. Cobbcy. He- issue Samuel Grant , James C. Hall. Origi nal widows , etc. Elizabeth Daggott , minor of John Timothy. Iowa : Original Hlbbard L > . SVoodard , Mlle Churchill , Hobert E. Achcson , Seneca MoBain , Allison J. Hatcb. George McCnrl , Joan Goddard , James 11. Miller , Simon Ben nett , William II. I'oolo , Alexander H. Tracy , John Lamorlo , Francis M. Study , Nicholas M. Manilorsehlcdt , Gcorgo Hofmauii. Charles A. Mltcholl , Ferguson Shammn , LoviC. Bur- hln , Martin V. Taylor , Henry Wacltor. Ad ditional David IlDckothornc. Norman F. Wood , Isaac S. Doan , William M. Carter , John T. McFaddon , Charles Younuorraan. Supplomantal Jacob Uiploy. Renewal and Increase Abraham Cosnor. Increase John Kattlcdgo , John C. Phillips , Manuel H. Hoigart , Thomas Newton Primon , Benjamin Piner , George W. Armor , Hiram S. Uogors. Holssuo Mahlon C. Johnson , James E. Bissoll. Hufus L. Blnlr. Original widows , etc. Delmloh Blaok , Mary S. Wirt- nor , Louisa Cheney , Elizabeth J. Lane. South Dakota : Original Warren Flsk , Gcorgo S. Stearns , Wollincton L. Watson , Stephen P. Lapham. Increase James A , Wilson. DoWltt's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood , Increosostho appetite and tones up the ays- lorn. It has bonollttcd many people who have suffered from blood disorders. It will hoipyou. Dr. Blrnoy euros ctvuirrn. DUE J. Byors of Davenport is nt the Dollono. E. M. .Tudd of Kearney is nt the Murray. E. II. Shaw of Wahoo , Nob. , is nt the Mur ray. ray.C. . L. Craig of Odcholt , la. , Is at the Del lone. lone.C. W. Terrell of Genoa , Neb. , is nt the Arcade. D. A. Doyle of O'Neill is stopping at the Arcade. L. B. Fonner of Chnaron , Nob. , Is nt th ( Arcade. W. L. McUoo of North Platte is at tlu Paxton. S. C. Patterson and wife and Samuel Lonp and wife of South Bond , Ind. , are at thi Paxton. William Falton of Nebraska City Is at th < Paxton. M. H.T llton of Lincoln is registered nt th ( Paxton. Mrs. Borbank of Ponder , Nob. , Is nt the Millard. W. "M. Davidson of Bloomington is at tin Millard. C. C. Crowoll ot Blair is stopping nt tbt Dollono. W. A. Johnson of Wood River , Nob. , 19 a the Arcade. C. G. Somers of Norfolk is registered a' ' the Dollono. Ernest Yatcs of Lincoln is registered al the Murray. \V. C. Brady of Fremont was nt the Mur ray yesterday. i'A. . Xanusli of Oaltdnlo , Nob. , is atoppliif at the Aruado. H. E. W. Spargur of Chadron is roglstoroc at the Pnxton. Dr. O. L. Stopuonson of Bonnington , Nob. is nt tbo Arcado. J. D. Brayton of Bassott , Nob. , Ii stop ping at the Arcado. D. F. Klcbnrds of Douglas , Wyo. , is stop ping at the Millard. James Bennett of Ponder , Neb. , Is rcgls tored at tno Arcado. Charles Rtegolrann of Dos Moluej is rcgls torod nt the Murray. Frank IConyon of Monroe , Nob. , Is registered istorod at the Arcado. Mrs. Ferguson nnd daughtorof Alnsworth Nob. , are at the Paxton. J. F , Fine and wife of Sholtou , Nob. , wore at the Millard yesterday. Patriot : Hlnes and wife of Des Molnos an registered at tbo Dollono. James L. Diinbarof Weeping Water , Nob. is stopping at the Dollono. J. F. Smith and wife of Tokamnb , Neb. are registered nt the Arcado. II. B. Whitney and wife of Superior , Nob. are registered at mo Millnrd. I. L. FIsko and J. E. Hoyor of Bentrlc were at the Paxton yesterday. Charles Wnlto , B. F. Ankony and Joh Moore of Doauwood were at the Paxton yea torday. W. C. Campbell and wife and \Vllllan Shepherd and wife of Unrlnu , In. , are at th Millard. P. L , Hall , a banker ot Mead , Neb. , is 1 thoulty. Mr , Condltof tbo same place I also here. Henry Blumor , a Chalco grain man , wa nt the Board of Trade building yesterda afternoon. St. Louis Post-Dispatch : Jacob William of Williams & Cross , ono of Omaha' ' stnunchest and most successful cnmmlsslo merchants , was among the fruit and pn duca dealers last Thursday. Mr , William predicts n good season for the trade an stands up for Omaha Ilko n stone well. Mr. W. G , Richardson , a former niorabo of Tin : BBC staff , now of Kansas , Is In tli city. In his travels through that state h lias been repeatedly mistaken for Jorr , Simpson by those who Imvo known th alllanoo congressman for years. Not lou ago Uleb met Simpson in Wichita. "Yes , Imvo hoard ot you as being mv double , " sai Simpson , testily , "do lyou think you lee llUo uiol" Rich gized bis man up a inemou and ropIioJ. "Well. I hope not bow do yo feel about it ] " Sluipion , by thu way Is r > ported to bo coming to the front amailugl in the estimation of his constituents. HO I a rough diamond among them , but what b sayi , goes , Mrn.Wluslow's Soothing Syrup is the bos of nil remedies for cblldrou toothing. S cunts a bottle. Dr. I3lrnoyuosouud tnro-iu 13uu bide SEVERAL IMPORTANT CASES Oontoat of the Decisions Rendered by the Supreme Court Yesterday. LINCOLN POLICE REGULATIONS SETTLED rower * or the .Miiyor niul IXrlio llonnl Do- lined Who Mny DMchnrgo nnit Com- nilmloii City Gunrdlniii Many Oiniiliii Interests An'octeil. LIXCOI.X , Nob. , March 23. ( Special to TUB Bui : . J The aupromo court today handed down several Important decisions affecting .matters of interest and Importance to the cttloa of Lincoln nnd Omaha , as well as to the state at Inrae. The coso in which the people of this city were moro particularly interested was the ono in which the long coalost between the oxclso board nnd the mayor was settled In favor of the former. The trouble out of which the litigation grow originated last July. The power to appoint and remove mem bers ot the police force was claimed by both parties to the controversy. During the temporary absouro of Mayor Weir from tbo city , Messrs. Kelly nnd Doollttlc , who with the mayor compoio the oxclso board , removed six members of the police force in order to guard ngnlnst n dellciency In the police fund. When Mayor Weir returned to the city ho nt once rein stated the men who had been removed and removed six other * . Ho claimed to bo the solo Jjdito as to which members of the force should bo removed when the necessity for such action arose. A test case was made in the district court , nnd Judge Field decided In favor of tbo position taken by the muyor. Tuo case was then carried to the supreme court. The decision banded down today es tablishes the following points : l-'Irst The exclso board of the city of Lin coln , under the charter tliurunf , IIIIH exclusive power to nppolnt inomburdof the police force of thu city. Socoiid Said hoarel has power to remove and dlHChiir o members of the regular police force for cause , Including the want of funds to p. y salaries thereof. Third The last , olnuso of Boctlon 1)1 ) ot the charter of thu Sitld city , which iiuthorbcs the tmiyor to roinovu the police thereof for thu purpose of discipline. Is not In conflict with the provisions of the charter which confers upon the u.vuliu board the poncriiL authority to appoint jirrJ retnovo the police. The opinion winds up with the following clincher : "Wa conclude that the power of tno exclso board to appoint tbo rogulav po lice is exclusive , and that they are author ized to remove them for cause , including a want of funds to pay salaries thereof : " ii'o to llino a Now Trlnl. Thomas McNamco of Omaha was , by an opinion handed down by tbo supreme court this forenoon , granted a now trial upon the charge of murder. The case is not a savory ono , but there Is but little doubt , ot the fact that McNamoo was convicted without much regard to the evidence in the caso. Ho was charged with the murder of ono ICato Nichols , an inmate or a house of 111-roputo. The testimony taken in the lower court proved that the woman died from the effects of cerebral hemorrhage. The prose cution introduced testimony to show that the hemorrhage wan the result of blows Inflicted by McNamoo sorao weeks previous. The do- fciuo proved that the woman had been n conlirmod drunkard for years nnd that be tween the time the blows were said to hnvo been Inflicted by McNnmeo and the any upon which she died she received severe in- iurlos , ouco by climbing out of a transom and fulling upon her bead while under the Influence of liquor and at another time by falling down stairs. The supreme court de cided that the evidence was not suQiciont to coiiviot McNamoo and remanded the causa back lor further proceedings. Another Oniiilia Cnso. An opinion was also handed down today in another Omaha case , but the party most di rectly interested did not moot wlta the same success as did the moro fortunate McNamco. Henry Roush was triea in nn Omaha court and convicted of forgery. Ho was tried un der an Information charging him with the crime under two counts. In tbo lirst count ho was charged with forging nn indorsement on n draft drawn by the cashier of tbo First National bank of Seneca , Kan. , and in the second ho was accused of knowingly forging the endorsement with a deliberate intent to defraud. The verdict round him guilty on the second count , but made no rcforonco to the first. In his application for a now trial ho nllocod two objections to the sufllcioncy of tbo Information : First , that it was notmudo to appear that the draft was genuine ; and second , that the intent to defraud was charged in general tox'ms only. The supreme court denied the application fur a new trial. The opinion is to the effect that it was not necessary to establish the fact that tbo bank by which the draft was drawn was a corpo ration and that in an information for forgery it is suOlelont to ohargo an intent to defraud in general terras. It Is not necessary to al lege or prove nn intent to defraud any par ticular person. IntcruHtoU 1'urtios May Not TcHlIfy. In tbo case nf Rakes against Blazer , nn appeal from. Cass county , the doulslon of the lower court was nfllnned. In the opinion handed down today Cbiof Justice Maxwell said : Urdor section 329 of the code u person hav ing ii direct local Interest. In the result of an action in which the adverse party is the representative of a deceased person Is pre cluded from testifying to nny transaction or conversation hud with such deceased jorson , unless the evidence of the deceased has IJOL'II t.iUou and read on the trial by the udvorcu party In regard to Hticli trnnsautlon or c-onvor- ttiitlon , or unless such representative Ims introduced - troduced u witness who has testified In regard to such transaction or conversation. Second On the death of nn Intestate , hli lands Immediately docomi to his hairs , sub- Jetit to the rliht ; of possession by the adminis trator poudlns udmlnlutratlon nnd to lila power to sell the real estate to pay the rtobH of the estate1. In case the personal property la Insulllulent for that purpose. Third Whore , pending an action tosetasldo a deed to real estate ami to quiet title , tliu plaintiff dies Intestate , the action may bu re vived nnd continued in the names of the heirs at law of such deceased person. fourth The mode provided by title 13 ol civil code for reviving actions by conditional order of rovlvor Is not exclusive. Section 42 ot the code confers authority upon the court to allow the action to bo presented liy 01 against the representatives or successors HI Interest of n uoooased party , Kor this pur pose Biipuleninutnl pleadings may bo filed untl numinous served us In the commencement ol an action. Fox vs Abbott. 12 Nebraska. , ( KU Carter vs Jennings. ' 'I U. S. , 18. . Klftli Held , that the proannt case wai properly revived In the names of tbo heirs o thecleceaKed plalntln" , Sixth Kvldunoo held to sustain the finding' ' and decree of the district court. Of IntcrtMt to Adums Count- , Chief Justice Maxwell handed down at opinion In ttio case of Reynolds agalns Dletz , in which many peopluof Hastings ant Adams' county are interested. A synopsis o the opinion is as follows : In appeal rases where the Interests of tin parties plaintiff or defendant aresocommetoc thut the appeal iincussurlly will brlnx up tin entire record the failure to servo tliu lilli o exceptions on sumo of such parties wilt nolbi cuusti foniuabhliii ; tno bill. Pecoml-ln 1111 tiutlon to foreclose a mort ga e on cerlaln real estate It was allied It the petition In suhhtunco that utter the oxo rutlon of the iiiartKUBO the land Imd been boll to It. and others named , who nssumod tin morlHueo us u part of the consideration fo lliolamU tliotlilo belnutaUon In the name o It. us trustee. Tlioso allegations were ilonlui in the answer. Thu proof tended to show t ha thu land hud been valued at SWOJ.OO ; ij , : , certain parties named hud oiioh taken a toutl Interest In the land , p.iyliu therefor Ineasl il.Uvl.vU , subject to thu mortgauo of HG' .0'J 01 the entlio tract. Hold , thu the trustee Imi the title In trust , for thosq who udvumtod tin consideration , and that In case of ( lollelenc ; after s.ilo of the inorUaKud pretnKes eaci Hharoliolder would bu llulijo thuiefor In pro portloir to tliu amount of hU bepar.ito In to res in thu proneity and no moro. Third That thu counterclaim of S. for ser vices was properly r.-Jeetod , as the proof fallei to ahow u contruut with thu defendant a whicl authoi Uod him to render biich nurvtcus. An Ouinliu Hank Cam. in the case of the Union National bank o Omaha ucalnst Hlukoy. brought up on erro from Douglas county the supreme court al firm the decision of the lower court In a pro cecding of carnUumaul in aid of oxccutioi under sections UH-'ia of the codowheroth garnisUeo has been properly served will summon ? and appeared and answered and in ordur bonn tnadu by tbo court requirinc bin to pay a certain sum owing by him to th debtor into court , huch order is final and wll bu conclusive unless appealed from. l.lnruhi flty l.ota Involved , Tno court ended a lone contested cajo b. ifinding down an opinion In the cause ot Yanow against Snelllnp , , In 1872 ono M. nnd wife executed a mort- ; ago upon cortala lots trt ( ho city ot Lincoln. This mortgage wat fortctascd and the prop erty purchased by nn o | gnco of the mort ' gagee , The sale wts'duly conflrmod nnd a dcod rondo to the purchaser. In 1SS.1 the crantcos In the deed paid All the taxes duo on the lot from 1S71 , In 1830 M , made a quit claim deed of said lotto J , A. M , , who after word convoyed to ono CF.7"who then convoyed to Mrs S. In 1SSI S. purchased the lots nt private tax sale and , after the redemption from tax sale by the grantees under the sher iff's dcod , nccoptcd tbo money paid for the redemption of tha lots. Hold , that ho was thereby estopped from , claiming titlotosuch lot as against such grantees and thoirasslgus. Three Smaller Cmcn tlcclilcil , Kltchcnrt v Lnrimore1 , error from Hitch cock county , cfHrmed. Opinion by Mr , Chief Tiistlco Maxwell. Upon the facts staled liold that the docil for the platntilT's laud was obtained by fraudulent professions nt friend ship nud undue inlluonco nnd the judgment of thn court below setting nsido was right , Mushbnum & Co. vs Solomon , error from Cass county , reversed nnd remanded. Opin ion by Mr. Justice Norvnl. During tbo [ mndcncy of the action In the district court .ill tbo plcadlnes were lost nnd have not since been found. The action was triad and n ver dict returned in favor ot the plaintiffs , in tto absence of ilolondanta and their attorney , without the substitution of copies of the lost pleadings , licla , that the verdict bo sot nsldc nnd n now trial granted , Urluiisou vs Russell , U Nob.109. . Blakoly vs Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska railway , error from Ongo county , reversed nud remanded. Opinion by Mr. Chief Jus tice Maxwell. A land owner executed n deed Lo certain lands to the Republican Valley Hallway company for IOJ fuel In width fur right of way to said railway company , "Its successors nnd assigns for right of way and for operating its railway only. " An ns- sljnco of the orlulnnl grantee convoyed to mother railway company forty-two nud one- linlf feet of Us right of way across the plaint iff's land , thus making two roads upon such right ot way. Held , that the second railway was an additional burden on the land and plnlutllT Is entitled to recover. Supreme Court Notes. The following gontlcmon were admitted to practice : H , O. Vail , osij , , of Boone county , Albert Thompson , esq , , ot Nnnco county , Irving F. Baxter , osn. . , of Douglas county. Sheets vs McKlhoiicy , dismissed : Smith vs Mount , motion for restraining order , pen- den to lite , overruled ; Shufoldt vs Gaudy , time to lllo motion for rehearing extended until April 1. 181U ; Stnto ox rol Crawford vs Norris , motion to withdraw answer and for leave to lllo1 demurrer overruled ; Wood lilvcr bank vs Dodge , argued and submitted , Court adjourned to Tuesday. March S ! . The causes from the Twelfth district , Including the counties of Buffalo. Dawson , Custor and Sherman , will bo called. District Court Notes. The jurv in the case of the Importing Draft Horse company against Orvls raturnod a ver dict for the defendant. W. II. 1'roscott , who wanted $1,000 dam- rtgos from the city for grading damages to his property , accepted $110 and settled the caso. Amanda Madison was today awarded a divorce from her husband on the grounds ot desertion. The Lincoln Rapid Transit company asks n dismissal of the case .fn which James A. Bailey sued it for W,000 damages caused by n steam motor frightening bis loam. The company alleges carelessness upon the part of Bailoy. , rj Odds niul Kudu. A call has been issued for n mass meeting of the woman of Lincoln to meat in tbo son- nto cbambor tomorrowjoftcrnoon at4 o'clock. Business of Importance will bo transacted. The contract for building the Western Normal collotro has budrf lot toStevons Bros , of this city. Work will ' bo commenced at onco. i Tbo right of way agent of the Rock Island company will tomorrow'commonco the work of llnishlng the purchase of the right of way for that company's new * route through the city. , a , u J. M. Deffenbnugh.Jtpreman of the con struction gang nt tno now Pity water works plant nt Seventh and 'S&tUh streets , was se verely injuted this "afternoon by n fnUint ; water pipe. It does not pay to lot a cough conlinuo Stop yours now with Piso's Cure for Con sumption. "He. All druggists. WHEN MAY COMES. Omaha Will Show the World How Croat Is Her Hospitality. Omaha is going to go through the month of May , ISO' , in a manner that will causa the people to sing her praises from end to end of the continent. In May the Methodist gen eral conference will bo hero and it will bo the greatest test of Omaha's ability nnd willingness to entertain % largo number of guosta for weeks at a stretch that the city has over experienced. It is encouraging testate state , however , that the problem of securing private .entertainment for at least halt of the 500 delegates is al ready solved and tha private entertainment committee has pretty good hopes of finding entertainment for about 800 by tbo miOdlo of April or sooner. Considerable rivalry has sprung up among citizens who desire to hnvo the honor of en tertaining some of the most distinguished among tbo guests. Several parlies are anxious to entertain th'o delegates from Mexico and irom Kngland. Senator Stanford nnd wife of California will spend a week at tbo conference. They will leave for Europe immediately after con ference , accompanied by Bishop and Mrs. Newman. It is probable that both Boyd's theater and the old exposition hall will bo retained by the local committee for tbo conference. The theater will probably bo used in day tlmo and tbo hall for lectures and night meotlncs. The two delegates from Japan urn said to bo highly educated gentlemen. Ono is a Bill : merchant and the other a loading educator. Mrs. L. R. Patton , Rockford , 111. , writes : "From personal experience-1 can recommend Do Witt's Sarsaparillu. n euro for irapuro blood and general debility. " ATTRACTING MUCH NOTICE Real Estate Owners Association Plans Ro- coivirg a Great Deal of Attention. J OUTSIDE CITIES WATCHING "THE MOVE t'roMclcnt UORCH Tulln 1'rooly or What Ontnlm Mny Hxpn-t II the lin'ort Ho- cultri tin ) Proper Support Hoot Sugar I'lanM , The work ot the Real Estate Owners asso ciation In endeavoring to locate manufactories ami other industries in Omaha U receiving considerable attention throughout the east ns well ns the west. Many "woslorn cities hnvo been attracted to the plan of work that tha Omnhn association has adopted in Inducing Industries to conio hero. Cham bers of commerce , boards of "trado , nnd llbn organizations as far west as Portland , Ore. , have even written ta President Bozgs ot the association asking for outlines of his plans nnd how the work is being done. For Omaha tbo Real Hstnto Owners asso ciation expects to accomplish much this year if It can gut the support of the citizens of Omaha. The association is now sond- ini ; circular letters to the real estate owncra of tbo city asking financial assistance for the advancement nnd progress of industries which will enhance tbo value of their property. Mr. Hoggs says that the association does not propose to fol low up those circular letters with other re quests for subscriptions , but expects n response - sponso to every letter se-nt out. Thus far " ,000 circulars have been mailed to such men ns nro lutcroUoil in the wulfnro and nuv.nnco- mont of Omahn. Upon the un&wors to thuso letters will depend the action of the Rent Kstato Owners association In the undertaking to bring manufactories to Omaha. It Itctts with till ! IVoplo. "Tho support of 200 or 'Wi ) property owners , " said Mr. Bogis to n BKK reporter , "will do little good. If the task ot securing factories for this city is to bo undertalion by tha association it must receive the support of ulraDst the entire ronl estate owning popula tion. As soon us uo can succeed in getting S.OW or 10,000 real estate owners interested in tbo work wa hnvo undertaken the associa tion will begin tbo canvass for subscriptions \vith n view of getting il,0t)0 subscribers who will each agree to purchase S.WO worth of stock in such manufacturing Industry as wo can induce to come to Omaha. Only 1 to 2 per cent of the subscription will be called for In locating any ono factory , as that per cent would produce from S10.000 to ? 20,000. This amount of stock subscription will bo sufli- clent to Induct ) the location in Omahu of al most , nny kind of a factory that could bo pre vailed upon to come hero on the strength of stock subscription. 'If the people will give tbo association their support it will certainly plant In this city not less than 100 manufacturing indus tries within the next three years. Wo ox- pcct the people to Invest $1,000,000 in stock subscriptions for three manufactories , and by this moans add not loss than $50,000,000 to the value of Omaha realty. The beauty of this is , that not a single dollar will bo paid out without thn property owners receiving its equivalent in slock , which may prove for them a better Investment than nny open to them in other directions. "Tho future of Omaha simply depends on the enterprise of the people. There is really no reason for dull times today in Omaha. The people alone nro responsible for the moro or less stagnation. Wo have plenty of money , plenty of everything but vim , en terprise and confidence. If the Real Estate Owners association is not on the right trade , lot somebody else undertake something bet tor mid wo will follow thorn. But if wo are pursuing the right course , then the people should furnish the association with money with which wo can certainly bring them thn factories that arc now wanted to roako Oma ha ono of tbo crootest industrial centers wes , of the Mississippi river. " licet Sugar Tnrtorlcs. A short time ago Mr. Boggs was in Millard , nnd succeeded in gelling the farm ers interested in sugar beets. As a result thn farmers near Millard nave held meetings nud now hnvo a committee investigating the cost of putting in a plant and factory to make beet sugar at that placo. Thov " propose to raise 8100,000 by foiling Sl.OOO "subscrip tions and build and put in their own plant. It is said that few of the farmers in the vicinity ure in debt , but on the contrary nro prosperous and thrifty and can well afford to build the sugar factory. Relative to the proposition of Fnrroll &Co. , to establish n beet sugar and glucose factory in East Omaha , the Ulast Omaha Lard com pany has not had time to consider it , as most of the directors of the company are out of the city. It is expected Ibat the directory will meet some time next weak , when action will tie taken on tbo proposition. Omaha mav also have harvester works this year. M. C. Nixon , the junior member of the brokerage firm of Bostwick & Nixon , is now east for tbo purpose ot examining a harvester that is a now invention. It is claimed that it will outrank nny harvester now in use. If such is the csiso Mr. Nixon will try to organize a company to es tablish a factory in Omaha for the manufac ture of the now harvester. On his return homo ho will also stop In Cnicago to exam ine what is known as a low-down harvester ono that emts grain close to the ground. It , too , is also n now invention or an improve ment over these uow in use. If it is found that those harvesters como up to their repre sentation they will bo brought hero nnd given n test In the harvest fields of Ne braska. If thov are then all right , a factory will bo established for thslr manufacture in this city. Rev. .l.imes II. Cordon , pastor M. E. church , Wilson , N. C. , says : I have used Bradycrotino and never in u slnglo instance falloa to obtain Immedlato roliot from bead- aebo when directions wire followed. Cao't Cook as Mother Did ! flow many a young wife's heart has been saddened ittiu by hearing nAhe above remark ! And yet how often tnc . ii\ words are true ; especially when cake , pastry or biscuit are IW iu question I t > The reason is plain , yet it is "like telling a secret. " v Our mothers used and are using Dr. Price's Cream iii Baking Pou r. They cannot he misled into using any of the ammonia or alum powders. No tlyspcpaia no sallow i < complexion.fJ'tvhen ( } mother did the cooking The { irst symptoms of ammonia poisoning , says a 11 i New York p'aper , which appear among these who work in ammonia factories , is a discoloration of the uose and fnre- head. This gradually extends over Iho face until the com- w plexjon has a stained , blotched and unsightly appearance Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure cream of tartar powder that contains the whites of eggs. Dr. Price's ' Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Auiiuouia , Alura , or any other adulterant. In fact the 'purity ' of this ideal powder has never been ques tioned. Indigestion , Dyspepsia Symptoms. Distress or oppression after eating , acid erup tions , belching up of gns or acid , loss of appetite and strength , nnuscn , headache , palpitation , sallow complexion , depressed spirits , hideous dreams , and a multitude of other miseries too well known to the average American. To us science lias never given a remedy for this distressing disorder , but Nature has given to the untutored Indian a never-failing remedy. It is un deniable that Nature provides for every want of man and beast ; and , through the noble Kickapoo tribe of Indians , she has given us a vegetable compound of herbs , roots , barks , and flowers , called Kickapoo Indian Sagwa which is unfailing in its cure of all digestive and blood disor ders. Indigestion and Dyspep sia are frequently caused by impure blood. Sagwa is Na ture's own blood purifier and regulator of the human system. " Deputy Sheriff ORDWA Y. cf Epplny. N , H. , can ) ! "I nave used your Sagiva for long-standing Dyspepsia with unqualified tuccist , I would not 68 without It , " fl.OOnliottlc. All OiTl PniNccss KICKAPOO. Kickapoo i Indian kills pain Instmtly , nnd currs Inflam * I " Pure Blood , Perfect Health. ' in.ttnry disc nse ; . 15 cents. | 'HARPER'S MAGAZINE . - . FOR APRIL . - . Walt Whitman. "Brother- the Sen. " The is of WAI.T'li , Frontispiece a portrait lly JULIAN rpntains a elcscrip- WilllMAN , who also contiUnites a lion of Luke Supciior and the surrounding - $ poementitled Death's Valley , to accom- rounding icgion , with illustrations by j4 jiany a full-page cnginvinj of GuoKGK I'RI.DIIKIC KKMI.NGTON and CIIAIU.I.S * > INNKSS'S great painting " The Valley GRAHAM. j Q of the Shadow of Death. " The porlrail . The Danube Papers. ] 4&i is from a painting by J.W. AIXXANDLU. From the Black lrst \ A > the Black The Lost Days of Shelley. Sea , The thiul article in this scries of ' ) AnniticlchySigiiorGuiopiiiAd , with papers by K J ) . MIU.I-.T , with illuMra- j Q new documents throwing light upon ihe lions from Ai.riti.n I'AKSONS'S ntul 1 * . ' . < v > cremation of the eleael poet , anel with D. MiLi.r/r's cliawings. i portraits of Italians still living \vho ' The World of Clmncc. ; y\S witnessed it. Second instalment of W. 1) . Howr.u.s's i An Indian Fair In the Mexican New Novel. I Hot Country. ] Svivisi : r.R UAXTKR makes this subject Elcnnoro Cuylcr. the theme of a picturesque ami attract- A sliort story , by UICIIAKD HAKDING , ivc article. Illustrated by ALICU HARI - DAVIS , illustratcel by C. D. GlissoN. I WAI SlKI'IICNS. La Cabanc. Ancient Lake Region of America. Another of MCENNAN'S admirable By JAMIS : RICHARDSON. Western Canadian Habitant sketches , illustrated Modes of City Management , lly Jn.- by C. S. RCI.S-IIAKT. IAN HAi.rit. The Mystery of Columbus , The Tempest , lly Kuer.M : LAWRKNCK. About BUK- with EDWIN A. AUBKY'S illustrations. llsh Public Schools. Poems. lly j A comment on the play .is contributed THOMAS HAII.P.V AI.URICII , LOUISI : I. ' by Mr. LANG. GUINKV , and MADISON CAWEIN. Subscription Price , $4 oo a Year. HARPER & BROTHERS , PUUUSHERS , Nr.w YORK. fJ Uvecy MAN can ho S'SUONO and VIG- ! OHOU3 in all rc.pocu _ _ by usinc SPANISH NifRVINB , the great MpnnlsU lletiiecly. YOUNG II UN OH. OI < D suffering from NJJRVOUS USBX&ITY , IOST ot PAIRING MANHOODjiiRlitlyoniissionaconvulsions , nervous prostration , cnuird by tha use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake- 'illness , menial depression , lots of power in either sex , spcrrualor- AMD AFTBK usK , rlioca caused byself abuse and over indulgence or nn ) personal neak * ness can be restored to perfect health and Itio NOIIJ/IJ VITALITY OF ST11ONG MEN. We give a written Riiarantee with G boxes to cure any cata or refund the nioccy. $ uox0 ; boxes 55 FOP salein Omnhn bv Snow , Lund & Co. DOCTOR i will stop a Cough In ono check a Cold in tt day , and CUBE ; Consumption if taken in tlmo. I IF THE tITTLE ONES HAVE- WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : Dse it Promptly , : A 35 cent ; bottle may ; , eave their ; , liven. Ask ; your drup- for it. ; It Tastes Good. : PURE PINK P1LLU. ; Dr. Acker's English Pills- CVIIK CONSTIPATION. Small , plniiunl , u fnviirlto Kllll llio Indlcl. W. H , IlOOKF.ll & CO , (8 West Ilroadway. W. Y. For silo by Kuhn &Co. , nndShcrman &McConnoll , Omaha. , v-&f HAlt 9 AM VI * A Lcrccat , Vr. tcit onfl Flaeit In the World. l iftseatferuccomodntlona unuxrclleu. NEW YORK. LONBOHDERRY AHD OLA8QOW. Itrorr Bnturdny , NKW YOIIK , ( illlHAI.Tr.H nnd NAIT.E9 , At rogtilur Iritervolfi. 8AIQOH , StiOHD-CLA6S ( AHD 8TEERADE ralonon towmt tnrmi fi nud from tb prlnclplo osjt'ca ' , ziTainn , mm & ALL COUTIHEHTAL POIHIO. Kicu.-JUntlckuw n > allnt < lu to return liy I'llher tlio jilo- ttu-uiiijuo Clydr & NiirtU nf I re Ian.I or Nnploi , t tllbraltu Crtlic net lia 7 Otdori f-.t AtAsjott at loftrt Eitii , Apply in nny ( if our local Avonta or to ON JlKOillF.U.'i. L'hlonso , 111. COOK'S MICH CLASS .EUROPEAN TOURS. All Truvi'Hiii ; ixirii > ii.s liirliKli'il I'llty- II rut 'Vi'iii- . A rnrlo uf purtloj to Kuropa during tlio ensuing sutuon nlll IOUTU in folluwii May I'nityI'erK , H , .MiiJ.'sllc , April 27. l'lr t Junu I'nrty I'IT S. ri. Ktrurlu. .Mny 31 , M'mrt TourI'cr H. H. Ktrurlu , Mny2i. tivoond Juno I'nrty I'o f. H Taiiliinlc , JunoB. Tlilrl Juno rnrly--lVr M. H. Mnjci tlo..luiiu VJ. I'ourtli Juno l'iilrPIT S. K. I'lty of I'urU.Juno ' "J Tnuripcrlal HiurlTuun I'ur S ri , CHyof Nuw YorU , July ID ) nnil Illy of I'nrli , AllcusfJ. Nonh Cupo nni ! Ilimlnn I'.irty IVr H. ti , Ktrurlu , Junu IB. \Vn pro dally tinaklnu iiicmbari for tliau l > iimr > Bloni , nndlnfltnlniuu.llatoiipplliatlinfriiiuiill ; wbo nlunil to uvull lliei.nolvciol ilium. lllu trntol la- trlptlru puMinmuiui can bu obtalnuj by uddrouluj J / ; ( Kl < > , \ . ,1- nit < eillllro-Khvny , Now Vorlf. OrSlI South Chirk til. , t'l Uneior thn putroiingo of 70 and 71 Globe Bldg , , Boston. Tour of 80 days. SuOO ; Tour ofjQ / days , $400 ; Tour of 00 day * , 8S70 ; Tour of' 15 diiye , WOO. All IratclliiK , livtclund nUut-soclnj cxpotisoi In eluded. ( I'uiilt * lo will wllli Jtrn. Kra < ar. July t , teani- lilphcriiu.CunnrJ l.lno. lloitju ) NOIITII IMI'H I'All'n lo mul Jnuu in. Blilp I'AVIIMA from llutton ; i ullfulloiif unlit liuninjont unuu for ttilj tau nud fur circular nud rvforuut.u. For Inventions rnOCUKED BY THE Bee Bureau ol Claims OMAHA , NEB. Kqunl with the Intcroit or thoio luvlni cliln nenlnittuegovornfflcntu thit of INVKNTOIU , win often lojcj tbo bonotlt of ynluftMo Invunll jMlbBjiiil ) of ( ho Incompotencf or Inattention of Ilia nttjriiiyi employed tu oiitnln tholr pulont * . Toj muoiioirj ciinnot bu oxorcliol In ouy\or\nt \ \ o.nrul'jiit ' mj rollnblorollo'toM to procure piuonti , for ti3 ! v t it of n patent dapomltKriutly , If notuiitlroly , a-jyn t'u cnro ontl skill of tlio utlornoy. With tha view of protoetliul'ironton ' fron vrort'i lossorcirolesinUoriW ) , mul ot nojlnt ti-itm.n. : tloni nro well protoctol bjr v.iH3 patanti. Titlfl It tH IIUllKAU ha * rotnlnad ooinnul otyjrt la p-iluat practice ; nndli tlierofura j f'bfffill Conduct exitmiiHitluni , rcjrrtntt CIIUCH , f. ) ' triiila inttrliH untl fottyrtyJiti Itemler oittnlun * natoHvajte rinil ra/M. itu uj'jititf.ntn. , > , anil tlsfnnJ In fi-lng mil a uultn , etc. , vtv , If you Imvo nn Invention on li n < l nenrtTHU II HH UIJUHAU n Bkeus'i or pliouuraph thermf , togamr wltliftbrluf daicrlptlon uf tliu Important rualurai , nnrt you irlll bounomirlBOliK to Ilia l > jit cu'irjou punue. Models uro nut nacatiary union tin uiva i- llun Ii of a coinpllcnloil imluro. if otbori nrj In- frliiKlnit on your rluliti , or If yuu urj cimr al wlt'i InfrlnKomonc Dy otuorj , nub-nit tlio matter to TH A UUKKAUtor a rotlnbla OflNlUN before nctliii oa thu mutter , THE mill BUREAU OF CLAIMS 220 URO llnllJitr , ' , Oniali.i , Nclj. tyriMs Iliiruaii Is piiur.uiliiuil liy tin Onmlia lit' a tliu I'ionour i'robs iiuJ tlio H.iu 1'r.tncbiii ) Kxuiiiliiur. this out and send it with your In qtilry. INDIAN DEPREDATION CUIHS I'ci-sdns who li.'ivo lost property fr < vn ( nil m raids iiliuii lil Illn tholr cinlnu unilor tlio lull uu Dujiru Jutloi Act of Mnroli ' , IS I. 'J Im t tnot llinltoil , ntil the olalniB mo tukun iii | by thu coiirtiii tliu orJur In whluli tliuy iiro lo.'oivui ) , TalcaNotlcu thut alt contract * emtare i Into with uttornuyj lUior to tin Ait urj mi-li null and vol'J , Inforniiillna slvou auJ alt clulnib Droinptly iitloinlc.1 to by tha BEh BUREAU OF CLAIMS. OMA-l-iA , NISBltASKA. Ci"Tlils Itiiruau U ciiurunUmi tiy tha Oniiilm lluo , the I'luiiuur I'rosi mul tlio ri.iu Kruuuhuo KxitinliiKr , 'YOURSELF ! , ' Mlt your DruggUt tot D. , . Lottlo ( Ills U , Thu only . nonolsontiui rcuivuy lor till Ilie unuiiturul illn-harstt and prhutoUliM.- * < ; 8uliiic'uuliJ t'ia tlelilltatlng : ucaLntM peculiar in women. It cures In u few Ida ) s wl tli out tlio ulJ or i j.ubllclly of n iloctor. Tla > Cnitfridl American Curt Hanufocluruil l y P TbeEvani Chemical DJ.B CINCINNATI , O. , W " - _ _ K. . U , B. A , /SI