THE OMYHA. DAILY BEE. Tfll RSDAY , MARCH 2t , THE OMAHA BEE. BLUFFS CFFICE : - Ma 12 PEARL STREKT. toJlvenMlhyCntrlrTtoany pnrtof tlio City H. W. TILTON , - MANAGER. ' nimtnc-nOfflcn * - N , Y. PtiimhlnirCo. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coat. Craft's chattel loans , 201 Snpp bloctf. Bom , to Sir. anil Mrs. F. Spragao , a son. son.Thn funeral of the Into Cora Ivlntfjton will occur this nltcrnoon at 2 o'clock Irum aor rmlilanco on Mmllson strcat , ProachliiK ovary avanlnff by Hav. Dr.Car - tcr at CUrtsUnn church. Savootcontb. anil Broadway. Everybody Invlteii. William Flilolil commenced a suit for a dl- vorcn in tha district court yostunluy atrninst his ivlfo , Mercy FlHulil , alleging desertion as a ground. The Royal JTulnnbora of America. Lllv camp No. 1 , will p ve ono of their delightful socials in Kntizhts of Pytulanhallon WuUnos- day evening , March . ! < ) . A team belonBinir to E. Evors ran away yostordar and collided with H. V. Sluad's uollvory wiicon at tha corner of Broadway and First street , badly damaging it. .lolm Murphy was flnod J15.70 in nollco court yoitunlay for comraittinir an assault ana btuturv on K. A. Woloh a foiv nights ape whiln attending : i dancti on Eluvontti street. Francis M. Churchill and Mrs. Martha Drntimatadt of Yorlr. Noli. , wore married yustonluy afternoon at ICIul's hotel. Rev. H. II. Barton of the Trinity Methodise church ofllciatiui , ' . Mayor Lawrenen has taken the private ollliro of tliocniut of police in the patrol house for his uwn olllcc , and will ho thiiro each day from 'J 30 to 11 .110 o'clock auit from l.UO to r for the transaction of city misinoss. An .ipnranriation of 31dU)0 ) nas been made bv the Ititfislaturn far linnrovnmonts at the Deaf and DnmD Institutu ilui-Ing the coming year. Tha trustees a<oil for Jid.0)0 ( ) , but this sum was cut down , alonu with a lot of others. P , Potwin. a porter at the Opleu house , was arrested yonterday afternoon for tilling un on sorautbing stronger than water and raising a disturbance attho hotel. Ha was slntud with drunkenness and disturbing tbo pence. Interesting mcatlnRi ara being hold every night at the Union Christian Mission , on upper Broadway. Ona of tha largest audi ences of the season was proiotjt last ovonlng. Hov. Springer of Taylor btation dellverod an ailurcs ? . Pottnwattamlo tribe , No. 21. Improved Order of Red Men , will meet this evening in regular council in tnnir wig-vam. corner of Broadway and Main streets , at 7'SO o'clock for work in the hunter's degree. Visiting chiufp are welcome. Mltto ICllbaln was arrested yesterday on a chnrgo of assault and buttery , proferrcd against him by Richard O'Brien , who lives nt the corner o'f Ninth street and Twonty- Uiirti avenue. He will have a trial in police court tills morning ; Special session of Harmony chapter. No. 2B , Order of Eastern St. r , at Mnsouia temple tonight fnr thu purprisu of initiation , after which the loclizu will bo ontcrtained by the gentleman. Members and visiting mom- hem ara invited to be present. By order of W M. The following foreclosure suits were com menced in thu district court yesturtlny : Charles Bowmnn against Georco . Swan , W. S. Mayno and R. S. Mayne ; A. M. Rich against M. I. Svars , Rhuo Brothers Cigar Munufuctunnc comnauy and P. E. Sua- braok. A decree of foreclosure was handed down hv Jutlgu McGee yesterday in thu sunerinr court in favor of Aucustu Lull an against the Council Bluffs and Omaha As sembly et al , for live acres of land included m tha Grounds , the vnlun of tbo Judgment being SSTUuT. ' An alarm of flro was sent in yesterday morning from the Carries ! Hats on Fourth struou A defective Hue had set flro to thu wamscoatinir in the kitchen of the house oc cupied by W. J. Davenport. A paiUul or two of water extinguished thu blnzu before tha liramen arrived , and thu damairo was very slight. The committee that has been circulating ; thu subscriotion list far tha Chautuuuua as- sainbly guurantoo fund has succeeded in raising over ST.uyo. They claim that thu prompt response with which they have met will enable them to prsnaro the finest pro gram that has ever been presented smco thu starting of the assembly. Marriacu licenses wore issued ycsterdav to the following parties : E. M. Hrinson and Rosa Wherry of Otnulin ; F. It. Churchill and Martha Brahrastailt of VorJr , Nub. ; James E. Tupner of Persia , Harrison county , and Unttlu Hollman of Walnut : Jens Nielsen and Marie J. Somlbenjof ICeg Creek town ship ; Fred A. Suencer and Anna Conoyor of Coun'-il Bluffs. A mistake of the printer in leaving out a cinherm yesterday's report of the city coun. cil oroccedlncs caused the statement to bd made that thu total amount of lines naid over to thu city treasurer by the marshal duringtbo past your was sOuiUEi. If this were true tuu marshal's department would bo several thousand dollars m the hole , but the Uom should have road $40, ! , which leaves a not proflt of nearly $35OOJ to the city. city.Tho The man who attempted to burglarize the residence at Postmaster L M. Troyuor nicht before last and who refused to trivc his name to thu oftluorsmm yesterday that his name was George Anderson. It la prettv well settled , however , that this la nn alias , as tbu oflluors ant positive ) thuthu la Hill , who was sent to the penitentiary for attumnting to break into tha Mutropolltan bouso safe. Ho and his confederate , Ueorga Wull , will have a hearing iu pollen court this morning. Miss Councilman , un luuiamplitihud trimmer , hns arrived from the eiist ami will hiivo ohnrga of tha trimming- - purtmuntof HiHS Ra sdnlu's millinary purlnrs. Miss Counuilmnn oomua hi lily i'uiommuniliil and Miss Ruirsdulu is pruparuil to meet all the iluiuanda of thu ladies. _ How ara your turnings ? J. M. Lamultu , 131 Puarl. Only homu factory. Jarvis' wild blackberry Id tlio best O. Yuulforraan &Co. , fcuil , scuila , com- miualun , country proihu'o , 103 Broadway. R. .r , Clancy left yesterday for tha cast. Him , John V. Stana le/tlast evening for u visit to Les Moinus. Thomas Tostovin left yesterday aftarauou for a uusinoas tnp to Coming. .Marvin Hugbitt , president of the North western Railway company , was in tha city yesteriaj * . C' . C. Lmdor , chief train dispatcher for thu Rock Iblaad , left lost evening with hla family fora woelt'a visit to Chicago. Mrs. G. A. Wuub and daughter Bluncho of bllverton , Oro. , am tha guests of Mrs. Wobb'B daughter , Mrs. Heury Stuvonson. Judge J. R. Reed bos raturnml from Santa Fa , N. M. , where hu has been balding a itikslon of the court of privatu land clulma. Edward W. Strong of Northlielii , Minn. , Is in tbu city , a guest of his unclu , W. J. Davenport. Hu will maUu this city bia homo. Mrs , M F. Hubur and daughter are ex pected homo from Colorado soon , where they wont in tba hapa of Improving Miss Huber'a health. "Shu la pronuuncttd by her physicians in a very critical condition , tha trip not hav ing benefited her as it had neen hoped It would. J. C. Pryor. formerly of the Bank rupt bluio btnru on ain street , la now with L , Klnncliun at the corner of Pearl mil Bryant street and hopea to sea hiu ( riunilb tbora. Ejisturn money to loun on real estate by E. H. Shuttle , Broadway and Main. ironey to loan. Lowest rates. John- ton & Van Putum. Everutt block. Ewt-nxon Muslo Ca , Maaanla tumplu ' NEWS FROM COQCIL BLUFFS Defeat of the Gatch Liaonsa Bill Causes Maoh Sorrow. COULD SCARCELY- BELIEVE THE REPORT < r HrprrsinMl on All "lilei nt tlio Prn M nl" > Ciintiniinnrn r tlin Pn-s- ent Vltlokr Hnun Xlirnugh. nut tint > nuto. Tha arrival of a tologmm yestnrtiay an- oounulng that the Gatch high llcenca local option bill , Wbich has been before the legis- latura so manv weeks and which had aroused so' many hopes in the minds of temperance peonlo in the various cities of tha state , had been defeated was anytning but welcome In Council Bluffs. It was pretty wall under stood beforehand what the fata of tha Dili would bo from tha telegraphic dispatches from Dos Moines , but many continued to hopu that something would turn up at the lost minute to shako the ropuollcans in their resolution to stand bv prohibition , and It was not until the tolcsram was recivod that the last ray of hope illckerai and went out , The disgust nt the fate of the bill was not confined by any means to the democrats. Hardly a ronubllcau could bo found that would not launch forth , an invective at the beads of the republican representatives on thu slightest provocation. A'Bnn represen tative called on a number of prominent republicans of thu city in order to ascnrtaln what their views of thu situation worn. The following is the substance of. what was said : H. J. Chambers It la hard to toll how dis gusted I am at the result of the vote in thu house. It will undoiibtcuiy Injure our chances in thu prcsidentaf eleclion this fall , although tha stata may possibly go repub lican as it has always dona before. But in a year from next fall both bouses will probably bo demo cratic , tha state will bo Mlchiganized , and then good-byo to Iowa as a republican state. Wo will then have a general licnnsu law passed bv tno democrats instead of onu Ilka tha Gatch bill , and every cross-roads prohibition country village will have all the saloons it can take care of. They deserve them , anil I hone thov'll ttot them. J. J. Sleadraan Of course it gives us a black eye , but I aon't think it will have the slightest inlluunco Hi the presidential cam paign. Iowa is a tariff state and an bonest dollar state , and those two issues ara tha ones that will bo paramount in the comiuc national campaign. Tha question of prohibi tion will never be heard from. W. Ji Davenport The republican party will regret it. I intend to vote the domo- cratlu ticket hereafter until the prohibitory law Is repealed , although I was one who voted to put It Into tha eon titutiou In the first placo. I know of at least four others wbo arc in tbo samu flx. John Y. Stone It's a bad thine for us , but then the renubliean party la strong and can stand it It may break in onu part , but It will heal in another , and so thinzs will goon in about the same old way. A. T. Fliekingor I was satisfied that the bill would bo defeated before tbo republican state convention was helu. But I have ben just as well satisfied all along that if there had been the slightest Indication that tha ro- nubllcans would support it there would nave been enough democrats to po baric on it to prevent its passage. Judca Walter f. tfrnith Idon'twant to say a word for publication , but I am certain thu failure of thu bill will havn no effect upon our chances In the presidential cumpaiitn. I pronhesy a majority of IHJ.OOU in lo-ra for the renubllcau presidential nominee. But I shouldn't ha surprised if wo supped with grief a year from next fnlU BOYTOX STOKE. tiniuunso Arrivals uf Spring Gomld Grcit : llar nlns TlilH Wo k. Wo have appreciated the remarkable patronage extended us during- our great underwear sale , which closed last niffht. anil , although wn madu price ? so low as to leave no profit , we wish to thank our many friend1 } for coining and. talcing the goods away. WE WAITED ROOM. Anil when you visit our store this week anil see tnu immense stock of SPRING GOODS On display you will understand why we had to make such great aacrilices.Vo take pride , as you know , in securing for our counters the latest and be. it the market affords , and in allowing none to excel us in the completeness and excel lence of cur stock. Come to our store this weeic and see the display and be happy. InDRESS DRESS GOODS wo will ahovv you the latest novelties , both in wool goods and the liner fabrics. SPRING UNDERWEAR we have just what tlio first warm days of spring will make you sigh for and in hosiery wo can gratify you with many novelties. Wo perhaps ought to call special attention to the large line of LADIES' SPRING WRAPS capes , etc. , just received and. placr d on rtuie for the lirst time this week. And finally as to prices you know they will be right , for this is the BOSTON STORE. Council Bluffs. la. FOTIIEHIXfJITAM , WniTKLAW & CO. Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. N. B. Store closes evenings at ( i p. in. , except Mondays and Saturdays ; Mondays U p. m. , Saturdays 10 p. ra. I'tMlrrul Court .furors. The March term of United States district and circuit courts will open next Tuu duy with Judges Woolson and Shlras on the bur.rh. The following bavo been drawn as members of the grand and petit juries : Gramt Jurors Robert -Marshall , Atlantic : David Vliet. Clarinda ; William Rldcaway , Cromwell ; Thomas Woldner , Hud Oak ; N. Parker , Mt. AyrV. ; . S. Oliver , Lenox ; B. F. Parker , Corning ; A. Dlxon , Bodhara ; Clam Ellis. Uttlo Sioux ; .f. H. Wheeler , Corning ; Robert G. Clark. Sldnny ; William Bimnett. Vail. V. E. Aldricn , Atlaatlc ; Charles Gilmore. Council Bluffs , .r. h. Tav- lor. Rod Uuk ; R. Tavlor. Cretou , E. F. Dickinson. Audubon , M. V. Best ; Shulbv , S. Dye , Muceuonla : Traev Lhupmnn , Vail , Wabstor Heath , Exira ; A. F. Ictus , Creston ; Carl Hunson , Ucnison. Petit. Jurors Goorau A. He. Creston ; D. L. GilletteAvion : J. W. Davis. Harinn , Stephen Riug , Logan , John MlnesLVilllaca , J. O. Braman , Hamburg : J. W. SLoi-kor , Loiran ; John Holden , Ingralti Grove ; Guorgo C. Calkins. Corning ; Joiunh Moore , Vlllisca , G. E. Russell. Carroll : J. W Paul , Gravity ; A. J. Russell. Glunwood J'erorau Turner , Harlan ; J. U. Moora , Crastan , D. Grass , Avoca ; Aba Bochrauk , Missouri Vallny ; J , P. Burrows. Clannda , R. W. Woodhousu , Portsmouth , John Oliver , Module ; W. M. Scott , Crohton. Perry Bkbla , Carbon ; A. D. Gastan , Tabor , S. S. Morrow. Thayer ; A. C. Wright , Alton , John Noon , Braytoa. W. C. Deiashuititt , Pacific Junction , J. E. Wbulen , Red Oalt. B. 1C. Berry. Creston ; X. B. Brown. Noola , T. J. BBntley , Hamburg : G. W. B. Fletcher , Lawis ; W. S. McIOusky , Thurraan ; Paul White ; AtiauUo ; W. S. Ev- erotc. Atluntia ; JUSBU Wllay. Buck Grava ; Joseph 'I'ackuy. Dettunce ; John Fttlu , Har- lau ; ilurtlu Eabeuk , ICimhalltaa ; E. M. Kully , Manning ; Flenry Walker , Wirt ; W H. Mobr , AruaUlu ; D. Cooper , Glidden ; X T. luginan , Villibco. Jarvia 1S77 brandy , purest , safest , besN Reiter , tha UUlor , 310 Broadway , haa all the latest styles and newest goods. Satibfaction guaranteed. Silllpii Bil tn Uu TlllitT. A bard looking character giving oil name as Jumes Fox was arrested yiiaturauy by Deputy Marshal Fowler with a coat and vast iu his possession that ha was suspected ol having stolen. Hu was al&a inspected at being - ingthu fellow whu ( tola a $35 KolU chain , at store tno other day * . W iiorner , xrho saw him when he was in thai i storo. < allcd. upon hltn at the i3'y jml yestoc day , and laid h J was vorv sura be was the rittht man. James Harris , who was nlrondy In Jntl charged with being in comollcity with tan tneif , also laid that Fox was tha man. Ho will bo held on tbo charge of larceny from 1 Building , and both men will have a prelim- nary examination this morning- . Found Oullty. The arguments of the attorneys In the case of tha stata against Ross Sayan , cbaraed with assault with intent to commit murder , occupied almost all day yesterday In the district court. About o'clock the ludgo delivered his uhni-go to the jury. and thn case was taken under nil- vtsomcnt. At 10:3J : In the nvnnlng tba jury returned a verdict finding tha defendant rfnlllv of assault with intent to rommtt manslaughter. Tha limit of the pun ishment fora crlrao of this naturals Uva ynara in thu penltontinrv. Snyors was inlton In charge by tile sheriff and will b kept in tbo county jnil penulnq the yaaslne of sentence. A Jury was omnanolcil Into in tha after noon and the trial of thu casu ot thu stata against William Criss was begun. Crlss is chaivod with tha cmlipulomcnt of a check for $37 which belonged to Mrs. Pralor , a colored woman llving.on West Broadway. Oil 1'rilMtliii ; * Clvi-n A\viy. : The tigntning lands : : ipu artist , who lias attracted. auch crowds at the Boston store. Council Bluffs , during- the last few days , will remain in his studio in one of thu largo ahovv windows for several days yet. It Is to lie hoped thu weather will bo pleasanter this wcolc so that the crowds aniHldu am butter enjoy the spectacle of aft artiHt painting a largo handsome landscape in oil with light ning rapidity , completing a , picture often in tun minutes time. Many of these pictures are very flue , and would not bo out of place in any drawing room. As fast as they are painted anil dried thuy are given away to the cus tomers of the store with every Jo pur- chaw. All thcHo pictures are framed on the place at about one-half the cost com mon ly paid for the various styles of frames , ranging in price from t5e ? to 3 1. To. This is much less than the frames can bo bought for elsewhere. We tr ist that each of our patrons will tret onu of these pictures. Recollect thu picture costs you nothing : you got your goods at special sale prices and the pictures are given you as presents from us , your ex pense only being for the frames. Ciinil Tlmi ! for Last evening about S o'ulocic thu dynamo at tha electric light power bauso , which is connected with tba aru light system gave out and nearly ovcry arc light in thu city went : out , leaving tha streets in almost total darkness. Tha shaft of what is known as tha racUer arm carau lnaa so that the whole machine was disabled. Tha only arc lights left burning dur ing thu evuning wora thosa on tha "accommodation" circuit , which comprises the resilience district In tha Immediate vicin- Itv of the nawar houso. The machine will have to ha taken to tha iron works today far repairs , and if nothing happens to prevent it may possibly be gotten into ihapa by tomuht so as to bo ready for use. But thu DroBabll- Ity is that the streets will be dark tonight also. It is with pleasure that Misses Sprink & Pearon announce to the public that they have secured the services of Miss If. Wheelpr of Chicago to take charge of their trimming department. Will bo pleased to see all the ladles at our new parlors , No. IU Main street In antual use and just as good as new is the verdict of a Hardman upright piano now at Mueller's. 103 Main street. It is the full winded horse thattukos the Wo have our own vineyards in Califor nia. Jarvia Wine company , Ca. Bluffs Walnut block and Wjoming coal , fresh mined , received dailj Thatcher , 115 Mafh street .SiiycrV Vliitiiry Ovnr thn Slnahi-r. NEW Yonir , March , 10. To tha Sporting Editor of Tnc BBC : 'Tho champion of champions" declares that his last round in Franca with Mitchell lasted thirty-ainu min utes and tha mason why ha failed to catch him after chasing him around thu ring live times , was becauao it rainuj. torrents ana tha mud was over a foot deep ! ( ! ) Ono ot The Old Tmtoa's rounds with Sayers lasted thirtv minutes , and the Tip- ton said tha reason he failed to catch Tom was bcuausu ha iwlstedhis hip joint In ana of the turns. Round i The Slasher came up with greater eontidiincs than ever , ana lungea otic bis right , which reached i'om's nbi with zraat force , and Tom countered him sharply on the mouth , drawing lirst blood. Th'j Slasher looked astonished , stopped to consider a moment , and again went swinging his great arms like thu sails of a xvindmtll. Suyarj danccu lightly out of harms way and then stepping in popped a smack on lha nose and got away laugnlng. After dancine round bis man'and avoiding several more luntres Tom again got borne on thu snulllor , drawing a fresh supnly of ruby. TheTlpton annoyed rushed in , misKod bis right and also a terrific upner cut with his left , and Savers again dropped in upon the nose. Alter this slmnt excnauges took place. Thu Slasher now chased Saveri all over thu ring , thu latter dancing round him ilka an Indian or tiualng like a deer to draw him after him. Thu vicious blows aimed by the Slasher all loll upon tha air , and his cxuniuns to uatch his aiiuble antagonist caused him to blow off steam to an indutlnltu extent. Hud one at thn lutended compliments alightim on Tom. wo think it would buvo Been all over with him. After S lyors nau comnluted his dance ha went to his man , cluveriy avoided n irood richt-hander , and delivered another vcrv hot one on thu tmout imuro Badminton ) . Tbu Tipton triied hp heavy punches tnrca times and raisseU ; a fourth was prettily stoppeu , after which both hit short , The Tinton next got on Tom's right cheek with his left , and soinu very pretty stopping followed on both aides , alter which the Tipton maau another rush , like a bull ut a gate , and found himself nncu more battling with vacancy , Tom having slipped andur his arm and danced olT lauch- ingly. Thu Slasher looked with astonish ment and shuok htH beau. Saye a ain approached preached , and aiter ana or two feints a goud exchange took place , Snyers gutting on tuu luftoyo and tha Slasher on the ribs. Sharp counter hits ( nllowed. Slasher on thu gob and Tom on the nneuk. Tom now led off with his double , butthuSlotihcr stopped him prettily twica iu succession , but he missed tbu re turn. Thu Slasher again pounded away , princi pally with his riuhr , but without uifuct , as Savers jumped bock or stopped every effort. Suyora now alautcd a stinger on the ' 'mark" i pit of tba stomach ) acd supped thu return. Tha next minutebo got snurply home an thu sneezer , and Jumped qulcKly away from a well intended upper cut which looked lika u Uulsuer. Tha Slasher now s tan pea ana or twa nretty Itutdt , hut bis returns caino so slowly that Sarura was out of barm's way. This occurred suvnral times , tbu Slasher rushing about lika a baited bull , Say- crs skipping nimbly away irom every rush , dfteralittlu of tula entertainment Suyurs went in , let go his left , aud was stopped nuatlv , and hu In turn stopped two vary round hits on thu part of Perrv Suycrs next fulntmi and got horaa it slaaning lun- banduran lha nght cheek , which bu cut ae- voroly and drew a plentiful supnly of tha riby. Another hit full on tha same spot. Tha Slasher then got a llttla ana In on Tom's body , and tmd agaiu , but Tom. got awar. Thu Slasher retired to his corner to sot his mug wiped , and on coining again , Tom Utd him another dancu all over tha ring , tha old ana. with raara hastu than speeu , trying to catch him , and repeatedly expending his strcnuth m amply uuacn. At lost , Suyora having given mm a good turn at this same , stopped to see whether ha was pumped , and samu good exchanges took place , bjyers again on tba cheek and tha Slanber also , on tbu cheek. Mutual stopping ; followed , and Sayera next got homo huavily on thu conic Tha Silaiuor now stoppea Tom and returned , but not heavily , on thu COOK , which led to exchanges Tom on thu squlntor anil Bill an thu ribs. After aua or twa more exhuuies , nothiir tremendous counter took place , Tom receiving in Iho tton'tj and fho lasher on 1 lha aozzlo , aach Jnxwtn Ula carmine. Ttin hlasher having next miuto several mtssns , went in. and another b'acp untor was ex changed. Tom repeivliic Si the bratu pan and the Slasher on thu bulU Xrom whluh morn home brewed escaped. ar.h now had a wtpa af the inongo nnd r < im.t&ntod ais opponent to another game of fbtluw my letidnr , ill or r the ring , iu the course of which tha Sasbcr cnugbt him u Heavy right-hander on the back iSijjors sold no felt the effects of that blow for many : i year. ) Hn then stopped Tom'luft [ ana hesvv coun ters followed Tom on tha snorter and tha Slnsner on tha forehead , , knocking him down , tint knock down for the Slosner. This round luited oxautly halt an Hour. Tha light lasted att < - Qoui : and forty-two minutes and ouly ten rounds. By keeping his man on his lees and doing-lots of snrint- ing , Tom gradually wora his man down to nls level and made him putt Ilka n grampus. 1'ho Tipton mlsied some terrific right-hand- era Intended for ilinshura , but'Coin's agility on his pins kept him out of hurra's way. The Tintou began his nuhtinffcareeriti imswhon onlv 10 aud his Intt onu in IS < > 7 , so that hu had been twenty-two years in the ring , and Ilka many mora champions , left off a loser. Tom was but llttla marked in that contest , nut poor old Tlnton'i mug was fearfully cat and brmsuj. Thera is no alow so difficult la land as a heavy right-hander or so ousy to avoid , when tha men nxclianucd counters or stood and tapped each other Tlpton did well enough , but his heavy punches cama too slow to damauo tha agtlu Savers. Tha Tip- ton < vas so slow anit weak towards the last that Tom could plant tremendous himvv punches .vilh the "auctioneer" ( his right ) with perfocteaso. Still lha ola follow was cad e. Thu Tiptoniona shoulu huvc paid tha Saycrsltcs tu make It n draw anil thu light miirht have been headed : ' -The Tinton Slasher still champion , Sayera did some coed footrauinu. " Black Pater was about right whim ho salii "it was only a question of tnno when tbu best of un will hnvo to knock under to a youneerana fresher man. " Your last Suxiur Biiiwasa very enter taining one. Thu Now Orlrans sports sceminl to tuko as much interest in thu sot to's of Mitchell. Slavln & . Co. , as thu princi pal event of thu nvanlng. It has been said that what Oempsey coula not da no mlddlo- weicht need try. How did Saycra and Muia : mark giants i Tom King could counter with a celerity and with a crushing forcu seldom witnessed in a giant and although ha hud .hu alnulo the best , of It in the left-bunded ex changes , vet when Maca changed bis tactics and faugh him with , bath bauds all over the rinc and at innghtmg "tha accomplished Jem's" superiority iu science was ovi'lunt. Walt till Redheaded Boh faces * > ntckard or Mitchell , wa will then Unit out what hu is madu of. Jem Smith , .laka ICilram and Pater Manor had the best of itlnthunrat round or two , but Pntchurd , Slavin and Fitzslmmons sooaturnod. thu tables on them. T. C. K. 3T.1DJ.MK Sliu DtMiins NtimertiiiH Sturies mill Cxpluttm Her IMiuiB fur tlm future. l/'op/rf | < jMrd lSO2t j Jitinvt Gortlon ncnntlL ] PAIIIS. March ± i. { Now YorK Herald Cabla Special to Tim Bun. | The Herald's cor respondent called today on Madamu Melba In her charmingly furnished apartment ncac Park Moncsau. Tha sitting room was nllea with flowers presented upon her re entry to Paris operaJn "Hamlet" last night Whan usied whathar-sha had been nlcusotl with her reception she saia. "It was simply delightful. They worn so very kind to me. You scu the numbej : of tlowerj I got I always like tha Parisaudionco. My enuagc- ment lasts until thu uuu of May , singing twice every week. I have taken this anart- mcnt for three yours' , so am making my home here , although my engmioment will nrobnbly take ma awav six muntus in tha vear.1 "Was it true that , tfiu duo d'Orleana fol- loxvcd you to tha Rlv-iera anil elsewhere i" "No. the whole of those stories of the yacht on which wo wore 3opposed to have mctatson " and tha whola of tha "rest of them were nuro invention. I did notice tba due a'Urlenus at all down there , ( Aa , you know , hu bos been staying at tha , Eqrtuguesa court with his father. All ttebe"rbporta are untruu and absurd. " "And tha divorra proceedings which your husband is taking , is thcra any'news an that ! ' - subject- xhe primu donna's face fell. Tha subeat is ana which of all others is most unpleasant to her. Then she said : "I am so happy In other wavs that I would rather not talk of that1' Mme. Motbn is indeed , looking well. Shu is full of lifu and spirits , and was qulto charming in light airy morning desnubille. Urltluli R | iulnuil on thn Cnli LOKDOX , M urchi Advices received today from Freetown , Sierra Laones , give further particular ] of tha recent disaster tea a British expedition in Senegambia. Thu expedition , consisting- IHO troops and sovcn British crncer * , marched to Tambi , a place IGU miles inland. Finding thu place stockaded ana aefenued by J.UUJ natives the uxpdi- Uon made an assault and after throa houro' fighting was revmlsuJ. Captain Robinson was killed. Thu leading men emboldeneu by their victory then ralllea from tha stockadu aad attacked tbu axpodltiou. In this en counter flva British olllcera and twentv men worn severely wounded. The expedition at once'retreated. . Frmn Cliluu anil vcn , B. C. . March ± i. Tha steam ship Emnress of India arrived taauy From Yokahama and Hong KOHL' . Mall advicua say the rising In Xungollais completely cncckcd and tha Chlncsa aatharitiu ? ara met- inir outpuuibhment to the leading offenders. The Japanese elections are over , and so far as can bo learned the majority against the novernmant Is Increased. Great disorder nravnilud during tha dec- lions In tnu Island of Sntaaku , of which Itaca i , thu liberal leader , is a native , and thu different parties maruhed , countar- marcbeu anil fought with guns , swards , spears and other wcanons. Many we muracral and order was restored only when tha gcndarins arrived Irom Osana. CIIK UllDEIt. , ruitK riillllp * Lets Up on tint County Jiitlifni Tanny Ciiiuity < Jiil < 't. KANSAS CITY. Mo. , March ± J. This eve ning Judga Phillips , af tha United States circuit court , who yesterday sentenced thu Oa53 county judges to jail for contempt of court for refusing to arrange a settlement of thu railroad indebtedness of the county , amended his order , providing for thuir confinement In tlm Henry county juil , and permitting them to rr.maln in this city. The amendment was made at thu request of thai Cuas county judges. A commitment was lasuod and thu judgus wuro nlaced in Jail JM , 0 o'clock. At IU o'clock two renorters wenfc to thu Jail m inturvluxv them , but they co/ilu not bu found. Tbo commitments wora , found to ha regular and tha entry af their iiuinus an thu jall's rocorua was found to ho correct. The quarters to which they haa IjLtm assigned were , how- evur , vacant nuat thu jail could tiiil , or rather would tell , where they wero. At 11 o'clock thuy had < not turned up. Noma excepting tha nmvsnapor man was malting any effort tu tind vjbut had became af tham. JBFFKH.SOS Cirv , , ilo. , March 2i Gov ernor Franeia toilnji.rsceived a loiter from tha sheriff of Tanuy county giving the pros- ant status of tha condition af affairs thnre. Tha latter states ttmt tbu oxcitument over tbu murder of Demiiy Shonff Wllllums and the lynching of Jatiw Bnghl has practically subsided. Tba caroner'a jury which is in- vastigatini : tha lynching and murder has or dered tha arrest Of sttvun of thu lynching party and warrants huvo been issued for them. Tha jury n continuing iu invehtign- tion ana will probably order thu arrest of six other participants In tba crima. Thu sheriff writes further that ba Das liuouties outsearanlng for tha suspects and will make avery effort to pracura their apprehension. CIWCWT Gil 1IJCK O.V 3lUTUKttL.lXn. 3UnUt r Fimtitr Tf 1I uf thu Ilcrlprui-lty C'ouriimivu tu tlm Caiiuilliiu 1'arlluuieiir. OiTAwt , Ont , i lurch 22 , fn tno House of Commons today Mr. Foster mada his budget speech for tha session , Referring to the question of trada relations with tha United States , be said that during their recent visit to Washington tuu ministers offered Socro- Uiry Biuinti full and freti reciprocity on all products. During tha negotiations of all their reel procity treaties , it haf oasn mada tnu sina nou an tbu part of the L ultud States that r not smy the natural produpts , hut aiso Iho manufactured onlclcs of osch ( juntry should Da put on thn 'favoreu nation ' principle. In : ho en jo af Canada , thov hml said that it would ba really nocesaarv for tTnltod States manufacturers Ui Do pmteotod agiunsl British compnliUon. as that nation was thn united StntoV greatest and almost only oampotitor. Tha Canadian mlnlsturs had replied that they could not dlscnmtnntn against tnn mother country. " The ministers hod then suggested a return to tha natural product reciprocity troatv of IfMSt. Mr. Blulno dcfllned to oonsldur tha proposi tion and hatt Jtutctl ho saw no way out of tha dllamma Init by making Can ada's turiff uniform wild that of thu United States. Thr.t Canada would not consunt tu. and RU thu matter remained. Mr. Foster , continuing , stated it was well for the peopio and the country that this matter was sot at nut It was now ended for vears to coma aud an advantage would cnino tu Canada. CM.YDfTJKKY OP n'WTJSll H'UE.IT. Uppiirtii of ncsiiltsi nf ItiTiMit Heavy Krrnx- tnir Not Su Unil tin IVnrnil. CuirAun , III. , March Ji This woek's Farmers' ' Rovluw will say regarding tno con dition ot winter wheat. It xvos feared that winter wheat had been greatly injured by tha rccout heavy freezes. Reports from al- tcrnatu counties of this stnta show that while thura was somi' Injury It has not been so widespread as was fuarad. In Illinois Ultra-lift In of tha correspond ents sny that the outlook is still fair to gaud. Tbu athi-rs rpuort , the condition as bad. Indlnnn Savanty pur cent of Ihe corre spondents report thu condition as fair and good , aud thu others ronaitpoor. Ohio Only half of thu correspondents report - port thu condition as fair to goad. Tha rest report from poor tu very bad. Michigan Two-thirds ol tha correspond ents rcnurt tha conultion as fair aad good , tha others poor. Kentucky Half thu correspondents raport thu outlook at good , anil nearly in per cent report , fair , und littlu or no aamngu was donu by thu recent unpronitlous weather. Missouri Two-thirds of thu correspond ents report the condition as fair to trnoil. Kansas One-half of thecorrosoondents re port the condition a f tha crap as goad ; one- fourth rcnort fair anil thu rest poor. Iowa Very faw correspondents report any wheat. Of those reporting , two-thirds give tbu prospects from fair to good. Wisconsin Outlook Is decidedly bad. Two- thirds of tiio correspondents giv n gloomy report of ihu oor.uitlon uf the crop. 5 PAINLESS J EFFECTUAL. : i > Human health an only be maintained * Jitniu _ , ] J frequently mtcrlcrcdwith by careless < . i > habits , and when it bccoa clogged , ill- noa la ths result. J Imvn l > n n In pnpn- * tfini- n In flny yt. r unit * # urn livetiillyniliiptL-a lit uuHV.nt * ntlu * 7niannert in ic < * tii hiirauu ilruluugo Iu Jpr-rftct order. mtrnun Azulytt , 0 J Of all dni Rists. Price 2o tents a bos. J New York Depot , 36S Canal Et. 41 $ Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. Far Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , Curea Cliapped Eandn , "WauniiH , Bantu , Etc. A Dnlitrhtftil Shamnoo. We do nof knov - v/hy Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is so useful in tiiose simple but varied conditions which you know as " having a cough. " We cannot explain. it : we only know the. fact from experience. It may be due to the com bination of tonic effects of cod-liver oil and the hypo- phosphites ; it may be partly due to the glycerine. There are many effects in medical practice the causes of which appear to be plain , but how those causes produce those effects we do not know at all. owf E , ChfmUts , 132 South rihAvcnue , New Voik. Yourilrtijxiti kr inScntt's Cmuluenof cod.llvcr oil jll dni Uts everywhere Jo. ( i. 43 MANHOOD RESTORED. " 3ANATIVO. " Ilia Wooiiurful Miuiuim llniiHly. a mid wild a Written Cuorantoo tocnro all fieivotiB Uls- ensci. tucti u \ \ ' < at Miinory , Lina f Ilraln luwar , llemtaclic. howl , U. ullude , all 'I > ami and luu or poirrr " ( lha Ccnrratho Oa-ani In _ _ cltltrr tax. cam l uvcr "leiilun , nutliriil unlike reiloiu , ur Ilia 3senf tni att-o uiiuni | ur Mlinulnnti. uiilt'i ' ullintiuly Irnd in Initriiittr i iixnniinoii and Ii niuU * tul up in . Miirenient furiii u nrrv n tlinrrM | kil. I'mo f I .a lackner. ur u , ur io.V all IT r } 6 nl r r Kit * a written uuurantou to euro or rafunil tliu monitr * A tii ujr mail Iu tun , v\i\tnaa. \ \ ( iiviilnr Iiee Iu I'lom envfloi't. iliiiiloiitln > | uwr. Atliliru , MADUID CHUIICAL CO. , DnuirU omreforU a. A. SU Dnulxirn trrrt , nilfAaO. ILL fOR BAIS Cf ( JM.VHA. NED. , BY Kllhr ft Cu. . I'.i.r lltli it Unuetu SU. J A. Fuller & i 'a. , Cor. Ittti 0 ulsii : Sti. A D Foster * Co. , Council Bltufi. in. DIU H.CViiV j StllVS ASD Brt-VlN TKBAT. MUNT.n niBclMunr lirnlarlii. Dlulnon , KIU. Man. r Ui . iloailnuriB , NerTiivii I'raimttun oiiuiuil bral. rouul urtuluccj , Wiuefulnuu. Slunul Uuprunl 'O. Suftenln ; uf tliu llraln , ot flnf tn initjr uilmrf. ili-iar. de li. I'fuoiatura old A.'a. Jlxrr.-'imon , IjJil of I'fuTiirn miller r. Imu.iluni'r I.jui-orrijm nl all KernMa WuitnuiiU' . Inrnluiilarr l.imei. Hu ir- .uuiorrtioaioausu.l Or jvur-uiartiuii of ihu brain. Helf-ntiuiw. aror-lirlulBHiius. A'nuiitht trnminonl f 1,4lor K. UT mall.Vti liutmil'i ) tic Ij-noi U euro. Knell onUr for'i UJT I. wuilii will i ii written - ten tfuaraiituw to nfunU it nut oirai. Uuanntnu l uud ualr OT A. ticarulur. Unifulit. rala a.-oati , d. C. oar IDib anil Varnaut u. , Uuialu. Naa. l mi < sf ffi aaavf a Baa A Tim tlr > t tliiMi iiiU-u antiiiiUlii B tlm in- viilJil , ulrlnif oliutlcity uf uilnil , Inmy- 9iiu < .y uf iHxIy , KIHH ! illicj > Uiiii , reifiilur < B ) uutrcU ituil Millil lluili. rriui' . .J.lrt * . feJust : as dbcd rhe Grocer said , Proffering arfcdKT brand. "SANTA CLAUS SOAP fsWharwewanr. haveijcujmj now 017 Ijarjd r Ve'll czrfainlij bke noclhcr , we use nnnebut tie ? best , And all sl/rcwd dealers keep iLare you behind the rest ? n OZS.FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE - FFJACiUE.3 a , CO. KANSAS CITY MO. N'ntii'B to C nti'3 ( > tnr . Scaled prounsals will bn received at tlio of- Ucuof J. I-1 Iliirnitt. ultv i-liTk of tlio oltv of ateriiir. . Illinois , up ton o'oh.eic IL in. . Mur.-li > . IMJtm furnish us materials and < lnlii thu wnr' ; for the cnnitntctlim of tlm untmMiud portion of the .Vruuuo G suwartystoin. itu'liiii- , Inj all cunnuft ons und npiinrtununueb tlii-ro- | fur. Tbu worx will comprlso apuroxlinatu.y ttio fnlluxTlir.- .16:1 : ft-et'i ) inch pipe snwrr. 'JJO feet tS Ini'h u'liii ' suwcr. .i i fi-et IS null p.p. ' so won -Muj fuutl lnuti uiuusuwer. , 'i5U ! feet lt inch u pe Miwar. .Kit ) fut't 1) ) inuli U.QU ajwur. + .T17foBts inch plpa huwcr. .11 catch basins i" man ho es. tninn liuli" ) . Tlm who u of the work to ce completed on or bpfnre July 1. 1KB. Plnns cnn ba seen and-speolliuatltiiis nnd bliink forms f < rr blili 0:111 : bi > outaltu-ii upon an- plic.-tlion to W. I' . I'alincr , htreetMUpennteiiil- Each bid must bo accomp inled bv a curtl- lli'dnoek for tin- sum of 1iiJi > . uaynhlo to tliu ortli-rof A. 11. H'ji huy. mayor whlrli chuck will lie forfultnJ to Iho city nt riu-rllns in cum any bidder sluUl full to vxucuiu pninurly a I'ontnicU with pond .mil sutiiclvnt sunttlui. If awanlcil tlio cimtRut ; othurwioo to lu ) ra- turnud to thu biihtur. l : ieh bid must hu accompanlud by at IriiHt two sump ui of nice , such us tlio bldaur pro- pnsu ! > to DM ) under tliu I' lyinunt for thu work will bo made 111 scrip Ui'iiriiicii uerount .ntcn > st after July I. 1WJ. Thu liUlM will bu opum-tl unit roiul pulil.ul v .it thu muutlnixof thuc.ty uuuncll at a o'u.uuk p. m. March Ub. li ( ± The sity connull ru'-orvps thu right to ri-itset anv orall bids fur any e-'Mm Ic may duum sntliulent. Uy cininrof tlie city ooiinrll of the oily of sturlliiK. Til. J\UKs F. I'ljA-rr. Chatrniiin Streets ami Alloys CoimmtliMi. Sturlins ; , 111. . M rch IU , bK. ! MU.tV ) * l IllltVlltlT lil'Iltllll- . Scaled pnin-sals will bn rpcclvoil nntll Aiirll 1 111. Ifc'Ji liy HID Hoard uf Uiru IOIN of thu Iii- ( lupi'iiUunl 3fhijl ; ( llstsluc at IlaHllnus. town , for hot w.tti'r Iiuatlii4 apparatus for ii"U In now sohool tinlld UK. lilds may Uu with olther wall col.h or radiators. Plans : in.l SDKU Uf lloiiK may b i > t'ii at thn iilllcoof A. C rft-lin.ooi-1 ; . arulnU-'ur. Coiiiiuil B iilIYi. lown , or with timiin mrslunuil. Thu hoard rciun'on thu rlKlit tu mjuut any orall bids. U. S. McUo.NOUdli. ecl ! tl y. H.-isllni-'J. fowa. March U. ItOi. illT.'lin. I'mpiisiil lur rainllnir Bunt Wall r city Hull ! - < ! : ili'il uldH will lr > rucuivoT to 12 u o oulc mum , Mari'liStli , 'H.e. ut tlilu oitlru fur nulnt- hi4 tliu eist still ! uf u'tv hull , with tviii caa.ia of pnruvhltt ! ! i < ui ninl oil. mltxict TUEO. Uli-EN. Coinptrfillur CAI'sii."r:3 Xr < rth Dot : iuu only uai ! < iileii gin-scrlbm ! Ui rf2iilur pli'nlcluiia for thn euro uy Knnarrhui anil ulncliurzpi ( rum thu urtnury < > nanii h-.rirturn In 6 iln > it Jl Ui pur bux. All tlruiliti > . Of Council IlluitJ. C'apltll stCDH 91.tttnHH Surplus 4iU Protits HHUHH Not Capital an'I Surplus. . . $2i Hlrc-ctorii J. II. Kd nan UOM. K. I. . Mlmrir' . f ) niPiuon. M. K. Hart. I. A. Mlllir. J. V ( Ilnr'i in i and CIinrlM It. Ilnnnun. Transact-'CMmi'il li-int- ! ui'4 biikinujH. Largest capital anil auriilus jf any bank in aouthwebt ni Iowa. NTBT-EST ON TIllB D3 FOSIT3 Chas. Lunkley , Fnnuriil Olrcctiir aiiil Uiulurlu'tcr. 311 IBfuiuhvuy , ( uunuil BluiT.i. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCI' . BLUFFS. FOU SA1.K III ncros < if Him li nil , NII itahlu for ar.iii ! anil fruit. : iirlt-u. Wxi pur ni-rn : tvru nnlui fnnn cltv ; will t.iliu purt. iniyini-nt in elty pnipnrty. Apniy tu Leununl Evurotr , Coiiuull lilnirs. SALE At a u.irc.ifn , IS-uvra fruit .mil Ft tunnuUdlnlnj uity ilinllhi ooa E. II. Hliuifu. F AHMH , if ir ion InuJs. liuiiais iuta .ill I bualuusa blu pks for stlu or rout. Day .i ! > I'uurl slruut , Uaunuil DliHTi. "Lion KEN C-Ovur iUl Uwulllnjs of avery ilii- i scrlptiuu ut urine * varying fniiu II tu I1U-J n r innutli. luuutuil in all purtu uf tliu ulty. E. II. iliu u. i'JJ Unmilway. y U5 per aoru fur Kixnl furmn In TIIWII. 1'inu , Phinudlli ciirn Intnl. 1'riruiiruuiltiini cull uii nr uililreia Juliiibtun & Vm : I'littun , Uuiiuull UIUlfH. _ TT < lJH.NJMlEf ) IUJOMH BOIl UENT-Mi-uly -L furnliliuU ruuiiin- fur uuntlumun. ftWUuu- Janil atuuuu. COCIIHAN aililitun ItatH for nint. wivun muniB oiicii ; butli , hot .mil uulil water. 0iy & Uusfi , u.-uius. * CLa run. Qluuk NuwfiiumliunU uni ; \rliitu sput on lruu t : iiuinu "Uun. " Ru > fur return Tlilnl aiMuiiu % _ _ TLM ll sALE -Thu suilhiu rvHlituiIuiTiTn Tilli Jhtivft , linif i iiluuU nurtli uf > ili avtniiiu muiur iinu. Appiy tu t'trat Nutluii.n iiuuU. uiuuua , r M.I' UoUsu & Co. . tuuucil Ulntr . Omah Medid ami Sorpa ! INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY FOR TME1 TREATMENT OF ALL Qi-st f.icil tins , Hu noillm forMiccDbtfiti tjvnttnin ot ovary furni of ulbuiiao riiiirl-i ( | tno Heal or sur-ltil traitmenr. M beds fur patients. Uu ml iin.l iittcinlancn. UiHt aL-coiiiii-.lntiiiiis in thu WMir , Wrltu fur t-ltviiliirs on dnfomilt < anil lir-ici ; . tnisses. Iul ) 'eul. u-irv iturus otiliini' , iillua. tiiinnr , u-incor catarrh. uronclu .a. In- liiiluilon.ii.L-cir.clty. innlys.s. onili-nsy , lilil- iiuy. b iiUilur. oyu. oar. i.kln ana liool ! anil all simlcnl oniTit.iiiis. DISEASES OF Womi-ii fllliE. Wo havulittvlv ad li'd a lyins- in ( tnparimimt fi > r tronien durln-z uotillnuinunt ; btrlc-ily pr v ito.i ( Inly Ituitablu Mudluai In- stltutu umUlns a Snuel > lty of IJR1V Vl'lS Dlhp.V5ES A'l Blood Dlhua as troatol. yuhl.ltiu I'nlsou ruinovud Cnin thu ayituni without miTciiry Now iluitorativo J.'r : it- ini'iit for Loss of \ ' ITL POWhlU PuruiiiH uii- ahlu t < i VB t us mav ho tr aluil at homu hf oirrcisuou once. All communications confi dential. Mrillui ill's or Iniirii'iiiiiiti sunt iiy tuii.1 oroxpress , aiiuiiruly paulipd. no Inil cutu fiiutuntsor sciulnr. Unit pur-Minm ln- IITV.PW pruferro ! . Call nnd Consult u.sorsuml hintory ofyiur ca c. anil tre will sum ! in plain WRiunur. oiir t'KGE : Conn LTivtto. BnOlf TO MEN auun iu , , ( ) r furvollH „ ons < " = . rmniiti'iioy. Hvphllia. Gluut anil V.irleu- cu.i * . witn . | iiU9tion HhU Braces , \igllainas | for Dpfomltlui A Trutoa. Only manufactory In the \Vustof LI m ii i'.i i. > ift.- . ll.iTTKlt ItH .mil It Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th and Broa. Iwar , Oo ncil Bluff i. Ton immiU's' ildn fmm eunUirnC i in ih.i an Uiiiaha and Council Ululf J uiuulrlu iniiuir lluu. THE GRAND HOTEL , Council BluTs , moilor-i , woll'iipnotntc'tl , thor oughly woil-uupl ] ii day E. F. CLARK , Prop. COUNCIL B JFH 8TH&H DTE WO All K'n > luof Dvn.ns ' 'nU < IiiaiMi'tloiio n ' "IB liiu-liibt ityln uf I'm ' ait. I-'JIMU uu.t ttiiiuU : fuliriiti ni.idu U ) ciui ; ; iJ . ' .j'i.1 : m inr , llixl fuuiliemlonni ) I Uy swam .n tintiu * muii- IILT Work oruiiiutlyuiiiiu i.iu 41 1 viT-'i IjurtHuf tliu . iiiiuiry Seal ' .jr ur u .ta C. A. MACHAN , - . I'UOl'UIVl IS , 1 OUUruulw iy. Ntur V r-i.r ) Hrn D ' " } UIJUN II , IJl.L'f * ' , . tlou fudural uriuru. Ko nn * I. t ta4 - Cuatiuii Ula.Ii. I *