Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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and What were supposed till now to bo hnppy
marriages. J. Coiorann Urnyton comes of
good Now York stock nnd nt tbo tlmo ho
married Miss Astor was practising law.
Whether or not tlio money which cnmo with
hl wife took away the keenness of Mr.
Drayton's zest for local distinction is not
known , but tbo courts of New York nnvo not
scon 80 much of him n have European
courts of dnlnlior fashion sinew his wedding
day. Although the Drnvtons tiavo n beauti
ful town-bouso on Fifth avcnuo nnd Thirty *
flfth street , Now Yoik. close to MM.V. . U.
Aster's residence and Airs. Hoosovclt's , they
hnvo of late years , spout , most of their tltno
nbroad , prlntlpally In London nnd Paris ,
\vhero Mrs. Orayton's beauty mid accom
plishments hnvo been lilphly appreciated.
In the French capital , especially ,
Mrs. Drnyton has boon n lender In the Amer
ican colour. At tno time of her nunt's ( Mrs.
John Jacob Astw ) denth four years ago Mrs.
Drnyton's name was mentioned ns n possible
successor of tlmt lady ns the uncrowned
queen of American fashion , but , though she
has always boon considered n national
lender of society. Mrs. Dntylon mndo no
effort to take the onerous plnco of her
relative. She Is of blond type , nnd her
beauty Js of the delicate order , In which n
Bwooi expression nnd exquisite mnnneis
count for ns much ns the nicro physical love
liness of oyo3 , hair or complexion. As n plrl
* ho bad the snmo pecullnr ndvnntapos of
homo training ns her sisters. Her mother
did not bcllovoln schools , nnd her daugl'tors
accordingly received their cducntlon from
tutors and'governesses nt homo. According
to the newspaper gossip of the dny.whcn Miss
Otissio Astor w ; n New York bullo her dom
inant chnrnctorlstlo wns modesty. Somnrncd
wcrd tlio simplicity of her manners and the
ongOBlne candor of her Hfo that n portrait of
her , pressing n tnllk-whlto dovpto her bosom ,
wns circulated among her friends , with the
tltlo "Jnnoconco" beneath It.
The members of tlio Apollo club are antici
pating n tremendous snlo of seats nt Mnx
IMoyer & Bros , tomorrow for the concerts of
the United States Marine bnnu , which nro to
tnko place at the rearranged Exposition hnil
next Saturday of tor noon nun evening. The
splendid Impression made bv the band nnd
the soprano , Mnrlo Decca , nt the Coliseum
last spring , should bo suftlcent to 1111 the hnll
this time to overflowing , when both of tbcso
grand utl motions nro to bo lirnrd again. It
will moreover , under the core of the Apollo
clllD , nnd ns tbo opening of n now music
linll , be nn event of social at well as musical
interest. Every detail will bo arranged to
nave the affair most refined mid memorable.
Mora or loss military display will bo tnnap ,
tbo ball will bo neatly decorated with
patriotic bunting In honor of the presence of
thobandof the president nnd may bo ex
pected to please nnd thoroughly satisfy all
who are thcio.
Mr. Sousa , the ngreoablo conductor of the
band has made n grout effort to provide pro
prams of rare merit , and bv a lony series of
rehearsals bcforo leaving Washington , the
fluestrcsults in every number has boon as
sured. Ills own dashing musical description
of the famous "Sheridan ride" will bo 11
prominent feature , nnd his "Chariot Unco , "
which wns such u success before will bo ro-
Dented. A glancn nt the program shows nn
ontlro list of music , scarcely n number of
winch bos been ploved hero by nnv other
band or orchestra. Such freshness of pro
grams , nml such merit in oramizatlon and
artists , should bo rownrdcd with overflowing
The largest and most complete burlesque
organizition on the road is tbo Nlbbo's
French liurloscjuo company which comes to
the Fnrnnin Street theater Thursday , March
-I. It abounds with uiicqualod specialties ,
startling climaxes and bewitching dances ,
Fnll not to see It.
The latent Importation in tbo amusement
line is the wonderful English dancing mar
vels , the bisters Leigh , whoso feats have
astonished all Now York nnd put even the
great C.nmcncita In the background. Tholr
'groat success is duo to the fact , of their hav
ing turned their wonderful accomplishments
and skill us dancers as well as their great
physical similarity into n now departure ,
ncd the outcome of it is called the ' Uclislou
Dauco. " Those who hnvo witnessed their
porfotmnneo nro completely mystified nt the
phenomenal slcill and dexterity nnd wonder
ful resemblance of the two sisters , nnd won
der nt the marvelous patiunco in over porfoet-
.ir.g what to most people would sccia abso
lutely impossible. They are now \vltli the
' 'Ohvhttta ' Night Company , " nnd appeal-
next Sunday afternoon at Farnam Sticct
thcnter for six performances.
A visit from Modjeska Is always an event
of the highest importance to theater goers ,
and the coming engagement of this artl&t ,
the latter half of the week , opening tonight
nt Boyd's Now theater , will bo the moro
welcome not only from the fact that she has
uot been scon hero in suvernl years , but also
that she comes nt the head of her own com
pany of players , which is said to bo an ex
ceedingly good one , and ono that looks If it
might prove equal to the big task of inter-
pretln ? the extended repertoire which
Motljesku will present during her engage
ment in Omaha. ModJ slta's admirers will
have n cuanco to BOO her as "Marv , Queen of
Scots , " "Cumiilo,11 "Beatrice" nnd "Lady
Macbeth , " truly nnd extended repertoire ,
and one which will afford her many ad
mirers an exceptional opportunity to Judge of
her vci-oatihty and genius.
Next week In this olty. nt Boyd's. the
American Extruvagnnzn compnnv will bo
seen in thelc latest success , "Sinbad , or the
Maid of Balsora. " The libretto Is by Harrv
B. Smith , author of "Robin Hood" and "Tho
Tar and Tartar. " W. H. Batcholor arranged
the inusto and Baron da Grimm designed iho
costumes , which number over 000 , nnd uro
( aid to bo very beautiful. Tno scenery is
from iho brush of Fred Dangoillold. Among
tbo moro striking scones are the port of , Bal-
sorant daybreak , a plratn ship at son , the
oeean depths , n tropicnl island , the vnlloy of
diamonds , Sin bad's palnco and a fantastic
trans formation scene.
Dr. Blrnoy.nosounct tin-oat. BSK bldj *
meeting f State (1 ruhi Uniilor * Culled rot
April 1U In Omnliu.
The Omaha grain committee mot yesterday
afternoon nt the Board of Trndo rooms to
consider the question of n stnto organisation.
Bocrotary F. O. Swartz ropartod that ho had
received ever 100 answers to his ulrculari
from inou representing probably aao to 40J
olovutora and that every QUO of them fa-
tored the formation of a stnto association.
The majority of tun lotion favored holding a
meeting duritic tut ) enrly part of April nt
In view of these facts the committee do-
cldcd to call-a meeting of elevator men at the
Qtnnua Board of Trade room * on April ll ! at
3 o'clock p. in. The plan Is to hold the meet
ing over unlll the llth , bv which time it is
thought that the organization can bo par-
footcd ,
Mr. Swr.rU wns instructed to send out
circulars to the elevator men of the stale
notifying thorn of the call. As It la Impossi
ble to obtain the addresses cf all the grain
intn of tlio state , Mr. Swarlz suld that grnln
inonwbodld notiecclvua circular should
consider themselves Invited , and tlmt ho
would bo pleased to hnvo all grain man v ho
can bo present so inform him. The couinni-
tuuoxpecl ir > 0 gram men will uttoud the
mooting ,
Tuo committee then took up the subject nf
eastern market * nnd Iho secretary was In
structed to perfect urrnngouionla for thu
posting of tlioso markets In the Hoard of
Trade hall. It will probably bo April 10
before this can bo done.
The Clay Center Sun says that "ifthoro
nro any who thliiK lion , I ) . M. Kottluton will
. .absolutelyrofu o to bo the next republican
candidate for congress wo bog leuvo to differ
und believe tbat Dan is too round a repub
lican to thus rofusa the call of hU party , and
It uouldn'tmirpriso us to sea him bear the
.baunur aloft to victory in the next contest,1
Dow ( It's Sarnparllla cleanses the blood ,
MttlKf lttt > l'J3K CaUT.ll ! > " ,
Via Will Huur Nothing from Jlllt'licll fur
lit J. 'U t Ton I > uj .
NEW YOIIK , March 'ja. Charley Mitchell
ud 1'Vunk I' . Slnvlu Bailed fur England this
evening on the luinan line steamer Ulty of
.Now York. Slavln , on reaching England
will nt ouco go mto training for his fight
vlth I'otcr Jackson , which occurs In London
May 1 1. Mitchell will train him.
The Herald this morning tntas.thnt Mon
day night nftor the row of Mitchell with Cor-
) ott , Mitchell and slavlh drifted into a
Broadway chop house , where John Kelly
was."Such a touch ns you oupht to bo locked
ip. " blurted Kelly to Mitchell
Mitchell fired up nt once nnd It looked lika
rouble. Then Slavln found nn opportunity
o pick n qunrrol with Kellv regarding John's
lining at tha Kilraln-Slavln fight bcforo the
Urnnito club In llobokon Instycar.
"I don't think you nctcd square , Kelly , "
oiled Slavln.
"Well , that's n matter of opinion , " replied
Colly. "Every man n liable to mnuo n mis-
alec. But If vou nro n man tif honor nnd
reputation I will staketnlno against yours ,
n fact , personally , I don't think you're on
bo level yourself. "
Then thcro was n small riot , but the whole
> artv wcro soon put out.
Major McLaughlln of the Cnllfornln Atn-
olio club is in town. While not friendly to
Jorbott , the major wns loud in his praises of
ho Colifornlan'a conduct.
Oppii Atimteiir Athletic Control.
Thursday night nt 8 p. m. occurs the
Young Men's Christian association open con-
csthold nt Exposition hall :
The entries uro ns follows : From Omahn
Athletic club , .1. Blair , A. M. Ilontzo ! , , A. W.
'nrlrldge , W. J. Faye , U. M. Doody. From
tbo Bohemian soitol. Mr. Frank Flaln , V ,
felon , It. Ilnvolka. From the Young "Mon's
Institute , J. Byrno. From Bcllnvuo College
\thlctlc oscoclatlon , H. A. Cnrnnhnn. From
the Younif Men's Christian association , FM.
Bench , \V. A. DoHord , T. P. Crnmor , H. L.
> lssman , O. T. Xlmmcrmnn , F. Flnln und
from the German turnvoreln A. Ilelntro.
These who huvo been keeping track of the
practice snv the winner Is hard to pick. The
exposition hall furnishes the host place In
the city for ouch nn event. The program
will begin promptly ntS o'clock in the follow
ing order : Polo vault ; standing hop , step
nnd jump ; standing high jump ; bitch nnd
kick. Thrco broad Jumps und putting Ill-
pound shot. The prizes nro for first man , n
sold modal from C. S. Knymond ; for second ,
silver cup , from S. W. Lindsay ; third ,
gold mcdnl from Young Men's Christian as
sociation. _
\Vant s Mtr to Croi * Oirr.
NRW YOHK , March 23. Unless Bob Fltz-
slmmons will go to .England to fight Ted
i'ritchaid , the English chntnpiou , thcro will
DO no rontcst , ns will bo seen by tbo follow
ing special cable , received nt the Pollco Ga
zette ofllee Saturday.
LOXDOX , March 18. Ted Prltchnrd , the
champion middle-weight pugilist , refuses to
go to America to light Hob Fitzslmmons in
: ho Olvmplo club , In Now Orleans , for the
J,400 purse offered. Prltchard , however ,
will arrange n match to fight the American
champion in the National Snorting club for
A2.00U a side , n purse of 1,500. the PoUco
Uarctto middle-weight bolt nnd the middle
weight championship of the wet Id. The
National club will not offer nny larger purse.
Jack O'Brien has boon matched to fight
Con Kiordnn of San Francisco , who cunio
jvor to this country with I'otcr Jackson.
O'Brien will tight Alec Groggans of Sail
Francisco in the Olympic clue , in Now Or
leans , In October , for n purse.
at I'ili
GrxjucnaTiiii , N. J. , March 23. Hainiutr.
Track heavy.
1'list raco. flve-olahlhs of a mile , felllne :
Hurrlentos won. Count Mc-In second. Toreli-
lljht third , ruxlilll and btindiiy drawn , 'lop-
iniist ( the favorite ) ran unpluccd. Tlmo :
JOG' : , , .
bcfund race , nliie-slxtconth of u mile , soil
ing. nmldons : Mr.-ln uon. Hello of 1'liuMilx
socoiul. sllvoi Mnld Uolt thiid. Flattni li und
drawn. Hlociuent ( the fmorltc ) ran
tinpiueed. Tlmo : fiO'i.
1 Third one inlio , bclllne : Gardner won ,
Ulclidl ( the fmorltc ) second , Crispin third.
The loriini , 1'nssnioro uiul H.un I ) , ilraun.
Tune : J:30 : .
I'ourtliiaLO , thlrteon-sixteuiiths uf n mile ,
.selling : CiurrNon ( the faMiiltc ) v , on. Mubol
becond. 1'ornwood third. lr ) , Ilclmulh ahd
ddliOI. drawn. Tlmu : 1:23.
I'lftli r.iuo , HvL'-eluhtlis of a mile , selling :
Itonulo I.issoii. : . MartH. . second , l.lttlu
Addlu ( the fuvniltt ! ) third. Muulliiiro , Oenc-
vlou- . Nettle and Kxutlu driinn. Tlmu : l:0" > li.
blMh racit. he\en-ellits ( uf u mile , soiling :
Arizona won. Gunpral ( iorilon bpconcl , Lltu
( ihu favorite ) third , lliir buri ; , Kutlo U ,
lliiindriim und Ituvc D'Or diunu. Tlma :
Going nt ( iiittciihorg ,
GuTTENiiuno , N. J. , M arch 23. Tha track
was not iv very good condition today. The
attendance was small.
First race , three-fourths of n mile : ninck-
hurn won , Kico second , Churchill Cluikthhd.
Tlmn ; l.u. ;
Second race , five-elcliths of nmllc : Hallnrat
\\nii , .Nuilonal sucond , I'anuay third. No
time taken.
Third nice , turee-olxhths of n mile : Mar-
cnorltu won , llurlcnuln second , Ono tnltd.
Tlmo : : iO.
fourth race. Hlx and a half furlongs : Kain-
blcr won , Ivanhoe xocond , tlilnl ,
Tlmo : 1 : . ' . ' ) .
J'lf th nice , ono nnd one-eighth miles : Sir
K' o won. Millstone hecoml , I'ulbuin third.
Tll'o : 2U5. :
Sixth race , seven fnrlonss : forest Klna
won , Uwen Uolden suuund , Amos thlid. Tlmu :
Itriuly Siijs It's No ItlulV.
PiTTSiiuno , Pa. , March 23. William A.
Brady of New York , who will bock Jim Cor-
bott lu the coming light with Sullivan , is in
the city. EIc indignantly denies that Cor batt
is not in to stuy and U conlldont that himun
cannot bo knocked out. Sullivan , ho says ,
has not knocked out n man in flvo years , and
if his 11 rat blow docs not llaibh Corbott , ho
will lese the fight.
Corbott will go into training Juno 1 , nnd
will thus have three months and fourteen
days. Billy Dolauoy nnd Peter Unloy will
train him. His weight will bo 1M ! pounds.
Grand Island Ululi nniucr .
GUAND ISI.A.NII , Nob. , March 23. [ Special
to THK BKU.J The following ofllccrs have
been elected by the board of directors of the
Grand Island Base Ball club : President ,
James F. Hourlto : vice president , James
Foloj : treasurer , William Winters ; secre
tary , E. C. Hocuenbergcr ; manager , W. A.
Hourke. Toreo pluycrs bavo ooen sncured ,
\V. A. Uourko. pitcher ; W. Hoffmolster ,
pitcher , and William Bulger , shortstop.
fMiclul WJii'olim'ii.
The members of the Omahn Wheel club
enjoyed ono of their regular club nights at
their plcusant club bouso last evening. It
was muio of a social gathering than any
thing clso and tlioso present put in most of
tlio tlnm talking uliout wheels nnd wheel
men. A short program , consisting of reci
tations und uiuilc , hnd been arranged nnd
was cairicd out and a luncheon concluded
thu ovcuing'i * entertainment.
Mimt I'lnjIn Clilratro ,
ClilCAfio , III. , March 23. Frank Ivos will
not ploy George Slosson In Now Voikfor
the emblem of the world's championship nt
billiard ! ) , which ho won from JucobHulucfer.
"I would not piny In New York under nny
consideration , " Ivos said todny. "No in
ducements will rnaUo mo reconsider this de
cision , "
\Vlll ( MT r I. Hit-nil rurno .
BKATIIK r , Neb , March ai. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Bhi : . ] The Doatnco Driuing
association met today and at ranged forofTor-
ing fll.lHK ) in purses for ( he Linden Tree park
uiH tings of August 23 , 24 and 25 and ? J,000
fur tbo meot'ugs of Sept ember 222 and -0.
Tlpi lor Today ,
licro uro the horses that the talent think
should win today :
1. Tcuton'i1 SU Laurent.
2. Ulltur M'cond Hi , I'mu-ra * .
'a. Woodoutlor It IIII'DCII * .
4. I'rlnue lltiwurd 1'iorvtte.
5. tn-J. It.
u Ofult-eo Alguriion ,
1. School Boy K.iuevijle.
2. Jerry Mi'Curthy-Unth II.
II. I'ldrlnuiru-.hilin Laoklund.
4 , llenjuniln Monsoon.
5. i.en or sKueio Uolster.
0 , Alladlustuno lluunle Ivlng.
] MrKu.TjUlB JIuJorltT" .
m.iuNB , La. , March 2J. The major
ity for the McEnory ticket at yesterday's
state election to dotermlno wtiich should bo
the regular uuniocrallo nonilaeo is cstlnuUcil
at frociy.UOU to 1--IHX . The election pashed oil
quietly , _
btrlklni ; Sllneri Slnuu J ujjrineor * .
LONDON' , March 2J. The striking miners
at Hcbburu colliery atoned the oi'glnomon
for refusing to Join the strike. Tbo engine-
men Bltoud tolho mine pumps. If tbo pump-
iuf | tloppeu the mlnii would be ( looUotl.
IFHOM TEsTEitQAT'.s gr.cosn cniTiov.l
Eemtirkablo Manner in Which Germany's
Ruler Acted at a Cabinet Council ,
I'pnrn 1'iitrrtnltinl In I'mntr Tlmt Iliupiiror
Wllllnin Muy Miiililrnly Imniln Tlmt
CoiinlryiiH n Mutter of Uiilutfng
Internal linvoll.
Oortlon ttennttl. ]
PAUI ? , March 2J. f No w York Herald Cable
Special toTun Bi'.B.l I am iiblo to glvo
you today news which Is absolutely reliable
iticardlnc the emperor's lllnoss and tbo
political crisis at Berlin. The otnporor has
jeen In such u state of nbnortnul excitement
for the past fortnight that ho has shut him
self up In his private apartments nnd has ro-
colved to grant nn nudloucu to any ono. The
nttack of tha press on the lol scolnlro nnd
on the troubles in Berlin still nrouso him to
linger , but whnt has excited him moro than
anything else Is a letter which ho hns re
fused from nn old school fellow nt the Cns-
sell .Lyceum.
The writer Is now a prufosaor nt Tubingen
nnd has nlwnyd kept on thu host possible
terms with the emperor. In the letter ho
sharplv criticised tbo lol scolatro and said
that Iho speech nt. Braudonburu would an
tagonize the emperor's friends , who hnd
placed nil their hopes on him. The letter
reached the emperor on Wednesday , the lOUv ,
inst. The cnblnot council wns held on
\Vllllnin Insulted tlio Minister * ,
During the session the emperor did
not say n word , and when ho snw that
the ministers wore opposed to his plan he
mndo n sign wttli his hand thai
ho wns willing to give it up. Whou , how
ever , Chancellor von Canrivl said , "Your
majesty , the order of the dav has been
passed , " ho nioso and burst Into n violent
harangue , In which ho insulted the ministers
and used such bitter language toward Von
Caprivl that on n visit to the latter Prince
Henry , the emperor's brother , found it nec
essary to apologize for the sovereign's con
Caprtvt still hold : ofllco , but ho Is anxious
to resign. The entire court , however , Insists
that ho shall remain at the head of affairs at
least until the emperor's health is rc-ostub-
lishcd. The cmporor himself is equally
urgent on the ground that n change now
would causa confusion in foreign nffnirs.
A Berlin dispatch says that the foreign
situation has never been moro disturbed.
Hero Is the plain truth In regard to the em
peror's health. Ofllclnl dispatches nro right
in saying that he has n cold , but they
omit to say that the suppernting wound of
his cnr which tins been closed since
October suddenly reopened recently
nnd ranttor bcgrn to How causing intense
pain nnd rendering the emperor so nervous
tlmt his phvsiclnns found it necessary to
prescribe for him entire change of surround
ings nnd nbsoluto solitude.
Ills .Mu.Jcst.v Him no Company.
lie does not see nny ono at the Chateau
Hubcrtus. Grand Duke Scrglus of Uuisia
passed yesterday through Berlin and asked
to see the emperor. Ho was told that the
emperor in accordance with 'his physician ?
Instructions could not receive him. In well
informed circles people nro talking about the
necessity -for a regency and among
diplomatists it Is said ttmi Prince Henry is
becoming every day more popular. It is
possible that the emperor may return to
Berlin , but ho Is certainly very ill now.
I must add thattheofttcial world of France
Is becoming very uneasy. Ic the lobbies of
the Chamber of Deputies nil the talk was
about the situation lu Germany. Foara are
entertained that William may4 sock a vent ,
for his excitement outside of Germany nnd
the same fears nro entertained in London.
T do uot wish tu play the role of a bird of ill
omen , but I nm obliged to state that the situ
ation of Europe has been profoundly changed
nnd for the worse during tbo past twenty-
four hours. JACQUKS ST. CEHU.
Krltlxh ( .owriiinont Will Aittociito Their
Union Shamrocks In Uniform ,
Loxnov , March 22. In the House of Com
mons todav the lit. Hon. Sir Juuics Fergus-
son , postmaster general , in opposing n pri
vate bill for the establishment of a new tele
phone company , announced that the govern
ment would promote n rnoasuro placing tbo
telephone trunk lines in the hands of the
postofllco department.
In reply to a question put to the govern
ment , Hi. lion Stanhope , secretary of state
for war , stated that ho had telegraphed for
information rcguiding the tmnishincnt of
soldiers at Aldcrsbob for wearing the sham
rock on St. Patrick's day when they were in
undress uniform.
Mr. John J. McMell , McCarthyito member
for South Donegal , remarked that the late
duke of Clarence nnd Avondalu , who was u
major in tbo Tenth hussurs , had worn the
.shamrock when ho was in full cross uniform.
Mr. Patrick O'Brien , Painelllto mninbor
for North Monaghan , stated that the cnil of
Zetland hud worn the shamrock on St. Pat
rick's day.
Speaking on the Irish educational bill , Mr.
Thomas Sexton , McCartbyito member for
West Belfast , contended that Ireland ought
to have a grant of 800,000 instead of iUOO-
000. as proposed in the bill. Ho urged the
claims of the Christian Brothers to bo in
cluded in the benefits to be conferred by the
nieasuto. The Christian Brothers , hu'snid ,
were the pioneers of primuty education.
Mr. Sexton concluded by declaring tluit ho
relied upon the bovornment giving its assrnt
to amendments providing for nn .increase 1i ;
the amount of the grant and for tho.inclusion
of the Christian Brothers in tun benefits
held out in the bill.
Mr. James Fllnn , McCarlhyito member for
the north division of Cork county. Mr , Al
fred Webb , McCarthyito member for west
division of Watciford , and other members of
the Irish party having spoken on tha meas
ure , they were replied to by Ht. Hon.
William Jnckson , thu chief scctotary for
The ulll passed Us first readme without
division. *
Trllml llrvnll In liulln.
CU.COTTA. March 22. The revolt of tao
Lusbai tribe , who occupy the country vast
of the SoninrI river in Burma ! ) , is extending
nnd it is ox pooled its suppression will entail
extensive military operations. The trouble
hud Its origin in an order Issued by the
British political ofllror.s. Lalbura , a Lusbai
chief , refused to carry out this order and
consequently a force of 100 men wns ordered
to proceed to this village and compel obedi
ence. Tbo British troops wcro attacked ou
the approach to the village but finally suc
ceeded in occunylng the northeast putt of it ,
The natives burned the remainder of the
village. On the following day , March 2 , the
Lushnls made n determined attack on the
British position , but wcio driven beck with
the loss of several Reinforcements
were attacked on the load , but managed to
reach the force In the village. Several sub
sequent on count cm occurred , lu all of which
the nutivcs were defeated , but they wore not
discouraged , und now conies reports that the
uvestorn Lushnls nro about to JonMio rlslnc.
Tbo country Is comparatively 11 k own und
military operations nro cnrrieu on under
great dlfllculty.
. Drc'iiilnt ; Inqu At Ailjmmiod.
MBI.UUUUNB , March 22. The coroner's in
quest on the body of Mrs. Doemi'icr , the uu-
/ortunnto woman who wus murdered by her
husband In order , it Is alleged , that bo might
be free to marry another woman , was nd-
Journod todny until April 5 to await the
arrival of Deeming , who is now In custody at
Perth. It Is alleged thit Deeming was en
gaged in land swindling oucrntlona In Canada
in 16S4 , und that ho afterwards becajno u
watch dealer and decamped with u number
of wntchoi entrusted to him by uellors. Tlio
Undi at Perth include a long knife as sharp
a * a nuor , with a bloody handle.
ruruoU'c Widow Will Hutt * Somn Gently
J.lllKullou In CuntuiiU Ullh.
[ Copi/rfyMrd 1K)1 buJame * ( VimloieunrW. . J
LONDON- , March JJ2. [ Now Yor * Herald
Cable-Special to TUB Ucn.--Tho | O'Shea
will case , whlcTTCTw , It Is bollevod , wil
como up Thursdav , is expected to last nt
least tlnoo wciflis" 'Iho will contained a
codicil revoking Vho legacies of nil old ser
vants , nnd thoso"n o now nrravcd against
Mrs. Pnrnoll , WRb'tvns the solo heiress. The
servants IntondTOMvo evidence ngalust her.
The cngnpemeat is shortly to tin mndo pub
lic of Mrs. PnrnVjL's daughter , Miss O'Shen ,
with Henry Hiirrran , member of t'nrlln-
uiont , uho wns oYifrbf Purnnll'.s' inou lalth-
ful supporters , remembered In Amor-
Icn ns ono of ' 'I'lVo ' committee vtslttnetho
states Inst j oar ? y.s6curo funds for IMrnjjIl.
Harrison took jnrrga of 1'nrnoll's ' affairs
nftcr his death..JII ls 25 yen 9 old.
> nifii1 rffHTin : .1 /MM * .
Complete'tlf/Olmngrs In tlin
'ST lr v
WAMIINOTOV , O. C. , Mareli 22. ( Special
Telegram to Tun Hen. ] The lollowlng as
signments to roglmonts of oftlcoM rouontly
promoted and transfers of ofllcora nro or
dered :
First Lloutonant John N. Glass , Sixth
cavalry , Is relieved from duty ns ludgo ndvo-
cnto of the general court m.irtlul at Joflerson
Barracks. First Lieutenant Percy E. Trippn ,
Tontti cavalry , Is detailed ns Judge advocate
of the now general court martial convened at
Jefferson Harmons February 2.1. Captain
Crosby P. Miller , assistant quartermaster ,
will proccod from this city to Fort Thomas ,
Ky. , nnd Columbus Darrauks , O. , on public
business connected with the Quartermaster's
department , nnd on completion thereof re
turn to his proper station. First Lieutenant
Virgil Urumbnck , Second Infantry , will bo
relieved from recruiting by the superintend
ent of tlio recruiting corvico when another
ofllccr shall report at Columbus barracks to
relieve him und will rejoin his regiment.
Leave of nbsonco for six months to tat
olTect when ho shall have been relieved of
his present duties at Columbus IJnrraults by
another olllcor. Is granted First Lioutcuant
Virgil J. Uru m back , Second infantry.
The general court martini to meet nt
Wlllotts Point , N. Y. , November 0. 1891 , Is
dissolved. A general court martini appoint ; d
to mcot \Vlllotts Point at 11 o'clock n. tn.
on Thursday , March 24 , or ns soon there-
nftor as practicable for the trial of such
prisoners as may bo brought before It- Detail
for court : Captain Ulchnrd L. Hoxle , corps
of engineers ; Captain William M. Black ,
corps of engineers ; Second Lieutenant Wil
liam F. Martin , Twenty-fifth infantry ; Second
end Lieutenant Charles G. Dvvyer , Twenty-
first infantry ; Second Tjloutonont Harry 13.
Humphrey ; Twentieth Infantrv ; Second
Lieutenant Frederick A. Tripp , First In
fantry Socotm Lieutenant John C. Grccg ,
Sixteenth infantry ; Socoud Lieutenant
Edward H. Chrisraan , Second Infantry ; Second
end Lieutenant Clement A. F. Fluglor , corps
of engineers ( Second Lieutenant William W.
Harts , corpi of engineers ; Second Ltcutcu-
ant Edgar Judwiii , corps of engineers , addl
tional , Second Lloutennnt Spencer Cosby ,
corps of engineers.Additional , Second Lieu
tenant John S. Sowcll , corps of engineers ;
First Lioutcuant John A. Perry , Eighth In
fan try , Judge advocate.
The New York Clmmber ot Conimcice
I'onmiliite * Its Vleus on Hie Illiinil Hill ,
Niw : Voiuc , March 22. The Chamber of
Commerce this evening' forwarded to con
gi ess a memorial on tbo silver question. In
it the chamber submits that the interest of
the country demands :
First That all oxistlng legislation which
requires the secretary of the treasury to pur-
chnso silver bulllqn tuill bo repealed.
Second That the , opening of the mints to
the free coinage of silver will , by degrading
the standard of value , effect a confiscation
nnd transfer of-ouV wealth unparalleled in
the history of civJlUJUlon and "produce an
amount of distress for which not the "light
est justification Is to bo found in necessity ,
politics or morals : *
Third That tho'conly ' practical mode of
dealing with the iilver question is by nn in
ternational conference and Decollation with
the other gruat coujmcrcinl nations of the
world , looking toJthV restoration of silver to
Its place as thfi' national money on a fair
bnsls of relative VTihrc with gold nud to such
an extent us the conditions of commerce and
the Judgment of 'fluhncHnl authority will jus-
11 f\- y i yee
I'orreil > to \rlni for I.ilo.
uito , Pn. , March 22. Frank Am
oroso , the Italian who was reported to have
been lynched by .masked . men lu Logan
county , West Virginia , ten days ago ,
returned to Plttsburg last Sun
day , Amoroso was foieman of u
gang of railioad laborers sent
from this city on the night of the 10th in
stant. A party of masked men called nt the
shanty where ho boarded and carried him
nway. His friends believing ho hnd been
Ivncbcd became irightened nnd returned
hero. Amoroso says ho was taken ccrnss the
mountains about ten miles ton stream und
ordered to wade to the other side. The
water was so deep ho wns compelled to swim
for his life. Tho" despcruooes followed him
nnd stripped him of his clothes
nnd horseu hipped him. Ho wns then given
ono minute to got out of sight , but ho wns
too much exhausted to run. Severn' shots
were fired after Tilm , but bo escaped unin
jured nnd succeeded In getting nway.
Amoroso is nn Italian subject and ba.vs ho
will bring the matter to the attention of the
Italian consul. He can give no reason for the
treatment save that haobjcctcd to exorbitant
prices charged by tho'storekeeper.
loivu liuslncBg .Men Ilnci > uni ( iil.
IOWA Cur , la. , March 2.3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun JEK. | Tbo defeat of the Gatch
bill today causes regrov among the great
mass of people in this city. Saloon men
owning no property and pn.vinguo license
ate secretly well satlslled except a few who
would prefer to pay a high license. The
owners of the three largo breweries hero ,
now Idle , am much disappointed. Mr. J. P.
Dostnll , who bus been remodeling his
brewery nnd has spent WO.OOO ou it recontlv
und contemplated spsndlng nearly § 100,000 In
all , suld todny that ho would leek up tbn
entire plant , but it is understood tlmt lie will
use it when completed ns n malting house.
Many democrat * now roL-ret thov did
not veto for Dr. Stewart , license ropiiDlletm ,
for the legislature last , fall , its his election
would huvo given , hi the house , ono republi
can who would have favored nnd worked for
the Gntnh bill. Business men nro dl cour-
ntrod at the prospects of two years of open
and unrestricted silicons.
homollitiiK Morn Tlmu Talk.
Sioux CITV , la. , March 2J. jSpecial Tele
gram to Tun BBK. ] The articles of incor
poration of the Sioux City , Chicapo & Balti
more Hailioad company were filed for iccord
here today. The authorized capital Is $15-
000,000. The incorporatora and board of
directors are the heaviest local capitalists
who huvo been 1'itcroslud In railroads built
by Sioux Cltv tt/eJJlsbt two or three . \onr3 ,
It is the outcome oiuchemo which has been
Incubating for several months tu build a line
to the east to gr/e'tAitrauco to several com
panies desiring to L'oirto here. The line itself
Is to be extended. It ) rran be positively stated
that one of the < | ii > Worful old companies
stands ready to Join1 lie now line with an ex
tension which will H > u a sensation in rullrond
circles. Some belltWo1 that the companv IK
thu Baltimore & Oht This Sioux City rood
is not a were paper i ad-
JlnforcliiK llioyA.llU-iitml > ll | > K I..IMI ,
ICotiuiluMeil IK ) } ffj Jim ) > Giir-lin tlsnn'-tt. ]
BiiL'ssKLUM , Mnrt-ttK. [ Now York Herald
Cable--Special Ti Jll E.1 Bolglau justloa
has determined top/iforco the untl-guinblmi.
laws against boltUH" on races vigorously.
Nine bookmaker ? < * < mostly English , ap
peared before 'i" ' " 0 Bnmols cor
rectional police uuurt today , charged
with keeping betting.olllccs unit
thus guilty of practicing a gunio of chance as
opposed ID ruce course batting , which is not
considoicd a ( 'nine of chance. The court
postponed Judgment unt\l \ .Maruti 23.
As regards thn report that Stanly will en
rage for a long term nu bchrlf of the Congo
Free Slate the Bilge soys such n rumor it
altogether premature , if not wholly un
founded. As n manor of fact no communica
tion has tnuon nlaco on the subject between
the king ami .Stanley siuca the latter's de
parture for Aiutialiu.
AVirck of thuV < rU liiill.iu ,
SAV FIUNCISCO , f.'al , , March i. . The
itcamer West Indian , which wns loccntly
wrec-Ueilofl Acajultn , was iinJor the cora-
mund of Cnptuln rott. The non-union crew
were removed from the steamer hero by tlio
Seamen's union after ivnemerutiln trouble.
At La Union ono ot thu wn ? cruelty
brcauso tiea-sHod leave to go nshoio
and wns flnnllv sent to Jail In Irons. Ihen
nil the rest of the crew refused to work ex
cept , four , stating that they profci red to RO to
J.ill tlmn serve under Captain Scott. Ihey
were sent to Jail nnd the captain shipped a
native crew. Off AcajultnCiiplnin Scott lost
his bearings nnd his vessel wont on the
rocks. The crow escaped nnd succeeded In
saving n good pottlon ot the cargo.
irit.i. rut i'iii : ix i'tn.tTiiv.
Aimunl Convention ol lli > Patrons oT Indus
try nt Toledo.
Toi.nrto , O. , Mnrch Si The executive
committee of the Patrons of Industry of
America nssomblcd hero tndny prior to the
annual convention which commences tomor
row. H consists of M , H. Smith Michigan ;
George A. Bennett , Matongo. III. , M. E.
Hogmlrc , IJangor Mich ; U It. Lake ,
Rose , Mich. ; Philip S. Dorlnnd , Dean's
Corners , N. Y. , nnd O. H. Lincoln ,
MnroiiRo , 111. Their session wns secret.
Delegates will bo hero tomorrow from every
state tn the union. It Is expected that
political action of some Kind will be taken ,
Copper riiiling oir.
Ni.w YOHK , March 2-J , A preliminary
statement , shews that In ISO. ) thuro was do-
most le production of copper rqunl to2IV > , -
OSO,022 pounds nnd lu 1MI1 23UU'TH '
pounds. Reports of stocks of cop.rr | from
the producers nud the nuijorliy ol smelters ,
with the execution" of the Calumet. Hecln
nnd Qulncy Mining companies , show u
decline from IJOB40bTO pounds ou the
1st of January , 1801 , tu ril,8bSr > 'K >
pounds on the 1st nf January , 1SOJ , All the
Into companies , with the exception of the
two named , reported 10,0011,000 pounds on the
former nnd 1(1,151,170 ( pounds ou the latter
drttc , while Montana producers reduced their
stock from IIUHii.UbT pounds to 17,82rbt'K5
pounds , lu thu nbjcnco of the stocks of the
concerns alluded to no ceuernl conclusions
nro warranted.
Cost Thorn riltiM-ii Million.
INiii.Anr.t.rnu , Pn. , March 22.Tho utmost
reticence in regard to the details of the deal
Is still maintained by Philadelphia roilners
llmt nro believed to hnvo heun absorbed by
thosugnr trust. From Information obtained
from Bovornl ourccs there Is but little doubt
tlmt Knight's refinery wns yesterday
formally transferred to the trust.
Today it is said . . that the
first payment on the purchase cf the
Franklin refinery was p-ild to Harrison , ITra-
? ior & Co. The price paid by the trust for
the Sprokcls rellnerv Is said to bo between
W.000,000 nud 87,000.000. The payment made
by the sugur trust todny to Harrison , Kra-
nor & Co. , upon the purchase of their refin
ery , was $1,000OJJ in cash. It is reported
hero that they nro to receive § 10,000,000 hi
Straiigo Cusn ot farmer Soiistoy.
Gostinx , Ind. , March 24. The queer case
of John Sousloy , n farmer living near South
Bend , is attracting much attention. Sousloy
follows threshing in season nnd quit
last September with n badly in-
llamod e\o. It has pained him contin
ually since , until yesterday lie decided
to consult an oculist , who found that
ji grain of wheat hud lodged m his oyc ,
sprouted , nnd in its growth had forced u
passage up between tt < o scalp nnd skull and
had found an outlet near the apex of the
right eye. The stalls was carefully removed
and transplanted in a hot bed , wbcto It is
expected to grow. Souslcy la doing well.
Cnn'l Close loua Saloon * .
Cursio.v , la. , March 2J. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE. ] Tha Board of Aldermen
Inst night passed a resolution to close every
saloon now running under tticnmvor's pro
tection. The marshal served notice on nil
these places this ziorniug and Bays bo will
close tlnm tomorrow unless tho.v shut up
voluntarily. In every light heretofore iu
this city between the Inw nnd the saloons
the latter have been victorious , nnd this will
bo watched with interest. The resolution
was passed by three republicans and three
democrats , two republicans and two demo
crats voting against it.
.Missing Minerfound. .
DfiifQic , la , March 2 . ( Special Tele-
cram to TUB Bun.l Over thirty years ago
thrjo men named Harris , Duncombo and
Williams started to woik in nn abandoned
lead mine here. They wcro stt angers , and
when thev disappeared 0:10 : day not much
was thought of the matter mid they wore
Boon forgotten.
Recently the bohndeber brothers began to
work the old mine again , nnd yesterday
came ncross three skeletons 110 feet below
the surface. From the name of Williams ,
found on a pair of boots , vhe remains weio
identified us thoao of the missing minors.
( iot n Udsoot DiicKHhot.
Dnvvri : , Colo. , March Si. J. .1. Hcithrann ,
jr. , well known iu banking circlcn nnd a son
of n wealthy llmmcicr of this city , was ser
iously injutod la-it ni ht by the accidental
discharge of n gun hovr.s handling. The ac
cident occurred nt a lake twelve miles Irom
here , where Heithman and some friends
were duck hunting. Both barrels of bis shot
gun were dischaigcd into his loft leg below
the knee , horribly mutilating It. He was
brought to the city todny , and nn attempt Is
being rando to save his limb.
Ilnslncts Ihnb.irrashmriits.
Gni'.n.vviu.r , Mich. , March 2J. Lumber
man J. S. Crosby bus tiled a chattel mort
gage for § 100,000 on his mill machinery in
favor of Frederick Collins of Elmliv , N. Y. ;
n bill of sale on personcl property for f 10,000
to the nnmo man und a $10,000 hill of sale to
the Preston National banlt of Detroit. Mr.
Crosby's embarrassment is attributable to
invpstinetits made in Luuhvillc , In which ho
eiulm-ricd accommodation paper for his
partner. _ _
ilililKD Mlljinml J'ouml Ciullly.
Xi.w YOHK , M.irch 22. The Association ol
tins Bar of Now York City tried Isaac May-
mud , Judge of the court of appeals , tonight
and brought in n verdict of guilty The
Judge was found guilty of reprehensible con
duct in the county election frauds ,
and within u few days the senators and rep
resentatives m Albany will bo called on by
the barto remove him from the * b it'll Judicial
oillco to which he wus recently clceved.
.Inclement , Agiilniit .Iclf l.i\i .
Ni.YOIIU , March tl Stephen P. Na-di ,
who wns appointed urhltrator to settle some
nmtteis of difference between Jacob U ,
I'ayno of Now Ol leans , LH. . and J , Addis
Hayes of Colorado Springs , Cole , as execu
tors of the will of Jefferson J ) avU and D.
Applotot. ti Co. , publishers of this city , bus
repotted to the supreme court in favor of tl.o
publishers ,
Ku\oliitluunry Itrlld IimIl/ On.
New YOIIK , March 23. The Grange , the
property of General Alexander Hamilton of
revolutionary days , was sold today to Or
lando B , Potter nt auction , the latter bidding
$140,500 for It. The elm trooa plnntod by
Hamilton , representing the thirteen original
Htatas of the union , nro on the property and
may bo transplanted by the owner and the
property cut up in city lots ,
i r
( Irogiiii < ! uu > Out tux Moiy ,
DKTIIOIT , Mich. , March 2J. The fn forma *
tlon pilntod in the Tribune this morning in
regard to an alleged statement inado to cer
tain Michigan democrats by David B. Hill ,
tlmt ho docs not aspire to the presidency ,
was fuinlshcd by Chairman Gro an of thu
democratic county central committee.
SlUi'int ItM l.oMftt ,
Niw : Yonic , March 22. Assistant Tieas-
urer Koboits said the government yesterday
bought Ml vernt the lowest bnco ever pur
chased. The prlco paid was n lliljo over b'J
cents par ounce.
Jiiuv Vurk i\cli. ni : QiiuluUimn.
NKW Yoitif , .March ' . . { Siiorial Tele
gram to Tin : Urr.J-lSxehango was quoted
.irtlK Hi.ln , Enlp nu.
Tb i t ll "f v > ) r
JMtutransl , vu fcklitt brnlp. > * crveui
Htiil JUo | I > lvw * * i uJ tliolr truct *
- liii-iit. wet fKttttthi. fOr.t ll ff re
moiiUH'tlti ' ) ! * * * . > l"iM Vr rt .Iiilia
luk vml I uwjvi'llnrkp. - < Mr t i'itUna * ,
- jioluuriiif h ' * Huirrtut"i ( lr , VUn *
iilet , tc t iTcuovftd ( XuwnlMtloii fn * % wl nUlctiur b ) tuiUU
JOHN 11. VVCODBUKY , U rmatocgtral ! Imlitute ,
l'A5 % Vr i JVntl Si reef , New Vurk < 'Cly.
TTiIcnco , Wo discount ; Boston ,
t ; St. t.oul , par.
Hmv H Vouiif ; rountry l.iul SuflproU from
AllcRrd lluniorlslii1 U'oili.
Solomon know what lie was talkltic about
\vhon ho loUl Ills * on not to consent when
slnnora Invited him to go out nnd make n
nlKhtoflt. Uutltlsvory Imrd for \OUIIB
men nnd especially > ounK inon frotntho
couptry to mlmlt the superior wisdom ot
tlio king , In fact t"ioy Kuncrully linvo to
hnvo a sliy nt tlto clcplmut bof Jro they will
own up tlmt his kick fnr outweighs nny
bonuty there may nppcnr In looking nt him
from n safe distance. Ono of them tried It
n Omaha last Saturday , and ho won't fonzct
h U experience , not oven If ho should dls-
tonco tlio record of tha venorrtblo Uut vlcor-
OU9 MothusclMU for loiiRovlty.
This particular young man catno from u
f drill lu Iowa lust Krlilnv , and stopped In
Omnhn to visit a tlay or two with u tunrrlou
sister before Rohm on to his unclo's farm ,
some ton miles from this cltv. ' Ho sought
out various points of interest ii'nd formed the
ncquatntaucoof two younu men who should
have hail better sonso-uno of tlicm bcltiK n
lawyer and the other being cn nKOl ( In busi
ness who holil forth to his unsophisticated
gruo n clarions picture of thn bcnutlus of u
great city nftcr sundown. Ills curiosity
aroused , ihoyonth froi1 ! lluwliovo Eollnsroea
to go fotth on Saturday uisht und with his
conimulons | smear cnr ml no ever n largo sec
tion of iho city.
Before < > tartine out the executioners told
their victim that the colored population of
Omiihii wus cnrn od nt the wuito pooploon
account of the lynching that took
plnoo Init foil , nnd tlmt brutal and
snvaeo nttiiclis by colored men upon white
pi'oplo were of common occurionco. The
fresti youiiR man wns warned to bo on tlm
lookout and to run for Hfo if ho saw n colored
mun of puclllstm Inclinations coming toward
him ,
With tins prullmlnnry preonutlon the three
sauntered forth about yildntght to i'o ' the
town. As thor passed the corner of tun
postoftlco building n vicious looking colored
man cunio ncross the street muttering dlro
imprecations ami threats against tlio whltu
race und m.ido a savuio ntsault ( to
nil appearances ) upon" ono of the
young men acting ns utiulos for iho
rural youth. Tlio other puldo mid bis
whilom friend from the countrv ran nt breakneck -
nock speed for tlio ofllco ol the young lawyer ,
then supposed to bo engaged In a llfo 'and
death struggle with the colored man. The
lawyer succeeded lu tncaking nwny and fol
lowed his companions nt n rate that brought
him to his ofllco , near the cornerof Fifteenth
und Uodgo , right upon tbo hcols of tlio other
two. They all three bolted into the ofllco ,
but before they could close tno door the
colored man rushed In after thorn. Ho
sprang upon the country lad and pulling
out u lung pair of scissors
some snvngo nnd llondlsh nmuuitivcrs. The
lights went out , and there In the itnrknnss
over chairs and tables , the young ( armor
struggled with a trlant , culling for help mm
yelling murder as loud as his excited and ex
hausted condition would permit. In a few
moments the two city voung men nppcntctl
to como to the rescue of the rural youth , Iho
colored man wus overpowered mid driven
from the room.
The two city young men pretended to believe -
liovo tnat the two hud experienced n very
luclty escape from coninloto annihilation.
After regailiug themselves with something
stimulating from n bottle , they sallied foith
along Ninth streot. " 'hoy took the countrv
lad to a disreputable tciott down toward the
river nnd there the thrco spent sovehil
hours ana nil the money iho rural youth had
In his pockets. They succeeded in getting
the voung farmer thoroughly under the In-
lluoucoof liquor , and as thov " pissed up
Dodge street about 2 o'clock in
1ho "morning they were accosted by a
policeman , who pretended to arrest
all three. The two sloerers or guides lluallv
proposed to tbo olllcer that they nil go to the
low otUeo near Sixteenth street and compro
mise the matter. During the deliberations
there the s-ouiiir farmer was induced to sign
notes for Sl.'JOU in order to appc.isa the wr.ith
of the niw nnd save himself from uublic dis
grace The police olllcer pocketed the notes
and released Iho prisoners. Then the three
lay doivn to slotm In the law olUco , but the
country youth wns much nearer the llrst
stages of Insanity than the arms of Mor
With tlio llrit nolso of passing streetcars
ho was up and whirling away toward lion-
son. When ho icnchoa the end of the motor
line at ttouson , hu put across the country nnd
walked all the way to his uncle's fnrm. Ho
was a scrry bight when ho reached the farm
and it wns sovcral hours before his n&rves
became quieted so that he could relate his
experience. Nosinner oscjplnc from perdition
could DO moro thankful than that , young
mun nopoared to be when ho realized that ho
was ono moro breathing the free , pure air of
thocounlrv. but the notes ho had slgneu
were still worrying him. His undo under
stood Iho biluntion and explained , Iho
youiig man was Immensely relieved and yes
terday venuued buuK to the city again. Ills
relatives litre in Oiraha had become somewhat -
what alarmffl at his sudden departure , but
when ho returned yesterday and explained
plained thi cause of "bis uncere
monious flight his orothcr-iii-law wanted
to prosecute all cugaged in the cruel hoax.
The young man was not willing to hnvo the
mut'cr made public , However. Ho is still
nursing a litack-oyu and says ho don't ' euro to
time nny moro noctuniul strolls la Omaha
with city chaps.
\Viuit to < io to MlniieaiinlU.
"Men who want to go as delegates to the
national convention nt Minneapolis , arc get
ting pretty plentiful over the state of No-
brnsKu , " anid a well known politician today
to a Urn reporter. "I Unovv of s oral who
uro after the election on tno keen run. There
nro Colonel K. D. Webster nf Strutton , Loran
Clarl : , John L. V.'ebuer of Oiiiuhu , U. 1) .
KicliurJs of Fmnom , W. II. Noodbam of
Kr.ox county , H. P. Shumwny , Colonel W. H.
Kotchom of Crawford , Judge Isbam Kiwis
of Fulls City , Geor.0 A. Uroo'ts of Knox
county , Mark M. Neovcs ami George \V.
Heist of Hldnov , and others , who nio
laying wires to peciiro their election ns dele
gates to the national convention1
l I/IM : u iy ,
Funeral aorvieoi over the icmalas of tlio
lute IC/ri S. Uoty were observed yesterday
forenoon nt tlit1 residence of ire accoascd ,
2415 lininilton r.tmot. Tl-.eio were some
riiillo rL'innriinnla things about tUlH funeral ,
Tlio deceased wa 7) ) years , six month i nnd
01 o day old nt the tluia of his death nnd loft
a family of cichl children nil living. Hh Eit
sons acted as pall Oenror : . Mr Doty uud
been n resident of Otuutia for about thirto.n
yours. _ _
tt tiavsupurllla is reliable.
V&nllla A Of perfect purity.
Linen -I Of sroat otrongth.
I Bo""omylnthGlru o
Flavor as delicately
RoSDOtCFlavor )
and dellcloualy ao the Trcoh fruit.
TliP Most tlnngproiis ol Modern UK
dourly Iliillnril-riipiiinoiiln mill
Ciuispft II.
Theio has boon a crenl mistake ns to wlml
pneuiiioiila really U I'eoplp , nnd eon s < Jmo
pliysiclunslri\o enllo.l It a dangerous dltnisc
Pneumonia is ! ih\n.v * rui nfler vlToet. If Urn
systum Is run down , weakened , dohllltiitcd , If
thcllfolsnt n low ebb , the tun a may (111 ( uu
nnd the person die suddenly , nnd U li called
piuiitnonln. No man or woman PA or Mini of
pneumonia when the Iniily was Htrong , vl oi
ousand healthy. It comet upon nun t > licn
ttoalipnod by grip , by n sexero cod or oxer-
work nnd a penomlly woiiKonod condition
Such being the oiso how can tills dreadful
trouble Icnrmi us pneumonia bo prevented or
uarncd off ? Manifestly , by strcnxthenlni ;
nnd fortifying the body by Inn In t ll.o health
and stronjith ( .oseoiiro pneumonia will
not itltnek , or If It should , oan onslly be
wiirdetl on" . This can bo < ! ono by carofuf llv-
Itic , oaiernl diet and n modpr.ito use of u pure
MJimilnnt. Tjirimtlv assist nature a Mitnn-
l.inl Is reciiilri' < l , oini'tlilni that adds to the
llfu uiul vlaor. NolliInK for tills purpose can
ctiii'il pure xvb'.skov , nnd Itshoiild bo borne In
ininil tlmt the only puroiind tnodloliuil wills-
kov which him received the iinquiilllllod n-
lorseini'iit of physicians nnd jclontNH Is
DulTy's Pure Mult. It Is nn oidlnary whlslioy.
buUioHM'sJiM nroiH'riloa known to no other
mtli-lc. it wllluireotlvelv wiirrt oirinieiiinonla
and Ins saved the \osof I thousiinds of | u-o-
iiln. Itxlmillil boremeinlieiod , however , that
it sthoonly whisky which uiiu accomplish
thin. Mini liny KiocururdriiiiMst who oiinks to
Kinvinco you to tlio contrary Is duculvlnii.
Insist upon having Huily'i 1'uro Mult.
\ .
iHcnloi'iiIli niul llnrncr Streets
Three Nights and Saturday Miitlnee.
| MARCH 24 , 25 anil 26
Aiiillivrromiinnrof plajrers In ropertolro :
Thiirsdny-MAUV STl'AUT.
Fcnlo of 1'rlccs. lnrquot nnil rlrcilc. SI.AOt Imt
oonjr. Hist I row * , H UU : hulc.lli ) , lint 5 rows. Tie ,
renr linlconr , Wo. 1nllorj25a Ilex Sl.eots now
ur.iNNiNG : oUrlUAi.MAliud L\ \
MntlneeVednosdny , March 0
The Original C'ump my , Sceni'ry , Costunip * ,
and Properties. Nothing missing. Direct
from thu Chicago Opot a house.
r or the Chorus en
For Uio Ballot. . OU
ccnury. Music , llnllet nnd Cast nncqnnlle I
I'oslthely the laruest and most cumpletu Orz.fnlillon In Amerlc.u
Sent sellliiK
'Ihr eo .NiKht i Ouuiincielnit ThunOay , Mnrcli " 4tli.
NlbboS V'roncli llurlo qtio Co. , In
Women Kntniiitlnv Music. Grot'iiuu
Dniues CUICCOIH Costumes. Iloiulirnl ( ilrli ,
'linn ) C'oninlljin I'ncxrc-l o I pccliilllrs ,
I our Muiits , Coiuau a iu Jiiinl iy Mullneo .March
V7 Iho CriMl Comcilr
14 I'ruttvdltliunil I'linny .MenII
lllO .IWJ KlIlilMlOllllLT3
THE SI TlilliS lAir.ICU-I.
InTJiulr.Marvoloiu Act , Tlio DANCINO DKMM1UN.
- ANL -
15th and Capitol Ave.
N' DAILY 1 10 10 P. M2 =
Wax \\orks Illusions Paintings. I'ull
Orchustu. lllK how for Littui Monciy ,
That's the history of the worthless locks
with small Ucys that some people confuse
with the"YALH. " The genuine "YALE"
lock , like genuine love , laupIis ; at lock
smiths , and stands the world over for
the greatest convenience , the greatest
strength , and tiie greatest security. Be
sure you get the genuine , by being sure
that the word "YALE" Is htamred on
every Key. Sold wherever Injcs sell.
A nov un I Coiiiiluto Trentniant. ( uimUtlnK ft
Suim | ; Horlij , Ointment In Cup * ilin ulto In llor
niirt I'llli. n I'onltlvn I'lirj for llvurmi , Internal
Illln < l if Illuulliu lli'iiliu , Chronic , ItunjiR or
Iluroilltarjr I'llt'i 'Dili llonioilj' liu luvjr bjon
linnwn to fill I. ( I pur lux < l forli , * > n li/ null
Why milMr from till * torrllilo illiiiiiii whri i writ
It'll KuariiiiBO li | ii ) ; tlv ly KWi'ii with ttlut 01 , r
infiinillhi ] mon.'y It not curJl Hjil ainn lur
tira Ktniplo ( ill ir.lnln ) Ixiil l > 7 ICuli i A Co.
Druu UU , riolo A aiuj coriar l tli urij t > onjiii |
Hrocti Ovnali i 'vLi.
B ff& tNSTArTRIiT.TEP. I'lnelcoro
P3H biTx Hi ludrib , ftnii nuvrr reluriu fro
H Sfmu'lpurKO.iioBalrti ' noiuiin | > itur > hui-
fnrun * MllHiMrii of * almplH rerai ny I'rpn brnd-
IrmHnjTUITI.IC.kL'O , T8H& bt. N V Uily
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vesti bued ! trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m , , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASII , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOL.V , Pass. Agent ,
\\llliniit Nutlie
Dr , Dailay , < '
Dentist The r.oudliif { 5
I'txton Ulon
HHIi uul Fir mi Sti \
A lullmtor on intili r f f J > I'jfMii I !
Tn-ih wllnout plaUi or ru
) u > l llmlliliu fur IniJi'i or j'lo .un > n ,
AIIMIluui al raiiuniblH rittvi.ull
C' titn ii lur A Kitlii *