THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. MARCH 23. 1892. SPEOIHL NOTICES , . KOII TIIKSK COLUMNS ADvnnTisKjtr.NTs will tjclskrn mill ! U-.30 p. m. for the crcnlne nod until S.SU | i , m , for tlio morning or Sundnr ( ill lion. , All adtrrllsrmentii In these column * 15 cents a line first Insertion , nnd 10 cent * line thereafter , or II per line prr month. No ndtcrtlvmcnl token for lcf than l' > cents for the flrM Insertion. Terms , rnsli Inmlrnncc. Count about reran worili to the line. Initials. figure * . symbols. etc , ench count n a nor il. All ndtcrllicmcnls must run consecutively Advertiser * by rcnuestlnR n numbered cheek , can JIATO the letter * addressed to n numbered Idler In cnreof Tin : HFK , AIKWCM FO addressed will bo delivered on presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. 'llATKS- l..crtllno nrst time and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less UinnjUc. "A nooKKiki'KU : WITH KIHST "CLAKS CITY JVrcforences wants a position. Address 8 30 , HPO. -A nJMPKTKNT K.NHINKKH WISIIKS f.Xt. iiioynirnt ! | in l rcfercucc * . Jotcpli K. Morrow , ll N , Itth mrrrt M ll _ _ -A 1.AIIV WHO HAS TltAVKI.nil AND spenimdurmfin nnil French , would chaperon a of tun In n llireo montlni1 trip lo Kiirono. or ciilnMndilri'Mll'nKlorlilB Avo. , Wnshlnztonl 1) . C. Itcfcri-nrcs c clinnccl. W1Z7 -YOUN < r KNllI.lHlI I.ADV. KIIUOATKH IN I'nrls HIM ! Iircmlcn , cvmklnir Vrcnch. ( lermnn ninl Itnllnn mioiitlr , ileilrca ponltlon tin coTorncas. loroncc * . Address T IS. thli oDIce. oDIce.MVI32A MVI32A * WANTED--MALE IIEL.P. llATKS 15cn line first llino nnd I0o n linn tlipni' niter. No mlverllaement tnXen tor le < < tlmnS'ic. "l > - W A NTH I ) ] HA I.K8MKN ON SAI.AIIY OH COM O'nilMlontn linndlo Iho now pntpnt clivinlrnl Ink crnrlnitpvnrll. 'Iho crc-nti-M M'lllnit novclljr ever iirodurcils cranes Ink tliorntielily In two n-condi ! no ntirinlon of pnpcr : ! tt ) tn M } nor rent profit ! 0119 nui'iifs falc nnionntcd to tr.ailnMr dnr . nnollicr irain twnliotirn. Wo unnt nno ncncrnl n nt In cncli.i.UiliMiml territory. For IITIIIM nnd full par- llrtilnri nddrtu Monroe llrneur Mfg. Co , l itro c , " Vt'K , A SO > -SALKSMIN : , PAYS WKLL. 401 11W-A ! ' V1IAHNKS8 MAKKUS WANT15D. OOOD Jwngcs paid. K. Mladic , York , Neb , l8Ua ! * . . Jlfor Wyoming on Hie it. A M. It. 1U free trans portation from Omaha. Call at OX ! S. 10th streol. > 01TVCASVASSKU8.SAI.AUV PAID WHKKLY. 'Singer sowing nmchlno olllce , 1510 DouglasstrcoL M487-all ' T > WANTKDI A FIIIST-CLAPS HAUNKHS- , Ay > maker ! good wages nnd a sti'ady Job. Apply nt * onco. i : . II. Wilson , I'lorce , Neb. CT It > -INIHOKTICSOLICITOUS : : WANTKD 321 iy. Life liullillnK. MtWI V > - AOKNTS WANTKD. KXCKI.SIOll I'OUTllAIT 'Co. , Wnru block. 777al8 O-WANTKD.KM'KllT IIOX IIII'SAWYKU ; NONK JJother ncednpply. Kasl Omnlia Uox Factory , Kast Omnhn. 784 B -TWO HAIlMCbS-y.AKKIlS WANTKD. TIIKO. Wldmaler , Cook , Nob. W S3 * TJ WANTKD , PALKHMAN Mill KINK LINK OF JJporfumpry and toilet luxuries on commission. Address Hamilton , llox llgd. l. , N. Y. HUI 2J WANTKD , A ( JOOD COOK. O. W. Itced , ( ireshani , Neb. tui v " ITj-WANTKII , 1MMEIIIATKI.Y. MAN TO III- : JJcelvo InstriirtlntiH , keep books In Council lIlulTr 3 , It. Smith , ttli New Vork Llfu building. 9.1i 22 * - MKN TO TIIAVKL 1'OU OI'll B-iWANTKD . Stone A. Wellington , Madl von. WIs. - ) to IISUU A DAY TO AIJKNTS SKLL1NC B-fl2W our I'orffcltoii nlioo.rcccntly ( pntcuted ) , also the Tnylor mljiinlnblo ulioo. direct lo the consumer ; proIlL f i inn 7Je to ! J.2'i n pair. No competition ; every lady a possible customer this spring. Sccuro your territory at oncu. Address with 2 cent stnmp , CoiiDOlldntcd Adjustable bhoe Co. , l.ynti. MUSH MMU li' T > WANTKD , < UXDSAI.KSMKN ON THE IIOAD J > lo sell iidvertlidnK cnrdx , fans and ctlendars on tcommission illrcct from manufacturers , can maku I IJO.110 per week. Addrcw Ailvcrtlslug specialty Co. , | Iluflnlo , N Y. JW.W at' SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL OUIl GOODS B by sample to the wholesale unit retail trade. 'Ltliernl ' salary and iixpcnses paid , rermniient po- Hltlon. Mtini'y ndvnnccil for wnirt's , ndvcrttslng , "etc. For full particulars nnd reference address Contcnnlnl Jl.'gCo. . , tblcngo. III. Mlt.1 ! ! Zl' T > MOU1.DKKS. COOD MKN Poll JOII WO UK. J'Coopor Kndlator Co. , Lincoln , Neb. MM8 K * B-WANTED , 2 COOD COAT MAKKIIS C. ArOh ; Crete , N b. MOIJ37' JIAKKItS FOll J'wholcsnlo mnniifnctui'lng. . Address St. Paul Harness company , bt. Paul , Minn. " M'JIl 28 * B-WANTED , PAHTNK1I , Li\DY ' 'Oil OKNT , must have from three to flvo hundred ilollnra cash ; also two Inlenled amateurs ( goutx ) tenor and barltouo voices , must read music. Correspond , Ktrlctly cosjftitmllal. llnro cliance. Address C. U Mattlnnd , truinout , Nob. ! > WANTK1) , ( ! OOD OFFICE MAN TO GO OUT .I > of tbo city ; ono with knowledge of stenography nud typewriting profcrreii ; references required. < C'alt bvluceii 10 and 12 today , Uoom 15 , Continental lilock. MU45 UN WANTED-FEMALE HELP. " 11ATK8 ISo a line first tlmo nud lOo n line there after. Nondvertlsemcnt taUeu for lo ss than''c y-1 WANTKll , A GOOD GI11L FOll GENEUAL ' .v . house vrurk ; German prefeircd- Inquire 2431 Dodge. 1114 1-WANTUD. ( HULTHATCANDOCiOODl'LAIN /cooklnu wltcro second "Irl Is kept. ( Jood wnecs. " " .OCIISt St. bl C-WANTED , GIHL FOll GENKltAL HOUSK- work. Mrs. G. W. Looiuis , 1011 bo , 3Uth nn-niio. M'tS CiWO.MAX COOK WANTED ; MUST 1IAVK sumo etperlenco tn hotel cooking. Address Hotel , Urosliam , Neb. MbdJa * I-WANTKD , CIHL , UKNKUAL woitic , 817 b. 1'Jth si. 105 U' -COMl'KTHST O1HL FOH ( iHNlMlAL IIOUHK- H4XI Sherman nvemic. Wl C-WANTKD G1HUJJOS 1ILONDO bT.j MUST como iccouiracndcd. 027 t'i' fWANTKD , ( iOUD WOMAN COOIC FOll SMALL V/hotcl In the country , II day or tU month , Onmlm ICmployment Dun-nu , 111) ) N. ivth. M9.8) r > * FOK BENT-HOUSES. l IIOOM FLAT , " 4I I.UAVKNWOUTH ST. 757nr.5 - AND Al'AUTMHNTrilN 1IKST HF.SI- D deuce block In city. Slli S. ? .M street. Tel. MltU - LAUCIK LIST OF HOUSKS. HTOHKS , FLATS D etc. ; , If3 and up. I'nul , 17 Hoard of Trade SI3 A & T\-Itr.IIKNCK FLATS , UAND7HOOM8 , WITH J-'bath , convenient to buelmss , unly f'JU. Muad Invt. Co. , 443 lleo bulldlu" . MSU7 VT-FOU HUNT. II I NICK NKWI.Y FUHNISHKD 'rooms , f'.M N , 1'Jth , Ilrenimn tints. V\-l'tl | IIKNT , HOUSES , t7.U ) I'KH MONTH AND J.-'tipwarils. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1103 Fnruani t. _ T\-I'U.KIANT 12-HOOM FUUNISHKD IIDUdK ,1'all MHHlern , near llronnell hiilljtlOOUU per mo , C. 1' , Harrison , I1 1' ' N. V. Life. 010 n4 ! D-FOH HUNT , HOUSF. I.14T N. 1JTII ST. , 1) ) UCMM- > , Imlli , i'lc. , Wl per month. K II. Woodrovr , Neb , Nat. bank hullUli'ii. | > 4S T\-FOH HUNT. A1IOVKNOS.6J4 AND ( M SOUTH .I ICth utrcot , u-room tint , every modern convciv lonri' , Incliidluu lurt-o kili'hvn iniiuo. Appl ) Wind- tor , Kurrys \ Co. , SIU N , V , 1.1 fo bldic. M7K4 T\ KIll lIKjTr.TWO IjlilHIM1 TToiJHKd. VKHV J-'best location , all modern Impruvuiuent. In qitlroof the llyrou Hoed Co-'l2S. 14th street MISC 2.1' krv-i'ou IIKNT , Tin : IIKKD HKSIDKNCI : , MTH J-'nnil Dodge , Fourteen rooms , all modern Im- | irovcmoiit > , barn , Ice hon o and larnu yard. In qulro of thu llyron llecd Co. , VI2 H. Nth street. .MUH 23 * nvmoi : . tus a IITH AVK. . UK 'lnccn Jockson nnd Lcnvcunortu BIS. .M3W 2J * \ MAY 1ST. tiKVKN HOOM nni'AUK cnw /trails' located. Inqulrw111 N. luili street. RENT--FUBNISHED ROOMS. -lJcu line llrsl time and lltf ) u Hue tbero- nller , Nniuln-rtlst'iiujnt taken for IPM * thnn o. 1 j FOH HKNT , ) N K l.AUU ifTltONT'oiTTWO .l-itiuck fntulshed or unfurnUhiul rooms , ft ! bouth 5tU alreet , btx ! 1TWO XUHN1HHKD HTKASI HKATKD FIUINT Ijrooius ciitullti , KM , 1611 I avonnorlli it. TfFOH IIKNT. FIIUNIMIIKDOU UNFl'UMSKKD Jjroonu , modern convt-nleni'c , vn .V , lltli si. 7SI 23 * _ If Fl'HNIMIKD AND CNFUHMSllKD "mOJt7 Jjulutilo or euiulte , modern com cnluncus. .110 80. Will street. M7ui 25 * 17-FUUNISIIKD IIOOM. SIOIIKH.N llOUSb' . Jvhcat , eas , eta , " 017 Hurneynt. | -CHKAt' , KLKHANTLY VDUX1SIIKD I'llONT Jjrcom foroooortwuKCiitlcuien. Dunn , llx'JH s , Illli , J.FWINISIU' ! ) HOOMH roil tin.NTLKMKN ; Jrcforciu-e required. CUN , 1Mb. M'JW w PUKNIBUED ROOMS AND BOARD. lluurit tluion.l tto n ll . lluf. -dviittlwmeut tnk n for lu than iio. ? -TKHV MUlllAtilVK FlltlSTND8KCOND . ttoor.oontliaiiduiut , furulshoU roouii at "The l'r mur-1 lltt No. Utli strvet. M7b-t7 | * I'lKASANT VUUDt ) ; < BOARDINQ. BOARDING. H-1'Ul.LMAN HOL'SK , 1.110 DO1H1K , rail (1OOD bosrd. nicer room * , convrnlDncns. rated anil lo- lion It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor FOK RENT STORES AND OFFIOE3. llATKSISca line nrsl tlmo nnd lOe a line there niter. No advertisement Inkon for less than 23c * I roll HKNT.THK 4-HTOHY IlltICK Ill'lLDINU , IpIO Knrnnn street Tlio building has n fireproof cement basement , complete uteam-henllng Ililnres , water on all the floor ) , gas , etc , Apply at the onieo of Tlio lice. H8 f 8U1TAHLK mm.DlNn.S VOIt MAMJFAfTini- J Ing purposes nt Kckormann I'ltce , good nuglno nnd boiler , $13 per month. C. V. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life. JWJal 1-FOIt IIKNT , IN IlKST HKTAIL LOCATION IN J-Omaha , entire second floor or deparlmenls In ( ioldcn Kaglo Shoo More. 114 a mill st. Ml " FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. IlATK3-lVc ! n line llr t llm * nnd lOo n line there. niter. No vdvcrtl i < mcnt taken for lcs than a' > o. "iTMUUHAY. Ml J -UIHCK YAKUS FOll HUNT. T. MUHHAY.M6M I-KAIIMH ( Oil UKNT. II. T. CI.AUK. tl TOInlJ i -w ACIIKS OF tioon LAND roit IIKNT KOII J onpor more ycnr , t iiter of Ilownril coiintr. Neb. . 740 acre uixlor fpnoa. nOncroi nnilor plow , 2 IIOIIHIM nnd pli'ntr of riinnlnit wnti'r. For tnrtliiT Kirtlculnrs cnll upon or mUtruns W. II. TnjrlurJtt \ \ iirncy iilrcet. Ouinlin. ( M 8J * -j Ktlll'ItKNT , TAUT OK OUIl FIVK-STOIIV * ' brick wnrohon-et Kuod clornlor nnd Irnck fncll * Itlcx. OnmlmVarciiouio , V 8tornxo Co. , UW-15 } A > n cnwurth sit. T.T. ' 31 WANTED-TO KENT. IlATKS-'lto n line tlrnt line nnit lOon line tlipro- after. No ndvcrtHcmcnt taken for le.H tlmnZJa TCWANT TO IIKNT Oil I.KASK , A SIODKltN cottage. J. Henry Wood , box 774 , city. 711-31 * K-WANTii : > , TO IIKNT , AN UIMIU1HT 1'IANOJ Mill bo cnrufully token care of. Addrexi S4I4 Spnuldlng street. K-WANTKD. A 7 OU tl ItOOM HOUSK. FUIl- nlshed complete ; oentrnlly locntod. Apply. W. K A Co./.TON. Y. l.lfu llulldlng. MfilS 31 * K THIIKK IINFUHNISIIKD ItOO.MS IIY YUNt couple without children. Not for housekeep ing. Address Til , nee. U04 a UENTAL AGENCIES. llATKS 15e a line tlrst llmo nnd lOcnllne tlicre- nftur. No advertisement tnkcn for less thnulUc. -K. C. UAKVIN ti CO. , * H SHKULY 11 LUCK -I 601 F --STAII LOAN AND TIIUST CO. HKNTAL DK- JLJimrtmcnl. M'.i-nl | | STORAGE. HATICS 15o n Una tlrst lime and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn Me M-OI . CIIKAl'KtiT AND UlWr STOIIAOK hou so In thu city. Williams & Crossl3ll Harncy. M -CLKAN , DIIY AND IMHVATKLY 8TO1IKD furnlturo. Heating stoves stored over summer. 13)7 ) Douglas st. Omaha Move Hepulr works. Oil HKhT STOIIAO K IN CITY. OMAHA VVAIti ? houso.t Storngn Co. , l'JI.1-15 Leavenworth at Household mid other goods stored nnd cared for Low rules. I'rtvntunpnrtments If desired. l'liono4IU 710 31 WANTED-TO BUY. llATKSIta n line llrst time nnd I'Jc n linn thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. \T KlJliN IT U UK lUUGiriBOLI > T STO11KD. 1 > Well. , 1111 Fnrnnm sU bSS TVT WANTKD TO I1UY , KIC1IT Oil TKN IIOOM * -L house with modern Improvements , and good sized lot , located wlthlu onu mile of the postolllrc. htnto price , size of housu nud lot and full partlcu- Inrn by ndtlrcislui : S 47 lice otllco. 712 T-l WANT TO UUY A OOOD I1OHSK FOH LIIJIIT I driving ; must bo very cheap. Address S 45. Hoe. 710 NWANTKDTOIIUY.CASI1 IlEGISTEIl. ANTON P. Dnrornk , Uurwcll , ( inrHelil Co . Neb. 7S.I 80 * N' WANTED. MDA WATKIl OUTFIT , WITH CA- paclty of atM > ut tlfty cnscu day ; must bo cheap and In good condition. Address T 10 , this otilco. S'.H ! 23 \T-WANTKI ) . CO'lTAGK. WE HAVE SKVKIIAI , -L > cnsh custoifiers for modern I ! or 7 mom cottage , pleasant surroundings , nt fioin iJ'M to St.lXU Mdellly Trust Co.,11114 Faninm. US1 28 FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. J-KOH SALK. 1IOIISKS AND MULKS , CHKAI' . Fidelity Oil Co. . S SUtli : md U.I' . Hr. 04. 2s P-FOU SALE , A LOT Of CAItltlAGES , SUHHEYS J and buggies at your own prlco ; ulso single har ness. Hdcllty Loan ( iiiurnnico Co. , room I , Wllli- neil building. 717 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. ltATiS-10o a Hue llrst tlmo and lOo u line thcr ? nftcr. No advertisement taken for less thnn ' 'Jc' Q FINE UPHIGHT PIANO , 8TANDAHD MAKE , used only u few months , nt a sacrifice. 2IU2 Cnlil- well st. fit Q-FOlt SALE , TWO HILLIAUD AND POOL tnblcH with cues , balls , racks ; good order ; (75.UO ench. Dull Green , Darker block. M-6II ! Q A TKN HO11ME POWKIt. VAN DUZKN GAS nnd gasoline engine with connections tn perfect order , for sale at less than half cost. Used only two ycnrs. Address Pokrok Kapudu Print Co. , Omaha , Neb. , 7IS- ' . ' . ; Q -FOH SALE. NEW COUNTEU AND SHOW ! case , cheap. 11117 Capitol uvemie. M7M 35' Q-FOH SALE AT A 1IAIIGAIN. SET OF HOOT nnd shoe shelving , It Is In good nlmpe. Call at ItlSllnrnoy street. VL'j Q I-FANCV I'lREONP , FOH SALB CIlKAl1. 1 > . I' Miller , 1UU Howard street , Omaha. Neb.JI'JS JI'JS ' ) 25 MISCELLANEOUS. HA'rr.S-l.'xi n line llrst tlmo am ! lOc n line there after. No ndvertlsemont taken for loss than 2Jc. R-CANADIAN K. Farnaui al. upslulrs , male nnd female help : orders by ninll promptly ulUmilod to. Reference : Omaha National bank , Tel. 834. TIU-M 'JJ 1) HAMILTON DUOS. CAIU'KNTKH.S AND JXbulldcrs. All kinds Jobbing ; 114 S. nth. Tel. lirj. " 1J HAV roil HAM ! . TIIK STANDAUD CATTK Lvro , oiler 1.000 tons selected , barn mured hay for sulion traclc , Auics , Nebraska. Ij-COT.NKH UNIVKHS1TV : T\VKLVK DIIJ-AHT- -LVmcnts : siirumer luurnhu sessions , July 5. K. D. Harris , Lincoln , Neb. 'Ml ' K' CLAIRVOYANTS. llATKH-lic a line llrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than i'lo. " " M AIIAMK"FiTir / . aii CUMING aritKilTl clairvoyant uml trance luedlnm ; lndepi > iulent voices ; tulli past nud futiiru. ; ; | SU ! ' NANNIK V. WAHHKN , Orelliiblo buhlne.ia iiiedltim , tlltU your at IU N. ICtl- S AUItlVAL KVrilAOHDLVAIlV. WONDKHKUL revelations. Challunxcs the norld. Mrs. Dr. M , Ix'uruve , dead trance clairvoyant , ustroloulal , palmist and llio reader ; lolls your llfu irum thu cradle to crave ; unites llio separated ; causes mar. rlnge with thu onu you love ; tolls where you will nu-iceil nud tn what luulneji best Adapted ; has Iho ci'lehruled C yptlan breastplate for luck und to destroy bad Intluencu * : cures Ills , Intenipuranco and till prlvato coniplnlnls with masiagu , baths and nlconol treatment. Send ll , lock of hair , nauiii nnd ditto of blrlli and receive cccurate llfu chart ; It cents In stamps for circular ; iilvu Initials ot one > ou will marry ; alio photos of same , OUico WOT boutli Illh street , tlrst floor ; hourrsi - m to U p. m. Como mm , ciuuo all. and bu ujuvlncnd of this woudcrlul oiaclH. MWI ! MA8SAOE , BATHS , ETC , IlATKS-lSo a line llrst time and Ida line them. after , No advertUument taken for less than " 5a T siKHitiLAS room 7W Uoor. Alcohol , sulubuf uud tua bulhs. THEATJIKNT. KLKCTHO-THKH- inal bntlis. scalp and balr iruatiucnt. manicure purttlilroportleu Mrj.l'oiit.aU'WS. l6lb\VUiuell ) hlk. ] ; ) _ ' 'P-MADAMKLA IHIK , AlASSAt'iK. 4PI SOUTH Xlitb street , 'ril floor , Hat 4 , astlstant. MI45-"a * ri'MISS EIOWKT MASSKUSr ! KLKOTIUCIAN 1 Sti HaniBH block , MUJO-2J' PERSONALS. U-M , M. I'AHIIIsH. VXIItMKULY OF DKNVKH. pUano ciiu your aiIUri * lo A. ! ' Jluiultlne , box 1113. Dourer , Col 8/J r ' IT-IT JOIIN AltCHHIALD WILL COMMUM- U Hutiler , Omaha , lie Trill Irarn oiuetliliiic lo liU ailfshtuao. 11111521 * U-1NTOUMATIO.V WANTKD Or1 JOHN LKH , foriucrly of I ntforil. Irelanil. ilrr soodssales' nmu , now mii > | io > eil lo be llvlnu In Nebraska City , Nt-o. , lieltlit t fcut'lliicliet , black lialr , dark brown u > e .lnillneil to sloop or rouiul shouldered , now about 4J yearn of uuo. Aur Informutlou would bo uratofulljr rorelvm or tils frleuili. Jobu Caberljr , Fort Wn hnkle , Wyo. , or Daulel lluylies , tilt ) Kast U'Jlh itrcet , New Votk fltr. U9IU it * .MUSIC , AllT AND L.ANQUAQE. Vwlll K CKI.LKNIIKCK , 1IANJO \wlll llospe. or 018 N. Iblb it Ull \r-UKtOHK UUVINl ) A I'LANO KXAMINIi THK V ucw si-ale Uluiball piano. A Uoipo , 1(13 Douglas. \r- roil bAl.K , C1IKAI' Hill CAB1I , A KINK uprixlit plnDp , naarlr nowumt tuuduj ui v lacturu , AJdrt0 3J. lieu ulUco , 4 l MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. _ IlATKB-l.V : line nrst tlrno and lOo line trjcrs after. No dTcrtl ement l kcn for IBM * " \v r-CENTUAL LOAN A THU3T CO. 1IKK TJLDH. ' sat \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'HOVKD CITY property , low rate. A. 15 Frost , DouKlas blk.P93 P93 \\r llKALKSTATK LOANS , II TO 7 I'KH CKNT ! i no nddlllonal chargas for commission or attor ney's fees. W. H. Molklo , First National bank bldg , WO \\r-COATKS , ICH FAltNAM. KASTKIIN MONKY M PDI \\r-LOANS.O. 0. WA1.LACK , 311 IIHOW.V Ilt.K. I ' fcfl \\r-UIIL , KKALKSTATKLOANS.3I3 IH3B HLD'O l > 130 \\r-MOXKV TO LOAN ON IMl'llOVKI ) OMAHA ' ' properly : building loans n specialty. Hrcnuan A Co. , Karbarh block. M709 M84 \ir--TxMNSON IMI'HOVKD AND ttNlMI'HOVKD city proporly.fn.uui ) nnd upwards 8 lo Ipercent. No delay * . W.Fnrnam Smith A Co.loth Btiilllarnoy. _ _ _ _ _ SJJ \\r-l-HlVATI5 MONKY. FIH8T AND HKCONI ) uiortunuo loans , low rates. Alex. Moore. 401 lice building 31738 \\r APPLY TO j. u ix > vr.Tr von CHIAI > i > money ; only llrst class security , 2f ) 3. lUlli. \\T MONKY TO LOAN ON HKAL KSTXTK. THK O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Fnrnam BU Ml \ V0. . W. HAINKY , SIS OMAHA NAT. UK. ULDll. 'I Cltviuuitgagus , Lowest rales. Money on hand. \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKK3 IOAN3 ' ' on real cslalenl lowest market rales. Loans made In small or largo sum nud for short or long tlmo No commission Is charged , nnd tlio loans are not told In the cast , hut can always bo found nt the bunk on the corner of Ulh aud Douglas streets 7KI _ "Wr-LOAXiW.M. HA11H18 , It. W , FllKNXKIl IJI.K. Vlf-ANTIIONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO. , 318 N. Y. i' Life , lend nt low nites for choice security on Nebraska or lown farms or Omahn city property. property.63J 63J \V "MONKY/MONKY. MONKY. JIOO.OIW TO IXJAN ' In sums of UiM to fS.OOO on Improved or niilm- proved rosldoncu business properly In Iho city of Omaha. No ilelny In closing loans as money Is on hand. No dealing with ensti'rn parties , nil business transncled heroiind Interest pnynblo hero nnd not In the ea t , also mnko building loans on moat favorable terms. " Fidelity Trust Co. , 1014 Farnam. IW ) MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. KATKS ISon Hue llrnt lime nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnu 23c. X - > O YOU WANT MONKY ? If so do not fall lo get our rnttu bcfora tor- rOKlng. We innke lonrn , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , horses , vrauons , etc. , nt tlio low est possible rnte. Thorn Is no unnecessary delay , but you got Hid money on Iho same day you aiX for It. Wo will carry the loan ns Ions ns you doslro , Ktvltm you thp privilege of paying It In full or In part nt any lima lo suit your convenience , and any pnrt paid reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proporllou to tbo nmount paid. Them am no charhcB of any kind ioba palu In advance , but yon get the full nmount of tbo loan. Our offices nro centrally located nnd are so ar- rnnped that parties cnlllug on us cnn be wntied ou quickly nnd courteously. If you hnve a loan with other parties , or have botiKlit n piano or other ftirnlluro on lime nnd llbil Iho pnymcnls 11 lltllo larger thnn you cnn moot conveniently , we will pay It for you nnd carry tlio loan ns lonx ns you desire. It will be to yoiirndvantane to BOB us before so- curluir a lonn. OMAHA MOIITOAGK JOAN CO. . lloom II , Orelitbtoii lllock. south of 1'ostollloo. V MONEY TO LOAN. FIDELITY 1X3AN GUAIIANTEB CO. On hoiisobold goods , pianos , organs , horses , mule * , wagons , cte , at the lowest posutblo rates without pnbllclly , removal of property or change of posacaMon Tlmu arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can be made at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus civ Ing patrons all the benefits of the partial payment plan. . Cnll nnd see us when you want n loan. Money nlwnjs on Imnil ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; bublness confidential. , FIDUUTY LOAN UUAUAN'l'KK ' CO. . U. F Masters' old stand , U. 4 , Wllhacll blk , 15th nnil llnrney. MI5 S X-WIljti LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OP security ; strictly cuulldcntlal. A. V , Hnrrls , room 1 , Continental block , ,05 X -llOU'T riUTCHAUD , ' It. 3 , _ -\VIIKN YOU WANT A CUATTIU. I/AN SEK X W. It. Davis , room 21) , Continental bloclc. ' . * XX X - MONEY I/JANED ON FUIINITUUE , HOUSES , , pianos , otc. Fred Terry , 11. 43.1 , llaiugc. JIO X MONEY TO LOAN , 30. IS. M ) DAYS ON FUUNI- luro. live stock , etc. Duff Green , removed lo Uoom Sand'J. Darker blk IS3 X MONEY ON IJONDS , STOCKS , WAHHANTS personal property.U'nyueAIlalloyIt.W. WUM31- V-JIU,000'10LOANFUOM flO.OO UP ON FUIIN1- Vture. horses or nny good security. Ixiwe&t rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , Ulu Douglas street. M'.UI A23 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES I5o n line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. Js'o advertisement taken for less tlmn25c. Y -1JUY THE COMMEUCIAU TUB LEADING hotel nt llrokcn How , Neb. No land In trade. 911 V EOH BALK , A CIGAIl MANUFACTOUY AND 1 tobacco store of twenty-one > ears' standing , on account of old agu. Inquire of U , Arndt , lllnlr. Nob. M12I a3 * Y'-FOIl SALE , MY IIATHING IlESOUT AT Lake Mnnawa. Address J. J. Muloivncy , Hebron , Neb. Wi V KI.OUItlM ] MILL FOH SALE. THE 8TEA3I X power Hourlng mill , wllh a caiuclty of 123 bbls. per day. of nil modarji Improvements , built 'J yearn ago with the expense of f ll.OOJ.OU , In Prnguo , Suundcrit Co. . Neb. , Is ottered for sale ou easy terms. For further particulars nddross Knspnr llros. , Prague , Snundors Co. , Neb. MID7 a8 Y THE MUNSO * TYPKWIllTKll IS THK 1IKST. Machines for snlo or rent. T. 11. Smith , 17 Board of Trndo , OniHha. 1I6J1 aU -FOH BALK , HOTEU SHEPHKHD HOUSE , AT Ansley , Custer comity. Neb. Two-story frame building , about 24xliM. with ( ; oed barn ; 2 I sleeping rooms ; hotel well furnished. Apply lo Dr. J. S. Thomas , Wood lUver , Neb. 474 XI' V-FOIt SALE , 1IU1CK VAltl ) . ADDUKSS 9124 HamlltQii street. 723 23 * V Gboi > WHKAT COUNTUY. NO MILL NEAll J us. bteam llourlng wanted. Address , Flour Mill Com. , Portland , Nob. G7t > 23 Y DltL'G STOHK FOll SALE , bTOGK t't.W ) , Es tablished 9 > cars. and doing good business. Ad dress or call on "U , " room 331 , Onmlm Nnt'l bank building. 7&3 " 5 * Y HH.SALE GOOD PAYING FEEDWJMNKSH , cheap If taken thin month. Proprietors III health reason for soiling. Cnll IJtt Military are. M8M-3 * V toil BALK , CONTHMPLATING THE A1IAN I. donlng our present brick ) nrd location and plat ting the ground , no otter for sale all of ourilx- tttres , foiiklatlng of about 70.0UO pallets , 9 drying hliuds , uliuntllXJ feel kiln sheds , a number of clay grinders , clay , carls nnd other articles too numer ous to mention used lu manufacturing brick. Dalloy A Dlson. Unittlm , Nel ) . MSI' ) Jii * V--BIKAT MAHKKT FOH SALK IN ONEOPTHE -L most thriving towns of Nebraska. Address Hol ler A Liver Cobutchers' supplies , J'J7 Howunl st , Onmlm , Neb. MSM ! U V FOH BALE , IllllCKYAUD AND GOOD WILL ; everything complete , puis well , only yard In vl- olnlty , W , II. O.iks , bllverClty , In. M8'72C' \ ' WANTISD. PHYSICIAN ; GHADUATE OF "regular" school , No "kids" or "bums" wanted. To good phjulclun and u gentleman canguarnn- tee. u good practice , Address , with full particulars , II. C. S. , rare Hlchurd jon Drug Co. , Onmlm. JIOII 2I > FOR EXCHANGE. HATKS lie n line tlrst tlmo and lOe a line there ; ufter. No nduirllsuiiienl taken for less than Zicj V A .MANUFAarUltrNG CONFM-rioNuTTYAND leo cream builuess fur roul cstato and cash. K. \Valrous , lleatrlcu. Neb. M751 ! ! y-FOUKXCJIANGK. A STOCK OF HAHDWAHE / forclenr Ncbraika land. U. A. Watrpni. Ili-nt- rlce , Nou. y-IF-YOUHAVK AGOODUPHIflHT PIANO TO /-/truile for lot 40 , block 1 , Armour Place , boutli Omaha ; rlaar of all Inciiuibranco. Addreo N il , lieu oltlcu. MiU rWANTKD , TO THADE FAUM J.AND AND /Jclty lots tor an Interest In a bunlueao Hint will glvo uiu a position. Address T 13 , lieu oiUee.M'JIJ M'JIJ 34 V-CLKAN STOCK OF GENKIIAL M'D'SK ; WILL A/taku loul esluletmoncy , llorrJJ.Frnnktort , Ind. UU 'V/-FOH THADK , A CLEAN STOCK OK41 ENKItAL /Jiucrcbandlso for land * uudcasb. Address U. W. Walklni \ Co. , Frankfort , I nil. 11313 . ' . rA GOOD b-UOOM 1IO11SK IN LINCOLN TO /Jtindo for boots ami shoo or ceneral stock. "Wrlta amount of utock. Ixjck box 14 , Hebron , Nob. MIU4 /-SJO ACHES CHOICE NKHHASKA LAND FUJI /Jnidie , Write quick. Lock box 5 , Wahoo. Neb. M937 J3' PAWN BROKERS. K MAHfl , 11KMOVKO TO 107 a UTII ST. UTI Ali' S.HNVDKK'S 1X3AN OITICB. IMO UODtiK ST. . 1IVIJ 31 * UISD X10I1LK , omCK 1511 FAUNA it 81' . HATES I5c a Una nrst time and IDo n llnotlinro Bflcr. No d trllimentm\kn for l s § than tip r\AHiti-A \ ! imjii OLD ( r V- room 30 Ilarkor Mock , Orrtsha. 1 ? S. HUltllANK , K.XI'BHT WATCHMAKKH , 5.1511 DodKoslrcm. The Amprlcan Wntch maker br mall 10 cents n copr. MSS ) a ; * PHESJMAKINQ.s s E NOAdEMKNTS TO 1K > DltKSS MAKINll IN fainlllcs solicited. MI "SttinIr , Sy ) S , Wlh st , FOR 3ALERBAL ESTATE. llATKS ISc line fl rt tltrio ami lOa n line tlioro after. No ndvertl'cmcntjakcn for less tlinntV ) I poll SALK. 5-HOOM CotTAtJK ( ONI.VI SITU nlpd 1614 liaril street Cnll on A. Hope | r. 470 FOll SALK. KKHHASKA FATIM I.AXD3. (1. U. Wallace , 312 Drown block , Ititu nnd Douglas. PIS 1OU HALKOU HKNT--8o i > rat-tloslrablo medium -L sired nnd smalt houses cheap onj on cair terms. W , . ' 1. Mlllnrd. at Omaha Nat. bank. I * * ) | ? OK SALK -H-K COHNIIll I7lh. DOIICAS , S1HX L ISS. 3 collates , slablo for 0 horses , can be divided ntoSloli , Inunlro nl premises US ! U * 171VK ACHK IAJT. ) ADJOININH TIIK TOWN Of Jlllnlr , Neb. ; iiood land. 11.V. . Mcllrldo. III.A..V iroil SALK , 1IOMKS. ANY 1'HICK. I7SO , | l"aj Ul Jenirterun ! take clear property n tlrst payment G U. Wallace , llronn block , 10th and DouRlas. M ODKIIN iu DOOM tiotmi : , mcsiiuiii.K I.OCA- lloui barKnln for cash. Aildrcn S 41. lire. _ _ t < M7M W I/oft 8AI.K-SI5VKNTKHN THOUSAND ACIIKS * - imlinproTCJ lands In tlownnl , Sherman , Urcolvy nnd Vnlloy countlt'fl , Xtibrnskn , on vvty llbcrnl trrrpn , on deferred pnympnto , 0 tier cent Interon. Address I ) , llcnilck , I * . O. tiox'JJUl l.os AiiRolc , Ciil. in nli 1VT " COIINKH MTI1 AND IIICICOIIV , MX 15 -L .feett n hfirunln for n few days only. t' . K. Dnr liny , Darker Mock. PI4 KOUNT/.rt 1'LACK. IIAURAINH , NINK-IIOOM lioimo on Witt. HMi ; : ! ! . cash. Klegant liomo oil IMnknoy. 1MM ; KM cnsli , balance MM per month ; otficr tine liuinca ; would consider some tritde. ,1. J. dlbson. Crcluliton block MT.UMU * I70H 8A1.U AT A ItAHOAIN 1/1P ti , III.Ol'KI , iV. . 1Selby'a llrst nddltlon lo uouth Omnlit Small payment down , bnlnnro mnntlily If UeMrmt Inquire U , II. Tisclinck , Uumtia lieu. Sit of fruit , limber and runnltm wnlor. Also for snlo oroxclianeo for peed lands or city property , n brick pork packing bouse nnd fixtures In Hebron , Thuyur county , near II. & M , ilupot. For particulars In quire of nuy rent estate ntiont In Hebron. 633 F01tSALKONK14-IIOOM HOTKI , AND THIIKB lots , well located ; pnrt cnsb , balance on tlmo. Address lock box \VIUonvlllo , Neb. M151 24 F Oll BAli-ON : MONTHLY 1'AYMKNTS , HO houses & lots. The O.F , Davis Co.liOJ Karnam st. JVMI SALK HALCYON HKIOUT3. Acres , half acres and lots nn electric motor road. Also hou < cs and lots In Halcyon Heights OMAHA'S 11KAUTH-UL 8UIIUIUI , Only thirty minutes ride from center of city. Easy payments , low rnto of Interest. Now Is the lluic lo secure n borne. William II. Crary. 205 New York Life Kldg. M8M-AI9 IfOft SALi : HALF ACIli : AND COTTAOK. WKST J of Fort Omaha. A line location fora chicken much , A. I' . Tukcy. MUl'J-24 ONMOUTH I'AIIK HAS TUB MOTOH. C1TY wnicr. graded streets. Jldcwaik , fchool , beauti ful location everthing itoj make ll attractive. For lots or homes In 1lis.beautiful | addition on easy terms sec O. U Wnlliyeoi trustee. 3I2 Brown Ulocli. Ilith and Douglas. , . M'.U't LOST. ! HATES 13cn line llrst limp nud lOe a line thereat tor. No advurllsemcnt lateen for le.'s tha LOST-MALTKSnCATltK-l.'UltN , TO 1121 DOW ; laa st , 2d Moor , and get rewpnl IWJ 21 * LOST IN SOUTH OMAII'A MAIICH 21. gold walcb. monoKrnm M. J > . U. Itolurn t N. 17th street nnd receive r wprd M9CSS HAIR QOODS. HATES 15o a line first thnc nnrt lOc n line them nftcr. Nondvertlsemcnt tnxcn for loss than 25c f AltOKST STOCK IN KSTIIIK WKST"THi.VT- . -LJrlcal wigs nnd hcnrds a.Specialty. Wigs. ImuzH switches , hair chains , etc. . fccn I for cat.logu o Moll orders solicited. Davlos.JIl S , IJtlcst. onah , u . 1 . . flirt CUTLEHY GRINDING ; . CI D YOUIl SCISSOU9 , ' IIAXOIIS. iTO. : , TO IIK Otirounq lo Undtfrlatid X Co. . IU.I . S , 1 4th st Ola ev REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IBESTIN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATII , 1607 FBrmm Street , Omaha. Neb. SYRINGE It Is with this SyrlttRO ouly that yon nro sure of itttalnltiK yonrdoslrc , unil Itlstho host means of retaining your "oocl hoiiltlt thruiiKh Klcnnll- ticss. Soft rubber bull ) . HnrJ rubber lube. Ask your druggist for one , ami ho sure It has oq It thu tratlo murk , FISH BRAND. 1'or ono woolc wo will sell them nt $1.50 EACH. 2Sc t-Mri If fipnt liy ox- nrcsii Into the country. Money lo accoiniiuny tlic order , OMAHARUBBER RUBBER CO , 1520 Farnam St Cor. i6tli. PnOl'OSAI.S FOR IIUIMXNO MATEIUAr , ninl her (3s ( U. S. Indlnu Survlcc , Omnh % nnd WlnntihiiKO Iridlin AROIICV , ih.iKO/ Tluirsloii County. Nub , , jfcui fao.iled uro ] ) i)3'ls. ( ontlnrst il"I'ro ( | ) > , als for Iliilltllnv Mil- lorlnl un I Horses , " in DIUUIHU tntiy bo , unil luldrosscil to tlio nnilorslK'iioil at Wlnnnhasn , Nob. , will ho rtiL'olvod until 1 o'clock , p. in , , of April -ah , 1SU ! , for fiirnlslilnuanil dullvorlni : nt the NVInnobiiK" AKOiicy ntxitit 8'UU ! ) fcut of assorted liunber. 0) wlniluiVi. I" doors , liard- Mare , brick , IIIIIP , etc. rnJiiltod In ihuoroc- tlon of l.Wrainu houses fot\Vliuiblii-o ) ! Indian ulluttces. AlMitorfiirnlahiln" : nnd dellviTln1 , ' Hi hnrso ! > nt nalil nsuiiey. 'A full list and do- scrlptlou of the malarial may bu olitaliiiHl up. on aupllcatlon to the urmcrnlRiioil. Ilorsos must uo of American HU > ck. from 4 to T yuard old , Miuiuland wull. lnoKiiii to harness , with" out lilumUh , not loss jiui ! l.'i hiinds hUh , wn 1 built lit Droiiurtlon'iifhlKht , unil to uulKh not loss thiiii 1130 pounds' , tlllilili'rii will bo ro- qiilrcd tostittosncclllcaUJf la tlioir bids the proposed prlvo of oitL'h nltu-'lnotrurod for do- Ilory iindur a controL't. a'lin flKla IK reserved torejcut any or till bids or any part of tiny bid If aooinvil for the -AWnturo l < lof llio her- vlco. Cortllloil phuoksi lUich bid must bo uo ooinjiunli'd by u curtlllcd Ubi'clc of draft upon hotnu UnUeil htutca di'posllury or AOlvnnt national hank In the vloliUty of the roaldoncu of the bldd r , miiilo puvalilo to thu orrtorof thoCommlsslnnur of liltUmi Alfiiiri. for at lonst 5 pt't'contnf the ninMint of the liropo.iul , which clivuk ordr.ift wilt bn forfultctl to tlm Unllodhtiitu ln uuso jinyitliUldor or lililciur.s M'CiilvUig ' an nwiiiil shalltifiill to promptly nx- ( ! < Mlto a contract with good ami Btifllclont Biirotln- ' . otherwise tobo retuturu to the bid der. llliU ni'coninanlcd by cash In HUM of a ciTlified cheek will nut bo rons-liU'rccl. r- further lufotm-itlon opply to HUI1KKT1- ASHI.KV , U. b. Indian A"unt. , M II d ill t m NOT1CH TO SULECT MATERIAL FOll PAVING. To thoownoi-sof loHund lands fronting upon flticot linprovoiniMit ilUkrlct No. UVJ. comrls- IM ? Purl ; or-Jth uvenuu , from Lo.ivonwortli to Hickory streets. In the city of Omulm and subject to iiKsuismuiit for tbo ropavtn of the saint' . You are hureliy notlfluil In pursuunco of or- dluiinco No. iWS pusseit nnil approved Miiruh 17th. JS'.r > , to fculuvt and dotcrmlnu upon thu June ) of muturlal to uo ui > ed In repuvliiu aald Improvement district , on or bo fore the 17th day of April IBV ' . or llio city council will de termine said material. Dated at Omaha this 21st da v of March. ISx' . 1' . W. HlUKIIAl'SKlC , Olialimuti of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. A. Wrlttoa Ounrnntoo SYPHILIS to Cure fcvorjr Case or MonoKofundoJ. . Ourcuro Is pcrmiinenl and not * pUjMm 119. Oust rftled seven ycar ATO have nerer seen a srmptan idnoe. lly describing c e fulljr wo ran treat ynuby mnll , and woKlTolheiama strong Kuarnntca tooura orrefuml all money. Thosowho prefer to comohor * fortrealmenlcando ! > oan < t wo will p y railroad fara both way * and hotel bill * while here If wo fall to curt Wr-ChallcnifO llio World for n ra o that onr MAOIC HKMKDV will not cure. Write for particular * nl "Otlho evidence. In onr CTen yoarj' prsetle-j with ttiljMAQIC ItKMKDV II ha < been mml dlfllciilt ti overcome the prejudices ajaliut ocAllol spjcllli llntundpr our strong gnaranloa ilionumlf nre Irylit Hand bclngcurol. Wo etrrydollar.nnJni wolisvan reputation ti pr ta also llnanclal hacking of $ iMOM It Is perfectly snfatn allwho will try Iho Ircnlmonl. HeretnfOM roil harj been pnttlngupanl paying out jour monofordllU * pnt treatments nnd nlthonffh rut ara not jrot CUM I noonn hai paid back jrour money. Wo wlil poMtlvelr cure run. Old chronic , deep soatoJ cn c enrol In1l to M dityn. Investigate onr financial , onr reputation a business men. Wrlto u for naindan 1 addresses ot thcno wo havs cured Wlto have given P rml"lontn refer to thorn. Itroitt you only p * t- itgelo tlo thlv If your symptoms nra era threat , niucoui patches In mouth , rheumatism In bonoi nn I Joltit , hair falllnn out , eruptions on any part ot ttu body , fooling of KCner ldopro lon , pains In head or pones. Von ham no lima to waite , Thee who nrj constantly Inkln ? mercury i I potash shout I dl m > \ tlnuc IU Constant u of these drugs will surely brlnj sores nud oalliu : ulcers In the end. Don't full to writ } . All correspondence sent ioMo-1 In plain envelope i \Vo Invite the most rigid Investigation an 1 will do all n our po .TOT to al 1 you In It. Address COOK REMEDY CO. , - Onutn , Nounrti. FOR MEN ONLY. 850O for a ctiso "f I.O.ST or PAIUMI .MAN- noon , Gennrut or NKIIVOUS Ir.nutTV , weak- IIPSSof boily orinlntl , the cITcotsof orronorox- cessoMn oldoryoitiiKtlmtwocMinotcurn. Wo pinirnnteo every cnso or rofnnrt every iloll ir. rive clny-itrlnl trnatniont SI , lull ootirso J * . " . IVrcoptlulo bonollts ronllroil In three ilajM. lly tnnll , focuruly n icloil front obsorvntlon. COOK UEMKDV ( Jo. . OMAHA. NKII LADIES ONLY MARIP I'HMALi : ISIXiUI.ATOIt , Snfo nnil ITiHulU Certain to a day or tnnnoy refunded , lly mail $ . ' . tioottrely so.ilol from obsurvn- tion. COOK ni.min' a it. , omittm. Neb SPECIAL. ORDINANCE NO. 10i)7. ) An ordtnnnco lovylni ; a special tax anil 111- scistnonton eel tnln lots and real cut a to In thoulty of Uturthn , to Oovcr tlio ono-lialf cost of Kriullnp > tb street from Loavoiittortli street to woolwortli avoiini' . \Vliiruii8lt liavlug been , nnd 1)olnK liaroby adjudged , determined and ostabllslicil tliat tno several lots and tilrcos of real estate liore- innftef referred to have caeh liecti buoclally benollttud to tlio full amount lieroin levied nnd assessed nsrulnst oncli of suld lots nnd pieces of real esuite , rospuetlvcly , by rea > on of the K rail Ing of Unit part oC tstli struct front Loavcnworth street to Wnnlnorlh avenue , done itndercontrnct with I * It Malionry. Tliorofore , for tlio purpose of payitiR tlio one-half cost of .such Krndlnc : Do lt.ordatnol by the city council of the city of Umnhu : Section I. That the one-half cost of grading that part of LSth street. In HID city of Oinahii , front Lo-.renwortli street to Woolwortli'iivo- iiiio. said one-half of said cost being tlio stun of J.'J-ll.lJ. said trading being done tinder oontraut nlth 1' . II. Muhonuy , bound the sumo Is heicby levied and ut-sessud , acfotilliiK to special benefits liy icasonof said Rradliig.upon the following lots and real estate , as shown by tlio generally rccognlicd man of tlio city of Omaha , 16K5 , lllhograplitul and published by O. E. Mayuo ; said co'tlii-lnu so levied on nal l lots and real estate , respectively , as follows , to- wlt : Nathan Mcrrlain , It lllblk 1 Hnnscnm Pluoo m : > 0 Esther KUoinan n40 ft It 14 bil ; 1 " 411 84 Nathan Alerrlam sll ) ft It II blk 1 " 12 4G Catb Mullen It 15 blk 1 " G'J 3) ) do It 10 blk I " Cfl at TO Van Union It 17 blk 1 " I.1 Ill Sophia Anderson It 18 blU 1 " IB III .las .1 Shaw It 1 ! ) bllt I " K yi Zella Hi-rger It'-'Ublkl " tt ! : il Amy 1' ICodman It ' . ' 1 blk 1 " ( H 31 Mrs E J Clarke Iti blk I " ( . ' Ill Sarah J Mootu Ifil blk I " IK 31 Mat L&HAs-n SIM ft lt:4 blk 1 " 5m Chas OLieorgBiiM ftlf.'Iblk I " KJ 30 David Klttenhousc It 1 blk U " 07 GO do It 2 blk S (1231 ( \VKClarklt3blk2 " m 31 I.ottlsa Van Cott It 4 blk a " ( ii 31 I'rank M'ltchett It 5 blk t ! fa 31 \Vm P Wright It U blk 2 " 02 31 llntllo Iilllnnchurdlt ? 1)11:2 ) - 0231 Mk'haul .1 Scanlon It S blk 2 " 02 31 Andrew Murphy H0blk2 - UJ 31 Isabella J ) Kunnoilcy It 10 blk 2 " 0230 ChiraandMarl-il'fsslttpltll blk2- ' ( W 30 CWllnllerclnl It 12 1)11:2 " < B 30 Charles K Strattoa It I ullit : " 0231 do It 2 blk 13 " 02III do Il3blkij ; " 0231 UEOverlt4btkit : " 0. 31 J.1 Points lt.riblk 13 02 31 Kopliln ( iyger It B follf IH 02 31 Charles LOygor It 7 blUU 02 31 .Tumes K EboisoloTr It 8 blk ii : 0231 do Itllbllclll " (1230 ( do it 10 blk 1:1 : ' . 02 : ; o Oo It 1 1 hi k 13 " 02 31 W M Hum ilghs It 12 blk II " 02 3U Mary I/Smith It Hblk 14 ' t2 30 Win K Uliodos It 1 1 blk 14 IK 31 Alice M Hodman It l.thlk 14 02 31 Mnrlha 1. Salmon It 10 blk It " 02 31 Anna U Stromburg nj It 17 blk Ha " 31 IS L 1' Norherg slt It 17 blk M " ' 31 13 Jesse I , Worloy It IB blk 14 " f > 2 31 KutoMItlimU > 4ltlibIkU ) " 0231 IlHrrlettt'ititls Iti'Obll. 11 ' Oi : u ( Jlliiciico A Starr It 21 blk 14 " 02 31 do It Si blk 14 " 0231 M'chuel Toner It II Uoo'I's2nd adil Oil 78 II Kecd el al It 12 O'l 7h tlo Itllt " ( VJ Ttt tlo It 11 ' ( ! ! l 7S 0 E Combs It IS " 1,11 78 do It 10 " 00 7 ! ) Cornelias llcnnctl It 17 " m 7 ! ) 1 uttl Nelson It IS " 0 ! ) 71) ) do 044 ft It 10 - ii : a ) E f , Hobertson W44 ft 58 ft It Ifl 10 bO 1' N Nolsun nnd K li Kobertson 5. ft It 10 ' : 73 Paul Nelson e(4 ( ft 1120 " 111 : u > KI'itoljcrlMm wmit&Sftll'JO " 1704 1' Nelson and E I Hoboftson wf J ft It 20 " 40 O'J Itjron Hoed et al 1121 " 71 O'l do 112-J " GO 70 Louisa Carroll It Si ' GU 70 Lewis l > Currier HIM " at 70 John EEmblumlt GJ 7H Alva Uniiin n ! i H2H > 3) b'J August Nelson s'i H i'O 31 KJ tJathoiIno lllcmlorll' 1127 G'l ' 78 Eva ritoliottlt'J.S " u > 78 J Mctiovvrn nmt2 ! ) " 31 tl ) 1' O Juiinlngasu It 20 " : H'J ' ( jcuJolliuy It J > ) " ui 7s J M Uocsr littclt41 Hi-eft I'laco 82 2.'i do It il ' h2 25 do 1143 " h. 25 do It II " f,22 , do It 45 h > - , ill ) II ID " 82 21 tin II 17 " H2 21 do lt4K K > 21 do It 4' ) 82 21 do ll . " > ) bli 84 ( III It fit " K22I do ll .TJ " W 24 do ll KI " KJ 21 do It .M " 82 24 .do It.'iS ' h2i'4 do It 1 " h'J 25 tlo It .17 " SS2 25 llo lt.r > S " 82 25 do It. VI " 821.1 do II CO " 8. 25 Total . * 3i20 ! 15 Hccllon : ' That tilt ) special ta.\oi and nssoss- iiioutsluviuil nnd IISSOSMM ! as aforesaid , shv II botluu liiiiiifJlKt"ly upon thu ] > iRs-iL'o anil i > i- proval of tl'ifc oidltianue. and Khali boconiodd- liininuiit If not paid within llfly dayu tlinro- after ; and thereupon Intnresl. shall bn added ut tlio rail ) of ono per cunt u month , payable In advance from thp tlino said la\us become bottollmjuimt. bcf. 3. That this ordinance shall take olToot unil bo In force from and after ltd passugu. I'assed March Slh. IS'Ji IS'JiJOIiN GUOVIW. C'lty ulurlc. i : . I * . DA VI P. I'rcsldtutt tlty Council. Apurovctl March Dili. | yi2. UKUltUi : 1' . IJE.MIS. Mayor. I herby certify that the aborn Is a true copy , ISKAI.,1 JOIIN UKtJVEH. Oily Clqrk. The above tax Is now duo nnd payable at thoullluoof thoiilty troaiiuriiriinit will buooino dolliKiuunl and buar Interest after April 2Ulh , li'.fl ' , itbsci.'ii Insuotlon 2 of nbovi1 ordlnaneo. UE.MtV IIUU.N. Tiuasurnr , GRADE ORDIN'ANCE NO 300. An ordinance eatubllhlilns the unido of ( iriint btrc.0t froin2.'nd titreet to 21th street , Iiitlio city of Umaha , Ho It ordained by the city council of tlio city of Omaha : Section 1. The grade of Orant street , from 22ml sttoQl to2llh .stiei't , In t ho city of uiniihu , is horuby cstublUhetl at the following olevn- llons Iho grade beliu uniform struljlit lines between the juilills.specllio'.l : Kltivatlon Elovatloti of South of North Curb. ( 'url ) . Eust curb line of 21th bt As c.tubllaliea \\ostcuibllimot22ndst & 7.M 'H.J fee. 2. That thla ordinance tuko cITuct nnd be In force front nnd nftor Its pim-taKe. 1'uMcil Mnrcli 15th , Ihir. . JOHN Clerk. E. I' , DAVIS. President City Council. Approved Mnrcli 17th. 160' ! . . UEO. i' . unuis.Mayor. Mayor. INDUS FRY'S STEADY STRIDES Brain nnd Brawn Overcoming Obstacles in tlio Path of Progress. HARNESSING NIAGARA'S MIGHTY POWER 1M Kfftct on the tmliHlrliil IiitrrrM * of lltif- fulo The Iron unit Mrcl Trndo An Alr-I.lnn Klcctrlc Itoiitl Vnrtons Notes. Hurnosshig the mighty power ot Nl- nparn tails IH uracticnlly solved. In Iho course of n few months the tunnels will bo coniploted nntl series ot tttrhino wheels pvit in phico , which rtvo oxpectotl to develop 120,000 liorso power. The enormous source ot powci1 , liijht , hont and refrigeration is destined to mnlto ButTitlo u grent industrial center. "With this enormous electrical power transmitted nnd distributed throughout the city , " snys the Now York Tribnno , "coal will no longer bo burned nnd steam engines will ho dispensed with in man ufacturing processes. DulTalo , by virtue of having the cheapest power for turning its whcola will eventually become the manufacturing center of the nation. Tills is the forecast made , not only by sanguine electricians , but also by shrewd , practical business men , .who have watched Iho remarkable progress of the city during the last decade. "Even without the successful opera tion of the tunnel plant nt Niagara HulTnlo since IHSOhns increased its popu lation 89 per cent , its grain receipts 101 per cent , its lumber shipments ISM per cent , its iron receipts 2i J per cent , and its coal business 1187 per cent. The commerce of the great lakes has in volved exchanges of wheat nnd coal. All the conl-carrylng corporations have made HulTnlo their shipping point for the west because the grain laden fleet is available jor return cargoes. The city is not only tlio largest grain receiving and coal distributing center " In tho" world , but it is also the principal lumber port of the country and ono of the greatest livestock and ilsh markets. With coal , iron , lumber and salt available for the founding of now industries , it has increased its num ber of manufacting industries over i00 ! per cent during the docndo. These are substantial results which warrant the conclusion that the success of the pro ject for converting Niagara falls into a bourco of electric power will raise the population of Buffalo from HOO.OOO to 1,000,000 in another decade. The manu facturing interests of the country will inevitably center where electric power costing a fraction of either water or steam power can bo supplied together with all raw materials.1' Air l.lnu iii-rtrlc Itoail. The cngtncering'corps of the Chicago and St. Louis Kloctric Uailway company , consisting of Tyro C. Hughes , chief en gineer , and Messrs. li A. Uuill , W. A. Grady , li T. Lurton unit C. T. Elliott , ia making the preliminary survey of tno proposed routes of the road. This will bo the first air line railroad ever built in the world , and the work of running the line nrosonts seine now problems of un known experiences to practical field en gineers. The basis for the work has been long known , and much speculation has been indulged in , but never in the history of civil engineering has such a line been run. It will bo 2.50 miles long , thirty-throe miles sliorter that any route existing between Chicago and St. Louis. IKIII nnil Mrcl Truilo. The New York Iron Ago says : Inter est centers in the big iron markets of the country , which are iv.pidly approaching preaching a serious crisis. Our monthly blast furtinco statistics show that wo entered - tored the month with the largest ca pacity at work on record , the total being over 'lO.'l.OOO tons per week. It should bo noted , however , that there has been RHILWHYTIMEGRRD leaves jl'HIIJAGO IIUItMNlU'O-- t , ' . ' Arrlvji Onmlm. | Djpot Ullli nu I .Mnon rit < | OiiiV.1 1 p m | Chlc.uo VoUlbule I H.W n m .i.Ui n mi , Chicago Express ' . ' .It a m " 20 p nij Chicago I'.ipresi till ) p m C.5U p ra | . . . .Chicago A. lown Local | 8.15 q m Leaves I1IUULINGTO.N A. MO. 1UVKU.I Arrives Omaha , | Depot lUtli mid Mason Sis. | Omaha. Ix > aves I UNION PACIFIC. ( "Arrive * Omaha. [ Union DopotlOth end Slnrcf. Bts. ( Omaha. B.30 a m' ' lleatrlce Kxpress . , . . . < 7.00 pm 10.00 am Denver Krpresi I 503 p m 2.15 pmj . .Overland j p.Ii p m C.'JO p ml Paclllc litpress ) ll.ij ! n in tolnir I OifiUAIiO.'it. I , , V PAOIFnjj From Kn t. | Union Depot IQtli .V Mnrcy Ms. | luounm' Atlantic Kxpruss ) i > . " 0 p m l.u.'ipni , Vestibule Kvprosi I p m li.l U p m I Nliiht Kxpros * I JI.HJ a nt liulng I CIllCAHO. It. I. fi PACIFIC I rioti West. I Unlou Depot 10th and Mnrcy tits.l West. l.'J ) p ml Djnvor Limited ] il.4u p ni 7.0.1 p m Denver Kspress. . . . . . .17.30 n ut Leaves | CHICAGO , mU .i rtT. I'AIIII Arrive Omaha | U. P , lUipot and Maray bts. _ J Omaha C.2U p m j ChluJKO K\pru3s , y. i a m p nil Chicago 5.4i p m leaves I SIOD.X 01TV Is I'ACIFIC. Arrives Oiiinhal Depot , IQIh and Marcy Hts. Omalii 7. ' . " ) n ml tilourCtly I'axonvcr. . . . . " . . 'HiJ p m ! , M p m ) bL I'nul Kipru" . .IIU.UOii m ] > avci I SIOUX C1TV A ; I'ACIFIC. I Arrives Omalml Depot. 1Mb nnil Webster els. I Omaha D.4& m1 hi. I'Kitl Limited | u.-i q in I avos ICIHCAtiOA NOIlTHSVF.bTKIt.NIArrlvui ( JinaliaU. | 1 * . depot. 10til and Marcy Ms | lmiilia 7.'J n m ( Kx. Sun'yl Carroll Tasionifor. IU.2-j"p m II.a ) o m n . . . . . Clileiifo KxpruM . . . . , . Ullia in i.U ) p m Vestlbula Limited IL-ila m Uli p UI Kattern Flyer 5.1) p in 7.UJ p m (1CI. ( Sail Chic. l'a s. ( Kr. M.n. ) S.Uin m I OXI'AIIA A ST. MUIS. Arrlvoj UmalialU 1' . depot. lUtii and Marcy Sl . Omana 7,10 p nil BL Louls Cannon Hall , . . . ' . ' I F. . K. & .MO. VALLKY. I Arrive. Umahal Depot. IStli anil Webster Sti. lOiiialii P.UU il in . . .Doailwood Kxprosi . 6 W p m P.UU ii m ( Kx. Hit. ) VV'yo. K\i > . ( Hi , lion. ) O.p in C.1U p m . . . .Norfolk ( F.r. Sunday. ) . 1I.1U u m .45 p m . bt. i'.inl Ktpraii . 11,3 > a m Jxiavt-s ' ( i , VII' . . M. It O. ( JiimbaJJepot. IS 8.1U a ru.Kicux | i.'ltr Aoiomimj.l . ll.Ui p m LOU p ru Sioux City Krproji ( rtx.jjund'y ) J.I ) p ui 8.4J p Ul | St. 1'aul Limited. . . . . . a.'ji u m i.15 p luiUancrott l'n sja erH ( , Hund'yi B.l ( n m Laves Missoufu PACIFIC. Omnlia Depot litn and Webster HI 1U..J ) a m . . . . , . . .St"TxUl K.Miri- . . " _ l.3 > p m _ lleavvs I. & . . . Trunifor Union Depot.Council JIlulU ti.'M p 11 r.7NI ht Kxpron lU.'JJ a mi Athinllo Kzprdss 4.23 p in ] .Vestibule Limited. . . . . . Inre"i I "K. C.7BT. JOKi C. If. Transfer ! Union Depot. Council IllinH. 10UU u m.ICan | is City 10.15 p m | ± . .lCiini CUT Night Kxp ; IIIIAIO : , IIUUI/N A gui.scvArrivu | Traniforl Union Depot. Council lUuff * rirunif o ll.W ami i . Chlcazu Kxprest . . . . . ' . . ( 6.M p Fu 10W pml l . Chlcuk'O nxprum . li.ii a tn 7.03 p ni | . . . . . . . lro ton Ixiual . . . . . . . . . | 7.IJ u m lx > a > es I Trail i ftr I Union Depot. Council lllugs | Tran t r 4.40 vm | . . . . t-t. LouU Canon Hall IIJ.IJ p ui HIOUXC1TV& I'ACIFIC I Arrive * Tranilerl Union l > i > ul. Council Ilium. iTransUr 7.4S a ml , btuuz City AccoinmoJatlun . | TtTw i > ia tiM p in ) , St. I'aul Kxprii * . . . . . | O.IJ a tu MHTII\VKhl'KltNArrlftl | Union Dupot. Louucll Uluffs JTranifer _ _ I1M p in Kxprusi fi Wj p IU 6.15 p m Yutlbulu Limited , U.IU a m law p m ' ' > " I W p IU b.U ) p III | Kf > o'AnUn'tiIoMfll | iix"upn ) i Jj n m 1.49 K IU . .Cur.'Oll HIM p ui so mo closing down slnco the 1st , but , nt yet fnr from onouph to chock the plllnu up of stocks , which Is Rolng on very rapidly. Thus far exceptionally clioap inonoy hnfl helped producers to curry , but nny change in the lltuxnuialslttmUoii might CIU19O a good donl ot unloading. lloports of low prices como from every section. In billets Plttslmrg has touched lowest water murk with u swlo of 10,0311 tons nt $2-2.7o. In the stool rail trade Plttsburg records ti sain of 10,000 tons , while the eastern mills llguroup onljf 0,000 tons. There has boon some inovo- mont In beams In Chicago , whoio a very largo nniouut of structural work is sure to como Into the market. Kastcni brldgo concerns have tnkon qulto u number of good orders tu the west and south , and eastern platomakora continue to cupturo the lion's share of Iho western trado. Iron and stool bars and shapes nro protly wenk In all sections. In the motnl trntlq the rumors of negotiations among thu leading Lake Superior tvnd Montana producers to restrict tlio output consti tutes the principal Item of interest. There is some talk of consolidation among the brass and copper mills , which have boon competing very shnrtily of lato. " The Dnlllinoro & Ohio railroad con tributes its share of the prosunt lively discussion over tlio possibilities of train speed in the sliapo of the record for ouo milo. If 80 } seconds for a heavy passen ger train has over boon beaten , the tlmo has not boon taken , or has not been re corded. There is the less doubt about the Halliinoro & Ohio's record , for It was registered by u mechanical indi cator. To attain a speed of ninety-two inllos an hour for sovorul hours with our present engines , says the Philadelphia Times , is not to run 100 miles an hour continuously , which is what wo nro talking about just now , but ll is n fair hint as to what may happen before long. That the test win applied on a regular run goes to sho\v that railway passengers have often boon carried faster than they suspected. _ Tim \Viirld of Industry. Hessomcr steel is driving King Iron out. Pennsylvania has 1270,000 acres of nn- thrncito. Grenoblo , Franco , makes 21,000,000 gloves a year. A forgo and gun company nt San Francisco will employ -4,000. A hole ono ono-thousaudth of an inch in diamolor can now bo bored through a diamond , sapphire or ruby. The manufacture of wines hr.s in creased about 1,000 per cynt in Califor nia during the past ton years. A blacksmith's tools of the present day are almost identical with these used in the same trade over HOO years ago. By a recent appliance to Uitcljon ranges the refuse from the kitchen Is thoroughly dried , converted into char coal and used. Harry Mason ia only 20 years of ago , and yet ho has patented tin invention for which $500,01'0 capital is now being in vested in Chicago. There is a , woman in Bonham , Tex. , who does a good business in sowing but tons on men's wearing npparol , doing the work on the streets. Colorado's "pay dirt" last year in gold , silver , copper and lead amounted to 8M,518l4. ) ! Ilor smelter's product amounted to $14,1)10,11)3. ) ) „ Michigan has more than flft .jv'p'rhoii engaged in active newspaper' work , of whom live publish tlioir own newspapers independent of any associate. It is estimated that about ! ! ,000 women arc employed in American printing of fices at from SHOO to $600 Balary. Men receive double this amount crHuo | same work. 't 7 ' ( - , ) , The total foreign commerce 'ot"LUio port of Now York for the year 18l ! ) , ac cording to the an n mil report of the Now Yet k Chamber of Commerce , amounted to 81,040,007 . The Midland railway in England has now running between St. Pancras and Bradford , trial tr.iins lilted with a hot water apparatus , supplied from the en gine , fo.1 heating the carriages. A bar of iron worth So worlcod into horseshoes is worth SK > , made into needles is worth iWoO. made into pen knife blades it is worth $ : ! , tSo ! , made in to balance springs of watches it is worth $250,000. Five experienced miners from the Comstock mines will leave Virginia City , Nov. , very shortly for Peru to help il - velop Iho mines of that country. All their oxpoiibebto Peru are lobejiaidand they are to reooivo fcliio a month ouch. An unusual amount of inventive talent is now being used lo prevent the occur rence of liros. The spur in this line is caused by t.ho statement of tire losses in the United Stales and Canada during 1891 , which aggregated $133,000,000. increase of 29 per cent over 1890. The commerce nnd productive indus try of Alabama luivo received an impor tant stimulus from a contract recently made to ship oSOOUO tons of Alabama coal from Mobile at the rate of 1,000 tons n day. Most of this coal will go to Tampii-o for thouso of the Mexican Cen tral railroad. A cable railway has recently boon opened in Gent > : i , Italy. Ills ] , i00 ! foot long , with a dlll'ercnco in end elevation of 181 foot. It is operated on n slnglo track , with u nasslng point at the cen ter. by wator-b.illast or cojntor-balnncH en the down grado. A .similar road hao been in ouoruUon for some yours at Lu cerne. ' A Oormun chemist 1ms patented u process for making glass printing platcH for lithographic purposes. The method pursued consists in coating the glass with blchromalk'.od golatiuo and then transferring the photographic print 'to this sonslllvo burfacc. After a motallio powder Is diluted over the parts it is 6x- posed to the sunlight , and the exposed parts of the golatlnu washed away witli turpoullno. The glass can then bo deeply etched with luorloacid. ] The largcnt compound locomotive that has yet been liuilt in this country is u ttfolvo- wheel freight nnglno on tho' Van- system , recently constructed by thu Baldwin locomotive works for the Now York , Lnko Krlo & Western rail- rond. The onglno has live pairs of driv ing wheels fifty inches in dlamotor , and vroighs nlnoty-bix and ono-half tons ox- clusivn of the tender , which weighs forty-Hvo tons. The llro box is of thu WootUin tyi > familiar from its use on the Philadelphia & Heading railroad locomotives. Tin ; UK.VI.TV . ' TNSTItUMRNTS rasird Jluroh 21. J. Ifcttit K HKiilKlitainl tinslnwl to llonhon.lack- Kin , lot T , block : ! lot 1 , Iil6uk a" ! lut 7 , lilock tO ; lots U ana 7 , lluck art , Al- LrlKht's t'holco f , I II K TliiiiiniH unil wlfo lo N .1 Morton , n < J of lutS , lilouli r > 5. Kotitli Umultu 7j'J II r Ju Hull anil wlfii lu S A I'uyno , ni ! ( if inldtllo tlilrtl of lot lU.JoliMsod'u utltl , ( exv7ii foot ) 1 Aui-Mist I'rutt uuil wlfo to tnistous of lloitdii lirutind Kent trust , wV of lot7. block it7 ; , Utntitiu S UCO A 1'Tuki'y ut ut lo .Intnos llnoKotl , lot 'i. block 12. C'llftonlllll , , . . .500 M A Martin anil laisliand to Arthur do Koovoni ) , lot 4. Uro'a HUl ) . . . . I.GO ) K A L'obu aittl wlfo lo rUmurl Moltuu , lot y , Jackson's ub of l'ottor& Cobb'i I'd n IU loHoiilli Dunlin 55 ] C. K. MnlllotoN It Ifiirl , lot I , Kuru * Hill ) , C'JOO A roll lo Mol'uolirini unil wlfo lo 11 A. Mo KucUron , Uitfi , block I , Aniblor 1'lucu . l.'JOl Total uniount of transfer ! . ttl.bul