Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Yesterday Was the Day in Which the Shorts
Got Even.
Nc-nr the Clone tiulclltiltn Wnr Talk mid
Collier AVrntlior I'rnllctloin llrlinlilllt-
nlcil ( ho HtilU to n ( Irrnt l-Mcnt
Stork * nnd Itoiids" .
CniCAflo , 111 , March 2i This was u ilay the
* horts revelled In. Tlio discouraged longs In
wheat also sold freely. Nonr the close , how
ever , Itidaflnltu war tulk tind colder wc.itlior
expected for tomorrow rohiiblllt-.itcil the bulls
ton great extent mid the closs for May was
but ' 40 under that of lust nulit. Nearly every
phase nf tlio wheat situation hud nbotrlsh
color I tin In tlio morning and a miinnor of the
most stubborn holders lost their backbone.
Apparently the cereal was utterly helpless 111
the pit. The Liverpool market was roportoJ
tn bo Hd lower mid dull ut tho'doallno.
The signal service loported u precipitation
of moisture either In the slmpa of snow or
nlcot over almost the entire country , The
tciuporaturo was ulso hlulior from the Kooky
mountains tc the On f , Kecelpts at Mlnuoau-
ullsund.Dultilh woro'Hears , compirjd with
7.Von ) Tuesday of last week , and foreigner *
were saltt to bo free sollor.i at the seaboard.
There was only ono llttlo speck of bullish sta
tistical lnformaton ! near the opening the
amount on occult p.iss.igo showing u decrease
of 748,000 bn , but oven that point was almost
obliterated by an Increase of GOK.OOO bu. fortliu
week In Kngllsh sunuilcs In oxccss of tholr
requirement. The llcrlln market applied a
kick behind to the rolrcuttng prices hero when
tirlvnlo cablet quoted : iS ( marks lower and
1'nilsguvo u itttlu htiovo with u 0 centimes
decline. The long wheat coinlnt out ami tlio
chorl Aclllng combined made auood deal nioru
Ihnn the usual uproar , llotweun the linlond-
IIIBIHKI the hammering , prices at once took
the downgrade.
1'nrdrldgo WHS the leader In the raining ,
thoumi coveting not a lilt o on the breaks ,
Indeed nearly all the Imyitiv of the day nan
by shorts , thuro being llttlo If any purchases
for long nccoitnt. Thuro wcro but u few crop
ilnimiKu icporls. May opened very weaken
lower than last ulglit at Kl'ic , Htoudlml Itself
us a total decline of l ! o , recovered and coso.l :
! ju loner limn yesterday.
Tlio I'orn market did not participate In the
bearish feeling which characterized wheat.
ItccclplH were heavy , but not un to the esti
mates , and diminished receipts from now on
nro looked for. Thuro was talk of
dcfcm-d planting and prolonged div
feeding. Tim estimate for tomorrow was only
440 cars duo In Chicago , against about
1,000 today. Trading was largely of thosculD-
Ing order and there WHS aomo free Short sell
ing and realizing during the last hour. May
opened utlW'iu. about last night's price , out
sold Now YurK gradually to IIS.Vc , eased oil'
surco , and at noon wus 'MJic. touched ! HjC !
later , closing steady at from 'MHa toSic. : ?
Oats wcro quiet and weak early , but. re
covered when corn bcgnn to show strength.
May sold flrst at i.T7 e , tlio closing prlco of
yesterday. Falling off to 271c , tlio market
fully locovcrcd and during the last hour was
very steady nt28c , the closing UK u res.
lion pio'lucts wcro stronger , mainly from
the fact that this receipts of llvo hogs full
10,000 head below the estlmalo and that prices
nt the yards wcro from 5c to 15o higher. The
firmness In corn also helped ,
Kulmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
lKr > cars ; corn , 4ta cars ; oats'JiU cars ; boss ,
22.000 head.
Tholeadlng futures raniod as follows :
limn. i.ow. ci.osi : .
March 624 * < 62k , 8 62M
Way 'dMWi *
Juno ' . bl.'i 64
March 37 3 ? ? $
Way sav < ' "
June 83'
March 27
2727JJ X8 V7H >
0 HO 10 OU 9 074
May . , 1003 10 15 10 U-J4 10 02,4
March 20 o 124
Mar MM U 17.4
EllOHT 1U113-
March S.W D 45 5 . ' ) . ' ,
May USB S U ) r. M l > 10
CushquotHllons wcro ns follows :
KI.OUII Kxlromely dull : concessions neces
sary to effect sales ; winter D.itcnt * . N.40ii (
i.W ; struluhts. Sl.20@4.4ft ; bpring patents. $1.2f >
© 4.03 ; Btralghtn. $ .l.r@ibO ; bakers. CI.U © : i.3 ,
WHKAT No. 2 spring wheat. 8Jo ! ; No.
U spring wheat. 8Cc ; No. 2 rod. hU.'ic. '
C'OH.V No. II , .fii < & : a , > i.
OATS-NO. 2. 2727io ! ; No. 2 white , 27)ic ) ;
rSo. U white , 28Ii-\SJic.
. Hvi : No. 2 , Sic. .
UAIII.EV No. 2. Mo ; No. 3,4GJ7c ; No. 4 , f. o.
U. 44@43c.
I''rAxSKKl > No. 1 , B8c.
TIMOTHY SEED 1'rlnie , f 1.22411.29.
I'OIIK Moss pork , per bbl. , t'J.U")30.0Tl/j ' ; lard ,
perowt. , fb.2tiliU.27l ! > : short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
lft.Tuit".f ( > 7 ! ; ; dr ; sailed shoulders ( boxed ) , S5..VJ ;
utiort clear sides ( boxed ) , 94.10.
WIIJBKY Dlstlllorb' Unlshod goods , per gal.
SUOAU Unchanged ; cut loaf , &SJ4C ; gran-
\il.\ted.4Ue ; etundurd "A , " ! 4c.
Receipts and shipments today wcro as fol
lows :
New York .Miirkot * .
NEwYoilK , March 22. l < 'roun-Hecelpts , 'lfl-
108 pkgs ; exports , 5.001 bbls. , ( i.V.'M Hacks ;
market dull and heavy ; sales. 21,810 bbls.
COUN MKAI , Quiet.
WHKAT Hocolpts , 102.500 bn.s exports , 40.401
bu. ; sales , 4,10 : > , UOO bu. of futures ; li'.UOO bu.
pot , Spot market unsettled , closing weaker
nnd dull : No. 2 red , 7iai.Sjo ! In Htoio and
elevator ; ! ullotit ; OO.'jcQfl.oiii
t. o , b. ; No. : > red , ullic ; iinpradrd
red. KIUttl.ul > 4 ; No. 1 northern. ' U7y ®
us4'c ; No. 1 Imrd , 1.00\i l.l'07 ; No.
2 northern. 0iic. : ? Ontlons declined ; >
CilUuou weak eabu-s , foreigners selling. Inrgu
exports Into the United Kingdom for the
week , IncrotiKo In English vlslbloKiipiilv , moiu
favorable crop reports , advanced ? tt7io on
forelgu political naws and closed steady nt ' 4
( ieoUo\vii for thu day ; No. 2 rod , March , 07 Hv ;
April , lXlJ ( ao7 ! e. closing at n7Je ! ; May , 1)1 ) 7-10
511153-lOp. closing at ftiiJc ; June , ( riftt&Ctl'jv.
closing at UUic ! ; July. ttifjGai c. ' cloalnst ut
JllSJci August. muQUI.'e. closlnz at 01'ic ;
Beiitumlicr. UUliffiUl'if. closing at 111 ! ic.
KVK Dull and heavy ; western , UOii'JlUc.
liAiti.r.r Dull.
CoilX Hocelpts , 115.S07iu.i exports , (13,001 (
ou.i sales , 74i.tK)0 ) bu , futures : IGO.WO bu. spot.
tpot miirket stronger , moderatolr active ; No.
S , 40i ! < a40J4'o 111 elevator ; 47'i48o alloat ; un-
vradcd mUod , .Vi < 3,18Uo ; No. a.45'o ; steamer
fciixcd. 4&lt17ic. ! Upllons declined UOUo on
veuk cables , lulvuuccd ! i < iiio on export do-
tniuul , closed steady iSo down to iioup. March ,
4 Jo ; April , 4tiU6Jltie , closing at 4 'ic ; May ,
45i4Co , closing at 40c , ; Juno , 444ai5o ( , clos
ing lit 45o ; July. 45UI5ic' , closing at 4 ; io.
OATS Hocoipts , 4i.OXi ; ( DU. ; exports , IU.UI8 bu. :
RUlrn , 145KXtu ) ) , futures ; Wl.tMMni , spot ; spot
market dull oand loner ; options dull and
weaker ; March , UIJ.o ; Ajiril , yjo ; May. 3JS ©
! U.T o , olosing nt Itl' c ; No. 2 whltu .March ,
! i ! * o ; April , X > 3i < s\ \ spot No , 2 white. JiGJic ;
inixoil western. U4ttaO ; whlto western 2oa uci
No. ? Chicago alloat , nominal.
HAY I. klit receipts , linn.
lloi-s Dull but steady.
SiidAit Haw , moderately active and ( Inn !
soles , G40 liluls and 2,072 bags muscovado , M )
test ut 2'iu to riilladolphla.
HosiN I'lrm.
Moi.Assui 1'orolgn , dull , qulot ; Now
Orleans , quiet ,
HICE Steady.
1'KTHOi.EUM Steady ) United closed at Ko
for Aurll ,
Corros SKEI > OIL null ,
TuitrKNTiNB Klrmt S7i.c.
KOOB 1'alr demand , steady ; western , 14 ? j ®
15o ; rccoluts , 17,77pkgs ,
HIDES Oulot , steady ,
AVooii uulot , steady ; doincstla fleece , 233
U0 ; pulled , : % a.V ; Texas , l i'U' .
1'oiiK Moderate doiiiuiul , sti-ady ,
CUT MEATU Klrni ; middles uulot ; short
clear. &UO.
LAHII Firmer ; western steam closed ( O.S2i ! ;
calei , ' . ' ,500 tierces at MI7iao.5U ; option sales ,
U.UOO tierces ; March , M-MSi ; May , Ju.4'J < aj.W. ;
losliiR. W.5U bid ; . I uly , &o-J < 20.C ; closing ( o.Kl
bid ; August. $3.73.
lluiTKil-l'Irmur , bolter demand ; wcstrrn
dairy ( new ) , lP2Jo ; weituru creamery ( new ) ,
' western fuutory ( new ; , ISliic.'cj
. .
OimnBE-Qulet and easy ; part sUlms , MMOe ,
I'IQ IUON Dull nnd easy ; Anicrlcan-JU.7 > t !
19 Si ,
Coi-i'BH-Klrmi lako.H'i2i ( bid.
I.KAU Qulot nd llrm ; domestli- 1. 153 1. 20.
TJN-Stron ; ) Btralta. H.fetXitll.8J. ) )
Coffee Market.
NEW YOIIK , Mnrcn Si-Ontlnns opened
eteady and iincliaiiisud to 10 points down unU
closou steady ut from 5 to 2J oolnU ilowii.
Bales , 17.WW bast ) . Including March , msotft
JllbSj April. < ari4fli May. 12.05itii.X : ( ) ;
'August , fU'.M ; December , llt'-'O. ripot Itlo ,
dull , uomluul ; No. 7. IU.W.
Now York Dry UooiU aiarket.
NEW YOIIK. March 22-Tho demauaor dry
goods fffis moderate nt first hnndft. but with n
poixl Mundy inovomnnt on account of past
transactions. A great initny goods continue
nold nhcad and customers nro as urgent us
over for tholr delivery. The jobbing trudo
hero nnd dlsowliorccontinue * very good , which
fact Is the principal feature of the situation
nlongwlth a favorable movement nt retail.
The market maintains a position nbovo the
nicrniroand the tone U accordingly steady to
Omrtlin I'roiluriOlnrknt.
rr.oun Omaha Milling company's Itoll.inco
patent. { 2.50 ; Invlnclelo patent , $2.40 : IJOIIQ
Star Hitprrlntlvp. 12,20 : b'nowllnkp. $ IM | Fancy
Family , tl.TSl S , I' . Oilman's Hold Medal , Jl5i :
( Snow Whlto. R. S ! Hnowfl.'ikp. J2.00 : low grade ,
IMMI Queen of the I'antry , SJ.M.
lllitKtt No. I oreen salted hides. 4'4 < ic :
No. 2 green salted hides , 4SiiHc ! No. 1 green
BMlcdlildfs.2Mo4)lbs. ) . wVt'iut ' No. 2 green
suited hides 25 in 41 Ibs. , : ! fl > 'l'Sc : No. 1 veal
culf , H to IS Ibs. , Co : No. 2 veul calf , S to 1.1 Ibs. ,
4o : No. 1 dry Hint hides. 75tSc : No. 2 dry flint
hides , flSCe : No. 1 drv snlto.l hides. C > SG2. TiU-
low , No. . : ' , ® tallow. No. 2 , : i',4o : grouse.
whlloA , 4c : grease , whlto 11. IlVSQ IJic : uroase.
yellow , He ; grease , dark , 2'c ' : old butter , Mi
-'lie ; beeswax , primp , 10o ; rough lullow , li !
KntflTS California riverside oranges , J'J.'jCliJ '
2.75 : Washington navo'.s. SI.U03I.2. , ; cooil np-
plcs , J2.T. > ® -1.0J : cholco lemons , J4.00il4.2.i :
fnncy lemons , l M ; hanaiius. crtitod , $2.00 ®
2.M ; cranberries , slock , LVJOttduu ;
Blr.iwboirlcs , 4Jiqt. ;
VF.OKTAIII.BS 1'nnoy Muscallne sweet pn-
toes. f-.T.iit'allfornU cabbage , 2u ! per 11) ) . In
crates ; homo grown lettuce , 4Uo per ( loz. ;
onion" . 7'icijtl.n' ) per bu. : Nebraska handpicked -
picked bouns , .fl.7.fll.M : medium , fl.r > iai.r,0i ( ,
Cullfornlu folory , f'.OtXitl.lAt sweet potatoes ,
t2.7 , ' 5i'l.UO : t'nlorudo nnd western Nebraska
potatoes. HMMOc ) native potatoes,20512c ! ! : llmti
beans , 4ti < i44o ! tier Hi. : water cri'ss. 81-tit.
pnsL > 4.12iffitl')0 pcrqt. : nplnach , SI.OI per bill. ;
bpanhh onions. ? l.50 per crate : radlshrs , We.
llAV-Cliolcohuy. $ VOMin.0 ; poor , Ji.OOTt4.iO. ;
OAMK-Jliillurd ducUs , JJ.OO ; leel , JI.J'JiSl.TJ :
mixed. $ l.uuiil.- > .
I'out.Tiir Cholco dressed chk-kcns , lOo :
turkeys , l2AK ! < ; i grcso nnd ducks , good stock.
I'.HlKe , poor very slow.
llUTTKitChoice country roll , 2'a2So ; fulr to
good , lb70e.
KIKISA temporary scarcity has stiffened
prices und salts were gonerully reported
nt 12e.
SI. louUMiirI ! ts.
ST. I.otriF. Mo. . March 12. Fi.otni Weak
liu' . not qiiotahlv lower.
WIIBAT Dropped dtiwir Iflil'sc early , then
rallied ? jc. hut fell again nnd closed ! je below
yestonltiy ; No. 2 cash. K7)e ) : May closed at
B" > JC : July , t > 75ic : August , blije.
Conn Weather Inlluuncrs stiffened prices
and theelo u was Uu above yesterday i No. 2
cash , : > "c : March. : r > ! je ; Slay , ItVic.
OA'jfi Lower ; No. 2 cash 2lc ) ; May , 23iic.
KVK Lower to soil. 8e ! hid.
HAIII.KV Nothlnr dono.
lliiAS Fasy utntiaoTc.
llAV-Qulet ; prairie , I7.0ixau.00 ; timothy ,
LEAH Klimor atQ21. ! .
] ' 'tAx HKED Firm aturo.
Wnisiiv Steady at Jl.'Il.
llAntiiNO Qulot at 0 lSJic.
IIION Corro.v TIES JI,2. < ai.2J.
1'uo VISIONS Firmer.
I'OHIC SIU..V ) for now ; J3.75 for old.
DHV.SAI.T MEATS Loose lots , shoulders. JI.SOj
longs and ribs , & > .G3 ; shorts , $ > .7 : " > ; boxed lots
15c morn ; bacon , shoulders. f. > . : i7l ! ; longs und
ribs. M.23 ; shorts , JiaTi ; hams , $ : ) .UO10.50.
ItKCKii-TS Flour. 8.00J Ibs. ; wheat , 40.000 bu. ;
corn. 1I2.00J bu. ; oats , 43.0)J bu. : rye , O.OOJ bu. :
barley. 11,000 bu.
yillWIKNTS KIour. 8.0DO Ibs. : wheat. 22,000
bu. ; corn , 4(1,000 ( bu. ; oats , 4,0.0 bu , ; rye , 4-
noobu. ; barley. 1,000 bu.
KiinsiiH City .UnriczU.
KANSAS Otrv , Mo. , Maroh 22. WIIRAT
Very slow ; No. 2 hard sold at 7ij7 ! ! c ; No. 2
red nominal utB.c.
COHN Was steady ; No. 2 mlxu : ] , 3)a3Tic ) ;
No. 2 while , M'iu. '
DATs Were dull ; No. 2 mixed , VSc : No. 2
wnlte , 8ie.
KVE Steady : No. 2 nominal at 777Sc.
FLAXfEEtt SUoon the basis of pure.
ItitAN Wouk ; O''o for sacked.
HAV Strong and unchanged : llrjolhy , 5D.OO
per ton ; prairie , M.O i ® . " > .7."i.
HUTTEU Firm and unchanged at 2233)0.
FI.OUII Unohatigo J.
Kaus Firm at lie ,
ItECKii'ra Wheat , 33,000 bu. : corn , 1COD bu ;
oats , 1,0/0 bu.
Sllll'.MKNTS Wheat , 20,03) bu. ; corn , 4,00)
bu. ; outs , 2,0,0 bu.
Cotton .Market.
NEW Oni.KANH , La. . Mnroh 22. Cotton ,
steady ; middling , 0 5-lCc : low middling ,
r , ll-llic ; good ordinary , fi3-lGc ; net receipt ! ) ,
10.i42 bales ; gross. 11,440 bales ; exports to
Great lirltuln , Hi20 : bales ; Franco , O.rvVi bales ;
to the continent , , ' 1.3)0 bales ; sales. 5'JJO bales ;
stock. 412.2.3 bales.
NKW YOIIK. March 22. COTTON Futures
closed steady ; sales , 115,700 bales ; March , $ ( ) . " > ll ;
April , .fd.OO ; May. JOBO : Juno. Jtl.77 : July ,
K\.ffi \ ; August. W.04 : September. $7.04 ; October ,
$7.14 ; November , $7.21 ; December , 17.31.
Liverpool 31arXeti.
LiVEiii-oou March 22. WHKAT Quiet ;
holders otter moderately ; No. I California. 7s
10d7s lid per cental. Receipts or wheat for
the past three days. 240.0UO centals , Including
1&2.0UO An crlcan.
COIIN llrm ; demand Rood ; mixed western ,
4s 7 id per cental. Ifcco pts of American corn
for the pait three days. 5U.700 centals.
1'EAS Ounadlan , Cs Id percental.
LAUD Prlino western , 3.sid ! : oercwt.
UUTTEU-United States good , BUs per cwt.
Jloston Wool Murlcet.
IJOSTOX , Mass. , March Si The demand for
wool IIMS been steady and sales to n fair ex
tent. 1'rlcos are the same as quoted a week
lluvanu .Sugar Market.
HAVANA , March 2'J. Sugar quiet ; C8J ( bags
centrifugal. Uflii degrees polarization , wcro
sold for speculation ut Sl.lo4 gold per quln-
tal ,
Traders' Talk.
CntCAOO. III. , March 22. Counsolman & Day
to Coi-kreil llrothcrs : May wheat opened
! io lower and weak undorthe Inlluoncos of 1m-
jiroved weather , liberal receipts und de
pressed cables und tlm almost total absence
ot buying demand from cither home or foreign
sources. In fact , Now York reportctl foreign
houses us nellers and the market broke to
h2ic ! under free selling hv the crowd. Some
investment buying on u scale down absorbed
the offerings and the lute rally to KHJo
was caused by shorts covering on
newspaper war talk from Vienna. The final
closing was ? a lower than yesterday , us late
private cables contained no war news nor
Migcostlon ot strength tn tlio continental
markets. The feeling , however , Is guliilng
ground that , a rally In the market Is duo anil
wheat would Und substantial friends on Indi
cations of Improvement. Corn und oats were
firmer on liberal buying by shipping houses.
The orowd was honrlsh early on largo re
ceipts and sold very freely. ( Juts closed llrm
ut a shade advance and corn > { o
hluher und strong. Cash lots of No. 2 red
w heat sold nt lo over May for International
nilllltifr.'bul spring varieties were slow and
neglected. 1'rovlslons Improved from the
start ou buylir , ' by puckers and toward the
close shorts were active bidders , but found
llttlo for stilo. The steady buying bv inuiiu-
fuoturors Is beginning to bo foit by the short
Interest. Wo look for u higher range of prices
very soon.
CIIIUAHO , III. . Slarch 23. R G. Logan & Co. to
J. Sands Commission Co. ; Miiy wheat opened
at b3Uc , sold as low as b'JJJo and closed at Kl ? c ,
The business today has been largely local.
Llquld.itlon for the present appears to bn
over. The buying , though not of the moat
Kubstunlhil kind , linn boon very good and wo
look upon the market im safe and likely to do
sonio better. Uf course much will dei/ond
on foreign advices and demand. The
present price , say Ktc. Is low and
under ordinances circumstances at this early
season of year should make good prollts. Wo
have about passed the danger of damage to
the growing winter crop. The general rains
wo have had was Just what was required tn
demonstrate what damage Han been done by
lute freezing weather , Now comes the sowing
of the spring crop. Auv delay In It would
easily cronto speculative burying around
the present prices. Corn opened ut I ho
closing price of yesterday , VHVjo for May. Hue-
tuated from this lolW e , the closing at i iu ®
384C. 1'ho .oarly buying was by u few 10-
celvers whs hud sold about 'Jo over the pres
ent prlco , said to bo against country holdings ,
this caused some other buying and kept the
market ilriu. Whllo wo see nothing to buy It
on It may ho prudent to uko profits ou such u
decline. The only feature to outs Is ueHknesi.
Provisions steady , temllnu upwards. Wo look
for butler prices ,
Tlicro AViu XntliliiK Kiiciiuraclni ; In tlio ( Jcn-
ttrul Tnuuactloiu Ycntorduy.
NEW YOIIK. March 22. The transactions In
the stock market today as far as the general
list U concerned were still of tlio same pro
fessional character und the HUIIIO baud to
mouth order , but the operations wero-enllv-
oucd by a fov ; moro features than usual for
the past few dayi and the business done was
more evenly distributed. No news of a char
acter to alToct the list was forthcoming , but
the manipulation ot Bugarstlll coutlnued , Tlm
upward movement In thojcommou stock con
tinued until It had actually crossed the pre
ferred , but the latter afterward moved for
ward ami remained slightly nbovo the com
mon. The movement wna not without Hti In
fluence on railroad stooUa. For u tlmo there
was lively blddlnz for Heading nnd In the re-
siiluiit rise. Jersey Central and Helawaro &
Hudson fully symynthUod , though the trans-
aetloiia In each ot them wcrooxlromely smull.
tilinultaiiuously with this latter advance , the
execution of a few buying orders In Luke
bhorocaused a sharp upwurU movement In
that stock , which extended nearly to u per
uent , whllo Michigan Central rosy to 113 from
110 uad Canada Southern rose 'over 1 percent ,
These itdyaiu-os called out enough stack- ,
bowt-vir. til 01 u so a material reaction from
the last ilgutci la thoio stock * .
were rnthor more prominent In tbo nftcrnoon.
but tholr raovomenls wcro not so market ! MR
those of the stock mentioned and n tow of the
Hpeclultlcs , itiiong. which I'ullnian nnd Ohio
Southern were tlio tnott Marked. The re
actions from the best llRUrcs wcro gen
erally made up nsnln In the aftpr-
noon. except In Michigan Contra ! , the
buyluj boliiff for both sides of
the ui'coiu.t nnd the movrmcnt general. The
general list ns .1 ruin closed nl the highest
jirlccs , tlio market being qulot but llrm nt the
Improvement Material advances comprise
Ohio Soutli'-tn. : i'i per cent ; Sugar. II'i.
the preferred. 1'i percent ; 1'ullmiin. Il'i per
font l Jersey Central , a per cent ! l > elnwaro&
llitdoon. lu per rent ; llurlln ton , Lake Shore ,
Heading and Michigan Central , each 1 per
cent ,
Government bonds huvo boon dull and
steady. Mate bonds have been noglootr-d ,
Tbo following are the closing quotations for
the leading stocks on Iho Now York Stock cx-
clnuiRO todnr
The total sale of stoKks were 205.9DS shares ,
Inclndlng : Atehlhon , 4.2UO ; C/anadu Soitlhorn ,
5.1:10 : : Chicago ( ln , ii.4SU : ; Krle. 4uo ; lake
Shore , 27.UUII ; LoulsVlllo & Nashville , : i.3IO !
Nortliorn I'nclllc tiruferred. 4iSi ! ; Keadlng ,
W.TOSi Illulimonil & West 1'olnt. KlWOj St. I'aul.
20,30 ; Union Pacific. U.l.Vi ! Western , Union ,
I'liiaiicliil Kevla\v.
NEW YOIIK. March 2i The Post says : Hoar
operators had tholr turn In a narrow stock
market yesterday ; mill operators enjoyed a
season of roiallatlon today. The movement
was an oxcolk-nt Illustration of the pres
ent market efforts In the forenoon to
buy a few hundred shares of I < ako
Shorn and a few thousand shares of
Heading , both of which appeared to' ' to
( - oiiinno orders , and sent tliu ontlro board
room Into a fever and started a furious ad
vance In the prlco of both stookH. The pur
chases of Lake Shore were as dllllcult to ex
plain , as they have been for a month past ;
thosu In Heading were undoubtedly short cov
ering. The "rumor" was promptly clrcul ted
that Now Jersey's governor had signed the
"duad bill. " The "rumor" was pure Inven
tion , but was a natural member In the series
of guesses and theories by which Wn.l treot
l.s laboring to'd.scovor what bus become of the
Now York 3lon y Markut.
.New YniiK , Jlaroh 2. ' . Moxuv ox OALt ,
Eav at l'/i@2 per cent ; last loan , S per cent ;
closed offered at 2 per cent.
1'ltlMK MKIlGANTIt.ti I'AI'Ell 401 PCrCOnt-
STEIII.INO EXCIIANOE Quiet , but steady at
M.8II for sixty-day bills and $ l. 7i for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
I.oiuliiM Stock Market.
Wnl lStbi : J.imei Oordin DennrU , }
LONDON. MnrcliSJ. INow YorUUcralU Oabln
Special to THE llEK.l This has been a , dull.
Inactive day on tlio Stock exchange. In fnet
business has been nearly at a standstill , the
public keeping almost entirely uloof from
unytlilnj like speculat on. Homo railways
hnvo been adversely affected hy the abscnca
of business and the return of eold , wet
wonlhor. There has been very llttlo selllne ,
so that prices drooped until the nearly Ken-
oral dcullno of from Js tof percent wasostab-
llshcd. There hus been no life In the market for
American rails , operators herj not hclni ; In
clined to do unythln : without the aid of op
erators In Now Vork. A reported hitch In the
coal combination ins chcckoi the upward
tendency of prices very llttlo. The selling
has been snillclcnt to produce that effect , but
n full was establlbhrd , while the peneral list
sold down not to exceed ! i toJ per cent , ex
cept In the case of Atchlson , Income and Krlo
which ure U and 5i per cent lowur , respec
tively. Money wus in iood demand today at
2 to 111 per cent. Three months' bank bills
wore quoted at Us pop cent , thu market being
tiONUO.v , March 22. The following were the
itiotatlons | closing : it 4 p. rn : ' ll-lo Illinois Centrnl llj ;
doaccount 'JJU dt. 1'iiul com 7U
N. V. , 1' . AOlsts. . . . R.'iH N. V. Central 1111
CHII. Tnclllu X'.IH Heading. a8X
Krlo Ki'condH Ut
IlAIlSlI.YKH 404(1.
MO.NEV 1US.2 per cent.
Financial Notes.
NEW La. , March 22. Clearings ,
$ . ' ,142,401.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March 22. Clearlnss ,
I'Aiits. March 22 , Three per cent rentes. Ofif
27'/iu for the account ,
NEW YOIIK. March 22. Hank clearings , J127-
200,01)1 ) ; Diiliincos , UIG3)3. !
HAVANA , Mutch 32. Suunlsli gold.21454. Kx-
chungo quint on London , I'J..i ' promlum ,
ItAi.xiMoui : , Mil. . March 1' : ' . Clearings , II-
BbU.TU' . ' ; balances , jU2.t : 84. Hate , 0 percent.
riuiAii.rniA [ , I n. , March 22. Clonrlnss ,
tl&n 18.760 ; bulancos , $1,5 1,01)3. ) Money , a per
MKMPMIP. Tenn. , March 22 Now York or-
chunxo selling ut par ; clearings ,
balances , W09'J12 ,
CINCINNATI , O , . March 22. Money
cent ; New York oxclian e , 75Wo !
clearings , (2,024,750.
HT. Louis , Mo. . March 22 , Clearings , fl,2l7-
00) ) ; balances. * 1VJ.4IH. Money u7 per cent ,
Exclmngo on Now York , par ,
HOSTOX. Afass , , March 22. Clearings. $15,183-
7CO ; balances , $ l,849.ra. ! Money. 2 per cont. Ex
change on Nuw York. 17@20 per cent discount.
CIUCAOO , III , . March 22. Monov quiet nnd
without quotable elu.iiL'o ut 4Vi&U percent ;
bunk clo.irlngs , Ilil.MJ.bin ; Now York ex
change slow at 0 o discount ; Hterllnx ox-
I'himgo quiet ; sixty-day bills , SI.S'j ; demand ,
Knstan Stuck Murliot.
BOSTON , Mass..Maroh2. . Tha folio wlm were
the eloaliv ; jirlros 0:1 : stocks on the lloston
stock market to'luy :
Cattle mid Hogs lloth Active nnd Consider-
nhly Higher.
OMAHA. March 22.-Hccolpts for ( ho past two
days : 4.SIUcattle , 4,773 hogs nnd 2,324 sheep ,
nzaliiRt > .Mi : cnttlr , 12.418 hoi's and 2,251 sheep
Monday und Tuesdav ol lust week , n Nllght
decrcaso In cattle , n slight Increase In sheep
nnd n fulling elf of nearly S.UJO hogs.
The general cnttlo market was active and
strong to 5d tc lOo higher than Money nnd nil
of from lOc to Uc hlgner than Saturday. Thuro
was a boiler showing of good rullle than for
several days piist , fttllv half Ihn olforlnis of
beef slcors averaging over 1,200 Ibs and from
that up to 1OOJ Ibs. The continued favorable
report : ! from Chlu.igo . Induced free buying bv
speculative shippers and there wus u verv
good export demand. Local , dress ol beef
houses were rather active buyers nt the ad
vance , und the forenoon's trading cleared the
yards of all hut n few londs. Uood tochoieo
1.8 tn l.fiOJlh , bcovcs sold nt from & 7ft tofl.M ;
fair to good li)5tl ) to I.IW'Jsteers ut from $ .1.50 to
13.7. ) , with the ordinary run ot common light
atlllT tit from UOO to * 3.45. The ndvuncu Was
most marked ou the good 1,250 tn 1,33 ; Ib.
steers. Urdlnarv light , cattle nnd cholco
heavy hoove * sold unevenly , ullhougn nt
slrong Monday'snguros. ,
Not over a fifth of the receipts were cows
und mixed stook. The deniund was about its
usunl , the trading uotlvonnd prices rather on
the ut ) turn , ono fat 1,77U cow sold for
8J.73 , but oulsldo of this sale the rundo
wns $1.83 to $ .1.25. Good tochoca : cows and
heifers sold from $2.1)9 ) to $1.25. fair to good
stulT from J2.40 to S2.80. with Inferior and cun
ning lots from 11.33 to $2.25. Hulls , oxen and
stags were steady to strong at from $1.85 to
W.S.t , C.lives steady nt f rom J2.25 lo $5,25 for
poor to prime veals.
The situation In the stocker and feeder line
icmulns unchrngcd , Country orders nro not
coming In very freely Just at present , but the
regular dealers are taking everything offered
at fully strong prices. Very llttlo stuff sold
underfcl.tX ) and sales ranged from that on up
to $3.37J. ! llopresentutivo sales :
No. Av , I'r No. Av. Pr.
: i..ioo. ) * . ! r > 5 20..IKS M73
H..1207 355 14. . 12:10 : 375
15. luni a 55 8..1187 a 75
CO..U03 a 55 20..1247 375
0..1224 a 55 40. . ii20 : 375
: r > . .ni2 a 55 380
SO .1215 a M Si ) ! ! 1240 381
i.v.K'Mj a o 10..1:1:11 : : 3 1-0
2) ) . . 110.1 a in 2..1220 385
U..1I4I a u : ) io..isot : 3 85
1. . < J.10 a oj 17..141(1 ( 3 83
8. .11(1.1 ( ; : m nt. . it2a ; 3 85
! fi. .1212 a GO 25. . 1228 3S5
n..iaoi a no 24. . 12,14 a 87'/i
1H. . 11(15 ( a fiio * * ( ) I ° fi4 a DO
21 .12113 a nr > a1333 ) ! ! 300
10..1270 a 05 a. 1:110 : a oo
23..1151 a 03 0..1370 40J
2i..ita a G5 5..1550 400
iu. . nno a G5 17 .1:104 : 100
is..12 r a G5 20. .ir : > o 4 tO
32..naa a r > 5 17 .1522 405
43..1.00 a 70 20..1400 4 10
23./1241 a 70 28..1271 410
10J1250 a 70 .1100 410
22..1224 a 70 18. .1481 4 15
a 70 a. . .1414 415
2l1214 ! ! a 70 .1001 4 25
U p05 a 7J 20. . 1:193 : 4 25
s4.4r.Mi a 70 19. . 1510 430
2U..12I7 3 75 1..1710 430
13..J274 a 75 10..13S2 435
1 ' 'fttlO 2 25
] .70'.0 22 >
1..113I ) 2 25
U.I'1)00 ) 2 25
luilioso 2 40
1..10DD 2 49
1 < . .1127 2 40
Sf.1'600 2 40
I3..juo9 3 43
S040 2 4" >
IU. . 082 2 f.1
IjilO.V ) 2 50
18,11050 2 50
)7.'KUJ 250
0. < < li8l 2 53
I..108) 2 5J
H.TH50 2 M
13.UI23 2 00
13JIOjj- : 05
lions The supply was rather light for a
Tuesday , low prices and bad weather and
roads combining to keep the lings nt homo ,
So far this week compared with last llieic has
been a decrease compared wltn the lirst two
dnys of lust week of nearly P.OOO hogs.
Itoportsfioni Chicago were favorable , and ,
with only a moderato supply hero , the pros
pects wcro favorable for an advance , lloston
was the only outsldo buyer hero , but Iloston
Is always a uood buyer and this fact materi
ally assisted sellers In obtaining an advance
of from fie to lilc on good hos or all weights.
The fiesh moat demand wus good and ship
ping and fresh inoiit buyers paid from tt 50 to
81.01 for aboiilull the good boss hero regardless -
less of wolht. Urily one packer WHS bnyliji ? ,
t'iklngomnim ' ( heavy and mixed ho.'sat from toI.4.'ifor full loads and fiom $1.00 to
J4.IH for pieces and tliroWouls. Tending was
moderately uctlvo thtoiuhout and the pens
wcro cleared early.lhe hulk of the hogs sclllui ;
from ? ! . < : > to { 4.35 , against H.4J to JI,5'J .Monday.
The average of prices paid were
JI.M'a , against ? 4,44i Monday and J4.K last
Tuesday , liopresentativo sales :
No. Av. rih. I'r.
, . 278 H ) $1 25
ID. ; : . 318 40 4 23
i. . . .3:0 : 4 25
17. . . . .177 43 4 30
0. . . . 20(1 4 30
00. . . , .J02 320 4 : i5
7. . . , . 232 4 a !
C2 . . . .252 4K ) 4 40
50 . . . .3)7 ) 211 4 40
151. . . 308 480 4 4)
80. . . . .211 320MO 4 42i !
70. . . , . 281 MO 4
15 . .
01 . . 83 43 ,
01. . . .324 103
43. . . .245 43
K\ 320
Kc .228 320H'J
c ! ; ; .245 281
125. . .201 240
07. . . .UOO 32)
10. . . SOU
5(1 ( , . . 240 120
00. . . .2811 203
OS . , 40
7J. . . 103 fi/J |
71. . . 83
52 80
51 2U 120
8J..2JI 28)
itouniia ,
1 590 J 4K1 425
32 IUO 3 3VI 1 400 425
1. 40 4'00 | ) U tt" 430
SiiKKi1 Swift to i Id received all the f rush re
ceipts direct. Tlifcy'wunt aliout MOhhoeppr-r
day und urocomw/llod to buy them In tha
country , the ottartngs on the iniirkat being
who ly liiiidciiuuta to supply tholr trade. Io- )
slralilo miittonti nrR In btrong domund nt llrm
prk'ii.s. Kalito good iiutlvt-s. from JI.50 to 13.50 ;
woHterns , fiom $ LUO to f.l.lij eommon and
stouk sheep , from $ . ' .53 to tU.75 ; good to vholuo
lamu.s. weighing from 4) to OJ Ibs. , ( rum { 4,23
Uooelpti ii-i I lll < i titl-i i o
llecolpts at Iho Union Mock yards , Saulli
Omaha , Neb. , for thu twenty-four hours endIng -
Ing ut & o'clock p. m. . Muruh 22,1 'J. .
CATn-E. IIOIlSKSi M'1.1.
lload Car , Head Cart , Head ( 'ars. lluad.
2.ISi3 48 a 570
I.lvu Ht u'U .Market.
CHICAGO , 111. , Murcli 2ISptclal : Tocram !
to THE ! for cnttlo
a llttlo hlRhcr. Since fftturdixy there hns liccn
nn ndvnncoof from lOj to 1.r > o in most , kinds.
The Rnln nuist bo credited to the lljlit re
ceipt ? , for the demand hnsOovoloped scnrcoly [ notlvity. Uunnrts from tlio British
tnnrKcts have been very tllsuiur.-nslnj of Into
nnd tlm sltuntlon nt the oust lin * ( ilTcio.I llttlo
encouragement to fthlritm. However , with
only 14,210 ctittlo for Mondny mid ( l,0iO ( for to-
dny. the ndVauttiKO was untnlj.ttik.ihty wllli
the sellers , nml they availed themselves of It.
The cow nnd bull market was ncthontfrom
JI.JO to S.15J for Inferior to rliolco Krntlcs with
( ilcsliirKoly nt from * . ' .va to SUS. ShlnitttiR
nnd dresieil beef steers sold prlnrlpully nt
f rom Kins to $1,0 1 , and from Ji',5 to J.i.M were
the prevailing prices for stopkcn und feeder * .
The mnrkot closed llrm , with nothing loft In
salesmen's hands.
The hoc miiikot wns nctlvo today as active
HI the bcKKttrly iitnnly woultl nilmlt of , The
fresh receipts cstlmntcil nt head \\cro
surprlslnglvllRht null wcro gobbled up nt an
advance of fiiily Bo per cwt. Oool hoavr
hogs showed Mthcr moro than Hint much
Rnlit , cholco sorts brlnuliift from ? l. ? , " > to $ I.M )
nnd a loud or two of superior quullly fetching
JJ.M. Thoiiuullty did not average very cool
nnd prices below il.7.1 botwht the largest purt
ot the supply. 1'oor SHUT coin nrouiul from
$ ) .V.l to tl.Sv ) und culls wcroquotcd nt from { 2.00
Thcio wns a further advance In Iho sheep
mnrkot. Uholco westerns sold as hlRh aslft2.i
nud tlm best imllvcs wuro quoted around H40.
1-ew sales worn notcil helow $1.73 and thu nv-
crape of prices was fully 2.V hlcher than at
Iho close of Inst week. Lnmus show less
cnnnse , thoiiRh I hey lee are higher.
Thu Konlng Journal roportv. OATTI.E Uc-
colplo , 6.500 : shlpmoiils , 1:1.00 : 1 j miirkct 10o
lilghen good to ulintco stfcrs. $ 'I.8JI.40 :
nxtrn. (4.MKai.Kl : othcro. J.voa.K ) ( ) : stook ow.
iioauii ( : cons. tl,8U(3.2.40. (
Ilotis-Uooolpts. 14.0.Di ) BlilDinonM. 7.00.1 :
mnrkot WJIUo lilKlioil lough , iKl.T.VSI.l.'i :
packing nnd shipping armies. fMx34.7.V. : pi line
heavy nnd buti-hor weights , ? 4.75tl.82J ! ; light ,
W.7Kii4.ulgs. ( : . $1.03I.M.
SIIKKIHecolpts , T.OJl ! shipments , 11,001 :
market higher : owes , } l. : : Ct4.7u : natives. Wni
( iTtl.4U ; : westerns , J.VWKiJ0.2.'l : yearlings , $ (5.UO ( ®
0.50i . lambs. nomS-.rjQ.
Now York Llvo Htork .llnrlict.
NKW VOIIK , March 22. HKRVKS Itocclpts
Mill hoiid , all for oxpoit : nothing iloluit In
c.ittle pens : fdellua weak : diessud licet stinidy
tafiSc nor Ib. : shipments today. l.W ! ) beeves
nnd 2tO : ) iiunrtcrM of beef : tomorrow , T25
beeves mid fl.IlSU quarters of licof ,
UAM'KS Keeolpls. 1112 liead : market steady
butiiulet : vonls , J..U ® R.UO per 100 llw.
SIIKKP Uerolpls. lU'lU lioatl ; sheep ncllvu
nnil firm : lambs quint at full former values ;
sheep , J.l.UO'ST.OO pur 103 Ibs.j | innb , TU.li007.00 :
dressed mutton llrm nt IxaiiMio per lb.j
dri'ssed lambs steady nt l.Qllic !
llous Kocolpts. 0V.)7 ) head , consigned direct :
market nominally steady ut Jl.WXiJJ.rO per
100 Ibs.
St. Louis l.lut Stock .Mnrket.
ST. I.uuii ! , Mo. . Murch2J. CATTt.i : Itoeolpts ,
2r > 5i ( ; 'shiDmcnts. 1C ) : market steady on na
tives and Hc ) < lilglior on Texans : fnlr Jo goo'l
natlvo steers , $ ' . ) .4'4.40 | good Indian und
Tnxun steers. * l.lui.UJ. :
Iloos Itccolpts. 2f..VJ ; shlpmotits. 2,810 ; mar
ket stronger ; heavy. $4.GOiil.M ( ) ; mixed , ordi
nary to rood , Jl.4.l.7. ' > ; light , fair to best ,
HniiKi'-Kooolpta. 201 : shlpincnta , none :
market llrm ; fair to desirable muttons ;
4.2o@3.2. > . _
Kansas City Llvo Stock Market.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . M-iroh 22. OATTI.E Re-
ooliits. ; i'J30 ; shipments. UjO ; steers were active
und steady to lOe higher : dressed beef and
shipping steers selling nt$2. " > 0i.4J : ; rows wcio
Rtcady to lOo lower , fielllnc ut | } l.5XiiU.40 ( :
stockers und feeders wcrs steady at f-.a.Vii
3.55.HOO3 Iljcelpts. r > ,03 > shipments. ; IOO : the
mnrkot wns active and MtlOc higher ; all
erudcN. I.104.05 ; bulk , K4 © 1.53.
biiEKP Kecelptc. l.SOU ; shipments , 503. The
murket wus strong to lOa higher.
Caligrnph Writing Macnmc is no longer u
luxury , but has become a necessity.
A citizen of Indiana Is suln for a divorce
because his wlfo would not made hot biscuits
for him at every meal.
Experience helps u man in almost everything -
thing in the world excoBtlng in gottins-
timid girl to become his wife.
The dress coat may bo the proper thine for
the nrosalcul wedding , but fet nu elopement
thcro is nothing like a cutaway.
Evidently lev. John Jasper believes that
"tho sun do still move , " as Uo advertises his
determination in his eightieth year to marry
a third wife.
Cora What got you in Iho notion to marry
that manufacturer of porous plasters" !
Dora. ( Chicago ) I want to Hud ono man that
will stick to nK .
Mrs. Gadd Mrs. Blabb tells mo her
daughter is going to marry a man of note.
Mrs. Gaob That's queer ; I hoard she was
engaged to a trombonist.
Only a moan father will cut a rcgistor-
hole from his chamber to tbo front parlor
where his daughter is in tuo habit of enter
taining her young man Thursday evening of
every week.
A man should alwsys marry for love and
never for money , but It U just as easy to love
a etrl who has calf a million in her own
right as it is to adore the girl who hasn't n
jolilary cont.
"Am I cro s-eyed , Charley ? " asked the
rich girl. "Yes , Maude : but who wouldn't
DO with your oyesi Jf my optics were as
beautiful as yours I'd bo trying to look into
them myself , too. "
It is said that the handsome young Ameri
can woman , Mi s Mitchell , who recently
wedded a duke of the Rochefoucauld family ,
has been deliberately snubbed by all of her
newly acquired royal relations
The now engagement ring that the lover
gives his lady hus two largo stones , n diamond
mend aud sappnlro or diamond and rubv , or
pnnrl , forming the extremities of an open
ring , the ends overlapping to bring ono stone
nbovo another. The ring most fancied ns a
gift from the girl to her betrothed is u chain
of platinum and gold with a true lover's icnot
ou top. It is not a stiff chain , but. the links
must fall softly together when ho takes it
off , in tokrtn of tlio fact that her chains are
light ones.
A very romantic marriage latolv took place
in Montgomery county , North Carolina. A
young man obtained the license , secured the
prnacnar and look him immediately to the
presence of his intended. He found her iu
the kitchen muklngundcugh. Tboyounir man
did not give her time"to clean her hands and
arms , but had the preacher tie tbo knot at
onco. The preacher made quick worlc of it
and sent them on their way rejoicing.
The lady was talking to an old friend nbnut
the marriage of her daughter to a wealthy
man. "I understand"said Iho friend , "lhat
Maude has married very well , " "Oh , yes , "
replied the gratlilcd mother , "very well in-
d ed. " "But bo had such n peculiar name ;
Flzzlewigglo , wasn't ill" "You. " "That's
perfectly horrid , don't you thlnki" "Well , "
hesitated thi ) mother , "It doosn't sound very
melodious , possibly , but its perfectly beauti
ful on a check. "
A rejuvenated widow In Onondugo county ,
Now York , said to her daughter recently
that when she ( the daughter ) arrived at her
mother's ago It would bo time to thing of
marriage. ' 'Yes , " replied the girl , "mar
riage for the second time. " Piqued by this
reply , the good liuly cut out her daughter in
the good gracoi of her "steady company"
and married him herself. To obtain revenge
for this unmothcrly trick the daughter mar
ried her recreant lover's rich futhor.
This story of Potter Palmer , told hy the
Chicago News , Is supposed to date- back to
the tlmo when ho was a poor man , He and
his wife were riding down State street in a
somewhat dilapidated famllv buggy ono day ,
and passed Marshall Field riding br In a IIDO
carriage , Mrs. Pulmor viewed tno splendid
onulpugo wilh nroper feminine covelousnoss.
"Potter , " said she , "U over I ruarry niralu
I'll marry n rich man. " "No , my dear , " ro-
plleu Mr. Palmer dryly , "don't do it ; you
know you did it once unil made a failure of
it. "
Down in Maine It Is perilous to marry an
old woman for her money. MM , Ann French
of Belfast was the widow of a sea captain.
Bbo was 84 yours of uge and had tVM In n
savings bank , u fortune amply sufllclont to
tempt t..lo cupidity of a down castor. With
bueh a generous competency stored away , no
ono would l < ave Ibouclitshowautrd a penny ,
yet when o stripling of ! I5 Bearing that name
came over from Amherst ho teemed to her
moro precious than all her dollars. H. C.
Penny came a stranger to Jiulfast and found
board nnd lodging with Mrs. French. No
ono suspected lilni uf wheedling tbo eld lady's
heart until it transpired that they hod been
married ou the sly , In the busy west , where
people have enough to do to mind their own
business , Mr , Penny's matrimonial adven
tures would have boon soon forgotten , but iu
Mulnu things are done dllTeronliy. The citi
zens of Uolfast organized u vlgllana com
mittee und marched to the house of the Ill-
mated pair , where , seeing no lights , ttiey
broke the windows. Afterwards they re
turned , beat In tbo door , and after searching
the bouse found Penny in tbo hay loft with
u drawn revolver. Hu ran away , but was
raptured by the crovvd. Tar nnd feathers
were talked of. but milder counsel ilnallv
prevailed , and the man was released ou bis
promise to leave the city.
brers' ' and FS' ' Directory Jj
Klnu . Immmockv nil ami
rtihtiprrlothlnii. Potnl for
ca'nlogue. HIS Knrrmm.
Importers rtncl ni n f.-\o.
turorj. Sl nl , innnlll.i , cotton
roiio , liciiip , Jnti , cot-
Flour SUP * * , Ilurlnpi nml tun twlnos.tnrtol roril'
Twine. rilnes , oot aiS. Ulli-n ,
SurcM'or to.l.J.Vllk. .
Illcrclos nolil montlilr ' '
on cnvin. M'f'KclKiir , | i | icr
lin.rnicntt. iinokl'K boxi' . .Ml no\ci
ties In hot ilno.
12J.NM.MIi St. , 1110 D
1101 llow.inl Slron.
Knotorr corner llth ami IKnntln i > troot' .
Wo nrpinnklnit close prleo < tocaili b lyorj , itnl nro
n clns ) of Kinut * which U vcrr s.ilo-
ablowltii ) .
\Vholcsn1o Mnnufnetu'ri.
Ak'cnts for llootJ. phnai , rnhbcri
bcr . nml felt KJ > 1 < .
Shoo Co. , 1UIJ , not
noilOJlIi : rtioy9lroot.
IMI-Ollarnar trJJf
, p. uili iintl l.cnvcn-
worili S.M. , oiimlm.
John Uarhorvr , stale
CoinfcrtloncrB nml
Joiilicrs uf fdiolun nml
( luinesllo frultB , 1110
llowuril Ht.
.Mnniifiictmoibuiuc ) ' trps
A , T. DirbjrMnmcor , barks cushions , elf.
Top , < "uihlon < . Hack ; ,
Dnstics , etc. Scad for Catalogue.
211 NMMIist , - Ouiah.i. 319 S. l-lli street.
Manuracturcrs anit
clotlilnz unit notloiK.
Utrcus n nonil \Vholoaale Clothlorj ,
oninploj exprcHl Dro-
. 1101) ) llarney Btraol.
pulit. 1113 llnrncT.
Dry good * , notions , f ur- '
nlshln ? KOoJj Dry Roodsnotions , uoati'
furnishing Kuo.ti.
Corner llth mid llowarJ. Cor. llth nnd HawiirJsts.
D. M. STEELEfc C3. , BLAKE , BRUCE & , CO. ,
120I-1M5 Jones street , 10th and HarmsOin.iui ,
Omnha , Kob. Neb.
lints , rnps , etrnir KOOIU , i it. . , , . , „ . . , " , , , , , „ „ . . .
Klovcs , inltti-n .0 n.rM ilovoi 'i"l '
' " " ! u mlu MI .
TOlcbrnti'd < : utu < Hy
hat. llth nnil llnrncy. 1''tli mill Ilnrnoy.
CO. , Dcnk-rV linnlware niul
Cor.lOili niidJnckioaats lci' tuolx.
Oinnli.i. 1401 Douiilns Street.
The only safe way for purchasers is to insist on having the
genuine article , and not allow themselves to be swindled by
having plasters said to be "just as good , " or "containing
superior ingredients , " imposed upon them. These arc only
tricks to sell inferior goods that no more compare with
AJ.I.COCK'S POROUS PLASTERS than copper does with gold. .
One trial of Allcock's Porous Plasters will convince
the most skeptical of their merits.
The eminent HENRY A. MOTT , Jr. , Ph.D. , F.C.S. , late
Government Chemist , certifies :
( "My investigation of ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER shows it to
.contain valuable and essential ingredients not found in any other
( piaster , and I find it superior to and more efficient than any oilier
plaster. "
Beware of imitations , and do not be deceived by misrepre
sentation. Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and let no solicitation or expla
nation induce you to accept a substitute.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
I'l-opoBal jnr rulntlng iu : > t IVull iifClly Hull
Pealrd Uldb will ho rnnnUo.i to 12 o'c'ouk
noon , Mitrch VtUli , < attlils olllco for paint-
Int ; tlio eu t sldonf ulty hill , wlih two cub s
of uurti vhltu li'ad unil nil ,
mlUdCt Tllhu. OLSE.N. Coiiiptrollcr
. $5f , , FRICX * . HERBERT ,
Manor MnrchnnH ,
llllllnrnoj Stroll , Whuto'alo liquor ilcnlcn
' . '
Mnniifnttur'raKonnj.lf' *
Kiisl India tllttiri. I0)l ) Knrnnmst ,
Millinery , notions ole ks Importers A JotiBfM ol.
' . *
cte nill'lilcrjnnllon * . .Mull
, orders prompt. SOS-l ] ,
llfi-1'8 8 ICth U Omaha. 8. Illh-Kt.
1'lnnoi. orrfunf , nrtliti ,
ni.iterl.ili , clo.
1513 stro ) ' .
IINZCO. , No bail odor , no mnoky
chimneys , no clinrrliirt
llcflnoil nml lubrlo.itlnj or vrlekj , Auk your itro-
oils , nilogrovia , oto. ucr for It ,
riih CoUrr.
Oritcn , nn
I'ncVers nf orstori , n li
nnd cjiory , 3I'.I South llt'Ht
CC8t > unvouworth st. Dnvld Cole , M\nijar.
Ppcclnltlo * . biittjr , ou. Scml 119 your ICctf' ,
clionHO. poultrjr , olo. No. tor , Poultry , ( Iniuo ,
Ii 3. llli. iluf. ut Nit. Illdoi , Ktc.
bank. 1731-3 [ , o ivja Torlli 3' .
Iluitor ,
Cnch liuycre butter nnd Kmtlx , ronllry , ( innio.
ecus : handles nil other AKontH for Mrcr's Itoytil
produce on commission llur o nnil I'uttlD Splco
4&S.lltli ) St ,
W5S. lltliBt. - Omnlin
QREELEY & . CO. , 1. B. HUSE& , CO.
lluttor. CIKS. noultrjr Our jpCT'l.iltloi : lluttcr ,
iiaaie , liUj < and fruit cxo nml ii.iiiltry , 101.1
1007 llownrd U ItuwurJ stroot.
Wholaalo butter A eggs
HUTU and st'lls for
eauh. 4I3S. llth-st.
Carry n full stock of Wrapping pi | > ora'.tilndl !
of twlnc'c. eta
prlntlnK , wrapping and
Utt ) I loward sU
writing paper , pa-
iwr , eta. Tol. I7J ) .
Stove ropaln nnd w.itnr
aitachinontH for any kli3 !
of stove tnado.
1207 Doimlis.
Manufacturers of ash. Toys , doll ! , nib u mi ,
doors , blinds nnil fancy gaoiii , houiofur-
mouldlniti. llrnneh of- nl-hlnu KOOI ! ! , chlM-
Dco , 12th nnd IiardStt. ron' cnrrlfiKUo ,
131U Kurnam Btrect.
Iloom : I4 Kich.'inuo llullJ- Hoomi. U ) nnil 01 K -
UultJInx South
Oui.iho. Hu.Hli U.n.lUl.
I HANIAMVKI ) CAI'Ht.'I.ICS are till
DOGUTAg 1 uuil onlf captulcn int'evrltcil I )
regular pliynlclmii for HID laru ot
( luiiorrliw mt UlacliiirKci Irom tliu urinary i
ttrlcturu In ! i U y IIW pel l > ux. All < liUK < lit < .