THE OMAHA DAILY BEEa..TtTESDAY. , MAttOIT 22. 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL IJLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. I cllumlly Cnrrlprtonny partof the City H , W. T1I.TON , MANAGER. rri-l . rimnNrtJ , Htis'ncps Office , . Nn + 1 IIONKb-j NoZI NRlll ) Kjor | , . fJAUJt N , Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. CrnH's cbnttcl loans. 204 Sapp blocU. The council moots llm evening In regular monthly session nuil the now members take Ihclrsoats. Mrs. E. C. ! 5mlth will entertain tbo mom- licw of the Ollvctto Danclnp club next Friday ovcnltiR at a banquet nt her homo on First nvonuo. The school board will hold Its ropular monthly meeting this evening. H will bo the last meeting before thu nbw mcmborB talto tholr scats. Kotjular meeting of St. Alban'.s lodpo No. 17 , Knights of l'.vUilns , nt castle hall thU evening. All members and visiting brethren Invited to bo present. Sarah Markland , wlfo of Henry Macklnml , died yesterday morning nt S\ii : \ o'clock of nsthtnn. ntcd ; fil years , at her residence on Upper Hroadway. She leaves two daughters mid four sons. ' Notice of funeral will bo Klvcn later. The case of John Mnhcr , who Is charpcd with robbing n man named Griffith nt n Lower Broadway saloon , Is sot for trial this mornlnp , after a number of continuances. Ho Is ready for trial but tha state Is not , as ( Irlfllih , the prosecuting witness , has disap peared and has not been seen for several \voeUs. There Is no great probability of Ills turning up this morning , so that Maher stands n good ahoiv of ROttlnc out of his present scrape as neatly as on previous occa sions. A man clvlng his nnmo as Scott and claim ing to hall from Dakota , presented himself nt the police station with his son and two daughters yesterday and told a pitiful tale of how his \vifii had gone astray nnd piit him with bin children out of the house. Ho left the town where ho lived , and after drifting about for some time , struck Council Bluffs without a cent to his name , and without any friends. Ho tried to put up at n hotel hut the proprietor fulled to sea nnvthlng In sight nnd refused to talto him In. A well Known contractor finally agreed to keep him over night and to glvo htm a job today. Numerous complaints have been made all ono titno and another on the actions of the crowd of rowdies who have been in the habit of creating disturbances nt the Beth any Baptist church nt Illch street and Six teenth avenue. To prevent trouble O. H. Cnttcrltn was appointed a special policeman , and slnco the fact Dccatno known that ho \vo3 there for the purpose of keeping order the roughs bchavo themselves. Last night ono of them broke out afresh and was ar rested by the policeman with the now star on the charge of disturbing religious wor ship1. Ho gave bis nt.ino as Sam Tutty. An Information Is on tile in thooftlcoof n Justice of the peace charging Fred Koahlor and Andy Uc.iu with assault and battery. Joseph Lcdor was the victim of the assault , and no claimed to have been spending the evening at a saloon In the southern part of the city with the defendants. After several drinks around had been put out of Bight , the wUolo party became sociable , and bcforo long n beer glass In the bands of ono of Loder's assailants mnilo several holes in his coun tenance in addition to those supplied bv nature. Several ounces of warm , red gore escaped , and ho is now laid up for repairs. The two men who are said to have committed the assault uro still at large. I will offer for sale to the highest bid der on March 28 , lot 0 , blook 7. Bnyliss first addition , nnd loin I ) , 4 nnd 5 in Dunn's block. Also IJ20 acres , linost farm in I'ottiivnttamio county , together with muloa , horses and wagons. Terms , half eish : , bnlanco ( Ivo years' timo. Harry H. Imnnn , salesman. xA L r. 1 n.i u HAP us. John T. St&wart has returned from an east ern trio. J. C. lilxby loft yesterday for a few days' visit to Des Molncs. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. M. Treynor have returned from a visit to DCS Muincs. Miss Mary Key has returned from a visit of eovoral weeks with friends in St. Paul. Rov. N. J. Louker , western secretary of the Boara of Churcn Extension of the Lutheran churcti , was in the city yesterday , and in-cached in the evening at ttoe St. John's English Lutheran church in the Young Men's Christian association rooms. C. A. Simpson bus returned from Illinois , where ho wont last wcoic to attend the close of the trial which ho had to go through on the chargoof obtaining money under false pretences. In rendering his decision the court stated that It was convinced that ho was Innocent of tha chirgo placed apaiust him , and discharged him. Oil I'nlntlngs HUcii Anny. The UglUnlnp landscape artist , who 1ms attracted such crovds at the Boston pto.-o , Council BlulYa , during the last few ' ] iiy8\vlll remain in hisstudlo ; in one of the largo bhow windows , for several davfl yet. II Is to bo hoped the weather will bo pleasanter this week so time the crowds otitsido can better enjoy the epcctaclo of an nrtibt palntlnp a 'lanjo handsome landscape in oil with light ning rapidity , completing a picture olten in ten minutes time. Many of these pictures uro very Hue , nnd would not bo out of place in any drawing room. As fust as they are painted and dried they nro given nivny to the cus tomers of the sloro with every $5 pur chase. All these pictures are framed on the place at about one-half the cost com monly paid for the various Btylos of frames , ranging in price from (15o ( to $1,75. This is much loss than the frames can bo bought for oluowhoro. Wo trust that each of our patrons will got ono of thcao pictures. Recollect the picture costs you nothing ; you got your goods at special sale prices and the pictures are given you us presents from us , your ox- jioiiHo only being for the frames , if you do.-dro to have them framed , How are your awnings ? J , M. Lamcko , liil I'ciirl. Only homo factory. Improvements ut the IVako , Tlioro Is n prospoot that the club house of the Omaha Athletic club will bo located ut Lake Munawn before the oporilng of tha sea son at the lake. Negotiations huvo been in progress for vomo time between the Manhat tan Uo.ich Improvement company and the Athletics with this end In view. A proposi tion has at last boon submitted to the club by which the company agrees to glvo two aoros of eround on ttio south shore of the lalto.with u fro'jtagoof 200 fool on the lake , to boloug to the club BO long at used for club purposes , The members of the two rowing crows of the club are to bo given free transportation be tween the lake and Omaha. This proposi tion Is now being considered by the members of the club and a decision will probably bo reached in the course of a few days. A larjo sum of money will b ) expended in Improvements at the laka before the season opens. An eloetrlu light is to bo placed In the mlddlo of the lake so as to illumlnulo the whole body of water and enable moonlight picnics to boglvon every night in the month. A now baseball grouna ana a bicycle track will bo made and it is ttio intention of the proprietors of the place to furnish such a class of attractions us will make li ono of thn most popular pleasure resorts in the west during the cutlro summer. Eastern money to loan on real ostnto by li H. Slioafo , Uroadway and Main , O. Yuiikarman & Co. , food , seeds , com mission , country produce , 103 UroaUwny. Walnut block nnd Wjoinlng coal , fresh mined , received dally Thatcher , 10 Main street. Money to loan. Lowest ruto ? . John ston & Van I'ntton , Kverott block. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Characteristic Story of a Man Who Con siders Himself Especially Shre cl , HOW HE "FOOLED" A CLOTHING MAN Triuupnmit Trick Kmplnjcil In ( Jettingn ( looil Hut tor Onc-TVntli < > r Iti . Actual Viilini in Totil \ > \ lllnnclr. There is n gonlloman well Known In Coun cil Bluffs , who has often made it his boast that when the proprietor of a closing out sale got ahead of him ho had to rfot up very early In the morning to do It. A story which Is told on him , nnd which the gentleman in ucstlon has never seen tit to deny , rather ends to substantiate his claim to an oxtr.i- rdlnary dcgrpo of uorvo as well as inge nuity. A bankrupt sale of fonts' furnishing goods as been In progress for sorao tlmo past In n building on Broadway , and ono of the halts eld out to catch customers Is a window ull of Imts marked , "Your cholco or 50 cents. " Among thojo who were nllccd Into the store was the gontlomin re- 'erred to. Ho looked at n pile of hats on ono if the counters and at last found ono that itiitcd him , all but the prico. It was marked 5 , but ho decided to have it for fiO cents. He iccordlngly tools tbo hat and edged his way ivcr toward the window where the 50-cent I fin was displayed , a.d Inside of ton seconds ills cholco lay peacefully among its cheaper relatives. A few mlnutos later ho picked it up again mt of the window , uml with the eagerness hat Is common to discoverers ho asked .ho pilce. It wuj In the window , so why ihould ho not have It forftOcontsl And It , \u.ia green clerk that waited on htm , so ihore proved to bo no reason , whatever. Mr. Man Is now sporting a line $3 hat , and although ho has hud It three days ho has not \vcarlcdyctottcillnghowho got it for 00 cents. _ unsTox STORI : . Immense Arrivals of Spring floods Great This Week. Wo have appreciated the remarkable patronage extended us during our great underwear sale , which closed last night , and , although wo made prices so low a-s to leuvo no profit , wo wish to thank our many friends for coining and taking the [ joods awny. ' WE WANTED ROOM. And when you visit , our store this weak : md sco the immense stock of SPRING GOODS On display you will understand , why wo had to make such great sacrillccs. Wo take pride , as you know , In securing for our counters the latest nnd best the market affords , and in allowing none to uxccl us in the completeness and excel lence of our stock. Come to our store this week and see the display and bo happy. In DRESS GOODS wo will show you the latest novelties. both in woo ! goods and the liner fabrics. SPRING UNDERWEAR wo have just what the first warm days of spring will make you sigh for and in hosiery we can gratify you with many novelties. Wo perhaps ought to call special attention to the largo line of LADIES' ' SPRING WRAPS capes , etc. , just received and placed on sale for the first lime this week. And dually as to prices you know they will bo right , for this is the BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , la. FOTHEniNGITAM , WjIITEIjAAV & C'O. Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices. N. 13. Store closes evenings at G p. m. , except Mondays nnd Suturduyb ; Mondays 0 p. m. , Saturdays 10 p. in. Jar vis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best. Their first lilrtlxlny. The Commercial Pilgrims of America will cclobrato the llrst anniversary of the organi zation of their society on Saturday evening , April 3 , at the council chamber In the Bono block , in Council Bluffs. Invitations have been sent out to the members of the order for n family social on that date , and elaborate preparations are being made for the ovent. Cards and dancing will uo the main features of the evening's en tertainment , and refreshments will bosorvod. The following committees have boon ap pointed to look after the preliminaries : Ar rangements , W. J. Uavenport. A. W. John son , , f. C. Mitchell ; invitations , Gcoreo C. Wise , H. Franklin , E. H. Haworth , W. A. Twvls , II. C. Wallersteadt. A. W. Hobbs ; recoiitlon , F. 15. ShophorJ , Henry Coff6n , II. S. Bllnn , P. A. Sp.-acno , J. J. Jono ? , Mrs. F. 15. Shepherd , Mrs.V. . B. Lanlus , MI-J. E. H. llaworth ; Jloor , 15. C. Gloason , W. B. Lamus , James Pauei\-ou : refreshments , William Kobtnsou. _ Swanson Music Co. , Masonic toinplo Wo have our own vineyards in Callfor nia. Jarvls Wine comptny , Co. Bluffs .Tarvis' wild blackberry Is the best. Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest btylca and iiowost goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Millinery Itoinninl. Misses Rprink & Pun-ran huvo removed their millinery parlors from Broadway to 11) ) South Main st. Will Huvo ii It ill Team. Manager Vandenburg of the old Model Ball club Is hard at woriv getting ready for tno ball season. It Is decided positively that a team will bo organhod , and u part of the members hnvo already been sccurod. Tlmy are F. Niccoll , Charles Mitts , N. Martin , F. Vandonbursr , J , Oliver , Harry Hardin and C ! . Cummlcgs , some of whom wcro members of lust year's loom. Enough tnoro will oo secured to uiako the membership an oven dozen , so M to huvo three extra men In case of emergencies. The club will bo known as the "Council Bluffs Base Ball club , " nnd the expectation is to matte it ono that the citi zen B will not bo ashamed of , iVhero the games will bo played has not yet been de cided definitely , but the place chosen will ba cither the driving park or Lake Manawa , with the chances slightly iu favor of thu latter. Saloniikfupom Moilug. , Neb , , March 21. 'lo the Editor of : Grim Irony , that saloonkeepers' msoting , an account of which appeared In your paper recently. Its object was declared to be , ' 'To elevate the saloon business by having the respect of reputable people. " Well , gentlemen , haven't you put your hand to an uphill task ! Vou say further , ' To promotu temperance nnd thu good order of bocioty" [ mi evil tree product ) good frultlj and further on , 'To promotu tomporunco in the use of liquors , etc. " Did chooklncNs over bunt its hnad against the rock of fact * tnoro baldly ! Everybody knows that the saloon U tbo greatest school of vulgarity , profanity and low animalism In tbo community. Everybody knows that tbo associations of thosaloon aredcgradlng ; that the drink habit is the master vice , because it Is productive of so many other vices. Tbo saloon always has tended and always will tend , to degrade and brutalize men ; tu destroy the peace uud comfort of their fami lies and sow In themselves the seeds of dis ease and premature death. You can't elevate - vato the character of individuals or com munities who voluntarily yield thonuolvos tosonnuil indulgences , and no other appe tite is so despotic as the uppctito for licjuor. It destroys sclf-dUclpllno , self-control and self-respect. No , gentleman , your business can't "bavo the rojpoct of reputable people , " and I pray you quit it. The influence of thu baleen la evil , only evil , and that continually , and uo ono ! knows this better than you men who tend the niir , unless you have become mor ally blinded nnd hardened by the vice. Yo\l can't make the biislnc s respectable , oven Iu the estimation of ono in ten who drink at your bar. Who ever said. "Let mo Introduce to you my friend , A. B. , our saloonkccporl" No nn . Though ho drinks ho don't like so close n relationship to the bartender. But who would hciltnto to say , "My friend A. B. , our carpenter , " "blacksmith , " nr the like' Yours In sympathy and helping good uill , M. C. BUTLCII. INTEREST AND USUHY. I.CMOII on Moclrrn limitless Methods Drmui from tlin rnnitilcn. Yesterday morning Hov. Frank W. Foster , pastor of the Immanucl Baptist church , preached the second of u scno * of business sermons , Ins subject being : "Tho Talents , " or "Interest nnd Usury and the Punishment for Idleness , " the text being Matt. xxv. . 14 to 0. Following is a synopsis of the dls- coui'jo : Probably for all tlmo , interest will bo con sidered us a fair nnd proper return to the oiio owning the money or wealth that the borrower ucsircs to use lor aloiieer or shorter Imo.Vobstcr says that the Interest is premium paid for the use of monov ; but that tatcmcnt include * in it the Idea of risk being assumed , and premium for that risk bolig charged up njralast intcioU. Natural inter est , and It Is that wu are considering , Is not money paid for the use of money , but ru'hcr , ns Henry Oeorgo states It , Interest Is money puid out of the Increase of capital , In the hands of the user of tha capital , For if there was not an inorciuo of productiveness , by the use of the capital employed In any oc cupation , and so , au Increase of wealth , over nnd above that which would bn had , If sim ply labor a d raw materials , or the forces of nature wore employed , Interest would soon cease to bo paid the man who had money to loud , for no ono would want It If It did not Increase the productiveness of labor. Of course 1 speak of borrowing money now in its largest connections with business nnd commercial enterprises , borrowing for tho. purpo.o of temporary and personal gratifica tion docs not enter Into the question Iu this caes. Illustrations might bo CJsily given , but time will not allow of it. Now the question which , as Christians , wo want to ask ourselves , Is , Whether this Is the Interest tdat Is condemned m the sense of usurv by the blblo ? Let us bo honest with ourselves , even if it should deprive us of many things which wo possess , and tnough , llUii Zaehons , uo may bo called upon to make restitution. By most careful study It does not appear tome mo that this is what Is condemned In the bible. Interest , in the sense iu which I have just spoken of It , I hnvo no doubt may bo recognized as Just. The Jews were a commercial people , and when they are commanded not to take usury they are comnr.undod not to bo a goug ing and biting class of people , not usurers ; the very word Itself , "neshek,11 to bite , so that a usurer , from the very meaning of the word , was a biter. "Tho Puritanic divines are almost all of them against the talcing of any interest upon money , and uo to the length of saylnc that ono penny per cent per annum will shut a man out of heaven , if persisted iu. " But money is n productive thing , ns Mr. Spur- geon said , "and the lender has u right to a part of tno products ; a loan to enable a non- trader to llvo over n season of want Is a very different matter. " That would , probably , bo considered usury , nnd would bo condemned by the law laid down In Matthew vllt'i. : Usury not only is the excessive rate paid in premium for money borrowed , but it is the undue advantage taken at uny tlmo over an other person In trade or bargaining. The test text in the bible , to show us whether wo nro trespassing the commandments of the Lord on this matter , is the twelfth verso of the seventh chapter of Matthew. Three servants indeed they were slaves were entrusted with some money , nnd the owner or master , wont away to bo gone an iuiiolinito time. The first two show their industry , so they trade and use the money given them , so that It increases iu a perfectly natural way , until it has doubled , When the servants saw their master re turning , those who had Improved Industii- ouslv , their opportunity , were glad , nnd they reported to him with Joy , of tholr good for tune. "Tho live talents have gained tivo oth er talents. " "Thy two talents have gained two talents more. " The Lord looked with de light and approbation upon those servants , and ho .said to the ono gaining live talents , "Well done , good and faithful servant , thou hast shown thy shrewdness und ability , and thou shalt be a ruler , a prince , enter thou also into the Joys of the Lord ; they are mak ing u banquet for me , thou shall sit. . at tbo table with mo. " ' He said just the sumo words to the other faithful one. "Well done , good and faithful servant , thou shalt be a raler , und a prince , enter thou lute the joy of the Lord. Thou shalt aha be a guest at the feast they are preparing for mo. " These faithful servants were praised. They were honored with being invited to sit with the Lord nt the feast , whera his return was being joyoublv celebrated. And in the third place they were rownrded for their faithfulness by having authority , llko thatof their Lord , given to them. Hero wu have industrious attention re warded. The slothful servant was not pleased to see his Lord returned , nnd ho very naturally put off until the last possible moment , meeting his Lord. Ho , too , hud given to him as much as ho could have used to advantage. If ho had received the ten talents ho would have carefully hidden the whole of it until thu lord's ' return. There would have boon greater loss to the Master , and no greater gain for the laiy , Indolent , Insolent man that throw down before his Dord the talent , say ing : "Thcro Is till no , take it , i was afraid to use It , it was too rUKy a matter to go out in the streets even \\ltli that'money , and I would never have dared to Invest it , for 1 am sura I would have lost. " No doubt bo was right , for that kind of slothfilncss will always load to loss and failure. His Lord was naturally greatly displeased , and the moro so , no doubt , that the others had proven that the times wcro prosperous or they could not have gained so much , "Thou wicked and blotbtul servant , why didn't you do something with my money ; why not give it to some of the traders whc would buvo paid you good Interest , and now I might have received back again my money .vith interest ! " How certain end fearful is the condemna tion which Is pronounced against that sloth ful , lazy , Inactive servant ! First , hols cen suiou for his slothfuluosH , in the presence ol bis fellow servants , that have just been honored so greatly. Next , the talent that ho had. was token and given to him , that'had ten talents. The final punishment was tbo command : "Cast yo the unprofitable servant into outci darxncss. Hero will ho music und toasting presently tula Is no place for the lazy follow. Cast him outl To the cellar ; to the dungeons with him ! " Ho was cast Into outer darkness , \Vhuta tcrriblo thought , and blblo truth , is hero brought to our utteution ! Uod will as surely cast from His presence In the world to como all who cantint llml tlmo in their hearts to servo Him now , to love Him now. No truth In the blblo Is more emphatically taughl than this : All these who will not hava Uoi : and take Him Into tholr affairs , to shape , to guide , to council now , cannot have Him here- after. You who will nut take Him now can not have Him horcaftor. You who will nol take Him now cannot URVO Him then. You will be cast Into outer durknoss. You may not like the truth ; you may not , want to be- Hove it , but like all the truth of the blblo. this truth stands eturnully. Clod help you May Ho save you 1 The Good Sumarltiiu. Rev , A. W , Clark is doing so-no excellent work in the City Mission , Just at preseni ho is oncajjod in finding relief for u grcai many sick people who ara in destitute cir cumstances. Last week bo found a poor old man Iu a miserable room over a saloon at the corner of Sixteenth und Cas ? streets In i pitiable condition , Ho was iu the last stages of consumption and had no ono to attend to his wants but a small boy , his son , who was half starved and as ragged as a scarecrow. The case was absolutely shocking , The ok man had wasted awav until hU bones bai actually cut through the skin in places , and to add to the horror of the situation , ho was unspeakably filthy. Into this place of awful misery tbo mis slonary wont ana had thu poor dying pauper carried to a comfortable room and provided with proper food , clothing and medical at tendance. But the spark of lifu was lee fain to bo rekindlod. The old man died a few days at tor Key , Claris discovered him. It was cnrncd Just about the tjipppf his death that ho old mnn had a brothqriP itig P.I Hannibal , Mo. Ho Is president of yibank. A IIICSSBRO vus sent him nnd ho arrived In Omaha the next day , but not until lift brother had closed its oycs upon this worlljtorover. ( The gen- loman from Missouri wj s almost prostrated with grief nt tbo shockingcondition ) In which lU brothnr had bncu ( ouuil. Ho thanked Itov. Clark and the supporter * of the mission again nnd again and prtUl\U : the bill ? that ho could find lhatworo contracted on his broth er's account. Ho said howas utterly ignor ant of his brother's poverty , and would bavo provided n good homo ( or. him if ho had icnown the Incts. The Vwy lias boon pi ovldoj with n homo and the remains of the unfortu nate old man were Intrroa at Forest Lawn. Ills nntno was Ucrwlu. Mirt'r suviiiTV SIMS , Ito3iil Arm n n in , At the last meeting of Union Pacific coun cil , 1,00 ! ) , an immense amount of business was transacted , and that boto uolr of tbo council was llnally put to sleep rooms for the largest council In the state. The special committee appointed for the purpose of ex amining rooms reported In favor of taking tbo seventh floor of the Buu bulldlne , which would to fitted up for the use of the lodge. After considerable dobata the recommenda tion of the special committee prevailed , and within a mouth Union Pacltlc council will bo In possession of the llncst lodge room in tha city. With an nil night elevator service , with Jlno mile-rooms , a well lighted main hall , n kitchen nnd other npartments for paraphernalia. Union 1'ncitio council la the envied of every ledge m the slate. Thcro will bo several other organizations occupy the rooms with the council , which will make the rout somewhat lighter for this young council to boor. It Is proposed to bavo a housc-warralne when the council takes possession , to which , no doubt , Fidelity coun cil ot Council Bluffa and Pioneer council of this city will bo Invited , for it is well for brethren to dwell tojothcr In unity. Next meeting of Union Pacific will bo hold Monday evening , March ' . ' 8. Secretary MUFrjno of Pioneer council is invited to contribute to this column. Whv not endeavor to form n t'r..iul council In Nebraska ! Referred to Brother J. W. Maynnrd. Over l.iiOO members were added to the membership of the various councils in Illinois In IS'Jl. ' The order nt Providence. It I. , Is prepar ing for nn appropriate ; reception of the su- prcmo council , wild incuts there in June. New Jersey last year tnndo a record that exceeds In percentage of Increase that made bo any state in tno union. Loading men Iu the order from all parts ore sending to Grand Secretary Alberts for Information as to the methods used by Jorsoymon iu achieving such grand results. I'ho movement , in Cleveland to form n uni form rank will doubtless succeed. Great in terest is being evinced in tbo protect. Union Pacific council should have a repre sentative la tbo supreme council who would labor early and late for a now ritual. Who will it boi KnlKlitH ol I' } thins. Marathon Lodpo JS'o.8.J made a lucky move when they determined to lease the hall at Twnnty-nfth avcuuo jonil Oumlng street. Over two have elapsed since they lilted up the third floor at the , corner mentioned and furuishoa it for lodgQ purposes , ana It Is now occupied every night In tbo week and Sunday afternoon , thus making the lodge a peed return on their investment. The meet ings are very well attended by both members and visitors , and last Monday night the over welcome face of Past Grand Chancellor Will Li. Sclsoi could bo scon among the latter. Among the most constant of former visi tors to Marathon ledge was Brother Montague , formerly o ! Glusco , Mo. , but ho is no longer a visitor. , Ho has made Omaha his home and has enrolled Himself as ono of the members of Marathon by depositing his card. card.Dr. Dr. F. S. Lewis , formerly of Marathon , is doing well nt Port Angeles , Wash. It would bo a great , ben ell t to the lodecs throughout the siatoto organize n. debate under the head of "Good of the Order , " to bring out the many beautiful and instructive lessons of the ritual. As has bean often said , the law of the order Is the ritual , and a thor ough acquaintance with it would save many a needless discussion In the lodge. Marathon ledge is talking seriously of buyIng - Ing its own piano and quit paying rent. It is Just as cheap and you will own your o\\n music in the end. Omalm Ledge No. JO will confer the rank of Knight upon ono candidate Thursday evening next at Fuller's hall , corner Four teenth and Douglas streets. Visiting breth ren are cordially invited to participate in ttio ceremony of Initiation. Nebraska Ledge No. 1 is keeping UD its good work and every meeting night thcro is a candidate to take some one of the degrees. Keep it UP , brethren , ana Pythlanisin will soon DO back in tbo place where by right it deserves to be , at the head of the secret so cieties of tbo stato. Wo want moro news about Pythians and Pythian lodges. Interest In u "Secret So ciety" column depends upon tbo amount of news matter that is given weekly. Secre taries of the various lodges shoula endeavor to sco that tholr lodges are represented In these columns. It is n good way , brethren , to iirouse interest in your lodge , and deserves a trial at least. Urother Max Koodor Is ono of the enthusi astic members of the order in this city , and Nebraska ledge , , No. J. is to bo congratulated on having so genial u bustler as a member. Brother R. S. : The Uniform Hank Is at tainable only by members of the Knight's Hank , and Is of a semi-military character , with its own impressive ceremonies and ritu alistic work. Its members are uniformed , being cqulppoa with helmet and plumes , sword and bolt , and distinctive dress of tha rank , nnd encage in drill and marching manoeuvres , as well as providing nn addi tional bonollt to Its members. There are al ready over 25,000 members of this rink. A division of the Uniform Hank will soon bo organized at Toledo , la , The order of the Knights of Pythias was organized February 10 , 18154 , at Washington , D. C. Divisions of the Uniform Hank should at on co prepare for inspection. Good TeiiiplurH. Mayflower ledge No , 1 , Independent Order of Good Templars , bold their regular meet- Ihs Tuesday ovcnlnc last at their hall Tlur- tv-second and CJurtlehl avenue , with Chief Templar Allison presiding. Tncro wore pres ent 'ram tha various lodges throughout the city Mr. Forboy , Mr. Barnes and Mr , Sawyer - yor and others from Lifeboat lodge , Omaha : Mr. Allison and thtoo brother comrades of bis from Magic City ledge , South Omaha , During the recess tlioro was a literary pro gram rendered /follows : Miss Georgia Goddard , chairman , vMr. W. J. Jones and Jnmcs J. Flunncry gave a sketch on solv ing conundrums , principally witty sii.vlnps ; than came Mnyllowor ledge deputy , Mr. James , with a select ploco of reading , "Homo Cures for Colds. " brother Forboy of Life boat lodga made a few comical remarks and concluded by glvlngjvuo recitation. Brother Sawyer ot LifoboaVj3 vo a poem , "Do Not Forgot Me.1 The program was concluded by Chief Templar , Mr. Ojiaur Allison. Mayllowcr lodge eutitcmts a cordial Invita tion to all to attend a free social on March 22 , to bo held at IU i all , Thirty-second und Gurfleld avenue. The committee of arrange ments 1 J. li , McCraclian , J. J. Floiinery , Miss lOmma Alllson.'Jillis Goorglo Goddurd and MM , J. W. Coglpy. OUI > rjjfMWH. , The following Is U0 | Anniversary proclama tlon issued by the grand sire nnent the ap proacblng anniversary of the order : HOVEIIKION ( illANII I.OIX1K Ok'TIIK iNDErENI ) E > r ClIDKII Of OnilfKU.OWS. OtTII'B Of UlANI ) SIIIK. To tlio Olllccrsand Mumburs of cir.uul and Sii nnllmito lindlo ) of the Independent Odor of Oddfollows. und lo nil vvlinin It inny ( Jonccrni In uororduncn with the custom , nnd In pursuunuu of lliu resolution of thu sovur- i-Uri grand lodge , I , L'huilesM , Iliibbeo , grand sire , by virtue of authority vested in in ( > , do hereby rnloln iipoiuiH irrand and Miibordinutu bodies under thu jurisdiction otlhunrdur , to tul < u appinprlato uctlonor the dug common- orutlou of the -ilth diiyul April , the sevcnty- th'rd iinnlversury of pur order , by suitable pxurclsos In obsurvancu of thu day. mill by pulillu thunksylvlni ; to Almixiity Uod for Ills manifold iiiurclt's to us individually und co'- Icctlvuly. Dona at the city of Italolith , titato of North Curollna , IT , S. A , , tills olovfntlt day < ) ( I'eb- ritury , Anne Domini , olshteon hundred und nliioty-lwound oC the order tht seventy-thin ! year. o. M. UUSUEE , Urund Hire. Attest : TiiKonoiiE J. ItosR , Grand Secretary , Tbo ceremony authorized to be observed at tbo celebration of the anniversary of the order , uiuy bo obtained from the grand aocro nries of the several grand lodge ? , the grand crlbcs of thn grand encampments , and at the onlco of the gmnd secretary of the sovereign giand ledge , Columbus , O s Inr Itril Men , The grand misquerado ball given by Ogal- alia tribe , No. 4 , Independent Order of Rod Hen , of Fort Omalm nnd Omaha at Hrfling mil , Thursday evening , \vss successful in every particular , thcro being about 100 couples present. Many or the costumes were very handsome nnd all very appropi Into for : ho occasion , The Rod Man and their better halves do nothing half heartedly and tholr entertainments arc second to hone in pleas ure to themselves , their families nnd friends. Their motto Is to assist the orphan , the u Idow nnd the stranger und to glvo'n word of com fort nnd to extend n helping hand to the downtrodden and helpless , Too much credit cannot bo given to the committee , J. Burns , A. Wood , F. Lehman , (1. Ruf , C. Dlstman , 13. Itogun , J. Homing , IX L. Scran ton , G. Hull , G. Loller and 11. Lloyd , for conducting the affair to so pleas ant an end , IISTIU : : STAN. A chapter of the Easter Star was organized MI evening nt South Omaha , the now ludgo starting with ilfty niisuibew. A very largo delegation from Omaha attended the initia tory services and were hospitably taken oaro of by the brothers nnd slstcri of the now chapter. Ciitnmrrrliil rllgr ms or Amrrlc.i. The llrst grand council for the state of the 2ommarclnl Pilgrims ot America will bo hold In Omuha on Saturday , March M , nt the council chamber , in the Continental block , : oricr of Fittceuth and Douglas streets , Delegates will bo In attcndutico from Nor folk , Grand Island und Lincoln. All com mercial travelers nro cordially Invited to bo present. TinPnittliot tlionmtiMin. . Hayes Is n slugger. M , Howell Is n retired ball player. Nonpareils uro all right as ball players. Carmello Is n spet'dy loft handed pitcher. Sago will curry bats for the Sparklers , maybe. The postofllco team has ordered their suits lull black. C. Frank will bo n fielder for your lifo this season. Gentlemanly .Too Cunningham is a ball pliyer from Playorsvillo. Qulnlan , the Diamonds old catcher has re tired from the ball Hold. Butler of the Cranes is considered as good a licldcr ns Omaha can producs. Florence Is going to huvo another team , but the Shamrocks have withered away. The postofllco team will have a strong out field in Cunningham , C. Frank and Tracy. Hurlej Is another good man , ho covers lots of ground and knows how to wield the stick. Manager Frank of the poHolllcn team has so , far signed Carmello , G. Frank , Hayes , Davis , Cunningham , Iveogun , Creighton nnd Tracy. Lindsoy nnd Irish , of last season's Dla mends , ploy in the Black Hills league 'ihls year. G. Fiank will bo lound at third , with Big Papa Hayes on ffrst , und Creighton catcher for the postofllco. The Commercial Avenues and Omaha Vlsws will not blossom out tlio coming sea son , so says Manager C. Hoffman. ICcone , third baseman of last season's high school team , would make a yood short stop or center fielder for some stats league team. The Diamonds have reorganized as th Postoflico team , with Crolghton as captain. The roster includes : Davis , catcher ; Car mello , pitcher ; Haves , ilrjt base ; Urolghton , second base ; Conly , short stop ; G. Frank , third base ; Cunningham , loft hold ; C.Frank , center oeld ; Tracy , right Held. For tlio HOJB anil Cli-li. President lioeoland of the National Asso ciation for Reform Among Youth , spoke three times yesterday ; at 100 : ! at Custollar Street Presbyterian church at a o'clock at the Tenth Street Mission uud at 7:30 : at the First Christian church. Both morning and evening services wcro largely nt'cudod and the audiences ovlncea a deep interest in vlow ot somcting practical being done for the neglected classes of youth in Omaha. Some f" > 0 were subscribed Tor the local work. It Is understood that there will bo a committee meottnir today to begin the permanent organization of tbo work. The feature of last night's mooting at the First Christian church uas the presence of the children of u down town mission. They were kindly conveyed free of charge to and from the church by the Omaha Street , Rail way company. At noaily all of the services it was noticed that children took part in the service. Stcumor Arrivals. At Boston Michigan , from Liverpool. At London-Sighted Damn and Dldam , from New York ; Maryland , from Baltimore. At Havre Bpurpoyno , from New York. At Now York Etruna , from Liverpool ; Wlcland , from Hamburg. Sailed , Amazonus , for Para Pernambuco. The British steamer Toledo , Captain Hart , from Baltimore March 2 for Rotterdam , is aground nt Masslulsls , nineteen miles west of Rotterdam. She will bo lighted. ! MALIGNANT ABSCESS. / My little gill suffered for llircc ycnra / from n , largo Ahsccss on her hip , tlio ( result of n fall and dislocation. The \ Abscess was largo , with six openings , \all of which discharged puss. I was induced by friends to give her S. S. S. , mid by the time the fifth bottle waa finished the Abscess was cnliicly heal ed , and the child wits well nnd lmppy.N Mrs. J. A. WIEGNEH , SlATINGTON , PA. Send for book on the Blood and Skin. SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , A-ILANTA , GAV COUNCIL B.UFF3 STEM DYSI ORB All Ulnilsnf Dyo'iiK nnd ( Muiiiiln : done In tha lil''hist style of tlio art. l > 'ade.d iiu.l stilnol fabrics made to look us peed as nuw , llml fu.ithoiN cluiuiuil by btoiim In llrst-ohus tnan- nur. Work promptly done and ilelivoroJ In all Ida Is ( if ilio country , hen4 for urlco list. O. A. MA01IAN , - - 1'ltUlMtIKTOIt. 1 OUIlroadw i.v. No ir NortlnvoitJr.i Ij ; / Cou.vcit. Hiurvi , lor i. Sims & Saunacrs-Arr'lh'o1 ' federal courts. Hoonn I , I unJ IlcuobloeU. Council Iliuffj. lx FAIREST , $2.25 A MONTH , AT HOME. Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma , Consumption , Deafness , Headache'irtorn" " " " , Dyspepsia , Nervous Prostration. Produce * XATUKAMA * Glowing Health ! Rosy Clicks ! llealtliv Bodies ! ovit OXVOK.n.mvxi , KHICi : , ( 'nil or Wrllo Toilnjr , Pnyslclan of SO Years In Chirgo. FREE TRIAL INHALATIONS. DON'T DELAY. OALL TODAY. You 11 Smllo. The si'Kcinr oxYJi\ ( : . , MO tiocy ! lltillillnz , cor l.'t'i mil Uimnnl Mrocts , Olnnhn , Ncbrnskn , A no nnl Comptuto Treatment , rnnilntlnK or guiipoiltorlci , ointment In L'niisuloi , nlso In Hot nml I'llls ; n 1'oMtlvo Cum fur i\trnil : , Intjrnnl lllliid or llloclliu Uctilm , Clirnnlo , Koccnt or lli-reiUtnry i'ilo Thli llcmoilr hi" navur lioon known to lull , (1 rnrfi ; fiu l > / mill , \\liyMUIerfromlhlilorrlbli ) illsanss wliena writ ten uMinrantoa Is positively Klrcn with ttlmv onr rotiimltha money ir not curjl Hoiul Bttnu lor free Sample , ( iuirantoo Isiual l > r Kuli i A Co , 'IMs. Solo Auonu. carloUtlinnl Douglu , Uiiinlii Neb. and Snip ! INSTITUTE. Eye Ml ' INF RMARY FOR THE IK TREATMENT -OPAL , facilities , nnd Itomoillift fet succt'srfiit trjitttiiont of ovmy form otdlseu-iu rcqulrlni medical or sur-' tioutmcnt. Ml boil R for p.ulciits bund nnd attendance. Het nucmnodatinns In tlio west , Wrltu for circulars on defoiinlt.os nnil br-ice" . trusses club foot , curvatures at sijlnu , piles , tumor" , c.incur.oataiih , bronchitis , In- Iinliulon.o'.cctrU-lty. . pnr.ilysK CDlleusy , Ud- nuy , b adder , eye. ear , skin 1111 1 bloo I und alt nut rations. rUv3PA < JIv ? ! fir" " W/llTDKT / A si'noiAi.TV , LUOtlilOiiO Ur WUlllhN llookunDlso.noiof Women ritiii : Wu have lately ad lud .1 lylns- In department for women durfnit cimlliiumunU Mrlclly pi.vnle. . ) ( Inly Kollublo Medical In- btilutc m.iUlng a pocl ill v of , 1'HIVATia Uf.SKASKS All Hood Dlsonoas successfully troatel. byuhllltlu I'oNon lemovcd Crom tlio system without mnrunry. Now Hcstoratlva Treat ment for Loss of VIT.M. , TOWER l'or-ons un able to vis t us mav lo ) trout t'd nt homo by ( Orrosijoii once. All communications cunli- dciillal. MuJlulncs or Instrtiimmts sent l > y mall oro\prcss. securely packed , no innrUs to Indicate cuntcnlsur sender. One pur-onn.1 In terview pruft-rro I. Cull nnd consult us or send history of your case , and e will send In plain urapnur. our Bnhff I'Kf.R Unon ITlv.Uo TO MtH : , ouun iu men , vcuM oc j-Brvm,3 D , , , cases , Iinpotvnoy. Syphilis , Gleet niU Vailco- cole , \\nli iiicition | list. llr.ifc = . Appliances for Deformities & Tiusos Only manufactory in the Weatof ' - 111 .ti l'.l ii.i.f , 2-itVanr. . * JtATl'hll > I.H , . % / > IIKK'Jit. Omaha Medical anl Surgical Institute , 26th and Broaiway , Co moll Bluffs. Ten minutes' ildc from cuntcrof Omuha on Omaha und ( 'ouncll ItlufN electric motor Hue. THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. New , modern , well-apnoiuled. thor oughly woll-kept , $ J a day. E. F. CLARK , Prop. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1/MJK SALK At a hiivaln , r.-aure frull and -I. cnrde.ii farm ailjoluliu cuy llmll ; yoocl dwelling Ii II. Miotfe. T7VAKMS , pirlon lairls , Imiisis , lots an I Jt ? business bUuk ) for silo nr Day i lluss. 10 I'narl struot , Ujuiull lilulfj. IflOK KENT Over 10) ) dwolllu : s ut ovury clo- ' bcrlptlon at prices varyliu from $1 to $ IO pur moiitli. Ipuato j In all pans of the city. K II , Hlio re. f > ) j llro iclwuy. (12.1 per ncio for KOIK ! farms la Iowa , I'liii : . Psiiiootli oorn liind , rnrp-irllcillarscall on 01 address Johnston & Van fatten , Uouiiull IIIu ITs , Ii : ! ! UUOMS KOU UKN1' Mculy fit rnUlied rooms for Ke'itlcmen , land avL'iiuo. llHAmlilltln ( ) Hats for rent , moms lucli ; biith ; hot and cold uatur. Day & Hess , _ ir-OJt hAl.i-Colum : hlu safety blcyi'luj 18W -1. iHlt-Tn ) ; cost * I rtlll ; sull for iTtiahh , Jlow ard llHttt'iihau < MLl''lr < t > banlc. GAKUr.N farm , 11 acres In city lliiiltsuiuiiBii of four rooms , eood ulBletni 7 acres iiudur ( ultlvaton ; biimo hiniill fiiut ; prlcu t..i.O. i Towlo , ' . ' 15 1'earl si , J' TJFT l.tTrtfl'T"blutU KimfoiiiiUiuhu" HTu J white hpoton liruaHt ; name "Don. " KM- wurd fur iciuin to UJO Third .1 venue. , Cdiincll lllllllB. FOUND AT After Yea-s ot Unauaajs fal BirMi for Cure , Martin And an 311 Qsti Relief frain the Dooor \ . Voliiti'Tjj ; monlat , O.M.Ul.V , Nub. . .Inn. IS , 183i To whom It Muy Concern : This is to certify thU : 1 huvo boon n constant sulTcror for ninny vonw with cntnrrli. nslhmti nnJ bronchial nITeo- lions of tha throat , nml tried nil the iitlont : medicines nml roiiifliiluj I nvot- lionrd of , but with no success. I licatcd with doctors in various parts of the country , but none of thorn i-ouhl tlo mo my fjootl fu.-tiior thuti giving mo shop temporary lollcf. I sitllorcd tilirht nn < lny. nnd continued to HHW worse not withstniuliii } , ' nil the mcilleliio I 1ml Vikcn. I hiitl almost given up my case ns hopeless when I \\aa Informed by u friend of Dr. U. Coo Wo , the Chlneso doctor , nml ml vised to K < > nnd sea him In the hope of tfottintr relief nt least. If not a poriimnont euro for my troublo. 1 wtta slow in making up my mind to mtlto finch u radical cliantio in my treatment , ns 1 know u trial wilh the Chlnojo iloo- lor would briiifj mo , but I llnally con eluded to tfivo him a trhl , so I called nt Ins olfieo with that intention. I totiml thn docto:1 : a clover , entertaining1 gentle man , thoroughly postoil on my eondl Lion , and it toolc only a vary short time to convince mo that'ho was tlio parly I was so long In search of. Ho told mo my case was curable , nnd that ho could euro me , and premred mo a sticoial tic'ttmont to suit my condition , and in two weeks I WIIB to much bolter that I liad the fullest conlldoiu-o In the doctor's ability and committed my case to his treatment. 1 continued in STOW bettor rapidly and am novv outl ely well , i ewe my euro to D . C CJoo Wo , and am not. ashamed to admit it. I atlviso .ill who want relief from tholr troubles to c ill on Dr. O. ( ! POVo. . and they will bo cured. For all m-tteulars apply or write to MUTIX L. Axnnitsov. 8121 Cuminp St. , Omaha , Nob. DH. C. ( TICK \VO , liosular "r iOiiitu : cif Uhlnoso inojfinc. ! olzht o.irs'stud. ten yiMiV pni"tico. Tro its suu- l dlsuubes Unottu tu siiircrln ; Im munity. Hoot 4 , plants. 'mil liorbs nature's remo lies Ills iiipdiulncs thn world hU nltnt's * ! I.JiJ toi- llinonl.i s. ( Jilt .mil SLM ) him , Consult , itlou Tree , llasn'so ron-tnntly an hind icmolci Tor thu follonln , ' iHsuusot ro.idv prop.irotl : Asthma , Catarih , Kliniini it'sin. Indigestion. I est Mnnhon ' . Koinalo item ss. Mul ; lluad- iclip. Illood 1'iirlflnr. nnd Kliln y aii'l I/'vcr. I'rlce , ono doll ir pur bottle or six for llvo dol- Inrs. Tho'O wlin ciinuot cull , one < HO Scut fi tn in ] i for question list an I full p irtlciitars. L fflce. Cor. IQfiaiiJ Cillfj.-uU St ? . . Oma MISSTATE BANK ( H Council Ilium. CuplUl stcoV $ t.tOOOn fcuiplusunJTrofits HIO H XotCnpltil mil Surplus 9\tiOOty \ Dlrcctori-I I ) Kiliiu 11 < > i. i : t. , Slmtir' , P. > . Glenvir. , K 13. 11 irt , I , A. Mllljr , .1. V. Itlns'iuii nnd ClmrlcD ll-llnnmn biuU- liig iMiblnosa. hnrxesl cniltil | nnd suiplua of any tank In S'oiithWL-sloia Iowa. NTEHEST ON TIMS DEPOSITS Chas. Lunkley , Funeral Director tin I Uirlnrla\cr. 811 Bro.idway , Council Bluffs. TjtfllllOTl RHILWRYTIMBGRRD KIIIOAliO llb'Uul.s'i ; I'D , X y i Arrivji Omnhn | IKMmt lOt'i a 1 1 M u ) I iti _ _ O-n 11 * 1 ( J p in VOItlb llu E''iO n m J p m ( I 5J | } in Olilnazo , V Itivva Local . Lonves UUKI-INCi'lO.N , V MO. IllViSIt I Arilvus Oinili.i I Depot lillh an I M.iio'iti. ! . Oiiinli i. llfTs n7n Denver Veitlbnlo l.lniUe.l . ] " FtlJ p in n in . . . . . .Deuilivoud KxprcM | I Oi | 7 IU p in , . .Denver Kxpren n ui 7.10 p m , . . . .Denver KxpOfii . . . I'.IKI ' p in 5.UO p 111 ; Lincoln d-.Aueptaun ) (1..U ( n m 8,15 u nil . . . . 1 ocal if.'U p m Ix-avbi'j iv7 < \ . ST. .1. A , oTii I Arrives' Omnhn. | Depot lufn mi I M lion flu JO mlm V.a ami . .KniinHi City 1)1) ' l.proti I fr.V > p in ! ! 4'i p mK. ! C. NU'iitKxp Tin IJ I' . Trnin I li O n in Leaves I UNION 1'ACiML1. I Arrives Oiniilm. I Union Depot lOtli an.j.Miircy Bin , | Onmlm. ' ' ' ' ' IU00 a in . . . . . .Denvor Kxprasi. . . . ! . , ' 3X ( ) p m 2.1& p in . . , ItIrer , > 11.15 p m 430 p ml UliieSp'ca.t KnlriUililCYiex hum U/i Ip in O.x : ) p nil . . . . . . .I'uclllc Kxprosa jll.V.'i n in Colnu ( JIIICACO. U. I , V I'ACIHl.1. I I'roin " Ku t. Uiijii'i Di'pot Hull , v .Mnrcy Sin. | Ku-,1. H'UU ' u Tin' ' . . . . A tlnml < ' h | iri' s , , , . " hW p in 4U'i p nil . . , Vamlbulu Kvpruu . I I.IU p m I1.1U p tn | . . . . . .Mulil I'.vprJM . l'.4 ' ( ) K in ( iiihu | ( jHIOAIiti. U. I. , V I'Ai 1HC. I 1'ioin W U. I Union li'iotlUtlininlM | reyht < ! I ill p lill lluii"vr l.lnilti ! , ! . i.'H'J 70i p nn .Denver Ktprun. 7-10 a Lcnvo li'IUOAliO. MIL .1 rti' . I'AIJL Arrl\o Omiilin | U I * , iloppt nml ilnrjy M . | Oma'ia p ml . . . .C'lilojun K\"i > run' . ' . .TUiU'i u m I.OJ p in I . . . Clil K prn < i , . , . | ii.4j p ni ' Lenven rilOUX ( JIl'V \ I'AI IKIf , 'Unit OH ( liniilm lieimt. llllji miJ _ M irry riL . I Onrilin " " 7.-1J H in ! . . . blimi ( UI'liaiun vr . .T'K''Jp ' ' in p m | . SI. I'aul K pre < . | IUUUa in hiuux tfrrv t PACIKIO. Oiniilml Depol , IMil : m \\Vlj.l I > r U Oin llm , M. I'anl l.lmltuil Lenrea lUlllL'AfiO i. NOHTI1 WKhTlJU.NiArrlvos OiiijIiiilU. I'jlHiiot. lOtli uml .Murey titi | bm.ilm 7.VO u iu ( hi. MIII / ) Currull r.uneiuur. IU2 > p m II. ) a m . IU'IH ; in b U > p m , , . .VcHtlliule Llmlloil , . . , . , . I HSUi m ! ' . ! . > p m . . .Kuitur.i Klyur . . . . , .1 S.Ti p m 7UJ p in ( Kx. bui.l Chic. I'.m IK . Moii.ll fc.Uiu in IAMIVCH I OMfAIIA A , hf , l.oiJlfl , ( Arrivaj uinlioU. | 1' . Oepol. lUDi an I .Murey St . [ ( > miln , IO p 'iu | . . . . .M. l.'iuli ijniTh'ua Mull. . , T \tt.\ \ \ > m ' ' ' ) ( | 'n.'l'.iili AII.I Woi ) leV Hti ( unnlit ( IIXJ u ml . . , . . .l > o lihro'jil i ; < piiiii 6J p m 90 ] H m ( ljr Sat. ) Wyo. Kxp ( riv. .Mou. ) A 2) ) p m MO p m . .Norfolk ( IJ r. II.IJ.i m 5 < S p m1 . . , . "I. 1'jnl ICx.irjii ' . ) ii in ( ! . , T. I' . . M .1 o. | Arrlve llcpnt. lilli ami WulKlof Sti I Oniiilia n in TbTcur I'llir Aiiitiin no fsTlbn > T | IM > > P m I Ui p in I'jiitCltr KvprmilKi Hunl'y ) 112.11 p m 8.4 p m . it. r nl l.linltjl . . . . . . y.'ll u m S.15 p in Itiincroftl'im l.uorKx. ( I 8 15 in I.iife I lATrT Oninhnl Depot I'.tli anil VVolnturJH < _ \ _ Om ah'i lOuUnnil i < t , I.Quli I.VPIOK9. . , , . . . I doU u in Lt-P'l'Ji ' Hl.l uul | S.IU jL - ' ; ' _ Kxprum p in IllllltJ K , U. SI1. JO HA ( Ml. Union Dupat , Cniiiicll Illuflt. . . . . lur p m , .Kun > ui 1 UT .S'Ulil K | irju. . 11 in JX-OTCH IcilliiAUd , llllltl/.s 4 i'Arrlv | Trniuferl Unlonjippyl , Coiiiiill ' Irfnito HSU u m , i Chicago K.vireei | , 5. (6 ( p in 10 Ul p in , LulGuKU K < pr < * ii J25 u m 7.0J p iu 7.15 u m 1/Ji A 11.&BT" UililST lAirlvei IJnlun Depot. Connell lllntTs. | Trun fer i _ HToUAHTfiTA FAt'l | ArFl'or" tJiilonJHnol , Cuunrll l i ITranifcr ' 7,15 n in i , Ts I" ii i < 'Hy ArcoiniuoilntlonlG.UU | plu i W pjiij . Ht. I'aul Uxiirmt. . I 9.40 uja " Trnnjiturl Union Ucpul , ( 'oilnell Illulfa [ Truuiter 12 01 in 6.30 p " ' ' p m & 15 p ui i , ! vc tltiiiloilnilt < ! > l. , . u 10 u in lo uo p iu . . . . . . .runtcru I-1)IT l . 1..I3 p m kui p in IK * MiU Atlantic Mall ( Kx .Maul ? u m 7.10 u ill Curoil l' i .nur , , , IU W p u