THE OMAHA j DAILY BEE TWENTY-FIRST1 YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY ] MORNING , MARCH 22 , 1892. .NUMBER 278. SAT DOWN UPON MR , WALKER U is Eccommanded That His Speech Bo Stricken from the > iw LANGUAGE WAS UNPARLIAMENTARY Army Appropriation nnil Prcn Wool 11111 DUCIIMIMl l > y .AlOllllHTII Of tllO HOIIHU Tullii'il AK > HHt tlio I'.ilr Appro- on In tlio Senate. WAWISOTOX , O. C. , March 21. It Is likely that u radical reform in the matter of the privilege afforded member. } of extending their spacchoi in the Houord will result from the Investigation Into the transgressions of Mr. Walker of Massachusetts. Ever since the session opened there has boon n warm political rivalry between the republican nnd democratic representative. ! of the Bay state , nnd Mr. Walitor at times has had sovcral lively bouts wlthMojsrs. Hoirand Williams. Willlumt' Uiijmrllnmcntnry Itpiunrki. Near the oloiu of hH tarllT speech In tbo house last weak Mr. Walker had Just reached nn Impassioned flight ot oratory when his tlmo ot debate expired under the rules. As Is the custom the house Indulgently granted him leave to extend his spaocb In the Hocord. Ho did oo In a very lavish manner and added elaborations to the speech by requesting the insertion of headlines calculated to rivet the attention of the reader , such as "Hot Shot for Mug wumps : Hoar nnd Williams Shown Up , " etc. In addition lo this Mr. Waluor , in his extended speech , charged tno speaker with gag-rule methods , accusing him of having packed the coinage committee with the lioo colnnco men nnd boldly asserted that the democratic representatives from Massachu- HCtts li.ul gained their scats by fraud. Immediately after the appearance of this speech in the Hecord .Mr. Williams called attention to what ho assorted was an Infrac tion of the rules nnd , alt r n lively debate , Mr. Walker's whole speech wa.i referred to the committee on printing , with int > tructlons to report on Its propriety and us to wnethor It should bo stricken from the Congressional Hecord. Ordered It Stricken from Iho Hecord. The committee today submitted a report which reviews the speech in dctiil nnd pre sents a a resolution , declaring that Iho house , dooming it its duty to see that tbo courtesy nnd decorum demanded by parliamentary law and practice should characterize tbo debate and conduct of members nt all times in their otllcial relations , hereby expresses Its disapproval of the unparliamentary lan- auago used by lion. Joseph Walker , n rep resentative ot Massachusetts in that pot- lion nf his speech printed In the Hecord of tbo 17th Inst. , but which was not dcliveiod nn the floor , and considering it impracticable to separate the unp.irllamcntury portions of the speech from such parts ns may bo parlia mentary , recommends that Iho whole of Iho undelivered portion of the speech bo ex punged from tbo Hecord. Mr. Uoutciio ot the ropuolicau side ob jected to the consideration of the report and Chairman Hlchardson of the committee on printing finally agreed that it should bo printed In tbo Hecord nnd bo culled up for consideration tomorrow. Tboro is little doubt that Mr. Boutollo nnd other republicans will defend Mr. Walker , although the report of the committee recom mending the eradicating of tbo remarks was unanimously concurred in by both Hides. Mr. Enloo stated that ho bad information that there wns a ring in the coast survey , and presented a resolution asking for u state ment on the subject uy the secretary of the treasury. Passed. Army Appropriation lllll. Tbo house then went into committee of the Vtholo on the army appropriation bill. A long discussion took place during the consideration ot the bill over a point of order raised by Mr. Cruin ol Texas against a proviso vise In the bill , that hereafter no money np- preprinted for nrmv transportation shall be used in tlio payment of transportation ol troopi nnd supplies of the army over the non- aided lines owned , controlled or operated by tbo Union Pucillo railway or by theSonthcrii Pacific over lines embraced in Us Pacific system. The chairman , In the cloar-cut language which always charactcrl/.os his remarks , sus tained the point of order , the principal ground for his decision being that the proviso vise made a permanent law. Then Mr. Outhwalto offered an amend ment mailing the same provision , but making It apply only to the present bill. This wan agreed to and the committee hav ing arisen the bill was passed. f. Considered the Free Wool lllll. . The house Ibon wont into committee of the whole , Mr. Blount In the chair , on the free wool bill. Mr. Goodnight assailed the protection sys tem. tem.Mr. . Snodgrass of Tennessee consumed his tlmo In opposition to the bill donating $5OUO- 000 to the World's fair. Ho contended thut representatives in congress in making this appropriation would violate the constitution and would do so in direct violation of the oath which the members took at the bar ol the houso. The committee then rose and the house adjourned. IN T1IKSIONATU. 1IIIU Introduced , I'aitrd nnd Uefurreil ill Yeoterduj'H Se Klon. WASIIIXGIOX , I ) . C. , March 21.-.Tho fol lowing bills were reported aim passed : To regulate the terms ot the circuit am. district courts of the United States for UK eastern part of Wisconsin ( at Milwaukee 01 the llrst Monday of January aud October anc it Oibkosh on the second Tuesday of Juno ) , House bill to authorize the appointment oi a clerk for the circuit nnd district court al Toxtirknun , the term beginning March 18'JII , was presented , read and placed nt lllo. Among the bills Introduced and roferret wore the following : By Mr , Kyle For nn Investigation for thi caubu and results of tbo recent mlno dlsastoi In IiulIan Territory. f By Mr. Vllas For the purchase of th ( Sturgeon Bay ship canal. By Mr. George To refund to the pro duco'-a nf cotton the internal revenue ta > collected. To Htnuird HU riitrlollmn. By1 Poffcr Granting Sergeant llartcr First Indiana cavalry , $10,000 nnd gold meda for his service ! lu "saving Pope's army ant the nation's capital irom capture bv Loo' ! army. " ( Thosamo bill was Introduced In the bouio bv Simpson ) . Mr , Hoar offered n resolution , which was agreed to. Instructing the committee on pun- Ilo building ? nnd grounds to Inquire Into the practicability of providing suftlclent sholtei east ot the capitol for the protection of poi sons who may take part in Inaugural cere monies. Ho spoke of the "savage weather' . nt the tlmo of 'resident Grant's second In auguration ana also of the very heavy storm that occurred nt the time of President Har rison's Inauguration , when Mr. HarrUon'i own health was very seriously endangered , and bo suggested that n temporary structure with a water tight roof , largo enough toshol tor the entire crowd , could bo arranged with out great expanse. Mr. Morgan offered a resolution , whlct was agreed to , requesting the pro ldent t < cemmuntcatn to tlin bonutu the Items of tax aliens imposed by the laws of tbe republli of Colombia on itno products of the Unltei States imported Into Colombia , nnd wht\i the prcsldcvatvis proclaimed to bo rociiiro calh unjust- * the United States , and also t < tend the copies of the correspondence on tin kubjecl. bcuato bill to change tbo name of tbocus tonu collection district and port of Wilming ton , Cal. , to that of Los Angeles , was takei from ttie calendar and passed. Liquor In iho Indian Country. Senate bill to amend the statutes to pro 1)1 bit ttio Introduction and tale ot lutoxlcut Ing liquors Into the Indian country wa ? taken up , amended and passed. The calendar wa then taken up and bills were disposed of as follows : Authorizing the Vnlasco Terminal railroad to construct a bridge across tbo Brazes river , Texas. Passed , Appropriating $50,000 for n public building nt Jopliu , Mn. Passed. Making Velasco , Texas , a subport of entry. Passed. Appropriating $75,000 for n public building at Laredo , Tex. Scnato bill to amend the net for thn relief ot certain settlers on the public lands nud to provide for the repayment of certain fees , purchase money nud commissions paid en void entries , wa * taken up ni n special order. Mr. Miller moved to amend It by striking out the word "assign" and Inserting the words "legal representatives" ( so that the act shitll not apply to the purchaser * from the original sculcrt ) , and the amendment was agreed to. Without disposing of the bill thu senate proceeded to executive busi ness nud shortly afterward udjournod , OIIINIMI : i.n.nuiitATioN. ' Interflow wllli lie ! ChltifMo Milliter on Thut Subject. WASHINOTOX , D. C. , Mirjh 21. Mr. Tsui xwo Gin , the Chluoso minister , hai prepared a letter to tbo secretary of state urging an ently response W the various communica tions that the Chinese government has sent to Hits government , with reforonej to the re striction of Chlncsu tmmlgratija. Owing to the continued illness ot Mr. tilnlno the latter lias not been scon , but there is ht'.lo doubt that it will bo forwarded to the State de partment within n very few days. The Star tonight prints nn Interview with the minister In which he says : "For several yean , iu fact over since I have been In this country , I have boon endeavoring to seeuro bettor treatment 'for my people at the hands of the United Stains. To this end I have for warded a number of letters to the State depart ment statlni ? our position , but as yet I have received no satisfactory answer. If the United States wishes to put n atop to Chlnow Immigration it should be done by moins of a trcaly with my country. For the United States to agree to n treaty providing for Ilia admission of Chinese and then to override it by congress is hardly acting in good faith. Ono sldo has nil to say and the other side is not considered nt all. By your constitution you encourage Immigration nud insure fair treatment of nil alike , and yet your treatment of the Chinese is inconsist ent with the constitution nud the principles laid down bv George Washington. " "Thoro is ono quotlion I would like to nsk you , " said the reporter. "If the UniUd Stales puts further restriction on Chinese immigration will China exclude Americans from her territory i" The answer was u long tltno lu coming and was n ulplomaiio ono : "It seems to mo that the Amencani should consider the situation uud withdraw from China of their own free will. I will answer your question by asKing you ono. Suppose that the American minister in London should say to Iho Chinese minister : 'You keep nwn > from the American legation. I uou't want you here. ' Do you think iho Cninoso minis ter would visit thn legation again , nnd do you think the minister would expect much 01 a welcome at the Chinese legation I You may draw your own inferences. The Amer ican people are talking a great deal about reciprocity just now. They should remember - bor that reolprpcU.v works two ways. " STIM. A IMtOl-'OUXU SUCUUT. Tho'Contonts of S.illBbury'ii Note Xot Yet Mudo 1'nlillc. WAsnixornx , D. C. , March 21. The text of Lord Salisbury's last note on the Bering sea quo < > llon Is still kepi n profound secret. It is believed it lit not satisfactory. There js , a Krnwiug sentiment' that the Unlteil States will bo compelled to take energetic measures to protect the seals. It Is Impossible to obtain any ofllcinl in formation concerning the note received Irom Lord Salisbury yesterday on the Boring sea question. The unusual rellceonc.i of iho ofllcluls on Iho subject is said to bo in accord ance with strict instructions , direct from the president , that the communication shall bo withheld from the public at least until nftci its submission to Ibo senate. General Foster , who Is representing the State department in this matter , had two in terviews with the president on the subject today , ono early in the day and the other in the afternoon , nnd the impression is general thut they considered the character of tbo re ply to bo made to Lord Salisbury's last noto. LONDON' , March 21. In the House of Com mons it was stated that negotiations with tbe United States on the Bering sea question were still proceeding. Itlver uiul Ilai-lior Bill , D. C. , March 21. The rlvor and harbor bill will bo reported to the house tomorrow or Wednesday. The great lakes deep water cnanncl , the Mississippi river and some of the other projected Improve inonts will be put under tno contract system Appiopriatlons for the Improvements Include the Honnipen canal , $500,000 ; Missouri river to Sioux City , $ $00,000 ; above Sioux City to Fort Bentou , $75,000 ; with provisions for special work , if necessarynt Piurro or Yank ion. _ C'oiillrntutlonM. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 21. Charles It. Aldrleh of Illinois to bo solicitor general Postmasters : Kansas F. W. Elraunds , Kinsley ; Laura Oooufollow , Fort Leaven worth. Nebraska Mary F. Dalian tine Syracuse. South Dakota-Joseph flare , lllll City. Texas-r-G. H.Chlpman , Cblldress H. L. Livingstone , Plane. Ijnlel at Iliu Navy Department. WABIUNCTON , D. C. , March ' 'I. It is sail nt the Navy department that no orders have boon issued looking to the dispatch of n ileo to Boring sea , but it Is known that a numbot of vessels nro being tilted out on tlio Pacific coast for use In case of nn emergency. MOITIHOII Kleeleil Chairman. WASIHXUTOX , I ) . C. , March 21. W. H Morrison was elected chairman of the inter state commerce commission. Army OMIeurn After I'lunis. NEW YOIIK , March 21 , A Washington correspondent telegraphs his paper that ai unexpected bit of army patronage has been placed at tbo disposal of the presIdent Idont by the resignation of Genera Orlando B. Wllcox of the governor ship nf tbo Soldtci-d homo , A dozen or moro retired army ofllcors hero have already entered torod the contest for the succession to General oral Wilcox. The light , however , may bo re gardcd as ended , for there is little doubt tha General John C , Kelton Is booked for the place. Tuo succession to Uenerul Kolton promises to to be on exciting light , Colonc Hobcrt Williams and Colonel Chauncy Me K cover will bo the chief contestants , will the first named the next iu line of promotion but the littler has his longest service tothow Will Tluco an Army Ollicer lu Charge , CHICAGO , III , , March 21. Colouel Edmund Hlcc , United States army , ono of the ofllcora of General Miles' staff , Is to bo In command ofthopostnttho World's fairgrounds. Chlo of Construction Ournbum so announced to day. The change will take place as soon as the war department can make the neccssar arrantroinonts , Colonel Hlca succeeds Cap tain Charles Nordrum , who dlstmgulsbci himself in tbo Chicago police dcpartmon duilng the anarchist troubles. Captain Nor drum , Mr , Burnham said , hud only been ap pointed to thu place temporarily. Impress .Mi' sent > -rH IIU OINTI.SVITI , O. , March 21. Seven moro messengers In thu United States express service have been discharged , presumably because they were members of tbe Mo&seu t'crs' brotherhood , Took thu ( luth nf Olllce , CINTINNATI , O. , March 21. Hon. II. W Taft , late solicitor- general of the Unltei States , was today suorn Into oftlco as clrcul Judge of the United States for the Fifth judicial dUtrlct. RIVERS AND HARBORS BILL Amounts Appropriated by it for Making Necessary Improvemanti. VHERE THE MONEY WILL BE EXPENDED Sntiir or tlio rro\Uloiift of tlio lllll A Tart of the Work lo Ilo Dour by Cou- truut V.'asliliiKtim NIMVK Nolen. WA-JHINVITOX , D. C. , March 21. Tha house committee on rivow and hnrbori today com pleted consideration of tbo regular rivers and liarhors appropriation bill , U appropriates ? 20.700.000 , which is about ? WO,033 loss than the amount carried by the bill reported by tbo committee In the last congress. The greatest feature of the bill Is tbo extent - tent to which the committee enlarges the policy adopted by tholastccmnroajof placing Borne of the most Important projects under contract system , by means of which work can bo undertaken with the amount appro priated for tUo year covered by the bill and contracts entered Into for the comple tion of the work and ot Its continuance with out serieus interruption , as has sometimes happened when the continuance of the work wns entirely dependent upon the river and harbor appropriations by each congress before - fore the work could again bo pushed abend. This year the committee authorize * addi tional contracts to bo entered into nggrognt- iug $32,151,700 , distributed ns follows : Additional Contracts. , Charleston , S. C. , $2,178,003 ; Savannah , Ga. , $ . 'I,21"OJO ; Mobile , Ala. , * 1,4iaSOU ; Hud son river , $ ! > , -U7iOO ! ; Columbia river , Oregon gen , $1,700,000 ; the great lakes , $3,1140,000 ; Point Judith , H. I. , $1,175,000 ; Beaver Dam , Ohio , SuoO.OOO ; the Mississippi river , $10- 000,000. The bill In authorizing tbo contract sys tem to bo applied lo the Mississippi ; Ivor provide"For Improving the Mississippi river from the head ol the passes to the mouth ot Iho Ohio rlvor , including salaries , clerical , ofllce. traveling and miscellaneous expenses of the Mississippi river commis sions , and continuing Imp.ovomonts , f JVJO- OJO ( the amount directly appropriated in this year's bill ) , to be expended under the direc tion of the secretary of war In accordance with the plans , specifications and recomtnda- lions of iho Mississippi river commission for Iho general Improvement of the river for the building of levees and for survey ? , including the surveys from the head of the passes to iho headwaters of the river in such manner ns in tuoir opinion shall best Improve naviga tion and promote thu interests cf commerce nt nil stages of the river. Additional con tracts may bo entered into by the secretary of war for sucb. materials nud work as maybe bo necessary to carry on continuously tbo plans of the Mississippi river commis3lonsor the material may be purchased and worlt done otherwise than by contract , to bo pro vided for as appropriations may be made from time to time , not exceeding in tbo aggregate 82r > UOUH ( ) per annum for throe years commencing July 1 , 1SU3. Work on tlio MUrilHHlnpI. "For improving the Misslssini river from the mouth of the Ohio to St , Paul Sl,590o : > 0. Additional contracts may bo made by the secretary ot war to carry on continuously the systnmalie improvement of the Missis sippi between tbo points mentioned or ma terial may bo purchased and work dond otherwise by contract not exceeding in ttio iiggregatoSf.rOUOOOperunnumforthreoyoars commencing July 1 , IS'JIt. ' Provides , further , that of the amount appropriated ? 70 ; > ,000 shall bo expended from the mouth of the Ohio to the mouth of the Missouri river and JSUO.OOO from the moutb of tbo Missouri to St. Paul , and tbo amounts for additional con tracts authorized to bo entered iuto shall bo expended In proportions.1' In tbe case nf thu croat lakes project ? 400- , 000 is appropriated in tbo bill for u ship chan nel , twenty and twenty-one footdeeu , and of n minimum width of liOOfeot , iu tbo shallows of tbe connecting waters or the great lakes between Chicago , Dululh and Buffalo. Further contracts may be made by the secre tary of war to carry out the plau proposed by the engineer ofllcor nt Detroit. Work to li > Done Under Contract. In tbo cases of the other improvements put under the contract system , thu bill provides that the secretary of war may enter into con tracts to complete the present project of Im provements , to bo paid for as appropriations may bo made by law. T'IO ' aggregate cost of tbo' contracts , it is provided ia each case , ohall not exceed , inclusive of the appropria tions made directly In this bill , the cost here tofore named as the limit of cost of comple tion of the Improvements. For these pro jects there Is directly appropriated in the bill the following amounts : Charleston har bor , $300,000 ; Mobile harbor , $330.030 : Sa vannah river. $125,000 ; improving the Ohio river by the construction of a movable dnm at or below tbo mouth of Beaver river , Penn sylvania , $100,000 ; Point Judith , H , I. . $100- 000 ; Columbia river , Oregon , at the Cas cades , $1)5,000. ! ) The following is a list of appropriations for harbors of $10,030 and over. New York Buffalo , f.TJO,030. Louisiana Calascoiu mouth and passes , $100,000. Texas Ship channel , Galveston bay , $13- 000 ; Snbino pass , $3J'J,001. Ohio Ashtobulo , i'O.OOO ; Cleveland , $100- OOJSandusky. . $41,712 ; Toledo , $ .200,000. Indiana-Michigan City , $ WJOJJ. lllinols-Cnlcajjo , $ , OOJ. Mlchicnn Grand Haven , SIO.OOajManistop , $50000 ; ; Muskegon , $7. > .OiH ) ; Sand Beach , $150,000 ; St. Joseph , $50,000 ; Alarquotto , $ $ , - 00 ) . \VlsconsIn Milwaukee refuge , $75,000 ; Superior bay and St. Louis bay , $70,000 ; Ashland. $15,000. Minnesota - Dulutb , $30,030. California Humboldt harbor and bay , $200,030 ; Oakland , $150,000 ; San Diego , $3J.- 000. Oregon-Coos bay , $ J10OOJ ; Yoquunl bay. $7ii,000. l-'or ImproUiif ; Itlvrri. West. Virginia Great Kannawhn. $100,033. Mississippi Mouth Yazoo and tributaries , $75,003. Louisiana Hed , Louisiana and Tnxas. $150,000 ; Bayou Plaquomir.o , ? I50.000 ; Bayou LaFourchos. $50,000. Arkansas Arkansas , $250.000 ; Ouacbltn and Black , $10,000. Tennessee Cumberland , nbovo Nashville. $250,000 ; Cumberland , below Nashville , $10 , , 000 ; Tennessee , below Chattanooga , $500.000- KentucKy Kentucky , $150,000 : falls of the Ohio , $ i0,000. ! Movable dams at Lovlsa for If , 50,000 ; lock No. 6. $ , VUOO ) , Ohio-Ohio , $150,000 ; Ohio ( at mouth 01 below of Ujavor rlvor ) , constructing movable dam , $10J,003. Allchlgan Saginaw , $100,030 ; Portage lake channel , $50OJO. Wisconsin Fox and Sac , $75,030. Indiana Wnbasb , below Vinconncs ' fCO.OOO. Illinois Calumet , $ T5,000Illlnols ; , $100,000 ; Illinois and Mississippi canal , $500,000 ; rivet from Minneapolis to mouth of Ohio , $ ! , 500,003 ; mouth of the Ohio to the bond passes , $ . ' ,500,003 ; harbor at Green- vlllu , $100,000 ; harbors at Ylcksburg , Now Orleans and Natchez , $ SO,000 ; deep water channel through great laucs , $500,000 ; Missouri river down to Sioux City , $70,000 general improvement Sioux City to mouth. $300,000 ; Osagu river , $50,000. California - Sacramento , $109,000 ; Sou Joaquln , $53,000. Oregon Columbia aud Cascades , $435- 000 ; moutb of Columbia , $ 'WO,000 : Lower Wllliauiotto and Columbia below Portland , $50,000 ; examinations , surveys and contin gencies of tbo rivers aud harbors , $175,000 expenses connected with Inspection o bridges , $15,000. . 1'crlilicd lu n Humlnc llullillnf ; . SI.EEI-V Ern , Minn. , March 21. News of a terrible disinter six miles south of Spring field reached hero late last night. A house took fire and five ohltdravfoll victims to tbo flroy fiend. The oldest was about 22. The father was severely scorched , probubly fti- tnlly. Ho was pulled out by n beef 14 years. Only ono Inmate escaped unhurt. lo woke up. ran froraitlm bouse and returned nnd dragged his lather put. The mother was ibscnt from homo at tlio time. The father ind just returned from the oast. His natno s Leahy , , imr H.I iv . .nvaitto ( Iranil Jury InirttiRiUloim of llomllo Cnars on lillilUtrtislvn Sculp , CHIC-MID , 111. , March 21.Tho Investiga tion of the boodlcrs by the grand jury Is not to be conllned to the tlu-oo or four mombcrt who have been so frequently mentioned in that connection , t States Attorney Longo- ucckor said last illght that the Jury was fol lowing up nuy load that might roMilt In the conviction ot n nionoy giver or money taker. Among other ordinances thopassago ot which Will bo Inquired Into will bo the lately passed omnibus ordinance , giving the Chicago City Hallway company tbo right to string over head wires nnd run electric cars on most of the streets not nlroudy occupied. The grand jury will also make n determined effort to sift the relations between the Gas trust and the city authorities , particularly the circumstances attending the settlement made with the ofllcers ot the trust last June by which the raUj of 51. "J n thousand was accepted. It Is stated that the Jury has In formation showing that certain aldermen maintain their relations with the trust. The state's nttOruuy also says that the in vestigation of the big four-mllo tunnel ( built out tinder the lake for the purpose of increas ing ttio city's ' water supply ) will bo reopened. He states that evidence has boon placed In bis bonds showlniTycars of municipal jug glery. Heasoiis ttttl bo given showing just why the aldocnianie committee recently up : pointed to Investigate the construction ot this tunnel failed to probe evidences of fraud. President Billing * of the Gas trust , who Is at Hot Springs , says In nu Interview there is nothing In the story of boodle being offered to kill the Economic gas ordinance. Ho says tbo ordinance wac pandliig when two aldermen mon asked him what bo wanted done with It , but his reply was 'that ' ho did not care , nouc.irr TJIIJ i.iuu That AVholpsalo llrlhcry Socurcil the I'HSJUKO of tlio lteidliiK Hill. Nnw Yoitit , , Marou 21. Lost Friday the Herald charged tbo use of a corruption fund of at least $ .1,000,000 raised by interested capitalism and stock Jobbers to secure the passage In the Now Jersey legislaturu ot the bill legalizing 'the coal combination of the Heading. Now' the Herald returns to the subject and states thai more than half ot tbo secret Is laid bare. Tjiero was bribery , aud enormous bribery at that. Proof ot it is furnished on tbo word of State Senator Maurice Roger's of Camdcn county , and bis word will bo accepted unquestionably from ono end of the stata | to the other. Senator Hogcrs , in an interview ntCamden , U quoted as saying that atil30'a. in. of the day the bill passed , he' was 'offered ' and refused S10.00J for huVolo , tor the bill. Tnon the agent returned'and offered nioro Hum g > 3,003 , though Hogora < Jbds ; not sttito the exact > figures. Ho savsl however , when uskod If1 the turn was moro than. $25,000 : "Ye * , much moroj You scoj was to have made up the necDssaryniajorlty/saltho a ont told me. I will only say thut It was a sum so large that if.uut at 0 per cent Interest I need not huvo worked any moro. " Senator Hogors'waa-usked ' to expose tno miui who tiled to brU bim , but replied ; . "Tho people may tjiamo mo for' wilbhold- ing his name , but I would bo causing greater pain to my fcellugs'irj told It than any pub lic praise could Assuage. ' 1 attended the bonate and saw' , the bill pass , not knowing many of the votes were bought. 1 had not suspected It befoie , but now I know it. I was almost stunned and < 7id not know whit to do. The bill came up , and Senator Gard ner , In n speech , showed clearly that it was a most outrageous , pleco of legislation , forc ing on the peoplo'a'imonopoly and the arbi trary contiseiulon' 'of th'o stock of share holders who objected. Not a word was said on the other 's'ido. They simply voted it through and that was an end of It. " jir.o n .v Z.VTO Seven 1'coplo Killed and a Number Injiued by n Holler Kxplohlon , EAJ.T JOIMIAX , Micb. , March . 21. The boiler In tbo saw > mill of the East Jordan Lumber company ntr East JorJan exploded early this morning.Tbo f force ot the ex plosion was terrific , tearing the mill to atoms and killing seven mqn. The dead are : AltHUTUSCOOKA WILL HKAulL ' HIMuN WAKNEY. ' .1. U. ItlUWN. 1'ETKIS KIIKLllON. MI ( Ml A EL 11II NT.- .lAMKi 1'OTTKK.- ! The engineer had gene to breakfast. leav ing his liroman , 'John Dlnglo , in charge of the engine room ; Dlnglo was terribly wounded and has boon unable to give the cause of the explosion. The others injured are : ' : JAMES SMITH. , SANDY HBiNiunr. CIIAIII.CS BHOIVN. All tbo uboyonttmcd are in a critical con dition. The mill was , valued at $10OJO , and was partially insured , : i- < i iwunoo. Hurt In Ono Wreck , Killed In Another , nnil Ills Collln Crushed in u Third. DUIUNOO , Colo.- , March 21. A strange fatality scorns to Joljow Engineer Whistler oven after death ; < It will be romomborcd that Whistler iM'.ts ItitloU In a wreck Friday night near Gloncoo. Ho had just recovered from injuries received In a railroad wreck , and this was his first run since his illness. Yesterday his remains were s'artod to his homo in'California , | The train had proceeded to n point called tho.t'llook , " on the Mancos hill , when suddenly ] the express car which contained the remains broke loose from the rest of the train ; 'jumped the track and turned completely pver. The coflln containIng - Ing Whistler's bodvjvns badly damaged and a man named Maclf..wDo was escorting the remains , .hail his Uc # badly , bruised. The collln and express matter were transferred to n freight car and the : .tram proceeded on lu way. i j _ Jti < : riii.siiirriii < : INVADKICS. Xntlvi-g of Atrlciv D Ucit lloily of ItrltUli Tfuops. LONDON , March CL In tlio House of Lords today Lord KtHitr.fdijd- ' secretary of stale for the colonies , nijmltuji- accuracy of the report telegraphed ( yesterday from Free town , Sierra Loonitutt | the British expedi tion toTlmbo , In Senegamhla , had mot with a very severe repulse nt the hnnds of the natives ; that Captainftnbtnson and a private were killed , and taal.aul tbo ofllcors of tbo expedition and thirteen of tbo men were wounded. Lord Knutzford said thai Instruc tions had been i > ent to Sir James Shaw Hay , governor of tilerrn Leon , to use the 800 men of tbo West India regiment stationed at Freetown iu renewing the attack upon Thabo. I.orl IlanVrlti I'rc-ionta Ills ( 'rmk'iitlul * . PAIHS , March 2l'.r-Lord Du/Tcrln / , the now British ambassador to France , presented bis credentials to President Coriiot this afternoon. The ceremony was' conducted with grcal pomp , In the court yar'J were massed do- tachnionU of infantry , ana us tbo British ambassador d.i'ovo into tbo square drums were beatetitdnd bugles sounded , aud the band plavcil"'God Save the Queen , " After Lord Dafferin had made the formal presentation of Ills credentials , ho nnd Presi dent Carnpt entered into u cordial conversa tion , When Lord Duffcrln left ttm palace ho was greeted with tbo "Marseilles'1 by the band. MANY AVERE DISAPPOINTED [ owa's Legislatura Was Not Liberal with the State's Funds. COMPLETE LIST OF THE APPROPRIATIONS U Is llrllrvecl ( hit Iliu ( lnti-i l.orul Option lllll Will lie lefut Ml Tod.iybyii Strict Tuny Votu In thu Home , \f.t MOIST. ? , la. , March 21. fSpoclal Telegram - gram to Tin ; liin.J : The session ot the legis lature today was tinuvculful. All the inter est manifested in the proceedings was con centrated on iho report of the committee of appropriations. The report will doom to dis appointment a iood many who have spout much time lobbying in thomtorcitof various institutions , Tlio report recommends amounts nirgreniulng about SW.OOJ. The amounts askoJ for aggregated about 2,5J- ! ) 000. A summary is given below : Institution Amount Joint al- nskoJ. luwaneu. Hospital for Insiiao , Mount , Pleasant g 71,5'X ) t 10,503 Hospital for limni1 , Inde pendence Jfl.OM ir ,7 : ) iNoriinil school S'l.OUO ' 18.700 I'onlR'ntlnry. rort.Mndlson 17'iJO WiV ) ( luoloalciil snrvov i : > , OJJ WOJJ ) Ilcno'llet homo . . lO.UUJ NUOJ Institutefeuhlu minded. . . . in.SJj i'O.GOJ InihiRtniil homo for blind. M-iOJ LM.iM : Orphans'homo : ilDUO 12,5 0 Institute dcat itnii dumb.H.NJJ IOUil ) Hlato university JI7.00) 7M.O.IO Aurlcnltural eoileiro 17 , " > 'J3 r > i\"iUI Soldiers' Orphans' home. . . HJO l.wo I'uiiltontlary , Annmosa . . . 51,1.0 V..HJ ' 1 ml list rlul school , Ml tcliell- vlllo 7.1.V ) 7,150 Stuto llsh commission 4,000 -4.WO SolUlurs' cottuKes , Mar- Khalltown 2JIOO ( ll\000 Collu o fur blind ll.SOJ 7.UJO Historical society fl.O ] , UOO Hospital for Insane , Clu- illida : )07,10J ) 55.10) lowahtate uand 0.1)01 ) -I.'OJ Industrlulseliool , Kldora. . 4MJ.V ) ! XVJJO Iowa \\eathcr service O.OUJ B.3.0 IllHtorlciil collection at caultol 20,000 l. > , nOJ Poldiors' homo 'J-J.OOt ) ( j.sil.1 Columlilan exposition IW'.uOJ I'J.i.Oja Dairy association L'.OJU i'.nOJ S-iiUry secretary I'tirsons. . 7J'J 700 Iniinxnratloii cercmonli'9. . WJ CoinplutliiK eapltol tiulld- inirliisldu 2MJOO 50,000 State Illirnry 0l ( ) f > , ' ) OJ Stuto military no.OOU I'O.OOO State dairy i-oinmlsslon. . . . U , . " > 00 The tiatch local option bill is the special order in the house tomorrow morning ut 11) ) o'clock. There will bo no dl'cusslon on the bill. It will bo voted upon without any waste of tlmo unless tha arrangement mndo today bv both the parties is reconsidered. Tno bill wilt bo defeated t > y a strict party vote. ( iovrrnoiHoles' Appointments. Dns Moixc , la. , March Jl. fSpoclal Tule- gram to THE BBE.J Governor Boles today made the following appointments : Oil inspector specter , J. J. Dunn of Dubuque ; commis sioner of labor statistics , J. U. Sovereign of Atlantic ; dairy commissioner , Augustus C. Tuppor of Osage ; pharmacy commissioner , John II. Pickctt of Oakaloosa ; llsh commis sioner , Judge Griggs of Sncldon ; custodian of the capitol , William L. Carpenter of DCS Molncs : commissioners for soldiers' homo , S. U. Evans of Uttumwa and J. P. Patkin of Clarfnda ; directors of iho state noriml school , 1. J. MeDullle of .Loniars and A. 11. Moore of Anamosn. DPS Molncs I.nliorpr Injured. Dns Moixts : , la. , MtirchSl. fSpoctal Tele gram to Tin : BKK. ] Stephen Fopjj , a laborer on a now bridge in this city , was caught by his clothing and whirled several times around a shaft this morning before tbo machinery could bo stopped. Ho was seriously and , perhaps , fatally Injured. TnKtMi tn the I'vnitentlary. DBS Moixus , la. , March SI. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BRI : . ] Jeannette Allen , Keeper of the notorious house of ill-fumo in the "Whitcchapcl" district , of this city , was today sentenced to eighteen months'in the penitentiary , and was at once taken to Ana- mosu to servo her sentence. Ii- < v1lolinOillulal Mixture. Dns Moixn * , Ja. , March Ml. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BiiE.J There uppaars to bo n difference of opinion as to who if. city mar shal of Doi Moldes. A few days ago it was officially announced that Sol Sutsman had resigned and L < Vod Johnson appointed and a number of other changes mido agreeable to the occasion in the marshal's ofllco. Today Sol Slot/man again occupied the marshal's chair and to all Intents and purposes was performing the duties of the ofllcc. To all queries bo aflirmoa that ho was still tbo marshal. Fred Johnson also stated to all In quiries that ho was the bona lido marshal. The policemen natii they did not know who was marshal ) , but obeyed the orders of both Slutzumn and Johnson , which so far have not conlllctod , Slutsman said that bo had novcr resigned ; that the story that he had so done was un true ; that , ho and the mayor were on good terms and ho honed tboy would continue the friendly relation. Ho had nothing to stiv as to reasons for the alleged resignation 'and succeeding appointments. Mayor Uauipbell was "mum ; " ho said : "Don't nsk mo uuy questions for I wont answer them. " The question of who Is marshal is consequently quently answered by several aldermen and others that StuUman retains tbo place. HU resignation was not mentioned to the city council last week nor today , iieltuor was the nl leered appointment of Fred Johnson pre sented to the council for confirmative action. Ho AViis Di-clili'illy Arbitrary. SIOUA-CITV , Iu. , March 21. [ .Special Telegram - gram to Tun UUH. ] Judge WuUollold today decided a very Important caso. The jury brought In a vorJIct of ? IS033 damages for Frederick Fridny ngaliut tbo Sioux City Hanld Transit company , but the judge nnvcr- theless ordered n verdict for the defendant. It Is the first case of iho kind in the state. Suits involving $100,000 depend upon this case , _ Municipal 1'olllli-n DUriUHfil. BEATHICI : , Nob. , March 21 , [ Special Tele gram to THE BUK.J O. P. Fulton , the demo cratic candidate for city clerk , declines to make the race and comes out in a card this evening stating that the use of his immo be fore the democratic city convention was un authorized. - BWiMiBii , Nob. , March 21. [ Special to Tun linn. ] At a citizens' quucus boU Saturday nght | F. V. Shnbntu , John Xovoncchok , John Jnhn , Jr. , A. N. Dndson and Frank Janbuch were nominated for vlllaco trustfcd. CI.AV Coxinii , Nob. , March 21. [ .Special to TiiisBBRl The following named persons wejo nominated for vlllaco trustees nt a citizens caucus Friday evening : L. F. Frynr , George M. Duvlnter. A. J. Jcnlnon , J. L. Campooll and K. O. Wallace. Politics cut no llguio in the convention , yet the court room was well filled , owing 10 various Usues , NEWMAN GIIOVK , Nob. , March 21. ( Special to TIIU Uti : : . ] The republican caucus was bold horoTrlday night at the public school building for tuo nomination of a board of trustees. They were as follows : II. Saaro. Chr , Schovland , H. Pryor , Fred Pike and Frank Barrett. Saturday night atiothor caucus convened at Burrow * ' hull , resulting in a citizens' ticket , with Iho following nom inees : H , Saare , Chr. Schovland , J. J , Young , Oharles llinmau and Fred Pike , In tlio DES Moixes , la , , March 21. In the bouse thU mornlug worn on tbo calendar was taken . Morrison's bill up. exempting pro ceeds of life Insurance not la excess of ft.OOO from tclsuro for debt was passed. The bill to prohibit the kllliug of Chinese pheasants was passed ; also a bill to compensate tbo mayors of cities whco acting as juetlcos of the pence ; nlso a .bill requlrolng nl bedges to bo trimmed to thn hoicht of llvo feet along highways nnd railways , The bill to increase ttio bountyon wolf scalps to $5 was passed : also allowing mine pit bassos to enter tlio examination for stuto mlno inspectors In case they bad llvo years experience. This afternoon the house took up anil passed Cortlsis' bill to abolish fee Jojgr/ / leers ot the justloc courts in cities oOTBrriJ or moro population. It llxos tffimpAlary ot Justices in such towtishlp HKItuOO Other bills passed were : AmondlwHI law relative to Iho transfer ot p tlentsKrSt ; ! In- sine asylums ; amending the law rW-JtS lo " ' " landlords' liens ; providing for n i , tlvo manner of listing proportv for legalizing the Incorporation of Shot ) ton & Co. ; the senate bill lo pro tec nnd keepers of fast horse * . In the senate this morning Holnge resolution palling for ttio submission ! hiws naucd by the legislature to n the people wai rejected. Muck's bill Ing for the publication and dlstrlbu ii'bool laws was passed. Other laws wore : To limit the number of hour- * for n day's work In the mliio-t ; to prohibit the employment of children in mines : to provide for printing the ofileinl remitter ; to rogulnto the practice of law In tbo state. The scnato pimod house bills authorizing iho Insurance nf employes against uecldonU from steam boiler * and legalizing the re In corporation of the Prosbvtcnan church ot Toledo , la. Parrott's bill providing for the letting of contracts for the labor of convicts In the penitentiary to the highest bidder was passed unanimously. Bishop's bill to ex empt from taxation live stock on which there is outstanding indebtedness lost on en grossment. The scnato then went into ex ecutive r.ossion nnd conllrmed the appoint- mint of .1. J. Dunn , Inspector , W. L. Car penter , out toil Ian of thu" public property , and B. Evans of Ottumwn and J. H. Hnllgan of Page county trustees of iho soldiers' homos. Gardiner's bill logall lnchanges ; In articles ot Incorporation made since the last legisla ture wns parsed. LlI'Kltl'OUI.'H MOXSTHK. ICvlilcnco Agilii4t : tlio Mull Arroitud li AiMtriitlu. PKUTII , Australia , March SI. Deeming was again tmforj the nughtrate yustcrday. The court hoaio was pickod. The prisoner , who btlll poniJts In calling himself .Swanston , entered the dock with a Jauntv air , but became - came nervous and lldirjty during tbo reading or the cUar 03. Aft r the giving of the for mil ovidanco in ragard to lih nrrost ho was rouutuleJ. Daamlna's luiga e has b33n fully oxnmluod. Among the articles found xvoro a ear 1 cartlfvins to the mambsrjhip of Emily Author In the It-iln Hill Band of Hope , a time-table of trams batwjnn llulu Hill and Llvorpool , in iiuto rapb ulbtim ba- lor.ging to Emily Ma'.bor , a book of addresses of PJMOSS in K iglauJ , a packjtuook baaring the mono ra-n "B. F. D. , " a Masonic apron similarly IctUroJ , a sllvor card case and a prayer book coutaluliti ; the uama ' Bmlly. " Among the addresses notDd nro "McDonald , Now YorH. Biritonhaad , Marshall , Now York , " and others or persons in Hull and Liverpool , proving the identity of Williams , Deeming , hawson , etc. It is learned that Djjiiilng has suld to tbo police that no is the sumo man who lived at Windsor , n suburb ot Melbourne , under thu name of Williams. Evidence is doily accu mulating showing thut Iho past llfo of Deem ing was one of constant fraud and robbery , earned on unjcr a pretense ot wealth and bonhotmnlo. L-iVRitpooi. , March 31. Thousand's visited Kiiin Hill yesterday and converted the quiet suburban village Into pandemonium. Several accidents occurred ami several fights as well , as there wore many UngUs nmongtbccrowds of visitors. The vicar of Haln Hill nlliiilotl to Doom- Ing's crimes in hU sermon yesterday. , Ho said that after the dopirturo of .Williams or DeemingJrom the village It had boon pi\ > - posed to buy Ditiham villa , the scene of the murders and maUo it the vicirage , but hnp- pllv the project had been abandoned. Various persons have acquainted the police with Instances where robbery "was sulterod at the hands of Williams , lu ono Mich Williams passed as a nephew of Sir Wilfred Lawsun , M. P. A telegram from Capo Town , South Africa , says that tbo now ? of tlio Dooming case caused much excitement there. It slates also that Deeming became notorious iu Johannesourg lu IS'JJ In coancclion with an extensive jewelry swindle , and that some mysterious murders occurred there at about that tlmo. _ UL'U ; NililIIHltS. ; Tales ol Slilpwrock , AsHii Uiiiilloii and lti > vo- liitlon Ironi tli MiullilaiKl. PAXA.M\ , March 13. The National mall boat Anglos , plyniL' between Guayaquil Alu- nabi and Ksmcraldn , was lost in a gale re cently , off Bahla , and all on board perished. Late advices from Callao state that the governor of Juyanca wns recently mnda the victim of personal animosity of n ho , blooded youth of that city who Blabbed him , it is feared , fatally. The act was Intended to avenpo tlio arrest of an ur.clo of bl , upon purely personal grounds , lately ordered by the governor. Kumos , tba assassin , has boon lodged iu Jail to await trial. Tno Indian uprising in Dollvii is assuming rnoro and moro formidable proportions , in deed It uc'L-liij to lee ic as If the government will have its hnnds full to supprojs it. The Gran Choco Indl'ins are now joining their Bolivian brcthern , us are also tUoio fvoiu Iho Brazilian frontier. Thd political situation Is by no mnnns quiet , as alarming rumors are atloat. The Kpocn states that sovcral loading nrmv olllcorj hold a mooting recently with a view of ursrlng the president to proclaim himself dictator. The same luporadds that these onicerj were determined in case of the presi dent's refusal to ovortorow him. It goes on to say that Dr. Hamlertz consented to with draw his resignation provided two command ers in the army bo dismissed. The president acquiesced , it is rumored that the president will close the chamber * . The ministerial crisis has reunited in the withdrawal of Honor Bongoechu from the cabinet and its complete reorganization as follows : Foreign affairs , Bravo ; homo affairs , Hlzo ; finance , Murcnco : education mid public worKs , Mcdlni ; war , Duarto. From Toguicalpa comes the announcement that General Clorra , chief nf the revolution ary party , had camm tied sulclda by shooting himself through the head In the mountains of Curnren. Honoring Mliimtfr Itclcl. PAHIS , March 31. General Meredith Head gave a farewell dinner yesterday to United States Minister Kohl. The guous included Foreign .Minister Klbot , the ambassadors of Russia , Austria and Turkey"anau number of other diplomats , From now until their departure from Paris Mr. and Mrs , Hold will attend dinners given in their honor nearly every evening. They In turn will give a furcwell broakfust , MliK-rh Iti-tnrii lo Work. LONDOX , March 21. The Nottingham min ors , numbering 2,300 , resumed work nt ttio usual hour this morning. As n result the price of coal in tbo district has declined n shillings per ton , The minors In the other districts excepting Durham alto returned to work. Ninety-two thousand men are out In tbo Durham district. Tliuyl'lnd lo Ainurlra. PAUIR. March 21 , It Is reported thut tbo three directors of the Haliroad bank which failed Saturday lied to America , HUmnrch Tillen Suddenly III. BF.HU.V , March 2l.-lsmurck has boon obliged to give up bis Intended Journey on ac count of sudden illness , About a year and a hair ago Jack Inbodv drove away from York with a fine pair of mules on wliluh Harvey Pickerel bud u mort gage of a couple of hundred doll < ir A few days ago 1'lckorel located his muu nt Hlvor- ton , la. Ho now baa the team lu custoilv. and will have tbo mules or the money and don't euro much wulcb. ARGUING THE YOCOM CASE Concluding Testimony in the Trial of' Very Little Importance PROSPECTS OF A VERY EARLY CLOSE Olio InMniicit In AVIileli u Willie * * lor thy rroneciitlouVn Slionu to Itn Mil- taken \\llli icard : to l'iu-14 oI linporliiiu-o. HASTIXCIB , Nob. , Miireli 2l. [ Spoclnl Tele- pram to Tin : BKI : . ] The loyonth liny ot tho. trml of Captain A. 1) . Vocum for tuo murder of Myron Van Fleet witnessed the closing ot the evidence nnil the beginning of ilio nrgtt- incuts. A block of soldlcr.i ant at ono side of the room niul tlioy all seemed much Inter * cs ted In the testimony anil In the arguments. The proaccutioa Introduced on rcuuttu ! n number of business men to prove that on tho. day of ttio tragedy Captain Yoeum was np- parcnltv anne anil that ho had seen Van Fleck sovornl times that dny. The defense in sunolmilal undertook to linpoach tiiu testimony or .lohn A. Until , \vho < trstllled that ho saw Vocum In Denver la March IS'JI , and that , then ho knew of the scnudnl. The defense started to provo by envelopes addressed in Yoeum'a handwriting uiul bearing tbo government postofllco. postmark , whtm the prosecution nullified Glints1 evidence by admitting that ho was mistaken us to the tlmo ho sv Yocum lu Uonver. This closed llio case for the do- feusc. It was agreed by counsel that each sul , should bo entitled to llvo ipecchcs. County Attorney Hoopncr opened tuo argument for the stato. Ho reviewed the testimony and circumstances of thu killing , and doprecatcd the plea of insanity , and urged the claims ot Justice upon the Jury. Ho was followed by Attorney M. A. liar' Ian I- * ( . an for the defense. Ilo nmdouatrong plea , and depleted the plight Captain Yooum found hlmseli iu. As a misunderstanding aroio concerning sotno of tlio testimony eivon by Miss Alleo. Yoeuro , it wan re-road by the stenographer , to settle the discussion. Continuing , Mr. Hurtlcau stronply urged , upon the Jury the uwlul condition of Captain tocuin after hearing his daughter's cofiiis- slon. After speaking for an hour an ndjoura- ment was taken until II o'cloc'.c tomorrow. witix'ic ( IN TIIIr.MOM : p.vcirie. PimeiiRer No. IH Dltelin : ! Nc r Tool Sidlinf Soi unil liijuruil. GIHXD I M\II , Noh. , March 21. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Han. J Thopassongercoach of Union Pacili > j train No. 81 was dumped into the ditch near Pool siding thfs nfter- noQii , Tno couch turned completely upsiUa down. ConJuctorPalmer anil Brakomau Uuney woio slightly InJuroJ and J. C. Pike and wife of David City were cut about the hoid anil faco. The conductor of the train says the acci dent win eainod by the carelessness of the section bunds in rolaylu ; ? ralU by putlintr pine blocks between thu rails anil the tlos. iumUo : Preparation * . GENEVA , Neb. , March 21. [ Special Tola- cram to TUB Uai : . ] The weeks of prepara tion which the ItnlghU of Pvthlailn Geneva have boL-u milking for the dedication of tboir $20,000 castle hall next Wednesday are about completed. AU elaborate program has been prepared and mnplo provisions maUo for the , accommodation nf all guests who may como from all over the state. At tonic v General Hastings , Judge I * . Morris , Tom Cook , Will L. Seism , Tom Bcntuii and m.iny other prom inent knighti havu rouliod to Invitations nn il will bo present. They will also respond to toasts. Heduced rates have been made on all railroads -and Geuova expects a big liuio. , SIio ISc-il u llorfoVlilp. . GitvNDlsi.ixi ) , Is' eb. , March 21. [ Special to Tin : Br.i.j Mrs. NajrlescUmidt , a irj.xom In Ivor middle ; v'O , was lined $5 and costs this morning for horsewhipping John Berry. Uerry opened a road , wliich ttio woman ira- moillntc-ly closed by replacing taj lonco. When Berry learned of this ho immediately reopened it. As soon ns he had begun the won ; Mrs. Nugloschmidl apprarod , lashinv him over the I : cud until iho whip broko. She pleadca guilty of disturbing the peace , paid her line and wont away happy. TrjIiiB In S.ive Slmltz. GIUMI NiAvi ) , Nob. , March 21. [ Special 10 Tun Br.H.J The attorneys for the defense. in tbo Cuylcr Shultz case will ( lie an order for a new trial. Should the mntioa bo over ruled the case will In all probability bo. taken to the supreme court. Shultz remains careless of his futo. Last night ho went to sleopat 10 o'clock und slept soutflly until 0. this monniifr. _ 'H I'llJlllH Dl'lltlllll'll. WAIIOO , Nob. , March 21. [ Special to Tim Uii : ! . ] Your correspondent from Ashland In , Sunday's paper has nnclo a miestalcmont ot the contest between Wnhoo aim Ashland , In the report of the contest your correspondent states : "The Wuboo society departed from itho rules of the contest by bniih'lni ; 'in pro- fossiunul brained talent in iho person of Miss Annabel Leo with a , declamation. " Miss Lea is a dtiuuhtcrof J. M. Lee of this city mm has resided hero smco infancy. She U a member of the class of 'Oil , mid it seems has Improved her opportunities and talents sulll- clcntly to huvo won In the contest. ( iriniil Island' * Hall Cluli. ( litANii Isi\x , Neb , , March ai. [ Special Telcpram to TUB BKK.Jumcs ] Hourko , James FoldA. . \V , Iluckbart. William Win ters and 12. C. I lovkcn border wcru ulrctod , board of directors of Grand Island ball club- tonlt-'lit. They will proceed to organize tbo club at onco. ruimlonn , WAsnixnto.v , 1J. U. , Match 21. ( Special Telegram to TUB line. ) The following list of pensions granted Is reported by Tin : Ben and Kxamiuor Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original- Thomas M , Martin , Martin Van Horn , Thomas II. Brand. James ICcndHll , Coinclius I ) . Traslt , Hugh Adalr , Lyiuan W. Niece. Additional Daniel Van Housen , James Jacobs , John W. Callalmn. * Original widows , etc. Sarah T. Walls , Iowa ; Original Owen Owens , deceased ; Samuel ( > . Scott , Charles U. Norton , John W , Diwlilson , I'Vanklln II. Darling , .Smith lioggs , William Mooroy , James Keener , James A. OuvbVlllura Lease , Hiram L. C ! raves , Henry Kirs , Charles Mercy. John W. Williams , Allou Tunks , William Holler. Additional Nowborry Cnopor , William A. Kelluy , Jasper Hlulno , Ilonrv Joy , Joseph White , .feremlah A. Wade , William I ! . Mer rill , William U'lard. Kunowal and Increnso I'Vanciu N. Nutter. Increase Wllllum Shlploy , John M. Kullor , And row LI nil bury , .lames I'latt , Lenlus hltiipson , William R Dallny , Marcelluu 1C. Snoll , DanUU J. Acker- son. Ktlbsuo-Luander Dysart , Arthur Vaugbn , Juino-sA. llayos , Original willows , etc. Margaret K. Holimtn , mother ; Ida O. Owens , Amy A , Parker , Sarah K. Ulako , Matilda Stubblcllold , mother. Mexican widow Catherine Alarnock , IJU9U1II 1J. IJUua , , 1IIKIUII4 41 , JlftlMVII , l OVIO Sawyer. Addllionul David Hum , Increase -Joel Lilly. Italian Kv-'oiivl llnrrcil. NEW YOIIK , March 2l.-t'olonol , Weber barred twenty Italians at Kills Ulana yostor- duy. They were passengers from Italy nuil were all cx-convlols. The l-'lrj itctuiiril , ST. JOHNS , N. n. , March ! il. The custom hou f has burned. Loss , $ .100,000.