Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1892, Page 3, Image 4

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    ( I
tclhcicdly Carrier to any part of the City
No 41
K , V. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs L\imber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. 20J Sapp bloef.
The March term of the superior court will
convene tomorrow.
Mrs. .T. R Evans entertained a largo party
of ladies Friday afternoon at a Kensington
tea at her residence on Sixth nvonuo.
Mayor-Klect Lawrcnco will appoint the
members of the police force at the regular
meeting of the council on the first Monday
evening in April.
II. K. Thornborry was broucht In from
Clarlnda yesterday by n deputy United
States marshal on tlio chnrgo of sclline
liquor without n government license. Ho
pnvo bonds for his appearance bjforo the
grand jury.
A man was found yesterday afternoon
lying In an alloy just off of Main street ap
parently In n fainting fUTho patrol wngou
was called and ho was taken to the police
BlMlon. By the tlmo ho arrived there bo baa
recovered his consciousness and said no was
subject to such attacks. Ho gave his name
ns Frank McMtllor.
Hov. F. L. Hayden , who has boon assist
ing Hov. S. Alexander in revival services at
tbo first Presbyterian church during the
past weak , went to his homo In Avoca to fill
Ills own pulpit ever Sunday. HP will return
tomorrow ana will further assist In the
meetings , which will continue all the week.
So far the meetings have been very Interest-
In * . ' , the house bolng filled each evening.
Tbo work of lilting up tlio new headquar
ters of the Pottawattatnlo County Domo-
crntlo association In the James blocicon Pearl
street , Is bolng pushed rapidly. The room Is
the same ono formerly occupied by the press
club. It Is to bo painted and papcrod
throughout , and n now Iloor Is being 'out In.
When the repairs are completed it will bo a
hnndsomo place. The members of the asso
elation hope to havd It In shape to bo ocvu
pled Inside of two weens.
Important Surgical Oprrutloim ,
The Onitihannd Council Bluffs Moil'
leal and Surgical institute , located tit
Twenty-sixth street und Broadway ,
Council BlulTs. is the scene dally of
bttrgical operations that hro important
enough to warrant reporting in the
medical journals. The iustituto is filled
with patients from all parts of the coun
try , and about as soon as ono is dis
charged nnothor takes the pluco
vacated. Several capital operations
have boon performed during the past
week , and in every instance the patients
have promptly rallied and are pro-
crcssiiiL' favorably toward recovery. In
nil the history of the institute , out of
hundreds ot operations , there never has
been a death or an accident.
Ono of the operations performed yes
terday wns a peculiarly pathetic cnse. A
bright little 5-yonr-old girl , daughter of
i Mr. McClelland of this city , went
through a terrible ordeal. Nearly a
year ago her little brother throw a piece
of coal and struck her on the loft foot
iust below the ankle , causing ti bad
brtilso. The usual remedies were ap
plied but ths wound did not heal and a
runnlngsoro resulted. Many physicians
treated her unsuccessfully and as a last
resort slio was taken to the hospital.
An examination showed Unit ncciosis of
the bono had progressed to such nn ox-
tout that all the bones of the ankle and
foot down to the toes wore destroyed.
Ordinary surgery would have dtiinanded
the amputation of the foot at tlio unklo ,
hut this was not dono. Tlio dis-
oascd bones were removed and the
incisions stitched topothor. The
foot will ho crippled and disfigured
hut it will bo much better than no foot
at all. The little child stood thu opera
tion bravely and quickly recovered from
Iho shock and will soon bo ready to
Icavo the hospital.
Fourteen moro patients will bo dis
charged from the hospital on Tuesday.
L.UCIUS Wells returned yesterday from a
trip to South Dakota.
Misses Nettle ana Effa 'Lewis have re
turned from an eastern trip.
W. McMillan of Asbtubiiln , O. , is the
guo'st of James McMillan on Ninth avenue.
.ludgo N. W. Macyvas In the city yester
day , on his way back homo from a business
trip through Nebraska.
Miss Delia Mlkosoll , who has just finished
n term of school teaching at Hiversldo , Neb. ,
Is homo for a vacation.
Mrs. II. Hoffman of Holdrodpo , Neb. , has
been the guest of the family of J. W. Alike-
soil during the past week.
John A. Cralislo of Chicago Is in the city
laying plans for tbo opening of a largo ware
house for the sale of dairy supplies.
W. H. Marble has retlirncd homo after
being absent six weeks. Ho visited Wash
ington , D. C. , Frederick , Md. , ana Mt. Vernon -
non , O. . the last named being his birthplace
which ho had not seen In thlily-sovon years.
ills ntoco , Mrs. Carrie Wilson of Galesburg ,
111. , accompanied him homo ana will remain
omo time , _
I will offer for sale to the highest bidder -
dor on March J8. ! lot 0 , block 7. Baylies
first addition , and lots : i , 4 and 5 in
Dunn's block.Also 820 acres , lines
farm in Pottawattamlo county , together
with mules , horses and wagons. Terms
half cish : , balance llvo years' time
Harry H , In man , salesman.
Millinery llumntnl.
Misccs Sprlnk & Foiiron have romovct
tholr millinery parlors from Broadway
to 10 South Main st.
Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best ,
AViuit Tliolr Judgment * NutUllcil.
A petition was lllod In the district court
rojtorday In a suit to have tbo assignment o
the firm of E. Klsomin & Co. sot aside on
tbo ground of fraud. The plalntliTs In the
cuso are J. fc > . Trowbrldgo & Co. , Wigbtmai
& Co , , Lovl Itros , ft Blum , Naumbcrp
Krause , Lauor & Co. ; Henry Hothschlld &
Co. , D. and M. Well and Troutman & Co ,
who were given judgments last Tuesday to
the amount of over * rOOU. They make Henry
Klsomon & Co. , Hlce , Six it Co. . Stlx
Krauio & Co. , Simon Bamborger , Olllcor &
Pusoy , S. P. MacConnell and the Couurl
Bluffs Saving bank defendants , and allege
that the assignment and tbo chattel rr.ort
gases under which the last named defend
ants now claim to have possession of the
properly of tbo llrm , were executed fraud
ulently with Intent to pay the nluims of the
defendants at the expense of tbo other
creditors. They demand that the assignmen
mid mortgages bo sot aside , that the prop
crty be adjudged to belong to tbo firm o
, llonry Elsoman & Co. , and that It bo declared
clared subject to the judgment lion of the
n. 1' . " Hunting I'urty.
A pleasant dancing party was given las
Thursday " evening at the Knights of Pythla
ball"by the member * of the "O. F. " Dancing
club , These parties will bo glvea every two
weeks , aad It tbo ones so far given are sam
pics of wh t are to follow , on enjoyable Urn
may bo looked for. Those present Thursday
night were the Mines Klrkland , French
Field , A. Swlgort , Evoiu , IJahl , Sshrodt
Martha bchrodt , Mary Scbrodt , Kracbt , Car
rie Krncht , M. ICondle , Olive Kondlo , In man
Mary Inman , IlortfUi , Uunn. Hayes , Cousins
Mary Cousins , Jones andTalbott ; Messrs
Neal H. Brown. O. Browu , F. Copell , C
Capoll , Fields , Mudgo , Evans , Ellswortb
Alexander , Martin Hayes , Peterson. H. Deot
ken , J. Dootkcu , A. lumau , F. Matthew *
Bwlgart , Slolnltur. Kirldauil , Cane am
Work of the Final Session of the Present
Oily Council ,
of Having 13 nl 1'lcrro SI root
I'uwil lit t lie.Near 1'titiiro ttrinnicil
by Alili-rniuu Cntpcr Lot-til
Nctt * rxotes of Interest.
The city council hold Its ln t session yes-
crdny afternoon , It bolng an adjourned moot *
tie from last Monday evening. Tno coiu-
nlttco which w < n appointed to look up bead *
quarter * for the city ofllcot reported that
olllecs for the city cleric and auditor had
been secured In the Sapp building , and for
ho city trcnstiior in L. IClnnouan's store.
J'ho commlttoo nlio reported that a contract
und boon lot to P. Wind to put up an ofllco
lor the city wcltrhmastcr In the ronr of the
patrol bouse , the price to DO paid DolnR Sl'ii.
This part of the report caused u kick from
Alderman Cajpar , who thought that ns the
cltv derived no direct revenue from tno
ofllco the welKliimntcr should bo required to
furnUh his own olllcu. Other members of the
council called tlio attention of Aldcrmim
Casper to iho fact that the welffhmastor w.ts
not getting rlcb out of his position and the
whole report wai finally concimod In.
The ofllclal canvass of the votes cast at the
Inst city election was adopted , after which a
resolution was offered by Alderman Van
Urunt thanking Mayor Mucrao and Alder
men Wind , Wood and Casper for the peed
work they had done toward reducing the
city Indebtedness ! und placing the city on n
linn financial footing , and convoying them
the hearty wishes of their colleagues for
their future prosperity. This resolution was
Alderman Ouspor arose at this point and
asked that the notltlon asking for the paving
of Plorco street , which ho had presented a
year or so before , and which baa been hang
ing fire over since , bo returned to him , ns ho
saw no prospects of It being passed , and ho
did notcaro to have It run the gauntlet an
other year without his being In the council
to look after Its welfare. Other members of
the council urged him to lot the matter run
awhile , as the now council would probably
pass tbo ordinance , but ho was llrm and the
petition was ordered returned , thus killing
all hopes of having East Pierce , street
paved ut least for some time. The council
then adjourned slno die.
OH rilliiUliRB CUcn Away.
The llglUninp landscape artist , who
tins attracted such crowds ut the Boston
etoro , Council DlulTs , during the last
few dayswill remain in his studio in ono
of the largo show windows for several
days yet. It is to bo hoped the wouthor
will ho plotisantoi- week so that the
crowds otitsido can bettor enjoy the
spectacle of tin artist painting a lartfc
handsome landscape in oil with light
ning rapidity , completing a picture
oiton in ton minutes time. Many of
these pictures are very line , and would
not ho out of place In any drawing
room. As fast as they arc painted and
dried they are given away to the cus
tomers of the sto'ro with every $3 pur
chase. All tlicso pictures are framed on
the place at about one-half the cost com
monly paid for the various styles of
frames , ranging in price from 05o to
SI.75. This in much loss than the frames
can bo bought for elsewhere. Wo tr jst
that each of our patrons will got ono of
these pictures. Recollect the picture
costs you nothing ; you get your goods at
special sale prices and the pictures are
given you as presents from us , your ex
pense only being for the frames , if you
desire to have thorn framed.
Jtcstilt of a Futility How.
William Scott , who was brought In from
Oakland Friday night to answer to the
charge of insanity mad'o against him. by bis
wife , Tboodosla Scott , was given an exam
ination yesterday morning by the commis
sioners of Insanity. Ho was not disposed to
talk very freely of tbo matter , but ho gave
the commissioners a few statements of fact
in a straightforward way that proclaimed
htm anything hut a crazy man. She stated
that up to a short tlma ago ho was an In3dol.
Ills homo -was the rendosvouz for all iba people -
plo in that part of the country who wanted
to have a good time and didn't care how
much nolso they made about It. As ho was
an expert ilddlcr bo used to give dances at
his bouse , and the nolso his guests made
caused his house to no notorious far and
A little whlln ago bo Joined the Methodist
church and Immediately put a stop to danc
ing In his house- . Ills wlfo and 11 vo full-
pro wn boys pleaded with him and threat
ened him In turn , with a view to inducing
him to glvo up what they considered nls out
landish notion , but all to no purpose. Find
ing tboy could not have things their own
way tbov dcddcJ to got rid of him , and so
made tbo chavgo of insanity against nim.
From the way ho told his story it was * evi
dent that ho was perfectly sane , and after
the examination ho was ordered discharged.
Scott Is an old soldier and has a grout many
friends about Oakland , it Is stated that tboy
are highly indignant ever tbo actions of
Scott's wife , and threaten to make things
warm for her if the operation is repeated.
Swanson Music Co. , Masonic temple
Wo have our own vineyards In Califor
nin , Jarvls Wino company , Co. 13lulls
Progress of the rotors Case.
Gregg Sayers , the father of the young man
who has boon on trial in the district court
for several days past on a charge of murder
ous assault , was put upon tbo stand yesterday -
day to toll what ho knew about the caso.
According to his story , Peters , the alleged
victim of the shooting , was the only ono to
blame for the unpleasant predicament In
which ho has been over slnco last Christmas
day. Ho testified that he , his sons and Dan
Wilson went coon bunting on the night of
the shooting. After tboy had started they
wont to the house In which tboy bad been
living , but which had boon taker , possession
of by J. L. Peters as receiver , for the
purposeof getting some tobacco. Hess
Suyers wont to the door und demanded that
it bo opened. Peters refused to open tbo
door , but , so tbo old man claims , commenced
to shoot. After several shots had been lirod
Hess stuck his revolver through a broken
pana of glass and replied in kind , Tboy
then broka in tiia door. Hess grapnlod with
Paters and throw him to the iloor and nit
him ever the head with his revolver several
times. Ho then bundled him up and started
him on his way to 1'lumer's house , w'uero ho
arrived several hours later. The old man
was put through a searching cross-oxaml'ia-
tion by the prosecuting attorney and showed
a good deal of Ingenuity In framliijr his an
swers. The case will not bo completed until
Monday. _
How are your awnings ? J , M.
Luincke , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory.
IMriinaut l. < * u | > Vrar 1'urty.
A number of young people wore enter-
tnlned Friday evening at tlio home of Miss
Mala Sccloy on Fourth street at a leap year
party. Progressive high flvo occupied the
first part of the ovealug , tbo ladies' prize , a
magnificent Easter lily In bloom , bolng
awarded to Miss Nelllo Armstrong , and the
gentlemen's prize , a pick of celluloid playing
card ; , to Ucorgo Hoston of Omaha. After
refreshments had boon served dancing was
Indulged in , Tbo following guests wore
present ; Misses JesaloJuckxon , Maud Gavin ,
Nell liardln. Nell Keller , Alice Bouham , Kit-
tlo Ogden , Belle Snvdor , Lena Fonda , May
Uryant , Lu Smith , EvuNasou. Nettle Wells ,
Carrie Wells , Nelllo Armstrong and Sddlo
Davis ; Messrs. Dobbins , GuvBhopuerdMor
ris Louie , Will Martin , Ed Builth , Asbby F.
Neal , Charlei Illgglnt and George lleston ol
Omaha , Holla Hoblnson , Curtis Stoddnrd ,
Arthur Cooley and Will Webber of Omaha ,
Will Murphy , Ed McCrary , O. J. Martin ,
Earl Kenyon and Mark Smith
Now I.lvuryHalite. .
8. B. Wads worth 1s about to commence
the erection ol a new building Immediately
south of the Merrlntn block , between Main
and Pearl streets. The building will have
an eighty foot frontage on each street and
will bo used for livery stable purposes. It
s to bo ready for use by April SO and will bo
occupied by U. S. TcrwIlllRor the present
iroprlotor of the Rink barn. The old skating
Ink , which has boon used tor several years
last by Mr. Tcrwllllgor , has been leased
) y the UoJpo light guards , who wilt occupy
t as un ormorv. It will bs entirely re
modelled and turned Into a first class place
'or concerts , promenades or dances ,
Xcu-ArrniiRpinrnts liy tt'lilcli tlin Clmulnn-
< | ii ! Aftftrmhly Will lie Oicrntrl. |
The trustees of the Chautouqun assembly
at last succeeded In getting together last
evening for the first tlmo In several months ,
and before they separated stops hnd boon
taken that Insure the holding or an assembly
this summer that wilt surpass nil former at
tempts , If the statements made by those- who
are at the head of affairs are as
reliable , ns they seem to bo. As stated
in Tin : DEC several weeks ago , a schema
has boon on foot for sorno tlma to lease the
property to a company composed of J. K. F.
Mcdco and I , M , Troynor In order that an
assembly may bo hold this summer as n pri
vate enterprise , and last evening the schema
was unfolded to the trustees and the public.
Judge McOco appeared before the meet
ing and stated tits proposition , which In HUD-
stanca was as follows : Ho agrees to loaio
Lho grounds and buildings for tbo comln ?
year for the sum of $200 , which Is to bo paid
in Improvement.1 ! on the property , such Im-
lirovomonlB to un in nil o under tbo direction of
Lho executive committee. Ho and Mr.Trcynor
will undertake the entire minnsomont ol the
isscmbly und will make arrangements for
the finest program that has ever been
presented on the Council Bluffs and Omaha
assembly grounds. In order that the com
pany may bo thoroughly responsible finan
cially n guarantee fund of $ oUOO , Is to bo
raised among the citizens and in case any
lecturer should declineto negotiate on
account of the bad credit the assembly finds
on Its hands , n cm-tilled chock may bo
deposited with him so as to assure him that
ho will cot bis money. Thli fund has
already been raised , with the exception of
about ? 0)0 , and there is no doubt that n few
days more will ECO the whole sum In the
bands of McGee and Troynor. A program
similar to those of preceding years Is to bo
presented , including both lectures , concerts
and class instruction In various branches.
This nropositlon was discussed at length
and finally accepted , It bolng agreed
previously that the Council Bluffs and
Omaha Chautauquu association should hold
no assembly this year. The assembly now
proposed will open July - and will last six
teen days. The work of securing attractions
will bo nt once bcgiin.
A vigorous effort will bo made to secure
hotter moans of transportation to und from
tbo grounds. Nothing has been beard of iho
ChautRuqua motor line for some time past ,
and the now management does not count on
Its assistance. The railroads will bo Induced ,
If possible , to glvo a 10 cent rate from this
city , and a 15 cent rate from Omaha , to the
grounds , and to take passengers from the
north end of the Burlington switch , on
Eighth avenue. Instead of from the foot of
Mam street. Carryalls will also bo run , but
they will all bo under the management of the
assembly , so that their runs will bo at stated
intervals. A waiting room will bo secured
at sorno accessible point In the business part
of the city and fitted up with benches lor the
convenience of the public. The now man
agement has entered Into the work with a
vim , and the prospect now is that this
summer will see an assembly fully up to the
standard of Its predecessors' .
Xv Spring GooilH nt the Hoston Store.
This week there will bo opened at the
Boston Store , Council BlulTs , largo quan
tities of now snring dress goods. The
styles are rich and handsome , and the
ladies will bo delighted with them. It
is worth the trouble to como in nn < l look
at them whether you are ready to buyer
or not. Wo load in Council Bluffs in
the quality and styles of goods as well as
in the prices.
Eastern money to loan on real estate
by E. II. Shoafo , Broadway and Main.
Cummcrcliil rilgrlins of America.
Tbo order of Commercial Pilgrims of
America , which was organized by the travel
ing men of Council Bluffs a little loss than a
year ago and has made a phenomenal record
In the rapidity of its growth , hold a mooting
yesterday afternoon in the Hoyal Arcanum
hall which was attended by representatives
from all ever the state. The meeting was
held for the purpose of organizing the grand
lodge of Iowa , and was worked "with great
enthusiasm and harmony. The following is
a list of ofllccrs of iho supreme ledge of this
city :
S. W. P. , E. H. Haworlh ; S. W. V. P. , E.
C. Gloasou ; B. W. C. , W. B. Lnnnius ; S. S. ,
A.V. . Johnson ; S. T. , H. S. Blinn ; S. T. P.
T. , F. E. Shepard ; S. 1C of I. P. P. T. , J. J.
Jones ; S. A. of O. P. P. T. , O. D. llaigb.
The following delegates were admitted to
seats In the convention :
Council Bluffs Lodge , No. 1 , George C
Wise , \V. J. Davenport. . ! . E. Hurknoss ; Dos
Molncs , No. 5 , J. G. Hanna , M. V. Blacic-
burn , W. A. Meyer ; Marshalltown , No. 8 , E.
S. ICetchum. E. "W. Wells , S. W. Mcrrlam ;
Burlington , No. 10 , J. C. Lewis , W. H.
Jarvls , H. C. Jordan : Cedar Hapids. No. 11 ,
J. 1C Powers , J. S. Clemens , H. A. Muucor ;
supreme deputy , H. J. Wuolott of Marshall-
town ; supreme deputy of Nebraska , James
W. Lusk of Omaha.
Tbo organization of the grand ledge of
Iowa was effected and the oftlcors for the en
suing year were elected as follows :
G. W. P. , M. V. Blackburn , Dos Molnos ;
G. W. V. P. , J. C. Lowls. Burlington ; G. W.
C. , J. 1C. Powers , Cedar Uaplds ; G. W. S. ,
E. W. Wi-lls , Marshalltown ; ( J. W. T. , W.
J. Davenport , Council Bluffs ; G. T. , George
C.WIso , Council Bluffs ; G. 1C ol I. P. , H. C.
Jordan ; Burlington ; U. A. of O. P. , S. W.
Mcrrlman , Marshalltuwn ; supreme deputy
for Iowa , H J. Woollott , Marsballtown. A
committee was appointed to draw up a con
stitution , codn and general regulations , con
sisting of W. A. Meyer of DCS Molnes , E. S.
Kotchum of Marsballtown , H. A. Munger of
Cedar Hapids , W. H. Jaws of Burlington
and J. E. Hnrkness of Council 131ufts.
After organizing , a number of matters of
interest to the members of the order wore dis
cussed , and among'thom was the advisability
of organizing a ladles' auxiliary. It was de
cided to recommend thatsucu an auxiliary bo
organized and immediate steps will bo taken
In this direction. The supreme council was
also recommended to accept the commercial
knights degree , and the greater part of the
evening session was occupied In conferring
this degree or. the delegates present. Re
freshments were then served , after which iho
session adjourned.
The next mooting of iho crand ledge will
bo in ono year at Marsballtown. Next Sat
urday tbo oftlcors of the supreme lodge will
go to Omaha to organize tbo grand ledge of
Nebraska , and on the second Saturday in
April'to Hustings , Nob. , to iustituto a subor
dinate council. _
The Misses Ella and Nottio Louis have
just returned from the east where they
purchased an elegant line of millinery
for spring bcnaon. Wo are now prepar
ing for a revolution in milllnory. Fmo
goods for loss inonoy than over.
Jarvis' wild blackberry Is the bost.
Helter , the tailor , ! 110 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and newest goodu.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
ISciiiiur-Uhniiiliurlulii ,
Theodore L. Benner , bookkeeper for P. C.
Dovol , has returned from Bunker Hill , 111. ,
where bo was married last Wednesday to
Miss Laura Chamberlain , a popular young
lady of that place. Tbo ceremony was per
formed by Hev. J , B. House , and was wit-
uosscd by only a few Intimate frloniu , The
happy couple loft at once for their now homo
in this city , and are uoiv residing at 801
Fourth avenue , where they are ut homo to
their friends. _
Money to loan. Lowest rate ? . John
ston & Van Patten , Everett block. .
I.olihurt AVus Itofnseil ,
S. Lbbhart , who claims to have boon elected
alderman In the Fifth ward * ' on the demo
cratic ticket , appeared at the ofllco of the
city cleric yesterday afternoon , accompanied
by his attorneys , and made a formal doaiiqd
upon that oftlclal that Uo administer to him
the oath of ofllco. Clerk Stephenson refused
to do * o , stating that Alderuinu fc'mltu bad
already been qualified ( or , the position and
twoaldcrraon from on award won Id boasupor-
fluity. Whether Mr. Lobhart really axpocwl
to bo allowed to qualify Is n matter of
conjecture , but it Is reported that t'io ' de
mand was merely m dd-as n precursor of
something vet to como. The first chapter of
the contest between gflilth and Lobbart will
probably bo written tomorrow evening nt the
city council , It Is rumored that nn Injunc
tion will bo sued oat retrain In ir Smith from
fulfilling tbo duties of tub ofllco , If such a
thing can bo done , and Id is thought that j-os-
tcrdav's move was tntUlo for tbo purpose of
complying with the law that requires an
odlclal to qualify wlthl'l-.a certain tlmo after
election , L. ' ,
O. Yunkorman&Co. , food , seeds , com
mission , country produce , 108 Broadway.
Nipped n ( lolcl Chain.
Two men entered Jncquenln's Jewelry store
yesterday afternoon and asked to look at
some solid gold chains. A tray was placed
on the counter and they spout , a few minutes
looking them ovor. They then wanted to SPO
some plated chains. Soon after the tray con
taining tbo plated goods had boon put on tbo
show case ono of the men left the storo. A
few minutes nftor his departure George
Gcrncr , who was waiting on the pair , no
ticed that ono of the solid gold chains
was missing , and bo immediately grabbed
the would-bo customer by the coat collar and
accused him of pocketing the chain whileho
was getting out the second tray. The fellow
denied the theft , but Gorncrtook him to the
pollco station and bad him locitod up on the
chnrgo of larceny. The chain was not found
about htm when ho was searched , and It Is
supposed to bo Ir. the possession of the man
who escaped. A search was made for him
nil over thocltv , but ho U thought to hnvo
gone to Omaha and there Is but little prob
ability of his being caught. Tbo value of
the missing chain
Walnut block and Wjorr.lng coal ,
fresh mined , received dally Thatcher ,
III Main street. _
City Altnnipj'A Itrport.
City Attorney Stewart has completed bis
annual report mid yesterday placed it in the
bands of the city clerk , who will submit It to
tbo council tomorrow ovotung. According
to It there are now pending twenty-seven
suits against the city , of which ton ere for
damages for personal Injuries or Injuries to
property by reason of a change of crado. In
the supreme court thcro nro three suits pendIng -
Ing , two of which are for damages and the
third was commenced by the city against an
ox-alderman to recover money paid him for
extra services ns a member of tbo board of
equalization. Thcro have been sixty-six
oases disposed of during his administration ,
of which forty-four were the well known L.
M. Turner liquor cases. In concluding bis
report Mr. Stewart says that bis department
Is entirely out of debt , and that all expenses
ever the sum of $1,200 have boca paid out of
his own resources. The amounts of the
Judgments against the city at the tlmo ho as
sumed the duties of the ofllco aggregated
HILT. HUtinrixa HOME.
T.nrgo Crowds ( ircct Jllm nt the Stopping
1'liiccg on IllSjJouriiry Xorlli ,
AUGUSTA , Ga. , March .19. Senator Hill left
Augusta at 1 o'clopk this afternoon for
It was 4 p. m. wtyon , the train bearing
Senator Hill reached t Columbia. A largo
crowd was assembled and Senator Hlllspoko
At the railroad shops In the outskirts of
Columbia a largo crowd of railroad employes
and worldngmon were .gathered and ugalu
Senator Hill was called to the platform.
As the little town of Kidgoway was reached
there was another "crowd , and cries for
Hill , " to which bo responded.
There was another largo crowd at Winns-
bore and Senator Hill said that be would re
turn to the north with a bettor idea of the
people of the south. , , Ho understood now
their needs , and tno remedies which they
should have to bnng'reliof from tboir bur
dens. , i
Nearly tho. wboloj-town- ) Chester as
sembled at the station and Senator Hill made
a foiv remarks and there was tbo wildest en
thusiasm. The vast assemblage gave three
cheers for Hill , "tbo next president. " There
were also largo crowds assembled nt Fort
Mill and several ether small points , but the
senator did not matte any remarks.
The largest crowd of the day was assem
bled at Charlotte , N. C. , wboro the train
stopped for supper. It showed great en
thusiasm. The senator spoKe a few minutes
and was cordially applauded.
11 Sure Winner.
AUSTINTex. . , March 1 ! ' . Senator Horace
Chllton reached hero this morning from
Washington to look after his sonatonal in
terests , and his friends say tonight ho will
withdraw , which will leave Mr. Mills with
out opposition. Mr. Cbilton will probably
make n withdrawal address to the legislature
The bouse today by a vote of eighty-eight
to eight adopted a concurrent losolutlon de
claring the tariff to bo tbo permanent Issue
and that tboir representatives In congress bo
instructed to vote , ( or tbo tariff reform bill as
well as tbo frco coinage bill.
HUl'l'ttlUiSEU Til 11 FLAti OF .IS
Chicago A iiarrhUtH unit Socialist H I'orljlddon
to I'liuiiit the Itcd I'lug ,
CHICAGO , 111. , March 19. The pollco to
night added to their unpopularity with the
socialists and anarchists of the city by what
the latter regard as a repetition of what they
term the "Grief ball persecution , " of several
months ago. Arrangements had been made
for tbo celebration at the Second regiment
armory of the 21st anniversary of the revolu
tion of ISIS under tbo auspices of tbo Cen
tral Labor Union and Socialistic Publishing
This afternoon Cblof McClaughry sent a
letter to the manager of tbo meeting , posi
tively forbidding the use of a rod fUg at the
meeting , oven as a labor organization em
blem. Nothing In the nature of a flag should
bo used but the stars and stripes. Further
than this , ho said , thcro could bo no boor If
tboro was to bespeaking. To on force this
special details ot oftlcors were stationed in
tbo vicinity of the armory tonight. Beer
was sold up to about U o'clock , when its
further solo was stopped and the speakers
came to tbo front. Attor tbo addresses danc
ing was tbo order of tbo evening. All was
qulto , but many expressions of opinion weio
made which were not eulogistic of the action
of the police.
I'urtlicr Indication ) ) ot the ICIIIolcnry of
Tlio Hue lluroaii of Clulnm.
WASHINGTON , D.'C , , " March 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tun iBiin. | The Washington
ofllco of Tun BRI : uBmvuu of Claims today
secured for Josop' " f. Spook , 713 Warren
avenue , Chicago , 111a patent on tools for
setting diamonds. This cuso has only boon
in the hands of the/Washington ofllco of Tin :
BHK Bureau of ClajnW a comparatively short
time and the pa fct allowed is un ex
ceptionally strong ono. This Is believed to
bo n very valuablojpycntlon and Mr. Spook
Is highly gratified atj the patent secured for
him. The Washington ofllco of Tun Biu :
Bureau of Claims wai ) also today notlllod by
the commissioner W tbo general land office
that an Interlocutory order was today made
In the contested land bines of Donald versus
Haven , allowing Ujjfpn to show that bis
entrv rhould bu cun rmed under the uct of
March 3 , 16'Jl. In ibis case the Washington
ofllco of TIIU BKK Bureau of Claims repre
sented tbo contcstco , Harris Haven of
Mellotto , S. D , , and lllod an argument lu his
favor February 20. Favorable action was
thus secured lu twenty-four days , thus
emphasizing the unusual facilities possessed
by TIIU BEB Bureau of Claims in prosecut
ing land cases and handling businosj before
the various departments.
Wizard Juke Krlmell'er llcatrn liy the Vomit
Nupolron of llllllunU ,
CHICAGO , III. , March 10. Harry C , Ivos is
now champion billiard player of tbo world.
This evening bo easily defeated Jacob
Scbacffcr , who for some tlmo has held tbo
Tbo game played tonight at Central Muslo
hall was In many respects ono of the most
interesting billiard matches over played In
this country. Jacob Scbaeffer , the world's '
champion bllllardlst , and Harry C. Ives were
tuo cxmtceluuu In the K&UIO , which was for
$00 noluts fourtcen-lnch balk lino. The
contest was for the world's championship ,
carrying with It the handsome Brunswick-
Ualke-Collondcr company's silver trophy ,
$1,000 n side and the gate receipts. Henry
H. Hlnes was rotorco and ijharloa Matthews
marker. The game was made the in ere In
teresting from the fact that the winner will ,
before ho can hold tbo title of world's ' cham
pion , have to ncntn win It from Georso F.
Slosson , the latter having already Issued his
chaljcngo and posted his forfeit for a gauio
to bo played within sixty day * .
Tonight's game began at 8:2. : " . Ivos won
the bank for first shot and scored nothing.
At the outset Ives was quite nervous , und
carefully , almost anxiously watched each ono
of Schaeffor's forty-live points secured dur
ing the first Innlnc. Scbacffcr , In contrast
to his opponent , was cool and collected , and
nllowcd n slight Harcitstlc smile to pass ever
his features ns some woll-playcd shot was
vociferously applauded.
In the second Inning Ives regained bis
nerve and from that tlmo to tbo finish the
pamo was carefully played , unch shot , espe
cially on Ive.s' part , bolng well studied before -
fore It was attempted. That tbo good wishes
of the audlonco of nearly ' . ' ,000 people wora
with Ivos was made evident. The score by
Innings :
ivcs-o , 27 , ( . i , o , o. in. P. is. ro , o , i. s. u i , : w.
f , 1 , 4o , 3,1. 4S fiT , I. 0. 81. 1 ? . it , t' ' . 0. 1 , IS. 10 , 0 , t' , U3 ,
It , in. 1 ? , 3. 0. 2. I. 0 , 71 , 1 , ll > , 10. 0 , 1U-WJ.
Host runM ; a\cr.ipe. Id.Vin.
! ? chacrror II. (1.3S ( , 6. t ) . C , P , HI. 5 , I' , 0. II , 3. IS ,
: u , 41 , i , ( i. an , i ? . s , o , r > . o , : i , : w. ; u , c. iu. i , o , is , i.
i , n. : t , i. 20 , o. 3. . o. o , o , x s , a , s-iio ,
Host run , 43 ; avcrnpi' , 10 1-4 ! * .
Mississippi Viillry ltm or < In ScMslmi.
CIIICAOO , 111. , March 19. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bci.J : The executive commit
tee of the Mississippi Valley Amateur HewIng -
Ing association hold a special moating yesterday -
day afternoon at thoGrand Pnciflcto nrrango
for this summer's regatta. Commodore
Charles Catlln , president of tlio association ,
presided. Among these ! n attendance were.
J. J. Schaab of St. Louis , D. H.
Martin of Pullman , Ooorgo ISsslg ,
H. C. A'ory , James Henderson
and oilier ? . Propositions for holding
the regatta were received from St. Joseph ,
Mo. , St. Louis and Louisville , ICy. Provid
ing the proper railroad arrangements can bo
made , St. Jnjoph will probably bo selected ,
the course to ba on Lake Continry. The
regatta will be held some tlmo in .lu'lv.
Commodore Catlln appointed the following
preliminary commlttoo : On recall a , Charles
Oatlln , H. C. A very , D. H. Man in , J. A. St.
John and F. 1) . Standlsh ; on medals , George
S. Dlxon , George Etslg and .1. J. Schaab.
Klckurx on thu Coist.
SAW FUINCISCO , Cal , March 19 , The first
intercollegiate game of fool ball In California
was played bntwoon Stanford university and
the State university teams today and Stan
ford won easily by a score of 14 to 10.
Withdrawing tlin Troop * .
Six ANTONIO , Tex. , March 19. Qulot hav
ing been restored on the border , General
Stanley today Issued an order relieving
Troop D , Third cavalr.v. , commanded bv
Captain Gcorgo H. Chase , and Troop K ,
Third cavalry , commanded by Captain
Gcorgo 1C. Hunter from further duty and
directing that they march back. Ciptlan
John G. Bourkc , will continue in the Hold.
Judge Borka fined D. W. Tcagardon $ oO
and costs for being a vagrant.
Harry Skakos was arrested yesterday
afternoon for beating u woman of the town.
John S. Prlnco arrived from New York
last night and will at once commence- work
on a tug o' war tournament to bo given iu
Dan Gelsor used loud and profane language
to a pollco o nicer the other night and the
pollco Judge fined him $100 and costs yester
day. An appeal was taken.
A tough looking lad of about IT , named
Henbon Neor , was locked up yesterday after
noon for having three billiard balls in his
possession which ho was try ing to dispose of.
A mooting of the Snmosot association is
called for Monday evening , March .M , ut S p.
m. , also each following Monday evening
until further notice. George W. Shields ,
president ; John T. Evans , secretary.
The threonegroes suspected of having as
saulted John Dougherty Friday night , were
discharged by iho pollco Judge yesterday , as
Mr. Dougherty could not Identify them and
would not swear that they were the parties.
Hev. J. Storjohann from Norway , oc a trip
around the world In missionary interests ,
will preach today at half past 10 a. m. and 8
p. m. in tbo Swedish church , Nineteenth and
Cass streets. All Scandinavians kindly In
"Hocks In Private Life , " will bo the sub
ject of Very Hov. C. II. Gardner , dean of
Trinity cathedral , at 4 p. m. today. Mr.
Torrcns will bo assUtsd in the musical ser
vice by loading talent. Miss Amsden will
render a solo.
The pollco were out looking for iramblors
and vagrants last night and managed to ropa
In a few Douglas street habitues. While a
squad was dovoilng its attention to lower
Douglas street u house at Twenty-fourth
and Douglas was broken into but nothing
was stolen.
Rev. J. N. Lonkor of Denver , secretary of
the Board of Church Extension of the
Lutheran church , Is in tbo city. Mr. Lenkor
is widely Known In bis church and enjoys tbo
distinction of being the best statistician in
the denomination. Ho prcacbos at the South
western Lutheran church , Twenty-sixth
street , between Popploton und Woolworth
avenues , nt 11 a. in. , Sunday.
Sackett & Lawlor will present for the
week of March 31 tbo greatest show over
presented In Omaha , nt the Wonderland
Museo and theater , corner Fifteenth and
Capitol avenue , formerly the Grand opera
houso. The famour Hlnchart family will
present their mobt ploaslng sketch , entitled a
"Waif's Luck , " Introducing Beatrice , the
charming inpemio ; Goldlo , the charming
singer ; Stella , the greatest child
dauccr before the public ; Lee , tba
phenomenal character artist ; Minnie ,
the youngest black faced comedienne
on the stupe , tbo Blacks , Sherman und Mann ,
Nana and BII13'Ament , iho king and qticcn
of fancy and trick shooting , groups of wax
worus , assassination of Murat by Cbarlotto
Corday , death of King Louis and his beauti
ful queen , Marie Antoinette , the dying
French soldier , the bleeping beauty , tbo
dancing girl und Mr. Dan McGlnty and
others , Catulles , pleasing illusions , tbo living
half woman and the famous threo-boadod
songstress , Barney Nelson , tbo armless
painter , McGce , tbo famous scout and guldo ,
who was scalped by Indians in 1801 , Kern ,
tbo class engraver. The big stage shows are
al'Jl.r-I , 8 und'JiHO p. m. daily. Seats are
10 coats.
FKttSON.ll 1'AICAUKAl'llS.
Loran Clark of Albion is at the Murray.
M. W. Cochrano of Wllber Is nt the iel- )
W. S. Housworth of Lincoln Is at the Mil-
M. F. Wolcott of WoopliiR Water Is at the
O. P. Dlngcs of Lincoln is a guest at the
Paxton ,
Mr. I. Opcnhcimar of Lincoln is at the
L. A. Payne of Grand Island U at the
C. ICoohlor of Blue Hill Is n u'tiost at the
General Van Wyck was in iho city last
evening ,
S. M. Hlnklo of Falrflcld la. , Is a guest at
thu Millard.
J. H. Haldoman of Weeping Water Is at
tbo A read o.
O. K. Sohofleld has returned from a busi
ness trip cast.
E. A. Brown of Nebraska City is a guest
at tbo Dcllonn.
Judge Maxwell of the supreme court was
In the city today ,
Mr. S. G. Joyce has returned from his trip
to Now York city ,
A. D. Soars of Grand Island was in the city
yesterday afternoon.
Mr . T. J. Murphy of David City Is n
guest at the Paxton ,
Madam Wallace , after a month a visit to
tbo fashion center of the cast , has returned.
William Van Dorhen , a grain man from
Millard , was at IheDoardof Trade.vostorday.
Mr. M. C. Mulborl , J. B. liryon and A. C.
Page of Loup City are stopping at the Ar
Dr. Merrill of the First Methodist church
U Just now engaged In a very encouraging
revival mooting.
Dr. Lolsenrlug and daughter and MM , II
A. Snyder have returned from a short visit
on tbo 1'acllio coast.
Thomas Cook und W. Morton Smith of
Lincoln wora hslilng today In the political
pools of Douclfis county.
P. Mangold of Honnlncton was among the
grain men who called nt the Board of Trade
building yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. W. B. Tnylor , whohnt boon visiting
friends In this city for a few days , roturno.l
to her homo In Lincoln yesterday afternoon ,
Mr. S. B. Jono < , district passenger ncont of
the Northwestern and formerly nssls'.nnt
general nassongor agent ot the Union Paclllo ,
was In the city Friday and Saturday. Mr.
Jones Is ono of the best known railway and
grand army men In the west and has n host
of friends In Omuhn. Ho Is always n wel
come visitor. During his stav ho WOB the
guest of his brotboM-lii'law James and Will
Chambers mid John K. Wilbur.
A Written Guarantee
; to Cure Kvory Case or
Money Refunded.
Our euro li iiennino'ilnntnili 1'l'Vil it 'i > . 0\ijl
cnlol fovrn jreartnfi linvn npror MM n * rin : > Mn
ilncc. lljrilcscrlblncn o fully nj rm iroUyotiu/
mnll , nml wcRlTothanniio slrjnz Kii.irn'itoo tooiuj
orrcfuml n't inonoy. Thosaulio | irwfeMo vn3li3r. >
fortrrntmcntc.inilo fonn I wo fllll pny rnllro.i I rnrJ
tolli irnysmul liutcl I'llhwlillo hero If no tall lnc.uJ
Wo CliallciiKO the \VorM for n CMC Hint ojr M.UltU
IIKMKDV will not cure. Wrlto for imrlleu'n't ml
pctlliocvllonpj. foren ) o > rV prft'tlaj will
this MAHtU IIKMKDV It 1m limn nm' OUUin ti
overcome tlio pnjjii llojl nnlmt 93c\lljl V3li )
Hut under utir * lrong KinmntoJ tlio mil U nn ) tr/l \ i
Itnnl twliuctirol.Vo itunmntua lJ cirj or rot i il
every ilollnr.nnlni wo luivjn rJpjUVln t ) pri'.oi
nl otliiniiclilln"iiliiofJUOU II Is iierfoHIr mfotj
nil who will try IliulroitimU llowtofii-jyon luv )
tvcn imttlninipnul | nrli : ; njtyoir morn ; forvlll ) '
nit troHtiiionU , nn 1 n't'.iimzh yo.i nro lint yet
noonolms pill Imc'iyour money.Vo trill pjilllrol/
cimijou. Ohl chronle , Occ.isoitJl cisoicu-ol la II
to n ) iHy < . InvcstUn'.ooir llimclnl utirill u , 01 ?
rciiil | llonjisl > ii Ine 3iiicn. Wrlto in for niiuo : an I
ml < lri' ( ! * or lho o wo luivo rut ml wlu have ctvoi
| ) rral"Um to rcfar to than. Item' i yo I inly | ui.-
iiRoto ilo Ihl * . If your jrm : > l.i ns nro 3ra t'irji- ,
tmicom pntMios 1 1 m'Mitli , rliciimntls n hi ! > , mn : it 1 1
joint * , hnlrlnUtu out , oniptljii oa n'/ part of tin
botly , focllnu of ucneml < leprenloi , p-ilm In heat of
Dono. You linro no tlmj to wmta. Thou who nrs
constantly tuiliu morciry nit pHu'i ! itvil 1 Ohr. ) I
tlnuo It. Constant uo of llii' 3 ilr.ui will Miroly t > rln ;
fores ninl ontliiK ulcer * In the en I. Don't fill t , ) Writ j.
Allcorro'ponlenco * oilol li plnli nnrolo.iji
Wolnvlto tluMiiost rlEll In\c9ll .itlnn mil wlllilo ill
n our power to nl 1 yon In IU .XiMrcsi
COOK : REMEDY t P. , - Oanln , NobraVn.
8.100 fora case of Uo T nr I'.Mi.i.Nd MAN
HOOD , Gent' or Ntuvnufl Ur.ini.trr. weak
ness of iody ; or ml nil , the cllectsof orromiro\-
ccssos n old nr young that uacaiinolouro.Vn
iMiur.intt'oovory ease or rnfnml every doll-ir.
Klve iliiys trial troiitiucnt 81 , full course S5.
I'crecptlli.o honuUts ru.ill/od In thrao dnvs.
Hy mull , eucuroly picket from observation.
COOK itEMEuv Co. . OMAII \ . Nun
UARIR I'IWAM : : ii : < iur.ATOii. SUM ami
nIHUlU Cnrtalu to a day or money refunded.
Ily mall ? . ' . Souuroly sa.ile I from ohsurra-
tion. C'UOK ItKMEltV CM. , Uinnha , Not )
at my lisne with
A 25 cent Bottle maysavo youE
$100 in Doctor's bills-may eaves
your life. Asic your Druggist :
Dr. Acker's English Fills :
8mnll , pleu niit , u favorite with tbo ladle * .
W. H. IIOOKBIt & CO . 19 West Broadway , N. V.J
For Bile by Kuhn & Co. , and Sherman
& MoConiicll , Omaha ,
wlilch acttloi In nn < l Inllnraoi the nlr tuboi IcatltiK
oiboluugs. ItlB tbi bctilnulnjot
Bronchial Consumption
And If nojlected lend * to tlmtdlnoiia verjri-pcodlly.
A felmrp , metallic rough nccompunloi It. 'luku It lu
tlmo mid you can certainly cure It with
Which is Without an Equal for
nnd for all discuses loidlux up to and Incliuliiu
Jr ) , Schenck's Now Book on Diseases o
( he Lmi H , Lhcr mil Stomach , should ho
in every home. Sent free.
Dr. J.H. Schcnck & Son.l'Jiil'.idcV.iln , P
One Minute Remedy
Tor all affections ot tbo
Throat , Lungs anl Bronchlil Tu'w
25 A.NI3 BO OlilNTa.
by Druggist * .
I tvai for sonic tlmo troubled with
nnobstlnnto RASH or HUMOR , Hint
spread over inv fnco nml bit-list. I con-
miltttl vhvslcinii" , nml used ninny reme
dies without n cure. At the suggestion
of n flit-lid 1 used Swift's Specific , which
coinplclulv ctirod me. This \ > ti9 l\vo ycnrg
niro. mid i Imvchnd nn icttirii of Iho trou
ble. K. II. WIM.S. : Chcbtcrllcld , Vn.
S. 8. S. Ntho safest nnd host remedy
for nil troubk-3 of tlio Blood nnd Skin. U
cures by removing the cmise , mid nl tlio
enmo limo builds up the general licidlh.
Send for our Tro.itlHmailed ftco.
SWIKT SPKC1KIO CO. , Allanta. Q .
ana miiuiuu aim uiii'flCll '
Jye & Eat
Host fncUltlri. apunr.itm nnd Roinudlos
for successful trii.itineiit of nvory form
of dlsoaso n-qillrln t mtidlual or
snr4lcnt tioutinuiit.
f,0 , beds for pallcnts liourd nnd attendance.
Host acronioilattons In tlio west.
\\rlto for I'lrculnrs on defornilt'.es nml
braces , truisi > s , club feet , eurvntiirosof SDlnu ,
lilies , tiniinrs , uincor , I'ulnirli. brouclitt'.s , In-
iinlntton.olcctrlclty. p iralysls. iiullcnsy , kid
ney. bladder , , car , flcln and bloo.l und nil
l oner itioii" .
Women l''lii : : . \vo luivel'Uelv added n lyliu-
In dei.irtiiiont | \\oniciidurluv iMinllnemenU
slrlolly private , ) Only Kellnblo Medical lu-
Ktltute inaKliiR a Hnoei illy of
All ll'ood Dlsoases suoci'-.sfully troatal.
Synlillltlo I'nlsou lutnoxcd from tlio system
\\ltbout nu-rciiry. Now itostoratlvo Treut-
menl for l.ossoT VITAlj I'UWCIC. I'orioiisini-
ublo toI < lt us niav bo tioalod at home liy
inrrosuon loncp. All communications confi
dential , Medicines or Inslrummits sunt by
mall ore\tos4 ) , si'i-urt-ly pnoked , no maiksto
Indicate eontonts or sender. Dim por-oiml In
terview preferred. Cull und consult us or fond
lilstoiy of your case , and we will send In plain
wrapper , our
Tn MN I'UnE : Unon I'rlvato ,
iu men , j-p , , r orvous i > is-
cascs. Iinpotcncy. Svplillls. Gleet un I Vurlco-
i'oli , with < iut-stfoii list.
Hi-arcs Appliances for Ouforinllles .t Trusoa.
Only manufactory lutlio We-ttot ttittOMM-
11 1 'l 'l > i.I IAUAA , 1 itirnsti. . * , KLKUMIW
Omaha Medical anil Surgical Inslilulc ,
26th nnd Broadway , Oo moll Bluffd.
Ton mlinites' ildo from center nt Uinabn on
Omalia and Oouncll IllulTs olcctrlo motor line.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
New , modern , \voll-npnointod , thor
oughly wcll-kopt , $ J a day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Of Council II I u Hi.
Ouplttl stccV . 5/.JO.OOO
. NO , HOP
Net Capital nn.l Surpliin . $ HOOOO
Ilrcctora-J. ) I ) . IMiiunilio-i , 13. J. Slnuirl , RO.
( ilonion , 15. K. Hurt , I. A. Miller , J. V. lllncliiiin
nml Clmrlcs U , Ilunnun. Transaet general batik-
IUB liuaincis. Largest capital and surplus of
liny bank In Southwestern loivu.
Chas. Lunkley ,
1'uncriil Director mill Uudurlakor.
311 Broadway , Council IBlufTa
TdIoiihO-13 313.
OH SALC At a Imrcaln , 12-aero fruit anil
irurden farm adjoining
dwelling. 10. 11. Bhoafo.
ARMS , BtrJon Ian H , Imnsji , lots mil
business blujlo for silo or rent. Uay J
. .U Po.irl strout. Ujinull ItliilTj.
IjlOH KENT Over 10 * dwollln ; s of evury do-
r hcrlptlon ut prices varyliu from * l to Jin )
pur iiuintli , lucittu 1 In all jniriti ot the oily. li
II. Slio to. .VJJ Jiruaduuy.
S5 per ncre for coed farmi In Iowa. Kino ,
$ Miiuotb cum land. 1'nr P'irllciiiar-i call nn
or address Johnston & Van ration , Council
furnished rooms fur gentlemen. IfJOOalc- .
land ovciiui ) .
jMOCHRAN addition Huts for lunt. fcovea
Vy rooms Uiicli ; Ijulli ; hot und uuld wulcr. Uay
& llc 3 , agents. _
HAU3 Uoluinbla sufuty bloyolfi ; ItTO
- imttcrn ; coil t\X \ > ; will Bull for iT.icasli.
Howard N. lluttu nhuner. l-'lrat National bank.
GAKDKN farm , II acres In city llmltsslipnsrt
of four rooms , good ulstein ; " acres under
enltlvat on ; somu Hniall fruit ; price I..JAL
I.UIIKCO .t TowloJH I'earl st ,
ObT Lartru , black Newfoundland ( I OR :
whltohimt on breast ; iiumo "Don. " Re
ward for letimi to O.'O Third avenue , Council
Illuiru ,
G. A. 5oho3i3aok , Pfoppietap , OTlo33 621 Broadway ,
Bluffaand 1321 Far-namSt. , Omaha. Dye , clean and rafinlsh goods
ofeveryasaorlptlon. Packages pacalved at olthep offlos or at tha
Works , CoiAve. . A and 28th SU Council Bluffj. Send for prica Hat.
Merchants who have Bhop-woru or soiled fabrics of n y charaetor can havB
them redyod nntl finished equal to new ,
nU most ajiprovod inachinoryato3t at low cojt than you ovotpiU