Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1892, Part Two, Image 9

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    L. r
I T \
Our Low Prices are Drawing Crowds of Economical
Buyers to Our Sale : of New Spring Goodsl
Which is now Going > on. New Goods Coming Dailyl
Colored Dress Goods.
40-inch nil wool eilk finish Gorman
hcnrloltn , OSo.
40-inch all wool silk finish German
liotirlctUithc finest finished cloth made ,
Monday , only 75c.
10-inch nil wool fine indigo twill in all
colorH , finished on both sides , only fiOo.
40-inch all wool surah twill in all of
the now shades , Monday , only C5e.
40-inch all wool German plaids , beau
tiful patterns , Monday , only 4ic. )
6-1-lnch very fine broadcloths in all
ehndcs , Monday , only $ ) . ' ! ' ) .
38-inch all wool Bedford cords , all now
Rhadcs ; these goods are cheap for U5c ;
Monday , only 78c.
'Id-inch beautiful patterns in chevron
uitings , Monday , only 2oc.
Black Dress Goods.
Wo have just received a largo invoice
of black mid white fabrics in very choice
patterns consisting of novelties in plnids
nnd stripes which we have on sale Mon
day ut 30c , 45c and 05c , also shepherds
plaids at 3c ! ) , 45c ami tioc. No ono can
ufford to overlook those goods , as everyone
ono of them is a genuine bargain.
Also a special line of pure angora wool
Buitlngs at 65c. Those goods uro abso
lutely worth 8oc n yard and should bo
aeon in order to fully appreciate the
great values wo shall olTer.
Malara'svory best satin finished hen-
riotta 88c , worth $1.25.
A very beautiful satin finish hcnrietta
Me , worth 85o.
Fine Shetland wool suitings in several
different weaves at 65c , would bo cheap
nt 8L'c.
Special in Silks
for Monday.
Must received , 20 pieces China dress
silks , will offer thorn Monday nt 49c.
35 pieces China silks in plain , 4oc.
5 pieces brocau-js in blacks , nice for
upring , cheap at $1.50 , Monday $1.23.
fi pieces moru at $1 , $1.10. $1.25.
6 pieces brocade in pongees worth $1 ,
Monday , EOc.
0 pieces gros grain at 80c , $1 , worth
$1.16 , $1.35.
5 pieces pollen , dot and black worth $1 ,
Monday 80c.
Double warp surahs worth SOc , Mon
day OHc.
A Eiot of Luxuriance in Olimato , Scenery
and Verdure.
The 1'rogroa ol Modern Civilization
IlleiulcilVltli the lilcns ol
the Mlilillo * Agon Kxporlvnco ut'
uu Oiimhn .Man in ( iimtomulii.
" GUATEMALA , C. A. , Fab. 20 , 1S02. [ Special
Correspondence of TUB liiiii.j The repub
lics of Central America are places toward
which travel aas never turned to any largo
tlograc , and which , as a consequence , are
comparatively unknown to the general
public. During the last few months consid
erable matter bus boon published In tbo
United States regarding the political situa
tion in Guatemala and Salvador , but up to
the present data the writer has not scon a
Ingle article tbat contained any soinolanco
of truth , and most of which were ridiculous
In thtilr fundamental statements.
Telegraphic communication between tbo
Unted [ States nnd Spanish Amorlcals yet in
Its Infancy nnd few messages over roach
their destination without having boon almost
entirely distorted , Guatemala has to rely on
the Salvadorian cnblo for connection with
the rest of tbo world , and as there Is always
BOino sort of dlssontlon bolwcon tbo two
countries , it is rare for any autbontiu news
to bo received bore except by means of the
Tlio Klcctlon for I'rculilrnt
of tbls republic has recently boon decided
und it is now detlnltoly known that General
Hey n a ISarrlos , the candidate of tbo liberal
party , is clcctod. Although there Is consid
erable talk yet ot Insurrection and revolu
tion , everything remains quiet at tuo capital
and tbe Inauguration of Uarrlos will takj
! > taco without trouble.
Tbe process of election In Guatemala is
ono that would probably moot \\ltli great
favor Dy the politicians of our country , for
they bavo uot only n long campaign , but
eighteen election days. There is no rocular
caucus nominations , but any uiun who
thinks ha has a cbanro of election , can declare -
clare himself n candidate , Tbo declaration
Is usually made by means of thousands of
posters which ara distributed throughout
the country and bung in prominent places.
Tbcso pesters generally describe tbo candl-
tlato as n most worthy Individual a defender
of the people nnd of liberty , ami request all
persons deslrious of good povernniont to vote
for him , During tbo days on which voting
Is In progress , no ono Is allowed to appear on
tbo street carrying arms. Tbo riots wblcti
occur almost constantly would bo sure to re-
eult very seriously were weapons of auy
Itltu ] tolerated. Kven tbo foreigners nro
obliged to comply with the law , and I linow
of two gentlemen who were arrested anil
lined lor Innocently appearing on tbc street
nrined with walking slicks. Slnco tbo elec
tion , however , ono may appear openly with
wcapor.s of any kind. To go armed ls tbo
universal custom of tbo country , and travel
lers on the highways are Invariably armed
to tbo teeth. ICver.veno seems to take It for
granted tbat danger U constantly
t band , and tbo Impression which
R foreigner receive * at tba light U uot ex
actly comfortable.
Native ClmrncterUtlci.
Tbo people ol Guatemala distinguish be
tween two classes of Datives tbo native In
dians and ibo luilinos. Tbo lativr arc a
half-breed rare descending from the original
bpanlards and tbo Indian * , and seem to bo
in ore civilized tbau the Indians proper , Tbo
Ladies' and Children's.
A JO 13 LOT.
BOO dozen fine embroidered Indies'
handkerchiefs for Mondtiy only lee each ;
regular price -5e.
School Iwndlnirchlofs only lo cneh.
100 do/.on ladies' good 5o handker
chiefs for lie.
"OOdo/.un flno and fancy bordered and
liemstilohod handkerchiefs only uc ,
worth 1V. (
lOOdo/.iMi fine scalloped and fancy bor
dered ladies' handkerchiefs only lOc to
Art Department.
Linen Department.
58 inch half bleached damusk4oc yard.
00 inch half blenched damask Soc yard.
02 inuh half bleached damask Ooc yard.
712 inch bleached damask ( ioo yard.
Red bordered damask 25c yard.
Turkey rod diunaslc loc yard.
S dinner napkins 81.00 do/on.
8 Gorman bleached napkins $1.00
Special bargain in German fronting
linen -10 , 45 , 60 , 65 and GOc yard.
Embroidering crash. cream and
bleached inomio crash by the yard.
Canned Fruit.
n pound can California apricots , 15c.
3 | ion nil can California apricots , liljc.
'i pound can California egg plums ,
3 pound can California green gngo
plums , 12Jc.
3 pound can California peaches , 17jc.
3 pound can all yellow domestic
ponchos , 12c. }
1 gallon can apples , 17Jc.
Picnic hams , oje.
Sugar cured huma , 91o.
Boneless hams , 7c.
Dried beef , Tic.
IJolognji sausage , 6c.
Frankfort sausage , Tic.
Head cheese , Cc.
Potted ham , per can Cc.
Deviled ham , per can 5c.
Potted ox tongue , per can 5c.
costume of the Indians Is strikingly charac
teristic , and is ns unique as It is picturesque.
The garments of the entire race are exceed
ingly scarce , but ns n rule tno women wear
n dress of two garments a skirt anil a
jacket. The skirt is merely n lone sheet of
native cloth , which is wrapped tightly
around the body bud fastened t.t the waist
with a sash. The upper garment is a loose
lilting sack which generally dons not malco
connection nt the waist , niul which is invar
iably cut docollettc. Beads are decorations
which are worn in great numbers nt feasts
nnd caiT.ivuls and they seem to complete the
costume. All the garments are gorgeously
dyed In brilliant colors , nnd talcen as n whole
the costume is decidedly pretty.
The Indians and ladinos do the entire
manual work of the country. They worlc tno
colTcoaud sugar plantations , are employed ns
house servants and make the best "pack
mules" that can bo found anywhere.
Ono Mozo or Indian lad"will
travel all day over the roughest
mountain roads carrying 100 pounds , and
will make a greater distance than any imilo
In the country. Tno pay of these Alozos varies
rios from IS cents to CO cents per day , uccord
ing to his civilization.
UIllc-o the Itoitil to Wcnltli.
Guatomaln has boon settled largely by a
wealthy class of foreigners. Germans in par
ticular , wtio havn.located hero to engage In
coffee and sugar rnislng. It is mostly duo to
the Industry nnd energy of those foreigners
that Guatemala lias boon so greatly devel
oped In the last few years and that she is
now by far the loading country of Central
America. Her exports and imports exceed
those of all the othnr republics together , and
the customs collected nt two seaports are
sufficient to run the entire government , bo-
ldes malting the provident and cabinet inde
pendently wealthy in ono term of onico. It
is estimated by authorities of good repute
that the executive caair in this republic is
worth from ? lOaO,000 to $ ,000,000 a year.
When the present incumbent was elected six
years nso ho was supposed to bo worth prob-
ubly J-'Oil.UOO. At the present time ho is
known to have credit nt European banks for
several million , nnd last year ho sold the cof
fee crop of his plantations for $1,750,000.
Almost the entire business of Central
tral America is transacted with
Kuropoan houses and it is diflluuit to obtain
any articles of American manufacture in the
stores of tlicso countries. On account of
geographical position alone , Central America
certainly belongs to the domain of ttio com
merce of tliu United States , and it Is to bo
hoped that our great merchant houses will
take advantage of the now reciprocity
treaties and secure to the United States the
vast nnd growing trade of Spanish America.
ColTco and suirur are the products of most
Importance. In Guatemala , and those are cul
tivated on n scale which Is enormous. In
Uuatomaln the land is principally held by
largo land owners , some of whoso plantations
or ' 'fulcas" cover an area of twenty miles
square. Ono year's crop sold to gooj ad
vantage 1' enough to make the owner inde
pendently wealthy , and there are muny men
in this republic who uro multi-mllliounires.
Tliu Capital City.
Asa usual tiling the wealthy men of the
country do not live on their fulcas , but ro-
sldo nt the capital , which Is a delightful lit
tle city of about 7. > ,003 inhabitants , nnd It Is
veritably the Paris of Central America. It
Is situated about sovonly-five miles Inland at
nn altitude of over ! 5,000 feet , and Its cliraato
Is lUo marvel of the tropics. The days are
always warm anil balmy and. the ments cool
nnd refreshing. The entire city Is
built after the Spanish custom and the
houses nro of Spanish architecture. The
court or "patio" of each hnuso U a veritable
tropical garden , tilled with splendid bananas
ami cocoanutt , palms , orchids of innumera
ble varieties and ferni without number.
Krory room of tbo house fronts on this patio
and the whole arrangement Is so delightful
that few Americans can enter ono of these
houses without regretting that the elements
of our country prevent a similar style of
architecture. Ono of the most interesting
features of this city Is the plaza , which , al
though It is no tiling moro than an ordinary
market , Is exceedingly Interesting in the
fact that here congregate oil tbo inerchan
House Furnishing
Goods ,
The Rochester jr. , night lamps , 7oe ,
regular price 91.Uo. A solid Btcel at
SOo , regular price $1.50.
Whitewash brushes , lOc.
21 inch bristle iloor brooms , $1.60 ,
regular price $ U.25.
The iStcrn washer , $3.50.
The Peerless wringer , $2.15.
14 ounce solid copper boiler , $2.23 ,
regular price $3.50.
Decorated cups and saucers In all col
ors. G3c per sot.
Decorated toilet sets. S2.23 , worth $5.
We carry the largest and finest line of
cutlery in the west , knives from iiic up ;
butcher knives from IGc up ; bread
knives from lOc up ; paring knives from
60 up ; also a full line of cook knives ,
both domestic and imported. Steels ,
whotstonosrn.zor stropsotc. Wo have on
exhibition the finest burner you ovoi *
saw. The Sunbnnm center draft burner
irives moro light than six ordinary
burners. Come in and see it burn.
Special for Monday.
25 dozen 72x18 stamped linen dresser
scarfs only 23c.
2-3 dozen stamped linen splashers only
lOc each.
25 dozen pair stamped mllow shamsto
close 'cm out , only 8e per pair.
10 dozen pretty silk drapes , hand-
piiintcd , Monday 49c each.
100 dozen SxS linen table mats only So
Wash Dress Goods.
Wo lead all ns for styles and varieties ;
selection is the largest ; prices , us al
ways , the lowest.
Stock open for inspection. If you can't
come , send for samples.
Outing Flannel.
The demand is great for outing thi }
season , our stock is largo , 5 , 8 , 10 , 12
and 15c yard.
Indians , dressed in their native costume ,
selling goods of native production. Thopla/.a
of Oiuiitoraula is the finest nnd largest in
Central America , containing probably 1,001) )
stalls. In it ti person can purchase , If ho
speaks Spanish , almost nny conceivable arti
cle of ovcry-day use , and the variety of
fruits and vegetables for sale- there is some
thing bewildering.
The city of Ourtemala does not boast of
many line public buildings , but the mngnlll
conco of its church cdillcod is remarkable.
Most of the great , cathedrals worn built by
the ancient Spaniards nnd it is dlfllcult
for the visitor to believe himself in tbo now
world ns no wanders through the vast corri
dors or subterranean passages of some of the
grand old convent * which were erected hun
dreds of years ago.
Much attention is paid to the amusement
and pleasure of the people In Spanish Amer-
icu , and the parks nnd "promenades of some
ot the cities would do credit to tbo greatest
cities of the United States.
Hull Flghta.
In Guatemala n magnificent theater has
been erected by the government , nnd al
though the oporu companies which como hero
nro not of the best , the place Is well patron-
i/.od and is the scona of many brilliant assem
blies. The amusement , however , which is
nearest to a Spaniard's heart is the bull light ,
Plaza del Toros nt ( ! automata Is ono oPthu
lines ? , livery Sunday afternoon the entire
town turns out nnd hc'adcd by several bands
proceed to the building. The porformnnco
last Sunday being the llrst I had over wit
nessed was of particular interest to me , but
it commenced in n way that would bo shock
ing to nny Christian. Lust Sunday was a
carnival day , and the management had de
termined to glvo the crowd nn ex
traordinary performance. A now mata
dor had been imported from Mexico ;
Jesu ? Hernandez by name , and ho was sup
posed to bo an unusually good bull-fighter.
Although ho received a great ovation on his
appearance In the ring , bo did not meet the
expectations of the crow J , as 11 only look iho
llrsl bull about llvo seconds to send red fiag ,
sword , Jesus and nil Hying over the paling
with n velocity equal to ono of Clark's ' out-
curvoj , The crowd did not wait to ECO
whether Jesus would rlso again , but immedi
ately sot up a clamor for another matador ,
and the sport proceeded with better results.
Magnificent Scenery.
The city of Guatemala is connected with
tlioi'nciio ! port of San Jose by a railroad
which is the finest couth of Iho United
States , nnd ono which is a marvel of civil
engineering , It makes an ascent of moro
than 5 , 100 feet in loss than forty miles , and
the grandeur of Its scenery would attract
attention oven in Colorado.
After a long trip on the sweltering docks
of n Pucllio ocean steamer it is a most do-
lljrhiful change for Iho traveler to tale this
ride through most magnificent tropical scon-
cry nnd find Himself hi n few hours
In a lovely Spanish city nnd In
nn.ntmosphcro . as braclcg as that
of Denver. A person r.ew to the
tropics is bewildered by iho brilliancy of the
foliaso nnd troes. Magnificent walks of
cccoanut palms , n huiidrocd feet In height ,
line iho railroad for milna nnd miles ; vast
banana plantations and orange groves ore In
sight everywhere ; fruits of countless va
rieties , many of them entirely unknown to
the north , occur on all sides , while the whom
mountain tops seem to bo covered with coffee -
fee trees , whoso whlto Jlowors gives ono
tno Idea of snow covered ridges.
If the Northern Guatemala railroad is over
completed it will lessen the time from New
Orleans to the city of Guatemala to four
days nnd will glvo the people of tbo United
Stales a convenient winter resort , such as it
has never seen before : where the progress of
inodurn civilization is strangely blended
with the ideas ot the middle ages , and in
the midst of ono of the most varied nnd delightful -
lightful spots on the Western hemisphere- ,
"I have In my nmploy a man who has been
a victim of poriodlu headaches for year * , has
tried all kinds of treatment , and I nave tried
various remedies on him. Your Dradycrotlno
helps him moro than anything over did. " O.
D. klncsley , M.O. , White 1'lalus , N. V.
Drug . .
Hood's sarsaparilln. 7oc.
Primcly's sarsaparllla. ( iOc.
Wright's sarsaparilla , GDc.
Cuticura resolvent , 7oc.
Carter's L. L. pills , ISc.
( . arfiold tea , 20c.
Lane's family medicine , 40c to 20c.
Brown's iron bilte'rs , 75c.
llartcr's iron tonic , 75c.
' 30c.
Jay-no's vermifuge ,
Castoria , 2oc.
Uetor Miller C. L. oil , 03 c.
Scott's emulsion , Too.
Fig sirup , 20c.
Sirut ) of'tar ami wild cherry , 29c.
Mellin's food , lurgo , Coo ,
Liebig's beef , iron and wine , -13c.
Beef extract , J2c. !
Kirk's Shnndon bells soap,45c per box.
Castile soap. II Ibs. in a bar , 20c.
Perfume at IOc and 20e per ounce.
It will pay you to visit the drug do
Ono more lot of opaque shades for 2oc
each , with bestsurlug fixtures.
Wo have n , fine line of room mould
ings and prices are ivory low. 3d Iloor.
Wo are still selling1 those line Smyrna
ruirsnt one-half price.
A few fur rugs iaro to bo closed out
regardless of cost. '
Chcnillo portieres iaro now cheaper
than over seen In thlsicity.
Wo are headquarters for lace curtains
of all grades from , 50e per pair to the
finest. Some odd Curtains very cheap.
Springhousecloining is about to cotn-
inence and wo uro ( prepared to show the
greatest variety of carpets of any house
west of Chicago. VWja have them in all
grades from the , chea pest to the best
and prices are vcryrloxv.
MusJinsandlS heetings
i i
Our sale of Mus\in \ and doubh > width
sheeting the past wcok wns thdi largest
since wo are in the business. Prices
continue until stock is slill farther re-
Best 5c bleached muslin in Omaha.
Wo carry all leading brands and you
will experience no trouble in being
Mrs. General Crook's ' Interesting Letter
from Italy's ' Capital.
Churches Ailornml wllii"Masterpieces of
Art A I.ovo 'S&enu In Lowly l.lle
The American Colony \Voll ito-
celveil In Society.
ROMR , Fob. 2(5. ( { Uorrospondenco of Tin :
have heardrjt said that If you would
remain long onouffti.m New York you would
meet everyone ) you know between Union
squuro and Fifty-tlilrd street.
I am sure tucro is no pluco wlicro you so
unexpectedly run uralnst your friends as in
Homo. Everyonef who comes to Uuropa
some time drops .Into tlib Eternal city.
Ycsteruny while slhndinft at the top of the
Scalu Ucgla ut the Vatican a gentleman ut
tno fora of iho , stairs waved his bat , ana
when ho cntno uloau cnougu to bo recognized
1 found my old frlentl Major Hughes. Only
n short tirno siniio no was aroonf , ' you all. I
know you will bo f hul to know bo is well
nnd enjoying hit loavo. lln and
ills wlfo nnd "unotlier nro making
a short excursion to the south of Italy DC-
lore tlioy KO to I'Jnclnnd to pay good-byo to
their daughter , who goes to with nor
husband. With the Hughes and some other
friends wo went to bee iho coliseum by moon
light. Tbo moon being- full and In tbo south ,
wo were particularly favored. Ever slneo
.Byron wroio his poem It bus been the "fad"
to ECO tbcso grand rlvors by the light of tbo
moon. Last night this "iconuinontal mel
ancholy" rose majestically beautiful 'In tbo
argent ligbt , which brought out in mystic
shadows mysterious- vistas , nn intormiuublo
succession of orcbos , mouldering colouados ,
and terraced galleries , A vision of the past
whirled by us o ( < slaughtered samts and mar- '
tyrsof iho ihouswids.ol captives who were
brought by Titus bom Jerusalem to build tbo
largest amphitheater In the world , ana whoso
cries wont up to heaven for vengcanuo on
their cruel task masters.
If Homo "balanqe * Europe , " as my frlcrd
says , certainly tho' Vatican balances Homo.
It is so tilled witti'lho wealth and beauty
of art , that it would take years to see all
it coniains and. , I am tola that ttvi
collars of tbo vailcnn are eilll full of a
wealth of beauty thJvlvhas never been Rbown.
It was from thoroitfcojccoiid greatest picture
in tbo world , "ThoiSaptism of St. Jerome , "
by Doinorichms. wuV rescued. Tbore u a
mosaic of It In Hf.Rotor's , Wo bavo not
visited all ol ibo Ml churches of Homo , but
when wo do gore know before just wnut
wo wish to see , atiardo not waste tltno. Even
with tbls precaution it would take years to
see all the works ocart In the churches alono.
\Vo bavo boon niau7.1imes lo that immense
mass of grandeurvfil. Peter's , soon the car
dinals and monslilnori m their roil , tbo
canonic ! in tboir pitrplo , at their orisons and
tliogrotesquofswlsi guurdi. SVo bavo visited
the churcn , wtioro twenty popas nro entombed -
tombed ; tno HJgnnzlo ( , wbere on tbo form
days of the saints , the altar is covered with
( lowers , and wboro may bo soon a pile of lot-
tern , written by young men and maidens , nd.
dressed to thosaint In heaven ; the cburcb of
St. Augustine , : wbcro tno Madonna Is said
to have been 'tho statute of Nero's inotbor
nnd the child In her arms to bavo been ono
of Nero's. Now'"sub * Is covered with
jewels thati would bo a prluco's
ransom. Tbo last gift to , ibis Madonna Is a
magnitlcent eniorulu ring , presented by tbo
Spanish minister in thankfulness for recov
ery for illnoSs.
In the Coloana palace Is the most beauti
ful room I bavo over seen. The cannou ball
that was phot through tbo window in tbo
titna of tbc revolution still lies on the marble
step it broke as a ' 'memento inorl. " In tbls
gallery is the picture ot Yittorm Colonuu ,
Watches , Watches ,
The crcntost bargains ever olTnrcd in
watches. No need to bo without a
watch at thcso prices.
Gents' silvcrino stem wind nnd set
watches , $1.7o , jewelers' wiees So.
Gents' American stem wind nnd eot
watches in dust proof cases , $3,125 , jew
elers' prices $ S lo$10.
Gents' pold filled American watches ,
hunting case , stem wind and sot , $5. ! ) . * > .
Gouts' solid ( j ° ld hunting case stem
wind watch with Klfjiti spring or Wul-
thtun movement , $18.05 , jowolcrs' prices
Ladies' solid silver huiitintr case stem
wind and set watches , S-1.J5 , jewelers'
prices $10 to $15.
Ladies' fjold filled hunting case stem
wind and set watches $9. "o , jewelers'
prices $15 to $125.
Ladies' boss filled satin finished hunt
ing cube watches , sot with jewels , Elgin ,
Springfield or Wiilthnm movements ,
$1 .50 , jewelers prices Jlto to $10.
Solid gold baby rings ! ) c.
1-1-karat solid gold wedding rings Ooc.
Solid silver thimbles 13e.
Nickel alarm clod : oDc.
Rogers' knives or forks $1.25 per set.
Rogers' A. A. tea spoons 85c.
All goods warranted as represented.
Why pay fancy prices to jewelorsV
White Flannel.
Our stock of spring ilannol IB in ; they
come mostly nil cream white ; 2oc , 80c ,
aoc , 40c , 45c , SOc , 5oc , GOc , U5c and 75c a
Sill : warp flannel , $1 yard ; a full line
of silk embroidered ijnimcl.
Cream white twilled Ilannol , SOc , 35c-
IOc , 45e , 50c , COc and Coo n yard.
White Bed Spreads.
2,500 white spreads to select from ,
from oOc upwards.o carry the larg
est stock of white spreads in Omaha.
Ilotols supplied at less than wholesale
prices in order to reduce stock.
painted by Michael Angelo , the Ukonoss of
of tno beautiful woman bo loved , and that
ho rcerettad after her death bo bad never
kissod. In tbo Hlspigbiso wo saw the
Fornirlna , tbe sweetheart of Raphael , whoso
face Rhinos out in all her bewitching loveliness -
ness in many of his pictures.
\Vo bad a most lovely drive to the Dorln.
Pampbllii villa , and from the to [ > of the
mountain as wo enter tbo villa , oinbossoJ in
clay and buy , the view Is onclmntingly
lovely , Iho wbolo panorama of Hotni ) with
her yellow tiled roofs , towers and ilomos ,
porticoes and palaces.lio beneath us. Tivoli ,
Frascati , Koca til 1'apa lying in a circle of
beauty at the foot of tbo tjsbina hills , tno
snow peaiied Apennines towering behind ,
forming a center of enchanting loveliness ,
"Father Tiber , " to whom the Uoinans pray ,
swooping tbo foot of the bill where wo stand ;
tbo Campagna stretching far away , until it
meets tbo purple mountains with their wan
dering shadows of opalino lights. Beneath
our feet wo see tbo convent heights of San
Onofrio , whereTasso died ; tbo solemn old
pine trco wheio bo sat , and the gray olives
( said tu have paled Into Ibis sad tint because
Our Lord once wept under thorn ) . TassoN
tomb in tbo church of San Ornofrio is an
bumble , nltlful nITalr. Ho acorns to bo as
mueh neglected in death as in life , And on
the otbor sldo of tbo Tiber , opposite tbo
bridge which Michael Angola designed , with
the angels of iioruiiil poising on ouch turret ,
no if ready for llieht , Is tbo castle of St.
To wrlto Iho history of St. Angelo would
bo lo write the history of Homo. From Iho
days of imperial Homo to now , when tbo Mag
of united Italy floats from its lowers and
armed soldiers walk along its bastions , In ira
secret cells beauty nnd youth , old ago , the
powerful , Iho intellectual , nllKo bavo per
ished , Groans and cries bavo conn up to
hcavun from noble s > ouls for deliverance
from wrong and tyrnny. It lias
been tbo Bllcr.t witness In tbo
history of tbo church in its darkest hour , as
In tbb zomth'of its power , hiouber tlino ,
wars , earthquakes , Hoods or cllmnto have
succeeded in demolishing this wonderful
pjocoof masonry. Ah ! what a theater of
Kccroinnd terrible crimes it has ucon. It was
hero tbo beautiful licnlrico Ooncl ( whoso
patbutic. tearful face haunts you BO long
after you have gazed ito : the sad eyes of the
original , and wisli thcra could uavor bo any
copied , they fall so far short of ( Juldo's sub-
llino bead ) , was imprisoned and lad to death ,
nnd where Galileo was Imprisoned ,
To mo the most interesting building In
Home U tbe Pantheon , once a bnathon totn-
plo , now a cburcb , and the tomb of Victor
H must bavo boon from this grand , Im
mense , , imposing doiuo that Uaphaol drew
bis inspiration.
Another placq.that draws mo and Jills mo
witli the utmost awe , Is tbo Via Appin with
Its ruins , tombs and tba baths of Caracnlln ,
hardly loss colossal than tbe ( Joilseuinwhero
10,001) ) persons could bathe , and tbo ruins of
the tomb of Cucolo Meloita , that Hainan
ladv whoso memory was so revered by her
husband , from the ruins of which tti'o beauti
ful fountain of Trove was built. It wns
along this road Paul must have bad bis
llrsl gllmpso of Home , but how changed
is the Home of today , the Homo
of Christendom. Along that worn way , pass
ing into the city , under the I'ortn Copenu ,
what letjlons of victorious soldiers , omperora ,
eourllora , representatives of every heathen
nation , from ibo remotest period , Greeks ,
Asiatics , Jews , Christians , What a sight ,
Paul under tbo walls of Nero's golden palnco ,
preaching. In the neighborhood of ibo
sights of military life , perhaps bound to a
Eoldlor , Paul wrote the Epistlii to ibo Ephesians -
sians , so full , of Imagery. Tboro must buvo
bcon many others in tbo ncatbon palaces who
confessed Christ , Lately there baj been
found a caricature , well preserved , of a man
on a crucilix , with an as&'s head , and under
neath is written , evidently by some of tlib
military household , "Aloxaumoin worships
bis god. "
The weather at Rome has been delightful.
In the parks , villas , oto. , the violets , daisies ,
narcissls , are In bloom and the air is redo
lent with tweet perfume , The fountains , of
which there are so many , that are worki of
art , nro flashing , falling , stilmmerinB , dasli-
\og \ over umrblo basins from the tcoutUs of
Furniture Department.
We arc making special efforts in din
ing room furniture and can now show "S
dllTaront styles in extension tables , all
first-class linish and now styles. The
prices nro low for tables such ns wo
olTer : 0-foot tables , $ , 't.-5 ! nnd $ -l.-V ! ! S-
foot tables at $5.50 , $0.50 , $8. fill , ! M > .50 ,
$10.50 , $11.00 , $11..50 , * 11J.OO , $15.00. The
tables are miulo by the following relia
ble nnd first-class : houses : St. Johns
Table Co. . St. Anthony Table Co. , Han
son Furniture Co. , Barnard Hros. &
Cope , Hanllold Kurnlturo Co. The numo
alone is a guarantee of Al goods.
$1.00 , $1.10 , $1.15 , $1,125 , $15 ! , $1.50.
Thcso prices are 110 per cent lower than
if generally asked for oalc goods , Into
styles and good finish.
SIDEBOARDS nt $15.00 , $10.00 , $17.50 ,
$20.00 , $21.00 , fiJt.OO , $118.00 and $30.CO.
The best of their kind.
BEDROOM SUITS $10.50 , $14.50 ,
$15.50. $18.50 , SID.OO , nmnlo and ash
suits ; oalc suits $18.50 , $23.00 , $20.00 ,
$211.00. All well finished in antique or
sixteenth century finish ,
Dried Fruit ,
Raisins , 2jc. 3jc.
Best imported English currants , 5c.
California peaches , 7c , 8f , 12jc.
California apricots , "c , ] 2jc.
Evaporated blackberries , 5c.
Evaporated raspberries , 17c.
California pitted plums , IOc.
California pitted cherries , 12jo.
Prunes , 5c , Oc , 71c.
Books and Stationery.
Special for this week. 1,000 paper cov
ered novels , publishers' price 25c , our
price IOc this week.
50000 pounds fine note paper , 19c
509 pounds pure Irish linen note paper ,
23c per pound.
Good envelopes at 3c per package.
Bettor grades at 5c , lOo , 12Je , 15c , 20c.
Got our prices oiiolllco supplies before
you buy. It will pay you.
sea gods nnd drasrons , nngols and fd"wns. Ono
might 1111 a book with descriptions of tbcso
classical fountains , made by men who have
"written their names in water , " that is as
enduring as bronza or marble.
I have just seen tbo colossal slatuo of Col
umbus. a very line work by Andrioni. It is
to bo a gift from the Italians in Now York to
the city of Now Vork , and will Vo placed
cither in tbo harbor or in Control park. The
statue is of the purest wluto marblo. Colum
busover 100 feet high , with n colossal figure of
genius on ono side and an cnglo on the other.
The design is marvclously beautiful and
strong nnd tbo execution wonderful. In Ibis
same studio are several very line things that
ara going to the Columbian exposition ,
Great preparations nro going on for tbo
carnival which opens on the "Oth. Homo is
very gay tbls winter nnd line equipages nro
constantly dasbing through the streets lilled
with the beauty and elite of the city on their
road to teas , udulo-draws , otc. V. , who pees
to some of the teas , otc. , says when she gels
into tbo rooms she almost foals as if she
were in New York or Washington the
same old story HI a different language.
The American colony holds its own and en
tertains nnd is entertained. All the Ameri
cans who care to RO in society were nt tbo
( liicen's ball. The Ilrynns from Chicago ,
who nro bero in the interest of tbo Colum
bian exposition , receive a gicat deal of ntten-
tlon. Mrs. Sanderson and her daughter from
Milwaukee , who llvo in the Uorgboso palace ,
gave a ball last week that was ono of the
ilnost ever given In Home. Miss Sanderson ,
who has spent two winters in Homo , sponks
Italian fluently and is a great favorite in
Roman society.
Aside from the novelty of tbo sight of old
cities with their an'iquitios ' , their palaces ,
pictures nnd sculptures , there is n great
elmrm In stuayinir the manner * , customs and
ovcry-day life of tbo people , There is some
thing peculiarly attractive in those simpleminded -
minded Italians , who grcot you always with
smiles , except when they nro bogging ; then
they wlilno , but the attempt at tears soon
turns to a sinilo , whether you give them or
not , if you only smllo as you refuse. Tboro
is always a crowd of handsome , blnck-
oycd little boys who gather around tbo
the beautiful fountain In front of our hotel ,
with baskets of sweet , dawy violets , lilies ,
roses , and all tbo sweet llovvors that usher In
spring , who greet us with smiles and follow
us around tno pir.z/.u laughing with nnd ch&t-
tormg to us , tho' wo rarely patronuo tliom ,
Tbo lamily affection among tbo humbler
class U most touching , As thojchurch bolls
riiic out the midday hour you may sco tbo
worklngmen and women skurrylng along the
streets ; tbo woman with mysterious looking
packages , containing tbo dinners of their
husbands , of eating it at homo
alone , or allowing the husbands to carry It
with them , in the unpractical and unpalat *
able way our own worltlntrnion do , in tin
pails ; they take it Btorunlni ; hot to the os
ier ! n ( wlno shop ) whcro tba men are nt
work , sit down to the little tables , order
their litro of wlno , discuss their wino aim
dinner with as much sangfroid as if they
word in their own homosVo often outer
their little shops at noonnot so much for iho
delicious Frnscatl , Iho wino of the people ,
wtdcb costs loss than 10 cents a quart , ns to
study tills pbuso of Italian life ; and thcso
gentle people , rccognl/.ing us ns strangers ,
try to make us foul at homo by drinking our
licalth , always saying ; "To tbo dear sig-
Sometimes wo see mothers , with their
children just from schools , books In hand ,
taking il.o1dinner , - * nt tbo same placa. Ono
day I saw a woman dressed In pure peasant
dross meet at noon a man , who I am sure
was her husband , at tbo entrance of ono of
ono of the parks ; they clasped handswalked
into the park , tooi ! seats on a mar
ble bench , a rello of nntiquo Homo ,
under a trca whoso trunk was entirely on
volopcd In Ivy , She took from a bundle on
her arm , two loves of bread , which bad sand'
wlched between some kind of steaming hot
vegetables it looked like cabbage and smelt
llko garlic which they ate with that best of
sauces , a good appetite , and when they bad
linished , quenched their thirst at the foun
tain near by. All tbo llino they talked and
laughed , tliolr pyoa dancing with happiness ,
their wbito teeth gleaming as thov tmilud ,
As they separated , ho evidently olng to bis
Harness Department.
Wo call special attention to some o
the numerous bargains found in this do
parttuent for this week. Wo have jus&
received a fine line of ladies' saddles ,
some of i ho very host makes , and will
soil them nt prices that will surprise
you , for wo nro loaders in low prices.
Also n full line of slnglo nnd double
harness , bridles , whips , blankotscurry-
combs , brushes , linltera , breast straps ,
tie-straps , polo straps , hamo straps , sur-
oiiiglcs , snaps of all kinds , buggy cush
ions , neck yokes , harness oil , otc. Spe
cial a light double harness , $20 ; a good
farm harness , $20.50.
Capes and Ulsters
For .Monday.
Top coats at $5 , good value $8
Top coats nt $7 , good value $10.
Top coats at $9 , good value $12.50.
Top coals at $12.50 , good value $18.
! ! 2 and ; M inch es long.
Ladies' spring capes for street or
evening ware in bedfordcord , tan , black
and in all the latest colors of imported
cheviot with Jot and embroidery edged
with ostrich feathers to match. These
capes nro 40 inches long.
Lndics' spring capes , $4.25 , good value
Ladies' spring capos , 80.50 , good vnluo
Ladies' spring capos , $8 , good vnluo
Ladies' spring capos , $10 , good vnlud
Ladies' spring capos , $12.50 , good
value $18.
80 inches long , capo dotachabla.
&ii.SO ; ulster tomorrow'88.
$15 ulster tomorrow $10.
$20 ulator tomorrow $15.
Thcso wraps and cloaks are all of the
newest and latest styles and of the best
manufacturers and importers. Wo nro1
also showing the largest line of ladies'
waists and wrappers at the lowebt
work and she to her homo , ho called back to
bor as bo waved his hand and gave utterance
tn somn loving Italian word and she set a
ripple of light laughter back as she sboolc
bor linger. Such little bits of nature fill
one's oycs with Joars ; one's heart with envy.
If wo have love and the loved one , what mat
ters poverty I And there is poverty horo.
Thcra are so many souls crowded iuto such a
little space I
Today wo have boon to tbo church of Santa
Mann , tbo oldest church in Homo. Tbo
linndsoino padre who .showed us around and
displayed the treasures of the church ,
told us that it was on this spot the
marvelous fountains of oil welled up
ut the tlmo Christ was born. There N a very
line portrait of Cardinal Qibbons m the
Sacristn , nnd tbo good padre , pointing to it ,
said ho will bo our American pope. Per
haps. Why should wo not bavo a pope , wo
give enough to support tbo church and Cath
olicism Is spreading In America.
How toucalngly pathetically the worn stops
in tbo churches 'and houses appeal to ono.
Snub crowds of witnesses tbat have gone before
fore , who hiivo worn out soul and body , lot
us hope , not in vain prayors. In a few days
wo leave Homo , but before wo so , like
Corinno , wo will go stealthily by r.Ight and
throw H coin into the Trove , for tbo' legend ,
tells us that will nssuro our rot urn to this
bewitching Homo , that at first scorns nustoro
and melancholy , but the longer you llugot
tbo moro you are bowltcheu.
.l.\/ > lI'OJtlC.lllOL' .
Our mills employ 1,000,000 children.
India rubber makes good pavomnnts.
Cull torn I a has 10,000 Chinese shoemakers
A bill forbidding tbo employment of women
as barkeepers is before the New York legis
A Boston dovlno will enable manufacturers
to maku llvo tltnu * the rope now made In a
given tlmo.
Two ht-ndrod ana twenty-four wlno-
groivrra from tbo Hbine region will exhibit
at Chicago.
Niagara Tunnel will have tbo biggest
paper plant.
In twantv-four hours a stool manufactory
m Ponniylvantu recently turned out 1'J'JC )
tons of rails.
Mexican bricklaycri can only lay SOO bricks
In a day of cloven hours , while an American
can lay 200 in a day of nlno hours ,
Chicago has a "Woman's Canning and 1'ro-
serving company , " with a capital of
f 1,000,000. Tbo i took can bo sold only to
The average length of llfo of minors Is ! H
years. Machinist * nro outlived by printers ,
tbo average of the former bomg but Ui y oars ,
while that of tbo latter is ! 10.
A rillo which will throw a ctraam of vitriol
to thodlstanco of seventy motors bns bcon
offered by a French ollloor to iho minister of
war. it Is designed for use agulust savage *
only , to prevent tliolr frenzied assaults ,
A miniature photographic camera attached
to the barrel of a gun Is tbo Invention of Mr.
Ucchnuroi Vienna. Uy an automatic shutter -
tor , working in union with tbo trigger of the
gun , the sportsman U able to obtain a per-
feet photograph of ibo bird or animal immed
iately botoro tbo uhot or bullet has
reached it.
The largest dividing belt In tbo world has
Just bcon manufactured in Paris , It is 1-0
foot long , 7 feet wide , nnd nearly nn Inch
thick , the weight being a ton and a half , and
Is to run over a lly wheel yiyt feet In diame
ter. Its speed under ordinary conditions will
ho 07 foot per second , and It will transmit
1,000 borso power ,
A remarkable oloce of engineering work 1m
the tunnel of ibo Parana Oroya railroad
through an Andean mountain piuk atCJalorn ,
Peru. It Is at au elevation of 000 foot abovu
the perpetual snow line , and U to bo 3,647
feet long , it is tbo hljbe > t railroad tunnel
in the world , and Is located lu the htglieit In-
Imlillcd region in the world , Tbo Iowa of
( jaiora is 15U5 ( foot above the sea love ! ,
nearly lr > 03 fuel higher tkaniuo hotel on tb
top cf Plku's I'oitlc.