OMAHA DAILY' MARCH 20 , 18D2-SIXTEEN PAGES. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICK ! - NO. 12 PKAHL STREET. C'rirrlrr lo nnr pattof the City II. W. TIITON , - MANAGER. HuMnofci Office . No 41 fslt , | Editor . > o''J MKM'W.V. JC , V. Plumbing1 Co. Council IllulTs Lumber Co. , coal. Cratt's chattel loans. 204 Sapp block. Kov. M T. Shlffmnuhcr of Ncola took out rmturnluatlon pnpeis. yesterday. Horn , \Vcdnn any nleht , to Mr. and Mrs. .1. .T. Hhcn , 30'.l South UlRhth street , a daugh ter Krcn ICbsol , who was convicted ot robbery nda.v or two n o In tbo district court , ( llod a motion jcstcrday for mi arrest of judgment and a now trial. A mnrrlngo llccnsovns Issued yesterday to ( Jcorgo W. dross and Uorltm .M. Morris , both of Ansloy , Neb. Tboy were insriled by Justice Hammer. The work of toarlnir down the pouna back of thoclty building wns commenced yester day , preparatory to inoUnij tbo scales and ofllco of the city welKhmnstcr next WCOK to Its now position In the roar of tbo patrol houso. The council will hold a mooting this after noon. Onn of the Items of business to bo transactcii will bnto ratify ttio action of too committee which secured quarters for tbo city ofllcors during thu muhlut ; of the repairs on the city building. Mary K. Dunhlo died .vostorday morninR nt B-IiO o'clock of consumption , ago .1 ' . ' 5 years. The funeral will occur tomorrow morning at 11 u'clock from the residence r.oar Crescent , nnu the remains will bo Interred In the Uicsccnt comutery. An Information was filed In the ofllco of the clerk of too district court yesterday by Thcodosla Scott of Oakland , charging her husband , U'ullam Scott , with insanltv. Kcott VIMS broupht In Inst evening and will linvo an oxumlnution by ibo commissioners today. Miss Male Seclov entertained about flftv of her friends lost evening at her homo on Fourth street. The early pail of the evenIng - Ing was spent In playing progressive high Jive. Refreshments wcro served at 11 o'clock , nftcr whlcli dancing was indulged In until an early hour In the mornini : . The ease of the state ngalnst Itoss Savers , charged with assault with Intent to commit murder , occupied the day In district couit. All the evidence on thn side of the state was in at the close of the afternoon session , and un adjournment was taitcn until this morning nt ' . ) o'clock , when the defense will commence operations. All members of Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army of the Republic , nro requested to bo at the hall at 7 p. m. sharp. An invitation has been received from U. S. Oant post of Omaha to Join thorn In receiving tbo com- manacr-Iu-chlof of the Grand Armv of the Komiblic this evening at Omaha. By order , IX Maltby , post commander. E. J. Abbott , udjutant. The annual report of City Treasurer Kln- nchan , which bus just been complotcd rcuay for submission to thu council next Mondav evening , the regular bonded Indebtedness of the city is $140,00'J ' ; the Intersection paving , grading ana sewer bonds , $ 400,000 , and the special assessment improvement bonds for Having , grading , sewer and curbing , S3G1.- ) fiOC ) , making the total Indebtedness of the ity ? ; 0 ! > , WO. An order of court was Issued by Judge Tliomell summoning Countv Aitornoy Organ nnd Attorney .1. 11. Sweet before him yester day morning to how why they should not bo punished for contempt In using abusive lancnngo toward ono another in tbo presence of tlio court on , Tuesday. No further action was taken , however , nlthoueh both the gentlemen wore where tbov could have been gotten hold of bad the court beau so dis posed. : ii : i.i : To .r > 0c a dny will buy a flrstcluss piano f.t hnlf price. For particulars write or bCO tllO ML'KIXRIt PlAXO AND OltOAN' CO. , 10t ; Mum St. , Council Blurt's , lu , I will offer for sale to the hiphcst bid- ilor on March 28. lot 0 , block 7 , Baylies first ntldition , mid loib M , -I and fi in UUIIM'H block. Also 1)20 ) acres , lincst farm in 1'otlawnttainio county , together with mules , horses and wagons. Terms , half cnsh , balance live years' timo. Marry II. Innmn , salesman. I'KltSOXAT * I'Alt.lGlt.irilS , Clarence btrow left yesterdav for Fort Dodee. Mrs. J.V. . Squlro , baby and nurse loft last evening for Hot Springs , Ark. Kcv. II. II. Barton of this city was on the program of tbo Kpworth Lencuo meeting at Missouri Valluy last uvunlng. Miss May Bims was also on the program for 11 paper. Judge A V Groeg. an old time resident of Council Bluff ? , now of San Louis Oblspo , iil. , Is In the city. Hu Is n son of the man who laid out Gregg addition n quarter of n century ago. bamuol Scottof , Knpid City , S. J ) . , is in the city , the guest of his uncle , \V. K. Ivomp , on South Sixth street. Ho is vice president and general manager of the South Dakota Heal Kstuto and Mining company. Millinery Komimil. MISECS Sprlnk & Fcaron have romovcc. tholr millinery parlors from Broadway to 10 South Main st. JnrvisIST ? brandy , purest , safest , bosN Hiiutrit tlin llurglnrs. M. L. Van Wonnor presented himself at the police station yostouluy morning about 2 o'clocklth his baud covered with blood nnd staled that ho had bcou engaged in an encounter with a burclar. Ho was uwakenod out of a sound sleep by n nolso in bis house at ' . ' 17 Twelfth avenue , and Jumping out of bed rcucned the window just In tlino to cuich a fellow by the heels HI they were trying to follow the rest of the body to which they worn attached , out of the window. The fellow who was loft banging In tills ungraceful position called to a pal outside for help , and the pal responded , only 10 receive several stunning blows over Iho head with on unloaded revolver that Van Wormer happened to have In bis hand , in the melee Van Wormer let go of the heels to which ho had been fondly cling ing , and lot the burglar drop in a heap out- ldo the viudow. Ho them followed the fel lows but they rained u shower of brickbats upon him xvhlch compelled him to socle rufugo in the houso. Upon lighting a lamp lie found the gun covered with blood which liad evidently couio from ibo hold of the burglar. Owing to tbo darkness Mr. Van Wormer Vvas unable to got a view of the two men , and there Is but little llkollbood of their being cnptuiod. _ Muni ( In llurli toWutor , A number of tbo merchants at the city have been iu tbo habit for sotno Hum past of cleaning their stores out in the mornings with brooms dipped lu uoroseno. Kxperi- monts had led them to bcllovo that their Iloors could bo cleaned lu this way much bettor than with water , which generally loft us much mud as It saved dust , and the plan was beginning to bo generally followed when some of tbo eastern Insurance companies stopped lu and put n stop to it. Some of them served notice on their patrons that the use of kerosene in this way must bo stopped at once or tbo insurance on their buildings would oe cancelled , while others went so far as to cancel tbo policies without nay notice. fir lit tip far Ten. Judge Tboruoll nnd County Clerk Gump- boll returned yesterday morning from Avoca , vrhero they wont to bold a Thursday night session of the district court. A motion for u new trial was argued la tbo case ot the state ngalust Dr. Hardiuan. who was tried.nud found guilty of obtaining money under /also pretenses several mouths ago. After hearing too arguments tbo motion was overruled and Hardmaa was sentenced to spend ten days in the couuty jail ftt Avoca aud pay u tine of 1100. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Delegates Who Went to Daa Moines Re turned Very Well Pleased With Rosnlts. PROSPECTS FOR THE GATCH BILL .May Ho I'nisrd In tlin Itonnr If the Demo- ruin Arc Hutu-lit InTlirlr Drslrp to Prohibition-lomi U All ItlRlit. The Council Bluffs delegation to tbo re- puollcan state convention returned from DCS Molne ? yesterday. They say that the con vention was ono of the most enthusiastic over hold In Iowa , nnd the delegates were perfectly united in every respect , the local Issues upon which there were likely to bo serious differences of opinion bolnglcfl alone. Among the latter Issues was that of prohibi tion , and those members of the homo who ex pected nny action to bo talcan which should Ruldo them In the vote upon tbo Oatch hlch llccnso local option bill which comes up for llnal action next Tuesday wcro disappointed. Alderman II. 11. Van Brunt bad a talk with Senator ( Jatch nlcht bo fore last , during which that contloman stated that ho hnd con siderable hope that the bill would pass the house. Ho seemed to think that there was but little doubt that the live republican votes could bo secured which will bo necessary to insure Its passage , provided the democrats vote for it solid. vVlmt ho was mostly nf raid of was that the democrats would refuse to support It now that they bail found that there was n chance of swinging enough rcnubllcaus Into line to pass It. Ho thought , as n great many others think , that the democrats had been advocating the bill for calamity pur- pojcs rather than out of a dcslro for n change. Colonel J. .T. Stcadmau nlso spent some time looking up the sk-us of the limes , undho states that most of tbo hopefulness as re gards the pa&snco of tbo bill Is manifested in the senate , wbllo tbo members of the house , who have thu bill still hanging over tholr heads , .seem to think that thcro is but little to look for. _ TODAY TIIK LAST DAY Of Our ( irrnt Uiulurxtcar S le at the lioston More , Council Hlulls. Take ndviintngo of the hist opportun ity thih season. The undernotod prices holt ! good until Saturdaj nipht , 10 p. m. Don't fall to sco the lightning artist In our show window every day this wcok nnd Saturday evening. LADIES' UNDKRWKAK. Ladles' wliito merino vests and pants , our oOo trnrmauts , DURING SALK FOR Me. Ladies' heavy grny equestrian pants , G2c $ garment * ! ( pants only ) , DURING SAlJli.'JOo. Ladies' natural wool vests and pants , ( ribbed ) . ? ! garmentH for OUc. Ladies' all wool scarlet vests and pants , $1.23 garments , extra line , ANY SIZE FOR ( i9c. Ladies' natural wool ribbed vesta and pants , & 1..50 garments. TO CLEAR , OSe EACH. Lidies' all wool .scarlet vests and pants , worth 8e ! ) , DURING SALE 5So. Ladies' all wool gray vests and pants , the best $1.00 garment in the country , DURING SALE ( Wo. GENTS' UNDERWEAR. Gontb' heavy gray camel's hair shirts nnd drawers , ; ! 3o Garment , DURiNG SALE SOL- , Gents' Scotch random mixed shirts and drawers , was our oOu leader ; what wo have loft WILL CLEAR AT ; i7o. Gents' natural wool shirts and draw ers , an elegant 60c garment , ANY SIZE FOll 37Jc. Men's heavy camel's hair shirts and drawers , only a few loft of cacti bixc , former price 50c , SALE PRICE 87k. Gents' natural wool shirts and drawers , told all season for 7oc , TO CLEAR. 58c. Gents' all wool _ scarlet shirts and drawers , $1.00 and 81.2-3 garments , for U2e ; suit for SI.25. AN EYE OPENER. Gouts' camels'hair shirts and drawers , "two thread , " warranted not to snriulc , 91.00 GARMENT FOR 79c. Wo have a great many other grades not mentioned here , but they all share the sumo fate , the KNIFE PUT RIGHT INTO THEM. All ohildren'b underwear ( { EDUCED the buino way. BOSTON STORE , FOTIIEUIXOHAM , WlIITii UV it CO. , vendors and promoters oflow prices. N. B. Store cloacs evenings ati ( | > .in. , except Mondays aid Saturdays' , Mon days i ) p. in. , Saturdays 10 p. in , Swnnson Music Co. , Masonic temple Wo have our own vineyards in Califor nia. Jnrvis Wine company , Co. BlulTs Suit lor DuiniiKfs. 3 , II. Ivondlo commenced n suit In the dis trict court yesterday njuinst C. T. Ofliccr to collect 5,000 damages for malicious prosecu tion. In the patitiou ho alleges that Ofllccr bad an Information tiled in Justice Ham mnr's court on tbo 8th of lait February , signed by .1. I ) . Smother * , charging the plaintiff with stealing J3U worth of fencing from his farm east of the city. ICendle claims that this suit was Instituted falsely , maliciously and without probable cause , and that after u trial ho was discharged. An other Information was tiled in the s&mo way and at the saino time charging him with malicious trespass , nnd ho was also dis charged In this case. Ho domanas damages in tno sum of $5,000 to lYilinburso bun for the anxiety and i.aln of body and mind ho was obliged to suffer on account of the suits ana the publication of the affair in several papers. ITow nro your awnings ? J. M. Lumcko , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory , Eastern money to loan on real estate by li H. Slioafe , Broudway and Main , a Mnrrleil In hitrri-r. J , H , Chambers , a young man who has boon working for John Bono .Sr Co. , until n > cenlly , has gone to Salt Lake City to hunt uj a now location. It caused uometuing of sensation among his acqunlntancca when n bis departure It vyas announced that he bai been married for several months without letttnc nny ono Into the secret excepting the lady ho married. This was Miss Ida Fuller who lives at 1227 ICast Washington avenue and has worked for Hayden Ilros , , lu Omnhi anil for John Doiio & Co. , on this bide of the river , Cnamucrs formerly worked for I'M conor In Umnbn. Ills bride Is still m thli city , but expects to join him in Salt J.ako City an teen a bo gets settled , Jarvls' wild blackberry la the best. Roller , the tailor , 810 Ilroadwny , has ull the latest styles and newest yooda Satisfaction y'mriuitecd. O. Ytinknrmnn&Co. , food , boods , coin mission , country prod 1110,108 Broadway KnlKbU ( irtbi. Clip. A. meeting of the Commercial 1'llgrims o America is to bo hela today for the purpos of organizing a grand lodtro. The mooting will bj attended by delegates from oil the lodges In the state and a good tlino is ex poctcd. The bosslon will Login at S o'clock in the Hovul Arcanum hall. Tbo fellow IIIK is a ll't of the delegates who u 111 bo pro o and will make tielr Ufta'qaa-ers at tb Uiond hotel : M. Y , liUckuuru , J.o , H.IU. a ndV. . A. Mover of Do * Molnc < ; B. W. Veils , E. S. Kotchum and C. V.T. MorrUm of larsballtown ; H. C. Jordan nnd C. 11. Vllllg of llurllnston ; J. 1C. Powers , Munson nnd Clomnns of Cedar Hapids. ' Ont tlin Wrong .Mini. Sheriff Hazen returned yesterday atter- eon from Newton , la. , whore bo went Thursday In response to a tolcpram nnnounc- ng that n colored man giving the name of ohnson was In custody tbcro nnd was sup- icscd to bo Henry Stewart , Iho colored man vho broke Jail hero acouplo of months ago. Vhon ho arrived at Newton ho found how aslly n country sheriff will jumn nt n con tusion when a fat reward M nt stake. Sheriff lur.en had all bis trouble for nothing. Walnut block and Wyoming coal , rcsh mined , received daily Thatcher , 0 Main street. * ON A TOUR OPINSPEOTION. IMIiurr , I'miiiii.inclcr of tlin ( Ir.inil Army of tlio Itcpulillr , Vlilts Oiniiliii. General John Palmer of Albany , N. Y , , ommnndor-ln-chlef of the Grand Army of ho Uopubllc , came In yesterday from ) akota. Ho Is out on n tour of Inspection of ho Grand Army of the Ucpubllo posts. He vlll bo tendered n reception tbU evening t the rooun of thoElks club , in the Con- liiontal block , by vho Grand Army of Iho { opuuhc posts of Oinabn. Gonnral Palmer Is a man of medium size , s apparently a little piit the half hundred ratio post , has a luxuriant lioad of hair and n nustacho rapidly whitening with tbo frosts of time. Ho Is vary entertaining and rental n conversation , nnd enjoys mooting with comrades who went lorth to defend the country In these perilous days ct internecine trifo when every brcezo from tbo south irought the sound of clashing arms an d the ows of bloody work on the fields of battle. Speaking of tba great organization ot vhich ho Is the present commander General 'aimer said last night to a I3ci : reporter : 'It would require more tlmo than I can pos. Ibly command to mnUo alt the fraternal Islts that 1 should llko to pay to the many .Jrnnd Army dopnrtmants of the United States. I find that I am obliged to cut my Islts short and frequently it is absolutely mposslblo to carry out n llxod program , oc- cause so many things hippon that bring ibout delays and throw llxcd nlans all out of line. My visit bore Is a sort of Impromptu nffalr , but I bopo to see a largo number of the comrades in Omaha during my short stay. "Tho very tiost of feeling seams to exist among the Grand Army men now alt over the country. About the only ripple that has occurred lately was over the rebel Hag inci dent , nnd my order with reference to the natter. 1 have been assured that a very argo majority of ex-confodoralo soldiers do lotnppiovo of the actions of some of their ndiscroto comrades in manufacturing rebel Ingt nnd placing thorn in the hands of the children , and that the unwise procceduro is not likely to bo repeated. 1 have sala to hose southern gentlemen that It was 'ar from ray Intention to do anything n connection with my crucial duty that would irntnto or keep allvo the old strife or enmity bn ju the north nnd south , but at the same time 1 could not understand why oxconfoder- ntos should attempt to perpetuate the old sec tional strife by placing in the hands ot their children a Hiig that could have no other effect than to revlvo the spirit of rebellion and call forth n bitter resentment from all loyal citl- ions * and rekindle In the hearts of Grand Army men Iho same old feeling of hatred that characterized the days of the great national struglo. \Vo want but one Hag for all our people , and t is madness upon tbo part of any ex-ton- todorato to encourage the rising generation : o look with reverence upon the confederate lag. Lot it sink into oblivion. Tbo sooner the better for both north and south. Let the stnr.s and stripes ho placed in the bands of the children all over the country , nnd our people will the sooner forget the bitterness inil the horrors of our civil war. I like the Idea of placing flags upon school buildings all over tno country. I baliovo such a course will help miphtily to instill a deap seated and ontbuslastic patriot ism in the hearts of the rising generation. I think my order with respect to now rebel flags in the hands of children has had a very desirable eltect , and I hope that the good sense of the southern peoulo will show thorn that the manufacture and distribution of confederate flags is 11 very great and serious mistake whicn should not bo repsatod. " General Palmer Is an excellent story teller , nnd from his fund of entertaining anecdotes ho drew several good 01103 last night whllo surrounded by a group of comrades who called to greet htm at tbo Millard. "I beard a conversation between two Irish men ono day , just at the close of tbo war , that I have never forgotten , " said the general. ' The two men hud both carried the musket bravely all through tUo struggle and they were talklug about tbo comparative merits of the leading generals. Fimilly Pat said : Well , Moikc , who wni the greatest cincral in the war , do you think1 ! " 'Suro it don't take a man av common s'.uco long to till that. Burns was the great est ginoral in the war. ' " 'BurnsI Burns ! ! ' said Pat In surprise , 'and ' who the dlvil was IJurns } Sure J was four years in tbo war and I nlver hoard av him. ' " 'You never heard of Burns , you say. Have you never heard of Burns' expedition i' ' "On , you mane Burnsidcs expedition,1 said Par. " 'No , 1 don't mnno Burnsido's expedition. His raol name was Burns , and ho put the sides on merely for political effect.1" General Palmer wus asked last night if ho would say anything about the democratic situation m New York , but ho declined to talk politics. "I havu positively refused to talk politics nnywhoro , " said tlio general. "I believe in keeping our great order free from politics , and wiillo I have my private opinion upon political questions 1 consider it siniply out of tbo qiicbtion for mo to discuss political issues while 1 hold the position which I now have the honor of Illllng.11 General Palmer will bo tendered n recep tion nt tno rooms of the Elk's club In the Continental block this evening by the Grand Army posts of Omaha. All Grand Army men and Sons of Veterans will bo welcome. i.\Kiit t > unirciiirii.n.'ii r.ui.uiti : . IIU AllUirs Am In u Hail Condition-Oilier rirmn InvoliiMl , Cmiuao , 111 , , March 18. The failure of Mlcbaol Sohwosltbal , prlvato banker , loomed un today bipgcr and blacker than bad even been remotely conjectured. Assignee Laneheart was examined in the county court and g\vo out a statement of assets and lia bilities. Ho placed thu liabilities at $3SO,5IO and assets at fllL'.SSJ. Ha said there was $1115,000 worth of certificates of deposit which. Schwo<bal Is believed to bold , Tbo stnrtllngannouncoinont was nude that of fiOo.KsS sciicduloi as "doubtful aud slow assets , ' f I'J'J.OOO was duo from tbo Atkinson Steel nnd Spring work ; ) , of which f.YJ,0'JO had been put to Judgment. Besides scheduled liabilities thcro Is mi unknown contingent Indebtedness , of which some $ l. > ,000 has already appoutcd. It Is estimated that the asslgnco will bo able to pay about UO cents on the dollar. It was charged iu court todar that richwoslthnl had preferred his nsilgnment by transferringoonsldorabln property to his friends , and nlso that before the bank's doors woio cloned he had allowed his Intimates to withdraw their deposits. Shortly uftor this charge was made Scbwcsltuul personally ap peared In court , without being servoj , and on announcing bis readiness to b3 examined was sworn. He was then summoned to ap pear for examination tomorrow. The affairs of Maglo & Dretcber nio also connected with I ha defunct bank , and nn investigation of that llrm's affairs -vlll follow. Tbo Jennings Trust company waa this evening appointed receiver for the AtUlnsou Stool aud Spring works , by Circuit Judge Cummins , upon application of Gustav Bau- mann , who owns a majority of the 3,000 shares of the company. The value of the company plant is said to bo f.00,00) . For some tlmo past the concern bat ooen doing business with Banuer Schweslthal , who holds two notes for $ ' - ! . ' > ,000 ai collateral for a number of smaller noto.s not yet due. Aside from this the company bcs actual liabilities amounting to X,0XI. ) , ( It Is said the company would have mot all Its obligations but for the failure of Scbwosllbal's bank , and up to that time It was doing a profitable business. An Injunction bn * been secured by the company restraining the sheriff from interfering with the business. 'Oil . nrln - > W 3 ite It t n . .01 L-n m 1O41 mrt . Hellman o 41 Goine Out of Business. Hcllman's enormous stock of o ; for men and boys is now being closed out regard less of price : If Hellman uas not going out 0 ! " business lic'tl gel $10 $ for Spring Overcoals Ilial arc now $ 5.00 If llellinanas \ \ nol going out of business lic'd gel SI2 for Spring Oieivoalslhal are now $ 6.00 If llellinanas \ \ col going oul of business lic'd gel $15 $ for Spring Overcoats llial arc now $ 8.00 If Hellman was nol going oul of business lic'd gel $10 $ for Spring Suits thai are now $ 5.00 If Hellmanas \ \ not going enl of business lic'd gel $12 $ for Sping Suits Dial arc now $ 6.00 If Hellman was not going oul of business lie'il gel $15 $ for Spring Suits lliat are now $ 8.00 If Hellman was not going oul of business lic'd get $20 $ for Spring Suits that arc now $10.00 Boys' and children's clothing at about one fourth regular prices. The make , the style , the quality of these goods are .positively correct and to sec them is to buy them. Don't compare these first class garments with the cheap stuff that other dealers will probably offer you , in order to meet the prices made on first class goods by Hellman , 13th & Farnam Miirli Itlttrr IVi'llnc Against "Hri. Van. ulleii South Dakota Xt ! s Notcj. YAXKTOV , S , D , , March IS. [ Soocml Tele gram to Tim BEK. I In the Vanallon divorce case at Hartlngtbn , Nob. , today the motion of Mrs. Vanallon for tomporarv alimony was argued. A decision is not expected for several days. Interest in tno procecdinirs is very keen and the court room was crowded during ovorv njoment of the argument. Tne sympathy of tbo community scorns to bo with Vanallen. Ills wife was refused accommodations at a certain hotel m Ilartlngton when she ap peared in the town on Monday , tind she lonnd a room and board in a private family.Vhen tno depositions relative to her associations with I.athrop wore presented in court tbo proprietor of the house where she was board ing was present , and that night she wus told to Him another place to stay. Jtiipld Clty'h Soclnl'K\cnt. H \i-ii ) Cnv , S. D. , March 18. [ Special to Tin : BEK , ( The spacious residence of Mr. una Mrs. Edwin Loveland , beautifully deco rated with llowers , was thronged last nicbt with relatives and friends from Hapid City and the surrounding Black Hills towns , from Omaha , Sioux City and other eastern ooints. They bad gathered to ussist in celebrating the first golden wedding ever celebrated in this city and probably tbo lirst in the whole Black Hills country , for thcro ars very few people out hero old enough to hnvo been married lifty yeaw. a'ho presents were moro numerous nnd costly than tboso given to any young couple over married In Kapid City. With one or two exceptions thov wore of gold , and manv of thorn wcro mudo to order ol Bluck Hills metal. The Van Kurau family of Omaha and Evans family of Sioux City , relatives of the Lovclaads , were wall ' ror'resontcd. Edwin Loveland Is or.o ot tbo pioneer Black Ilillcrs , having como here in 187T to regain n fortune which ho had lost. Ho en- paged in merchandising nnd the cattle busi ness , in both of which ho was very succeic- ful and today no has an nmplo fortune for bis needs , 'i'ho ' city council In special ses sion yesterday passed congratulatory resolu tions. _ Not Vi't Kuttlvil. Ho Eiiun Aor.xci , S. D. , March 18. [ Spe cial to Tins BRU. | The council between the Koscbud nnd Lower Brulo Indians has closed , The Hosobud Indians will talio the Lower Brutes in , provided the Brulcs cede a pro rata portion of their reserve to Hosobud , This will require the signatures of three- fourths of the L.ower Brulcs. As there is a strong opposition party nt Lotvor Brulo , It h not possible to say now wuother tbo change will bn mado. Special Agent Cooper will leave Rosebud with the report of this nnd the Pine Hldgo council to luy the matter be fore the department. Ho has also completed the depredation claims of Indians und employes on too reser vations. Tbo total claims made reached $201,000. The estimated vnluo of claims was within 0 cents of tbo appropriation , S'J'.i- ' { KKOI. ) These claims with tbo evidence and necessary documents made an amount of documents more'tlmn two men could carrv. It has been onp.qf the largest and most dlftl cult claims overjnvcstlsatcd. 4-iuU Will S. D. , March 18. [ Special Telegram to Tnu I3ni.J Hopublicuns nt Wntertown , the'homo ' of Oovomor Mellette , Imvo telogrnpbcd hero to engage llftooii rooms for thorn during the s > lnto con vention in this , /city / next week. This Indi cates that tho'fr ' ends of Iho governor will bo hero in full force to prevent the Pottlgrow faction of the .party from carrying every thing with a bltJf baud. The nttcndnnce at the convpntloivivlll bu unusually largo uud u lively time is anticipated. AVlll In Purls. Bioux R\I.I.VJ . t > -i March 18.A prlvato cahlo from I' rjs convoys the news that liaron do Stour has taken stem to have an nulled there the divorce obtained hero by bis wife. Tbo dispatch adds this bit of gossip : The action of the chevalier Is generally up- proved and It U believed ivlll bo entirely tuc- tessful. _ Mfuiuvr Arrival" . At Copenhagen Thlngvalla , from Now Vorlt. At London -Sighted : Urnbrla , Will Kom- mcn , Persian Monarch aud Wscoiibin , from New Vork. At Itottor3atn Maasdnm , from Now Vork. At New YorU lilela , from Klo Janeiro and St. Lucas. IIIII'H Mi SAVANNAH , Ua. , March 18. Senator Hill hold n reception this morning and shook bands with several bundrod democrats ami took a trip down the harbor. Ho left for Augusta this afternoon. The Journey to Augusta was made \\ith but few stops. At the little city olVnynts - bore an ovation was tendered the distin guished Now Yorker. The whnlo population apparently haO gathered at the station. Tbo ladioi of the city presented Mr. Hill with a magr.illcont bouquet. The senator xvas in troduced as "Ttio next president of the United States" and made a brief speech. It was exactly ( i o'clock when Augusta was reached , nnd litre was witnessed n scene of croat enthusiasm. Mayor Alexander nnd a committee met the senator and his partvnnd escorted them to the Arlington hotel , whora Iho senator hold a reception in the evening. Mum : .ni ) nm rtt/ /.notlier Slilplonil ol flour \ViIl He Sent to flip I'liuilne MilVerrm. Pnii.uiEi.iMiiA , P.i. , March IS. Tbo execu tive committee of the Russian Kollof associa tion bold ai executive soision today in tbo oflice of Mayor Stewart and decided to send another vessel to Hussla with u cargo of goods for the famishing Itussians. The In ternational Navigation company has offered the use of another vessel , the Ccnomauzb , which can boat the commission's acrvico for loading about April 10. The offer was ac cepted. The following cablegram was re ceived by the mayor thh morning : Si. PnTEiisiivnn , Match IS , Drcxol and lild- < lle reached Ubnu tonight. I lenvo for tlio famine districts Mondiiv. The liulhuia U dis charging. 1'list train or t enty-IHo e.irs left l.ib.m lusl night. The locomotive wub ilei'o- ratcd with Russian and Aim > rlcuu Hues. In tense enthusiasm. Suggestions or Instruc tions \\lll ie.icli mu here. IIAMINIUIIUJ. ! : A message was scut to the commissioners in Kussia stating that thov had decided to ship the second carco of Hour Wednesday , April 13. The Conernnugh is'J.700 tons bur den. Nine minor permits , aggregating ? -J,07i ! , wcro Issued by the suparintondent of build ings yesterday. : \jnif or IlllllK-stlc. Clans PprceUles denies that ho has joined tlio sugai trust. Secretary Hliilne , Congressman Piirlncer and J-cnutor Moil 111 continue to Jmpiovu In health. Wllllani Hums cowardly assassinated Ilnrrv English at J.aKo City. Colo. Hums Is in J.ill and there uio tlucalb of lynching him. Chicago Dollco continue their warfare on tlin bucket shops of that city. Thi > liist estub- llslunent raided was thi t of bfcuku ! .V MahiT. Ihilczatct from the striking trainmen of the Onint Ti link line havu I'onsuUcil ulth the otllulals or thu road , hut havu been unable to reach an agreement. The siiui'l jury In hosslon at IMllhbiirg , Pn. , has rctninud a true bill ii'ulii | t Ifoliei t .Mo- Cluri' . agent foi tne I.iw unil Order le.igno of llmto'ty , eluuslu : him with perjury. The ttockholticrs of the Western Parm Mort- CiiKocoinp.iny lll moot In New York City at : in ( Mrly date , anil ni the ninetlnx' thu rcculvrr of the concern will maku u utatcinrnt of Its conJItlon. Heports from Kansas nro In thn olfect that tlio recent storms and cold weather ha\n nol aircetcd tlio crop pri > ; pectH In that state , and that nt tlio piuscnt tlmo the condition Is exceedingly fuvoiablo. Chrlstlnn Kcliinco IK rcsponslblo for nnotlior ( lentil ! tills tlnin It Is at Ulnclnniitl , Mrd. Hurdle , a iirlcstnciis of the f.tlth treats a child ulth aiich viio'l icsiilts fiat It IN now dead nnd a coroner's Jury Is InvcstlRatlnu the case. The Nut'oiml I.ov'iio nf MusMiinK has re- ciil\od a loply froii Hoerelaiy of thu Nuvy Tracy In toipunso to lliulr letter lequcstln that tbo Marine band hn not pnnnltlod to tr..vel and cUucununils. Thu stx'rotary bus rofusoU to comply with the leiinent. Thu factional ( inferences that for home ( line existed in tbo Chlcaeo ( iornian Kvanuulleal coninrzutlon culminated In a general run. Tlio milieu wcie forced to taKe a hand. As u result homo twenty of the tno factions wcro mori ) or leas cut and bin HOI ! by hllul.s. stones and conl. The schooner \VInnla linrl : , lumber liulcn. Captain Meltltchlu , from ( innoi to 1'rovl- ( Icnce , It. I. , liux arrived ut Tarpaulin Covu. MUHI , after n btormv passaiti ) of uniihiml IciiL'th llercruw bnll'oiod great piivatlons durliiK and uoro uboiit to losort to ( iinnlbulUin when rolle\eil by a putmlng vessel. 1'im-iKii. Yellow fnver It riiKlns at Itln Jnncrlo , and nn outbreak of the dlbouhO \ feared at lluenus Ay res. ll.iron Oncni-biir . tlin St. IVtcrsbiirg banlii-r ulio failed thuoihm day , liiiHimhl out ox or * .IOU'JO,01U to depositors slnuii his failure. Thirty I'urls annrchlsts hn\u llixl to London andhuvo urlttttn lutters to frloniU , u kin , for money to continue thull joiunoy to uw York. The Trench rnvoli tlor party hold nun.orons huiiiictsHnd ( | confurcni-i's In colisbratlon of tliuannlvoi-saryof ttiuiiiiiiiniiiiv. .NoilUturb- nncu occurred A coiiiinlsslon fiom thu I'runoh flininbor of Deputies has un inlmomly adojilfd a 1)111 ma k I ni ; It n caulta ! oireni-o to blow up houses with dynamite. At Kin > ,4 , , Italy h uw was destroyed by an explosion hU bodlos have boon taken from the ruins and four nioru lira tliiniglit ti bo bunuuth the dulirls. It IH undorhtood that Or. 1'lerson of I'hlla- ( lulphlu , who , durliu Mr. SiiurKoon's Illness ollk'hileil In his ktcat ) , will lt ) < vliosnn to till the dead iiilnlbtui'ii plato In the metropolitan taburnnulu. l.onduii , 1 Hlicvlal precautions ha\oht'en taken to pro- 1 tfctthuliniiurlal funilly of Hiihslii In con o- ' IIIIDUCU of the receipt of coamunlc itlons from tliu I'arls pollen to tlio effect that ulhllifcU Imt o prtinared to mukuaii altvmiit lo u sit luate , them , INSTITUTE. XftJl Eye & Gar INF RMARY FOR KTREATMENT OF ALL Dost fasllltlus , apparatus nnd Kcmcdloj forsiirci'Ssfut tro itmcnt of nveiy form of disease reiiiililnx medical or Hiir4lual treatment. M beds for patient * , bo.ud nnd attendance Itest aucomodations In Die ucst. Wrltu for circulars on ( lef < > rnltlos , and braces , trusses , club feet , curvatures of sniiiu , lilies , tumors , c nicer , catarrh , bioneliltis , In halation , electricity , paralysis , epilepsy , Kid ney , li adder , eye. ear , skin and blood anil all surcleal operations. DISEASES OF WOMEN llookou Diseases of Women I'lSHIi Wo \ lately added a lyliu- In dcp irtiuent for women during conllniMi.ent. strictly piivate.l Only Hellablo In- btituto maUlng a Speel ilty of I'Rl VATK D1SIOASKS All Hlood ll ) < .un < sog suci-osstiilly tioatol fayDliIlltle 1'olsnn lumovcd from tlio system without mercury. Ni'w Itostoratlvo Treat ment for Loss of VITAI , I'OWCU. I'eisons un able tolsltus mav ho treated at homo by I'oirpspon 'dice. ' All communications eonll- ( Icntlal. Aledlclncs or Instinmont-i sent l > y mini oroxprcss. securely packed , no maikN to Indicate 'contents 01 sender. Onu pciMmal In terview prefurroil. Call and consult us 01 send history of your case , anil we will send In plain u rapper , our Rnnif TH MEN I'I'En ' : rnou ITlvato. DUUn IU men . , s.peoiil | or Xervmm Dis- cases , linpotoncy. Svplillls , Gleet and Viulcu- role , wltliiini'stlon list. lli.ifos , Aiipllaiiuub for Dcfniinltlcs . \ , Trnses Only manufactory In the Wertlof IHSFUKJI- 11All'i.lA ! > t till , , KI.KUVUIU It A T r Kit IKK A > li It 'f/.J.S. ' Omaha Medical anil Surgical Instilulc , 2Qth and Broadway , Oounoll Bluff j. Ton inliiiitnb' tldo fiom contei-of Om.iha on Omaha , and Council IllulTs ulectiie motor line. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Couirll Hindi. Capital stcc'f , tuiplns an ll'ioiits HOOOO Netf'apltal an 1 Surplus $ ! SiHIMn Dlructura-J I > . IMinu iJi in , II. l < . . " -hiif ir , , I'O ( ilu.iiini , n f. Hurt. I A Mlllor , .1 V Illnc'inii unit ninrlei H llnanim. TrunsaetKi'iioial lunl- Inn Inibiness , I.arKOSt capllul and sin pluu of any bank In t-outhuuuturn Iowa. NTBEEST ON TIME DEPOSITS Under Uio imtronngo of D FRAZAR , , , 70 an I 71 Globe Hhlg. , Boston. Tour of 80 ilnyo , $ )00 ; Tour of fiO i $100 ; Tour of 00 Uiiya. 5i7. ! ) ; Tour of 15 , . All trnvulliu , hotel nnd elclit-spelni cxiicnuos In " ' " ' ' ' with .Mm. rrninr. July . Mruiu- uhlii ( ( rilM. < iinanl l.ln . llonton ) XOHTI1 CAl'IJ I'AItT * liii-nlMnnolrt. hjr ntc-ani- lilp \VONIA Irom ll ( tun 6ilnr , f W VplilliHtlniD limit uu nmilo at oacu tor tlilntuu uni1 lor clrcnlai nml ri'tcri-aco ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE ? Cook'x i-elcU coiKluctod i-xtur luii . ( K\vr > llilUK tinl rla ) vlll leavu Nuw V.irk ni iinder - Alii ) imrtyporH M Mnjotlr. " April .i ; h IrM .lime parly per f. H. "Ktriirlii , " Alny Jl t-tcond Juno party per K H "Tun oii'c " Juim 8 Ihlrd June purly pur h H "Jluji'ttlo. ' JiiiiwS. Noilli Ciipo mid Iliimla , PIT t- 1 trurlu , ' " " "vv" hull toKljillolicurof any do lroim of Join- Hit ! fllhurVo ul o imiio TICKKTH Kill INIIKI'KNIIK.NT TIIAVKI. Avallolilofor uiirur mum purionn , iituni tlinu ty iui > route. ( Irriilur notcii nnd Icltorn oj irodlt IKIICII Bund alninii for now lUuitmiud pruKrunm wltli lull piirllcuUrturiiliove J'll ( / > COOK \ Nd.V , Ocnuml 1'aitvnKcr Airi'iit * uml r rrliu Ilankcr > , 2J ( t'oulli dork tired ( lilca i ) A"fiBNriNKMICK llBKII.I.KHIl Klltlfti IIBUU KllAlilUA'10U"tur inlldoteaiai liuouiiu Ilklll ; ibo iiilcroliorKeriu I'ut rotallu I la ( J * lmil tJiidi , lliulnltor l KBllum. tieul any whom pra pnld on r oelit | of jirl or li O I ) WrUiiii a iruar vnleu to = uri Tlio | > ul > llu Iradu nn I Joiturt uii iillcul by tlw Kln < r llnie LVimpptny , II nili * 'I A Wulchor , lluwnrrt Muycr-.u ? K I' storkora. ! ' " " ' Oainlia , A I ) loiter jnJ II J KIII , Co JIICP UluU * . AN OMAHA LADY MMcoa n Stntomsnt Tlmt Will In'or- . OSD All aufTorlntr from Cn'nrrh ' A Typlcnl Onso. Mr . , t. H.l'nrk. S4M fliarlcs sttrct , tnnkri tlio following st'iti'iiii'tit : " 1 had been Imillv iilTccted nitli ratnrrb for nbont I on years. Tor two years past mrnsu bud bppnrspi'clally ( ilstresslnu nml I Miffurcil ( ontlnunlly In many ways. "I watt iilmixt constnmly ImwMn ; and spit. * tint ? thick mucus that WIIB always In my thrnat nnd bronchial Jnlies. This wnsi iy annoying ti ) tny-olf ni well us to my fispiuls My nose was stopped up nnd wa * ncxcr free mid clear ns a healthy no < e should be. "Ili'tldcs tliK mv thtoit ua\o tno peat timibV , ln > lis always sere nml mv xnlco sn o thnt often 1 could ocairolv talk -jt i.ll. my frloiuls ilioiiRlit I must have . iiincthliic > - In my throat , o rou h and lnnKy w.ia my ' Milec. Constant rln lnj noises In my o itsatid dl//lnc s added to mv dl comforts "I'orlinps tin * syinlitoni that rnu o1 tin * mo t p-iln was my lieadaelio wlileh was almost con stant and turnip inoory mKeribli- Prom thli "Imiu I \Misi.--\llv sick am ) tinlltti'd for my dally duties. I con d nut OfoptilKhl and U.T < d i.oroils and \Mil < i < ful that I iot nti tnornltiKi us tiled as linn tellrlPK thetilulit intfoie. "I nm Miry shul that I can truly viy my our- ferlni ; Is nvi r an 1 I nm pntltolv tollcMMl > ij tlilsCnmp ofrryoin complaints Mv tuxiSy nnd throat me clear anil uhc me no t rouble. > . 'I'linsnroiicss and lirllntlnn am otiii nlsotlui N rhip'lirj ant ) dlr lnoss. My Milco Is Ktion and Mv lio.ul.iclie li.n nNn nitiirlv illsappearrd fllihli is a rrlli'f too great to i\- prosIn words .M ) npprtlto bus Ineronsi'il and I nm stronu'- or and bi'tti-r In e\i ry wiy. I sleep well exoiy iilu'lit and ilsu rested and refreshed "I titKu ptoamiro In connniinillnK Drs rope- land 'ind Mirp'irl as sMIIful anil successful pliys'clans Tlii'lr inolhods of t rcalincnt are mlhl anil ideas nit , and nt tin ) samotlmoaro , us In my case \eiy olliclt'iit. ' M1W. .1. II. I'AUIf. " 405 Charles SI reel. A KANSAS WOMAN SPEAKS C'lironlo Mnlnrlu nml Cnliii'rli of tln < I.I\ jr- . A Notiililo ( 'use mill Ciitr , - . . Among the many oa us nf vhronio i1l-ei ; a treated by li ) . Copitlnnil and hopinl slnea llinli location In Oniulia niintiis untie Inlt.'iiM- Inp tliuii Hint nf Mis. Mury Muloy , nf 71 > I'ur- ullol strrnt , Ati'hlson , Kansas This lady Is an old n.sldont of Alohl-on ami MI.ft.nitv Mtt.ov. Is hold In lilsli e-ilroni by ti luu clrulo of fi lull Is In liei'lioniu city. MrMnlov suusli'- rcllof In Uiiiilii : : from liei s id con lltlnn , nno fuiind it nnd look It homo ulth Inn to Kitus.H. llor Mury Is best told by bur-elf "When Drs Copi'luml nnd Sliup.ird fli tsin mr I was . .ooal. . I could ic.ncoli wall. . 1 uni l-'io.itly oniaclatud fioin lack of , food nnd stilTcrlng , In f.u't ' so thin Unit I wis : but ; \ . sli'ulow of mv formci hof. ! I could cut notli- lnur. The least bll or food tiutuu onld make mi vomit nml I bnd constant uiuiso.i am1 pain In my stomach I wumlnr how I liM'd foi moiitlis wltlniut n.illiiK sraiculv nnv tiling. I cou il not t'cep. My bead ached ncailyall thu tlmi > . I was nlmo > t fhol.itU with hawking anil spitting. I could not Hit down hpc.iuso of I IIIchnUini ; foellns and spent my nlnhts piojipi.1' ! up In bed , My hands anil feet were always cold and I i-uiild net waini tlu-iii. Iliad ( .loupCim ihllls nnd llnsliosor heat thai would uomu nnd Kn ; also spells of fuvor ill it cioatlv ilUtrossed inn and nmdo mo wc-iU. I bad emit pain mid horonoss In my sldu Oiertliu llxtr nml < niloon rthloli were t'lilaived and MTV londor. My skin was yolmn Mini ibis J lumlfco was pl.ilnly seen not only In my skin but n mv oyos. vti\- \ oilnK thum a KfLMMi sh vi'llou' . My 'on''iii ) waihci\lly : toiteil all tlio tlmo. which took uwny my tusto fet food. Constipation was alt ways present unit fiuiitiunt attiicks of falnt- IIL'SS. In this sul state I aslicil Drs. Cnpcland ami Sliciml ) If they could do anything for mo. They nssiiiiHl mo Unit , whllo my KMQ WK % gra\u , I nnnlil bo ioilly binolltteil and piob- ably entirely onied'by n piopci oonrbo of troatmonl I took tbo trcatmont , altlioiiKli at first I did not c\iL | el tellcf. at. 1 hail that mv CMSO was beyond Ibo rcMiohof medical aid. I had boon nealeil bvothor physicians nml became worse all tno time. No ono can lull how agreeably KIIIi/rUcd I have been for toilny 1 nm well and htioni ; : I "it and sleep well ; my color Is lostoii'd , and In the past two months I hatuKalncd forty pounds. Drs. Copolnnil and frbepaul IIIIMI my l.oart- felt thanks for tbo boned ! Ihev h.ivo done me. Mils MAKV MAI.UV. . TlSI'.nal.e ' : Ktiuct , Aluhlsou , Kan. is. fopolaml&Shcpar.laro UKIIMAN'IAT- I.V ljK'ATii : ) 111 Cimibii. PCIfMANHNf Y. ] II' > I'OSSIHIMTV AM ) SlvllJ < form Ihu Uubis of u\ery oliilm they maku. Copetal Medical insui BOOMS 311 AND 312 , Ne\y York Life > Cor. 17lh nml Fitnniui Sis. , Oiiulu , Nc ! > . \V. II. Ooi' M. 1) . C1. S. SIIKI'AIU ) , M. IX T. B. .M.\N-rnu : > , M. 1) . Consulting I'hyslulans Spcnlaltei : Oilirr'i ait I all < llsu mi of t'n ' I'yi1. Kir. Thro it an I l.iur-'s , Nnrvuiis IIU- iMiseH , hliliillsoBs ) < H , Ulironlo Dlso ism. Olll'i llouis 0 toll a. m. , - to S p. in. , 7 toO p in , bundiiy HI n , m to l p in. tronbliM ml kln'lri" ! illsois' ' ! treated Hiiccotifnlly liv mill. Smiil 4u in Ftuinpi for nnestlon clrjiilarn. Adilrcn ail lottiirb lo Copiiland Mu lluil Institute , .Nj * i'uik Ufu Iliilldlnir. Oinah.i. Null. / $5 A MONTH. CATAlMtll AND KINDUKI ) DISKASHS TUIIA i ID : AT TIM : u sirou MHATLOI' * A MONTH UNTIL AI'ltlL lUTIl-.MKDI- SPECIAL COUNCIL BLUFFS. "l/H/il / hAliI-- ! a baifaln , l"-acro fiull ami X1 varduu tarm ' inljolnliu city llmllb ; dwulllnx. 1- ll.b'hua f o. 171AHMH , girJon l.inJ * , home * , Ion I mil -L1 biulncas Ilo3k < for B ilo urinal. Day .n Huas. 10 I'usrl ulruut , Ujun Jll Illulfj. _ _ " o7t"ltiNT-Ov7rrln7 : < fwillln7s of every do- * Hcrlptlon ut prices viiryliu from < l to ll [ > iior month , IOIMUU In all parts of thu oily ! < II. fahujfc. MJ llroadwuy. _ _ _ ' ) peruere fur coed farms In Iowa , I'lnc , $ smooth corn land , 1'or piirtluulais call oil or iiildruss Jubintun X Van 1'iutuii , lonncil lllirl's. _ _ l l'HNlsiUJlT"HO'iMS ( Toil IIKM' Nirtily -L fill nibbed rooms foi gentlouiun. JVOOaU- land avcnno. _ 0MUAN ( i 7ldltloiT tToTiT feT unit. MM.UII . looniboavhi baths but mid ooW Hiitur Day li Hess , agents. _ _ TTHilfbA I.n-Cofiimblu BufoTy"u"lfyi.'li , ; -L1 nation ) , cost * l. i will soil for _ AltllKN frirm , II JUTOB Inclty llmlUjimii of four loonm. food uUiurni 7 acn'k uml cultivation , MIIIIO hmull flint ! price J..JW. Ioiiiou.V'lowlo. yn I'unrl bl. _ ' ' l.urtc , Mink NuwfounclbiliU tli > i JOJj'l' | iul ( Hi IjriKist ; imiiiu "Don. " Ku- ward foi iciurn lo U,0 Third uvcnui' , Coi iivl- IIIIIIU.