Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1892, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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Witnesses Declare the Oaptain Wns Crazy
When He Shot Van Fleet.
Yortim Trll * the- Story of llrr I'orsc-
cutlon HIM ! f Her Tntlirr'n Agony
Ulifii Mm Itrirnli-d thu
to Him.
lUvri\n , Neb. , March 10.-Spsclal | i'cle-
rram toTiir BnE.l The oUornoys for Iho
defense In the Yocum murder trial nro
relying upon n pica of emotional insanlly to
clear their client. They made the opening
moves In this direction this morning. The
Jlrsl witness called bv the defense was cx-
Dislilct Judge Morris of Crelo. Ho saw
Captain Yocum nt the Capital hotel In Lin
coln on the night of February 3 last. The
captain was apparently suffering great men
tal anguish nnd WAS acting very Btrangcly.
Ho kept pulling from his poclojt a copy of tin
sensational paper In which the article de
nunciatory of Miss YocutnV character ap
peared , und asking the witness what a man
who had served his country and
won professed to bo a gontlo-
innn should do with the author of
that article. Unquestionably , Judge Mnrrl-v
said , Yocum was us mad as u March l.aro
that tncht and was Incapable of distinguish
ing between right and wiong.
C.hlof of Police Wnn/or of Hastings saw
Yocum lu the county Jail the night of the
vhoollng. Ho was tiding wildly and very
uxcltcdly at the time.
Captain Yocum's wife then took the stand.
She hud been married to Captain Yocum fcr
twentj-six years. They had one child , Miss
Allco , who wa 25 years of age. For two
years past Captain Yocum bus been away ,
( stationed nt various points on covcrnmon
Hcrvlco. About January : > 0 last bo re
turned homo. The first time ho went
down town ho learned nf the article
published in the Lincoln sensational
paper. On his ratuin to his homo ho seemed
lronlcd. He was restless , nervous , had no
nppotlto nnd was apparently not responsible
Tor his uctlons. Tlio next day ho wont down
to Lincoln , returning Friday. Ills Lincoln
visit served only to augment Mb frcnzv. The
evening before the tragedy his daughter had
a conversation with him. That night ho did
not slqep at all , but tossed about nnd walked
the lloor. The next morning ho ate no break-
fust. About t o'clock bo went down town.
At the time ho left it was Mrs. Yocum's ilrrn
bah'bo was crarv and incapable of dls-
ti guishlng right from wrong with regard
to M. ron Van Fleet. She tent Jeff Tcemer
nf cr him to watch turn and bring him homo
to Ins suppar.
II. M. Sinclair of Kearney saw Yocum at
the Capital hotel on the night of February : i.
In his opinion ho was Incapable of distin-
KUishing between right and wrong und was
very much deranged.
Miss Allco Yocum gave the sensational
testimony of the morning. In a voice choked
with sobs she told the story of Van Fleet's
insults and repeated persecutions and
threats. About a week and a half after Iho
last conversation , tbo sensational article ap
peared. She gave the particulars of her con
versation with her fattier the night before
the tragedy nnd told of her father's conduct
during her recital. Ho kept running his
lingers through his hair nnd walking up and
down the lloor , topoalodlv exclaiming , "O ,
my God. " Ho paid no attention to her ca
resses after she finished , but appeared to bo
in an unnatural condition. The next da)1 ho
shot Vim Fleet. Pending cross-examination
the noon recess was tai < on.
In the afternoon the crojs examination of
Miss Yccum began. The proscculiou cot
from her the statement that she noticed
nothing peculiar about her father before this
conversation beyond the fact that he uus
physically unwoll.
William Dilworth , secretary of the State
Board of Transportation , tostillcd that ho
saw Yocum at tbo Cnpintl hotel at Lincoln
February K ) , nnd that at the time ho ap
peared to bo out of his mind. This com
pleted the testimony for the defense.
In rebuttal the state called a number of
witnesses to provo Yocum's sanity at the time
of the shooting , both prior and afterwards.
The validity of Ihelr testimony was much
Impaired on cross-examination though many
had simply not noticed nnylhlng pe
culiar about his appearance. Many did not
know him Intlmatoly and many saw him but
for a moment. Altogether the defense seems
to have hold Its own on rebuttal. . The fur
ther consideration of thu case was postponed
until 0 a. m. Monday.
Dii : or j\robimi : : .
JVculliir Miinm-r InVlilrh Itoelof Kimlnc
Preferred to Uli ? .
Nni.inii , Neb. , March ID. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.i : . ] This morning the em
ployes ut the Western Union Beef company's
ranch near hero discovered on the approach
to tlio elevator the naked body of a man with
bis clothes strewn around. Coroner E. W.
Mlntou of Oakdalo was summoned nnd a Jury
called. Loiters weio found in the pockets of
the corpse uddrossod to Itoelof Enslng nt
Ewing , Nob. , also other papers , among which
was a note given at Sioux Center , la. , by W.
B. Vaulierkhoff to Hoolof Engine for ? 100 ,
Oated December 1 ! ) , ib'Ji , a gold
watch and chain , a ra/or und material for
shaving , u spool of blucic thread , nud two
largo photos of himself and another man
billing at n Inblo with a class each of foam
ing bcor lu their hand and n botllo In Iho
ccnler. The photo of one of the men is
recojnod { ! as that of the deceased. Ho also
had a lot of family cards In ono of his
pockets. The deceased was evidently about
: tli to10 yoirs old. Ho had taken off big
clothinc even lo his shirt and scattered tnoin
around promiscuously , then sat down on the
approach of the elevator with his logs bangIng -
Ing over the side , and fell back In the drive
way , whcto ho was found frozen stiff. Tole-
I'rams were sent to Ewlug , und the postmas-
or says a man got mall at that otllco for the
tpast two weeks under that name. Telegrams
\\ero also sent to blonx Center , but there
was no ansxvor. The remains will bo buried
by the coroner tomorrow If nothing Is heard
from Sioux Center. The verdict was in
accordance with the above facts.
. \slilninl unit Wiihoo Contest * . , Nob. , March 10. [ Special to
Tin : BEK. ] Last night the second contest
between the High school literary societies of
Wnhoo and Ashland was bold nt Simington's
opera house In this city. The Wohoo delega
tion , consisting of neailv itGO , comprising
ninny of ils prominent citizens , arrived by a
( special train. They were met and escorted
to the opera house , whinh was soon packed
to its utmost capacity. Fully TOO people
listened to the exorcises , which consisted of
DUO essay , ono oration , one declamation by
each society and a joint dobato.
The Judges of the contest were President
Clements of the Fremont normal , Superin
tendent Boar of Lancaster county and Mrs.
Kdwardu , principal of the Klllutt school of
Wahoo won the oration by two and one-
half points out of a possible ! IOO , and tbo
declamation by twoivo points out of n possi
ble 00. Ashland won the osiay by throe
points and the debate by eighteen points out
of a possible IKK ) . The Wahoo society de
parted fiom tlio rules of the contest by bring
ing lu professional trained talent in Iho per-
ton of Miss Auabolla Lee with a declama-
for Wntur
Nob. , March 19. [ Special
Telegram Jo TIIK BEK.-A ) number of the
loading business men of Culbcrtson yester
day made a new appropriation of the water
llowlna lu the Frenchman river at Pallsado.
'Ibis water was appropriated nearly two
\ cars ago by the projectors of the big Cul-
borlson ditch , Tbo ditch wav partially com-
plctod to this place at considerable cost. Thn
present owuori of the ditch having failed
I or several mouths past to prosecute the
work ai contemplated by the law , tba now
appropriation was accordingly made. There
will doubtless bo lots of litigation between
the now and old claimants to the water.
which may last a number of years.
Oniiilm "Men Arrcnteil.
LOUISVILLE , Neb. , March -Special [
Telegram toTiiK UKK.J Throe young follows
giving their names as John Hugbos , Oioorpo
Hamilton and James Ryaa of Omaha were
rreated for stealing pair of sboci from
Andarson's { ioo store yesterday. The cause-
walch loJ to tbclr arrest was their disposing
of now clothe * at n vcrv low price and when
BrrcMrd nnd searched a now pair of un
finished shoes were found In their posiowlon
which Mr. Aniler on Idcntlllcd. They were
arraign en before Judge Cllno , but asked fern
n cotillnunnco until tills inornlnp to KCI
money nnd an attorney from Omaha , which
was priinted , They wcro confined ID the
town calnbonscand n puard hired to wntch
them , but durlnp the night tools were
furnished them nnJ they cut n ho'.o through
tbo roof of the jail and escaped.
Contention * nf Varlntu Nrlir.nk.i ( 'ltloi
I'laro l.oi'.il 'llrkctn In Ilio I Irlil.
nr.iTiiit'i : , Nob. , March 11) ) . fSpoclalTelo-
ijrnm to liir. llr.K. \ - The Independents or
people's party held < \ city convention this
nfternoon lit the old opera homo nnd nornl
natcd fi. 11. KogK for mayor nnd endorsed A.
W. llradt for treasurer. No Dominations
were for cleric or mcmbors of the of KdilL'allon.
11 1. u it , Nob.Mnrcli 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tun linn. ] The Washington county re
publican central committee mot hero todiy
and mnilo a call for the republican primaries
to bo hold Friday , April 15 , to elect tlelojralcs
to attend the county convention to bo held
Saturday , April 10. in the court house In
Blair for tlio purpose of selecting delegates
lo attend the state nnd concessional conven
Uoi.rum-a , Nub , March 10 [ Spsclal to
Tin : llm : J Lastnlpht both the republicans
and democrats huld tholr ronvcntlous In this
city for the purpose of nominating municipal
olllccr-t. I ho lopubllcati convention was
mucli inoro Iniqul.r allenusd than the demo-
crntlo nnd they enter the lliht ; with consider-
ahln enthusiasm , The republicans named J.
It. Pollock as their candidate for mayor ; IX
N. MIMLT , clorlc , A. Hulght , treasurer ; II. .1 ,
Hudson , jioli co juilce ; A. U. Arnold , city
engineer ; W. A. McAllister and M.Vhit -
mo.xer , board of education. For coancllmon ,
Klrst ward , II T Spocrry ; Second , John
Hoffman' ; Third , Ous U. llecher.
The democrats nominated David Sohup-
liacli , mayor ; . ! . 11. Delsman , tronsuror ; C5us
Kmbsum , clerk ; William O'Urion , pollcu
JudKo ; U. H ilenvy and .1. N. Tnylor. mem
bers of the school board. No nomination was
made for city inclnecr.
Yesterday aftuinoou tlio domocraticcounty committee mot nnd decided not to
call a county convention of 1'lutto county
democrats this snrlnp. Thu committee
selected the following doleealos to the stnto
convention . .1 K North , Thomas GUIs , U.
Schuubach. O. S. Moian , 1. Uluclt , J. W.
Lynch. 13. A. Hrodball. 1) . P. Davis , John
P.iinors , U. J. Cnirlgund J. F. Helford. It
was nl&o decided to hold u county conven
tion this fall at Humphrey.
LutisMi.i.G. Nob. . March 19. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK HUE. | The citizens met in
convention tonight , irrospocllvii of parly ,
nnd nominated the following for village
trustees : F. Folor , E. C. LivlssV. . B.
Sliryock , James Kobortcm and L. U. Living
ston.WAIIOO , Nob. , March 19.- [ Special to THE
Hni : . ) The independents mot Thursday
Highland nominate. ! the following ticket :
Mayor , ! ? . F. Schram ; clorlr , W. T. Mauclc ;
trensuror , C. A. , loQnson ; police judge , 1C. J.
I'erhey ; councilinon , First ward , Hospodsky ;
Second , Albert Perry : Third , J. A. Ander
son ; tor members of the school board ,
( jeorgo I. Wright and 13. (5. Uurklund.
I'AIMI.I.KCC , Nob. , March 111. [ Special to
Tin : BEII.ITlio democratio primaries held
today to nominate city ollicers resulted in n
compromise tlcltot , which will bo endorsed
by the republicans. 10. B. Hoyt , Sam LOBS
and Kd ar Howard , democrats , and I. G.
bell : und Charles Hover , icpublicans , wcro
nominated. The license. question will not
enter into the election.
NII.KII : , Nob. , March 19. | SneeIal Tele
gram toTmHur. ] At a citizens' convention
this ovoninc Cant.un T. W. Dennis was nom
inated for mayor ; 1C. T. Host , clerk ; II. L.
MeGitiltio , treasurer ; N. Carr , police Judpo ;
( ' . F. Uayha. oujjinccr ; councilmen , First
ward , .lolin Mayburn ; Scc-ond , A. G. Winn ,
nnd Third , GeorKe Haverland.
Pi.uTsMomi , Neb. , March 1 ! ' . [ Special
Telegram to TIIK BKI : . ] The republicans
hold their city convention tonight. D. B.
Smith was chairman nnd J. L. Root was
olocU'd secretory , i'ho convention through
out was most harmonious. The following is
the ticket : Mayor , 11. N. Dovoy ; treasurer ,
T. H. Pollock : clerk , M. N. Grinith ; uolico
judge , W. B. Short ; members of the school
board , J. I. Unruh , W. N. McLennan. The
ticket is exceptionally strong and will proven
n winner.
YOIIK , NOD. , March 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bie. ] The republican city conven
tion was hold tonight and llio following par-
tics placed In nomination : Mayor , W. L.
Morgan ; clerk , M. M. Wildman ; treasurer ,
( icorgo Coolc ; police judge , M. C. Frank ;
city engineer , A. B. Codding ; councilman ,
First ward. A. Hlssoll ; Second , George H.
Heed ; Third , Dr. H. Header ; Fourth , D.
F.u.i.s CITY , Nob. , March 10. ( Special to
Tin : IJnn.J The republicans of this city
placed the following ticket In the Held last
night : Mayor , 11. C. Smith ; city clerk , P.
M. Hnlsoy ; treasurer , 13. E. Metis ; city en
gineer , J. M. Wilson : pullco judge , J. D.
Oilman ; councilmen , L. P. Worth , \V. \ H.
Schock ; members of the school board , A. K.
Gauttiind M. A. Frank.
The democrats nominated the following
ticket : Mayor , August Ncltrol ; city clerk ,
T. L. Hilmmeliolch ; treasurer , 1. J. Gist ;
councilmen , B. F. Morgan , 13d Falloon ;
member of the school board , P. H. Jusseu ;
police judge , .1. L. Clewer.
'ilio republicans of this city nro making cx-
lonsivo proparntlons for the reception nnd
entertainment of the congressional conven
tion of this district which meets on the CUth
of April. Several hundred dollars have
already been subscribed. The Pawnee City
band of twenty pieces has boon secured anil
no pains nor expense will bo spared to show
that the republicans of Richardson county
arc still -in It , "
WFST POINT , Nob. , March 19. [ Special to
Tin : Dei : . ] A mass meeting of local tax
payers convened in the city hall Friday even
ing and placed in nomination the following
city ticket : For mayor , Chris Hupp ; clerk ,
II. U Duninger ; treasurer , P. F. O'Sullt-
van ; surveyor , G. A. Heller. Tbo nomina
tions were characterised by tlio greatest har
mony. The new ticket is supposed to bo one
of loforra.
UCATIIH K. Nob. , March 19. [ Special Tele
gram to 'Inn HIM : . | The democratic city
convention root at the city hall tonight nnd
placed the following ticket in nomination ;
Mayor , 13. R. Vow treasurer , It. M. Mu-
liana ; city clerk , Oliver P. Fulton ; members
of the board of education , \V. G. WasQburn
and A. Hardy. _
AVIII lfl ! | llo > tl County.
O'Nnn.i. , Nob. , March 19 , [ Special Tele
gram lo TIIK Bun. | The excitement attend
ing the tiling' of homostotiu entries on school
land , or what was supposed to ho school land ,
in Hoyd county has entirely quieted down.
Homo tor. or II f icon filings were entered
yesterday and today. Several cltl/ens of
Hoyd county have boon in O'Neill this week
and they express the opinion that it will be a
good thing for the county for the reason that
the majority of the persons who tiled have
moans and energy to properly develop the
country. O. V IConaston , ottornov of
Spencer , does not believe that tlio tiling *
Will hold good when they corao before the
commissioner of the general land olllco , but
the plain law as announced in the comuits.
sinner's ronoit for ISM appears to settle the
mutter ,
-Hllh n I'lltcrn.Vur.OI < l ( llrl.
NEUIUSKV Cm , Nob. , March 19. [ Special
Telegram to Tuc BKE.I Millie Snoudon ,
the 15-year-old Daughter of Isaac Snowden ,
living lu the Kearney addition , Friday
plopouu itli Waller Palmer of Plnttsmouth.
They aio now lu Missouri. No effort has
boon inado to capture thorn.
ArrcnU'd lor l.urcruy.
Bumticp , Nob. , March 19 , [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK HEE.J Dennis Olmstoad , a
11 1 gro , was arrested last Might for broaklug
Into Hrli-gi' vacant shoo store and taking
several articles therefrom. Ho pleaded
guilty to potty Urcony and as sent to the
county Jail for ten days.
I'lrout Slock , IIU- . : , Nob. , March 19. [ Special
Telegram to TUB HUH. ] The store building
of O. A. Mclvla wa burned bora last night.
It lias of late boon used for n bllilara hall
and was valued ut $1,000. U was insured.
Villon 1'urlllp Kuiplojo Injured.
nrvriiicE , Nob. , March 19. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tuc HEE. | Charles Doekhorn had a
hand oadly inMiglod while switching cars in
the Union Pdcltlo yards this mornlnt' . The
injured member wa * partly amputated.
List of the Cities to Hava Postoffioo Build
ings ,
lie Srrnrril Its IMsuiRn In tlieSrn.ito l > r
Jlunl U'nrk am ! Is Now Wutcli-
IIIR thu Hill lu the
\VisnixnTON' nunr.ilj or BBK ,
fil.1 FouiiTERVTii STIIKKT , >
WASIIINOTON- . U. , March 111. |
Senator Paddock , who Is working hard still
on the general poatoniso bill which passed
tlio senate thlivoak , nnd Is now In the
house , says that Nobr.uka will come In for a
good share of the aJvantagos If It become * n
"Bvcry Nebraska uostofllce , " says the sen
ator , "having cross annual receipts of from
MOCX ) to S3COO would have building of their
own under this hill , caitlui ; from StTi.DJJ to
$20,000 and all above fS.OJJ annual uross re
ceipts would h.wo thros tlmai the gross re
ceipts up to $ "i,030. This U not qultom
onerous as under the bill which I have
been working for years past , but the
amended bill incorporates tbo prlnclnto for
which I have boon struggling and most of
the details. "
Nebraska Tim us In Ho lli'iipfltrd.
Under the bi'l ' ns passed by the semite the
following io"'tis and cities lu Nebraska are
i.ow eligible for postoftlco buildings' Albion ,
Ashland , Alliance , Aurora , Ulalr , Drokcn
Bovv , Central City , Cbadron , Columbus ,
Crete , David City , Falrbury , Falls City ,
Fullerton , Geneva , Hastings , Hebron , llol-
drogo , Humboldt. l oxlngton , McCoolc , Mln-
don , Ncllgh , Norfolk , North Platte , Pawnee
City , Plattsmo'ith , Ked Cloud , St. Paul ,
Schuylor , Seward , South Um.iha , Superior ,
TecumspliVnhoo. . Wayne , WeopmirVator ,
West I'olnt nnd York. The following will
sooa become eligible' Auburn , North Horn ) ,
Toknmub , Wllbor , Wymoro , Sywcuso , Sid
ney , Stromshure , Sutton , Crr.wfofd , Crolgh-
ton , Fulrliuld , Fulrmount , Friend , Ilnrvnra
and Madison.
Senator Paddock bohovos that fully fifty
cities in Nebraska will be entitled to bulld-
logi under his bill eightoou mouths from this
Western Crop Proiports.
Nebraoka doss not appear among the
reports of tbo state ngonts in the monthly
crop bulletin issued at the Agricultural de
partment today , but Iowa and South Dakota
do UH follows :
Iowa The winter has been mild andowing
to the low price of corn the amount on hand
for consumption is considerably larger than
last year nud nearly ns largo as the year
before. Some com yet remains in the Hold
In shock , but in no casj more than suillclcnt
for feeding nuruosus. " The wheat crop of
18U1 was the "best raised fora number of
years. The season was unusually favorable
and winter wheat raising Is becoming more
eenorally practiced with coed results. The
amount consumed within the state li much
in excess oi that raised , but a portion of the
crop is always shipped out. The quality Is
very good.
South Dakota Nearly all the crop of corn
is consumed upon the farm where grown.
Tbo amount of wheat on hand , grown in 1 90
Is exceedingly small. Tlio usual practlco is to
sell all wnoat on hand after the sprlui ; seed
ing. A somewhat smaller amount of toed
wheat will bo used this spring as drills will
bo In use inoro extensively. About one-
third loss seed is required wlioro drilled than
bjr tbo old system of mowing broad-cast.
I cm a Intcinits Cmishlorccl.
The house committee on rmblic lands have
received and taken mulcr consideration the
Dollivor bill grouting to Iowa in trust for
drainage purposes , under such conditions as
the general assembly of the stale may pro
scribe , a certain pond known ns Hico lake.
siluatcd in sections 11 ! , ll and 124 , in town
ship ' . ' .I , ranco 2. ) , Wlnnobago county , and
in sections IT , IS , and 19 , in township 'J'J ,
range 22 , in Worth county.
The house committee- public buildings
and grounds will probably report favorably
the bill of UopreBentalivo Hamilton approp
riating WO.OOO to put another btory on Iho
public building at Cedar Kaplds , la.
Assistant Secretary Chandler has nfllrmod
tbo decision of tbo commissioner in tbo home
stead contest of William Die ntramst Leonard
W , Jones from Ulackfoot , Idaho , holding
Jones' entry for cancellalion.
ItratUcrtlseil for lilds.
Tbo supervising architect of the
treasury today issued tlio advertUe-
mcnts , etc. , calling for DOW bids to
furnish the iron work for the Omaha public
buildiug. It was found that by the wording
of the llrst advertisement the bidders wcro
really contlned to a certain Philadelphia
firm , whereas it is the intention to throw
down the bars to free competition and give
Omiiha and other iron contractors a chance.
Plio senate committee on public lands au
thorized Senator Paddock today to report
favorably his Otoo ana .Missouri land bill ,
with the recommendation that it bo referred
to the Indian committee for report ns to the
Indian rlghls involved. As Senator Dawos'
committee has been consulted on the mailer ,
Senator Paddock fs certain of a piompt and
u favorable report from lhat committee.
The house committee on territories will on
Wednesday report favorably the bill to glvo
limited statehood to Utah , The measure
turns over the territory to the Mormon ma
jority and Is bltteily opposed oy tiio liberals.
Tbo four republican members of tbo commit
tee will sign u mmorily report.
Congressman Mc'Kolghan reiterated this
afternoon that ho looked to the senate in conference
ferenceto increase the Hastings public
building appropriation , as ho could expect
little from the parsimony of the democratic
As Mr. Kom nays , there is no use in work
ing for Norfolk's bill and Congressman
Oryati is too busy with his tariff theories to
interest himself In such trifling matters of
purely local and not national importance ,
Norfolk's etianccs appear exceedingly slim
for even getting a report from the commit-
too. The same is true of the Plnttsmoutb
bill , lor which C. W. Sherman of Plaits-
mouth yesterday argued before a subcom
mittee having the measure in chargn.
Mrs. Senator Paddock , who is at Columbia ,
Mo. , whore she 1s being treated for a severe
attack of sciatica , is reported as much bettor ,
Henry T , Clarke and Mr. Dana S. Lander
of Omaha loft this , evening for Now York ,
Put O , Uawos loaves tonight for the west.
Iowa postmasters were appointed today as
follows : Hanlov , Madison county : S. S.
Nicasm , vice J , ( i. Martin , resigned ; Sawyer ,
Sao county , 05 , W , Van Ilyrainc , vice H. M.
Dewey , resigned , Wyoming Douclas. Con
verge county , J. Storrill , vice W. F. Hamil
ton , removed.
Lieutenant Roach of the Seventeenth In
fantry Colonel W. D. Kapport and Captain
John L. Clem , U. S. A , , called upon Tnu DEI :
bureau today.
Thu senate has passed the Paddock bill to
pay Frank HotherfJ25 for unpaid services as
n mall carrier.
Miss Uettlo Klrkwood of Iowa , a $1,000
clerk in the Treasury department , was to
day promoted to $ liOO.
Postmaster CmrUson addressed the senate
committee on postotllces anil post roads today
03 ho did the house commltleo yesterday ,
and loft for Omaha this evening.
In the homestead contest of Mrs.V. . Had-
Iny against Lemuel W. Hutchlns , from Aber
deen , S. ] ) . , Assistant Secretary Chandler
nfllrmod the decision of the commissioner
dismissing the coolest against Hutculns1
entry. He also continued the decision in the
homestead contcbt of U. K. Addy acainst
Allan Ashlngcr , from Aberdeen , S. D. , m
favor of contestant. P. S. II ,
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Marcli 10. fSpeclal
Tolopram toTHB UKU. ) The following list
of ix.'nsloni granted Is reported by TIIK OKK
and Examiner Bureau of Claims ;
.Nobrasua ; Oricinal Henry A. Stro-
bridge. Hiram A. Hyde , ( leorgo A , Kaylor ,
John T. Surany , Hlchard H. llratlon , Mor-
dlcal Smith. Additional George W.
Plants , John Harsby , David C , Suielzer ,
William Cillmoro , James U. Davis , James M.
Heath , Uoissuo Arthur W. McCarty , Henry
ilowerman. Original , widows , etc. Harrie't
Smith , Mary Wiley.
Iowa ; Original John S. Vosburc. Henry
C. Dresser , Henry Uurgass , Jacoo V , Laugb ,
DoForCbt Jixuo , Houben Lamb , Andrew J.
Van Scoylf , George M. Curkct , Additional-
K. Crouch. Edward MaglnnU , Wil
liam H. Sand ford , .TamcV .Burden , William
Bnolov. Increase Solomon L. Fuller , John
A. Urlftlth , Wilson CooiW , Kolssuo-Adam
Savlcs. Original wlJoU.s , etc. Mali I an
Fowler , F.liiabetlt Hodgitf , F.lvlra K. Uolt ,
Frances Shaw , Sarah 4Vllllams , Jacob
Harris , folbor ; Jane Elliott , mother.
South Dakota : Original Lorenzo D. R
Poore. Frank H. Campbell , N. H. Ooshn ,
Nero Alakscn. Additional Jaoez W , Spaul-
dine. Increase Henry Jt Fisher , Tlionus J.
Ellis. Original wUovty , otc.-Heboeca U.
Schaffnor. ,
Ninvs rou Tin * , .vitnv ,
Complete 1.1st of Oli-itiRCi In tlio l
Srrvlrf ,
WASIIINOTOV , D. C. , iarch 10.
Toloeram to Tun Br.n.l Tbo following as
signments to reelmonts of oftlccrs recently
proraolcd and transfers of oftlccts nro or
dered :
First Lieutenant Joseph S. Ojstor , First
artillery , Is detailed as rtrofossor of military
science and tactics nt the Leland Stanford
Junior university of Callfoinla nnd will re
port In person for duty accordingly. Leave
of absence tor ten days , to tnKo effect In
Apt II next when his services can bj spared ,
Is granted Second Lieutenant Elmer W.
Hubbnrd , Ft rat artillery. First Lioutunuut
Hlclmrd T. Ycatman , Fourteenth infantry ,
will report In parson to Colonel William i' .
Ctirlln , Fourth Infantry , president of the
examining board at the War department ,
Washington , D. C. , nt such time ns ho may
doslcnalo for examination by the board as to
his Illness for promotion.
A Kitnsiis M ui' < Ktiicrlcnso with C. > n 'n
nnd Cold * .
d Colds and coughs have boon so prevalent
uurlng the past few months that the exporl-
nco of Albert Favorilo of Arkansas City ,
Ivan. , cannot fall to Intorcst sumo of our
reader : ) . Hero it Is In his own words : " 1
contracted n cold oaily last spring that set
tled on my lungs anil hod hardly recovered
from It wncn I caught another that hung on
nil summer and left mo with a hacking cough
which I thought I never would irot rid of. 1
had used Chamberlain's couch remedy some
fourteen years ago with much suci-ois and
concluded to try It again. Wuoti 1 hud got
through witli otto botllo mv cough had left
1110 nnd 1 have not suffered with n rough or
cold since. I have recommended it to others
and all speak well of it. " ft ! ) cent bottles for
sale by druggists.
fiUllfll O.I/.I//.I.
Itnthor Warm Time lit n Contention.
Treasurer THOMAS llnri'UU
Clerk lOsU'll IHJI'TV
I'olIcoJudgo 1' . J. K1M1
Ciiunellineii : it large :
rirstWiud lOPHIMl KCIT.TX.
Si'i-ond Ward UHNUY l.UIXHINr.U
1'hlnl Ward I.I ) DOM.NUMiY
Fourth Waul IOIIN J. KVAN
Member ? of the Itoaid nf Kducatlun , .lulin J ,
Sexton and 1'rank Wnllwubar foi three yoais ,
and Henry Muhels for the one ye.u term.
The domocratiu city convention succiedod
in nominating a tlcltot in Blum's hall yester
day afternoon after live hours of Iho most
bitter factional llgbt ever witnessed in South
Omaha. The proceedings throughout wcro
characterized by scenes of wild disorder ,
such ns have no precedent in the Magic
Cily. Parliamentary usages were dispensed
with and profanity was a conspicuous ele
ment in the debate. Almost tbo entire police
force of tno clly was on duty in the hall and
tholr continued efforts were required to pre
vent heated partisans from resorting lo
blows to peltlo their differences.
The , lohn on faction with twelve votes had
a working majority 111 the convention and
succeeded in placing almost their entire
ticket in nomination , The Towle people ,
though inferior in numbers , made i stubborn
light and disputed every inch of the ground.
The convention was called to order by
William Ileuly , who neld the proxy of
Thomas Healy , chairman of thn nily cenlral
committee. The lines between the opposing
elements were drawn on the election of a
chairman. Bruno Strathman was the nomi
nee of Iho Johnson wing and A. A. Donnelly
was supported by the opposition. Strath
man was elected on a , strictly factional vote ,
mid after Iho spirit that pervaded the con
vention had uianifojtoj iuell In a wordy
wrangle of half an hour in which Iho most
scalblng personalities were exchanged.
The liirht broke out afresh when Strath
man took tne chair , and Henrv Loechnor in-
hiled that Eli H. Doud , who hold the proxy
of John J. Sexton , bo ousted from tbo circle
of aolcgates. This miostion called out
the most acrid dooatu nf thu session. The
partisans in the audience added their voices
to the general confusion nnd for a time it
scorned that a riot could not bo averted.
Councilman Pat Rowley took off his coat and
sta-lcd on a lighting oxp3dltion , but was held
by half u do/.en men. A dozen excited dele
gates crowded around the chairman nr.a
sbook their fists in his face. "You vas a liar ,
you vas one lam duffer ! " vociferalcd Henry
Lo'-chner , nnd Iheso opilhols wcro not the
strongest that were used by delegates. The
audience was composed of men who were
trying to fight and some other men who wore
trying to hold them back. The chairman
called on the chief of police for aid , but it
was fully fifteen minutes before the ener
getic work of the oflicors , seconded by the
paclllc efforts of Father Monarity , could re
store a semblance of order.
A. A. Donnelly was elected secretary ard
a committee on credentials appointed ,
after wnich the temporary organiiauon was
made permanent and the credentials of deles
gates approved. During these proceeding-
tbo controversy over Mr. Doud's right to
vote broke out afresh. Mr. Donnelly rn-
signea his position r > s secretaiy und with
the Towlo delegation bolted the convention.
They were persuaded to return , when Mr.
Sexton , who was serving as n { juryman in
Omaha , was sent for at.d took his place. Mr.
Doud retiring. The differences were not
settled , however , and the subsequent pro
ceedings were attended by fully us much
When the convention was ready for busi
ness J , D. Thomas nominated Edward John
son for Mayor , and Henry Loochner offered
the name of E. B. Towle. Johnson received
twoivo votes out of twenty cast , nud was de
clared the nominee. Then Iho Towlo dele
gation claimed that thn tlrat ballot was only
an informal one , and demanded another bal
lot. Tnld was refused by the chairman , and
another disturbance was precipitated. The
chairman got tired of his position und wanted
lo resign. Delegates wunlcd to adjourn
without further action , but differences were
temporarily adjusted , and after u long and
stormy session the ticket was completed.
A city central committee was appointed as
follows : William Healy , chairman ; Khoda
Hedmond. First ward ; A , A. Donnelly , Second
end ward ; Larry Connors , Third wuid , and
Ous McDonougb , Fourth ward ,
Nntfs anil PfnuiimN.
W. H. Van Aylstina of Columbus Is In | the
Mrs , W. L. Holland is convalescent after a
serious illness , ;
Henry Cook of Underwood , la. , was in
town yesterday , m
Born , a daughter to Mr , und Mrs. Frank
llonnin , Twenty-fifth und J streets.
Hov. C. N. Damson of the First Mo'hodist
church has returned from Pitlsburg.
The South Omaha Democratic club will
moot at Judge Le i'b olllee Monday night.
John C. Davis , who has boon the guest of
Dr. Berry , has returned to his homo at Croo-
ton , la. <
Ofllcer Patrick if. ] SlcMalion of the polios
force has iccelved intelligence of Iho death
of his mother in LImericK , Ireland.
The union printers of Soulh Omaha held a
meeting Friday night nt which ibe-y ondorboj
Iho candidacy of E. O. .flaylleld tor police
Judge. T
C , NuUon was arrested last nichton acorn
plaint charging him with Mealing a saddle ,
bridle and harness from ( Jcorgo Jones at the
sloe * yards.
Ira Williams died at the residence of bis
son , F. P. Williams , Thirtieth und U streets ,
yesterday morning , aged 7 $ years. The
funeral arrangements are not decided on.
The Epworth league of the Methodist
church will give an entertainment and socia
ble at the church Friday evening , 'Iho re
freshments will consist of chocolate and
An ITniiccuiKiiry I'ritriiiitlon.
Joan Scbons has asked the county com
missioners to relieve him from his position
as bondsman for Gustavo Scseman , ono of
tbo saloonkeepers in the two-mile strip.
-Mr , Sesornan says thatSchons never quail-
tied ns his bondsman and tuat his petition to
the commissioners only spoiled a certain
amount of good , nhito paper.
lieWiU'a Sarjaparilm is reliable.
Examination of Commissioner Raum by the
House Committee
llrnsoiu for thr Itrmoxul from HIP Spr lrr
ot Tillot , inilr : and Itowurd Some
Scnsiitloiml Trstlninii ) ( Ihrn In
Washington Nc Not .
WASIIISOTOV , D. C. . March It' ' . The exam
ination of Ponslon Commissioner Haum was
resumed by the house committee todav.
Una in declared Hint ho had strictly observed
the civil servlco liw ; admitted that ho had
defended his son's course while employed In
the pension bureau In the talk with tbc pres
ident , declaring the charge that his son had
tried to defraud the government was a great
outrage. The witness never had talked with
the attorney general or any ono tlso with a
view to tbo prevention of u cilminal prosecu
tion of his son.
Mr. Enloc next put In evidence uilldavlts
made by Messrs Howard and Enplc , clciks
in the pension ofllce , a tut whoso dismissal the
commissioner had recommended , making
charges that lloraco O. Stover had pUd
Theodore Smith $ .10 to bo transferred to tbo
Hold ; Hint they had seen Stover ( , lvo Smith
thn money. It was charged that ( Jreen B.
Haum , Jr. , got this money and had solicited
money ol Englo.
Mr. Payson said this related to n matter
long after yonm ; U um was out of olllee , but
that ho would not object to the nflldavlts If
it were expected to connect the commission-
cr's recommendation for the dismissal of
Howard and Uncle with It
llo iitil und IMC'H : | IllsmUsiil.
The commissioner , In explanation of his
recommendation of dismissal , read a letter
dated September 2S , IS'JI ' , recommending tlio
dismissal of Special Examiner Taylor be
cause ho was an unsuitable person to dis
charge duties in connection with pension
claims , and also , because ho associated with
George B. Flemmlnp , who Ind endeavored
to break down Iho pension ofllce. Mr. Haum
nlso road Iho letters recommending the dis
missal of , I. 1C. En le and Edxvurd Howard ,
because the.\ had conspired with each olhor
to destroy the social standing of Special
Examiner Slovor by charging lhat ho had
paid lo secure his transfer to the Held , and
had tried lo Injure Iho etmractor of the com
missioner of pensions by charging lhat ho
hud been improperly Influenced in the miller
of Stover's assignment. The commUbloncr
said ho had thorough ! ) Investigated the mat
ter and had come to the conclusion Ibat How
ard and Englo hud made false charges.
He then read another letter In rofotcnco to
Theodore Taylor , charting llml Taylor was
prejudiced and overheating In his treatment
of pension claimants ; lhat ho mot applicants
ns If they were frauds , and thai ho acted asa
a spy on" the commissioner.
In connection witn tno recommendation
that Englo nnd Howard bo dismissed , the
commissioner submitted n second letter to
Secretary Noble. This loiter began with
HID statement and atlidavlt of Mr. Ford ,
chief of the record division , charging that
Englo. while temporarily I'hlef of the dlvi-
"Ion , had ruined a gill in the division and
had publicly bonstoil of her seduction. Con
tlnuing , the lalter said that in vioUtion of
law Englo carried a pistol nnd gave n conver
sation batueen n fri"iid named Ton Key and
Englo in which Iho latter said they intended
to down Haum and placed Toaltoy's h mil on
his pistol. The loiter then charged that
Englons n false swearer , a "rorati-r , " a
"conspirator against the chlol of Iho bureau ,
a seducer , and one who can led a weapon
with Iho suggosled inlcntion of assassina
tion. "
Nt'crsmiry lor Dkrlplliu' .
Howard Iho loiter clrirgod with being a
conspirator and nlso that hu had made un im
proper sucgcstion a i to pension claims In
consideration of being assigned lo tbo Held.
The letter demanded the dismissal of How
ard , Englo nun Taylor : ; s necessary for Iho
proper discipline of the oftice. They were
charged with atlomuting by attacks "on the
pension bureau to bung the pension system
into dUgraze , and the letter also alleged that
Geonro 13. Flamming , a discharged examiner ,
who went out of the bureau with an un
savory record , had started the nilack and
was publishing false and malicious attacks
In the public press against the commis
sioner. The letter rinsed with the statement
that them was n small number of active and
malignant Intriguers in the pension ollloa
and demanded that ho ( Haiini ) bo sustained ,
as necessary to Iho good government nnd
discipline of Iho otllco.
Htifcirlnc lo llio charge that Englo had
seduced a young girl , Mr. Enlooaskod if she
\vasstlliiti the bureau. The commissioner
said ho had told Mr. Ford ho did not wish to
learn her name , ho had noi.rd she was con
ducting herself wilh propriety- and sin was
stilt in ofllce.
Asked if bo thought tbo woman should bo
retained in the service , the commissioner
said ho kept the service clean nnd such mat
ters bad revolved attention from him. It is
a matter of publio notoriety lhat there were
here und there a woman in the public service
who had gone astray and who had not been
turned out.
- Q
or BIMISVC , 1
O MUIA , March 19. |
The weather yesterday was cold , with
winds from Iho north over the upper Missis
sippi and lower Missouri valleys. The high
barometer in thu north bus extended south
ward over Kansas. It Is again snowing in
Colorado and Utah nnd raining In the north
Pacitlo regions. Light snown also
fallen in western Kansas nnd Ncbiuskn.
Elsewhere fair weather prevailed. The tem
perature 1m ? risen decidedly In tlio south
west , whore another low barometer will
probably again draw thu cold air now prevailing -
vailing soulhwcslwnrd and glvo lliat section
anolhor , though probably less severe , spoil
of bad weather.
For Omaha und Vicliiltv Fair weather ;
stationary temperature ; winds from north to
WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Marcli 19. For Kan
sas Fair , except local hnows in west ; colder
In southeast portion ; cast winds.
For Colorado- Local snows , followed hv
clearing weather , south winds ; in
east p3rtlon ,
For Nebraska and the Dakotaa Fair , ex
cept light local snows In wostportlonn ; winds
shifting to southeast ; warmer Sunday night.
For Montana Local biiows , warmer , south
For Iowa Cionerally fair , north winds ,
shifting to cast ; slightly colder in extreme
southousl portion , warmer In cxlromo north
west portion.
For Missouri fJenerally fair ; north winds ;
colder , except In extreme northwest portions
tions , ,
con , s.i i / ; , i vinn'.i.
ixirt ; | nlniiH of ( iiMllluili' Iroin it Ninnlii'r
Of ItllHHl.lll ( MIlclllU.
Piili.MiKl.l'UIA , Pa , , March * 10 Mayor
Stewart shls afternoon received the follow
ing cablegram signed by u number of Itus-
linn otllduls :
. 1'J. ' IHj.-llon. JMwIn S. , Iou-
iirl , Mayor of Philadelphia , and t'h ilinmn of
Cuiiiinllluo ; Thu Kiixsl.iii utiny
\\oleomertllio dour American bielbren who
happily nriivcd hero with thu Indian i. They
pr.iy you In transmit to tlio Inb.ibltanu of
I'lillade phlii thiilr uxpiessions of lu lln , ;
b'nillludu , Uod tfuve AiueikM.
AVnnl Hit' ImlK'Imi'iilH linixliril.
BOSTON , Masj. , March 19. Tne whisky
trust ofllcials have filed In the federal court
a motion to quash tno indictments utralnst
them , The motion to quaih Is based on the
Indollnlteneis of ths Indictment and that the
otTenso charged U not contrary to law. Ills
nlso dcclaiod In answer lhat the federal anti
trust monopoly tict was unro.-istltutlonu' ;
that the Massachusetts court has no Jurisdic
tion , OB the oflcr.M' , If any , wis nut com
mitted in that state. It ia denied that the
wulsky trust either restrains trade or h a
monopoly. All the defendants , except Croon-
hut , Join in the demurrer * .
A Nntuliln i\rnl : ,
Mr. Jonn FlsKo , the celebrated author and
historian , will lec.uro on "Alexander Hamil
ton" In the Unitarian church , ono week from
tomorrow evening. Mr. Fl ko la not widely
known in Omaha or ihrougaout the west ;
nevertheless those who are acquainted with
bis books and who know ot his fame as n
highly entertaining lecturer , nro by no meant
few In number. Were ho ns fully known ns
bts merits deserve the Unitarian church
would bo far too small to hold the itudlonco
who would go to hoar him. Ho will afford a
vorv rare litorarv treat to all who may bo
present on the occasion of this lecture. Stion-
uotis efforts have brnn made for xonio venri
past to securea lecture from him In this
city , and whllo this will bo bis Introduction
to the pcopln of Omaha , it will not ho his last
appearance here , ns the teachers' association
of this city Is now negotiating \vltn him fern
n courtu of tortures next winter.
iff Tin ; w t i.itiist. iri UK.
I. Ittlo lltMlnrts of Interest Tnunurtcil In
IMIIior Itnincli stntr Sown Notes.
Drs MOINTI , la , , March 11' ' . Senator
Bolter Introduced nnd had passed a bill to
authorlra the adjutant general to loan to the
schools In the state arms and accoutrements
not lu use In the stnto Senator
YconiAiis secured llio passage of a bill to
authorise proprietors of tlnughta Ing and
packlnr houses to Issue warehouse receipts
on their goods. Strlntront provisions were
made ncninst the violation of the provisions
ol the bill. The extreme limit
of lines U JIO.CKW. The Woild's fnir
bill appropriating $ IS"iOOl ) nuno up us
u special order. Cronowec ! moved to reduce
it lo$100.0dJ ; Finn moved It bo reduced to
fT..OJO ; Dent moved to mrko It H.'iO.OOOj
Colter attacked the bill ns a scheme to rob
Iho treasury , und said ho thought the lecls-
1 at nro had no right to make any appropria
tion An amendment to make It flfili.lMK ) was
defeated. Further consideration of the bill
was postponed. The house amendment ? to
thn soldier's monument bill wcrengiced to.
Senator Vnlo necurcd the passage of a bill
compelling persons claiming bounty for
wolves to show the whole hides , instead of
scalps of Iho animals killed. Considerable
argument was precipitated on tbo hlli to com
pel passenger trains to stop ni county ne'its.
The bill was finally ordered engrossed. The
bouse bill umomllng the law telatlvo lo
clerks of courts was taken up and p.mod.
In the house bills wore passed to losrull7O
the acts of the town council of Annmnsu nnd
the board of supervisors of Madison count v ,
the senate bill to protect labor unions in the
use of trade inaiks nnd labels ; thu aonnle bill
to Icgall/o acknowledgments In wilting made
prior to April 1 , ISHi ; the senate bill to
authorize thu establishment of a highway on
stale land near Independence to glvo n
shorter road between thu town and the in
sane asylum , to amend the insurance laws.
Semite' bill to protrct breeders of trotting
nnd pacing horses and lair associations was
lost on ilnal passage.
tiK : I'lrrs In ln ii.
MrsrtTixc , la. , March -Special [ Tele
gram to TUB BuiByron ] Lord's largo barn
in this city , containing twenty head of cattle
and horses , was burned last night. It Is
thought to ho the work of an incondiarv.
Uinnuv Cuo\ ! , la. , March 19. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK Br.u.J Fire hero this moru-
Ing dcstrovcd seven business houses and
contents , causing u loss of f 10,030 , with little
or no insurance.
OII.MOHR Cm , la. , March -fSuocial
Telegram to TIIK BKK.J Fire hero Ihls morn
ing dostrojod Chuilos Slobblns' barn wilh a
span of mules and u span of horses nnd grain
nnd hay. The loss is about $1,000 , insurance
$400. _ _
r.iriloni'il All Old MtlilliT.
DKS Moisns la. , March 19. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tin : BRI : ] Governor Boles todav
pardoned John S. Little , \\hois serving a
llfo sentence nt Fort Madison for murder.
Thu ollonso was commiltod ut Newton in
1ST4 , and Little has boon in the penitentiary
since October , ISI.I. The man killed by
Little was colored , and was unduly Intlmnto
wilh Lllllo's wife. Little was nn old soldier ,
serving in the Second Iowa and his comrades
secured action by Iho general assembly
nutliorbing the pardon , which the governor
1ms granted. Little is an uld man now , and
his pardon is but an net of Justice.
Des MolllCM' City Tlrlu't.
Dr.s MOISK" , lu. , March 19.- ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bin1. ] Tno city republican con
vention tnday nominated the folio wine ticket :
Mayor , C. C. Lnno ; solicitor , Hugh Brennan ;
treasurer , C. A. Hvdon ; mi ill tor. Thomas
Water * ; police Judge , Frank Eggclston ; en
gineer , M. H. Lolrd : maikot master , John D.
llcclor ( colored ) ; nlderman-at-largo. Henry
M. Hollins and .f. Scott Goodroll. Nine can
didates for assessor of the respective dis
tricts were endorsed.
L'nili'rx.iliUMl Tlirlr I'ropi-rl V.
MASOSCm. . la. , March 10. ( Special Tele
gram to THIS Br.E. ] The grand jury of Floyd
county is after persons who are accused ol
false oaths to the assessors , and some indict
ments have been 10 turned. Ono man who
was assessed at $11,000 voluntarily raised the
amount to ? JOOJ. ( ) There is much excite
ment among capitalists nnd many nro look
ing for lichtning to strike in Ihelr vicinity.
Thd trouble seems to be Iho outcome of n
political feud. _
DoWltt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blooJ ,
increasestho appetite- and tones up the svs-
totn. It has bonollttcd mai-y people who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
Disturbed li.\ tin iurlliiiuil : | > r.
Srr\iiT. Nob. , March 19. [ Special Trio-
gram to Tin : Bir. : ] An earthquake ! shock
was distinctly felt hero nt about : ) o'clock this
afternoon. Windows rattled ami loose ob
jects about the bouses were moved.
' 'Lain to bed and early to rise will shorten
the road lo your homo" in the skies. " But
early to bed nnd a "Little Early Ulsnr , " the
pill 'that makes llfo longer nnd holler and
Kiillilln IVrmilH.
The following parmiti were issueJ yester
day by the superintendent of buildlucs :
1) ) . Noble , ono story ft line. Tlii.nilinig
p'aci . . tJ.010
Ijnrst Mulct , allm ut iuii : iiul icp.ihs
Htil Ninth Kniiitounth stiei-l. . . . IVH )
Minor permits . . . . 1.7'Q
Total . . * U'0 ( )
Trouble Ed Callnbftn and 0. A. Ohristensen
Hao Over n Strip of Land ,
All s'nrls nl Mnmrmcr * < ! < > ni > Through With
In t'ourl nnil Mum- % pry I'
Ml-i | Tiikon OllNldo-l.atcU
I'lnisp ol ( tin A tin I r ,
"No Man's Land" between East Omnhn
and Flureni'3 lias boon the cause of much
trouble between squatter * tlio pist week ,
The most serious trouble occurred Thurs
day night when John Hanson , ono ot the
sqimtlets , received n load of shot In his right
groin from n double-banded gun. it Is nlso
thought another man who Is unknown wan
shot In the faes. However , no one has been
killed , but 0:10 of the otfonslvo parties ,
Edward T. Callahan , has neon arrested on
the charge of shooting with intent to wound.
The trouble originated about n week ago
hot ween Callalinn and U. A. t'hrlslonseii over
the possession of n strip of land. The prop
erty in dispute is a territory north of East
Omnlm , near Floionce I'allahau Is tno
possessor of ten nctos of giound lying In
section Jlil , called the school lands. Cliristcu-
HOII'S property , Ciillahan claims , Is east of Ills
( Callnhan'si land nud Is between the Int-
Ur's ion iterci ami tlio river , H Is known as
accretion land , but ( . 'hrlstrnsen asserts that
his propertv Is south of the accretion land ,
and claims possession on account of the river
receding nnd for llio reason that ho llrst ,
squatted on it.
Tbo state land commissioner had the lauil
suiveycd In tcn-ncru tracts , Including the
promises where Clmstonson resides. Tbo
state claimed that It was going to sell tlio
land and Chrisiouseii was nuou1 to apply to
the state for it when put on sale. Thls'wa %
from the line of section III to thu river , ns the hnil a theorv that section Jill was not all
formed at llio time the go\ eminent dcodcit
or patented the section to thoslito , there
fore the Imid between section itil und the
river was to bo sold.
Some l.rgiil CniitpllratliiMn.
As .soon as Ca'.lahuu begun to make lion bio
with Chrision.scn about ( lie ownership nf the
property i-i possosMlnn of tlio latter , Cln 1s-
tensen applied to the courts nud secured an
Injunction restraining Cullnhan from inter
fering with or mo'e'tlng ' his property. Pie-
viouslv Callahan had brought suit in Justiuo
Shaw's court against ChnMonsoti for forcl-
I bio entry nnd detention , Judgmiint was
' entered ny Jmtlco Shaw In favor of Callahan -
han , and ChriHttmscn appealed the case.
I His bonds worn iKod at $ > t)0. ) Ho prorurctl
I the bondsman , but Iho Justice would not up-
provi' the bond , stating that the bondsmen ,
were not reliable. This prevented an nn-
peal. Subsequently Shatv'a time , as Justice
of tlio peace , ex plied. Ho was suc
ceeded by Justice Brundoi who , on
application of Callalian Issued a writ of res
titution. Armed with the writ nnd in com
pany with about a do/en crndcrs , Callahan
wont to the bottoms and was ready to inlio
possession of L'hristonsca's property. The
latter was absent , uud the gang domornll/.cd
his stable by toarlm ; It down ami destroying
Christensun's corrals ii > which ho kept hit
milch cnws. 'J bo houoo in which hu lived
was occupied by his wile , Mrs. Chrin'.oiiscti ' ,
an aged woman of 00 ycnis. She was sick ,
being confined to her bed with the grip. On
accounl of her inllrinily , and for the reason
that they could not conveniently remove her ,
only a purl of the housa was torn down anil
dostioyed. While at this work of demornl-
i/ation Chilstoiison appealed upon the
scene , nnd. of coiuse , tremble ensued. During
the melee Callahan had nu altercation with
Him in tno presence of his ill and bed ridden
wife. Shu bccajno so excited that after
wards , It Is alleged , she showed symptoms of
dciangcmcnt of her mind.
Chrlstensen then applied for another in-
lunctlon , asking that Callahan bo restrained
from any more interfeience. Thisu done
in order that Christcuson could i ' re Ins
wick wife to boiler quarters , where ho coulil
have rest and treatment and relieve tier mind ,
of her surroundings.
\Vliriu Ihllihrn Comes In.
Hanson , tbo man who was shot In the right
groin , resided near Cliristenson , upon i round
also claimed by Culluhan. While J.anscu
und Chnstcuscu were In tlio cltv last
Wednesday , preparatory to instituting
action ugatnst Citlliihan , the latter , to
gether with a ronstnolo mul praclers
went to Christeinen'.s homo , took his wlfo
bodily from bar bid and pulling her in a
wagon , it Is claimed they took Her tn the
house of one Johnson who resides somewhcro
in the citv. Mrs. Cliristenson was bare
footed and was scantily dressed. They
smolhcrcd her Bcroams and cnos wilh n
blanket und put In about six hours in mov
ing her In tbo meantime the house was
torn down , thn cattle mclosnnf opened ami
Chilsteusen's cow ? \\cro driven away ana
became scattered.
It was not until thu following day that
Cbristcusen foii'id his wife , and that nignt.
whllo ho and Hanson wcro In scarcli of ibo
cows they were shot by Callahan's gniij ( in
the biisheft.
Monday Chnstoiiheii will apply for an in
junction restraining the writ , of restitution
being served , ns it is claimed It was fraudu
lently Dbtuineil.
A Mrtory lor IV.iimltl.
Sensitive noses and artistic ) eyes In Iho
nclgbboihood nf Sixteenth and Jncuson
streets have taken iimbrago at the stand of u
thrifty peainil vender who oporalos on Iho
street Just In Trout of Peter Iler's rcsldomso ,
and have pel tionod Ibo police to ubalo tbo
As ine pc Honors lofnse to ( lie n complaint
and the peanit man doni not obstruct tna
street , but has leased prlvatu property , the
lur.iUcapo will probably continue to bo
marred ,
Dr. Hlnioy.nosoan I tni'oat JJ u bldj ;
From Torturing Humors
When their tender SKINS are literally ON FIRI : with ITCHING AND
BURNING KCZF.MAS and other Itching , Scaly , and Ulotchy Skin and
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To know that a single application of the Cuticura Reme
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Remedies are the greatest skin
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dies , are absolutely pure , and may be used from pimples to scrofula ,
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TKEAT.Mr.NT. CirilcuRA , the nrcat skin cure , and Ct'rict'KA Souan omulsitc
skin purifier and beautificr , externally , instantly allay the most intense itchin ; ; , burn
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scalp of crusts and scales , and restore the hair , wliile C'ITK t'KA Ucsui.vcNr , the new
Mood and skill purifier and greatest of humor remcdiun , cleanses the blood of all
impurities and poisonous elements , and thus removes the cause.
"An ABOUT TUC llLOOD , SKIN , SciLp , AND IUi.i , " milcd free lo any allr'M. Ci p je ya
PiK.iKk , jo HluMrationt , lou Totuuonuli. A boo'of priukstjlue lei mothcrt , dflaruins infuniu.
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jjc. ; CimcuiiAHusoueNT , $ i. 1'rcparedbyI'OTTUK DKI/O& CIIKMICAI Cour'K , liostoii , U , S. A ,
Pimples , Blackheads , a : tp :
L ' ' atuikmulerr.uhcscf infancy
nJ childhood are ptc\enteJ and cured by that most effective cf M S'nm I'-jrificd and IJc uiifiers , the
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while rivalling in delicacy and punty the inott e pene of toilet and iur iy oip Tki tnly frr
and thffiiiftfttitfim , Hi caun ( / iu } > l/jtijl ilnntthii , 1'ucc ' ,