Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1892, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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Final Arrangements for a Nebraska Season
Made at Lincoln Yesterdayi
rrnmolrrfl Will Try to Mnfco tlio Srlirmo n
Hiicrrm Mill IMvj-rr for I'mnl Hlakr-
htililcr Otlirr l.atp Sport
ing Now * .
Ltscot.x , Neb. , March 10. jSpcctlnl Tele
gram to Tun UEK.J Final nrrnngemont-s for
the coming season of the State Haso Ball
Icngvo were made nt a mcollng hold nt the
Capital tiotol In this pity this afternoon and
tonlcht. The following Nebraska cities
were represented ! Lincoln , by Will Homo-
worth ; Hastings , U. S. Honor ; IJoatrlco , II.
U Kwlng ; Fremont. S. O. Commit Plaits-
mouth , Tom Patterson ; Urnnd Island , W. A.
It was decided at the meeting this nftor-
noon to open a four months' season on Mny
1. Sunday games will bo piny ad in all towns
in the Icaguo except Hoatrloonnd Hastings.
The salary limit was placed nt ? jr > 0 per
month , Seine dlffercnco of opinion
exist nmong representatives of
the sovornl league towns M to
whether the salary limit Includes thesMnry
of manager , some holdm ? thai it does , ethers
not. Visiting clubs will rocelvo n guarantee
of $ * . ? for each game playoJ , except on holi
day's , when the goto receipts will bo equally
divided. Players will probably bo protected
under the national agreement , although no
dcllnllo notion has ns yet boon tnlton on this
point. A constitution nnd uy-laws have boon
adopted lor the government of the Icaetto.
Tonight the commlttco la at work arrung-
Ing a schedule and will no bo through before
IIolli Corlictl unil Kulllvnn Agrco on Will
Ilivycr , the ( iuulnl Turlllu.
NB\V YOUK. March 10. Phillip Dwyer , the
turfman , may bo selected as final slako-
holder In the Sullivnn-CorboU match. Ho is
back from Florida , nnd It is understood tlmt
a proposition to hold the SiO.OOO stakes was
made to lilm ; yesterday. Mr. Dwyer Is Inti
mately acquainted xvlth those interested In
the match. Ills nntno WHS the llrst men
tioned when the questions as to who would
hold the money finally uroio before the arti
cles were signed last Tunstluy. Wnkoly se
lected him , out Uorbott was afraid that It
might not bo proper for Mr. Dwyer to hold
the money on account of the turfman's
nvowod admiration for him. It now appears
that Mr. Dwyer Is also n great admirer of
Sullivan. Dwyer had this to say :
"If both parties should bo willing I would
accept the ofllco of llnal stakeholder. I have
no cholco whatever In the match. My idea
is that it willibcan Interesting contest , mid
Iain sorry that I will not Do able to witness
It. "
Wakcly is perfectly willing to have Mr.
Dxvyer hold the llnal stakes , nnd both Brady
and.Corbott consider that a bettor iniui could
not bo picked out.
Ciolni ; Homo Tlrcil.
Nr.w YOUK , March 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : IJnE. ] Charley Mitchell ana Paddy
Slavtn have made up their minds tlmt the at
mosphere of the United States Is unhealthy
at this season , and they will nvoid it by
going back to England from Canada by the
way of Halifax. They had an engagement
in this city for next week , Out cancelled It.
When this uows became known it was the
almost universal opinion that Mitchell nnd
Slavin did not have the ncrvo to fuco n Now
York crowd. Their recent blutls at Sullivan
would liuvo boon referred to with too much
frequency to have been endured , oven by the
exponent-oil Mitchell , and the pair of travel
ers made up their minds ta go homo.
In reply to Warren Lewis' challenge , on
behalf o'f Jim Hall , Bob Fitzsimmons sal a
today that ho would only Ilciit Hall at 150
pounds , "which. " ho added , "is four pounds
above middleweight , and is all I will give
away. I am a middleweight and do not in
tend to light out of my class. Moreover , the
atako of $5,000 Is not enough. Thorn must bo
110,000 n side when I moot , Hall. " All of
which makes it. look us if lanky Bob is not
auxlous for Jim's game.
Keeping Tub i > n the Umpires.
WASIIIXIITO.V , D. C. . March lit. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Secretary Young
has issued tbo following bulletin :
Contracts for 18fl. ! With Washington
GeorRC.SIiouK , II. Klclmrdsnn and George A.
Wood. . With tit. Louis .1. ( JrooUs.
Daniel Murphy has hoon released by I'ltts-
burK nnd his services accepted by Now York.
The following named associations have ap
plied for .and boon admitted to membership
under thu'national ngroomunl : Class A , the
custom and western leagues ; class II , the
southern. Illinois and Iowa and state
Mr. Young has also sent out the following
letter to his staff of umpires :
Inclosed herewith I send you contract for
18ft.1 , which please ulini and return. If vou do-
sli'o a diiDileato I will take pleasure In for
warding the sumo. Kach umpire will urovldo
himself with n blue flannel suit , which must
always bo worn on the Held. As 1 congratu
late myself that I hnvn a very ublo , otllulent
and experienced staff of umpires , I hardly
see the necessity for fonxthr special Instruc-
tlcn.s. I expect every umpire to do his duty
without fear or favor , anil strictly enforce
both the letter unil spirit of every rule. Your
ospeelul nttention Is Invited to the nniond-
ment to rulus 51 uml 53. 1 shall hold ovpry
umpire icspo > islblo for their strict enforce-
Concerts or tlio United .Stalen Murlnu Hand.
Too Apollo club should bo entitled to some
orodlt for securing the Marino band of Wash
ington , D. C. , far a couple of concerts on its
present tour. It was not Intended to visit
the cltlos whore the band played last spring
on account of the limited leave of absence
scoured from tbo president and secretary of
tbo navy , but the Apollos worked for It and
now announce two * concerts to bo givoutit )
the Imposition hall next Saturday afternoon
and evening , which will bo the opening of
the now hall as rearranged especially for
conceit purposes. Tlio hall has been lilted
with clevntod seats , so that every part is
good , nnd greatly bonutlllcd , so that there
will bo ( ] iiito a desire on the part of the
publlu to view it nuU hoar how a line concert
will sound in the now place.
The tour of the Marine band will consist
of tovcnty concerts In the largest western
cities Including those on the Pacific coast.
The llrst will bo givau nt the Chicago Audi
torium tomorrow night and the band will
reach Omaha on Its way west next Saturday.
The Mile of seats will begin at Meyer & Bros ,
muslu store Thursday morning.
ItesnlU at ( ilniirmtiir ,
QI.OUCK.HTIII ; , N. J. , Maruh 11) ) . Weather
clear ; track good :
I'lrst race , seven-eighths of n mile. Kollln i
Ilohuinlan won , 1'lomlnglon ( tbo favorite ) second
end , HueUoyii third , School Hey and ( iuncral
Gordon drawn. Tlmoi li'il ) .
t-ocoud run * , nlno-nlxteonthsof u mile , soil
ing , maidens : rikcezo Uulstor won , Little Dan
second , fliver Maid oolt third , Klorjuonco , Jar-
dine ami Kdlson drawn , I.a ( iloHu , tllly ( the
fnvontol. run unplaced. Time : liikj'.i. '
Third race , suvon-elghths of a mlla : Carlo-
limns won , William Henry ( Ilia favorite ) second
end , l.mulseer third , Tlmn ; lIW : ,
Fourth race , thirteen-sixteenth * of n mile ,
eollliij ; : Harrison ( the favorltu ) won , llr llol-
mutli second , Lttile Addlu third. Time ;
l:2 : * > . .
Flub race , ono mile. Rolling : Ed. MeOlnnls
( the favorite ) won , Urlspln second , Itluhal
third , I'llKrlm drawn , Tlinut lUy : .
Sixth race. nliio-tflxtitentlHof u mile , soil
ing ; YOUDK Lottery won. llonntii Luss second ,
Sunday third , Uluumoml and Gold UliCRor
druvrn , Kxotio ( tliu favorltu ) ran unplaced ,
Tlmei liUUi
Woiturn Umpire HI a If.
COI.UMUUU , O. , Maroh 10. fSpoclal Telegram -
gram to THE BEK. ] President Williams of
the Western Icaguo has announced the fol
lowing list of umpires ; John MoQuald ,
Charles N. Snyder , Daniel Coroorau and
William Sorad. Corcoran Is from the Illi
nois-Iowa league and Scrud Is the forruur
Cincinnati pitcher.
Frank Sheibeck's terms as shortstop were
accepted and ho , with Tom Naglo , the
catcher , will ba placed iu the rojurvo list of
Lho league , at thn disposal of any club need
ing their service * .
The Columbus player * have boon wlraJ to
report nerft Thursday. The deal for the
transfer' of Twitchell from Mllwnukoa to
Columbus has fnlloh through. Manager
Schmolz has sltrnod IlixnkO'D y of Chicago
ns pitcher , nnd Alex Fersoa has been trans
ferred to'Milwaukee.
Clminploti I'lilforcl Miinld.
III , March HI. This western
Atmosphere- demoralizing Champion K. U.
Pulford. His cunning sonm * to have loft
him altogether. Ho wn * to have met It. U.
HclkCJ for ( > 0 n sldo nl r K ) targets , but
yesterday ho paid hU forfeit of $ W nnd de
clared the match off , His mntcho * with H. U.
Wnasworth nnd Oeorgo iClclnmau nro also
off. Ho has , however , challenged J. A. U.
Elliott of Kansas City , holder of the Ameri
can Hold chamnlonshlp cup , to shoot for the
trophytho match to take place in ICansasClty.
Ho will lonvn the latter part of next week
for the east , nndH is' said , will stop nt
Utlca , N. Y. , long onnugh to got married.
Ho will return to Chicago between April t >
and 10 nnd tnnko this his permanent homo.
Dirk Mnorr After Ilio Winner.
CIIICAOO , 111. , March 19. fSpsclal Telegram -
gram to TUB BUK. | Tno fight to n llnlsh
botwion Con Doyle of this city and Wlloy
FiVans , the Sun Francisco colored middle
weight , will take plnco oarlv tomorrow
morning nt some point oulsldo the state. A
special train has bojn chartered to carry the
men nnu spectators to the battleground , It
will loavn the Grand Central depot shortly
uflcr midnight , Dick Monro , tlio Omaha
welterweight , IMS n cunllongo ready to spring
on the .winner. The Alnijlu City club otTers
to hang lib n nurse of $1,000 for IJavlo nnd
Moorn and Moorn's hacker , L O. Hlbbcn ,
the old base ball pitcher , 'stand * ready to
back him on the sldo for as much moro.
( Inlni ; at Oiitlnnncri ; ,
Gtmr.Nimiid , N. J. , March ! ' . . The trade
was In good condition today , having been
cleared of snow nnd harrowod.
I'lrst race , six iurlonss : i-t. John won , Extra
second , Shotover third. Time : I'ii. ! )
Hocoml race , ( Ivo and one-half furlonits :
Merry llu ! < e won , llollvur second , Uunnlni ;
Illrd third. TimeItiuy. .
Third ruco , one mile : Turk won , 1'enlon
second , Seven third. Time : 1:43. :
Fonrth race , tlvu furlonijs : Losan won , Pan
Handle second , Lester thrd. | Tlmn : liUJVi.
Klfth race , six furlongs : Humbler won ,
lllnokburn second , Pern I to third. Time :
Hixtb race , seven furlongs : Innovation won ,
Algernon second , Van third. Time : l-li. !
lit Now
New Ont.EAS.s Ln. , March IU. Weather
clear and cool ; track heavy mid attendance
I'lrat. race , soiling , ( Ivo furlongs : Attolla
won , llueswlnz second , Claudlne third. Time ;
l:0.- : > .
l:0.faccnnd race , solllnz. live and one-half fur
longs : .Mm l ) . won. .Vorso sucond , .loo Wool-
man third. Time : 1:1,1. :
Third race , sellln : , llvo nnl ono-hr.lf fiir-
lenis ; Hodstone won , Ollmax 11 , second ,
Annie MorsethJrd. Time : ll-i. : !
Kourtli ruro. solllnc , six fnrlon7.s : Grey
Oooso won , Tom Slovens second , Uoukxvlck
third. Time : 1:13.
Stain l.imguo Itulh'lln.
FKEMONT , Nob. , March 10. [ Spjclal to
Tin : Bui : . I The following players' contraots
have been tiled with Secretary Coman of the
State league up to dale :
IteatHon George II. Taylor. 11. Van Arnum.
O. K. llradford , George l ) . Thompson.
Lincoln Wallace llolllnzsworth. John W.
S'owlor , KoburtJ'ondur , W. K. Illlllas , Frank I1.
Smith , Lee Mesmer.
Kremont Klchard H , I'lireoll. lloraco Hut-
ler , llarnoy Hurley , llnrry Kionoy , Norimiu L.
llulcer , Charles W. liowmnn.
OponiMl I.-iHt Night.
The Young Men's Institute Athletic club
opened for business lust evening at the insti
tute hall on South Fourteenth street. About
100 of the Institute members have joined the
athletic club and hnvo lilted up the hall with
gvmnastic apparatus. A library , card and
billiard room.s will soon bo added nnd run in
connection with the gymnasium.
The present members nro quite enthusi
astic and uro confident of success in their
now enterprise.
( icnlliMiirn'H Utmdster Club.
There will ba a meeting of the Omaha
Gentlemen's Hoaditor club held at the Millard -
lard hotel , Tuesday evening , March 'J2. nt 8
o'clock sharp. A full attendance U requested
ns an olcctlon of olllcors for the coming sea
son will bo hold nnd other important busi
ness como before the meeting.
Ilisted Two Mlnute-i.
SAX FIIAKCISCO , Cal. , March 19. Jim
O'Brien knocked out young Dobbs , colored ,
in half a round nt the Pnstimo Athletic club
tonight. The men weighed I'M pounds.
3ltSSr.\fl .IXJ ) I'liUltAltl.Y MUltDKltKl ) .
A Washington Farmer Siippnsvil to JIavn
Ket'ii KllliMl hy Ills Wife's Paramour.
Si'oiCAXc , Wash. , March 19. Details of
what appears to bo ouo of the moat myster
ious nnd villainous murders ever committoj
in this country , came to light at Uoskford , a
town forty mlle ? from hero , totiay. William
Tnurman , A. L. Illchardson nnd Mrs. Thur-
man uro missing , and Indications nro that
Thurmau was muidered by his wife and par
amour , who then Hod. Richardson Is u
worthless drunkard whoso children have
boon n ouareo upon the county. Tuurmau
protested and elected Hlchardsnn from bis
house , but the woman took his part and al
lowed nlm to visit her whenever Thurman
was absent. There appears to hnvo boon u
great deal of strife between husband and
wife , nnd his life was threatened. As Thur
man bad not been soon for some time , Mon
day two of bis brothers wont to his plucn.
Tboy found it deserted. In u cupboard was
found a battle of strychnine , a portion of
which had boon used. Tnurinan's brothers ,
hoping to find him snmowhoro In the neigh
borhood , kept quiet until today , tvhen they
came into Hnclctord nnd reported his disap
pearance to tbo ofllcers. xor iiKi > ii.\Kit.
The rriiKHliiu Cabinet Crisis , \Meets Only
Count /iMllltx. \ < m Trnt/oflilor.
BEUMX , March 1'J. Only ono pa-jar this
morning maintains that Chancellor von
Caprlvl has resigned , The latest inlorma-
tlon makoa it practically certain that the
chancellor has not resigned and that the
crisis affects only Count XodliU von TruU-
senior. The primary education bill , which
occasioned the crisis , affects only Prussia ,
and Is of distinctly departmental origin ,
which makes it tutromoly improbable that
the national government will bo affected. '
Itnstliuis Clvo ICvpmsslon oC.loy.
Lin.U' , March 10. As the American
stoamnr Indiana , which brought the American
gifts of provisions for the relief of the llus-
siiiu fumlno sufferers , was towed past the
Jetty this morning , she was greeted with on-
thusmstlu chooi-s by the crowd ou the Jetty.
The steamer was received by the communal
authorities mid n largo delegation of the load
ing merchants of the port nnd tno orthodox
Greek clnrgy uold n thanksgiving service
aboard bur.
Till ) Drain ( toll ,
Tnov , N. Y , , March 19. Uoorgo Hnaor ,
owner of the Melrose stock farm , is dead.
BOSTON , Mais. , March I'A Gnorgo M.
Pottls , the famous authority on Amoricnn
whist , is dead.
BOSTON , Mass. , March 10. Daniel Lothrop ,
of the linn of U. Lothrop & Co. , died last
Illulno Improving.
WASIIISOTOV , D. O. , March 10. Senator
Merrill continues to improve , Ulaino is
gaining in strength dally.
Victoria Snirts lor I'runce.
LONDON , March 10. The queen loft this
nioriilag for a five weeks' sojourn iu tuo
south of Franco.
The I'lra Uncord ,
Cixcis-.N-ATi , O. , , March 10 , The driving
station of the cdolo line .burued. LOJS
Do\Vitt' Sarsuparilla destroy ? sucn pal.
sens us scrofula , sklu diseaio , eczema , rheu
matism. Its timely use saves many lives.
, KxarcUesut I.aku .Soliuul ,
The last half hour of the afternoon session
at tbo Latto school yesterday was passed
most pleasantly and profitably by thn pupils
of tlio fifth , sixth , seventh and eighth grades.
The pupils of these grades , nbont two bun-
dred , assembled In MUs Mortpn' * room to
tston to nn address by Superintendent Kr > < nk
Fitxpntrlck. which he consented to pivo In
roiponso to nn invitation by the eighth
: rnde pupils. Every word of the talk was
, o the point , nnd though there wns some dis
parity In the ngrsot the pupils not ono of
Ihom seemed uninterested. At the closi of
the address Mr. Fltzpntrlck expressed his
plonsura In noting the perfect discipline nnd
attention maintained fluting the afternoon ,
which c&rtalnly rcllocts credit ut/on Miss
Wnitmoro nnd her lo.ichcr * . At
dismissal , the schools each forming n IHtio
company , marched out of the building to
' "
latrlottc musiu bv tbo drum corps.
The eighth grade pupils have planned n
series of ontortnlninoiit.i for sevorni Friday
afternoons , which Will no doubt prove do-
Ichtfiil r.nd Improving , n nil of the olTorts
of I.nko school nro balng ittulor the auporvls-
on of its most eftlclont principal , Miss Whit-
llilit ; .siirnt' > ii5 to .Mnn ,
A series of special sermons will bo given In
All Saints' cliurcb , corner Twenty-sixth nnd
Howard streets , beginning Stmtl.ty evening
March ) , nnd continuing ovor.v uvcnlng In
the weoit , nt 7n : : o'clock. The preacher
will bo Kw. W. U. Mnukay , rector of
St. Potor's church , Pitts ou rg , P.i. .Tho ser
vices will bo brief , nnd specially adapted to
the occasion. This U what ts usually called
i mission. The name la of no Importance ) .
What the rector wants is to bnvo men feel
the reality of religion. That Christianity Is n
stmng , true , personal tiling , nnd that Its ap-
> cnl is to the reason mid consclencu of men ,
[ Everybody will bo wolcomoJ to llioso surv-
ices.but tbo preacher's main object , in coming
so fur Is lo and Interest men.
The general subject will bo "H-Mlglon for
Lho Men of Today. " Sunday evening , March
iO , "Tho Crv ot 'Man for the Llvinir Cod : "
Mondav evening , M , rch 21 , "TimVltncs ? ot
the World to Christ- " Tuesday evening ,
March ! > . ' , "Tho Power of FnltliVodnos ; -
day ovenlnL' . March il ! ; , "Tho Need of Con
version ; " Thuwdnv oveninir. March 1 ,
"Hvine Like n Man. " Friday evening ,
Marcli S3 , "The Kingdom nnd the Church. "
Saturday ovutnng , March ' . ' ( I , "ICIectod Unto
Life. " Sunday evening' , Maroh U" , "Tho
Uumnnnt. "
Sixth Want lto ) > ubllrans.
An enthusiastic meeting ot" Slxtn ward ro-
publlcans was hold at Twenty-sixth nnd
Lake streets Inst night. After disposing of
routine business , the proposed regulations to
govern primary elections , adopted by the
county and city central committees , were
discussed. The rules were generally accept
able to those present , but several'changes
were suggested whieb It win thought exps-
rionco would prove to bo needed , to insure
the remedy sought by the committee ? . A
motion to approve "the regulations was
The question of opening Lnko street was
opened up by a member denouncing the last
legislature for purposely omitting tno power
to condemn p-opei-ty for street purposes
from our charter , and characterized" it as a
Job 0:1 : the part ot real cstato owners who
might ho affected by its retention. It wns
decided to appoint committee } nt the proper
time to ureo un amendment to our charter
granting such powers. This last power prac
tically blocks the Idea of opening Lake street
until such an amendment is made.
i\n invitation Trom the Lincoln cldb to
meet with them in general mass meeting ut
Exposition hall on Saturday nipht was ac
cepted , nnu it was decided to attend in full
Saw the World's Fair.
A. small audience witnessed the storoopti-
co'i views of the World's fair and the voyages
of Christopher Columbus in discovering
America last night nt the Young Men's
Christian Association rooms. The entertain
ment wns given in the small lociure room ,
much to the disappointment of the auditors
who thought it would take place in the con
cert hall whciro the dissolving vluws would
bo presented on n twenty foot canvns. In-
s'ead the views were soon on a ton foot can-
as. The lecturer , J. W. ,
apologetically stated that the association was
ut fault in bsing unublo to complete/ repairs
in the concert hall.
On the small canvas cities of Spam in
ancient daysiUO years ago rships , . harbors
atul nntiquo buildings wero.'shown. The
World's lair building * in colors wcro also
shown and appreciated by thu audience.
"Vlodlcul Cnlf ! > o Commmiceiuoiit.
The closing lecture In the Omaha medical
college course was given today.and the ex
aminations will bo held next week.
The commencement exorcises of the col
lege will bo held at Boyd's onara House at it
o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday , March
Hills Approved liy tlio I'roslilniit.
WASIIIXOTOX , U. C. , March 19. The presi
dent , hus approved the urgent defiuionoy bill ,
the act in regard to Arizona's exhibit nt the
World's fair and the
, agricultural appropria
tion bill.
_ _
Will Fl ipu ; Mixlii * Vlvpuill.
MOXTIIP.AI , , March 10. Sir George Powell ,
British commissioner in the Bering sea ar
bitration , says arrangements will shortly bo
completed for n modus Vivendi.
Hank licNorvo Stlclitly
New YOUK , March 19. The weekly bank
statement shows the reserve has increased
t,250. ; ) The banks now bold § 10,103S'JJ in
excess of legal requirements.
Will ISnIIil Through Crow's Nest.
OTTAWA , Out. , March 19. Tno Canadian
Pacific has given notlno tlmt it will build n
second line across the Uocliios through
Crow's Ne t paw.
fNSTRUMENTS placed ou roaarJ Marea II ) .
J. isiW :
II O Duvle.s to W A Smith olal , lot 7.
hlouk I. Shlnn'sadd . * 45 ]
M A .Johnson and husband to Annlo Mc-
Iaud. lot.1 , hloolt ,1 , llolvedero . yoo
Samuel Coiner and wife. loUri .Miller , lot
'M. Kills nlnco . a.OOO
Henry Oliloinann and wKotoHI ) U'nu- '
nier , n'i lot 5. block - , Imperial asio-
clatlon . L'.UOO
F. I ) llloumor and wife to Kalherlna
Oldumnn. hame . . . . . L',00j
10 n Sherwood to It U Sheldon , lot ( i.
block 'I , Hhorwood's sub . 1
Kamu to Hitnu1. lot 0 , hloult 1 , huimi . > 1
Same to M 11 lliirnhnm , lotil , Hiimt1 . -1
U At ( Julloy to W .1 Culley , lot I , block ! ) ,
1'atler.son park . - , 475
,1 , N , L'oren nnd wlfo to ( i K Turkln tenet
ot : il , undlv Interest in lot 13 , blook , 'l , '
ItuKnr 1' . f . , . , . 300
Heuson Ijiind Syndlcilto lo M A Daniels ,
lot 111 , hlook M ) . IttuiMiii . 1,153
11 U Wyait to i , II Kent , lot 1 1 , lilouk' I' ' ) ,
KonnUo 1'laco . 7.W3
K T .Maxwell and wlfo to Mutual Invest
ment Co , lot : ! , blocU MI ri.nuh OiniilKi 7.)3
.South Omaha Land < 'o ui K T Maxwell ,
same. , . , " ! 00
Mary Wnuhtler nnd husband 10 I'hlllp
Schml'lt auJ wife , undlv 'i lot 'J. L'JIS
1'laeo . MS
John Ileri ; to Krcd Klna , s ! u'.SIol , M ,
blook 4 , Campbell' add . , . l.COO
1'iiion titoek ards Co to Anna Kowloy ,
lot 7 , hlouk 1 , hccond udu to .Spnth
Umaha . . . . . . . 513
I M Voru nnd husband lo I , H IllKglnu ,
lot : i , block Ml. Hey d'j add . , . 1,053
liH lll lns toJ II l'iensants.-Kainu . l.iifiO
Dunn H U'Kuoff ) lo I- ' I ) Woad. lot 17 ,
iJruvcsii.irk . , . 233
J S Orinin , to IU Wilson , s U of w 'JJ.O n
n w ' ( ! EM.l-l-'l . . . . . . . S
V KTiiomas. special nristur. toUaiaha
I.oan and Trust eompiiny , lot 1H , block
: i , Clnremlon add . . . j. . . 275
Total amount of transfers. . . . . . . i U45
ciit'itcii xtr
Cynthu Christian church , 4H8 ! Nicholas
street Joseph Shields , pastor. Preaching ut
10i(0 : ( a. in. ana 7UO : p. m. Sunday .school nt
12 m. Young People's Society ot Christian
Knuoavor ut 0:45 : p. m. Morning subject ,
"Tbo Gospel Is God's Power to Save the
World. " uotii. 1-lfl. Kvorilng subject , " 1'nis
isthoUayof Battle , " Kob , ti-11. All suats
nro free.
Hillside Congregational church , cor
ner Thirtieth nnd Ohio streets , A.
H. Hess , pastor Morning service , 100. : : !
Sermon topic , ' 1'he Powers That Ho-
deom. " Sunday school at noon. Young
People's Society of Christian Kndeuvor , 0:15
w. in. Vospors. "sno p. m. Sermon topic ,
"Works of the New Life. " All are welcome.
Free Church of S. Matthias ( Episcopal ) ,
South Tenth street and Wortblngton Plaoc > ,
Hov Alexander W. Maouab , rector. Third
Sunday la Lent Celebration of tbo holy
communion , * T . mi ; Sunday school and
blblo class , in. . m. ; matins , lllany
( ind sermon Ifi"'a. m. ' . baptism , II p. m.
Evensong with Sermon , 7:80 : p. m. Monday ,
TticsdrTy , TnuVstJay monlltiR prayer nt t ) ;
evening prayoTm 4:30. : Wednesday , morn
ing pravor nt 'Jj evening sorvlco with lec
ture , 7:30. I rid ay , nhriuncintion of the
Blessed Virgin' .flary ; celebration of the holy
communion , ytf1 m. Morning prayer , U
o'clock , McotmvFof the Woman's Auxiliary ,
3 p. m. LUan'mrvlo ( nnd lecture , 7:30 n.
in. SiUurduv/tmjrnlnjj / prayer , SI ; mooting of
the industrial Sclibol. ' - > ; 30 p. in.
At UioUontr.ftunited Prosbvterinn church ,
Seventeenth siruDt , bativcon Capitol nvcnuo
and DoJgo Ifev , Jehu Williamson , D.D. ,
pastor. Preaching tomorrow nt 10:30 : n in.
subject : "AGinico | nt Three Prophols. "
And nt 7:30 : . . * iiSubJect : "ThcChrlstian'a
Calling. ' ' S'lbbnth school nt 12 m , nnd
Yotliic Pooplo's meeting nt 0:31) : ) p. m.
Everybody wolcomo.
Southwest Presbyterian church , corner
Twentieth and Lonvou worth streets Preach
ing by Hov. M. C. Hlltler of St. l.oilis. Mo. ,
every morning nnd evening. Sunday school
at noon. Yountj P.'oplo's Society of Chris-
tlan Kndoavpr nt ( i : tAll are welcome.
Flr.u Giirir.un e.iurjh , cot'iier C.ipitol
iivonuo uii : U..vj.itl3th str-jat Ksv. T. E.
Cramblet , putor. Prj-iohlntj at 10:11) : ) a. m.
1111(17:1. ( : ! p.m. Sunday school nl 12 m. Young
People's Society of CliriHlat : Endeavor an
0:45 : p. m. Subject of morning sermon :
"Some Viciv.s of Life. " Colonel Honglntul
will conduct tlio ovonlng service. . AH scats
uro free anil all are welcome.
Grant Street Christian church. LaUe
struot , between Twontv-llfth nud Twentv-
sixth. Sundiiv school "nt it :33 : p.m. K. fc\
Pickering , superintendent.
Castcllar Street Presbyterian church , Slx-
tooiith nud Castcllar streets , Huv. J. M. Wil
son , pastor. Services IUi : ! ) nud 7:31) : ) . Sun
day school 12 m. Young Poonlo'.s Society
ot Christian Endeavor at fiJ : ; ! p. m. Snb-
jpcts : "Djslro the Siucor.i Milk of the
World" uud "Tlio Otauipatdnco of Consecrated
crated Giving. "
People's church , on Eighteenth street ,
oetwocn California nnd Webstor. Hev.
Charles W. Savtdge , pastor. Preaching
at H0 ) : ! ! u. m. nnd S j > . m. by the pastor.
Subject In the morning : "X'.io OHlcos of the
Holy Spirit. " Subject In the ovenliig :
"Whore Are Your Slnsi" Seats freo. All
nro welcome. Sabbath .school at 2:30 : p. m.
Kouuuo Memorial .English Lutheran
church , corner Sixteenth nnd Ilnrncy streets
Hov. A. J. Turkic , pastor. Services lit
10:30 : a. m. und 7:30 : p. m. Preach
ing both morning and evening by the
pastor. Sunday school ntnoon. Mr. H. G.
Hi'll , superintendent. Young People's Society
cioty of Christian Endeavor nt 0:30 : p. m.
Everybody is cordially invited to these
First Congregational church , Nineteenth
nnd Davenport streets. Dr. .1. T. Durycn ,
pastor. Sunday morning services nt 10:31) ) .
immediately fo'llowod by Sunday school.
Evcnlnn services at 7:15 : , Pravor and prai'o
meetings , vVednesuy evening nt 7:45. :
iVll nro welcome.
Sownrd Street Methodist Episcopal church
corner Txvonty-sccoiUl mid Seward streets
Kov. 11. A. Crane , A. M. , pastor , will
preach morning nnd evening. Subjects :
"Our Goodly Heritage" and "Tho Voyage
of Life. " Sunday school at 2:31) : ) p. m ,
Prayer mooting Wednesday evening. Scats
Jrco. Everybody' welcome.
Trinity Methodist , Episcopal church , corner
Twcnty-ilrstautl lllunov , ICounUi < Place W ,
1C. Ueans , pastor. Preaching nt 10:3J : a. m. :
"A Special Survive. " Evening Hireling in
the hands of the XV.Omon'.s foreign Mission
nry Society. Arttfrcs's by MM. S. ( ! . Shank.
Sundny school Kb-12 m. Epworth League
ntl > :30. : Seats fVek The people made wel
come. ' ! : * >
Colonel Honclhuti' . the newsboys' friend ,
willspealtat thtf ' 'First' Christian chuivh ,
Twentieth and Capitol 7:30 : o'clock
Sunday oventnjj/1 '
First McthodUt Haiscopit church , Twoa-
tlotb and DivonpaM streets. H-JV. P. S.
Merrill , D.D. , pastor. 10:3' : ) , "Second Pro
bation , " tirst scrlhon. 7:30 : ' 'Probation
Shorter Than Life.1' Sabbath school nt 'J :30. :
St. Mary's Avotrtio Contrregational church
Services ntlO:3J&iii. : | and 7:45 : p. in. Knv.
W. A. WatermaiC'or Ivnlamazoo , Mich. , will
occupy the pulpft.9BabUalh school at noon.
Mission chools at' ' Vp. . '
s > p. in. Young People's
meeting nt 0 : ( . " > [ tftff.
First Unlvor-tanstvihHrch ; , corner of Nino-
teonlh and Lnthrfip' tfdets , ICountzo Plni-j.
Hov. Mary GcrAtJ * iVndrews wfll preach
SuidnyiriuOi1hin' ) -'aTfd1'CVcnins" at1 tlio usual
Hours. * '
St. Mark's E Lutheran church ,
corner Twenty-first and Burdotto streets
In the nb.soucu of tbc'i'mstor , Hev. J. S. Dot-
wcllor , D.D. , will conduct the service and
preach both morning and evening.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church , corner
Fortieth and Nicholas streets Hov. Charloi
G. Sterling , pastor. ' Sabbath prciching ser
vices at 10:30 : a.m. nnd 7:45 : p. m. "Sabbath
school at 12 m. Young People's Society of
Chrutiun Endeavor nl (5:15 ( p. m. A wel
come to all.
St. Philip's Chapil ( Episcopal ) Twenty-
first between Nicholas and P.uil streets ,
John A. Williams , priest in charge. Holy
communion , 7 a. in. ; m&tlms und Sunday
school , 10:00 : a. in. ; litany , holy com
munion and sermon , 11 n. m. ; choral evensong -
song and lecture , 8 p. m. Subject' , "Tho Ago
of Papal Aggrandizement. "
Immnnuel Baptist church , corner Twenty-
fourth and Binncy streets , IvounUo place-
Fran l ; W. Foster , paster. Hcgulur services
ut 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. niv Morning-
tUomo. ' 'The Talents' or Interest und Usury , "
second coursoof "Business Sermons , " Even
ing theme , "Stand Aside , Everybody. "
Special revival sorvli is will begin on Sunday
evening nnu continue until further notice.
Usth'Edcn Uaptist church , Park avenue
near Lcavenworth. Hev. E. N. Hurris pas
tor. Services nt 10:45 : a.m. nnd 7:30 : p. in.
Morning subject , "Tho Gift of the Iiolv
Spirit ; " evening , "How the Law is Fulfilled
in thn Gospel. " aundav school at 12:15 : p.m.
All sittings are free und overvono welcome.
Associate Mission ( Episcopal ) St. An
drews , Forty-second and Nicholas streets
Walnut Hill , services 7:30in : ! ) , 11:00 : a. m.
nnd 7:30 : p. in , Sunday school , 10:00 : n. in.
Fridaj , 7:30 : p. m. SI. Paul's , Cas.s street ,
two doors west of Thirty-second : Services
11 n , m. and S p. in. ; Sunday school , 10 a. m. ;
Friday , 7:30 : p. in. St. Au-rustinc , Thirty-
third and Francis streets , Windsor Plucc :
Service , 4:00 : p. m. ; Sundny school , : ! p. m. ;
Wednesday 7:30 p. in. Grace , Twenty-ninth
und Spauldinif , near Druid Hill : Service
p. in. ; Sunday school. 3 p in.
First Uaptist church , corner Fifteenth and
Davenport streets ttov. W. P. Ilellings of
Milwaukee will .supply tbu pulpit morning
and evening. Services 10:30a.m. : and7:30p.m. :
Sunday schools at 12:00 : m. nnd 3:00 : p. m.
Prayer meetings Wednesday and Friday
ovonincrs nt 7:30. :
South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal
church , corner Tenth und PluiMu streets
Hov. Alfred llodotts. ! D.D. . pastor.
Class meetings , 10 u , m , nnd < > ; 3'J p. m.
Preaching1 , 10:30 : n , " in. and 7:3'J : ' p , in.
Alornlnp subject , ' 'Is ijlfo u Lottery i" Mrs.
liishop Newman will spook in the ovoninu
on missions nnd will.illustrate oy stcrcopti-
con view * . Scats fre'o. Ail cordially iuvilod.
\VoutiilnstarProsoyterIan church , Twenty-
ninth and Mason streets , The pastor , Hov , John
Gordon. D.D. , wilt * vreach nt 10:30 : n. in.
nnd 7:30 : p , in , Sunday school nl 12:15. : MeetIng -
Ing of Young I'ootlU ) ' * Society of Christian
Endeavor ntOl5 : p , in ,
Trinity Cathedral , V fchtcouth and Capitol
avenue Tno Very lifllV CvIlGnrjner , dean.
Holy communion 8 a _ jn. Sunday school 10
a. m. Mornins praim1 , , litany ai : d sermon nt
11 n. in. Evening prayer nnd sermon nt
7:30 : p. m , ' " '
Plymouth Conprt&inlonnt church , corner
Twentieth and Spmrtor streets , Kount/o
Place Kiv. A. H. Thittu , U.I ) , , pastor. Mor
ning service nt 10W. : ! Subject of sermon :
"Tho Sin of Doing N.0iuing.1 Sunday school
nt 12:10 : p , m. . \\uiSf * Kussoil supnrintcn-
dent. Yoiing HoopUiHI Society of Christian
Endeavor at 7 p , lY ) , Evening Lcrvico ut
7:15 "Christian : ; Urookliuld No. 0 , subject
.loliu DoiiKlicrty llnilly ItriitcnVhlIe un
HIH U'ay llonus
As John Dougherty was walking along
Webster street near tbo corner of Fifteenth
street , ho met n cro\vd of v'runkon ' negraai
nnd stepped aside to allow them to piss.
This action on Dougherty's part unirorod the
crowd and with ono accord they rmaultoJ
him , lie wni knocked dovvn and trampled
on and received several cuts on tlio head uud
face. The loughs took to their heels and loft
the victim lying in tho-guttor.
Mr. Dougherty wn .tancu , to his hoaie , 3104
Weoitor street , nnd his head droisod by n
physician. As the injured man iuuld notuivo
a very good description of bis assailants the
police hud boinu flinlculty in picking up tbu
right parties. About 1 o'clock thrco colored
men who gave tbblr liame.i us Patterson ,
Sbepbenl and Hlx ward placiul under nrroit
and cburgcd with the assault.
fritoM TEsrsnnAT's SECONH uniTios.1
Constitutional Liberty iu Venezuela Wiped
Out Again in Oivil War.
Dictator Blanco Attacks the Government
nnd is Driven Off with Heavy Loss.
lie Thinks Ho is Strong Enough to Soon
Hestore Poaoa to the Kapublic.
IlirorU In I'hicn tlm Hi-public on u Sound
11.11 * Overthronn by tlm IVrsoimt
Ambition ol Aspiring Ultlr.cim
Long WinImminent. .
! / SWrJ.tmJj / ( litrdxt emi ! , l
Venezuela ( vln OMvu.itnn , Tex. ) ,
March 18. [ Uy Mexican Cable to the Now
York HornldSpaclnl to Tan Bun. ] The
opposition to Prcsldont Palnulo hns , ns It
hns noon feared It would for some time , re
sulted in n rmort to nrms nt last , nnd n
bloody engagement has been fougtit bo-
twcon a bony of revolutionists nnd
povcixmont troops near this city. So
far as can bo learned now tbo
ndvnntnga reits with ttio government , but
the fcnr is generally exproiiud that this is
but tlio beginning of a inng und ilosporato
light for the control of tbo country , which
may result in the lots of tnanv lives nnd
again plunge the republic into tbo chaos
from which it was Just uocinulng to emerge.
Particulars of yestordny's ' hittloaromoagro
ns yet , and it is impossible to toll the num-
bar of men encaged , or the casualties. In
fact the bnly reliable news Is that tbo revo
lutionists wcro forced to retire.
HIIVII I'rcpariMl lor Months.
It has boon an opan secret that n fight
would follow the elections no matter what
the result might ho , nud for months ooth par
ties hnvo bean preparing. President Pala-
cios has used every possible moans to retain
power , and to strengthen his position , while
his opponents have also boon busily engaged
in recruiting nnd nrming thom'solvos in an
ticipation of tha Html struggle.
The national election win to hnvo < been
held on Kobrunry 10 , but the president saw
lit to postpone it until February 2) , and ba-
fore that day came a further short postpone
ment was mado. The paitponomonts were
mudo. It is Rsnerall1'thought , because the
government forces were not in pro per light
ing trim.
it Is said that ox-President Gunzlln Blanco
is at the back ot the revolutionary move
ment , and thnt it hns considerable strength
throughout the country. His followers
have for several .years past been actively
ongngoct plotting lor the ovorthro w of the
prosnnt government ana the restoration of
the dictator. They arc well supplied with
arms and money and can make a hard light.
Stormy Times In rroiprrt.
From present indications the republic of
Venezuela will havu n hard time before the
countrv is tr.inquil'zcul ' and'a constitutional
government la nnin oU-ablishod. Just what
move will bo nude on iho pan of iho govern
ment 1 am unnblo to ascertain no.v , but I run
assured that the most active measures will
bo tnken to suppress nil efforts ot the revolu
tionists to concentrate their forces. Presi
dent Palacios appear * to bo confident , that
order will Jw soon restored , but this conll-
denco Is not shared by many well-informed
residents of tbo capital. The situation maybe
bo set down as critical.
UnpUi i.suiit McpitrR-noH of lrirdloy
In Si-arrli ol' u TnUanro lliihlt Curt1.
Aaron Buardsloy of } > \l \ : Jones street , who
keeps the wolf at a prope'r distance by the
exercise of his cloqnonco in extolling the
merits of articles loft to bo disposed of at
public vonduo by 11 Farnnm street auction
house , chews tobacco.
This fact might have remained In the
possession of Mr. Bcardsloy and the
itutmato friends with whom ho now
nnd then exchanges > la.chow" . if it
had not boon that ho decided , like
little IJoDort Heed , that "tobacco is n hlthy
weed , " mid concluded that , by the help of
bichloride-of almost that didn't-
- - almostanything - -
cost-too-much ho would never put itin his
mouth again.VhIlo in this frame of mind
Mr. ileardsloy mot Dr. II. H. U'obor. Now
the doctor wns onxlous to help a fcllovt sin
ner In so Inudablo an effort ns swearing off
on tobacco. Ho didn't know , but bo could
effect u euro about as quickly as any of tlio
moro pretentious "Institutes1 and he'd only
ebarcoSS. It didn't take long to make the
sale. A bargain wns concluded , nnd Mr.
Bcardsluy began to dope himself every two
hours with a mlxluro prepared by the doc
tor , and twice n day 'no reported
at the doctor's ofllco nnd received a hypo
dermic Injection of something.
For two or three diys everything wont on
as smoothly ns though running on n schedule
prepared ut Dwtcht , III. It is not statud
whether the treatment hnd any ofTect on the
tobacco market or not. but it did on Aaron
I3enrclslt-.r. And thereby hangs a tnlo , which
will some day uo unraveled in the courts.
Through aomo cause not given Mr. Uoards-
iny fnllod to present himself at the ombr.vo
reform factory for n couple of days , nnd
when ho did go back it was decided that iu
order to rnnlto up for lost time no should DO
given nu extra "shot" each uay till thopropor
number wns tilled , nnd during tno next
twelve hours Mr , HoardHloy got hroo
"shots" Instead ot two. Right horocomos
the rub. Aaron Ucurdsloy never in
dulged in' strong drink under nny pretext -
text ; ho shu'nnod the bowl ; but very
soon after ho-rt'cclveil his last "allot" from
Or. Weber ho developed Hytnptoms of a Jug.
In nn hour ho wns unlit for business , nnd in
two ho couldn't tell whether his name began
or ended wilh n bfg A. lie cloicd Iho auc
tion Ston1 at ( i p. in , as usual , nnd marled
home , i'licn , like tlio hero of the accident ,
"all was blank. " I''or four hours tha crst-
wbilo stnld and sobm- auctioneer wandered
u round in H helpless state of intoxication ,
iho innocent victim of a young doctor's In
judicious dcsit'O to b'iva u Irusting patient
the lull value of his monoy.
After waiting supper lor over nn hour
Mr. Hcnrdsley's faithful wife became wor-
nod about her bilsband and sent ono of her
boys to tha store , Thu place was found
closed , but ihu keys were still uaiiiriiifr In iho
lock. A policeman wni called and a thorough
beard ) of the ' bulldlnt' was made , but Iho
absent father could not be found. Then the
mutter was reported to police headquarters
utong with u ucduriullon , and tao alUcors
promised 10 look out for llio old man , und if
found tnko him in chartr ? .
About 11 o'clock Mr. Hoardstoy's head
bepui to clear up a lililu nnd tin hastened IK
liii homo , \vlicru ho found lilt wil'j uivlng
nnd hevufiU of thu nt'lghbnr.4 ( onsldcratjl.v
cxcitcd'ovcr his piotractcd uiMoncc.
A jihysiciati was called ai.d btcm
token to relieve the sufforor. Ur. VVobor
came around the next day nnd
wanted lo continue ) tbo treatment ,
but the wife objected. Tills ended the mat
ter n far us Wi'lw'r was concerned and hi !
dropped ( ho cuso. Yesterday Hoardsluyvas
ublo to return to work , uo sent n letter to
OrVober dcuiandluir pay for the timu lin
lost while ill from thu influence of the druu'\i \
administered and thrcateiioil lo po to law
unless his claim of $ J6 was paid nt once ,
Ir , Weber wns senn ut. hia ofllco last nlgnt
nnd asked what ho tin4 to say regarding iho
matter. The doctor said that besides inter
nal treatment no had given his patient hypo-
durinhi iiiJuRtions of atropine , nnd thnl it was
not an uncommon thing for that drug to in-
toxlcutn n person for u short time. When
tbo effects ol the medicine were oil the pa
tientvould bo permanently cured ot hit
craving for the wood.
Mr. QoardMey bus talked With hU nttornoy
and thinks that ho has n good case ngntnit
Dr.Vobor. .
inntu.iTWAxn ffitiiKiwou.
Two Convention * nt T.ns Vogns , X. M.
ltp olntloin Adoptnl.
LAS VEOAS. N. M. , March 18. Thn Now
Mexico irrigation convention , nftflr n Inrgo
nnd enthusiastic gntharlng from all parts of
the southwest , passed the following resolu
tions and ndjournod :
Uesolved , That this convention U In favor
oraraiitlNR In trust , upon such condition us
Khali servo the public inlorost , to tlm stiitos
nnd territories lu-odtul of Irrigation , nil lunds
P.1f " , wl ! < " 1 "r horoaflnr aciiulrcd by the
Un ted Statpi within sui-h stntos and torrl-
tprles forthii purpusu of one.iuraalnK colonlrn-
lion and dovoloplnv ; IrrlitAtlon. In order thnt ,
such land limy be jiopulatod and rendered fertile -
tile and capable or supporting n ponulatlon ,
oxruptlng and rosrrvlne , howuvor. from Iho
operation ot snob gr.ints all the mineral liimK
pilbllo parks , military und otlu > r ro.Hcrvntluns
nnd pnlillo buildings of the fulled Static In
use In such stutes und territories.
linsolvod , That It Is the MIIIHO ot tills rnn-
vcntlon thut thucommlltiio snlcotod to pru
piirn nnd pnnoni to congress thu moinorliii of
this convention rcspactlnv thn public. InmU
should tusk , ns u prolmlnnry : to the cession of
all Ihu land In Iho territories In accordance
with the resolutions ot tbo convention , u
liberal grant to s.ild territories find to the
states to bo formed thci of mm of the public
hinds to ho devoted to public school * and
other Institutions of learnlni ; , non-suctarliui
In charm-tor.
Itusolvcd , That this convention heartily on-
dorso.s the Irrigation ivork ot iho Agricultural
dop.irlinont uf thu n-itlonal government Iu
thecol.DCIUm and iltsselnlntillon of Informa
tion , especially of llx ndmlrablu progress In
the galhorlnv of lopotts coverliu tlu < whole
Held uf Irrigation dovelonmtMil , and that It
favors u Inr o appropriation for thN work
ltu nlvi d , Thatconi'ioss bo furtherinoinor-
all/L'd tounnut'ii law nutboil/m ; : corporations
organized or doin Uuslncss in thu terrltorlc-i
for thu purposes of Irrigation or coionii'.atlon ,
to buy. hold , sell 'ind ' pk-dKo lamU In snob
areis : and iiuantltlus as may bo niH-ossary for
their objoats. nnd thut. so much of tlm act of
conuross approved July ilO , lH-i ( ) , ns uistrlcts
tlmt right bo ropoalod.
ItesulVIM ) , That , u cominltteo of three , one of
whom snail bo Iho governor of till * toirllory.
and the other two to bn appointed bv tlio
chulrinan of tills convention , .shrtll draft nnd
present to the congress of thu I'nlted Stales u
immiorlal and th itaid voiiunlttuo on
inumorliils Is hereby Instrtiotcd to adheio to
the spirit of these resolutions In such
iremorlal to congress , nnd to recommend
ample restrictions to bo Incorporated In the
bill donatln the Innds In trust , und In rngurd
to nroa to be sold to un individual r.r
corporation to avoid nn ovurcharpo for water
rlKhts and nil restrictions and limitations
nocHssary to protect thu rights of the people
of the states and territories nllVetod by vhn
trnsi. eontlnnliiR thn f' ' ) " In the government of
the t'nltud States until the lo lslaturos of
tlio said states and territories en net , laws for
tin ; prouor disposition und divisions , und smih
laws are compiled with to the satisfaction of
the president of the I'nltcd Htuto , nlso to
protect the owners In nil water right ! ! that
exist at present.
After adjournment a statehood convention
wns culled nnd the following resolutions
passed :
Natives and Americans , dumocnUs nnd ri1-
pnhllD'ins , voting and speaking together ,
Ifoiolvod , That tlm covArnor of Nuwlo \ -
Ice be roiiue. > tud to appoint ono or mo.'e dele-
l..ites from each eonniv of Nuw Mevlco to nr e
before the congress of the Untied Stales the
p.ivuuoof an enabling uot for the admission
of New Mexico as u state.
ll.ll > V1UKXH3 O.V Tltll G/M.V/J , IUIt\\
'H lioodlliiKr.Vldcrnicii Walil to lliivti
That Iliiily To Cull si New One.
o , 111. , March 18. The grand Jury
investigation into the nlleged boodlelsui in iho
city council in granting valuiblo franchises
wa's boguu this morning. Alderman Kunz ,
who recently talked rather freely when
under the inlluonco of liquor , was the only
witness examined.
It is rumored thnt the alleged boortlors
hnvo friends on the grand Jury nnd color is
lent to the rumor by the Sudden postpone
ment of t'uo hearing until tomorrow. It is
understood a special crand Jury will bo
The discovery Is said to hnvo been made
by tlio detectives employed by the investi
gators that tha "combine" mot in a room in
u salnon owned by an alderman for the divi
sion of the spoils or the planning of other
sandbagging schemes , John Boulluld , who
is said to hnvo done most of tlio detecting '
the case , rented n room directly over thu ! ,
used by the "combine'1 as a clearing bouso.
A hole was made through tbo ceiling and a
microphone connected with the lower room ,
and the ex-chief of Uelectivo saw and heard
everything that transpired beloxv him. Short
hand reports of the scones and conversations
were mudu oy the detective's assistant , who
sat beside him while taking observations.
In addition to this tlio disappointed polit
ical aggression hns hud considerable to do
with the expose. Two nldermcn one n re
publican mfd the other n democrat were
turned down by their respective parties nt
the recent primaries and uro giving infer
The story is that ono member kept tbo
money , voted yea nnd then wilted. Ho sub-
senuo'nlly , it is said , wont to a newspaper
ofllco , gave up the money and told of 'other
transactions that bud como to his Knowledge
Mrthodlrtts May Atlind tlio Ills Oiirilm
Moptinj ; at Out ) Fim .
CIIICAOO , I'd. , March 18. Notice was given
today by Chairman Finloy that tbo Western
Pnssenger association has ngrood on nrrango-
monts for the ( juadrionnlal conforerico ot the
Methodist Episcopal church nt Omaha ,
which begins May 1 nnd continues four
week. Tuny consist of ono lowest llrst class
faro for tuo'round trip , first sulo ot tickets lo
bo made April 23 and the limit of ox'unsion
Juno ] ,
Chairman Km ley of the Western Passen
ger association submitted the decision today
in connection with charges preferred liy the
Chirago , Milwaukee it St. Paul against the
Unuihn road , The complaint was that , the
Omaha had cut the rales at St. Paul through
dealings with ticket broSera nnd was main
taining moro than ono outaido ticket office.
Counter chargoi wcro made by the Omaha
against the St. Paul for malicious prosecu
tion unit with extending the limits of the
railway business of Its competitors. The
chairman foam ! thnt the evidence did not
sustain any of the cbnrgtu and dismissed
Ihom all.
Tlioy Nf-ml llnclproiill ) ' .
Wi.vxil'uri , Man. , March IS. The Tribune
publishes tonight a lengthy interview with
President Oakm of tbo Northern Pacific ,
who wus hero last night with other chief of
ficials of the company.
"Does , your company prqnoiu tm.king any
extensions in Manitoba In tuo near future' "
was asked President Oakes.
"No , . I guess we will Just Ho tiulotlv by till
wo .sccuro some return out of the lines wo
have. "
' Then do tbov not pay ! "
"O , I auppoio they pay operating ex-
' Not interest on bonded indebtednojsl"
' 'Then you do not contemplate Viking Uold
of the country in bigslmpof"
' Not nt nri-soni , nut I'll toll you what : If
your people , nnd I sav It roapjcifully. would
wukoupio what Is your true , nu.v , your
vital interest , and Instead of talking sonti-
montul bosh would go in for biuinoj. * and
complete reciprocity arrangements with
the United States , you would wonder what
hud happened , it you did tiiat tlio Northern
Pad tic would gridiron your territory with
railroads and send you millions of settlor' . "
NltlV DunVHI' t,111(14.
UZNVKII , Colo. , March 18 , Article * of In-
otirporatlon for a snort line from Oanvor to
El Pnsu were Illod today , the complete or-
guni/atlon of the comrmny having just bouu
concluded. The company It incorporated
under the niimo of the Denver & E | PJUO
Independent Hnllroid coinjiiny , its capital
stock Uolnir f.'i.O'J'W und its inrorporators
are men of wealth and buslnoi-i activity.
The coiiKtrgclinn of tha now linn will bo
startedwithout nnv dulay , Thu road when
completed will , after leaving Trinidad , in
Southern Colorado , touch ul L' it Vrgat and
While Oaks , N. M. ; from thcncu proceed lo
El Pnsu and cncciiiip i.s a larao iiruu of min
eral uud agricultural lands.
John Haley was turned over to the pollen
by tils father last night for salu Looping. A
month or so at-o younti Haley \von Implicated
in a robbery and wus held to the dutnct
court In the sum of fl.OOJ. liulny tpnlor
wont un hU hoy's bail , but last night ilecldrd
lo give him up.
The police took Georso Hall In out of tbo
chilly wind lust night locked him up.
Hall Is suiinrptod of nutng a dvtertnr from
tbo United BtiUua army ,
Scoiioa at the Grave -'Soiwatlonal bor-
vices Over the Bond ,
Nurrovr KKenpe ol thn lUrrpool I'lend Irom
the llmuU nl an ICnrugeil Mob He-
nulls ol' I'urllior Intrstlptllntii
at Itnlu Hill ,
Ltvniirooi , March 18. The bodies of Mrs.
Williams nud four children , exhumed nl Haiti
HIM nfter being murdered nud burled by
Frederick Dooming , nllni Willlntrm , wore
burled tills afternoon in the parish church
yard in the presence of n large concourse at
people. At the post mortotn examination
Albert Deeming , brother of Frederick , nearly -
ly fainted nt the sight of the bodies. It
transpires that Deeming treated his wolf
brutally soon after marrlngo.
After Walter Deeming , niiolhor brother of
the murderer , nmtanumborof policemen who
had taken part in tbu search for nnd discov
ered the bodies hnd given their evidence , the
Inntiust was adjourned.
The box Milppod by Dooming to Plymouth s.
addressed "Mr. Holds , " and which was >
never called for , was opened at Plymouth > .
todny ; U was found to contain the clothing
of Mrs. Deeming nnd the children , Theiu
wns In iho box n night dross covered with
blood stains. Thu bodies wore buried In n
Inrgo trench thnl hnd been dug lor their re
coption. The expense of iho funeral will bo
borne by tbo parish.
Ah tiiioriiious crowd lined the ontlro road
to the cemetery , along which the bodlo * of
the murdered woman nud her four children
were earned. Thu llvo coffins containing the
bodies of Ibo victims were piloj ono ou an
other in n single bonne. The wlfo of Walter
Dee mi up , ono of the brothers of the mur
derer , placed a llovver wreath Iu the term of
n heart in the woman's cottlti. Two
brothers of Deeming walked behind Iho ,
hearse nil Iho way to the cemetery. * f"J >
Honvatloimlum In tlio Itm-lul .Services.
When the funeral procession reached the
cemetery n brief funeral sorvlco wns per
formed. The curate who conducted tliu re
ligious exorcises mndo a short address. He
denounced the fiendish nets of Dcomlnc in
the must , scutlilm ; terms and alluded to the
murderer ns the most inhuman monster who
had over breathed the breath of heaven. Tlio
immense crowd of spectators loudly ap
plauded these wonU uttered by the clergy
man in his torrlblo arraignment of the
The statement mndo by Albert Dooming
while giving his testimony nt the coroner's
inquest today , to tlio effect thnt ho saw tlio
murders committed iu iv dream which he-
had six months ugo , caused great constorna
lion among those present , und was the nub
Jed of much comment. The witness also
testified mat ho snw his sistor-ln-Inw just be
fore .she wns murdered , ami that she then hnd
C100 on her person.
\Vllllams In Australia.
PcitTii , Australia , .March 18. Dooming ,
who is accused of having murdered his wife
and four children , was brought to this city
today by officers , who nro taking him to Mel
bourne , whore couVt proceedings will bu
taken against him. The prisoner -was
strongly guarded nnd every precaution wan
taken by the authorities to prevent him from
attumpling to make his escape und to guard
against his being attacked by the excited
people , fcnrs being-entertained of n dangerous
outbreak of popular feeling agaiuat the mur
derer. The railroad station was jammed
with a great crowd of persons when the
train bearing Iho prisoner nnd his guards
reached Ihe cily.
As soon as the cars came to antandstill the
crowd , which had been patiently uaitintr at
I ho station for a long limo , made an exciting
rush towards the car which the Deeming
party occupied for the purpose of catching a
gllmpso of the noiv famous crlirinnl. The
constable who bad charge of Ibo prisoner ut
once hurried Dooming from the train to a
vehicle which hnd been hold in readiness to
convoy him to jail.
Chasud by u Veiling Mob.
A yellluir , hooting mob of men nnd boys
started alter the carriage , but thu driver
whipped up his horses and soon outran his
pursuers and in n short time bad la.uled
Deeming in the institution , whore lie will
remain for u few days until the formal mag
isterial inquiry Is hold and ho is remanded.
Thn deteclivcs who hunted the prisoner
down were Interviewed after their arrival
hero today. They snid that when Dooming
wns arrested r.nd was questioned nbout the
terrible churgcs mndo ngainst him , ho af
firmed his complete innoconcoof the charges. \
Ho puvo his name us Swanston nnd declared
thnt he had no knowledge of the man known
ns Williams. He said that ho was a resident
of Windsor.
The deteclivcs also said that the prisoner
had fainted twica during tba journey , but
that otherwise he appeared to ho in a cheer
ful frame of mind , Ho was vo'.jblo and wif >
very willing to tallt about tbo murders at
tributed to him. Ho seemed to bo confident
lust when tbo proper time came ho would ba
abln to provo his innocence. The police claim
toossess , proof of his identity. They soi/.ed
some of his goods , nnd amen ; * other things
whicli fell into their hands were n batch ol
letters and a. basket containing female
clothing. '
Cuprlvi K
Bnui.ix , March 18. The Krcuz XoiluiiR
publishes a report that Chancellor Caprlvl
bus resigned , The report hus been confirmed.
Thu North Gorman Cn/.etUi con linns thn re
port thai Xedlitz Trut/.scb'or was to resign ,
The Cologne Gazette todny sny.s it is ro-
porlcd among tlm members of tlin Prussian
diet thut the emperor at yesterday's ' mooting
of the cabinet stated lhat hn did not wish the
primary education bill passed exclusively by
a clerical majority.
The Tugobiutt declares thnt n majority ol
those present ntyo.storday's cabinet council
ndvocatcd the withdrawal of tlio prlmurv
election bill.
The Post says that the attitude of tlm
mlnUtora towards the bill was changed , a
majority of the cabinet now being opposed iu
Count von.jdlltTrutzi.'bler's vlowa ,
Say. < He U OimlUldil for Ilin I'tnt.
LuMios , March IS. Replying to a ( jues-
ion put to the government In the 'House of
Commons todny regarding the appointment
of Mr. Michael Herbert , to bu tlio sec
retary of thu British legation nt Washing
ton , which appointment is alleged to have
caused considornblo discontent in diplomatic !
circles , Mr. James I owlher , pnrliuim'iitarv
secretary for the foreign "fflo' , H ld that in
the opinion of Urn iruvcriunent Mr. Herbert
was specially qualllloil for the post to which
ho had been appointed.
A young in-in named Leopold Wullwnod
wus iirivsted last evening and chnrgnd with
vagrancy. Uev. Dr. Duryca and Sucratury
Oner of the Young Men's Christian associa
tion called nt ilm Jull nbout 11) ) o'clock and
went bull for Wullwood.
\ Of.porteot purity.
Lemon -I Of grant strength.
AhSnd If Economy In their use
Raso OtCJ -J Flavor as dollontoly
and dolioloiiolv ao thu froth fruit