Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1892, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Heretofore parties residing in the smaller towns and cities throughout the west have been unable to take advantage of the inducements which we have offered
by our exclusive system of easy payments. We have heretofore given those residing in and near Omaha every opportunity possible to furnish their homes on our
easy payment plan and we are gratified to be able to state that thousands of homes have been comfortably , and some elegantly , furnished through the many induce-
Jtnents that -we have from time to time offered by this credit system ot ours. In the past our credit system has been confined to the city of Omaha and suburbsbut now ,
as this system of credit has been extended to those residing anywhere ih the west , in country or town , those residing at a distance can now purchase on easy payments
as well as those living in Omaha. We have now extended this system throughout Iowa , Nebraska , the Dakotas and the entire west. You can buy of us anything
'that you can possibly think of in the house furnishing line , including carpets , furniture , clocks , stoves , silverwear , pictures , etc. , by making a small cash payment and
by paying the balance in easy weekly or monthly payments.
Wo have deservedly earned the
reputation of having the largest ,
choicest and most complete line
of carpets In the autlro west. In
rich goodg we are Loaders , and
In low and medium priced goods
there is no stock In Chicago or
west of New York that will com
pare with ours.
Send for " Talk"
our "Carpet and
avail yourselves or a liberal car
pet education , In fifteen mln-
utos you will know more about
carpets than you have learned
during your lifo. Write us for
samples , mentioning at the same
time this paper.
Write at once for further in
formation. All correspondence
answered same day as received
Our mall ordei department has
three stenographers and type
writers for the sole purpose of an
swering explicitly all communi
cations from our out of town
Omaha's ' Ball Team , Who They Are and
Where They dome From.
Prcozy Horse Gossip The Kcnnol Cluli'a In
tent long ruglllstlc AflUlm , Questions ,
Answer * ami JUlHcellunoous
Stmiager Jlowo on the Tcnm.
Manager Kowe was aeou , of course. Im
mediately on his return from Chicago , and
tans ceremony put through a rigid catechism
us to Omaha's now players , who and what
they are , and his expectations and intentions
{ or the season.
"How do 1 llko my tearnl" ho replied m
rospousa to an Inquiry to that effect. "Well ,
I am ns well satisfied as a manager could
possibly bo getting his team entire
by such n process. I think the
team is evenly balanced , and as strong as
any of the entire eight. In the first place
tbora lire our pitchers. Vickury I consider
the star twlrlur of tbo entire league , and In
fact that U the opinion of KUVUIU ! other man
agers , who would have uou overjoyed to
bitve drawn him. You certainly know Vlck-
or.v. lie U u robust young follow , of coed
bablts , und nil old longuor. Ha Is a rlght-
tiandor , very speedy nnd with all the modern
curves. iNoxt comes Nick Huudiboo , uho is
also a lirst cluss man. Ho is also a rlght-
/ handed man , nnd nt ouo time was considered
Itfoue of the coiners of the profession. Voung
Uarby comes from California , and whllo i
know nothing personally aoout him , becomes
highly recommended by the authorities on
the coast. I will occupy first myself. On
second I will have Fitzgerald , who played
eooiid for the Philadelphia Athletics n
couple of yonrs ago , and who is u very skill
ful and very competent man on that bug ,
Sullivan , the short , comes from Holyoke ,
Mass. , and his recommendations are all that
any manager could possibly asu , Collopy ,
who was with Manchester last year , is a
bummer ; n swift , accurate thrower , grout
on ground balls and a tremendous hitter. In
the oullk'ld 1 think Omahu has drawn the
cream of thu wbolo butch. Kelley is rated
way up , nnd I could have traded hint for any
pitcher In the whola outfit. Ho Is the phoiiom
o highly recommended by Umpire Gaffnoy
and Jake Morse of the Boston Herald. Last
season ho played several games with Frank
tioloo's champions , und was only displaced
by the full recovery of Bob Lowe , the regu
lar member. Ho U a great sprinter and a
bitter from awuy bucit. You know all about
Deb Gllksl Hn's an atl-iound muti aud o
good onu , und in an emergency can bo tail-
izod lu the box , ni can also Spraguo. The
.nter is the old Chicago Western association
pi toher ; ho is a left-hander and probably ono
of tha surest and hardest hitters in the
whole loaguo. For catchers wo have Hayes
nd Ivory. Htiyos cornea from Wor
cester , and they say ho Is a very line
catohor , wit hall the qualities In backstopPing -
Ping and throwing , and swings a nasty bat.
\rory \ U Amos Kusio's old catcher , and last
season did great work for Terre Ilnuto In
Iho Two-Kycd league. But to toke the eg.
probation us a whole , I am verv well satis
fied. If they do not pan out to suit mo I'll
cat cotter jnou to fill their places , that is all
there Is about that. "
I'mtu ThU In Your Hat.
The playing schedule of tboWestern league
fives very general satisfaction. No ono club
but much tbe bett of It , each ono getting
twelve Saturdays and twelve Sunday * at
borne , with the holiday plums evenly and
qultably distributed. The toason opens
April 13 , just three weeks from Tuesday
next , with an exchange of homo and homo
frames between the east and the west. After
Ihls sorlos is over tne eastern clubs come
west for n series of three gainei.
Omaha's came at homo are us follows :
olHJ3u ! I' l-Aprll 10,17and IS : Aunust
18 , 14. 15 and 10 , ana September B7 , ia and 2 < J.
mtuMluneasplw April 19 , BO ud 31 ;
Write for our 1BO page cata
logue , ready for mailing April 1.
Send 1Oc to cover postage and
PLEASE mention this paper Our
catalogue will bo the finest ever
issued in the United States , and
will contain fine illustrations of
everything new in furniture car
pets , draperies , stoves , refrigera
tors , baby carriages , clocks , sil
verware , etc.
You can order by mall and bo
as well served as though you
visited us in person. All goods
sewed up in burlaps and stuffed
with excelsior thereby reaching
you in perfect condition.
No house In the United States
carries at all times for immedi
ate delivery , such a large assort
ment of ingrain carpets , tapes
tries , rugs , etc.
Remember freight will cost you
just the same as your dealer
pay , no more , no less. You pay
the regular rate per hundred
pounds. Dealers have no special
Goods sold on our partial
payment plan , anywhere this
side of die Pacific Ocean. % ,
J4 or 1-5 down , balance
monthly. One price to all.
Remember , the least person in
the remotest town In the west
can send by mall and got goods
at same prices as Is paid by the
most Influential man who enters
our store.
Remember , we pay freight for
1OO miles.
Remember , we have but one
price for all.
Remember , we send special
catalogues of most every class of
Remombor.we do a larger bus
iness than any other several es
tablish ments in the west.
Remember , we sell for cash , or
one-third , or one-fourth down ,
balance on easy monthly pay
Remember , that you can order
by mail and be as well served as
though you visited our store.
Remember , goods can be sent
1.OOO miles as safely and easily
as 1O miles.
Remember , we sew up all
goods In burlaps , so that they are
absolutely sure to arrive at their
destination in prime condition.
Remember well , remember ,
to lorget all of the above facts.
Or come to vis and got what you
We have everything for the
home , the necessities , the com
forts , the luxuries.
Ifyou wish to pay all cashgood
If you wish to pay but a
small amount down , and the
balance monthly , good again.
Our prices arc the same to all ,
whether the purchase is larao or
small , the customer rich or poor
mighty in the community , or the
humblest oftho humble.
If you buy on our partial pay
ment plan O cents is added to
each dollar , and if the whole
amount Is paid inside of 6O days
this is deducted , or if the whole
amount is paid any time , before
it is due , a proportionate amount
will bo deducted.
Wanted In every town In Ne
braska , Iowa and The Dakotas ,
as well as the extreme west.
Largest Credit House in the World , ,1315-1317 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
August 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 , and September 22 ,
! J4 and t .
With Toledo April 22 , 23 and 24 ; Juno 4 ,
5 and G ; July U , 3 , and 1.
With Columbus April 20 , 27 and 28 ; Juno
7 , und 0 nnd July 0 , 8 , U and 10.
With Indianapolis April 80 ; May 1 and 2 ;
Juno 14 , 15 and 10 and July 10 , 17 , 18 and 10.
With Milwaukee May 3 , 4 and 5 ; Juno 11 ,
12 and 1 ! ) ana July 12 , 13 , 14 ana 15.
With Kansas Citv May 29 , 80 and 30 ; July
30 und 31 ; August - and 3 and SoDtomber 13 ,
14 and 16.
Abroad , with Toledo May 7. 3 and 10 :
Juno 2o , 20 and 27 ; August 17 , 18 , 10 and
AVltU Columbus May 11 , 12 and 13 ; Juno
28. 19 and 80 ; August 27 , 23 , 80 and 81.
With Indianapolis-May 17 , 18 and 19 ;
June IS , 10 and 21 ; August 23. ! M. 25 and 26.
With Milwaukee May 14,1 ? and 10 ; Juno
2a , 23 and 24 ; August 18 , 19 , 20 and 21.
With Minneapolis-May 25. 80 and 28 ; July
20. 27 , 28 and 29 ; September 10 , 11 and 12.
With St. Haul-May 21 , S3 nod 24 ; July 21 ,
22 , 23 and 24 ; September 7 , 8 and 9.
With Kansas City May 81 , Jutiol and 2 ;
August 4 ] 5 , 0 and 7 ; September 17 , IS aua2u.
Arlon the Flyer.
J. M. Forbes in Now York Sun : Natur
ally , my lirst thought will bo to ralso fast
horses. To that cud I have secured Iho best
stock 1 could flnu. I believe 1 possess in
Arion the speediest stallion over aeon on the
track. I baa to pay a round sum for himbat
I wanted the best , and I have it. 1 wish you
would correct an absurd story which hus
DJCII going the rounds of the papers with re
gard to the sale of Arlon. It has Uoou said
that I puid fl.'iO.OOU for him. That is wrong.
The price was $125,001) , nnd I couldn't got
him for one cent luss. It is nonsonsu to say
that I paid a fancy price for him for the solo
roaion that I wanted the opportunity to
claim that I had paid the highest price over
paid for a horso. Ttmt is simply ridiculous.
I hope I am too sensible a business man to
pay a aollnr more for any article than I am
obliged to pay. I didn't do it in
this Instance. I paid (125,000 because I had
to. It wus a big prico. but us llio horse was
such a superior animal the ordinary rules of
trade could not bo applied In this case. I
wanted him , nnd Senator Stanford would not
port with him for any smaller sum. My
stables are very simple. I have traveled ox-
tonslvely nnd have visited stocic farms in all
parts of the woild , but none outsluo of Ken-
tucuy came up to my Ideal of what a stocic
faim should bo. I ballcvo the Kentucky
breeders huvo discovered the secret of breed
ing successfully , and my farm buildings were
constructed on the same principle , Sim
plicity of construction , cleanliness , plenty of
light and air , protection from suauon changes
In the weather , nnd bare ground to stana
upon are , I believe , the chief requlslts for
the successful breeding of fast horses. My
stable * iiro constructed > upon that plan. [
am a linn believer In tbo Intelligence of
horses. If a hiirao is pioporly bandied ,
I boltova ho can ho made to
understand and obey any command
within the bounds of reason. Sight is one of
tbo greatest factors In the education of n
horse. Ho wants to see what u going on.
For that reason I have constructed niy sta
bles so that each stall has a largo window so
low that my horses can look out of doors and
enjoy the landscape. When the weather
will permit , these windows art ) opened and
the horses can stretch their nocks out of
doors and got plenty ot frosa air and un-
shine. At night und in stormy wtntber these
windows are closed , but each is provided
with a good-sized ventilator , which keeps
lha air circulating without throwing u
draught upon the horses. Hut the most Im-
Ijortant feature of my stalls is tbo founda
tion. My horses stand on loam ; they eat it ;
they loop on It , Mother earth is tha best
specific * for a horse that I know of. Give a
bore plenty ot light and air , plenty of exer
cise , plenty of the right kiud of food , and
plenty of clean loam to eat , and ho will
always bo la good condition. That is the se
cret of tbo success of Kentucky-bred horses ,
The Hluo ( Jross region is famous for Its
horsesbut I ( Irmly believe that it is the good
Kentucky alrt , and not the grots , that la tbo
secret o ( the success In horse racing. There
uro not many who realize how much dirt a
horse oats lu the course of a day. Why , It is
not an uncommon thing for a horse to cat a
good sized capful at earth in a slnclo
day. Ho needs it to stimulate his
digostlvo organ * just us much
as a fowl needs gravel. Keen
n horse mvay from dirt , shut him up in a
stall with board foundations , and ho will
quickly got out of condition. My stalls are
constructed on this plan. For the foundation
T have a thick layer of gravel , nnd over that
1 place several inches of clean , rich loam.
That Is all , except occasionally n layer of
straw in extremely cold weather. The gravel
serves as a drain for all impurities nnd the
loam is changed as often as the occasion
seems to demand. As soon as It loses its
freshness it is removed and a now layer is
spread. As a result of this system , my stalls
are kept absolutely clean and sweet without
the use of any disinfectants. There are no
unnecessary ornamentation ! ! . Such things
collect the dust and keep the air full of Im
purities. For that reason I have constructed
my stables as simply as possibly.
For tlioJUovirs of lite Doff.
Although tbora are dogs owned In Ne
braska that would be noticed lu any company
the Omaha Kennel club will give special
prizes at tb&ir fall show for local dogs. Tbo
money prboa will probably bo $10 for the
first and 15 for second In tbo challenge open
and puppy classes for each breed , and as
there will be about thirty-llvo brozds pro
vided for , the premium list , together with
the special prizes , will amount to somewhere
near $1,500.
This Is qulto an undertaking for the Omaha
Kennel club , but cities of a smaller popula
tion than Omaha have hold bench shows with
nn equal premium list , that were a financial
success , and tbo management feel conlldont
of a liberal patronage by tbopeoploof the city.
The quality of the dogs exhibited will bo as
good as any show has produced , as there are
some of the bet kennels in the country lo
cated in the western states. The main ob
ject of holding these bench shows is to bring
together lu friendly competition dog brood
ers , and to encourage them in thn enterprise ,
and to show the public the difference be
tween a thoroughbred and u mongrel.
The show recently given by the Westmin
ster Kennel club in Now York was attended
by over IKUOO ) people and tbcro were some
1,200 dogs benched. This proves the business
to bo gaining in popularity In the oast.
In tno March ft number of the American
Field there Is n description or standard of all
broods of aogs , prepared by George Itapor ,
one of the most eminent dog judges of Eng
land ; and as ilia modern standards are some
what different from those of Stonouongo and
Dalzfols' time , those articles ought to bo
greatly appreciated bv breeders and pur
chasers alike.
Mr. George A. Joiolyn lost by poisoning
his St. Bernard dog la t week. This wns
one of the pair bo purchased of the Molroao
kennels and was a splendid do ? .
Mr. A. C. Shullenborgor of Alma , writes
that his St. IScmnrd bitch Youla by
Champion Victor Joseph , Nevada , has
\\hulpud live puppies by SirBodlvcro. They
ure all dome well and mo IIno. Those puppies
will probably nil ba purchased by brooders
as this cross Is considered the boat lu the
Shellonbergor writes that ho has sent hi
bitch KnglUh setter puppy Allegro by Kod-
erlgo , Maud , Jean Vnljcan to Nosmt , the
Held trial handler , to bo trained for the
southern field trial derbv next fall.
0.1' , Hubbard of Tuckervlll writes ho
has put his Hlclio. Major red Irish setter
puppy In training for the rod Irish setter
triuls next fall. Also Peggy by Jeny Jarvli ,
This stock of bhellonbarpers ana Hubbards
is the best in the land and if tbev are not
hoard from at the Held trials next year it
won't bo their owners' fault.
Il.ikcr Will Mnuugo Fremont.
Norman Baker has Loon signed by Fro-
raont to manage their team in the state
The following Omaha amateurs have been
signed by him ; Horace Uutlor , Barney
Hurley , Dick Purcell , Harry Stouey , First
Baseman Bowman , Graver of Missouri Val
ley and Catcher Holmes of Logan , lu.
. It strikes a man up a tree that Fremont
should coucratultte herself on securing such
a , capable man to pilot her team asThe
Only Norman. "
Sam Patterson of i'lattsmoutn wfls in
Omaha this week looking for talent , but ns
far as heard from failed to got any contracts.
The Hum and Hun of Ilio Crank.
Toledo will bo hero for two ( fames on the
4th of July , nnd Kansas City for two games
on Decoration any.
Umpires in this leagun nro to receive S150
per month ana expenses. Plontv.
In voung Joe Kellov , Southpaw Spragu
ana Boo Gilkcb , Omaha has trapped the star
outlield of tno league.
In the allotment of players Milwaukee
caught one Howard Eurlo , who was on her
payroll a while last season.
The Boston nine , on the authority of
Manager Solee , will play no game with other
members of the league before the season
TUB OMUIA. BEE has christened the new
ball pork out there Mid-City park , nnd as
usual Tim Bun hits it just about right.
Cleveland Leader.
Tbo Kansao City reporters will have the
felicity of a catcu-as-calch-can wrestle with
the orthography of Eddlo 'JSjorgtoli's patro
nymic this season.
Once more Minneapolis folds Scrappy
Jack Carroll to her throbbing bosom. Hach
wanted to trade him for Kelley , but Manager
Howe said , nay , nay Paulino.
Didn't notice Manager Dan Shannon's
name any whore on the list of assigned play-
eradid you ! Wonder what Danny thinks of
himself these balmy spring days , anyway.
Charley Snyder and Charley Jones have
been appointed umpires in the Western
loaguo. Jones says It is doubtful If he ac
cepts , and it is fervently hoped that ho will
Jack Crooics has reported in St. Louis nnd
the Ulobo-Democrat says ho is looking fine
and will play tha gumoof his lifo this season ,
and for this break the G.-D. should forever
more bo boycotted.
Brooklyn's ' now pitcher , btcln , Is a quiet
Gorman boy of excellent hapUs and good dis-
position. Tin : OMAIIV BIK : predicts gtcat
things for him in the big league this season.
Brooklyn Uaglo.
Herman L.OIIK has returned to Boston from
Hot Springs. Ho Is very enthusiastic over
the prospects of the Bean-Katars , and will uo
groitly surprised if they do not win the llrst
pennant of the twelve-club league.
Heretofore it required live full innings to
constitute a gamo. In thu fu'ura a gama
will count It ono side has plajed U vo Innings
and the other four , provided that the latter
has scored the gioatnr number of runs.
Manager Uowo says ho will try all the
phenoins who apply to him , and if found
good enough will foiward thorn to headquar
ters. Dave has developed many a peed
player and hopes to unearth a few ruoro this
Old Cy si u tell if , notwithstanding ho led tbo
American association batting list last season ,
had to got In out of the nioHturo under the
Western's protective pinion * . Old Cy. will
giunt und disport himself behind the bat for
the Apostles this yoar.
Joe Walsh would llko tobrivo boon assigned
tu Omaha , but thn rates decreed otherwise ,
and bo will put in'his bosolbks furthoBurk-
eye ciioitnl. Joe has resigned his job with
the Pacific Express company and leaves for
Columbus Saturday ,
IClmcr Smith and S warty are In excellent
shape , both brouu with clnpir eyes , which are
n sure blgn of n well trained , man. Manager
Buck Is delighted with Joiner's condition.
Ho has good speed and ffui send them in
whizzing. Pittsburi ; Slsfif'leh.
Tbo season opens hero "just four weeks
from yobtorday. Saturday April 10 , wltn
three games with the St. Wuuls. followed lu
order by Minneapolis , ToUdn , Columbus , In
dianapolis , Milwaukee antl Kansas City , the
latter not reaching hero until May 29.
Pitcher Lovott is the most recent player
to threaten to retire from the diamond. But
it is tbo same old bluff. Lovott is a good
pitcher but base ball might still go on , oven
if ho did retire and give his Individual atten
tion to tno .saloon business. Ho is a hard man
to get along with at any time or clnco.
Larry Twitcheli did not remain long on
his tiich horse. Ho recognized that then )
was to bo no call for bis service * in the bltr
loauuo. aud also that tha Western was thu
next best thing to catch onto. Hit will bo in
the box for Milwaukee , and when ho comas
down hero we'll kuock Ulra out just for old
time's auKO.
Fred Smith , the old Dos Molnes and Toledo
pitcher , is still foot loose and has not evinced
enough interest to sign a Western league
contract. Ills former catcher , Harry Sairo.
has signed with tbo Western , and Mr. Gun-
noils , the backer of tbe now Toledo club
doped that tbo little follow would ho assigned
4 o Toledo. Smith has said ho would like to
IMay in that city this season.
Manager Traftloy , of the Dcadwood base
ball club , is in receipt of letters dally fiom
plnyers of standing all over the country who
nro'dosirous of getting places with the now
club for the coming season. .Among the
tiiimcs rocelvod last week were the following :
William Lund of FortGtatton , Mich. ; J. H.
Mackey , Harry Stonoy , who played with
Hot Springs lastseuson , and J. O'Hourko , of
Grand Island , Nob. Deadwood Pioneer.
llreory floxalp for tlin Horsemen.
Many traluors as well as their stock nro
anxiously nwultlnc the comintr of pleasant
weather that they may bo out and getting in
form for the season's racing , which will
very soon begin.
The brown gelding , Prince , owned by Mr.
Murray of the St. Mary's avenue stables. Is
in great form , und those of his class of the
Omaha Driving club that beat him the coin
ing season will have to stop along some.
Mr. I ) u vail , tboCuming street barber , has
a bav colt (2) ( ) pacer , by Winslow Wilkes ,
2:14J : < , dam , a fast aud game road mare , that
is heir to speed enough to put him in a fast
class at on early ago if ho is properly edu
I hope to bo present nt some time and wit
ness the speed qualities as exhibited bv the
contestants. Although the contestants are
only considered amateurs , many of them can
stop a clip that would cause a race horse to
extend himself to keep them company.
It Is hoped that weather will BOOH bo hero
that will bo lit for raalup , so that the owners
of two polo teams of Omaha may meet nt the
driving park and determine to the boys who
has the faster ono. Kiiclnc around the stove
gees for a time , but the reality is the most
W. J. Hughes , the Sixteenth nnd Fanmin
street druggist , thinks ho has In the little
chestnut rnccr.Oklahomn , the king of the road ,
und anybody who disputes this title will
huvo to move some , as ho is a rapid fellow
and Billy seams to tuko hold of bun In about
the proper stylo.
James II. Wnllack , who has bean nt the
Farnam street theater the past work , is a
consequential breeder of the American trot
ter , ho being the proprietor of Iho Hollywood
stock farm in Orange county , Now York , at
which are borne as perfectly bred oticu as uro
to 1)3 found unvwhcro.
John J. Paul , the real estate man , Is a
horseman as well , as Is evidenced by the pair
ho U frequently .soon behind , a bay und
brown of perfect proportions , nnd their man
ner would suggest that if asked to they could
stop to Iho half about ns fast as the average
person would c-iro to ride.
Thu Myers barn on Cass street has been
ro-oponcd by K. F. Foniss , and I trust the
road riders of Omaha will see to it ho has n
liberal patronage , as it is a veritable horse
homo , perfectly neat und clean , with the bast
ventilation , which is ns great a consideration
for the health of tbo homo as man.
Hilly Houston ran be seen out almost any
day withTronton and Ked Tolar to polotlving
them preparatory work on thu road. I hope
to sea Tolar go fast this year , us ho has.1
right to , bolng by the treat race horse Ash
land Wllkaj , a son of Hod Wiltioa. tbo SUM
of inoro2:30 : trotteis than any living horse
of hU age.
Frank Carmicbacl of the Driving club has
the bay poldlpg Murray John , U',15 , which
ho will appear behind this year , und from his
size and looks a road wagon ulll not handi
cap him in a mile dash , in the selection of
u horse of that typo Mr. M. has shown good
judgment , as tbo light fellows arc only tit for
a brush down the toad.
W. A. Paxtou , jr. , received lately from
Kentucky the weanling colt Worddalla , by
the Great Nutwood , llrst dam Lapland Girl
by Lapland's ' Ahdaliah , ! ir > , second dam
Campbell Maid , bv Wood burn Pilot , 314 , ho
by Pilot , jr. , 12. Wooddalla Is purely tired
in the purple mid 1 trust ho will develop into
u horse worthy his great llncaje.
At Independence , la. , lu August next , will
occur the ruco of 'fci , which U a mutch bo-
twncn AUerlon and Axtol for 810,000. Tbo
former will bo driven by his owner , and the
latter by the redoubtable Budd Dobio. it
will bo u drawinir card , but \V illlams knows
itboui what to offer to bring the folks to him.
It u a pity that Omaha hasn't such an or
ganizer aud programor.
Dr. A. W. Nnson , owner of the ch. a Blr
Lofty II , by Hill Top ( pacer ) , ho by Favorite
Wilkes , dam Jennie B ( pacer ) , bv Commo
dore Vandurbllt. 223 , slro of Bay Frank , S38 ,
hat an animal of rare quality aud breeding ;
lu CGinlurumtlou ho is perfection ; Is a natural
trotter , although from pacing dam and lire.
It is to be hoped tie will have the best cultuio
possible for him to have , and that ho may go
last , ns ho is heir to lots of speed.
There Is at thoStlllwnlor farm at Calhoun
n brown colt , Guorgj Wilton , by Wilton
2:104 : , by George Wilkcs.dain Kato Patchen ,
oy Miimbrlno Patchen No. 48 , wlio is heir
to great speed , and ns an individual ho is
without a peer. 1 look for him to have the
attention justly duo him , for ho can bo made
a trotter that , should natlsfy his owner or anyone
ono else , and bo another bright star of the
great Wilkes family.
From the outlook the year 1S92 will bo re
markable in racing respects all over tbo land.
Stables of American troltors are being gotten
together that will , in all laspocts , excel
auytblng ever before assembled. The rich
stakes and purses offered bv BO many associ
ations are very attrnctivo and with the mod
ern appliances as resorted to for a perfect
preparation , when the bell slmll sound the
assembling a party of the quality will ap
pear that will dolignt all tbo visitors.
It is possible that a match will bo arranged
to occur at some time during the comlug sea
son between the two great Nobraslcu
satlllons , Ignis Fatuus and Tabasco , thu
former , by a son of tno great Prlncops , is
owned by Nat Brown of the Merchants'
hotel. Should ho bo placed with just the
right man , a man who would bring him to
the score in lorm , ho would make n race for
the son of Hginont , who as qulto invincible
in his class last season , while In the hands of
the only McIIonry.
\ViUiam Snydur , manufacturer of tbo pop
ular Sn > dor road wagon , corner Fourteenth
nnd Hilluoy &ticots , displays a good degree
of tnsto and wisdom in n IIOMO way. he hav
ing selected and got together a pair of bav
goldlngs that are about tight. They stand
bixtcon hands , ate loppy , good lookers , and
can polo handy in W . Tney were sired bv n
son of the great Bashaw No. 50 , und I con-
gratulnto Mr. Snvdcr on the acquisition of
such a team , and believe ho appreciates and
enjoys them as only a true lover of tbo horse
The Omaha Gentlemen's Iloadstor club
will bo roort'uni/etl us soon as the season has
advanced so that driving will not bo Inter
fered with by bad weather or Imperfect
roads , and its niumborsulp will be numbered
by the Hcoro ns tniiur nro so circumstanced
they can Indulge themselves In equipages of
the most attiuctlvo chaiacler. At the mati
nees that will bo given during the season ,
miiny cxcHtng speed contests will occur
'twixt the ilifierent classes that will start for
nouot-K. It U an idea to bo commended and a
very lit iccreallon from business cams.
On the subject of "trotting broj horses. "
Uioiots no ono you will meet with In Omaha
who is more oniot mining or inoro thoroughly
conversant In that way tluin J. C. Hum-
mond. the able lloutummt to B. J. Kondull ,
proprietor of the Stlllwiitur stock farm , lo
cated at Calhoun. The m''rlt.s und qualities
of the stock ut this furm xvuia being dlscuused
lu u general way icicontly , when Mr. II.
railed attention to a bay flily that tbo folks
ut the fnrm consider especially guod prop
erty , by Iravlng us imr dutn the great miiro ,
Minnie H , who , in her best years , under the
guidance of that muster leiusruan , Splan ,
was sensational In the extreme , getting a
record never equalled by any other , sbo hav
ing trotted in 2:10 , paced in 2:10 : in harness ,
and gene the nillo ullh running mate In
2U3tfnttbo : latter gait ,
\VliUporlii ) ; * nl HID Wlioel ,
Krncst H. Smith was "in town" ono day of
this week shaking bands with the boys.
"Sinlthv" will lido a pneumatic this season.
"Bob" Young's banquet to Iho retiring
ofllcors and members lust Saturday evening
wns a revelation to the Kouiuiauds of the
Tommy Collins , Harry Smith , Dick Belt
and "Uncle Si" Conovaii will do the racing
for the Tourists this seison so says Oamo
Humor. Sum Hume ! will fury llltoly captain
tbo team.
Tha medal committee have inudoup their
minds to purchase u modal for club mileage
InV& \ which will ccllpsa anything hereto
fore otferod. The toctoat promises to bo a
fierce ono.
Captain Potter of the Tourist Wheelmen
will loraako the path tins toason and will de
vote his leisure hours tostudy half Nolions ,
full Nelsons , grapevines , strangle holds , oto.
"Borf usplros to bo n gladiator.
Would-bo scorchers and road racers will
have their hands full tnij season , ai tome of
the old-tiuiors are putting on their armor and
will enter tbo lists when the first bugle uiast
culls thejcycllnp squadrons together.
Have you seen "Tbo Spook I" Low
Fleschor can explain nil the nice llttlo points
of the machine , which Is cntirclv of his own
manufacture nn-1 Is a combination nC nil the
good , hlgu grade , pneumatic safeties in the
The Tourist Wheelmen who have loin dor.
mnnt throughout the past winter have sprung
to lifo nirain with the first hrenths ot "Gontlo
Annie. " Last Saturday evening , the lUlh
inst. , a number of them assembled and chosa
their ofllcois for the onsumg season. The
battle of the pallets was merely a skirmish ,
nnd the following wheelmen were elected :
President , J. Henry Kastman ; vlco presi ,
dent , H. L. Young ; secretary-treasurer ,
Georirn F. Wnldron ; captain , E. L. Potter.
The new captain has blocked out n line of
campaign for the rldlns season which \vill
moot with the approbation of tbo club. Tha
genial J. Henry "will officiate as the club's pa
ternal head for another season , ably seconded
by "Bob" ( everybody knows "Bob" ) , thn
new secretary- treasurer , is n favorite nmont
tbo bovs , and Goorco will fill the position tc
the satisfaction , The club will adboro ia
their original object this season , as last , n
promote cycling und enjoy the bust points ot
the sport at all times.
OlIOHlloilH Illlll
GI.AVCK.NTKII. Noli. . Mnreh Ifl.To the Snort
ing Editor of TUB KM ; : 1 to buy as good
goose mid duuU gun us lean col for from l0 ! to
WO : what would you recommend , what wolwht
and loiiKth of linrrel , mill where can It ho
bought ? Also lvo best plan for hunting
RCOSO on the I'l.Ute and duetts on small lu-
Bouns ? Adin'iur.
Ans , Write to Cross , t'un dealer , this city.
With decoys.
OMAHA. March 17. To the Spot-tins Kdltorof
Till ! Ili-Ki To decide n bet. miswur In Muiiliiy
innriiliiK'H HPK : Supposing A nnd H imiiry
two Misters , would A nnd II lie unv relation tu
o.ich otherIf so. ? A Hubseilljur.
Ans. Wobstcr says brothcrs-ln-law , sometimes -
times , but for what the Homotlmos covers ,
you must pa to your lawyer.
Poiini OMAHA , Neb , , March U.-Totliu Sport-
Inc Killlor ol 'I'm : HKI : : House chu the hel hv
of .1. .1. Ciiiliult and Hot ) Klt/sliiimuna In yoiu
imxt biTNDAV HCK. O. A. lllrsuh.
Ans. Fitzslmmons und Corbott are of the
same lipight , six foot ono.
oii.NCir , i IIMIKKK Iii. Mnri-h . To the
Sjiorlln ' IMItorof TIIR HBBI' Will you jilo.tso
iiinmmifu In Sunday's Id.ii Unit I , a Imse lull
ptiiyer. would lllie a multlon In thu nluta
rnjuio"U. O. U , lOlfi South Ninth street.
LiM'Of.v. Nob. March IT.-To thn Sporllnn
Kill tor of Tin' HKBV'u : lm\o it llttlo iiiilot
guiiio of draw In room hotel - almiit
bovjn days In the wuuk.aiid mount ly u dlbcus-
slon M rose OH to thu poorest hand that can ho
hold In poker. One nald onu tiling und ono
another , and consiuiumilly thcru was no con-
rlusliin to tliu controversy Of nourae , whllo
wn know jou inivitr touched a card In vour
life for nionuy. wu fuel confident you have :
lituldid up ngalnst iiiuny n Ijoh-titll fin run ,
mid were , , out iiiuny u ( feel In di'i-ldli.B who
bhoulil liquidate for tliu xtnfr Hint both ehuurs
mid Iniilirl.ilcH , and as u result mo foinputunt
to decide tills dispute. Now.lilnli Is thii
poorest hand that emi hujholil In poKiu ? 'I his
Is locloonlu vho iimris | ! ullh Iho ImrUuiipur
fui ufiiiull bottle. Uonrruru do I'uslulnmrd ,
Ans , The lowest possible combination of
live cards is undouDU-uly ns follows ; A
dourn. thieo , four , five und foven fpot. but
thu lowest of nil hands is n ton spot of clubs ,
nine snot of hearts , four spot of spades , llvo
spot or diamonds und the six spotaf Uubs.
All this hand Is good for Is ono of Bob
Brill's bluffs ,
I'AM.sUirr. Nub. , Mncb II. To the Hnortlns
J'dliorof TilHllKKi Will you phiuHis answer
hi Hominy's IlKK whtithns bbcouio of ( 'lmrllii
A uulu tlui lull jiluyor ? Will lie bo In any of
thu hU I'lnlu this jeai ? Tins U hla homo and
wo nro ii'ililr.illy InturCKtuil In him. WlriUort
of it player Is hui1 Old Krlund.
Ans. Aobey has signed n vVestarn league
contract and has been awarded to Columbus.
Ho 1s un average hitter und a fair Holder.
HT. l.oinn. Ma. Alureh I L To thn Sporting
Editor of TIIK IIKK : Old Tom Allan of thn
city cliilins lo liu\u lioun stood off In ' 'Is ' lUlil
with Jrni M. ice In IhTH. Did ho Hulit iliieu In
that year , if so wliut was thu rumilt ? I ) , II , l .
An . Ho fought Muca ut Konnorvllli' . noai
Now Orleans , Lit , May 10 , lt7J , fi r$5 | 0)
ftldo and the championship and was thorough.
ly whipped ID ton rouudi , lasting forly-fouf
minutes. There wai no quimtlon as to tha
fairness of his dufunt , in fact. In thu ters
parlance of tbo duy , lie wasn't ' In it.
Coustii. Di.urrii , la. , Aug. 8 , IfiTO. Dr. J.
B. Moore : I feel it not only a pnvlloi-o hut
uduty to suy a good word for your catarrh
euro After doctoring with several of tin
best specialists of thu country without relief ,
I was advised to try your catarrh cure , and
am pleased to say I am entirely cured.
Yours truly , W. A. SritONo.
Traveling audit Fairbanks Scale Co.
For ialu by till dru ; gisti.