Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Ono of tha Indicted Councilman Answers
the Oharga of Boodliug.
Mniln Tint tlio < Irnml Jury
I.UIrncil t AnarrlilHtlc Utterance * !
i'rniii I hi * District lloncli
Other Ca rs In Court.
The case of the state nRftlnst ox-Council-
man K. Morcarty has been called for trial
nnil the nttraotlon In Juiluo Davis' court
promises to draw llko a nmstaril plaster.
The grand Jury was in session n few days
figo and bcforo It adjourned an Indictment
was returned charging Aloroarly with hav
ing attoniptod to do a Httlo booJlltiR while ho
was icrvlne the city as councilman at largo
The public lonrj ape became familiar with
the claim of C. K. Squires , the street sweep-
Inc contractor , lie had n contract with the
city by which ho was to swoop the paved
street's , payment to bo maUo at the price of
fir. per mile. Uurlnc the months of August ,
September , October and November , 18'JJ , his
bill amounted to tno sum of $7,1)47.03. )
NoUvlthitntiulnir the fact that the city
Inspector refused to approve of the work ,
the bill reached the Doard of 1'ubllo Works ,
when It was rejected. Then It went to the
council where It wa approved and the
amount went Into the appropriation ordl-
IIPiieo which was passed. Mayor CushliiR
vetoed the Horn. For a your the bill raced
liack and forth between the council and the
Hoard of Public Works , to bo approved by
onn body and rejected by the other.
Humors were- sot afloat that boodle was
bolitrfusod and when the gtntul Jury con-
vcnod the matter was taken up and Invest ! ,
gated. Tim result was that the Indictment
returned sot forth the statement that More-
nrty , for the sum of fJ.'OO had told Squires
tlmt he would see the bill was allowed.
When the case was called yesterday
County Attorney Mnlionov stated that ho
was ready to KO to trial. Moraarty and his
nttorneys WCM present , but tho.v wanteJ n
continuance until afternoon In order to
prepare a motion , < iuashInR the imllctmcnt.
They stated that they did not expect the mo
tion would bo sustained , but It would glvo
thorn a ( . banco to KO to the supreme court on
error , providing that on the trial the Jury returned -
turned a verdict of guilty
The motion states tbat JtidRO Scott's
chnrgo to thu crand Jury was Inflammatory
nnd anarchistic in Us character ; that ho at
tempted to prejudice the minds of the grand
jurors when he stated that to throw u stone
in almost any direction it was almost certain
to hit a boon lor.
Ttio attorneys In the case say tbat they do
not expect to roach the merits of the case
before next week , ns It will take several
days to secure twelve Jurors who have not
heard of the case or formed their
Other Court Matter/ / ; .
Ill Judge Ferguson's court the case of
James K. McGill & Co. against Joseph Porter
ter , D. T. Mount and L. II. ICorty Is on trial.
Plaintiffs are suing to recover 51'JOU , which
they claim Is duo on account of typewriters
nnd typewriter supplies sold to Porter , who
was their agent. Mount and ICorty were
Porter's ' bondsmen. The defendants claim
that the plaintiffs did not comply with the
terms of the contract between themselves
nnd defendants.
In the case of II. O. V/iloy ngalnst Lyman
II. Tower & Co. . the Jury returned a verdict
finding that the plaintiff was entitled
to the sum of $75 , the value of a Jeisoy cow
which fell into n sewer ditch being con
structed by the defendants.
Uoforo Judge the case of John
Kuttiroff against Ed Wotzig , the Jury re
turned a verdict finding for the defendant.
"Wot/ig was n saloon Uoopor , and not manv
months ago Uuthioff entered the place in a
drunken condition. Ho became offensive
nnd uouslvo. after which ho was ejected. The
result was that ho felt that his feelings and
reputation had been Injured to the extent , of
S.'i.OOO. and suit to recover that amount was
William Ulsli has brought suit ncnlast the
Chicago , Burlington & Qtiincy railioad and
usks Judgment in the sum of > ,000. For n
cause of action the plaintiff alleges that on
July 28 , Ib'.K ) , ho was employed bj the do- as a switchman. During"tha't day
while in the discharge of his duties ho
slipped and fell. In doing so his right hanu
was pl'icod upon ono of the rails of the track
nnd a passing train severed throe lingers.
The Schlitfirowlng company baa brought
suit against 11. H. Grotto Ac Co. to recover
$73l. ! > for goods sold and delivered.
A Knin.ts MUI'H IXimricnro with Coughs
mill Colds.
Colds and couphs bavo boon so prevalent
Curing the past few months that the experi
ence of Albert Favorite of Arkansas City ,
Kan. , cannot tail to interest some of our
readers. Hero it is in his own words : "I
contracted a cold early last spring set
tled on my lun s and had hardly recovered'
from it when 1 caught another that hung on
nil summer and left tno with n hacking cough
which I thought I never would cot rid of. i
had used Chamberlain's cou h remedy some
fourteen years ago with much success and
concluded to try It again. When I had got
through with ono bottle my cough had loft
> no and I have not suffered with a cough or
cold since. I have recommended it to others
nnd all speak well of It. " CO cent bottles for
Btilo by druggists.
T o.lllpKtil C'mmt oili-It or * mill Ono Liquor
iViltllrr ( .ill lulu TiniililK.
Dcnuty United States Maisbnl Hillcamo In
ypstcrday from Pillmoro county with Albert
Vincent and ( Jeorgo SUiamoro , who were ar
rested upon a charge of having passed coun
terfeit money. They were lodged in the
county Jail to await a hearing. The chnrgo
ngalnst the young men la that they hud boon
engaged In tlio business of increasing lliu cir
culating medium by passing counterfeit bll-
ver dollars.
A man named .fames CofTeo of Shicldoy.
Nob. , was brought in on n charge of
belling lliiuor without n government permit ,
TOI.KDO , Imva , April 0 , 1S9I.
Or. J , n. Moore , DiMrSIr : My vto \ has
used about bl\ bottles of your Tree of I lfo ,
nnd thinks that slio has received greater bun-
olit from It than any moulclno she has over
taken. Vours truly , L. II. llurmv ,
CJen'l Au-ont and Troas. West Collogo.
Slnoo rccclvlnc the above testimonial , 1 um
In receipt of a letter anil choolc from the Hov ,
J , . II HufUlnof Toledo , Iowa , April ! iS , to
send Hov , J. \ \ . Konwortliy , Crostlino , Kau-
eaa , six bottles of Moore's Tree of Life ,
JA > r sale by all druggists.
AIIXIIIK tint Nquttma ,
A portontioua calm hangs over the battle.
field of the contesting land claimants In Kast
Omaha. UhrUllauson , who complained that
Kd Callahan had demolished his shanty and
spirited away his slclc wlfd In his nbienco ,
end a neighbor , John Hanson , another of the
squattera , are nmdo defendants In n suit before
fore Justice Urumlos wherein Callalinn , as
lilalntilT , boeks protection of the law for life
nnd property. Ho says tlmt the o two mon
were leaders In u mob which visited his rusl
donee n few nichts ago and threatened him
with Jlro and sword , or rather gun. If ho
persisted in claiming the land which lie bait
paid for , Cr.lliitinu has a $9,000 icsidonco
on llio disputed territory which n small
match could soon destroy , und ho has booa
tbroutimcd , ho states , to that effect.
The squatters base their claims on leases
CKCU by Martin Quick guaranteeing thorn
pcaceablo possession.Tuo cases will bo tried
tlio " 'd
on lust.
\Vo wish to maUo a suggestion to noraons
troubled with rheumatism. Try a few ap
plications of Uuamoorlaln' * Pain Halm , if
that docs not bring relief , dampen n picco of
llauncl with tbo Pain Ualm and bind it on
over the seat of pain. The ilrtt application
is almost sura to relieve tno pain and by Its
continued uio many severe oases have boon
ticrir.uuimtly cured. CO cent bottles for sale
py druggists.
Stele tlio .Souvenir Supply.
The residence of T , K , Klmball , 2IM St.
Mary's avenue , was raided Thusrday b ;
iorno gentleman who must bo propping foi
& society event Ho entered through the
basement window while tbo family was tenv
pornrily auscut and tocuraa a gold aud silvot
Bonbon spoon , a gold spoon marked "McP. . "
inlf n dozen silver orange spoons , an ivory
bandied silver fish knife , half n dozen silver
Trull knives , a silver cream lodlo nnd a lady's
tiuntlng caio gold watch. Tbo total value of
the property Is $111.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea , etc.
Uo coats n bottlo. _ _
Collector , MoTnniliT ixptnlns : Council
> < ( Jmloini Ilmnn AcTommmlitlon.
Speaking of the telegram from Wash
ington to the effect that Council Bluffs was
about to bo made n port ot entry , Collector
Alexander said :
"Council Bluffs cannot bo made n port of
ontry. Ports of entry nro only possible where
voxels from foreign ports may land and
unload their cargoes. Omaha Is a port of
Immediate transportation but not n port of
entry. Council muffs might bo made a port
of Immediate transportation tiut not a port of
ontry. The mercnnnts of Council Bluffs
have for some time been trying to got homo
arrangement bv which they could bo relieved
from im ing shipping charges nn imported
goods from the Uluffs to Omaha and back to
thoDlufTs agulil.Vo have done the in
specting of the goods that came to Council
BlulT merchants light along , but on account
of the ruloi which regulate customs ofllccs
wo hnvo been obliged to Imvo the goods
shipped to Omaha nnd after inspoctlnir thorn
on this sldo they uro shipped back across the
"I suggested a plan to thoTroasury depart
ment several months ntro that I hoped to ECO
adopted , and for u tlmo thu Council Bluffs
merchants urged Us adoption. My plan waste
to have the government provide n room on
the Iowa .side , somowhcro In Council Blufls ,
convenient to the different railroad tracks
where imported goods could bo Inspected
nud then plvo this onico Jurisdiction to In
spect and release goods shipped to Council
Bluffs as welt as Omaha. That would bavo
saved the oxtr.v expanse of keeping up a
separate customs olllco over there , and It
would have relieved the importers from payIng -
Ing the cxponso Incident to shipping across
Llio river and back again. But tno Council
Bluffs people Dually decided that they
wonted n customs ofliro of their own , nud the
other scheme was dropped. "
Hoi Traveller , take Boocham's Pills with
Cumtiilttcrs Will < ! ( > Out After I'timls for
tliu I'mirtli illInly Contention ,
rlno cominlttoo a'ppolntod by Cnnirman
Swobo lo look after the Unanclal affairs con
nected with the people's convention met in
thooftlcoof the secretary of the Board of
Trade yesterday afternoon.
It was estimated that the total amount noe-
ossary to bo raised was ootweon 813,030 and
$10,000 , which would cover tbo necessary ex
penses of such a Fourth of .Inly celebration
us the city has never dreamed of , with all
the modern adjuncts of iireworks , parades
and general patriotic ttn. and Doom.
Mr , Diet ? suggested that thu dally papers
bo requested to onen popular subscription * ,
as thov had heretofore boon very successful
In Similar efforts. Mr. Weller backed up the
Idea with iho understanding that ether ef
forts should bo made if this should provo In-
A long drawn discussion over the advisa
bility of Haying $1,000 for the use of the
Coliseum arose at this point , which was
finally closed by the chairman.
The other items of expense were called for
and Mr. Nnson mentioned the payment of the
expense ) of the national cominlttoo , which
meets m Omaha In May , und consists of
twelve members ; bands , glco clubs , uni
formed pages , badges , decorations , entertain
ment of the ! iOO press representatives and
the entertainment of 200 lady visitors , who
will bo bore to t > pak for their various
The question of the necessity of so much
money being needed having thus boon , set
tled , suggestions ns to how to raise it were
again called for.
The chairman was finally authorized to
divide the committee of sixteen into subcom
mittees of two members , who should solicit
subscriptions to n fund of $10,000 , Including
the $1,500 subscribed by the street railway
Cnllgraph writing machine is the host for
manifolding and for speed.
I'lguros from tlio llcroriU for tlio tl o of tlio
OUMSIIS Itiuc.tii.
At tlio request of buporlntondoiii Porter
of the C3HSUS bureau County Cleric Sackott
bns compiled the records of Us olllco and
prepared the following stitemont , which
shows the chnttol niDrts.isoT lllod and re
leased in Douglus county during tlio ten
months omltiiK February , IS'.li. The lle-
ures will bo sent to Mr. Porter for his information
mation in compiling statistics :
iii.rn. HI I.IIASLD.
Month. No Atnuunt. Month. No Amount
.inliu. . . USB < ; .iiino . . . yn t strum
.Illly . . . 710 f.'li.4ktlXI .lllly . . -'il
A UK imt. . iihii 11 J.i" . . ' > .i I'.l'i 2J.H1H M . . . . . aw
' ' ' ' Oct.J'7 . ' .7,7.153
Nov . . . . . 751 ! i.W.IOI f > S Nov . . . . llil 29.liJ7.W
ICO ) 71.1 lUrl..l27.i'l : Dec 1 ? ( ! ' . ' 7,487 SS
. . . . ' . ' . ' . , ,
.lull l > 12 441.IS8 111 Jim . 'li , | :
I'Dl ) I' " BlilJ 8. I cb Ul 1'7..I5'JB'I
Tolnl . IM4JJMVWs.M
lu speaking of llio largo excess of mort
gages lllod over these roloa'cil , Mr. Sacltott
stated tbat not more than two thirds of the
mortgages lllod were ever released. This
was strikingly so lu the matter ot funiltxro
leases , 'ihero was no law to compel the
mortga0os | to cancel tlio mortgagor nnd
they would not do BO except in rare in
stances. The mortgagor * did not qo to the
trouble. After they had paid oft the mort
gages nnd tiad the notes lu their possession
Ihoy did not seem to care whether the mort-
cages were released or appeared upon the
records us being unnaid.
Don't lot , that cough continue ) . Stop it at
once with 1'lso's Cure for Consumption. It
uovor fulls. jo. All druggists.
Too mont tuSnw U'ood.
County Commissioner Stonborg , chairman
of the cominlttoo on public charities is of the
opinion that many of the people who apply
to the poormastor for assistance ara not very
anxious to work OVUM if they have a chance.
Homo dayi ago the county commission
ers and the bureau of associated
charatles concluded arrangements by
which oil worthy persons could bo fur
nished employment at the Tenth Street Mis
sion wood yurd. The men were to huvo boon
paid at the rate of 15 contw par hour. Ju-
tead of money they were to have boon paid
In groceries. So tar six mon have applied
for work. Thu applications were timdu to
County Asont Muhoney , and the men Kent to
the wood yard , Threw'roportou for duty , but
the others were lost in the shulllo.
Dowltt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. '
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
\Yholesome. .
No other baking powder doe : such work *
Sea a $4.00 Bill of Goods Given Away Trco
by Anyone ?
Tomorrow Hli Ktrry Mnn'n Suit You ( let n
Complete Otitllt-Cut This Arti
cle Out nnd Hrlng It
With You.
In ardor to test which nowsnanor brings
us the heaviest returns wo jjnvo nwny
Inst Saturday $2.00 hats. Now , ns ono
trial Is hardly enough to form a conclu
sive opinion , wo have decided to trlvo
you ono more chance positively for
the last time. If you follow our direc
tions by buying a suit of clothes of us to
morrow you will pot the balance to intiko
the outfit complete for nothing. It matters -
tors not whether yutt buy ono of our
cheapest 81.1)0 suits or ono of our finest.
Wo guarantee our suits ns cheap In
price , If not chonuor , than any ottered In
the city and the below mentioned goods
nro given abbolutoly for no oilier rea
son but to test this style of advertising ,
and also to find out which newspaper
brings us the most trade. This is what
you must do.
Saturday , March 10 , and that day only
and only after you have paid for a man's
suit of clothes and only after you hand
this to the salesman you are entitled
free of charge to the following articles
In which you nro to got a perfect lit.
Madras cloth shfrt $1.00.
Suit of underwear $1.00.
Crush hat "oc.
Suspenders fiOc.
1 pair socles 2oc.
1 handkerchief 2oc.
1 nccUtio 2oc.
Total amount given away SI.00.
K103 Douglas stcoot.
2d door west of Ittth street.
P. S. This is cut out of THU 13m ? .
Dr. B. R Monroe invites all his old
patients to call and learn of the great
est discovery of tlio ago for the curd of
liquor , morphine and tobacco habitstho
Castle cure. No loss of memory and bad
elTeets in any , vay connected with treat
ment by the Cudtlo cure , 1-110 llarnoy
street , Omaha.
* Drunkenness ,
A disease , treated as such and permit
nontly cured. No publicity. No infirm
ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and
elToctuul. Refer by permission to Bur
lington Ha\\lcoyo. Send 2c stamp for
pamphlet , Shokoquon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , la.
Dr. Culliinoro , oculist. Baa building
C. D. Wood worth & Co. , successors to
Welty & Guy , 1310 Furntim street , man
ufacturers nnd dealers in harness , sad
dles , etc.
To Oklahoma Hindi SI.
Round trip tickets will bo on sale via
Santa Fe route , March. 22 , from 'all
points in Kansas and Nebraska to points
m Oklahoma nnd return at rate of ono
fare for the round trip. Tickets good
until April 21. Ston-ovors allowed in
Oklahoma. For tickets and full information
mation apply to your nearest ticket
agent or address 1C. b. Palmer , passen
ger agent Santa Fo Route , 1310 Farnam
street , Omaha.
Ora Century Olil.
An old and rather well dressed
sleeping m an Invalid's chair before
fore the steve at tno Union depot was an ob
ject of a good deal of curiosity to ofllclals and
travelers yesterday morninpr.
The old ludy was very feeble and could not
Kivo much of "an account of herself. Stio had
been helped from the Koclc Island train nnd
hi reply to questions stated thatbho xvus 101
The manufacturer who will
put up injurious flavoring
extracts and label them of
perfect purity and extra fine
quality , is a thief and a
scoundrel. To be safe con
fine yourself to the use of
such flavors as your experi
ence and judgment tell you
arc of the purest quality.
Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor
ing Extracts , Vanilla , Lem
on , Orange , etc. , are just as
they are represented to be.
If not the cheapest they are
the best , and no puddings , .
cakes , creams , or other table
delicacies arc spoiled by
their use.
* VI1 / | * 4k/H * Iranrplilnn
O CJ JMM. cured nluto3 ( > < u >
.UK J fTEFiIErB.Liban > i > '
' / AND
nro tbo
Sell Them.
ycnrs of t\RO , tlat her name wns Woods nml
thnt slio Imtl co3io to see bur daughter , Mrs.
Llz7le Slsco , tvho wiivorklnc In some hotel
In Omntifl. batJirhnt hotel stio could not tell.
A search 1 Oolog ruado for tbo daughter ,
A Now Strtee The working clnssd have
struck nijnlujt.hlgli-prlcpd cough medicines ,
nml Indorsed llJr. Hull's Cough. Syrup the
grent family remedy.
"Tho first brlnpor of unxvelcomo news hnth
but n losing office. " So happy people prefer
to tell of tbeiterrlblo patns they hnvo cured
with SalvnliowOil.
No institute In the country for the
euro of liquont morphine or tobacco hnb-
its has ( inor qutirtors than the Cttstlo
euro institute , 1-11(1 ( linruoy street , Dr.
B. F. Monroe , nhyslehui in chtir o.
Mild'Amen Kitnun llow Ho llpcnnio Drunk
I'ollrt' Court 1'lctiirr * .
A long ungainly specimen of the genus
granger responded to the nnmo ot Mike Amos
\n \ tbo pollco court yesterday morning , and
aftorfilstRiilng to tlio charge that ho had been
drunk Tuesday night , squirted nn nmbor col
ored cascade Into the cuspldoro , planted his
fool on n boncu , Ills oibow , his knee and his
chin on his iht nnd slowly drawled ;
"UliiKod If I aon'l bollovo that's right. "
"How did you got that way ! "
"Drlnkln1. "
"liver boon hero boforol"
"iNop. "
"How do you fool about ill"
"Keel llkoh-I.1'
lit ) was discharged.
Thomas Collins , the famous , pleaded ns an
extenuating circumstance that there was
only ono St. Patrick's day In the year , nnd
that hn had not nppoarod lu court for the
past thirty days. The court was moved , but
admonished tno culprit that the smnllostpon-
ally for plainest kind of homespun drunks In
his case hereafter would not bo 1cm than $15.
John Lawsha , tno votoian from Hod Onlt ,
la. , who loolts like 1'rlnco Hlsumrck and who
claims to bo the chief of pollco ol his nntlvo
town , ng.iin came to the fiout , nnd professed
himself as willlnir to plead guilty to any
thing. Ho boarded the tiger In his Douglas
street lair a few nlphts ago and has slni'o
boon soeklhg to drown his $ -'JJ ! ' sorrow in the
ilowing Dowl.
L.CO Nostlohouso and Henry Phillips gave
the prisoner's ( lock u semi aristocratic ap
pearance with their proinaturely bald beads
and tailor made clothes. The police call
them vags.
Dr. B. F. Monroe , the physiciun in
charge of the Castle cuio for liquor ,
morphine or tobacco says , "I have never
scon its equal. " This statement should
cause everyone interested to invcstifrato
the Castle euro , 1110 Htrnoy street.
$2.25 A MONTH ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Asthma ,
Consumption , Deafness ,
Headache11 or nervousjDyspepsia ,
Nervous Prostration.
Produces NATUKAM.Y
Glowing Heaiiti !
Rosy CiMs !
HBailiiyJodies !
KUKK.nll ! or Wrllo 'loUn > ,
Piiyeiclnn of 30 Yenrs iiCharge. .
You'll Snillo ,
The SlT.riFIC 0\Y iX : CO. ,
MO fchce'.y llullcl ix. cor l.'itli nml UonnnJ
Oinnhii , Nubraska.
tlmt people -Hill know jour lialrN djoil If
3 mi Ube tlml perfect liiiltatlou of
It imimrtsn glossy color nml fresh lift ) to tlio
liuir. I'lke.Erl. Ulllio , UU I'.uk I'lnce , N. V.
nnnilTII S-AMA1.W1M.I ) ) rAI'll'l.Ha : iru tlio
liiilltl I A U1 > nlu only capsules pruhcrlljcil hy
uuuu I nruillar | piuBirlnni lor thu euro o !
( Jonorrhu ) niulillDi'hai-Kus trom the urlnur ) origins
in ii iiio > i .1 ] ' i i' > ' i ii ulil
are "Treated with Carbonate of Soda , Magnesia ,
Potash or Bicarbonate of Soda. "
To partially supply the loss of
natural flavor and color caused
by this treatment , fragrant gums
and dyes are used.
Dn. SIDNIIV Uis'r.nR , Professor of Medicirc at
Umversi yCnllcRe , London , and I' to the
Collecc , pcrlnps Ihc grtalest Iiiilisli
autlioiity on the action of driim. states in Ins "Hand-
hook ol 'I herapcunca" thai" thcsiistaii'.L'il admn-
Ktniion of alkalies nnd tlicir cirbon.ilcs rendcrslhi :
blood it in said , poorer in solids and in red corpuscles.
and nnpiirs the nutrition o ! the hndy " Of ainnmnii ,
carhoniti ! of ammonia , and spmtsof nmnionia , Jie
says ; " Ihcsc prcpirations ha\c many properties
in common with the alkihnc , potash , and tuila
croup. lliiytMssesia itronc alkaline iciction , are
freely solnhlu inatci , lu\c a high diffubinii'po\\cr.
and iWulvi ! Ihc ainnul texlnrcs . . . Ifadnun-
islered too IOIIE , they ixcitc catiria of the itoiu.icll
and intestines "
For more tfutn 100 Years the
house of Wnlter Suffer 0 Co.
have } iiido their Cocoa I'rejxt-
ratlonsA USOL UTELYf UlllS ,
naiiifNO Iatent Process ,
Alkalies or D\ica. \
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass ,
by n new perfected
eclontlQo method tlmt.
cannot fall unions tlio
casu Is beyond human
nld. You feel Improved
I ho first day , feel n bene-
lltcvurydiif : BoonKiiou
youreulf n klna amuna
inuii In body , mind and
licirt. Urulna and losses
onded. Kvery olisiaclo
tiihnppyrmirrlcd Illoro-
inorcd. Nerva force ,
nlll.cuorKy , brain poncr.
wht'ii fulllniror lost nro
restored by this trcaU
raont , AlUmnllnnd xcnl {
portions ol the body on-
laru-cd and Btrcimtl.encd.
Vlctlmaof nhusca und
cxcermt < , ivclclm your
ninnhood ' ButrcrerH from
Don't ,
lU'ejinlr.ovcn If In tlio Inst
tJtairo. Don't bo illMicnrt
onril If ijuack Jmvo rob-
toil ) on. Ix.t ua show you
that mcdlcul fccleiico nud
buslnctalionor Blili cxlsti licro un linnj In IianJ.
Wrllo lor our IIooU with explanations & proofs.
mailed ealetl Tree. Over W.OOO reference" .
Third Floor , Pixton Blos't.
Trlrplioaa lOS.'j. Ktlh nnJ n Stl
A'nil ret of te"Ui on rubber for I ) . I'or/uH n : .
Teeth irlthout pl.it9 < or rdaiJT.tlil ) tirlU ] worx
Ju i tliotbliu f r tlatatt or iraiillo in'uHt , u in :
Allillluui "V ruxonibig r.itui , .ill
ColtUU uai lur au'ull *
OttM to tfl
smaller the
-fn.suioneu pill.
There's too much
for the money.
Ought to Iw bot-
tcrrtoo. They're.
big enough , and
innko trouble
enough , to do more good.
That's just what Dr. riereo's HeA'vtnt
Tcllcts do , inoro good , In ti > nil of wcnkrn-
Ing the system , they renovate it ; Instead of
utrctting , they clennso mid u > gulnto it
mildly , gently , nnd naturally. They're the
original Mttlo J.ivcr Tills the smaflcH but
most cffectlvo , purely vegetable , jwifccUy
harmless , nud easiest to take. Only one little
IVllet for n laxative tbrco for u cathartic.
Sick Headache , llillous Headache , Constipa
tion , Indigestion , Ulllous Attack , nnd nil tie-
nmgemcnts ot the I.ivor. Stomach nnd
Uowcls nro promptly relieved and JH.T-
mancntly cured.
Thoy'io ( ho c-liKiK | t pills you cnn buy ,
for they're f/tmraiifml / to tlM ; < satisfaction ,
or vour money Is returned , You pay only
for the peed you get , It'n a plan peculiar
to Dr. Tierce's medicin .
.To Soften the Hands.
llcforo retirl.ij ! take n largo mlr of old stoves
nml spread mutton tallow mildtljo all o\et
lite lumls. Wear the cloves all nlRht , nnd \ > ash
the hands with olUe ell and white castlle soar
the next morning.
Thealune , together \\llh 1001 other things.
equally If not more Important to know. Is found
in the handsomely Illustrated new book Just
America's most gifted , popular and
This book they send'to any address on receipt
of 4 cents to pay postage lint
( in more than write * .aluablo books which the )
l\\c \ to thobo who need them. They euro
Catarrh ,
Piles , Stricture ,
Hydroeele , Varicocele ,
Gleet , Spermatorrhoea ,
Syphilis , Gonorrhoea ,
Lost Manhood ,
Blood and
Diseases ,
Female Weaknes
: > ,
Effects of Early Vice ,
and every form of
Nervous ,
Chronic and Private
Tomultatlon free. Call upon or address wltt <
stump ,
119 South llth St. , N. E. Corner llth
and Douglas Sts.
Omaha. NeTo.
If you arc not suru that thu whiskey you
arc now using , as a beverage or for medi
cinal purposes , is positively pure and whole
some , abk your dealer or druggist for
It is guaranteed to be absolutely pure ,
rich and mature. You may know it by its
fine flavor and the proprietary bottle in
which it is served. For sale at all first-class
drinking places and drug stores. Call for
"Cream Pure Xye" and taltc no other.
4 DALLEMAND & CO , Chicago.
Til jOnly 1'offnH V.i ) Hi in
lice till brlnuu In
tint uiirlil
Is the oiitv s > rltMU u\cr In
M'lllnl hyhlrh MiKlniil in
Jot tloii ! * tun t > u MilmliitMeiTil
without Iciikliu mil i > llln.
ho c I'pthlii , ' in ncx'U'aU uliirf
lu iinu ol nujiol. . nml
liiCh fiui aliu bo 119ml lor
n > ( ml Injections or irrlU-
lei :
hOI ' 1 HUIUIini. I'.ri.l !
i-Mtjcj ; , ,
Mall orilcri tolleliuJ
' 1 he Aloe & PenfoldCo
j\ ' . f ttt
I'll ) si elfins' prescript I < MH
rnrolulty pro.iaicU at low
pried *
Under tlio patronage of
Mrs. M , D , FRAZAR ,
TO and 71 Globe Bldg , , Ibston.
Tour of 80 days. $500 ; Tour of fiO dnys ,
$100 ; Tour of ( JO aiiys. W7.V , Tour of' 15
days , WOO.
All trmollnff , liotcluml M.'M colru cxicn ; < i)9 InJ
chilled ,
( Piutlea lu .i 11 nltli Mrs , 1 r.-uur , , luly 2 , eU'.iin-
> lilp Scinn.I iiniiril I.IIKI , lluitun ,
NOIITJ1 ( Al'K I'AUTV lo Mill .IJIiio lii..b ) elt im-
ulilp I'AVONU tram llnsun ' , Ddnri , ti l.
Aii | > llrntlnnn mint lioiimilaut unto lor this ton
nuil ( or clrcnliir nml ri'U'ri'iuo
National Bank.
( ajiUnl $100,000
in-plus ( tll,5J ! )
Olllreniniiiilfc | < t9rHenry W } ate proilrtant
II C Oulilnxlcopruihleilt C S M miluj W V
Morto , Julni ti lulllii * , J . ' * ' H. rutrluj lni | A
llDC'd CM i lilt'l
Corner lath aiU Fornam St * .
CM 164tolOa8tQto8t. . Chlcairo
"III Mall Irrc lUcii muff tnliiLtl
ttulogua Lt llAn > l Inklruiiiriil * tni
lor u nt t < | Ui ( r ml * IJU lir * II
kliitKut de'tnting eiery ulifU .
tit ire 1 l > y IAII . ir Drum lvri > t , - s
I inuint Imtruclloiu for Amateur IUn < li
ttrr HJ Uruw Kifrt f rlifB II )
lit u-J k8tk.ltJ tuur U a4 Mui.t.
Wiiat's Your Business ,
H depends a good deal cm what business a
man is engaged in , what he should wear for a
business suit. A merchant intending to "sack"
a few clerks , should , of course , wear a "sack"
suit ; A real estate man , one that -won't show
"dirt ; " A capitalist , engaged in clipping
coupons , a "cut"-away ; traveling men , ex
changing a few lies , "swallow tales. " A pugil
ist should wear "striking" colors ; A carpenter ,
"plane" colors ; A bank cashier , "checks , " and
we have it on good authority that in certain
exclusive society in Lincoln "stripes" are all
the go. Here in Omaha , where every man
works , some for pleasure , but most of us be
cause we have to , the convenient sack is the
recognized suit for business. This week we in
tend to do a great business in business sul
offering three big stacks of suits ( a hundret
suits in a stack ) , made of very fine all
wool cassimere in a handsome , dur
able steel gray , a color that looks well
when you buy it and looks well so
long as there is a thread of it left , made
with lap seams , lined with fine Farmer
satin arid -with striped sleeve lining , at
Will also give you your choice of
either a Sack or Cut-away suit , met o
of fine black Clay worsted , lined with
excellent Farmer satin , bound with
substantial Mohair binding. The
Clay for a combination business and
dress suit has no equal.
Among the many good things in our
Overcoat department , where we are
showing a line of garments that
we're proud of , and where you can
find an overcoat to fit you at any
price from five to eighteen dollars ,
we want to call your special atten
tion to two new lines of fifteen dollar
garments , at
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. m.
For inventions
uv THE
Bee Bureau of Claims
rqnnl wltli tlio lotcrou of thorn hivln ? rtil n
nKnliim thuKurcrnnionl I ) 111 it o ( l.NViN ; roll j , wi ! >
nftuii lota tliubunu'ltof ililolnvfitU'it tUJ inu
tif llio Incitiniiotonuy or Inattention of tfu nttnrmyi
emplo ) ctl to ohtaln tlur [ into it ? . Tuo iiiiichoirj
( iinnot liu ntorcUul I'l on lnj'lti ; LMii ot it .1 1 I
rullitlilo hello HIM to pito.ui . , for t'u vilu
of n pitont tl imndi uro ill y , If not ontl rely , U , > Q 1 1 1 j
earn nnd skill of the ntlornoy.
Wllhtlio vlow of protootln ; Invo itort frJ n w ) r' ' >
IPPS orcircloHH nttorneyi , an I nf noiln ; tti it IIIVJT-
tloiM ara wall protaa'ol l > y \ ill I pitutUi , Til 1C U i I
IIUIIKAU ) m rntalnul ouiKol utporl In [ ) UJ i.
Frnetlco , arul I * thoroforu
Olitiiiit jnitt'ittH ,
Caiuliit't Inter fr
Sliika Hiieflnl fj.iiiiiliintta > n ,
I'fOMCCUtt' I'i'Jfl'tf'll i'llMfH ,
fi-inlti nntrkx nntl cui > i/i-J'/liti
Iti'ittlei' < tvtitHci > ] H ! idlil- :
itu o
l'f Kfctte : unit < l cino.t
Hit Itu , etc. , etc.
If you have an Inrontlon on huml cml Till ! Mil ! !
DUUIOAUii tkutpli or [ uot'Ur.iiili tliera if , toitst'u ;
with 'i brlof iluicrlptlon ( if thu Import int loaturoi
ant' you will lie 01103 nilvlni ) 1 ,11 to tlu butt utPir o Ci
pumio Moduls nro jiot nt'cuoiry unloii th'j luvo i >
lion IH of a I'ompllcntu j nitnrj. If otliori arj l-i.
( rnifhu'on your rlKhtt , or If yo i : irj en ir u I wlt'i '
InfrlimuiiuMic tiy oirmr * , t uh nit Iho mitl'jr to T.t ft
JUmil.UMor u iL'lliOlJ OI'l.N'lUN b.'toro .tctliuui
llio in liter
'J20 Hco nniltliit7 , Oinihi , Xo\
fW'Th's llino.iu N mi ir lines I by tm !
Oniili : i Hoe , the Plonuer I'lus-s mil lliu b.ui
Ciu this out si nd scna it with your 'i
ill ! I hoiM'M I' . K. liiillun bC'lUri' , Om lliu
Mild WInniilMKn hull in Axuiti'V. Wlnmm.iKO.
Tli il i it on Count ) . Null. , Ir-'i. ' . Suiilt'il mo-
pos.ila cnilcii-c I "j'i < > | w > us fur Iliilldliix Sin-
lull il nn I Mime * , " as tlioo isu nuiv lie , nml
aiilii'ssi-d | lo thu iimlurMlKtiad til M'innubaxi ) .
Null. , will liu iurulvi > d unt.I I o'clock , p , in. , of
Apill Hli , It-1) ) . ' , for fnriilhhliu nml ilnllvciln/
lit tlio \ \ ninuliHKn Annncy , llliiuit h ! > , IK ) frut of
as'-orti'd lumber , Ii ) ulndowi. 'U doors , hiiid-
vN.ui1 , lirlL'lt. luno , pie. , ic < | iitiid In tliitflri'u-
tlnn of nri.imu IIOID-LS for Wliiiiuliuuii IndUii
nlliittc'cs AlM > firfiiiiiNliuiK and ilollvcrlii {
HI hor-t's iitxnlil tiKuni'y. Afulll'ht ' anil ( In
scription of i Im nun Imoiit.iliiuil uji-
( iii aDpllcntloii In HID iiiiilii- | > l'iio ! I. HoiM's
niiitt PC nf AmurlL'aii sloi'lt. from I lo ? yi'nra
old , siiiiml mid wull , lnoKiin to iiainess , ulth-
nut lilcrnlsli , not li > ; llrin l.'i liiimls lil/li ,
Ao 1 hnlll In | ) niirtloii | lohlitht , nml to WL'l li
Illll lll-'i lll.lll H.'lll pdllllllH Illllllt'lS Will III ! 1C-
iiulrcil toslalo HiHi.'lllu.illy In llicli liMK lliu
iirupoicd piluoof n.ii-li aitk-li'OiliMiid for du-
llM.'iy inidiii n I'onli.iut Tin' i.nlit Is luturtnd
In rnluot miv or nil lilils r any ii'irt nfiiny
bid If ilruiiii'd fin tlmlu-t lnli'i"il of tin ) t-oi-
\lci > Cuillllod i'lipul < > i I'.nuli bid must lie no *
comjiaiilod hy a corlllli'd I'ln'i'k or dinft ilpun
t-oino t'nlKd t-luli's di'piiilnny or solvnnt
n.itloii il bunk In tliu \ Idnlly nf the rcaldcm-u
of tlio Ijldditi , m.idu pi : > , ihlo to the oidi'i of
the I'limiiiUoliiiior of liidlnii All'iui.fur lit
lijiist 5 pi'i ' I'i'iit nf I ho .iiiKiunt of lliu ,
wliloli I'liicK ordi.ift ulll | H > forfi'ltuil to tlio
I'nltud ' tutus In OIIHI' any lililuVi or lldnrs ( |
iornl\ Hit ; mi aw.ud bliull fall to promptly i'\-
con i r u I'ontrjctvilh Ki'i'd mill nifllc'k'nt ,
Mlllll" ! | > | UliMIWllO ( Id III ! ll'tlirill ) I to till ) Illll-
del Illdw iiLviiiiip.inloil l.y icisli In HIMI of u
i ci tilled cliuoU ulll not ho con-.lili > ri'd lor
fnrtlioi Infoim uloii apply to It'JUIMtT II.
ASIII.I.V , I' , h Indian Asriit. .MtliU'llm.
I'rrfDTis nho hayo lot property fin D Ind .in .
raids iliuiild lliu tlic < r claliiH iindir llio Ind 1111
li'l > ro lat'on A 't of .Mar h ' , H I 'I ho U
lliullu'l , un I Ihc ( iliilinx am taken up by tlio
court MI the or.lur Jn will -h tliuy lira 10oivo I.
Takj Noticu Uut.'ill touliaoti outnrcl into
with attornoya jrior to th ? A t lira mU-
null t.n-1 void. Jnfur imtluu Klvu.i mil .ill
claims promptly attomlu I to liy tliu
ItiiItuUtlln.y. .
ri7"TbU Is t'narantuol by tin !
Oni.ilut Iko. Uio I'luacur I'lCai ant thu H.ta
1'iaufUuo H.vannncr , i
Army and
in the Regular Army
and Sailors , Seamen and Mar
ines in the United States Navyt
since the. IVar of the Rebellion ,
who have been dissharged from
the service on account of dii
abilities incurred , therein while
in the line or duty , are
Entitled io Pension
nt the same rates and under the
uame conditions as persons ren
dering the same service during
the War of the Rcbclltin ,
except that they are not entitled
under the now law or net of
June 27 , 180O.
Such persons re also entitled
to pension whether discharged
from the service on account of
disability or by reason of expir
ation pf term of service , if ,
while in the service and line |
of duty , they incurred anyj
wound , injury or disease w
still disables Ihon for manlicti
IVido w s a n d Ch ildrcn
of persons rendering service in
tlio regular army and navy
Since the War are
Hull tied lo Pension *
if the deatli ofthesoldler was < l > ia
to Ills service , or occurro-1 .v'nJo
lie was in the sorvico.
Parents of Soldiers & Sai/i > ) 's
dying in the United fatatns ser-
viea since the War of tlio Hcbc-1-
lion , or nftor discharge from tlio
service , from a cause originat
ing therein , leaving no widower
or child under the ago of sixteen
years , ara entitled to pension it
now dependent upon their own
labor for support , whether tlio
soldier over o jntribtitod to their
support or they were dependent
upon him at the time of.hio .
death or not.
As to title to pension , ADUHKhS
Bee Bureau of Claims ]
UUO.M iiiiO ,