THE OMAHA DAILY Jii3E : SATU11DAY. MARCH 10 , 1892. 8PEG1HL NOTICES , FOIl TIIK81 * COM1MNB AI1VKHTI8KMKNT8 12:30 : p. tn. for ttio evening nnd until S.ZO p.m. for the morning or Hundar fit- All Mltfrtlncmcnls In tbc 8 column * IS renU line nrnl InM-rtlon , nnd 10 cunt * n line thereafter , nr Br r line per month. No advcrtlcr-mr-nt tnkpn for UM thin 2 : > cents for the flrot Insertion. Terms , caih In advanrf * . Count about " .oven word * to llio line. InltlMA. flrtirrs , symbols , otc. . fncli connt a i word. All nrtvertlfomonti muni run con'poutlvoly. AdvcrlliPtK liy rcqnentlng a numbered check , con likTotlio letters nrtdrfMPd lo n numbered letter in esrnot 1 MM Her. Annwern so nrtdrrstrrt will bo delivered on ptencntnllon of the chock. SITUATIONS WANTED. HATI'S Ken line llr t time nnd lOc n line after. No dTcrll ement taken f J l"i | - W1TM nflST CI.ABH I'lTY Preference , wnntu * position. Address HaUlcc. A-WANTHII. 1IY VOtJXO MAN A POSITION TO Awork evcnlnRsi reference * Riven. Aildren" S 51. Jlco. T VoiITION AS I.ADV ( 'AH1IIKH. KXl'KU- AlencVcl nmi references Address , IDI hoiith Klrst itrort , Council muffs. M"1 ? 1 WANTED-MALE KELP. 11ATKH ISC " "O llrllt llm < * " " ' ' I0c R "nn after.o ndvortl .omcnt taken for less tlmn Me , Yl-WANTKI ) , HALKSMKNOX SA1.AUV Oil COM * JJmlsilontn handle HIP new patntit rlicmlrnl Ink ranlnir pencil. The ureatent lllnic novelty ever produced ! i-rancn Ink tliorniiitlilr In two seconds ! no nlira lon of pnpcrs 2W1 to HO Her tent profit ! ono aircnt's rides nmoiinlcd to Kill In MX ( lays , nnother | : ij In two hours.Vo want < no wnrral ntent In each Mate nnd territory. Kor tprnm nnd full par 'llculars artdtms Monroe Kro ur Mf . Co , Latrosjo , > VI .i A M. ° ' 7 > -HALKSMK.N. PAYS WIIM * 401 IIKK IILIKI. -m 10D-A2 * 1J-IIAHNKSHMAKKIIHWANTKD. uuuii -Dwaucti paid. I * . Stntlie , York , Neb. ; 7P K lt. I OHKHa WAN ? IU ) KVI'.HY WKF.K .lifer Wyoming on tbo II. A M. U. II. . 'r < 1 ° tnin orlnlion from Omatin. Cull ntOOUH. lOlh "l , 1 , . 17-nTYl.ASVA8HiilB.BAI.AHVPAHMyiKKIY : JJSItiKer rcwlntr machine olllce , 1510 Douglaii street. - n-WASTii : ) , A HF.GIS'ir.HKI ) DHIJO CLKHK Jlror n smull rountry town. Apply by letter , Mating snlary expected. Max Arendl A Lo. . Spen cer , Nob. - , A K1UST CLASS HAHNKHS maker ; nnno other need apply. % \ . W. Pnlini-r , 3InmburK , In. * T > -WANliei ) , MKN OF HKHI'KCTAHILITY AND J > clinrncl < M to solicit for thn Nebraska Stnto Uuarnntoo HnlldlnK and Loan ns'oclatlon. Addrcits T. L. Mnthons , manager , Fremoht , Neb. 057 21 * > -3 HOYS. OMAHA 1IOX KACTOHY , KAST JOnmlia. t73 - A F1IIST CLASS HAHNKSH B-WANTKDI ; wages and a sleady Job. Applyjit once. K. H. Wilson , Pierce , Neb. 077 : 1-WANTKD. S C.OOD HOLIC'tTOHH KOH NKW B specialties. Hoom 615 f beeli-y blk. 631 18' - , A ItKGIbTKHKD PHAHMACISr ; reference required. Address A. II. Skinner Utlca , Nob. * If - . . OMAHA 1IOOK- B-WANTHD.ONHOFS.M1TI1S keepero. Address Meri-hnnt. South Umahn , euro lice Olllco Mb.'i ( III' -UNnilOKTICBOLlCnOH-l WANTP.D l N , B Y I.I to building. M ll IM - , K > TUAMSTKIW KCHl WOHK IN B-WANTKD wages II 75 per day ; to go hunday inornlng. Albright's Labor Olllie , 1IM ) 1 nrimiii ftreet. M7IO 19 , T-WIDi : AWAKK WOHKKHS KVKHYWHUIli : JJfor Iho greatest hook on earth. Shcpp's Pholo- crnphs of tbo World ; cotllng tllO.txjO ; maiiimolh Illiislrnled circulars and terms frets unparalleled IICCCM ; Mr. Thomas L. Miiitln , IVntof rllle , Texas , cleared f'll In nine dnys ; Mls llo o Adams , Woos- ler , ( ) . , (21 In forly mlnulcs ; llcv J. Hownrd Mndl- don , L > OIIH , N \ . flOl In sien ; hours ; n honanrn ; inagiiinrent outllt only fl 00. Hooks on credit , freight paid. Address ( ilobo Itlble I'ubllxhlng Co. ' KH Dearborn direct , Chicago , III. , or Phlladel Uhla , . 22 * - , A KKW PKHbONS ATTKNI night ictiuol nnd keep books In April. J. H. Btnltli , Itli New York Life building. AI733 a ) * ll-WMKN HA1LHOAD WOHK INDIAN TKHHI- JJlory hlmidy work. Free force. White Labor agency , lit ) N. lOlh slri-el. 714'lii * T ) WANTKD. MKN TO TUAVKI. FOH OIIH CAN J > nda nurti-orles. Stone A WollliiKton , Mudlson Win. - HIISTCLAbl I1LACKSM1T1I FOH JOH B-A feliamblcn A Hcolt,27th mid N st , South Omaha. 742 lil - | > _ \VANTK1 > , HY A CHICAGO Flll.M. ATHAVKI. J'lng hoe milesmiin who himn trade of not less than fldfl OOll per year. Addres H. A. DAWIndl , Ko. Xtl Huron M. , Chlcngo. Mtli.1 a ) U WANTKD , FOUH COAT AND TWO PANTA- J'loon tnllorn , Scandinavian ! ) , for Fort Dodgo. In. AddrvMiPl.tiiioiilliClothing House. M701 20 B-WANTKD , KXPKHIKNCKO HOOT AND 81IOB siilesimm lo neil In touthern Nebraska from Chicago. Address S XI , Omnliii loo. M'bOliO -HALKS.MKN WANTKD TO SKLL OlMtlJOODS by sample to tiiu wholesale and retail trade. Liberal salary und expense * pidd. Permanent po- Bltlon. Money advanced for wnirei , nilvertlKliiR , etc. 1'or full partleuluis inn ) reference address Centennial Mfg. Co. , Clilcano. 111. M731 20 * -WAXTKD SALKftMKN , 8ALAHY OH COM- Jml Mon. to bundle Krentcst novelty pntcnted. f-ellsat KlRlit. lienerul auentM wanted In every talc. Semi otiinip. Unlly Door Cbeek Co. . Unity bdlu , I'lilcnito. M7MJU * _ 1-HALlCh.Mi.V : WANTKD TO SKLL TO THK J > relull country trade our line uf jeans , cotton ndei , lil.inlotn , tliiuncl" , KlnKhnms nml drevs Kooili on roiumlsxloii In connnctlon wltli other business. JIunulHUmcr , box Ul , Uryn Mawr , I'cnn. M7M10 * T-WANTii : ) , HY A PHOMLNIINT WHOLKSALl ! J/clolblnE lioiise , nn uxpi'rlenced salesman for Kebrankii. Aitdiotia wllh full particulars. Cloth , P. O. box Plilladelplila , Pa M747 10 * B TTs TO15AIAY TOAOKNT8 SKLLl.NC o'lJH Perfection shoe ( recently patenled ) , also llio Taylor adjustable shoe , direct tu tbo consumer ; prollt from 7. > o to R.'J.'V a pair. No competition ; every lady n potslblo customer tills spring. Secure your territory atonce. AddroiH with 1 cent stamp , Consolidated Adjustable bboo Co. , Lynn , Muss. MT4U 19 * 11-WANTKD , HAHHKH , ! Mi SOUTH 1STH HT. ) 1H * WANTED--FEMALE HELP. ItATKB-lSo a llni flrst time and lOo a Una there after. No mlTerll ument lakrn for less tlmn K > o -W ANTKi ) . A ( IOOI ) iuHL KOH U ENKH XY , house work ; Ueriima preferredInqulro l'(2I till C-WANTKD. OlHIi THAT CAN IK ) ( iOOII PLAIN cooklnu wjiero second Kill Is kept , liood wanes. 1914 Lociut1. . W'J -WANTKD , ( ! IHL IN KAMII.Y OK TWOj MUhT bo Kiiod cook : cull luorninKS- Mrs , I ) . II. Wheeler. ) r. , ID ! h. Mill st. U7J ID * /1 WANTKD. CJIHL KOH ( iCNlMtAI , HOUSK- v woik , S337 Dodjo street , opp. Hlxti School.USll USll 18 -J5CO A DAY lOAUKN'W , LADIKSOK IIKNTS. nlvlni ! humpies and selllni ; ntedtcul toilet pnnp tu families ! Croft A. Heed , Chicago -WANTKD , llOOKKKKI'llt : A WOMAN OK SI A. turn yi'iirs : must bu rompptcnt ; peruinnont tiu alloii ; WUKI-H 135 montli , IncluliiK buunl nml lodulnc In u country lonu. Addro > s room U > , Paxlon lintel. Sli ) IV ( CrA(1 ( ; i'.i 10 C-IIIIll. KOH OKNKHAL HOUSK WOHK. APPLY Xlli Howard. 731) ) m -WANTISD , litKl ) t XK AND l.AUNDIU.SS. Mm. W.I. IIurn-holt , fal Plno t , 7J4 ID * C"WA7.TI.I ) . A I'KW LADIKS TO CO.MPII.K lints , mliln s clrrulars , etc. . nt lioino. IVrina. nonl If I'lixiiiml. AibtresH nltli slump , lloutokeiMi. < ! ' Weekly. Plillailelplila. Pa. M7I3 ! ! ) C -WANTKD. mm. ro.r UKNKHAL IIOUSK. work. Sirs. < 1 , W , Looims , 1014 r-o , IWth avnnuo. FOB BENT-HOUSES. , -tf HOOM KliAT , l',03 I.KAVKNWOKTH HT. 757mSi * ' ! WU-HOOM HOlIhK. K7TH AND DAVKNPOHT J/Hll conveniences , t 00 per montli , K. K. Dar- HiiK. llarker block. SiO -IIOU8iH : AND APAHTMKNTS I.V IIKST HKHI X-'dcnco block In cll > "Ill r ) . 'd street. Tul. ITW. 1IKCJ | - \ I.AIUIK UHT OK HOtWKS , 8TOHKS. KLATS J-'clu. , > 0 und up. Paul , 17 Hoard of TtaUe. ii3 ! A t * _ TV-HKSIDKNCK PLATS. UA.MKIIUOMH. WITH Jvbulb , contentful to business , uulytJU. Muad Invt. Co. , 441 lleebulldluR , TV HMl HI'.NT. NICK NKWLY KUHM8IIKD 4 'rooms , W. N , Unh , ilrgnuan rials. M430 ' { V-I-UU HK.ST , 9 KICK CO'lTAUKS , IO AM ) 4-'jil5Cnn t. 4VHI-IB * _ P XUIt HKNT.TToPSKS , f7.W PKH MONTH AND I ) upnaids. Tlio 0 , K Davis Co. , I'M Karnani si. 01 lA-HIH HKVi' , AT Kill ANDnilOAUObTitKETS , T room flat newly pauerrd , I.U.U ) . 4 room flat In framu bulldlnu. tlO UU , 3 ruoui cottiito. rlly water mid closet , Id 00. Jtobvrts. IOIH Clilcauo striMit. MM3-IO * JKLKHANT H HOOiT KPHMSIIKI ) IKH'l'E .17oll modern , near Urowuell lialli lluu.00 per mo C. K. lUrrl.on , HUN. Y. l.lff. t.j | u _ TA-ViOH HKNT. IIOUSK IS4I N , ITTH bT. . V IKHIMri , -1/balb , Ho. , la ) | > r uiontu. K H. Woodrow , Neb Nut tmik bulidlnit. ( , ( i KNT. 10 HOOM IIOUSK , M ODKHN CON" /vuiUonc . tai a mil t. BSS n > * D-4-HOOM COTTAOK , IBS 8 I5TJI AVK. . HK Iwrou Jackiou andlA-'aveuwortu til , lUtf IV * ron D-KOH HKNT , TWO IMIOOM 110U9K3. VKHY besl location , all modern Improvement. In. quire of tbo llyron Heed Co. , 211 S. lUb street. MO3 tl * -POIl IIK.NT , Till ! ItrtKI ) IlKPIIlKNCK. MTH and Dodgr , Fourteen rooms , nil modern Im provements , barn. Ice houno and largo ynrrt. In quire of the llyron Hoed Co. , 21) S. llln street. MC9I 23 * -10HOOM MODKHN lint'SK , A NO. 1 I.OCA- lion , 1814 Dodgo. Parroltc , Douglas block. * Mi 30 SO l"l-KOH HKNT , 8IX-HOOM IIOU9H. NKAH HI'SI- -1 'ness centre , pou-d condition. 131. The o. K. Davis Co. , 1504 Karnam st. 713 20 -KOH HKNT. AIIOVK NOf . C7I AM ) 631 SOUTH ir.tli street. H roiim Hat. every modern toiivcn- Icnci- , Including Inrue kitchen range. Apply Winder - or , Kerry * ft Co. . an y Y Llfobldg. MTCI D -2 U CAPITOL AVK.NUK. ISgUIIU ! SSI9 OAl' * Itol I avenue. MtRi AI3 * D-1IOU8KS IN DK.MAND. STUANflKUS MOV * InuIn want to rent. I.lstwltli 1'arrotte. Doug * Ins block. Mu020 D-r HOICKS. nn-TAOKs , ALL PA UTS CITY. K. C. Oarvln A Co. , 208 Sheely lllk. , Tel. 1KW. Mi > 5 20 TOR KENT-.FU11NIS1IED BOOMS. ItATKS I5ca line nrst time nnd lOo a line there- niter. No advertisement taken for los * < tlian25o. _ . Heal , gas , etc 2017 llarncy St. ta.VI8 * I/-LAIK1K KIIONT HOO.M KLl'dANTLV KUIli iJnlst.ed , steam heat , bath , etc. 1917 I nvenworth street. For Kcntlcinnii. 1124'J 20 * -SOUTH HOOM AT 21W DOUGLAS STIU'.KT. 'j Mb2U 21 * | . ' FOIt IIK.NT. ONH I.AUCK KIIONT OH TWO 1-Jback fnrnlshed or unfurnished rooms. 122 South 25lh street. SWU E-TWO YUllNliMIKn STKAM HKATKI ) 1'HONT rooms ansulte , I2J , 1S1T Lcuvonworth st.MT04 MT04 la * I-KOH , IIK.NT , rUHNlSIIKI ) OH tlNKI'HSISKKD l-Toonis , modern convunlvnces , 407 N 14th st , 7J1 2.1 * -FUHNISIIKD AND UM'UHNISIIKIt UOOMS. J "InKlo or vnaulle , modern conveniences. Illtt So. ilh street. , M7CO 2o FUKNISHED HOOMS AND BOARD. lfrtMi linn llrst time nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnkon for less thnn25c. 17-NICKI.Y rUHNISHKI ) HOOM WITH 1IOAHD 1 for man and wlfo or two ladles , prlvato family ; 15 week each ; modern conveniences , 515 N. 2.ird st. 6Jtl M20 * F-VKHY lIKalHAHI.H FIHhT AND SKCOXD lloor , south and past , furnished rooms at 'The Krcnzer , " 110 No. 2. * > lli street , FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS G -SIX PI.KASANT HOOMS. 031 S I7T1I AVK , between Jackson nnd Leiivenworlh. 60-1 IB * BOARDING. IIATKS 15o a line llrst tlmo nnd 10 < - n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thai : 25o. TJ-PULLMAN HOUSK , 1310 DOIK1K. KOH (10OI ) J Ibonrd , nicer rooms , convonloncoi. rates and lo- nllon It cnhnot bo i-xcellud. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 201 A 10 * nDAY IIOAHD ? 100 W1CKK , 615N. 2JD fcTHKKT. 713 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. HATKS IScn line Hrit tlmo nnd lOa n line them nller. No advertisement taken for less than 2.V- I - FOH HKNT , BTOKK , l 21 HOWAHD. L B8.1 1 roil HUNT.T1IK 4-STdllY HHICK HUILDINU. Jtlli Karnan etrvcl. The building lint n tire-proof cement basement , roinplclo ntcnm-heallng llxturcs , wnlcr on all the Uoorf , g s , etc. Apply nt the otllco of Tlio Hee. US 1-SUITAULK IHJILDINOS FOIl MAMUKACTim Jims purposes nt L'ckermnnn Place , Rood cnglnn unit bollur , { M per month , C. F. 1'arrlson , ' .112 N. Y. Life. iligul " -FOH HUNT , IN HK8TH1STAIL LOCATION IN Oiniihn. cntlra second floor or departiuentn In Golden Kaglo hlioo Store. 114 B ICth m. ml I -FOH HKNT , AT IM4 CIIICAKO STHKKT , STOUK -1 room 22 by 77 feel , only few doors from IClh street , &U per month. Ho hurts. 1J1J ( Chicago slrect. 31 512 20 * 1FOH HKNT , AN KLKGANT 8TOKKHOOM , J best location In town ; 22x00 , with tlxtures and counters ; large , dry basement under clore : tills Is n good chance lor some riixtllnc German to come Into u live town nnd do a good buslne * " . 1'or fur ther pnillculnre liniulre of F. Soiincimchcln , West Point , Neb. C4B-X1 FOn RENT-MISOELLANEOUS. HATKS-ISo n line flrat Unit and lOc n Una there- nfter. KO wdvortlscmont taken for less than 25e JUAKDKN FARMS TO HUNT. T. 31UIWAY.SSI I 1II11CK YAHDS KOH HKNT. T. MUHHAY. I KAHMS tOll HKNT. II. T. CLAIIK. I MX ) ACHKS OP ( ! 0)1) ( LAND KOIt HUNT KOH 'one or more jears , center of Howard county. Neb. , 740 acn'w under fence. l 0 acre * under plow , 2 hoiiKos anil plenty of riiunliiK water. Kor further particulars call upon or address W. H. Taylor , PJOI lluruey street , Omnliii. IKW 2U * 1 Knit HKNT. PAltT OK Ofll KIVIT-STOHY * > brick warctioiitio ; Kood uhivntor nml trnck fnell- Itles. Om.ilin WurelKHHu & . btoriiKO Co. , 1JI.15 Ienven\\erlli t. TB')3la ' ) WANTED-TO RENT. llATllS-15n n line tlrit line nnd lOc n line lliero- utter. No lulvcrtUtMiumt tnkon for lejs tlmn 2Ja \VK llAVK S K V K 1 1 A I. coati cuotoiucrs for modern li or 7 romn rottnce , pli-ainnt aiirroimdln 9 , ut from 535 lo > IJ > Hilcllt Trimt Co. , Hill Knrninii. CH'J ' 'a WANTKD TO HICNT , HY A YOUNI ! COUPliK , 5 room Hat wltli iiioclorn convcnlunceii within 15 niliiutca' walk of P. O. lltofurvncc. ) AUilrvnn H AT , Hew. MTUi ID * K -KUHNISHKI ) IIOUSK , fi TO J HOOMB AND bath ; cunlral location. Address S 43 , llee. MTOI10 * K WANT TO HKNT OH I.KASK , A S1OW5HN cotlaKO. ; J. Henry Wood , box " 4. oily. 711-21 * KENTAL AGrENCIES. L K. C. UAUYIN & CO. , M HIIKUIA" IILOCK. 603 JJNo8TAU LOAN AND TllUST CO. . 1ST KIXHl | - Now York Lifo bulldlni ; . M5I6 1'J * STORAGE. ItATKS I5c n Una tlrst time anil lOn n line there after. No advertisement tnkon for IUHI than ' . ' 10 Msr bT.'ciYY A MWT'AM ) * IIKST HTOKATlK lioiiso ; tu tlio city. Williams & Crosslil I Hurnuy. rOT MCI.KAN , hHY AND PHIVATKfA' bTOHKD furniture. Hontliiit Hto\us stored over HUIIIIIIIT. 1OT DouBins st , Omalii fctovo Hepalr works , till -Hl'.HT KTOHACi : iirciTY OMAHA WAHK- housed Stornno Co. , 1V13-15 l.euvcnworth Kt. Ilouseliold und Oilier goods elored nnd eared for. iMK rules , Prlvala upaitnientslf iteslreit. I'honed'.i. 70 81 WANTED-TO BUY. HATKS 15o n line llrst tlmo and lOa n line tliereif- ter. No advertisement taken for les than ' > a. r KUHN1TUHH BOUGHT , SOLD , STOIIKD. * WelU , 1111 Karnam st. bttt \T-HKCONO-IIAND KUHNlTUHKIIOUtillT.SOI.II 1' and eichttiiKCd : liuiheit prices pnld for second- lianduoods. lloston Hurnlturu Co , WM N. H'.tli et. UVIM 21 * \T-\VANTKII TO BUY. IIHJHT nil TKN IIIHIM J.1 IIOIIKU wltti modern liiiprovemiinlH , nnd imnd sited lot , localed within ono mlluof llio poi > totilce. Male price , klieuf liouso and hit and lull purlieu lars by iiddresstnK r ! 47 lleo oUice. 71' . ' TVT1 WANT TO BUY A liOOI ) HOKSK KOKLlilHT -I' OrlvliiK ! uuiBt bo very cheap. Address S 45. llee. 710 1iKOH H ALK. J ibilSKH AN I ) M UI.KS , CH K A P. i Pldollly Oil Co. . M ailli anrt U.P. liy. C4i M * p-Koii KALI : OH THADK , A IIKI/HAN STAL J lion. Address box II , Hastings Neb. Mi7JtO ! * | ) -KOH HALK , A LOT Ol'CAIlltl.MiKri.HlJUltl'.Vrl I und bugles at J our own price : ulso slnulo bur. ness. Hilelltyl.oB.ii UuiiruntcoCo. , room 4 , Wllb- nell bulldlnu , 717 SALIi-MISOELLANEOUS. HATIM-lio a line tlrst tluio and lOo a Una ther ? after. No ndvertlienient taken for less llian lie- Q-KINK Ul'lttlillT PIANO , BTANPAHD MAKK , iifed only u few uioutbs , at u sucrlllco , Wi1 ( 'aid- well st. 4H -KOH .SALK. TWO HILI.1AHD AND t POOL tables with cues , balls , racks ; good urdor : fliUO each , lluttllreen , lUrktrLlo < k. M 810 On KOH ! HALK. HANDXOMKbT DKKH HOUND IN tlio , wesl.clump , J.U , l-cbrclvor.l t tidOlli mei4' > l Q nH SAI.K. KULLSKT OKTIN.NKH'S TOOLS ; ItU pallerns. Wlllxlvo tlmu Iwonted. Ad- ire SJO. careHo. _ las-lii * Q-KOIl HALK. WOOD , $1.00 PISH fOHD. AT ir.i Cilierman avo. t > M U * Q-A TKN 110HSK ld\VKI { . VAN JIUKKN ( IAS and Bnsollno iiiiElna with runncvlluus In perfect order , fur sale at less than Iialf rost. Useu only two tears. Address Pukrok.apadu Print Co. , Ouiulia , Neb. JI8-SJ Q-KOH"SAI.K. " HVK HlTAHKS MUTUAL IN- vestmeul company slock , quick : mini have cash. M , M , Hoberlsun of Nubraskabtcatu Ijiundry company. M7 lil' Q KOU SALK. NKW IXUNTKII AND HIIOW : case.rncap , ICi ; Capitol avenue. M7SS II * iioudK KOH SALK riiKAP. ON HOUTHKAHT corner Doujlas uud ISlu stretU. Address tt H UooonJco. UIM 31 * I1ATK9-160 a line flrst tlmo and , lee K linn there after. No advertisement taken ( or lex than TJo. 1CANAIIAN KMPLoyMKNT J-V Farnam st. up italrs , tna1 nnd female orders by mall promptly attended Id. llofpronco : Omaha National bank. Tel. ail. 7G2 M U U HAMILTON ilHOfl. CAUI'R.NTKns AND JVbulldcrs. All kinds Jobbing ; 411 1) . Hth , Tot. IKO. 282 A6- - DU X.9TONK. M II. 13 A HOC- J-Vtor. If you have throat or liin trnublo of nny kind , u o his bronchial wafer ,2xj a box at drng- xl ts. Special rate tn preachers , teachers , Ists. for tamplesiend IDo toStonoMcdi L'OM Chi- rri-o , 111 MT4'J 2U CLAIKVOYANTS. ItATKS-lfic n line tlrct tlmo and lOo n linn there- ofttr. No advertisement taken for IcssthanZtc. -MADAMK ritIT2.TJO CUMINO S clairvoyant and trance medium ! Independent Tolcci : tells past and future. ' 7)1)174 * " * --.AruS. NANN1B V , WAIIHKN , CLAlllVOYANT S reliable business medium , nfth year 1U Pf. ICth R-'J S-AUII1VAI. K.VTIlAOUDINAltY. revelations. Cliallonzet the world. Mrs. Dr. M , lA-erave , dead trance clairvoyant , R'trolonlst , liaimlst and life reader ; tells your llio from tbo cradle to ( travel unites the separated I causes mar * rlago with the ono you love ; lulls whore you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has llio celebrated Knyptlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Inilucnccs ; cures Ills. Intemperance ami nil private complaints with massage , liatus nnd nlconol treatment. Send t- , lock of hair , name nnd date of birth and receive accnrato life ohhrt ; 2 cents In stamps for clreulari k'lvo Initials of ono joiiHlll marry ; also photos of name. Olllco 1007 Couth lllh street , tlrsl lloor ; to U p. m. Come one , come alt and be convinced of this wonderful orncle. MMJ I'J * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. I * MADAMK SMITH , mi DOUHLAS STHBKT. L room 7,8dBoor. Alcobol.tulbuur and sua bath * . MB3111 P-MASSAOK TIIKATMKNT , KI CTUO-THKH- 1 nml batliH. Bcaln nnd hair treatment , mnnlciiro ndchlrotiodlst. Mrs.rust.alUH B. 15lliWlthuoll blk. | > -MAIA liLA ; HUH , MA3SA n. 41l ! SOUTH - 16th street , Ird floor. Hat 4 , assistant. M746 ! ' n-MIHS KTOWK , MAS8KUSK KLKCTIliriAN L 822 Hainan block. M'.WO 21 * JttUSIO , AKT AND LANGUAGE. ilATHS-lSo n line tlrst tlrao nnd lOo a linn thero- uftcr. No ndvcrtleomcnt takun for leas than 2Jo. , T- . K. HKLLKNIIECK. 1JANJO TEACI1I11 , > with Hospe , or59 ! N. 18th at. tU2 r-IIKFOIlK JIUYINO A 1'IANO 15.VAMINI ! TUB new scale Klmball piano. A Uospo , 151J Douglas. \r-FOIl JjALE. CHHAl" KOIt CASH , A FINK ' upright plnno , nearly now and ntandard inanu * 'ncture. Address O M. lleo Olllce. 4S < MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. llATHS-lte a line llrst tluio and lOo a Una there after. No advertisement takmi forlejs , than 2io ir CKNTHAL LOAN i THUbT CO. 11KK IllilHJ. if MONKY TO IXAN ON IMPHOVHD CITY ' properly , low ralfc. A. C ! Krost. JJouRlas blk. 8J. ' > \\r-HKAL KSTATK LOANS , U TO 7 PIMl CKNT ; ' > no addltlonhl charges for commission or alter ley's fees. W. U. Melklo , First National baqk bide. SOU ir-COATKS , 1C1I KAHNA.M. EASTKHN MONKY cot \Y LOANS , G. ( J. WALLACK.JI2 HltOWN HLK. w-1 , HUAI. KSTATK LOAK'9,312 11EK IIL'O'O 420 ir - PKH CKNT FIKST MOHTfiAOK LOANS. Hlcliunl C. Pallerson , 1511 Karnnm st. . VUi \\T MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVEli OMAHA ' property : biilhllni ; loans n specialty , llrennaii A Co. , Karlmcu block. M70S M2I A\r LOANS ON IMPHOVKD AND UNIMPItOVUD < i city propel ly.(3,000 and upwards , * ! to { percent , No ilelnja. W.Farnam Smith ACo.,15th andllarnoy. \\r-PIUVATK MONKY , FIHST AND 8KCOND ' mortgage loans-low rates. Alex" . Mooro. 401 lleo building' M7S9 \\r-WANTKI ) . 10 PKH CKNT MONKY TO LOAN on gilt eiUoct town property In bt.'Kdwurds , Neb. Heference. Kxchnngo bank , St. Kdwarda Neb. A. D. White , Heal Kstnle and l.oun Agcncyi 137 at \v APPLY TO J. U LOVF.TT FOH CHKAP money ; only flrst class security , 220 S. Mill. 891 r MONKY TO LOAN ON HKAL KSTATK. TI1K O. K. Davis Co , , i'Mj Farnam'st. 601 \\r-C. W. HAINKY , 315 OMAHA N'ATJ UK. HLDG. ' City inoit'iLyc.t. ( Lowest ratesMoney on hand. b97 \\r-OMAIIA SAVINGS HANK MAKKS LOANS * T on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans tuado In omnll or hugo Hum and for short or long tlmo No commission Is charged , and the loans i > ro nol cold In the cast , but can ulwuya J > o found ut the bank on the corner of Ulh and Douglas streets If LOANa.W.M.HAHHIS , 11.20 , FHKNX.KH ItMC. > SXK If ANTHONY LOAN AND THITST CO. , 313 N. Y. Life. lend at low rules for choice security 'on Nebraaku or Iowa farms or Omaha city projiertj- . \\r " 110.NKY , MO.NnY. MONKY. $103,000 TO LOAN In Minis of fax ) to Ki.ouOon Iniprovoil or unlui- provccl ronldenco huslnoRH property In the i ltr of Omaha. No delay In clottlnu loans as inonuy Is on hand. No ilcallnir with eastern partlcn , all Inmlncas trantiaclod hero and Interest pnyablo here and not In tlio tMist , also iiinkc bullillnK loans un most fuvorablo terms. " Klclollty Trust Co. , 1014 Fiinmm. VM MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS ; ' ItATKS-l..oii line llrnt llmo ami lOa aline tliuro- after. No advertisement taken for less than 23c. J n J'- ? DO YOU WANT MONK X II no do not fall to get our ratci before bar- rowlni ; . Wo mnko loans , without removal or patillclty , on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wntfons , etc. , at ttiu low. u t posslblo rato. > There Is no unnecessary delay , liut you eot the money un the same day you nsk for It. Wo will carry tlio loan as lomt as yon doslra , ulvlnn you tlio privilege of paying It tn full or In part at any tlmo to Bull your convenience , and any part paid reduces tlie post of c-irryliu tbo loan In proportion to tlio amount paid. Our ottlces are centrally located and are ao ar- raniredllmt purtloscallliiRon us can bo waltod on quickly and courteously. lilf you IIHTO H loan with oilier parties , or bava tioiiKUt a piano or other furniture on tlmo nnd tlnd tlio payments a lltllo laruor than you CUM meet , conveniently , wo will pay It for > ou und curry tlio loan as IOIIK nn you desire , It will lie to your advantage to aeons before BO- curing a loan. OMAHA MoimA ; K LOAN co. . llooni II , Crolgtilon lllock , IStliSt. . south of Postonlco. WS MONKY TO LOAN. X KIDKLITY IXJAN ( HJAHANTBK CO. On lioiischold iioods , pianos , oriuins , lioree * . mules. MaKuns , rlc. , ut tlio lowest ponslblo rules wllliout publicity , removal of property or cbaniio of possc > s lon. Tlmoarranieil to suit tlio borrower. PuymonlH of nny amount can bo made at any time , redurimi both principal anil Interest , tliuHKlv- IIIK patrons all tliobenelllu of ttio partial payment plan. Cull and HOO us when yon Mania loan. Money always on iDinil ; no delay ! no publicity ; loncit uiles : businessconlldenllal. KJDKI.Il'Y 1XAN ) ItUAHANTKK TO. , II. K. Masters' old eland , H. 4 , Wlllmolt blk , I5lli and Homer. M-S X-WILL IXJAN ilONKY ON ANY KIND OK Koeurlty : elrlclljr cgnlldentlal. A. K. Harris , room I , toiillnontal block * IU3 X-HOU'T PHITCHAHIi , 11,8. W1THNKLL Itl.K U)7 X WHKN YOU .WANT A CUATTKL .LOAN SICK W. II. Davis , room a ) , Continental block. WJ -MONKY LOANKI ) ON PuTNlTUIlK.lllt3r.Z ( wBBOiin. plnuoi , etc. Krcd Terry , It. 411 , ItainKO. UIQ X MUNKY IV ) 1XJAN , M. II ) . ) DAYS ON KU11NI. lure , live stuck , etc. Duff liroon , removed to Hooui 6 and V. llurkcr blk 183 --JIONI5V ON flONDS. STOCKS , WAHHANT8 Lpurounl,1 KarbacU VU MJ1' BUSINESS OIIANOES. HATK8IJau line tlrsl tlmo and lOo a line tu ore- after. Nn advertisement taken for Icsi ttinn'Jie. V-1'IIV THK COMttKHCIAU THK LKAII1NO 1 liolel ut llrokon How , Neb , No land In trade. Y KOH HALK-tJAIXM.V. DOINC A C.Ogl ) 1IUSI. nrsi ; vood reajon ulvea ror nilllnir. Addroxs Lockbox bl 1. AVest Point , Kali. \-KOH SALK , A CinAH MANUKACI'OHY AND tobucuo sloro of twenty-one ) ears' ' stiindlni : . on account of old uto. Inquire uf H. Arudt , lllolr. Neb. MUl aj _ V 'H BALK , A 11AHNK3.S SHOP , I3TII AND 1Vliilou Kts. . on account of ulckuoiu. Address frml Mueller , 17 : ) Yimou st. 1HI-IS ArKolt"B'AI , K , > 1 Y K. VI II NO KKSOHT AT 1 Lake llaauiTa , Address J , J , Malownejr , Hebron , Neb. a MILL KOH SALK , TUB 8TKAU i l ) fr tlourluif mill , wltli a cspiclty of IS4 bbls. per day , uf all modern luiirureuieuls | , built 1 lean auo wltU tliu eipumu uf lll.uaj.un. In I'ranuo , hauudcis Co. . Neb. , l > olfvred for ttalu on easy termi. Kur furllicr | iarllcul rs address Kaspar llrus. , PfBKiie. tj uudnr < : o. , Neb. ill'j ; a ! ) VKH ) "BALK , IIUICK YAHU. AuuitKhS i\-.i \ A llauilltou tlrueU BU3INESS C1T3CNOE3. t'ontlniiofii A FINK STOCK OF HAIUMVAHK INC1TYOF Y 8.0UO , doing best huln ASl'nrst ! class stock ; tore conlrally locdtcdl ha "Joa e of 14 * year , stock Invoice fOUO. Rpti reman * for selling. Address - dress Omaha Hardware Co. " M4U120 Y KOH 8ALK , HOTKUSHKPHKill ) HOUSK , AT Ansley , Cutter county , NpbL Two-story frame ulldlng. about 2U10) . with ftutjil barnt 1 6 sleeping oems : holel well turnMlicrf. ' Apply to Dr. J. S. bomas. Wood Hirer , NCti. 474 2.1 * _ THK MUNSO > TYl'B WlUt Kit IS THK I1K3T. 1 Machines for sale or trtit. T. H. Smith , 17 loard of Trade , Omaha. . Mill n2 ! _ _ _ * -COAl. YAUI ) AN1MRHIIT41A'KA(1K , , J. scale , etc. Central location ? Kasy terms , IL K. Harris , 1WJ N. Y. Life. 'un M554 in * - , ignS. nnd fixtures ! Rood location. Address S 27. Dee , 68320 HOTKL IN OMAHA. KIKTY rooms ; bar nltnclinl , good buslnsss , Nn cash re- lUlred. ( iood reason for soiling K. I' Hlnger , 1513 'amain. M 131 21 * ' -WANTKI ) . STOCK OK .MIIIICIIANDISK OK any kind If cheap ; strictly confidential. Address 41 , lice. . IMO m * y * MIOOI ) WHKAT COUNTHY7 NO"MIljTSHAH us. Steam flouring wanted. Address , Kloilr ,1111 , Com. , Corthtnd , Neb. CTi ! 22 r WANTKD , STOCK Of IlllY HOODS OH S11OK9 , . If cheap ! confidential , Address , S 41 , lleo ofllcc. M769 2U * FOR EXCHANGE. itATKS 15o n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement tnkon for less than 25o " -"ci KAN STOCK OK OBTfllHATTM KTwILL lake real cslato Arnouey , lloxJJl'roiikfort , Ind , U13 y Foit KxniANHi : , OVKII tiooi ) /JOmaha property , mostly Improved , fern ranch In Nebraska or Kansas , want from 1..WJ to 5,000 acres. K. K Illugor , 1610 Karuam. M G2.V21 * / HKAtrriFIIli MODKIIK IIOMK IN OMAHA /-'for wood paying bu lno < s , dry goods , clothing or .umber preferred. What Imvo you ? llox 7HC , Onmhn. Miv.i 21 -IK YOU IIAVK A OO01) tll'HHlHT 1'IANO TO Jtrnilo for lot M , block 1 , Armour 1'lacu , South Ininlm ; clear of nil Incumbrnnce. Addrojs NtS , leo olllcc. M2JJ r/-ONKTIHH1) CASH , I1ALANC1C IN C11O1CK A/clcar Nebraska land or trotting stallions to ex change for a good , clean stock of merchandise or jiardwarc ; nrlto with full particulars , or hotter come and sco mo mid the laud. Henry Cuambcrlln , ToOd Hlvcr , Nob. 178 13 y FOH KXCHANOU , A STOCK OP IIAHDWAHH -itat clour Nebraska land. IS. A. Wntronn. Heit- : Ice , Nee , Mi53 24 * y A MANUFACTUHIN'll CONKKCT10N1CHY ANI /-Jlro. cream liuslne n for real estnto and cash. I : . A. Wntrous , llcatrlce , Neb. M75I 21 * Z-CLKAH WKSTKHN LAND AND LOTS KOK cottage , horse nnd buggy , or piano , 2oiW Pierce trcet. M7S7 20 * y-OOOD PAYING 11U81NKSS , GOOD LOCATION , / Invoice $ H , > 0Tlll ; trndo half Interest fern home. Address 852 , Dee. M7U ) 21 * y-HTOCK HOOTS AND SIIOKS FOIl IlKAIi US- ' -Unto and cash. 0.1 * . ICmcry , 2512 Uarncy.M7i7 M7i7 ( 20 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. iiATKS 15o a line tlsrt tllno nnd lOo n line there , after. No advertisement tivkon for less than 'Jjo 170H SALII , 6-HOOM COII'AIIK ( ONLY ) SITU J. ntcd 1014 Izurd street Cnllon A. Hoj.o Jr. 420 1'OU , BALK. NKIHIASKA KAUM LANDS. (1. G. Wallace , 31'J llrown block , loth and Douglas. 915 iOH ; SALMOU IIK.NT Sovornl desirable medium -I sired and small houses cheap mm on easy terms. W. M. Mlllnrd , at Onmlia Nati bank. USti FOH SAL1C-S-I5 COHNKH Kill , DOUUA8 , 83HX 1SS 3colta < cs , stable for ilhursos , can bo divided nto61ots. Inqulro nt premises 112 2,1 * 17IVB ACHK LOT. ) ADJOINING THK TOWN OF JL' JJlalr , Neb. ; good land. 11. W. Mcllrldo. 144-A-.T M : omiiN ! 10 HOOM uouSK , DKSIHAHLK LOCA- tlou ; bargain for cash , Address S 44 , lino. M70J-30 * OH SALE. 1IOMKS , ANY PHICU , f7W , $1,250 UP easy terms ; takuclearpioportyus tlrst payment U G. Wallace. llrown block , loth und Douglas. 915 1OH 8ALE-SKVKNTHKN THOUSAND ACHKS Iimlmprovcd Innds In Hownrd , Sherman , Grccloy nnd Valley counties , Nebraska , on very liberal terms , on deterred payments.G par cent Interest. Address D. lleuilck , P. O. box''JOl Los Angelas , Cal , 271 ad * AT K. COHNKll i-JTUr AND 'IHCKOttV. 60X15 - Lfeet : a bargiiln for u Tow days only. , , ! ' . K. Dnr ling. Uorljir blocfc _ . _ , 0' . _ , „ 9/4 / KOUNTZU PliAf'K. ' ' lUHOAlKS" ? < 1NI > 11OOM house on Win , KM : SI.WJ cash. Klesiiint homo on Pliikiu > y , ? 5 ( JG : ( . ' 40 cash , bnlancn M.'iOil per month ; other tine ; liuines ; would consider some trade. J. "J. Gibson. Crelghton block. [ /Oil SALK AT A IIAHGA1.V Dl'li. IILOPICI , L' W. L. Selby's llrst addition to South Omnha Small payment down , balance monthly It doilred Inquire U. U. Tzschuck , umaha lleo. SSI I'OHSALK-400 ACHK FAH.M IN HLUn H1YKK valley , 'llinycr counly , 10 miles west of Hebron. One of the very best farms In the county ; good house , barn , grnnarlen , cribs , etc. . and an abundance of fruit , timber and running water. Also for bale or exchange for good lands or city property , n brick ork packing house nnd llxturea In Hebron , Thnyur 'ounty , near II. AM. . depot. For particulars In- ' 'ulrc ' of nny real catato agent In Hebron. 53T > 17OH8ALK , ONtiti-KOOM HOl'KL AND THHKK i lols , well locnlad ; p'irt cash , bahiuco on llmu. Address lock box 114. Wllnonvlllu , Neb. M45I 21 1 > AHGAINS IN ACHK .PHOPKHTY KlJO&K TO J JOinuliu , jusl outside city llmlla ; 10 acres , SIM ) per aero. 25 ucrrH , $ . > J tier acre , 40 ucre.H , Sli'i per aero. 40 acres , f l.V ) pur here. bO acres , t'-'OO per acre. Hicks , agonl , 305 N. Y. Life llldg. 725-20 OH SAL.H-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. M houses A lots. The O.K. Dn'vls Co. , 1511J Karnnm st 501 IMPHOVKDKAHM , FOH SALH CUHAP. A. JI Ll.ongwcll. 2105 Miami street. 31 Wi 19 * FOH SALi-KLKANT : ! NKW AND MODEHN built house , Just completed. In Hunscoiu Place : can glvo IniiiiiMllntu possession. Hicks , agent , : IOJ N.Y.Llfo building. 7.4 20 EHSALK-IMIIIUYS ) A LOT 60 HY l.H ) FKKT m24lh street wllhln a mlle from'tlio postoflicc , frvu of encumbrance. Innulro of llyron H. Host- lugs , 212 S , Utll street. M7.I2 20 * LOST. HATK ? I5c a line llrst time and lOe n line thcreaf ter. No advcrllscnient taken for lotliun 2. > c. LOST LAHGK.MASTIFF , llin'UII.V TO WALTKH .Morue , 20U7 CUSH street und receive reward , 71 I' ' ' * LOST-L11ATHKH POUKKT-I1OOIC CONTAINING special pajiers. Howard 1C returned promptly lo 1IM South Illrd street. 74520 * LOST PUHSK. HUTWKKN 2ITI1 AND CIIAHLK.s and Kith und Cumlng. I'loaau return to I lee of- lice 7r > H , * TOST PAIH ( SOLD HI.MMKD 81'iaTACLL'S JJI'leme return to lleo Olllco. 711 2J * LOVT-A 5 MONTHri WATKH 9PANIKL WITH collar. Hutuin to 2207 Furnuni nnd receive- ward , 7 | | so * HAIR GOODS. HATKS lSc n line first tlmo nnd lOo a llm there alter. No ndygrllsument lakoii for Ims than 25o AHGBST-STOCIC" ENTIHK wITs'lTTTfiKAT- rlciil wigs and boards a specialty , Wigs , hung * Hwllchoi , hair chiilus , clo send for iMlalogitu Mall ordcra bollclted , D.ivles , 111 S. litli st. Omah i 910 rpHK IDKAL LADIItS' H\IU DHKHSING PAH 1 lors , Bwltches , bangs , lgi tpupeuj , jowulry nml hair oniiimciils In Block ; \ > ljitordjr. . spui'lul nl luiitloii given to mall or < lorj , 'a rJ. IJth sL , : iil tlnor. ' . M5U4 XI20 * B KN K , MAI ! I'l ' , HEMOVKD ( TO IDT & ISTH 8T , t- 1171 All * BNYUKU'M IXAN 31 * , 'HKD MO1II.K , OFKICK lltl , * , W DUESSMAJKJCNO. UATKS-llu a line tlrst tlDibiinil lOo a line tliero- after. No advertisement lakcn for less tlmn 25o. l5N Ac7K.Mi.NT3 : TO IKXuDllKSS-MAKINf ! IN - families solicited. Miss Murdy , 3.U s. ii.lli | . H05-1I31 * CUTLERY QRINDINQ. llATK.S-l5on line llrst tlmo mid lOa H llnu there nfter. No iidvertlsumunLtuken for lest than 2Jo SKNI ) YOUH HCKS.SOHH , IIA/.OIIS. KTf1. , TO l\K \ Kround to Underland \ Co. . IU ! S , llth st I'll ' ) MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. HATK8 I5o u llnu tint tlmo ami 10 } a line there after. Nu advertisement taken for less than ij JTIAtili PAID FOIl 01,11 ( ! OM > . b , VAoam JO Darker bluck , Oinalia. 1'ropuHiil lor Painting lu : > \Vull of C'lly Hull toaU-d bids will 1)3 roeehoa to 12 o'olncli noon , March tbth. lf > ! O. nt this ollloo forpulttt- IIIK llio t-ust klduof olty hall , with two casks uf pure white loud and oil. iiiUHUU TllhU. or.SKX , Couiptroller Propo.uls for ( iriiiliiSlukf * und l.uiulicr. Sealed bliU will bu reeelveJ at thin ollieo nil to 4 p. m. March L-'nU. I8'J , ' . Hpeollleatloni on lllo at thU olllce , Ihu rounull resorvi-s the rlsht to reject uny or nil b ds. AllTdlU TllKo. OI.BKN , r-oinptroller. SPECIAL OltDINANC'B NO. lOOli. An nrillnnncQ levy In c ; i spechil tax und nsscs- incut on curltiln loth and real ust.ito In In the cltv of Uniiilin , to cover tin : cost of ; nvonuu fioin Loii\cm\oith strccl to south line Marsli'n addition ; i-'iith stccol from LuiLVunworth street tostmth llnu oT AluibliS uilillt'ini ; Mison struct from 2.'itli stiol ; lo'.tlh street , Mnruv .struct fioinMh htrctjt to iTtli slrcut , tincl the ulloys In blocks 1 , " . 3. 4. . * > , C. T. S , 11 In Mtirli's addition , In Grading District Nn. 'Xi ; und Itanerofl strcut from L'Oth toi'Jtli slroot In Graillni ; Dlstrlut NiW ) ; ; tuiduithu threo-llfths cltiusu , In tun minimi payinonts. \Vlieieas , It liavlng been , nml boliiit liefoby lul.iudL'od , ( lutcrmlncil : iiid rsliihllslicd that tlio sovcrai 'ols ' and plccus of estuto lierO- iiniflur ii'fHirotl to hnvo imch buun spisclally bt'iiulllU'd to Ihu full ainount lieiuln iuvh'd nnd ussos'iCtl ' against o.inli nf said lots and plupi'x of real t'statc , respect I vuly , by rea-nn of Ihu srartl , ) ) ' < lf that part uf.Hli aviiiino from l.ouvun prlli stieut luS. Maish'-i addition , .slroet fryia l.oiivonwnrlh btreet to snutl line ! Iirsli's ! addition , Mason ati cot from " > tli stioi-t to 27th street , Maruy street from 2Hh slreut tolirili slreet , anil the mloya In blocks 1.- . II. 4.r > .lvT < Blind il. In'B . nddltlon In ( iradin UlKti lot , No. ! ) . * > ; and Ilinu'roft street from JOih street to-Jth tUroot. In OrudliiK Dis trict No. : ; o. under the llirec-llfihb clause , in ten annual payments. Tlieroforn. for tliu uurnosoof imyliiB the cost of said r.nllim : lln It ordained liy tlio city council of the city of Omaha : et'tlon 1. Tliattiooa ) > tof ftrndlni' that part of 2'itli avenue ) from leavt > nuiiitn Hlreet to Miutb Hut : of .MiiiHli'Maildllliii.l.'iilli hlrect from LoiiAcnwnrtli street to S. I , . Miirsh'H uddltlon , Jlasonslrect from 'i'ltli street to L'Ttb stroul , Marey Ktroct. fiom Stli to7th htieol. und alleys In liloels ; 1 to ! ) inclusive In Marsli's ad dition In ( Jra.lliri District No. : - > . In the city of Omaha , s.ild eoatbc-lnc the sum of ( lD.HIO.7i ) , aid grading boliiB donu niiduf contract with Teiiijilcton mid Morroiv , hu and thn samu Is lioreny levied und assessed , In jitoiiorllon lo tliu feet fronlulon'i&alil paving , and nrcordliiK to bpeelul Lencllts by reason of said ginilliiK. upon lliu foliowlnu' doicrlliuil lots nnd real listato. as short n by the generally iocoLfnl/ed map of lln'ciiy ot ( imaba , INVJ , fltlio.'raliod | ) and piililislicd hv'ti K. .Maynn ; saldeost liuln- ; no lovlcd on said lots an < l real e- > tate respect ively , UB follywi , to wit : 1C Marsh estutu of It 1 blk I Marsli'H add { IS n A .T Panlhon It. ; 1)11(1 " 1.1 HI U Maisli estate of ltilll < I " IW S'l Wlllau ! Scott It 4 blk 1 " ; us do It fililk 1 " J21 81 N A A Ivilhii HUlilU I " III I ! i ) K estate of II 7 blk I " - 111) ) IK ) .lohiit ; Johnson US hll ; I " 11 12 U Miri.i ; | estuto of It 0 blk 1 " IU 17 .lolin li Jiiliiison II 10 blk I " , ri < i fll 'I'hoinas A l.'n'lxli It 1 blk . ! " ] JI Jl K Maish CkiatooflfJblk-J ' . ' ill ' .17 .InlinTUInrk Itilblk. ! " ! f.i n K.MarstiiBtiitiiotJt4 blk'J " in til A A n lurl ) 11.1 blk a 12) ) r.l K Marsh ( rsitilo of It 0 bll ; a " 11H ll. " , V IIUnirmanltTliUcU " l , hd K Marsh estate of It S blkS " iu : r. ' Tliorna-i A Ciulcli It ' > I'lU ' . ' " lr.i M do It 1U Id I- > 1:1.1:11 : : UMtirslic.statuof It I lilock-'i " r.'i r > l do ii'Jbiici : no ni do 11:1 : hi us : " ; ri r , do ll I lilu.l " III tilde do itr. iiiii.'i > in in Jt wis A ( imiVUGblk.1 ! " inn -Miirsli uslalo of It 7blk.J . " U'l 17 II IJcod vstiituodtH bkl ! ! ' lU'M I ! Maislifslntuiif It 1) ) blk. I ' 1 .t ) M Win I' Schneider nl al It H ) bll : 'J " I'fi : It Marsh otale of II 1 blk I ' iu It 1 ! Keen rstaloof USIilk 4 " | u iu U Jlarsli osltitoiif ll , lbll ; 4 " 11751 II Hoou chl-itooriUblU I " ll-ili ; K Miiriliuslntoof IIA blk 4 ' " ll-'Ti-t K K ( liaiiibcisllUhll. 4 " I'Jl : i K MirMl cstalonf It" bll. I " J.Mi 47 l.lnlllKer Ml'll'dlf ( 'u ll blillH " h dS K Mn rill ustato of II U blk 4 ' ; Vi ! l Mu'-glo Dlvl.eiihun It IU blk 4 " 4'1 P. It estate of It II blk 4 " 41 M Small W Wnliiig It K blk 4 Marsli'x Add 4M 10 H Marih llstnlo of It I.I bil(4 ti ; Sfi N VO J , A : Trust Jo It II blk 4 " imi 77 If M-irsli Kstato of It I blk S * 170 ll N it r.tli'Diiur It . ! blk .1 " 1:11 : w U Maixli Kitatnof ltd lilkS " lit .1 ( ii-o W Mnlituui Jt 4 blk 5 n ) ID . ( ) A N Uakson ItGDlkS iaj It .Munli K tatt of It 7 blk Ti ir > < ; r l.inliiKiMMutunU ( JoltH liltB I.Vj 4S K Marsli KstutoofllDblkfl li ) ; i Mnlnccr Metculf Colt Id blk 5 113 ta UMaisli r.-.tatoof It 11 blk ft 115 ( IM I.lnlii.'t'f .Molealf ( 'oil IXblkS 1IJ .V It Miir.h IStalouf Itiablk5 tiioV Mnliiaor IlII blk A 171 K Marsh K tap | of It 1 blk 0 171UO 1 Jiilin 0 Jloriinvlti1 ulktl 1,17 I ! Marsh KMutoof ItablKfi 4t IS I.liilnKor Molotllf Co It 4 blkO 45 P K Mai-Hh Kstato of It 5 blk U 4'j h' CliarlcsOxden ItUblk II Ml * HMurahl'statgof It71)lkl ) ( N3 X l.lnliiKcr Motonlf UnllH UlkO l.Vi 4 It M.irbh ktatuoflt UblkU I'M a KO 1'etortoi IB 1)11.11 JIJ tt U Marsh stut * of ll II i > lk 0 in rr HooW I.inlinjor It 12 blk 0 JI7 r. U Mm nil Ksitr-tt * of It CI 1)1 K fl l.-i U ieo\V ; Mnliinur U 14 blk fi KOI It Miir.h Kututu of It 1 blk 7 PI f > Win U i'limpy ItZbll. 7 & 5.1 It Mnrsh IMuto of ItU blU 7 47 ( r J AML-ahatioot alii W It 4 UIU7 U .i Uhus W lllklusuii k j ll I blU 7 ll li nt-MffotO Connor US blk 1 " t3 M ilo It 0 blk 7 " 10 W inh E Uteof H7 blk 7 " W 24 do It 8 blk 7 " 87 1 Ol < WnltUeulk ? " S7 Ul .InlnunrMntenlf Colt 10 blk 7 " HO OS t Mnrtli PKlato ot It II blk 7 " 1M 59 .tnlliKor Motculf Co It 13 blk 7 " l&l 70 I Marali estate ot U 1 blk S " K > l 7l ) tlo It 3 blk S " IM at do ItllblkH " 111IKS rrMclcnlf Uo It blk 3 " " W S A Kulin It Milk S " S7 UO do It blk 8 " 81 UO I Marsh citato of It 7 blk 8 " K ! ! < lo It 8 III kH " 7 W InlncerMclcnlf Colt 10blk3 " 110 OS t Marsh ostnto nf It II lilK 8 " I'-M 20 .ouls K Nelson It lilk ft " IRI 70 I Marsh ostatoof It I blk n " 101 Cll ilnlnwrMpirnlf ColtShlkO " 12111' ' I Marsh matont lUlblkll " 1IHC8 .InltiKorMctcalf Cell 4 blk 9 " X7 Hi IMiiMheMaloof US hlk 0 " X * 'M iixopliluo Perry Ittibllcli " HI W 'luirlutto Johnson U7blKU " 17 S < 'otor Nelson It a blk 1) " IS M IMnrsheMiitoof ItOblkO " IS M .Inliiiior.Metcalf Co It 10 blk 1) ) " -17 33 t Marsh I'statoof It II hlk ! ) " M PJ iV M llushnmtilt P.'blkl ) " to JU Totnl J10.SU070 Section 2. That the coil uf cradlng thnt part nf llmioroft street , Inthoulty of Umnhn , from Mth Btroot to 21th street. In ( .ratlin * District ui , ; KI , snlcl one-Unit nf said cost IwIiiK ho sum of $ IOiu : l , suhl grail Ing belli ? ; Unto uinlor contract with C. A. ,1on- BOII , bo unil tlio same Is hereby ovlcil ntul assesse-il aiTurillni' to spu- clal hnnollts by reason nf said grndliiK. " ! > tliu following described lots ntul ronl estate , ns shown by the k'onurally rocuKiilrvil map of uf tliu city of Omnha , lN > 0. llllio rtipoil und inbllsliud by U. K , Maynoj Maid colt boliiff so ovIoJ on Niild lota und real estate , respec tively , ns follows , to-wlt : Trod I ) Martins It IB hlk 4 Campbell' * ndil $10 W , do ltaiblkl : : ifl IM Ouslad Petersen n' } ci ! lt"4 hlk 4 " fl r. . ' . t 'rank ialiinst | s'i ut ; liin : Dll > t ; ; IS Ul ) A Itonstroni n1 , , wl ! Hill blk 4 " 5 55 \V T McUiniluy s Wi It III b\U \ I " 12 III UliitsV KoUland n' ( u > J It ! l % lllk 4 " lohnS llcIiiis"4V'5'ltuTlk4 : ) " 12 US Itoou & . Campbell w'J lias blk 4 " 1H IS \ndro\v Hers n'i o't ' U IWblK 4 " S 5 } Jarl'oTihlli''iHlirtuik' ' ' * " l 4-1 rilllo .Norwnllutal ltH7hlk4 " 111 IW Alato Mattlson n > 4 o < S It US bl : < 4 " n M ! nst A Johnson sli uVi It 'Hbll ; I " 12 m JharlusU.luring wVi Itislillc4 : " 5 M : 'otor Korsland sij wH It IS bite 4 " 12 OS ituoil iV Uiiinpboll It ; ; ' . > blk 4 " 'M HI Peter i : KNtis i'r s'JS ft It 40 blk I " III 411 'hiirli-s lIlBitHHor nl > l ft It 40 blk I " ll 77 Uucil&CiimpbelMtT. ; lilkf. " 17 Kl do lltiblkTi " 17fil ilo llVbikn " Itl 15 do It i blk IT " M 04 do It ! ) 1)11:5 ) " N ) IU < ur it 10blk.i : u is do it ii blk n 17 r.l do It 12 hlk ! i " 17 M ilo Itnhlkfi " 17 Kl ilo It n hlk ( I " 1751 do u 7 blk o " : n ir > do US blkII " 50 Ul do Hllblktl " M 01 do It 10 blk (1 ( " III 15 do It. 11 blk 0 " 17.14 do H pj blk " 17 M Henry llutcs It I lill ; \Vllcov2ml add r > 0 ( II do It 2 hlk 17 " 31 W John S Ciiulllold It.lblk17 " 17 r.l do It 4 blk 17 " 1" SI Martin Harry It , HI blk 17 " 17 r.'l do It 14 lllk 17 " 1751 do ll l.-i lilk 17 " III 15 do It lit 111 I ; 17 " fiOlil Kicd O Kiinxlt 1 blk IS " 5001 do It 8 blk 18 " al 15 Anton Wliithauorn'i It , 'Hilk 13 " 77 Kinanlol Duslk hU lti : blk 18 " H 77 Joseph Kuiiba It 4 blk 18 " 17 Al A I , Kood It III blk 1H . " 17 .VI Conrad Thompson It 14 hilt IS " 17 54 A ItertluiiKor ut ul It IS hlk 18 " III 15 do It 101)1 K Ifi M CI Mary Suillccck It 1 blk in " ro 01 Cl'llnlllminuHMftltSblklO " 2111) ) Miry Suduuol wSI ft It 2 blk PJ " 0 KJ Mniy Ausiistat Itltblk 1 ! ) " 17 Kl rrotorlokSolmololU4 hlk 19 " 175.1 Mnrli0roihlt.r blk 1 ! ) " Ili 12 .las , ) llrown It 0 blk 10 " IIJ 12 Thomas Kelley nlOJ ft 117 blk 1 " SM r > t ; I/S Koodoo ft It 7 blk II ) " 8 M Jcmina OTownsond nlOOft ItSbl ! ) " 2.1 51 Mary LSolunldt sSti ft It H blk 1 ! ) " H . " Henry WunnhiKholT It ill-Ik II ) " IU 12 OF DavlsUon4 ftltlOIilk 10 " 1 U2 K O Nulbon ski ft n'.IJ ft It 10 blk 10 " 8 50 Wllhoniliiii HUK I122V4 sfi7't ft It 10 blk 10 " 241 Conrad II UK n'- , , ft VJ ) ft It 10 bin- 2 il Frank Kulloy s4S ft It 10 blk in " t SJ t ) I' D.ivlsConl.- It Illilk II ) " 13 IU It I' NoKon sir. ft nOO ft It 11 blk 10 " 8 Mi Wtlhomlna HIIK n22'/j ft nr7 ( ! $ ft It 11 blk 1 ! ) " 2 H Conrad Hnin2 ft sill fill II blO" 2 41 I'rank Kelley slJ ft It U blk 11) ) " 1 82 Total 51.01301 Boullon 3. That s'lld special tuxes h-vJod afort'suid , on said IOIH ronpootlvoly. Bliall bo- coiiiodollnquont as follous : ono-tonth of tlio total iiinonnt ho levied nn onuh nf said lols .shall liooomo dellininont In liftv days fiom tlio pa.ssaRU and apiioval | of this orilinunce , ono-tontli In ono.vctirouo-tuntli I'l tnoyoars , nno-tontli in tlnuo yours , onu-tenlli In four years , ono-tcntli in live voars , onu-tontli In six yiiars , onc-tonth In buvpn yuurs. ono-tonth In cl'-'ht ' years , ono-tonth In nlno years ufterBulil Invy. and belns from the pussaj-'c anil appniv- al of tills ordliumee. Each of said liibtall- nionts , cxcopl thu first , shall draw interest at tlio rate of slv per cent per annum frdm the tlmo of llio levy aforesaid , until thn Ha'nio sh.ill lieeomo dollniiuqnt. Intorcsl at tlio rntu nf duo pur ennt per month , puyablo In tul- vance shall bo paid on oaeli ilcllniuonl ] Install ment. Suction I. That thu entireainminl of tax so levied and assessed on any of H.iid lots may bo p.ild by tno owner of any lot , or thncntlro enual pro rata proportion of lain tixonany of ialu lols. may bu p.ild by any person on any part of said lols within fifty days fiom .vild levy , and thereupon such tots or parts of loti. shall bn exempt fiom any llun or charge llioiefor. -'eetlon r > . That this ordinance ( tliall talco olloot and bo In furco from nnd aftur Its pas- 8.1ICO Passed March till , 1892.JOHN JOHN ouovn ? . ( Jltv Ulork. K. I' . DAVIH. President ( lily Council. Approved March Dili. IS'K. ' OKO. P. HEM IS. Mayor. Thn nbovo tnx Is now dnt3 and payablu nt thuoillcuof thu oily troimuror , and will liu- cumo d llniiiont | und liuar interest after April 2uth , 1UU2 , as seen In section 3 of aliuvc ordin ance. 1IKNUY HOLI.N , TroaBitior. SIDHWALK NOTICK. Notice Is hereby Klvon to tlic owner orown- or.s of the follonlne ; real estate. In tliu elt > y of Umalia. to lay and rcpalrsldnwallcsln fronl-of and .idjohiln thulr iiroperty within llftecn l.Mdavs from llio-'nl of . ' ( - ( day March. IHU. . Hiith sidewalks to be constructed repaired nnd laid In accordance with plansnnd hpoclllcatlona on Hie In the olilee of tlio Itoatd of Public Works. und In accordance with resolutions adopted by tlio city council , vl/ : Smith side of Half Howard street , lot 1 , block'.1. Itcdlck'.s Subdivision of ,1 , I. licdlck'r , Addition. 4 f cut wide , present inade. boiilli Hliloof Oolil Btrnct , lots I P. . hlk Ut , Dwlght A : l.yman'a Addition , ufcet wide , pres ent Ki'.idi ! . .S'jiuli sldoof Hold btieot , lot.s 1 r. . block II , DwlKht A. I/yman's Addltlun , 0 feet wide , pres- ontKnulc. South sid of Templelon struct , lots iO , 50 , 47 niuHH. Ialo i : Templelon'.l Addition , 4 feel wide , present tirade. West sldu of IHth street , It 10. blk ! > , ICount/o & Ituth'-i Addition. West sldeof IftliHtrcot. south half of lot 28 , blockl ) . Kouiit7e& . ( tilth's Addlllon , INst ' .ith Hlrect , lotsfi , G and 7 , hloul. 0 , Ilo.'K * .V Hill's Second Addition , 0 feet wide , present urade , 01,1) WAhKH. HiistKldo of lOthstieet , lot 111 , Hiiiinyslilc Ad dition , Wcslsldoof Ititli street , Jot7 , . hloi'l ; 4 , Hill side Audition No. : ! . KastsUuofWthuvotiiio , tax lot 21 , sections lli-l.-ia jastHldo : of 2Utli btreut. lots SnndO , I'ruyn'H SiibdlvNIon. totith Oaldwell street , lot It , bloek III. Shlmi's Addition. West side of 2iith streut , It 1 1. blocl. I , Bhlnn'fl Addition. West slilo of 2nii stront , lot I , block lO.Slilun's AdJiiUm. West Hide of Sdth uveiiuc , lot . ' ' , tnuinyblilu Addition. West Hide of 27lh street , lot 101 , Nolkon's Ad dition. North sldu of Hurt Mrcot , lots II , 7 and P , b o k il , Arm > tront'i < Kir t Addlt on , West unto of .loth uvu tine , win ih lofoutof lot S , block ! > . llniucotn i'lavi' , put lowradn , Wust.sldoofa.itli n vi'iuie. . ota , block ft , Hans- coin Place , nut toKradi- . P. W. IllliKiiAUSKir , Cihalrinan of Kdaid of Pilbihi WorkH. Oinaha. March PJilt , W.H. M-l/-'l-- ! / . ' . 1'KItMANICNT SIDl-'AVALIC NOTJCM. Nolleo Is heteby Bhi'n to the nwticr or o.wti- c'isof llio followln. ; roil not a to. In tliu eltyiil Oinalia , to luy null ropnlr permanent sldn- wallvtt In front of and anjnliitii tliulr property ulihln thirty days fJO ) from the 2-'m ! day ufMurch , H-tU , bucli Btduwalku to bu con- striiiiiU | of sloiio , artlllclul htune , brick or III- In ) ; , In conformity with thu provisions of pr- ( lloancu No 2011 , and laid and rep.ilrod In uc- C'lnintten with plans innf Ktx'iilllt.'utlon.s on Ille In tneolltci ) of the boanl or piihllo works , am In aci'ordanco with resolutions udujitud by Ihu city council , vlt : North Bldn of llarney stroet. uuat linlf of lol C. bloek llhi , city. IU ft'iit wjo- \Vcst \ Hldu of.lHh jitrucl , lot 1 Ijlouk 85 , ulty U fcnt wide. Weslsldoof 17th Hticot , Jot I block7H , city 0 feet wide. South sldu of Davenport street , loin 1 , 3 , .1 block 7H , city , piTinunCiit trr itlu. Houth side of llurncy btiuul , lols 1 , : ' , 3 , I look 14 sell j'.ia font witlo , pormnncnl urndo. North sldn of Hnrticy street , lols. % n , S , block 4icltr , W feet wlrtp. rjoutfiMdpof llnrnoyntrcct. iSub lot IS of lot . Capitol nddltlon. southsldooflltxriioy jlroot. iiiblot * 11.15 , X H of lot 9 , Cnpllol nddlllon. South sldn of llarnoy otreot , lots 16. 17 , 18 , 1(1. ( SO nml SI of Koyo'smibof lot Capitol ntltll' tliui. North ldo of Cnmlni ? strnot , lot 8 block tOl'i 8 foot wlilo , permauent cr.ulo. K Wrst ldoof inth siriH-i , lot 8 block201'i. ' Ifl cot wide , permnnent Rradi' . North sulo of l'n r mini Rtreot , lotsfi rind 0 ilock 1IB , olty , 19 foot wldu. pcrnintient cratlo. North side of 1'atnam stroiil , lots R , 7.8. look IU , city. lOfpiu wide , permanent crndi * . North sldn of rarnam direct , tola S , 0.7 , ilock IU. clly , 1) ) fcol vrldo. pormanenl t-rndp. North sldi-of 1 arnam utri'ot , east M fi-cl of ot I. Capitol nddltlon , S \vldc.penmmcnt K radii North sldi of I'nrnnm st root , sub lots 9.10 , . . . I , 1. > nnil 18 of lot 2. t'apllol nddltlon , 8 foot Mdo , ticrtnnnont crade. .Norlli side of rnrnnnt strcol. ttb lot It of ) loi'k I , Ili-nrr.V Sholtoii'snddltlon , North side of Parmim street , lot II liltiok' ' , lenry \ Sliollon's addition. Sotnli * ltlo ot rarnam street , lols h a a. 1 block H. ' . city , 10 feet wide , pcrmnnenturadt' . south side of street , allot Uock I4a , city , 10 foot whin , pet inanunt urnilc. South sldoof rarnam stront , east llneoflot . Koye'.s nddltlon , s foot wide. .South side of Kirimm strvot. lots S and I , voye'n addition , 8 foot wlilts sollth dido of rarnam stroet. siiblot.s.X t. fl.of ot 8. Capitol addition , 8 font wldo. South si do of rarnam street , sub lotfl 2 , it of ot 7. Capitol addition. 8 feet Ido. South sldo of I'arnam street , siihiltvldeil lot" , 2 tin 1 il of lot n. Oapllol Addlt on , 8 foot whin Siuth Bldn of rarnam street , lots it , 4 , n and 0. KelloK'.s Addition , S feet \\lt\o. \ P. iV , lllliuilIIRKII , C'hilrni'in of Hoard of Publlr Works. Omaha. March lUlh , IMU. M l9-'l-2. . Notion In Cnntraotiirn , Pca'.od proposals will tin locclvod nt the of- Icoof.l. | . \ llnr'ctt , oltvelork of the city of orllnc. Hlltiols , up tofi o'olnck i > . in. , Miiroh JS. 9. . fin furnlshlii ) ; niHtorlals nnd iloliiRthn work for the construction ot thu iinllnlshnd loitlon of the AM'tine O sewersv.stom , Includ- nx all connections and appurtenances 'or.Tl-o work will vomptise npuroxlmatu.y thu followInitt "Oil feet 20 Inoit pipe sower. ilfiO foot IS Inch pipe sower. ilOrt feet 15 Inch pipe sower. 2.103 foot IS Inch plno so or. J.W1J feet 10 Inch pipe sowor. iM feet 0 Inch pipe sewer. ,71 , foots Inch pipe sewer , ill catch basins. 2o man holes. ' 'il lame holes. The wliolo of thu work to no compluteil on or before .1 uly I , IMC' . Plans ean bo soon anil snoclllcntlons and bliitik forms for bids can be obtained upon ali- pllcatlon to W. P. Palmer , street suporinlcnd- ent. ent.Knoh bid must ho accompanied by a cortl- led cliook for the .sum of J. > 00 , unynulo to the otdor of A. H , llorshuy , mayor , which cheek will bo forfeited to the city of Slcrllim In ease any bidder shall fall to cxeouio properly a contract , with KOIH ! and snlllulont Nineties , If awarded the contract ; otherwise to bo re turned to tlm bidder. Kach bid must bo accompanied tiv nt least two Hamploaot plno , such as thu bidder pro poses to use miller the contract. Payment for the work will ho made In Kprlp boarliiRO per cent Interest after .Inly I. isy' . Thu bids will be opened and read public ] vnt the nicotine of tlio city council at 8 o'clock ( > , in. March 28. ISCtt The city council tosorvos the rlRht to ro.lcc * any or nil bids for nny rut'son It may dcuto utilllulent. liy urdor of the oltv council of the oily ol Sterling , III. .IA.MKS ! ' . PUAIT , Clialrman Slroots am" Allovs Commltloo. Steillng , III. , M nch IU , 18 ! ) . ' . " MIUVO'.M.M OMAHA ITALIANS QO TO WAR. Tilted ItcprrseiitiilUes of tlio Sunny Nation Dlllur on Many Pnlnts. In the language of holy writ , a house that is divided uguinst itself cannot stand. U is in this divided condition that the Italian. legation In tbls city llnds itself. For years the head consulate has hnd hii Ucadquartorn [ u Denver , but n branch lint boon inaintatnod in Omaha , nurltig nil of this tlmo Military Consul Vutiutl has boon iu chat-go. Uy paylntr strict nllcntloti to his business and uitvlslnc ; for und with tlio \vhllo rotldotits of Sunny Italy , ho has niudo uionoy. Some three months ago Albert Edward Conti drlltea in from Sioux City Jiclni , ' ot a striliiti ) ; uppoaranua nnd u smooxli talker ho soon convinced Vcnuli that ho ought to luivo u partner in the consul buslncis. Vfiiutl \vns convinced and the two oponuU up in th Cfoighton block. KverylhiiiR wont itlon < ; smoothly for a time , but at lust Conti , sculnjf thut Vcnuti stood well with tbo Italians in Omaha , concluded to do u ll'.tlo work on thn side to brini ; lilmsolf into favor. Vemiti had urrnuied to banquet the Italian nobility last. Monday night and had sent out many invitations. Conti discovered that the movement ivus a in inter strolto upon the part of Vcnuli and to counteract its ii.lluonco ave it out cold that ho would ban quet the Omaha Italians at Council 11 luffs on tba same overling , and In addition thereto would ( 'ivo nil who attended a Irca excursion on tlio Omaha and Council Bluffs motor litip. The two Banquets wcro hula with the larger crowd dliiint ; nnd wining Cotitl. Neither of the gentlemen spoke about tlm banquets , and us billion as thunder clouds they occupied tuolr ollico until ycstonlny. At noon time Conti wout out to lunch und when ho returned ho found tlio ofilco vacated , Yonntl durlnpf his absence Mad moved the furnlturo away and locked the door. Feurlni ; that ho waite to bo ousted , ho uniocitod the door of llio ollico nnu entered , but was mot by a bo- wliiskorod Italian who , icnlfo in hand , drove Deputy Military Consul Conti into tbo street , cryiiiK murdor. Contt states that the is nol yet , us ha Is the scion ofaroynl family und will resent tba insult. To show that blue blood runs in his veins bo takes prida in showing a paper which states that his father occupies tie loss a position than culof justice In the court of appeals of Italy. . "Lifo has bean n burden to rae for the past llfty years on account of great BUfTcrini ; from very severe ana frequent liuaduchcs. Hradycrotlno bus done wonders for me. I am now a now man and shall proclaim tbo moritsof your mcdicino to all I emi roach. " Cieoftfo K Fowler , attorney at law , Pulatkn , Fin. _ HALF I'AICi : KN To tlio Hot .Springs fit Aransn ) : Vin Ilia WnlmHh Itallrnail , On April 7 and 8 the Wtibash will soil round trip tickets ut ttbovu rate , f ood. roturnini ; iintll Mny 10. April II ! the povurninont will uomuionco Hitlo nt niiu- tlun of town lols from the rowoi'Viitiori. Only i ! " hours froiiiOiiinhii to vltt the WnbnHh. For tickoln , car nccoiiiniodiitloiis nnd u locution of the procrty ) lo bu Hold , willi description of the Bpi'lnKS , call ut Vu- biirili ollico , lir)02 Fimmm htroct , or write C. N. Clayton , N. W. l . A t. , Omaha , Nob. _ _ Til 1C ItKAI/l'V rNHTIUJMKNTS place 1 on rosDri M.ircli 18 , WAIUUNTV riEKIM William Mlnot , jr. . nnd wlfu to Commonwealth - wealth ( Irund Kent company , o Baft lot 20 , block IS , Impiuvoment Anno- illation mid 1 t ] < ! < 'lianurnfl triNiiini * , xv "Sft of o I.Vift , lot 2) , blook IS , saimi , 1 .lolin h'nlier.i to Miiry Kilhura. und'J lot 1 , llock II , Potter * t/'obli'a , uld to Houth Omaha 500 U II Pavnound wlfo to W A Hopper , u ' ft lot 4 nnd w liift lot It , bloou " 0 , " I'rnapcul iiluuo , , . , 2,700 Oiioiim fi lltmok lo .1 U llonil , lol t , bluck4 , Oborm > & Ihnlck'.s add 5V ) b'amo tOHumi' . lot.'i , name un N Ivl.'owlei toOtibtav 1'arson. lots ? and K blouli 1. t-'owli-s' 1st add to Valluy . 73 I'cilur I'lUHlnH tuirl wlfuio ( IK Klvln , tax lol 21 , In sw nw M-I5-KI 7,00 Alfnnl PorliliiHtind wlfu to ( i M Porkliu , l-il'A block 1 , Newport ndtl neil H''Vrft. of iiIITnttlot It ( y'liollmnn's ndil to Hydu 1,000 .Miirlnus Andorion nnd wlfu to A I' lli'ii- ilrlekbon , lot ' . ' , block 0 , Aiinslron 'n ' 'ml add , 4,000 K A lloiuon. trustee , lot } O llalluy , InU 7 und H , block UJ , llonbon . 1,1 JO H I ) WlUon lo ! ; A Holism ) , lots H und I- , block H , llrlgrf'H iilacu 5.030 I < A IJ.iuuy mill wlfu lo Uutilnv Milfiid- Hun , ot Hi. lilock 1 , Khorliliin plaeo , . . CM J W llrllllth , trustee , to I H II inght , lot 1 , blook 8 , HuKer plauo Oroat Western Carbon company tu I > II \Villlaiin. that part of w In acres MJ nc , : i-ll-ji : w II .V M r'y ti-.iclin J i : iS'ovIn and wlfn to V O l.jnlry , lol ' - ' , block P.'l. lol 4 , blook HO , lot 11 , block lUi.lotx , bloek 107 , Jul'J. blocl. ' . ' 4 , lot II. block M'.i. und oil * , lots I'JJ , - ' ) . ' , 2JJ , IlKEUi. 1 A Hath , siw.'lnl uilmlnUtralor , to I < M Maul , lots 7 an J * , ulncK U , Walnut Hill C17 Tolai amount uf transfci 4. . . . . . P-I.HU