THE OMAHA DAILY SATURDAY , MARCH 19. 1892 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Crop Damage Reports Oausod Lively MaC - nipnlations on the Board. C < \BLES \ WERE AGAIN DEPRESSING IJnt tlic Crovril Took l.rss Xotlrn of Weak Jiilrrr t Than ol llin { nntlniiitliMi ufColil Wrntlier In the Win ter Wlicnt Country. CiitCAfln. III. , March 1S.-H was nip and tuck today on the Iloird of Trade wllh the crop ilamnco Jropoits and the contradictions. Opinion * differed wildly us to tlio outlook. Homo of the solid ( .peculators on the board who have not had tbo opinion that wheat was likely to got Into tliu Motuh in w hlch lotton ls nt present foundering , wcro buyers on a break which Inaugurated the session but there wcro others who did think that wheat was getting Into a cottony condition. The cables were again depressing to holders of wheat In obcdl- nice to , It lss.ild , dictation from this side. Hut the crowd took less notice of weak Interests than they did contlnuat on of told weather over thu winter wheat country at homo Thcro vvoro purchasers of May wheat at the opening at from 8l' o to M4c with onoor two trans lotions at SPiC u fen pi-comix later ; then I'aidrldgocommenccd M.'llliiK and N llrcem took a hand In the Bimo direction ; from ucln ; ? Inclined to fator nreaitlon , thosoalpors turnoJ lt > u body to the selling side and kept putting it out until for about an hour and a half of such work It nasdowu toM'iC ' 'Jhonens which followed thnearlv dlsn itches was In favor of lower prices I'lrstciimo the report of Iho receipts at Minneapolis amnuluth-fi2l ) curs against 242on I'rlday of last week. ' 1 hen a warmer weather prediction ftoin the signal sort leu Imioati , and upon the same iiuthoilty thu matemeiit In answer to nn Inquiry that the winter wheat bi'lt , with the exception of Illi nois nnd Nebraska , was all snow covered. The knock-down blow came from the sou- lio.inl , from whence canui the announcement that no whe-it hud been cleared yostuidav fiom New York , lioston or New Or.cmiii. Now York muksagi'S said 0)0.000 bn. of wheat was now loaded ready to clear but the bears heto vveroln the humoi of siting. "Wo shall uo- llevo th itwhen wo sen It , " and they sot thu Htalumi'iit aside llulllsh news was conllncd to reports of crop damage. A momhcr of an InlliH'iitlal hoii'-o vvus heard lo express the oulnlon that wheat at 64o was : i safe Halo for 14c perbu , prollt and that It would even then ut7uc look as heavy as cotton was recently at 7c. It Is only now that the bn.irs are iiluckiilR up courage to announce themselves nnd Ihoy no longer nnt I'ardrldgo patroniz ingly on the back ; the latter took the due line iiulcUy and said ho Old not feel 1 lie doing anything to stop It , Without any porcoptlblo t'.iuso beyond Iho uneasiness of thosu In the irowd who had sold wheat short under Hie , hero was.i sudden tally of le per bu. from thu lowest price immnd above , Home Now York messages reported conti nental cables closed steidler at a slight im provement and there was a repetition of yesterday's buying orders from people In the rniintrv , who reported Injury to the who it fiom the recent free/Ing weather Itciiiu. Linn. ItocliP. Miilth , Ocurgo T. bmltli nnd many mutant the best speculator on thn heir I appeared to think that after who it had biokcn bulowHlc Itvvns not gooj policy to bo found ll.'htln , ? foi a further 14e decline , but VM reon ( hocontiary found bnyln'anil the prlco ho2iin advancing under such buylnsr , closing it b. " > c , about ! } c higher than ycstDrday. Corn was llrm early , but began to pympi- thl70 with Iho weakness in tvlicit. Theio ivns not much In the way of news the trade , was Blow as a rule , and whllo there was omo dis position to cover early In the scss'oii nn Iho tcmiorary strength In wheat , a beatlsh senti ment soon got ihe ascendancy and weakness ruled for the time. May corn opened atlS'.e. told at JSJic , but then broke to J V1. loacted lo : i3nic and at U o'clock was : iSJc. 1 he Kct strengthened toward the close , chiolly In sympathy with wheat , Mny tour-hod HJo and Ilioclosa was at 3 1ic , a shudo higher than yesterday's final Hgurcs Opt ? \ jre quiet. May sold cnrly at 2Sc. broke to2i' e. icncted tonic , but at 2 o'clock was2h14C. The market grew llrniur aflor the noon hour and. Influenced by corn and vvhaat , May told to2s1Bo at the close. The sr.icnlntlvu miikut for nrov slona opened steady at about the closing prices of yestord ly. There wcro only i few trades at und neai the top liirnrcs , when thu iimiKUt for ] iork bloke badly , selling down to the lowest point of thoseason forMay delivery. Llvohogs were lower nd to add to iho we ikncss there WHS frco selling bi thu longs and heavy ham mering by iho shorts 1. ird and tlhs wcro fairly stonily. May poik sold curly at fll)22ii ) , fell to $ IO.J' | } and at 12 o'clock was * IO I2'i. May laid sold from Ji27M toW li. nna May ribs from r > 57 ! loJ.150. During the last hour the market showed a decided Im provement on free covering by shorts on the ilecllnu IIIKI the ( Inner tone In tha grain pits. May pork roaehcd to J'.O.ITii and 1 ml tot > -IT'S , closing u fraction iindoi thesofigures. ICtillmatcd recolpis tor tomoirowhcat , l'H ears ; coin , 410 cars ; oats , ] SO cars ; hogs , Il.COOhcad. The leading futures r.iiuod as follows : low. ci OSE. WniAT-No 2 .Mnrch . . . . Mny MIS JJij July . . . . WJ S3 IOHN No 2- Mnrch Mny . 37H 87i June C/.THM ) 'i March . . . s ; 271S Mnr JifH ! I'OIIK Mnnh . . 100' . nsi 1000 Mny. IU M 10 2J 1UOJ 10 10 1 Aim- March r 20 (1 ( S. { c \y \ C. 20 Mny t.'S ll 27H , l > 2'j tnoni Itins- Murch 5 M .1 K 6 BJtf Muy , 6 U C ( jj 6 fl'H Cash nuotatlons were as follows : I'lot'ii I'tisottled and Irru ular ; no estab lished maiket. WHEAT No. 2 spring whoit. B3\c ; No , t-prlng VThoat , 7bc ; No 2 rod. b7' ' c Cons liottoi : No S , 3iiu ! ; No 3 , yc'437c ; No. .Ijcillow. LS'tST"c. ' ' ) OATH No j ; , 27J4iNo ; 2 white , 2Pc ; txo. 3 KM : ' No. 'I s'l'ic. ' llAiti.KV No. 2. fiBc ; No 3 , f. o. b. , 5fljlc ; No 4 , t. o. b , llSi'M.'c. ri.Axsri n No. 1 , C6o TIMOTIIV SKBII 1'rlmo , ! l 2J < SI.fl. I'OIIK MofcH pork , per bbl , U'J7 ® 10.01 ; lard , iiercwt. , | (1.2.VS'J-7VJ ( ; short ribs sides ( loosu ) , ffpO ® > .VJ'4 ; dry Halted sbouldiirs ( boxed ) , (4.75 Q" .V ) ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , to 1(1 ( WIIISKV Distillers' finished gooJs , per gal. huoAH-Cut loaf , unchanged. Iti'i'olpts uml shipments ludiy were as fol lows : On the 1'roJuco cxchunzo today the butter market was llrni and unchaiiKecl ; fanoy crivunorv , ! ! 742aUc ! ; lli.o western. 2&a27o ; ordinary. 2l4i,4ii ! solcoted dairy , V2Sci or dinary , it-icaii1. li8H : , Kicii'i'if. ' ' E Hleady : full c'luani clioddurv 11J4 Il54'c ; Hats , lliiui.'o ; youni : America ; , U't ' ® 1.U- . llnirs UnclintiRcd , TAM.OVV N Voik .MurkiHs. NFVV VOIIK , March IS. Ki.nuii Itcoclpts. Sl- 750 plis ; ; oxportf , 11,101 bbls , 10 UVj bucks ; inarKi't iinhottled and vvonltor , fairly active : t.ali'8. L'l,700 bbls cniiN 111 * * ! , faloady. \VllKAT Hcoolpth. 4.f.OO bn. : oxporla , none ; Bull's , 1 ! , 710,000 bu. of fiitnrosi 'JH.LOO bn. ( .pot. bpot market unsettled , closing hUhor , ( ulrly uctlve : tin export ; No. 2 red , . In btoro and elevator ! | I.OJ ? ( TCI 0 | i ulloat : ( I,00)O1.C"4 ) f. o. h. : No. J rc' < ) , tmc : No. 1 tiorlhern. Iw cOtl.dO ; No. 1 Imrd , ! I.OO ? , I.O.4 ; ISo. 2 northern. UJ Oui'jo , Ojitloaa deullnod "tttleon easy cable1 ! , ; llRht clearances and by forolKners and looul lonns , with liuttcr weather reported In the winter wheat hcctlons , advanced UttlJ.o on ttUU of ciop ilaniago ADI ) liiernasdl export demand , olojeil vi rait at JiOiio over josterdayi No. 2 red , March. WHo : April. UlUQU Su. closlni ; ut OSSSe : May , 0 ) itDO tC closlni ; ut Odlic ; June. W\d > MSo. eloslnx at OMio : July , WlifMUVi' , clonluK utOIVic ; Aii2U9t. DI ao.'Ho. cloaliiR at ( K. " c. KVE Dull and weak : vvcutem , UJ < 3uJc. llAiti.r.v Qulut and steady , llAIII.EVM ALT Dull. COIIN Itocelpts , 137,100 liu , | exports , 4P.723 1)ii , i siilm. Ia.0.n < i0 bit , ftittireni ICO. WO bu spot , hpot market opened wenKur but elosrd linn und fairly active ; N'o. 2 , 45'ii6)io ) In olovntort 4JW ( < 7h nlloat ; uiiiiracluc ! mixed , 45'J4J.Vo ) ; No. U , 47o ; Htuoinor mixed. 45i47c. ! Options declined 5.c on liberal receipts und forclKn celling , advanced ' 4ic , closed btoiuly ! , o uu to Uodawn. Mnroh , 45Siiii40'io ' , cloiliu lit 4Go ; April , 45Qic. ( ! . clo&lnir ut mioi May , 45'i CtlO'tC , cloalni : ut lui.ei Juuo. 45 > t 4iUi % . elos- July , < &UI5ye , cliulu ; ut 45'ic ; OATS-Hoi'Ciins.'CS.fiClJliu.Scxportu.O-'I.OOObii. : olCB , 153,000 bu. futures ; 77,000 bu. spot ; spot market Irregular. closing firmer ; options dull , firmer ; April , ai'.awjo. olonuiK at : nj eai4 ! > io ; No , 2 white , April , MUoi spot No. ; 8 white ; inUed western , Jiaj5c ! { ; vvhlto . I Oc. llAV-1'lrm : glilpplng , EOOI ! to choice , 18 SCO 10.00. Jlors Steady , iiulot. _ , builAii-lUw , euder ; fair rcfliilns , S20 | CC-trlfUKuU , IX > tcit , 2i o , bales , MOW bugt contrlfiunls , 01 test , nt 3l > is : reOncil , qiilot and sloidj- . MI.HRSI : 1'orclgn , dull ; NOT firm nnd quirt , HtrE-rlrm andfiulot. I'KTKOI.MVM Stcudr. qulot ; Unlloil > t.Vefor Aorll. CorrotSH5i Olr. Dull. TAM.OW-Quiet : city ( JJ.OO for pickajris ) , lions I'alr demand , Hiiner'western ; , 14c : receipts , : i.2l7pkg . v\o it , Mcady. hut quiet ; domestic fleeces , SS'l-IOn ! pnllol , I'WtUojToxis. IGii''le. POIIK I'lrni. nut fiutct ; old mess. fi > ' " 51ilO 00 ; extra prime , Jll.oo ; new tnnss , Jll ( joftll.W. CL'T MKIT4 QiilutnnU HtcnilVI p rkled bol es , KHl mlddlc . duil and easy ; short clear. Ji4'J. ' li MID Dull , but steady ; woitcrn stoitu closed at $3,17't asked ; 70) ) tierces ; op tion sales , 4.7V ) tlerues ; Mnruh , tJVIl Miy , 1M ) M.V , closing at H 58 asked ; July. MO.a3.fiO. closing tit 11.1s ; A n n list , { 1 7 > asked. lltiTrEit-Tresh llrm nnil filrly active ; west- prn ilnlry ( new ) . Iiiiaict western crounury nowi. 2 CeJOu : western factory ( now ) , ij'iSJJ.'c ' ; l.lelns , vie. -Quiet and east" part skims , OillV. I'liMno.N Dull unit weak ; American , JI4..J rol'PMi-Tirni- . $ ll.y7.ll.2J. ( ! I.KAD-Kiisv ; ilnmoitlc.SI.2l ) TiN-Qulot nnd linn : afilts. t\0 \ 73. Oniihii I'roiliico M irkots. PlxiUK Omalii .Milling comp inv's Kcllanco patent , ? 'M : Invliiclhlo imtcnt , i-40 ; l.ono Marhupcrlatlve. $ . ' 20Snowllako ; , 8I.R" > ; 1 aney rnnillv. 17 % ; " . I' Olliiimi's Hold Medal , ! J..oj ( now \ \ hlte , * . ' 2' > ; Hnowllakn. { . ' .03 ; low grade , (1,03 ; Queen of iho 1' intry , HG3 1'otli.Tiiv Chickens , rood stock , OHlOc ; geese and ducks , HJJl"c : tilrkoys , liailc1. IIHTTru Ili'st cliolco uoilntty roll , 203,210 ! lower glades. I.1..1. ! * HIDFM No 1 green saltntl hides 4'4 © I'Jc ' : No. 2 uraen silted hides. 4'3iill4c ; No I groc-n siltml hides 2 % to 43 Ibs. MUtfc ; No , 2 grueu salted hides. 2. lo 4J Ibs. .ll'c ; No fveil calf. 8lorilbs.Cc ; No 8 vo U cilf. 8 to 1 % Ibs. . 4c : No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7ifi * c ; No 2 dry Hint hides , .1Q8u ; No , 1 drv silted hides , vaac. Tnl- low. No. 1 , .I'SWIo ' : tallow. No , 2. Wie ; grc.isp , vvhlto A.4o ; grease , vvhlto II , il'CuM O ! eroasc. yellow , , ! c ; greasedark. 2Kc ; old butter. 2M 2'5c ' ; beeswax , prime. IBc ; rough tallow I'Jfe i'nuiTC illfornla rltersldo nriti7cs W" > 0 ® 2. < V ) ! Wnshlncton navnls , SI.'O ' : eood apples , $ iri3IOO ! choleo lemons , $ l.00@l SS : finoy lemons , * l 5) ; ban in in , crated. JiOMiJ rO ; cranbeirles. shipping stock , JJW30.UO ; straw berries. 40S4l'ia ' < it. VwiKTlii.i.H California cabbage , 2'iO ' per II ) . In crates : homo crown lettuce , 4 10 purdor. : onions , 7."ic'3.l ' " 0 per bu ; Nubrnska hand picked bonus , tl 7' > 'il > l svi ; medium , l. " > l@l ( ll ; ( "allfornlaci'leiy. Sl.UOfDI.2 > ; sweet iiotatoi-s , t .TViMOO ; I'o'orado and western Nehnskii iiotatoc" . 'IVfHOc ; natlvo polatoas. 2SIUJe ; lima he in 4'4l'Jc per Ib ; witori'rcss , 21-qt. cases lHior > c per it. | : sInaeh. | JI U0ffi.l2. > per lib ! ; Sp inlsh onions it.r > J uerci'ato ; radishes , 40J. 40J.1'ons The majority of sales wore reported at lie , though thcru wcrosomosilLsunder that pi Ice. \l-0hulco hay , r > 00i001 ; poor , * 101 < il400. GAVII : MallarJ duclta , WOO ; teal , gi.jOai.75 : ml\cd , " St. l.oills.MuiltutH. ST. Loi'iR. Mo. March IS. FI.OIW Weak ; prh cs unchanged. WIIBVT Ailv.iticerto eirlv and then dropped I 'ac ' , but there was a Into rally anil prices c'osntl about jO nhovo yesterday : No 2 cash declined to 87' , ! May closed at 88' , e : .lulv , S..c : August. 81V. t'ollN Oash closed at 34' c ; options nd- Minced early , but closed about as yesterday : March , 3'ic : May. 31V'e. OATS A shade buttci ; cash , 29'i13c ; May , " 9c " K\K-Itlll ) ill Slo bill. llAitr.K.v- Dull ; small sales. Minnesota , 52c. HllA.sVak at C.T,70c. ! llA\-lnll ; timothy , $11 C0413 33. I , u UJ-CJulct $ , 'JO. I'rASECII bcarco and wanted. OOc. Ili'Tihit btoady ; crcameiy , 2K3-&c ; dairy , 1W121 rodS-llcU&rat H'Jc. ' t'oiiN MKl.-bteady at $1.01. I'nov ISIONS Dull anU easier. l'oiiK--tI037'll.10. ) lMiii0 ) 7Bli 10. Duv ? AI.T MbAT4 Loose "houldors. $1 40 : longs and ribs , $1,05 ; shorts. $3 M ) ; boxed lots , Ho more. HACON Shoulders. fVl'iJ : longs and ribs , t02V&13) : shorts. $0 J1S.0.4a . 4.003 Ibs. ; , 3S P03 bu ; corn , 41 ( KM bn ; oats , 21.033 bu. : rye , 3,000 bu. : barloy. (1,003 ( bu. Mm-viESTS flour , 3.030 Ibs : u licit. 27.0DO bu ; corn , 44,000 bu , ; oats , 10,0.0 bu. ; ric , 1,030 bu. ; b irley. none. Cotton 1 NEW Om.F\vs , I.n. , March 13 COTTOV Quiet ; middling , fi o : low middling. R'.c ; good otdlnury , 5' c ! not receipts. 2.740 bales : gross , 4'I70 hales : exports to Great Hrit tin , 4.01U bales ; to Trance , 3.UOQ bales ; to the continent , .I.7"'S bales ; coastwise , : i,4fiJ bales ; sales , U,830 bales ; block. 4t9,4K > ba'.cs. Weekly not re ceipts , | i.7b7 ! bales : gross , 47,10) bales : exports to Great llrltiiln , 1P.4HI bilos : to Trance. 12.825 biles ; to the continent , 16.74S bales ; coast wise , lO.Wl bales : sules. , IO,4' > 0 biles. NLVV YOIIK , Murcb 18. Tollowluj are the total not receipts of cotton In all ports Rlnco September I. IbUl : Oaltoston. lP.07ii.270 bales ; New Orleans , 2.'J.II.20S ; Mobile. 01 0.4 ; Hi\.in- nah. UI8.S.1) ) : Charliston. 4e4 \MImlngton ; , lai.lUU. Norfolk. 4WI07 ; Ualtlmore. 58.W ) : Hos- toii,10.l.7ll ; Novvport News. 20170 : 1'hlladol- phlii. n.iin ! : West Point , 2S7,4)3 ! ) : Hriinsvvlck. t)8.7. ) ) Total ( j.W0.77l : biles Deduct 40.H U hales claimed and cnunlccl by Savannah and Charleston In their not receipts. Total since fccpteinber 1 ( corrected ) , 0,110,877 bales. Kansas City Market ) . KANSAS Cirv. Mo. M iron 18 WHSAT Dull and about stonily ; No. 2 hard nominal at 73c ; N'o J red. WaSJc. Cons Was weak ; No. 2 cash sold at 3J' ® 4c. OATS Wore a fraction lower and In poordc- mand : No 2 mixed bold at 27aj.-'sc ; No 2 white , 2S'c. ' H * E Si e idy : No 2. 777Sc. I'fcAX fcPBii Sjj ( on the bisls of pure. HllA\ Weak ; O.'c foi sacked , HAV ' 'tronK ; timothy , Ji.OU per ton ; pralile , ft ooa'i.7r ItECRii'TS Wheat , 4",000 bu , : corn,25,000 bu ; oats , none , Siui'MHMS Wheat , 45,003 bn. : corn , ,10,003 bu : oats , none. MilwaukeeAltukots. . Mn.wAUKhE.Vls , March IS. WIICVT Tirm ; No 2 sprlnir. SI5iC. Coil.s--Dull ; No. ! ! , 37 © " > 7lie. OAT.S--NO. 2 white , : i.32 > 4c ; No. 3 white , 30 ® 30'c. luiu-tv Strong ; No. 2 , MSOOc ; sample , . HiE-Actlve ; No. 1 , SiSS I'nov HIOSI Quiet. I'OHh.-JU'.SA CoMcuMarKi't. . Nuw VOIIK. March 13 Options opened Htt'ady , iinchiiii.M'cl to 5 points down ; ilosoj Hto idy. uiiehiingcd to 10 points m > : silos , H.OO ) bauc. Including March , f 18 W ® 1(1.71 ( : April. 111.13 : May. * 12.00ai2Hj ( ) .Tune. fU'CO 6 .2.B3 ; October , (12.20 : December , J1J.23. > pot llojulct ( and easier ; No. 7 , { 14 50. Clm liintiU Markets. CINCINNATI , O , , March 1" , Wnuii 1'lrmor ; No. 2 red. JKJJo. I'oliN Kaslor ; No. 2 inlxoJ , 42c. OATS KHH.V ; Na 2 nilxca , 3l'to. WlllSkUl Jl.lJ. Toledo ( Jniln Murkot. TOI.KPO , O . March 18 , WHEAT HlKhor ; No. 2 oxhli an'l .March. OOJic. COHN steady ; No. 2 cash , < 0e. OArs-Dull ; cash , U7c. NUVT York Dry liooiU .Mar I , ft , NEW YORK , March 18 The dry goods tnar- uet WHS rolattvo'y oulct under continued In clement vvejthor I'lider the circumstances It Is a Malting market. Tiadd * ' Talk. Cinc no. 111. , Mtuch IS. Counsolmau X Div to Cocltroil llrothurf ! .May wheat opened with 11 tendency to rilly on sc.irt o buying. In- lluonced by cold wunther , but met fleuoHhort tollliu linluced by weak cables and under liquid at lun stai ted by ami U clearance ? , bioUo bh.mily toNHjfuml auiiulckly iccoverod loSlo. Corn and o us ouch biill'iuod liu fii.thcr dc- ellno on general unloidlng hvontsldo holders. Kcceivcis. shippers and local shorts absoibed the olTcrlnj's and prices aftcriuinls retovcrt-d easy , closing film at Icudvancn for thu day. I'rovlsions opened steady but declined with grain and further soiling by commission bouses I'nokoH vveio aguln constant buyirs and local shorts covering Into In the session ruined a complete recovciy In lard and ribs. 1'ork closed barely steady ut to decline , btroni ; local parties are buying on every weak bpot. ( 'llictno. III. , March 18 T.O , r.ogan A. Co. to J.Kindii Commission company : \\hcat npunet ! active. The ran so wus from Kl'ic to 84'ic and H3o for May Thu oarlv Bulling was largely by holdois , InfluonceO inoro by tbo neak tone of foreign cables than by the position of this niurkot. On the pressure to sell tlio prices Un- cllned tot-Jit At about this prlco thoru was u now class of buyers who are UUolv to tttiv uy the market until more Is known of thu grow- In : ; winter crops. Advices tto fur nil point to conildeniblti damage , but until wo have rain and sunshine thn uxtont nt daniuKo can not bu ascertained , Liquidation for the past few dav bus been very heavy and with the cliangu of holders who have pnr- chaeeil at moderately low prices wo should Imvo u better und Hater in irkot If not hlu'lier prices. The closing Is ut bl'j.o. Corn In Bympatliy with wheat wns Urn 01 May opened at thu closing nrlcnof > osterduv , ; iS'4' ( ' , sold oir tolK'iu aud closed ataSHo , Wo htlll look for U to toll IK about 371 * . The oat niai- kot l attracting moru uttuntlon. With fulr weather Ihoy will mil lowor. Provisions fiilrly steady , with a good deal cf liquidation on thedecline. . 'Ihe buy Itu was prluclpally by local opnrutori. CHICAGO. Ill , March 18. Ki-ntictt , Hopkins & Co. to H. A , McWhorlitr : Sumo fair buj Inz orders hold prlccx rather stilly for u time , but lone vihoiu kept dribbling out and thuru being little ri'ilstanco n fuither ileullnu of ] c was mlnnlHtd. hour th boltom Ktuui , Liuuuud others were llbcril buyers and turned the market The siihsonuunt rally was duo mainly to covonn * ov shorti. IMrdrldgp , who stated jrestorday . that ho was prnotloally out of the market was a free sollor. foreign ntlvlcos nro inoro rncour.ielng thin could be oxpcctcd and consldcr.iblu now export butincts was reported todiy. It H be- llnvol by tlio conscrvatlvo element that prlics have mini ! low enough fora substantial rally and that it Is unwlso to bo short , nt lenftt until It Is definitely known what damage - ago the crop has sustained. Corn and outs Mumprd elf early null - havu ( shown conslderablo vveaU'no , hut they milled with whoit ntar thn close. A further rally Is not Improbable but there Is nothllK In s ght to sust iln It , Provisions touched tlu Ion o t prlco for ninny month * , rallying feebly with other products There Is no o itsldc demand anil profe s onals find the load rather liouvy to cirrv. llettt i prices nro wu minted by the situation , but Investors nro slow to take hold STOMvS IIONDS , InillcitlaiisTIi it Tr.tdeM llnvo l.lltlo Intrr- CK < In 1'rrnpiit Triinsiictlons. NKW YOIIK , Miireh 18. The trinsictlons In the stock in irkot provol oonolmlvoly tint Interest In the spasul.itlon Iris been roduco.l to a minimum , and whllo there were rumors In plenty of deals an.l roinbliiutlous , noua of them worn of sulllolent Interest to rouse the market out of Its rut of dullncis and stagni- tion There wcro no rcil features In the mar * ket at any tnnouvouut the early decline and rccoveiy In Mitiu , sild ( o bo the result of buyliu oidtrsemaiiitlng from 1'hlladotphln , and tha s tddsn drop of 4 per cent In Croat Northern profoTol from 1IJ to 133. The stow and a'mo-it ' uunotlcol advance of Oroit Northern from below p u lo Hi. which has been accom plished without activity In the stok nt any time , at I istcro.ited rninor-i which us deals mo now the fashlonablu thing , took that form. The only 1 itn indln ; vvtu marked by the avvakouing ot the tndoM and an attack on Hcndln ; which depressed that stock about 1 per cent , earrvlng the test of the list as a rule slUhtlv below thu optMilhg prices , whllo \\heollng .1 > o Krlo was specialty weak , falling lsi per cent before tbo tlcollno was checked , The ra ( I was lu'-omp inled by the only appro ich to activity seen during the day , but It soon died away , and thouuh there was no recovery In prices the marxct closed dull an I hi'ivy .it about the lowest prices leached. Iho lltial changes are In almost alt cisos sniatl fraction il losses , but Wheeling A. l.iko Krlo Is ( lovvn l\ per cent , ( trading I1 * percent and Northwcsteiu , which was one of tbo weak stocks In the afternoon , I PIT cent. Government bou Is hive been dull and easier. - State bonds h ivo been stoaUv. 1 ho following tire the closing quotations for the le.'idlng stocks on the New York Stock cx- change today Atchlsou do prelorrc'd Ui Adams Kxprcss . . . 111 N V Central lltl Alton. T ll . . .15 N. V Chi , V 81 . 1'J Alton , T 11 ptd 1 (8 ( do preferred American ICxprcsj II7K Ohio MlnUslpti Ml CHAN fiO do preferred 8" > Cannda I'acltlc . . . Ontario A Western. . SOX Cnnadti Southern * . Oregon Improvcmo't 2 ? > vg Oalral I'acltlc . . .11 Oruuon Nav H7i } Chen A Ohio , 1V6 N A 15Q do 1st preferred MH 1'nclllc Mall W& du2nd preferrcl , IJMll' . I ) & 1C 20 ChlcaKO A Altim 111 iM'lttsburx 1W c. . ii , vy IU7H I'ullmnn. . I'nlnco Ifi'J ( ' . , C , 0. A M li. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Del Hudson , . 'lia' < Itock Fiiiind. . . . . . . fSJS Uol. I * A. W ISSSi it I. . AS R 1st pfd "I , I ) .V U l pfd M St 1'nut 77t Ka t Tennessee , b'i do preferred I1J do lit preferred 4) dt I' . Mln. A Man. 1H du ' 'nd preferred 170 St. 1'aul AOmahi. . . 47 Erlido , WK do preferred. . . . III do preferred . 'Wloau Cool X Iron. . < > H Fort Wayne . . . . .15.1 lex I'aclnc II Cld A lnst 111 . . . . i dUi ! Tel AO Oca phi . . . 8.1 Ilocklnx Vnltsy . * > H Union 1'ncinc. . . . 4Ct $ Houston A 'Juxn * . t , IJ a Kxpross 44 Illinois Cvatriil 101 VV'abnsh St I , . A ! > . . 1. , st 1' ADuluth . . . . ll I doprefcrral ta'l Knnsivs ATexns . . . HA [ ' ( Veils Korim Kx. . 141 l.nko ErloA Vteit iiS. , * iVcslern Union . . . . HH do preferred. . , 75 ( Am Cottoo Oil ? J Likabhorj nm I'olorado Coil 3ii Louisville A Nash , 74 > < Humoslnkc It I.oul8 > lllo i. N' A . Iron Silver IOJ .tCliar . . . ' -Memphis ) ) Ontnrlo 41Vij Mlcbhrnn Ccatrnl . ,110 , IcJuleV-sllver 4 illlt S * W. . . IU do preferred . . . JJ do pfil ,1' ) iSutrn ti Mian & St I , ! > U lliilw-r 33 do preferred SO I lllc-hiii'iid * VV 1' Tor H ) < Missouri 1'ailtlc . . . ' ' Mobile A Ohio .IS'tiUrunt ' NortliBrn p'fd'llS NnshvIlloChntt Si. ChlcnKoUas 74H N J Centril 1/J I.cad'lruit I'lH Norfolk A w pfil . VHiiiriir Trust Ullj Northern Pacific . -S > i.southern 1'acltlc1 . ,1j do preferred CiiV , O i. I. A , L' N. . . 2S II. 1' . De-aver A O. . SJ's Diet ll'l Northwestern llilIcjcdlv. . The total s tics of stocks today w io 20lS3o sharps. Including : Alchlson. 11,000 ; Krln , 4'.1)0 ) ; Noithvvestern , 4V.J ( ; Itciidinj. 7.MW : Itlchmond A. West I'olnt , 1U.04J ; ht. I'aul , Westeinrnlon , 4,4)U. ) I'limnchil Ituvlevv. NF.W YOUK. .March 8. The 1'ost siys : At the oponiiu of th's month Itwusclcu to the observer that a period of block Qxclningo dull- no s and Inactiv Ity nas boforj us The artl- movements foiced upon thp maikct have only horvcd by the o.itly and complete Ilz7ltng to umplrislzo the truth of tills general foiecast. Tod.iy's market was , i rollectlon of current conditions , and In a sense , too , of conditions prevalent notalono in Wall street , but In almost the who'o ' Industrlil and linin- clal world Wh itever thocauso m iv bo and thcro are a scoio of theories , varying with the imitlcular example selected tlio s.illcnt fact Is that In thccojutry at large , the specula tive spirit , Is temporarily extinct and the normal noiibpecnlatlvo demand supplied ; quite ; is completely so In dry goods and iron und produce us In cotton and silver and se curities. No one can doubt that this Is .1 ccn- cial result mndo uu from many dlvorno fac tors , vlrtn illy , however , and neccssuilly oper ating In unison. Jsovv York Jlonoy Murkut. Nmv VOIIK. Murch 18IONEY ov RAM , ra < v at IHOP r cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ; closed ufTciud at 2 per cent. Pimtn MEHCAVTII.I ! I'AIT.U 0m per cent bTluit ! > ( ) EXOIIANOE Quiet , but steady at tl 65" , for al\ty-rtay bills and SLhiii for de mand. The closing quotations on Loutls : bhl lasked. I.oiiiliin Mock .tluihet. ( Copy ) IgJitril 1K > 2 bil Jtunr linnlnn Tl/iDttlM LO.NDOV , March 18. [ New Vork Herald Gah'o fepticliil to'liiK Ilml Wo liaNoaualn to re- coid a vi'ry inilot tnonsh not alto ethur fea tureless day In tlio block oxchanzn. Consols HID 1-lti to > , per cent hlshor. Indian rupee piper BIIVO way U per cent owln ; to weakness in silver , after liolni ; gcnorally depreshfd. The tendoiicv of foreign eovcinment secur ities la inoro favorable , at the close some Im provement belnK reported on the 1'nrls and other continental bourses. Homo i.ill- vva > s will bo favorably liitluoiR'cd by line weather and the collupsoot the coal hlrlUe. but du illnjH have been on a very i educed scale , so that movements In prices uro unim portant except In thncasoof Ore it Northern deferred anil Shotlleld deferred , the former havlni : ilsen l'i per cent nntl the latter " > per ( out. The rlsn In others does not exceed ' 6 to 'i per cont. bouthoiistorn deferred aroox- coptlDually weak , the monthly working state ment causing : some ( llaappolntmont. An al > - KCDCO of business his characterised the mm- net for Amnnimn nllwiys , but the loniirncy lim been favorable , a ? oed to no beltiK le- ported In Now Vork. Then ) wns llttlo busl- ness and no chanzo In the discount rate , Tnrco months bank p tpor was quoted at Pi to 1'j per cent , Call loins for the week are 1'i pot cent , I'lii.inrlal J oto , PAIIIP. March 18 Thino per cent rontes , Of > f KANSAS Cirv , Mo , .Maroh 18. ( JloarliUh , K'E'V'V VOIIK March I8.-Cloarluss , JI10.0II,7J7 , ; bilauccd , ! . "i Ul.'i , ' . " . ' ) . 1'iiii.Aur.i.i'iiiA , I'a , , March 18. llrul : cloar- lius , tilIbl.t.Vi ; balances , ? I,57HKM ; moiioy , , l > , llAi.TiuoitG , Md. , March 19 Hank clmrlnss today , IJ.2JJ.yjl : balances , JJUMJ , lEate , U HLIII.I.V , March 18 The Ntatomont of the Imperial bunk of Uurmany shows uu lucrujso In Rpeolo \UOV03 marus. NPVV UnirA > ' , Ij i. March ) 18. CIo irlnzn , tl,513,110 ; Now YorK oXL'huiifo coniinc'ruliil , SJD $1.000 ; bank , Jl.51 poril.OOO premium. HT. I.nuiM. Mo. March is. Hank oloarlns" , fJJIJ,7U : balances. eno.OM ; money , OU7 per cent ; oxchau u on Now Vork par to 23u pre mium , IIOSTON , Mass. . Maroh IB. Clearings , 112.101.- 4Sj | balances. $1,010,18. . Money , 2 per cent lIxchniiKooii Nuw Vorlt , 13 to 20 per cent dis count pui (1.0 in. UiiirAoo , III.March 18. Monovousvritt'iQO ' percent ; bankoloarlnzR. tl\0is,4U ( : New Voile oxchanKC , 0 e discount ; Merlhitfinolmiuodtil ! nnd unchniiKcd ; ( I S. ' > V , for nUtj-duy bills and { I b7'4 for sight drafts. New Vork Iliiln ? Uuotntlniii. Nr.w YOIIK. March 13 The following are the closing inliiln ; stouk nuot itlims : Atpill . . . . . , , ,1V ) llt-.t A llolchcr 'Ml rnk'dcmlall II , , J01 Con Cul A Vn . . . . < rO Deuilwood I'.O KuifknCon , , IU Uould A Currjr . . . . 114 llnlei Norvruo . 1U lluiuotakp 13- ' > Horn bllvi-r . . . 833 Ilimtnii Muck .Murker. BOSTOX , MUM .March Id. Thu followlnj vtore Iho closInT prtcxn on Moks on tha Iloston stock market < Ity : AtcTiTioa A lioston A AlhanV:1 > rninmM A llreM S7U lloston A. SUIno1JJ ; catnlpiv . C. nAU. . ' " . ' / . I071J i Frunklln IH HteliMiru II II . . . , P7ij Kcarorgo . . II Flint A Pare M , MI. 31 , Oi e < ola . . . do iirofprredij. . w 'nuti Ft > Copper K. C M J AC.lV/Ss 51 llaninrnci . . . . . VAfl Mttle Hock A t-'i.S If.t , lloMon l.nnd Co . fl Hans Central. . . . 1Ctan Diego Land Co 17 MCI Ccn ooiru. . . . . 19 < i Wctt Kn t I > n I Co l'H < N \ AN Knxlnrtd s < < llcll Tclcphono . 301 N VAN inKif : > . , IJI i l.ninnto'i Stores 1(1 ( OldColony . . . . I72iatrr Power . 4 Hntlinl profurrcd Mont M . . . IIH \Ms Ccn ! 8lilNetA.T . 10-s ilu iirt'fi'trcd „ , , . j 111 A 1) ) C . ! ( , > ( Allouet Mln Co nun 110 'll ' It . IU Atlnnllc . . . . . . IP ( | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Di'iivrr .Mining M or Its , nuivnn. Cole , . M.irah ISTho followlnj list Is thn olosln ; nuotitloiis on the Mlnltijex- cnango today S lies i.7,310. 1.IVK STOCK MAHKUTS. Cuttle In ( iootl llrni mil at Mrnily Trli-ci Hogs Actlvn but l.ovvor. dOsiAiiA. March is Ueculpts for llvo dajs foot up. 11 41 1 cattle. LM.1III hogs and 411 sheep. agiliut 10,121 cattle. II.M'i luus and .i.iljt sheep the corrcspondln : llvo days last week I I'hc general enttlo market vv as inn lor.itely ne- tne and practlc illvat Thursday prices OITor- MIL'S \\croonly modurato and appeared amply suflli'lcnt to satisfy the present demand uhero as a v in v cool demand ftoin shippers and exporters and o istern butchers bought u few londs. and whllo local diesK-d beet buyers did not act as If they \voru ovcr.y anx ious for iho cattle , with the limited supply and good outside demand they vvnro unable to otroct any roductlon In prices Kast- ern advlceu. too , WIMO lather favor.ible , and this had Its oirect on the trade Altogether It was a fairly satisfactory nrirkct to the soil ing Interests , although by no means as actlvo and strona as could bo wished. Dealers gen erally had llltlodllllciiltv In coinliu to terms mid a good and oarlv cleirance ivas olTocted ( iood to choice1..VO to l.ftjt Ib beeves sold from Mlki to Jl.51 : fair to good 1,100 to I.JOJ Ib grades from * 1 4U to * .I.OJ , with common and llk'ht atnll ' . ' * . around $ l.i tolJ.O. There v\oro scaroolv a dO70ii loads of cows and mixed stock In the yards and the general oualltv of the olTcrin.'H ivts rather common. Iradliu was moderately actlvo and prices Urn.tth sales largely from Siuo to J270. choice guides selling as high as WOO and can- norsaslow im $141. llulls. oxen anil stigs vveo fully htuutlv tit from tl.BI to $113 Cilvcs vveio ( Inn and In gout ) demand at from ? . ' .W ) to J > . ! i' > foi common to choice \oils. In thu stooker and feeder line a geol busi ness was transacted atstoady tostroni prices. 1 hero w is a fair country demand , but lee il HUiculators were the principal buyets. Kalr to good stock and feeding steers sold largely at f lorn * . ' 8J to I ' .2'i Heprcscntattvo bales : fTEEUS. No. Av. I'r. 17 lifiJI70 t > 14(14 ( II 7U 5 uio .171 % mi a7" 7 1.-78 a 71 CO. 1VJ ) : i7i L'O jm .173 : : i uii aiw iu u MO ) .im at liM ,1113 11 llt/1 403 1 401 1. 112) ) 401 .1 14 , ( i 401 IS IIUJ 423 MIXCP. 0 l''C8 3 3.1 COWS. 1 480 1 41 1111 2 00 1HO 303 1. D1) ) 1 4(1 ( ! 10W 203 17 UU1 2 03 3 . 010 1 4J Ml 2 (10 ( 111 1014 2 U > 4 871 1 40 K"0 2 2fl .1 .1UOS 20.1 ( I SOS 1 40 1. 1070 22.1 1I .H20 2(13 ( 4.8.2 151 1. 1110 240 1IH 1U7 270 2 U.'O 1 CO 1.U DJ'I 2 40 1 'I4J 2 71 3 IOJ1 1 C1 23 IX)4 ) 2 4 ) 121) 2 bj 14 S7S 1 U1 3 1017 2 .U 1141 281) ) H . 811 1 OJ 3 HS7 2.r.l III I 283 8. 841 2 CO 10 Da7 251 .12W J 00 I. 1J43 2 (0 ( 2. 11.1) 251 CAT.VBi. 3 05 203 1. . 201 450 110 100 2. Jill 2 II I ) . . 183 4 50 1J1 23 3. . Ul 4 25 nui.i.s. 1 1400 101 1..1570 2 I ) I 1010 2P1 1..14.-0 2 OJ ] . IBM ) 233 ' 1 14 SO 2 OJ 4 1141 200 1 07J 240 1. 17.0 310 2 7JO 211 1. 1170 260 1 1530 323 1 150J 2 ! , - > 1. 1.13) 2 05 oxcv. 3 .1000 2 33 MOCKFHS AND FMPKIU. 1. 000 2 01) ) I. . fc40 300 20. Oi7 323 61. . MO 221 2 101J .11)1 ) 14. BBU 321 | 1 7u8 2 21 1 . 0 0 3 111 48 U18 3 2.1 Ol 02J 2 41 0 730 J 15 21 1017 32.1 C2. . 0)1 ) 2 7.1 11 5JU 3 10 21J. . 001 a 21 140. 5G' ) 2 kfl 1 ) 77.1 ,1 15 1 08J 3 23 13. . 451 2 85 H ! H'J 3 15 6 891 333 IIEIFCIIS. a WYOMING CV-TI.E. No. Av. I'r. No Av. Pr. 33 steers' U'07 $ .1 4J 1 bull 15JO ? ' 20 hay fed. MILKLIf AND SI'IIIN'BKHS. 1 cow and calf 527 00 1 cow and calf 21 00 1 cow and calf 2003 1 springer 2 * > 00 1 springer 27 00 1 cow and calf iH CO 1 sprlngci 2. > OJ 1 springer ill 00 3cows and calves , cacl 3400 Hoosho ! hos market was slow and un evenly IOHUI Hocoipts were omi'wlial lighter than I'linrsd ly but nearly double last I'rl- day'B IlL-lil run. bo fin this week there has boon an Increase In receipts of ever MAX ) head ID nip ired with last week. The Kcueral iiualltv uftlio offerings was very fall better than usual of late. llubincss opened slow and dull. Thcro was a falrdo mind from flesh mo it men and shlp- pets for Kood ll ht and butcher vjclsht ho s. lint on .icoiint ot lower cistern markets all billets \\uro hcail" ! ) , and In general biles ranged from ne.irly steady to fully fip lower than Thursday's general markot. ( mod lUht and butcher wel-'ht hozs sold from JI4'itn JI 5 * > . but nearly evorythlngollliu above $1 3J wasmoro or less sorted. Hea\v and ml\cd packers sold fiom 11.40 to if I 4 * > , wllh odds and ends , throw outs atSJ 00 to Jl.3i. JVoirly every thing chained hands , althotuh the market draped alons tliroiiKh the croater part of thn day. haleb wciolarsoly at from JI 40 to $153 against (14) ) to M.V > Thursday , Iho general nveiaKO of lirlcos paid bolnj < 4.44'4 aKalnut $4,4HThuKi'ay and J4.72 last 1'rlduy. Kcpru- bcntatlve sales : No. Av. rih I'r r > . . . ,40(1 ( KO } 4 2" 1.1 . 40 4 2) 0 . . .aw 4 23 n , . M 4 III Hi . . 17S 4 30 17. . . .207 KJ 4 .IT 4 33 ? ' ' 4 3 > ol " 3.'J 4 3' . u. . . .210 4 ! ci , , 2.0 2oJ 4 .15 " ,40 ! 10' ' 4 4J 4 ! 01 120 4 10 ii" 237 320 M 4) ) 74 .1 ( I 3(11' ( 4 40 01 , . .too 14 . , .2UI 4' ) . CJ 211 123. 4 4J CJn 11 " i tn : n . M . . .21)1 ) tli . . . .1 .1 1.-0 " 4 < 4U . 300 U ) 4 40 01 ! . 2WI 7H . . . an y. . . . * 4i ) 4 4) SI . . . 'i4 UJj J,4) ) " " 01 .210 Hi 01ft ft ! ) O'l 20J , fAi' , 0) ) n-T42'i ' rs MlM A 4i'J 71) ) , M ii 4J1 , 210 4 41 n6S AND llOUflllS ,5TO _ J 00 : i . . .208 -i5J 3 . . . . J-fl S ) 40.1 - 420 Siit'n'-rivo loads of bhccp were reported In the yards , twu of them lonslRiieu dlroc1 tea a ojal packer. Tlio reiiialiiliij ; thruo loans RHEUMATIS3H THREE YEARS , After suffering untold agonies tliree years from lllieuiTwtisin , having had jiHicIitreatnicntwIllioutrclIef. I dccldwl to take Swift's Specific. Eight bottles | CURED ME ENTIRELY nnd I wish other sufferers to know ofl tlioaluo of your great remedy forj Rheumatism. JOUN WcDoxAi.i ) , McDonald's Mills , Ga. nJ frr frco Treatise on t'i31.liwl anil bUn. k , Qi. were Colorado fed Inmbs , one load of which broiuhtivtw. The demand Is peed find Din titnrkct iilrtinft. Pair to itood natives , Jl.sva 54) ! western , $ IOVa.Ma ; common nntl stock Mitop. i50 . ! 7J ; cool to choleo lambs welsh- Inn from 43toM Ibs , tl5ao.UJ. llcprescnta- lives Ucs : No. , Av. I'r. sa Colorado lambs OJ W CO Itoenljiti nil llii > mil n of SIT' * . omcl il rjjolut ? u-i 1 dlspiiltloi qfstoj < shown bv tha ln.i sot 110 Unlun Stock Y.iriti eotnp inv for fie twonly-foitrho ar ending ut 5oclocl < p in. March K no ; . HIM I I SIIKKl1 UUUSLSA M IS Cnrs Cam illpij Cars l loTl IIISIM3ITIOV nurus Omttlin I'ncklnc nimpan > 410 TheO II llnniniOml Co . Wt , . Snllt.x lo Ml Ull 'nrkltiKcoaipnnr Klnunn 47l ! 2 < ri Hhlppcrn nnl ipcdurs . . 1C. l.cli over 100 Total. noi Chicago t.lto Stock JlarUot CliirAiio , III . March 19 [ Spool-il Tolosrim to Tun llhK.lltb the ficsh reculpls scarcely ri > : iolilnc i.OOJ head ami the tot il for iho week shovvln. ; a dccroasa of ire illy in.OUl head thcro w is Incrciscd llrmncss In ihocit- tlo mat vt. All < iltis < os of Inijcri bouchl with more or Inns freedom , and althoiuh the denand : lacked ihu business ncccS'taiy to boost prices to any Importnnt oxtont. there was u purceptlbiu sticnzthcnln : of values all a roil nil 1'ho olTcnn.'s did not In- eliido any strictly urlmo 1 , > OU to lTOO-lb. cattle and It is Imposslhlo to siy just how much something In thatclass would ha\o brought , but they may sifuly ho limited at from MOO to JVft tlood tocholco'JV ) to 1,000-1 U tcorswi'ro xalablo at from $ I'J > lo f 1.7V and common to oed dioves , a\eniKln ; from 1 IIH ) to I..MJ Ilia , founil ready bujcrs at from JIUD tel U ) . Cows wcro In teed Hem mil at from } I.T > to $ ] . ' > > , and bulls at from JI.'O toll TV Thcio was continued weakn ss In ho s. Trade was dull at thu opening of business and wns not Irsj so later In the day. at from } 44)tofis" ) > for poor to choice Hunt , and at from M y > to ? lT > for medium and hoaxy. As high asIPIJwas p iltl foi a few fancy Unlit , and u ID id or two of heavy weights fetched $18,1 Thcso iiuotallons Indloato a decline from yoMcrday'x openlue prlco of about 1 'e ' perlUtllbs. Only a small P irt of the supp'y ' sold abo\ 41 80. In fact , there were no s ilcs of he ivy and medium weights at a hluhor ll ure. Thu prov ailing prices were from JITUto ! lbtl foi lluht , ana at fiom * I. " > J to JI.70 for medium and heavy. The sheep market wns active all the week and In split : of tlio very full receipts prices have rumalnul at from 8l.UO toJUJ for culls. Silcs ran up to from fVJ > to JI'IS. Tow of thu oirurlncs sold bulow $ ) 'J.V nor wcru there many trades above $ 'i.iVi. l.imbs havoalsorumalncd linn. Today's inarKct was actlvo and stronif. It was a trlllu hlKhor for Rood to choice iridus. Kccelp's were : Catt'o , 8,001 ; hog , L'TOD3 ! fihoot ) , 7.1)0' ) . Thu IJvcnlns.Iournal reportsCATTI.K ite- celpts , H.UJO ; shlpmnnth. 4.0X ( ) : market steady : Kooil to choice , Jia' inJ ! others. iM''va JS3 : stocl'eis , $ ! .OJttl.lS ; Tuxans , JJ,23.1.CO ; cow , tl.S'xa : ! 15. llous Mocolpls , L'r.OTO ; Khlpments. 13.003 : market lUo lower : rouRh , J-l.ti.vai 00 : packers , ? 4.1tniH5 : prime hc.ivv , $4 50-1&I M ; butcher welRhls , f4 WjJD 00 , JlnhU $4.501(44 SI. StlEKf Hccelpts. 4UO : shipments , l.ROO : sheep oSJIOc hl hur : laiul-s steady : natives , M 'S UW westerns , J.'i4)000 ) ; Limbs , ll.SJ ® 050. Novv York I.l\o Stock Mirkct. NKW YOIIK. Maieh 18. IlLitvrs IfocolpK U'US ho id , IneludlliK IS c us for s ilo : inuiKut steady ; native steers. 2ITo ilU ( per 1UO Ihs ; bulls and cows , $ 'uoaiij ) ; dicssoJ ucef "tcady at IX3 u per Ib ; shipments today. 1,13J ( mat ters of bcefj tomoirow , 571 beeves nnu J.S30 quarters. OAI.VRS Kceelpts , OT.1 head ; market weak ; \eils , . $ , ) UHUS 0) per 100 His. Siiuiii1 Hecelpts L'.l'i.'hoid : mnrUot steady ; sheep. M.0051B 00 per 100 Ibs ; lambs , S7.1.0B7 ' > J : drussotl mutton steady nt WtSlOo per Ib ; drcjbcd lambs Hrm atlljsllc lions Kecelpts. J,7.'l head. conslBnod direct ; nominally steady ut JJ U05.55 pur 1UO Ibs. Kansas City 1,1 vc stock Mnrliot. KANSAS CITV. Mo.Mtrch IS CATTIE Ue- coiptB. 2.)30 : shipments. 700 : sti'ers wcrcsteady to Iflc hlithoi.sclllns ntS.l'OiI44'Jj ; cowsstoidy to no lower , scilliu at 11.75il I 40 ; htockors and tuedors stoody and sold at SJ.ROai W lions HDccipls. tl.'Oi ; shipments J.'KO : the nnrket closed ll ) @ lo lower ; all grades , J.1UTO 4.0 ; bulk , J4 J54 4' MirKi' Hecclpts. 1.70J ; shipments , fl33 The market was active and strong to f > ® 10o higher. St. I.ouls Livestock 'Miirltet. ST. I.otlis , Mo . M irch 18 CATTLK-Ilocolpts , 400 ; market steadj ; fair to cooa natlvo stccrfi , fJ.O'St ' ) 00 ; fall to good Indian and TPMIII steers , J.IOO.lW ( Iloos Hocolpts , ,1SJ ) : mnrkot Btcady to weak : heavy. JiaOMO ; mixed. $ I.IO4.70 ; light , ? l ( JOai.73. CiirrcntH ot Commcrcr. W. E. Ilrown of Shelby was among the \ls- Itors at the Board of Trade building. Mr. riohor of the griin firm of I'lsherA. Slmanok , I'raguo , Neb. was In the city ycstoi- day. day.Mr. Mr. Evnns. the South Hend grain man , was In tbo city yesterday and expressed himself as strongly In favor of the proposed grain inon's association. DoWlit's Snrsaparitla cleanses the blood , incicnscstho appetite and tones up the sys tem. It tins boneflttcd rnat-y people who have suffered from blood disorders. It will heipyou. J-JtOM FJtflfin J'.I.Y TO l-'IIli : . Tvvo MiudiTcrH Ilii\ Their Legal llanfliif ; I'ostponril Only to ISu Lnclic < l. WAiiui.srov , Va , March 18. "Leo" Hof- IIIn and Joseph IJ)0 , who last fall murdoreil Kino's family , wore this morning lynched near Gainesville , 1'rlncoVillhun county. The mon \vero to have boon lumped today , out a stay of proceedings had been secured. A piity of si\ty men overpowered the guard , hanRod the murderers to a tree and ilualed the bodlos with bullets. Mrs. L. n. Patton , RocUfonl , 111. , writes : "From personal oxpotlunco I can recommend DoW ill's Sarsapirilla , n euro for impure blooJ and ironcril liability. " J'lit iillott : Convloti'l ot . litcr. Coi.uMiitM , O. , March 18. Patrick J. , brother of William .1. Ulliott. now serving a life sentence for Iho murder of A. C. Oi > berne on the sticots of Columbus , February 23,1801 , was louay convicted of manslaughter. The two brothers and Osborno were rival Sunday newspaper men and tbo shooting was the re sult of scandalous pinonal journalism. "Lain to bed and oariy to rise will shorten ' the road to your homo'In the skies. " Hut oaily to bed aud a "Uttlo Karly Kisor. " the pill that maucs llfo longer and better and wiser. W You Cannot Dnnco , Foci constantly languid , tiicil , no nppetito , cannot bleep , nso tlio jjonuino Joliann HolPrt Mult Evtiact. It him vyomlei ftil Tonio and Nntiitivo citiali- ties that lia\o inadu it ] Hiulnr. ) | Quito naturally iinitalom coino into tliu in.ii Icot , against which the public should bo warned. Sco that "Joliann Iloir's" Biqnatniu is on the nock of ovi-iy hottlo. Eisner & Mondelson Co. , S.ilo Agents and JmportoiH of Mineral V/at- eia , 0 Barclay Ktreet , Now Yorl ; . JT 0 Largest , r l t Bud rinnl In Ilie World. l o . BKiruiroirmtJationiuncicilllal _ _ . . . HEW VORK. LONDONDERCY AI'D ' QIA800.V , NKW YOUK. Cillir/VI < T > i"lI'aiid : NAl'J.KS , At nitfulnr Inttrvnli BAIOON , SECOHD-CLASS AND STEERAQE ratv > oil lowol turiui 11 and f rum thn principle osrcs , IKJUSH , isisa ALL coHTiB irAt rouuu. iiriii < lont4exrii nralli > l > ln tu return l > > illlifr Ilie ido- tut Oft jui * I'lv 1 * < A Sorlli of In luti lur NArlD11 ( ) Uilltt' tntA ui lt ! 7 OrJcri fr As ? i = : t it lecttt BUM. ji , Annlr to ni.r of o r locnl Anunli or to lilvOUILld. CUIcaico , 111 * OMAHA " " " reruiiil"1 ( UIUK A\VN'I\'ns A NTH TPVTM. t ITMUtMJ OMAHA TEHT . < AWNING - ING COMPANY , H/i lmniinaek , nil nn 1 ruMxrrloliu "cin.1 ( or lininrn-im * HAGS AND T\V15US ? BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO BISHOP.V CO. Importer ! nml mnnnfic turor . | il nmlillll , collon Hotiroicln. rope lipinp , Jnlc ml Miirlipiiml ton tnlnc tnrrpil run ! Twlno M.O.DAXON , lllrvclo * ellen inonthlr piuiioati 17) ) N IMIint , Oimhi HOOTS AND S MORSE-DOE SHQEOO , IIJ.I HoTir.l Htroit Knoiorjr corn"r llth na 1 li.i.ulm ulr'jH \\o nrcumkln cluioprleoi.tictih b iri4 , nn I are rclllni ; a clisi of mini I n filch I ) M.TT silo ntilowltli morcln'iti KIRX'NDALl , JONES & AMERICAN HAND SEW CO , , ED SHOE CO. Wliolpmlp Mnniifnctu'ri Am'nti for lloiton Huh * Hoot * , jhosj , ralibcrj tcr Mhoo Co , llUi , 1101 niul toll UIHt nit IIOJ Harno ) sirool UJI-il llnrncr * tro nt VOEOELE-DINNING lfru Comfrctlonors nml Jiuiticr- riirclxii unit ( IdinoMIc rriill , IHU Howard it t'AUUIAOI. TOl'S. ,1111S l.'lli struct COAL , COKE , | UORN1CK. OMAHA COAL , COXE EAGLE COR'JICE WORKS LIME CO. , MnnufnclurcrJ of ( ial- vnnltod Iron Curnlcc Ilnrit nnt oft coil S K \\lnnow inpj , iiiotAtlc corner Itith unJ | tkrllKht % etc. 1110111. streets O LOTH ING. BLOTCHKY& . COHEN , OILMORE&RUHL , fields' furnishing goods , Manufncturcri nnd clothlnir mil notions ( ilvcus n trhil Wo sen 1 \Vholosalo Clothlorj , Bamplo * oxprojs pru * pdd I1U llnrner. IIOJ llnrni-y ntroot DRY GOODS. M.E. SMITH & . CO. , KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. , ds , nntlotu , fur nishing Rood I Dry KOO 1 notlani tionti furnUtitn Kuodi Corner llth and HonnrJ Cor llth ntut llownr 1st * ILICJRIUAL : SUI-PLICS WOLF ELECTRICAL CO. , Illustrated catalogue freo. 1011 Capitol ATPIIUO PURNTTUUIJ BEEBE&RUNYAN FUR NITURE CO. , Oraconnd 11th sts.O-n-.hi GROCERIKS. | DRUGS , Ktc. D.M.STEELE&.C ! ) . , BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , ISOI-KOSJonej street , I0th and llarajy , Oimbi , Ornih-i , N'ob Neb I GRAIN. S.AMC WHCRTER , 213 Boirt of Trill I'rokor In rain , provl- alunsnniMtocks 1'rlvnto wires to N. V. , Udcwo nnd St Ixjuti HATS , ETC. GATE CITY HAT CO W. A. L. GIBBON i , CO. , lints raps , Mraw uoodti , lint' , cap , utrawK nli , hut llth nnd llarney UU , nnd IHrnoy IIARDWARK. RECTOR & WILHELMY LOBECK&LINN , CO. , DcalerH hnrdnnro nnd Cor 10th andJaekioaHts nicchanles tools , Oainha. KOI DoiiKlns btrcet. CHAS. R. LEE , JOHN A. WAKEFIflO , Hirdwooil lumbar , wool ciirpels nnd parquet Imporlel Auiarlon I'n- : Hooting , linlccm-nl , Mllwaulip * hydrm ll < ' roment nnd Ctli nnd Doiulvs , ( . 'Diary IN hits Hipp , l.IQUORS. HER A , CO. , FRICK& HERBERT. I loner lllJllnrnrr itrcot , Whole > .ilo liquor donlcii Mnniifaottir ri ICr-nnjJr'i init lailln llltturj 10)1 t'irnamU , MILLIN'KHY C. A STONEillLl , J.OBERFEIDERACO. , notlun clonk Mllllacry , inirltuT ) 1111111111 ! " MnlV itc , 'JS U onli'rs proaiiit , llfi-ffl S Iftli M Otinhi S lltliM MUSICAL A. HDSPE.JR. . , I'lnnoi omiai , nrtliti , imtcrhh , ptc strojl. OILS. COHSDLIDATED TANK SNOW DROP OIL LINE CO. , No hnil odor no wtnoky I'lilnim1) * , no ohiimiiK Ilcnacil nnil labilcitlnt of llk > Ask your cm ell > , nilOKrovio , etc. cer fur II OYSTKHS. A.EODTH PACKING CO. PIATTA , Ofl. , I'nokPra nf nyitori , flih Oyster' . Kith nn Coll'/ . ntul calory , 811 South lot I St David Cula , Miatti- OVERALLS , SUIUTS , El'U KIHG SIMEAD , .ROBINSON . ' Mnmifnrtnrprii of "K , V m'l'g cololirntod "lluck I nkln' OviTilK < inls , | H1 pnntt * , nhlrtn A OTIT * IBS lltb'Ht hlrti. ioit3 oil Una I I Drain i Bco.Ulh.nd 1.-UBU i' J rrmmroBt SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARD3 CO , LIMITED COMMISSION MEUCIIANra. ALLEN ROOT & . CO. , GASMAN lloom : il Kichango llnllJ- Itoomi , 0) ) nnd 01 ISx- llulMhu South Omaha. Hoilth I'.very MAN can hn I S'/IIONO und VIU- OHOUSinall > 8ipcrM _ I by using SPANISH NilKVINJJ , the great apunlnU Hemedy. YOUNG MJ5N OR OLD suircrinu from NliRVOUH UrtllIIITY , ] fObT or PAIIdNO MANHOOD , nlUitlycuissionoconvulsions , ncivoui , prottrntion.cnusfil hy theuse of opium , lobacro or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , mental depression , lost of navrer in cither H-X , cpennator * nrrnovK AND APTEK USK , rhua caused hy self ahuso and over indulgence or any weak * nC33can be restored lo perfect health and the NOJlI/i ; VITALITY OF STUONO MIJN. We Klvo a vvrillcn guarantee wilh C boxes lo cure any casci or refund the money , ( i a boi,0 boi $ For sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. 1 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent ipeclillil In nervous , chronl- , private blool , iklnnnl urinnry dlioasci A regular anl rcxlutercd uriidimto In invilclnc , in ctlplomns HiiU ( rrllllcnlcB nhdir , laitill trontlnx with llmcriituit OIKTCJS catnrtti , upennalorrhocn , lost uianhooJ , lundnal Wtttikno * * . nUht lotso * . tuipoiuncy i/phlhs , Mtrlcluru uon < orrhcen , ulect , vnrlcoc loctc No mtrcury u e 1. Ncw truMtinent fnrlosiof vlul povprr * I'urlloB iiniil'iu to Tltlt niDtimy tmtroalol nt homo liy curroiponrtcnci. , Mcdlilne or tnitrumcnti font bnm.l iiriiiiirf ourcly pickud , no niarH lo Indl-ntu coul nl > or c'ndur. Duo pcnonnl Intonluw prelurrud. Conaiiltailor . free LorrutpoiuJmcu > lrh.lly imvuiu. Honk ( Vlyuterlti of 1.110) ) iuiil Iron , uniuo houin Va , m. iu J p. Kuuiu7 ) it ) u. u. to 13 m. Ben J lUtiu i > tar reply. DR. J. B. Mc(3-E EW , THE SPECIALIST , PKIVATE DISKASEB AND ALL DISOKOEUS AND DEBILITIES OF YOUTH AND MANHOOD , 17 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. WRITE VOH CIHOULAHS. 14TH&FARNAM8T3. , OMAHA NKB. CURE 'YOURSELF ! , , Ask your DriiKKl't for a,1 bottle of lilt ; (4. llu- only / iion jtulionuui remedy for nil / Ihe unnaturul dltcli w un'l f privatedUc 4 > cs ol men und thn debilitating McnUmui peculiar to women. U curie In a few Idavs vrlthout the aid or i jmhllcll/ n doctor \TA * Lnfifrial stmcrtran Curt Munufactiircil hy t fc.Thft Evans Chemical CV CINCINNATI , O , * v O _ lltarnunti 1 * rt 10 * YROYALPILLS Orlfflnul uiiil On Ib < nulitt. Druicl't /Mfkttttit Anatiit t > f < t Jin IU I tL.l Oi-Muttt , o ulbrft Ittfutntinptrout In HirojK fjf r rilcu1ar * * 4IUllrr fur I .ft- | . "l'/-flff byrtturn _ i 11.11. ] O OUI ) MtliouuiU j > un < 4 / jw. ' < bit tif t * > r ( liruiUbt Co.fH < JUonNyu fe , 1 - ; * \ UruUu. J'lillodM. , i'o * | naffcrinR fron Ultl CiTlCtM Ot * - v u ii . J joutlu'iil trror * inrly ( lorn ) , waMliitovrfikiH n-i , lo t nmutn-Ml , t tr. I will iut. | nvaluablu irtnllwj ( iunliJ iriittnliilni