THE OMAHA DAILY BKEtrSATURDAY , MAROII .TO , 1802. ARRANGING TO VISIT OMAHA State Convantion Oallod by the People's Party of Iowa , BASIS OF REPRESENTATION ANNOUNCED Kntlnirtl Ipl < > &ntr * Will HoSplpptPil .Ttmo 7 \Viirk In tlio lpjUliturc : Itrpubllcmn C'nii't AistfO on thn I'rovMlon * of the ( Inlrll HIM. ft , In. , Mnrch 13. [ Spoclnl Telegram - gram to THE HEK.J At a mooting of the state cent t nl commltteo of the pooplo'B party held In this city yesterday a call was Issued for t stnto convention ot thu people's party to bo hold In Les ) Molnos .luno " at 2 p. m. for thopurposo of scleotlnR olght tlolcpDtos nl larco to rcproiont the staio in llio national oonvontlon to bo hold nt Om ha July 4. It was nljo thought best that the district con ventions to choojo. the district delegates to Iho national coiivontlon shculd Ukowlso beheld held In IJci Molncs at 10 u. m. the satno tlay. The ratio of rcprosontatlon xvas llxod at six ilcloguK'3 forcrch county , who will represent tholr rojpcctlvo counties lit both stuto and district convention. _ IN TIII : IOWA IIOISIATUHI : : . llnulilit ti Airi < o oil the ( Jntcli I.ornl Option jMrinnrr. ; DK < I Mniscs , la. , March 18. In the sonnto this morning Untch presented n uutltlon from the physicians of Uos Moiucs against the pnssuso of the law to tlollnn standing med ical collcKos. Tlio followlni ? blllu were intro duced : Uy BhloltU , to rearranpo the con gressional districts of the state ; by Oardinor , to amend the law relative to taxes In cities for water works , paving and other public Im provements , so tbo sauio cau bo paid oy In stallments. The scunto concurred in tbo house resolu tion providing for the compiling anO print- Inp of laws relating to township trustees. Tuo bill to BIVO all persons equal rights in public houses was passed wltii only slight opposition , The lieutenant governor ruled on a vote for the bill to determine the standing of mcdlcul colloHOS , that nil the senators must vote unless excused. On llnnl passage Bishop's nnmo was called twice and ho re mained slleni. Tbo lloutouunt povornor called tbo senator to order and forced him to ask to bo excused. A bill to compensate Washington Ualland for services in war time was passed. The bill passed to comnensato Hufn.s GooO- enough for services in tno late wilt1. The Cleveland bill to abolish fees of county recorder was lost on engross ment. The committee on retrenchment and reform reported for the indollnlto postpone ment of the resolution disouorgmg the com- mtlteu clerks. Urown culled up the bill to f.llow townships to levy an additional G per cent tax in aid of railway construction. Ho had the house bill having the same provisions substituted and then passed. The nonato this aftermoon took np the Oatch bill providing for taxes on coipora- tlons organized for muhiutr money in this state. It provides for a franchibo tax of flOU on such organizations nnd a further tax of one-tenth of 1 percent of the par value of all Block Issued or subscribed for. After much dobata the bill was engroosod. The Gobble bill changing the law relating to taxes be tween vendor nnd vendee was passed. It makes taxes a lien upon all goods , oven after a change of ownership. A great many petitions were presented in the liouso this morning against the repealing of tlio prohibitory law. The lollowing bills were ; introduced : By McUann , to regulate hours of labor of public employes in all cities of 1U,0K ( ) or moro population ; by Stouo and Vest , proposing reforms in the methods of levy in ( i and collecting taxes. Tbo nmi ale concurrent resolution favoring III ! the pardon of 'John Little was adopted. Little was convicted of murder seventeen years ntro. Ho klllod a uegio who had seduced his wife. Since being conllnod in tbo peni tentiary he lias been an exemplary prisoner. Van Gilder called up the bill to grant franchises to clcctrla railway companies for the use of country roads for operating lines Dotwoen itowns and to bo operated under regulation railroad commissioners intended to aid in putting in an electric line between bore and Indiauola , a distance ol twenty in lie ; . The bill was passed. Senator Grono- weg's bill providing for a Htntion liouso at nil Junction points of railways also passed. The normal school question came up on a bill to establish hclicols at Algona and Af ton. A substitute was offered to establish a com mission to locate" three schools , ono In the northwest , ono in tbo southeast and ono in the southwest part of the state. Asuusti- tuto providing for locating the commission was defeated by 5' ) to 1T ! , the rules were suspended and tbo bill put on final passage , lost , -15 to14. . The senate bill to compel railways to make use of union depots was discussed for some time nnd referred to the Judiuiary committee. The senate bill legalizing the Cedar Rapids electric light ordinance was passed. A reso lution was passed providing for three sessions daily. Adjourned. Both parties wont into caucus on thoGatch bill. Tbo republicans had a lively time nnd could not corno to a definite understanding , A largo number of members object to making tbo bill a party question and will not have It comu uptime way. Tno democrats in tbolr caucus decided to vote solidly for the bill when it comas up. Srviintli Day Advcntlata Moot. Dns MOI.NIS : , la. , March 18 [ Special Tele gram to Tan Bun. ] About 100 represent atives of the Seventh Day Advontlsts uro here , and us many more are expected from the Fourth district , embracing the Dakotas , Minnesota , Iowa nnd Nebraska , for tbo purpoco of holding a blullcal institute to ob tain further knowledge nnd understanding of tbo Holy Book. Prof. Prescott , president of Union college at Lincoln , Nob. , ana of nn Institution at HattloCrcek , Mich. , both Ad- vontlst eollpges ; Prof. Jones , rdltor of tbo American Sentinel of Now York City ; Elder E. J , VVnponur of Oakland , Cal. ; Elder O. A. Nelson , presidontof the general conference of IJattlo Crook , Mich. , are the loaders in this intUitutlon. The mootln < ' will close April 14. to Ho Vindicated. DUWIQUK , la , , March 18. [ Special gram lo Tins Hcn.J About tureo week's ago tbo Telegraph nnd Times publlsnod state ments nbout a Dubuque editor being con nected with the "White Chapel" scandal at Dos Molncs , J3. W. nianchnrd , editor of Iho Ledger , supposed It referred to him and published a denial. Ho wont before the kratid Jury seeking Indictments against the Times and Telegraph , but tuu grand jury re ported today refusing to indict. Dlanclmrd will now institute civil suits. "lluliu" .loni-n .Suiitiuu-ril , Una vMpiXK3 , la. , Muroh 18. ( Special to TUB BEK ] "Bubo" Jones , con victed of tnurdor In the second degree , was this morning sentenced to fifteen years In the Aimmosu prison. Motion for a now trial -vyus 'entered and the prisoner released on ball for ninety days. Sones Is but llttlo inoro than a' buy and hU troubla grows out of a camp meeting row last summer In which one ot the participants was killed. Trying to Avolil llitni ; r. DtsMoixr.u , la. , March 18 , [ Special Tele gram to Tun HUE , | State Board of Health was notified today that thirty pcoplo Irom the Hamburg steamer Uallcrt huvo arrived In JNuw York Tuesday bound for Ion a. All are infcatcd with typhus fever utid black measles. They arc now on the way to Iowa. Tbo board notified all sick cli > rks to look out for the i wo fill } unit quarantine them until the danger is passed. HarrUnn U Their Choice. IOWA Oirv , la. , March IS. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKE. ] A national republican convention of the students of tbo State unl verstty tonight , In aid of the Husslun auf. loront , nominated for president Benjamin Harmon and lor vlco president \Vbltclaw Nebraiku Veterinarian * Slcnt. If Notraska Veterinary association mot I * ' In ASmt-anuuBl session ot the Merchants hotel ycitorday nftciuoou. iJr. Forbes of fcjouth Omaha road au lutoresUui , ' paper CD "Tuberculosis and Its Treatment , " This provoked n aiscuisl&n Which lasted for some timo. Matters pertaining to veterinary sur gery were then discussed and then the meet ing adjourned to meet In Lincoln next Sep tember. The visitors attended tlio porfornt- anco at Boyd's and then loft for thplr homes. Following Is nllstot the association officers : President , E. S. Noble , Blair ; vlco presi dent , H. L. nnmocclottl ; treasurer. O. K. Young , Omaha ; secretary , Holand Lord , Lincoln , uttr.n H.4HK riftTN. Ilpniltrond 1'nirn I'nl In Twenty Itonnil * In Itlfilit ( liiiil Karncnt. DRAH\VOOI > , S. IX , March 18. [ Special Telegram to Tiia BIK.J : Ulck Hollywood and .loo Malnctto , two local lightweights , fought in nn alloy behind Fassold's gambling saloon at 0 o'clock this morning for n purse of f 100. The fight was with bate knuckles , according to marquis of Queensbcrr.v rules , After twenty brutal rounds Hollywood was declared the victor and awarded tbo purso. Both men received very severe punishment , Mnlnctto's face looking like raw beefsteak when the light was over , Hpsnlts lit < iltjiicuntnr , OWUCESTCII , N. J. , March 18. Weather cloudy , track good. First nice , three-quarters of a mile , soiling : Iluinot won , Vnndyko.sccund , 1/IUi third , Lro llrlmil ( thu favorite ) ran unplaced , Titnui ll : ! .i. Hacoiul rare , throo-olchths of n mile , S-ypar- olds : Jerry McOnrthy won , llonulla , i-olt , sncond , Madeline ( tin ; favorite ) third. Lost Jinrsdrawn. Tlnui : oil. Third race , six mm a quarter ftirlongfi. eoll- Ing , ii-vcar'Oltls : Mulatto \\oti. Knapp ( the fnvorltc ) sucond , Erect thlld. KiUllo M drawn. Tltuoi IfJJii. I'otirtli race , ono tulle , fiolllns : Courtier won , lllliin second , Kunosvllle third. Olnster , Tnurlst. llniinlriiiii , Qiicsllon and Vovay dr wn. Mlddloitone ( the favorite ) ran 1111- pliicpil , Tlniiii l'i : ) , I'lflh moo. flvu-oirhths ot a mile , solllns : Mlnnlo.1 ( the favorite ) won , .Silence snconil , Jnliit l.iieklnnd third , iMuellaiio. Austral , Toss Up , Defendant , Nettle , lliuuhrum and Uproar colt drawn. Time : l:03li : , Sixth race , nlnu-slxtoenthsof a mile , soil- In : .Money .Maid won , .Marigold .sooond , Klnliard K. Kox ( the fuvorltp ) third. SUId- nioro. Mono , King Alta and Virgin ( Ir.uvn. Time : { .8i. ! Tips lor Toilny. Hero are some likely chancoa picked for today by the knowing ones : OUTTKNllEM. 1. fit. John-CassoJla. 2. Hrovlor Archie Collins. ; i I'enolon I'olliain. 4. llallarnt U-slor. ' 5. Kainbler Marie I.ovell. ( ! . Innovation Harrison , Ol.OIIUKSIKIL 1 , Hoheni Ian Klein Ins ton. J. SkeezoUolstor Lit Glenn , fllly. II Tranlc I , Kdward P. 4. Harrison Dr. Ii lmuth. r > . I'urnwood id : McUinnls. 0. Uleiinioitiid Ucnsor. lllcHtnlllnn K.tru Dcrliircd Off. GHANU litiuiiji , Mich. , March IS. The great $ ' , ' 11,000 stallion r.ico booked for the Au gust mooting hero has boon declared off. Word has been received fromC. W. Williams of Independence , la. , owner of Allorton , de clining to ontcr the race. Ho says ho is afraid that should bo brmgAllcrton here nnd enter him in n race with Axtcll acalnst him the other horses would crowd him In favor of Axtcll. Ho will , therefore , not take Aller- ton nvvny from homo until ho has mot Axtcll alono. Ituso Jtiill at I < 'roinoiit. FitnMONT , Neb. , Matnh 18. [ Special to Tjti ! Br.i : . | The management of the Fremont Base Ball club has just completed the worlc of raising the guarantee necessary to begin the season's playing. The base ball cranks have contributed liberally nnd this city will go into the league well equipped. A contract has just been made with Norman Baker of Omaha to manage the team during the season. V. ar. I. Athletic ) Clul ) . This evening the Young Men's Institute Athletic club will start , Having gymnasium exercises at the hall of the Young Men's in stitute. Tbo institute has adopted the con stitution _ nnd by-laws of the club and has granted It'tho use of "Yo'ung's ' Mon's insti tute hall on Monday nnd Saturday , begin ning this evening , Membersi are requested to be prospnt , prepared to join. .Stopped by n Ktorlll. GuTTENiiKito , N. J. , March 18. Races post poned on account of severe storm. Entries btnud. i "AU my reports go with the modest truth. No moro nor clipped , but so" Brady- crotlno always cures all headaches at till times. Wllllnm Williams Secures a Murrl.igo 1.1- < with Ills Itlvorcn Decree. U.U'iii CITV , S. D. , March 17. iSpecial Teiosrara to Tin : BUB. ] The decree or" di vorce in the Williams dlvorco case was filed in the clerk of court'b ofllco this afternoon nnd Immediately theioaltor William Williams applied for a marriage licousa to wed Miss Nettie Boyd , who figured 1.0 prominently in the dtvorro proceedings. They were mar ried amUloft on the 0 o'clock train for Now York. The only reminders of this case now in the citv nro the preliminary proceedings In tbo $ 'iO,000 nnd 75,000 damage suns brought by Williams and Nettie Boyd against Patrick Cox of Kocbc&tor and the Deadwood Time ? . It is thoucht here that the suits will never como to trial. Ordered to Alnakn. YASKTON- . D. , March 17. [ Special .Tele gram to TUB BKC. ] Contain A.W. Lnvondor of Scotland , this state , special agent for the United States Treasury department at St. George Island. Alaska , was in YanKton todav enrouto for Omaha. Tnls morning ho re ceived u telegram advising him to make Im mediate preparations to go north and that his orders will reach him In u few days. Ho did not expect to return to Alaska until May 15 and this hasty arrangement is very much ot a Hurprisc to him. Ho has no Information further than the telegram , but believes that tlio government requires his services in the Boring so.i controversy , tbo present con dition of which be regards as suugostivo of diplomatic difficulties , to say the least. napld City Drli'Kiitos. Rki'ii ) CITV , S. D , , March 17. [ Special to Tun BBI : . | Twonty-two delegates to attend the state contention at Chamber lain on March liH , to select delegates to thu national republican convention , were olectctl at tbn county convention hold hero yesterday. T ho convention was a decidedly anti-ring ono , the young republicans having taken an interest in llio matter and ooing determined that factional ( illleronces , rings and bojbos of all kinds must ho relocated to the roar in ttiis county during the present your , Tim dclci'atinn lb ono of the broadest ever .sent to a state convention from this county. _ _ iJoWitt's Sarsaparlua 13 reliable. mrcvKH.1 o.i.v OM.uifi j/.i.v. Ill * I'lilPiit In Vulunlilu I.uiul Keniuod by Tint Iti-u Itiiri'iiit of Clulum , WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 17. [ Special Tolcgrum to Tins Bun. ! Tin : Bun Bureau ot Claims today scoured for 10 H. Sanborn of Omaha a patent to lots 1 , i. ' , I , A. II , sec tion D , township 18 north , range 15 west , Mount Diablo meridian , Moadocino county , California , containing 1K ( > acres of land. In this case Tin ; HKI ; Bureau of Claims re ceived llnal receipt March 5 and secured the patent March 17 , being n period of only twelve davs , This is believed to bo the shottcst time on record for securing laud patents and those desiring to sccuro title to tbelr homes should avail themselves of the exceptional facilities offered by Tun BER Bureau of Claims , The bureau ii uniformly successful and expeditious 'In securing pat cuts. U Troubles , N. Y. , March 17. A general assignment by 1'ltkin & Son , dealers in cut stouo and monumental work , was made today. A failure to obtain payment on the Troy posidlUco contract , upon which tbo firm has been working , Is the immediate cau so of the usilgr.raeut. NBW Yoiiir , March 17. The Now York Commercial company today secured u judg ment for * 90i4o : against the Brook Huvon Rubber Shoe company of.Lonc Island , which amount U duo on goods sold , money loaned , etc. The company succeeded the Smith Hubbor company , and was incorporated in ItoS lth capital stock of { 133,000. a sucoNi ) BIHTIOX.I French Government Has Reoaivod Some Bad News from Morocco. PORTUGAL IS SAID TO BE BANKRUPT Wlmt iipprt : S y f Her Flimnclul Ooiiill tlon Itnssln'it Kutpr CnusiMl OueiiT- liurR'n I'll 11 u r < 1'iuls anil Itcrllli rolled limy dialling t > j-iiiimlters , ICopw' ' foMf < I IW } I'M ' Jiimw fJonlo-i i'Aitt" , March 17. [ No v York Herald Cable Special to Tin : BBB.I The govern * mont has received badnows | from Morrocco , intelligence having arrived that tbo emperor has determined to make trouble for Franca In the desert region towards Tombouton nnd the French Senegal on the Algerian frontier. Thcro Is n very lively agitation and fears uro entertained that It will bo nocoss.iry to send French tioops to Touat. The bankruptcy of Portugal fs almost an olllclal fact. Foreign exports maintain Ihal" national treasury Is empty , that the April coupons will not bo paid and that the , pay ment of Interest will bo suspended for three yonrs. Paris bankers do not believe that payment will over bo resumed. C.insril by the < ! o\criimuiit' * Action , In regard to the Guonzburg full uro , which made a bad Impression on the bourse , I know from a good source that the Uusslan bank tried to prevent It by lending 5,000,000 rou bles to Uuonzburi ; , and that the czar would not permit the loan to bo made , saying , "I am unable to help my peasants , and 1 cor- tninly cannot allow bolp to bo pivon to strangers. " The managers of the defunct banking house say that its ruin was caused by tbo legislative measures nealust the JHWS. In its sugar houses It employed 0,000 workmen , of whom 8,400 were expelled and In their stead It was obliged to employ men who know nothing of the business. Operations In tno Ural mine were nlso affected by tbo lotordioc , .proiublt- Ing the exportation of minerals , though it does not appear that the action of , the di rector caused very porcoptlblo variation In tbo prlco of gold either at St. Petersburg or Berlin. I'ollco Arc Actltc. } In Berlin the usual precautionary measures nro being taken today , tomorrow..being the anniversary of the revolution of 1818. Trouble blo Is feared and the entire police force has been ordered to remain on duty , special In struction havlncbcon given to mounted poilco to bo ready for action at a moment's notice. The unemployed wbrklngmon'Will parade a [ , 2 o'clock and will march to tho. cemetery , where they will visit the graves of tboso who died in ISIS. The anarchists havo. imposed no restrictions on their actions and nro'lcav- iug them frco to do as they plcaso. Some arrests were made by the police today in France. The judge of the tribunal of commerce nt Paris was assassinated today Uy the jlcttlptor , Jacques. The aftnir has created great excite ment in the art world. Another explosion of dynamite took place today on the boulevard Saint Gormaiu In the rcsldenco of a judge. The poilco are continuing their searches tonight in the Quartior Hallos. Sixty persons living in ono house were taken to the polled station , nnd all those who could not give a satisfactory explanation as to thtir moans of livelihood were detained. The poilco believe that they have captured ono of the persons who Is responsible for , or , at any rate , who was privy to , tbo explosion nt the Labau barracks , and. according to thorn , ho is named H. 1'Ienty or Ujiiuiiiitn round. Several private persons , heads of business houses and managers of newspapers have boon rcceivmg'threatQnlnK-JQ'tors. ' For ex' ample , the manager of the Cerclo Jockey club was warned that a cartridge would bo placed in a corner ot the cafe adjoining tbo club , the explosion of which would shatter the building. At first no importance was attached to these letters , put toduy the police found a cartridge in several places. The conclorgo of 105 Boulevard Malleshcrbes found before the door of the house n puekapo containing eighteen cartridges , and eight phials. Tbo police found this evening on the Bpulo vard Arago a cylindrical tube cnvolc-pod , in black paper , and having at ono end a wick which had begun lo burn. . ItVOB - planed nirainst tbo wall of the prison do Fasnnto. All the explosive articles have boon sent to the municipal lobnratory. The judge who has been instructed to in vestigate the rocoat dynamlto plots is de cidedly of tbo opinion that they are not the result of concerted action on tho.part . of the anarchists. "in mv opinion , " ho said to me , "tho tbreo last explosions are the work of au amateur and of ti single individual. " After American Insurant-it Companies , TUo government wi'l ' soon Introduce a measure compelling foreign insurance com panies to maintain In Franco , cither in money or real estate , suflicicnt reserves as a guaran tee for persons insured In Franco. Penal ties will also oo provided in the case of persons who signed policies dated abroad , that is to say , In some place beyond the juris diction of the French government. The pro ject Is a result of a newspaper controversy , and has special reference to the New York Mutual Life and tbo United States Mutual , JACQUES ST. , CJS E' . Pl.A.YIXU A DIOIH * ICuftshi In Moving Town rif Closer Friendship with iiiluiiil : ( liupldly. LONDON' , March 17. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tins Bnc.J 1 learn that the change of attitude of the duke of Cum berland is attributable to. two causes , very dissimilar In character , ono of which , however - over , brings out a new phase of politics of tbo highest import toEuropo. . The minor causa connected with the affair is a breach of trust of the duko's intlmato ad visor , wbo to cover his losses of tbo stock exchange , appropriated 500,000 florins from the duke's privy purse. His adviser was a most uncompromising adversary of Prussia in his master's entourage , and his bicach of trust shook also the duke's contldenco in his political insight. Thu other and moro important cause Is the czar's influence over iho duke. Ho succeeded In wringing from nls brother-in-law what neither Queen Victoria nor the Danish royal consort nor the clinching arguments of the late ir ) , Windthorst could accomplish. In Ibis fact lies the Kuropean slgnillcunco of the compro mise cTected ( between the bcir of Hnnovor and the Herman omporor. it U strictly certain tain that the czar wishes to bu both person ally agreeable to tbo queen und to bring about a cordial understanding , if not the nlliancn of his country , with Eng land. Having induced Cumberland lo como around into accordance with her majesty's long cherished desires and aims , there isonlv ono now apparent design , lili object to detach Great Britain from the triple alliance , of which In tbo prescntpredieninent of Uussiu , ha takes u loss Indifferent view than before actual difllcultles sprung tip with his realm , . In this sense will aUo have to bo viewed the advices Irom Athens , reaching certain chancelleries , according to wblch the king of Grecco relimjulsticd Dcbynnnls , not on account nf financial difficulties , but as H compliment to England , on consuls sent from St. Peters nbrjr , not to forffot the part' enacted by England In tno liberation of ( Jrecce. In another quarter of the globe Husflu shows , an equally conciliatory dispo silion In the matter of the Afghan frontier deliberations , where the Kusiiun delegate , Captain McdvodrctT , received Instructions to bhow himself particularly generous on the contested points to the English representa tive. IN Till : KNUMMI PAIIMAMKNT. I.U94 to ICnclHiiit ! > } ' Iteuson of the. Heel- proclly luw Irulund lit Hie 1'ulr. LONDON. March 18. ID the House of Com mons today John O'Connef ( ParnaUite ) asked Homo Secretary Matthews whether ho hud inquired Into tbo case of J. Curtln Kent , who was convicted la April , 1833 , ot conspiring to usooxploilvoi. The parliamentary society ot the colonial ofllco stated that the loss of revenue to the British coloulcsinvthe West Indies under the treaties of rootpcecity negotiated by them with thf Unlto&Slates under the provisions of the McIClnlty bill , \ffts IM follows : Ja maica. $145,000 : tHoLeowarcl islands..10,000 ; \\MndwardJislandii , fcW.OOO ; Barbadous , $ TiO,000 ; Trinidad , J75.000 , nnd British Guinea. $145,000. i rfj Mr. John O'Oinncr again raised the ques tion of Irish rapKCsentatlon on the British Chicago Columltlntii exhibition commission. Sir Klebiml Webster , attorney general , re plied that lha commission would not overlook Irish Interests. aJt was a mistake , Sir HI chard said , JoniSnpnoso tbcro were no Irishmen on thqcajrrmil.sslon. Out of twenty members on tlipjjUst before him nine were If iho 'Iplsli members favored him with other naroQti J.boy would bo added to the commission. Ireland would bo a largo exhibitor at Chtragn , Mr. Sexton strongly advocated the assign ment of n special Irish section , Sir Lionel Play fair admitted that there might bo dlniculty In the way of establishing u separate Irish department. Mr. NoUn moved to adjourn the discussion on the vote for. Irish teachers fund , on the ground that most of iho Irish members were absent- . The spcnknr declined to put the motion. > . After Mr. Nolan , , had spoken for forty minutes , Mr. Sextan Joined In Mr. Nolan's appeal. The government , ho said , knew that the Irish mcmborj would bo nil over the country on St. Patrick's day. Mr. Balfoursaid their absence was not-the fault of the government nnd appealed to Mr. Nolan to withdraw the motion. The discussion continuing Mr. Halfotir In- voitcd Iho closure and. Mr. Nolan's motion was negatived by n vote of 121 to 41. Protests against carrying on the discus sion were renewed by Mr. Sexton , but without ' out avail , nn-I the 'Irish members present withdraw in n body. Messrs , Connyboaro and Labouchoro nnd others continued the debate , protesting against tno government's course , until finally Mr. Balfour < movoa the closure rule and the grant for the teachers * fund was de feated. lU.'SSIANS HIMOICE. High UnipInU AasUt In Uiiloiiillug the In- ilHim's Cargo ut l.llmu , Lnuir , March 17. The unloading of the cargo brought by the steamer Indiana from Philadelphia for the relief of the Russian famine sufferers was finished today. Tbo last eight bags were carried by Count Bro- borrlnskl , the chief of the ramiue relief com mltteo ; the city protect of Llbau , Mr. Craw ford , the United Statoi consul nt St. Peters burg ; Mr. Bornholdt , UiO United States con sul nt Hlga ; the railway dirpctor and Mr. Dcoulan. Afterward tbo first train load of provisions was disp'atchod to the distressed districts. The departure of llio train was made an occasion ot great ceremony. The chief American and Rusjlan officials toasted the health of the czar nndPresident , Harrl son amid the playiri'g of tbo national nirs of the two countries , 'jjhb engine was gaily decorated with Hags. The departure of the train was witnessed , by crowds of citizens. Alluii-H In l > u Jnintf ( Sonlnil HeirieU.I Buussni.s , March 17. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BfK.l Another mine accident , occurred today in the pits nt f Cue rnos in tbo Bprltinccr district. Five were killed. ( , Tbe work of clearing the Andorluos mine was stopped today /a signs of the lirst out break of lire were noticed. It is feared a fresh landslide or ( jxpjoslons will take placa in that underground ; , hell. The gallery is still full of corpse Early this 'morning ' a dynamite explosion took plnpQ.l'li the house of the presi dent of the Llego Ksrfcogo court , wbo yoster- oay sentenced tRfcoq dynamiters to penal servitude. Only sirjall damage was done , but the outrage caYi/oil a great sensation , as it shows the existence of n body of dyna miters in Belgium as well us in Franco. ICrudy for i bc 1'rosldpiit. MAimin , MnrohrJ.17New York Herald Cable Special vtaoU'inf'Bnis.j NexotinUons botweetfloo Uiitl3l tHtes < 'mihistor'r)4iid" ' the Spanfshgovcr m6hijvite"g'aruflug ! tho.Copyflgtit have boiJii satisfactorily onrluqqd. The matter now orily woit ; tlo tirdclamiiuoft bi lbo president ot the United States. 1311'oimh THIS ni.iTir ( Icnem ! Vcltisquer. Mint Din for righting with thn l.ute Uiilinuuedu. | Cojrifl/ilctJ / iXKltu Jama ( Ionian ] Vu.i-AKAiso , Chili , ( via Galveston , Tex. ) , Marco 17. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to TUB BP.K.J The orgcns of the conservative or clerical party hero and in Sahtinsio bitterly attack the HOW cabinet. There- every roosoa to believe liovo that the conservatives will endeavor to form a coalition witn members of the radical faction of the present liberal party in order to weaken the government majority. Fiscal Uivas of Santiago today sent his findings in the case at the Balmucoda gen eral , Velasquez , to the military court which is to judge him. Velasquez is now a pris oner on board the war ship Iluascar in Valparaiso harbor. In the opinion of Fiscal Uivas , Uenoral Velasquez is dcbcrving of the death penalty forusiirnation of power , conspiracy , omission of illegal notes , robbery of tbo national funds , ( logging of innocent people , shooting of Cumminpi and two others for attempt to blow up n Bat- maccdist cruiser with dynamlto and com plicity in Lot Canas massacre. Tlio fiscal asks that in thoevent-ot President Montt or the military court commuting the death sen- tun cc. of which there U every probability , that ( Jonoral Velasquez bo deprived of his civil rights forever and bo put under police surveillance for ilvo years. It is assumed ibnt banishment will bo tbo eventual sen tence. The court of appeals Is now in session try ing tbo senators and deputies of Balmaccda's congress on similar charge : , to these against Velasquez. lieceiieil liy thu Aiimrirnii OlIlcel'H. E.VSIXAIH , ( via tSalvoaton , Tox. ) , March 17 , [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to THIS BEK. | Ad miral Walker and bis staff with United States Minister Pltkin were received by President Peillgrini at tbo government house on Monday. The -.parly afterwards visited the cabinet ministers. President Peillgrini , his cabinet , the authorities of Uiicnos Ayres Corduruund lieutenant General Lovllle , visited Iho squadron ut'J p , in. today. They wcro ae- cotnpaniod by Minister PItkiu. Admiral \Valkor.Captain Miller and his ofliccr.t to- colved them. on Lourd , the Chicago. They also visited the Al.iifi t and Bunnlngton. Lunch wa sei'imirtV by the admiral In tbo cabin iluAl the Chit-nun. Thu health of { uojldents Harrison und Pellegrini was tjoajslod. In honor of thu guests ibo yards of nit ihc ships in the irjuud- * mnnno.1 uird-o'saluto of roi were twenty ono cuns was tired. The visitor * wore * surprised at tha squadron and yiin most enthusiastic in pruisu of everything connected wl h Iho Argentina warship * , Ailmlrnnto Brown and Twenty-fifth or May have just llrod twenty-one puns , wblcn bavo been answered by u similar salute froin , thu Chicago. Thu sijuailron goes to Morjt&vMito < o3ti , The American ships are crowded with visitors diillv. The bobavldiuisti ' ' ° American sallori on liberty Is oxcelilift here , ui it uos at Montevideo. The li ftll Of the olllcers und men is good. .Mm , Sllnnln rainier .U-cusea Her Mit l.iiil : of .Murder uf Klildr.i , I.i. 1'Jinoiu , la. , March 17. Wllllnm Mills was murdered at DOWJ Tuesday cvoiilng while visiting Mrs. Minnie Palmer. The latter Is trying to get a divorce from her liutlund and ncciiiei the latter of killing Mill * with a club In her presence. Palmer is tinder arrest , IliliiK tu u 1 > o r Knob. MovitOB , la. , March -Special [ Tole- gtam to Tim BciJJeorgo Klpple , a bucb- clorof (50 ( years llviup alone , commuted aul- cldo lust evening by banulnx blmsulf to a door knob with a ror.o. Thii roui was looped around his neck , pained B round \A\ lug looped over his foot und fastened to the door koob. No cuubii U kr.oyvii for Iho deed , low. i Trouble Srtlleil. KKOHUK , la. . Match 17. Thu trouble be tween iho ICcokuk & Northwestern uud Ilk om-ii.oeri lux buim amji'aoly adjusted , I _ Serious Charges Brought Against Ohicngo Alderman , CORRUPTION SAID TO HAVE RUN RIOT Itetnnrknbln Disclosures Willed Hino Set thn 1'eoplo of Chicago Agupo with \Vonilernieiil--StriiiiK < : nnes Against the Moodier * . CuiuAiio , III. , March 17. As n sequel to the recent passage by the olty council ot an ordinance granting permission to the Chicago cage Power Supply und Smoke Abating company , better known ns the Compressed Air company , to use the streets and alloys of the olty In.uny manner It sees fit , the In dictment of a number of nldormon by the grand Jury for alleged bocdlomn is promised. The City I'ress association reports : "Urlbory of the most flagrant kind will bo shown. Corruption nnd rottenness beyond the Ideas of the most cynical citizens will bo disclosed , and tha facts \\hieh tnaKe a posi tion on Chicago's council ono worth hun dreds of dollars of preliminary expenditure ) in nominations will bo disclosed. Tomorrow evidence will lo presented to the grand jury showing beyond the peradventure of a doubt that certain uldornun have paid lib erally and In hard cash for their votes. The Jury will listen to a tale of rottenness nnd corruption to which the 'boodMng1 of the county commissioner. * and the Tweed ring was nothing. " lime Miuln n Strong Case . The evidence has been for some time In preparation and a mesh now encloses some of tbo city fathersfrom , which there U llttlo hope of escape. This evidence. Includes con fessions of several guilty parties ; It Includes not only the promises made to the corpora lions , but tbn latter ) giving the money to purchase tlicir.votos , and tha very fcrcen backs themselves with which these vo'os were purchased. The mou who have been active in working up these cases nave spared no expense nnd have made sure of each step. They have witnesses who huvo iucu largo sums of money paid by the representatives of Iho corporations to indi vidual aldermen , und who have heard iho alderman promise on receiving the money to cast his vote on a certain mcasuro in n cer tain way. The money was paid In various ways. Some received It nt their homos from messengers. Several were paid In the pre cincts of the city hall and , it is said , that two sold tboir-votos'in thu lobby of thu council chamber. When the Northern Pacific ordinance was passed and when the active support of the Economic"Gas' proposilton was made by prominent members of the council , suspicion was created , and , when in one instance , nt least , * this suspicion grew to n positive cer tainty of corruption , the investigation was set on foot wbicu , It is now said , will end only when several present members of Cnl- cago's city council nro wearing the stripes of thu Joltet penitentiary. General Llob.lho foreman of the rnnd jury , and States Allorney L.ongncokor have agreed ibat thu evidence which tbo latter has for some time bocn preparing shall be pre sented to the jury tomorrow. Among the witnesses subptcnaed nro two members of the council who were dragged into the hood- ling operations and who have expressed a willingness to tell all they know. L'lisscil ) > } Virtue of Hard CiiNh. States Attorney Lotigncckor says he ex pects to show that all tbrco of the ordinances f-tho Compressed Air , tbo Northern Pacific and the Economic Gas were passed oy vir tue of-the purchase of the votes forhnrd cash. "I don't mind saying,1' said ho , "that tbero will bo tno biggest upheaval over seen in this city. When all the facts are finally made public tbo result will bo the most sen sational of any in tbo city's history , " Ho added that ho would bo aided by three of the city's most prominent attorney ? , they being in the employ of three Lasallo newspaper * who bad been assisting to make out the case ngainst the Looillors. Later , in au interview. States Attorney Longneckor .said that several ukio'rmon would assist in the inquiry in addition to those who confessed that their votes were purchased. Several will testify that they were approaehod and refused to enter tain the overtures made to them by corpora tion representulivos. Still "others will tos- lify that aldermen openly boasted that they had received money for their votes. Others again will give testimony corroborative of many facts to bo disclosed by the prosecu tion. tion.Ono Ono nldcrmnn openly stated that ho was certain that nlmost orery alderman favorably connected with the throe ordinances In ques tion was gulltv pf receiving money for his voto. "Why , " said he , "it is generally ad mitted that It requires money to get an ordinance through the counoil , and many of iho aldermen maUo no secret of the fact tbat ttaey will not vote for any ordinance unless they are rewarded for so doing. In some cases Iho reward is in iho shape ot 11 trade that involves supporting some improvement in that alderman's ward and thus increasing bis popularity among his constituents. In others , and by far the greater number of cases , tbo consideration is tno coin of the realm. " Olllrlul Statement from the l'ro reuters The following statement Is onicmlly Issued by the gentlemen who nro behind the prose cution : "Tho investigation about to be begun by the grand juiy contemplates u certain scrutiny of the methods employed by the council in regard to tha passage of the eco nomic gas , the Northern Pacific and the compressed air ordinances , ns well as n few of minor importance. The evidence which will bo presented to the erund jury is not limited to the confessions or disclosures of one man , but covert ) a wide range , both of facts and individuals. "The plan to catch the counsel and dis cover what alderman engaged in bribing measure } through the council was devised und put into execution before tbo appearance of tbo economic pas ordinance last year. The protf we have acquired relates to various bcodlo ordinance ? and entangles four or five aldermen In what it will bo very easy to show n consniracv. The money us d in ut least three cases of bribery will bu put in evidence. 'Iho Northern Pucifio ordinance \vas passed by almost precisely the same means nnd methods employed in tbo 'oco- nomii ) gas' . The compressed 'air ordinance Mum nut yielded as much money to thn boodlew ns was expected by thorn. Settle- monls wcro being made vosterJay unit the day boforu. Monev was shown In the council by ut least two nldermcn , who guvo It to bu understood that it was what they had n.- coivcJ for voting for the Compressed Air ordinance , und It wis not us much as prom ised them. Will rush tlio rr neciitlou of thu Cm o. "Wo will have no difficulty In indicting und convicting several well known aldermen , It Is not our dosirp lo convict only tha aldri- mon , however , wo doslro also lo punish Iho o guilty of bribing members of the cuiincil nnd uo will rot.stop thU investigation until thuy are brought , to justlco , no .matter wbojouoor thucrimlimtliit ; evidence lends to.1' The eionoinic gcs ordinance rcfi'ir.i.1 lo wui origluallv passed by n vo'.a of 111 10 111. Tne raavor vetoed II on Juno I'-1 , last , and it wts D-isMCd over his veto bv n votuol f > U to II ) . The Northern I'.iclllo ordinance , giving the railroad company u vuluatla franchise , recoiled MxtVroao ufTrmatlvuund thrt-o IIUM- llvovotu. ' . An investigation ol thu manner In wnlch It was i-ecurod followed , resulting in nolhiug but Iho lupcul of thu ordinance , it was immediately passed attain by another voloof 111 toil. The iunprc8AoJ ! : uir ordinance waspiised by n vote of 415 to 1'A week or two tutor , niter Iho ui.ijcr hud sinned thu ordinance , another ciillimutc was tremnlcd lo the council providing for the repeal . of thu original orulnuurc. 'J bo repealing oruiuanco failed of psssujo uy o votj of 40 to a.1. llavn Them Wlmro tlio ll.ilr U hliort. GeneralMob , tbogrand Jury'hforeman.sald tonight , speaking 01 Ibo wii/Jcou "We liavu tha rascal * where tbo hair In abort , bat 1 am not nt liberty to tell wlmt I know. Wo will boin thu liwostiz.Ulou tomorrow , then look out , ThU much I w"l " ay , wo have n com pleio chum of evidence forged around thu tioodlurt , and If tbuy do uoi tail iho truth thov will not leave the criminal court build Ing , By that 1 mean that wu know lie ubolo truth and all wUo do not , toll It wU bu Immediately arrested for perjury as well ns for hoodling. " The tnld that some of thara would undoubtedly bo indicted who have heretofore - fore boon supposed to bo nbovo sucti things ns boodllng. Various members of ( ho council wore questioned tonight regarding the prand Jury Investigation , anrt state 1 that thov hart been expcctinclt nil along ; they nro willing to go betoro the grand Jury nnd toll all they know. Several said they hail , during the pondonov of certain ordinances , been approached with offers of mcnoy or Us equivalent If they would vote favorably for such ordinances. Hut all liuilpnantlv dmilcd that they had ac cepted any such offers. Suit of Kinisits rirm. TOPBK , Kan. , March 17. The Kansas Salt company of Hutchtnson , Kan. , has tiled a complaint with tbo railroad commissioners against the St. Joseph & tlrand Island , Atcblson , Topckn & Santa Fe , H , it M. , Cnlcuco , Rock Island & Pacific Kansas City , Fort Scott & Memphis , Kansas City , Wyati- dotto it Northwestern , Missouri. Kansas & Texas , St. Louis A. San LVancUco , Union Pacific nnd Missouri Pacific Railroad com panies for an alleged discrimination in favor of Michigan salt inlncs. The Kansas company does not complain that the rate given the Michigan companies is lee low , but that the tariff under which it Is compcMled to ship Is too high. The Kansas Salt company owns nil the mines in Hutchison and Joy' Gould Is ono of the heavy stockholders. len\er' Proposed Itelt I.lne. DilNVKit , Colo. , March 17. Denver Is to have n bolt Hnn and the Eastern Knilwny company , formerly the Colorado Eastern , Is to build it. Mr. Hobert V. Force , n promoter meter of the Colorado Eastern , is responsi ble for the statement , nnd ho intimated that Hon. U. H. MofT.Ut and cx-Uovornor Evans nro connected with the company. This road owns the franchise * Into Denver which It bus been rumored that both the HOCK Island nnd Snntn Fo were endeavoring to purchase In order to gain nn entrance of their own into the city. Mr. ' oreo denied the statement heretofore made that the Colorado Ivistern intended lo build into the Indian Territory. Now Wralnrn Tr.ilu .Snnlrc. Cmcuio , 111. , March -Special [ Tele gram to Tuu BKB. ! Arrangements bnvo been completed by both tbo Santa Fo nnd the itock Island for furnishing n through train service to all points In that part of the Oklahoma territory which is shortly to bo thrown opou to settlement. These two roads nro the only Chicago connections whoso track traverse the terrilory to bo occupied. It is expected that it will bo tilled up In us short order as has thnt portion which was opened several years ago. A7ir.s oi < - ntiTiito.iv. DomiMtle. The prohibition party will hold Its national convention sit Clnclr.imtl , U. Kustorn Kentucky anil West Virginia are burled under several Inches uf snow. John A. Matliln of Detroit , MliOi. . manufac turer of wood alcohol , lias f.illod for fiiW. Snowstorms In Indian Toirllory lri\o been the oaiiio of great fatiillty unions the ran -o cattle. Arguments In the evangelical iiuo wuir.intn pioceedin s at Cleveland , O. , fll voinmcnco today. The Now York assembly has passed the bill appropriating * 10l.OJO tnw.ird m.iUng an u\ln- bltlon at the World's fair. Allalis In Tiinoy county. Missouri , are In an unsott ud condition , and troublu Is feared over the recent lyni'lilnz thuro. Thomns Calliiliiin of Kurtz , Ind. , shot nnd Instantly Killed Kit I'roisnoll. The men had trouble over an unpaid \vhUKy bill. At Koseburr. Ore. , ilnrins a niiarrol. Mih- olns Junes stubbed und Inst.inUy klllod A llunsborough. It lb estimated that the norther uhfcli swept over Tevis wllhln thn p ist fuw days h is done dtiiuaga to the amount of $ l,7dOlJJ ) to crops. The chum gang at work In the court house yard at ICuno , Nov. , discovered sold In thu gravel pit. The uxtont of thu find Uasyut \inkiioxin. To sot ut a l.irso lioily of lion ore mining com panics near Ishpcin.n. . wlll dram n laku , estimated toconl.ifn SJU/JJJ , IOJ gallons of water. ( jovrrnor Murkham of California has com muted tlio fecntunco of Charles Kreeiuan. who AMIS to have bui'n liaise.1 lotl.iy for minder , to mprlsoninciit for lift ! . "MvslrrloiH Iko" la the naino sUncd to a letter lecolved ut .llmtown , Ooln. . hy Hob Kord , thu sliiyer of Jossi .liunus. The wilier threatens In it to kill I'onl. It Is slated n meeting of the Standard Oil company will bu held tu consider tlu > ad visability of iiicro.'islni ; the cuplt il stock of Iho corporation to $7.0JOOj. ( ) The National l.ti.i'-'iio of Mu ° lclans has placed the admlsslin fee tu the org.inl/atlon tit f 1 und aiinii il foes to those who wish to be come bi'iiullci.irlus : it. > cents per .inniiiu. It la reported In Wall str ot that negotia tions at I'lilladelpliiu of the American .Sugar lEotlnliiK conipuny h.ixo resulted In thu taking In of the i-preclflos and rr.uilciln rellncrios , A hiioH storm of more than unusual severity has blocked Ir.tvnl In TOIIIIIISSQU. I'-k-hlcon Inches of snow covers the gimind. Mlssls lipl | uiis also visited by cold weather and heavy snows. The city of New Orleans , I.a. . Ins granted a piivuto corporation thu privilo u of putting in .1 system of sower.isu I" that ulty. lloti'i- holders will pay a yearly rental for thu use uf iho system. Cincinnati hns Inaugurated a movement look In. to the raising of a rullnf fund for the sunVrln. ? ISiisai.tns , The C'lininliur of Com merce IMS tultmi llio initiative step und Jus til i ( i dy nilscd H large iMiiount of money. The Troaiurv dopirtmcnt tins notified custom to suspend all action in lozard lo the placing of ontlos on the pro ducts of llayrl , Vuiic7unla nnd the United &tntcsof Columbia under the recent rocluroc- ity ineiisiircs At a banquet by frl limcn Hold at Dolmon- Ico's In Now York Olty , Secretary of ilm Treasury t'ostor was a guest , unJ responded touliusu llu was iit'conled an onthiisluhtiu reception , and denlud Imvlns ever usud thu ulirusD iiltilbntcd to him , "I'lanncl inouth Jiibhmoii , " David II , MolT.itt , us executor nf the cut no of .loiome II ChalTuu , ilccuaseil. of Hcnvur. Colo. , has Hied suit against .Itnt.'l'h Wllliuiiis tocumpul him tosl n a curtain curtllluuto of purchiihu of the rncoiiipahuiu uanal. ultiniled In MontiiHH county , for thu purposii of soiling and iisslKiilii' It to Fianl ; O , Goinly , I'orrlgn. A ) iinlo : lias oci'iinul on the IIircol0:1.1 : and a numtor of falliii.'H uru expected to follow. The trial of Kdwaril 1'jrkor Duaron for the Klllln. of.M. Abulllo will lalcu pl.ico In Nli-co on May 111. The conduotorri nnrl hi iKutnon ami other i > innlo > cs of Ihu Oan.idian 1'ui'lflu h.ui ) Htnick. The confiiroiu'o of the inlnorV fo'lerntlons ' hiis reiiiHMlu 1 thu Kii'.MIsh miner-lo resiimu MurU. iiiid they will rosuinu tliuir mbnri next .Moniliy : , Thu latest estlniitt > s of tliu ll.ilillltlns of Oueii.l'Lithu If'Msnn banker , who r.tllul lucunMv ul M I'tilersbtuv am i-stlmatu.1 at n inn I.VMVJJO tuW.UJU.MJrilbois ; atsotf , IJ.DUI , . U,0 labels , Is thu price of good health. Hut with all the precaution may uki1 Iheio nio carmlpi luiklng about our n > stems , only walt- n f.ivoinblo oipoitiinlly | to assert them- Bcrofulrt nnd otlici liniMirllleslii the lilooil may bo hidden for > i > ar * or nvi-n for BciicralloiH.uiiilfcuililoiilyluiMk fnrlli , uiHjpr. mining heal Hi and haslenhiK < lt-itli , I'or nil dUo.isf s r.rlbliiK fiom Impiiie Mood Hood's Saraaparllla In the uneiinlluil | and nnupiiroaclu'd ItH Kins of thcmall , fnrltcoiKinersillwnsp. It ln.llds up In a perfectly way all Iho weakened part * , \ltal/c.s ! , enriches ami Purifies the Blood Anil R lbU to healthy action Iliosn linpui Unit onitns , thu kidneys and IHei. II yon iievd a go < xl nivdlclno you Mwul < l certainly take Bold by all druggliti. Jlj lrfurpV l'rc | > ari > doiilr Ij O.I , IIOIlD.V CO. , Aputhecarluj , I-oucU.MalJ IOO DOSOQ Ono Dollar DREADFULPSORIASIS Covering Entlra Body with WUlto Scnlos. SutTor UK FonrfUI. Cured by Cutloura. Mr < ll fnso ( ii'orlnsls ) tlrst tmiKo out on mr left check , yprejitllntf tny noso. ntul nlinost cover n rnir fnra. It rnn Into my cto . nml I tin | ilij-Mclr\n wns nfrnlil I wotilit lese mrcvesUM nltosollipr 11 | > rencl nil over mr l vi-l unit mr linlr nil fell out , until I wns on tlrelrbslil-lionileil : It then lirnkn tut on mr nrms nml MiouMprs iinlll mr nrms pro Just one soio U covered mr enllro tiodr , mr free , lieml ntul flioitlilcrs. beln the worst. Tlio whlta ncnbs fell constnnllr from my lieml , Mioutil- ers nml nriusi llio kln woiilit thicken niul bu red niul vcrr llclijr , nml wouM crnck nml bleed If ncrnti lied , After riiomllnit mnnr Imiiilreilsnf ilolhrs , 1 wn iirnimi'nrcil Inriirntilf * 1 lipanl of tlio I't'TieunA ItKMlii-IV' ) , nml nftor uslnu tno lio'tl"s CrTirt'llt , Ilinoi , * . J < VT , 1 cou 10 eon olnneiij nnil nflur I h.nil inkeii four tmtlles 1 wn nl- nmsiriueilt niul nla'ii I li-ui nsnil six botllos CI'Tt- M n \ DUO Imx or n'TirnnV nml ono enkpof Ui-Tiet'u v SoAl' , t wni ruroil of tlio Orenil- fill < ll oi o from nhloli | hnil miUpreJ fur ll > o ) enrs. 1 cniiiiot exitri'ss with n psn wlmt 1 mnoreil before n ln the ll > Mi-uiKM Tiicy unveil mr life , nlul I fool It mr ilut > to rerommenrt thpm. Mv linlrls nulore.t ns Kuoilns ner , nml nn Is mr pvnsliilit. Mils 1I03A KKI.l.V , llocknoll Oltr , town , Cuticura Resolvent Thu now Itlood I'lirlller , Intornallv ( to uliianso Iho blood of n I Impiiilllesund poisonous ele- ineiits.innd Ct'iirtnts , thumefitsMn euro , und CUTICIUIA Sii.M' , nn uxiinlslluBkln lleniilller oMeiiuilly , ( to clear thu skin iind.sculp nml re- storu the nail ) , have enred thonsands of eases whmelheshcddlnsof soalesinensiireil a iiiart | dully , tlm skin crncKed. bleu ling , huiii < ni ! , und Iteh'ng uliiinst bevond endilruncc. hair lifeless or nil cone , sulferln ? terrible What other remedies liavo mailesiich euros ? Sold everywhere. I'rlei * . ( 't'TiriWA , We , ; Soi . ' . 'KM IISUI.VINT. { : ; Jl. I'riiparod by Iho I'liTTiiit 1)1111(1 ( AN'I ) Clir.Ml-\I. | OOIII'OHTION. . IIOSlOII CCr'wciid for "How tu 1'iiro SKIn Dlio ises , ' Cl pages , 51 Illustrullons , and 101 tustlmonlals nilll'I.r.S , black IioaiK red , loush. chapped rlni an lolly skin cuied by UUTICUHA So\i * . ' ' IT BTO'PS'THB PAIN. ll.iek ueho , kidney pains , weak ness , rheumatism and muscular p ilns relieved In one inliiutu bv thu L'utlourn Aiitl-l'aln I'lustor " " ' 0 Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. For Farmers , Minors and Mechanics , Cures Ohnppod Hands , Wouucta , Buruo , Etc , A BaHffhtfut Sluimpeo. Dr. Iliiinnhreiit' iiiu'lllrHcrooelciitlllc'nllyiiiiil carefully iircpj-nil lU'ineUks , usl for > car IB private practice und fur over thirty jeara My HHI people lth tullro hUccf vS. l er.i filiiglu Sjjeclllu i for I 1 hey euro u Itliout unigKluK , li11111 ' or ro lucln tIiCB > steiamutr.ri ) In fact and QLcil Uic bu\iTclgu Iteineilie ol llio World. 1 I'o\upi > Concei'tlons.lnllimina'.lona. . 1R ! 1i Worms , AVorml'ocr. Worm Colic. . 115 R TuetliluBt Colic , Crying , W kofulmc 'JI > 4 Piurrben , of Children orj\dulW . .25 7 Couehs , CoIJs , limucliltb . -J5 7II Nt'uralrcln , Toothacliu , F/wnclu1. . 15 II HcadnclioH , Biclc Hoailachc , VurllKO. . . 'J5 l ( ) ly luipHin , rmiousmra.CouMlputlon 1 1 tjupprcHBPil or I'll I n fill iVrlnds liJ WbltcH , Tool'rofU'xjl'tilotls . ii : ( 'ruiil > , l.aryuBitlH , Ilonrbeuojs . 14 Siilt Kill-urn , Lryeliwlun , Eriii > | inu3 15 Itlicumntisni , lllicuruatlol'alna IK ninlarla , Chills. IVver nnd Ague . 'J5 J7 I'lld.JiUnilorlllooillur ; . . . . .U > 1 10 C'atiirrli , Influenza , Cold In llioHcau , ' 2H aO \Vln opInr ( Couch . . . . . 'i5 1J7 -IS NrrtutiH Dclilllty . . 1.1)0 an Urlniiry Wonliucsc , Wcttuig > ! cd as HnM by llnivl lii "r * nt jwtlpnltt ou nrrlct o ( prlf * . im HU PII PH' MISIUI. lH | . cii , MiiLkii ruLr HLJirlllll'\S' JIFP. 10. , Ill 4113 UllllnnKt. , Arnl.irk. SPECIFICS. nil K ! \V BITS NBItVS AND 11UAIN T SIKNT.R siioclUuror HyUorli , lllj/lnoil , Kit ) , NJI. rnUlii , ilOHilirho. Xorrom I'rojlrAtloii causul by nl. cutiol or tobacco , \VnkufuluuK , MLMUQ ! Doproiilon. HoftuuInK of lha III alii , oiuiltu Innnity , ruUjrr. decay , iluilli , 1'riim UiirJ Old Jwi , Ilarrjiiion , l < jn uf 1'owor In cither 10 , liuiitit ncy. Its icorrao ? i nn I all I'Vuiulo U'uikiiiii ! > , liivnliiiitiiloiiix , tfi r- lUfttnrrhnot cuuoJ Ity o/ir-usertlo.i of llu liril'i Helf-ubu * * ) , over-Ill tulKUnu } A'UjnMri trott mi II , ii for ( " > , by millV tiuariiit ; ' ) "It Intuit > ruro Kaoh or.lar furli lia'ji. wlihj ( will inn I wrl , tin uunrintoo la n'fiiinl If not uirol. ( iti riutii lisuoil only uy A. SiiliroMr , Dru Ut , oolj ujoii ti , IS , cor. Hull and ' . > , , Uinihi. Nu'i. \Vn " : ul tlin mnrvdoim Krrnrli Ilomnly CALTHOS f > < < , nml tl lowil KuuruutotiUnit < " * I.'IHM Mll f.TOI' niclinrcr A. : . , CIIKK Hi > .rmal < irrlir . > wrlcocrln I llllil KESTOKi : l.nct VJ.'nr. L'se it ami far if salisfnl , AJIrm , VON MOIIL CO. . Hole Amrri K AcrnU , tUilimall , riiveiiteeiit'i ' nml llurnuy THURSDAY. FRIUAY. SATURDAY & SUNDRY t March 17 , 18 , W and 20. 6ATUHr > AV MA riKI'iL-4. Kit irth M033'iii of DKV.MAS THOMPSON nml ( il UIKIK W M I'lny , t lu.'nr tliu .Miina i'iii.'iit of tliu Autliuir , A iirlii/i : Uood ICnlertulniitent , Mulu : I p of Odd ( JnururKii * . U'll , Uillimr , Hong mid hlory TJLlt W II M il.u Vnu'l'lilnli , l.uuuli iiiiilt'r/ Itov slicois opuii Wuilnevl.iy niiirniuj at ' 1 ho ( JreuUsl : Cnniinly V.\lM ; V\vt Ti oi Nights O.ily , Mo-idny , 'Juoidiy und Wcdinhtl 17 , ' 'larsh tel , ii ? and ! it. CIIAS , FflOHMAN'S ' COMEDIAN , rtuui.Novviirk \\llliniu ( .IHi'llij'K ljreiie t MR , WILKlisoK I f WIDOWS : ! : ' : : " w i ivni * i * * ' ] nnnU'hl I'mnuUKiii ) co of tlii * Vcnr. FARN AM ST , \ Oiuifk : , I uin iu' Tliur < ila ) ° M < rcli IVIU. uv iki ; u | ilnycM In The Runaway Wife ? it'tJi'J'if ilu/ ,