"HE OMAHA ! DAILY BEE. TWHNTY-FJIIST YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOILING , MARCH 10 , 1892. NUMHHll 275. OFFENSIVE IN THE EXTREME Mr. Williams Objects to Language Ussil by Mr. Walker in n Printed Speech , HE QUOTES FROM THE HOLY SCRIPTURES CJninltlcri-il null Mugwumps Allacl < Upon J'fTKoiuit Allront liy tlio .Mimiu-liuiM'lU Uoiillrinnn An Ammlnir lltrus loii I'roccvtlliign ot thu nrnatc. WASHINGTON' , D. C. , March 18. "Hot shot for mugwumps Hoar and Williams shown \ip Williams' report on stiver coinaeo rid dled.1' Those were nonio of the words that Mr. Williams of Massachusetts objected to , nnd asked to have stricken from the record us n part oftho speech ol Mr. Walk-rot Massa chusetts , which had not boon delivered bv that gentleman In the bouse. Mr. Williams charactorl/cd the language as ungentlemanly - manly , unmanly , uapnillnmcntary und offensive In thu extreme. Ho considered nn nlUck upon Ibo mugwumps ns n personal nttack , for bo had been ono. In the campaign of 1831 bis eolloaiuo had boon ono of the greatest mugwumps of the day , but now ho hated the mugwumps worse than ho did the devil. The house , nllor Iho consideration of rou tine bualncis , proceeded to the consideration of the private calendar. On resolution nt Mr. Bushnell of Wiscon sin a resolution WAS ndoplcd calling on the secretary of war nnd attorney cencrnl for information relating to ccvernmont dams on the Mississippi river between tbo mouth ot the Chlppowa river In Wisconsin nnd West Newton slough , Minnesota. "Mr. Williams lilies Ion Point of Order. Mr. Williams of Massachusetts , rising to n question of privilege , moved to strike from the record that porlinn of that speech of Mr. Walker of Massachusetts , printed on Tues day last , which had not boon delivered by him. Thcro seemed to be , said Mr. Williams , u constant complaint on the part of demo cratic representatives irom Massachusetts against their republican colleagues. Ho xvould not complain in this matter were not tbo public utterances ot n personal and In- Bulling nature , such as ho th night seldom appeared In the records of congress. Tbo speech which the gentleman had printed made n gross attack on the class of men who were denominated "mugwump' ! , " and on the New England delegation. After the gentleman from Massachusetts had said that he would print tbo rest of his lomarka , there appeared : i sub-beading inserted by the gentleman himself : "Hot Shot for Mug wumps Hoar nnd Williams Showed Up "Williams' Report on Silver Coinage Hlddlcd , " [ [ .auditor. ] His ( Williams ) in quiry was u proper one , whether Iho rules permitted a congressman to edit bis speeches In the Kccord. or have Iho rtisults ns ho saw them tn his own mind blazoned to Mm world. It was the business of the committee on printing to see that such matter was not In jected uy gentleman who printed speeches they novur had uttered. Mr. Richardson of Tennessee ( chairman of tbo committee on pniillng ) , said thut the committee had no aulhorliy over the subject. Mr. Walker said that the headlines to which the gentleman objected bad been printed by mistake. Mr. Williams said that it was not his pur pose to do anything moro than to call the at tention of the committee on printing to such methods nnd to nsk to see that no such thing should happen in iho future. Unpardonable mill onViiHlir I Mr. Uichordson said that it was not in the power of the committee to prevent tbo ecu llemnn from Massachusetts from making headlines and captions en the various phrases of his speech. Mr. Williams called attention to the Ian- guago which seemed to him to bo unpardon able nml offensive in the extron.0 ; words that wcro not uttered in the heat of debate , but were printed without provocation ; words uttered only in printing and not in any other fashion. The privilosoof printingunutlorod speeches in the records wna never intended to glvo tbo power of personal insult. If proper under tto rules , tbo exorcise of that power was not gentlemanly and not parlia mentary. Mr. Williams , quoting from Mr. Walker's Fiicccb , objected to that gentleman's declara tion that tbo mugwumps in the United States had their scats "by gross deception and moral fraud. " These were at best un manly words , but coming hero under the color of having been spoken , they v.ero the more serious. The contlfinan Irom Worces ter bad quoted from the Sermon on the Mount. For a rock-fall and sky-piercing monument of blasphemy commend him to the words in which that gentleman compares nn attack upon a follow meinler to the rebuke of the Savior of men to tlio Scribes nnd Pharisees. Mr. Loud , California-Do you consider au nttack upon the mugwumns us a personal at tack J Mr. Williams Yes , I do ; because I have been there. Onolecl the Scriptures at Him. Continuing. Mr. Williams said that In ISSt ho bad done himself the honor of breaking nway from the republican party. | Demo- rootle npnlauso.J In that campaign ouo of the most dinic'tilt tasks tin * executive cora- initteo had was to curb and check the ardor und ? cal of the gentleman from Maascuhu- betts ( Mr. Walker ) , who now mndo this at- tuck upon ills former associates. [ Applause. | In 1SSI there had not been n greater mug wump than the gentleman from Worcester. And now ho hated tha mugwumps wowo than ho did the devil. ( Lauglitrr.J Ho com mended to the gentleman the sermon to which ho had referred in his speech : "Woo unto you , Scribes and Pharisees ; hypocrites , for yo compass sea nnd lund to make ono pioiclytc ; and when ho Is msdc , yo innko him two-fold moro tbo child of hull ttn.n yourselves , ( Loud and long continued laughter. ) Mr. Walker said that It was evident to the IIOLBO for what purpose the gentleman from Massachusetts ( Mr. Williams ) bad arisen , ILnuuhtor.j Ho hud nrlson ( us ho bud arisen in legislative bodies at home ) for the purpose of exhibiting himself. The Ida i of reading n bible to n democratic house [ laughter ] and thu gentleman had to read it ; ho could not repeal it. It was somelhlnt : so fresh antl so now nnd so surprlsinr that the democrats had cheered him to the echo. ( Laughter. ] It bad raised far more enthusiasm than tha gentleman could Inspire bv any remarks of bis own. Tlio headlines to his speech ( to which the gentleman had alluded ) had nut been written In his manuscript and ho was surprised when ho saw them In the record , Ho had iiot written them. lit ) Wrotu Ills O n Hpreehen. Mr. ( Vain of Texas Who writes your speeches ! | Laughter. ] Mr. ItichariUon of Tennessee Inquired whether the gentleman meant to suv that uflur his speech passed from his hands the ofllcial luportor Inserted the words or that they were Inserted at tbo government print- lug ofllco. Mr. Walker If the gentleman gives un boislng the house mid everybody else , 1 will uttcnd to my business. ( Daughter. ) Continuing , Mr. U'ulkur bald.that ho had hud several copies cf his spei-ch and his clerk had put tbo head lines to one of them. By uu accident , which was liable lo happen to any one , thut copy bad been sent to the print. Ing ofllro. In rcspousn to the gentleman from Texas ho would say that tbo neiitloman whc wrote his speech was Mr. Walker of Wor raster. | l.augbter.J Ho agreed that the headlines should bo taken out. The matter was ilnally referred to the comulltoa on printing for Investigation anil the bouso took a recess , tbo cvunluc session to bu for the consideration of private pension bills. In III" Semite , WASHINGTON , D. O. , March IS. The com mlttco on agriculture has reported it bill tc establish a uniform standard of grain cal undar , Uu motion of Allison the bill establishing v port of delivery at Des Molnca , la. , wes passed. Ttio bill to Improve the navigation of the Mississippi river ant' prevent dcstruetlvo llnods was made a special order for next week. At 4 p , m. tbo senate went Into executive session on motion of the committee on foreign relations nud when the doors opened ad journed until Monday. MWS : roii TIII : AIIMY. Coniplotc ll t of ( III iiujci In tie ! Ilsgutir Sprtlcp. WASIIIXOTOV , D. O. , March 18. [ Special Telegram to Trin BBK. ! Tbo following as signments to reclmonts of olllcars recently promoted and transfer * of oftlcors nro or dered : Leave of absence for ton davs Is Granted Second Lieutenant Ernest Hinds , Second nrtlllcry. First Lieutenant John M. Glass , Sixth cavalry , will bo reliovcd from duly at tlcffcrson Bwacks , Mo. , by the suporln- tcntlcnt of the recruiting service and will then proceed to Join his reptmunt. Lnavo of nbscnca for two months on surgeon's certlfl- onto of disability , with permission to leave the Department of the Platlo , Is granted Captain Egbert II. Savage , Sixth infantry. The leaveof absence granted First Lieu- tonnnt John Bleelow , Jr. , Flrit cavalry , No vember 7 , 1S9I , Is cxtondcd fourteen days. Tim ordinary leave ol ab- soneo granted Captain Edmund Luff , Eighth cuvalrv , December 1 , 1S01 , is changed to leave ot absence on surgeon's certificate of disability to data from March 1 , ISO. ! , and U extended as tmch to Inuludo May ill , 1S9J. Ordinary leave of absence to include Mav III , ISIs ! ) crantcd First Lieu- tunant Theodore F. Dewltt , assistant sur geon , In extension of the sicK leave granted him September 17. 1SU1. The resignation of First Lieutenant Theodore F. Dowltt , assist ant surgeon , has boon accepted by the presi dent , to tulto olTcct May 10 , Ib'J , ' . ITU cnoirxrxn I.VK.I.WV. The iiiIUIi : | Ooveniment nciioiinrcil for the Hunting "I "in I'o.ichor * . Loxnox , March 18. The Chronicle , com menting on the execution of the poachers , says : ' 'Tho callous folly of Homo Secretary Matthews has lost the government thirty seats In the rural districts. Ho has shocked the conscience and nffrontod n vast majority of his countrymen. " Kobort Buchanan writes : "This execution leaves another blood stain on our so-called Christian civilization. The shame will fallen on the cowardly jurors and judges and on the newspapers wlilch declined 10 say a word lor the unhappy men. Let this last lozal mur der bo remembered as the government's crowning infamy. If Mr. Matthews dares again to show himself bofora the electors , lot bis reception bo expressive of the whole pee ple's contempt and scorn. " nuclmnan concludes with n protest against the mockery of the system of transferrlugtho royal prerogative of mercy to nn irresponsi ble minister. The Times justltles the course of Mr. Matthews. _ rreneli Control of Insiir.iiico Companion. PAUIS , March I * . At the cabinet council M. Kochc , minister of commerce , bus sub mitted n bill providing for strict control of foreign insurance companies doing business in the coutury. The bill sajs they shall maintain a .su'lllciont reserve- fund invested in French rentes to guarantee all French policy holders against risks. It empowers the government to supervise the investments of the companies and requires ttiom to sub mit their accounts to n most searching audit by representatives of Ibo government. liiirhil ol VllllamV Victims. LivEiii'ooi. , March IS. The bodies of Mrs. Williams and four children , exhumed atUain HIM after being murdered and buried by Frederick Dooming , alias Williams , wore buried this afternoon in the parish church yard in the presence of a large concourse of people. At the post mortem examination Albert Llcomiug , brother of Frederick , near ly fainted at ttio sight of the bodies. It transpires that Deeming treated bis wife brutally soon after marriage. Iln Cannot llu Conviotr : ) . LIMION' , March IS. A committee of the Chamber of Deputies , to which the matter was referred , has decided that there are no grounds for criminal proceedings against Senor Carvalbo , ex-minister of ( inanco , who , while minister of finance , loaned a largo sum of money to the Hoyal Hailrond company without the knowledge of his colleagues. riictlonul Tight 111 Cork. Conic , March 18 , A hall In which a public lecture was being given In North Cork last night was the scene of a factional light be tween Pnrnollitesandnnti-Parnollitos. Many persons were Injured by missile * . The dls - lurbanca was quelled bv the police. IYir Trimble ulth Sociullsti. I' viii" , March 18.- The government fears that communists will take ndvantatro of the nnarcnlst disturbances to cause trouble on the anniversary ot tbo fall of the commune , .May 211. Special military and civic precau tions will bu taken to prevent it. 1 hoiiH.iiidH ofSeul * .Appcur. Si'MMKiisiDi : , Quo. , March 18. There is much excitement at Capo North over the nn- pearanco of thousand of seals. The entire population Is engaged in capturing them , making good hauls. It is ek'lity years since seals appeared In this vicinity , ( illllllltlllCll I'l SlVlt/ltrlUIHl. Br.iiNK. March 18. The first execution in Swit/orland Unco 1SIB took place today at Lucerne. The culprit was an Italian named Gattl , who murdered MileDegcn , a teacher. lie was executed by guillotine. round D.Mi.imlle In Ills Cilir. ! UOIIIHU.\ : , March 18. A man named Soubcroux informed the police of thU city today that ho had found six dvnnmlto cart- ildgos in the cellar of hU residence. The case is bulng Investigated , AVorlc Only I'liu Days u AVi-i-k. LONDON , March 18. The delegates to the conference of th ? Miners' federation dooldoi today that after the men resumed work Monday they should work only live days a week. G'aimdI-iii I'arllln l.'i i. , Quo , , March 18. The Canadian Pacific railroad earnings for the ween ending March 1 1 , were 118,1)00 ) , and for thtisatno DO nod lust year $ J2l > ,000 , nn Increase of f 111,000 I'our IVojiln HiirniMl to Death. Loxnox , March l--Tho butcher shop of a man named \Vcston burned this morning. Ills wife , two children and a servant In the apartments ubovo were buincd to death , WorJtmni Crushed to Drnlli , Sr. PKTBIHIUUO , March 18. By the col lapse of n house under construction today thirteen workmen wore killed by falling walls. lllimn l' | > on Hut llhlnc. Di-isiicuo , Prussia , March 18. Tbo belle of a tug boat on the Itnlna explode J , uilllnt the captain and live of the craw. Mnrilerce Aiuihiitiiy "Miikt Die , P\w ? , March 18. The appeal of Murderer Aimsntay from the death suutenco has been rojectod. Depositor * Coining Out Kirn. ATCIIISOV , Kan. , March 18. The director : nf the People's Savings bank of this city whlcli failed fourteen months ace , announce they will shortly pay depositors unothe dividend nf , ' < ) per cent , which , In addition tc the dividend already paid , will cancel the obligations ot the bank entirely. UN Vl'St WliJ l.lnril With Money. MAUISOX , Ind , , March IS , George Craw ford , an old Irish stonemason , died bore ir poverty. When tbo undertaker was layini him out ho tossed his ragged vest a lde. A peculiar sound caused bun to examine th vest , aud f 1,6M WM found iu 1U HEARD IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Claims Against the Government of Vene zuela to Bo Arbitrated. FIGHT OVER JUDGE WOODS' NOMINATION HIMV tin- Vote Stood nn Ills Cimllrmatlon nnd tlio i\lilrnco : In tlin CHIP Sctmtu Secrets News Notes and WASHINGTON' , D. C. , March 13. The senate pent some tlmo In executive soisioa this afternoon In the consideration of the pond- ug treaty , by the term ? of which the claim * of the Venezuelan Ship company against the ; ovornmcnt of Venezuela , caused by the II- cgol seizure of their vessels during the rev olutionary movement some years ago , Is to bo settled by arbitration. Senator Morgan In behalf ot tbo committee on foreign relations made a long explanation of tno conditions under which the seizures wcro made and told of n long aud heretofore futile offott of the Department of State to settle the claim by the usual diplomatic nothods. Nn action was taken In tbo mat ter by the Ronato. Jiulgo Woods' Coiillrmatlon. There was also n renewal of the discussion which had boon heard during the recent executive sessions , upon tbo proposition to acquaint the republic with the nature of the charges made against Judge Woods and the focllntr of the senate whllo considering the nomination. Finally It was decided that the testimony taken by the Judiciary committee In the course of the investigation should be made public as well as the vote by which the nomination was continued. The vote was as follows : Yeas Messrs. Allen , Allison , Chandler , Davis , Uinvcs , LJlxou , Dolph , Galllngor , Hale , Hansbrough , Hawley , Higglus , Hiscock , Hoar , McMillan , Mundorson , Mitchell , Pad- Jock , Proctor , Sanderson. Sawyer , Sherman , Shoup , Squlro and StocKbrjOgo ' i. Nays Mew. Bates , Berry , Blackburn , Blodgott , Call , Cockrell , Coke , Daniel , Frtulknor , George , Gibson , Harrison , Jones of Arkansas , Kyle , Morgan , Palmer , Pnsco , Peffor , Pugh , Kunsom , Turpio , Vllns , Voor- hecs , Walthnm 24. The pairs were : Messrs. Aldrich nnd Hill , Cameron and Uutler , Carey aud Irby Casey and Vest , Cullom and Gray. Uubols nnd Gibson - son of Louisiana , Folton und Brlce , Fryo and Gorman , Merrill ana Carlisle , Platt and Bar- bour , Power and White , Quav nnd McPner- son , Stanford and Vance , Teller and Cblllon , Warren and Gordon , Wilson and Colqultt , Wnleott and ICennn. It appears that llvo senators , all republi cans , wcro absent and unpaired. They were Messrs. Jones of Novadii , Perkins , Petti- grow , Stewart nnd Wnshburn. It is ex plained that the vote was taken an bour earlier than was expected , so that some of the senators who wore attending to depart mental business returned to the capitol too Into to voto. Sonic oTtlia Kvlilcncc Hcnril. The testimony taken by the judiciary com mittee relative to the nomination of Judge Woods makes a volume of 125 printed pages , including exhibits. It comprises testimony clvon by N. C. Butler , Indianapolis , clers of the United States court , relative to the Coy-Sullivan trial , with that ot W. C , Nichols of Indianapolis , deputy clerk of tbc court , upon tbo same subject ; L. O. Bailey of Indianapolis , formerly district attorney , touching tno Indictments in the trial on these cases ; S. Claypool of Indianapolis , u lawyer , In the satno connection ; T. M. Ochlltreo of Hushville , Ind. . n lawyer , touching the charges ot discrimination by Judge Woods against democrats ; Jud o C. P. McICnutt ol Terre Haute , Ind. , of counsel for the defense in the Coy-Sulllvnn case ? , to the effect mat Judge Woods' conduct had been strictly un fair and partisan , nnd that ho had assumed most of the duties of the prosecuting attor ney ; Emory B. Sellers of MontlcoIIo , Ind. , formerly United States district attorney , relative to the same cases and tbc blocks of llvo letter ; Nathan Morris of In dianapolis , present United States attorney , upon the same subject , touching particularly upon the dismissal of the cases ; K. F. Hitter , Indianapolis , a lawyer , In the snmo relation ; S. Nlchambors , United States district attor ney , concerning the estimation in whicli Judge Woods is held by the people of In dinna. The exhibits are raado up of the records ol the court In the trials Of the bribery cases ; the opinion of tbo supreme court In the same cases ; Judge Woods' card to the public dc- tendiug bis Interpretation of the law In the Dudley case ; Justice Hurlan , in approval ol Judge Woods'ruling ; a letter from Judgi Nibrock to show that Judge Woods' second charge was not an afterthought : ex-Senator McDonald's criticisms of Judge Woods uni the Inttor's replies ; the celebrated Dudley \Vhittitkcr letter ( tbo blocks of live letter and tbo denunciatory resolution of the In diana democratic convention. The Bering sea question was not nlhulei to today in executive session. ritoji COMMITTII : : ON Ar.iticur/ruui : Measures of Interest to the Tanner * Itu purled to tlui Seinilr. WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , March IS. Senate Casey , of the committee on agriculture today made an able report on Mr. Sherman' : bill authorising and requiring the socrotnrj of agriculture to fix uniform standards o classification and grading for wheat , corn oats , rye and barley. The committee nddtu an amendment so as to provide that In inter state trade or commerce In grain , if the cent t > lnor or his authorized agents direct ! publli inspection , clussllicatlon or grading shall nebo bo required nor made when tbo grain Is con signed to Its owner or his authorized agent or to a mill , or private storehouse , or lor deposit posit In n special Din , u public warehouse 01 to a purchaser , or If consigned to a inarlto whore the usasos of trade recognize the sail of grain by sample , when tbo consignee shal direct its sale in th&t way. Senator George , of tlio committee on agrl culture , today reported to the senate n sub atltuto for Mr. Mitchell's bill for the oncour ageincnt of silk culture. The substitute pro vldos for the establishment in different part : of the United States of not exceeding livi silk experiment station * , to bo n part of tin agricultural experiment stations now ostab lishcd , Fivu thousand dollars is upproprla ted for each station. WASHINGTON NKU'S NOTKS. .MeKcimit Will Iti-nlgu Ollio Hems of Interest , WASHINGTON' , D. C. , March 18. Mr. Me Ken mi of California , whoio nomination a United States circuit judge was yestcrda ; continued by ttio senate , will resign bis sea In the house of representative ! , to take clTcc Monday next. Ho will write a letter to thu effect to tbo governor of California. Recent heavy disbursements have roducoi the treasury balance to $2lJU5tlr. : > r > , of wblcl $1' > ,011,201 nra on deposit with untlona uunksi und 815.22.1,000 is in subsldary am minor coin. The national bank note clrcuU tion is now ? lUlCOi,000 ) , nn incrcasoof nearli * J10,000,000 slnco July last. All the 12 pel cent Lands hold by national banks to sccun circulation have b en surrendered , with tbi exception of n lot of $ I2..VJ3 belonging to tbi First National bank of Lsntl , Kan. , which 1 : going Into voluntary liquidation. The president signed the commissions o the nlno now circuit judges tula nftoruoon and ordered that they bo forwaidcd to then at once t > o that tliore bo no unnecessary dela ; in their entering upoi > the discharge of thcl ; functions. Tbo diplomatic and consular bill , as completed ploted by tbo house committee , consolidate' ' tbo mlsblon to Peru with that to Bolivia and that to Colombia with that to Ecuador tbo salary being fixed at $10,00(1 ( each. Guatc mala and Honduras , now one mission , I Divided , aud Guatemala united to VenozuQli at $15,000. anil Honduras Joined lo tbo mis si on of Nicaragua , Costa Itlca and San Sal vador. Tbo UauUb mini n U joined to tba ot Swednn nnd Norway nnd tbo salary loft at * r.rOJ. ' Con Urinations William O. Gilbert of Oregon gen , United States , circuit Judge for the Ninth judicial circuit' Samuel H. Gault , postmaster of Ko orVIIle , Tonn. 'I ho receipts from Internal revenue during : ho llrst eight months of the ll cal year end ing Juno : u > IS',1 ) , wcro SIOO,0 < 17.M ! . nn In crease of $3,030,07 $ over the receipts during the corresponding period of last year. The house committee on rnlr.s today decided lo recommend an Investigation by a com mittee of tbo house Into charges relating to the granting and rescinding ot certain leases in thu Yellowstone National mrk. The State department has been Informed of the resignation of Jules \V. Kggmann , vice-consul of Switzerland at Chicago. Assistant Secretary Grant has recovered from the grip and was at tbo War depart ment this altornoon. The Treasury department today purchased 187,000 ounces of silver nt 40.1)15 ) nnd W.1U2. House elections committee has decided to seat Kayos , republican , contoitant from the Twenty-eighth Now YorK district , and un seat Rockwell , democrat , Production of Cotton. WASIHSOTOX , D. C. , March 18. The March report of the statistician of the Department of Agriculture shows the production of cot ton of the world exceeded the consumption more than a million and a bolt bales in 1S93 and increased tlio visible * stocx In 1SOI 1,100- 000 bnlos. The price of middling upland In Liverpool fell from 0 1-10 ponca in January , 1890 , to4'ff ponce in January , ISO-1. This country produced nu excess above normal re quirement * in two years more than 2.000,000 hales. A Urge reduction of the acreage Is the only remedy. Alilrlch SucvopiU Solicitor Urtirral Tuft. WASHINGTON' , IVC. , March IS.-Tho presi dent sent to the sonata the nomination of Charles H. Aldrlcb of Illinois to bo solicitor general , vice William H. Taft , resigned. Judge Tnft tendered his resignation today and made preparations to assume his now duties ns judge of the circuit court of ap peals of the Sixth district. Olio l''i ro for Voterntm. \VAsntxoTos' , li. C. , March IS. At n meet ing of the trunk line passenger agents here It was decided to'sell tickets to those persons who desire to vlalt the battlefields-near Washington at the tlmo of the Grand Army of the Republic encampment in September at the rate of onO faro for the round trip. Sllllslmr.v HllHIl't lieplled Vet. WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , March IS. The Boring sea question was again discussed at the caoinot meotiuir. No reply to the presi dent's note of the Sth in regard to the modus vlvendl has yet been received from Salis bury. .1 KrimtorMoJrrUl Contnlrgrlng. WAMIIXOTOV , 13 , C. , March IS. Senator Morrlll passed the most lavorablo night since his Illness acd overj symptom points to con valescence. ' filLI'KU . .IMlTAPiJTI'llL : JMHT1" . I'OHslhlllty Tlutt Tjicrt ! Will lin Two Uonto- unitlc JL'rpgltlcutiiil Ticket N. Nnw YOIIK. Maijcti 18. "Aro the demo crats likely to put.two presidential tickets iu the Held this yearj ! ' ! * That is the way the Herald's ' Washington man opens a special' to his paper , nnd then adds : "If the democratic house passes by u substantial majority , : ! free silver bill , and if this action bo followed by the Insertion of a free silver planjc Id.-tho platform , it is not Improbable tbafitli3ycar'i89 ! may witness n ' repetition of vluo'Vpo'litloal events of 1SOO , . wheri two dotniacra ! 6"catididatos contended for victory , n'ot'alone against eaqh othur , but ngainst'tno'candidalos'of " 'the republican nnd whig parties as well. I am assured that loading anti-silver democrats of the bouso are considering ttio advisability of such a course as tbo only .means of correctly dclln- ing their position on the great questions of the day. It Is'argued by these gentlemen that it'would bo impossible for any consis tent democrat tn vote tto republican ticket and bv so doing give bis endorsement to the MciCinloy tariff bill. " sin : NIVIK INTJUI'IKIS. : Clctclnml Denies the Story Thut Ills Wife rrcvmitrd HU Wlthcli-.uval. New Yoiuc , March IS. This morning the Herald has a Lak'cwood , N. J. , dispatch em bodying nn Interview with Mrt Cleveland about the itory In the Evening Telegram to the effect that previous to his having written tbo letter to GonwaUBragg of Wisconsin , in which bo loft it"tobo _ Inferred that if thepso- pie so willed it ho would accept the demo cratic nomination tor tbo presidency , ho had prepared n letter for the Associated press in which ho positively declined to oo n candi date. After writing It , however , the story went , ho was persuaded to destroy It. "Why , " said , tbo cx-pnuldcnt , "I never dreamed of writing such n letter. So tboy say Mrs. Cleveland induced ma to suppress a letter that was never written ? Tbo silly story Is absurd , for the main fact that Mrs. Cleveland never- interferes in political matters - tors In which f am concerned. "Tho only letter I have written of Into was the ono to General Bragg and that was writ ten in n hurry and just when I was on the point of leaving for my gunning trio. That letter , which the general has soon ill to glvo to tbo press , expressed uiy views plainlv. I did not think at the time 1 wrote tlu letter thut it would ever bo" used In the manner It bus or I might , have taken more time in an swering , " t'O Itcmoer.itUi Convention , NASIIVIM.E , ' ,1'onn. , March 18. At the meet ing of the democratic state executive commit tee yesterday , it was decided to hold sepa rate conventions for the selection of dele gates to the Chicago convention nnd for the nomination of n candidate for governor. Both conventions will moot In Najhvillo , the llrst on Thursday ; May 2) ) , and the gubarna- torial convention Thursday , August 25. sor.n n.it.r-if\iiti : I-F.HMITX. A ninhonest Itiillvninl Audit Gels Illmsclt Into feeiTrcinhle | , ST. Louis , ( 'MaJ ' , March 16. Mr. J. M. Chesbrougb , general passenger agent ol tba ' Vandulia lino/bxsi'bocn advised of tlio arrest " by tlio postdfllcjov "authorities at Mount i'ul- asKl , ill. , of W. ATCrow , ngout of the Illinois Central at that pplnt , on a churgo of swind ling. It appear , that Crow has boon Imper sonating clorgymen"and obtaining half-faro permits under ash'amed names from various roads , and , It. Is said , has boon doing u land ed I en business by stilling tbo permits or half- fare tickets issuod'on them , Ciow has con fessed. Ho wns filaced under Sl,000 bonds for using the mail for fraudulent purposes. i - llci fy0.I" Xvw Vork. NnYoitKi Mg'rch IS. A snow storm of unusual soverlty.at this season of the year for Now York oltv started in hero about 0 o'clopk | ust eight Four hours after the storm began about two inches of snow had fallen. Street car travel was delayed to a considerable o toiit and telegraphic commu nication suffered interruption , Dmihlu lilfu'iinil Donhln Tr.igrily. Piirsnuico , Pii. , Martli 18. Patrick Mil- ley , gateucopor pt the Jones & Laugblin iron works , fatally shpt bis wife tins morning and then killed himself. The cause of the double tragedy was the recent discovery by his wife that tier husband was loading u double Ufa. _ _ W mt .liilio.ru In u Storm , OcEAXjJi'.ovB , N. J , , March IS. The bark Wltidcrmler cauio a shore on Deal beach in a blinding supw nterm , Tbo crow of forty men woro'vescucq with great dlfliculty , Still Intuiting dm SUeutou Kruer BnowVs VAI.I.BV , Minn. , March IS. In splto of the agent' * warning lar.ihookers con- tlnuo going Into the Slaieloti reservation in largo uumur9 , ANXIOUS TO HEAR THE CASE Progress of the Captain Yocum Murder Trial nt Hastings. STORY OF THE KILLING NARRATED of tlip I'riKcriitlon 1'rrtrntril nnd os Tor the Dc-fcim1 Introduced Intereitlni ; UctnlU to He .Siitiinlttcil Later Nrtinmkit Nuns Notrs , HASTISO ? , Nob. , March IS. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : UKE.J Today the Yocum mur der trial was iho center of nttriicllon In Hastings. The district court room was not largo enough to hold the crowd who fought nnd struggled arounu the door for entrance. The witnesses for the stale and defense were separated and kept In scp.irato rooms until wanted on the witness stand. At 0:45 County Attorney Hoepner began the opening statement for the prosecution. His state ment was brief nnd dealt with the bare facts of the killing. After reading the information to the jury ho said that the stale would attempt to show that on February 'J'J , lost , Captain A. U. Yocum took the life of Myron Van Fleet in a premeditated und malicious manner. They expected to show that ho admitted commit ting the crlmo afterwards. Further they would prove that ho miulo n threat previous to the shooting that ho would kill Van Fleet before sun down. This would prove their allegations of murder. Generate. .1. Ullworiti opened for the de fense. Ho showed that the charge of murder in tha llrst dcerco comprised manslaughter and murder In the second degree , both peni tentiary offenses. Ho says n person has a right to slay a transgressor on his properly , nn assailant or who attacks the honor of his family. Van Fleet had slanderoJ Yocum's family ; Yocum hoard of It and the next day slow Van Fleet. Tbo testimony of the witnesses agreed with tbo statement published in Tin : Ur.i : at the tlmo of the trugcdv. Condensed , it showed that Yocum nud Teenier hud boon to gether on the afternoon of the Iragody , and together wont into Fred Muchow's saloon. Yocum took a drjnk of whisky , but Jolt Teenier refused to drink. Tuoy then went up to T. C. Hurst's drug store , whore Yocum was overheard to say bo would kill Van Fleet before sundown. Yocum aud Teenier went out and the two walked up nnd down the street past Van Fleet's ofllco for half an hour. Then Van Fleet starled toward homo , but stopped at a clear store and began talkIng - Ing lo a couple of acquaintances. Yocam followed and when directly opposilo the cigar store turned and , pulling u revolver from his overcoat pocket , llred four shots nt Van Fl. > ot. Van Fleet ran Into the Hotel Bostwick , a few doors away , and Yocum followed him down. A policeman arrested Yooum nnd heard htm say that ho ban done the shooting. Van Fleet was laken homo and died thera from hemorrhage a few minutes later. After establishing these facts tlu > state rested Its case. case.Tho attorneys for tbn defense did but llttlo cross-examining and wcro not inclined to dis- nuto tbc facts as given. They called but one witness today , Colonel Isaac Lo Doyt , who toilified that bo bad seen Yocum going past tun ttostwicic at various limes. As the prosecution closed its case much sooner than expected , the defense , did not have Its witnesses present to go , upon the stand this afternoon. An adjournment Wus tukcn until tomorrow. During the progress of the trial the women have been In the minority among the specta tors. Of the 03U present this afternoon not moro than twelve were ladies. The jury in tins case is ns intelligent n body as ono could wish. All are listening very attentively to the testimony and some are taking notes of the principal points. So far nil has boon plain sailing , but when the time for testimony in rebuttal comes the most interesting part of Iho casa will be manifest. Think Muttis ! GUANO ISIAND , Nob. , March IS. [ Special toTiiE Bcc. | Tlui was physicians' day in the Cuylor ShulU murder case on trial in the district court. Dr. Pee of this city , who was the physician lo the family some ycara ago , nnd who , upon two occasions before the murder , made an examination of , Hlinlt/ , oc cupied the stand for two hours this morn lug tolling the jury nil ho know of Shultz' strange cruelty dtirine the sicknois of mem bers of the family ; of the wound Shultz hail long ago received und its effect on the brain. Ho thought ShulU was cro/.y. This afternoon Dr. Woo'or of this city occupied tbo witness stand. In nis opinion Shultz is insane. Dr. JCtmpp , into superin tendent of thu Insane asylum at Lincoln , \uis next on the stand. Ho gave a careful de scription of insanity tn all Its divisions. Having heard nil tbo evidence in tbo case , he wa decidedly of tbo opinion that Shultz was insane when ho shot Farr. The general bo- llof Is that the defense will win. The charge will probably go the Jury tomorrow night. Heath oT lion , ( teorgt ) llverett. BBATiiin : , Nob. , March 18. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bci..J Hon. George B. Everett , ono of the Jcadlng lawyers of this section ol tbo state , and a nrommcn' . public spaakor in tile republican causa throughout the stale , died at Excelsior Sprint's , Mo. , at noon today of Brigbt's disease. T'u ' remains will be Drought hero for interment. Tlio deceased leaves a wife nnd flvo small children. He was n native of North Carolina and was foi two years collector of internal revenue ol tbo Fifth North Carolina district. He was for fouryo.iM preceding ISSS register of the land oflico at Mitchell , S. D. Siticu which tlmo ho has been n resident ot Ilcatrlco. The bar of Uago county will meet ' .omorron evening to tauo appropriate action on his doaih. The funeral will tnko place Sundiii next. ( May County AKSCHIOI-S .Meet , CI.AY CBNTCH , Neb. , March 18 , | SpccIal tc Tin ; Bnu.l The assessors of Clay count } mot hero on the liHh , with nearly a full at tendance , and orgnnl/ed by electing L. S Backus chairman nnd M. 1) . G.itos nnd Join Dobson clerks. They uKrced on u schedule of values , placing uvurago hordes at & > 0 , cow : fill , fnt cattle and hogs nt market value April 1 , nnd all other pnrsonnl property at cash value on that date ; farm lands on n basis of $10 par iicro , lands within corporate limits of citnii and villages and not in tawi lots nt in to $10J par acre , nnd adopted f rule to assess all property at one-fourth of its value. Vorli'M Oratorical Content. YOIIK , Nob. , March IS. [ Special to Tin Bin : . ] Tbo oratorical contest ot the Hlgli school was held list night in the Bapt Isi chuich. The selections were divided Into throe classes tbo oratorical , dramatic ant humorous. The llrst pri/.o In the oratorical contest was won by Miss Julia Dart , the Jlrsi in tbo dramatic bv Mamie Gardner , and the ) lr.-t in the humorous by Cora Conaway , O these Miss Julia Dart was chosen to represent sent the school In the state content. Tramp * lliirKliiil/n u Hotel. DAKOTA CITV , ftob. , March IS. [ Special Telegram to TUB Ur.i : . | - Two tramps wbc applied for lodging at the Eureka hotel Wednesday night burglarlxed the wardrobr of the boarders early Thursday morning. They secured several suits of clothes und 'other personal property , They were tracet to CovitiBton by the sheriff , but there thej wcro lost. Toolc PoiBi'BHldii oT I he Ktorf. PIATTSMOUTII , Nob. , March IS ( Special tp Tun HEU.J This afternoon as Ofllccr Fit * pal rick was passing tbo Vienna bakery on Main street , his attention was attracted bj thosound of excited voices from within tbc building , nnd ho started to investigate. Oi cute-ring the door bo discovered Mrs. Nicl Enpol , an eccentric character of this place , in undisputed possession ot the premises. She bad driven out the clerks nnd was busily engaged in loading herself with sackntul bundles ot articles. On b"lng asked her business she replied that she was taking nway her goods. She was crazy and bcllovcd the store to bo bor own HIM" ' ! } * property. The oniccr , with the nsshl'of several citizens succeeded In gottltl o the city jail where she will languish' t other ar rangements can bo made. AV .T arrest her daughter , Louise , wonttlosliicncn , In the north part of tno city , - " . " xtraded from i\ bed tlok ? * UO In inonojvv. S the old lady had saved up. In nddltw J'Ms the woman had nn account nt ono\ * > prin cipal hanks. VjiTj ? A movement has boon started i'i' ) city to build u canal from the \ > ilrvor through the cltv for manufacV JJ'j , mlr" poaos. The committee having tin 'V wr Iu charge have mot with cncoiiraplU"f graj-'css and consulornblo money has ahv-r Bfejbceu subscribed to promote the project./ ! ! is ex pected that n preliminary survey will bo made nt omo , NAMINO TIIIMK rAXIMOATKS. Tleket * lor Vnrloin Sebniilci TOUIIH Being I'lueiMl III tinI'lrlil. . PiATTSMoi'Tii , Neb. , March IS. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Br.n. ] The democrats to night held their city convention nt Kockwood hull. Several very exciting contestwere had over the ofllccs , especially thosa ot mayor and city clerk. The convention was presided over by Charles Grimes and ( , . I ) . Jones nctcd as sccrelary. For mayor , Charles M. Duller was nominal d over John A. Gutsche , by a votoof ill loH ! ; Frank J. Morgan was nominated for treasurer by acclamation ; W. K. Fox was nominated for clerk over II. M. Bens by a vote of MS to 'J ; for polloo Judge M. Archer received the nomination on the lirst ballot. W. C. Wtllots and Charles D. Cummins wcro nominated for members of the school board by acclamation. Whllo the nominations were acquiesced Iu , a very bit ter feeling prevails , and It soonis probable that a citizens ticket will bo the result. BiHTitirE , Nub. , March IS. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BBK.I Tbo democratic primary election hold In this city last nlu-ht ruviltod In the election of delegations favoring K. U. Fogg for mayor nnd Richard Miilmtm for city treasurer. Councllmen were nominated only in two of the wards , K. B. Applcgot in the Fourth nnd Dr. L. A. Clausen in the second. The democratic city convention will beheld held tomoirow , and thu following tlcitot will In all probability bo placed In nomination : K. K. Fogg , mayor ; Ulchurd Mahunn , city treasurer ; W. G. Washburn for member of the school board. It Is probable th it the re publican nominee for cleric nnd one member of the school board will bo endorsed , or nt least no nominations will bo madu against them. NI.MUICITV : , Nob. , March -Special [ to TUB Bii.J : Amass mcotinir of the vari ous alliances was held ut tlio opera house Thursday evening. Hon. diaries Van Wyck , Kalston , Stormi nnd others gave in teresting talks. Much spirit nnd zeal is man ifested in the work , which Is potent in the control ot the political affair * of this county. Wrupixn WATIIII , Neb. , March IS. [ Spe cial Telegram to Tin : Uni : . I At the repub lican city convention tonight tlio following candidates wcro placed in nomination to bo voted on April 5' George Adams , mayor ; Captain Sclmrffor , clerk ; Charles Webster , treasurer ; J. E. Loyda , police judge , and M. M. Butler , chairman of tbo city central com mittee. Bum , Nob. , March 18. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BII : . ] The inoopendcnts mot tonight in tbo council chambers nnd nom inated the following ticket : Mayor , A. C. Jones ; city clerk , Carl SehmaLonborg ; city treasurer , Joe S. Cook ; city engineer , W. 11. Hill ; councllmon , First ward , Pat Quinlan : Third , Chris Schmidt ; Fourth , George W. Neff. No nomination was made for Second ward. For members of the . .chool board , J. H. Stewart. L. U. Fletcher , K. S. Gavlord and Tom Wilkinson wi'ro selected. T. F. Kelly was chairman of the convention nnd 12. A. Stewart secretary. A mass convention for nil parties is called for next Tuesday evening at Geni.ania hall. Jt'NHTA , NcD. , March I1 * . ( Special Tele- eram to Tin : Hiit. : | - Cill/.jns met in caucus this afternoon and nominated n full anti- license ticket. Thovarc : ( ! . T. lirown , Gil bert Fuber , Amos Shattuclr , Phillip Hoover nnd D. M. Ball. Mollclr.loliii Declares Illiusoll. FKKMOXT , Neb. , March IS. [ Spaclal to Tin : UIE. : ] Hon. G. D. Meiklojohn of Fill- lorton was in Fremont today , nnd while here bo gave it out that he was a candidate for tbo nomination for congress on the repub lican ticket. "I am willing the awful fact should bo known , " said Mr. Meiklejohn , In a linn voice nud with un air of fr.xuluioss. "There will bo no stealth In my efforts to secure the nomination. 1 will take it and maito tbo strongest light for success that 1 can possibly inaKo. If there Is some other candidate which the nominating convention might think would bo a bettor vote getter than I and it sees lit to nominate him , then I am for him most earnestly. It Is clear that this Is n year when party should be placed first nnd persons next. " "When will you begin your canvass ! " "I urn going to begin richt nway ; I am going to swing around the district m the- next two weeks. " FUEMONT , Nob.March IS. [ Special to Tin : Bni.J The Nye .t Schneider company of this city have Just bought of J. S. Baker that gentleman's elevator nnd lumbar yards nt Crowoll nnd West Point. This gives the Nye t Schneider company forty-four ele vators along the line of tbo Fremont , Elkhorn - horn & Missouri Valley road In Nooraslta. T/io6s.i.v/ or r.i'rn.i : DUiihtroiii KUVels ol Hut Storm In Colorado , Mmv Mexico anil Texan , Four \VOUTII , Tex. , March IS. The snow and wind storm which raged several days from Wyoming to central Texas , has been exceedingly severe upon live slock. In southern Colorado the loss to cattle and sheep will bo very great , Thou sands have bcn f 10/211 to death In New Mexico nnd ncrtheni Texas. H is estimated Hint ' . ' 0,01)0 ) calllu pornhod along the line of the Denver , Tixiu fc Gulf road between Trinidad , Coin , , und Fort Worth , and us many moro north and east ol Trinidad. Tlio storm , however , lias been salvation to thu wheat crop in nortborn Texas , which looks liner than ut any time during several years. Thu I'll' . ! ICeeiinl. ST. Lot'is Mo. , March 18. Fire this morn ing In thu Immense tobacco factory of Llg- got ft Myers damaged the property * l,10,00 ( ) . Many women ami children employed wcro panic stricken , but got out in safety. The Dentil Itoll. PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , March IS. Hubert M. Blackburn , the oldest coal operator In west ern Pennsylvania , died yesterday. lie was very wealthy , and wai known to all rkvor men. Illi'd In Ilio Ilinpllul. Nnw YOUK , March IS. H , K. Gabler , the Cotectlvo barber from Montana , who was taken to Bellevue hospital unconscious yes terday morning , died today ut'-:15 ! : a. in. Ill * Iloily hinted In Tu < > . Br-NTOs HAIIIIOII , Mich. , March 18. B. F. Hill , proprietor of a saw mill Ir. Mlllburg , was thrown against n circular saw nnd killed yesterday. Iln body was cut in two. Co.il .Mines Mint DOHII , MAIIOXKV Cirir , Pa. , March 18.--A1I the collieries in this district shut down today until further notico. How long the suspen sion will last Is not known. rolleeiiiiin DIcH orTj-phu * IVirr , NEW YOUK , March IS , Sanitary Police man O'Connor died early Ibis morning on North Brother * ' Island from fi.t.nu ffvur. LIFE ENOUC11 FOR ONE DAY Paris autl BorHu See Plenty of Anniversary , Oolobratiors for Once , ONLY EVENING UP WITH HER HUSBAND MIIIP. SpltlpRpt llnriipil Her Sptunr to llrntb 1'olk'ii : iiu | Aimrehl-.li In Collliilou KnlMT U'lllirlm'-i C'nliliipt Is In ( ) | H'ii liotolt. ISli tin Jtmn ( Inntnn H.'iill'/M Puns , March IS. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : linn. I A woman named Schlogol , wishing to uvongu herself upon her husband , who had ncctiioil her of Inlldollty , saturated his night robe with ) ) otroloum ami then sot it on lire. She looked on while f burned to dentli. Ho was burned beyond rcrognltlon. i'arls has boon perfectly quiet today. TUB celebration of the anniversary of the com- rau.no has been without untoward incident up to the present hour. Berlin baa plenty of oxcltemcnt today. Knormous crowds of workmen wont to the Frlcdorichshain cemetery , whore nro In terred n number of luow who foil in the 1813 movement. All those who paraded were roil ribbons. Crowns nnd motto * wcro placed upon the graves. Some of the Inscription * read : "Long Live Anarchy ; " "Hurrah for Poverty. " Strong boJlea of polica lined the thoroughfare leading to the cemolory nnd | allowed everyone to piss. Up to 1 o'clock everything was tranquil. At 1 , :1J : o'clock I there was not a slnclo socialist Journal to ba sot In the city. They were all sold. They | were printed on red paper. I > 'ollUllt lit till ! ( illtl- . At 2 o'clock the llrst tuttle botwcen the I paraders and the pilicj occurred. About [ fi,000 , of tno former were returning from the I cemetery and wanted to pass through tho'l Ltmtzdorg g.itc. The police obstructoj the I way nnd the worltnun pressed on , attacking' [ .the police with stones. Then the mounted I police charged the crowd , using their sabres and wounding many. Sovoiul wcro so scrlI I ously hurt that they h.id to ba taken to a I hos D'L till. The number nf visitor * to the comstory was romavltnuie , fully UO.'JJJ having made th < > | journey. At I o'olooK the troubla was renewed and | the police frequently charged the crowd. Ti-ouhlii In tliu C.ililnrl. The political situation in Germany ] us | now Is very serious and ministers are talking I of resigning. H is rumored that Chancellor I Von Cuprlvl hoi resigned. At u cabinet connell - 1 ell yesterday the emperor was very Irritablol and very nervous. Ho roproachcu the chnn1 1 ccllor and the minister. * in regard to the Loll scolairo. Count Vou Xodlitr , minister of I public instruction anil of public worship , who I hud drawn tlio law under orders from thol emperor , arose and without saying a word passed Into a neighboring chamber , wroip. out his resignation and sent It In by a aur- | vnut. Chancoilor von Caprivl was ronmrKinprl upon the difllcul role Count von X.odlithad ! to play , when the emiisror rappL'd for sileiico. Caprivi said no more , but waited until thvl inorntnir , when the emperor sent for-hlm. ! lintcad of resr-onding , it Is said that tbo | chancellor sent his resignation. The situation became complicated when ill was learned that the emperor was not inl Berlin , but had sot out for HubortsbUrg ; ! without any warning nnd nobody know whcnl ho would return. Thoi-cforo it is not known ! whotlicro time resignations are delinito. it is said Hint tlio rosiijnations of Count ! von Xeidlilz und of Herr Hurrgurth , ministorl of the interior , are Irrevocable. Consequently - quently , the political world Is In a state ofl worry. It Is aho stated that ICmperorVil - ham wanted a grant of r > J,000OJO , which ! the minister : , and tlio Ucichstag opposed. Ill Is rumored that the Lei Scolalro will bcl withdrawn and that the emperor will follow ! the policy of tlio liberals , but a mojorltv ell the deputies bollovo that the emperor will ! not yield , and then tlio uillicultlos will bo iu , creased. blioun On Their Merlin. This was tbc opening day of tbo exposition ! of independent artists , that Is to .say , oil those who no not rccognl/.o the jury oil painters. Them nro many bad pictures' and ! very low good ones , hut therenro 'somil superb landscapas bv an unknown pointer ! named Cbarlev Cluillout , Ono of them i : | called "Grande Cilolre.1 ST. CEIIE. 1) / ; . ! / > 7.V .1 Jt.lTII Tl'lt , Slclcilpss CIUISIM n Di'iixrr Woniiiii lo T I | HIT I. II.- . Devvnii , Colo. , March lb. Mrs. . / , A. Smitll was found duad In the b.ilh tub of her rest ! deuce this oveniiiL' , having committed tull cido uy cutting hur throat in n ghastlv manl nur. iilooil was smeaied over the room antl on thu largo knlto which she used to coiniiU'f the duod. Mrs. Smith has been sick for so'no timil past and it is ald lier mind was unbalanced ! She was 1.1 years eld. Wlion her deiuli wail made known to linr husband ho alloimitod til kill himself , but was frustrated mid is nov being guarded , as ho threatens to follow th' [ example of his wife. I'lour Output. MINNKroi.i' , Minn. , March 17 , ThJ Woiteni Miller says : "As a roault of foul additional mills being Idto the Hour output last wock showu.1 itiito | a docronsu. Tbo ngl crcgato production for the wouk was IM.Ol oarrtils-averaging 2flrW barrels dally-l against itOlC : ( ) barrels the previous wcekl I'.Ti/JOO barrels for tbo corresponding tlma ill IfaUl nnd l r,703 Uixri-oU In 18'JO ' , Prices III Hour show a decline In ( sympathy with thoi'l ol wheat. Tin ) direct export shipments lasl week were only HU.SIO burrols , asuinst 02,70 | barrels the piuccdlng wecic. > o\v Tlii'.v ' I'iiy Tliclr I'urr. HOSTON , Mass. , March 13. The llrst rosull of the passage of thu anti-free pass bill wnl shown In nn appropriation bill reported hi thu llnunco comrnltton today , which rccoul incndH tbo appropriation of ? I8TK ( ) for truvull ling oxpensi's of momboM of thu house , un for the senators. Tun Ui'ulhk Iniiii rolnin , NASIIVII.I.I : , Tout ) . , March IH. Poison ll food ill supper last night rosuUcd In of two youug daughtcis of Mrs. K. this morning. Tbo other members nf tt family uro In a critical condition , Itoboil Mcliubt ) , u young son , has uocn arrc&tcit it the poisoner , Klllcil IlixVllu .mil Clillilrrn , SIN Fit\.xiiKo , Cal. , March 18. Adviccl from AtivklandKon' /.aalundstate thut Duil can .Monroe , step-son of the lute James ] ) . dell , late mayor ol Tnuranga. on February 'I ' In a 111 of roliglous mania , killed hU wife unf lour cliililicn. Titcnt-IUc TliiiiMiml Dolliin Short. LouibviM.r , ICy. , March 18. Christian belvors of the Slovors & Carson Hardwail co-npany , is f-iUQO ; short In his account ! Tin . - iinmny. with aiscu of t00tW , Uil Kvtf i , . oliijuidatluu.