Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : . TltniSDAY , MARCH 17 , 1802.
Grain Dealers Propose to Unite for Protec
tion and Advancement ,
Letter * Srnl In ( lie ri\o HunilriMl Dcnlcr * In
tlio Htitn HenellU that Wnutil
Arlur Tlirnugli tinPro -
poni'il Cicilltluiit
For some time the grain men of Omaha
have been talking about starling a movement
for the formation ot a stnto grain snippers'
association , 1 1 has boon argued that other
btiilnon men have organizations which have
proven of mutual benefit to the members ,
nnd that the grain business Is certainly in as
much need of an organisation at any other
kind of buslncs ) . Besides discussing the
subject among themselves , tbo locnl grain
men hnvo consulted \\lth a good many ship
pers from other Nebraska noints , nnd the
general opinion expressed 1ms boon to tha
olToot that some kind 'of an organization
uhould bo formed.
As nrasultof this ( talk tlio following cir
cular was mailed yesterday to between
lour and five hundred Nebraska grain men.
OHAIU , Neb , Mnroh M. Bin : Alan Informal
mal mooting whore thu trucin was discussed , It
suomuil to Uc tlio opinion that the past sea
son's business has been ono of in'iny trliils ,
and that the grain men of Nebraska should
form a trade orxanlrntlun similar to that of
the imiiiufiiclurerH or lumbermen's associa
tions , which hnvo proven of grout benefit to
those brutuhes of imMncsi
The Intercuts of tlio eriiln men of Nebraska
mu certainly lik'iitlcal , mid the forming of mi
iiHsoulatlou mid liavliiK u ceneral iiiectltli ;
( incour twice a your lit soniecontial point ,
til ulilcli iiiUAllniisif ] ) Kenural Interest could bu
ilKcus < > ed , would lirlni ; nlmutii belter umlcr-
Kti.ntlliiK of tnulliod and put us In position to
fuMhurlhu Inteiests of the trade toaniiieh
grantor degree than when uellng Indopundent
of each other. , ,
The expense of such an association would
only he nomlniil.
If the plan inuots with the approval of a
Wllllclpiil nuinbcr , ucill will bo Issued fora
mcetliutu bu held at an curly date , at some
central point. Are you In favor ofthoaboxo
plan , and when would ho your most conven
ient time to attend such a meeting to discuss
the matter ? yours truly , etu. , Omnlm ( irnln
Cuiiiintttoc. Addicss nil replies to 1' . C.
Hwartauorotary , Uiiiaha. Nou.
If a sufficient number of favorable replies
nio received from the grain men ot the state
immediate sloiis will bo taken to call a meet
ing at which un organization can uo formed
n accordance with the Ideas of the tua-
F , C. Swnrtcraln buyer , said : "It Is tlmo
that thu grain men folio woJ the example of
other business men and formed an associa
tion. 1 believe such an organization would
bo of incalculable bencllt to tuo grain men of
Nebraska. "
G. J. Hallsbick of Ashland , who was ro-
reutly In the city , said : "Au organi/atiou is
benollclal to any line of business. "
C. 11. Fowlerof the Fowler Klovator com
pany , Omaha I am very much lu favor of a
state orgiiul/ation of the grain men.
.1. B. Christian , Omaha An organization
is as essential to the grain business as to any
other line of business. Tlio lumbermen have
an organization nnd I understand that It has
been very beneficial to the trade. Grain men
have none and have been knocked about from
pillar to post. If wo can have nn organl/n-
tion and moot two or three times a year It
uould bo a great boticllt and wo could ac
complish results that an individual could not.
Wo could look Into delays in shipments , grain
lilockndos , otc. Three weeks ago our firm
received a letter that grain which was
shipped to Baltimore in December
\vas being held In an clovator nt
1'eoilo. The party ot Baltimore will
iclusu to take the grain and it will bo thrown
back on our hands. Some heavy Ooalcr in
Bnkimoiv , for uxamplo. who hns a special
rate , will contract for .1.000 cars of grain to
bo shipped over a corlaiu route within a
given tlmo when , perhaps , 1,000 cars would
bo all that the route named could proporlv
handle within the Hpccilled , tlmo. Koutlug
grain In this wav causes the blockades on
the roads. Now It the grain could go to the
seaboard over the natural route or over any
route that could handlu u there would bo no
trouble from freight blockade ? . Last wlntoi
the blockade was the worst over known and
shippers suffered heavy losses from that
cause. 1 think that with an organization we
could look Into such nutters nnd porhana
mid no mo remedy for them. Wo could alsc
have an nrbltiallon committee that cou'.d
adjust any Illtlo difference that might arise
between buyer and seller. I have been talk'
ing up this matter of an organiialion fet
three months and have consulted a large
number of prominent groin dealers at different
ont points In the state and have found thai
they are all in favor of doing something ol
the kind , Among those who have oxprcsscc
themselves as in favor of an organization 1
rccull the names of Spelts & Klostorman
David City ; Frank White , PJattstnouth
Harris Bros. . Lincoln ; J. D. BiaworAlbion
Wilt Bros. , I'lcnsanton ; Skinner & Kavnn
Martland ; Cottrcll Gram company , Seward
There were a good many others whoso name ;
I do not recall at this moment. J will saj
that If wo call a meeting ot the grain men
you will bo surprised to see the number tha
will respond.
Mr. Coekrell of Cookrell Bros It looks u
mo as if the grain men ought to got them
BOlvos into such shnpo that they can tool
after tbo interests of the grain business. Ai
organization would bring the grain man to <
gothor. Wo coulu bavonn arbitrating com
inittoo to look after differences that arc
nlwnrs liable to nrlso between buyers am
Kellers. There nro a good many ether things
that suon an organization could look :
example , there is too much routing for grain
A. B. Jaqulth , of the Omaha Clovator com
iiany An organization would bo very bono
llclal to dealers and to the trade at largo
The grain men , being unorganized , canuo
nsk any favor of the railroads or anyom
else In n way that would carry any weigh
with It. Wo have been wanting a mlllinc it
transit rate , bul Iho grain men notbolngii
bhapo to take any concentrated action wo an
unable to got it. Such an association wouli
also bo of benefit to the shippers of the ntat <
in the Influence that it would have upon un
scrupulous buyers who use every pretext ti
cut the Nebraska shipper. If wo bad at
association the action ot such a buyc
would become known to the members am
they could bo on their guard very often I
the market happens to go lower casten
buyers 111 claim reductions and thosblnpo
Is forced to allow them , however uufal
they may bo. If there was an organlzatioi
and the fact was generally known it woul
liavo n l os training Influence on buyers wb
nro inclined to bo unfair In tholr dealings
for while they would not hosltato to offon
nn Individual shipper to curry their polnl
they would hesitate about offending th
whole state.
J. A. Connor I nm In favor of an orgnulzn
ttou and bcllovu tbut It would bu vorv bcnc
I'mlsi ) Moil in .Merit.
Tbo success of Chamberlain's cough rom
cdy In offoullng a spcody euro of la grippe
colds , croup and whooping cough , ha
broucht It Into great demand , Messrs. Poi
tlus & Son ot Cameron , O , , say that it tin
gained a reputation second to nouo In tha
vicinity. Jamas M. Queen of Johnston
Vn , , says it Is the best ho over used. B i
Jones , druggist , \Vlnona , Miss. , SA.VB
"Chamberlain's cough remedy Is perfect !
reliable. I Imvo always warranted It am
It novel- failed to give the most perfect Bails
faction , " 60 cent bottles for ualo by drug
fists. _
O.M : r.vm ; ixtujtstox :
To OliUliumii March ! i'J.
Itounil trip tickets will bo on bnlo vi
Bnntii Fo rnuto , March 22 , from n
points in Kansna and Nobrnslca to point
in Oklahoma untl return at rate of on
fnro for tlio round trlu. TlcUols pee
until April 21. Ston-ovors allowed i
Oklahoma. For tickets upd full infoi
jniitloii npply to 'your nonrobt tloke
ujjont or nddross M L. Pulmor , pnssor
Kor uRont Santa Fo Houto , 1310 Farnai
street , Oiuiihn.
, IulK ( lirrka'f lileu.
Judge Berka is troubled about a duposltic
of the grist of vags and drunks which a ]
uoars before him day after day the yei
round , Tberq is npvorkhouso and lit !
jorospect of ever Retting ono and a few dayi
rest at the county Jail is no punishment.
The Judge tttlnka that a part of the uioue
paid for their board at tha county Jail an
the expenses of periodical arreits and trials
would bo sufficient to osUblUh n fund for
their treatment at omolnstltuto for the ruro
of drunkenness , There Is a certain class
which could bo-reclaimed in this WAV tf the
euro Is worth anything and ho would agrcn
to see that they wcro treated it thu council
would provide the funds.
Mrs. L. H. Patton , Hockford , III. , write * :
"From personal experience I can recommend
DoVVItt'S Snrsapsrlllit , n euro for impure
blooJ and goner u debility. "
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist. Ilia building
C. IX Wood worth & Co. , successors to
Wolty & Guy , 11110 Furnam street , nuui-
ufncturcrs nnd ilcnlors in harness , sad
dles , etc.
Tailors Wanted lit Mrt'onlc.
Two cout tnnlcors nnd ono ono panls
ninkur wnntud Itnmodlntoly.
II. KAPKH , McCoolt , Nob.
Attention A. O. II ,
Ilcndqtmrtors for Irish flags Omnlm
Tent nnd Awnlnp Co. . 11115 Fiirnum.
The Cnstlo Cure institute guranteos to
plnce n man wlioro liquor will never
n train bo n necessity or u tcmplntlon , no
matter how long or how hard u man
may have drunk : the Cnstlo Cure instl-
Into Kttarantees a euro. Call nt the in
stitute , 1110 Ilnrnoy St. , Omahn ,
Uenrgo llofTiu n's I.tiok < ! ol Him Into n
U'liolo I.ut of Trouble.
It Is surprising liow much woo can bo in-
cubntcd from n llttln soomlngly Innocent fun ,
and no ono rcall/cs this moro than George
Hoffman , who runs n livery stable al-lilgh-
toenth nnd St , Mary's avenue * .
OnScptombori last , Hoffman won n fitio
pair of horses at a rafltc , but on the very
next day William Smaller , who had owned
the animals , replevlnoJ them , alleging that
they had been taken from him by gambling ,
which was Illegal , and on the llth George I1.
Wnkollold had Hoffman aricstcd on a charge
of larceny ns bailee , but the latter was dls-
charged by Judjro liUolle. ,
Ho then tiled nn ailklavit to replevin Iho
animals from Constable Clark , but it seems
that ho made n serious inlstaks In so dour ; ; ,
as the Jury in the case that was subsequently
brought against him returned a verdict
yesterday stating thatHoffman ; was guilty of
perjury as charged , and all because of ono
little weak , bow-legged and apparently In-
slgnlllrant statement that ho muda in his
affidavit for replevin. It seems that Hoff
man su ere that the property had never boon
tnlton from him by duo process of la\V , nnd It
Is for this that ho is convicted.
The facts brought out on the trial before
Judge Davis reveal a stnto of affairs in Judge
Brando's court that Is somewhat
peculiar. Hoffman swore that Frank
Munn , nn attorney who has already
achieved considerable notoriety of various
brands and descriptions , and Judge Brandos
both told him that thu property could bo ro-
plovlncd nnd that acting on this Information
nnd particularly on the advice of Munn , who
drew up tbo falsifying document for him , ho
signed thoaflldavit that made him guilty of u
scrlouk cilmo.
It Is further alleged that Clark , tbo constable -
stable , was also a party to the rtoal , notwith
standing the fact that ho had taken posses
sion of the horses for George I' . Wakotield
on tha writ issued by Judge Morrison. It is
claimed that ho felt sere toward Wakofleld
because the latter had failed to contributors
which the constable thought ho ought to have ,
and for this reason ho was instrumental In
inducing Hoffman to again replevin the ani
mals , In order to wreck a potty revuugo on
It is stated that Munn left the city
n order to avoid being called as n wit
ness in the perjury case , for fear that his uu-
savory connection with the original deal
might got him Into trouble. And It Is far
From bolng certain that this will not bo the
case , ns his action Is condemned' in the sa-
vorost terms in the immediate vicinity of the
sacred precincts of the court , and there is n
strong disposition to call him severely to ac
count as an accessory to the crime.
The rtatutos provide for punishing perjury
by anything from n casual visit to the peni
tentiary to llfloen years seclusion there , and
an accessory gets it Just as hard as a princi
pal. Hoffman does not propose to go to Lin
coln if ho can help it , and has filed a bond for
an appeal.
Judge Hopowell is uoariog the case of
Wood against the city ot Omaha.
The case of Huloir against Witsio
Is on in Judge Doano's court. The
plaintiff filled ut > on .something stronger
than condensed milk and whllo in
that condition tumbled over and re
ceived divers wounds nnd bruises. For each
bump ho wants several hundred dollars from
the man who sold him the lex tangling fluid.
.luuffo Ferguson and a Jury are hearing the
casoot Campbell & Talbot against Burling
ton Fire insurance company. The plaintiffs
want $170 insurance on their ofllco furniture
that was damaged at the Browning j King
flro two years ago. Ihe company claims that
after the insurance was placed tbo plaintiffs
moved into another building without notify
ing them , and their stock was therefore not
insured at the place wbero it was damaged.
Judge Scott is hearing the arguments in
case of Wakofleld against Connor.
Judge ICoysor Is dovnling his attention to
tbo lloivoll Siller lumber caso.
Judge Hopowoll overruled the motion of
Leopold A. Wfllwooa to have sot aside the
decree of dlvorco granted his wife ono j ear
ago. _
Gesslor's Magic Headache Wafers euros
all headaches in 'JO minutes. At nil druggists
St. Put rick's Duy C'elelirutloii 1'urnilr.
Plattsmouth , J.lnroh 17. On Thurs
day , Mnrch 17 , the Burlington Route
will run a special train to Platlsmouth
nnd return , leaving tlio union depot ,
Omahn , ut 0 n , in. nnd returning from
Plattfltnoulh ( U 11 p. in. Tickets for
the round trip 45c. Satisfactory nr-
rnngemonts have boon made with the
clerk of the weather , nnd a "good time"
may bo anticipated.
W. F. Valll , 1223 Pnrnntn street ,
City Ticket Agent.
, \ftrr Mirny IMIIIciill lrn Omnlm mill Council
llhillH Kmplojr * ArnuiK" Muttvrrt.
The railway car cleaners , oilers and inspec
tors of this city ana Council Bluffs have been
endeavoring for some time to foi ma union.
Several poorly attended meetings have been
held nnd Tuesday night another attempt to
organize was made. A mooting , presided
ever by Deputy Organl/or Bcrgmnn was
hold at Clark's hall , on Fouiloontn street ,
behind closed doors.
Two or three dozen laboring men Inter
ested themselves in the matter nnd drummed
up a crowd ot about llfty. The organization
wont along all right until the matter
of paying out hard cash came up
and then moro than half of these
present loft. The * few who remained
perfected an organization as a ledge of the
Brotherhood of Hallway Carmen , The fol
lowing olllccrs were elected and installed !
A. A , Smith , chief carman ; H. A. U. John <
son , vlco chief carnutii G. II. Miller , locord-
ing secretary ; S. U. Bagd , ttnunclal secretary
tary , and J , A. Palmqulst , treasurer. A
board of trustees were * also elected. They are
J. M. 1'utnpy , O. E. Olson and J. M. Paulson ,
In Omaha and Council Bluffs there are aboul
100 car men who could bo easily orennlzeii
into a substantial union if thu matter was
started la the right way.
On account of thu difference of opinion ol
the men It may bu a dllllo lit matter to maln <
tain a permanent organization hero. Thh
new ledge of the brotherhood will mootngaii
at the hume place next Wednesday ovonlnj
and after that lv > lco a month.
Jack Roan Takes Three Ineffectual Shots at
an Enemy ,
No ArrrnM Are .M.nlo Uimn mill tlio Mull
Attacked l.etuc thn Cll } An Knjoy-
nblc School Kntrrtnlninrnt Xc
Itrnn nntl rcr onnlji.
A shooting aflray occurred on Thirteenth
street Just south of No Man's land yesterday
afternoon which tnlRht have resulted fatally
if the marU nmnshlp of the pattlclpants had
not been Impaired by liberal nnd frequent
potntlons ,
The trouble xvas the result of n quarrel that
occurred about two year * ngo. At that
time John Hoan was employed ns n subcon
tractor on sonio grading contracts hy Con
tractor 1'rltchard. Ho employed n dilver
namoa Kirk and when the settlement was
mudo Kint claimed $ .1 moro than Uoan was
wllllni ; to t > y. Some hot words passed nt
the time , but Uoan went , to Kansas and the
affair was apparently forgotten.
Koau returned to South Omahn the other
day and found that Kirk had obtained the & )
from n man who owed Hotm n bill nnd had It
churgod to Hoan. The latter sword thrtt. ho
would kill Kirk when ho saw him , nnd tie
mot him on 'fhlrtoenlh street yesterday af
ternoon. Hoth men wcra into.Mcated nt the
time , nnd Hoan drew a bin ro-
volvtr and blazed nway. The bul
let passed through Kirk's hat and the
latter lost no tlma In Retting out of the way.
Hoan fired two inoro Ineffectual shots at his
rapidly retreating opponent before ho was
disarmed by his friends. The matter was
hushed uflbiJKonn's giving Kirk money to go
toKansas , and both men got out of town la t
night. The case xvas reported to the police ,
but the principals hud mode themselves
scarce nnd no arrests wcro inndo.
lly tlio ticlinliitft of St. Amirs' "School.
There was a largo attendance nt the enter
tainment given by the pupils of St. Agnes'
school In Blum's hall last nipht. The enter
tainment oDoned with a chorus by the school ,
"Tho Prettiest Little Island In the Ocsan.1'
An Instrumental trio lor three pianos was
favoiablv reeowod. The participants wcro
Misses Mollie Ilor , Anna McMahon , .loslo
Hatpin , Mary Lynch , Alicii Haltertv and
Kunlco Knsor. Anlohurp , Miss Teresa
Miss Mncgio Murphy recited "Morning on
the Irish Coast , " alter which the oporatta
"Hcd Hiding Hood" was given , with the fol
lowing cast of characters :
Hcd Hiding Ilooil . Miss Anna McMahou
Ilor Motliur . Mlsi Kiitio Desmond
Tliu Wolf . Miss TCTOSII C.tsiov
1'uliy ( Juocn . Miss lomili' Ktino
The specialties included in tha opcratta
wore a recitation by Miss Alice KafTerty , n
eypsy clinrus , an instrumental iluot by
Mlises Casoj nnd KifTerty , and a hoop drill
nnd march. A number of interesting num
bers followed , after \\hich Hon. John Hush
delivered n short address. Mho outoilnin-
mont closed with the tableau "America and
Krln United. "
Notes an. I 1'i'iMoimN.
John Dee has roturnoit from Crete.
W. S. Cool : of Wakelield was in the city
J. K. Aitcuibon of Umaha was in the city
J. M. Cross of Crescent , la. , is the guest of
L. N.Johnson.
Fred Muter and H. B. Hall of Western ,
Nob. , were In the city yesterday.
The Six Associates will gi\o r.n entortnln-
inont nnd ballln , Blum's ' hall tonight.
D. C. Leroy left yesterday for a montli'a
visit with his parents at Hlllsdalc , Mich.
Daniel A. Sharps of this city has taucin a
marriage licence "to wed Florence Goodwin
of Omaha.
Lawrence Maxwell , a vagrant , will sponil
the next thiity davs > in the county jail at the
icquest of Judge King.
Bcohivu loJgo No. 1S1 of the Masonic order
will \\ork utidor the Master Mason dojreo at
their mooting tonight.
Bruce McCullough of the Stockman
mouinstho loss of n valuable mastiff ilog
which was stolen the other day.
The Ancient Order of Hiborians will go to
Pluttsmouth today to assist in the celebra
tion of St. 1'atiick's day. Tlio train leaves
Omaha : it ! ) o'clocir.
The horse maikot is unusually nctlvo
today. Fifty-two hordes were sold before
noon. Sinale lioises brought MO to $170 and
teams sold as high ns $275.
All members of Upchuroh Ledge No. 'J ,
Degree of Honor , arc requested to bo piosoin
nt the regular nicotine March Hi. Grand
Hccoidor L. A. I'uvno will bo present.
Miss Maud Piquet returned yesterday
from n two week's visit at Missouri Valley.
She was nctomnanied by her cousin , Alibi
Kate Tameslu , who will spend a week in the
The inmates of the notorious dive on Twen
ty-seventh street next to the Baptist church
wore couvieiou of vagrancy for the second
tune within n week'bafori ) Judpo King yosr
tcrday afternoon. Two were lined $ I , " > 'and
costs each and the others $10. They were
committed to the county Jail in default of
payment , but late night they were re
leased on u bond of itiUO , furnished by Georco
H. Davis of Omaha
The young ladles of the Presbyterian
church mot at the roaldonco of Miss Klia
McDonald , Twenty-third and J streets , last
evening to rehearse the Dolsartian entertain
ment which Is to bo elven at the church next
Tuesday ovenlnir. Misses Allen atidiCotLhum
of the Omaha conservatory of music , who
nro training tlio young ladles , s > ald that the
South Omaha young ladles showed the most
talent of any they had over Instructed.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Cornish nro giving n
series of receptions nt their homo , Tvventv-
second and K streets , in honor of their guest ,
Miss Baithotomow of Valparaiso , Inu. Last
evening the married people were entertained
and adollghtfu evoninj ; wasenjoyod. Instru
mental duets bv Dr. Berwick ana Mr. Land-
berg were among the pleasure" of tno even-
In ; ; . High live was the principal amusement
and a sumptuous supper was served. Mr.
and MBS. Cornish will entertain a party ol
young pcoplo at ton this evening ,
nradycrotlno Is the only medlclno I ovci
found that stouped my head from aching , I
never intend to be without it. Mrs. L. .f.
Unit-stem , Martlnsvlllo , Henry county , Vn.
The Cnstlo Cure Institute hns the best
euro for morphine in the world. Cull nt
the iiibtltuto , 141(1 ( Ilnrnoy st. , Oiniihn ,
and consult Dp. B. F. Monroe , physlciiui
in cluirgo , who Is authority on this sub.
Henry Leo , who with his players will ap.
pear at the Farnum Street thoatsr for an on-
cagoinont beginning tonight , has had n ro {
mnrkablo experience as actor and manager ,
Two yours ngoaftcr his starring tour in "The
Suspect1 ho went to London and secured the
lease to the Avenue theater of London. He
organized n syndicate with u capital of several <
oral hundred thousand pounds , and attempted
to producn successful American diumns thoio ,
The result ib veil Known. The British In.
tellect was unable to grasp the subtln points
of the American wit which was set before
them , and Leo and his backers were given an
expensive lesson. Even sucn a populni
comedy as ' 'The Henrietta" failed to attraci
the Londoners. Mr. Leo lost a small fortune
In this venture , but nothing daunted came
d it n o DB'PMCES
) n Baking
y a Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the vSUnuclard
bnck to Atncr1 * vt > rpnnlziMl A powerful com
pany , nnil itifttdd out on Iho most successful
tour of his llfo. * _
Theater peers nnJ IOVOFA of refined niorrl-
mcnt of n hlgh-ortlor of cucelleneo will hall
with dollcht tbo Announcemsnt ttant Ohnilos
Frohman' * coraetllans , from Now York , In
that phenomefttilLv successful comeily farce.
"Mr. Wllklnsch's Widows , " will have Its
first Omihn pro entatlon nt thu now rtovd
theater for three nlchts , March 21. S3 nnd 23 ,
with the cast which 1ms chnrnctcilzoj Its
siiccom In New York , Uoston , Philadelphia.
Chicago anil Ban Francisco , Urcalcinp nil
previous corafdy records. The dcmnml for
oats has betn very hoavv for the three
night onKagomoht. Mr. Prouman hat so-
looted a strong comedy company , Including
Joseph HolUirld , ' Georgia Drew Harrymoro ,
Thomas II. Barni , Crally iiankcr , TUomus
W. Hyloy , Mnltla Ferguson , Edward Coleman -
man , A nhlo Wood , John W. Thompson nna
AdolaliloOroj- . _
This ovotilriK Donroan Thompson's great
play "Tho Two Sisters" will open its four
night's run at Ho.vd's now theater. The plcco
was produced hero lastseiuon ntul fuvornbly
received , the audiences growing larpor at ,
every performonco. "Iho Two Sisters'1
combines ttio fun of n lloyt piny with fun
of n higher grade ; situations ns thrilling ns
nny In " .Ilm , the 1'enman ; " pathos ns nflccl-
ItiR as "Camllo , " ntul n lesson as pure ntul
profitable as "Hazol Klrko. " It will , bo pro-
Boutcd by au admtrablo company , nna tauiue
specialties Introduced where tliuv lit natu
DoWltt's Sarsaparllla cloauscs the blood ,
Incrcascstho oypetllo and touus up the sys
tem. It hns banollttcd many people who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
_ _
A tllscaso , troatcd 113 such nnd pormn
nontly cured. No publlcltv. No inllrtn
ary. Homo tronlinont. lliirinloss nnd
olTuctunl. Ilufor by permission to Bur-
llnpton Iltuvkoyo. Send -c stump for
pamphlet. Shokoqnoii Chotnical Co , ,
Burlington , In.
U" " AVurr.uito 1'iocci'illiiKS ARiiliiRt 1'ollco
C'oiniiilKnloiirrH Hiirtnmn mill ( illlirrl.
A dispatch from Lincoln yesterday stated
that Attori'oy General Hastings had com-
men cod quo win r.uito ptocccdtnps in the
supreme court to oust Christian Ilnrtnmu
and Ueorgo I. Ullbert from the IJoard of
Flro and Police Cotnmissiouors of Omahn.
The announcement was something of a
nu/zlo to certain inombors of the board , who
could not understand why , notion should bo
commenced against Messrs. Hartman and
Gilbert and not acalnsi Mr. Howard 13.
Mr. Utlbcrt , ono of thn interested membsrs ,
lu axnlaluing thu situation , said :
As I understand It this controversy l In
this shape : Mr. Gallagher was appointed uy
Governor I3oju to succeol Mr. Hartman ,
Utaver was appointed to succeed Smith , Co-
burn was appointed to succeed himself and
Shields was appomtcil to succeed me.
"Now , 1 hnvo boon told that Mr. Uaavor
intends to begin nn notion acnlnst Smith and ,
of course , Coburn's case Is satisfactory to
the powers thcit bo mid uo action is neces
sary there. This leaves Mr. Shields and
Mr. Gallngner to Drinjr action against Mr.
Hartmnn and Tiiyself. The case is , of course ,
the state against the prcbcnt Incumbents
with rclition-to the claims ol Shields und
Gallagher "
"Will you bo ready to defend your sidu of
the case ivlien it is called I"
"I think so. Wo nro not a bit nervous
about the matter. My case and Mr.
Hartman's differ slightly In that 1
\\asappoiiilod by Governor Thayer beforj
Mr. Doyd ran for odlce. The talk about re
moving all Ofllecrs appointed by a usurper
does not apply to tne. But Mr. Hartman's
appointment was I'gnl-ntid all right. The
acts of Governor Tha.vcr during the time the
Uojcl-TnavercasoNvas pcndins in the United
States supreme court were lo al and bind
ing and will ba held &o bv thosuprotno court.
I feel perfectly cpnfident of that fact. "
"Litn to bed and caoiv to nsoill sliortcu
the load to your homo in Iho Bkios. " Hut
early to bed and n "Llttlo Karly UUor. " the
pill that manes llfo longer and butter and
_ _
Tlio Cusllo Ciifo institute has now
fifty pnlirmls under tioitirent for the
pormnnoni euro of liquor , morphine : vnd
tobacco hnbits. Cull tit institute , 141(5 (
Hiiruoy stroel , nnd hue the wonderful
cures being inado.
An IOH.I ( ir.ingcr Poll Ani'inj ; Tlilpi'Sltli
till ! lEcsnlls.
A. H. Lawslu , nn olu gentleman from Red
Oak , la. , loaded to the hatehoa with obejoy-
ful and ttilh coat tails sailing jojously on
the night witidi , was taken up to the station
to rest hi nncl r. Ho told u disjointed tale of
the loss of a fabulous fortune which hit had
on his Inside pocket and an investigation was
made. It was ascertained that ho had de-
posituJ SJ90 in the First National bank and
had b3on given a deposit s > lip therefore. In
tuo morning Lawsua could teiuuinbcr nothing
except t hut ha hail been in Iowa , und ns ho
\vas civdtuiy intormei ) that ho wn& nour in
Onnha , and ai his hoaJ was s.ovoval s./os !
ton larL'O for his hat ho presumed that ho had
had a "loaringifood time. "
i\s soon as the banlc opened yesterday the
dnposit slip , duiv endoriod , was presented
and cashed by H. F. Williams , n Uouzlas
stieot fcambler , familiarly Known .is "Did
\VllllnmH. " Lawsha was informed of the
fact and came to the conclusion Unit lie must
have bcon betting on noma other man's game
ublle in a tram o. Hereafter ho will , ho says ,
coiitcut himself with tbo pacu lu Iowa ,
which if not nuiia so rapid , is much safer
than that of Nebrnsica.
If your giocer don't keep Cook's Extra
Pry Champagne order a case dlroct of the
American \VinoCo. , St. Louis.
Dr. Price's Delicious Flavor
ing Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon ,
Orange , Nectarine , etc. , have
grown rapidly in popular
favor , as 'it ' is known that
they are.-produced by extrac
tion from the fruit , not made
up with chemical poisons.
They arc natural flavors ,
obtained by a new process
which : gives the most deli
cate an'd grateful taste. Dr.
Price'sJl'lavorings can be
conscientiously commended
as being just as represented ,
perfection in every possible
respect. ) One trial will prove
that their 'excellence is uiv
Dr , Balky , ir
The Lending
* i" " "
Thlr.1 floor , Paxton Bloa'r.
- . . . , . . . 113 liS ) * . lUih ami'i Sti
AfulUutof IDBtli on rubber for I ) I'.Tla'I' ,
'lei'lh without [ ilnt'ji ortra nonl > lj brlljj vrorx
Juit th tliliik' for > ln/urj or pj'jila ipjicari , utrn
AllflllliiKi a' roiionibli > rat , all worm irrni'.nl
Cut tUI out for
nnnilT A HA.N Ai\VOo i lstl.BS < ire flVii
llUllII I ttbu'l uud o lr < 1' > U ? I'ri'iirrlucJ I' )
uuuu I n , , , Uur | i- ! , ! , ! , ! ! ! , ( or tuj euro of
( ionorrliiu iiiiilillxuar.'ui Irnui tlia urinary ur
\ All
No Duyer-H .v.r
wtfl Wornt whttM1 rtfj
rvrchmi moi l liec
or | too&tea p r innum ,
tin iTcrd t b < wi
Gucrnscji' (
p&edliV < * >
MinvfMlurts wid Product *
/ts United StMes !
Like > c Ho cede , Ifiyi to' Itulf IK
firit tlrr It It Ifted Nffw and t n.'irfitd
dillcn new roctjl rtvl td te diti
rrlntid frtm n
II tomBrl very krtlcf p de In
thil country , from ft. c&.rpottl.cH to
fcrB"T ; J j
L ri4 > fe-KL
* g"J-u-mn Lti iijiiMipi iu ' '
And undrp ckch &rtlela fcr A verl
th r&rnoA cf IK * btst munuT civrtrs.
OntVoL 1500 pa.a'V'1'rlce 4lO ,
The Seccjer s , Guernsey ( § .
> 7 Dowlina Green , NtHYjrd.'v
.To Soften the Hands.
IJcfore rcti.' take n large pair ot oldglo ce
and spread mutton tallow in ( u > . also nil urn
Ihe hands.'car the clo\es all nlfiht , nnd wash
the hands llh olive oil and white castlle soap
the next morning.
TlUMne , toKClher with 1001 other ( hlngs
equally If not more Important to know , Is found
In Ihe handsomely Illustrated new book just
published by
America's most Rifled , popular and
This book they send to nny address on receipt
of 4 cents to iuy posta o Hut
do moro than write Miluaulo nooks which ! uej
tlo to thotelia need them. They euro
Catarrh ,
Piles Stricture
, , -
Hydrocele , Varicocelo ,
Gleet , Spermatorrhoea ,
Syphilis , Gonorrhoea ,
Lost Manhood ,
Blood and
' Skin
Diseases ,
Female Weakness ,
Effects of Early Vice ,
and c cry form of
Nervous ,
Chronic and Private
free. Call upon or address \vl ! !
btamp ,
Jr ?
( X
119 South llth St. , N. 13. Corner 14th
and Douglas Sts ,
Omaha , Neb.
A 25 cent Bottle may save you
$100 In Doclor'u bills-may eave
your life. Ask your Druggiot
Dr. Acker's English Pillo
8raall pliiiMint. u fivorlte nltli Iho Indlr * .
W. II. IIOOKHIL A CO . Vcn liriiadway , K. V. J
For silo by Kuhn & Co. , nncl Shormtri
1 , Oinnhn.
For Inventions
iMiocimnn HY TUB
Bee Bureau of Claims
rqunl nllh Iho Inlarait ot ( li m hivlnt rial n
BKiilintthoKuverniiiciuli tint of INV'KNl'Ollii win
bfumloiu ttio luiiortt ut THluablu InvontUni buaiui
of tlio lncompooncy : or Initttcntlua of tto Atturaiji
miployi'd to otitiln tliolr pitu'iti. Too miio'ioirj
iiintiut Uo OKurcliol In o n ilujrfrif u > n ; > 3 nt nn < l
rullable vulla IOM to prooi.rg i > ttunt < fur t'n ' vnliu
of a pitmit iliiunili KroitlIf nutu itlroly upoit'u
turn nml nklil of tlici ntlornur
Wltlillia vie * of | iriito3tlii < InrontorJ ffJ n warl'i .
Jos oroanl'nitttturiior , miJ nt nuilrif tint unrjn.
tloni nro ol | iiratgjtol Uy Till ! pttonti TIIiilC
IIUIli.M : ) II.M rotiitnnl couniul ux.ur : la
rncllcu , anil l < tliarefnru prui > irjJ u
( ilttuin ixt'csitt ,
( 'untt > ( rt iit
Jin I ; f Hin-flnl
i' trtnle 'JiH ninl
i > l > ini < ii ttnluHvt > i > e nnil mil I-
It U lj JHlll'lltH.
I ram't'titii nnil ilt/an I Infi-ln / fine t
HtiltH , i'tt' , , I'll :
Ifrou hironn Inrdiitlon on Inn1 ien < l rill ! ttKK
' > tlieruif , tu ct'uf
nUHKAUnnkolcli or p'iot xrai i
nltlin lirluf doicrli'tlo i of tlio Im.xinint Joiturm
line. I'uvi lll lu IKICJ .1 Uhai mto tin bjit oj'trio ' u
imrtuo Moilut ) urn nul iijcanirf unljii tlu inyui
tlon U of n cjiupllcjlol intiirJ If olhon are 11-
frliiKliu oil your rl.'Uti , or If you nrj cnirilwlti
Infrlnzuniunt uy utnorj ulim't HID lililtorlj rilr !
IIIJHi.UMur : a lolH'jlo Ol'lXlON bcforu ucsuu o i
tl.e matter.
'J'20 Iteo Utillllii , ' , Onn'ii , NC'J.
f yriils HIIIu in U mi irjiitiiud liy thu
Oiiiuli i Hue , thu I'loiiuLT I'roii and tlio b.iu
I'ratiuUt'u l.xiiuilntn
Cui this out and f'-i it WHU yo.u1 Li
1 am a TrnvMliiR man I I'll ( ell you of my plan ,
In spite of nil temptation
I pursue my old vocation ,
I'm still a Trav'llng man I A jolly Falrbnnk man I
For he himself lias said It ,
Aiulll'sKre.itlytohlsciedll ,
That he is a Trav'Hng mnn I That he Is a Fnlrbnnk man I.
Sold by Traveling men and Grocers Everywhere. Manufactured only
N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , Chicago , 111.
, It depends a good deal 011 what business a
g an is engaged in , what he should wear for n
business suit. A merchant intending to "sack"
a few clerks , should , of course , wear a "sack"
suit ; A real estate man , one that won't she v
"dirt ; " A capitalist , engaged in clipping
coupons , a "cut"-away ; traveling men , PK-
changing a few lies , "swallow tales. " A pugil
ist should wear "striking" colors ; A carpon-tcr ,
"plane" colors ; A bank cashier , "checks , " and
we have it on good authority that in cortnin
exclusive society in .Lincoln , "strides" arc all
the go. Here in Omaha , where every n aii
works , some for pleasure , but most of us be
cause we have to , the convenient sack is the
recognized suit for business. This week -we in
tend to do a great business in business suits ,
offering three big stacks of suits ( a hundred
suits in a stack ) , made of very fine all
wool cassimere in a handsome , dur
able steel gray , a color that looks well
when you buy it and looks well so
long as there is a thread of it left , made
with lap seams , lined with fine Farmer
satin arid with striped sleeve lining , at
Will also give you your clioice ol
either a Sack or Cut-away suit , made
of fine black Clay worsted , lined with
excellent Farmer satin , bound with
substantial Mohair binding. Th- <
Clay for a combination business at u ;
dress suit has no equal.
Among the many good things in our
Overcoat department , "where we are
showing a line of garments that
we're proud of , and where you can
find an overcoat to fit you at any
price from five to eighteen dollars ,
we want to call your special atten
tion to two new lines of fifteen dollar
garments , at .V
Open Till S p. m. Saturdays , 10 p. m.l
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this man.
Steam Heated
Electric Lighted ,
ed Vestibulecl trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. in.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Far-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Tludnlyl'.irfo.'t V.uini i u hKliik'U l
thn nurlil
In Iho onlr Birlniic ior In-
Mlilcrl'i ) wlilili tiirflnnl In
j lluna i .in hit
wltliniit li-nklnu iinil " 'illliu
liu iliitliliuor ni > p i > ltilln <
lui ii > i < it aeiHul nnil
Hindi nm nl'O lu nml for
r rii n I Injections 01 Irrlti-
SOI 'I urilllKIt III I. H
itriiiuni HIIU :
Mall oitlcri
llic Aloe & Penfohl Co
> , - > tl < Stl'l'fl ,
f. < > . \t til
I'll ) nil Innk ] iti'M
( iiri'luli ) "t low
BnBorins from
tllQ llftH Clt
W If V OfltfUBH B u } fltifUl ! tfTOrt
larljr Jerny , wactlnK wcnkn'iui , I'/'l iiiaiili' > l , . ; lo ,
I will ulntaluihli ) tnallMj ( u ul < il ) routnlnluj
fulliartl'-ulort for IIJIIIM curt' , frill ! ! ! ot iluuw
A fi'1 -n IM tin Ili-Al work %'1 ' > n-wl l-y < ; i i ry
nan win li n'rroti. n-H il I'lllnti I / l"n ,
. V , C. * ' < MV&iiC < .DluuUua cuuu *
DR. J. E , McGRE
_ 3 Jl H'K. ( Hlicri
- romiiailtoii aM
IIKAI ) . If.uffuii-H -
Ml 1'ru uU
INSTANT RELIEF. l'in * > n
lu luiltt ) * . AIIU iittvvr rvliinii1
.remnV.I rvhj. |
. boillu I UlK " 'J lie only
nun puitontut remed ) I
Ihe iiniialnrul dliclmrKi- ,
prU ale illte in uf men "ml ! ,
lelnlltalltib' wenVnm juiiillu
tci women. It runs lu ftw
1a > i with out tliu nlil 01
pul/llclty ol o doctor
Vhi Iniitnal American Curt
Miiiufartiircil by
U Eram Chemical Co.
u. s , .