Til 15 OMAHA DAILY HBEs THURSDAY , MAROII 17 , 1892 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS There Wns a Fair Demand for Wheat Yes- torJny. BUT OFFERINGS WERE LESS URGENT L'lilrf rnrtorln the .Market Wns I lie Itocelpt of Numerous Crop Diunagn Itrpnrtft Ironi thn Viirlnns Stntes Hindis nnil Ilnmlii OiicAno. 111 , . March 10. There was n fair demand for wheat today but olTorlngs woio less urgent nti.liidnll feelltu pervaded llio market. ThN was partly duo to unusual 10- nctlon from trio extreme depression vrhloh has ruled for somn days. The chief factor In the innrkcl Is the receipt of numerous crop ilnnmgo toports fiom thoilllTorciit states of Michigan , Ohio , Indlmia. Missouri anil Ktin- MIS , Coming , as they did , frJm various PO- tlons. operators seemed to place BOIIIO lollanco In them nnd bought qullo frcoly. Homo of the prominent local operators tooK up a fair iiuaiilliy , elalmtng lo 1m "long. " while the shorts also covered. The nmrl.nt no doubt ticcamn considerably oversold the last few days and It required something at ihls naltiro to slart operalors lo buying. A loiter from olllclal source Hald llio Michigan crop looked well up to the recent frcero , but It Is now blaric In many sections and wheat must bo dead In clny soil. Koinrts from other Btatosshow that the lalo free did moro or less damage. Ilradstrcel'i ) reported n de- i-rcaso of I.U ) . ' ! , ' no Im. east nnd u decrease of 4DI.UM IMI. wcslof the Hookv tnnnnliilns. 'Iho expoil cluiiancos were attain < ] Ulto largo nnd njrgriiuato.l tMMl ( bu. , of which UUOOO bu. WIIM Hour. Karlyeables wnro weak , but did not leave any apparent cll'ect on prices. Liverpool W.H trom lid to Id lower nnd llerlln was 3 marks nil' . I.ogiin , Sfihwarl/-Dupro , Notion \\orth- I u'.lion ' , Paul ridge and others had good buying orders , and as tlioro was tint Ilitlo for salt ) nrlees ciadunlly tinned up. Heom was t.lso proinlnenl on the buying .side and partly to cover short and partly for In vestment. After buying frcoly during the i.irly part of Ihodiiy , I'nriliidgo litrncd nflur tinmarkol had advanced oand mid heavily on iho bulge. M-iy openo.t . at from W'io to KVie. advanced before noon , wllh slight ro- nvtlons , to tG'kC ' , then there wns ( | iilto a rush losoll , oariy biiyius liking profits anil Khort sellers putting out liberal lines , und there wiis a gradual deollno to Wie , assisted by weaker cables , Ileilln being Ilii marks off and l'urlscunl'mes ! ! ) lower with London ! > d lowor. Ntiar the close , however , thorn were better ndvlces from abroad and short sellers mining tntntaklng prollts , them was a rally lobCWo at which thn markri closed llrm. A dispatch from Terre Haute iei.oiledconslderabo dam- ngo In Indiana by the \\calhor and that a quarlcr acrn.ipo In home comities would liavo to hu plowed up. Liunson had llio following from Kvansvlllo. tnil. : "A gentleman hero tinliiy from Kentucky says wheat looks bonu- tlfttl , four Inehus hljrh and green. Six weeks ngo Iho Riitnu Holds woto barren. " Corn was quiet but flrm during Iho forenoon , being liiMiionced almoslcntlrolv bv sympathy with ihelirinticss In wheat and other spccula- 1l\o piodticis. Theio was lllllo In Iho way of new > und the Irado was blow. There seemed lo ho a general disposition lo take advantage of thn decline tocover shorts , while Iho sellIng - Ing was somewhat restricted. During the last hour , however , llio market turned weak , when wheat broke , and lost the advance. .May opened 'ic higher aii'J" ; e. advanced to IJO.'ac , leaded to 39'.c ' and closed steady utSUMie. Oats nympathl/ed with corn und closed al ' e advance. Hog products slarted firm with a good de mand from shorts and not much offered , llax- ter. Mitchell nnd lleasly were the uostbnvcrs wllh Hatetv It i os. , Iho principal Fellers. II < vs til the y.iuls wore lOe higher. Lalur on tlioro was a reaction when grains turned weak. I'oik closed easy al adoellno of ajlc. thounb lard and libs show au advance of a llko amount. Ksllmalcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. IM ears ! corn , WO ears ; oats , 160 ears ; ho < js0,000 head. Tholoadlng futures rancd as follows : On the Produce oxchunze today the bnttor uinikot was steady and unchanged ; fancy L'roniiiery , StiKft'JH&e ; Ht.n esern. o ; iirdlimry. 2l < itfilcsolcrted dairy , ' JB2tJc : or dinary , isa lc. Kces. lUe. UiihKMc I'irni : full eremn chodaiirii. II ® JlUc ; Mats , llitl''u : young Antorlcas , KU&Ke. ! IllPK.s Uni.-liiiiiged , TAI.I.OW Uncliunged. Nnw York Marlcnts. NKW VOIIK. Mai oh Ifi. Ki.oiin-Ilccclpts , 2Ti- fihO pkgM ; ox ports , hO/'O.l bbls , m.w sacks ; market generally dull and heavy. CHUN MEAL Dull. WHEAT Itocelpts. r.7.000 bu. ; exports , 24,438 uu.i sales , 4"t000bn. . of futures ; 140,000 bu , Hjiot. Spot quiet , stronger ; No. 2 red , ll.oo'i CDI.07U In Htuiii and elevator ; $ I.OIi4o l.oiiiiiioiif H.up ; .l.oH4'f. o. b. ; Nu.-Ureil , w so txilic ; ungrnded red. IL' QiLltte ; No. 1 northern. lK > . ' .ctWI.O ( ] : No. 1 hard , Jl.ua''Ol.ffilJiii No. 'J juirthoin , tCii o. Options advniiced ? ® ? on on llradhlroot'N slatemcnt of decreased mip- nllcs. bad crop loports from the noithnest. llhural oloarinccs und reported postponement of consideration of the iiiill-opthni nlll , do- t'llned U & ! io an wouKer eablcs , bettor nouthor nbroau aim foreign Eolllng , v > f , VU.JCi. UIUOIKK Uk V. U. IIIIU. lm ; ilo ; lns ill We : July , u : > > i < ( tlXl' ' c , cloiiliiB Jtvi : Hull bnlhteady ; western , U.&OTi' . lUui.r.v Dull ; No. % Milwaukee , Ob4tO'Jo. ' L'IHI.N KocolptH , ISO. 19 bu , ; exporta , 129JC9 Int. ; sales , 70.i.iuiO bu , futiiicB ; 14,1x111 bu. spot. ( Spot market tinner and moderately aotivo : l47o ) In elevator 47aiHe | allouf - ; j ungraded , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . _ inUcd. tt\ttfj * - < Qt. . . i . No. U * , 47o ; stiiiimor mixed , Options ouonurt USllio up. with Mheat , olosed vroak with tncroato In the Iliiul- rilieul slatemont nt ' .odnwn to ! ie up ; Maroli , 4 V 47e. closing nt 47u : April , 47U < ? inje. } elos- Ing al 47Uc ; May , 40i4tC. ! closing at 4IVi ( > ; .liuio , 4fi'ifti4M1ie ; , closing nt 45'iu ; July , 48 ! " ; clinltu ut 4ll.'io : August , " " ai''ic ' , elos- liAis ItecolptH.4'J.OOObii. ; exporta , 1,403 tin. ; BnlcH , lavoooLn. futures0.1,000 ; bu. spot ; spot innrUet httnnfur but quiet ; options dull and liroznlnr ; May. 35tta.V40 , closing atUScJuly ; , : i'S.4i'Hii' ? ! . cloHlng at Ill'jo : spot No. : i white , U7'ic ' ; inUed western , UiitJOc ; No. S Uhlcago , ttltoHt , nominal. HAV Klrm , quiet ; shipping , ftV275c ; coed to choice , HtoWi1. lloi'.s ( Jnlut , steady , rrliiiiAit lUw , modorutely iioltveand steady ; loirs , ill.ooo bttKS eontrlfiignls to lloston ut U D. Heflneil , llrm ; firm deintind ; No. 0. U H.l&aan-lCo ; Nn. IO,3.Vit3c } ; No. II , U0-104t y 11-ICo ; No , laiidWJie. . Moi.Absics 1'orclKn , dull ; Now Orleans , flrm aud acllvo. HICK I'lrmt good demand. I'KTiini.Ktiu Dull und easier ; crude , In bbli. , I'urUor's , fAWi crude , In bulk , 13.10. United rloHod ntiTo for Aurll , COTTON br.ii > Uii-Qulot nd ttoady. TALI.OW Illshor and uxolted ; city ( f . ' .00 for Li.ii itu.ra' , i -i liOctINDull. . Tuttt'ENTiNK Dull and nominal at KIHIH ( ' 'Inner und aotivo ; wenturu , HSi'ii J4 Vo ; receipts. 1,000 pkgs. I'tniK Quiet. CUT MitATii Quiet ; plnklcd bellies , ISo ; plokled hoiilden.ftiii.'to ; middles , quiet nnd i uby ; abortolenr. ILW. JIUTTKii-l'Irui , belter demand ; western nulry , 17O c : western croamorj"vtt'JIf ; weti- rn fuutory , 17fl2Vo ! ; Kleins. 'JOe. ( JIIBEHIC Quiet uud ttoudy ; part iklius , " Jfe , I'jo IKON Qutot and weak ) American , 115.76 -Firmer aud yulcti woitera iteuui , Option snlc ! , 3.000 tlorccs : Marcli , May , M.BI ; July , ifl.735i6.75. closing Ht wit bid. Cori'Ell-Plroni ! lake. 111/0. I.KAD-Dtill : domestic , 11.231 } . TIM 1'lrmj strnlls. SlOAvaii''i ' ) . Ouinliil I'roiluco .MurbrtK. I'Loun Omaha Milling company's Itoltanco patent , < JM : Invlnclblo patent , J.J.40 ; Lonn Marttnporlntltc , ti'JO ; Snowllakc , II.HIi fancy Kninilr. I.7.V H. K. tlllmnn's Hold Modal. i.W | fnow White. U23 ; Hnowllake. SI.OI ; low grade , II.M : Queen of the I'.intry. f f.txi. Pori/rnv Chickens , cooil stock. MHOc ! gcoso and ducks , 1I5M.V : turkeys , ii3llc. : llurrRn Dent choice couutty roll , iW2lo : lower tadcs. I7SIOJ. ( llniFS No. 1 green salted hides , 4' < ! i4ljo : No1 crccn salted hldoi , 4 > 9Ui' ' > ut No. I green salted hides. " ' > to 4J HH. . 'H7it ! > c ! No , Sgiccn s.iltoJ hides , 'r. to 40 Ib . . IfO-Hic ; No. I venl calf , 8 Ion Ibs. . fict No. a veal calf , 8 In 15 Ibs. . 4c : No. I dry flint hides , 7Cfc'fl ! Nn. 2 dry Hint lildo < .f < I.Sci No. I dry salted hides , Mific. ' \ nl- low. No. 1 , ii'ittlci lallow. No , 2 , Il'ic ; . . whlto A. 4o ; grease , whltii 11 , .TiW.t'jc ! ure.ise. yellow , ic ! ; grousedarke { ; old butter , 2W S'iei ' beeswaN , pi lino. Ifio : rough tallow 1'iW * inns : Aithoujh Iho supply was not liireo there was still a we.ik undcrtouo to the market mid sales were reported nt Kl'iiMlc. HAV Hlow at ll.ojdj.VHl. The latter price could only be obtained for somuthln ? extra good ritltTt'allfornla ( riverside oratiies. J3.5D3 ' iiBltin nn\eis. } | , < 0i good apnlc-s , cholco lemons } l.0'(3l.2.'i ( ! fatiuy lemons , $15) ) ; Datum i ? , crated , * iOK6. ' . " > J : cranberries. Hhlpplng stock , ti.50an.O ) ; straw- berries. 4. tf,4" > c ql. i.K4 Callforntn cahba.'c. 2Uopor , lb. In crates : homo crown lettuce , 4jo uprilox. : onions , T.'icSd.'JO per bu. ; Nobraskn liiinit picked bnnns. $ ! .7.-il.a'i ; ; tncdliim , * l.5 > ai.ti' ) ; lallfornlneeloiy. ! tl.OOit > I.S'i : swcel tiotatoos , t.7MJ.'I.OO : Co'orado ' and weslern Nebraska tiotntoc ! ! . 3VR.4IC ! nntlVo poluloo.s , S.ViMJc ; limn bonus. 4 > i4ic ! per lb. : watorcrem , 2l-it. | eiHcs , ? ! { ® porit. | : spinach , J UWJW.- per bbl. ; Spanish onloiiH , tl.ru Dcrcnito ; rndishes , OAMB-Mallard ducks ? 3.0oaaM : tcul , 11.503 1.00 ; mixed , tl.gvai.fi' ' . _ H t. I , null Alnrkoti . ST. Louis. Mo. March 10. Ki.ouu Low grades oasy. others ( julet. WIIMAT Had woalhor ouu'cd an aullvo de mand from iho shorts and prices bhnitiiy nil- viuieud. May rising lo nnd July I'ic. I.ntor tlioro WHS adoclltio but Iho close was tie for May nnd I'.o for July above yoslerduy ; No. i led , cash. 88V : Mny closed ut SSWMSic ; Jnlv , b.l > 4o : Auirust , , ' ? ic. ( < ili.N--l'ollowLMl wheat , both up anil down , and closed 'iu above yoslarday ; No. " CIHI : ! , : nyc : Miircii. : i5 < l ; May. : r > ' .c. OA-JS Uasli , nominally \\orth 30c ; Mny lituher , closlni ; ut'J'jc. ' . KYI : Hull and lower , So hid. llAiitiv-Juict : Mlnnesolasold at51c. ! llHA.s Qulut ; liiliU'Ov. HAY Dull and niii-huntjcd ; pralrlo , ti.jOS S.oj ; timothy. tii.COislXiu. : , : ) - ) $ i..t'i. : II'I.AX Hnin hik1. (3nitMmr. . .steiidv : $1.93 , \VittsKV--Qulot : tl.iii. I IION COTTON Tii.fl-l.05. ] l > ( ) itK"llctlcr'fl0.87s'f. : I < AIID Hrnior ; * . ! . " > . Duv yiT MiiATS UiicliiinRcd nnd only a job ir.ido done ; loose shoulders , 41,43 : longs n nil ribs , $ > ,70 ; bhorls. J , " > S'i ; bacon shou'- dcrs. $ jIO : loii s and ribs , JO. 40 ; shorls , $ c.r > 0i imms , fuco io.r.o. ltuccit > TS--l < "our. 11.003 Ibs. ; wl.eal , afl.003 bu. ; corn , : i5.000 bu. ; o.its , x'O.UOj bit. : rye , 10,000 bu. ; barley. 1H.OOO bit. Hllli'Mr.NTH Klour. 8.0'/0 Ibs. : who'll. C..OOO bu. ; corn , 07,000 bn.i oals , ICl.O. Obu , ; rye , 10.0JO bu. : barley , none. Kansas City J KANSAS Otrv. Mo. . March 1ft Ki.o'tn 1'lrm and unchanged ; patents , $ . ' . ' . ' . * > ; cholco lo oxlra fancy , jl.lO t.SJ. WiiKAT-Ihill but llrm ; No. 2 hard , 77c ; No. 2 red , 8 c. Cons Steady , with f.ilr trade ; No. 2 , mixed , 3lc ; No. 2 while , Me. OATS Moro active and sleady ; No. 2 mixed , 38c : No. 2 white , Stfo. Hvi : Htondy tit'Nc. J-'LAX HCKO Sicady at 83c on a basis of puro. nn.vEic. . HAY Strong ; timothy , $ . > .00 per ton ; pralrlc , M.o © n.O ) . IIDTTBII Unchanged ; creamery , 223Jc. Kens Klrinornt 10Sc. ! HECEit'is Wheat , 41,000 bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu ; d.it ? . 1'J.iiuo bu. . Hnti'MRNTs Wheat , 42,000 bu. ; corn , 18,00) bu. ; oats , .11,000 bu. Manchester Commercial Itcvlow. MANCIICBTKII , Marcli 10. The Guardian In Its commercial article lays : Business Is largely suspended In consennoneo of the further reduction In Iho prlco of cotton nt Liverpool , buyers prefer rlnz to await devel opments. Tlis unsettled condition nnd un- st-llled state of Iho market Is duo to the In- cronslns receipts ot cottou at American ports and the acceptance of highest crop estimates. The Inquiry for the east Is small ut low rales. Tliero Is bomo domiind for prlntlni : cloths , but Ihoy iiro easier lo buy. There la u fair miscel laneous Inquiry for small parcels. The s.tles are moderate , The sales of export yarns uro small al u decline. Colliiu Murker. Nr.w YOHK , March 18. Futures closed stuii1v ; ' ; sales , 141,600 bales : March , * il.0 ! ; Aiinl. J.30 ; 'May , W.4i : ; Juno.ll.fi : . > ; July , JO.ffi ; Au- Bit.st , * J.7l ; Soplembor. $3.81 ; Oclobor , M.OI ; November , S7.uo ; December. $7.10. NnwOltt.BANS , La. , March 10. Cotton steady ; mlddlinx.tiUc ; low mlddllnz , 5sic ; irood or.ll- nury.S'jc ; met ircclpts. 3'JO'i bales ; gross , 3.b03 bales ; oxpott.s tolerance , ( ! , f > 57 bales ; coastwise , 4iT : > ' ) bales ; sales , 7.flVj bales ; stock,442r > 00 bales. IiivEitt'ooi. , Match 10. Krco sellers at nrovi- ot.s rules : mluulltiir , 3U-1G.1 ; hale-- , 10,00) bales , of uhlcli 1.50) ) wore for spcculallon unU export. und Includes I'.IOJ ' American. NIHV York Dry tioodK 'Market. New YOIIK. JIuroli 10. Iluslnoss In dry goods was llrm , but demand lends lo moro quiet conditions for the moment. Agents uro uolhetlng many goods or orders and a largo number of nrliclos , fancy and staple , con tinue eold ahead of the laws. The market was unchanged In tone and blocks arc moder ate to scarce. Tliero Is porno trading In less Importunl lines and styles but prices rule steady to llrm. The lobblnKlruno was scarcely as acllvo us last weak , but n K ° od business Is expected for some time to conic. Markets. MIMVAUKIE.WIS. . March Id. WHEAT Stead ier ; May , bS.'ic ; No. 2 sprint , ' , 8Gc ; No. 1 north ern , 8Sic. ! CoiiN Actlvo ; No. 3. 37',433c. OATS Hleudler ; No. 2 while , 33o. No. 3 white. 30ilo. : Hlghor ; No. 2 , Sic ; lample , 42 ® lire Steady ) No. J , 83c. Cofteo .Market. New YOUK. March 10. Opilons opcn cd steady , uuehanxed to Ifi polnlH down ; clobCil steady , 0 points up to . ' ) points down ; sales , K.25J hairs , including March , JR7. > ; May. t2.u ! : ; July , JI'-MU ; Augtibt , $12,50 : Hepti'mbcr , Jiv.31 ; October. ll'-'J.'i : Dcccmbor. $ l.iO. tfpot Hlo dull but btetidy ; No. 7 , JH.O'JSS. l Mtiruutt , March 10. WHEAT Dull : hold ers olTor moderately ; No. 1 California , baa hs id per ccnlul ; red wcstein spring , 7s IHiUW Rs.No. ; 2 red winter , 7s 10dtt 7H 10 ! id. COIIN K-iny ; demand poor ; mixed western. 4s 8(1 percental. On tint llerlln lluurse. llEiit.tN. .March 18. The bourse lodav was vary ( lull. In sympathy wllh iho unsettled fcolini ; In Purls and wltn the Uuonzbur ; fail ure. International stocks declined. ICusslun securities show u fall ot thrco-olKhlaot l per cent. _ Cincinnati Markets , OiNCiNffATr , O. , March 10. WliEAT-Slrongor ; No.2rcd.0lc. CoiiN-l'Irmcri No. 2 mixed. 4''e. OATS Masy ; No. 2 mixed , 3Iic. WIIISKT tl.ii. : Now Yurie i : fIiiniKii Uiiotntlons. NKW YOUK , March IU. [ Hpoclol Toleizram lo THE UCE. ] Cxchungo wasijuolod us follows : Chicago. 75u discount ; Huston , IStt.Vo dls- connl ; Ht. I.ouls , 5Je promtum. Toledo Urulu .Miirln-t. TOI.KDO. o. . March 10. WHEAT Steadier ; No. 2 cash. IttMe. COIIN Klrmer ; No. 2 cash , 41c. OATB-yulet ; cash. 3 ; o. Triulnrit' Tulk. CIIIUAOO. 111. , March 16.-t.'uuiisolman &lay to Cockrell Dros. ; Theoarlystron thln whuar , on buying orders for July und eropduicugo reports from the winter heat stairs , was on- tliuly losl on solllni : by uahieru and forulgn tioiibcs tthen the Into cables ijuotod Mnnllsli markolH weaker and contlncntiil ( lomorallzuil , The Unal rally WHI In buyliiK through biokor * thoiuht to bo coveilnj H.UCS for olu- vator people , The crop daniago reports - ports dud no Influence on oaatern markets , but no doubt was the undercurrent to the sticnzth hero. Corn find oats opened strom ; and Hlilppers bought freely to cover recent salt's. Kucolvers report u readiness unions farmers to sell and re ceipts are oxpcetol to Incrcaso Urirely us soon ai country rends permit haulliiR. Klo- vutor people eold futimu oimvory liunl enut aualnst purchases at western points. The railroads uro makliu an elTort to secure busi ness before nuvkatlon opens nnd u decllnu In freights Is predicted by shippers. The olTor- Ings of prorlsloiis wcro lUlit und puvkurs wort ) f reo buyers , ospeclully of lard and rlbi , vrhlch rloiuit a shade tinner. Sanlpcrs bought pork on llio early advance , but resold when wheat \tcakeiica nnil elated It at thu low point of tliu day. _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AM ) I10NDS. Ojirrnton , IncluilliiK tlio Jtiioin Truilrri , Vi'fro Anultlni ; i\ont : * YmtunUy. NEW VOIIK , Marcli 10. Operators. Includlnn even the room traders , were today nwuitlu events , and especially us regards the 8tB&r ) cuuilJluullou uud Iho actlou of Uie l > iiu yl- vanln niilhorllles In the mailer ofthcoo.il combination. Tits street M Inclined to t > lnco tlio probability nf tlio lilll In the Now Jersey legislature oeurliij the Uimlino of the gor- ornnr ntlmt the poislhlllly that the Penn sylvania imy bo nlifo to find ime ll.iw In t' ' : ( ' airreomont , nnd Heading displayed n Mron ? , temper throushotit most of the session whllo roallratlons on the Into ndvujio nnd Iho execution of slop orders C'i\o sugar n weak spun In prices , caused by the execution of some buying orders In Atonlcnii forspcott- lalho noconnt. but Ihn gcnornl Hot ilurlni tlio itronlor portion of the dny lemalned without feature nf any kind nnd dullness und stagna tion ruled. The now developments In both Klchn.onil A West Point nnd Ti-nncssco coat wnro proiluclUo of no further movements In either of the stocks but n , demonstration iicattHt iho bonds of the llrst imtr.od was fol lowed by mi Immediate recovery nd In Ten- nosscocoal r steady drlbb In : of stocks to miirket to ro.illro on the late advance Kept the stock ilrooplns throughout most ot the session. Tliero was also some buying of North- nrsiurti. which wnsstiHl lent tondvunco Its ( imitations onu point , supposed to bo based on the earnings of thu rompmy. , but the Inactive ) stocks were unusually b-jrreu of Intcrosi and Iho limited animation Hhown In Kist Tcnnos- ( posecond prafurrcd tcsullo.t In no movemritt In their prices. UeailhuMIM mlvaneeil In the foriitioon , butltsncllvlly dwindled to ordinary ptoportlons ; utter this no clmiuo nf note oiourrcil In the stock hut Iho opening of llio market uas mtiilo on generally lower qtiotmions , but thn sticngth ot Itonillng rallied the entire market and a small fractional gain beo.iuso Iho rule do plto the weakness In Sugar. The movement In Atchl.son toward 12 o'clock fut- tlior I advanced the list , but hero alt the mo tion Iu the market coiscd , Iho suhscniiont trailln linlim done within the narrowest lim its nnd It was not until just at the oloso when lha closing out of u few long accounts satccd the list on" n rhado. Thn mnrkct closed , however , dm ! and sta.idy to llrm , conorally at small frac tional advances for the dnv. Tliote was no matuilnl chniiEo In any ot Iho acllvo shares , but tbo majority of tlio list is slightly higher than last , livening , Uovcrnment bonds liavo boon dull and stoady. Slnto bonds liavo been entirely neglected , The rollowlnit tire the clostim limitations for the leading stocks on llio Now York flock ox- cluingo today Atchljon si' ' ( ; ( In nruiurrvd ntt Ailnnig Kxprcss 143 N. V. Ccntrnl lie , ! * Alton , T. II K5 N. Y. Chi. A Bt. I. . . . . ll'Mi Alton. T. 11. pfil . . do prcforroil "li Aiucrlciiti Kxpross. . . Ohio MI > sMlppl | 2IH It. U , It. , V N ! O I do preferred ti Canada I'nclllc fcil lOiitnrlo Jt Wentorn. . ZU ! ( Canndn Southern . . VI lOrevnn lmirovumu't | U.M Contrnl 1'nilllc .11 dreuon Nnv SS Chos. .S : Ohio N A Wfi do l t preferred. . I'ncllle Mnll 'lii do''nil preferred. . , . , IM > . &B 20 Chlcaito.V Alton. . . .US IMtKtinrit IW ) . . 11. HI ) Ktf.VI'iillninn 1'nlnco l.'P'f ( i. U. , C. A St. U . . . 7IM Heading 55'J ' Dol. llnilion I.V.i'i ' i Itock Iilnail Mi Del. I * It W Pi ) St. ) . . , tH. K. iMpfd. . W I ) , ft. It. 11. pfd MC * , Ht 1'niil 77 E tTolinuss _ > e . . . 7UI do preferred IVth * do 1st preferred . 4) tit 1' . . Mln. .lMnn.ii ! : < lo ' 'i.il uroforroJ. IS'i ' St. I'niil.tOmnh.i. . . 48 Krlc : WSi ! do preferred 114 do preferred Tenti. l.'usl A. Iron. . . 47 Kort Wnyna .161 Tui.ia I'uclllo IM ( Chi. A Knst ill To I AO. Con. jifil. . . . M Hacking Vnlloy. . . . Union I'nclllc 4iiH Houston.t Tevis. . . : i " 1) ) . 8. Ktprcia 4 Illinois Central. . . 101 WnbiisU. Kt. U A. 1'VA \ St. r. AUuluth li do preferred ' "J i Kinins A Terns. . . . Wells KnrcoKx 144 l.aku KrloA , West. . A'ostem Union FM& do preferred Am. Cotton Oil 7 ! { I.nkeShoro Colorado Coal iti'- ! ( Louisville A Nnsli. . 7)H ) Iron Silver 1VO Louisville , t N. A . , ' Ontario Memphis , t Cnnr . . . si ) Michigan Central. . . .ill do preferred Ill MILL. S , V W 01 Mitro A do pfil I3A HuliTcr HO Minn. & Ht. I. lllchm'nil& W.I'.Ter 1S' do preferred 20 Wl consln Cen 18 .Missouri rncltlc. . . . , llront Northern pfd.lllO -Mobile .tOlilo Chtenno ( ii 9 74 * ( NnslivllloClmtt , Lend Trust t'.i N. J. Central liar Trust : W Norfolk .VW. pfd. . . Soutliorn 1'acltle. . . . 38 ti Northern 1'nclllc. . . K. O. W : t94 do preftiircd , do pttl VJS ! U. 1' . . Denverit . . . ll t 74)i ) ! NorthwcDtcrn KOX The total sales of stocks loday w = ro S.VC3 ) shares. Including : Alclilson , I'L'.S.'Ui ; Kilo , H.780 ; Noithwestorn , U.OIVS : Keadim ? . 7J,500j lilchmond & West I'olnl , lO.y.'O ; St. Paul , 0,000 ; Western Union , I'lnancliil Km lew , Nnw YOUK. March Itt The Post says : The morRiiieutof prices In the stock market today waKii ulu natural , which Is as much as to say that tlio market was exceedingly dull and lluotuatlons Irregular. Hoadlus moved up nnd down , after Us habitual disposition , within the range of 1 point. Now York Jlonoy Market. NEW YOHK. March 10. MONEV ox CALL Kaey at I'/i to 2 per cent ; lust loan. 2 per cent ; closed olTored at l'i percent. 1'KIME MEKCANTir.E PAI'BII 131 pOF COnt. STEUMNQ KXCIIANOE Quiet , but stonily at J4.8514 for slxty-duy bills aud Jl.8711 for do- inanil. The closing quotation' on U.S. l s rex Mutual Union OB. . . . 107 U.S. 43coup N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . . Hi U. 8. 2s rex ' North. I'ncllio lots. . . .11- Pacific OB of ' 1)5 ) ' North 1'aclUo Suds. . . I.a. ittanipod 49 Northwestern Con. . 137 Tcnn. now set ( is. . North. Debont. Ss. . . 107 Tenn. nuw sot Si. . , , St. U ft I. M. ( ion. bs Tenn. nuw set 'Ai. . . . St. I , . & 8. P. Ucn.M. Canada Ho , 2nds Ht.l'aul Consols 121) ) Cen , 1'nclllc IsU St. ! . , C. Al'nc. l ts. ' 117 Den. JL.lt. K. IsM. . . . Tor. IMO. Tr. Is. . KIM I ) . All. U. WcuUs. . Tor. l > . Ua.Tr. 2s. . KrloiiulB Wo.t Bhoro M. K. A. T. Gen. Us . . C. P.Uts 108 St. K. XT. ( Jen. Ss. . . It. It. WlBt ! bid. Vliiiinclill > "otci. Nrw YOHK. March 10. Clearings , 8133,012,730 ; balances , 5tl,7JIOJ' ' ) . KANSAS CITV , Mo , . Maroli J . Dank cloar- IIIL-S this day , * I,4'J7.8.T ' . I'Aititi. March 1(1. ( Thrco nor cent routes , 95f KVio for the account cr. Interest. i'Hir.AUKM'iiiA , 1'a. , Maruh 10. llrnk clcnr- In.'s. 114.811,210 ; balances , $ .MK,5jU ; inonoy , ; ii ; percent. BUALTiMoni ! . Md. . March in. Hank clearings- today wcro { 2.717,2.17 , aud. balances , $ J8JVJ1 Kate , 0 per cent. MEMIMIIS. Tcnn , March Id Now York ex change sclllnz nt par. Clearings. { 0)7,018 ; balanccB , H1S.W1. NKW OIILEANLa. . . March 10. CloarlnRs , $ l.u : ,37S. Now York oxchunuo : Commorclal , Me per $1,030 premium ; bank , 11.30 per KI.OUO. HOSTOX , Mass. , March 10. Clearings. $10.806.- 27d ; balancct. J.,0.)7.0IU. ) Honey , S nor cent. Kxchaiigoou Notv York , 15 to 20 per cent dis count , T.oiiliin .StockMarltot. . 'j ' Jdmji ( Inr.lin Henn'll.\ \ LONDON , Mnrcii 16. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE HBK. ] Money was In butter reiiucBt. Up torpor cent was puld today. Afvanecs In tlio discount market were also u llttlu harder in tone nt li per cont. Not u great deal wan dolne. Tlio uppolntmonc of n reoolvor for tlio alfalrg of Messrs. Murrlota .t Co. had very little cIToct on the stock mar- kutN , stopping buying In Argnnllno socuritles was about all It did. Homo rails were bettor all around , especially Northeastern and llrlgliton. which gained ' / porconton tttuday. Americans were dull and nogloctoU through out the day ; Urand Trunk Issues , after bolng very ( inlet , closed dull. Mexican rails also declined , Italian , Portuguese.Greek and Ilra- zlllan declined. Egyptian. Chilian , Turkish are Improved. The ( .llvor market Is very ijulot. Prices for ba are unchatigod atOUd. Hoston .Stock Market. BOSTON. Mass..MarchlJ. The followlni wora the uloslrr,1 prices on stooki on the lloston stock market toJny : Aluhlion ATopekn. : IIH ( "nltimetA Hccla. . 24S llOBton & Albany. . . 200 Kranklln. . . . 24Sn 4 Uonton A Itnlno , . . . 1H r& C. II. 40 10IW za ntchburu It It S3 t-Biitn Ko Coppur. . . t ) Flint .M'ero M. pfd 81,4 1U ) Kan. U. . ht. J. A 0. ll.l''J Iloiton Land Co . n Ma . Contrnl 11 Snn Dk'ito Land Co. la Mez.Con. com. . , . 1U4 Wait Knit Limit Co , iuv N. V. k N. KnuUnd. 49 Hell Telephone. . , . MIM N. V. fcN. Knu7 . . . 120 I.amiton J-toroH. , . . Mi Old Colony 173 Water Power . 3I \VB. ! Con com. . . . . . . (0 Cont. M . 13W Allouei Mln.Co.new IV < Not A.T . M Atlantic 10M II. * II. 0 . Hottoa A Montana , . 3'J < II. | [ . Denver .MlnliiK Ntocki. . March 16 The following list 1s thn closing nuotallon-i on the Mluln : ox- cnango today. K.iles ' . ' 4,000. Alluubany . ( iold llock , . , , , ( i Amity. . . . , . . . . . Ironclad Argonaut . John J llnllnrut . Juitlco Ilaniikok-Cora II , , , , l-t'nTcnwortti llates-IIuiilcr . I/oxlnnton llllt Indian . I.Hllu llulo May Moieppa Ilrownloir . Morning ( Jlliu 3D Calllona. . , . , . Ore Z7i Claudia ) . I'ark Coniiolldatcd. . Century . I'ay Hock , . Z7iP Clay County . 30 Totoil P Diamond II . 2 * I'unler Denver ( lai and Oil ' lllalto 10 : , Kuimoni.- . , , . llunnlnu Lode 80 ( ioltyiburK , . . . . . . Wlialo 0 Oulden Treanuro. . . . Oi New York Mining : < Juotatloni. New YOUK. March 1(1. ( The following are the closing mining stoctc quotations : lleit , V lielctier 23) ) Muilcan , I'M ' Caledonia H. u 103 Ontario .C.1X ) Cliollur 100 Jublr , , , , , , , , , 90U Con. Cal. A Va 116 I'lyuioutU 175 DvadHOOd IW Haiave 150 Kuiekal'on lltt Sierra Nevada. . . . . . US ( iould , V Curry , 1U Standard 1U llale&NoruroiB. , . , liO Unlou Cuu 110 HouatBtake . . .IXUU Vcllow Jacket lUi Horn Silver .VX ) Sun 1'raitc'Uru .MlntiiR ; IJuotutloiu. SAN 1'jtANCisco , Oil. , Murctt 16. The official clo liu quotilIo : # for tnlnlnt Rtocks today wcro a < ; follows : . Atta i . . . . ' . to Navajo . . . . . . . . . . iuc" Hiilwer OIW oiihlr SO ) licit A tlnlchcr , . tin I'otosl IIU llodlf Connnlldntcd. : S.ivace IM Con ( ! A Vn . - M.V ! > lcrr.i Nevada K.t Crown Point , l 'M Union Con litt Knrekn Con . . . I. 1M > Utah iionld A Currr. . . m Vollow Jacket 110 llnlo A Norcross. , , 'lf ) ' Tom. . . . 10 Moxlcnti X. O M Mono i 10' ' i.ivi : . * * Steady Kim of Si'iiclt I'lnds Prlros nnil th t Trinlc Unsettled. OMAHA. March ik three days' receipts foot up 8.203 entile , But ) ? ho < s und 2.0.V ) sheep , ngatnsl M ? ' out IU' , rsC6j hogs and 2WJ sheep the llrsl half of JUKI week , about the .imo number of unlliciMid'shcop and an Incioase of 12.501) hogs. , , A The gottoral caltlo market was slow nn.l dull with prices very tinovon , but lUa to l. > c lower Ihnii .Monilay. Tnoru was a very no- llcoablo scnreliy of the moro doslrahlo heavy steers , and on this account outside buyers wcro somewlwl icurlctcd In lliolr pur chases. The local demand was fair lint wllh Iho present and ptospcctlvo liberal ollerlncs buyers were In no hurry to 111 ! outers e\c pt al shaded ptlcu * . lluslnco was dull and dragging tliroiiqh * outbuyurs being ItidllTcronl nnd moro or less bearish and sellers holdlnc on doggedly for at least slo.uly prices. The clnso found a , few loads unsold , part of which will goon through lo eastern liiiitkels. Very good l.voj to l.iOJ-lb. steers Mild from ticu to Jl.no , with fair lo coed l.t ) U to 1,20lb. . steers at front JU.u to $ .55. Common.sh light cat tlo sold from $ .1.1:1 to I L2.1. Thcro was u very fair show'iig of butchers' nnd eaunoiV stocx anil no Improvement In Iho market. In fact outside of Iho pieitv good OOWH nnd hot tors , suitable for the dressed beef trade , the market was slow und lower. Medium nnd common eows ute soiling till ot lOc to l.'iu lower than on Monday , and 'Going In fairly liberal supply on slow silo at Unit. Klght good .stuff , whllo eonsldcr.tblv lower Ihtin 11 week or leu days into , has shown very llttlo uhnneo worthy of note so far this weoit ( ioo.l cows and heifers void nt from fifio to Kilo , fair to good stuff fiom W.25 10 82.5' , und common und canning gr.tdes from $1.23 to JJ.23. Hulls. o\on uiiil situs were In fair demand and htoudv at from 8'.73 to J.1.21. Calxes were llrm ; voals , $1.33 to ? .23 ; largo calves and yuarllii a , Jill ! to ? 1.10. Stuckors mid feeders were In good supply and f ilriloinanil at fully steady pi Ices , llcitli looal speculators mid country nuyum were In thu Held and a fair number changed hands largely at f-Vj iot.1.21. Kcpiobunlalho sales : No. Av. Pr No. Av. IV No. Av. Pr. ; i. . KCI $ : i i : : i..nco Ji w ai..u" i $ i5'"i 2. . ins ; i is is .nw : : i 40 .r.'ri ; IM 17..I1SS a .0 40..IIB7 ' 140 17..12I'.1 : i5T O..IOH y Si 5i..ii'w : MU yj .1271 : IM 14. .11170 I ! i''i ' 7..liW : : MO 17..WS7 III1) ! ) : ii..ioii : i 2 , ' > 1..IU40 it M in. .I2M : ibo 1H..1U.M It 2 > 1..IJ20 II II 2I..I2J. ) : iOO 20. tun ; i i''i 4 .IVIH : i 40 ii..iuj ! : ami i . tr.M a 2. < II..IIGO : a 411 : H..i2r4 an ) ia..iiM a in 20..uv. a 4,1 22. .11:17 : : ioo 10. . wi a 11..HB1 a 41 4ti. . Ttw aiia 4. .11:11 : ; i ; n : . .121:1 : a 45 . ' ) . . i.n . : > air 11. .11111 a : u 2i..i22t a 45 iu..r.i ) ao in. u.'s a ao u.,1201 : u5 it > .1:07 : a TO 8..io7 : > a : i.ri 2s..uau aao iu. ia.ii a 70 17. lov. a : n IU..M7 : . ari m..iuai : i7.-i ia..ii7 a : r a. iwfl ar > o is..i35i a 75 1.105) ) a M i. .mm a. 11 HJ..I.W ai so 11.11 ai7'j : 2o..rj7 ; : IM 24..ia.u ain in. . iiiri a a7'i iu. . isoo a.vj 2o..ioOi too cow. 1..10IO 1 i. % 11.070 225 4. .1012 SHI 1. . 770 1 60 1 .110J 225 15..IOTO 2 IU 1..10I3 1 fiO 4. . b70 2 2" 1.1180 20) 2. . 11 ID 1 VJ 1. . 070 22 > 7. . 1187 2 II ] 1. . WU 150 17 . HIJ 225 1 , . 1021) 23 ( ! 4. . 7.10 160 J..1KJO 225 10.1070 2 li ) 1. . U2J 160 I. . 050 2'J-i 1(1. ( . O.H 2 0 > 1. . fiGO 1M 2. .r.rn 225 10. . 1)77 ) 2 C.5 i. . on i r > > 2.10'2 ) 2 > ia..ii3o sin I ) . . 87(1 ( 160 17. 813 2110 (1.135 ( 2 fi5 15. . 777 1 G" : . . Oil ) 2a.'i 2..HSO 2G7'J ' a . ( iCIi 165 21. . 048 2a5 5..1UJI 2CT'i 1. . OK ) 1 ( H 0. . 61)1 ) 240 17. . 55 ! ) 270 0. . OJ5 175 I0..10aU 240 10 1012 270 1. . 790 1 75 21. . M.J 2 40 10 . tt.S 270 17. . Sfl'l 175 III. . SOS 240 14. . 1050 270 1. .11113 175 2. .1105 24) ) a. . 7" ! 275 6. . b91 1 75 l.llbO 2 10 4. . SSJ 275 4. 845 171 I..1UUO 240 1..1209 275 23. . 059 1 8D 27 . 8" > 7 2 f.O I ) . .101) 275 10. . ! ) I5 2 ( K ) 4J..I070 250 II..1 05 280 1. . 810 200 U .1145 260 11. .1007 290 2..1IIO 2 OJ II. . 810 260 10..10V 20) ) 2. . ( Hi 200 7. 0 0 263 III. . SO. . 2 M i. . irco 20) ) ai. . im sw j..iati ) aoj 1.1000 200 J..1D.V ) 250 H..li'Si : . ' 100 2. . U 200 27 , . 051 2 52 > J l..lI'W ! a 00 1. . 740 2 CO 0. . 9i 2 55 23.10.5 a 00 a . uio 2 25 , fi..l034 205 10. . 733 275 1. . 010 275 1. . 000 2 75 . f ( , OAUVB3. 1. . 300 210 1. . 110 450 1. . 370 500 2 , . : > ! ) ) ass , ' , < , . 'fc ' 5.0 ? i. . HO a 23 i. . MO i orf' { ; . ; ' ' 1..12G3 173 1..1870 223 1..1210 2 KS 1..1120 173 1..14SJ 220 2..1820 2 7f. 1..1230 200 1..T.I30 22i 3. )3 ) < ti 275 I. 1350 200 1..14&J 2 3) 20. .1460 2 7.r II. 1100 200 J.i,630. 2 : 1.1151 280 1..12,10 200 1. . 053 231 1..1J30 2DO 1..1310 2 OJ 1..14IO 2i3 : 1..1430 ; ill. ) 1.111)0 2 CO 1..14UO 243 1..1270 : tOO 1..1040 200 1..1650 2'40 1..1760 1100 1..113) 200 1..14GO 25 ! ) 1..1S03 303 1..1COO 21(1 ( 1..1703 203 1..1P20 a 10 i..i7oo an 1..1750 2 GO 1..1330 320 1..1100 2 20 ETA 0 3. 2..1380 2 S3 OXCN. 2..1723 2 6 STOCKEIIS AND FZBDKIM. 1. . 810 213 2. . 750 I ) OJ 3. . 81 . ' 115 1. . 710 215 64. . 31 3 ( X ) 17. . 8J7 315 1. . 680 2 Vi It. . 040 300 3. 'JO 323 2. . .V20 2 33 4. . 772 30) ] . . MM 320 35. . 518 2f,0 5. . 708 3 OJ S..703 320 1. . flO'J 250 4. . 712 300 7. . IH3 320 1. . 333 2 75 II. . C 7 3 10 2. . "W 320 10. . 707 283 1) ) . . 7M 310 H. . Dill 320 5. . 472 2 S3 0. . 783 310 G0..10M ) 325 1. . 8-M 283 0. . 7011 3 K'i ' 0. . 881 323 2. . MO 200 13.1020 315 20..1128 330 WYOMING CATTf.E. No. Av. l > r. No. Av. I > r. 21 nolfors , cf.1014 $3 10 21 hoiforscf.l03J ( J310 lions ItccelptH conllniio liberal , Iho run bolng moro ihan dotthlo last Wednesday's run. the supply for thrco days exceeding that of the llrst three days of last week by about 12,500 head , Light and medium weight , hogs predominated , although there was u voty re- spcetablo snowing of decent heavy weights. The shipping demand was comparatively llghtand this ( act , together with Iho llboi- ullty of the offerings , loft Ihu local buyers masters of the bitimtlon. Opening bids were all of Tic lower than Tuesday's general maikoL and trail Ing was slow on this basis. The range was very narrow. Oood light and butcher weight hogs bold largely at from J4.50 toil,55 , common , heavy and mixed packets mostly at from J.45tod.50 ) , Moit of the hogs Milling J4.5" > were moro or loss soiled , omo cholco sot led heavies brought $4. < ! ) and com mon stult and ihrowotilh bold as low as from fl.20 lo J 1.40. The market Improved toward the close on favorable news from Chicago , the close bolng nctlvo wllh the early doollno re gained. Sales were largely at from JI.43 lo W.Mazalnstfrom J1.50 to il.55 Tuesday , the general avcrago of jirlcos paid being (4.40 agalnst.52 | Tuesday und tl.OS'i last Wednes day. Jtonrcseiitatlvo sales ; No. Av. Bli. IT. No. Av. gh. IT. 73 200 280 $1 35 20 22J ft 50 II , 275 4 35 81 211) 80 453 5 370 40 435 72 255 M 450 15 3fiO 40 4"40 Ui 28S 100 450 5 IS ) I 4 40 M 2.VI 203 451 0 2fll 40 4 4Q 60 2 3 40 450 35 SOS 200 4 40 27. . . . 100 450 3. . . 210 4 40 84 301) ) 230 453 5 22H 4 40 68 270 40 460 0 180 4 40 M 25(1 ( NX ) 45(1 ( (17 ( 231 320 4 42'J R ) 314 hO 450 05 232 110 445 U ) 210 S8J 450 OJ 25J bO 445 HI 233 bO 450 05. . . .832 40 445 63 232 45) til 202 40J 4 45 ft ! ) 223 450 58 310 2hO 445 U7 IfS 4 Ml 33 200 83 4'l/5 ' / 7 223 4 50 74.240 320 4 ft 75 242 40 450 70 . . . . 23.1 120 4 43 47 . . . ,322 120 4 .T ) 57 2l 8 120 445 7) 248 bO 45,1 03 243 m 4137J 2J5 4) 450 U8 203 2UO 4,43 . 04 257 JCO 450 71 234 20) MSi HI 200 80 450 74..231 120 4.S5 c. 73 . . . ,2:10 : 120 450 07 248 3U > fiJii DD _ 177 40 450 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' lifl'lill.'Siw 10) 4 , . ! . . ! . . 40 450 50 201 1C ) 4 45r 75 232 40 450 73 231) 28) ) 4'15 | li 35 40 450 83 2V2 83 445 fi . . I'.U ' 4 50 71. 131 83 4,45 M 203 4 50 liM 2(17 ( 240 44' | , 7il 153 ICO 453 58. . .2514 200 4.j4i , 78 243 UK ) 45) 75 1U8 40 4,45 , , . 72.,200 120 450 74 108 120 4 45 , Ul 2(13 ( 83 450 IK ) 282 283 4 5 62 2s7 120 450 fi.1 20-J - 200 447U | , M 20o 40 450 81 22J 40 447Jir ; , 7U 224 M 4 5'J 70..ttU 120 4,4 hn TI 2J1 Hil 450 75 2.'S 40 4 itfi , 115Jfifl bO 4 50D 71 247 40 4t < 7 > , , Ul ] 4 M 7J 218 I'.O 4411i | , 70 214 40 450 CO 223 4bO 4i7i | { W ) IbO 160 4M 10 245 447' , 03 IN ) 120 452) ) ' , t . . . . .27 ! ) 4 50 6U 251 120 4 5'4 ! 14 270 4 60 78 240 200 4 62'J m 207 4 60 bl . . . .213 tO 452) ) ' , (15 ( 29(1 ( 1C ) 463 dl..2IU 40 455 8) , . . .18J 4 60 ! 215 40 455 Kl 2U ( 80 4 50 U'l 2UO M 453 75 223 (18 ( 4 60 1 3M 465 04 243 bO 4 60 G < 1 175 46(1 44 334 4 60 07 210 40 453 74 243 4 50 70 ll 455 CO 233 100 450 CO 230 455 7l ! 24.1 320 45) ) 4 ! ) 218 455 5U Iii8 4 63 10 315 IM 4 CO vies AM ) notions , n 21B 375 5 218 425 1 330 4 ( 1 201) 423 6 . . . . U76 4 20 HiiEM' Hul two loads of sheep were re ceived , and they were billed direct to n , local slaughterer. Desirable muttons are wnutod by local house * , and price * uro onotubly strong , I'u I r togooa tuitlvus , 14.25(3.143 ( ; wesi- i , HCWiW.'J ; couiuou uua dlock hcup , J..OO OA73 : good to clioico l.imbs wolghltift forty to ninety pounds. ll..M3noo. llncolptt if ) I IHlpjutlJU of Stock. niclalrj olotsNn 1 disposition of siostt as shown by the hi.i'M of the Union Siook Yards company for the twonty-fourhoarj , ondtn ; at Oo clock p. mMarch 10 , IJJ. Cnri. Head Cars. Head Caro. IIc.vl 117 Z.WJ 101 lilsit'osmov. Omnha 1'nrklne roraimnj- . . S't 1,011)1 ) Tlio I ) . II , Itnmntond Co. . . . HwlHXCo Citdnhjr Pncklnitconipanr. . 4,4V ) ' Klnsnti ft Son .78' ' Hhlppcru mid feeders I.S33 UN I.ort over Law Totnl I jsill s l.T'l ti l.Uo Stoelt Al. r ! el. CniCAno.Tit. March Hl-IHpoelal Tologr.im toTllK IlKK.I Tim oalllii niurket wits wo'ik nnd unevenly lower todny. tiood butchers' mid cnlincis' stock sold nfmut us well ns be fore , but In shipping steers llmro was an av- urago lediicllon from Momlay's prices of lOc per ICO Iks In eon-semioiteo of the recent hoiivy roonlpts of catllu suited to the wants of thucastorii nnd foreign nrirkeis the u oh.in- nols nro Just now preliy wuli IP led ami of course the demand Is weaker. The tempt ingly low prlecs provnlMtu led to liberal buy- In and sellers u id nut Und It necessary to earry ever uuy considerable number of any gradoof caltle. Many good bunches of steers were ottered nun they \\aro numerous nt from $ i.'fl to $1,11.1. but llio largest tiirt were at prices ranging downwnd from f 1,2.1 tu 9.1.40 , (4 2.1 bolng Iho popular price for steers and from J2.itolMbuvlnar ) most of theeowsand bulls. Quotations ratine all thiMv.iy from $1.3.1 to $1.50 for omiiclalnd cows to JVlO to $3.25 for extra steers. The receipts of hogs wcro a alii llbcr.il but they weto iiuouKUKU head less than for Tues day and there was n much tnoie sitlsfaetory market than was eviiorlotu'ed on the preced ing ( lavs of this week , hlvshl hois sold uspu- elaliy well. They coiii'iianilcd an itdvanco of lOo per KM His. , the b"U of tlio offerings soiling around tl.uo. from I4.IU" } to } 4 til being paid for a few fancy sorts. There were few sales of ItO'ivy hois nt tnor JI.Ki , though I4.UJ was leachnd In 0110 or two Instances. The deiuaitd was lu'tlvo nnil all Iho sloDk changed hand' ) . \vo dtioto closing prloes at from $1.51 toll' ) ) for light and f J.I ) to Him lor ho.ivy and med ium weights. Culls sell anywhere ftoin J2.00 lo J4A3. Tim drift of the sheen maikot was sllshtly In Iho illiocilon of weaker prices , The de- matiit was us active MH before but supplies nro ooiulng forward too freely. Sales weru a llttlo slow nnd llio nverai-o of prices a shade lower , ynotat'ons wore at from l.3) ) to J 1.25 for poor lo extra sheep and from } V25 to Jd.'JO for lambs , Culls srll at from * , ' .73 to HOO. Kocelpts were ! tJallle , 17.003 ; hogs , W.OuO ; sheep , H.UJO. Noxv York l.tvu Stock Murker. NKW VOIIK , March 10. llr.KVKs Heeolpts. 1.1IS head , IiioludlnguO cars for sale. Market , steady ; native Moors. fl.txjijVi.lU per 100 Ins. ; bulls and cows , JUiJi&'iSJ ; drcsso 1 beef steady at H0.ns.ll ) per 100 Ibs. ; shipments today. 6.01) ) ( juartors of beef ; tomorrow , 570 buovos and 20 sheep. OAI.VIIS Hccolptsco head ; veals , J0.002S.50 per 100 Ibs. SiiKiii' HooelptK. < i,2 ! > 51io.id ; market a shade firmer : Elicop.VGO&3.s7 > ti ; lamb , n.iOia7.821 } : tlrcisod mutton steady nt U10ljo per lb. ; driMsutl lamlH llrm . lloos liecolpts. 7.2IU head , consigned direct ; nominally stc.idy atI.OO@U > ) per 100 Ibs. Katu.is City I.lvoSlock .Murkol. KANSAS Cirr. Mo. March ! ( ! . CArrr.E lie- colpts. 4,100 ; shipments , 2.0 JO ; hlcers. dull and weak ; cows anu feeders , steady ; dressed beef and bhlp | > lng steers sold atJ.I30 < ii4.3) ; cowsand heifers , t2.UO3.30 ; stockcrs and fcedois , Sl.O ) . . Hens Kecelpts. 8i03 : ; shipments , 3.420 ; he.ivy 610e higher ; e.Miomo r.niic , I1.00a4.05 ; bulk. f4.4Dtiti.50. blir.ni1 Hccelpts. 2,003 ; shipments , 2.003 ; market acllte and flrm ; muttons , $1,003320. 81. Louis I.lvo Slock 'Mlirkcl. ST. I.OITIP , Mo. . March 10 C Trt.i : Kecolpts , 1,200 ; shlpmcnlH , a * > 0 ; market steady ; fulr to gooa natlvo stceis , $ ,1.25I..V3 ; fair to eood Indian and Tuxi < n stoets. } J.4U.130. lloos Hccolpts , 5,003 ; shljimonts , 1,200 ; mar ket strong nnd higher : heavy , il.70 < 2I.H > ; iiiixod , tl.2oail..VJ ; light , 3l.403l.bO. \VKSTIIN : rAcitixn INTJKIST.S. : : Tor lliu I'lintVrck Not I.'ijnul lo That of Last Year. CINCINNATI. O. , March lii. ( Special Telegram to Tin : HKR.I Tomorrow'- ) Price Current will hiiv ; The week's packing In the wosl has been 175.000. agatusl 285,009 last year , making a total of 3110,030 since March 1 , against 015,000 a year ago. Loading places compare as follows : CITIES. | IMI2. 170.001) ) l-.li.IHIO Knneaa City. . . 67,000 73.000 Ouinliil . f.ono St. I.ouls , 1'J.OOO ZJ.OJO IndlnnapollH. . 17.000 Milwaukee. . . . 11.000 20.0IH Cincinnati. . . . 14.0UO IB.tOO Cedar Itnplds. 8.0UO 18JU Clove-lain ) 10.0JO 11,0 JO All otlicru 45,000 h'l.OOJ Mrs.Wlnslow's Sooililns Syrup for chil dren teething cures wind colic , dlurrhoja , etc. S5 cents a bottle. it.irrr.K wirn Olio of tlio Irspnulor | Kllloit anil OIID Constiililu AVoiiuilcil. WiLMiNGTO.s1 , Del. , March 10. A desperate battle between four burglars who blow open safes and robbed stores In Milford , Del. , Sunday night anil thrco constables occurred early this morning. The burglars boarded tboNorfolU express duo hero nt 4:15 a. iu. i'hoy were recognized by tbo constables , who bad also boarded tlio train. After the train loft Dover the constables at tempted to arrest their rnon. The latter retreated to the platform on one of the cars niul opened fire , which wns returned by the constables. Constable Smith received a llosh wound on the right cheek und a trilling wound in the rlghthand. The burglars jumped off thu train wliilo it was running ut a blgh rate of speed and dis appeared in the darkness. It was at llrst thought 111 at none of them bad been hurt , butono crippled by a bullet wound in the thigh was found hiding under a fonder stack , Ho was recognl/od us .lames , n Wilmington base ball player , and died inter. The nion are described as ranging in ngo from 20 to 114- years. Men ara scouring the country in search of tlio three m n who got away. DoWitt's Sarsaparllla destroy * , sued poi. sons ns scrofula , skin disease , cozeina , rheu matism. Its timely use saves many lives. Visit of a King. SIN FuAvcisro , Cal. , Marcti 10. Tlio trad ing1 schooner Tarawoy has arrived from the South Sea islands , having on board Klni ; Tonbrnno of natantatl , ono of the Gilbert islands , The king miido Uio voyage out of curiosity , Dewltt's Sarsaparilla cleanses ttie blood. ViinliniiHter Killed by Itniki'iiiuii. BiiiMiMiiuM , Ala. , March 10. AtOuds- den , Ala. , yesterday afternoon , Armstrong Kiowurt , general yard urns tor of tlio Homo & Decatur railroad , was shot and killed by Colin Dalghdull , a brakoinan , with whom ho was having n quarrel. Dinoaso never successfully attarl a sys tem with pure blood DoWlll's Sarsaparilla makes pure , now blood and enriches the old. Murnril Ills \Vlfo lo llriith. , Pa. , Mnvuh 10. During n family quarrel , Frank Jovltlo throw a lighted lump on Ms wlfo , Millie , The lamp exploded and the was literally roasted to death , Jovillo Is al largo. Don't Be Deceived , Especially when j-our general welfare inny ha at stake. If unyonu olTcrB you Johnnii Hoira Malt Extract and " Jolmnii Iloir'a" sigtmdiro is not on tlio neck of the hottlu , do not take it under any cir- ctiinstnnccH. Elmior & Memlt'lsoa Co. , Solo AgcntH and liuporturs of Mineral " \Vatera , 0 Barclay street , Nuw York. OMAHA AWNINGS AND TKNTS. OMAHA TENT & AWN- INQ COMPANY , I1 . lintntnocki. oil aid rutihcrrluthliu Homt for cntnloiK > 111,1 hnrnim. HAOS AND TWINKS BEMIS OMAHA BAD GO BISHOPS CO. Importers nmt mmijf10- l nt , tnlnnll.i , rnlton ttiron. rope , lirinp , jntc , rtr Klour Sncln , lltirlnpi nnd Tnrreil vontagr. etc. Tithio. 313 ! J. 15th t HIOYOI.KS. M.O. DAXON , Illcyclos suM on nuintlilr p.iyinonH. I ? ) N. IMh t. , Uinilit BOOTS AND SI1OKS. MORSE-ODE SHOE CD , I1UI llovrir.t Strn'U I'nclorr corner Illli nnrt Du'.ulm Wo nro iiiaklnK clo'o prlooj tu oi < li ti i orj , nn I ftro n il'is < nf K di which li vorr i nblonltli i A Inti T 21 UQt'OUS , HER & 00. , n.R. OROTTE , Manor Mrrehant * . Impnrtnr nnd .tobhnr at Wlno < und l.lnitari MitDtifnetnr'ri K > nnc > .U'i IOWnn.1 107J Kntt InJlA Hilton I'rlci'llit FRIOK& HERBERT. \Vho1o9i1o llquur ilcRH't 10JI Karnnmtt. MILLINKHY 0. ASTONEHIll , ) . OBERFEIDERA.-CO. , Mllllnerr. tuitions clo.iXs Importers A JoM > cr ot etc , mllllncrr , notions. M l ( order * prompt. 2)3 17. 110-113 9 ICtli M. Uaithft. f lltli M. OILS. CONSOLIDATED TANK SNOW DROP OIL LIME CO. , No ( mil odor , no mnoky lt fln d nnd i'ii I in no ) j , no thnrrlnu ot nlrka , Attkronr pro' olli. MO ! KTO.MC , ulu. oer fur It. iMUSIOAL , A. HOSP , JR. , . orK n . nrtliH , initcrlitli , eto. f Dj'.ulnl stroll. OYSTHUS. A.BOOTHPACKIHO CO. PLATT & . CO , , Kli'i t'oU'/t ' ! Oysters , nn l'nckvrs"f nsi nnil 3W .South Ut'i Ht D/ivlil Cole , M.nnjjr pVHUALLS , SIM UTS. K'VC. _ _ KINQ&SINEAD , RQBINSDH STOKESCIl Mniinfncturprn of " 11 A tn'fVc lobralPi > "llnck'V * . Bkln" Overall t , imtilrf. ' ' , lilrl X 1'iitit1' mur- ' iillM.Mo.CilI I3S. llth-9t. plilrtt , 10 Us. etc. I'.ntt O.li'itl I. PHODUC'K COMMISSION' . IMntillslicd. 1S7J. BRANCH & CO. , WHITNEY & GO. 1'roduro , frulti oC nit Iliilter. KIIHI nnd I'oul- tr > . klml , oyslon. ; U'IS. Utli et. Onmlin ir > tliniid llarucy Strcslt. KIRSDHBRAUN& . JAS. A. CLARK il CO. , SONS. , Iluttcr , chcoio , fit i , Ilutter , CKKI nnd poultr/ poultry nnil fume liJtlllonnnl-st. ai ; soutii nth RIDDELL&CO. , G. PEGAU , Conunls'lon M orohnnt , Iluttcr. choois , OKCI.TOI- 1'roiluco , lltitlor. Kn\ , ctndlci , frulu , poultrr ( 'hi'O'e nnd t'oultrj- . and . 12ti ! nnd Ilimnut St ) . Kitiuo. Oinalia. MULUH& . niC CLAIM BINGIIAM&SO'I. Specialties , tititnr. oif i Scml us your K KI , Hut choono. poultry , uto. .Vo. lor , I'diillrr. llntuo , 158 IHi lto ( . lit Nf. 11UI3. , itc. : bank. 1701-3 I.oiviMitrorlh 8 ! SCHROEDER & GD. MOORE &FERQUSON ; \ ItuUur , V.f < t , clioi'n , Cnsli Iniyprn bnttor and I'rnlH , Poultry , Cnuio 'KK ; linndlcs nil other Ap'iils for Mji-r'n ltiinl produce on ( oiumli.slon llnma nnil Ciiltliplru 421 S. llth 3t. lltli M. - Unmlin OREEIEY&CO. , J. B. HUSE&.CO. Iluttcr. PW. nonltrj- . Our siH'fliHIin : Ililltc-r. BIIINI' . lildei > nnil finlt , fxi : * Hud pnultrj , 101.1 10U7 IIOMiird HI. Howard street W. E.RIDDELL \Vliolsn1o liuttcr i OCRS llurs nnd aollH for cnili. 41. ) S. lltli-nt. PAPER. CARPENTER PAPER CO KINO PAPER CD. Carrr a full itock of Wrapping paper , nil Uli of tfl ln < ' , otc printing , wr/ipplnx nnd - . lltW lion-aril st. writing paper , card pa per , otc. Tel. 17J ) STOVE ItEPAIUS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , Stove ropulrj nnii wil r ultiicliTiKintK fur uny klnj. uf ntove muo. : ! HJ1 Ilouulii. SASH. I TOYS. M.A. DISBROW GO. H. HARDY &CD. , UanufrvcturorJ of gnsli. Tori , dotli , alb u nit , Ouon. blinds nnd fnnor goods , tiouiof r mouldlnKi. Ilrnncli of nl-liliu fiiiuJ' , child- fice , iib nnd Iznrd Hli. rea' CArrlaircs. niVKarnnm Hlroot. SOU TH OMA H A. UNION STOCK YARD3 CO. , - - LIMH COM M1SS f ON M KUJ ( U A N To. ALLEN ROOT-V ; CO. , QASMANH Iloom .11 liclmn Ilullil- Hooim , 0) ) nl 01 UulUlnz Koutli rbinzj liil I Id 11/ . Omaha. bo mil Uvcry MAN can Im BE B'/UONO - J VIO- - . OROUS in all ' peris V I' Jby usin OPANI3H I'K NKRVINB.thegrcnt Mpmileh IlemtMly. YOUNO MBN K OK Ofcl ) suffering from NBRVOUH DB11IIITV , J.OST or FAII/INO MANHOODnltlillyei.ii ; loneconvulsions , , neivcui . proitrailon , CH'jsiil hy ( house of upiiiiu , tobacco or alcohol , wake. fulness , menial depression , loss of power in cither sci , sprrinatoi- i AND AfTKK iiiK , ilnva caused by self abuse and over inriiilcfiico or any personal wrak1 ness can ba restored lo perfect health nnd Ilic NOniIJ VITAMTY OF 8TJJONO MBK. We ei > e a written guarantee with 6 boiea lo euro any c.isu ur refund tlio money. Ji boxb uoici $5 For sale in Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. r Inntantlr flops the mo t orcruclallni : palnsj novcr Mln toilvocmotu tlio mitferJi. Korhiiralns , lirulsoi. hwUnc'io , P I In tlm rloit op slh ) , lii'iiliicn , tot'ncn ' , ' or i\ny oxtonml pain , n , few applications , ruljood on by ImmJ , not lilco iimsio , 1:11113. : intr the pain to iiiHtantly stop. For ooiK.-HHiMH , Inlliiiiiii illoin , rhou iiiithm , nni- , ralffln , limliniro. scUtitu , palm In Uio HIII ill of Iho luok. rao-o oxlaiulod nml ru noatotl upplloatlons uro nocosstiry : AU Intarinlitn \ \ , illiirrJiioi , irsoiUrr , e.Mr * , spasms , itimson , frtlntln-'K'clls ) , iiorniiisiiew , H ! oploisiioss , are rolioyod ijislatiJiif. i atiilnu cklv ruriiil by ta U In' , ' inwardly 20 toi' ( ) ilrom in half u tumbler o ( w.i4ur. MccVits .v . boUlo ; 801(1 ( by arue\i \ * With UADWAY'S ' PILLS il.ora . is no better cure or prcTt-nllvo of I't-vcr nnd ASIIO. t llrcrr MAN who woul'l know Iho Oil AND TltllTHB , tlio I'Jaln Knrtii , the Old Kccrpla mid the Nun Dlsrnvurlcn of Meillcnl Bclonco tit ( itipllf'i to Married Mfo , fchuulcj write fur our wonderful Illllo liiioU , calU-il "A TUKAT1HB KOIl J1KN ONI.V. " TonnroarncttTiinn WB will MBlluiio copy inllrely Jfrre. In plain sealed cover. "A rufiico from tboquacks. " THE ERIE MEDICAL CO. , UUFFACO , N. Y. i ; /1 / ' . 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. \ \ ' Ca ( a ' C nil In t = .1) ) J ) , jfii J ) , n IIIWI 'D.1 K Nat , .1)7 ) UIlll gulio