Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rcllutcdtj Cantor tonny partof tlio City
IluslneM Ofllco No jll
Ejor | No2.l
Ml.\Ull J/KAT/O.V.
N , V. 1'lumblnp Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
CM It's chattel loans. S04 Sapp block.
Thu Im1lcs Aid society of St. John's Hug-
llsh Lutheran church moots tomorrow ut J
p. tn. nt the residence of Mrs. Williams , 810
Commercial street.
Tno funeral of the late Martha Faul oc
curred yostcrdnv afternoon from the resi
dence , 1101 KlKUth avenue , Uov. U. W.
Crofts oniclallng. The remains were In
terred In Walnut Hill cemetery.
The regular council meeting , of 1'otiawat-
iBinlo tribe. No. ! ! l , Improved Order of Red
Men , will bo hold this "evening. In their WIR-
wnm , coiner of Hroiulway and Main street ,
nt ? : ! IO o'clock , for work In the adopllou de
cree. A full attendance Is desired.
Justice Hammer heard the testimony
yesterday in the case of Dick Webster ,
charged with robbing ( .Joldstcln'a saloon
Bunuav night. The o/ldonco was all of a
circumstantial nature , and although dnraaR-
ItiR to the defendant , It was not caouah so to
warrant binding him over to the Brand Jury
nnd ho was discoursed.
Marriigo licenses were issued yesterday
to the following parties : J. F. Stnltor und
13. I. . . Thomas , both of I'ottiiwnttamlo
county : Lawrence Flood of Armour nnd
Agnr.s LlddoU of Tnvlor ; William Hndden of . Atcblson , Mo. , nnd Annie L. Tuck of
Pottnwnttatnlu county ; J. F. Adams nnd
Hoiviilco KltMbaugb , both of Council Bluffs.
1. O. O. IV ,
All members of Hobokti staff No. 2 nro
requested lo meet ut the hull Tluirsdtiy
oveiiintr til 7IiO : lo mnko iirningimionlH to
go to ( Jlon\\ood. Uy order of captain.
Roller , the tailor , 310 Urondwny , hag
nil the latest styles mid newest floods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
JnrvlnlST ? brandy , purust , safest , best ,
j// I'Ait.Hiii n'lt.v.
Miss Kugidnlo has returned from Chicnco.
V. S. Siclllng returned to Chicago last
T. J. Evans returned yesterday iKornlnp
from California.
Lucius Wells loft last evening for Canton ,
S. I ) . , on business.
D. A. Fan-oil lolurnedycsteiday afternoon
from a western visit.
John Foullts of Malvcrn was In thri cltj
yesterday on business.
1. M. Ttoynor end wlfo loft for Dos Molnci
last pveninir , to bo gene two 01 three days.
Colonel H. C. Hubbard , who has been
cpcudliiK a few dn.v.t in Council Bluffs , leaves
this morning for Dos Molnos.
J. M. Bnibour , n merchant of Tabor , was
in the city yostordav on his way to Chicago.
He will slop elf nt lies Momod and take ii
tbostnto convention.
John Wileh , who has boon with Mntcall
Ilros. forlho past six years , is about to lea\t
for Idaho Borings , Idaho , where ho has ac
ccptod a position with a prominent clothtii [
11 K. Hart and J. V. Eumundson Imvo com
to DCS Moinc'b to attend the reputilican stuti
convention , which begins today. The rest o
the Pottawattamio county delegation wil
Icavo this morniiiK.
Mr. L. H. ( iorham , the stock agent of tin
Chicago & Hock Island , Is to taku up his resIdence
Idenco in Salt Lake City. Ills houioboU
poods were shipped yesterday , ai.d today hi
and bis family Icavo for tuoir uuw homo.
Wo htivo our own vinoynrds In Callfot
niiu Jurvls Wlno corao.xny , Ca Utull'a
Ewnuson Mualc Co. , Misonlo temple
Well * Mny ICrslRii.
The result of Monday's election has lof
President Lmcius Wells of the school boari
In such a position that ho is able to sympa
thlzo with the oft-roforred to cat In n strong !
carrot. Ho was the ono who prcsoutoi
Scboontcen's nnmo to the democratic con
vcntlon , and ho was ono of Schoenteon'i
strongest adherents all through the cam
palgn , as ho had been before the campalgi
oponeu. When Schoontgen was defeated alon )
with his running mate Wells was loft as thi
only democrat on the board against tlvo re
publicans. A report was circulated on thi
streets yesterday to the effect that Wolli
would resign his position as mumbcr of thi
board at once. Air. Wells was seen bv a Bin
reporter and asked what ground there wai
for the report. Ho replied that ho had no
told his plan to anyone , so that ho could no
Imagine now the rumor hud sturied. Ho bat
not oven considered the matter , ho said , bu
after a few moments' conversation ho salt
enough to show that ho bad considered it
and pretty seriously.
"Thoact is , " said ho , "there are soini
matters to bo brought before the board dur
I tig the coining year that I don't want t <
have any share in deciding upon. It I remain
main upon the board I shall DO the only mom
her that will bo able to act upon a number ol
Important questions in an Independent way
All tha other members nro pledged to thi
- lottlemont of certain nmltoii , and their ac
lion In the case will in alt probability bo o
tuch a nature that 1 shall bo unwilling ti
have pcoplo look back , years iu iho future
and say that such and such a thing was dom
bv a noard of which I was a member. Be
Rides , I will be unable to accomplish any
thing , even If I stay on the board , ngaln's
the opposition of flvo members , so where I
thousuof mv staving ! "
All sorts of rumors are being circulated ate
to what will bo done by the now board , osue
, daily In the matter of selecting teachers
' Ono class of teachers , It Is suld , the ne\
mpmbors aio pledged to oust at the first 01
portunity , and as the same feeling is share
by two or three other members the bare lac
of the rouort being in circulation is cnong
to cause a feeling of decldnd unoaslnci
among those teachers who fall under th
iMonov to loan. Lowest ni'.es , Jolin
eton St van P.xtton , 12vorott b * osk ,
nd Hint \\ltli n Knllr.
Another tale of domestic unbapplncss wi
told in a petition which was placed on fllo I
the ofllco of the clerk of the district com
yesterday afternoon. L. A. McDonul
is the plaintiff and he asks a divert
from hU wife , Mary S. MulJouald. The
were married Fobfuary U3 , 1S73 , I
this city. lie claims Hha threatened t
kill him nt a number of dlfforoi
times durintr the years ISbil nnd ISS7 , On tb
Fourth of July In the latter yoac her love o
liberty reached such n height that she pullc
out a huKo carving knife , so the petition B
s logos , and attempted to sever the matr
, raonlul bonds aim his Jugular vein at tli
nrno time. The cruel and Inhuman ttou
inont to which she 1ms subjected him hi
led him to four for the safety of his life , nu
ho accordingly asks the court to decree
separation ,
O. Yunkerinun&Co. , food , seeds , roii
mission , country produce , 108 Broiulwio
llimt Club Kliu'tlon ,
Tne Council muffs lloat club held Its ai
nual meeting Monday evening and electo
the following directors for the coming yeai
O. K. Kf Id , F. A. IJuckman , Charles Beno , .
M. Palmer , W. H. Wakefleld , J3. A. Wlcl
ham and J , B. Wbltoof Omaha. Thoulroctoi
leeted the following officers ; ( 'resident , 1
A. Huckmau ; vice urostdont , Dr , F. T. So' '
bert ; secretary. U. Held ; treasurer , J. I
Palmer ; commodore , Henry Ha&s ; vice con
modoro , W. II. Wakoilcld. A number i
parties will bo given by the club curing tt
season to raise fuuds for the erection of
now boathouso. _
Miller's docorntlvo wnll paper nn
pulntlnjj ostablishinor.t ; No , 1J ! Pen
street , IB fully equipped for doing n
kinds of work in Unit lino. Stock
new , lutebt designs und workmanship <
Iho best
Fnd KissolF Will Serve ft Term in the
Penitentiary ,
DcrUlim of the Jury In the Cnsr Hcllctcil
tn Itmo TornilimtcMl n Career of 1'ctty
Crime Hxtrmllng Oirru t'crhnl
Yfttii * .
The trial of the case of the stale against
Fred Klssoll on the chara of robbery was
resumed In the district court , Oonsldcrublo
evldenco was introduced on the sldo of the
defense and the case was given to the Jury
nt about thohourol noon adjournment. After
being out a littloovor an hour the jury re
turned with n verdict tn which they found the
defendant guilty as charged in the Indict
ment , The icsult of the trial puts a tem
porary quietus on a career of potty crime
that has covered the past ton years , most of
winch lltno Kisscll hat spent In the UlutTs.
Hu will bo sent to the penitentiary , probably
for a term of two years or thcroaoouts.
When KUscll's case xvas disposed of the
habeas corpus of Cimrlos F. Wilson , the
Huston store burelar , ngainst Sheriff Hozon
was put on trial. Unicers Lsuch , Wells and
Hoswick , who arrested Wilson nnd his pal ,
MuUcrmott , were Introduced and IcslllloU
as lo the facts that had coma under their
notice , together with e. number of other
oyo-wltnessos. At the closa of the testimony
Wilson's attorney asked the court to release
liH client on the ground that tlicro had been
no ovldcuco Introduced that wou.d show that
: io had been oven indlrectlv connected with
ho nttompteJ burglarv. The court refuted
o grant the writ and Wilson was vemandod
o iho county Jail to await his trial.
The case of the state against 13. H. Howe
was the next on iho assignment. Hoxvo Ii
charged with having sold n lot of goods for
thu llrm ofV. . S. Edwards fc Co. . of Dos
Molncs , for whom ho was acting as Council
Bin Its agent , nnd failed to turn over the proceeds -
coeds , which nmountod to aboutS1IH. Huts
charged with ombLVzloment. The Jury was
ompnnnollcd nnd the llrst witness testified ,
after which court adjourned until this morn
Ing. .
Some Judgments were rendered by Judec
Thornell yesterday In the district cotut In
the ICUooiau c.isoi. The Judgmoiits were nil-
agreed to by the plaintiffs ami defendants.
The followfug is a list of the plnlntlfis nnd
the amount of the judgments awarded each :
Lee , Tweedv it Co , fl.TlM.'l : American
Kulibcr company , ? l,0.tO.'JTNickcy Ilros. ,
$ JH.GO ; Worthiugton companv , $370.11 ; St.
Mnrv's Woolen Manufacturing company ,
$ i70M ; I'faelt.'er Hro < . .t Co. , ? * H7.b5 ;
IJordon As Ferguson , fill.7 ; William llrond'
liurst .t .Son , $ 'JJ.UO ' ) : II. J. Wolf.t Son ,
f'8r ' ) > 0 ; C ! . K. ShiiKcrt , $10).U4 : Bohno Ivnlt-
ting Works , $ lU77.r ; > ; Lehman & Clark ,
S11U.7S : Unngfold Hros. & Co. , $359.fiO ; D. &
M. Well. Sl.OIIViia ; V. H. Uothschild & Co. ,
* 700.5S ; Trouttnan X Co. , $ lt31U,07.
A 1.1.liliiliiKrtnt. . \ .
Prof. Iluorloy of Now Yorlc. who la
nmUlnpr a tour nround the ourth oxhib-
ilinj } his woiiclcrful skill with brush nutl
palutto , will bpcml Wcdnosilay tiftoi1'
noon ut thn. Boston btoro , Couticll
ulTri. l o will use ono of the large
Dhow windows for his btudio unil will
perform BOIIIO fonts in oil painting thiit
will bo pinily ] ubtouiul'mg1 , ptiiutlug n
larro ( , plcluro in brillliint colors in ten
inliiiitos. llo bus til ready painted r
largo numborof pictuics for tlio Boston
atoro peojlo , and together with those
that bo will paint on Wednesday , they
will bo given to patrons of the storo.
Kvory person who makesao.OO pur-
cliaso will bo given a ± 2x'tG oil pain linn
freo. Tlio pk-turo' ) will bo framed , il
desired , cheaper than anywhere else in
the country , a beautiful gilt plush in
laid frame , costing only $1.7o , and an
ornamental gilt fratntr $1.00.
A smaller oil painting will bo given
with eueh $ ! l 00 purchase. This will be
nn intorostidg event for Iho patrona ol
the Boston store.
Dissension Aiming tlici Hi'lrs.
Emma Castle commenced a suit In the dis
trict court yesterday against Ann Fcnn t <
compel her to execute to the plaintiff a dooc
for an eighty-acre tract of land in thi !
county. Sue alleges In her palitlon that &ho
her six childi on and the defendant are the
solo heirs of Charles Kennho died pos
sussed of SUO acre1 ; of land. After his doatl
the plaintiff transferred to the defendant al
her interest in the estate in order to offcc
a speedy settlement , it bolug ngiuoi
botucon them that the defendant MiouU
deed some of the pioiiorty back to hor. li
18SU it is claimed the dofondur.t wrote to the
plaintiff , who was then in Nebraska , askiiif
tier to como back to Pottawattamio coant
and agreeing that it she did so , the defendant
fendant , would deed hih1 oightv acres of th <
estate , forty of which free nnd the othei
fo ty to bo paid for by a mortgage for $1,000
The plaintiff allege : that she accepted tin
proposition , c.imo back , built a liousa on thi
land nnd made other improvements , bat tin
defendant has refused to execute the Ueo <
as UNO agreed to do. She demands a decre <
compelling a specific performance of the de
fendant's contract.
Mlllllli'ry Iti'lDOMil.
Misses Sprink it Foarou huvo romovci
their millinery parlors from Broadwaj
to 10 South Main st.
Jarvls' wild blackberry is the best.
To 50e a day will buy a flrstelass plam
half price. For particulars write 01
HJO the
Muit.uit : PIANO AND Ono AX Co. ,
103 Main St. , Council Blum , , In ,
AVUVU'H I'oRtin.iHlitfViuit AVi'onj , " ,
The towp of Avocu in the eastern part o
the county is tout lo pieces by a sonsatlonu
affair which has been brewing for a moutl
past and in which iC. A. Wood , tbo post
master of the town , Is tno chief autor
Nearly a month ago it is charged that Wool
enticed ullt.lo 11-year-old girl named Parlto
Into the hick room of the postofllc
and there attempted to taku liberties mtl
her. An otToit was made to Uoo
the facts of tbo case qulot , wit gradually thi
prominent tnisinoj.s men of the town foum
out that something was wrong. Tliocllma :
came lost Saturday nlicht , when the thrc
gentlemen who signed the postmaster's ol
llclal bond gave him notice that they wouli
relinquish the bond , A committee' clti
7ons also waited on him and notified him tha
ho must resign the following day.
Tbo high eateem In which Wood has a !
ways been hold in Avocu has caused th
affair to horomo the absorbing topio c
publlo Interest. Krank Turner , u proir
inont young attorney of Avoca , WH
In the city yesterday conferring with
number of prominent republican oil
clals for tbo purpose of gcttin
them to recommend Wood's ' daughter , wh
has boon hU deputy , appointed uostmistres
to 111 ! too vacancy cauiod by the loslgnatto
of aor father. Ills stated that all the prlr
clpal business men of Avoca are in her favoi
and that her chanoes fur receiving the QI
iiolntuiont are nxc-ellont , The cetioral opli
ion of the citizens of Avoca is that Wood I
Insane , Ho Is USoars . of ago und has tai
and dune n treat many things of late ttu
have led his friends to entertain doubts as t
his sanity. _
How are your awnings1 ; J , M
Lamckc , 131 1'carl. Only homo factor }
Walnut block ami Wjomlng coal
fresh mined , received dallj Thatohor
10 Main street ,
Knfitorn money to lo.m on real ostut
by M IL Stioafe , Broadway and Main.
tlealoiu I'lf tulumlMm. .
The Pottawattamio Democratic assoclathi
met last evouing for iho purpose of orgai
iilnc a 1) . U. Hill club to boom Hill for tl
presidential nomination. A roll of twoul ;
tlx members was secured and an orijanlr
lion effected. Among the members of tt
assoclutlou are * great many strong Clev
land men , nnd the action of the Hlltltoi In
thus forming nn organization under the pro-
tcctlne wing of the association hat caused
a feeling of coolness to Rjirlnp up in the
minds of the Cleveland men. His feared
that the organlratlon made last night will
cause a split in the association.
President MrCnll of the Nc\v York Mlo In-
Knriinco Ciim | > .iny llnnqucttcil.
The Omaha club and several prominent
business men gave nn Impromptu lunch to
President McCall of the Now York Llfo In
surance company nt the club yoilcrdny
afternoon , It was areprssontntlvo gathering
of business men , Thirty gentlemen were in
Dr. Miller acted as to.istmastcr. In the
course of n short speech ho said ho felt highly
camDlimontcd by tbo presence of n gathering
of the most prominent citizens of Omaha in
response to his invitation. Ho was
agreeably surprised when ho met the
new president of the New York Llfo Insur
ance rompany to find him a comparatively
young man , und not only sururlsod but delighted -
lighted that ho was the associate and coworker -
worker of men high In position In state and
national affair * whom ho ( Dr. Mlllor ) had
known and admired. Among these were the
late secretary of the treasury , Mr. Manning ,
and n number of well known democratic
loaders. Ho then Introduced the guest of
the evening , Proldsnt John A. McCall of
Iho Now York Life Insurance company , who
lecelvod u very rtonrtv greeting.
T > Ir. McCall said he felt highly RMtlfled nt
this warm reception nnd expressed himself
us being greatly pleased with what he had
keen of Omaha and of Its pushing , enorgotlo
businessmen , lloroforrod freely to some of thu
eminent Knickerbockers with'whom ho
been associated politically ami sociatlv. Ko
fcrring lo bis recent assumption of the ofllco
of president of thn Now York Llfo , he stated
that ho had accepted tlio position entirely un
restricted from conditions that would embar
rass him Iu Its concrnl supei vision. The com
pany carried SI'-0,000,01)0 ) In general re
sources and had a surplus of 515,000-
OJO , which would meet any require
ments that might bo made upon
11 at all times. Ho had came to Chicago to
meet over 200 of thu company's aironls in Iho
northwest and had found the affairs of the
company in the west in n nourishing con
dition , From Chicago ho had gene to Min
neapolis nnd St. Paul to Inspect personally
the buildings which the company had
erected In those cities nnd iho properties
upon which It had made loans. Ho was
gratified to find the buildings fairly occu
pied and the investments of the company on
Iho whole in very satlsfnutorv condition. Ho
had como to Omaha with the same object and
ho would return to Now York to assure the
directors that Omaha nnd Nebraska promise
to bo the most remunerative Held for the
company's ' investments.
Governor James 13. Unyrt made a few re
marks In the course of which ho said that ho
rogoltod to bo called upon when gentlemen
mucn abler than himself to sneak wcru pres
ent. Ho was vorv glad to see President
McCall In their midst und to learn that the
investments of thn company ho prejldod over
had been so urotltablo. There were many
present who were far hotter conversant wlih
insurance matters than ho was nnd ho would
therefore give way to others. In regard to
the wealth and prosperity of Nebraska thov
had onlv to look around them to see on all
sides splendid opportunities for good Invest
Hon. J. M. Woolworth congratulated Mr.
McCall on the honor which ho boto nnd
prophesied success for him in bis undertak
Mayor Oomls said it was not necessary to
apologiro for not being a publlo speaker. Ho
stated that thov all know it. Ho was glad to
meet Mr. McCalt and welcome him to the
city. The mayor hud lived In Now Yorlt
twenty-five years ago. Ho was glad that
such an institution as the Now
York Life company , representing millions
of dollars , had prolltably Invested partof Its
money in Omaha. Other eastern money
which was now hoarded could bo profitably
Invested here. A railway to the northwest
could bo built , nnd nn air line from Omaha to
Now York would be a good thing1. The com
pany might also build a bridge across the
Missouri liver. It could bo rented the same
as the Life building. It would be a vast
benefit to the city. Those statements caused
considerable merriment.
Dr. Miller then called upon Mr. Edward
Hosewator , who In responsu said that bo felt
much embarrassed to bo called upon on the
eve of a national campaign to pay homage tea
a democratic president , but it might bo par
donable upon this occasion. Nebraska and
Omaha woie still in their infancy and the
development of the \v.esthad only Just began.
Twonty-uvo years ago Omaha bad not much
over 5.000 population ; within the next twen-
ty-llvo years "shovill have a half million of
people. Twenty years ago when Dr. Miller
predicted that Omaha would have 50,000
population people called him crazy , but
Omaha had 100,000 population long before
the doctor had predicted she would have
50,000. Itas the same way with the New
York Lite building , \\hen Mr. Booth
located it on the top of Farnam street hill
certain bublnoss men shrugged their
shoulders and thought bo was taken in , but
the ballding is now almost In tha business
center and within n very brief period it will
bo right In the business center of Iho city.
The speaker closed by saying that thu
highest tribute that could bu paid to Mr.
McCall was tbo fact that bo was chosen as
president of bis company from among so
many Insurance men of the country who
aspired to the high position.
Air. U. M. Hitchcock followed with a short
aJdross in which ho said ho was born not
over 500 foot away from the point wheio thay
were and that vcrv naturally ho might have
a broader conception of Iho community in
which ho had lived all his life than some and
ho certainly felt great friendship for the
Now York Lifo Insurance company nnd its
icpresentatives in this ulty for the con
fidence they had shown they pos
sessed In Omaha by iho investment
of such a largo sum of monoy. 13ut
ho wished to assure the president of
the company that it had bestowed no greater
favor upon this community than It would re
turn for the venture that had been made. IIo.
had often been impiossed by the strange tim
idity of eastern capital in regard to legitimate
western investments , out he was glad to see
that the Now Vorit Lifo Insurance company ,
largely by the lore ight of Mr. Hootu , had
adopted the broad plan und oiiginal Idea of
investing In tbo promising communities of
iho west In such enterprises that would tic
It to the west foiover.
W. N. Hubcock , general manager of the
Union Stock yards , then addressed the gath
ering , giving n glowing account of tha won
derful achievements that have been brought
about in South Omaha within the past eight
% cars. For the last year the cattle receipts
were nearly 700,000 head , and of this number
SO percent were sola at the South Omaha
yards and 00 per cent were slaughtered at
that point. The receipts of hogs for the same
period were 1,500,000. Highly per cent were
slaughtered at this point and the balance
shipped for packing houses In the east. "Wo
anticipate , " Mr. Dabcock laid , in closing ,
"an enormous mulncss based upon the live
stock and grain product of the state , and we
do not think we shall bo disappointed. "
Brief remarks were also made by Mr. Guj
C. Barton , piosldont of IhuOmaha and Granl
smelling works , and Henry W , Yatcs , presi
dent of the Nebinska National bank. Those
present were : President John A. MuCall ,
Now York. Dr. George L. Miller , Judge W
T. Booth , New York ; Governor James K ,
Uoyd , K. Uosowator. S. P. Morse , C. J
Green , F. II. Davis , J. N. II , Patrick , H. H ,
Moday , SV. N. Babcork , A U. Wvman , C ,
N. Doit/ . Frank Colpotzor , T. L. Klmbnll
( JeorL'B W. Holdrciri , Joseph Garneau , G , M
Hitchcock , Frank Murphy , J. M. Woolworth
Henry W. Yates , Guy C. Barton , Mayo
George P. Bumls , D. SllbornteInJ. B. Mapes
F. A. Jackson , George N. Hicks , II , S. Ford
cashlerNow York Life , Omaha.
1'lHcn , riiiKHliiirx , lilurkliiiunU unit Hulldln ;
Mlc { 'oimliltirril.
Ten members of the Board of Hducatlo
were in attendance at a special mooting o
that body last night when Prcsldon
Spaldlng called the meeting to order.
In tbo reading of communications the secretary
rotary read or.o from the Co-Oparatlv
Plasterers association and the Bricklayer
union , nho Jointly asked the boar
to pars resolutions urglnir th
mmedlato commencement of work o
tbo new nchool buildings , as tbi
would afford employment to a largo nurnbc
of workmen who are DOW idle.
President Hpaldlng said the unions were I
no greater hurry for the commencement c
vork than was the board. The communlca-
Ion was then placed on HJo ,
Mary B. Simons , principal of the Cas
chool , In a communication , Mated that her
uhool children had coileKtal.&O with which
o purchase a Hag , She rciitieatcd that the
loard erect a flagstaff onJhoschool building ,
The committee on property , nml buildings
vat instructed to erect the surf on the bulki
ng If practicable. If nofj q orcct It in the
school yard. , .
The same cotnmlltco nndo a report on Iho
resolution to provide nil sclhool buildings
vlth llagstaffs , nnd subrftUte'tl ' figures , leav-
nR tbo board to decide for itself whether or
not the fliiijs should bo pictfldcd. It was
shown that II ft eon schools now have flags
loating nnd that tlio coit \hocrcctlon of
staffs In yards would bo frbniW to $ ro , ac
cording to the height of tne-'polo. The cost
of stalls on roofs was estimated nt about $ -15
each nnd flacs ranged lnnricp , from $ * to0. ! .
Mr. McConncll addressed the board i'l
reference lo Hags for the. Kollotu school.
Whoa the school is dedicated ho said Mrs.
Collom nnd her daughters would present the
school with n silk Hog In honor of the man
'or whom tbo school l < named , Mr. McConnell -
nell also stated that Mrs. Kellom would pro
vide a itnlT , but the board would not Impose
iponhurln that connection. It instinoted
the committee on property aim buildings to
cause n stalT to bo erected.
For other schools the question of lings was
deferred until another meollt.e.
lly resolution the bid of W. M. Welch to
naka blackboards of liquid slatinir in the
Cellom school at 10 cents n square j nrd with
a gjarantco for ono year , was nccopted.
A resolution Instructing the superintend-
mt of buildlncs to keep up Ilros In the Kol-
om school for nt least n week for the pur-
ioso of drying tno building preparatory to Its
iccupancy , u as adopted.
Ulits for school site were opened
and the following proposals for the diposals
of lots were road : Charles Nolber , UiJxl'Jlt ,
L'\\enty-fouith nnd Davenport , Si5,500 ; John
Fronre'r , V3lxl2.l ! , Twenty-sixth and
Davenport , S.O.OOO ; Clcorgo C. Towle , 100.x
.150 . , Twenty-fourth nnd Douglas , Kil.lioo ;
George C. Towlo , 270x100 , Twenty-foiirlli
nnd Douplas , $42,000 ; Mrs. Gustavo Alqlllst ,
IPSxiyj , Twenty-seventh nnd Chlc'ico. ? - ! ! , -
000 : A. W. Clark. lorxlJIJ. Twontv-thlrd and
Case , $17,000 ; F. 1C. Darling , 120x13' ' , Tweu-
ty-llrstatut Chicaeo , f-l,00'J ! ) ; G. L. Green , 0(5 (
xU)2 ) , Twonty-Ilfth aim Davenport. Wr.OOO ;
Byron Kocd company , 181x140 , Twenty-sec
end nnd Dodge , f.U.000 ; Mrs , Darrtlino
Schloalngor , three lots , Twenty-fifth nnd
Douglas. SW.OOO ; John M. Fronzor , 'JOSxKW ,
Twenty-third and Cais , $ Jt,000 ) ; Thomas
jrocox , ( Hitl'Ji , Twenty-tlfth and Davenuort ,
$11,000 ; Thomas Grocox , ISOxliVJ , Twentieth
nnd Coss. $31,000 ; H. Slovens. 132x13. ,
Twenty-sixth and Davenport. * l\UOU ; N. H.
Nelson , 2S4x ! > ( ) , Davenport between Twenty-
third and Twenty-fourth , $ .15,000 ; Thomas
Grocox , l'Sxl32 ! ' , Twenty-second nnd Daven
port , $33,000 ; A. A. Parker , 121x100 , Twenty-
Ifth avenue and Dodge. $ . ' 3,000 ; F. 1C. Dar-
Inir. Twenty-first and Chicago , 847,000.
The board then went Into executive session
as a committee of iho whole. After consid
erlng the locutions of the various lots and
their values , It was decided to defer action
on determining the most desirable bid.
Owners of the 1'uttoii Homo Annex ut T.ojf-
ipihi > : iils.
The case of J. W. Kitchen against Henry
A. Eastman , Involving the possession of the
Paxtou hotel , came up before a Jury
yesterday afternoon in Gibson's court.
Messrs. A. J. and W. S. Poppleton hnd
charge of the cnso for the defendant and Mr.
George E. Pritchott for the plaintiff.
The particulars of the case were fully
sot forth exclusively in Tut : BKU
lastweok. The facts Ui brief are that Mr.
Eastman refuses to pay tho'rent necauso the
house needs repairs nnn Mr. Kitchen will not
hour the expense of making the needed Im
provements because ho holds that the lease
provides that all necessary repairs worn to
bo made by the lessee during the tfme ot the
Mr. Kitchen has , therefore , sued for pos
session of the aunoK or kltchon part which
belongs to him in person. The dlfliculty
really involves the possession of the whole
house because the hot < 51 cannot bo operated
ns it Is now arranged without the use of the
annex known ns the oftl Her alii building.
Tno case was given to the jury at G o'clock ,
und after deliberating for half nn hour the
jury rendered a venlletu'in favor of l'ie
plaintiff , granting him immediate possession
of the property In controversy.
The attorneys for tho'aofondant served
notice at once that an upnoil would be taken
to the district court. Justice Gibson fixed
the appeal bond nt $10,000 , and It was
promptly furnished.
It was intimated by Mr. Kitchen's at
torneys that n suit would bo noirun at ouco
to gain possession of the main part of the
Ono of Mr. J. B. Kitchen's attorneys in
tbo Paxton hotel case said today to n Bnn re
porter tnat an action would bo commenced in
justice court within u few days by Mr.
Kitchen to gain possession of the main portion
tion of the Paxton hotol. Koali/lnj ; that tbo
case will in all probability have lo bo carried
to the district court the attorneys have de
cided to begin it , in Justice court because
that is u shorter route to dl-
trict court than by way of the
CQUnty court. Mr. Kastman will refuse to
pav rent , wlillo tbe case Is pending.
The appeal bond in the tirst case was uc
copied today by Justice Gibson and the llrst
case will now rest until It Is called up Is dis
trict court. Mr. Eastman's attorneys think
the case will not be reached for nearly six
Several Hundred of the 1'nlthrul AVI11 Visit
I'luttHiiiouth Tlio Program.
The committee of arrangements of iho
Ancient Order of Hibernians met yesterday
afternoon and completed tbe arrangements
for the annual colouration of St. Patrick's
day , which will take place at Pluttsmoutli ,
About COO members of the Douglas county
divisions and IfiU from Council Bluffs will
meet at the Young Men's Institute hall on
Fourteenth street ut 8 a. ni. sharp on Thurs
day morning and form a procession headed
by the Ancient Order of Hibernians band.
The line of march will ho west to Sixteenth
street , thence to Farnam and down to Tenth
nnd across the viaduct to the depot.
A special train will bo In waiting to carry
the members of the order and their friends
to Plaits mouth.
Grand Maishal Novlllo of Plnttsmoiiih ,
assisted by 11. A. O'Koefo and Ed Flu-
gcrald as aides , will have the celebration In
J , A. Connor \vns chosen master of cere
monies , Tno afternoon program Includes ad-
dtosscs from Governor Boyd , Hon. T. J.
Mnhonoy , John Hush and Judge Chapman ,
In the evening ttio visitors will be ad
dressed by M. V. Gannon and the mayor of
Plattsmouth. The celebration will conclude
with a grand ball at Sherwood hall ,
Illliliiin Moil tn Combine ,
NEW YOHK , March 15. An evening naper
says : "A trust , including the loading ribbon
manufacturers of tbo country. Is being or
ganised , and it Is the intention to start it out
on tbo basis of u capital stock of f.0,000,000 ,
Circulars have been s'dtit out. urging tble
combination and showlng.tbo advantages ol
such n union , The plan ' 'in the circular U
similar to that In the ' 'sugar ' trust und the
manufacturers will receive stocktt nnd bonds
for the amount of tncir properly. It Is un
derstood lhat while n nhlnbar of largo manu
facturers favor the planj'somo ' firms whose
influence wuuld bo ni-ccieil aio hcsltallni
about going Into tho'-scb ipo. "
Axtcll nuil AIiTM | > ii Mtitnlicil ,
Cmcuio , Hi , , March in. Budd Dobli
today accepted UIOA challenge of C , W
Williams of InUopoiftlenbe , la. , to trot Axtol
and Allorton a mutcn .race for flO.OJO. tli
winner to take all. * ' J ol
Oncer Cniiilltluii In U'lilcli , ) iimi > Mrliriu
\ViiH roil ml Tliln Morning ,
Word was sent to County Physician Klui
Into last ulght that James MiGr.iw , wh
lives in a shanty back of Croighton college
had been seriously hurt and was bleeding t
death. The doctor attended ] the man nn
found adeepgasn on 'McGraw's head Jus
above the loft tbinplo. The wound wa
dressed und the patient put to bed.
McGruw eaid that he mudo n misstep en
fell off hu porch , striking his head on th
stone sidewalk. Dr. King stated after b
had stitched up thu cut that ho didn't tak
much stock In the slory lotd by McGnu
and that in tils opinion Iho man had bee
struck by a brick or some blunt Inilrumoni
Hu also said that bis patient wcs quite tiudl
injured. McUraw refused to talk ubcut hi
Injuries and insisted thnl the cut on hl head
was caused by a fall.
A mi .s iv.o.i ; DI nun it cotwr.v.
rnlhcMcSloryof the UrMmrllmint 11 llnipy |
Nclirnokn llonip.
YANKTOV , S. U. , March IS. [ Special Tole-
? ramto TUB BEE.Archibald ) Van Allen
: oft Yiinkton today for Hartlngton , Nob. , to
bo present at the trial of n cult for divorce
which his wife , Hose Van Alien , has Insti
tuted ngatast him on the ground of cruelty
and abuse. Van Alton and his wlfo were for
fifteen years numbered among the mosi re-
( pectcil residents of Cedarcounty , NobiasVta ,
but now their homo Is a wreck , their 13-year-
old daughter has been ruined nc-l K. N.
Lallirop , who Is accused ot \ \ rooming the
liome nnd betraying the daughter , U recover
ing from n bullel wound In the left thigh In-
llctcd by a revolver In the hands of Aichl-
bald Van Allen , nnd that gentleman has
depositions In his possession which suggest
that Koio Van Allen Is either n lunatic or n
bloodthirsty monster without ono snnrk of
maternal alfectlon and Is eager for the death
of her husband Her own sister. MM , L , W.
Uodfroy of this city , swears that she hoard
Mrs. Van Allen nnd the man Lallirop
plotting to kill Van Allen. Hose Van Allen ,
iho sucavs , told Lallirop that she would buy
him n revolver mid If ho would kill Van
Allen she would spend till her property in
clearing him
The cn o was called today at llnitington ,
und n motion to sot aside an injunction re
straining Van Allen from selling hl ptop-
oily was argued. Van Allen has been in
dicted In this county for shooting l-nthrop ,
but his attorney has filed a motion to tot
aside the Indictment on the ground lhat tbo
law which changed the number of grand
lurors from sixteen to eight H unconstitu
tional nnd the indictment is therefore illegal.
Kml itf tint \Vlllliinis CnRp.
UAI-ID CITV , S. D. , March ir > . | Special
Telegram to Tnc Br.c.J The Williams di
vorce case was ended thlsnfiernoon , no argu
ment being made by the attorneys. The
whole of the four days have been taken up
\\llh hearing wilnessos and reading deposi
tions. Bcsldo the principals In iho case nnd
Ihelr relallvcs , n number of attorneys and
\vltncssosweroprosoiit from Koehestor , N.
Y. It was the donlru ol Iho defendant nt the
commencement of the action that no divorce
bo granted , but yesterday afternoon by her
nltornovs she Hied an amended answer and
cross-bill for n divorce , nnd the iniosttou of
bona lido residence In South Dakota uas
therefore waived loday.
Mrs. William's cross-examination was con
tinued whrn the court opened. As on yester
day she was several limes very much iifToctcd ,
especially when asked , "Which would you to
day prefer , to give up your husband , or your
religion 1" The question was objected to and
she was not obliged to answer. She posi
tively denied over having refused to cohabit
with her husband and stated that they occu
pied diffcicnt rooms , but that ho up to July
I , 18S7 , visited her room ; that eho hau never
assigned her Catholicity and bis ProtPLtanl-
ism as a cause for their not having children
as that would bo absurd and It was contrary
to Catholic doctrine , and that , in fact , her
religion had never in any way interfered
with her domestic duties. She had , even
after his leaving her iu 18S7mado overture * for
peace , and had refused to ngrcn to n separa
tion iu the hopes that ho would return to her.
The charity und benevolence of defendant
was brought up as going to show religious
fanaticism , but the efforts to do so reacted in
her favor.
John U. Brennan , proprietor of the Hotel
Hnrnoy , Duauo Karl of Hochcstor , nnd Wil
liam Williams were also put on tbo stand
In rendering his decision Judco Fuller
said : "While the charge of desertion has
been made on both sides , 1 will say that the
preponderance of evidence li in favor of the
defendant. Hegnrdmg the chnrgo of adul
tery made against the plaintiff , while I may
have my own opinion as a man , as a court'l
u Ish to say thai from a legal standpoint the
charge has not been proved ; I therefore
grant a decree of divorce to the defendant ,
Elba T. Williams , on the ground of deser
tion , " Owing to the conflicting testimony
na to the wealth of the plaintiff Iho question
of alimony has been i ostponod for t.i\ty
Settled It Out ot Court.
Pi.msMoinii , Neb. , March 15. fSpoclal
Telegram to THE Beu.j About a month ago
Lloyd S. Wilson llled a petition for divorce
from his wife Julia on the grounds of
adultery. The wlfo llled a vorv sensational
cross bill , charging her husband with
adultery with sundry females and excessive
cruelty. Gtcai Interest was manifested in
the outcome of the trial , and some sensational
developments were expected. Those ex
pectations have been shattered. Saturday
Wilson and bis wile got together and con
cluded to patch up their differences. To this
end ttioy hired a team and buggy and drove
out of town. They nro supposed to have gene
Introduction ol a Hilt to Iti'mmo the IN-
alilliuM ol CittlioliCH.
LONDON , Match 15. In Ilia house of com
mons today Mr. Patriclc O'Brien ( Parnollito ) ,
member for North Monlminui , introduced a
bill to amend the Cat h olio relief act in order
lo remove the disabilities of Catholics In
England and Ireland , Imposed by tbo act.
Mr. O'Brien said ho thought , os the house
had repealed the laws In regard to Eitst-
bourne so as 10 allow the Salvation army to
hold its outdoor services , cciual rights should
bo allowed Catholic : ) .
Mr. William Johnston ( protestant , conservative
vative- ) , member for South Belfast , opposed
the bill. Ho urged that a division Lo taken ,
but thn measure passed its first reading by
an overwhelming majority by a show o'f
The house discussed a vote of JC30.408 to bo
devoted lo ronof work In Ireland. Mr. Bol
four , the government loader , staled lhat no
further extension of n-llot wonts was re
quired or contemplated.
Milka a Dlra Threlll.
NEW Youif , March 15. Tno National
League of Musicians opened their convention
with President Owen Miller of St. LouU In
* Scurry and Scorbutie Affections , Pirn-
plea and Blotches on the Skin , Bail
Legs , Ulcers , Wounds , etc.
j i The cause of all these complaints is float-
d jng in the b'.ood a long time before they
| break out on llie body.
J , This class of diseases requires that the1
< i blood bo powerfully nnd preservmgly acted
upon. In order to cleanse it from all the
S morbid humors. It is of no use to heal the
11 sore by outward applications.
iBeectaa'sPills will Core Ibese Afflictions.
Of all druppUts. Price 2B cents a box.
New York Depot , ; Cj Canal St.
We used to hear that con
sumption was curable if one
took it in hand in time ; but
people in general had to re
gard it as fatal.
Since we know more about
it , we know how to fight it.
Now we do begin in time.
We begin before you suspect
any danger.
Our means are CAREFUL
LIVING and Scott's Emulsion
of cod-Hver oil. Shall we
send you a book on both ?
SCOIT & DOWN * , Chcimtit , i j j South 5 < h Avenue ,
New Yorl.
Your UrugUl Icrr * Scoil'i Umultion of cod-liver
cil all druggists cvciywiur * tb. ( i.
tbn chair. There \vcr6 fifty-eight delegates
A resolution \viw pn scd prottstlnq npnlnst
the granting of leave of nbsonco of the bind
muster of nnd members ot the Mnrlno band
who nro nbout to strtrt on a tour of the
I'nlted States for the purpose of Rivlug con
certs , nnd they further resetted to telegraph
t to the secretory of the unvy nnd 1'iesldout
The convention lutlrunteo thiit if Us re
quest \vns notootuplled with the union would
oppose governmental candidates at the next
south llnkotn l'olltlc .
HOT Snt\n : , S. D. , March 15. | Special
rclcftram to Tnr Ur.n.l The followliiff del-
CRntos were chosen to represent this county
at the republican Mnto convention to bo hold
nt Chamberlain on ttio'Jlkl. Cnptaln W. V.
Lucas , C. ( J. l-'itrgo , I. It. Crow. M. S.
Inmo-i , ,1. W. .loncs , Chambers Keller.V. .
W. Hoot. M H. Knimblc , H , 1) ClarlfV. . K
Dcuodlct nud S. U. Wilson. All will RO nnd
work for Mot Hiirings ns the plico of holding
the state republican : ioinlnnttiiR convention.
Strainer Arrl\ul .
At London -Slgunllodi UnUimoro , from
At New York Htlilopln , from ( llnseow ;
i Van co , from London ; CiUallnn , from KIo
f the SMnScnlp Mid Ccmi > lxlon *
* > ie lt * if 20 5et * orltnr | * .
I At DmcuUt * ir t-til tiy ttmlU
I r.Or. A turn I'M I'akn Bin ) m PHJM
nk rn Itornntoln jr nnd ltuty ,
uMrfttodi < n Skin , bfiitpcfTOin
.l llnod rncAtci mil ( Mr lii * U
titt lent foiiltil , I OP , i I > ll1iiirt
mtntfl. MHti Mnrk MAM , Kurt * , lml ! %
Ink td ) I'rtwiUr Murks hear * , rilling * ,
_ pdno * * t > r Now , uiirthimi hittr HIM *
, etc , rciiinTM. Consultation fn o , iti onirv or b > innll.
JOHN H. WOODDURY. Dermatologlcal Institute ,
\Vcit 42nd Sired , Tkcw Yor
A new nil I Complpto Trcatiui'it , loiinMliiLt of
Sui | | i'ltik'K ointment In CniisuliH , alno In llox
nmll'IIH , n I'o'lllvn Curu for HJ\l > riinl , Intormil
[ llliHl or llleuillnn Uchlnit , Cliroulc , Iti' or
llureilltary I'llv . 'I his Itomcily lit * never bu.'ii
* nowu to fall $1 per box tl for $ > , ainl h/ mill
Wh ) sillier from tills tcrrltiki illifnn ulicnn rlt
ten nimrmiuo Is po ltlvoly Klvoii nii illut on , or
rcluiiiltliK nioiiuy If nut euroI HOII 1 tinii > lor
Iroo Sample ( iiinr.uitei } H < uol lijr Hull i A. CK ,
DriiKKltla , Solo AKoiiti , conur 15lli nuj Donitlui
ervetM , Umnlni Nub
" 8AHATIVO , " llio
Wonderful sinnUti
Itrmrily , H roM nllli n
Written Cunrnnteo
lorurc nil heituun Ilia-
riunii. tuoli antnlc
Munnrv , Ixwi of llinlu
l'uci , Ilcnilnclir ,
Wnltprulncc'i.l.o t llnl
liooJ , Nervou iifW , Las-
rltuilp , all < Uaim aim
Before & After Uoo. losi of ) io\r of ttie
rhotograplicJ from life. Gpncrnll\o Oieani In
. , cj I'y
, i i . m.11 .in n rlihrr nix rau
o rr ojcitlonoullinil liulhcirllnns.ui Hie ennwhe
awnf tuliiuco , iipluiu.oi ftlmuliuil , ulilcli iillliiintrly
Itiultn IiiiliinllyUinwniitlnii | ami ln Aiillr Put up
Incnmrnlont foiin to cnm In tlie\Mt 1'iiVil ' rilrr
II i pncknce. orGforfS.Vltlie eij Cmnli-i necUm
written Bimrniuco to euro or rofuiul the
niono > . > rut l > > iimll to tun niulrpMA , I Imilnr lice
lncmclojf JUntlon this | > i | > ci. A WiM ,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO Ilrnticli on'ic for V S A.
35 < IVftilioru PlrcPt , CIIICAOO. Il.U
Knht & Co , Co.r 15th A DoiiRlas Ste.
J.A duller * Co , Cor. 14lh & IiouKlasSU.
A O Foster A. Co , Cuuucil lllufla. Iu.
Hit 1 0 W K3TS NKltVIC ANO llll.VtN TUUV1'- llratorli , Dli/liion , Pit ) . Neu-
ralKlH , llo.nliclic , Ncrrunn Pfoilratlon cviiuil liy nl-
cohol ortotucco , Wnkpfulnon , Mcntnl Deproisloti ,
Poflonlns of the Uruln , oimln < liM-mlts , inliury ,
ilccny , ilpilli , I'rciniitura OU10 , It.irn-nnon , ln
of Power In cither linuoteiicy , I.o irorrhooi nn I
nllKvmalo Woikno ioi , Involuntnry lionoi , & " 3r
luntorrhooiratisol by ovor-oxurtkm of thu brilu
8oir-iiIU ' , ovpr-lmliilizonoo. A mjnlh'H troatiii ins
11 , 0 for K , by mill. Wo ( itiarantua nit b'iiet )
euro Ki\cii niMor fen ! boxo ) , wlthf > will Hen I wrll
ten cnannteo torpfimil If not enrol. ( itiirnut < i : >
limuuil only by A Schmtor , Drimxlit. ole azau t > ,
E cor. lotli nuil I'nrnuiu > U. , Omali t. Nub.
AiiouUiuinco lovyliiK a hicc-ltil tax and 111-
Bessiiicnl on certain lots und real estate hi
the oily of Oinuli.i , to envoi the eust of slou- having uccn , und holni : lieiohy
adjiidged , detei mined und established tluil
tneseyernl lots nnd plccoiof loul cMuto hoie-
tnaftor ii-fcrrcd to huvo cueli hcen soi-clally
bonullttcd to tin ) full amount lu-rtilii li lud
am ) ii9 > ossi > il aaulnst each of mid lots and
ulecosof n-ul cstiite. re pcothely. liy if.i'-oii
of tho&lnplnpof Jiirl of suid lots , clone
undorcontr.iel with Kutr & Culliihnn.
Therofoio , for the purpose of p.iyln ? tnu
eostof snc'h sloplnc :
Ho Itoidulnetl liy the city council of tlio elly
of Oiiiulri : . , ,
Section I. Thiit iho cost of oloplni : lots In
thoulty of Oinuh.i. suld cost hoi us tlm11111 of
JliiO.W.s.ildslopliis hulnrf done nllli Kiltx -
Culluhnn. lioandtho RIIIIO IH hoi ohy lev led
und ussossed. iiccoi.lliu to lon-
elits hy lo.isou of suld sloDlns : , upon tlio fol-
lowliu lots und le 1 estate , us shown by the
Benei.illy roeo nl/o < i IIIHD of the - e tj of
Unnilili , ItSl.lithoKr.iiihod und jjiihll-hiMl hj <
II Muyiio ; s iiilcosiboliiiisolpxiod on s.ikl lots
und reul cstatu , respoctUuly , us follows , leI -
IM Jniincy tr s fi ) ft ltU Hun OuU $ j'l RJ
Anna Mornn lilt ) Cl.uKl'luco H 4J
.loseiih i : Dlutrluh It'-'J " J- ' ;
" ou
KI'Llmlscy It 21 . "
Martha A Kounus 1119 | )1U 4
Iliinscom I'laco S an
Harriott Curtis It 1 hlk 11 " : ' < > "
do IfJIilkll " n . > t
Hclisof JSSuuUIilShlkO
hliuUsSnd Add 1 > " )
do HlOblU ! ) " Hi Hj
P n Wlllliimonn It ' . ' 0 bile ! ) " JO 4-
llelrs of J S Hhnll It 21 hlk 0 " _ H Zl
Total amount . tlM ) t7
Section 5. T hut the t.ixo HUI.I ] us-pss-
n.entuluvlpJ nnd ussoxsecl us ufort'suld , shall
bo dun ImincdUtrly upon llio IJIKS izn unil t'li-
inovulof thlsordliiunco. and sliull hei'omoilo-
not paid wltlilu llfty days thcio-
uftcn and thereupon Intiin-sl Hliull bo iiildi'd
ut tlicr.iteof ono per ci-nt a iiionth. imyiihlii
In udviineo from the time hiild t .l t 3 become )
bo ilollmim'iit. . . . . .
boc. 3. Thut this ortllnaiiro shall liikoc'ffoct
und liu In forcu from und ufloi Ita passage.
( illy
n. i . DAVIS.
I'ri'ilaYiit Olty Coimu.l.
Thoahovntiix Is now duo nnd iiuyiUiliiut
thuolllcoof Ihu elty trousuriTiiiKl wlirbrcomo
ilollnniiunt und hoar Ininn-hi uftor April 2lith.
IS'j' ' , uUccn liiboctlon U of ulMivci oril iiiiiico.
lll NKi HUnl r t
Of Council
' 9lHOOHn
Oanltil stoe'f .
buriilniiiiUI'rolIts . . Mu.nou
NctCupltal anil Surplus. . ( UiniOUU :
DlrccturM-l l KrtmiiiKHoM K I. Hlnuirt. I'O ,
aiouxm , H 12 Hurt. I A Mlllor , .1 V Illucliiim
nnd cimrlci It Ilnnnnn Tiaiisnelcciioral b ml-
liiK biibliinss. : est cupltnl und aurplua of
uny bunk In Hoiitliwehtorn Io\vu.
Chas. Lunkley ,
I'lincral Director nutl Undcrhikcr.
ail Broadway , Council Bluffs. )
Three things which
afiliu. nunkhul the most
\\ith Atlu.5 and P.tins ,
Three supreme
3 arc Promptly nnd Permanently
cured l y
Mlilch docs 1111 re t'v ' i n'l c-llicr cxtcinal
tcmcdics ( or the iclkl of luim.m suffrrlnc.
3 b'OUTIlK
Iti-M facilities , npiuntiH nnd
for MU'oi'sHful tumttiinnt of nvoiy form
of discard n < iuirlii | t tm'illeal tir trii.ittiiL'iii.
. ' .0 bodt fur p.itlmiK Ixtuid and attendance.
lies ! .u-coinoclatiiuiH Iu the uesl.
Write for olriMiliui on ik < fnriiilt > s nnd
briiect. trii > si-s , i-lnu foot , uurvuturoi nt milne ,
piles , IUIIIIIM. ( Miioor.c.iinuh. brain-lilt IM , In-
h.ilntlon.nlrctriutty. | i u.iljsls , oiilU'iny , | % | , | .
y , b adder , i\ve , oir : , skin urn ! blood mid alt
npvr itloni.
Women 1 UI'I3. \\i > liaxol itolv nil led n lylnx-
lu dnp'iriinont fcromrti ilutliu uimlliiunuMiU
strictly pr vnti-.l Only Hoil.iblo Mudlual In
stitute mnUtiiB n lioel iltv of
All Hood | ) | U.INOS MioeiHsfiilly trnatol
Syphilitic I'nlsnii u > mo\cd fiom thu MMi.'in
without nuTiMiry Noilnstnr.illva Treiit-
inunt for Loss of VI I'Al , l'\VKK. ( ) 1'orsons 1111-
nlilo toNit us may bo treated ut Ilium' by
i oiriisnon lencc. All communication' * conll-
ilontlal , McillcliHM 01 liisliiimonts sent l > y
nniil 01 o\pross. srcuri'ly pacl > i < d , no IIIIURH to
Indlciituronti'iitMoi ni'iiili'i. Dnu peiMiuil In
tcrt low prufono I. I 'all unil consult usdr sonil
blitoiy of your I'inu , mid \ \ ev 111 send In plain
niapnor. our
Rnnif Tn MEN ntEr : rnon rrl\ulp ,
BUUn IU men , v.ptohl | , , r Nor\ous HH-
oisi"4 : , linpoleney , Svphllis , Uluutuiul Vinko-
cole , ultli ( luuntum llsl.
lli.ices ApplLinees for llofonultlos
Only iiniiufui'tory liitbo Woslof l
ll 1 ifl't.l i > nit , , /jrt'a.Mi.s
HATriitlKb A
Oinalia Medical anil . Institnlc ,
2Oth and BroadwaVi Oojnoll Bluffd.
Ton inlniitos' lido finm ooiitcroC Oiiiahn on
Omnliu and Coiinoll lllnlTolcctilo motor Hue.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , well-uppointud , thor
oughly woll-kopt , S3 a day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop ,
All liliulRnf Dvolnxnnd C'loanlii : ( lonu In tin
lili-'hcst style of thu uit. I'ailod un 1 sttlnnl
fubrh s mudo lo look us > : ooil as new. lluil.
fu.ilher&ulpanuil hy hloam In llrst-olim muii-
n ui. WorK piomptly done und doll voiod I null
liaitsof ihei'onntty. bond foi urlco lUt ,
O. A. MAC'IIAN. - - I'ltOl'KIHTOU.
lOJIIUrujilwiy. Nnrlhwoitoru Djpii
Sims &
fcdoiM courts. KoDini ! . I u
Ucnobluck , Council lliuCfi , tx
_ . . SAI.n At u hiiRiiln , U'-acro fruit unit
ciirdon lurin uiljoliiln city limits ; Kooil
Dllln . K II. Khoafo.
, pardon IniuU. liousis , lots uni
FARMS blo-'ks for silu or n'nU
Uoss. i-U I'oiirl stioot , Uounell Itluffs.
"IjlOIl HKNT Over 10) ) dwel1lii7S of ou ry < lr-
Hcrlpllou HI prices varying friiiu tl lo ( W )
PIT month , located In all purls of llio ulty. K.
II , Hiojfc. fiOJ llroiidwuy ,
(121 poruuro for good furnis In'Iowu , I'lnr ,
Phiuooth oorn liinil , I'nr imrllciilurh cull on
or iKldroas Johnston A. 1'attun , Coiniuil
) HOO.M8 roii UK.NTNie iy
fiirnl hud looms foi gunllomun. ; j'0uk- ' (
lund ii uniio.
'TFllTtAN uddltlon Hals for luni , biivuu
rooms each ; bath ; hut and cold u.ucr Day
A. llesa , iigciit8. _
f OIC KAI.K Colnmblu sufoty blcynlnj IB'JD
JJ p.Ulorir. cost JLt'i ; will Hull for ? . 'ICHHI. |
Howard N. llattoiilmiij'i. l''lint Nutloniil bunU.
: ) A iimrrk-d man und wlfo with
out children on u farm. Aililrew lion 1 ,
Wpstun , lu. _ _ _ _ _ _ „
faun.Tl ucrcs In oily llinltsjiioiiim
GAHDHN roonib. t'ocul olslunii 7 acruv under
oiiltlvalloii ; mime Kinall fruit ; price J..WO.
J.onxeo Of Towlo , 2.13 Peurl ht.
OU HAM ! A Rood youna liorfcct.
F uhont I. DM poundv ; one yuar'H tlmo
111 trade for ully lot. Apply lo Lvonurd tt