THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 16 , 1892. SPEBIRL NOTICES , ' T - Foil TIIF.9M COLUMNS AnVKiniHKMKNTS ! : p. m. for tlio venln nart aollIB 8Up. m. ( or the moinlng or Sunday Mil lion. lion.All adrrrllnemenli In thrae column * IS rpnt * llnfi nr t Insertion , find 10 cent * ft line thereafter , or II per line per month. No ndvprthompnl taken for less than K cents tot the tlrsl Insertion. Term * , r su In advnncn. Count nboul seven words to Iho line. Inltlnl * . nmiros , symbols , etc. . eschroiinl tin n word. All advertisements must run tomx-ctillvoly. AdtertlKt-tsliy rcquesllnB n mimborrrt chock , can li Te Iho loiters addrcMed In n numbered letter In car * of Ilir lur. . Answers no addressed will bo delivered 'in presentation of tlic check. SITUATIONS WANTED. UATKB-Uonllno llrsl limn and I0o n line tliero- ftftcr. No advertisement taken for less thnnZjc. TwANTKD-'roHiTioN in 'jiimLK-AiiKii man InKiocery business , lm money t" Invest ftftern Illllo experience , Aildrosi 8 7 , llco -WANTKIl , A POSITION AflSTATIONAUV KN- Jittlnecr. First class references. Address A . V. fatten , ( irand Islnnd. _ LilUf' " U - WITH I-IIIST CLAHH CITY referencen wants ft position. Adrtron a 20 , Hoc. * -A LADY WISIIK9 TO AHSIST AT hoimomirkor newlnu In Pxchnngo fortinnnl In A imnll re lined prlvnto family , Address S 8.1 , Pen. WJ in * _ - MAN OK Jl YKAUS. TKLKOIIAIMI A-YOUNO operator , rteslroi position In oftlce or at Unlit work. Writes Rood htiiOno'i hnnil. Good refer cnces. Address W UWBlli nvo , Council Ilium. . B.-.2-I7' _ WANTII ! > POSITION IIV TWO LADY STF.N ( t ; A Kraphcrsnnd ono lady bookkeeper. Address yj.1 B.8Uli t. CfOlli' _ _ SITUATION AH HILLING CLHIIK : GOOD A references ! 18 months' experience. Andrea * ( I. H. Vcnili' . Hotel Kmiond. MffTU IB' WANTED MALE HELP. ItATKS He a line nml llnio and 10o n line there- after. No oilvcrtlMMinMit tnU'ii forlcaa thnn 20- -WANTKIBAIK8MisoN ) : SALAItY OK COMmission - mission Hi linndlo the new pnlont clicmlrnl Ink rratlne pencil , 'I IKitrrnlcst ncllInK novully ever produced ! ernscs Ink tliniouulily In two srcond ; no nbrnslnn of paper ; Mi In fit ) per cent proilt ; one ncenfs unlcs nniuiinteil In I USD In idt days , nnother fMIn two hours. Wo want nno nciiernl uuent In each state nnd territory. For terms nnd full pnr- tlculnrn address .Monroe llrnsor Mftf. Co , LriCron'O , WIs , X m. 877 > -HALKSMF.N. 1'AYS W1ILL. 401 111:1 : 111IK : , IC-J AI' > -IAllNKSS ! MAKfillS WANTKI ) . GOOD > wn cs imldi K. Htncbo , Yoi k. Nob. 43) ) IV " f > -Sf > H. ILLAIIUHKimYA NTUD KVKUYVKKK JJ for Wyomlnif on tlio it. A , M. It. R , free t rnn rtntlon from Oninlin , Call nt GOtl 3. 10th street. - . , (3OOD Ol'lININO , HALAHY Oil B-BALKS.MAN Address with stnmp , Nntlonnl Clitnr Co . St. Louln. Mo. 47ti 1U' _ > -CITYCANYAH8iil9.HALAllY : PAID WKKKI.Y. owing mnclilno olllce , 151(1 ( Douglns street , il IS7 nil wANTKi ) . A iucis'iintii : > DIIUO CIIUK : ror n small country tmvn. Apply by letter , KtntliiK inlury expected. MnxArcndtft Co. , Spen cer , Noll. MMHJIll -WANTKD-AN HMT.HIKNCKI ) DUV ROODS nnlemiinn. Must bo n ru tlcr nnd cnn spenk Ciornmn. Apply , with references , to T. Ik navies A Co. . York. Neb. .Mi'JU ! ' Ti-I ! AND OIIll AT MlIll'UY JJWIOYS A. CO.'B clmlr fnctory. 1 > 4-\VANTHD , TWO I'l HSONH 'to V.V.Y.V HOOKS JJln April. J. II. bmltli.U Now York Llfo. -WAMT.n MIN : TO TIIAVKL rou ouu Cnnndn nurseries , btono A Wellington , Mndl ton , \VK _ T > WANTI1I. ! TWOdOODALL AHOUND TAIL- -I'nra. Addresa llorech A. lleriiBtrnnd , Kulrmont , Neb USI 17 WANTKI ) , A vlST CLASS HAtNIISS ranker ; none other need apply. W.V. . 1'nliner , llnmburK , In. _ Oil-IB -HKCOND-IIAND IIIIKAI ) AND CAKK llAKKlt , nermnn tnnn preferred ( iood woues for the rUkt luun. Address Jncob Yoelker , Terry , In. n-WANIBD , MEN OK 1IKSPKCTAI11MTV AND .X > ctinrHCter to solicit for tbo Nobrnska Stnto ttinrnnteu ItulldliiK nml Lonn nssoclntlon. Address T. L. Mnlhows , munancr , Kremont , Neb. W 21 * -WANTKI ) , TKN KIUST CLASS T1LK SKTTIIHS onllroivn hotel. Denver. Address , statliiK terms , II.o. Welllnitton A Co. , Denver , Colo. Mlt,0 17' p-l2 TO f 15 A DAY TOAOIINTS SKLLINO OUH " -I'Pi'rfectloii shoo ( recently patented ) , also the Tnylor ndjustnblo nhoo , direct to the consumer ; piollt from 7f > o to J2.2."i n piilr. No competition ; ovury Intly fi possible ctintouitM' tills sprint ; . Sccuro your territory nt onco. Addioxx with 'J cent lnnii | , ' Consolidated Adjustable Mioo Co. , Lyini , MUSH. - ' Mr l' "I } BALKSMKN WANTKI ) TO SKLf , OUR GOODS -i'by unniplo to the wholesnlo and retail trude. Liberal enlnry nnd oxpensepnld. . rermnnent po- itltlon. Money ndvnnred for naircp , advertlslui ; , etc. For full particulars nnd reference nddrcaii Ccntcnnlnl Mfc. Co. , Chlcnico , HI. MCM 1C ' WANTED--FEMALE HELP. RATIOS I5c n line time nnd lOc n line there ' after. No advertisement taken for loss tlmn 'I'M C-WANTKI ) , A O1UL FOI work. Ml llarney street. M 652 Id' /T WANTKD , A ( ilitL KOIt OBNUllAL IIOUSII V-'nork. ' 1037 8IStli . lu * /I WANTBI ) , A GOOD GI11L FOll V/houso work ; Gorman preferred- Inquire ' . ' 431 Doduo. OH / V-WANTKDIMMHDIATKLY , ONK 1'KIISON To VJrccelvo Instructions , kcop books In old cslab llahvd boubO. J. II. Smith , lull New York I.lle.UI51B UI51B * C-WANTKD , GOOD WOMAN FOll GKNIHIAL house work nt 2712 1'nrkcr st. : must bo compe tent ; fnmll ) two ; cnll utonco. J. K. Van Ihuen. liltt 15 * - . A YOUNG ( HltL TO TAKK CAHK C-WANTKD. of child 9 years old nnd assist lu Unlit Inline- work , yea Capitol uve. Mli.13 17 C-WANTKD-ailtL FOll GKNKltAL HOIISK- work. Mrs. J. K. Idly , 2J10 California it.MIH7 MIH7 K' C-WANTKD. G111LT1IAT CAN DO GOOD PLAIN oouklntf wlioro accond ulrl Is kept. Good waves , 1011 Locust Ht. Ii49 /1-WANTKD. A OIIIL FOlt GKNKilAI. llOUSi- : V work. Apply at H. K. cor. of Itith and Center. B43 IT -WANTKI ) , OIIIL FOll IIOUSKWOllK. Mils , J. C F. Wllcox , S. W. cor. HUb and Douglas tt > 15 C-WANTKD , OIIIL Klt ( IKNI'.IIAL HOUSK- work. bOBtJQiith Itltli street. Ui'j ! > . -WANTKI ) . OIIIL FOll UKNK11AL HOUsk- work. liUJ Uorlir it. M07I FOB BENT-HOUSES. -G IIOOM KI iVT , S40J LKAVKNWOllTHHT , 4 -MI-UOOM HOUSK. mil AND DAVICNI'OUT all conveniences , I-5.U ! > per month , K. K. Dnr- lliiB. llnrkcr block. M ) B-HOUftKS , COTTAUK.S , IIOOMH , U14 N. 17th st. 7 V-FUIl HUNT , MIOOM FLAT , FllONT IOT1I AND /Hickory. TTO-lli * \-llUHKrt AND Al'AUT.MK.NTHlN IIISKT IlKSI- /dunco block 111 clly. SIC 8. Sil ! street. Tel. 17V I. D I-LAUGH LlbT OF HOUHIM. HTO11K8 , FLATS uto. ; , K and up. I'nul , 17 lloiird of Trndo. 213 A 6 * B-HKSIOKNCK FLATh , 11 AND7 UOOMB , WITH bath , convonlont to lu lnci > , ouly ( .U Mead Invt. Co. , HI lleo bulldlUK. MWI T -FoTTuKNT , rt NICK NKWI.Y FUIIN18HK1) ) J-'roonis , Kit N , 10th. llreiinnii tints. M4M 7rOIt UKNT , 7 AND 8 IIOOM FLAT , LA Nil K -Ublock , ( Ul , H. llilb , cor. Jackson nt. 472 17 III5NT , 2 NICK CO'lTAOKS , 2510 AM ) am , t. 4W 18 * _ lA xll HUNT , HOII.SKsil7.lU I'KIl MONTH AND X' upwnrds. Tlio O. F. UaU Co. , I UIO Fnruuui st. X'D D -FOll UKNT. MY IIHICK KKM1DKNCK. X70 harnniu. Twclvo rooms , uvery convenience. nno cellar , laundry rnnnu , utc. On motor line , Ncuutrnlly locuud , outli front. To uood tcnanlon Jonir loa > o ouly 175.00. Warren M. Holers , Wll ' llOll HUNT , ATlbtli ANOCIHUAGOHTllKKTa. A-J 7 room Hat newly unneriMl , 4 room tint In frame bulldtnv. flOUO. 5 room cottairp. city water and cloiet , 13-00. Itolii'rli. laiaChlcaijo ttrcot. MM3-SO' TIltOOM FLAT IN GOOD IXCATION , HUNT J IMOO per mouth ; prlco of furniture , fwuuui I1UU u ) casb , balance on ttmn. Co-Operative Lund ttud Ixit Co. . 306 NoHli IClh ( rcet. MlIU 17 T -KLKGANT IMIOOM FI.IINISIIKI ) HOl'HK . -/all modern , near llrowncll balljtluouu per mo , U F. Harrison , 9H N , Y. Life. up all l"rl.VU UKliVUOWK ' < " 'I' " HT. . II HOOM.x. J balli. cla. , I30periuontb , F , 11. WoodroH.Ni-b. Nal , bank bulldlnK. C4S " BOOMS. ' ' ' ' HATES- line Hr l lime und llia'IrTine'Tliv'ro' alliir. ndvertUfiimnl taken for leu than ? 5o. l.T-LAUOK ' HIONT UOOM KLKGANTLY Fl'lf 4'juliUed. ste m heat , talh , etc. 1617 Lcavxnworlli itreol , tor nvalloruau. MirjM' I -RU UKNT. ONK l.AIIGU FllONT UU TWO wbrnckfurnliheJ tr uufurnlihtd loomi. In bouth lith street. nul FUIINIPHKD FllONT IIOOM 1-XUONIC o gentlemen , VJ10 lmeii | > ort t. 1157 loNTlOOM. HAY WINDOW. Oil 'bacr , iilrtly furultbuil , well beated , > ult ODD or two , very lui/dcr lo u-rius. i'J North IVtli tlrent. MiU4 17 _ _ _ _ _ _ " " PBilUTU IIOOM AT 11 UOUULAS BTilVKT. J-t MUSI at * FOK llENT-FtJBNISHED BOOMS. Conifntml. - Htlt.NlSIIKI ) ItOOM ! ) , HOUHK MODKItN. Heat , can. eto MI7 llarntygt. tM-18 * " " FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. IIATKS IJon line nr t time nd lUo n line there after. JJo ( idtcrllncnicnl tnken for Ions Ihnn2. ' . I ? VKIIY DKS1IIA1ILM FIIIST AND SKCOND L floor , south nnd onM , furnished rooms nt "Tho Frcnier. " 1IB .No , aJlb utrcot. M74C If. ' 'iN-ltOOMS AND IIOAIIU , IIS S. Kill. SI. -L' < 2l-mlV l--NICKLY FL'llNI8HKD IIOOM WITH HOAIH ) I for mnn nnd wife or two Incite * , private fnmlly ; 15 week cnch ; modern conveniences , i5 ! N , Zlrd st. 1.1-IIOUMS FUIINISHKD Oil UNFUIINI8 IIK1) JL with first clnss beard , 1721 Divenp.irt st. 447 1C * P-IIOOMS AND noAUl ) 1822 CH1CAGO STIIKKT\ 587 16' FOB RENT--TTWF'PBNIBHED BOOM3 _ _ p SIX T'LKASANT 11W.M9 , IIJI S 17TH AVK , < . - bclwcen.lnckson nnd Lyiivenworlli. 60.1 18 * BOABDINGK llATK9-l5a n line first tlmn nnd IDc n line tliore- nfter. No KdrertlsomcnMnkcn for lr < tliiiii Kje. -JMJIJ/S"ANTltljSKi"i3lJ"l)6 ) [ ( lK. VolYtlOOO 11 bonrd , nicer rooms , contonlencos. rates nnd lo tion It cnnnot be occlled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor FOR KENT STORES AND OFFIOE3. ItATr.S l.'icn line flrst time nnd lOo n line tliero nflor. No ndrorllseiuetit tnkcn for less tlmn 25c * "i1 - 1 883 I mil IIKNT.THK 4-STOHY ItltltMv 1IUIM > 1N(3. ( Islfl Knrnnn street. The bullillni ; Ims n llrc-prmit romcnt bnsi'iiient , coniilulo | stcnm'lientlne llxturcs , nator on nil Iho floor * , KOS , etc. Apply nl the olllou of ' 1 ho lieu. US _ f sUiTAIII/K illMliDIMiS Ktllt MAMlKAtrftliT- 1 Ink1 purpo'i-i nt l.'ckurmnan I'lnco , Kood cnulno nml bollur , M'i per month. 0. K liurrlson , 1112 N. Y , I'.lfo. U37nl _ 1 KOIl Hi.NT. : IN 1IK8THUTAII , LOCATION IN JLOmnhn , entire rcrond lloor or ( teimrtmoats In ( ioldcn innki : Slum fetore , 114 H Kith st Vil _ 1 KOIl HlINlVniACICAaitTvAU KlIOtlHl ! 4I.\H . 1 Apply lyailiirnuyiit. .MIMIU T-FOIl UKN1AT 1DU CII1CAOO hTHHKT , SlUltil 1 room 'ft by 71 feet , only few ilooro from li'.th strcot , fJO pormnntUi Koburt.i. llilS Clilcouo Mrret. M Sli 20 * _ I KOIl UKNT , A'N KI.KtiANT bTUUKUOOM , -I best locution In town ; 22xiiO , with futures and counters ; Inrco , dry bnsoment under Btures this Is n uood clmnce for tinno rustlhiK ( ieriimn to come Into n live town unit do n good business. Kor fur- tbar partlculnrs Inqulroof K. bonneiisclieln. West I'olnt , Nell , _ 615-21 FOR RENT-MISOELTjANEOUS _ iTATKS lSo n line llrst Tlrat nnd lOc n line there- nfter. No vdvcrtlscmont taken for less tUnn 'J5c. T-OA11UKN FA11MS TO HUNT. T. MUItllAY. t ) 881 1 UlllCK YAUDS FOIl UKNT. T. MUItllAY. i ) MUItllAY.Mfltt 7 - KAIIJ1S tXll ) HUNT. IL T. CI < AltlC. ' C04nl2 1-KOU UKNT TIIUKK liAllHK HOO.MH 1NT1IK > ' Contlncntnl block , formerly occupied by the Klksclub bultnble for society or lodge purposos. Kruelnnd , l.ooiuls & Co. M OI-IS. V/ANTED-TO BENT. ItATKS-l.'iO u line tlr t luio nnd lUc a line there- lifter. No ndvertlsi'nicnt taken for tlmn ' . ' . "ic WANTKO nolS ; NOT l.KHS THAN t von rooms , within nillo of lluu bullillni : . Must ImroKns , wnter , bnth nnd furnucc. Address S : i'.i ' , llfo. Mli O17' TltllKK TO KIVM UNKUKN1SIIKI ) ltXMS modern housui llilit lioiiHokecpliiK : references cxclmiiKCd. AildiessH S . Hep. ' MB72 111 * RENTAL AOENCIE8. L- . C. GAHVIN A CO. , SU3 S11KKLY BLOCK. L-8TAII LOAN AND TIIUST CO. , 1ST KIXJOR New York Llfo biilldliiB. M5I6 111' _ STORAGE. IIATK8 15o n linn llrst tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnken for Ijss tlmn 25o OL1 M Il0tl8 olu < the city. Williams A. Crossl214 llurnoy. M-CLKAN. nilY AND 1'IllVATKLY BTOHKD furniture , llentlnn stoves stored oter summer. 1U07 DOuftlns st. Omnlin Sto\u Itepnlr vtorks. U44 WANTED TO BUY. IIATKS I5o a line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line thereaf ter. No ndrortlseiuent tnkon for less than 2 , > e. STOKKD. Wcllk , 1111 Knrnnm Bt. 8SS "VT SKCONI-IIANI KUHN1TUUE1IOU "T.SOI.I > -t nnd oxcbnnKodt hluhest prices pnld I. cond- hnud EOOds. Boston Kurnlturo Co , CtM N. , at. N WANTKI ) TO 11UY A CjOOI ) 8 Oil II IIOOM house nnd barn , wall locnted ; must bn u bnrRnln. llcnawn.VCo 047 17 FOB SALE PTTHNITUBE. _ IIATKS--ISO n Hue tlrsc tlmo nnd lOc n Hno tbore- uftcr. No ndvertlsement taken for less than 23c. 0 sincn it , * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAOONS , ETC. " " " P-FC S A Lli I- rlnpFOl nonrly now. Apply ZB4 Douulns. 1)-FOR SALK , HOUSES AND MULES , CUE A. Fidelity Oil Co. , S ) th nd U.I' , lly. C12 ! ( I-FOltHALKOHTRADE. A UELOIAN STAL lion. Address box : 14 , Hustings Neb. MC73JI' FOR SALB--MI80ELLANEOUS. 11ATKS-150 n line first llmo nnd lOc a Ilno tber < P after. No ndvortlnoment tnkon for lesn than 25c' -FINE UI'UHIHT 1'IANO , BTANDAllD MAICK , used only a few moutho , al u aacrlllco. 202 Caldwell - well st. _ 4H.I Q-FOIl SALK. TWO BILLIARD AND 1 TOOL tables with cues , balls , racks ; uood order ; fT.VUO each. Dim Urecn , Darker block. M-840 Q-KOIl SALK. ONK CHANK HVDIIAULIC ULR- vntor for direct city pressure ; modern pnssnn- Kcr cnr , with lever operating systoni , d\i \ lifting cnblos complete , with all modern safety nppIlHiicaa. \V I ndnor. Kemp A Co. , 203 N. V. Life bids.M457 TOH8ALV : . HANDSOMEST DICKIl HOUND IN Qu : , west.cbenii. J.C. Kchrelvor.lZ,14 b.iOtli uvcll'Hi Qu KOIl HALK- HKdISTKItUI ) IIOLSTKIN bull,2h ivaraold. Apply ut5ll Uheoly block. MIXI3 111 * _ Q-FOIl HALH , FULL HET OK TINNKH'S TOOLS with pntterns. Will ulve'tlme If wonted. Ad dress ti ( U , care llec. - V0HALK \ , TUMHLKIl WASHElt CIIKAf , Mlllard hotel druu btore. MMI-IH -IIICYCLKSI NK\V. 1140. LATKHT 1'ATTKIIN , cushion tire cycle * , for * ItW. I benper Krudes In proportion. Lists tree , Aiients wanted. A.V. . tiiimp , Daytou , Ohio , MlC4 ! 10 * ItATKS-lio u 11 no tint tlmo and lUc a line there- after. No advertisement tnken for loss than 2Jc. 1OA N A 1 1 AN KM rLY ( SI MNT OFFICHV 'tOO -I-V Karnam st. up stairs , mule and fomnlo help : ordori by mull promptly attended to. Deference ; Omaha Natlonnl bank , Tel. 8a4. " ( T.-.M Vj T ) HAMll/roN HUGS. CAIU'KNTl'UH AND JXbullders. All kludu jobblnu ; 411 H. IStli. Tel. 117V. CLAIUVOYANTS. IIATKS-15O H line llrst time nnd IDo n line there after. No advertisement tnkun for less than 2&c. S -aiAi//\jtn ritiAA.i j \ iuimu aiiimvr , clairvoyant and trance medium ; Independent voices ; tull > pnut and future. 7'JIMJl' S i MU8. NANNllj V. WAUIIKN , CLAlltVOYANT ; reliable business medium , ilftb year 1U N. li.lh Q-AIllllVAL KXTIIAOIIUINAIIY , WONDKUKUL 'rcvulattons. ClialloiiKes the world. Mrs. Dr , M , I ifrave , dead trnncu clairvoyant , natroloiilst , pnlmlit and lift ) rtmdi'r ; tells your llfo from the cradlu to urnve ; unites the separated i cnuiea nisr- rUK with the ono you lovui tells where you will succeed uud In nliat business best adapted for ) lias tbo celebrated Kcyptlan brvastplata for luck and to destroy bad Influences ; curen 1H . Inteiupeninco and nil prlvnto complalnU wllli ioa oiu ; , bntln and alcohol treatment , hend tl , lock of hair , nainti nnd datu of birth nnd receive ucvuralo Ufa . 'hurt ; X cents In > tam | Tor circular ; elva lultlnla of onu you will marryi also photos of sanio. Ottlca WJ7 t-oulh lltli Hreot , llrnt noon lioursU am to il p. m. Come one , come all. aud bo convinced of thu wonderful oracle. MW 1U * MASSAOK , JJATHS , ETC , 11ATK3 15o line Hrsl lime and lOc a line there utter. No udfortlxnunt taken for le Iban 25c. ri MASSAin ? 'fmATMTHJ-iC'TiTii 'iTioTnTKir. -I mal UotliK , ncnlp and hair treatment , maulcuro uudchlropoaUt. .Mrt.l'ott.JlWi y. litli , Wlthuell blk. _ . . _ _ -MADAMK BM1T11. 111 DOUGLAS STUIIKT. A room T,5U Hoar. Alcohol , suluhur and oa bttb * . _ _ UM4J1 _ 'P-MASSAGIC , 610 S. ISTH BTIIKLT. 2D > LOIl. - till * MSO- rp-MAUAMB LA UUK. MASgAQK. Illi UOUTI1 llitli street , frd Hour , Hat 4 , MiUtaot. MT4VI7' 1 -Mstamvi 1 : , M Aba uut < u KLUOTIUCIAX Umiin block. SIM ) 21 * FEB3ONALS. U MAltCH 1 WILLCIIAUI.IK NOLAN I'l.KAMK callalltlUJuuui ; * t. till l ] > ABT AMD LANGUAGE. _ _ IlATKS-ltc R line nrst tlmo nil lOc line thpre- Kfter. No advcrll scmfnt Ukcn for lesi limn 8ie. - * ' OKLLKNOKCK. BANJO TKACIIK3 , > with llospo , or 418 N. 18th it 9 nUYINO A 1'IANO KXAMINK THK ' now fcalo Klmball piano. A llo pe. IMS lleUKlns. _ p91 V-0 9A1.K , C11KA1 * TOIt CASH. A FINK ' nprlxht piano , nfnrly now nnd standard manu facture. AddresiOU. lien offlco. 84 _ V A LADV MTSICTVACllKll.OHADiATK : AND pxperlencd In tenclilue. will civo plnno tenons In exchatiRO for dressmaklnff. Address S .Ti | , " < Jj , MONEY TO LOAN-BEAIj ESTATE. IlATlca-1. ' * ) n line nr t tlrao nnd lOo n line there- nflor , No adverllsomnnt tnkn.i for ' < 'ban 3ia A fuudT coV linn \ miia. Lr-MONKV TO IXAN ON IMIMIOVKD CITY AY property , low rnto. A. CJ Frost. Douglns hlk. 6 TO 7 I'KIl CKNT \\r-IUCALK9TATKLOANS , ; no nddltlonnlcharuM for commission ornttor ncy's fees. W. U. Molklo , First National bnnk bldK. Ay-COATKS , 1CI4 FAItNAM , KASTEIIN MONHY -WANS , < } . G. WALLAOK.ltJ I1IIOWN HLK. bU . \y-UHL , lliALESTATBLOAN8,3ll UKK IILD'G AV Tfl I'KIl Cr.NT F1H8T MOllTOAOU LOANS , lllcbnrd C. Patterson , 1511 Fnrnnm at. I < OI \\r-MO.NKY TO IXMN ON IMI'IIOVKI ) OMAHA ' ' properly ; bnlldlnit loans a epcclnlty. llrpnnnn A Co. , Knrlmch block. M03 Mil _ \\f IAAN8ON IMI'KOVKII AND UNIMl'ltOVKI ) ' ' city propcrty.J.1.000 nnd upwnrd , lo i per cent No dclnys. W.Fnrmuu BmltliCo.,15lli nudllnrney. Wti \\r-lMHVATK .MONKY. K1UST AND RKCOND 'I morttinito lonns , low rntes. Alex. Moore , 401 Iteo bulldlnit M73J \\r-\VANTKl ) , 10 1'Hlt C13XT MONKY TO LOAN on Kilt ed < ed town property In St. IMwnrds , Nell. Itcfurenci1. KTolmimo bnnk , St. IMw.inls Neb , A. 1 > . White , Heal hatnto nnd Loan At'ency. U'nJ _ \ \ r-Al'riY TO J. Ij. I.OYKTT VOIl CltKAf money ; only llrst class eucurlty , 2WS. 13th. 801 Tir-WONKY TO LOAN ON IlKAL KSTATK. THK 11 O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Fnrnam sU Mil \tr-C. W. ItAINiY,3130MAHA : NAT , UK. 11LDO. City uiortKaRes. LoncUrntcs. Money on hand. \\f-O.VAHA SAYINGS HANK MAKK.S LOANS " ' on rcnl estnta nt lowest market rntes. Lonns made In small or Inriro Mini nnd for short or IOIIK tlmo No couinilsslon Is churned , nnd tha lonns nro not void In the enst , but can always bo found nt the bnnk on Iho corner of Utll and DotiKlas streets 7HI V\r LOANS.W.M. HAItUIS , 11.20 , FIlKN/.KIl IILK. \V ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO. . 313 N. Y. v Llfo , lend nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa fnrms or Omaha city property. MONEY TO'l.OAN-.OHATTELS. IIATKS ISen line tlrst llmo iind lOo n line there- utter. No ndvortlicment tnken for less tlmn'ic. . v DO YOU WANT MONHY ? jV if go do not fnll to Ret our rntos before bor rowing. Womnkolonns , without removal or publicity , on furnlturo , plnnos , hortes. waxons , etc. , nt the low- ent possible rnte. There Is no unnccessnry dolny. but you get thu money on tbo nntno dny you nsk for It. \Vo will cnrry the lonn as lonx tut you deslro , KlvliiKyoa tha pilvileKoof pnylnz It In full or In pnrt nt nny tlmo to suit your convenience , nnd any purt pnld reduces the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to the amount paid. Our oltlces nro centrally locnted nnd nro so nr- ranitcd that purMesc.iiilln , ; on us can bo waited on iiulckly nnd courteously. iilf ) ou hnvo n lonn with other parties or Imvo boiiKbt n plnno or other furniture on tlmo nml tlnd thi ! payments n llttlo Inruer tlmn you cnn meet conveniently , wo will pny It for you nnd cnrry tlio lonn ns lent ; ns ) oil desire. U will bo to > our ndvnntnso to BOO us bcforo so- curlDK a loan. OMAHA MOUTflAOK LOAN CO. . lloom 11 , OrcUhton Illock , ith St. . south of 1'ostolllco. .M -MONKY TO LOAN. , , FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. On household poods , pianos , , orgnnn , 'liorsns , mules , wngons. etc. , at tbu lowest posslblai raU'i , without publicity , removal of proper ! ) or chniigo of possession , Time nrrnnKca to suit the borrower. Payments of nny amount can bo nmde at nny time , rciturlnit both principal nnd Interest , tliunidv- Ink' patrons all tbo benullts of the partial payment plan. Call nnd BOO us when you wnnt n lonn. Money nlwayn on hniid ; no dolny ; no publicity ; lotvest rnten ; buslncssjtonHdcntlnl. riDKLlTV LOAN UUAHANTKB CO. , 11. K Mnstors' old stand , 11. 4 , Wlthncll blk , l.Mh nnd llnrney. MI53 X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF security ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. DOj -ROirr PllITCIIAHU , 11.3 , W1THNKLL BLK. ' .mi X-WIIKN YOU WANT . . A CHATTKL . . LOAN SHE W. H. Davis , room 'JO , Contlnentnl blocZ. W3 -MONKY LOANIJI ) ON XMONKY aiions , pianos , otc. Fred Terry , U , Ut , llamuc. X MONKY TO LOAN , 30. fiO. 'M DAYS ON FURNl tiiro , Uvo stock , etc. Dull Uroon , removed to ttooui 3 und U. Darker blk IS8 X MONKY ON ilONlia , STOCFCS. WAHIIANTS personnl proparty.\Vuyuo&UalloyU.40J Karbnch UtiUMil' BUSINESS CHANCES. IIATKS 15o a line Hret tlmo and lUo a Una there- nfter. No udvortlHemcnt tnkon for less thun25c. T11K COMMKllCIAL. THK LKAIHNd 1 hotel nt llroken How , Neb , No land In trnde. till _ Y-MHl SALK , A KIIIST CLASS Ol'KNINU FOll nman with numall capital t ) Invest In stock of Konernl merchandise ; well established business ; good prollts. Address box 713. Omaha , Noli. 4ST m 10 * _ -KOIt BALK-SALOON , DO1NO A UOOI ) 11U3I- ness : tiood reason itlven ror selllnic. Address Ixickbox CIJ. West I'olnt. Neb. M&O _ V-KOK SALK , A CIQAIl MANUFACTOIIY AND 1. lobacco btore of twonty-ono years' standlni ; , on account of old ago. Inquire of II. Arndt , lllalr. Neb , aim n3 _ V > lt 8ALK , A HAHNKHS BI1O1' , 18TII AND i Vlnton sts. , on account of sickness. Address Krml Mueller. 1724 Yimou lit. _ I3HJ Y-KOIt WALK , MY IIATIIINd HKSOIIT AT Lnku Mniiawn. Address J , J. Malowney , Hebron , Neb _ mi _ _ V-I'I'OUIIIN MILL FOll SALK , TI1K HTKAM X power llourhiK mill , with a enp.iclty of 1U bbls. per day , of nil modern Improvements , built 3 yearn UKO with the expense of fll.OOJ.lxJ , In I'niKne , HaunderH Co. . Neb. , Is ollered for sttlo on easy ti'rnif. Kor furtlior partlctilurtf address Knspar HroB. , 1'rague , Hnunders Co. , Neb. MIU7 nj Y FOll HALK. ONK-1IALF 1N'K11KHT IN THE Atlantic foundry nnd mnclilno shop ; doing n cooil business ; oed chance fora machinist. J. K Wnrr , Allantlc , la , M < : jl 111 _ Y1 TIIKHKSTOI'IININOIN N1SII11AHKA KOIt A storv. AililrcosL. T. llrooktng , Funk , Nob. M4U010 * _ _ V A FINK STOCK OK IIAHDWAIIK 1NCITYOF J H.OOU , doliiK bust' ' business ) first clnss stock ; stora centrally located ; has lease of 2M years , Mock Invoice fi.OOU. llent reuooni forsollliiK. Ad- clrem Omnlin Hardware Co. SHU2-SU _ FOll SALK , I1OTKL , SIIKI'IIKHDIIOUSK.- Ansloy , Custer county. Neb. Two-story frame bulldliiK. about 34X10J , with good barn ; JU slecplnx rooms ; hotel well furnished. Apply to Dr. J. B. Tlioiiinii , Wood Illvor , Neb. 414 W _ THK MUNSO.N TYrKWIUTKH IS TlIE'llKST. Machlnea for salu or renl. T. 11 , rimlUi , IT llonrd of Trndo , Omnba. 5IM1 ui : ; Y-FI.OUO STOCK OK DltlKiS , ALL NICK AND clean , wall assorted ; mill tnko frfJU casb. balance real estate Thos. Kryiter , Nellnh. Neb. M57I-10 * YAIlll AND (1001) ( T 11ACKAOK. Lkcalo.otr. Central location. JSasy terms. U. E Harris , Wi N. Y. Llfo , Mill IS' -FOK 8ALH , A STOCK OK MQUOltd , LICENSE and nxturoi ; food locatlou. Address a 87. Dee , HOTKI. IN OMAHA. FIFTY . rooms ; bar attached , need business. No cash re quired. ( iood reason for selling , K. F , Itlnirer , liig * amain , 11 uil 21' - WANTKI ) . HTOCK OF MK1IC1IAND18K OF any kind If cheap ; strictly confidential. Addreis H 4 1 , Hoe. tXX ) ID * _ V A CHANCK FOll A IlltY fiobfit * MAN. AN J-enerRCllo lunncan buy half Inturcst In one of the be t dry goods stores In tbo Halo .Address 8. W , Jleo , Muli I0 FOR EXCHANGE , 11ATKS-160 a line ilr.'t tluio and Idea line there- after. No adverllseiiienl taken , for lesilhooKo. " , , ' -/take real vttutv imonujr. Hoi3Wr'runkfort , Ind. f _ r/-Vf YOU IIAVK A UOOI ) Ul'lllUIlT l'IAN ( ) TO /JtrBdofor lot M , block 1 , Armour IMace. SoutU Ouialia ; clear of all liicumbrance. Addr N Uee olllce. -ONK-TlllIlD CAH1I , 11ALANCK IN CUOICB /Jclear Nebrntku Innu or trottlua > tallloni to ex- rhaniio for ifood. clonn stock of merchandise or hardwares write with full p rtlo-jUr , or bettor come and see uio nnd ttiu laad. Henry Clmmberlla. N > oed Hirer. Neb. m IS y voH KxniANme ! OVKII iToo.uua UOOD 'JOmiba | iroi > rty , mostly luiprorrJ , fork rancli In Nc lru kn or K n n . waul from 1WU to 1.UOU creg. K. f. llluuur , Ull ) I'aruaui. t fT FOR EXCHANGE. L jiorrtnN HOMK IN OMAHA "for Rood paying bn l < < , dry Roods , clothing or lumber preferred.VJMt Imvo you ? Hoi TtKl , Omnlin. . i _ y TO"KXCIIANOK Mrm WOIITII or NKIIIIAS- ' -'knClly properly for , ftn Improved fnrm lands. Addre n K. M. Warren , NAbraskn Clio , Neb , 6M 17' _ _ _ y-KOIl TltADK , KQtVTY IN 11OONK COUNTY ' farm for vacant lottnr house and lotiwlllns- sumo. Address S 89 , lied ] Meil 18 * ItATKS-l5c nllno flsmltho nmt too n linn tliero nfter. No Advertisement tnkcn for ICM than ZV ; . Ii'OJi SAY.K , MIOOM COlTAOi : ( ONLY ) SITU nlcd 1CU lianl street fall on A. Hope Jr. W IJoil SALK. NIIIlllASIvA FAIIM LANDS. O. Q. -L1 Wallace , 31 ] Drown block , 16th nnd Doiiitlns , OIJ _ 17011 SALK OH HK.ST- Several de lrnbto medluni i- sited nnd small nou o * rhenp nnrt on eaiy terms. W. 'I. .Mlllnnl. ntonlnlia Nat. bant \w \ 17OU HALK-a-K LO It NlJIl 17th , DOHCA8. SV + X L 134 3 cottages , stnhlo for (1 ( horses , cnn bo divided Into & lots. Inquire nt promises 112 Ik * lIVn ACIIKI/IT. ) AIUOIN1NO THU TOWN 01' i. Illnlr , Nob. ; good land. 11V. . Mcllrlde. Ul-A-3 * _ _ MODHIIN 1U IIOOM HOUSn , tlOOl ) LOCATION ; no trade ; cash bnritnln. Address Ol , llfo. M 1 10 MIC * _ I OIISALK. 1IOMKS. ANY IMllfK , J7W , iLsM Ul' Aensy terms ; takoclonrpiopcrty us tlrst pnymeiit U ( ! . Wnllncc. Drown block. IMu nnd DoiiKlns. 105 irull SALK 3KVKNTKKN TIIOIISANI ) ACIIKS 1 unimproved lands In llownnl , Hbcrmnn , llreoley nnd Vnlloy counties. Ncbraikn , on very llbernl terms , on deferred payments. K per cent Interest. Address I ) . Itcmlck , r. O. box 2001 Los Anitoles , Cal. \T 15. COHNKIt SUTII AND IIICKOIIV , M.K15 li .foot ! n Imrnnln for n few days only. K. K. Dar MIIR , llnrkor block. ' .Ill ' ' KOU'NTXrT'l'hArK. IIAIUIAINS , N1NK-1100M liou-0 on Witt. i.VX ) : il.tUJ cash. Kleu'nnt homo on I'lnkiier , \ ! > , Mi K < UU rnsh , bnlnnco Mi.i.D per month ; other line homes ; would consider some trnde. J , .1. ( ilbson. CrcUhton block. M7.IIM'.V IMU SALK AT A IIAlttJAlN LOT IV HL'J 5K1 , X1 w , L. Selby'a llrst nddltlon to Houth Omnlit Unmll payment down , bnlnnea monthly If desired InqulroU. II. Tiscliuck , Omaha lieu. SSI 1OK SALK 400 Atllli : KA11M IN DLUK H1VKU - valley , Thnycr county , 10 mlles we < t of Hebron. One of the very best limns hi tliu county : uooil bouse , bnrn , Krnnnrles , cribs , etc . nnd nn nbundanco of fruit , timber nml runnlni : wnter. Also for s.ila or exchnnRo for wood Innds or city property , brick cork pncklnic house nnd tlxtures In Hebron , Tlmyor qoiinty , near II. A M. depot , 1 or particular * In- ulroof nny rcnl rstnto nuent In Hebron. r 3. ' > 1 011 SALK , ONi : 14-UOOM HOl'KL AND TIIIIKK A- lots , well located ; linrtcinh , bnltinco on tlmo. Addresilock but 111 Wllsonvlllo , Nob. .M Til ' 'I TToil SALK-ON MONTHLY I'AVStKNTS , S -L housvs , V lots. The O.K. Uavls Co.,15W Farnam t. 501 IMPROVED FAIIM , ) H AlCHKAI' . A. M 1 Loniinell. 3IU5 Mlnml street MtOil 10 * iroil SALK. 1 LOT WITH 4'ltOOM HOUSK ON Jt'OUtb Fourtli , between Cednr nnd Onk streetn. Will sell \ cry cbeup on nccount ot fnmlly mines nnny. Inquire 2UI4 So. ruurlli treot. O ) 1.1 * LOST. IIATKS 15o n Una llrst time nnd lOfl n Una thcrcnf ter. No ndvorllspmunt tnken for le s than " . * > c. ATUllDAYMA TLSKlo ladles' chain pencil und pearls attached. Itoluru to thli oltlce. ( iil * 15 * 08T KNKUHH SKTTKIl IOJ. ) IILACK AND nhltc , bend black , wbltannd tan ; return nnd net reward Kooiii 18 , Darker /jlock. CM IJ LOST NOTE OF FIFTY DOLLARS MADK IlvTv ri lloblniion to American Nntlonnl bnnk nnd endorsed by mo ; nlso check on American Nntlonnl bnnk for ( SAO. Iteturn , und vet rewurd to .1. II. I'arrot'.o. room 2' ' DouKLin block MCiiiS IB HAIR GOODS. LAmKSTbTOCK ; ; TIIEAT- . rlcal wl s nnd beards a .specialty. Wlirs , Imngs Kwltcbea , hnlr chains , etc. , "end for cnttiloxua Mall orders solicited Uavlos. HI S. 15th st. .Omaha .HO _ _ fPHK IDEAL LADIK3' HAIll DIIKS3INO I'AR A lors , switches , ban i ; nlKf. toupcos. jawelry and hair ornaments In stock ) ; iwlitsto ord.'r , special al- teutlon Klvon to mull order * . Wi S. lith : lloor. i * M51I4 MM * PAWN BROKERS. BKN F. MAIITI , IlfillU.v'KD TO 107 S. ISTH ST. , ' 4 971 Ali > S. S , A9 FAUNAM ST. 917 DUESSMAKINO. IlATKS ISo a line first tlmo nnd ' 10c n line there after. No advertisement , tnken for less than Ijc. E"NOAUEMJK" " T TO ib DRKSS-M AKINO I"N families solljuud. Miss Sturdy , UJU b.Mth t , MANTJFACTTJRINGJEWELERS. . IIATKS I5o n line llrnt llmu nnd lUo u llnothcro nfter.Np ndvertlsemont tuken for less than 25c CASH I'AIoToil Ol.D OLD. CAllSONlTDTNTrs room JO Marker block. Omnhii. ! IH CUTLERY GRINDING- . IIATKS 15c n llnis tlrst tlmo nnd lUa a line there after. No lulvcrtUoment tnken for less tlmn aio SKND YOUll HClSSOItS. ItA/.OHS. KTC. , TO I1K Kround ti > Undorland Si Co. . lUi S. 14th st. 9IU REMINCTON TYPEWRITER SBEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , 1G07 * Fprn-1 ! ! ! Street , Omaha. Neb. I'OUUUILIIINO MATEKIAL PROPOSALS and horses U. S. Indian Service , Omaha \VlunebaKO Indlin AKDIIUV , Wlnnobago. Thiirston County. Nob. , IMU , Smiled nro- pnsnU. endorsed "Proposals for IInlldliiR Ma- an I Horses , " as thocisi ) niiiv he , und addressed to the nudorslRiied at wlnnohaKO , Nob. , will ho received until 1 o'clock , p. in. , of April 4th , Ib'Jfor fur.nlshlnz and dollvorlni : nt thu U'lnneliasi ) AKoycy. about 80 , ( M foetof assorted Ininbor , CJ windows. U ) doors , hard ware , brh-lc , lime , etc. , roiinlrcd In thn erec tion of l. > frrtmu honsi'S for Wlnnobazo Indian alluttoos. Alsofor fiirnlslilnp and dellverlir , ' lit horses at said ajroncy. A full list and ilo- Horlpllon of the material may ho olitalnod up on application to the nndorilKiioJ. Horn's must hoof American block , from I to 7 years old , hounil and well , hrolcon to harness , with out blemlbh , not less tlmn IS hiiiuU bliih , we.l built In proportion tohlght , and to welsh not loss than IKV ) poundH. HlddorH will ho re- rjnlrcd to state speulllonlly In their bids the proposed price of oaoh article offered for ( lu ll very under a contract. Tno rlplit K reserved to reject any or all lild.s or any part of any hid If aoomed for the lest. Interest of thn Her- vlen. L'ortllled checUbi Iviioh hid nuiBt bo ac companied by a curllflcd check or draft upon bomo United Slates depository or Milvont national bank In the vicinity of thn rosldenco of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of liidlan AITairs. for at least n per cunt of the amount of thu proposal , which chock ordraft will bo forfeited to the United States In ease any bidder or bidder * receiving an award ahull fall to promptly ox- ocMito n contract wIUi , good and sufficient Hiiretlns.otlierwlso tOiV''r'tnrnea to the bid der. lllds HCComnanljMl by cash In lluu of a certified check will ijftt lie coiiHlderiMl. | < or further Infoimitlonipply to UollKHT 11. ASHLEY , U. > IiKllaiij/V cnt. M 11 d : 'l t in. OUDINANC1- : . Sf An onlliianco nineinHiis nart of ficctlon J , Hneclal Ordlnanee No. 1M. ( entitled "an or dinance levyinc a siibcliil tax for Oamuces for iradlii ; and UUl'enlnK ' nd iivenne , " nnd to repoul that t , irt of xcctloii 1 IP mild ordinance MI He U ordained by Ihu.pJI.y counell of the city ofOmiilia : , . .Section 1. 'I bat tl/at part of hootlon I , Special Ordinance No. , HMS. cntlllod "An or- ninancR levying a hpeplal tax for damauos for Kradliij ; and wideniirV''nU ' uvonue , " us fol lows : i.H "Kiln O Blilvurlclc IfMilkB West End ad. * 30 3) ) Jdlin M MamtonltSUtUT " t.'Q 61" Ho nmended to read'Ju follows ; "Anna M llatea If-'blUU WcstKnd add. * 20 20 1 i : Worsolt 1 blk7 Hl > " KM 81" Hcutlon i' . That tUn.Tr > arl of Eccllon No. 1 , ripeelul Ordlnanco No. Jiv < S as refem to tax on tot I , block (1 ( and lot ' . ' , block 7 , West Knd Ad dition , as uforebald , be und tlio same U hereby repealed. . -octlon II. That thU ordlnanco shrill take ollcct und bu In force from und utter Its pab- Tusied Muruh 8lh , ISirJ. ISirJ.JOHN G1IOVE3. ( Jlly Work. F. I' . DAVJB , . . , , . , I'rosldont Olty Council. Apdroved Jlaicli Oth , ll-W. cr.o. i' . JIIMIH. Mayor. g"f ClilohwUr' . EuilUh Illmmuiiil "rwio. rMNWOMMLLS Jl iftvjv ' ( . al ; l nJI fcl . lBI , Mk it\ f-.t\ U.\iU Ururilil tor ctutMtirl * * ' ' < / - , " * ' wvmww , vmw * u Wlu flbbCD. Inuothtr. At/uitJdu0frt > u ukifuu * v IWM * . ! ixKaiiiiu AI ntoijlui. cr. a4 4e. "lUllcf f.r I..Jr . "l l.ll r. b , trlura MntL A i.VnJir , - - - " " > ' - - - - b i4by Authentic I ptirchncd B bottl * of four mrdlclnn for rhcn- mutism nnd found It it prot surooiot itiul Imvo ro- commondcd It to m nr of mr frlonrts , to whom It lm Klton Immeilliitc rcllof , Yours rc'pfctfally , H. T. HAI.L , ( motnliprof thonrni Of Hull llron. A Co. , UTO Steck Commission Merchants , Union Stock YnriU , Union , III. Evidence oven bottle * thrcovonrsnjjo rind It cured mo of rheumntt'in of long MnniHng. Have another alight ntlnck niul am tr > lnR U nsnln. Yours res pectfully. J. W. BHUTK , .Mjr. ( of 11. W. Johns Mf Co. , 212 Itnndolpb SI. , Chicago , That The Alh-lo pho-ros medicine Is Iho bolt In the world for rheumatism : I know It. I remain youls respectfully , ANTON SCUCIIMAN , onicoKU Nollo Street , Chicago. Atli-lo-pho-ros Am mini qnlto extensively In my practice nnd reirnnl It n * n remedy In rnnlnrlal rlieiimallsm. llcapectfnlly , 1)11. P. ijTKUIHNUS , llonileld , 111 , , nenr Chicago. Cures Hnvo witnessed mnrvolou ) cltocts produced by Atlilopho ros , particularly In n sovorociso of rhoumitlimi of llftcai years stntidlni : , wlioro feet nnd wcro much distorted. Pntlailt , nftor taking two hollle * , win entirely relieved from pnln. Hnvo used It In my own fnmlly with entire sue- cf s nnri 1 take pleasure In rouimondliiK to nil who nreoifoelod wllh rhouiiintlstn , Yory respectfully , M , At. Tll.TO.V , Commission Morclmut , OUJco 1GI Ln f-nllo St. , Chlenso , 111. Rheumatism , I linvo.usoil the Alh-ln-plio ros n Rrcnlilonl wllh Kflod success nnd otliCM too , that were terribly mulcted with this awful disease rlieumnllsm. lie- spcctfully , Miss JULIA ST1LLMAN , South KliRlo- wood. 111 Neuralgia , This Is to certify that nbout Uvo yonrsngolwas wnlklnt ; with ncunoi In short , crippled with rhou- mnlltm , aHliollBli notwithstanding h.ivlug triad sundry remadlcs Invnlii , 1 fotinJ n circular under my door nt All H. Union St. . Chlcniio , 111 , placed there by some nitonl for the Ath-lo-pho-ros com pni y ItendhiK tlio said alrculnr 1 went nnd pur chased hi all three bottles of Ath-lo-plio ros , using two and u half bottles , nnd have from snld remedy born relieved of snld dreadful dlKCnsc : until this dntol never had nny signs of rheumatism nRiln Can , therefore , hU'lily rocoiunund same to all nit tllrtcil with rheumatism , llcspectfully yours , JfLlUsi C. D. 1IOSS , ChlciiKO , 111. Sciatica , etc. f 1 per liuflu : tl for $3. Ilnaiitlfnl plcturofroc. post pild , to any ono who will write for It The Athlophoros Go.Nsw Haven. . Gonn ORDINANCE NO. i > 9SI. An ordinance uiitliot I/Ing the Issuing of tlirco w n mint i of $10d ouch In lion of a warrant for S.'nopiy.ihlp to Mrs. U. W. T. Ciowell , date I I'ol'rn.irvO , 1 * . > . ' . He Itordninod hy the city council of the city of Omaha : Section I. Tlmt for the purpose of enabling the comptroller to take up : ind cancel a wnr- r > nt for the sum of iKtOO. dated I'olinmry 0. It-OJ. In favor of Mrs. H. W T. Orowoll , on the special damage fund , for change of ir.ido of .nth street from Cumins street to fJlilciiRO street , the nmyor ami comptroller Do nnd they are herehy unthorl7od to Isstio and sign three WHiTiints eaeh for J100 In favorof Mr * . K. W. T. Crowell on the sumo fund upon the surrender and cancellation of said warrant already Is- snoJ. Section : . ' . That this ordlnanco take effect niiu ho In force from an.I after Its passage. P.issed March Sth , UN ! . JOHN GKOVE. " . ( Jlty Clerk. n.t > . PA vis. President Oily Council. Approved Mnreli 9th. ItW. OKO. P. UK MIS , Mayor. Ori-giui Short Line It Utilli Northern K ill nay Coinp.iny Stockholder * ' Meeting. Notice Is hereby ulvon that the , ainuril nicotlni : of the stockholders of the Oregon hhort Line & Utah Northern Railway com pany , for the election of directors and such other business .is may loyally como bnforothe mcctlni : . will bo hold at room No. 41 , Hooper lltilldlii' ' . Salt , Lil < o City , Utah Territory , upon Wednesday , the IGth duy of Match. ISDi at 10 o'clock a. in. Stock transfer books will oloso upon the 20th day of February , and reopen upon the 17th duy of March. AMVANI > KH MII.I.AII , Seorclury. IIOSTON , Mass. , Fob. 3. 1691 Kind VJIM RHILWflYTlMEGHRD Lcavei IllUllLINCTON & MO. UlVlClt.i Arrives Oinnha. | Dopnt 10th nml Mnson 8t . | Omaha. leaves I UNION PACIKIC. I Arrives : Oinaba. | Union DepotlOth and Mnrcy Bts. | aabn. . : ) a m . . . . . . .Ileatrlco Kxpross 7.00 p in 1000 a ra . . .Denver Kxprcss. . .00 p m 2.16 p m OvorlrnlHycr. . . H.lj p m 4.30 p in : Sun ) 12.6 Ip m p m 11.35 u m ( lolnit I CIHOAtiO , It. I. fi PACIFIC. From Knst. | Union Depot lUtli .V Mnrcy Ht8. | Knst. luflU n in' . . . . . . .Atlantic Kxpross I K.'M p in" (05 p m. Vc tlbuloKxpro9i I.IU p m li.ll ) p ui' ' MKht Kxpross | i.4Q ) n m l.oavej 1 HIOU.XC1TV ft I'ACIFIU , "lArrlvos Onitthnl Depot. IStli ami Wubstor sts. I Omalm Mi P ' " ! St. l'"l Limited. , Leaves ICHICAtJOA NO UT J I W KHTKliKTArrl VMI OinnbnlU , I' , depot , loth nnd .Mnrcy Sts. | Onmlia Leaves I OMAHA A HT. LOUIS. { Arrives OinalitlU. 1' . depot , lUtli and Marey 61s.omaha | 4.10 p m | Ht. Lonls Cnimon ll.iil..7 ! | 12.t-'i p in li OlVirr , , . . . Chltago [ i..iO p ra & 15 p lu . . . . Vvtlltiulo Limited U.IO A IU 10U ) p ui , rL'a ldrn llyur L.U p m SOU p Ul I AtUntl.1 M 'l , KtMou ) 7..15 u tu 7,1(1 ( n ui . .Ctrrwil I't , 1U4J P lu KIRKS Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing. Curca Obappod Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. Bomovos aud Provouto Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted ( or Use in Hard Water. UoDuo's Periodical Pills. The French remedy nr > u dlroctly upon the jrono roll vo organs nml curut Hiipttrouton of the mouse' , t.'or three fur 4V nnd U'lii bn mMlod. Should not l > o used duringproinnnay. Jouberi. itrtlstsniultlio publtu supplied OyUoodm&n UruKUo. . Omauu , CAN PROVE TO WIVES AND MOTHERS DR. MILES iroailiug tlita that HEART MM DR , MILES' ' CURE fin , NEW CURE ten ron THE HEART la the only reliable cure ( or the tired feeling pecn- liar to women BUfTorlnR with weak hpnrts , pain In etdo , Bhoulder and arm , weal : and hunitry epulls , Irrepiilur pulee , ftilntlnj ; , smothorlni ; . Thnunantls tootlfv to their permanent euro. JiLEOANTUooK FllEU ATUnuaaisTS. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.Elkhart , Ind. Porsnlu by ICulin.t On. , fit i and Iau < tlai SPECIAL OHUINANU12 NO. lO'JU. ' An ordlnanco lovylns n Huuolal tniiul : ns- sesMiiont 11)1011 ) uurtnlit lots , parts of hits : in < l ronlost-ito In thucltynf Oninlin , fur tliooon- stnu'tlon and repairs nf llo\vnlls. \Vliureiis , tlio owners rosuoctlvuly , of the loU. purtsof lots iinil real ostntc hurolnaflor described , liavn fullL'd to I'lmxtrnct or rupalr sldinvullva within llio tlnio allowed liy ordln- itni-i' , iifturduu nnd propur notice so to do , and WlioriMS. such hldowallo havn buen duly coiibtrui'tedor lopalrud by J. 1' . Knottier , tliu contractor to wlioin was awitrCud tliu coutruet for cunslrnctini ; and repairing Hlduwalks , and Wliorons , the several lots , parts of Intx and real ustato liavouauli brunspuulally boni'llttocl to the fnil amount of. tliu .special tax and as- sessintMit hnruin lovlttd. by reason of snuh Itnprovcnieiiloppiisttu tlio same , respectively. Therefore , for the purpose of covering anil paying the roslof such improvement : lie It oidalned by the city council of the city of Omaha : Section I. Thtxt ( lieseveral sums .sot oppo- sttu the lots , partsnf lots and ro. l estate horc- uatter described , bound the same ate herohy rcspccllvoiy levied and assessed upon each of said lots , parts of lots and real estate , as fol lows , to wit : John Kavnl " , i It 0 blk ST > i city of Omaha ? 1I 14 John Sraltlk o It0blkr > t " 1114 llclrs of Ilyruii Keen It 7 lilk i" > " ' . ' - ' 27 Holrs of llyron Itcod It 8 Idle ' . ' .yj " ' 'li 4 Umaha & North I'latto It KCo rlisht of way It 5 blk 2V > ' 1 OS Hobt II Avery Tr ex right of way It r > blli.2.V. " 10 t do do It 0 blk'55 21 7S \VKayresH7blk ± V. " il 78 tin It H blk- - ' : > . - > " IK 74 I'raiik Jliirpliylt 1 bllcaw " 25 m ila H2blU2.VI " 2178 JohnHIetwllorltihlky.v ; ' 2178 do It 4 blk 2.VJ " 28 M The 1'atrlck Land Co s4 ! ft It5 b2.V , " M Heed Campbell H8 bile riOumpbell's add 50 1U do It I ) blk H ' ! > n 1U do It.ShlkU " Wild do ItUblkO " Wi 10 Mary JiimUon .s' ft It 18 Ellis 1'laoo 7 ( W Samuel Cottier Tr It 111 " 851 Kranlc ItStiulxlit ot al It 22 " 8 SO 1:1 : N o jones t ai it 2 " a M i-amui'lCotimr n'JftltSa " 4il nil/a 1 > Kvnns ll-J Kvnns add : i 01 K It Evans I'M ft It I bit.1) lluwthonio add 1U M do c5Uftlt2blkr > 1(1 ( h7 A AV Halbrook Itll blk 5 " 1001 Sarah A Irvln H4 blkft " in Su JanoAlIedu-i'sltr. blk 5 " 1001 , licob : Mortonon ItO bile5 " Hi flu II M lluillmrt It" blk.-i 1(1 ( ( K Henry M tioodoll It8 blk5 " Hi .7) ) Mary W Oaylord It ! ) blk fl " JO 50 -Nathan Hholton ItlU blkfl " Hill : . ' do It 11 blk.5 " 160 ! ficorzo WTIIlsonltiablkr. " 10 Ul W Hills e.ll ft It IllblkS " 10 111 do c50 ft It 14 blk ft " ] ! ) ! Samuel J Howcll e-lJ ft It 1 Hoivoll Place 8 W J 0 Wrijjht It I blk 2 Improvement Ass'n add .M ) 21 Uoorfjo A.Ioslyn ItObllfJ " : il 07 Fred Davis nii It 7 blk 2 " 1(1 ( M Mary Uaemaii ui ! It 7 bllt 2 " 10 HI H W KluhanUon n'It 10 blk2 ' 10 50 JohnM Campbell stf It 10 blk 2 ' 17 CO Wolf n2sft ' It 11 blk 2 " Joseph s ! , 0 24 S K Rogers SI7 f t nUI f t It 0 blk 8 " M N Shelton M" It I blkU " 51 John F MaUtrom nVi It 13 blk 14 Koimuo'sird : add 2(1 ( Jacob Woldoraall lllO ft it 10 blk 15 " ii : U K KlHiisser H 1(1 ( ft U 4 blk 4 Kountro's 4th add 09 1 S Hascallctal n' > 0ftei : ftlt4 blk 4 " 30 S J I'arl.s ni ! It M blk 5 Lake's add 44 Uuorno A Joslyn s',4 It 8 blk 5 2'J AKCloO LvonsjaSftltUblkO " 40 Kmlly W bnow ei ; ! ' , ft It 10 blk 10 MuCormucU's udU 48 Al Ole Olesen wJ ftnlltt ft It 114 Nelson's add 70 Tims llrnnnan el' ( ) ft nMTiftU 11.1 " 217 Jamc.s II KhcraO.uTr It I blkO Itccd'H 1st add .V > 09 .lolin Mnvcrs01fllt2blk 10 a 10 Honors ud 40 I ) V ghoies It 1 bit ; 2 Sherwood l'ari < . " > . ! 01 T HConovorlt 12 blk 2 " flll 4(1 ( .1 H lytin nil ft It 1 blk 5 K V rimlth's add 1 'M James htlllss i ft It 1 blkfl ' 'M Austin M UullottHii It 14 blk 14 " ii : W J Maxwell It HI hlk 4 riwoosy's add fl'J 14 do It I blk U " 42 00 III11 SiiVlirH & Inv Co It I blkfl Walnut Hill 11)8) ) do It 2 blkfl 10 M do Hi ) bile 5 " 10 M SlMorperlt4blkr , " 1050 HSCntnpbell It U'WImlsor I'lncoHxtcns'ii 18 81 MurtlnUiilin It ti " 148. . Windsor I'laco Kldp AKS'II It 411 " 14 Hi Omaliii llult Ity Co rlKht of way tax U 24 Hoctlnn TI5JI Kl. 214(5 ( Omaha Driving I'urk AHS'II ux U II Ut of way tax It2l Bcetliin.'ITiri K l.'l . . . . 20020 Omaha licit Ity Co rldit of way t , o 'i n o ! i section : i T 15 H III 240 ! ) Douglas ( Jo , Neb. sM2 ft cif wJOl ft of that part lylni : bolvvuen Douglas add and Omah'i ] lot | Ity rU'hl of way so' ; < > ' noU suet Ion 2UTIfl Hill Ul 33 DoiiKhtH Co , Neb. si U ft of o'4 ! ft s w ' .i of uu M section21)T ) 15 1C Kl 11 22 Total 9I.IH7 Hi Peetlon- . That tlio special tavoH mid asnuBS- tneiits levied nnd assessed as aforesaid , shall Inilno Immedlatnly upon tlio pausuiio and ap- iiioval of this ordinance' , and shall horomndu- llii'iueut If not paid within fifty dayo there after ; and thereupon interest shall uu milled nt tliu rate of aim percent u inoiitli , pnynblu In advance from tliu time said taxes becnmu so delliKiiicnt , Kuctiori ! ! That this ordlnanco shall take uffoot und bu In force from and after it PIIHS- UJ ' . 1'ussed .March Bth. Ih'rj. JOHN UltOVKS. UltOVKS.City Clerk , H. I' . DAVIS. I'rosldtmt City Council. Approved SlarchOth. Wt ; . UKO. I' . IJKMIS. Mnyor. The above tax Is now duo and pay able at the olllcoof thooltv treasurer and will hoeonidde- llnniient and Iwitr lntcn"t after April 2Uth , Ibir. , USHCOII In section 2 of above ordlnanco. IIKNUV IIOM.N. Treuniirer. bilDINANOK NO. iiOS'i An nrillnance locating ourtittn iidilltlonal water hydrunts In tliu city of Omaha. Hit It ordained by the city council of tliu city ofOmalm ; Section I. That the American Water Work * Company boundlhegamolslieriiby ordered to p'.acu additional water hydiants in the city of Omaha. UK follows : One at tliu corner of 15th and Izard M roots. One at tlio corner of | Uth and Izaid btruetn. HootloD . That this ordinance ahail tuke eflect nnd bu la forcu from and after Its ( IXtf. I'ua&ocl Murciv 6th , IS')1. ' . JOHN . CltyOIurk. K. I' , DAVIH , I'loslditnt of thu City Council. Approved March Uth. iv. * . ' . a 1:0.11. : iiKMJs , Unyor , OMAHA CLUB HOUSE. Dlrcrlorn Hrrl ti to rnrrlimo r > Slto nl Twentieth and l > nnilii . The directory of thd Otnnhnolub has do- cldoil to purchaao the Hitchcock property nt the northwest corner ot Twentieth nnd Doug- Ins fttrcota , ( V3xln3 feoU The pretense tinder which this notion i nbout to bo tnkcn U thitsoraottilnft had to bo done spooillly to forest all tha ( ormntlou of a now club. It li represented ' .lint nftor rovlowttiff nil tha phases of the sltuallon , the Inability ot Iho directors to sccuro favorabli tornts from the holri of the Duvls cstnto at the northwest corner of KlRhtcontli nnd Doufrlns , which has nhvnjs bocn th choice of tlio chili for their now house , they decided to do the next best thing ( I ) Slid purchase the Hitchcock property. The manner In whlchAiund * shnll bo raUod to erect the building It stated ru follows : Ttiroo innrtRn c nro to bo placed on Iho house nnd proiuul , the llrst tor f'iUuOi ) , the second nml third lor (30.1KK ) cacb. Thu llrst mortgnRO , which has nlrcitdy boon placed with n local hnnkinc house. Is to draw ,0 per cent Intnrost , the In lores t to commence whet < the money Is ndvnnccd for the completion of the hnusc , the coupons to bo torn oft until the nionoy is needed. The second mortungo for $ ui,00i ) Is to bo raised by subscription nud to benr 0 ror cflnt Interest it earned nnd non cumulntlvn. The Intention of the directory nt tbo mooflnff SnUinlay ovenltii ( was to clrcttlnto two sub- scrlptton pnpors , the llrst to cover the soconil niortunga whoix'ln thirty men would bonskod to subscribe f 1,000 ouch , I'lo ' second pnuor to bo moro goncm ! In Us scope to which ovorv moiubor ot thu club would bo asltud to put his 11 n mo for flOJ worth of stock. Tbo nionoy thus rnUod on thu second morlunKu Is to ua paid Into tlio treasury In two payments , onu-hntf when the lot Is purchased , the balance nt thu call of tbo directory. Tbo third mortjjnpo money Is to ho divided Into ten monthly pay moats , "tho llrst to bo uiado on the purclutso of the prop erty , the balance monthly thcruattor , In this way all the members having a proprietary Interest In thu house nnd grounds. Whllu the llrst mortKUgo will ba pinuod on the establishment nnd lot nt once in ardor that the second nnd third mortgages may hnvo n standing in law , the ulrcctors will hold tbo tlrsi mort aio In trust until stiuh tlmo ns the amount of money It represents Is needed. Thu directors slatu that they worlcod faithfully to souuro the D.ivls lot and Hint Mr. Porlno'a proposition was entirely too UlBh. UlBh.Mr. . C. S. ArontBomory who drew Iho orltj- lunl resolution stlimUtUit , ' that the O. l'\ Davis property should bo purchased , said : "Tho resolution was dollnltu m Its terms nml k'avo tbo dlroctof.1 no other option than to purchase Iho property nt the northwest corner of ICtRUtconth and Uonglus street , but at a .suLsoquonl moutlng a clause was Inserted which gave the direc tory power to purchase the Davis or any other lot which in their judgment thov doomed for tbo best interests of the club. 'I think It has always boon the fooling of the directory thnt the Davis property wns the best for the club , but they wanted $15,000 for the lot. " "Isn't it true that the club passed n resolu tion months m0 dollnlng thu bdunds within which u club house would bu acceptable , and \vcro not those bounds us follows ) On the east by Sixteenth at reel , on tbo north by Dodge street , on thosouth by Furnnin street , and on the west , by Twentieth straolt" "Whether the west boundary was Twen tieth street , " said Mr. Montgomery in reply to the question , " 1 nm not suro. U striucs mo that it was Twonty-fourtn. The resolu tion gave tbo directors power to purchaaonny lot which thflv doomed best , Mr. 1' . Li. I'ormo , ono ot ttio administra tor.of Iho Davis estate , when nskod about the status of tbo affair , said : "from last July until about the llrst of .November I con cluded that tbo Davis property had bcon pur chased by the Omaha club. The price , $ . ' ! 5HK ( ) , scorned to bo fair , ana wailo tburo wns no written agree ment , there was n tacit understanding between the directory nnd myself that the lot was sold. I bad received thu consent of the holrs to sell ut. 15,000. During the sum mer n gentleman cnmo to mo from Mr. Yatca nnd wanted to know If I considered the lot sold nud I tola him yes. Other parties were also after the property but I told them the property was out of tbo market. Thure was some talk as to a clear tltlo being given but that was soon gotten out of the way. There being no debts ngnlust the estate , the heirs , of course , would make the deed. The ques tion uroso ns to what right the Ptosbyturian chnrcn hail In thu promUm. being an unin corporated body , and having boon made a bcncllciury in tbo will. When Mr. Hanscom purchased thu hair lot , making his prop. ertv IUJ foot square , wo wont into court to got u ruling us to who should sign for the church , the court holding that the Indlv.dual members of the session should Join In tno Uoed. That disposed of ttio ques tion. About December 1 < vo submlttod to the directors of the club that wo wore ready to malio a deed tor ttia promises and Mr. Yntos informed us that the directors had chanced their minds regarding ilia pro perly. Ha usliod us If wo would not take 10,000 for tno property and wo told him that wo were uuthori/tnd by the heirs to sell for & ! T,000. In n lottnr to several of the inter ested partioa I intimated that the club would take thu property tor 10,000 und they ' de cided not to sell at that llguro. , "Tbo question of grade was talked nbout during last summer when the purchase wns uppermost and ivo agreed that it would cost about $2,500 to bring It to irrado. The prop erty lias not boon offered nt 10,000. for wo believe It worth ) r > ,000 as It stands. " A mcmbar of the Omaha club who prefers not to bo quoted expressed decided dissatis faction with the action of tbo directors. Ha said : "At a called mooting n few months ago a resolution was adopted giving the directors authority to buy the Davis lot. After the resolution had boon fully discussed and passed n little cotorlo of members , of whom Hitchcock himself wns ono , roprosentea that If the agents nnd holr.s of the Davis property found that the club Had determined to buy the lot they might impose unreasonable con ditions. The resolution was stiDsenuontly reconsidered and n clause inserted giving tlio directors power to purchase another lot within n limit which. If I rauiambi'r cor rectly , was bounded by Twentieth street , that is , wna to bo cast of Twentieth street and not west. "It now looks plain tlio that rescinding of tbo original resolution was n Hchomn cotton up In the interest of Hitcucucu , True , thu lot is fy.llOO cheaper , but tuero is no compar ison between thu two properties. Tbo Duvls lot has K12 feet front on Douulas street ut Eighteenth und thu other only sixty-six feet on Douglas , which street is quilo narrow nt Twentieth , Thu club could Imvii nolu llfty foul off of tha Eighteenth street , lot for nt least fJfi.OOO. Tbo Twentieth street location is too far out of the way altogether. It is Inaccessible. At least ono-hnlf of tliu yoiini , ' members of the club nro In business In the Now York rlfu building and ttio ofttcu build Ings between Fifteenth ntreot and the court houso. Those would nil Imvo to ndo up , which would bo very inconvenient , I doubt whether half the club membership will sub scribe to that location. "Tlio directors could Imvo railed a mooting at which their conclusion to purcbaso tliu Twentieth street lot might tinvo been sub mitted for ratltfcatlon , or they mmht Imvo submitted nrlcns and terms upon lots on Dodge , Dcuglns , Farnnm or llarney btrcoU so that tlio club membership could by vote Imvo decided upon n lot , or voiced the sontl- inent upon tbo payment iof thu prlco men tioned tor thu Twentieth street lots. " Uiilvorxal 1'rulsit Mtmim .Herlt , Tlio success of Uhamborlaln'a couch roin- ody In effecting a speedy euro of la grlppu , colds , croup unJ whooping cough , has brought It Into great demand. Messrs. 1'on- llusitHou of Cameron , O. , nay that It has gained n reputation second to norm In that vicinity. James M. ( Jueon of .lohiuton , W. Vu. , nays it la the bust he over usou. J ) ! ' , Jones , druggist , Union a , Mist. , enys ; "Chamberlain's coutcU wmody Is perfectly reliable I hnvo always warranted it opd It never fullod to give tbu most perfuoi Kiuls- faction , " W cent bottle * foe sale by drui ; . gilts. ONK i : KXCIJUHIOS To Oklitlimim Alurrlt ' 'i , Round trip tiekotH will bo ( in Halo via Simla Fa rnuto , Muruh U2 , from all nolnta in Knneua und NobrnaUa to points in Oklahoma und roltirn ut ruto of ono furo for the round trliw TJckutu K"otl until April " .1. Ktoi-ovom ullowod in Oklahoma. Kor ticlcctn nnd full information mation apply to your nojireut tlckot iif'ont or addrost K. fI'uliuur , iiasbon- tfur ( iK < ) "t Bantu Ke liouto , 1310 Fiirnum street , Oinului ,