THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MARCH 15. 181)2. ) ANXIOUS TO REACH OMRIIA Maple Loaf Connections Will Bo Usoed by the Beading. * > . RESULTS OF A GREAT CONSOLIDATION , How the Illc Kantcrn Corporation Proposes v to Iluxe n Through I.lno from Ne- lirrtska to the Atlnntle Couftt In the Near I'nturc. CHICAOO , III , , March 14. The report tele graphed from Now YorK that A. B. Stick- noy and Trafllo Manager Husombark of the Chicago , St. Paul ft Kansas City road were engaged last WCOK lu conducting negotia tions with the Heading people for n closer traffic alllnnco between the two corporations is dented by Mr. Busonbar'x , who returned today from Now York. Ho admits , how ever , there 1 * some probability of such a scheme developing later on. With tbo Lohlgh Valley nnd Lncltawanna tn lt system and a strong line of boats on the llnbo ! outlet to the west from Chicago end the Maple Leaf Is supposed to bo In bolter shape than any other road to take such u position. It Is also understood that some sort ot an arrangement has been entered Into whereby the Lacknwunna Is to discontinue work on its proposed Winona & Southwest ern Hue. This tlipy moan that Iho Maple Lfcaf will construct the two long contem plated branch lines from Dos Motnes to Omaha and Sioux City. There was n drop In the volume of tbo eastbound freight last week as compared with that of the week before. The total number of tons by all lines 01,455 , while that of the preceding week was 100,592. Thu shipments however , amounted lo about II- ( KW tons moro than tboy did during the cor responding week last year. Arrangements have ilnally been completed for a conference between the Chl6ago and' St. Paul roada and the Canadian Pacific , Grand Trunk and the See line , to bo hold In the city March Sl ! , with the view ofrcaching a proper adjustment of second-class rates and seaboard immigrant rate * from St. Lawrence - renco ports to points in the northwost. The Michigan Central , the Lake Shore , the Wa- basli , the Great Northern nnd the Northern Pacific have nlso bcen'Invllod ' to Bond repre sentatives to the meeting. The western roads hnvclnauguratod a sort of boycott ngnlnst the Chicago & North west crn and the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul roads , because of tholr arrangement with the Chicago and Grand Trunk fora division of through rates in lieu of switching charges. All the eastbound nnd southbound lines ex cept the Chicago and Grand Trunk have Rlgncd a circular notifying agents und shippeis that , taulng offcd March 23 , all their tariffs which included deliveries of receipt - ceipt frco at.poluts within tbo city limits on tbo lines of the two western roads \ \ ill bo abrogated upon all trafllc in the territory of tbo Central Tranic association east of the Indiana and Illinois line. OUNTLU JAPANKSK. Their KleetloiiH Keaultln , Much Illoodnhcd Admiral Helknap Itetlrcs. YOKOIIVMA , March 14. The election for members of the Japanese Diet nro practically finished , but the exact result is unknown. Iho government newspaper claims a majority of about twenty , but this figure is reached by counting all the independents as govern ment supporter. * . The elections have been distinguished by riots nnd assaults , there having boon twenty persons killed and 140 wounded nt various times during the cam paign. Intelligence received from the polling places show that a vary small proportion of those entitled to elective franchise exorcised the privilege of voting. In inn metropolis fully U5 per cent of the voters refrained from casting their ballots. The papers ascribe this chiefly to Indifference and fear of vlolnnw. General charecs of Intimidation nnd bribery have boon made in sections , und inoue ouo precinct a ballot box was surrcptitiousty made aivny with. On February 20 Admiral Bolknap retired as commander of the United State * Asiatic tqundron , being succeeded by Heal Admiral Harmony , who hoistixl the ling on the Alli ance and was groelcd by a salute from the Marion find H. M , S. Mercury. Will Prepare lor the Future. ST. PETEitsntmo , March 14. The council of the empire has ordered that in the futUre two grain depots shall bo established to every 800 peasants' ' huts , and that from tbeso depots seed corn shall bo distributed In tbo spring to the peasants , who must return turn It in tbo autumn. Special bureaus will bo established to report annually a * to the condition ot the groin harvest of the empire , so as to enable the government 'to adopt measures to avert a famine in the future. Ono Hundred and Tirunty-ilro Thousand Dollars Appropriated for the World's Fulr PKS MOISES , la. , March 4. In the senate this _ morning petitions wore presented against the repeal of tbo prohibitory law , nnd to prevent the soinlnng of streams and lakes. Hills were presented by Gntch to ap propriate $5,01)0 ) annually for the state lib rary and $ . ! 0,000 to UnUh the capllol buildIng - Ing , bill wns passed authorizing tbo loca- tlpn pi highways across tbo state lanas at In dependence , lo make a shorter rend to that town. Kelly called up and bad pasted his bill relating to crossings. The bill empowers the commissioners to order the construction of connections In the form of a "Y" when crossings are not. on the same grade. The Gronoweg bdl regulating stations at cross ings whs nlso passed. Senator Dent pre sented a long reply to Perry's minority re port on the bill amending tbo coda In ro tation to demurrers. The Judiciary commit tee recommended Us passage and tbo report was adopted and the hill wad passed. Green's bill requiring end gat-.s on all flat curs wus passed. In the house the following bills wore Intro duced : By Coftln , providing for the trans fer of property of corporations taken under a mortgage ; by Morris , to prevent mainten ance of opium Joints. Wilson Introduced a resolution calling on the committee for the suppression of intemperance to Investigate the opium Joints and report a bill to suppress the samo. TLls Is In ccnsciiuonco of the ex- pqiuros recently made In the newspaper * of nnumporof such Joints In this city. The bill requiring steam pressure on highways to bo stopped within flftv to 100 yards away from teams , and owners to carry planks to ba put down In crossing bridges was dis cussed at some length and passed. 0Tbo appropriations committee of tbo house and senate mot this afternoon and agreed on an appropriation of f 126.000 for Iowa's ox- ulblt at the World's fair. Iowa's commis sioners naked for KI31 ,000. Ttio special com- mltlee recommended $ iO,000 , but the appro priation committee considered It too much money aud toported us above. The following bills passed the senate this evening : Amending the law relative to the construction of sewers In cities organized under special charters ; giving dUtrict courts original Jurisdiction with justices of tno peace In case of forcible entry and detainer ; providing for a boatd of uhoep Inspectors ; authorizing the establishment of boards of park commissioners lu oltlos of 60,000 or moro population. And also passed house bills : To amend rotating to taxes for publio Im provements ' In cities with special charters ; to'amend the law relative to Mali dams across the mouths of meandered lakes. Ju thehouso tbo following bills were nassod this ovenlne : To prohibit railway companies obstructing crossings ; to prohibit corpora tions issuing stock at loss than par value ; providing for the publication of the proceed ings of the Iowa academy of sciences ; to provide - vide ( or the holding of examinations of can didates tor state teachers certificates In dif ferent pans of thu state. Appeals In highway cases have mused lots of trouble In Iowa and n bill passed In tbo bouse this evening tends to remedy the same. The bill provides tu t if a claimant dooi uot g t the full amount of hi * claim on such ap peal , ho shall pay all costs. Bills passed ameodiue tno stnto mining laws and l wa relating to the compensation of county Dili- cerm. cerm.A bill to compel railway companies to use union dopou in cities where two or moro roads center pasted in the senate , also bills to legalize the Incorporation ol Hoopers , tilouc county , ud to l galUe nets of the board of supervisors In Wapelto county , A resolution was adopted Iniicllnlloly post poning about twenty bills. Amloill About Prohibition , I3p. MOINBI , la. , March 14. | SpccUl Tolo- cramto TIIK DBB. ) A Inrgo number of brewers nnd brewers' tiRonts and traveling men nro now and for several days have boon In this city. They bognn to nrrlvo InU week , nnd tlicro nro about twenty of tbcm rjunr- torod at the different hotels , omo of them under assumed nnnioi , and nil rnnKlnp every ctlort to keep tholr presence unknown to the public. The crowd Includes roprosontntlvos of ttio breweries of Milwaukee , I'eorln , Chicago cage , St. Louis , Cincinnati end Dubuquo. A veteran travcllnp mun whoso business has tnudo thcso men known to him , ts the author ity for the above statement. Vloliitnl tlto Contract. lr.s ) MOINKI , la. , March 14 , ( Sneclnl to Tint UKB. ] .When the Dos Moines Cotton mill was organized , a contract was tnudo xvllh Aloslor Kcdhcad and the York Invest ment company by wbich the latter had the rlRht to locate H mill and huve 1(3,000 ( of capi tal stock , for which thny deeded ninety lots to the cotton mill company and ncrocd In writing to si-ll the lots for the cotton mill company without compensation. They also agreed not lo place any of tholr own lots In competition herewith. In violation of the contract they sold all their own lots nnd did not sell tno cotton mill company's. The court says that the cotton mill company has suffered damage of $15 , ; ! , " > ( ) . Sheriff McdnrniiRh Injured. Dr.sMoixns , In. , March U. [ Special Tele gram to THE Hun. ] Sheriff Joe McQnraugh was badly Injured this morning lt n runaway near the fair grounds. Ills team took fright nnd throw him out on the K round severely crushing his left arm and side and straining his neck and back. No hones were orokon. Mr. Clarkitta Improving. LH.a MniN'Rg , la. , March 14. [ Soeclal Tele gram to Tun HER. ] A private dispatch re ceived from Mrs. J. S. Clarksou stales that Mr. Clarkson Is Improving slowly out surely , tboucli still holploss. lits family houo to bo able to tnliu him to Hot Springs the latter pnrt of next \voclt , Mr. Clarkson ! suffer ing Ironi an nuuto attack of inflammatory rhoumatlsm. Iowa l.nmlmtirk Damned ! . IOWA CITT , la. , March 14. ISoJcial Tele gram to THE BCK.J The building used as the llrst territorial capital of Iowa , and now occupied as n broom factory , caught flro this morning and was slightly damaged. Inillrtod n llcail .Mini. Four DODGE , la. , March 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKK. ] It has just leaked out that the Webster county grand Jury recently indicted a dead Iran. The Indictment was brought against MlRd Hanrahatt for soiling liquor contrary to law. U'huu tbo sheriff cumo to arrest lilo man ho found that Hanra- han had been dead eight years. IT KOOHS T.IltK.l FIGHT. Sulllvnn Hnyi lliiTlilnki Uorliott Will Come to Tlmr. CiitCAfio , 111. , March 14. John L. Sullivan , In an Interview hero , said ho thought Corbotl the man ho would likely nnvo tp light. "Ho seems to bo the only man who is anxious to moot me , " said ho. "Ho has put un $1,000 of his forfeit and promises to put up the other $1,500. If ho does so ho ulll be the llrst to come and therefore will bo the first scrvod. The otlicrs Mitchell and Slavln are simply trying to aclvertisn themselves at my ox- pcnso. 1 want to have this ono fight and let that settle it. " Kusultrt nr tjlouecstcr , GI.OUCESTRII , N. J. , March H. Weather clear , track good : First race , thirteen-sixteenth * of a mllo. aollJiiL' : JiitncKuur won. Cnrlo'nnus ( tlio fav or-it" ) hccunil , Tupii.iliiinnoclc tlilrd. Sorrento and Owen Uoltlvn drawn. Tllnn : 1 : 1. Second race , six and ono-fonrth furlongs , 'l-yunr-olds , aniline : Kddlu M won. Jeriey second. Strlnifullow ( the favorltu ) third. Tlmu : l:27 : ? . Third rucc , flf Icon-sixteenths of .1 mllr , sell- Ins : Klin Imoro won. liullston secoiut , Ktuies- \ilki third. Katlo C nnd Montreal drawn. Gardner ( the favorite ) unplaced. Time : l:48j. ; Kourtli race , thrco-qnartors of a mile , sel ling : Ilattliona won. .Monsnon ( the favorite ) second , HItiinner third , liiinj.unln drawn. Tinio : I:1.1/ : ! . Klfth rieo. : ( Ive-elclitlis of a mllr , selllnr : Minnie J. ( the f.ivorlto ) won. Leo Ilrlgol soc- ontli Ilonnlo Lass tlilrJ , MuftllaKu. lliirr > Hus- sell , Genovlovu , Vtinoo and 1'lno Kidsie drawn. Time : 1:07. : Hlxth race , nine-sixteenth of 11 in lie , soiling : Slmkoinoaro ( the farorltu ) won. .Silver Maid coltsoeond , HUdinoro third , California and Manhattan dr.iwn. Time : 1:01 : , Going at ( utttmtiurK. GirrrEXiiKim , N. J. , March 14. The track was In peed condition today and the attend ance largo. First race , flvo furlongs : Noodmoro won , Nupii second. Little Allnniu third. Tlmo : IMI'i. Second rauo. four and a half furlongs : Turk won , Miss Olive second. Vancluse tnlrd. 1'lnio : ft7 . Third r.ico , four aud one-half furlongs : Smuggler won , Logan second , Stratagem tlilrd. Time : f-i. ( ! Fourth raco. flvn furlongs : Dixie won , Pan- way second , Hsincocas third. Time : liinj.i Fifth race , mile and a half : blr Rae won , Gladstone second , Vosburg third. Time : 2:4ltf. : Sixth raca six und ono-half furlongs : Inno vation won. Khaftaii second , lilackbuin tlilrd. Time : l : : ! 3f. I'lnttMiiiuuth Jluuily for the Svugnn. PI.ATTSMOUTH , Nob. , March 14. | Special to TUB BUB. ! The Btory having been started to the effect that this city would not bo represented in the State Baseball league this year has had the effect of stirring up the local "fans. " Money has been liberally subscribed in tbo la-it faw days and a clue here is now an assured fact. The local management has already signed seven good players und are on the hunt altar others. The seven signed are as follows : Maupln , catcher ; Hooves and Yapp , Ditchers ; Gibson , first base ; McKIObon. second base ; Clark , short stop , and Urnafora , outlloldcr. The ball park Is being placed in shape and active arrangements are being made to have the team put into trim for the sot.son , .Jim U lllllldhiK Air Cnstirs. NEW YOUK , March ITho } Herald sportIng - Ing editor announces thus at the bead of his column this morning : "I have just seen a letter Corbett wrote to ono of his old chums and advisors. Three lines nro devoted to polite inijulrles for his friend's welfare and throe long pages to n discussion of the coming battle. ' 1 don't care a ' cent for the $10,000 stake , " Corbott writes. "That will bo a nice plum , hut my backers are welcome to it. What I want Is to best Sullivan. Think of whit that moans , and I feel just as certain that I can do It as I am certain that I am alive. What a future is before mo. " Tip * tor Toilrt- . Following are the good things for the races mentioned below : ntlTTKNUBlia 1. l.ouls H. Index , i Noonday llrusaols. a. Miss Hullo Kliuflon , 4. Joe Courtney.Sandstone. . 5. U. W , Coolc I'unawiiv , 0. tinlllo Harper Harrison. ( It.OUCmTKIU 1. I'assmoro Wlcwiiiii. 2. The Kurl-Onrwnod. : i , Illrthdiiy I'uriMvood. 4. Dr. Helmut-lee ! ) S. fi. Thud llowu Money Maid. 0. Uarrlson llourl. Won Dm right umlTlmi Died , POUTJ.ANII , Ore. , March 14. 1'uar HoLder- son , aged 17 , aud Charles Boll , uged in.fought twenty-Uiroo rounds near this city vcitor- < lay. Henderson was awarded the flght In the twonty-thtrd rouna on a foul , but imme diately fell to the ground and In a few min utes died from a blow bo received over the hoart. Hunt li > K lu Ihu htuto League , GIUND , Nob. . March 14. [ Special to Tun BKK.-HnstiniM ] has reported that she would enter the state loapno and a moot Introf the subscribers will be held next Ihursday evening to elect officers and direc tors. W. A. Uourko , who will mauaco the club , has lines out for several ( rood pjayers. I'liitHnioutli bljfin a IMuj-er. PuTTSMOuTir , Nob. , March 14. ( Special to TUB BEE.J-C. W , Porter , of last season's Pueblo , Colo. , Dane ball team , but signed with PlutUmouth to play third boio. ir TF.nni' sEcoxn BDITIOV. ! ORIGIN OF THE CDELP1I FUN ! ) Some Court Secrets Reviewed in Which Bismarck Was Interested. CONFISCATED ESTATES ILLEGALLY USED T.lirly Political < lmlp Agltallni ; the Con- tlnriil lti > 5tltutlon of tlio Diiko of Cuml > arlnii < r I'O BO | OIIH Cro- atcil SnrprUo. lCoj/i ) tpMtd IvniiyJamet ( Ionian llcnnrlt. ] I'Aitt" , March 13.-New | York Herald Cable to Tun BBI : . ] The renuncia tion of the duke of Cumberland continues to caaso great talk In the political world. It Is believed that the restitution of the ( Juelph fund ts duo to a bargain with the Catliollo deputies of the center , of whom the government has need. The following Is the origin of what Is called the Guolph fund : After the annexation of Hanover by Prussia by the convention of SoptomborUO , 1807 , be tween King Qoorgo of Hanover , father of the duke of Cumberland , and the Prussian government. King Ocorgo was to rocolvo $00,000,000. The convention was ratlllod February 1 , 1SOS , by the Prussian Landtair , Bismarck having Intervened In the discussion to carry the vote , but before the end of tbo same mouth the I'tusslan government changed Its ftontand Intornollatcd. On the creation of the Hanoverian legion In Franco the declara tion Of the minister of Hal nco caused King George to announces that ho dia not accept the settlement. Tbo government fought with the Income of his own property , A bargain was proposed to tbo king Instead of the restitution of his fortune. The renunciation of nis rights of succession was demanded in oxchnneu for the money that belonged to him. Ho refused , and on March. . 'J King William of Prussia signed tbo decree of con fiscation of the fortune of the king of Hanovor. And ItVa Illngnl. But a decree , contrary to a vote of tbo Landtag , ought to have boon afterward rati fied by a vote of tbo assembly a formality that was never ouservcd , The ( Juelph found was. therefore , hold by the Prussian government not only unjustly but illegally since 1803. The use to which this fund has boon put Is well known. The revenue tnorofrom has boon directed , not solely agamst the Hanoverian dynasty , but as since I8T1 the chancellor's ofllco has had 5,000,000 annual revenue that the confiscation put nt Its disposal , the Prussian cabinet bus gonn crazv about private secrets. The chancellor loaned wholly on the pub lic opinion of Europe. Kecoiilly revealed sratidalb show that n very great personage did not disdain to food at the same .crib as the "rootllo" journalists. Europe learned who was getting the money. This state of things ended , ttio government had to looit elsewhere ti it wished to continue to buy newspapers. The grand duke of liosso died this evening , aged 54 years. Ho foueht against Prussia in 1800 and the independence of the grand duchy was saved only by the intervention of Russia , by which an annexation aimllar to that of Hanover and Nassau was prevented. The grand duke married. In 18W ( , a daughter of Queen Victoria , who died In 1878. His heir , Prince Ernest , is 23 years old. Ho passes for a supporter of the clerical party , and Is of course an ofllcor in the Prussian army. JACQUKS ST. CEIIB. WILL IIANQUET ItKlD. American ArtUtn In Paris Will Testily Their Appreciation ut the .Minister to Kranci' . PAH 19 , March 13. The American artists here nro arranging to givo.a special .farewell . banquet to Mr. Hold. The following i * the text of the address from tbo American residents / tobq ' presented to Mr. Held at the' com ing banquet by Consul "General King : " \Vo , your fellow citi/ons , dosiroi to mark our warm appreciation of the able , dignified and successful manner In which you bavo fulfilled the duties of your ofllco during the last thteo years. At the very commencement of your diplomatic func tions you were confronted with innum erable intricate questions arising out of the opening of the French exposi tion of ISS'.I , which , as well as the constant calls upon your time and patience were suc cessfully met by the judgment , foresight and courtesy which huvo invariably distin guished your otllcial caroor.Vo have not foreotten , moreover , that you sooured from Franco the tirst ouldal accoottinca by a nation of our government's invitation to the World's Columbian oxposltion. The luti- mate personal relations which you cultivated and bavo maintained with different members of the government and the osteoni and ref - f pect In which you are held in France , have largely contributed to the substantial com pletion , as announced by the French press and oflicials , of a now extradition - tradition treaty moro than doubling of the number of extraditable crimes , und our commercial convention providing for recip rocity for certain articles in return for tbo free admission of hides , sugar and cofteo. Your fruitful labors for copyright and for the reappoal of duty on worics of art bavo likewise earned you the applause of our countrymen , end as tbo crowning act of your career the long negotiations for the re moval of the prohibition of American pork a question of tbo llrst Importance to tbo United States after unceasing efforts , extending - tending over cloven years , have triumphantly closed through the vigor , the tact and wisdom of your nxortioiiH. Tlio thoughtful courtesies you have extended , not only to those residents in the capital , but to the American passing through Parts as tvell aa to members of the government and people of Franco , in which you have boon so effectively aided by your accomplished wife , have strengthened and confirmed tbo reputation of our country for hospitality. In fact , it can truthfully bo said that no American minister has uioro faithfully and admirably administered bis trust than yourself. In view , therefore , of the universal appreciation of your character and scrvU'os wo nave ventured to tender you this fore well banquet and beg to express the hope that * In returning to your natlvo land , with tlio added experience of well spent years abroad , you will Hud anew field of usefulness , the increasing regard of your countrymnn and the enjoyment of ovtn'y hap piness. " Jarnos Gordon Dennett has telegraphed from Now York to have bis name put to the address. General Meredith , ex-minister to Urnoco , has chnrgo of the program. The opening toast will boThe President of the united States. " It will bo followed by "Tho Prosl- dent of the French Hopubllo" and "Our Guest , " proposed by Chairman Hayes. The presentation of the addresses ana Mr. Hold's reply will follow. Next will dome thcso toasts : "Tho Two Re publics , " responded to by Minister Ulbot. "Tho Press and Diplomacy , " re sponded to by Minister do Freyclnot ; "Ed ucation and Democracy , " responded to by Jtiloi Simon , and "French and American Friendship , " responded to by Colonel Stuart Taylor. Mr. Hold will ( peak for tbo most part In English. His closing1 remarks will bo In.-Froucb , addressed to tbo French guests. M. Koublells , prefect of the department of the Seine ; M. Hosii , prefect of the Paris police , nnd Senor Tierard have intimated that they will attend the banquet. William Astor lias arrived from the south of Franco to attend the banquet. Ho break fasted today at the American legation. KIMI.MHIUII : : : > TJUIU : JIKHOBS. Austrian * Deeoriito tliu Cruvo * of the Vic tim * of tlin Iti-holllon of MS. VIKX.VA , March 1 ! ) . Thousands of work men today joined in the annual procession to the graves of the victims of the rebellion of 18IS. Many symbols were deposited on the monuments. Tbo police forbade the uaKlng of iipoeche * . Everything was orderly until the return to the city when the action of the police la breaking up the procession to arrest a man. Incensed the crowd aud caused a EOT- IOUK collision. Holnforcoments were required ana the pollctt made charges repeatedly before - fore they dispersed ttio crowd , Hurruw for the Duke of llenne. Loxnox , March 13. The news of the death of grand duke of lictso has caused grief \VIiids3TTOlero the docousod wa * n great favorllo. Thoquecn will send thodiiKeo Edlnburc'ro'Wspt'enent ' her at the funeral an * may pOMlmy"llclay her own departure for the contlntfhl'Jts n mark of respect for the deceased. " " ' The couVf Circular referring to the death of the ctand duke of Hesse says ! "Another heavy blnw-'has fallen on the nuccn , who fccli that hX loses a real son. The grand duke of Hosfp wai tenderly loved by the whole rovalainfly. " riiANCifsaritKiiATr.Ns mit.MAXV.j : livery < M'IVHrh ? " " > ' wl't ' ltn Twkon AiUan- tngo iifjtj Jtpco rr AlHiiro-l.orr.ilnp , lG > p/r/W | / ( ; US ? . ' l > uiimM / > r < b > t H nn I.l ( PAIIIS , i\lgrcij 14.Now [ YorK Herald Cable ' ' Snoolat 'to' , . ' TUB BEB.J The European edition of tlio Herald recently published the replies received by the Figaro from n num ber of notable Germans to whom that Journnl bad put the question whether Germany would consent either to cade AUaco.Lorr.iluo bock to I'rnnco ' or to neutrnllro those prov- ncos thH ( Monday ) morning. TheFignto publishes n French , vlow of the subject Irom the pen of M. Ernoit Lovlsso , prcfossor of the university of Paris. Ho goes to the length of four anil ono-half columns In the course of which ho snvss "Your German correspondents say that Gor ninny would feel Insecure If Alsace was In the hands of Franco. Let them measure tbo distance from our old frontiers to Berlin and from our present border * to Paris. They hnvo opened u bridge into the heart of Franco. Wo feel the breath of the enemy upon our necks. " Going on to prove that the provocation for war Is not likely to como from Franco , M. Lovlsso shows how strong the party of order and sound sense has become In Franco. "Tho nation , " bo says , "is in arms but is not formed Into n' cast whoso members burn to bo soldiers , nor nro Its nrmlo's conitnandod by b hereditary commander-In-chlof who claims hcrltnnco by divide right.Vlth us no ono has n right to say to n recruit , 'you belong tome mo , body nnd soul , and if 1 order you to flru on your father you must oboy.1 Only the nation can move the French , army , which Is composed of the nation ttsolf. No ono In Franco can claim that his will is tbo supreme law. There Is no ono who some flno morning without consulting anyone ono can glvo the signal for war. Tbo whole 11 fo of Franco U open to the day. Slio has no secret treaties to concoal. There is no country in the world where nn offensive war would bo more difficult , not to say Impossi ble for the government to undertake , than In Franco. " Then taking up the historical and ethnolog ical sldos of tbo question , M. Lovlsso con cludes that no matter how long u period of years may elapse , Franco will never abandon her determination to be prepared to take pos session of Alsnco-Lorralno whenever an op portunity fpr doing so presents itself. Franco will not go to war to recover the lo t pro vinces , but when war comes sbo will take ad vantage of It to attain that end. ruyiKAT.S } > ! ' Till ! VICTIMS. llcnrtren < lh > Scenes ut the llnrlal of the People Klllr'il In Belgium Mine Accident. Buusani.s , , March 13. According to a report of the Andcrluos mine disaster slxty- three persons 'were rescued unhurt , twenty Injured nnd 153 were killed. Tivontv tUousaud persons today attended the funerals of thirty otiiHir'thc victims. Trains forl r7dorluos were crammed with people aud"flttiousands walked from Char- loroi. A chftlr'with n plato on it was placed before each Bf ho bereaved houses. Many widows an"d' " probably many Impostors held plaids"1' and reaped n rich harvest. Tbo municipal authorities have provided colRlkfs for the victims. The scones < t tho" grave yard were heartrending throughout ytlib" funeral proceedings. The luinontations'oT the mourning we'ro unceas ing. ManyJ'mdn sobbed. Women became hysterical and l breaking through the lines would kissl-tUfa ' cofllns , uttering touching oxclumations'ciP'grlef. ' ' ' 1A VuffocatuKc ( > Bmoir of fire and steam still pervades the whole oUtiict. Police and militia contihuo'tcf kenp the crowds iroln the pits. A uraiid 'funeral service will bo held tomorrow. ' " ' "I- It is fear av ha't thirteen of the Injured nave no ehahce'fif recovery. j juuftwJL , - v ' f 3 "AVON 1IY AN ASiKlllCAX YACHT' ; Vunuorbilt'o Alvn'Wtn * in tlio Klco Ucgattn. Pork Inspection. PA itis , March la , The event at the Nice regatta today was a close racVbotweon Baron Kothe'hild's "Eros" mid .Mr. Vauderbilt's "Alva , " tbo latter winning. Lord IJun- ra'ven's ' ' ' " ' a"g 'Vnlkj'rio" 'won ( ld medal und ! iOO in a contest vyitFi four. French' and two British yachts , having covered the course of thirty-throe mlies n live hours and forty-llvo minutes in ft light breeze. A squadron of hussars , now stationed at Marseilles , will go to Costa Belle to act as n giiard of honor aurlug Queen Victoria's visit. visit.M. M. Ducloso , tbo French revenue expert sent to tbo United States to inquire into the system of American inspection of pork , said to an Associated Press reporter today : "Secretary Kusk's.Systom is as perfect as Anything can bo' Everything goes like clockwork unddr the direction of Mr. Hick- man , who is n real savant. 1 visited the different pork centers , nnd 1 came to the conclusion that it U neither possible nor ad vantageous for anybody to pack or export a single hog that has not undergone a micro scopic Inspection. " KESTOIt.VTION qPTIIK UUKLPll FUND. Cumberland's Resignation of Kingly Framed In Ambiguous Language. BIKINIS' . March 13. The North German Gazette confirms the reports that high per sonages advised Emperor William in favor of restoring the Guoiph fund , and speaks of the satisfaction it wilt afford tbo widowed queen , Mane , that she has lived to see u reconciliation. It U not known whether or not the capital , about 4,000,01)0 ) marks , will oo refunded. It wilt probably be an entailed fottuno , and only the interest wilt bo paid over. Tbo Hanover estates will remain under Prussian naminis tration until the claims to the t tire no of Hanover are explicitly renounced. The duke of Cumberland's ' letter , in which ho speaks of himself as "First , " spelling the word with u capital letter , Indicating royalty , and sign ing himself "Cousin and brother , " The epistolary form used between sovereigns , loaves the renunciation somewhat ambiguous , A parliament U almost certain to sanction the agreement unanimously althouch some papers remark that considering the state of the national finances it was not necessary for Prussia to make the duke of Cumberland such a largo present , FLOODS. Hullroail TratI\c0Jit4rriipteil \ ; and Sliioh Sitl- M.unui ) , MnrcUil3 , Thodumago caused by floods in the couth is more extensive than was at ilrst su inosod. In almost every prov ince rallroad' ff&fllo Is suspended , manv towns being a tUely isolated , The deputies for Cordova , , r ovHIo , Granada and other towns In j njdulosa are receiving many potltip/is. from mayor ) and other ofllclals pjjeallng for government as sistance. ThwjfUoment of tbo minister of publio works jj ajiihnro are no funds from which to draw .fin ; relief purposes has mot with a storm bt Criticism from tbo press and tbo public. It has been decided that tbo government sUfllliflovoto $100,01)0 , ) to relief measures. ThQQupcn.has given fjOO.OOO from her private pufiffl , _ AirjWtftVts Cause. Alarm. PAIIIS , MBrfla'J3. Searches of houses kuown to bo"ocei podby | anarchists In Passy , Montrogo and oll'or suburbs , bavo resulted in tbo discovery that a number of the trusted servants of the largo residences aio members of the anarchists associations. Scared by the rumors , of a Dig anarchistic cons pir acy , a deputation of foreign residents of Paisy today waited upon the mayor to ob tain information , The mayor declared that tbero was no cause , for alarm. ( Jonuollclittioiis. J "w YOIIK , March 18. The negotiations which have been pcudlog for the past two weeks for an action of tbo Tennessee Coal and Iron railroads with the Dcbardelbau Coal company bavo boon successfully con summated , The terms have been ngruad upon gatlsfactorlally between these two , which in at present moro than live-sixth * of the entire interests Involved , A general statement of the result of the negotiations was inadij yesterday by the ptmidonts of the two companies ox Senator Thorn C. Platt of the Tennessee und Uonrv II. Uabardelban. Itmny bo said Hint there will bmio chntik-o In the organization of the Tennessee Coil anil Iron- company except Increased representa * tlon In the board of directors nnd nn In crease In the amount of mpkalirtulon. The Tennessee Coal nnd Iron company nt present own 'JS,000 acres of coal and Irou land , chiefly In Alabama , nnd has ten blast furnace * nnd 1,100 coke ovens. IM daily output - put Is about 1,000 totn of plglton and ( t.OOU ton * of coal. The Dobnrd'llbati company represent * the consolidation n ? n hnlf do/on corporations. It nt first absorbed the Besse mer Iron nnd Steel company , then the Littto Htllo , nnd next the ftttroUu , nud then the Henrietta. This absorption ha * taken place within the last four years. This company own * 1(50,000 ( aero * of coal and Iron land * In the IVnrrloranu Tohnba coal basins of Ala bama. It has seven blast furnftncns nnd 1,040 coke oven * . Its dally output Is 700 tons of pig Iron and 3,000 tons of coal , IttXlt'lUHHTY IIITll .V/6'.l/f.ld'lM. Treaty llli That Country Miulo Public Some of Itn Protlilom , , WAIII ISOTOV , U. C. , March 1 ! ! . The presi dent today made public n proclamation of re ciprocity with Nicaragua , which republic agrees to admit , duty frco , among other things these : Animals live , cornmcnl , fruits , fresh or dried , cottonseed oil and other product * of said seed , tar , rosin and tur pentine , conl , mineral or animal wood , lum ber In the rough or prepared for building purposes , houses of wood or h-on , tools nnd Implements for horticultural purposes , wag on" , iron and stool In rails for railroads aud other similar uses nnd structural irons for bridges and building purposes. wire for fences , with or without barbs , clamps , posts , clips and olbor accessories series of wire not less than three line * In dlamotor ; machinery of nil kinds for agri cultural purputcs and all parts ol such ma. chlnary ; forges , water pumps of metal , pump hose , sledso hainmcis , drlllh for mining pur poses , Iron piping with It * keys nnd faucets , crucibles for mclttnir metals , Iron water tanks and lightning rods , roofs of galvanized Iron , gutters , ridging , clamp * and screws for tno sumo ; booitspamphlets nnd other printed matter ; vessels and boats of all kinds , fitted together or In parts ; geld and silver In bullion , bars or coin. It Is understood that packings or coverings In which the articles niimcd In the foregoing schedule nro Imported shall bo free of duty if they are usual nnd proper for the purpose. iiAiutisoN's SPIICHIS. : : : They Iluxo llemi Imueil In Hook Form , To gether with lllsHUito Papers. WASHIXOTOX , D. C. , March 13. Consid erable excitement and comment has boon caused by the issue at this time of a volume of President Harrison's speeches and papers , including his extemporaneous addresses made during the presidential compaign , nnd on his several tours stnco his election. The president's friends ha > o based great claims for statesmanship and supurlor mental scope and resources on these speeches and certain state papers , nud this book , containing all the worlts and speeches made , are regarded by anti-Hnrrl- sou republicans as u shrewd move to parade hi * superiority for nn evident purpose. They point to the fact as significant that it has been i-ontrivcd to insert the names of all the distinguished people , not overlooking demo crats , who participated" on the occasions when the speeches were ilollvored. The compiler , however , says ho had ths book in view ever stnco the last campaign closed , and that Its appearance at this time is with out suggestion and ha * no political ooject. TPfi.VK/f.S .IT TIIK J-'AIK. They Tnko Steps to Oi'srunl/e a National AHSouliitlon for the OeeiiHlon , CHICAOO , 111. , March 13. The local Gorman turner society has taken the Initiative in In ducing the national executive board of the German turner societies of the United States to take an official part in the World's fair with a view to exhibiting the Gorman method of physical culture , the appliances and other means of developing the bbdy lind the mind. Tlio national executive board at St. Louis entrusted tbo management to the local district board and approved its course in appointing u commission of fifteen to act as a board of con Hot. At ilia same tune it vested the board witn power to co-oporato With GormnnBohomiao , , Polish and Scandina vian turners not included in thoNorth Amer ican turnebunrt , besides it is understood thrit it will appropriate $50COO towards the erection " tion of a" building on the World's fair grounds. This building is expooted to bo iJOOx-100 fuel In size , and additional money will oo furnished bv the unattached societies. Todity the commission mot to hear reports of tbo'cotnmissions and toaiToct a permanent orgam/ation. . The reportol the comiultloo on permanent organization proviues.thut the North American turnebund delegates Its powers to u local directory of ievon. who shall Incorporate themselves for a term of flvo years under the name of "Woild's Fair Commission for Physical und Mental Train ing of the North American Turnobund. " TWO YOUTlll'UI , IIK.tltT * VX1TKI > . Marriage ol it Hey ot ID and it Clrl ol 1J in Newark , N. J. NEWAIIK , N. J. , March 13. A sensation was created today In the lower part of this city on the discovery of the secret morriago of two minors. The groom was Joseph Carr and the bride was Annie Freclln , aged If ! years. The bride is nn orphan , her father having died six weeks ago , leaving her by his will 510,000. The gioom is the son of a poor widow. The pair went to Mr. Harris , a colored justice of the peace' , to perform the ceremony on February ill , tbo boy representing himself ns 1' ) years and tlio girls IT years of ago. Thuy then wont to their respective homes. Father Cody ot St. James church declares that the mnrriago Is illegal and has appointed Owen Kane tbo girl's guardian Mr. Kuno will send her to a bnordlnc school and shortly will begin pro ceedings for tno annulment of tlio marriage. The boy's father will insist on tbo validity of the marriage. Iowa Kmployes nt tlio Itiirlliigton .Meet and Discuss Tlu'lr ( irii'iancen. Orrrsiw * , la. , March 13 ( Special Tele gram to THE Bi'n. | An importunt meeting of railroad conductors will bo held at this city on the Sutli to take steps to adjust allege' ! grievances of certain trainmen living in this city. The grievances tbcso men urge is that ttio west division crows on the "Q , " on the orderof thoCroston ollieiaU , hnvo been running their trains to Murray , thus cutting off the earnings of crows on this di vision , Iho question ha * been taken Ui with the Orderof KalHvav conductors nnd meetings at Aurora. Giile.sburg nud other points have been held , Tbo llnal mooting will bo held in this city and tbo gntivtinco' properly arranged and presented to the "Q/1 olllclals' It Is thought the matter will bo adjusted amicably. TllOIHllIT HIM A IlltK.lT 3I.\llUllb. With an KdUoii Phonograph hi Ilaisi-n lien All Impute * on tlio Xiiltun ol .Morocco. Niyv ; YPHK , March 13. Si Hosson Bon All , tbu Moorish chief who loft hero last summer to collect ) rare exhibits from tbo African wilds for the World's fair , has communicated with N. J. Hiberlv. The explorer states that ho has arrived at Fe/ . When at the court of Muley Hassan , the sultan , tip succeeded in creating n profound impression and enlisted - listed tbo sympathies and old of tlio sultan , mainly by menus of an Edison phonograph , \\lilelihocau50d to play "Vunlioo Doodle , " 'Down on Um Suwunoo Kivor , " and to de liver u Fourth of July oiution on the spread o.iglo stylo. The sultan and court believed that ho controlled spirits and furnished him with a special escort for his expedition , Kejolcini ; Over Men Itir'K D QUKIICU. Match W. The cousorvatlvos made a triumphal demonstration hero last night lii celebration of thulr defeat of Mer- clor. Numerous bauds inarched in tbo pro cession una many of tbo poradera carried transparencies. Kreot an Iron Puluce , DUI.VTII , Mum. , March 13 , In connection with tbo Iron development comes the plan for au Iron palacu us a feature of tbo .Min nesota atato building at tbo Columbian expo sition. Commissioner Moore returned from St , Paul where hornet the state committee of the World' * fair. It I * his Idea t ml the Iron palace bo trimmed with the different varieties of building ntnno found In tin state , such n * these nt Hinsdnle , Katllo Ulvrr , Manknto , SI- Cloud nnd Kasota , while fnrl- ton county could furnUh the tu-ccsinry slatj shlngloj for roofing. All the Mlnno oti mining companies will bo properly repre sented with sample * ot their ore * . i : .i.s7tvs u j.w.iA r.ti.Ks ir.i/f. Snrli llolhlnkt Will lie the Outcome of the llerlncSeit Troubles. * Citic nn , 111. , March 13. A war between England nnd the United Statoi a * the oat- come ot the Ucrtng sot complication * I * ser iously talked ot by Erastus Wlmin , the well known economist ami lltmnctor. Mr. Wlman Is visiting filnmt * In Chicago. "Tho English government , " said he , In an Interview last night , "I * under tromundous pressure now from the Canadian govern ment , which being toty In complexion and strengthened by the recJ-nl election * I * in u mood to insist that Canadian sealer * rn ) protected and given equal rights with Americans on tbo high sens , Besides , the coming contest tn England betucon thu torlcs nud Gladstone nnd the liberal. * makes it incumbent that n diversion of some kind bo created to ItiMiro lory success nt the poll * . Nothing will so lire the British heart with enthusiasm as anything calculated to main tain the llctlon that Brlttnnia rules the wave , and under such clrcumstnuco * It I * not Im- probnblo that n vlgorou * foreign policy will prevail during the com ( tie summer , In wtiloh the peace of tlio world may be threatened. Actual hostilities uro doubtful , but many n war has Minnie from loss serious cases , und It I * a fact that party exigencies have caused ono-half of England's wars. At any rate , no party was over In greater straits than Is the tory bartv n6w. * "Tho threat of retaliation 111 tlio shape of abolition of the bonding pilvllcgo , which al lows goods destined for Canada to pass through the United States xvlthout duties and vlco versa , would ben two-edged weapon , lar moro hurtful to Chicago , Detroit , the twin cltlos , Boston nnd New England than to Canada. If this is tlio only retaliatory mcasiiro Canada has to fear , after suffering the torrlbb exclusion Imposed bv tlio Mc- Ktnloy billlt will have no affect on the popu lar sentiment tn Cunud.i except to solidify the adhesion to British connection and to strengthen tlio determination to keep Inde pendent of the United Stale * . " * DR. MILLER EXPLAINS. lie Oltos Ills Version ol the Cleveland Inci dent to I lie Pulillc. Dr. George L. Miller yesterday returned from Chicago nnd expressed much surprise that the newspaper reports of hi * reference to ox-Prcsldout Cleveland's alleged criti cisms of the dumocrats In congres * had at tracted so mueti attention. Dr. Miller furnished nishod the following statement for publica tion : "OMAHA , March 13. My attention has boon called to a quotation of President Cleveland's which has bean going the rounds of the press. It dues both Mr. Cleveland aid my self an Injustice. I was spooking to the dom- ocratlo state committee against free coinage nnd to reinforce niy views I Impul sively used the name of Mr. Cleveland. I did undoubtedly convoy to the committee n stronger Impression than I intended to do in the words I used. The fault was mine. I spoke with earnestness and freedom on the assurance that the discussion wns purely piivntc. My remarks were overheard by u reporter in an adjacent hall , anil went to the press and the country without any knowl edge of in inc. As to betrayals of conlldonco , there was 110110. Continence was not enjoined - joined In the letter , which was not even marked personal. In my discretion 1 decided when I received it not to publish it. Thu letter was written lo mo personally , in answer to an invitation to the Boyu ban quet , explaining the delnv of Mr. Cleve land's reply bocuuso of his visit to the south. "CiKoiiiii : L. MII.I.III. " Chleitffo Man Snlclilett ItutherTlntn lichcp- itrutiMl troni lit * Wile. DA\rov. O. . March K ) . ( Special Tele gram to TUB Bnn. | H. H. Hall , recently appointed engineer for the Chicago city water \\orlcs , committed suicldo heio this altoniuC" Hull married the widow of Henry Melalnbioy , who was n merchant hero and who died oicUteon year * ago. After her hus- b.ind's ' death sha went west and mot Hall , whoso parents reside in Pullman , III , Hall's , par'-uts are wealthy and ho addicted to drink. lie had trouble with his wife and she loft htm. While Hall was at D wight , III. , being treated by the gold euro Ins wife L ot a dhorcu from him nnd married W. C. Brown , superintendent of a railroad ut liaulno , Wis. The marriage wns Icept a secret from Hall and bis former wife came h ( ri' to hide from him u while. She was.suon discovered und Hull came horf to have a meeting with tioiHn put up at a hold ano employed the police to assist , him to tliul her. She was discovered but would not bavo a meeting with Hall. Ho wrote her sovorul notes mid sent her several messages , but she returned them all. lulus despair Ilnll bought a vial of morphine ana drank about twenty grains of it nt ! l o'clock and was dead in nn hour. Ho loft several letters to his mother and hi * sister , and gave tin effects found on his poison to bis Uivoicod wifo. The remain * were viewed by tbo cor oner ano" sent to the undertaker for lurtber orders. _ nr.r.i UI.TKII < > 'iiiiu.\ . Catholic KnlglitN ol America Discuss Ills Illhlionesty. Piiii.tni'.LiMiiA , Pa. , March 13. Members of the Catholic Kniehts of America resident in this city today talked freely of the dis patch printed in the morning papers con cerning the efforts being made to settle the heavy defalcation of Tieasurer W. J , O'Brien. The Inquirer says : "Tho agitation over O'Brien's stealing is much attracting as at tention in other cities as ills in Philadelphia. There is reason to bellovo that the worst pi aies of Iho dolaultlrig ofllcer hayo not been miido public , nnd that it will bo from hero that certain information will go out , throw ing light iinon the manner in which It bu- cnnm posslblM for a great deal of the embc/- /lomont to have boon accomplished. Ono of the members in this city said that from the prusont appearances It would not bo surprising If the order loses ? iiO.OOO. Ho added that it hud .boon openly as- eerted in Chattanooga , wh ro the fugi- tlvo treasurer belongs , thattheio would bo no prosecution of O'Brien at all. The ques tion , he said , that was uppermost In thu tnlnds of all at this tlmo was , had the senior huprumoolllcer * been bliimulcs * in the peiv formonco of their duties in connection with their supreme looting brother ! " KKKKfXti Xlllf 11031 IM. .Seltlerx anil IloomerH Flocking to tlio ( 'liejcnnii and Arapulioe ItimrrtalloiiH , GUI Mini' , Okl. , Match l.'l. Many boomers uro passing through Lore dally bound for the Cboyonno nud Arapahoe Indian lands , which It IB thought will soon bo opened to botllcinent. Other * who wuro unsuccessful tn obtaining bomoH during tbo recent rush for the Iowa and other Indian lands and who have boon camping about the city.nroluivitig for the nowlat.ds. It 1 * estimated thut fiOO people nro now gulheiod around the Chey enne lands waiting for the proclamation opening them to settlement. Prominent among the boomer * are largo numbers of negroes , Killed III * Assailant , Okl , , March 13 , The news has juat roaobod hoio of u murder at Chandler , which took nlaco yesterday. Ames /Ma and George Barton , who occupy adjoining claims , engaged in a quarrel. X.uln was armed with a Winchester , Ho fired , seri ously injuring Burton. The latter , howdvor , still bad strength enouvu to contlnua tlio tight , and snatching Iho rillo from /.ule' hupdi , discharged it , Hilling Xulo Instantly. Burton's wouud ts a dangerous ouo and bo will probably die. Hlchmond Terminal ( 'liant'eit. ATLANTA , Ga. , March 13. H is slated hereon on undoubted authority that a deal has boon perfected by which the Hiobmond Terminal property pa'ssos under control of the Balti more & Ohio , John Iiimau 1 * said to have engineered thu matter aud Mr. Oak ma , formerly vtua president of the Uichmond & Dnnviltu , has boon agrocd upon to nuicoed Ininan a * president. - I Hind three HHlo . . . . k//rr/C „ jl-l I ILK \ who were nttncked with O j'nial ' ifm\ \ obstinate ECZEMA or V- / " * ' * Hlood Troublcr which nt tirst resembled hent , but soon grew lo yellow blisters , sonic of them quite large. Ono of the children dial from the eitceta of it , but wu got Sulft's Specific mill giivo to the other two mid they soon got well , S. 8. S. forced out the poison promptly. The euro wns wonderful. J. D. HAINR , Mmtlmvllle. Ln. hns no equnl for Children. It KCS&Saf relieves tlio system promptly , nnd a-wists imturo In developing the dilld'a health. Our Treatise mailed free. SWIFT 81'ECIFIO CO. , ATLANTA , GA. NEW I dot n Hood " " TBBATREb HoTonlreiitl ) nnd llnrnc TUESDAY \VEDIIESDAY , MARCH 15 AND 16. v WKDXISSOAV MATtNBlS , - * * ' Knaiixetnenl of the Young American Star. GQRR TANJMER Under the iniinnicinr-nt of Col. W. K. Sinn , 1'ruwittnc for llui llrst tlmo hero riliiton Minul'i UlKhlr Sui-eBssful I'liiy , Will She Divorce Hlntf Assisted by u ( 'iinif'illy S-clootod rninp.iny of I'luyt-M from llrooKlyn l'url Thoiitro. Usual iirlcus. BOTD'STH 'IlioOrontcit Compilj1 K\cnt KvorlnOmnlm Th oi Nights Only , Monday , Tuis.illy i\nd Wo lii'sd\v , i inroh 21 , 22 nnd SH. CHAS , FROHMAN'S ' COMEDIANS , Krum Now Vurk , In \ \ Illlnm Olllottu'i Crrntt-st t'lillU'll ) MR , WILKINSON'S ' { SW : MVS11111 WIDOWS Kiiniili'st roiT" > ily Fnrco of Ilio Vonr. oitii w I. } ? . Y. c\sn , HisciU | Itnllniiit.'i . .Minna It. Mums , Tliuinna ; H > loj , Pilw folcmnli , Jiiliu W. 'I liumi | > on. ( ioorKiy llron II irrjriiinro , Knillr Uanclior , Muttlu 1'iTKiistHi , AnnloVoiMl , Aclplnlilo ( Iruy , An I'lAjcd J.VJ Muhts In Now Vork I'rlooa tAiUlr. . Tic , fl unit II.M ) . bents on siiln Sutiir.luy tlib Hull. \l\\r \ ! ? i A PLAY I OF TODAY.I hn\cnt < M > nth mill Humpy 8tccK | THURSDAY. FHIUAY. SATURDAY& SUNDAY , March 17. 18 , 19 anJ 20. BATUHIJAY MATINKIS. Fourth Smsnn of UHN.MA.V THOMt'tO.V nm1 crow ; ; : w itvitifij ri y , t'nilor tlio .Mnmi i'nu'nt uf tlib Ail thorp. Assuring a Good Kntcrtitliiineut , .Mado Ip of Odd Uluiructiirn , WU , Humor , Hong mi'i htory That Will Mal.u You Think , Lanuli : ilid Cry. ltnsliuut * open Wednesday morning at regular prices. iopur < Au Farna.ii St . , i'it tons Tour nlnlils. uniiiinuiiflus Snndnv niutlnco. March I' , JAMKS II. WAI.LACIC , In tno'icut ( iluys , Sunday matlhuo and nl lit und Monday nlKht Till ; IIAMI I' KIN4i. " Tucadiiy night , \Vcdncsrtav niatlnou and nlKhr. Tin : C.\TI'JI : FARNAM ST , THEATER POPiJLAK PRICES. Ono Weok. Comnitni'liiK'JIiurNdn } 3tarth ITtli tilN'HV UB15 Anil Ilia iilnjurs 'Iliuii ! n > i Friday , "ntnrdny mull nee una nlcht bumlny Matlnrt * . THE RUNAWAY WtFE. Sunday , .Mniulay , Tiu'-xlnj , Wcdnuviln ) , ninllno * ntid nlulit. THE BELLS. ! if * ? ' R13 * ! 1 ' ( Ss SSa MAYER. STROUSE&.HFRS.4IZBWAY. N.Y. When you ask your gro cer for Java , he does not offer you Maracaibo and say it is "just as good , " When you ask your drug gist for Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil , if he is honest , he will not try to sell you something "just as good. " Why do you want it ? The answer is in a book on GARB- FUL LIVING ; we send it free. ScorrS : fowNit.ClirmiMs ! 131 South 5th Avenue , New Vork. Your ( IritEcht kr psSrull' nniul on of ccMi er oil all druccliu everywhere do. ( i. 4 Till- ; SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p , m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m , City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. - * - iflwv tt& fi ik ft tf A new anil Cuiupletu 'I'reaiiuoiH , cunBlttliiK of Buppoklturlutf. Ulntiiioiit lu Cupiulej , nlao lu Jloi uiull'llli ; H I'onltlvu Cum for Ktturnnl. liUunml Illliid or Ilk-eillliK Itolilni , Chronlo , Hocuilt < > r liiiruilltarf i'ilu > TM Uumuily lia nuttir ! > " knuwii tofull. l furl ) ! Kent ! > / mill. Wliy nullur from tlili turrltild ill fa j wiiena writ ten ifunrnnioH l > poiltlroly itlrun wild ttbox o , r refunillhii ruon r If nut ouru't. Hund ntnmp I r Iroo hninplu. ( ju mutuu Inuul l < r KiiUn A Co , Drufxlm , nolunauit , curuur liiii mid I'ouulu * , Oniulia. Nfb. aS DiTGLUCK ; \ Eye , Ear , Nosejhroat SPECIALIST. ssub udjiiHtuil to ll visual ilufccti. C'nlarrli ' biicuuasCully truatnd , Ruoin 18. Darker lilocH , 15ii ( aoil Parnaiu