Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OM Al 1 A DA 1 L V 13 K M : M I hN DA Y , A IU ' 1 1 \ , 1802.
Success is Bound to Oomo If Ono is Only
Persistent and Earnest ,
Practical Application of the T.nric of the
Man Who I'loM-cil That r rtlrulnr
' SlKiilll-
I'lcld lln ItcllKlcins
cnnco Illustrated.
Last night nt Immnnuol Baptist chutch
Uov. Frank W. Foster preached the first of
n series of business sermons , drawing prac
tical business lessons from the parables of
Christ. His subject was "Tho Hidden
Treasure ; or , Business Sagacity. " Uov. Mr.
Foster took for his text Matthew xlil , 4 < :
"Tbo kingdom of bcavon is llKo unto treasure -
uro hid in a field , the which when n man
hath found ho hldotli , and for Joy thereof he
gooth and srllcth all that ho huth and buyoth
tbat Hold. " During bis dlscourso the
preacher snld :
"Christ had great quickness and soundness
of Judgment , Ills sagacity In the choice of
Illustrations which would command the at
tention of his hoarrrs and carry them with
htm to the conclusion ot hlsdlscoursoM. Is ad
mitted bv all. He had closely studied the
buslncss'habits of his times , nnd from tbo
practices of men in the marts of trndo ho
found Illustrations for the greater doctrines
of his teachings.
"In the story which gives us our text , wo
nro shown on industrious man contentedly
laborine for his master , but ho is attentive
and thoughtful , as well as industrious.
Plowing along , by mere chancohocanin upon
a great treasure , and ho is naturally greatly
surprised , but ho does not lese his bend. Ho
might huvo filled his pockets , or the lunch
bag bo probably had with him , and gene on
with his work , and gone back there from
lima to tltno and ruplenUuod hU storo. But
bo showed his wisdom and Ihoughtlulnosn in
doing what wo all would rccoKnizo , after it
was done , as the wisest thing that ho
could do.
"tin keeps his secret. In this wo witness
his wisdom , for there are enterprises which
it will not to to allow others to know about
or wo will bo sure to fall , Ho had a good
thing and no doubt ho felt many times
tempted to reveal his secret , but his only
surety was In being close-mouthed. Ho
began to turn every possession into money ;
ho had found a Ilrst class chauco to invest
all his hard earned savings.ot many years
and ho did not hesitate to pert with every
thing that ho nililit got the money to purchase -
chase that lleld. People talked about it ; no
doubt they thought ho wus mad ami that he
had bccomo a fool.
* Some I'rartlcul Iliislnoss Lessons.
"This man found his peed fortune by nt-
tendlug to his business , by sticking to the
work for which ho wns trained ana fitted.
There is not the slightest oncouragoaiout in
this story for men to engage In games ol
chance , nor invest In lotteries. This indus
trious man round wealth in doing what ho
could do well.
"Many of the failures in business nro duo
to attempts to do some business for which
onn is not llttcd , and many other failures arc
the result of gambling and ventures in
chance schemes. Most successful men find
their success in attending strictly to their
business and in legitimate profit. There U
unthought-of success for miuiy business
men if they would only devote the same at
tention to the business they are engaged in
that they do to loolclng about continually
for some softsnup in some other line of busi
"Many a. man goes through Hfo with his
eyes shut. Ho would plough up a wholobnnk
of gold and never notice It. It Is astonish
ing how llttlo wo see after wo have comi ? tr
bo HO years old. Most intelligent children
see thrco to ton times as muclx as tbcii
paronts. If you would coma to success and
good fortune you must go about with youi
c.vos open. The man in this purablo valued
his opportunity. Ho was willing to sacrifice
for the treasure. Staying qualities and ap
prcclation of opportunities , and willingness
to sncrilice for the future are essential elements
ments in nearly every successful business
man's ' Hfo.
Still OrcntiT T.c 8on.
"Men , with all their sacacitv , Avant the
treasures of the earth , because of the advan
tages , bocauae of the happiness they hope tt
command by their possession. Few are the
men who live to get cold for the more misorlj
delight of seeing it glitter in the canulo light
of their don. They want , gold for what it
will purchase , or tor what they supposed it
will purchase , of the happiness of this world ,
"This parable is Intended to teach us , in
the most positive terms , that there Is o
treasure , a Joy , n happiness that men may
come upon , tbat will bo worth more than ull
the possessions they mav have before finding
this treasure , .lob said , in the way haul !
ngea of the human family , concerning the
crcatcst treasure : 'It cannot bo gotten foi
gold , neither shall silver bo welched lor tin
price of it , the L-old nnd crystal cannot equal
It , and the exchange of it shall not bo foi
pure gold ; no mention shall bo made of coral
or of pearls , for the price of it is above
rubies. '
"Men may sneer nnd laugh , nnd say that
every man has his price nt which he can b (
bought ; but I tell you this is not so. Then
nro tboso who have been tempted Jjv untolc
wealth , nnd have spurned the offer "ot gelt
nud said : "I'hv money perish with theo. '
"The treasures of the kingdom of heaver
nro hidden treasures. The world does no
BCO thgm , and therefore oftentimes the work
does not bullevo In them. But wo sci
them , nnd wo possuia them , anc
they mo the chief jovs of our life. Thi
Lord is letting us live in a very quiet OIK
peaceful state nowadays ; but If the ( Irene
persecution wore started again there wouh
bo found tuanv martyrs who would sell the !
Ufa rather than lese this greatest of al
treasures , the kingdom of heaven. "
< iosrii : , UNION'S \VOKK ,
Wlmttlio KurncHt l.ilim-crn Are doing fui
thu Churvli In Nuhrualiu.
OMtiiA.Neb. . March 12. To the Editor o
Tiir.BKEi The Nebraska Gospel union \\ll
take up ttio work of supplying school house
nnd ull needy places as rapidly as poaslbt
with gospel services onou each week , am
seek to unite believers In gospel bands foi
blblo study nud Christian work , and nncoui
ago the holding of cottage meetings an
house to house visitation.
County organizations will bo effected u
rapidly as men can bo found to tnkauplh
work of county secretaries , who will nrrang
for blblo classes and superintend the workc
f-upplylng needy places with the gospel. Th
etato secretary will have to glvoconslaorabl
time to the ofllco work for the present , bu
nildo from that will help organize count
and local union- ! , meet committees and hoi
local and district conference ! ; , There ai
now seven persons engaged in the unioi
giving all their time to the work in thi
Btnto. No ono is guaranteed a salary , anne
no debts Incurred , but scriptural means wi
bo used to secure the funds necessary fc
their support. It Is expected J.But thos
holding special mcolliiira will receive thol
support largely from the communities the
.serve. County secretaries will receive thol
support from ttolr respective counties , Th
estimated expenses forthomato work wine
will bo raised by voluntary cot
tnbutions madu to this specii
fund U as follows ; State secretary , prin
\\g , stationery , postage , Incidental
anil odloo help , 11,000 per your.
U may be ot Interest to some of your reat
era to know how tbo Lord seems to bo lea'
liiff In regard to the work in Nebraska. A
n mooting of the Uospol Workers union I
Lincoln , January ID , itsUJ , Mr. O-eorgo L
Fisher , general secretary ot the World'
Uoipol union , was present and outlined tb
work of the union. We decided to rcorgai
Izo the Gospel Woikcrs union , which lit
been iu existence in Nebraska for somothln
ovura year , and unlto with tbo gospel union
H , H. Pollock of Hoatrlco wus chosen ouali
man ; S. U. Cliauey of Alusworth , vlco-chaii
man ; J , I ) . Hrunner ot Lincoln , lliiancii
iccrotary ; Dr , J. O. Dawsou of Lmcoli
treasurer ; C. P. Stealoy of Lincoln , stut
secretary ; H. U. Probaicoof Lincoln , J. Ii
Curruthers of Beatrice , Frank J
Johnson of Puwnco Cltv. P. J. GlrnrJot e
Weeplnir Water , C. S. Polk of Plattsmoutl
It. A. Hutchison of Ouiaha , and U. \ \
Woodward of Hastings form the state con
inlttoo. Kd E. Glffeu bos token charge c
Saunderi county , as county secretary. WI
Ham Franklin of Cass county , llowar
Howler of Soward- county , Mr. C. A. Ml
chcll , Mrs. E. E. Giffen and J. A. Chuuo
Ire engaged In evangolUUo work. Olhei
roholploe from lira o to time. During the
months of January and February , ninoty6no
isrsoashavo professed converslo'n In inoottnRa
icld by our workers. A croat many more
accepted Chrln in meetings whore workers
of the union assisted , Ono hundred and
blrty persons have been entborcd together
n blblo classes. Converts nro Mwavs urcod
to unlto with the church of their choice , and
tibout forty have already done so. Others
vlll at. the first opportunity , Will not all
; iirlstalns unlto with us in prnyl > g that the
. .ord may raise up many more workers for
needy places In Nnhrasitn and In the world 1
We need at least twenty-live men for
county secretaries at onco. For further In-
ormatlon address state committed , Lincoln.
C. P. STEU.KT , Slate Secretary ,
TO SAVI : THI : novs.
I'rogrnin of tlio District Convention to Ho
Hold Till * Work.
On Tuesday next n district division con
vention of the Boys and Girls National Homo
md Employment association will be held at
bo Young Men's Christian Association
rooms it this city , the prime object of which
will bo to discuss methods nnd moans for
assisting widows nnd families of mechanics
in procuring employment for their children ,
boys and for securing homes of orphans in
orphans' homes.
The convention will be called nt 0:30 :
o'clock and will continue In sssslon during
the day. Following Is the program :
0W" : : 1'rayer and conference. W , K. Deans ,
D.I ) .
ID Calling convention to order by Dr , J. T ,
IOJO"Addross : of welcome by Mayor Ocorso
' . Ilomls. Itt'sponsu by president ot state
Division , A , J , Hnwycr , Lincoln ,
ll--\VliHt Is the best plan for provldliiR
igalnst boys becoming tramps } " Chief of I'o-
Ice tenvoy , Omaha : H. A , M'Ulalion. Kear-
loy ; 11 , H Ilawi-s , A , 111) inland.
llw : : "Should boys bettor ho Imprisoned or
liven a few days In which to leave town for
iircony , trampliii ; or petty iitTensos ? " a. M.
Ware , Police .Indue llorkn , Sutnnol Williams.
11:43 "Whnt Is the best plan to prevent
cambllni ; iimotiK street boysV" A. 1' . Ilopklns ,
Hov. S. K. Wllcox , Mrs. Dr. Swotliinn.
SM : Address by Samuel Wlllliinis.
3:4 : ? "t'liins most practical for assisting
nlnows nnd families of mechanics and others
n procuring rinployinent for their children ,
> oys or Klrln. " Kov. I. M. Wilson , Mrs. Llbby
llool. Kov. John llovrllt.
Uou--l'lunii : forsocurliiR homes for orphans
n orohans' homo , nnd dependent children
uetiorallr. Miss Ilcrlh.l Moore. Ii. D. Holmes ,
Hov. O. W. Croft , Council IlllIITs.
! l:0 : : "Should boys nnd girls , when able-
jodlcd , bo snpnllod with clothes and foorl Rra-
tultonsly without first giving them a chance
IM earn these artlcles'r" How , A. W , Clark , A ,
llonKland , Ii. 1 > . I.udik-n , Dr , Htcnen I'helps ,
Council Illutrs ,
4 - 'Minn Id congress bo tnetiioratlrod to provide
National Dcpondent Manual Labor oohools
'or the army of tramping boys In the United
States , the training to Include military tac-
tlcs ? " J. O. 1'hllllppl , Mr. C3. W. Holdrege , Dr.
I'ayno of Lincoln.
4:10 : "How best to oncoumqo boys and
youths to put a portion of their oarniiiRs In
the H.ivln s bunks ? " J. U McCagne , Cadet
4:40 : "What In the effect of the association
of the boys and girls with old and hnrdonud
criminals In jails nnd prisons ? " Mrs. Dr.
Klnc , Sheriff Iknuott , Mrs. Jurdlnc , A. J ,
5 I'lio necessity of oponlnc correspondence
with parents of truant and tramping boys. "
Mityor Law ronco of Council UlulTs.
15:13 "What plans nro best adapted forgiv
ing practical advice to the so-called boys and
clrlsV" Hov.V. . J. Iliirsha. Uov. I' . 8. Merrill ,
Hov. G. M. lirown , Jlrs. G.V. . Clark.
7tu : : "Is It not the Imperative duty and
should not cltv olllclalsof all cities und towns
bo compelled by law to aiiurchcnd nuJ dotuln
temporarily in homo bulldlnt ; outside ot the
county jail or city prison or station house , nil
boys tr.impliiK or loltorlnir about depots ,
theaters nnd other pluces , either bv night 01
day , when unaccompanied bv Kuanlluiu 01
parents , nnd who cannot civu a proper excuse
foi their nbsonco from home , and why they
nro loitering ? " Dan IlopUtns , 0. A. Mnllallun
Chluf Heavoy , Oiunha : Hon. John Kltrgcrald ,
C.V. . SuvldKe , O. A. btarr , A llo.iu'land.
8iJ--"Sliould : : chlldron , orphans In orphans'
homes , bo boarded for weeks , months nnd
years gratultoiialy , or should they not be
placed nt the earliest moment utter hnvlnu
been thoroughly cleansed nml clad. In u eood
homo , when It Is known that such homes arc
In rondlnoss for thorn ? " Mr. I'ltzp.itrlek. Dr ,
Hnnchutt. Kev , J. C. Lemon. Council HI nil's ,
Henry DeLuntf. Council ItlulTd.
0--"In the opening of tlio countv Intelll-
cenco olllco In thn various counties of the ( llf-
foncnt status , for procuring homes and em
ployment tor youth , hoys and girls , bhoulc
theio iot bo a place for temporarily lodsiiu
eloansln nnd otherwise carlni ; for the sale
boys and girls , preparatory to bolnc ulnced Ir
homes ati.on dinners or elsewhere ? " A
HoasliiiHl. Itev. John WillliuiiEon , T. T , Snuw
Council lllnfl's.
Other addresses will bo delivered by Mr
Low Jloji , Hov. RV. . Foster. Hov. F. W. llross
Hov. T. Stevenson , Uov. J. M. French , Hev. A
J. Turkic. Dcr.n Gardner.
In addition to tlio abovn. all pastors am
teachers not named , also the secretaries o
the benevolent associations , are especially In
vited to attend und take part.
now IT iMUciii.s. :
Working * of the Society Whlc-U Intends t <
Help Homeless ltu > g und Girls.
A good sized audience gathered at thi
First Congregational church last evening ti
hoar Colonel A. Hoagland , president of thi
Boys and Girls National Homo and Employ
mcnt association , lecture on tbo work of thi
society. The speaker was Introduced by thi
pastor , Hev. Dr. Duryea.
President Hoagland is well Known all eve
the country on account of tbo interest ho ha
taken in the welfare of homeless childrei
nna tbo newsboys and bootblacks who rui
streets of the largo cities. In commencini
the speaker said tbat bo had come to Omahi
in the Interest of a special phase of charitabn
work , the Boys and Girls National Horn
nnd Employment association.
"Prevention of crime , " said Colone
Hoagland , "is better than trying to euro it
'lhat is our motto. Prevention is picking u |
poor , deserted homeless boys"nnd girls am
finding them homos out in the country amnni
the farmers. To try and euro crime is t
lock the boys and men up in Jails and rofon
schools. In the last nine years I hnvo vis
itedilol cities in the interest of the work o
our association.
"I will Ilrst ti'll you where to find crime
In the reform schools there are over Itl.oa
children , in tbo penitentiaries tW.OO
prisoners , nnd in the Jails throu ; t
out the land 125UOO persons ar
confined. Ninety-eight out of every 10
children now detained in reform schools ar
from the cities , nnd it is among the slums 1
the big cities where most of our work in res
cuing boys is going on. Wo take tbo lull
helpless and homeless newsboys and bool
blacks and find homo ; for thorn among tli
farmers , where , after a shot t stay , the boy
coma to like their now life nnd surroundmq
und grow up into respectable , industrial )
young men.
"In this great country of ours wci hav
Judges , Juries , police nnd all the muchlnor
necessary for sending men nnd boys to th
penitentiary. But arrests don't tend to n
.form or lessen crime , and , in my opinion , th
only way to help nud save the youngstct
who run the streets ull day and sleep In dr
goods boxes nt night Is to got them a goo
homo some place away fromovll surroum
Ings , and where they will have regular meal
and a bed to sleep In. "
Colonel Hoagland then told about some <
his night trips through tha alloys In the IOUR
parts of towns and how ho had given the ou
casts food nnd shelter and Dually obtaino
employment and homes for them. Thoprcs
dent than explained the workings of sever :
refuge IniUluUons , maintained by clinril
and the association , and urged upon tho-
present the necessity for some such homo i
refuge in this citv. At the conclusion of tt
address a collection was taken up and quit
sum of money raised to assist In thn associi
lion's work.
Will Kiiturtulu Conrrri-iiru
The coming Methodist conference contli
ues to attract much Interest 0111011,5 all d
nominations , ns everyone appreciates tt
great good Omaha may gain from this vor
influential body. But few are mot who at
80 devoid ot public spirit as not to doslro t
entertain n delegate. Some , oven with sic !
ness in tbolr family , strive to do some per
Ice in this important worn for the welfare <
Omaha. It will not only bo a credit nnd t
honor to entertain these , delegates , who wi
ba among tbo most influential men in tl
whole world , but nls'o n"'pleasuro , und tl
expense will return many fold In too mnr
ways to mention. Tbo majority of the Moll
odlstinro expecting friends to visit them fi
n greater or less time during this contorenc
Nevertheless they nave already taken ovi
threo-llfths of the IMS who are now provide
The loading national banks have su
scribed liberally to help provide for thoi
who of necessity will bo placed la the hotel
It is desirable to have yet 100 moro cute
tallied la imvatu families , as tbo hotels Liai
not room to spare , but for the limited nuu
bors already placed la them ,
If you urn not already provided with do
ogates hand your uamo and address with tt
number you will ontoMnln , to Norrtnti S.
Cuhn , Fifteenth and Uouclns , who reports
.ho following to bo added to the hospltnhlo
1st of la t Monday : Ur. S. D. Mercer , For
tieth nnd Hamilton' Mr. II. F. Crutn-
mer , 2111 Wlrt strost ; Philip Pot
ter , 10J South Thlrty.flrst nvenuo ; W.
LI. Mlllard , Twenty-fourth nnd Howard ;
A. P. Wood. 128 South Twontv.flfth street ;
f. O. Pbilllpl , 2410 Cnpltol avenue ; G. it.
I'alno , 2.V17 SU Marv's nvenuo ; G. W.
Forbes. HOIS North Twenty-fourth street ;
W. S. Wright , 1120 Twenty-eighth street ;
J. , T , Gibson. 2117 Wlrt street ; nnd the foi-
owltie members of tbo Kountzo Memorial
church : C. F. Goodman , 1805 South Tenth
street ; I ) . O. Ilhoadoi , 101B Bmney street ;
Dr. P. S. Lolsonrlng , TOO Soutn Eighteenth
Rtrcot ; Mrs. Ltdn Boycr , Allen Koch , 21--0
Wlrl street.
"Eat. drink nnd bo merry for tomorrow"
Brndycrollno will stop the bondncho.
Dr. Cullltnoro , oculist , itaa building :
It n Irs Which the Committees Adopted nt
thn Mcnting biiturilny.
Committees of the county nnd city repub-
ican central committees in sojslon Satur
day afternoon adopted the following rdlos
governing primary elections.
Section 1 , The republican city and county
central committees shall prepare n list of the
republican voters ot this cltv nnd South
Jiiiuhn , a sepninto list being prepared for
oiieliivurd of the city nnd for South Oinnlin ,
Hoe. - ' . Thcso lints to bo nnulo up In the Ilrst
nstaneo from dati now In the hands nt the
committee. * , and such oilier reliable Informa
tion as the members thereof may bo able to
Sec , : i. Onocouy of each of said-lists-shall
bo posteil In ropnbllcan headquarter * for flvo
lays Immediately preceding said primary
election , and notice of such fact ahull bo
irlnteil In n repnli lean paper , when at micll
Lime the aforesaid list shall bo open for cor
rections und additions.
Hoc. t. During the tltno that niich.Ilsts nro
tested In said headquarters nny republican
\oterrosldlnplnthoCltyofOmahn or South
Otimlin , who Is u qnalllletl ( repnullonn ) elector
of nny ward , and whosrfniuno has been omit
ted , may have his name placed on said list by
nnklriK application to the seerctnry or othur
iropcrly authorized officer of said committee.
Jiulcr no circumstances shall n nnme bo
changed to another list until cancelled on the
irovlous list ,
Sec. .V It shall bo the duty of the Central
committee to deliver to the proper ofllucr on
tlio mornlnjrot it primary election n comtilcto
copy of the list of republican voters In the re
spective wnrds before the opening ot the polls
for such primary olootion.
Section 1. The central committee shall
cause to Do printed In n republican news-
laper , nnd In inch other manner as the
central committee may alrcot , ut least two
consecutive days before the holding of u cau
cus , a notice of each caucus , giving date ,
) 'nco nnd time of holding such caucus In
each ward.
Sec. ' . ' . The caucus shall bo called to order
jy a member of tliu central committee of the
wnrd In which such caucus shall bo hold.
Whcrnupon the caucus shall Immediately
proceed to the selection ot a chairman nnd
secretary und the selection of delegates , such
lolesates shall bo selected us fur ns practlc-
ible so ns to represent ull sections of the
warn properly.
Sec. J. The delegates to bo selected by nom
ination In oucn caucus , nnd elected by ballot ,
md no peison shall bo ullowed to vote nt such
CKUCUS who Is not entitled to vote ut the
primaries for which such ciucus IR held , said
caucus to be held rt least live (5) ( ) days before
the primary election , und the rlcFit of nny
person present to vote being etiallonpod , such
inestlon shall bo determined by thu
member or members of the central commit
tee present , according to .Section 1 , Article v.
fact . 4. Tbo county nnd cltv cunt nil com-
nlttees shull print nil primary tickets , such
Ickots to ho of the foi m known ns tbo Aus
tralian ballot , the names upon s-ild ticket
to appear In alphabetical order , with
sufllclunt blank space for the voter
to wrlto ut least an equal number of
nunies ns there uio deluK.itus to he elected ,
and suld Central com ml lie o shall print on said
tickets , upon petition signed by twenty ( -l
republican electors of such ward , tbejiamo ot
my person or persons desiring to submit his
or their nnme us delegates to the electors of
such ward , thu sulil petitioners shall give
their residence , which uuiHt bo In the same
wurd or preolnct for which thov slpn. and In
no case shall nny elector bo allowed to sign a
petition for more delegates than uro entitled
to election ; said petitions to bo filed with the
Central committee within thirty-six ( Ut' , ) hours
utter such caucus.
Sec. 5. The judges nnd clerks of election
shall have charffu of all tickets at tlio prima
ries , und shall furnish a uno to the electors
whim requested to oo so. and shall count no
ballot voted at said prlmailesotlicr than those
furnished by tbocentralcommltteo ; uny elec
tor behiK furnished with ono ballot , spoiling
It. shall bo Riven another In return for the Ono
spoiled or torn by the jnd o of election , who
shall satisfy himself thut the party Is enti
tled to vote at such primary before giving him
u ticket to vote.
Sec , ti. No ticket shall bo given to nny candi
date , wnrd worker , or nny othorporson for the
purpose of murUIng or for distribution union } ;
the electors at the polls , but nny elector may
take his ticket from tnu polls to murk H , In
which unsR one of the ulorKs shall place n
uhuck mai Ic opposite his nuinu nnd give him nc
other ticket until the Mrs tone given Is voted 01
returned at" a spoiled ballot , each elector bolirj
entitled to Unco ballot- , , provided he si > ell <
thu 11 rat t o und returns thorn to the board ,
nil ballots before ru.ichlnir thu hands of ni
eluctor to buar upon thu back tlieieof the sly
natmesot tno of thu election board , and nc
ticket unless so endorsed , shall bu voted 01
counted ,
Suction 1. All primaries shall bu hula In thi
ward club mom or such place us IsdeslKiiatei
by the central committees , located us near a1
possible to the geographical center of the
ward , und can onlv bo changed by the said
committee , und said committee shall cuusi
thu loeatlot. of thu same to bo advertised two
( SI consecutive days before sild primary la
Sec. 2. The central committee shall soled
tin election hoard , consisting of a judge am
two or more o orks , for ouch wnrd or votlnt
district , U ahull bo the dntv of ono clerk tc
take charge of the list funiislied by the eon-
tral committee , and check oft the names ut
they voto. nnd the other clerk to keep u com-
pinto record of the nnnio und address of eael
person voting ,
Soi1. a. It shull bo the duty ot tlio centra
committee to nroouro the service of u pollei
olllfor , It needed , to maintain order unit pie
vent obstruction to voters dojlrlni ; to vote ,
Heotlon 1 Upon thu closing of the polls i
lopieseiit.Ulve of ouch delegation shall hi
admitted Inside the polling places tn wutel
thu counting of thu ballots oust , which count
Ing must tuko pluco Immediately utter the
closing of the noils.
Hoc. ' . ' . The judges nnd clerks of clectloi
t-liall , upon tlio completion of the count , fur
nlsh the dulegutus elected with proper uro
dontiiilb duly signed by the judges und clork1
of snld primary und malto due returns to tin
central committee.
Foctlon 1. A qualified oleetor nt the repub
lican primary election Khali bo a person wel
known to be a leputable eleetor of the wan
In which ho presents himself to vote , nnd Mini
swear , If requllcd , that , al thu lust gcnuru
election In Doiielns county , Nebraska , he sup
ported u majority of thu republican candl
hcc. ' . ' . In cuso the quailllcat'on of nn electo
us provided In thu prrcodlni : section I
doubted , nnd u challenge made , thu elial
Icngud party shall huvo his qualifications us i
voter satisllod under o.'ith by the testimony o
iin oleetor of tlio ward or preeliiut In whlcl
the challenged party seeks to vole , uhos
qnallllcutlon Is unquestioned
Section I. Tlio expenses of the primary eloe
tlon shull bu uald out of u ( und created by.u
assessment of two dnlhrs ( tt.OO ) , contribute
to thu central committee by ouch electorhav
Ine his name printed upon the ofllulnl hallo
ns u delegate , ami no name shull hu urlntci
thereon unlcs the purson named bus pal
such assessment of two dollars ( f..uu ) in ad
vaneo to tre.iburer of thu committee , no
shull any elector be allowed u seat In thu con
million IIH a deloirato unless snub assessmen
of two dollars ( t..OD ) isixld In udviinvu U
treasurer of the committee.
DeWltt's Sarsapariila cleanses the blood
incrottsor'.ho appetilo and tones up the sys
tern. It has boiielltled many people wb
have suffered from blood disorders. It wil
boipyou ,
W.o huvo bought Wolty & Guy's stool
mid have removed to their old stum !
1015 Furnnm street , C. I ) . Woodwort
& Co. , hurncBa and suddlory.
Norfolk Bepublicnni Meet and Select Oan-
didatcs ftttOity Ofilces.
Municipal I'atronagv Has lccn Unequally
imidcil In the VAst ( Icnon Cltlrrni
l.'ntcrtallied Cumnierrlnt
Arranging til VIMt Omaha ,
Nonrot.K , Neb , , March 13. ( Special to
TUB UBI : . | The republicans ot tlio city of
Norfolk held a caucus last night ana nomi
nated the following city ticket : Mayor ,
Colonel S.V. . Hayoi ; city clerk , 13. Q. Hull-
may ; pollco judge , II. O. Bruoggoinann ;
treasurer , K. II. Trncv ; school board , John
H. Hays and O. .1. Chapman ; councllmon ,
Third ward. A. J. Johnson ; First ward , L. J.
Hono. At the present tltnt ! tboro Is n wran
gle between the mayor and council , Norfolk
n m bean presided over by two men alter
nately for a number of years. One of thcso ,
it Is understood , will not bo a candidate.
NINTH trinii Uranil Inlnitil.
GIIAND ISLAND , Nob. , March 18. [ Specml
to Tun BIE. ] Tlio citizens of this city nnd
central Nebraska nro enabled to patronlzo
homo Industries oven unto death. VV.
Krlckson has started a en 111 n factory. The
finest grade of caskets will bo tnado. The
output at ilrst will bo only about llvo per
day , but Mr. Erlckson bopos to Increase his
business materially nftor a few months.
S. I ) . Kelley , contractor for the Baptist
collect ) buildings , will begin work on tno
dormitory next week. It will bo 35x80 foot ,
three storlus high , with ainplo Basement and
built of brick. Every effort will bo inado to
havn everything In ship shape before Sop-
tcmoer 1 ,
John Holmors and Nick Benson , extensive
cnttlo dealor.s , vlll ship tomorrow 500 head
of cnttlo direct to Liverpool , England. Os
car Kolmors and Mr. Bonscm wilt accompany
the shipment.
Hon. William Motor of Chicago , 1'rof.
Hathmann of Kansas City and Editor O. M.
Holn of this citv have boon selected as speak
ers to address the convention of the 1'latto
Dout.schor Central Verton von Nerd Amen tin
which takes place here next June.
Junhitu Ni'un Notes.
JUXIATA , Neb. , March 18. [ Special toTiiK
Bun. | The farmers any the ground Is in
the best of condition for a big crop. There
Is still qutto a peed deal of corn in the Holds
ungutheicd. The winter wheat U in
splendid condition and farmers nro Jubilant.
Mrs. Sherry Khlner U visiting in Minden.
Mrs. J. C. Vanoaum returned Tuesday
from a visit to Mindon.
Mrs. Mulcomo has been enjoying a visit
from her mother and brother "of Weeping
E'lward Creator and fatnll loft Sunday
for their future homo at Silver Lake , Jnd.
E. E. Balllngor returned Sunday from a
trip through Iowa.
Miss Sadlo Upton ot Lincoln Is visiting her
undo , Ucorgo Hnrdin.
Mis. AddloM. Billings of Geneva , grand
matron of the Eastern Star of Nebraska ,
lias instituted a lodco. of that chapter here.
It was organized with twenty live charter
members in tbo Masonic hall , Thursunv
night. This in a KM ihu tenth lodge in this
city. _
Notes from JIluo .Spring * .
Bi.un Si > itiNa , Neb. , March 13. ( Special
to Tun A proposition to issue addi
tional bonds for extending the water works
hero will be submitted n vote at the city
election. The amount wanted is JJ.OOO ,
which will sufllco to carry the pipes through
all the principal streets.
For tno Ilrst tune In several years every
available house is occupied ana the demand
-unsatisfied. . Fifty additional tonqutemts
could ba rented. V . .
easily * > . , , m f >
A 'petition has boon circulated horo.pledg-
ing tho. . signers to remain stcaoHustp tothc ;
cause ot prohibition and it seems llkelythnt
the issue at the municipal elect ion will be
the same old question of "license or no li
cense. "
Farmers are beginning their spring seed
ing , the rocoDt high wind having dried in :
tuo mud and loft the soil in excellent condi
Genoa ClUrem Kiiturtainoil ,
GISNCM , Neb , March 13. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] The citrous of this town and vicinitv
enjoyed a rare treat yesterday in the form ol
a band concert given by the Archer nnil
Columbus bauds , assisted by the Indian
band. There was a larco crowd presoul
despite the bad roads. A granu street con
cert was given nt 2 o'clock , followed in the
evening by a select concert at the opera hall ,
Tno aflair was given under th9 auspices ol
the State Band union , of which \V. F. Heck.
oil ot' the Indian band is president , and O. E ,
Barnett of the Archer band is secretary.
The ofloct of the bauds ull playing the sumc
music together was grand. The expanses ol
tbo Archer and Columbus bauds were pak
by the citizens for this occasion.
An Old Cltl/fii l.uld to Jlcst.
HAIITIXGTO.V , Nob. , March 13. ( Special te
TUB BDI : . ] The remains of Barney Olson ,
one of Cedar county's oldest settlers , wore
laid to rest in the Lutheran comoterji Friday
The deceased carao to his death from cancel
of the stomach , having been sick for over si :
months. The funorol was one of the largcs
over had in the county , tbo deceased being i
member of the Ancient Order of Unltoi
Workmen , Grand Army of the Hopublic nni
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Tin
Ancient Order of United Workman led th <
procession , the Urand Army of the Kepuuli
following , and than came the Musous. Abou
100 loams with citizens followed the remain :
to their last resting placo.
West I'olnt Horns.
WEST POINT , Nob. , March 1U. [ Special U
THE Bi'.B.J Little Hurvoy Mnnlln , son o
Mr , and Mrs. Jerry Nelolgh. died Fnda ;
morning of diphtheria. The burial tool
phtco this morning.
Ludwig Uosonthal has roturneH from ai
extended custom trip.
The ice gorge which has been formlni
above the dam for several days , and whlcl
has baciiod up nearly to Boomer , und threat
ened to brouk through the dam , went dowi
gradually Friday without accident. E. 1C. Valentine , of tin
United States senate arrived tn the cit.
Tuesday ovouing and returned to WushiMt !
ton Friday. _
Norfolk Coiuuuirrhil I'llgriiiM.
Noitroi.ic , Neb. , I March 111. [ Special t
TUB Bii : : , ] Norfolk council No , 1 , Cominor
clal Pilgrims ot America , last night eloutoi
tbo following delegates to represent them ii
the first grund council of the order wbicl
convenes at Omaha on the -Hth lust. : W
W. Ulllo , J. H. Hamilton and U. ( J. Tliurbai
They anticipate a goad time.
J'lllint ; Ui > 'N ! l > nisl < ; i I'urinn ,
NUWMAN UIIOVB ; Neb , , March 1U.-
[ Speclal to TUB Ben , ] Within ttie last to
days twenty-eight families have arrived an
settled in and around about this place
mostly farmers.
DoWHt'tt Sarenparllia is reliable.
A dlsousc , troatedJ. us ttuoh nnil porinn
nontly curod. Ncupubllolty. No Inlirm
ury. Homo trcaUuont. llnnnlcs'i uni
olluctunl. Itofor lij1 jionnioslon to Hur
lington Unwkoyo , Sontl Uc stump fo
puinphlot. Shokoquon ( Jlioinlcnl Co.
Uurlinglon , Ja.
II taking
u10 ,
r- ! 3j lAlsl *
ro rj % *
110 Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Mnny Pfcople Hnve It nml "Do Not Knowlt
How to Recognize the Symptoms anil How
to Trea'.Thom.
IlilndlciU of people IIIXTO tlic Grlppo mho do
lint know It , Nut lu'cosstxrlly the Qnul stnRci ,
hut the first stusev They fe-ol pains in the
lienil , anil n l > : u ) tnslo In tlio moiitli. Ret tlre'l
nnil despondent , huvo chilly sensations , llmlx
uiul mincle * uclio. tn some cnics these thlniti
nro overlooked ) In tuoi1 un + cs pcrlmps they
nro considered simply n illRlit cold , In nearly
every OUMJ they Indlcnto thoroniltifto ( Hrlnpo.
There Is but one llilni to do when them
symptoms nppour. nml thuti \ to tnl.o iironip
nnd vlgorotta IIIOIIMIICM , to fortify niituro to
rcpol the enemy. A llttlo well directed t-ITort
ut Just the right tltnu will accomplish \ury
much inoro tlnui labored cfToris nfturwnr > lr.
Thcro Is but ( inn thing to to done , itnd that Is
to use n puru stimulant , somethliiK thai will
promptly turest mid In no wny Injure , some
thing endorsed by scientists , recommended liy
physicians , nnil populnt because so ulflclont-
Duffy's 1'iiro Mult WhlsUey Tno .VOHM IRO ,
nnil Instyo'ir when thellrlppo WHS ranlnr.tliN
Wus thn Btnndniil remedy used , nml reeoin-
mended by thu profession. It did nuno to
prove-in the Orlppe thiin nil othur known or
rcooinniuiidcil remedies. It preserved mtuiy
people In lir.iltli who would otherwise liaxo
1.0011 erlnvously sluk , perhaps u\cn worse. It
Is as uniultmt toilny ns u er. It should bo
bortio In mind that other so called whlskloi
limy not hem ) riuulcnt , nml If nny doiilcr us-
serU that such whiskies motlio same , distrust
him ut oner. Them Is but uno mcdlulnnl
y , and tlmt Is DulTy's I'uroMalt.
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing.
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc.
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted ( or Use in Hard Water.
In 3days by the Trench Humedy , entitled , The
King It dissolves against nnd Is absorbed Into
the 4nllnmod rurts win rotund money If It
does notcuro. or causes stricture , entitlement
hero la u Tollable article , t ) package or a for Ji.
by mall prup-xld. Snow. Lima & Co. Omaha.
Sold in England
for Is. US el. , and
in America
for 25 cents a bottle.
! Dr , Acker's English Pills
Care Sickness and Headache.
Smull , plcuiant. ii favorllo nllli the
W. II. IIOOKEu" . " : LO. . NEW YO11K.
For snlo by Kuhn & Co , , ana Shorina
& McDonnell , Omaha. _
LeDue's Periodical Pills.
The French remedy unU Uiruetty upon the
COnorctivoorKiinsiind euros suppression of the
uienbi. J.'or three for J > , nnd onn bo mulled.
Should notbo nsoil dnrln'prenaney. Jobbars ,
'flstaand the public supplloil by Goodman
. . Umuh'i !
.To Soften the Hands.
Before retirl.ii ? take alarcepalrof nldslo\ec
nnd bpre > au mutton tallow inside , alio all ovei
the hands. Wear the K\o\ei \ all nlRlit , and wash
the hands with olive oil and will to castile heap
the next morning.
The above , together with 1001 other thing ! .
equally If not more Important to Know , Is found
In the handsomely Illustrated new book just
published by
America's most elftoil , popular nnil
This book they w nil to nny artilress on receipt
f -l vents to pay postage llut
do more than write \nluahlit books which tbt-j
Clvo to those who need them. Ihey euro
Catarrh ,
Piles , Stricture , .
Hydrocele , Varicocele ,
Gleet , Spermatorrhoea ,
Syphilis , Gonorrhoea.
Lost Manhood ,
Blood and
Diseases ,
Female Weakness ,
EiTeets of Early Vice ,
„ anil e\ try form of
' " "
- Nervous ,
Chronic and Private
Diseases. 0
limitation free. Call upon or address v.'ltt
stamp ,
10 South 14th St. , N. K. Corner 14th
nnd Douglas Sta.
What's Your Business ?
it depends a good deal on what business a
man is engaged in , what he should wear for a
business suit. A merchant intending to "sack"
a few clerks , should , of course , wear a "sack"
suit ; A real estate man , one that won't show
"dirt ; " A capitalist , engaged in clipping
coupons , a "cut"-away ; traveling men , ex
changing a few lies , "swallow tales. " A pugil
ist should \vear "striking" colors ; A carpenter ,
"plane" colors ; A bank cashier , "checks , " and
we have it on good authority that in certain v.
exclusive society in Lincoln "stripes" are all
the go. Here in Omaha , -where every man
works , some for ple-asure , but most of us be
cause we have to , the convenient sack is the
recognized suit for business. This week we in
tend to do a great business in business suits * ,
offering three big stacks of suits ( a hundred > -
suits in a stack ) , made of very fine all
wool cassimere in a handsome , dur
able steel gray , a color that looks well
when you buy it and looks "well so
long as there is a thread of it left , made
with lap seams , lined with fine-Farmer
satin and with striped sleeve lining , at
Will also give you your choice o
either a Sack or Cut-away suit ,
of fine black Clay worsted , lined with
excellent Farmer satin , bound with
substantial Mohair binding. The
Clay for a combination business and
dress suit has no equal.
Among the many good things in our
Overcoat department , "where we are
showing a lineof garments that
we're proud of , and where you can
find an overcoat to fit you at any
price from five to eighteen dollars ,
we want to call your special atten
tion to two new lines of fifteen dollar
garments , at
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m ,
Trade Clerk. ;
z& &
W $ >
l7 HUP >
< & rURJfcI
Tlic nhove brands of gloves are for sale
The Boston Store
National Bank.
Capital . $100,000
. . . . 0 < t'tDO
Ollliern nniUliootor - Henry W , Vnle .prnililonl
U C I'ln-liliiK , vim preidilcnt. ( / ' . H. .Miuulco. W V
MOII-O , .lolm H I ulllnJ. . .V. U , riiutfk. 1'jvvli A
lle'ctl. Cnkliler.
Corner llith nnd Farnam Sts.
CAPITALS 100.000.00
- . .
DB , J. B ,
1-1TH & 1'AHNAM HTH , , OMAHA , UKU ,
For Consumptives and In
valids must surely be the
most wholesome for those
who use it as a beverage.
la the b-at for all purposes , bo-
ciuao it Is poattlvaly pure and mi-
ture. Ic is oxoojcilnsrly ploasanttt )
the taste ana has a dolioioua bou
.N. B. It doosn't burn nor scale )
the throat or stcnuoh like inferior
whlskays. It Is recommended by
tbo beat phyaiclans.
Sold on y at high class hotels ,
drus and liquor stores.
tir a ncvr perfected
BClcntlUo raotnnd thu
caiiuut fall unlosa tutt
cnso Is Loyond human
aid. You fool Improved
the first day , fed n bono-
Utmonrduy : soon know
yourself n. klna oraona
inou In body , mind ana
hcnrt. Drains nnd losses
onitcit. iivcrr obMaclo
to happy innrrlod Ufa ro-
mnvud. Nervn force ,
wlll.onpritr , lirulnjiower.
when fullliiKor loitara
rputiircd by this treat-j
nicnt. AllamnllnndncnK *
portions of tlin budy en-
Jurt-oil and etronuthtncd.
Victims of nbusca nnd
cicc ci. riTlnlm Tour
mnnhoud' ' Huircrprn from
folly.ovcrwdrk.lll licnlth ,
rcciilii your vlnorl Don't
donimlr.i'vi'ii If In Iho lout
Btnppp. Don't bo dlxhoart
emd If rjimika Imvorob *
ted you Let mellow you
Hint medical uclvnco and
lnilncssionor ) etlll czlrti hern KCI hand In lund.
WrllofnriinrlifMiU with explanations A proofs.
tnilloi | ctilciirroe. lver
TliuOuly I'urfnet Vuulnan u
Itci lul hyrhiKu In
Iliu world
IK Hi 11 only nvrlnuo over In.
vi'uled by wlikti viiKhial hi-
jc-illoim tun IIH ndmliilnttiri-il
nltliuiit Icuklnu und Holllnv
ID il olhln or n cujaltullni :
hu line iif vonul , niui
which cult al in bo nied
ructiil Injoilloni or In
i'HU'l : ; tilllift.
Mull onion tollcltcd
The Aloe & Penfold Co
/.if/I ktt'CI't ,
I'llHI ! Inn * ' iircttrlrtli'iii
ntlull ) | irwpurL'd ut lo *
l > rUu <
Under thu | ) iitroniio ( of
Mrs. M , D , FRAZAR ,
70 and 71 Globe Hldg. , Boston , , .
Tour of SO days. $ .JOO ; Tour of fiO days ,
4100 ; Tour of CO uiiya , * 376j Tour of 1
diiyn , KKM ) .
All Iruvullnv , liololund nl Ut ifelnif i'ijion o In.
limit d
ll'nnln * lo U wliu Mr * Krucur , July 'I , eloaal
ililp M \ 1 IIM , i uunrd J.luo , lloitun. )
NDIITII C.M'K I'Allir lu.ailJniio l , liy I'AVU
MIA ( riiiu lloiton. (6ilaf ( | , JW X
Aipllialloiiiniinl | ktt iimUtit fcui > ( cr tlill tdl
end ( or circular Hud Jeiium.