THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE : MAUCir 1892- SPEGIHL NOTICES , roll TIIK8K COLUMNS ADVKIITISBMKNTS will ho Uken nntll lliau p. tn. for the evening nd nntlU.aup.m. ( or the morningorSondar pot- \ Hon. All ailvrrtlnrmonti In tlifno rnlnmn * 15 ronU a linn flrrt Infrrtlon , find 10 cent * n Una thercuftrr , or B per line per month. No Advertisement token for lest than 75 cent * for the tlrnl Innertlon. Terms b In mlvanre. Count ntioiit ceven words to the line. InltIM * . tlcnrrs , nvmtinH etc. , earn count n a word. Alt nrtTortl'emf nt innut rim con ociitlvplr. Adverttneia bv rpqtie-fttns n numbered check , run havothn letter * addressed to n numbered letter In cirrof Tllr. llr.E. Answers to nrtrtrenscd will bo delivered on presentation of tbn check. SITUATIONS WANTED. HATER IJc a line nr t lime nnd lOe a line there- after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 20c. WANTKI ) i'OHlffoN 11 ? Ml iLK-AKI ) A manlnmoccry biiflncss. has monor to Invest ftcr little oxpcrlonco. Address 8 7. llee.Mill Mill ! > - ) . 1-OS1TION WITH A MOHTOAI1K company as examiner ; can furnl h Rood refer ences. Address H 11 , lloo. M4IW 14 * -WANTKI ) , A POSITION AHBTATJONAKY KN * glneer. First class references. Address A. V. Fatten. ( Irnnil Island. M4C1-1C * -WANTKI ) . POSITION AS DIIUO CI.l'.HK. Two rear'experience. William H. Whoulcr , 413 Ilroadwar , Council muffs. 4CI l -WANTKI ) . A POS1TIOM A8 IIOOKKKKI'KH or anlslant , by a Kenllemati ! rollabln Kood references. Address. 8 1 > . lloi. M413 14 * WANTr.lK PO3ITKNHVI.AIV ) . . HTHN- ograplier , three years experience. Heforencos. furnished. Address a li llec. fill.1. ! * " - ' ) WANTKI ) HV A YOUNO MAN ! can spciik holh Kngllili and ( ierinanl vllh best of reference ! have had ono year's experience In n KCticrM mt-rchandls stores a country town pre ferred. Address J. J , , P. O. l'ox.170 , Sterling. Nob. fi41 li * - . ) . POSITION ON A KAHM HV MAN , A-WANTP.I two hoys , 12 nnd D. Dennis llnley , 8519 Mnrcy sired , Oninhn. t85-la * -iiooKKKnrr.ii WITH FIHST CI.APS CITV roforcncea nnnlsa position. Address 8 20 , Ileo. SITUATION \VANTKI ) AS IIOIISIIKKKI'KII A by widow lady , without children , for wlilotver. Address , llm Xa , Arllnnton , Neb. UTl 111' \ > 'ANTKI-lKN'rLKMA : HTKNUlUAPIIKIt , A\ rcrercnccs , desires situation after April I. Address B 17 , lieu. M..TI U' WANTED-MALE HELP. ItATKS IJon line llrst tlmo nnd lOo a line there- r after. No ndvcrtlscnicnt taken for less than 'fie. -XV IJ W Nfkl ) . 8A1.KHMKNON fcAIMHY OH COM * -DmlsMon to handlu the new imtrnt chemical Ink rraslnir pencil. The greatest selling novelty over produced ! erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nhrnslna of paper ! 200 to UM per cent profit ; ono agent's snles amounted to * T,201n six days , another 12 In two hoiirn. Wo itant onu itcnoral agent In each ntntn nnd territory. Kor terms nml full par ticulars address Jlonroe Krnser MlK. Co , I.nC'ro e , Wla. , X M. B77 _ WANTKI ) . FUtST-UIjA-d MACHINIST. Davis A CowKlll. " 76 T > I'OHTIIAIT AHTISTS WANTKI ) TO (11VH JJour electric Unlit prints n trial. Kxcolslor lor * trait Co. , Wnro block. Onmlm. M.'KII Ml.T T > -OANVA 8KHS WANTKI ) TO SOLICIT OH- .IJrtera fur ourporlriills. Kxcolslor I'orlrnlt Co. , Wnro block. Omaha , M.TO Mill * X-SALISSMKN. PAYS WKLU 401 11 UK 111.IIC. 1CM-A3' "TV-WANTHII A C.OOI ) 11A11NKSS MAKKIl CAN JJgct stcndy work and good nnges by applying nt once one vtho ppoaks ( leruuin Is preferred to F. 3l.fllische.'ColuniUils | , Neh. . M4I7 13 * -1IAIINI5SS MAKKUS WANTED. GOOD wages pahl. K. Btncho , York , Neb. 420 Vti * 1-SALAII AND COMMISSION PAH ) TO GOOD Jiworkcrs. Met. .Mfg. Co. , IWJ Howard street. M431 1,1 * 25 It. H.LAIIOItK.ltS WANTED KVI'.HYWKKK for Wyoming on thu it. .1 M. H. H. , free trans portation from Omaha. Call at GOG S. 10th street. OITY SALKSMAN : (1OOI ) TALKKlt. APPLY With reference and state experience to 8 13 , Ileo 'ofuco ; 470 13 _ T ) WANTKD. BOOK AND JOU COMPOSITOUS Jfsteudy work , union prices. W. U. Conkoy , .Bit Dearborn street , Chicago. 449-13 -SALKSMAN , GOOD UPKN1NQ. SALAUY Oil commission , Address wllh stamp , National , CIgar Co. . St. Louis , Mo. _ _ _ 4 a lu * -riTYOANVASSKUH , SALAItV PAID WKKKI.Y. Singer sowing muchlno olllce , ISlUDouglns street. MS7-nll > WANTF.D , COATMAKHIl , 91 J WKST JstrecU < lraiid Island , Neb , . M4'.I2 13 i OUIIGOODS JJby saniplo to' tho" wholQ alu , and retail .trade. l.lbeiAl snlurj nnd expenses paid. Permanent po- filtlon. Motley advanced for wages , ndvertl lug , etc. For lull pnrtlculnrii and reference address : < > ) nlrnnl l Mfg. Co. . Clilcngo. 111. M480 I3" _ I-WK WANT AN KNKUGKTIO I1US1NKSSMAN JJ Hh small capital to rcprcxcnt us In your city. Caii be handled In connection with real estate or Insurance. For particulars address Western ItuHl' ness Anoney , Minneapolis. Minn. M431 13 * "R AdKNTS WANTKI ) , TO SKLL IIOMK 1NDUS- Jltrles. Cull Ifr.- N , > . ' 4th or 1311 Knrnnm streot. Philadelphia chop house. M4S4 13 * ' D-WANTKD. 25 11AUNKSSMAICKU8 AT ONCK J'On hand made team work. Steady Job and good 'l > rlcen. llodson , Fisher , llrockmnn A Co. . Mlnno- npolU , Minn. M4SJ U WANTI' D , HALKSMKN VISITING IIA11D- , Warn aqd grocery trade to hnndlo side llnu on 'cblnmlsslon. Heady seller. V2U Piixlon blork , Onmlia " . 622 13 * > u _ _ -WANTHD THAVKI.INC SA1.KSMAN : 8PK- X > clulll H' lor dry goods , grocery ami KOnernl tore * ! " "worth $ W weekly. Allison , 177 Monroe street. ChlniKo. f 5 ] : ) ' -T > WAN'l HI ) . SMAHT 1NTK1.I.K1KNT VOUNCI fJL > ninn III or 17 years of IIKO. who reslden with linrents , to act us clerk In f nnt 11 eight line olllce ; .typewriterpreferred. Muntbecood penman. An- ply HtltUlN , V. l.Uo , 6Uiii ; * B-WANTKI ) A COUI'LK OK HUHTI.ISHSTOUAN- vnss thu clly of Omahn for the beat heller In thu market. Cull utlUQg Illomlo.Monday , between 7 nnd t > p. m. 57ft l ; TJ WANTKI ) , AHKSI'ONSHILICAIIKNT IN HACII JLJtowu to reprenent oniltcrn bulldliiK and loan us- Boclullon. iloliiK buslneim under now Nebraska Inws. Dawn li Williams , BtulB AKenU , 1IJ5 ( O Ht- . Lincoln , Neb. M57S 14 * ; - HAI.K.MI.N EVKHVWIIKIIK KOH ouit siJ pertor Wblto Knameled Letters nnd lluor I'lales. Hamples nbtolutely fruo , Semi stamp. liullefontnlneM'f'K Co. , Cincinnati. & $ i 13 * -WANTKI ) . THAVKI.INO SALESMAN. CAN make I.VI n week. Trade spccliiltlos. Tulior. 1TJ Monroe street , ChlciiKO , t & 8I 13 * B-WANTKI ) , UKI.IAlll.l ! MAN KOIl ( IKKIOK work , mint fiirnlih iiood references mul J.OO.Oi. rash capital , rialary 1MM per iiionlh. AililrensJ , It. Kinatburi ; , DCS Mollies , In. MM ) It' -WANTKI ) , MKN WHO AKK A1.IIKADY trnvullnic salesmen lo sell a full line of pulnln whllo lendu , colors and painters supplies oq eom lulielon , r , lliimmur I'olnt Co. , bt. l.ouls , Mo , 6.B-1.1 * li-WK Or-TKIt AtiNW ; ! IIKJ .MONKV. IN KX- JLJclinlve territory. Our new patent safes sell nl Blent In city or country. Nuiv necnts first In noli : nctunlly Keitlni * rich. Onu niicnt In onu day cleared frill. So can you Culnlocne free. AlplnoMafufn , HU-TII Chirk st. , Clnclnnutl. U. &la | * TJ-WANTUD-HALKSMKN CAN KASlhY MAKli -iJfrom f3"i to f7ft per week abovu expenses fulling our iiiiteut non-evaporntliiii , non-frcarlnurhemlcn lire palls , tilt ) u day po-slblu ; IilK domain ! for them uooil * * ! no exporlenco necessury. Hold only h ) aKunts , to whom excluslvo territory Is Klvcn. \ \ \ ran prove thin statement If you will address the Worcester Hro Appllanco Co. ( Incorporated ) , Wor venter , Muss. Wo Imvo oilier iuuney.innl.liii | T > -tiAI.K..MKN TO HKI.I. IIV HAMIM.K OUll JJiiioiiejonli'r lyMom to rutiill iiiurohiintii. ) n nionlli III II for live nlt > men. U < i > vrlunau mil nucurutrf. Aililroi Merc linn In llunoy Onlcr Co. t.'Inclnniill.O. til l.'l' > COMMKIICIAI. THAVKI.hlNG , who tloilro KOOI ! nelllnn > lda llnu to ilru * trndu to corrunpoiul wllh u > : nn eslnbllshed linen uood . ; Aililross Clinrk'n J. 'llllnmii A L'y.llultlinore > ld. 647 13 * _ R WANTKH. A HKfiltnKHKl ) DIIUIJ CI.KHK .llror a nml ) country town. Apply hv letter HtulliU rmliirr oxiivctfd. Mux AruntU& Co. , t-pi-u o r , Neh. 1J-WANTHI ) , A KIHST'OLiAKM 1IAI.R COOK , JJJlust hnvo tollmoiilnls from'rillatilu ourct HhowlnK atillttr , iiua an excellent moral chmracter Will h vo untr liupervUloii of nil thu rouklni ui.J huvo huri to liulp him prvparo food. Appll raut > uiii.t iiaiuo wiiui'n , Honril , wmhliiu and rtuin Iurnlr.liD(1t thetrhool. Adilreo btute liiduitrla oliool , Kenrner , Nch. _ Si4 ; u T > -iWA NTKU-AN K.M'tUll KNCKII DHV GOOI * J iilcimnu. Muil lo n ru th > r nnd can upeitt t.urmiui. Appljr , with lelerfliceo , to T , U Ua\ len A Co. . York , Neb. MSicj | o. _ _ fj -Boucrroii WANTKD. AN K.\I'IHIBNCKI 4 iollcltor to toll .oodt to lutuioru. Adilrvii , ultl uK , B Hi , Ileo. dir.-IU -WANTKI1. AOKNTS T4) INTIIODUCK TIII' ' lii < < t olllnii liouiehold urtlchi on the umrkut : hit couiiul lun > . M , II , Tlur 4 Co. , Muuclu , Ind. WHS * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L-\VANTKI | > -AN AMKHIC'AN KOIl A bOMlT > l whttl rri | > unlbl4i porlllun uf tnuij no fonnei Kiiierlrncu nce inr ) , but Kood reereiict > to Stf'Sy0. ' . " ' ? [ . " ! * ? MrApplr after lUTueaduy Vf.T , Marthall , It CrfUliton block. 6IU Is * -WANTKD , BALES MKN , HAI.AHV Olt COU J > iul ton. to h.uUlB Krcklvit novultr pnlviittd * ll > m > lhtt Kimural frnt wanted In even late ; tenditamii , Unity Door 'Cbi'ck Co , Bl Dear born utrvvl. I'hlcoso , UI-U B 1'KIt J10NTH AND KXl'KNSKS I'A II u , mala or female , to fell llyck' * | > hr l clan . wltEtin ilp.djraiuplojruit'ul. Wu. K. Curtiv llox Ml .Bavaiin-h. Oa. 641 la * _ TJ-AUKNTa WANTKI ) > lSK1.I , KCI.llt'U' Uwbllalridl no viptrleueu necessary ! full nuar iiutvc autl small sauiple tells ifooUs on sltfht.kavi ' t < Ur IJOpe ? tUDt fri'ljht prrpald ; comiuU.lou llkual , KulliM | Color Co. , 8U Louis , Mo. Ui U > . IIIIY OOOIlS -Dratminan to ( to In Mlom City. Applj tortur he- .WDCO 10 and I ] o'clock t I'mton linlol. tM 18 P WANTKiVAIIKNTS TO SKUi HUll.lltNO AND J'lonn ntocton commlMlon , lloom 401 , Kiuhnck block. MO 13 * WANTED-rSMALE HELP. _ lATKS-l.Vni line first llrao nu.l IDcnllno there nftcr. No advtTlliicnicnt taken forlo.M thfin2. ' > c 7M CWANTKI ) , (1OOI ) ( Itlltj KOH (1KNKHAI , houtowoikj Rood wares ! 5IJ N. Ulh it. 4U 1J * c ! -WANTKI ) , OIHL TO COOK ANII 1)0 LADNDHY work , 1914 Ixjcunt st. 4451,1 C-WANTKI ) , LADIK3 TOMAKIC I.IOIIT FANCY Articles st their own honied Htendy work Riven anil good prices paid. Address with stamu , Art Kmporlum , aius South I.yndalc , Minneapolis. Minn , M4' 3 IV _ _ _ C-A 8KCONI ) COOK AT CITY lIOTKIi. COIt. lOlh and Harney sis. 4i 14 * C-A COMI'ETKNT COOK AT 1724 DAVKNPOHT st. tXI9 ri-IAIlKS WHO HAVE TO KAHN THKIIl I.IV. V/lng can make It easier by selling our llygcla Klectro-Msgnclle corsets than nnythlng else , ror terms apply to Western Corset Co. , Ht. l/ouls. Mo , -ALL LADIKS AND YOUNC1 MK.V W to earn aood pay nnd have steady work quietly nt homo without cinvaaslnK. Address Aquarelle company. Fall Illvor , Mass. 643 13 * -WANTKI ) , A ( lUlli KOIl tlKNKitAL IIOIJSK C ! work. IfiU Hartley street. MM5-IC * - ) . A ( Mill , CANVAHSKIl FOIl AN Oninhn book n novel , flood pay can bn made made. . 1'nbllshcr , postofllco box Oil. 63013 * p-LADY TUAVKI.INd , DICLIVKIttNC ANII COIr Electing for putllshlnK house , desires advertising to munnKO ns side line , Addrosj 10 day * S 2:1 : , llec orUcc. C03 13 * FOB RENT-HOUSES. 'n-0 HOO.M FLAT , 2105 LKAVKNWOIITH ST. \ ) _ J 757mr. ' -B-HOOM IKIIISK , 27T11 AN ! ) , DAVKNPOHT nil conveniences , I2J.OO per month , F. K. Dar ling , Darker block. & * ) D - , CyPTAlKS. HOOM8 , Ull N. 17lh St. * 475-mlt D-FOIl HKNT , 4-UOOM FLAT , KHONT ICTII ANII Hickory. TiP-lii * -HOUSKS ANDAPAHTMKNTSIN IlKST UK8I < dcuco block In clly. 810 S. 2Jd street. Tel. K'.U. I-LAIldK LIST OK HOUSKrt. STOUKS , FLATS etc. , K and up. Paul , 17 Hoard of Trailo. 213 A & - FLATS , AND" IIOOMS. WITH balh , convenient to business , only $20. Mead Invt. Co. , 443 llee building. M337 -IS-HOUM HOUSK WITH AU. MODKHN CON' vcnlenees , Including steam boat , set bowls and laundry , barn and carriage house , al 2013 Daven port street : smith front overlooking High School grounds : now being papered and painted through out : possession given ou the 20th luat. Thos. 1' . Hall , UU7 I'axlon block. ii'JH 14 - HKNT , 0 NIOK NKWLY KUHNISHKI ) D-FOIl , AM N. tilth , lireniinn Hats. M43Q -KOlt HUNT , 7 ANI)8HOOM FLAT , I.ANCK block , Wi. S , l.'llli , cor. Jackson st. 472-17 -FOIl HKNT , 2 NICK COTTAGES , 2SIO AMJ JDi Cnss st. 4W-I8 * TlKNT , TIIIIKK HOOM IIOUSK TWO Dei I from motor , largo lot. 3410 Wobsler St , 4'J.V13 -FOIt HUNT , HOUSRS , 87.00 PKIt MONTH AND D uiiwurds. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Fariiam o t. MODKHN COTTAflK OF 5 I.AHC.K HOOMS ; D city newer and wnter In house ; Cu.UU per month , IMS S. 3'Id street. Windsor 1'laco. MO 11' -7 IIOOM HOUSK. ALT. JIODKHN IMPHOVH inents , J25 per month. 11. Hartman , Ct Hoc llldg. ti 3 13 - HUNT , MY IIH1CK HK3IDKNCK. 2701 D-FOH . Twelve rooms , every conveiilencOi line cellar , laundry. ratiRO , etc. On motor line , centrally located , south front. T.o good tenant on long lease only I75.UO. Warren M. Hogors , Ull-ia Farnam. Mf > 20 -STOHK IIOOM AND HASKMKNT AND 4-IIOOM Hat , 101V llonard street , Star Loan nnd Trim Co. M5I4-I4" - IIOOM FUHN1SI1KI ) FLAT IN GOOD LOcation - D-14 for ilffM. Kent reasonable. Co-operntlvc Lanq and Lot Co. . 205 N. llith. MfdO 14 -FOH IlKNT , AT 16th ANDCIIirACO STHKKTS ' room Hat newly papered , KIJ.OO. 4-room flat In frame bulldlni ; . flOUO. 2-rooni cottage , city water and closet , J3.01. Hoburta , JiilS ChUjaKO jtreot. . . . " " FOB BENT-FTJBNiaHEP ROOMST" HATKS-15ca llnu first tlmo nnd lOe a line them after. No advertisement taken for Icstf than 25o. LAHOKI FilONT'iToOM : Kf.K ANTI.V 'FIIlT nlshed , elcam bent , bath , etc. 1317 Leavenworlh street. For gentleman. M24'J 15 * FOH HKNT. ONK I.A1KJH FIIONT OU TWO buck furnished or unfurnished rooms , ir.'boutli 2Sth street. SIX ) -NICKI.Y FUItNISHKI ) FIIONT IIOOM FOHONH or two goQtlomon , H)10 Davenport st. U' > 7 17-FIlONT IIOOM FOH HENT CHKAP. 7USI8TII 111 108 13 * - ) HOOMS FOH HKNT. 710 N. ISTH E-FUHNISHISI 571 > Uc 17-FOll IlKNT , 3 orSFUHNISllKDOHUNFUH l nlshcd rooms ; board If desired. Apply W5 H iillh HI. MCU3 14 -FUllNlSHl'.l ) UOOM FOHTWOC.KNTLKMISN roforcnces required , till N Itth street. M511-14 * FURNISHED IIOOMS AND BOARD. HATKS Ifto a line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there nfler. No advcrllsumont taken for loss than 25c 17 VKHV DKSIHAHLK FIKST AND SKCONI J-lloor , south and east , furnished rooms lit "The Frenior. " Ml ! No. 2Jth street. S134U lit * -UOOila AND HO A 111) , 118 B. 25T1I. St , 421-m15 * 17-FKONT UOOM WITH ALCOVK , ALSO HOOSI -I. ' unfurnished If desired , 212 So. 51 h st. 671 -N1GKLY KUHNIHHKI ) IIOOM WITH BOAIU for man and wlfo or two ladles , private family 15 week cuch ; modern conveniences , 515 N. 2Jrd st 6US -UOOSIH AND 110A1U ) , 1810 CHICAGO ST. MHS Churchill. , - 4IJ 12 * -HOOMS KUHNISHKI ) OH UNFUHNlSIIICli -L1 wllh llrst class beard , 17211)avenpirt st. 447 1C * "Y-HOOMH AND HOARD IBM ClllCAtiO HTIIKKT 1- M7 li * BIX I'J.UA.SAN'FTlOO.MS , 1131 S 17'l'H ' AVK belween Jackson uml Leavenworlh. 60.1 IB * G-KOUIl OK K1VK UNKUIINIHIIK1) HOOMa modern bouse , for Unlit hon ekeeilnK. | Ilufer onces exehmiHfd. Aditrcss r ! V > l , lloo olllce. 5IH13 * BOARDING. UATKS I5o a Una first llmo ami lOe u llnu them lifter. No advertisement taken for lens thai : 25c TT-I'ljT I/M AN ' HOUrtK * 1310 DOIHJK , Foil < 1O61 J-l board , nicer room > ; convontenc < is , rates and lo allen It cannot bu excelled. Mm. Horn , proprietor yn A 10 * FOR BENT STOKES AND O FFI OE3 It ATK8 ir a a llnu llrst tlniB iimf lOo ii line tliore after. No ndvertlnt'nient taken for lent than V5a 1 FOH HKNT , THK 4-8TO11Y UltlCK HIIILDlNd Dili Fnrnnn street , The building has n tlro-prno cement basement , complete steaui-lioatlni ; tlxturei water on all thu floor * , .as , etc. Apply ut the ollloi of Thu Ileo. ' Us 1FOH HKNT.STOHK , IOJI IlOWAIJl ) . 833 T-HIMTAHLK IIIIILDINOH KOIl MAMJFACTtlll .lliiitpurpusps at Kckormann l'l ci ) , conit vnxlni nnd boiler , 3S per month , C. K , Harrison. UI2 N. Y Life. 1-TOll IlKST , IN HKSTHKTAIL LOCATION II Oinabn , nntlru f ceo ml floor or ileiarlinont | li tioldcn Baulu tihno btore , 114 H liith 1. W\ \ _ 1 KOIl IlKNTiTltACKAOK WAllKHOUHf : 44.VX Apply ira Harney st. illillu I-KTOIIK lOU ON N STIIKKT , JOmuba. Auplr at room ! II3 N street , or WIIUK ! A Wosterncld , 4M-13' _ 1 MIl ) IlKNT , AT 11114 CHICAIiOriTHKKT , HTOIII -I room 'ft bjr 71 feet , onljr Iff doors from loll slrcel , 150 per month. Huberts. 1014 Chlraico street .M & ! > & ) * BENT-MISCELLANEOUS _ UATHS-lSo a Uue llrst Tliuraml lOoVlbio lliera after. No udvertltouient lakoii for lean than 26 < "i -a AUDKN VAIIMS"I-O IIKNTT "T. MUIIHAV. MUIIHAV.M4 M4 1-nilICK YAHDS lrXll HKNT. T. MUltllAY ' MM3 1-r-TO LKAriK , UINU TBUM. 3 IXTS , I'AVKl buslii s street. Call 708 N. luth. 3U3-14 * 1-llU ACllFs ALL Kli.XCKI ) LAIKIK J1A11N MlutcblnionWead , 15 ? ! Dounlas. 4M 1J T-WMl ACIIKS. FINKI.r IMI'HOVKI : u throu miles irum South Uiukha. A. H. Illtrhli UIU I'm ton block , 1 > W u * T-KAIIM8 VOll HKNT , U , T..CLAUK. V nTO BENT. 11ATKS-I50 * line flr.l Inie and lOo u linu luord ttftur. No ttdTcrtl cuieol taken for IBIS than 5c \VA NTKU , TO UBNf ' S rooms In vlcluttr of llltfti sctooli reforenoui AdJrcu a ti , Hew. Ml U * WANTED-TO BENT. K-WANTKI ) , MODKHN HOUyKS AND CT tact * * . , west nnd nouthwot part of cltr : have de sirable tenants for March 15 , April and May. K. < % Uarvln ACo. , RheelT blk. Tel. K.W. M43 * 13 K S Oil 4 UNKUHNISIIKI ) IIOOMS. HKr'KH- cncci. Address 8 , Itee. MW7 IS * KWANTKI ) . 1100M AND HOAIlll ! HKNTI.K. limn will pur llhernllr for flrstclns * . accommo dation In muall faniltr. south of inpltal avenue , west of KUhteenth : breakfast nml uvonlng dinner ! permanent If nullfdl hlKhett reference. . * . Address SW , llee. rot U * K VAN i iiotTsir7)ir an-TATiKTkioiiT roonn , with modern conveniences. rani , no barn , Kood nnliilibnrliood. not on car line , wllliln reasonable- distance , possession Mar ' < Wnnl to rnnko leiiso now. ( lilt iKlBPrt references. Address Atucrlrnn I'rcM Association. Omaha. _ 811) 13 * ' nENTAI. AgENOIES. - * L- &Q3 T -HKNTAI.AUKNCY-STAH LOAN ANIITIUJST JjCo. M5I519 * STOBAOE. I'.ATKB I.Vt n line first time nnd lOo n linn thorn- alter. No ndvurtlsemont taken for less limn 2.V ) Mi -OLlK8TJciYi Ar'KdT ' ; IN111 ilKST HTOUAOK house tn the city. Williams A Cross,1214 llnrney , 8fl7 WANTED-TO BUY. UATItaI.V a tine nrst time nnd I Do n Una thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than Uc. _ _ -SKCONIMIANI ) FIIIINITUUK 1UDJHTSOLH nnd oxchnnBcd ! hlahest prices paid for second * ImiiilKoods. lloston Furniture Co. , ( W ) N. lilth st. UMM2I * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -A r.OOl ) WOHK 1IOIISK , FHOM 1.500 TO 1,300 pounds nnd from K to B years old ! must be nound. Slnto nue , weight and lowest cash price Address S IS lice. fio. ' > 13 * ATWA NTKIl , TO 1IUY Oil TUAnH tXlt STOCK J-i of drugs ; j-lvo full description. Address SSI. "eg- ' - MI7-13' _ _ ron. SALE-JPHNITURE. HATIIS-lSo a line llrst tlmo nnd lOe n Jlno thereat ter. > o ndvcrtlsemont taken for loss than V5o. O-FOIl HAI.sKYaiKM Ii thcr upholstered furniture , eight chairs and ! ? r' ' ! " .0 ! ' " " hlo for olllco or library. A ddrci I'M , lloo oillco. _ yij -KOIl SALE. FUnNlTUUK. CAUPKTS AN11 stoves , fourth door south from Casslus on SJth 61T 13 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE-HORSES , pKOIl SALK. AN KLKOANTNKWCAHUIAOIC Jnnd line carrlDRo horsoi party going east. Apply nt the olllco of the Merrlaui , Kill uiid Dodgo. 4i5 ' _ P-UKNTI.K IIOHSK AT A IIAIIOAINJ AI O , Jnurty. . nearly now. Willis Yntcs , 82d and Cali fornia els. 47i la p-TWO 8HATKI ) IltloaY ; ALSO BU OY 8IIKU * ° * nrcl > I'flck suitable for walk , A. Lockner , 2j2ii Dnvonport. M435-15 * _ p-FOIl SALK , CIIKAP TOIt CASH , IMIAKTON mid harness. It. 4' ' , Marker block. 31553 15 * p-PUIIMO SALK AT THK CHILD'S 1'AUM. I- two mllus south of South Oiunhu , on the (111 , " . * , " " , . t IB " 'clock n. m. . on Tuesday. March is , 1KB. i team of lar mules. 1 team of auinll mules , 1 loom of small ponies. 1 team of sorrels , 1 leiuu of grays. 1 team of bays' , 1 team of browiu , 1 trolling horse , : i sin. Klo drivers. 3 snddlo ponies. 1 single mule , 1 mowing machine , 1 reaper , 1 HOlf-blndor. 1 now bay rnko Id feet wlilo , 4 sets do'iblo harness. 1 farm wagon complete , 1 2-xented spring wagon. I fodder cuttur ( liny , straw nnd cornstalks ) with power com bined. nearly new , I patent hay sweep for ono limn to ilrlvo. 4 aliiKlo harness , ooe Unlit uml ono heavy , terms of hnlii All amounts under 610.00 cash ! over J10.UU , ten months with approved cecurltles. G not cent on for cnsli. ( iooruB ( . ( lain. 540 ij ; _ FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. ItATKS l&o a line first time and lOo a line ther ? utter , iso advertisement taken for less than Me1 -FINK Ul'lllGHT PIANO , STANDAItn MAK1S , used only a few months , at n sacrldco. 2 < WJ Culd- well st. _ 433 Q-fP" SALK. TWO niLLIAim ANII POOL tables with ones , balls , racks ; good order : 17500 each. Dull Circon , Marker block ! M-84B Q.VTKHNATIONALTYPKWIUTKIl KOH SALU or trade for high grade bicycle If In good shape , L. I. Abbott , 8 Wnro block. M432 13 * Q-FOIl SAIjK.ONK CIIANK HYDIIAULIO KIM * o vntor for direct . city pressure : modern passen. far ear , with lover operating system , Kit lifting cables couii.lete , with nil modern safety appliances , Windsor. Kemp A Co.-iiQ3 N. Y. Life bldg. ' ' M4571 QIl SALK IIANDSOMKMU.VIOANt'AUIlOT , good talker ; HUN 16th St. , room II. 4 Mi Q-FOIt SALK. IIANDSOMKST DKKIl 1IOUNI ) IN the west , cheap. J.C. Schrelvcr.12.14 KtOth avull'Ji > Q-f500.00 ! WHO WANTS IT ? B-IIOOM FHA'MK house , frnmo barn ( for 3 horses ) , carrlnuo Shed , well , cistern , honhome. sidewalks nnd over one year B leuso on 20 acres of nice land ( lease pald'Up ' ) , 1 miles from P.O. U > nocan bo renewed. Snnii { , , , " ' " " - ' or .lalnmnu. Prlco XW.W casli Itulldlngpcost double. Address , S 21 , Ueo. Ml 13 * Q-FOIl HALK-ISKIOAHK PAllKKIl HAMMKIt less Rhoticun nnd 22-caltber Marlln rlilo. K. A. Bhoplmrd. 510 Iteo llld'g. Mil I3 Cfe mil SALK. J5.00 1-KK THOUSAND. 3 Nortli ICtli. 607 13 * MISCEI/LANEOUS. IlATKS-lSc u line nrst tlmo and lOo n line tliero- oftur. No artvortlsomont takun for losi tban 'J5o. 17-ANA1)IAN KMI'LOVMKNT OFKICK , 15n ( - ' , 1'arnamnt , U | . etalrs. male and female liolpi orders by mail promptly attended to. llpfercnce : Oiniibn National bank. Tel. 834. TtB-M 2j 1HAMIlrON IIUOS. CAItl'KNTKUS ANt Jk builders. All kinds Jobblnisi 4148. ISlb. Tel. 11TU 283-Ali * K-rKIlSONAL-STOI' COUKIIING. I.OOO HK ward fora cnio of throat or limit trouble last Btaizos eic-upte. ! . which cannot bo relieved byi proper use of Dr. X. Stone's bronchial wafers. 21 * ? i.x } " llr-l"ftll9t' ' > , or ' ' "I'lo iond lOo to Stont . , , - , iled. Co. . t lilcano , 111. 1147813 * ' 11-WANTKI ) . 54-INCH , HKCOND HAND , HIOH " ' ' ) ; Koodropualr. Address , . S ? n"lf''tr uartlonlan to n 2J li Ti continent , ! ° V'own Bnr of tblBurcntAraorlcar nro no doubt a citizen am voter. Now to boa filll-floditsdcitizen you sboulc own property nml become a freeholder. You cm ? , ? , " ? ' ' , "tart for lo" thBn * 10-w ) Visit tin 110.00 lot sale nt 150 > i Dodge streetflo.00 Is full imr muni fern nlco bulldliiK lot between Omaha urn Now Kort Uinaha. Hcnrt 2c postnce f ( < r plat mid In formation. C. 1' . Ilenjnmln , Hole OBent , 150(1 ( Dodtfi street , " Oprnovcnlniis. 545 13 OLAIKVOYANTS. 11ATI5S-150 a line first tlmo nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn : uc O-MADAMB KIUTX. SIM CUMIN STltKKT , i clalrvoyant nnd trunco niodluiu ; Independent voices ; tolls past anil future. 724M24 * _ - . NANNIK V. WAIIIIKN. CLAIHVOYANT rellalilo business medium , tlftb year 113 N. Pith 'BSD C-AIIUIVAL KXTHAOHDINAIIV. WONDKHKUI k.7rovelktlons. CbnllenKOS the world. .Mrs. Dr. M Lejirnve , dead trance clairvoyant , anlrolOKlst palmist nnd llfo reader ; tells your life from tin crndlii to Krnvo ; unites the Depurated ; causes mar rlUKO wllh the one you love ; tells trhoro you Mil succeed and In what business best adapted for ; * hai thociilcbratert Kitypllan breastplate for hick and U < le tror bad Intluences ; curen ills. Intemporonci and nil prlvato'complaints with mn ngo , buthi and nlcoliol treatment , riond f. . lock of hair , nami and dale of birth and receive acenmt" life obart 2 cents In stamps for circular ; glvo InltialHOf oni you will marry ; also photos of uniiiH. Olllco IUO boutli llth street , IIrot Moor : hour ll turn to u p m. 4 onio one , coma all. and bu convinced of thli wonderful Oracle. M&M 13 * _ MA88AQB , BATHS , ETO. P-MAH8AOK TIIKATMKNT , KLKCTIlO-THKlT 1 iiial bulbs , scalii and hair treatment , inaiileun and chiropodist. Mrs.l'ost.SiaXH.wtli.Wltliuell blk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BUI rp-MADAMK SMITH. 1121 DOUiLAH ( STJtBKT Jroom 7,8d door. Alcobol.sulpbur and ia\ baths 1 block. ' Ti7n.A.AiJK'A ! , ItUK"A8SAOK. . 4111 riOUTl -i-ISlli street , ! nl Moor Hat . , 4. anil. taut. M74V13' rpIABSAOK , H0 a. mil STIIKBT , 81) KLOOll _ _ CIO MM * PERSONALS. HATKH-l.r.o a llnu llrst time mid joa a line there after , No advertisement taken for lus ibaiiiv tu ormer a blacksmith. They inovti from then to 4'len Hock valley. I'aand frlim tl.ef . to "irk \ ork county. I'a. 1 hero they left mo with a butche imiuca Krnl Blallmao. telling him they would ii , back In a fo itays , but several month , imuvii BIII they d d not return. I started out lo tlnd them ail the only trace 1 could net of them was ut I'UUnuru where they hud reulslcred nt tt hotel Dial same rear ItilT. From that day lo this 1 have never bei-ii ibi , to tlud vny tracuof tbem. I atu now about U yran old. 1 adopted their name , whether by rlitliUo not I ilo noi know , and request thai should this ful under thneyo of anyone Mho 4new of Jacob am Mury livrbrlck. or who knows of anyone by tin naiueof ( iorbrick. they will confer Ibo favor o coiuluuulcullnK with the under.lunud. William II lietbrlck , HeuHwlsch , Cook Co. , 111. , liox 134. 134.J6TJ3 * -IV THIS ADVK11T1SKMKNT MKKTO Till ore of James Montgomery , formerly oflluroi township. Ontario , ha will nnd souietliliiir to M advantatiaby commuulcutlui ; wltli Ilobt > rt iloni tcomery ot'the ame t > I ro. Address llobcrt Muni gouiery , fine ItUur , V. O. , Outurlo. 637-U * U-CAN ANY OXK 'JLELt. WMKHK Allot'P Frank Wheeler Is ? ! - only sister Kva wants to know. Address Ml-s , t'talllllstrom , Ilnod Hirer Wasco counly , Oregon. [ | j 4M IS * "IT-TIII. MKSSKMJKIU-SPICY MATItl.MO.SUl4 I- ' monthly : amusing eitrespnndonl * secured ! 3 month. * lOo. silver. Addi/iss Messenger , Sloughton , Masllox M2. . ; , - Ml-U * U-Tlli : FOIMWIN(1 ( PF.llSO.Ni4 CAN IIAVK suits by cslllng atiinca , ! A. A. Dennis , n. M Wlstor , M. li. HfjrKcn , l-.JiCoales. Harry llrown MI-1J- U-1'KItyONAI.-YOIjll DK8TINV HHKTtI.l ) ) . wllh pen plctnro of funro | Innband nr wife , ac- cordlnit to aslrology. r-'cnd dal of birth nnilM cents to Astrologer , L. Box II" , Kansas City , Mo. ' " ' JM 1.1 * MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. HATKH-l.-c a line nmt tlmo and toe a line there- nftcr. No advertisement taken for Ions than 25c. UANJO TKACHl with llospp. or 513 N. 18th st till -nuroiiK ntiYiNti A PIANO KXAMINK THK i now fcalo Klmbnll plnno , Alloapo , ISI3 Doiixlas. \T FOH SALK. CHKAP FOH CASH , A KINK upright piano , nearly now and standard tnanii- faclurn. Address O.1.1. Ileo onicn. 4-4 MONEY TO LOAN-ItEAt. ESTATE. IIATKB Itaa line first tlmo and lOa a line thoro- nflor. No ndVBrllsaniont takoit for Ion than JJ3 TirCKNTilAl.T.OAN A TUU3TCO. ! TlKK HlVlKL " \\r-LOAN8 ON IMPHOVKI ) AND UN1MPHOVKI ) > i clly propcrly.fsMXM and lo Iporccnt. No delays. W.Farnam Smith . Co.,15th andllarney , IIKAIi H8TATK I < OANB. U TO 7 PKH CKNTj no addlllonnl charges for commission or alter- ncy's fees. W. U. Melklo , First National bank bldg. ICO \V-COATK8 , 111 * HAUNAM. KA8TKHN MONKY 11 un \\r-LOANS , 0. U. WALLACK , 313 IIHOWN HLK. ' bill \\r-UHL , HEALKSTATKLOANS.3I2 DUG IlUV < i > > 420 _ t \\r-fl PKH CF.NT F1H8T MOHTOAOK LOANS. ii Hlchard C. Pallorsou , 1511 Farnnm st. Wl \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVED OMAHA i' property ; building loans n specialty , llrennaii A Co. , Knrbnch block. M703 M24 \\r-MONKY AT LO\VIC8T HATKS , V. K. WIL- 11 Hams , First National Hank building. M733 \\r-OMAHA8AVINOS HANK MAKICS LOAN3 ii on real lowest market rates , l.oans made In small or largo sum ami for short or long tlmo No commission Is charged , nnd the loans nro not told In the cast , but can always be found at the bank on the corner of 13th and uouglas street. . 7na -1500.00 AND $1,000.00 AT IXW N I3TH ST. 471 13 * \\r-LOAN3 , W.M. HAHH1S , 11.20 , FHKNZKK HLK. > ? U02 \\7-PlltVATK MONKY , F1HST AND HKCONI ) ii morlgago loans , low rates. Alex , Moore. 401 Hco bulldliiK M7.83 -C. W. HAINKY.3I5 OMAHA NAT. UK. HLDO. Clly mortgages , Lowest rates. Money on hand. \\r-WANTKl ) , 10 PKH CKNT MONKY TO LOAN il on gilt eiUed tpwn property In St. Kdwnrds , Nob. Hefcrenco. Kxchnnge bank , St. Kdwnrds Nob. A. U. White , Heal Kstato nnd Loan Agency. 137113 \V APPLY TO J. .J * IXVKTT ) FOIl CHKAP il money ; only llrst classuoourlty , 2208. 13th. 801 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKI ) CITY property , low riito. " ( A. t" Frost , Douglas blk. . / . 1\r MONKY TO LOAN US' LONG OK SHOUT tlmo In suras of WOO to trlO.OOO. Mutual Investment Conjiany. | 8M "VV ANTHONY LOAN.ANDTHUST CO. . 318 N. Y. il Life , lend at low rates Tor oholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms oVonmha clly property.sai sai \\r-WK AHK NOW -PltKPAHKD TO PLACK i large loans on Insldp bhslnoss properly at very low rates of Interest.To also handle ground lease * on business properties. 1.00 , J. Paul. 17 Hoard of Trade. ' , | | M 315-13' T\r MONKY TO LOAtfON HKAL ICSTATE. THK VI O. F. Davis Co.M5U.V'Far-naru at , flUt Tir-WANT TO NKCSOl'IATK A NKW LOAN ON 'i Improved farm In Hodk Co. , Nub. E. < Snvngo , 822NorthlGth. - ' WT 13 * _ _ KSTATK"WANS MAtiR MOIIT- \\r-HKAL : il-gBKeB bought. A. K. . 'llllcy , room 40Ilnrker block. 'lip ' 58J.14 * TOLOAN - _ , - , . . I , , UA.TKS 150 ft line llr& lime' ' and lOo a llnmthoro- after. No advortlsemcnt taken for lots iliiin 25c. V" S10NM5Y TO LOAS ? T " " * ] i BY FIDKL1TY LOAN QUAMANTEE CO. On household goo < Tsr. pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , at the lowest possible , rates without publicity , removal of property or change of ppsso-sslon. Time arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any amount can be made at any tlmo , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons nil the benefits of the partial payment plan. Calf nnd sec mo when you want a loan , or If moro convenient , call telephone. 1C2I and your business can bo transacted nt home. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; buslnesHconfidential. Fidelity Loan Gunrantco Co. , U. V , Masters' old stand , U. 4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th nnd Harney. MI58 - YOU WANT MONKY ? X-DO do not fall to KOt our rates before bor rowing. ; We make lonns , without removal or publicity , on furniture , pianos , hortos. wagons , eta. , at the low est possible rate. Them Is no unnecessary delay , but you get the money on the same day you ask for It. Wo will cnrry the loan as long as you doslro , giving yon the privilege of paying It In full or In part at any tlmo to suit your convenience , and any pnrt paid reduces the cost of carrying tbo loan In proportion to the amount paid. Onrofflcci are centrally located nnd are so ar ranged that parties calling on us can be waited on qulekly and courteously. - I lit you have n loan with other parties , or have bought a piano or other furniture on time nnd tlnd the payments a llttlo larger tbnu you oan meet conveniently , wo will pay It for you and cnrry the loan as long as you doslra. It will bd to your advantage to see us before securing - curing a loan. OMAHA MOItTfSAGK lAAN CO. . Itoom 11. Crolghton Block , 16th St. . Bouth of Postonlco. 60il Y-W1LL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OK Wsocurlty ; strictly couHdontlal. A. K. Harris. room 1 , Contlnentd ! block. 90S Y-HOH'T PKITCUAHI ) , H. 3 , W1TUNKLL 1II.IC X -MONKY ON KUIINITOK1I ! , HOIIH15H , I'IANO3. Keystone Mtgo. Co. , room KM , Hheely block. -WIIKN YOU WANT A C1IATTKL LOAN SKK X W. II. Davis , room -a ) , Continental block.W \ I-MONKY LOANI5D ON FUHNITIJIIK. IIOI18K8 , X wagons , pianos , eta. Kred Terry , U. 43.1 , Itaiimo. , tilO MONKY TO LOAN, IM DAYS ON FUHNI- lure , live stock , etc. Duff Green , removed lo Itoom U ami 9. Marker blk' IB3 V-MONKV ON ilONDS , STOCKS , WAHHANT8 JVpuraonal property.Wnyno&iwlloy , 11.40J ICnrhnch BXTBINESS. CHANCES. _ _ ItATKS Ik ; u llnu tlrst , ( Inio and lOo a line there. after. No advertisement taken fur less thiiii2. ' > o. " " " -IVUY THU COMMtiUfUAU THH hotel at Ilroken Ilow..Wb ' , No land la trado. mo on _ Y -FOIl SALK , A FIU T-CLAHa OI'KNINU FOIl a man wllh a small c i\llal t > Invest In a stock of general merchandise ! ; null established business ; good prollts , Address ! > ,713 , Omaha , Neb , _ _ -CAKII I'AII ) FOIt' ' ( jHDOWMKNT I'OLICIIM In old line coinpanlrs 'Keiid description A. K. llrouklesby , box23J , Hartford , Conn , till. 13- L , . - - jn.ixi-- - FOIl BALK-HAUHlKilDOlNU A (1OOD HUHI- Y ness ; uood reason brtvup ror aolllDtf. Address lxckbu b3. West t'olnd-jiob. M3K ) _ -WANTKI ) . ULAClft&M'ni TO LOCATB IN 1 new town on new rftllvjyj InducemenU lo right party. Address VYm. ll.Miiiinull , townnllu aiient , tittvanc , Antelope Co' . Neb. ' _ MIIT 14 * Y FOIl SALK , A CHJAlt MANUFACTO11Y AND tobacco store of tnuatiyiona years' standing , on account of old ag . InciulU-'Jf II. Arudt , II lair. Neb. _ . i > . MI21 U3 * Y WA.VTKD , A CHKAMKHY AT BT. KDWAIIDH , Neb. tiood InducemelTts offered u KOOI ! man either lu bonus or stock. Addicts A. 1'owell , ee < retury llusluees Men' ussuclatlou , I-Vi 13 VU BALK , A HAltNKSS SIIOI' . 18TII AND L Ylnlon tit. , un account of sickness. Address Fred jlliiellor , 1784 Vlnlun st. _ IBl-lH ' " Y FOH HA'LK" MY IUTHINO IIKSOHT AT L l.aku Mauawa. Address J.J , Malowney , Hubron , Neb. w I _ Y-FOll HALI ! . TllK ONLY FIUST CLASS hotel In thu town of Wllber , All furnished In good ruuulnit order , ilulutc u tiooil business , lleas. ons for sulllnu , don't Ilku thu cllmulu. Will soil cheap for rush or part on time. For further partic ulars write lo Jos. F. Kyle , Wllber , Sallno Co. . Nub. 272 13 _ _ _ _ _ . _ Y FLOIWIMJ MILL FOIl HALK. THK BTKAM J. power flouring will , with 'C picltr of l' & bbls. per day , of all modern Improvements , built 1 years aito with the expense of lll.uuu.OU. In I'rsKuu , t-aundtrs Co. . Neb. , Is offered for sale on easy termi. For further particulars addtett Kaspur llros. , 1'rugue , B uuder Co. , Neb. M4'J7 t& Y-t'Oll BALK. ONK-HALF IN1F.I1K.8T IN THK Atlantic foundry and inacblnu shop ; doluu a Kood buslaeo ; guud chaoca for a machlnlit. J. K , Warr , Allsutlc , la. t.1434 111 BUSINESS CHANCES. ConKiiiiril. VWANTKDAPAUTNKIITO I1UV ONIMIALV J-lnterr l In coed bnilnrm In n good boomlnic real c.tatc bustncM In pustcrn Nebraska. For par * tlciilnm addrex * Albert Hood , Itoom 701 , New York I.lfa hulldlnit. OmMia , V410 15 * V r' ° 8AI.K OH KXCHANIIK. A tlOOD CASH .L business that will pay pnrty oporatlnK It fitly per cent profit ; good ronson for ( olllnm need farmer or lots taken In cxchnngc. Adrtreu B C. llee. Mill I J' \ ' -THK I1IC8T tll'KNINIl IN NKItltASKA VOIl A store. Address UT. llrooklnir , Funk , NeK M 410 16 * V-A FINK STOCK OF IIAHDWAIIK INCITYOF L8.000 , doliiK bent business : nrst class sleek ; stnro centrally locntcd ; ban lease of 2 years , mock Invoice fA.Ctt ) . llest rornons fortelllnx. Ail * < lre s Omaha Hardware Co. .MIOJ-M VFOIl SALK , 11OTKL , 811K1MIKill ) IIOUSK , AT JAnsloy , Cimtcr coiinly. Neb , Two-ntory frnmo bulldlnii. nbout24xlOJ , nlih cmid bnrnt 111 sleeping rooms ; holel well ttirnlshcil. Apply to Dr. .1. S. Thomas , Wood Hlvcr. Neb , 4T4 2-1 * \ ' TUB MUNXO.ii TYl'KWIUTUH IS T1IK IlKST. Mnehlnes for nlo or rent. T. H. Smith , 17 Hoard of Trade , Omaha. MM ] I3 V -A CIIANCK FOIl A DHY ( HHDS MANi AN I enercellc man can buy half Interest In one of the best dry Kuods stores In thu slalc. Address a . Hee. & 7J-I3 * _ YRALK , HKI ) 8AND3TONK OtlAHHY , Wyoming , near railway ; tine opnorltinUy t on- KBKO In a pruHlabln Inislnos.s with a small amount of money. It. K. Harris. P03 N. Y , Life. 571-13 * . STOCK OF DHUllS. ALL NICK AND clean , well assorted ; will take MX ) cash , bnlanco real estate Thou. Kryitnr , NelUh , Neb. M577-10 * -I'AHTIKS WISlllxirTO INVKST IN HOUTII Dakota land will tlnd It to their advantage to corrosponil with J. j ) . iritln. lllunl , 8. D. .i7U-l5 v-Foii SAM : FINKSTOCK sniri'iNt ; J- ness nnd a uplcndld dairy and milk roule , every tlilnu complete , inclmllnR dwelling ; will sell to- ccllioror seporate. A line opening for ono or two men with smalt eapllnl. This Is no irmllni ! prop- JJ ° . " 1CI" ' business. Boolt A , Ailiims , Central L"T. > eb. - y-WHALK , HOAHDINIi MOtrSK OF II " - rooms In desirable location ; full of boarders of first class. Address 9 hi , llee. fiio 13 * V-DHY ( iOOIS IIUSINKSS FOIl SALK IN fill- L enito-On nccoutit ( if poor liealth nml Imvlim two stores. I will sell injrlinsiness , located on ono of the i1,1 ? 11 , ' ! ! , ' . ' ' ! . " . - ' < ' H t bIMied ! I8 i. Sleek about ri8.uOO.00. This It an excellent opening for a dry goods man. Address H 10. Lord A. Thomas , Chi- 518 IS * _ I'K .KKUOSTOCKANDHTOllKlItllLl ) . ; . . . . , f,1'1" ' " property , llennon for sell- i i MI'a'5 ' , ' ' " "tt ' ' .lo < tcr"ls "dilress Clark Kills , Little Sioux , Harrison county. Iowa , Ka n -COAL YAHD AND COOD THACKAOB. 8HKDS , .JJ1 ! ; 1S ? vJ-.1/ " ' ' "cntlon. Kasy terms. It. H. , IVJN.Y. Llfo. JIMI | g V-FOIl SALK , A STOCK OF I.IQUOHS , LICKNSI ! J-Biul llxtnrcs ; good location. Address S 27. lloo , 5SJ 20 _ Y-HOTKL IN OMAHA. CKNTHAL. LOW HKNT , -I- good trade ; great bargain for cash ; might take some trade. Alex. Moore , 4ul llee . il 510-14 FOB EXCHANGE. ItATKS-15c n line llrst tlmo and llo ) n line there- " "r' eii forloii Ihan25c , "r'K K WILL e real estate Amoney. HoxZM.Krnnkforl , Ind HI3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V-IK YOU HAVE AGOODCIMHOIIT I'lANO TO /-ilrmlofor lot 40 block 1 , Armour Place , South Oninhn ; clear of all lucumbrnnce. Addrois N4S , Ileo olllce. M2 U V-ONK-TlIHin CA8II. HALANCH IN C1101CK % S nrnskn land or trotting stallions to exchange - change fern good , clean stock of merchandise nr hardware ; 'wrlto with full iiitrtlo-ilnrs. or better Ne"b'a ! t"C "Bd"C"ry C' ' " " -FOIIKXCHANOK.IIALFHKCTIONOFHIOHLY /-Jlmrovod land In Cherry Co. . Nebraska , lor mer ndise. Ihos. I' . Matthew * , Wuob Lake , Neb. 42313 * _ _ _ V-DKSIHAIILK EAST FIIONT HOMK. ALL /Jconv. . choice nolRhborhopd , bet. Fnrnam and SViV1 fr Tac-nt ' ' lluthchlnson * Wcad , 1524 . Douglae. 11:7 : 13 W YUU FOH KXCHANGKT uAT HAYK OUH , , ' , ' , "UJu8t , ° "t ! "oml 'Of " . Western Kx- , Columbus. Neb. 4(8 ( 14 * ' HOMK IN OMAHA , , lm"n buslneis. dry Koods. clothing or lumber preferred. What have you ? 1IO.T7M , O"1' ' " . Mlb'.l 21 _ _ < " SAI ' : OU K-W1ANHK r ZrF ? ' ; - FOIt CL1JAH , , , o.Ji' ; | 1. Hsmblotonhiii llnslmw , 11713. race record. .2:2IH : ! ; IC.M liandH , weighs I.W ; sound In every par ticular. ror further Information address Klmcr / nkrwny.DcsMolncs , la , , Itufereiico , U. Kelly. South Omaha Stock Yards. [ S'l 13 * ' Z ; VA'NTTO TlWlil ! SO.MK LAND FOIl KUIl- 't'nlaliod Mat. Seq A. K. Itlloy , room 40 , Marker " " "Pit- w ; u _ V-LITTLIS CASH. IIALANCKTHAUB. SKCUHKS choice lot In Ilnrt'H subdivision , south front on l.alirornla struct and 33th. Soniutlilnu sneclully good. See A. K. Illley , room 40 Barker block. 53(1 ( It * FOR SALE BEAL ESTATE. * IlATES Ilia n line Hsrt time nnd lOo n line there- afler. No adverllsemeiit taken for Icaa than 25c. KOUNTZt"T > LAClsrnAltAI.VS ! , NrNK-llOOM house on Wlrt. M,500 ; f l.OOJ cash. Klegnnt homo on 1'lnkncv , f5.500 ; J500 cnah , balance : .0l per month ; other rlno homes ; would consider some trade. J. J. Gibson. L'relghton block. M733M25 * POll SALK AT A IIA 11(5 AIN , LOT 15.1 ! LOCK 4 , JW. . L. Solby'B llrst addition to South Oiuuhu. Small payment dowu , balance monthly If dculred. Inqulru IJ. 11. Tischuck , Omaha Hoe. 333 TOU 8ALR-400 ACItl ! FA KM IN HLUK HlVKIl A vnlloy. Tlinycrcounty/lO miles west of Hebron. Ono of the very best farms In the county ; good house.- barn , granaries , cribs , otn. . nnd an ubiiiirianco of fruit , timber and running wntur. Also for dale or xcliungo for good lands or city property , a brick pork packing house and fixtures In Hebron , Thnyor county , near II. ft M , depot. I'or particular In- qulro of any real cslnlo agent In Hebron. 635 I foil SALK. NKllltAHKA FAHM LANDS. O. G. Wallace , 312 llrown block , luth and Douglas. 816 IfOIl SALK Oil HKNT Several desirable medium nlzed and small houses cheap anu on easy terms. W. 'I. Mlllard. at Omaha Nat , bank. lis POII HALK-S-K COHNKH ITIh. UOHCAB. 8 > KX - - 188. 3 cottages , stable for IIhorses , can bo divided Into5 lota. Inquire at premises. Jr. Ill * F1VK ACHK LOT.l ADJOINING TUB TOWN OF lllalr , Neb. ; good land. U. W. Mcllrlde. I44-A-3 * ODKHN 10 IIOOM HOUSK , tiOOD LOCATION ; no trade ; cash bargain. Addreis O24 , Ileo. M440MK1 * FOH HALK , IIOMKH , ANY PHICK , 1750. ti,2.V ) UP ; easy terms ; tnko clear pioporty as llrst payment. U U , Wallace , llrown block , Itith and Douglas. " 17011 BALK-ON A PHOMINKNT HTHKKT , AH- J. phall , cast front , on grade , n tine residence , stable , etc. , complete In every detail ; latest Improvement provement- ; house decorated through 0111 : ten uilnutux from court housu by motor ; a great chance to secure u modern homo. Address P 47 , Due ofllce. M2UT 13 * _ _ _ . _ IfUH BALK HKVKNTKKN THOUSAND ACIIKS unlniproved lands In Hiiwanl. Sherman , ( Ireeloy and Valley counlles , Nobr.iskn , on vury llhoral Icrms , on deferred payments , 0 per cent Inlorottl Address 1) , Hoinlck , P. O. boxawi Los Angolei , fill , VII eli * I fOll SAI.K. rlKYKHALKLKtJANT HOUHK < near Ilanscoin parkJust completed , all modern conveniences ; can give linmedlatu possession. Geo. $ .Hicks , 3UJ N. Y. Life bldg , 283-13 Si K. COHNKH 'JUTI1 AND IIICKOHY , WXISC -1.1 .feet ! a bargain for a few days only , K. K , Dnr ling. Darker block. an BALK. 5-llOOM C41TTAOK ( ONLY ) HITU - tttod 1C14 Izard atrcct. Call on A , Hope Jr. 43 ! -1 MI'llOVIM ) FAHM. ( iOOl ) LAND , 21 MILKS I'HO.M J-Omaliii ; 121 an acru on tlmu. Corporative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N , 10th street. M 45j 14 I'OHSALK.ONKH'HOOM IIOTKL AND THHKK lots , well located : part cash , balance on time. . Address luck box 114 , Wllsunvlllu , Neb , M451 21 FOH BAIJC-ON MONTHLY I'AYMK.NTS , ; houses It lots. The O.F. Davis Co.,1505 Farnam at. . 501 FAHMS , ILUKiAINB. CITY IIOIISKS IIKUW ) colt. ' Money cheap , McCundllih N. Y. Llfo Ml 14 _ rpa INVKSTOH3-WK DIWIHK TO CALL YOUIl attention to the fact that o aru making u specialty of thu tale of largo acru tructa Immrdl ntely utirroundlng thin city. Wro bulluvu acru iniip urly cloae lo Oiuuhu , at present prices , U thu heal Investment now on the market , and wo are certain no other western clly offers us aura and rapid a growth us Omaha. Omaha's population In 1BSO was 30.518. And U , K. census of IK > 0 shows | 40 , < 5 ; , An Increase of over 3iXJ pur cent grimier than any other large city In the United Status. TUD or twenty thousand dollars Invested In a twenty or forty-aero traci on the. outskirts of Hilt clly today must neceararlly liicreumi very rapidly In value within thu next lew years Fur a non-reMdent It la the safest kind of un Investment , easy to look niter , no worry , no city tnxua ; ennnot bu Helen or curried elf , and the Heady aud rupld grouth of thla clly la absululelr certain lo euhanculhu valuu of Ibu property from 3 to &UO per cent. WuhaveplKoud In our bands for sale , recently , several largo Iracla linmedlululy adjacent lo Ibis city that uruao located us legarda reuclvlug the benullt of Omaha's future growth and Improve- menta Hint they otter a apleudld opportunity fur's Urat claaa Invfatiuenl , Thla properly has been In tbu bands of the prea ent owners fur over twenty jeara , until t'm city baa grown up cloao to It , uml vru are uutborlted to oiler the aamu for nulout figures that will enable the buyer to rcalliu u big profit on thu Investment mont If you wish to make a purchase of this klud , we will bo glad to have you cull and aeo ua. lieornt N. Hicks , 305 New York Lite building. 5U5-U 17OII HALK ON KASY TKHMS FOIl I2.MO , T - > I'oouied good bouse , double floor , double win dowa , kcrtuna , coal convenient adjoining kitchen largo burn , youui , trees , lot &Uxl5o , vury tightly , 'south front , near achuul. No , 4141 Walnut hill. Bewnrii street. AUdrtsa ISlaSoutusJd. 625 U * FOR SALB-BEAL ESTATE. HOM1W VOH SAI.M NRAU HANtXM I'AUK Klegant new and modern built brick nnd frame collage. No. Sill Paclfln meet , Hansconi I'Mco , all conveniences : substantially built by day labor and elegantly nnlshml throuithoun splendid brick col lara. Mono walks , pavement , clc.t npetteot gem of a homo. No , 3TJJ 1'oppleion avenue , elegant frame hoime , outh front , nice lawn , brick cellars iimlsr riitlro homo. stMlennry inarMr ws liMnml , f urn ce , etc. ! n beautiful home ; ran gird possession on short notice. No. ,121(1 ( I'opploton avenue , elegant frame cot tage , nine rooms , soulh front , splendid brick oel- lars , tlrM-dns * . plumbing , etc. , lol WxlOO , every thing In complete shape , a perfect home. No.saw I'opiileton nveniit' , now elghl room liottno Jn. t completed. Ono of the most nuhstanllM and convenient houses for the site over erected In Omaha , finished In Old colonial Style , linndKimn bath room , porcelain lined bath tub , stationary tnittbln wn .h stand , rlrgaut mantel , tim class fur- tince. splendid brick cellars. Can uUe possession about March 15. 1'opplcton avenue linn boon ordered imved this coming spring and thecontrnrt let to lliigh Mur phy for tbo paving ot this block. The parking , nodding and trees to bn done early In the miring , will make this one of the prettiest residence places In the city. The Molnr Llnu runs within one-half block , The location nud neighborhood nro nil Hint can be desired. Will be pleased to have you call and let mo show you theio houses. ( Ico. N , Hlcka.30iN. Y. Lift' llldg. M 13 IMU'V ALL TKLL IT. THK OLD SKTTLKHS , J how th.iy bought lots In Omnlm for M.W unit afterward * sold them for fU.OJO.Oo. Ynuwlllbo telling the name story mine day , how you could have once bought lots at fllUM each , did not do It , nnd now they are worth IIO.liUiUK ) . etc. All this week you can buy n nlco level building lot for ex actly HOOD , clear nnd frro from encumbrance. Warranty deed , abstract nud pint given with eaeh lot sold. This addition lies between Oninhn nnd new Fort Oninhn. Send 2e postntu for pint and full Information. Open uvenlngs. Chas. I' , Ilenjnmln solo ngcnt. I Ml DodgoMreo t. M34.H3 * i foil 8ALK Oil THADK AT A 11A1UIA1N FOHTKN days , house and lot two blocks soiilli of Leav- enworth strecl , on T.'d street ! on grade. Address OH Soulh 22d street. MC3I U * QIOOU IS FULL PAYMKNTFOHA KICK UuTljl- VI UK lot In Omaha's lalost addition , free f torn mortgngu. Ahstrnet nnd pint given wllh lota sold , f 10.00 Invested hero will bo better than KO.Ol ) gov- eminent bonds before thu yonr pnsaos. Snln nil this week nt l.V l Dodge slreot. Unclose 2c stamp for plnl nnd full Informntlon. C. P. llciijnmln , 10)0 ) ngenl , 15011 Dodiio slrent , Open evenings , 515 13 * Y.MI'HOVKI ) KAHM , KOIl SAL13 CHKAP. A. M. J l.ongwoll. 2105 Mlnml alrect. MOOtl 1U * FINK COHNKH FOUH-STOHY 1IHICK 11LOCKI nlth stonin bent , etc. , now renting nt ( IUO per month , situated on O strecl , fur aalu nt abnrgiiln. Apply to C. Loneth Heal Kstnto exchange , cor. 15th ynd o Blreols , Lincoln. M 6'.I3-I5 140 FKKTONA PAVI5 | ) STHKKT , COHNKH LOT. J-lnOmnhn can he bought this week at fS. ! n foot , worth M ) . Address quick , K. L. Squire , 721 Pine , stiOL-t , St , Louis. ( , 'J.l 13 l0ll SALK. AN KIIJIIT-HOOM HOUSK. LOT J. 50xl , ' < 0. Modern conveniences. Hani , llnrgnln If taken Immediately. 1B3.1 S.33d street. M523 15 * ilAIinAIN-KAST FIIONT , rt-HOOM IIOUHK llanscom 1'Incu. Cnll Monday , Uhl , 342 lice building. (27 13 * 'pWOfi-UOOMHO HOUSIW , HAHNS , CI8TKHNS. JL nenr ehureb , school motor , south front , Ham ilton street , ? 1UO each ; torma onay. S 21 , Ileo. Mi 1.1 * MAN IN NKW YOHIC CITY SP1CNT 2.C03,000 IN less than five yearn. Ilo H now driving n street cnrnt $1.50 per ilay. Had he only saved n few dot- lnr , cnmo wesl and Invested It In Omaha's latent addition , where lulu nro now selling nt fill each , hn would hnvcn roof to cnver his head , oven though reverses had grnpplcd with him. Iteineinber nil Ibis week (10 la full payment for n nlco building lut lying between Omahn nud uuw Fort Omaha. Kn- close postngo for pint and full Information. C. P. lleiijamln. aolu oguiit. 15'M lluilgo at , 545 13 * IMHSALK Oil KXCHANtii- KANSAS CITY I'HO L perly. 125 feet on WnihliiKlon between 17th nnd. ISth streets ; encumbered. Itrtck renldcnco , No. 414 Lnwtun place. (1 ( roem.f rented ; encumbered. Lot No. 181 Phconlx park ; Hear. Will exchange for clear fnrm or city property or merchandise. For particulars or further Information uddruaa .1. W. Whaley. Hannibal , Mo. 573-13 * IS HKIIK ; DON'T LUT ANOTHKH DAY puna without buying one of those $10 lots lying bclwcciiOumbn and New Fort Omaha ; you will all want them after they are gone ; they will got Into somebody's way one of these days when you will realize a handsome profit : remember MJ ( Is pay ment In full for a lot warranty deed , abstract nnd pint given with each lot sold ; no mortgage on this property ; ten families now living on the addition ; there will be 100 moro before the year passen : en- close2o pdHtngu for plnl and moru Infurniiitlon ; open evenings , Chns. P. Benjamin , Bole agent , KIM Dodgu at. S4'M3 * fT.OOO ACHKS FOH SALK , FRANKLIN. CUSTltll , Olloonc , Clicyenne nnd Klmbnll counties nt u great nncrnlloc. ( > . II. Peterson , 1112 S. 13th. Oma ha. Neb. 521-13 * HAIB GOODS. HATKS 15cn llnallrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there- nfter. No advertisement taken for lesi thnn ' > o IN UNTHK | . rlcnl wigs nnd bcarda a specialty. WUs , bangs awltches. hair fhulna , utti. , Kcntl fur catalogue Mail ordera solicited. Dnvlca , 111 S. lith at. , Onmlm ' 'Jlli _ _ rritK 1DKAL LADIKS' IIAllt DIIKSS1NC PAH- ilura , switches , bangs , wigs , toupcog , jewelry nnd hair ornaments In olock ; wigs to ordi'r , npeclal at- tcntlou given lo mall orders. .VJ S. 15lh t. , 3d lloor. ' * PAWN BBOKEBS. 13 ; KN F. MAHTI , IHSMOVEI ) TO 107 S. I&T11 ST. 1171 AB * 13S. SNVDKH'S LOAN Ol'FICB , 1510 DODCK ST. S.SNVDKH'S S. . .M-.II3 31 * 1V11KD MOHLU , OFF1CK 1511 ! . FAHNAM ST. 017 WK PAY HIGIIICST I'HICKS Foil SI'.CoNI ) hand clothing , nntehos , chicks , revolvers and nuislcl * IriHtrumonlH. 1121 fnrnuin si. MVW 14 * LOST. HATKS 15o n line llrst lima nnd lOo line there nftcr. No advertisement taken for lens limn 2.V- \nCWFOUNDLAND MALK DOlI. WIHTIC li breast , with leather harness on , since last Mon day. Liberal reward If loft at A Mandelbarx's. i203 Farniiin st. SOO 14 \V ' ' ' TIIK 1'KUBON FINDING THK PAt'KAOK ii containing dross pattern nnd silk , lost last Tuesday , return to Dee olllcu and receive reward ' . 70 13 * DUESSMAKINQ. UATKS I5o B Una first tlmo and lOe u line there- after. No advertisement taken for lens than 25c. ENlAiKMlSNTs TO IM ) i DHKSS'MAKINi ; IN famlllm solicited. Miss Sturdy , 3'JO ri. Wth st. t a-M31' _ \\rANTKl ) . I1V A COMPKTKNT DllKSSMAKKII , > ' BdwInK In families. Satisfaction encl perfect lit Ruiirantued. Cull or aclclrc 24)7 ) Krvklnostreia. t II * IlATKS 15c n llnu llrst tlmo and lOu a Ihiotliuro nfter. No advertlneiuent taken for ICB.I than Uo I ) , CAIISON A room : IO Marker bUirk , Onnilia. I'lS ' OUTLERY OBINPINO. CJIINI ) YOUIl HCISSOIIS , HAXOHS , BTfJ. , TO UK Oground to Unilerliind , tCo. , loll H. llth st. till ) NOTHING IS BETTER than the bestit \ is what you pay for , and expect to have. Take rail ways , ' for instance ; the best line to Chicago and the East is the Burlington Route ; it has the best sleeping cars , the best reclining chair cars , the best the best road-bed dining cars , - , and the metropolitan system of checking baggage direct from one's residence or hotel , which was inaugurated three years ago , is the best. Every thing in connection with the Burlington Route is of the best , than which nothing can be better , Trains leave the Union Depot , Omaha , at 9:50 : a.m. , 4:30 : p.m ( The Vestibuled. Flyer ) and 9:20 p.m. ( The Omaha and Chicago Limited ) , and run through solid. City ticket office 1223 Far nam St. , W. F. Vaill , Agent. Telephone 250. on .Short iinu : * IHali Norllu-rii Hull iruy Cumimiiy Ktnrkliolilur. ' .Meeting. Notice Is lioruliy K'VU ' tlmt tlio unmtnl meeting ot the stockholders of tlio Uroxnu Hliurt Line & Utah Northern luiiwiiy com pany , for tliofaction of directors uml sucli other lm-lno * < < _ w may loyally voino before the inuotln. , will bo hoia nt room No. 41 , lloonur Ilulldjiiir. Halt Liildi ( Jlly , Utah Turrllory. upon Wednesday , tbo lotli duy of March. 19J > ut 10 o'clock a. in , Block truimfor books will close upon the SUUiduy of I'obruary. mill reopen upon llio 17th day of Murch. AI.KXANDKII MII.I.AII , Hocrotury. UOSTON , Musi. , fob. 1 15'Ji tfir.iJULU REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGKATII , FnrnMn Street , Omaha. Nob. RR1LWRYT1MBGRRD Arrlvx Omaha. I Depot lOlh ant Mson HI 4.30 p mi Chlcairo Ve-tlhulo. , , , s.oj a tn V.Hi a , m I'lnetiio Kxpress. . . 9.11 a ra VVi p nil . . . , , . , ,1'hlraito Kxprei * . . . . . 0.0) p m 6..V ) p m . . .Cnleago A Iowa l.ocal , _ 8.15 n m TeaveVTliTHLlNTrrTjrAib7TuVKlf | , I Arrives Oinalin. I Doped 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha , liUl i. . - . . .Denver Vcstllmlo l.lmltod , , nil p m IO.IS a m Drailwooil Kxpres * , . . . . . , 4.01 p 111 7.10 p m Denver Kxpreii n.u a m 7.10 p m Denver Kxwuss ( Ui ) p m Mil p ui .Lincoln Limited iKxceptSun. ) a m .Lincoln LOOM 11 % ) p ni leaves I K. ix.ur. j. AO. ii. ArrlT04 Umaha. Depot lUlli nnd Mo-on S Oiur\tin t'Ai n raKaimi | ntj Kipress. . . , P.U p inK. | U. NUlit K p TliU. . t'.Trom Leaves UNION" PACIFIC. Omaha. Union DepollUlli and MnroyBls. 830 n m . . . .HoalrTco KipreM . . . . . . . 7.0U p m' 10 00 a m . . . .Denver Kxtiross. . . . . . . . . I .MU p m p m Overland Flyer. , 9.14 p m 4.90 p m JpVs.t FalrltoldKtlex 81111) ) I2.M p in _ O.SO j ) m . . .Paclllc Kxpre's , . , . [ IJ.JJ n "tiofng ] ciiToAtioTirL7v Kast. | Union Depot lUth .V Marcy l.'A ) p nil Denver l.lmltinl 1.1.40 p m 7.03 p ml . . .Denver Kxpres'M \ n m p nil St. Paul Limited Leaves I OMAHA A ST. LOUIS. lArrlvns OmahalU. P. depot , 10th mid Mnrcy 8ts.Oinahi | > 4,10 p ni | SI. Louis Cannon Uqll | H.H5p in TUB SHOHTIiST LIM TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steani. Heat ed Vestibuled trains , leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p.e'm. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a.m. . City Ticket Office : 1501' Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l .Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. KOIUUHMH.Na MATKUIAI , -L nnil lioisos II. S. Indian Service , Oinnha nnd WliuiobuRO liullui : AKUIIUV. WlnnolKigo. Tliurston County. Noli. , 1MU. bunled ru- posulB. undur od "I'roiiosiilx for liuIldlnK J\lu- \ torlnl mi 1 Ilorson , " IIH thuo.iHu may bo , uml mUlrossi'd tu the timlorslKnotl lit Neb. , will lie received until 1 o'clock , p , m. , of April 'IL. lnU2 , for furnishing and iloVlvorlnn nt \Vliiiiob.iRO ARoncy. iilxntt Kfl , un feotnf us-tortc * ! lumber. ( W wlnOown. ill ( loom , liurd- wuro , brlok.'limo , oto , , reiiulruil In tlionruu- tlon of ! . " > frame lioimes for Whmolmiai IiulUn nllottccH. .Alsoforfiirul.shlim' anil ilbllverlni ? Itl liorsoK nt Haiti agency. A full list' Jilitl do- Kvrlptlon of tlio mutorlnl rimy ho ohtalnnd up on implication to till ) undc'rslgnoil. Horsoi nniRt liiiof Amorlcan stock , frbin 4 to 7 yearn old , hound and well , lirolion to liarnvas , wltli- out lilotnlsli , not litss than 15 luiiKlft lilKli , vii.l built In proportion tohlilit , and tnwulRh not loss tliiiiiUV ) pounds , lllddcrx will lie ru- < 1 ul red tiiHtiitu siKMilllcnlly In Iliulr bids the proposed nrlco of ouuh nrtloliioll'oiod fur ( lu ll vury iindur n contrnut. Thu rlKlitlx ruscrvnd to rojuut. uny or nil liliU or any purl of any 1)1(1 ( If ( loomed fnr the I ( 'M Inlurost of tlio or- vlun. Cortlllod oliocKa : Kadi bid must bo au- companlcd by a curtllli'd cic'l ) ; or draft uitoii homo I'nlti-u HltttuH depository or holvont bank In tlio vicinity of llio irsldunuti of llio bidder , made ptiyublo to tlio order of tlio l.'oianilb-ilouor of lixllnn All'iur.s. for , 'lit ' loaHt 5 jior 4'i'iit of tint amount of thu nroposul , wlik'li clicok ordraft. will bo forfeited to tlio Unl ted Htute.s In LMIHCI uny bidder or bidder * re.eolvlin ! mi award Bball fall to promptly ux- iH'iilo a con I r , ict with good anil Nufllulunt Kiiri'tli'K.olherwNo to bo returned U > the bld- dur. HldK ncconipiinled by cuali In lien of u cei tilled chock ulll not bit considered. I'or fnrlliur Infoim'illoii apply to UDIIKKT II. AHIILiV : , U. .S. liiillan A ont. M 11 d Jl t m. To ContiitRtnrn. llANCitoi-r. Nob. , Marub 0. 1H93. Bunlod bids will bo received nt Ultl/ons Hunk , Har.croft , Nob. , up to o'clock noon , Muruli'lO th. IHUi , for the orcctt'on of a two Htory brlukbulldlnif. > x0 foot acfordlin ; to plium and Hpoulllcntloni on fllo at Huld bunU. 12 icb bid nuut no accuiii- panlcd by a certified chock or draft payable to Oltl/.unH flunk lo tbo 'imouiit of 5 percent of bid , which amount will bo forfeited to said bank In onso the bidder hlionld bu awarded the contract mill full to furnish a bond iic- eoptabli ) lo tlio board of directors of Kald bank In tbu mini of twlvo thu amount of contract price , The bourd of dlicctors reserve tlio rlL'bt lo uccoptor reject unyorall bid ? . lllilH to bn .rildroikoil : "HliU for tbo Krectlon of OHI- en-i Hank IlulldliiK , " OitUens ( Link , IX T. HUM1 : , Uanliler. Mtfl > -r.-il--t. llnncrofl. NoU _ rroiiomtli I'or Heal i : > tate. Healed proposals will bn recolvod by tlio Io ! ird of Kiliicttllon until 4 o'clock p. m. , Tues day. March 1.1fUi \ , for a suitable nchool alto In tbo vlulnlly of Uapltul Hiiuiiru. No bid fornlto lesrf tlian JWfoot by 100 foot to beeoi ldured. IliddufH loiiuostuil to fllo KUUQI | | IniU In ( lupllonlo , one addros- > d to tlio pruxldont ot tbobouid and onu to tbo secretary of tlio board. Tbu board reserve * tbo rlht to reject any unit al ! bids. Ily or lerof Ihn Hoard of IMueatlon , m a il 7 1 , ijiuiii.i'.rt CONOVHII , tiucrutury , Dissolved I'lirlncmlilp. This day , by mutual consent , tbo firm lit Mcl'rory K Konoe , Imrdwuni dealer * , lot'nltd lit 7ua North Hlxlcontb Ml reel , liavo dlxsiilveii uurtnorHlilp , J , A , llcOroiy uaviimliiK full con trol. all aceountti payiibhi to him and blllK bcttlod by blin. J. A. McOitoitr , MAiriticK KKIIDB , Omaha. Nob. , MuK-li 10 , Ihirj. Mli : .Jt * IridluuNolilliiril Must Not Drlnlf. In reply lo a question from Chlof of 1'ollca Hoavoy , County Attorney Muhotioy givoi It as lila opinion that tbo prohibition to sell liquor to Indiana oxtona * to all sorts of In dians , Including tlio soldldra quartoroit at Kurt O in ah a. Thia will In sotno measure affect llio irado of a number ot guloon * nutmi.liiui t > v Uiu Koldlut' boys.