Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; DAY , MARCH 14 , 1892.
Sketch of a Career Characteristic ! of the
Great West.
pnninmry of Sminlor WurrrnM Arlil I.nml
Illll-A Olrntlnl rrur.nVtlil Torkor *
tin u Tonr Goitrritl > w * ot
llio JforlliWMti
The financial collapse of the Blue Bird
tnlno In Butte , Mont. , two weeks ago was
followed sharply by the sulcido of tbo prin
cipal owner ot the property. Ferdinand Suy.
dam Van Xandt , In a London hotel. It Is
Generally believed the Immediate cause ol
Bolt-destruction was bU reverses in Butte ,
but there must have boon other causes , for
Van Xandt had ready means and resources
far exceeding the amount involved in tha
"llluo lllril collapse.
Van /andl's career Is meteoric In Its brill
iancy and sudden It Is a typical west
ern ono. Ho rose from poverty by reason of
superior acquirements , true grit and gener
osity. Twelve years ngo ho trudged Into
I.eadvillo ns a tenderfoot , fresh from New
York and from college nnd wltdout the prlco
of three inoals in his pocket. Ho became
cashier In n restaurant. A tall , powerful
and remarkably hnndsomo man , bo
attracted attention. Possessing a rol-
lego knowledge of minerals , his abilities
were soon In demand. Ho became
assistant manager of tbo Adelaide mluo in
Btray Horse gulch , and subsequently gen
eral manngor. During this period In lb7'J ' a
rival mine attempted to cut into the Adelaide
claim , the raiders supposing they could bluff
the tenderfoot. Van Xandt barricaded the
mine , marshaled his men and completely out
flanked the onomy.
Whllo In LoadvIIIo ho was visited by a
New York friend named Potter , who started
for the Interior of Mexico and disappeared.
Potter's rnlatlvcs xvrolo to Van Xandt ut
Loudvlllo and ho loft to follow up the trail of
the missing man , Van Xandt found thut
Potter had Incautiously displayed a largo
roll of bills at Albuquerque , and some dis
tance outside the town hud boon waylaid by
throu Mexicans , who killed him for purposus
ot robbery. Vigorous nnd fearless , Vim
Xandt apprehended two of the miscreants
and brought thorn to Albuquerque. As .soon
ns the facts wore known there a wagon nnd a
couple of ropes wore secured and summary
Justice was administered to the murderers of
Potter. Their dead bodies were swinging
from a tclotrraph polo within a few hours of
their being brought Into the town by Van
After leaving Leadvlllo In 1&S2 , Van Znndt
Went to London uud wus remarkably suc
cessful In unloading mining properties OD
the English millionaires. Ho cleared a com
mission ot $100,000 In Ins first deal and gave
$20,000 to a friend who favored htm with let
ters of Introduction lo London pooplo. It was
through the acquaintance thus formed that
Van Zaudtmot his wife. She had been Amy
Harriet Lubbock , eldest daughter of Sir
John Lubbock , by his first wlfo. In March ,
1877 , she was married to Andrew Walter
Mulholland. During the honeymoon she was
taken ill with Roman fever In the Eternal
City , and Just RS she was recovering her
lluaband wus taken sick and died. Tnut was
in Juno , barely throe months after the wed
ding. Mrs. Mulhollaud became Van Xandt's
wlfo In 18S4.
Meanwhile bis fortunes had risen steadily.
The commission on tbo sale of the Utah
property was the first Urge amount ho over
possessed. Ho secured the services of a
former foreman and sent him Into Montana
to look after promising mining prouertios.
This man found the famous Blue Bird mine.
Ho recommended Van Xandt to buy it , and
the bargain was quicklv closed. The Blue
Bird developed rapidly , being what is culled
In the vernacular "a whulo. " The inlno was
soon paying over 50,000 a month to Van
Zandt. The Blue Bird was in the same
country as tbo Anaconda , the Alice and other
famous copper mines. Its output at times
rose' toT,0K ( ) a week , nnd It Is still well up
in the list as a producer , the output for the
week ending February ! i7 having been
Van Xandt's romantic career In the mining
countries of the west wns so remarkable as
to secure embodiment In literature. Ho was
the hero of Mrs. Footu's well known story ol
"Tho Lod-Horso Claim " which utter
- , , maga
zine popularity , was published in book form ,
nnd ho sat for tbo Illustrations which adori :
tbo work. He was about 'Xi years of ago al
tbo time of his death. Ho never drank , and
alt n ho know him say ho was a man 01
cheerful and amlablo disposition.
Wild Cullfurnia Pigs.
.A herd of fifty wild pigs , most of then
with vicloua looking tusks , were at largo on
the 4th lust , in the neighborhood of the
Potrero rope works , says the San Francisco
Chronicle. The herd had boon corralod on o
vacant lot ready to bo driven to Butcher-
town , but early yesterday morning they
broke loose. Several of them rushed at the
children on the streets and some of tbo little
ones were hurt , but not seriously. The
drivers found great difficulty In gathering
the brutes togothcron account of tholr borso ;
becoming wild through being prodded on the
logs by tbo tusks of tbo frenzied porkers ,
Bovorul of tbo animals wore shot to prevent
accidents , aa they carcorud madly through
the streets. Some of thcnf ran on top of tin
hill through which ICuntucky street is cut
and were driven over the cliff , which has n
bhccr fall of seventy fcot , being killed ant
mangled by tbo fall.
A young man named John Halley under
took to amuse himself by teasing two of the
boars that bad been tied to a pile on Illinois
street. They broke the cord and rushed at
Halley , who immediately became n very un
willing participant In n novel pig bunt , In
which the quadrupeds were the hunters and
tbo biped the bunted. Halley took to hi ;
heels , but tbo poruors soon overtook him
and , knocking him down , begun proddlnp
bim at a lively rate. Ho got up again am
ran toward the wharf , but fully a dozen ani
mals bad Joined in the chase , und Halley was
badly pressed. Ho could not retreat , so IK
was forced to accept the only altornatlvn anc
Jumi ) Into the bay , from which bo was llshec
out by two men In a boat.
Ono of the animals rushed Into the opor
door of an outhouse In which some chltdroi
were ntaylng with two dogs. Tbo dogs , fur
Innately , were us bravo and as faithful a
Llewellyn's Uollert , and when help arrlvoc
it was uo longer needed , for tbo pig wo :
nufoly held with ono of the children's canliu
friends banging on to each oar. Dogs am
pig were drugged into- the road by a lariat
where the porker was dispatched With u re
volvor. Finally two dozen of the herd won
killed before they were finally cleared oil th
strcotH ,
Lotor'N I. mo.
Colonel C. O , Hroiidwator , tbo Montani
mllHotiuiio , who has sailed for Europe will
bis family , on what Is known as tbo Modi
teruiioan trip , was the builder nf the Montana
Central railroad , which is now a leased lint
of tbo Great Northern road , and connect
Helena and Butte City , by a mountain rout <
which was considered perfectly luaccoislbli
for railroading. It is ao full of tunnnli tha
it U facetiously termed the "Lovers' Lino. '
Una of the tunnels Is over a mile long
another U built upon a curve , and at olthoi
entrance to It tbo other opening can bo HOOI
ncroas a narrow vallov from the train
Broad water alto built and owns tbo betel pni
mammoth bath house Hour Helena , Is ono o
the democratic big four of Montana , and I
a millionaire easily ,
I'ortlaml nnd tlio lluuthen.
A furious feud is raging among rival high
binder societies In the Chinese quarter o
Portland. Mongolian anger bad been rousoc
to a high pitch , ami liif toad of secret blooc
letting snd murder , tbo Sue SIPR Lluitt in
vltod tha HOD Sing Longs to come out on tb
street and settle difficulty with pistols am
knives. The challenged bops grabbed th
chance to nroclpltato a funeral and at tb
appointed hour. 'J p. m. last Thursday , np
peared In the ring. They were in fine fettle
confident and uniting childlike. The Su
contlucent was somewhat backward In com
lug to tbo scratch , and bad to bo vigorously
ribbed up to the righting pitch. A vu t con
course of jabbering Chinese and White * sur
rounded the rinp , and buU were about even
Juit as tba combatants were squaring fo
blood a double force of police looped over the
repot , struck right anil loft regardless of
Queoniborry or any other man , nnd knocked
out the colcMlnls. A choloo collection of
knives and guns now dccornto the Jntl and
their owners arc rusticating Ic the cells ,
Tbo Chinese quarter of Portland , lilto that
of San Francisco , Is close to the heart of the
business district. It Is a collection of two
nnd thrcc-stor.v ramshackle buildings , with
the Inevitablebnlconj. . Chinese lanterns
nnd trailed shrubbery nro conspicuous amid
the llltb. Here the Mongols are packed like
sardines in a box. On the slightest provoca
tion they pour out on the walks , Jabber like
n colony of parrots and disappear almost In
stantly. Such dismal alleys , dark rooms and
mysterious passageways AS may bo seen in
the Chinese quarter : of Portland are equalled
only In San Francisco.
Cession of Arid l.uniM In State * .
WASIIINOTOX , U. C. , March 13. The bill
Introduced on Wednesday by Senator Warren -
ren of Wyoming asking for the cession of the
arid public lands to the stntos nnd territories
wherein situated Is a very comprehensive
ono , nnd ho asked that the bill bo printed
and laid on the table for the present so that
ROIDO remarks may bo submitted at n later
date , before the bill goes to the Irrigation
The bill provides , that practically all lands
xvost of tho. ninety-ninth meridian nro
deeded to thn stales nnd territories including
mineral land.s not more valuable for mining
than agriculture : excluding lauds to wlitcu
claims nro now made , providing claims nro
proved up upon according to law , otherwise
those lands to revert to tbo states.
Conditioned that each state and territory
accepting , shall proceed without unnecessary
delay to prepare for distribution of public
walors and for Irrigation and reclamation ,
This In good faith , but according to the finan
cial ability of each state only. States may
sell lands for townsltos and right of way
[ lurpcsos.
States or territories may mortgage or con-
lltlonally so'l ' in largo areas to ralsn money
Tor Irrigation , but eventually , when Bale la
3omplotod , it must bo to actual settlers and
In small tracts ,
Only 10U acres ot Irrigable lands to ono
party , but additional 100 non-Irrlgablo can
bo sold to same party.
In addition , Is a homestead right , and
prior use of a nomostoad right under United
States laws docs not bar a party from taking
another homesioad under stale slatutos.
Always providing , how'ovor , that the state
cantiotsoll to nny ouo party moro than 320
acres altogether.
Non-Irrigable lands to ba sold atnprlco not
exceeding # 1.35 per acre , as much loss as tha
slates decide.
Each homesteader or settler of Irrigable
lands may have appropriated to him or
leased , nil contiguous grazing lands. Ihis
can bo with or without price as the states
decide. Each settler has a right to appro
priate land nearer to him than other settlors.
In areas where no senior applies the state
may provide for temporary leasing.
Timber not necessary lor conservation of
snow and water may bo sold by the state as
All reservoir sites or timber lands to re-
maln the property of the state for the bonollt
of all.
If nny expense for reclamation Incurred on
mining lauds , party making proof must pay
for the Irrigation If any has been douo.
All uusatlsllcd soldiers claims , laud scrip
cartlllcntos. oto. , shall bo honored.
All funds from sale , lease or otherwise ot
land , timber , etc. , to bo used for the reclam
ation of lands. But if a residue , it shall bo
added to the permanent school fund.
After ton years and duo notice upon proc
lamation of president and legislation by congress -
gross certain lands may revert to the govern
ment , but for the sola purpose only , of being
reclaimed by the government , according to
spirit of this act.
Upon tbo passage by congress nnd accept
ance by state , the compact becomes irro-
poalablo except upon consent of the United
States and the state or territory.
Western Measures in Congress.
Tbo following bills originated In and were
passed by the senate last week :
To prohibit the sale of firearms ana am
munition to Indians residing upon reserva
Appropriating $ .100,000 for a public build
ing at Spokane Falls , Wash.
Appropriating * 50l)00 ) for a public building -
ing at AlamedJ , Cal.
Appropriating $200,000 for a puollc build
ing at Bolso City , Idaho.
To amend the net of August 23 , 1891. "To
roor nnlz' ) and establish the customs collec
tion district of Pugct Sound. "
Authorizing tno consiruction of a bridge
across tbo Kootoual river In the town of Fry ,
The Wallace Stir has bson sued for $3,000
on a charge of llbol.
Edward Hoeormann of Columbus has
started on a trip to Germany.
Ono hundred acres of sugar beets will be
put In by farmers near Broken Bow.
Bert Phelpa , a Wahoo lumber dealer , fell
from a car the other day and broke his arm.
The camp of Sons of Veterans at Lyons is
tbo largest In the state , It has sixty-six
A chapter of the Eastern Star has boon or
ganized at Juniata with twenty-live chartoi
member * .
The Grant village board will purchase 20C
bitching posts and put two in front of each
business lot.
Fairmont , the homo of the eyeless calf ,
now baa a pig with two bodies , eight logs
and only ouo head.
\Vahoo was loft in darkuoss during last
weok'a storm by tbo wind damaging the
electric light house.
Several tramps robbed the shoo store ol
( jeoreo Marburgor at Humboldt , but wore
arrested and are now In jail at Fulls City.
Republican county central committees al
over Nebraska have Issued calls for meetings
to fix tbo date for holding tbo county con
The residence of Davl'l Condon at Bray-
ton was entirely destroyed by fire with all
Its contents , and Mrs. Condon barely es
caped from tbo building with her life.
Willis Hudspoih , who once upon u tlmo
made the Newport Advocate a little the
spiciest weekly paper in the spite , has become -
come one of the editors of tbo Omaha
Tbo Howard Konortor Is forcd to exclaim
'Holy ' Moses , " after chronicling the state
ment that "Bill Doch of Saunders county is
the slate candidate of the independent ring for
United Status senator. "
The editor of the Wayne Herald announces
that ho lost a subscriber last week because
ho > ald In bis paper that the town needed a
new hotel. The man who stopped the Herald
wan the present hotel owner.
Editor Marvin of the Beatrice Democrat
has blushlngly declined to accept the oftlco
of mayor , thus removing , as bo liimsoll
naively remarks , "tho most conspicuous Hg.
uro from the mayoralty contest. "
The state bicycle tournament will bo hold
at Hastings July 4 and 5. and the cyclers at
the Adams oouuty capital will glvo a bal
March U4 to raise funds to help pay the o.v
ponsos of entertaining the visitors.
Wahoo Is llguring on securing the location
thereof a pnvato Insane asylum , which Is to
bo established by Dr. Knapp , late suporln.
tondent of the state Institution at Lincoln.
The proposed asylum will accommodate
eighty patients mid the building ; will cost
about f lOO.UOO.
The democrats of the Fourth congroi
slonal district propose to nominate tholr own
delegates to the national convention in spile
of the action taken by the state central com.
mlttoo. The district committee has called a
convention to moot In Omaha April 13 to
namu the delegates before tbo state conven
tion assembles.
Tno Southeastern Nebraska Toachorajai
soclatlon will bold 1U next mooting | at
Tecunvjeh March ! ! 0and3l and April 1. TUa
counties ot Butler , Howard , Saline , Jeffer
son , Saundora , Lancaster , Gage , Cass , Otoo ,
Johnson , Pawnuc , Neinaba ar.d Klcuardsoi
are included In tbo association.
Tbo big rolling mill at Laramle Is in ful
Home papers are booming Colonel Downoj
for governor.
Vandals attempted to destroy the state
fish hatchery. -
Machinery for the development ot the
soda deposits in the vicinity has arrived at
The people's party U showing sufficient ao
Uvlty In the state to give old party politician !
cooslderabla uneasluosi ,
Cboyeuuo is now dancing on the nock ol
Denver and vigorously pummellng the con
celled burg. Tua capital city 1s exceeding ! )
olerant , but resents with exquisite skill any
cllcctlon on the Union Pacific shops ,
Thu smelter deal In Cheyenne Is practically
settled. The works are n snro KO.
The typographical union nt Choycnno IIM
Icclded to advance the cash to members de
siring to take the Jag treatment.
Lnramtcllos have raised a purse ot (3,000 to
lofruy the oxoenins of boring several holes
n the Laplata district to dcuonstrate its
Kllpatrlck Brother * ft Collins are said to
lave leased their coal mines at Newcastle ,
and will devote tholr attention to the Bur-
Ington extension ,
Joe Fngnaut was due out of a snow drift
n Hock Creek canyon rocnntly , tnoro scared
than hurt. Whllo crossing the range with n
cargo of provisions ho started an avalanche
of snow nnd rode or rolled on its crest to the
bottom and was almost burled.
South Dakota ,
A compromise has boon effected in the
Load lownsltu litigation.
Work of placing the machinery in the
Barney Pcalc tin milt is rapidly approaching
South Dakota papers also report farm
iiands as very scarce. Farmers are offering
tram $25 to { 'JOpar month.
Brooking ; sports n , Chinaman who has
lately , by his own will , boon fhorn of his
cue , Is a member of the Baptist church ,
smokes liVcont cigars , nnd his latest fad is a
good old-fashioned first-class case of the
The homostaad filings In the Aberdeen
land district for February , 189J , exceeded by
thirty-live the best February during the lost
live years. A largo number of filings bavo
boon made by Hussions who are settling In
the cotcaus around Eureka , Bowdlo and
other points.
Extension of the B. & M. railroad from
Englewood to Ruby Basin Is no loncor a
secret. Work will bo commenced at once
and pushed as rupldlv as the heavy work
will permit. The main object In bulldlne
this branch is to roach the Huby and Bald
Mountain mines , and by loading ores Into
staudurd gauge cars right at the dumps , a
largo business can bo obtained.
Butte Is now shipping ore to smelters at
Great Falls.
The shut-down of the Blue Bird at Butte
throws "no minors out of employment.
Two fcot of ore was struck at n depth of
fifty fcot in tbo shaft of the Door Ledge
Queen group , near Elliston ,
A rich strike Is reported In the Ingorsoll
mine In Nolhart. Assays roll up from 710 to
820 ounces of stiver to the ton.
The J. T. mine , In the north Moccasin
country , Fergus county , shows an ere body
seven foot wide at t depth of 100 foot. The
quantity of ere is apparently unlimited.
A shift ot man Is engaged In development
work on the Black Lead mine In the Huby
creek district. An assay recently made In
this claim wont f'-MS gold , 40 ounces silver
and SO per cent load.
The North Homo mine. In Johnny's gulch ,
about ton miles from Hadorsburg , continues
to create excitement , as its development pro
gresses. It Is said that the owner has boon
offered 875,000 for her half Interest , but Is
holding for $100,000.
President Hill of the Great Northern
threatens to oulvonzo Nolhart because some
vassal dared ask the company for damages
for right ot way. The railroad czar says ho
will tear up tbo tracks unless the demand U
withdrawn. The Russian autocrat la not as
lonely as ho is painted.
Ogden Is boring for gas.
A $25,000 school building is to bo erected in
The faboritos ot Salt Luke have organized
a uross club.
The Ogden council has decided to issue
(100,030 In bonds , the proceeds to bo devoted
to street paving.
A vein of galena was discovered a few
miles south of Glonwood last week which is
.creating great excitement In local circles.
Tbo vein has boci < traced a distance of over
100 miles.
The Bnghara Buclor confesses : "Tho
genial countenance of H. H. Smith , merchant
of Corlnno , illuminated our sanctum last
night. When he wont 'out1 his purse was
loss plump than usual. "
A Salt Lake paper without a llbol suit is
evidence of that tired fooling preceding dis
solution. The Tribune has a largo , juicv
suit on , and the Times Is promised a $20,000
garment by a Nophi banker.
Tha total enrollment In the Shoshone pub
lic schoolis 1,8(15. (
Boise proposes to establish a borso collar
factory that will employ forty men.
More hay has boon fed to stock In southern
Idaho during the past winter than over be
Idaho proposes a unique exhibit at the
World's fair a sage brush filled with irrl-
Katlou dltchos.
Regents of the State university selected
Nampa , Idaho Falls and Grangervllle , as
sites for agricultural experiment stations. '
Idaho democrats will bold two state con
ventions , the first at Pocatello. April 25 ,
to select delegates to the national convention ,
tbo other at Boise , August 24 , to nominate
state officers.
Governor Wiloy has called n meeting of
the Board of Equalization for Tuesday ,
March 22. Tbo object of the conference is
to formulate general rules for tbo valuing
and assessing of various kinds and classes of
property throughout the stato.
Along tlio Count ,
The assessed valuation of Tacoma Is $44-
The famous Hopkins costlo on Neb Hill ,
San Francisco , is to bo turned into a public
Institution of some kind.
Tbo third Southern California citrus fair ,
now open In Los Angelas , surpasses all Its
predecessors in variety and beauty of ex
The esteemed cold water advocate of Ne
braska , Mr. Wolfonbargor , is pulverizing the
rum power In Oregon at a specified sum per
John Meriar. Murphy , who was tbo first
man to take a four-whoolcd wagon across the
Slorrns and was known as ono ot California's
earliest pioneers , died recently at San Jose ,
aped 89.
A fir tree was cut down a low days ago in
Oregon that was 201 years old. It contained
that number of rings , which were centri
fugal circles. The tree was about four feet
In diameter at the base.
The advent of the Great Northern Into
Spokane and its encroachments upon the
territory of the Union and Northern Pacific
lines , has stirred the apathy of those Hues
nnd they have begun' to look out for their
feeders in and about there.
Reports from the principal grain produc
ing districts of Oregon nnd Washington
chow a very flattering prospect for the com
ing season. The oxceodlngl > mild winter ,
together with an abundant rainfall in Nov
ember and December has given fall sown
pruin a line start.
The unfortunate president of the Califor
nia National uank of San Diego , Mr , Collins ,
was evidently the victim of untoward cir
cumstances , The culminating act of bis life
the turning over of his life insurance to sc-
cure the depositors shows that no had no
intention of defrauding.
It Is estimated tbnt n larger acreage has
been sown to wheat in California than over
before and the present outlook Is for the
largest crop In the history of the stato. The
grain crop , however , yet depends upon ruins
in April and the absence of hot northern
winds to secure tbo crop.
The recent earthquake In the southern
part of tbo state was the most severe in the
history of California. Luckily lofty buildIngs -
Ings never have been popular In Los Aneoles
and San Diego , and only a few Initanooj of
tbo collapse of poorly built houses are re
ported. In Lower California too shock was
even worse.
This is the greatest season for tbo planting
of ollvo orchards over known in southern
California. It is estimated that fully 370,000
ollvo trees bavo boon set out in this region
during the past fifty days and a call for 15- ,
000 moro iban the nurtenet can furnish has
been made. For two mouths the nurserymen
bavo been working day and ulgut to fill or
ders for young trees.
"Who breathes must suffer , and who
thinks must mourn , and bo alone is. blessed"
who knows that pain and suffering can bo
secured by Salvation Oil ,
Although wo bavo heard persons remark
"It is wortb lu weight in cold1'- still Dr.
Bulls CouRb Syrup is to bo had at all drug
stores for 25 cents.
Falo of Prohibition i ta Iow.1 Will Ba Da-
cidcd THia Week.
All l Cioiul | on tl cyActliin Tnkru liy the
KopuUllciiM StitQijCniiteiitinii Itc-
> lc-w of Hif AVork of tliu
Moixr.4 , la. , March 13 , [ Special to
THE BBK , ] The passage of the Gateh county
option bill by the senate by a vote ot 27 to 23
was the prlnclpil feature of legislative pro
ceedings the past wcok. The bill when mes
saged over to the homo was referred to the
coramlttco on suppression ot intemperance
by n strict party vote , all the republicans
voting aye. The democrats doslrod to place
It on tbo calendar for early consideration ,
but wore defeated. The bill will llkoly bo
made n special order for Thursday or Friday ,
In order to secure n constitutional majority ,
it Is nacotsary that tlvo ropublteans along
with all the democrat ] shall vote ajo on Its
final passage. The democratic vote Is
assured , and three republicans stand ready
to help repeal prohibition. Those arc under
stood to bo Brooks of Audubou , Morrow of
Union , and Smith of Kossuth. Whether the
other two votes will materialize depends
somewhat on the action of the republican
suite convention , which meets Wednesday.
The republicans In the house , by a strict
party vote , passed the Chase pint resolu
tion to submit prohibition in IbUI , but tbo
democratic senate Is solidly against it. Tnoro
Is some talk of passing both rosubmisston
nnd the Gatch bill as a compromise , but it
has not assumed nny definite zortn.
Only ono Important bill passed both
branches ot the assembly the past. wook.
This wits a house bill Introduced by Mr.
RIchman , fixing the salary of state oil inspector
specter at { 2,000 per year , and providing that
the salary of no deputy shall exceed f 100 per
month. The present Inspector , J. J. Dunn ,
has been getting about fS.OOO per annum
under the foe system , which this act will
abolish ,
The senate passed by n unanimous v'oto an
Australian ballot bill drafted by bmlth of
Wapello , chairman of the committee on
elections , The bill is tbo same In Its essential
features aa the Norris bill already passed by
the house.
T.ho house bill repealing the "innocent
purchaser" provision in respect to all prom
issory notes , which was supported by Sen
ator Finn of Taylor , only received eight
votes in the sonato. Bolter of Harrison pre
dicted that If such a bill became a law It
would destroy the "Ir.w merchant" In this
state , and so completely upset business that
the governor would bo compelled to call an
extra session before the dog star made its
appearance. A substitute bill proposed by
Senator Kelly was , however , passed , reading
as follows :
"AH notes taken by any peddler for tha
purchase price , in whole or in part , for any
patent , patent right , patent modlolnos ,
lightning rods , Kootls , , wares or merchandise ,
and all note's taken by , any insurance agent
for the premium on any pulley of insurance
or by a traveling doctor , shall , In addition
to the statement of'tho amount duo or to bo
duo thereon , contain , a statement on the face
of any and nil suchtnot03 that said note or
notes are given for the purchase price of
such patent , patont'Hght , patent medicines ,
Detuning rods , goodsWares or merchandise ,
or for the premium ; of ] such policy of insur
ance ; and all persons who may afterward
become the owner > "of such note or notes ,
whether before1 or alter maturity , shall bo
dcc'mod to have UccAmo possessed of such
note or notes , withinotico of all defenses and
equities against the , , same ; and any peddler
or insurance agontwho shall taico and re
ceive any note or ! notes lor the purchase
price of any such patent , patent right ,
patent modlclnes-e11ghtnlng rods , goods ,
-wanes or merchan < Usbr.or for then premium
on nny policy of Insurance , wUhoutiJM rittntr ,
on having stated in the face of such note or
notes tbo consideration tor which tbo same
Is given , as heroin , sot forth , shall bo deemed
gulltv of a felony , and , on conviction ,
thereof , shall be punished by imprisonment
lu the penitentiary for a period of not less
than two years , nor more than five years , or
by imprisonment in the county Jail not less
than three months .nor moro than ono year ,
or by n fine of not less than $100 nor moro
than 500 , or by both such fine and Imprison
mont. "
Tbo Gatch bill providing for a board of
control for all the charitable Institutions of
the stato'has been approved and ordered to a
final reading by the senate , The bill pro
vides for the. appointment of a commission ,
to consist of two from each political party ,
with the governor ex-oftlclo a member , who
shall assume solo charge of a'l ' the insane
asylums and other state institutions of a
similar character , purchase all supplies , ap
point tha managers and exorcise a general
supervision of the samo. The bill abolishes
allot the existing boards of trustees , and is
being fought atevery stop by-interested
parties. . .
The woman suffragists met with an over
whelming defeat Ma the houso. Tbo full
suffrage bill was postponed without objection
and the Dolph bills providing for school and
municipal suffrage received loss than tnlrty
votes. The amendment sinking out the
word "male , " now pending in the scmito , in
troduced by Senator Holnigorby request , "
will receive little or no attention.
Tbo bouse bus ordered to a final reading
by a vote of 70 to 23 the claim of ex-Auditor
John L. Brown for $4,000 expenses Incurred
In defending the title to bis ofllco during the
Impeachment trial in 1SSO.
The 3 cent faro bill Introduced by Mr.
BrooKS of Boone by request found no sup
port In the bouse committee and was Indef
initely postponed without any objections.
The same fate has befallen every other meas
ure to regulate or restrict railway corpora
The Gilbert bill fixing slooplngcar charges
at one-half the prevailing rates Is still pending
ing In the railway committee and will bo
pigeon-holed or reported too late for favora
ble action ,
A resolution by Spauldlng limiting the ap
propriation for tbo World's ' nfalr exhibit to
$100,000 was defeated In tbo bouse by a vote
of 23 to 50.
Dills by Campbell and Carpenter making
the standard silver dollar legal tender In tbo
state of Iowa for all debts , public and pri
vate , bavo boon reported adversely , but are
still pending on tbo calendar.
The Boom bill requiring tbo payment in
"lawful money" of all minors at the end of
each loriulirht has passed tbo bouse.
There Is a powerful lobby present working
hard for an appropriation of > 00,000 , in in
stallments of fiO.OOO , to erect a soldiers'
monument at thu'v t'ato capital , and this
measure has been yitado a special order for
Tuesday. Tbo sonalb'ctaramlttoo on ways and
moans has flatly refused to recommend any
bills taxing mortgages or for a revision of
tbo system of taxation , but tbo bouse has
made these subjects Vspoolal order for early
consideration. ' " '
Senator Cleveland's' ' bill relating to capital
punlsbmont has btien'passed by the senate
and is regarded favorably by tbo house. The
bill provides for thA"privato executions of
those criminals con'deinnea to death , and the
executions are to tnKe'jilaco ' wlihln the walls
ofthuitaU ) prlsonVJ'nlu moro particularly
Introduced the bill Irrordor that the execu
tion ol a murderer' JU Shelby county , re
cently condemned tWdea'.b , would not tuuo
place In his county 'Whoro tnoro has been so
much KxcitouiButi'jTJus law Is similar to the
ono passed by tbo S x h general assembly of
Colorado. .
, ,1 ,
Tbo railway comm ( icmors and members
of the railroad commiti'oc * took a little junk
eting trip to Chicago last Sunday and Mon
day to examine a system ot block signals for
use on railroad crossings in order that trains
will not bo compelled to came to a full stop
In observance of the 500 foot state law when
crossing tbo track of another company on tbo
same level. This Is more particularly de
manded by tbo Chicago , Uock Island & Pa
cific railroad , which desirns to put on a flyer Chicago ana Denver in competition
with the fuu trains ot the Chioieo ft North-
western. Union Pacific and Chicago , Bur
lington & ( julnoy and B , & M. companies.
Such a bill will undoubtedly bo passed , ana
oue is now before tha bouse wblcu bus bocu
formulated by the State Hallway commls-
ftloilOM ,
Senator Gobble has a bill for the regula
tion of telephone and tek'craph campunlos
and making tlxod rates for usage lUel is
causing those corporations some anxiety.
It'tf Mulnoa Huns.
Dos Molnoi , which has boon horaluol as
tbo largest city in tbo world with
out n saloon , is having its rottenness
exposed. Ono paper Investigated the
houses ot Ill-tamo and found and named n
lurpo number of thorn. Another paper found
nnd located 220 saloons nnd liquor Joints run
ning In full blast , nnd now another paper
has discovered a score of opium dons , * , vhlch
are frequented by people of high and low de
gree. To n reader of those papers It would
seem as If DPS Molncs has no better morals
than other cities , nnd those places are not
half so wolf governed as elsewhere , whore
the black sheep are herded together and nro
under pollro surveillance. Hero nil classes
of society mix together.
The alleged "Whltochapol" icandal , of
which so much has boon written , has ooon
settled , and the senators accused of Immoral
conduct liuvo boon fully exonerated by tbo
senatorial investigating committee.
The house has passed n bill orovldlnir for
another Judge in the Seventh judicial dis
It Is now iiulto probable that the assembly
will adjourn about April 1 , nnd the moro Im
portant bills are being pushed for a place on
the calendar.
The Australian ballot bill will become a
law this .session , and tha system adopted
will bo practically tbo same ns in use lu Ne
ITiilvrrmil I'mlsn Mnitns Merit.
The success of Chamberlain's couch rem
edy in oftoctlng n speedy cure of la grippe ,
colds , croup and whooping cough , has
bronchi it Into great demand. Messrs. Pontius
tius ft Son of Cameron , O. , say that It has
gained n reputation second to nouo In that
vicinity. .Inmos M. Queen ot Johnston , W.
Va. , says it is the best ho over used. B F.
Jones , druggist , Wlnona , Miss , , says :
"Chamberlain's cough remedy Is perfectly
reliable. 1 have always warranted It and
it never failed to give the most perfect satis
faction. " DO cent bottles for solo by drug
Dr. Blrnoy.noso.'tntl tnroat. Bsi : bldjj
tlninos Mnnscy Curried u Itullot In Ills llriiln
Twenty Ycurn ,
The widow of the lute Private James
Massey of Nebraska City Is In a fair way to
draw a comfortable sum of back pension
Thereby bangs another strange story hav
ing the scene of Its opening chapter laid In
war times. James Massey enlisted from
Illinois in the early days nf the war nnd
tramped his way with the rest of them
through bailie and siege , charge and retreat ,
till loading and firing , loading nnd tiring ,
wounds , bloodshed and death became an old
story. Ono day , not very different from the
diiy before or any day last week cannon
flashing and booming In a rolling cloud of
white sniouo beyond a stretch of green
meadow la front , an annoying rattling nnd
snapping In the woods on the right and a hot
sun ularlng redly through a heavy smoke
canopy suddenly the sky split open nnd the
solid earth reeled and sank from Mussey's
feet. Ho bad been shot In the head and the
war was over as far as ho was concerned.
Ho caino back to earth agiiln after a while
to find himself In the hospital with his head
done up In white camhrla and a piece of load
hidden away sotnowhcro In his brain. Ho
had been listed as wounded , complimented
for his ) bravery , and having thus his hunger
for clory and cold load fulty appeased , he re
tired to civil life , married and drifted to Noj
braska City.
Ho often told of the bullet In his head and
the story was received with winks , for Massey
soy soon gained a reputation for being a little
unsound in the top story. A number of
years ago ho mode application for n pension
to make good the mental gyrations produced
by the uncomfortable "boo In his bonnet. "
Ho failed to got It , because ho could not show
the bullet , nnd ho lived out his life , growing
year after year moro unsound , till ho became
totally Incapacitated for any kind of work.
A short time ago Massey died In Nebraska
City. An autopsy was performed and a large
buckshot was found lodged in the brain ,
where it bad been Imbedded tweuty years
before. His widow bos consequently ap
plied for a pension , with good hopes of re
ceiving it.
A KuniilHMllu'H KxpnrKMice with Ca'ljli 8
anil Cold * .
Colds and coughs have boon so prevalent
during tbo past few months that the experi
ence of Albert Favorite of Arkansas City ,
Kan. , cannot full to interest some of our
readers. Hero It is in his own words : " 1
contracted a cold early last .spring that sot-
tied on my lungs and hud hardly recovered
from it when I caught another that hung on
nil summer and loft ma with a hacking cough
which I thought I never would cot rid of. 1
had used Chamberlain's cough remedy some
fourteen years ngo with much succors and
concluded to try It again. Wnon I hud got
through with ono bottle my cough had left
mo and I have uot suffered with a cough or
cold since. I have recommended It to others
and all speak well of it. " 50 cent bottles for
sale by druggists.
Ills Next AnnlvcrHury Will Ho 1'ropcrly Cel
ebrated In Omiilin.
Extensive preparations are being made by
the Bohemian societies of this city to cele
brate the 300th anniversary of the birth of
John Amos Comemus , the distinguished
school reformer of tbo seventeenth century.
Several prominent speakers have boon se
cured by the committee for this occasion ,
among them being Chancellor Can n old of
Lincoln , Superintendent Fitzpatrlck of Oma
ha. Governor Bovd and Mr. Edward Hose-
waler. The 27tb of March has boon selected
by the committee us the day and Washing
ton ball was hired. The anniversary of
Conienlus will bu celebrated all over the civ
ilized world this month , especially In Bohe
mia , Austria , Sweden and Germany. Comc-
nius was born on tbo 28th duy of March ,
1593 , at N vnic , Moravia , of Bohemian pa
rents. At the ago of 20 ho was sent to tbo
University of Heidelberg ; at 22 ho was teach
ing a village school in Moravia and itrlv-
ing to bettor methods by simplifying Latin
grammar , and at 24 ho was ordained to the
ministry of tbo Moravian Brethren and soon
after married. The breaking out of the
Thirty Years' war In 1U18 disturbed
his peaceful pursuits ; early in
Its course all bis property was
destroyed , including bis llbrjry and manu
scripts ; for some years his life was spent in
hiding places , and in 1027 bo was banished
from bis native land , never more to return.
In his exlla his improved and simplified
school books and other podugogiulabors made
htm famous. Ho was summoned to England ,
to Sweden and to Hungary for aid In the bet
tering of learning and Improvement of
schools , and In KWt bo was offered and do-
cllnod the presidency of Harvard college , his
famu having reached oven far distant Amer
ica. His long and useful career was brought
to a close In Holland In 1071. Comonlus
wrote over 100 works on education , theology
nnd philology , and was , according to an
American critic , "tho prince of European
educators in the seventeenth century , " His
Influencu on the Atnurlcan bchool is undenia
ble , the pictorial reading boous being bis own
idea. In education bu wus the Ural true
Onu Minute ,
Onemlnuto tlmot > fton nnUoi a groit dlf
ferenco a ouo minute remedy for bronchllU
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo
ourau is a blessing , Cubeb Couih Curj is
such a remedy. For sale by all druggist * .
Cubub Cough Cure Onomluulo.
Wlutt tliu ItallroniU Are Nmr Trying to Do
III till ! \Vl'Mt ,
Tha newspaperof , tbo Black Hills and of
Wyoming are full of contradictory reports
about proposed extensions of tbo Burlington
system In those region * , but most of them
are based on rather Indefinite information ,
An expected line to Snoarfisu , S. I ) . , has
become a bone of contonliou In the Black
Hills country , but it Is stated authoritatively
at B , & M , headquarters that that company
tio4 up settled plan for building Into Spoar-
Enclncors have been at work forsome tlmo
trying to locate a line into that town , but the
country Is very broken and they have not yet
lound a satisfactory routo. The Burlington
U at work on a fcystom of spurs extending
from the present line at Englawood into the
Kuby basin district. There will ba a number
of short lines running up various gulches to
afford mining cumpi facilities for transport
ing their ore. A line lo Hpoar/lsii / is In con
templation , and it will probably bo an exten
sion of ore of those spurt , but as yet neither
route nor construction have been determined
upon ,
The poitbern Wyoming line bus also given
rise lo a vast amount of speculation , some of
I am a Trav'llng mnn I I'll tell you of my plan.
In spite of all temptation
I pursue my old vocation ,
' still ' I I-nlrbnnk I
I'm a Trav'llng mnn A jolly man
For he himself has said It ,
And It's greatly to his credit ,
That he Is a Trav'llng man I That he Is a Falrbank man I
Sold by Traveling men and Grocers Everywhere. Manufactured only by
N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , Chicago , III.
It qultu visionary. Ono story has It that the
Hnrllngton bus projected n line westward
from Uuffalo a distance of 100 miles to the
south side of the Yellowstone pur It , and the
report KOOJ on ingeniously to aver that the
plan Is to complete this extension In time to
catch an excursion busluoss during the
World's fnlr.
At Ilurltntrlon hoftdtiunrtori this schema Is
said to bo without foundation , The country
west of Iluffnlo is extremely mountainous
and the road has no such Hue In contempla
tion. A more northern line to the park from
the proposed Sheridan tine has boon sur
veyed , but that may not slcnlly
much , because the I ) . & M. has had
nn engineering corps In that section for iwo
or three years past. It has mndo a number
of preliminary surveys , but it doosn't follow
thut any of them will bo used.
The only railroad construction In Hint ro-
flon positively assured is nn extension
from CJlllutto to the i'owdor river. Tno latter -
tor point U sixty inllos from Shuridnn on the
northwest and fifty mlles from UulTalo on
the west , but lines nro surveyed to both
those places.
Choycnno people have been counting on an
extension from Alliance , Nob. , to their city ,
but tholr doslro seems to bo hopoles * . They
recently came to Burlington headquarter.- )
with n proposition that ralirht have tempted
many railroad ofllcluls , but in this cusn It
was not oven entertained. They came with
pledges of a free r it : tit of way and with as
surances of substantial bonuses in bonds ,
but the Burlington bos for years followed
the policy of not accepting gratuities of that
Kind on account of subsequent ontungle-
inonts. Hence the inducements offered by
Cheyenne carried no weight , and the railroad
olliclals have considered the project from n
purely business standpoint.
They Ion ? ago reached the conclusion that
the country west of Alliance did not justify
the construction of unolhor line of railroad ;
atfd , as for Cboyonuo itself , the Burlington
already has a line to that point which has
not been particularly profitable. The line
into northern Wyoming has within a your
hauled -1,000 to 5 , OUO rarloads of ciililo out of
Ibo country that under former condition ! )
would have gone by way of the Northern
Pacific , but the ofllcials see no such prospect
for the territory botwocn Allianca and Choy
"Lain to bed and early to nso will shorten
the rend to your homo la the skies. " But
early to bed and a "Llltlo Early Hisor , " the
pill that mauos life longer and bettor and
Omaha com pressed yetist strictly pure.
How to Cot Your H
The following rules for the guidance of
people who have occasion to Inquire for mail
at the Omaha postofllco have bean prepared
by the clerks who have charge of the general
delivery department :
Uulo 1. Unless you expect a lottordo not nslt
more tlnin II vu tinms a day. It Is aiuioyliiK.
Uulo - . Ask tyr all your neighbors nud
friends' mall lit tlio same time ; von don't
knew when yon may got a. chanuo to occupy
Iho window n' iiln.
KM lea Do not spouk too distinctly. The
olork may take you for the town erlur ; hotter
still , lot tlie elork guess your name , alia ought
to know It.
KtilM. Don't UO | ) to road sljns posted up ,
the clerks nro there to answer all und uvory
Rule 5. U you don't cot a letter kick. If
you do put a letter , kick anyway. No use
spoiling the clerks by being too nice.
KuluO. If your mull Is uddrussud to some
street and number , don't slop calling at the
general delivery. You know they might put
home of It there.
Uulo 7. If Homo friend tolls you of u letter
ho wrote you several vcnrs ueoand which you
didn't receive , rush to the delivery. It
Is surely thrro.
QltuloB. Always ask the clerk to lick your
stumps , you might got some disease from do-
Inc It.
UuloO. Ask dally for "stray" punors. Thorn
might bo something of Importance .n emi tlint
many bo Mint to ynu.
Hule 10. Allhuuuli foreign mall comrs In but
twice 11 wcok. call twice dally ; the clerk will
then bu familiar with your name.
Kulo 11. I'ostofllco boxes are not meant to
receive mull ; hand It to the general delivery
Kulo li Try and rap before you got to the
window , It will prcpuro the cleik for your
Kulo III. If you have only ono name tune n
few HBsnmetl ones ; It don't look well lo travel
under a single name.
Uulo H. If u loiter happens to DO advnrtUcd
as II. I'aulnml your nitmu Is 1'aul Harris ,
olalm It by all moans , It might bo yonrn.
Kulo IS. Ho sure und tear open civury letter
you can cot your hands on. oven If the Initials
should bo illlTerent. It looks Imsluussllko.
linlo 10. Never take the clerk's ' woril for any
thing , KUHO right Into tliu post muster's
room ; lie iindupil.-inds your cane and will give
you your juht dosorts.
Those rules will probably carry you
through llfo.
This Is to testify ttiut I have tested the
medical properties of tr. ) J. B. Mooro's Tree
ot Llfo remedy to my outiro satisfaction , and
can most heartily recommend It to the Buf
fering and afflicted everywhere , to Uo all
claimed for It In the above statement. Lavt
spring I was suffering from loss of appotliu ,
ronstipailou , etc. , originating from kidney
and liver trouble , and Ibr.d not used ouo bot-
tln of this great llfo remedy until I wus
croatly relieved. My wife , also , being nt a
very critical stage In life , was suffering
much at times , and by thu uuo nf this remedy
has boon saved from much suffering and pos
sibly from oromaiuro doath. Our youngest
son's health for several ynuri has been very
delicate. Ho contracted some lung trouble
by taking cold with measles , which produced
great nervous debility and occasional bleed-
mi. of the lungs ; ho has used some four bottles
tles of Trr-o nf Life , and fuels ana looks us
though now ilfo had been given him. It you
are afflicted , try It.
UKO. Mii.i.iiii , 1'res. Elder.
Box 04 , Carlisle , Iowa.
For sale oy all druggists ,
Dr. Blrnoy euros oaiurrn. BISK
Vbnllla ' Of perfect purity.
Lemon - Of great strength.
Orancja - '
Economy In tholr U3o
Almond -
Rose Flavor aa delicately
and dollolo'uily aa the froth frultt
nlilch < > ttloi In niul Inllnmoi thn nlr tiitioi lo.vlln
In tlio IIIIIKS. U Is thi ) buKlnnlng ut
Bronchial Consumption
.Ami U nonlrdcil It-nil * lo Hint ill i > i.ic < very nin
A nlmrp , mclnlllo round nrcnniimiiloi It Tnkoltln
tlmo anil you can corlnlnlr euro It nltli
Which Is Without an Kqiml Tor
nml for all dlscatoi lotillnff up to niul Inclmllnff
lr ) , Sdicnrk's Now Hook on Discuses ol
the Lungs lihcr niul Stomach , should bo
in every homo. Sent free.
Dr. J.II. Schcnrk & Soi
Had Circulation. IilucLliu > a
under tlio , '
KJPS 1'linpt to the
nml all other Ncrroux ui
lllooil Dl.ip.ijcn la cltll FADKU .
itck. 8uf
. mnko -
cr BOX. They '
now bealthv lilo' - from
restore IhoNorv of the Ncrren ,
ous Sjatcin
and b r In it . 'fti-t Krrorn. hotihl or
flush _ at nnco takb DK.noilD'S
health .Irrvo Tonic I'llli , lb
CrtRt Life Rtntncr. COccnts
r a Tlal. For > ale by Drue-
nltlii , orient l r mnlu
'BAN FHANciaco. > r < : uicA o.
Kulin & Co. , Co.r 15th & Douelai St .
J A Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14th A Douglas Sta.
A. U. nwtcr & Co. , Council Illuflfl. la.
One Minute Remedy
I'or all afflictions of the
Throat , Lungs and Broncluil Tub33
25 AND 6O GI3.NT3.
Kor Sulo by Druggist *
Such as Sam Wellerliad , will enable any
body to tell a" YALE" lock from Its many
worthless Imitations with small keys.
A sham lock Is a dangerous sham. To
avoid the bad , and to select the " YALE"
simply examine the Keys. The KeyoJ
every genuine "YALE" lock has "YALE"
stamped on It , which guarantees conven
ience , strength and perfect security.
Sold wherever locks sell.
nn ' ? ( i w Kvra NHKVK AND IIUAIN TKK.VT.
MKNT.n Hpoclllornr Urilerl-i , IMrilnm ) , . Klti , Nun.
rnlKla , JIoiKlnrlio , Norroui I'rojtrMlcm cnuiod bul -
coliol or tobacco. Wiikofillnun. Mmitnl Dupruislun ,
Hoflonlnu of tha llraln. ouiiliu Irmnltjr , inlsurr ,
dccnjr. rteulli , I'rouiittiiru OM Auu , llnrrunnmi , Ijun
of Tower In ellliursux , Imputimcjr , l/oucorrliooa nn I
nil Fcmixlo Wmknmioi. Involuntary l.ouin , Hutr-
iiititorrlioancau'iil by orur-uxertlim of tin br.iln
Rulf-nlJUiia.ovor-liiilulKOiigj. A montli'i trual'iuilt
II , U for I' ) , by nrill. Wu tuunint.'ij nlr li'iiai U
cure. Uncli orJer ford lioxm. wltlill trill toml writ.
ten trunrantoo to refund If not curoj. ( Juaniutio
lutucilonly by A. Schrntor , DrilVKlit. "Oly njan tl ,
U. cor. lbtli uiul Kitrnnin'iU , , Ouiali.i. Nub.
A nun Hint Cumplctu Truntmuiit , coinMlntf of
HU | > | K ) ltuilca. Olcilinunt 111 I'uimului , nlao In llox
nmirilUl n 1'onltlTii Cura fur Kxtjrnnl , Inturiiitl
IlllnU or llluuilliiK ItchliiK , Clironlu , Ituount or
lloruilltury rilci. Tlili llunuuly ha * nuyor liuiui
knuHii to lull , II pur hut , rt lord ; sum I/ mill ,
\Vliy sulfur from tlili torrlblu illinium wlieii n writ
ten utiariintuci Is posltlriiljr nlvi'ii wllli Ubox at , or
rufumlttie munuy II not ruritil. Hunil itumn lor
free Hnmplo. Ciiurautuo liiiiul by Kulin A
Ini irl6t . riolu Auoms , cornnr IStli nnd
uri'Otn. Umnlin. Nub.
nnd Eye Glasses.
For thn correction of nil dffertt of yUloii
Solid Cold Spectacles
From ti.OO upwaril
Fine Steel Spectacles
From 11,01) upwnnl
Frotectand Improve your eyesight.
Your eyes tested Iron by a practical
K.t. Ihfle. KA1INAM mid Il.tli HTItKKTM
Dr , Bailey , $ [
Tliu Loading
Dentist '
Third Floor , Paxton Dloj't.
Trlrphone 10S * > . Kllli nii.l F.inrru Sti
A full iet of icotti on rubber for ti. I'jr/oJfH ,
Twlti without plaloi or roiuovnMtt brllne * " *
juit Hie Iblru for ilrui > r or publlo ipuikur ) , a > nt
drop down.
AII Illllnxi nt ruitiormbl * ntoi , nil HUC * vrjrfuu'.i d
CuttUU out for mul.lo.