Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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tclhttcd by Cnrrlcr tonny pnrtof the City
11.V. . T1I/TON , - MANAOnil.
IlinlnoM Offlco . No < }
7ri-h.riIOM.hJ .
- NRlt | | Editor . NoU.I
K , Y. Plumbing Co.
C ounrll Uluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
CJUfl's chattel loans. ! 2 < M Sapp blocli.
,1. lj. Francis iiml Kate Starr , both of Oma
ha , were married lust evening by Justice
Louis E. Peterson , and Louise .1. Drown ,
Moth of Hlulr , Nob. , wcro married yesterday
by Justice Hammer.
Peter Skcem and Hannah Hotorion , both
of Clay countv , la. , were united In marriage
yesterday by Justice Hammer.
The funeral of the late Mrs. J. J. Maurath
\vllt Occur this afternoon at H o'clock from
her late residence , bO'J ' Avenue C.
The ladles of the .Mlzpah tcmtilo will glvo
ono of their popular dancing parlies at Ma-
aonlc temple on the evening of the U2d.
Abigail ICennlcotdtod Frldav at her homo
In ICott CrojU township , aged 81 years , of la
gripno. Tbo rom.nns were taiton to La Porte ,
la , , jcstcrduv fur Intcrinont ,
A motion for nn arrest of Judgment In the
case of FannliS L. Patterson agulnst the
Omaha and Council Ululfs Urldeo company
was Tiled bv the uofonuant jostcrday In the
district court. *
J. E. Kelly , alias J. E. Howard was fined
$15.70 yesterday morning In police court for
being driink. As soon us ho finishes bin sentence -
tonco a char go of beating a board bill will bo
made against him and ho will bo roarrosted.
The announcement of a meeting ot the
Chauttiuqtia trustees failed again to bring
out a quorum lust ovnnlng at the Board of
Trade rooms , and it was decided to adjourn
until .icxt Saturday evening , when another
ollort will bo made to have a mooting.
Sheriff AlloiL jf Sao county was In the city
yostordav In response to the telegram sent
him by Sheriff Huron notifying him of the
canturo of William Kincnld , who U wanted
at Sao City on the charge ot seduction. Ho
Identified thn man as the ono wanted and
loft for home during the afternoon with his
prisoner In charge.
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday tn
John Henry Drown and Annie \VUHiims ,
both of vhls city , and to William Miller and
Sophia C. Donaldson , also of this city. The
lady In Iho last ease was but 11 ycarj
of ago , and her prospective groom bogged
the clerk who Issued the license not TO lot
those d d newspapers get hold of It.
Work on the new base ball grounds near
the water works power house will be com
mcncod tomorrow , and it Is thought tbov
will bo In running order by April 1. 'The
grading will occupy most of this week , and
tn the moantlmo the lumber to bo used In the
: onstructlon of the fences and buildings will
DO brought lo tbo grounds so that next week
the carpenters mav bo sot at work.
The llro department was called out last
evening about 11 o'clock by on alarm from
box ! U. A bla/.e bud started in the kitchen
of John T. Stewart's residence on Bluff
street , probably from an explosion of a gaso
line stovo. A largo bolo was burned in the
wall , but tbo llro was extinguished botoro it
had a cbunro to spread to the rest , of the
house. The principal damage was from the
A. E. Woodsworth had an examination
yosierday before tbo commissioners of in
sanity. His wife , who preferred the charge
of Insanity against him , was not present , and
there were no other witnesses to ho
examined. From what the commissioners
could see for themselves In the nun's actions
they decided that he was perfectly sane , and
nont bun back homo to light out the question
with his wife.
The Spoonet Comedy company finished a
wick's successful run al the opara bouso
last evening. The audiences have been con
stantly Increasing over slnco tbo first night ,
nnd for the last two or three nights the < 1S.
It. O. " card would hava been hum ; out If
such a thing had boon numbered among the
opera house properties. Every performance
was witnessed by a highly ploascd audience ,
and if the company returns it will play to
iwc.1 hotter business than It has during its
present visit.
Only Ono Day Morn of the Gri-at Illunlu-t
Sulu ut the ItoBtoii Storo.
Monclny will bo the last day of the
rctit blanket , comfort nnd underwear
anlo tit the Boston storo. It has boon : i
jihonoinonul BUCCOSB , us thousands in
Council Bluffs nnd Omaha will testify.
The prices on cents were simply aston
ishing ; it WHS next to Riving gold dol-
Inrs for 2oc and liOc.
ROOM W K WANTED. Room wo nro
going to got by the help nnd timely aid
of our thousands of patrons nt this criti
cal moment.
A few of the prices until Monday
evening at ! ) p. m.
Ladies' jackets nnd nowmnrkots that
sold for $5.00 , $7.50 , $10.00 and $15.00 ,
choice for $1.08.
Our entire line of children's coats ,
3(1.CO , $7.50 and $8.50 garments , for $2.-ia
Ladles' $10.00 , $12,50 and $15.00 jack-
otP. choice , $ . ' 1.08. v
Ladies' Wnlkor plush jaoUotH that sold
for $15.00 , $19.00 and $25.00 , choice for
$7.1)8 ) ,
Ladles' -12-Inch long Walker plush
eacqucs , former price $10.50 , $25.00 ,
SMt.00 and $ ; 5.00 , choice for $1-1.1)8.
10 do/on ladies'nil wool knit jaekots ,
* Blovoless , worth $1.25 , in all colors , dur
ing sale for 48c.
* : { .25 comforters for $2.19.
$ . ' 1.75 comforters for $2.50.
$4.75 line French snttoon for $ ! t.75 ,
$5.00 all wool blankets for $ ; i.75.
$1.50 all wool rod olnnkets for $3,08.
$ o 00 all wool rod blankets for $3.98.
Ladies' 60o vest and punts for 'We.
Ladies' natural wool vests and pants ,
ibhcd , $1.00 garments for 09a
Ladies' all wool scarlet vests and pants ,
$1.25 garment , extra. line , during aale ,
Gents' ho-ivy gray camel's hair shirts
nnd drawers , 'iMo garments , sale price ,
Gents' Scotch random mixed shirts
nnd drawers , also natural wool and
camel's hair , nil In nt ono price , 8"ici
woio fiOo.
Gents' all wool scarlet shirts nnd
drawers , were $1.00 and $1.2(5 , sale price
C2Hor $1.2.5 a suit.
All children's garments knifed the
Btimo way. BOSTON STORE ,
KOTIIinilNClllA&l , WlIITKkAW & CO. ,
Lenders nnd Promoters of Low Prices.
Council Bluffs , In.
N. B. Sloro closes at 0 p. m. , except
Mondays nnd Saturdays.
Mlis Fearon of Sprlnk & foaron will return -
turn from ChlcaKO today.
Froddlo , the 3-.voar-old son of Mr. anil Mrs ,
H. U. Coons , is dangerously ill from the ef
fects of u fall.
Dr. M , J. Uelllncorand wlfo are expected
to return from thair bridal tour in the CU.M
next Wednosday.
C. D. Drown and ( laughter of Arkanea-
City are visititiK Captain O. M , Browner
their way homo from a trip to Ohio.
O , W. MoDonMd , with the Hook Island
Plow company , leaves today on a buslncsi
trip through Colorado , Utah , Idaho and Oro-
, Mrs. McDonald accompanies him tie
ar us Denver ,
: ia i.u
To SOa n day will buy tlrstcltiBs piunc
ul half price. For particulars wrilo 01
boo the
10J Muin SU , Council BlutTe , la.
Wulnut block timl Wjoinlujf coal ,
freih miuoil , rocolvod dailv Thatcher ,
JO Mtilu street.
PottawattArmo County Republicans Endorsa
President Harrison's Administration ,
htiito Cntnriitlon Delegates IMcctril , but
No Instruction * ( il\cn Itrnnlntlnn *
ol tbo Itixly on fotrii Mutter *
l.iicul NeuH Notes.
The republicans of PollawnUnmlo county
met In convention yesterday forenoon to
elect delegates to the state convention which
U to bo held hi Dos Molnos on tno 17th. At
11 o'clock , when the mooting was culled to
order by Chairman A. S. Hazelton of the
county central committee , the superior court
room was well filled with representatives
from nearly all the districts In the county.
A temporary organization ws ofloeted by
the election of Oeorgo P. Wright chairman ,
nnd Frank Shtnn secretary. The following
committees were then npnolnted : Urtdon-
tlals Perry Uarton. E. E. Smith , S. M.
Johnson , Al Frailer , J. H. Armstrong , A. P.
ClatterbucK and H. A. Smith , Permanent
organiz tlon-C. C. bmltb , H. U. Bar
ton , W. K. Urndlov , K Marti ,
Alexander Wood , W. R Sapp nnd
Dr. N. D. Lawronco. Selection of
delegates E. A. Gallup , J. K. OMer , Frank
Shlnn , IV. II. KlllbacK , E , E. Hart , Theo
dore Uulttar and R H. Hill. Resolutions
J. II. Converse , D. R Clayton. C. C. Smith ,
I. , . H. Axtoll , J. C. Mitchell , J. J. Stcadman ,
E. L. ShugarU
While these committees were preparing
their repous there was nu Intermission , dur
ing which Judge W. 1. Smith responded to a
call for n speech. Ho referred to the fact
that ull the dele atos present would undoubt
edly ba unanimous In favor of Ulnlno for
president had it not been for that gentle
man's withdrawal from the race ; under thu
circumstances , however , he thought the del
egation would look unitedly to Benjamin
Harrison ns u loader for tbo next campaign.
Thai the convention w s in sympathy with
Jud o Smith's ' remarks was shown ny the
hearty applause that greeted the allusions to
both Ulaluo und Harrison.
Too committees then made their report.
There wcro no contesting detonations pres
ent , so that the committee on credentials had
an easy task. The committee on permanent
organization recommended that the torn-
por.irv organization bo made public and the
report was adopted.
The committee on delegates to the state
convention reported that they had made tbo
following selections : Henry Brandois , Dr.
N. D. Lawrence , J. U. Edmundson , George
R Wright , S. M. Johnson , William Arnd ,
John Lindt , H. H. Van Brunt. W. II. Hard-
man. J. C. Mitchell , J. R Evans , E. E. Hurt ,
G. L. Wilkinson , A. T. Flloklnger , J. J ,
Stoadman , F. H. Hill , dloscoo Barton , Cory
A. Hoed , 1. M. Trdvnor and Spencer Smith.
This retort was adopted and tbo committee
instructed to till any vacancies that might
occur in the representation.
The committee on resolutions made the
following report , which was adopted unani
mously :
KirstVo congratulate Urn whole country
upon thn careful , wlsu mill conservative ml-
iiiltiistriitlon of President 11 urUon.
Second. Wo look forniird to the coming
World's Columbian o\iu > s1Uon us one of tlm
greatest ovunts in the world's history , und
white wo deslro u liberal appropriation to
pliico the tatoof lo\vu whore she liolonus , In
the front of all thu states.vourc opiiotcd
to Ihu extravagant demands of onrstuto com
mission und wo believe that our prosperity
and greatness may ho fullv exemnlllled by a
much ess sum ; wo therefore iciinost that the
appropriation bo rcdnco.1 to u maximum of
$ .01.030 bv our present legislature.
Third We lint o llio irreatest confidence In
the anility and political honnsty of the coming
national republican convent Ion to oopo with
and satisfactorily MiUlct all questions of na-
tlonal Import , und of uniting upon u national
loader fully competent to carry to victory
those principles that have made this u great
nation ; we therefore fiver an unpledged dolo-
gutlon to the Minneapolis con vent Ion.
Fourth Whuroas There Is now pending be
fore thu house of representatives u local op
tion bill known : ts the ti.itch hill , and
Whereas. Wo believe said hill Is so carefully
drawn , und the Interest of nil so carefully
uuurdod. that nil peed und candid repub
licans can and should support It , therefore
bo It
Kesolved. That \\e urjo upon all republican
members the necessity ot reall/.lnc that they
wore elected as republicans , nn I it Is their
ducy to net In this mutter for the best Inter
ests of the state nnd the ropiibib an pnrtv.
to-\ % itvoto for the pissiiKU of the Gatch
fifth 1 hut It Is the sense of this conven
tion that the members of the republican state
committee bo Invited to locate their nim re
publican state convention In Council liluffs.
iliiR Artist.
Prof. Hcorley of Now York , who is
irmkiiifr a tour urouml the b.irlh exhib
iting his wonderful skill with brush and
palette , will spend Wednesday afternoon -
noon at thr > Doston store , Council
Bluffs. Ho will use 0110 of the largo
show windows for his studio : md will
porfoim ; seine fonts in oil painting1 that
will bo simply astounding , painting a
iR-rgo picture in brilliant colors in ten
minutes. Ho has already painted a
largo number of pictures for the Boston
utoro people , and together with those
that ho will paint on Wednesday , they
will bo given to patrons of tlio store.
Every person who makes a $3.00 pur-
chtiso will bo given a 122x3(1 ( oil painting
free. The pictures will bo framed , if
desired , cheaper thnn anywhere else in
the country , a beautiful "gilt plush in
laid frame , costing only $1.76 , and an
ornamental gilt frame $1.00.
A smaller oil painting will bo given
with each $3 00 purchase. This will bean
an inlorostidg event for the patrons of
the Boston store.
Eastern money to loan on real estate
by E. II. Shoafo , Broadway and Main ,
Money to loan. Lowest ratas , John
ston & Van P.itton , Uvorett b io.'k ,
Iiiirglnrl Ml tinDoctor. .
The rosldonco of Dr. John Green , on Fifth
avenue , was entered by a burglar Friday
night. MUs Green was uwalconod by a nolso
in her room and saw what appeared to bo a
colored man prancing about the roam In the
moonlight. 5ho screamed for help and the
visitor lost no time In sliding out through
tbo front door , which ho had loft open with
a vluw to making an easy o oupo In case he
found U necessary to do so. Ho took wltt
him a suit ol clothes belonging to a son ol
Dr. Green , und In ono of tbo pocket * was n
small amount of monov. The suit was fount
by Hurry Kemp , n son of OnicorKomp , lylnt
in the roar of his homo In the morning , Lml
thu monov was gone. It. was found on invos
tlgation that tbo burglar had opened a win
dow which had been loft unlocked and hud
thus effected an entrance. There Is no clew
but a man woo chanced to pass about tlu
time the burglary took took pluco claims ti
have soon two colored mop Doming out o
the alloy. _
Millor'fl decorative wall paper unt
painting establishment ; No. \ \ \ I'oar
street , is fully equipped for doing al
kinds of work in Unit lino. Block ul
now , latest designs und workmanship o
the best.
Jurvlsl877 brandy , puruat , safest , bos ,
We have our own vineyards in Callfor
nlo. Jarvis Wino comp.uiy , Co. BlulTa
Cant Kurt- ,
Mr * . Bellinger entertained a number ol
lady friends last Monday evening nt her
home , 120 Uaughn street , at a card uad ton
party. Those present were the Misses Ann ;
Ilauicn , Lottie I'llo , Mlunio Hanoen , Josh
Clausen , Klla Mclntosh , Jounio I'llo ant
Lena Clausen , The evening was spent play
ing cards and tbo flr.t prize , a htmdsomi
palatine , the work of the hostess , was woi
by Miss Josle Clausen ,
Juryla wild blackberry if the bojt
Tliry Will lluto uu OrK u.
After the services nt the First Mothodls
church this morning a meeting of the oaiccri
will behold for the purpose of nrmlngat | i
conclusion coucoruluB the organ question
Tbo urgent necenlty lor ; hu meeting Uei
in the fact that the order mustl be placed
ut onca with the manufacturer If
a largo pipe organ is to bo put tn by
the time the church Is ready for
dedication. Mr. tloorwngcn , representing
Farrand St Votuy of Detroit , is In tbo city
walling to carry the order If It Is plvrn by
Monday , but It delayed ho will not guarantee
tee th'o completion of the Instrument for
dedication purpose * . The Instrument pro
posed to bo furnished Is n magnificent ono ,
similar to but smaller than a $10,000 ono
which the company ha Just finished putting
In a Denver church. The now Methodist
structure Is ono of the finest In the stnto nnd
anything but a first class organ would bo out
of place In It. _
Klrrtlon onirors Selected.
Tbo school board hold n special mooting
last ovonlnc to select Judges and clerks for
the school election tomorrow. The following
is the list :
First WnrdJudges , E. S. Brntlshaw ,
doin. ; E. S. Uarnott , rep , : clerks , Charles
Hump , rop. ; Benjamin Webber , dom.
Second Ward-Judges , A. T. Whlttlosoy ,
ilcra , ; John Fox , rop. ; clerks , L. H. Mtthou ,
dom. : Gcorgo liurxc , rep.
Third \Vurd-Judges , A. M. Johnson , rop. ;
John T. Oliver , dom. ; clerks , Gooreo H.
Mayuo , rop. ; F. M. Hunter , dom.
Fourth Ward Judge * , U. S. rorwllllger ,
dem.C. ; O. Bryant , rep. ; olorks , Uoorgo
McPcauo , dom. ; George Hnynos , rop.
Fifth Ward Judges , .1 , Schocatgcn , dom. ;
M. Callnhan , dom. ; clerks , Lee Uurgess , rop. ;
Oscar Hor.sel , dam.
Sixth Word Judge ) . J. A. Muzzlowhlto ,
rop. ; Charles Graves , dem. ; clerks , F. Co-
volt. rop. ; Ira Uongc , dom.
The registration lists as prepared by H. N.
Whittlosoy were adopted and Mr. Whtttlesey
was allowed $10 for his work. The secretary
wa Instructed to advertise in tbo papers re
questing nil parties who have bills against
the district to present them before the next
regular mooting , which OCOUM March 31.
Misses Syrink nnd Foaron will remove
their milttiory parlors this week from
320 Broadway to 1 ! ) South Main street.
Reilor , the tailor , HIO Broadway , has
till the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Carpet weaving at 023 Avenue P.
'XVllI tin Discharged.
C. A. Simpson and William Barker , two
well known men of this city , were mentioned
in the telegraph columns yesterday as hav
ing been hold tn Jail at Lewiston , III. , in de
fault of a $ lOUO line levied upon them by a
jury for swindling a farmer ot that place in
Iho sale of some lightning rods. Mr. Simp
son Is now at his homo , " 14 Washington
avenue , l.uvlni ; been released by order of the
court to como and look utter
bis famllv. who are in needy circum
stances. Ho has agreed to go back when
ho is wanted to servo out his sentence , but
ho claims to have boon assured bv the Judpo
who released him that ho need not corns back
at all , as the Jury clearly overstepped the
bounds of Justice In levying the line upon
him. The Judge also promised him to dis
charge him und Barker at tbo next term of
court which opens this week , as no evidence
was brought forward to show that either of
thorn was connected with the swindle , and
Iho Jury decidnd against thorn mainly In
order to satisfy a deilre for revenge oa the
part of the residents of the vicinity.
Wanted the Clothes Ilaclly.
Y6storday a man came into the store
where the Chicago creditors nro selling
the $20,000 Bicdorman stock and wanted
to trade his family horse for clothing ,
explaining that ho hud already spent all
the money ho had to secure the big bar
gains c-lTered and now felt that ho would
bo justified in purling with the horse
and laying in a year or two's supply of
clothes. Of course the novel proposition
was rejected , but the incident indicates
the feeling that has boon wrought up by
the great sacrifice sale.
There are yet many bargains for all
classes of people , everything troing at ,
less than one-third of Biedorman'n
prices. This will bo the last week.
002 Brad way , Council Bluffs.
O. Yunkerman&Co. , food , seeds , com
mission , country produce , 108 Broadway.
Swnnson Muaio Co. , Masonic temple
Moots Here Next Time.
A party composed of Prof. H. W. Sawyer ,
E. H. Eastman , G. W. Price nnd the Misses
Habcrmnas , Bowkor , Blood and Hatten-
hauor , teachers In the city schools , rotumod
yesterday from Tabor , wboro they \vont to
attend the semi-annual .mooting of the Super
intendents' Round Table of southwestern
Iowa which was in session there Thursday
and Friday. Sessions wore held in Gas ton
hall , Tabor college , both days , and a large
number of educational topics were discussed ,
Prof. Sawyer presiding. About fifty teachers
from all parts of southwestern Iowa were
present. It was decided to hold the next
session in this city sometime during next No
How are your awnings' ? J. M.
Lamcko , 131 Pearl. Only homo factory.
TJ7K FlllK KKCOKl ) .
Much Damage 1)0110 in .Forney City Other
Jcitsur CmN. . J. March 12. Flro broke
out tonight in the shed of dock No. Q of the
Erie railroad in Jersey City. The shed was
COOxltO foot and was thirty-live feet high.
Tbo Interior was divided into three platforms
by two railroad tracks running tbo length
of the building. Upon those platforms was
piled an enormous quantity of hay , about
40,000 bales and u small quantity of other
freight Tbo building and all Its contents
were destroyed. Too slip on tbo south of
the s tied separating It from the Erie grain
elevator was filled with barges and caaal
boats. Many of them took llro
and It looked at ono time as if tbo
elevator would huvo to go. Tbo tug boats
were pressed Into service and the ship was
finally cleared , but not until the barges Bur-
Imghame , Suffolk , Huntley and Mary Eliza
beth bad boon badly burned. Two canal
boats loaded with grain were destroyed.
An unknown dock band Is believed to have
been drowned. Another man employed on
the Hucitley feh overboard but was rescued ,
The steam pumps In Iho Gray elevator wore
busy wetting down the structure until all
danger of a spread of the lire was over.
From tbo bay the flames spread to a long
narrow platform used as a milk depot , which
was totally destroyed.
The losses are estimated as follows ; On
dock , including the hay sheds. $150,000 ; the
hay , $100,000 ; other freight , $0,000 ; milk
depot , 110,000. Damage to barges and ether
cruft about 140,000.
Ci.cvui.AXi ) , O , , March 12. The works of
Colwell & Collins Norway Bolt company ol
this city were burned to the ground at an early
hour this morning. The loss to the build
ings , machinery and atocK is at least JIOO.UOO.
OSIIKOSII , WIR. , March 12. Tbo Thompson
carriage factory was burned this morning.
CI.BVEHNII , O. , March 12. Works of the
Catdwoll & Collins Norway Boll company
burned this mornlne. Lois , $100OOJ.
UED OAK , Ja. , March 12. This morning
AxteU's ' restaurant , B. J. Cluveland's druj !
store and Goorgb Cheek's dry goods store
were destroyed by Jlre. William S. Uowt
was burnen to death.
VSKlt Tilt : MAILS
Arroit of 11 u Alleged Jlnnlinr for Violating
the Lottery Law ,
NKW York , March 12. E. H. Homer , whc
claims to do * a banking business , but whose
transactions are confined chiefly to the sale
of Europuan bonds entitled to premiums al
drawing * held in tbo cities when
tbov are Usu < a , was arrested todaj
by Deputy Untied States Marshal Grant 01
a warrant issued by Uoltod States Commis
sioner Shields , charged with sending lottery
circulars through the malls. He was nr
rulgiiod and released on $3,500 ball for exam
ination on Wednesday next.
* Making it ICeconl.
Things were pretty dull in police circle !
last uight and the horde of city detective :
felt that something must bo done to make i
ihowlrig. So they wont up on Douglui
itroot and arrested a half dozen well kuowt
gambler * and men about town who happeuoc
to oo in tbo resorts on that street ut the time
All the i > rUouorH were charged with
vagrants anrt were looked up iyoveral trips
to Judge Borka's house. hr > ifrlends of the
prisoners , were made ntul mmtiof thorn re-
eased on n small bond. ' " "
Itcsultft of ( tin London r.lontinns Demnrul-
| M > < tlin.MliilMerliillnU.
March IS. TlieijSunday Sun re
ports that n cabinet counsel yesterday dis
cussed tbo advisability of , ( itjnglne ; about n
labor bill M n substitute for the Irish local
povorn mcnl bill. The Siini ( l tos that the
whole election machine of tba.mtnlstcrlnlUls .
is In n panic ns a result of the PJondon county
council election , nnd that Iho/mlnbters have
boon strongly urged to take the stop they
contemplate. _ _
In the Inlerent of ItnllRtnn.
Elder T. C. Clondonnlng nnd llov. C. N.
Dawson departed last Friday for I'lttaburg
to attend n national conforcnco of ministers
In which plans for the moro successful evan
gelization of the Inrgcv iite ? will bo dis-
eusicd. The matter wrtl probably bo pro-
son ted to Iho general conference ot the
Methodist church In May.
H l Not n Very High One An Inlertlow
AVIIh the Keillor.
CiiAni.r.sTOX , S. C. , March 12 , Colonel A.
1C. McClurc , editor of the Philadelphia
Times , was In Charleston for n tow hours to
day on route to Philadelphia. In nn Inter
view with n reporter of the News nnd
Courier today ho discussed the presidential
situation and relative standing of Hill and
Cleveland. Ho said ;
"No man of average Intelligence who dis
passionately rovlows the political situation
In the north can hope for a ulnglo northern
state voting for Senator Hill If nominated at
Chicago , and the Inrgost majority against
him In nny state will bo In Wow York. This
fnct will bo clenrly presented and under
stood nt Chicngo , and the nomination of Hill
will not bo seriously thought of when the
convention moots. The only possible effect
of the Hill movement Is the defeat of Cleveland -
land , but this is by no means certain , ns ho
is the choice of two-thirds of the nooplo \ \ ho
will elect n democratic president if ono shall
bo olcotcd this year , nnd he cannot bo de
feated by a raid of hothouse machine politi
cians on the prosloonoy ,
Attractiveness of lllll'R Methods.
"Senator Hill's political system has many
attractions for n considerable class ot men
who are active In modern politics. It offers
plunder for the venal , plaoo for the ambitious
and flattery for fools , und if his election to the
presidency wcro possible there would bo tenfold -
fold more disappointment tn political circles
of thesuocesslul party than there was under
Cleveland. The fnct that Cleveland's can
didacy does not appeal to the Jobber or to the
vanity of the weak Is the chief reason why
be Is tbo strongest possloio candidate the
democrats could present for president this
year , and the fact that this can be a serious
objection to him for president In any state of
the couulry suupesU a measure of degrada
tion In American politics that Is unexampled
In the history of the republic. "
luwu Legislative Proceeding * .
DKS MOINES , la. , March 13. IP the senate
the Gatch board of control bill
came up as a trial " order. Tbo
bill provides for the appointment
of four men to constitute , wl h the governor ,
a controlling board to manage all institutions
utter January 1 , IS'Jl , and ll'boards ot trus
tees are abolished , regents of. ' the state uni
versity after January 1 , IS'Jl.-aro reducsd to
tlvo , trustees of Iho agricultural college and
normal school to three each ; 'with tbo salary
of the members of the board fixed at $1,500
annually. Tbo bill passed by a vole of 2'J to
19. ,
In tbo housa Dolphs' resolution , dismiss
ing Thomas , the clerk of the military com-
rolttoo of the house , was callfed up , and after
considerable airing further consideration
was dolerrad till AprilHa , ' which virtually
kills It. A bill changing the name of the
Iowa institution for the Qbaf'and dumb was
passed. ' * * ' \
Two railroad Mils were put through with
out opposition , the first requiring companies
to report to the commissioners before Sep
tember 15 each year , and tbo ether gives the
commissioners power to require names of
railway stations and postofllccs to corre
spond. Dolph called up tbo bills tooonforon
woman the right to vote ut , school nnd muni
cipal elections. Both were defeated by votes
of 27 to 54. ' ' '
The Kichman bill to rdgulato the sale of
intoxicating liquors came up on recommend
ation of a majority of tbo committee
for indefinite postponement , the minor
ity for passatro. A number of members
were ubsent. Carter , republican , refused to
recognize a pair with Smith and his vote de
feated the proposition to substitute the mi
nority for the majority. The bill was Indefi
nitely postponed by a vote of 42 to 41. This
Is the democratic caucus bill.
Disastrous Fire ut MarslmlHown.
MAIISIUI.I.TOWN , la. , March 12. Fire nt
Bloomfield last night laid waste the cntiro
south side of the public square. Including tbo
opera house and many fine store buildings.
The loss Is probably $200,000. The fire
burned every building on the south side of
the p.juaro except two small structures at
the west end of the row , including Dr. Shel-
ton's medical infirmary and a number of the
largostand finest storoi in town , with nearly
their entire contents. The heavy losers are ;
Hull & Herding , Tulle & Sons , J. H. and
Henry Taylor , owners of tbo ooora ' house ;
\V. H. Taylor , M. Owsloy , Hill & Tate , Gil-
pin &Co. , M. Saur.uers and E. J. Shelton &
Co. _ _
Xcbrank City 1'eoplo Kxcltcd.
NenitASKA CITV , Neb. , March 12. [ Special
Tnlogram to Tun BEB.J This city was
greatly stirred up this morning over a report
that three well known young men of the city
had gone hunting in a skiff on the Missouri
river and when opposite the distillery the
skiff capsized nnd nil were lost. Many
people wont to tbo river In hopes of recover
ing tbo bodies of the unfortunates but
nothing could be soon to verify the report.
I'romliiont lowu Men III.
DES MoiNis : , la. , March 12. Information
received in this city reports General Clark-
son confined to hl > room at Ashovlllo , N. C. ,
und seriously ill with inflammatory rheuma
tism. Ills fatuilv will oialco an effort , to
take him to Hot Springs ,
CKIUH Uu'ins , la. . March 12. E. E.
Clark , grand chief of tbo Order of Hallway
Conductors , Is critically it with the grippe.
Indian Territory lt < ! | > ul > llcain. :
SOUTH MaAMBTBit , X. T , , March 12. Tbo
first republican convonttpn of ibe Choclaw
nation was hold here last night and ofllcers
chosen for a national or/riiiizatlon. A terri
torial convention will mo'et hero May 23 to
select dclegatos to tbo Minneapolis conven
tion. ' t"
A Jerucymun , Shorn oh II In ( ilory , Hue * Tor
All Burlington coliniy , Now Jersey ,
is interested in av , U\t \ for diunufjea
brouyht against sovoijiUwull known citi
zens of Mount Hollv tuidJotatown for
cutting olT the whis fevs and otherwise
disfiguring1 RidgwuViKftkinan of Brown's
Mills. t'i I
Eckman is n cupitW/pi / eon shot , and
has won n number ofjshpotlntr matches ,
About a week ago hoi tvonl to Jobstown
for a week's visit. " " 'Ho had plenty of
money , and stopped at the hotel , where
ho was boon the center of u convivial
Several evenings afterward ho went
to sloop and the crowd uroceeded to dec
orate him. If ihure was anything on
which ho prided himself it was his
whiskers , which were long , luxuriant
and shapely , and extended from oar to
car. When lie was in a thoughtful
mood it was bin habit to stroke them
affectionately for a while and then twixi
them inlo Btrlngij.
The crowd was in for mischief , and
while Kckmanalopt onosldo of his whio-
korB was cut olT close and the other was
cut into ridged. Ilia hair was similarly
hacked , The following morning when
ho invoke und took a survey of himself
in the glut's lie was htunnod.
Ilia appearance in the street waa
greeted with pouls of laughter. Ho had
partly recovered today , but his appear-
nnce is Btlll fnr from boinp sightly , and
ho announced that ho hail bopitn suit to
recover $2,000 damages from tno authors
of the indignity , ono of whom is Bald to
bo in the employ of I'iorro Lorillard.
Sates Herself and n ( 'lilil ) t > y n ClutlieAllne
I'lro l > caie.
The latest name to bo put on the roll
of honor for bravery and ooolhondednuss
in time of peril is that of Bridget Fan
ning , says the Now York Herald.
She is a young servant employed by
Mr. Frederick . boybol , in his ap'nrl *
tnents on the top lloo'r of the Hat house
No. 48 Eist Twenty-third street , nnd
proved herself to bo the most solf-pos-
sosssd person in the hotiso when a llro
broke out there last Saturday morning.
She saw at once that oscnpo by the
fctalrwiiy was hnpojslble and coolly in itlo
herself a flro escape out otnclolhosHne ,
down which she slid forty foot to safety
with her employer's little girl , a child
of 7 years , clasped to her breast ,
She know she could not support the
200 pounds of wnight by her hands
alone , so she wound the thin rope around
tier leg nnd though it cut her no thai she
will bo unable to walk for some lime ,
she pluckily stood Iho pain and reached
the ground in safety.
1 A I.neomotUe lloodoi.
Northern PaciHo locomotive No. 671
is looked upon by all conductors , en
gineers and brakoinon on Iho
road as the rankest kind of a hoodoo ,
says Iho Yakima ( Wash. ) Herald. She
was brought onto this division about
three years ago , and hiw spent the
greater part of that time in the repair
shops. Her first wreck was nt Prcscotl ,
the crow escaping with slight injuries.
The next was n headend wreck ono
mile from Buckley. The third was a
frightful collision at Eagle Gorge ,
at which time Engineer Young and
Fireman Cooper were killed. Then in
trying to butt a train from the track at
Palmer she was hurled into the Green
river , and so throughout her life she
seems to be possessed of the spirit of the
evil ono. Strange stories tire told of a
goblin parching itself on the pilot of
671 , of the hose spurting blood when
an attempt is made to draw \vator from
the tank to wet down the coal , and _ of
various mysterious pranks and caprices
that the old engine is given to. ' 'You
mav call it superstition if you want to , "
said an old Northern Pacillc omployo tea
a Horalu roporlor , "but there isn't a
railroad man on this division but what
fears 571 , and they will all rest easier
when she finds her way lo the junk
shoD. "
The First American Flai ; .
Boston Congrogationnlist : Tha first
American Ih.g thai was saluled by any
foreign nation is owned by Mrs. II. R
P. Stafford of Cottage City , Mass. The
Hag has thirteen stripes and twelve
stars. The patriotic ladies of Philadel
phia presented it to John Paul Jonos.
whoso ntimo has become famous for the
successful victories ho gained for Amer
ica. 11 floated from the mast of the Bon
Ilommo Richard in its engagement with
the Et glish vessel Sornpis , and was shot
away and foil into the water. Mr.
James Bayard Stafford , father of Mrs.
Stafford's husband , a lieutenant , jumped
into the water and saved it from an un
timely fate. Ho was wounded by ft Brit
ish sword and disabled for lifo. After
the war wae over Iho Hug was prosonlod
lo him for morilorious service. Three
thousand dollars have been offered for
these old "stars and stripes. " It was
exhibited at the Centennial by Lieuten
ant Stafford's daughter. At the inau
guration of President Harrison it was
carried in the procession.
J. Charles Ritchie , wholesale lumnor deal
er , ISx'O Van Holt street , Philadelphia , Pa. ,
sajs : ' ! can't speak too highly of Brady-
crotine as a headache cure. "
OM.ill.l I'.llt.HSltAVliEn.
Alexander Speiglo was locned up In the
city jail yesterday afternoon for violating the
garbaeo ordinance.
The well known andsuccossful melodrama ,
"Tho Unfortunate L.OVO , " will be clvon at
Germania hall this evening for Iho benefit of
the Talmud Tora of Omaha.
Colonel Hoagland , Iho well known worker
among boys , was in the city last week and
delivered an interesting address at the Younc
Men's Christian association building.
The Douglas County Agricultural associa
tion hold a meeting yesterday afternoon at
the Board of Trade rooms , oloctcd beads of
departments nnd revised the premium lists.
Fire in Peter Cassldy's stable at Twelfth
and ttancrolt streets caused an alarm from
box 13 at 7 o'clock last ovoning. Tbo blare
was extinguished without loss bo fora the de
partment arrived.
Trinity , Eighteenth street and
Capitol nvonuo Very Jlev. C. N. Gardner ,
dean. Holy communion 8 a.m. Sunday-
school 10 Morning prayer , litany and
sermon 11 a.m. Evening1 prayer and sermon
7i:30 : p.m.
iMels O. Brown swore to a warrant yester
day charging George H. Davis and Mrs.
Olive Welsh. Keepers of the St. Cl ilr hotel ,
with appropriating $10J worth of bis nrop-
crly. Both parties woraarroUud and at onca
released on ball.
At Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church ,
Kountzo Place On Sunday cvenlne Mrs
Bishop Newman will rood a paper on
"Japan , * ' and Illustrate witli stercoptlcon
views of Japan and lifo in Japan , under the
auspices of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Secretary Obor of the Young Men's Chris
tian association returned last week from Al
bany , N , Y , , wbero ho enjoved a visit with
bis relatives and Irlonds , Ho was tendered
a supper by about twenty of his friends last
Tuesday evening at the Young Men's Chils-
tlun association building.
Two leading German singing societies of
Dili city will give a erand concert for thu
benefit of St. Joseph's hospital ai Waihing-
ton hall , Wodnusduv , March 10 , The Con-
cordla and Arion societies have been bard at
work and tholr loader. Prof. Charles I'oter-
sen , has lost no time In perfecting the
choruses. Mr. Hans Albert has consented
to play a solo while the Sutorlus Mandolin
club has also promised its support.
Plymouth Congregational Church , corner
Twentieth nnd Spencer streets. KounUe
Pluco Hov. A. H. Tbaln , D , D. , pastor.
Morning service 10iU ; : a. in. , subject of
sermon , "Tho Providential Mission of Our
Nation. " Sunday-school at lilO ! : p.m. , W
H. Kussoll , superintendent. Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor meeting , 7 p.
tn. Evon'nir ' service 7:45 : p.m. : Tbo lirook-
liold responsive service , subject , "Christian
Faith. " Offertory solo , Mrs. Case or Mr ,
Tbo Youne Men's Christian Aid associa
tion of Omaha will meet at Mount Plsgnh
Baptist church , 12111 Dodge street , Mondav
ovenlng , March H , at 3 p. m. for the purpose
of making nccossarv arrangement * for tnein
to rent u Buttablo place for their business ,
They extend a special Invitation to all profes
sors and friend ! ! of the causu of rlghteoui-
ness to give them a helping band. The object
of the association has been under cousldcra-
FfiTFMA 35 YEAR ! ? '
Mr. HIIIAM TIIWBATT , of Olcun , Pik
County , Ala. , says thnt SWIKT'B BI'ECIPKB
rural him af a painful case of Kczcmir.
of which lie Imd Buflcrcd for 85 yeara.
lie took bcvcu bottles.
cures by driving out the germs nnd poC-
Bon. Itis _ onlircly vegetable. Bend for
book on the fikln and Blood.
G. A. Sohoadqaok , Pi-opnotop , O.Tiaaj 021 Broidvvay , Ooanzl
Bluffs and 1321 FarnarA St. , O.imlin. Dya , clean and rofinUli goods
ofevorydoBcplption. Paokagoa rooaivoa at olthar office or nt tlia
WorksCor. A.VQ. A and 23th St. Council Bluffs. Send for prlco list.
Merchants who have shop-worn or soiled ( iibrics of ntty chaructor cvn ; have
them rodyod anil llntshotl cntml to now.
nil most approved niiichinofy.ulost ut loss co l than yea ever pil.l bjf.j
Or < hf > I.liiuur llnlill 1'oOlllrl.v < _ . _
by nilmtnlKtrrliii ; ' > ' Halm- * '
Utililrn Surlllr.
It enn bo alven in n cup ot colleo or tea , or In faod ,
without the knowledge ohhe patient , It Is absolutely
harmless , and will ofleot n permanent anil speedy
euro , whether the pitlcnt l > a moderata drinker or
an alcoholic- wreck , It ana becu given tn thousands
of oaten , and In every In&tnnee a perfect euro liae fol
lowed. llne\er Full * . ThofcystctnoncotmprranAted
with the Specific , It brcomea an utter Impossibility
for tha liquor appetite to oxlBt. ,
UOI.IIBN M'F.CIIflO C . J'rop'ra. Ctnctnnatt , O.
48-paie book of oartlcuUra free. To bo had of
Kiilm .VCo , 15th mill Dongas Sis. nmifith ft
CunilnB St < > . Wholes iln , ItluUu. llrncu > V Co.
and Uloharoson Drug Co , Oinaha. Ni'h
Tft 1AIFAI/ BarTcrinc from
I II MBPflbS Uio piTeclfl ol
I U VI % 3 otilh--i errors
rurlydeeny , wiwtliiB wcivkm-BS lout uiauliiKKl , etc ,
I wilt hotiil avaltiAtile tri-ntl o ( rtralfiU coiitnlnlns
fulltiartteiilan fi > r Inino curp , FllKl ! of clmnm
A fplenilia muhci\l > Yorci ! Klumlilift \ read by CM ry
man who lg tiprvoiiH nnil ile'illltatotl.dilrt'RS
1'rot If. ( VVOWLUZU Moodus. Coun ,
I SANDAT.WOOI ) PAl'tfUI.KS nrc the
DOGUTAg nnct only oapstilcB proscribed tiy
roniilar phjBlclunn for tlio cunif
Gonorrliiuniid dlnclmrKcs from thu iirliuirj i
8tl i > 8 In S dajrn. fl.W per box. All driiCKl *
tlon with Christian people for some time , but
was not organized until last month.
The creditors of the defunct uroeeiy firm
of C. B. Moore & Co. met with the county
Judge yesterday afternoon and by unanimous
vote elected Ed Eubrlsky assignee. Claims
amounting to $ ll-t ( > l.K ! ) have been ( Hod.
April 10 bos been lixed ns the last day for
filing claims with the assignee.
The Utah has adjourned. The
World's fair appropriation failed to pass
Edward V. Malirldu bus been found vutlty
of murder In the Bceond decree by a Denver ,
Cole , jury for ktcklnz his wife to douli.
Tlio republic , in stntocoiivenilon of Colorado
will meet at Denver on AprlluT and elect dolo-
Katrs to the national convention ut Minne
A rumor Is printed In Now York that Sir.
Kpun will soon lie recalled tn Washington. Mo
will. It. Is said , bo appointed Unite , } States
minister to llra/II.
Kesponslblllty for tlio loss of revenue cutter
Gallateu , off the Allantle coast , Iras been
placed by u board of Inquiry upon her com
mander , Captain ( Jabrlelson ,
Oscar Abbott , colored , of Minneapolis. SO
yearso'd , shot and" slightly wounded Colla
Huss , also colored , and blow his bruins out.
.Sho hud refused to nmrry him.
Captain Walter Crook , used 09 , ex-st.ito
senator nnd brother of tno late General Gooreo
Uroolc , was strlukrn with bin homo
In Dayton , O. , and Is In a critical condition.
The Dlutrlchs Oil company , ono of the oldest
oil refineries In Cleveland , O , , hus assigned , as
u result of complications arising from the re
cent failure of the Merchant's Oil company.
I1 rank ( 'lark , while ut work yesterday In the
shaft of thn Illinois Mining eoiilp-iiiy ut.Toplln.
Mo. , sixty feet fiom the surface , V.JIH killed by
an Iron ke ; dropping from ( he lop upon his
hoi d.
Frank C.anl , n witness before n St. Paul ,
Minn. , court , confessed on the stand that he
had deliberately perjured himself und wus
summarily committed to jail by the presiding
Onielals at the Now York Hiibtreasnry have
discovered numerous light weight cold pieces.
The coins have ull came from California and
ure supposed to huvo ueen "snouted" by
The noKotlatlons proi'Idlns ' for the absorp
tion of the famous I'r.itiklln ' Hii ur refinery.
1'hlladclphla , by the American su.'ar rellnor-
les , comtnonlv known as the trim ! , have been
Mary 0. Dmldy of Now Hedfoni. Mass , was
taken III with the Krip. living u Christian
Scientist she would not , receive modleul at
tendance , but depended on pr.iyor for a cure.
She Is dead ,
W. Aiuslor klllocl at Tuc nun. Wash. ,
\\hllocllxKlngawollby the bitcUot falling on
his bead. The news of his dmth so shuuJiod
Mrs. Malvino. the wife ot n neighbor , that she
died lust night.
The Jury In the .lames II. Hi own will contest
ut Grand Uaplde , Mich. , has returned with u
vurcilut In favor of the contort int. Mrs. Allen
Huvden of r.eadville , the youngest daughter
o : the testator.
Dr. R , M. I'ainc' , jmmrlelor of the 1'cnbody
hotel , Philadelphia , I'a , has been arrested on
thu charge of employing Charles Win ? , H
Chinese leper , to pi op.ire food for the quests
und employes of the hotel.
Van II. Baker , conllnod on u life sentence In
the Virginia stuto penitentiary for thu mur
der of his wlfo und mntlior-ln-law , Mrs. L'roa.
one of the most atrocious crimes in recent
yours , attempted suicide In his cell ,
Considerable excitement | ) rovallnal Adrian ,
III , ever the dlptinpcurunco of 18.UOO bnsliuls
of whout from the Iris Kalloy gruln elevator
ut tliut pluce. tlnlluy has been uutlnK IIH wuru-
liouiumiin for fsrinnrs m tliut vlclnliy.
Oliiiilns A. Wilson of Aypr , Muss. , hus been
arrfsted on tuisplvloii ot polsonlni ; his fatlior ,
William T , Wilson , uw-nd 70 , and bis mother.
ill.H futhcnlled early Krlduy mornlnit f-oni the
noUon and his mother Is now surlonsly 111.
General KM H. Murray hud bogiin suit
UKulnut the Mexican hand und Colonl/utlon
comp.iny for IIOJ.OJO duniuKCs for alluzed
breach of contract In connection with the Halo
jf ) the valley of I'alms In J.owor Ci'llfornla.
Webster C. Mill , .M yours old , a graduate of
Yule ciilluie. WJH arrosto.l ut Iho Hotel Nu
lieor/o In Hrooklyn , N. Y , . on u charge of
stenllni ; tl'ti worth of Jowulry from the real-
ilunco of Mlua Alice M Alvuln of I'rlncutoii.
Wlllliim llamlltnn. laaac A , I'ra/i r , O. W
GaimmTiis , Churlus A , llarney , .luniiis Mor
risen und .laincs A. I'ra/er huvii been Indicted
fnr ulk'Ki'd embe//lcmimt of IVi.ooi of the
order of thu Hlsluic Hun \ > r the Suffolk county ,
MnssaclinsottH , iraiid jury.
Kathnr lluffion nf HI , I'anl , Minn , , telegraphs
to Curd nut ( Jlblionb bo lojiot thu untlior
of thu stutomimt. lole rapbed from Kt. I'anl
thnt Ari'hhlsliop Ireland Is to bo inailo a ear-
dlnt.l , rather Hull nm adds thai lie baa no In-
foniiutlon whatuvrron the subject.
U , M , Campbell of Now Haven , Conn. , hired
a colored waiter , aurecln ; to nay him 1 cunt
for the first day's service und In double thu
amount'h day thu waiter worked. Until
signed un ugruoiiioiit to that ollcot. Tliu
co orud man has entered u Mill nuulnst Mr
Campbell for JIO.UOO.OOO ,
'llin World's fair Joint committee on coro-
liionlus IIIIH i.ppolntod a committee to wait
upon thn prusldunt of the United ht.itos , the
vlco president , Judges of thu biiprumo court.
members of thocublnut und representatives ol
foreign nations to Invite their presence ut the
dedication ceremonies In Outahor.
U U learned that the llro-callnir letter pub
lished In the l.onCnn Times , mid iiipposnd tc
bam boon wrltton by "a cuplitln rruiiKHcott , "
Thlrty-olKlith Pennsylvania Hllleu. thu writer
thiuutt'iiliiii the ( Trent HrltUh umplie , was
written by Wiilter Hcott , u boy of IV randsoii
of Mr , J.T. Wlllltiinscif Dunkirk , N , Y.
( intarlolius InfranchUol tholndlaiiH In that
Heavy rains are falling In fipiln , serlonnly ; with railway Irulllc. "
Thu Huanlsh Kovernmont lia autluirl/ed the
iiiniinfactnre ot urtlllulul wines ,
TliuCanndlun r.icKK' ' tralnmun und railway
authorities have practically reached an u ro -
merit , and thu probabilities now uru thuro will
bo no strike.
Tlio 1'aclllo Mull ttnuiiKhlp Collrna struck a
rook while enltirln thu poitof I. a Union , Aniorlca. Hie bujuii to leak hmlly
und was biiuuhel on mini Hutu , and U now
buliiK pumped out. Tliodiunugo Unoi thought
to bu burlgnt. , una till ) v-s < el U uow In u sufu
position ,
Ill (
live ( S Ear
IleM facilities , apparatus mill Uo m > ilo !
for Huccessfu tro.ttmont otuvoty form
of dlseaso reiulrliu | moillo.U or
siir.'leai treatment.
M ) beds fnr piultMiK bourd anil tiUtMulnncv ,
lies ! acioinndiitmns In the wo-it.
Write for olrenliirs on deformltum and
, trusses , tlub foot , curvature * of siilnp ,
piles , tumors oam-uruaf.iirh. InonclillK Id-
Iialiulon.o ectr'elty , ii.iralysli. rnlluiisy , kid
ney , b aildur. eye. ear , pkln anI bliioil and all
HtirKk-ul ourr.itInns. [
Women I'lIKC. We Imvol.itnlV lid led .1 lylnff-
In department for \\onion durlnir fcmllncimont ,
strictly pmiiiu. ) Only Reliable Mndk'al In-
hlilute mulling -iioul illy of
All li'ood Diseases siiccixifully treated.
Hynhllltlc rol on leinoved from tlio system
without mercury Now ttoMnr ttlvo Truul-
ment for Loss of VITAL I'OWI'.IJ Persons un-
ablu to visit us mav be treated ut home by
eiirresiiun enee. All Ions confi
dential. .Mi'dieliK" or Instviinu'iiH sent l > y
mail oroxpress , seunruly paelied , no murUflo
Indicate contents or aendei. Ono peixonnl lu-
terv'low pieferroJ. Call and consult imornond
history of your ease , and we \ > lit send In plain
\\raiioer. our
Rnnif Tn MM I'linn : POOH rrlvutr ,
Duun lit men , j.pe0 | , , | < ) r xctvons ms
cases , Inipotcncy , Syphilis. Gteotaiul Vailco *
role , with iiH"itU | > n list.
Itraccs. Appliances for Deformities .t Trusofc
Only manufactory Intho Westof m'i < < Ht.U <
I'll II I' , .1,1. M H * . Tit Unit nt ; Kl.hVritlO
Onuilia Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th and Broadway , Oo neil Bluffe.
Ten minutes' i Idu from center of 'in.xlia on
Omaha and Council UlulTa ulcctrlu motor line.
Council Bluffs , lown.
New , modern , woll-upuointed. thor
oughly woll-kopt , W a day.
E. F. CLARK , Ppop.
Of Council
Kurplus unJ I'roflts
NotCupItul un I Surplus. .
Dlrectorn-1. l > . Kit nitiiil on , K I. li'i.'irl ' , KO ,
Oluiisua , tt U Hurt , I , A. Mill ) : , .1. V Hindi-nan
nnd Clmrlcn It. Iliinnnn. Truns'ict KCMOrJl bank-
IIIR biibinuss , liitrKost unpltul und suilns | of
uny haul ; In .Southwestern lowu.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Fiinernl Dlroctur iiutl Umlcrla'icr.
811 Broadway , Council BlulTs.
Toluilion | , IIJ.
ffgfcsaaBai Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat
Gln&svH nUjiiHtcd to all visual ilnfuuts.
Oatarrh successfully tio.drd ,
Room 18 , Barker liiodi , istii anJ Faraam
1/1UK .SAI/K At a harioiln , U'-iuro frnll and
-L cardun farm adjoining ulty limits ; good
dwBllliij ; . U II. Hhu.itu
WII < trade house uud lot fur toiim ; w
vivo Ion ; ! tlrnoon Ijalanuo. Oall al 015
Ctll fill COt.
FAItMH , ( farJun lan'honn \ \ , lota
builniisi blojku for ilu or rJiit.
UosaU ' i'ourl strout , Uouiull ItiuIN
TjKJIt ItnNT-Ovur lOUIwollln.H uf every do-
JHcrlptlon nt prlca * varying from tl to tldO
per month , located In all n.irlt. nf ihu city , a
II. tilnnfc. MJ Itroiidway.
_ _
l'i ! iiuraori ) for K < > od farm * In lowu , I'lnei
$ t-inootb corn lund , I'nr particulars call on
( ii-.iililrosn Johiiblon & Van I'm tun , ( 'ouncll
" 1/lOIt SAI < K CIII.'Al' Ai w
.L utoviliKiuIri ! corner i'uliiier IIMIIIIIO uq
llu ul Htreul. Mrs. Kvnt.
FUUNlBliniJ Tu"jMh"pou ( ) ICHNT.-NTcely
( ninlnliuil rooina fur K'-ntlfiaon. X-UOali *
land iivciiiio.
ITltJIt'ur.NT I'urin 140 itcrms , Sounder tli3
Jpiiiw ; Rood bnllillneH. Hpluiiillil Mock furui
iiiiihl bo runted ut onui' . D.iy A.
OurUltAN ailUltonmH for runt. kOvcA
niotnb o.iclii bath ; hot and cnlil wujvr. Day
k Hutu , .
uKuntn. _
_ . _ M
J--LIJ.IJJ ju Mil M
li'OU .SVI < Kluinbla ) safety patturii ; 1W > J
J1 li.ittorn ; rout < IJ.1 ; will lull for > ( ricabli |
Howard W , lluttunhauur , '