TlIK OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , MARCH 14 , 181)2. ) Postmaster General Wanatnakor's Ideas Not Appreciated by the Democrata. WHAT HE WOULD DO FOR THE SERVICE tVItil CoiiRrpMloiml AMUtmico the 1'oftt- offlcfl Drpurtiiii-nt of the United Htntoi Would r. < | iml Thnt'of Any Na tion In iillclcncy. ; Btmiuu OP TIIR Br.r , f > 13 Fouirrr.G > rTit SinisBT. WASHINGTON , U. C. , March 13. ' "it looks now as ibough none of Iho Ideas pf-Posimaslor General Wnnnmnkor for Iho betterment of the postal service will be fcdoplod by this congr ss , " said n member of tno senate committee on postofllces nnd post roads In talking today of the outlook of the postofllco service generally. "Everything is being hold back by the house in the Interest of.a boarding of the public money. I navor could sco nny sense In withholding from the public u service It demanded , when the ox- pcniu was to come from n source owned nnd created bv the public. If wo have a surplus 5n the iro'asury It Is duo to the payments , In ono direction mid nnothor , made by the pee ple. There is no service thnt will boar so liberal and constant nn expansion as the postal service. It reaches inaltor how old or young , rich or poor. Mr. Slohn Wnnamakor , If ho had his way , would start sonio features In iho postal service which would unko ours iho best nnd most inexpensive lu Iho world. But ho has been handicapped from the very day ho entered the postonico dopnrlmcnt. "When the Philadelphia merchant entered iho department bo found an enormous doll- cionoy , " continued the senator , "and ho tould not , of course , expect tlio congress leVI VI o hi ere than to make that good , nnd the mooting of the deficiency was the paramount necessity. When congress had mot that nud brought un some allowances lor clerk biro , rents , etc. ; absolutely necessary , it was founit ihit wo were making a 'billion dollar con- 'press ' , ' nnd nothing moro could bo done. iNow wo havou congress lea by Hoi man , who wpuld stop In the midst of a $10,000,000 np- Iproprlation nnd haggle over an Item of MOO lor rent or clerk hire. Mr. WamiMiakor Handicapped. "If Mr. Wanaraakor had his way wo would Tiavo had In law the Paddock bill , giving every clly or town having sudlciont annual postal receipts , a public building Resting from $20.000 to $75,000 , which woula bo a boon lo the fortuualo cities and towns , as It would give thorn superior rooms for their liostoftlccs , and It would bo a splendid finan cial Investment for the federal government. Wo would have fiuo delivery in every plnoo .bavlugi,000 : or 4,000 Inhabitants , nnd also in 'tho ' thickly-populated portions of the country , for the necomodnllon of Ibo farmers. Wo would Imvo postal loleernphy , giving Iho people Buperior telegraph service at less than half the present price. Wo would have n vastly 'improved postal service on the railroads , as well as Iho ocean steamships. There would bo an equalization of poslmastors1 salaries which would bo moro fair than at present. with little additional cosl. Wo would not have penny lotlor postage exactly , but the viio'xt thing to it , for wo would furnish with every stamp an envelope , soiling stamped , vonrelopos ut the price of the stamu. Wo would , In short , If Mr. Wanamakor had had his " 'ay nnd u lltllo money , as should have ' 'boon ' given him , have a modern postal service s onp which Inn old world would pattern alter. But Ibo democrats , In the llrst place , ore not progressive , nud secondly , they would not give any republican administra tion money to popularize a public service and , thus popularize the opposite political party. ' Mormons lunlr Statehood. Ex-Governor Caleb W. West of Utah Is Jn the city lobbying for the admission of that . territory. Governor AVost suld today : "Tho people's party of Utah which was formerly iho church has boon dissolved and Us heretofore advocates have aligned them selves wilh Ihe two great national parties , tbo church loaders and the priests of the Mormon church disclHimine all richt or desire lo Interfere in any way with the political freedom ot its church members. The , political condition lu Utah U the same nowa9 anywhere elsq In tbo country. The prabtlce of polygamy has boon forbidden by the churctrdnd absolutely abolished never lo boi'revived. There are probably in iho neighborhood of 200,000ol too. Mormon poop9v } tno much larger faction resding in Utah. * They are also' scattered in Cali fornia. Colorado , Nevada , Idaho , Washlng- tonrWyoming , Arizona , Old Mexico and in north" Brilish province ? . As a rule thov are an-lnduslrjous , thrifty people The great temple. , in Salt Laljo City , which has been in process of erection since 1852 , Is all bat completed at a cost of several millions , nnd ranks as ono of the lineal structures in tbp United States. " Governor West's position is opposed bv nil the liberal party of Utah , with the exception of HOineviiOO.uisscntors. Dlnputu In Army Circles. c Army circles bore are greatly Hurried over the discover } * of a clause in the urmy appro priation bill which contemplates the transfer , of ( .tip bureau of military Information from , iho conlrol of Iho adjutant general's oQlcn to -r the signal norps. The adjutant gonorul's ' , oflico ( ias always claimed Jurisdiction ovur it I and that authority wus never disputed until Iho bill wns passed , a year or so ago , reor ganizing iho signal corps. In this act there is a provision which gives the chief signal ofilcor control ot all matters relating to the transmission of military Informa tion by telegraph or otherwise. As tbo objozt of tbo military intolllgunco clUco is to collect and disseminate military Information General Grccly at once put In a cinlin for the conlrol cf iho oflluo. For a year post there bos been a lively light for its ' possession. Both Mr. Elttlus una Mr. Proc tor , howeverdecided , against General Grooly and It was presumed the contest was over i until It wns discovered a few days ago that I the provision providing the salary for the ' translation clerk , the only legal recognition < tbo oftlco has , bad been transferred from its " visual place In the bill lo the section malting provision for ibo original corps. Jl is reported - ported Secretary Elklns whs much displeased , when ho made ibis discovery , ami It is hinted thai ho Is likely to call General Grooly lo.ueeount for thus Interfering with the busi ness of the head of the department. Major Clarkson announces that Nebraska republicans are for Harrison. "I do not think , " said ho today , "tlmt the delegation will go Instructed for any candidate , but I do know lhat thoropubllcans of that Mr , Hlalno Is out of tbo Held , bollovo that Mr. Harrison is tbo best nnmo with which lo loud them to victory. Tbo public nt large will Judge him by the great results accom plished by bis administration , und I am con- tldent that thousands of staunch , old time republicans , who have gone ofTlu ibo ullianco movement , will return from the calamity ahoutors llus tall. " Pat O. Hnwos has made a discoverIt is to lun effect lhat $111,000 of direct lax cannot - not bti covered into the Nebraska treasury without tbo spoclilu Aoilon of the legislature and governor , nnd that any compensation to hluuolf inuil bo locurod by the same means. Uuder the terms of the act refunding iho taxes assessed upon the status , spocltlu logls- , . latlvo actlou U demanded. This sceuis to have been overlooked by Pat In his Investi gations on tba subject , but ho will appear at i tbo next legislature as usual uud present the case fully. P. S. H. INXOVXOKMKXTa. i On Thursday , Friday , Saturday and Sunday - day next Dontnan Thompson and George W. ltyors play , "ThoTwoSistoM , " xviil be seen ' nl Boyd's now iboater. It is the story of ' the vicissitudes of two girli cast upon tbo 1 wnlrllfzlir of Now York melropollian llfo , Ylrluo and vice are palnlod In true color * . Crime and shame are in uo way roll tied , and i utaud out in bold rollof. it would no Indoli- i CRtc If It were not for the sterling honesty that shines forth from every line. Uouman Thompson' * creations are never failures ; I mvythhiK from tils forcible pou endures. The cait thai will appear bore in The Two SU- 1 tors" wus specially selected by tbo proprio- , tors. Sl'UHTlXU NOTKH. Dannjr Iluljr lu Training , HOT SraiNns , H. O. , March S3. [ Special to , TUB BKB. | ilanpy Daly and Ted Gallagher , his traiuor , are hero and are to give a boxing exhibition at the opera house on Tuesday nleht. Daly is in training1 to moot Billy O'Donnoll for 11,000 at South Omaha or Sioux City In about A month. They claim ttm place la an elegant ono in which to get Into ( rood condition , nnd tboy ere among manv ' friends and admirers bora , hohco they like 'it. _ Tips lor Todny. Hero are tno gooJ things contained by the cards for today : 1 Illaokwool Vocal. 2 MIsjOilvo-HIr Lancelot. : i HtMl-iRcm-Dlilr. 4 Woortcultor t'rlnco Howard. 5 Ulr Uim-J. II. C. Innovation Khafton. nt.OUCESTRO. 1. Korrcnto-Onrlo'nnus. ' 2. Htrlnufollow IllUn. 'l. riorlrnoro llrnvo , 4. llnnjamln Monsoon. fi. MlnnlnJ. Llllle Artrtlo. 0. Lakewood California. bOVTIl Lucky tu no AH\ . Fred Oantol occupied n cell at the- police station last night and ho la in debt to a wall known young society man for not spending the night at a morgue. Gantol spent the Sabbath In accumulating a Jag and accomplished his purpose about the middle of the afternoon , tie stumbled and fell In front of a southbound motor tralr. at Twenty-fourth and M streets. Ho was too much Intoxicated to cot no again and tlio motor could not possibly hove boon stopped soon enough to save his llfo , ns the train was running down hill. H. J. Holsor of the Uudnhy Packing com pany's olllco force wns standing near , nnd by n quick dash Jerked the drunken man off the track Just In tlmo to save him. There was not an Instnnt to soaro , and had It not boon for Mr. Reiser's presence of mind the result would undoubtedly have boon fatal. On "Tho Atonement. " Tboro was a largo audlonoo at the First Presbyterian church yesterday morning who listened to a very Interesting discourse on "Tho Atonement , " by the pastor , Hov. U. L. Wheeler. The text was five versos from II Corinthians , v. The speaker first drew the attention ol his audience to the unity of God and Jesus Christ His sou In the work of human redemption. Christ was a complete revelation of the Almighty without n secret chapter or single hiut'on ' thought. The spirit of the Lilvlno Father was manifest In every stop In the llfo of His son. It u as the un changeable law of the bible and of the world thnt atonement for sin must bo through the sufferings of the Innocent , The other church services In the city were equally well at tended. _ Got n Hint Cut. John Dalloy. a Union stock switch man , was seriously Injured early yesterday morning. Ho was riding a string of cars down the House trade at Swift & Co.'s , with tils back towards tno direction In which the cars wore moving. The back of his hood collided with an Ice bucket , laying open the scalp. A surgeon was called , who decided that the skull was not fractured , and the patient was taken to his homo on Q street. No I r. < unil J'ersoimls. Mrs. A. J. Coughoy and FreJ L. Green are visiting relatives at Atlaullc , la. Miss Nellie Johnson and Anna Stattory of Omaha spent Sunday with friends In town. The Ladles' Aid sociotv of the Methodist church will moot with Mrs. Hichardson Thursday afternoon. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Pres byterian church will moat nt the parsonage Wednesday afternoon. The Epworth League of the First Metho dist church will have a business mooting at the church Friday ovonmir. The pulpit , of the Methodist church wasoo cupied by Hov. John Dale of Omaha yostor' day , during the absence ot Uav. Mr. Dawson. There was a largo audlonco at the Baptist church last ovenln'g to hear a very ublo lecture - turo bv Hov. Thomas Stov'ousou on "Citizen " ship. " There will bo special services at the First Presbyterian church Wednesday night nt which applications for membership will DO received. The Woman's Christian Temperance union of the Methodist church will moot at the res idence of Mrs. Johnson , Twenty-sixth and K streets , nt2:30 Friday -afternoon. m Gesslor'a Magic Houdacho Wafers cures alt headaches lu 'M minutes. Avail druggists Mrs. L. II. Patton , Kockford , III. , writes : "From personal experience I can recommend Do SY ill's garsaparilla. a euro for impure blood and gonenl debility. " I'KKSOlfAL r.LKAUHAI'US. S. Shaohloford of Gunnison , Colo. , Is at the Merchants. B. S. Meyer of Talmago Is a guest at the Merchants. S. C. VVhlto of Fremont is registered at iho Merchants. Dr. M. B. Croll of Kwing Is stopping at iho Merchants. C. P. Joddings ot North Platte Is at the Merchants. F. H. Parks and Goorco E. Smith of Ban croft are guests at the Merchants. L. Seaman of Denver is al the Murray. John Bars by and wife of Fairmont are guests at the Murray. Warren Woodward of Exeter Is registered at the Murray. J. W. Adams and J. L. VVhlto of CurtU are stopping at the Murray. A. J. Snowden of Kearney was at the Mer- ohant'H yesterday. George W. Baxter and VV. K. Guthrlo of Cboyonno are stopping at iho Paxton. M. C. Keith of 'North Platte is registered at the Puxton. H. D. Galbraith of Larainlo was a late ar rival at tba Puxton. Plcrsou D. Smith of St. Edwards Is stop ping at the Paxton. t Mrs. John H. Davloa of SI. Louis la visit ing fnouas lu iho city. C. B. Lewis anil wife of Norton Center are guoats at the Paxton. W. W. Love of Laramlo is registered at the Paxton. * George E. Cheney nnd J. H. Rothwoll of Creishton are stopping at the Pax-ion , William Burke of Frlond Is at the Paxton. W. H. Beckwitb of Houston , Wyo. , Is at the Paxton. M. T , Jaqulth of Kearney was at the Paxton - ton yeiterday. W. Holers of Deadwood is at tbo Paxton , G. W. Fry of Springfield wns at the Ar cade last evening. Mrs. N. Koynolds and Mrs. U. H. May of Fremont are gueats at the Arcade. Thomas March of Crulghton Is loglstorod at the Arcado. P. L. Haworth of Ora is stopping at the Arcade. E. P. CnmpbolJ of ilrokon Bow is'a guest in the Arcade. C. M. Sanders of Frlond was at the Millard - lard ycuorday. U. Simpson of Doll Itaplds , S. D. , was a late arrival at tbo Mlllard. J. H. B. Scanlan , J. H. Litbrop nud J. H. Hamilton of Kearney are guests ut the Mil- laid. , A. Aliror of Falls. City Is at the Arcado. M , Yonuory of Central City was at the Arcade ynstorday. C. L. Spencer of Platte Center was at the Arcade yesterday. H. Blllmau of Nebraska City was at tbo Dollono last evouiug. DoWilt's Saraaparllla destroys such poi sons us scrofula , nklu disease , eczema , rheu matism. Its timely use save * many lives. A. Wo wish to maka a suggestion to porsous troubled with rheumatism. Try u few ap plications of Chanibbrlulu's Pain Balm. If that does not bring relief , dampen a piece of Itunnel with tbo Pain Balm and bind It on over the scat of pain. The , Ural application U almost euro to relieve tno pain aud by its continued use many sov'oro cases have boon permanently cured. GO coat bottles for bala by drugguu. _ _ Uocchmau's Pills euro billious and nervous Ills. _ Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren loathing euros wind colic , diarrhoea , olc. its cents a bottlo. When you got up in tbo morning with a tiwell-head , brinp ft to natural dimensions by taking Branycroilao. fPROM YEsTEIinAt1 * SECOND BIIITIOX.I ONCElN TlCHTEEN "YEARS Sessions of the Original High School Da- bating Olub Don't Oomo Often. ONE WAS HELD LAST NIGHT , HOWEVER Member * of tlin Once r.nrrcotlr Orgnnlm- tlon Itriinw Thrlr Youth Arotuiil the ltnniitct | llonnl .Somo nt tlio Oood Thing * Indulged In. For the first tlmo In eighteen years the High School Debating society of 1S72 mot ns n body Saturday ovonlntr. In the rooms of iho Omaha club , nnd devoted several hours to an elaborate banquet and the recollection and discussion of events of twenty years ago. Of the forty-four young men who were member ? of that society during tbo days of Its youthful activity , six have passed to the beyond , and of these still living the following sat down to the spread that wns ono of the features of the reunion : Alfred Mlllard , F. U. McConnell , W. A. Hcdlck , A. C. Waknloy , Charles L , Saundcrs , C. S. lluuttngton , Charles S. uoynolds , Charles H. Uedlck , Ralph B. Gaylord , E. W. Slmoral. A. Cahn , H. S. Hill , Marltn Calm. George M. O'Brlon , H. D. Eslabrook , John E.Vllbor , George W. Shields , Hon. John I. Hedick , nnd Hon. E. Uosewator. The latter gentleman is ono of the two honorary members of the society , the only other. Dr. Gcorgo L. Miller , bolng temporarily rily out of tbo city and therefore unable to bo present , The affair was ono ot the most thoroughly enjoyable little events that ever occurred In the city. The tables wore arranged In T shape and at the bead sat Toastmns- 'tor E.V. . Slmoral , supported on his right by Hon. E. Ilosowator and on the loft by Hon. John I. Ilodlclt. Several banks and bowls of rare out iloxvors added beauty to the richly laid tables , and the scene , with Its ploasnnt .surroundings , was well calculated to inspire the bursts of eloquence that so ilttingly supplemented the spread that graced that banquet board , Tto menu included wine courses , served with nil tt'o excellence nnd skill that the club's chef nnd a carefully trained corps of waiters could give It , Tiirnpil On the Oratory In Introducing Mr. Henry D. Estabrook , the first speaker of the evening , Mr. .Edward \V. Slmernl , Iho loastmaster , said. : In the lust twenty years many nnd great hungcs have taken pUce In our mlclBt. The I oys luivo liocoino men , and ns men wo huxe 'bid iisltlo the joys and pleasures of boyhood u : issiimu the oaros nnd responsibilities U ) manhood. Letters of ri'jfrct from benin of our members show thnt they : ire tonight with us In spirit. The roster. Is before you. .Each name will rovlvo a memory : the absentees urt > not a. tow , and alas. opposite sumo you will II ml ullfxcd the fatal Hstorlsk of death , hut of the bocloly proper thcie Is fully : \ ijuorum present. Nor can we forcel those who were our boyhood friends and are our guests tonight. We sen In them successful men , who by their energy nnd abil ity demonstrate to n moral I'orinlnty llio truth of the old adage that the bald heads ul- wii.vH sol to the front. Hut It Is not from mo Iliac you should hoar of our souloty. Onu has been selected to pros-out lluil subject of whom I may say as Daniel Webster did of Ihu emi nent Justice BtoroyVo know that ho Is UKly. but we feel that ho Is great , " Mr. Uunry D. Kslnbrook. lie Didn't Crib This. Mr. EstnbrooK , acknowledging a hearty welcome , sold , sneaking to "Our Society. " Sir. Toastmastor. and You , Grfm Spectres of the Pust : When I H tu n\o down' ' to excoi- ! tate n respoiiMi to the ; to , ml , ussl ned mo for tonight. It wns with the hUh.resolvi ) to tniikq the ulTort worthy ot this audluiico and this event. Hut soihetlmcs man proposoiiauiid i { mallgii Inlluunco opposes , nni ] dlTlV.ut Wen cuuld I body forth. Not that the subject wai unsucKestlve. On the contraryt It was too siiKKCstivc. Or over I was aware , four .lust rums spun thoiiibolvcs together ll ( > o tliu spokes In a rovolvlnr whaol , and tho'ovuntsof twenty ycvus , blurred nnd nebulous. Ho.ited Ilko u inlllty way auro-,1 the Uriuaincnt of memory. Through the hao and twlllzht of my rcvory ttiion-and-thcn llcht , would flush as from some bright parPculnr star , hut. Ilko I lie spuililes lu burnt paper. \toifliPwlnlc and blink und hiiddomy go out , le.iv- IMB mo to giopuas hopelessly as over. What was I to do ? Give It up nnd wait for an In spiration ? No. Ecad ! I would crib my spocch. us In days KOMO by. 1 had homctlmcs cribbed my essays out of the onuyclopcpla. Whereupon I proceeded to overhaul these long noslnoteu volume . 1 took down the letters nnd commenced 'to ' oxulore for the word "Society. " .Doubtless I would have found It had I not become absorbed In a profusely lllustr.itud article on thu subject of "hjnakpt , " written by somohody who know his business. I twus bettor than n jag jnst'to ! ook at the ploturcs. In ono short hour I acquired n theoretical knowledge of this Important snbjcet , which. 1 tiust , will keen me out of tlio Keeley Instltutu forever , Hubsooiiuntly I did Und this sfitnmont under the heading ' HoclctloV : "In tho.'r modern form learned and llternrv societies have their orleln In the iiuademios of the ro- nalssiince. " Hero was valuable Information. It evidently mcHnt us ; for If the renaissance. so far ns Omaha is contented , did not com mence twenty yours ago , when did It T should like to know ? Twenty years acol Think of It ! In these callow days wo did not pay $10 for a Biippur , for the allowance made us by our papas scarcely eijt.allcil that pur annum. Twenty yo.irs ! What an auo. cycle , dliitiirnlty Ic seems ! And yet I sue by the pi osram that there Is found amongst us H mnn bravo enough to answer to the tonst. The Old High School Girls. " If my friend Wakcloy Has .siilllclont diplomacy to extri cate lilm.selt from this predicament with d red It to himself I shuJl recommend him , to the p cbcnt administration us minister to Unhomhy. Some or those present have hccomn collegi ans , and belong to colleeo fratcrtiltlus , hut to the most of us here tonight thu Omaha HlKh s'hool Is the only alum milter , and the llljtli Hehool DuballiiK society the only school-day hrothorhood. And yet tbo twoworu not vitally related , for the ono still continues to Hourlsh while the other Is only a reminiscence. * Our society was thu onlsrowth of unusual and ton , porary conditions. It was not an organi sation calculate I to last , for It , too , distinctly rupiOhontod the personalities of Its membeis. Theretore the orminlzntlon itdolf disinteg rated wht'ii Us then mombord dlsnersed and Our first rnoetliiK was hold In the police court room , then located wlicro one of our number haw since erected n marlilo banking house. Why did we ohoosu this ; \a \ the iirnnii for our deli.'itcsV For the siilllclenf reason that It was the only pluco available. Hut w all lo.iinod onouKli in that old police court room to Keep out of 1 1 thereat ter.and It tld.pos- | sess the merit of belnc centrally located Our forenslo olHtrls. attracted attention. Kvery nU-ht there was an nudlcnce. Onu constunt visitor at this tlmo I part milnrly recall , lie was a tall , lank , pule , eurtolak'enous , Individ ual , \ \ alone ami Hoiil-mit alone , and sat patiently through our < lolborallpnc. | OMinlnu- after ovenlnx , but nuxer once that I rumemhcr spoke a slnclo wonl it > liny One of r.s. Thai Individual wnu John Ililnn' IIowo , then umlerKoIng his novitiate as a1 lawyer. and since bucoma one of the greatest and most otruUent of our logul lumlnurlus-aphorbud his abilities probably from us , After u time It Mas suu-gestod thiit'wetry and furnish u room In llui liasunu'nt of the High school bulldliv. . thot. recimliy com- pleteil , and I was up | > olnUd uhalrmnn of a committee to sol oil subscriptions from thu clll/uiia ot Omaha , tu pay thu uxpuutos. Well do I remember thu day when , on lower Fnrnam btruot , I taoklccl Kdnrnrd Urolghton of hlesbt'd nieinory. Hu smiled down on mo when I slated Iho ease und uald coed nalur- cdly , ' 'Ood blos thu boy s.-of course 1 will help them ! Hero is S-W , If you noud any more ju > t. let me know , " Dr , Oeoruu U Miller , John 1 , Kedlck. Hdward Hosowuter und others were cuually liberal and we were enabled to fur- M < A\ our room to the ( jueen'i taste , < IIU ranrKyrln oi | Vouth , Then wo were In position to make Itomo howl , and Homo howled ucrordliiKly. Hut 1 am not expected to Indulge In personal leinln- Isecnces , for I sou by thu lire that othurti are asslKned this pleuslnzdutr. I may , however - over , bo permitted to assert that never sluio .those days have I received nn Jiouor which cnuhud mo to ; low with such pride uud pl loas- u ro UK whan you oluuo me fur your prt'tldimt , Nor does the world contain an honor , the be stowal ot which could ktndlu nuuln that Hiimo foolliiK . of fnrvunt exultation ; for God hlnuulf can be tow no croutur boon thnn youth. Youth ! That coldon dawn of manhood , wh n thu vlritln soul Qazos , Tlmumas-llke , iiuros thu billows ot the future ; llml mellow a i\ . before the heart U turned lu Krlbtlu. nnd when Its teudril .clii p and clluii to theobjuct ut Its affection ; that Bwuet , ruxpoiislva nzo nhcn musio has power to bewlldur the eyes with unreasonable tours , before harmony bus beoonio an algebra of sound : that nl-contldHiiU | Hll-coulldlnz ugo wlien llfo la real and the proulom of ozlstonco docs not ruqulrn that God to make the Liimtlon | uapttbluuf solution : tint ulorlous. tumultuous me , wberr , benouth thu estelatod dome of iilpLl , porluj ; u\ua \ 1U rryptu ram of - - -f stars , great flToTTKhts , too vnsuo forut or.incp , nhako the brnln nnd domlnnlo t'le soul. Not I the world Is rh fieediny brnthan ; It Is xnr CNp.icliy tortijny It , The zesl nnd bloom are gone. uuriniiUiL'o | ; Is ovyr. ] Hut wo have mclnnco more to let memory kindle hope. Vet not all are hero. Home nro absent throiiEliAtresj of business : some , nliix , nru duad. lint , fivln ? or dead , thu nlxunt are nrcscnt with us bore Inspirit. And so. If you will rise nnd Wtnnd with me a moment on the threshold of.illi/s / mootinp , I will offer you thruo to ists : , . Hero's to IItWhbsentwhethernb cnt thrnugh clrcumftniico we iloath that nil clrcunutance , llrlnk ! llere'k to wdfity years ntro. that nr.ivo of hnyhood , whOie.6lio t Is memory. Drink ! And now , lujre's to twenty ye irs houcc , ihat cradle of amUltlon who ooraclolft-llupo. M ty wo all moot nhtM'to ' iiRnlu plnsp hands In fol- lowshtp. Orjb.lKJiund'iio ho'e'i'tiipsi A Tr'lb'llin in frof. Krllom. In responding to Iho tonst , Prof. Kollom , Judge George W. Shields said : At best there Is no royal rend to learning. Thu way Is lonir to most ot us , lonit and rough. Tbo moors are ( treaty and the woods nro dark , hut ho thai creeps from crudlo on lo grave unskilled ant u In tlio velvet course of fortune h ith missed .tho discipline of nobler hearts. And ho who 1ms been josl o I through Ibis world ns t have , wllh bleeding fool , feebly Htumblln-t over the stones of knowl edge hits partaken of the sympathy of such n man ns Kullom. will remember It mull the day ot his dmtth ns ono sweet oasis In the long desert of his early llfo. In inv school yenrj I had several teachers , some I loved and some I respected , forotliois I.have neither lovu nor leMieoil but for Mr , Kellom I hud loth , and BO I snpudsu it IIHS been with most ol us , I don't bollovo ho ever had n scholar , who Know him xvoll enough to form a fair Judgment , but Is firm In the opin ion that In him wns united nil thnt goes to maka up n miccossful teacher nnd the splendid man. In Iho whirl and din and bustoof ! the oillsldu world ho wns retiring. In the school room ho wns al homo atul In his element. I.carnad , log ical , cool , deliberate , kind , uud always charitable , bo wns n born Instructor. Ho lovoil learning for herself alone , 'lot for the cold she inlglil bring to him. Knowing of thu stones In the way , ho bought to make the io.ul un smooth us possible. Having loft Omaha just before the last high tide of population lo Iho uroal bulk of iho pooplnof today ho was unknown ; so that to the general Omaha public bis death was of no special moment. Deaths , vou know , are common : Ihu public board of It possibly , bul with no particular Interest , The newspapers In n four Una article stated Hint ho was ( lead , then lllo a llttlo'wutrlwlnd on u summer's day ho passed from thoc irolossslRhlforovur , Hut to those Who hud known him. who had felt the pressure of his hind , whoso wavering steps had boon seullod ; by the strungth and beauty of his character , that meager notice cut through thu heart Ilko nn arrow. Hut. though the public may have forgotten his dis interested soivlcos , HIM manliness and huh character , his kindly disposition , and his In tense patriotism , his memory Mill over ho green In the hearts of the bovs and girls that know him. Dcilvvd .Into History. In responding to "nomlnlsiconcos , " F.-od H. McConnell , , the society historian , said thnt ho would supplement the rornnrus of Judgo'Shlolds by.statiiic that ho looked on no ucl of his whllp a member of Iho school board with greater pleasure than when ho secured Tor oho.ot the school buildings of tho6ity the name of'the friend who hud gone boforo. In nfuwduys tall ( Mr , MuConnoll ] It will bo nly plu.lsnroto prosdntto Iho school board and city ot OinnliU In behalf o' Mrs Kollom u silken Hag that aliail forever llont. not only ns u reminder or hH urorkin our public schools , but ns a token of his unswerving devotion lo tbo InsUtutlons.of-thls government. Looking baeU to thouarly d ys of our so- clely wo 'liidllltlb to rogrel nnd much lo warmly regard Siad cherish. Thu friendships than formed will lust through llfo. Our > < > - clolv ttas nit earnest ono and In many InslancOilJii-rved merely as an In itiation Into broader spheres of usefulness. Our llrsl mootfiis' was In Judge Estaorbok's ofllcentSlxte'olHtt'iinil Oiss troots , and there , was formed ottr/j IjliHomnthcan soolory. Wo then felt icsponslmlltles that soluo of us have escaped from flnco. We illscnssed " "The Im- jnorlallty of tUd.'c ' oul" nnd .kindled topics. [ And Iho hponrtcfijtihcn retorrad to nu oration of Henry 1) . Estaurool ; then delivered on "The Relative iWltAurot'I'tilpIt and Stave with Koforoiluo toSptJJfty.1 ] "Then wo rrtoVed toVroom in the Olildvvell block , uud later to the police courl room , nn 1 thence to Ihu Uijrh school. When I look Ht our mumbers present , * tonight 1 am led to think Mi at our clasacfy-stallized Into a lot of brlzbt ana Iwvjjjrs.t' , , ' s " The slatouientiwus 'pardonable , because of , ull. the spoakeKi p'n tup program , ' Mr. „ tvli- J pnnjcll waijj pe oj'ijyj9uo ' who \vusiiqfu limb' of the law. i , . . , ! , J „ . Thu pc.ikor referred , to the hard , pul't ( hat jfiany of the members Jind whop Uioy gtjirtod .as poor toys , anujnai'y of thca vercy , not then , auouuluKjth9 ( , Ulch. . school. Sovornl Interesting and , ajnuslug .incidents were re lated. "The rjbuto-tbot'I willpay to'our society , " concluded the speaker ! "is that out of the entire list'p'f . .members on the rolls to- ni/jhCthoio Js , ubt..onq .ugutnst whom wo would wish to make n mark ol disapproval. Mv toast is 'The Old Members , ' ' , " ' and they all drunk it standing. Judge Jtedlck Knows , "Our Friends of 187J. " was the toast ns- sigtie.1 Hon. J. 1. Hodielf , who said that bo regarded friendship and love as full first cousins , with possibly moro gushing in the case of the latter , but It didn't last as lone ns the other. True , disinterested friendship Is XT hat I moan , [ be said ] not that which h is Into test coupons attached. Fmean the kind lhat will sit up nights u Ith you when you are s ck and sign H note and > pay U If necessary , II Is purer thnn love , for thai always moro or less of base nlloy. All came hero poor ns young men nud lu a country such as txobnis- ka WHS twenty years ace , working In u com mon Interest , friendship makes eloser friends than in more densely populated sections. \\o are enjoined to love our wives un I chil dren , but forbidden to love those of other men , anil In this sin to If that injunction is violated II onuses ti eoolne-s between the iwo families , it Is not so with friendship , nnd I want to say the o friendships formed years ago will never bo broken off us long as wo live. [ Crlosof "Novor."l Keep , on boys , as you have begun , and you will DO the load ers In all branches of our political and social llfo. llfo.Uicbard Uicbard S. Hall was booked lo sponk on "Our Struggles , " and ho did so to the queen's lasIc , taking as his taxt Emerson's statement to the effect thnt "Tho anvil lasts longer than the hammer , " nnd Car lisle's "idea that "It is hammer ing that makes solid. " Hu told several storis for the delectation of the select gathering and concluded with the luought lhat no man accomplishes much without sufferings nud struggles. "But , boys , " ho said , "you will always re main boys to mo , though the careless , bois terous boys of these days have become the careful , conservative men of today. Wives have tdkon Iholr places beside us nnd chil dren cluster ns our kneo. Wo are boys lo oursolvin only ia.inomory. Slrlvo lo bo'con tented with what you have , and don't ' lot the rubh of business loosen these old ties " Then overvoody drniik to "Tho Bulldog of the Omaha Bar Pick Hall. " Charles ! { , Kedlult wni assigned to "Our Boys , " und ho protected mildly because of his lack of experience , as ho bad none of bis own , but bo told n number of stories In his own Inimitable way and was allowed to escape - capo alive. ' ' OnrVriim'il'filrt I'ncndn. l Jft * Arthur C. Wayplov , Esq. , responded to the toast , "OurSohpafjGlrl Friends , " inoltston Ihe program. Im effort was a brilliant ono and wus warmly approcialod. He said in substance : _ - I presume yoBliRvo aa-dgned mo the last place un iho lIst-lHt'unso you Imvo decided tlmt In the loiuifulJuryof plcturui which nave buun plncud loiughl upon ihu walls of mum- ory , thu picture ( mould comu lust. Just as. In thu order ot crfnllpn , Oed having oiu neil nil things olsu. maiju woman last uu tbo most per fect und Ihu enifVil of all , [ Appl.uisu.l II ere than tw-Jrilty years hnvu passed gtnco wo of this bamiwot/board mingled our joytt und shared our , sorrows with our school girl frionda. To usrrjnjy were ustr.uiEe , myster ious Lflng. droi'rU frohi space Into our lives ; ouch ono "afiplendlcl ant-el , newly dressed , iiivu wines forJUuivon , " ) Vui > ou thorn now in yonder hlsh school room , the Houthcast cor- norx > f Dlann'H ttiMpw. Others slncn then have climbed ynndertollM > thern. usno , have pulled ut the teats of lcurnlng. ; Others havosnl In thubulf-samu Koats. Hut thoiii bo thu school Slrl frlondn of olburs. Our school girl friends helped us in lUbt : Ihu llrst tire upon this hearth of leurnln : , ( ientlu blood being theirs by rliMilof Inheritance , they were the falrost ( lowers of Oiaabu. filrihood always coiiblderod frownnti away unconsciously Iho barbarltleH nf boyhood , and binoothcd the sharp edges ot our strife. \Vhut wonder then tliatglrt with tblscharmed circle uf the llourlt.molted by their smiles , insplroil by thulr talent * , yloldlmc to tbclr pntunt Intltionco , hloim was turned to culm , iilKhl to day , the lruiody of school to ft kuloldoscoploiuelodrainu , and the widu onrth Haunted the gain ribbons of a perpetual holi day. Knight orrjnt.t n wu were , wu shat tered many a lance for hoauiy'n favor. I'or wo loved thuuo sohool- clrl friends. And , Mr , ToiutmaHlcr , to upoak frunklv , I didn't let "concealment , like n win m wllhln iho bud , fucd on my d.uu- ask cheek , " hut told them of my love. And rlKht hero U where I mu t hayti inudo B Kruat iiiUtuko. I'or when I soin tliu bamjufl hoard , when 1 t > eu athersi here , wbosu maglo sylluhli n transmutfcd our nchooI-gLrl friend * lo llfu compunloui. ivuunot Iw.y but tlilnk , 10 "iny case , 'how poorly o onncnco of words trans lated the love ot ( marts liho mine. " chool-Rlrls then , thov wore for us n Rar- Hind , Kicwn Rreener nltli the circling ytiHr-i. Mnldons tlieti , mothers now , the flowers thojr Dlnneil upon us were forifot-mc-nols. Theiii s r. upon this festal ovcnlns lot in trcnsurii these mrmorle' . Yes , lot us hoard them with inNcr's clutch. If wo do this , our school days SUM shall net IT sot nnd dnrktieis shnll never cloud the shining facoofdny. Miimmon slmll never crowd awny Mlnervn , and Immortelles us ureou and fr.iRMhlasof yora will strew the path of llfo. Then glto us back Ihcso laiiRbln ? school boy days , with their Infinity ot joy and minimum of woo : lint let them not return unle they hrlni { with them , thosu wo prlru moro Hi an all our school girl friends. ttHI is It tlmt we loiter in those Alhambra bulls ot memory ! Wo.I Is It thai o roadorn thcso pictures of the Ions a401 Lot us st-iv thc-so iccreati-il memories , ( | iilvi > rliig lit fantastic and prismatic lines totiUbl upon Iho gcor- 15COHS convex of life's bubble nnd by the subtle alchemy of love lot us frcore thorn there tor ever mure. IK Still mi Honorary Member. Mr. Hodlck Insisted on hearing from Mr. Hosowator , to whoso onercyand ability as an editor bo paid a brilliant tribute , nnd : n re sponse to the call that wont up from nil nrojnd the board , Mr. Hosowatur stated that bo didn't HKO lo get out n Sunday supple ment nt IS o'clooK nt night. Ho was very numerously assured that it wn not quite 12 o'clock , nnd iho speaker continued by saying lhat ho xvas proud to sav that ho was nn honorary member of the society and proud In recalling the fact that the society bait a struggle , conflict nnd contest" over his admission , the question belli ? tbo admission of a person of so lltllo Importance as ho was , or at ho was regarded In the community at thnt tlmo. Ho nnld ha would have to talk seriously , and referred to Iho days when Tin : Br.i : was started to carry on a tight for n free school system in Omaha and n hijth school open to all boys and girls without price. The idea of such an institution originated with n man now dead , George \Vnsiiluglon \ Frost , and in ISti'J ino logislaiuro passed an act grunting the possession nnd'conlrol of Capitol square ns grounds for an Institution of learning. It was not a hlch school , but a college designed lo ba kept up by sub scriptions and money paid lu for tultiuu. The legislature authorized the collection of nil court lines to remodel and repair the building , and the speaker told of his objec tions , then urged having a school apart from the public school system of the cily. Frost , however , cot his bill ibrougb. 'and iho sneaker devoted throe weeks to a bill to abolish the regents and give the school board the manugomo'it of Ibo institution. The bill contained flfly-lhroo sections , and Judge Briggs dovotcd sumo tlmo to it to find a point on which to attack It , bul only found Iwowoak linos. It was ut this time ihntTiiR SDK was started to carry on the free public school fight. Mr. HOMO water had suggested the name for Ibo sheet as "Punchinello , " and that head line was already in typo when his associate , Harry Gerald , suggested that the journalistic venture might become n regular paper and thought it ought to have a differ ent name. Ho suggested Iho nntno by which the s.hoot ihus born has boon Known for twenty years , nnd It was Ihus that Tin : BKR was born. The speaker said that his education In school ended when ho was lit yours of ago , though inior ho had Ihroo months' schooling in n business college. "Bul , " said Iho speaker , "tho boys of today must bo better equipped for tbo baitlo of life than the boys of yesterday. The education of twenty years ago was all right for the boys o'f twenty years ago , but it won't do for the boys or tdday. " They Drunk Ills IlcnUli. Mr Uedick proposed the health of "Tho father of ibis whole outfit , Mr. Rosewater - water ho is our friend and has been for twonly yours. " He said Iho lime was when ho did not like Hose water or his paper , but ho had changed his mind and was "for Kosowalor first , last and nil the lituo , by Iho grace of God. " The toast was drunk enthusiastically. Prof. Ralph Gaylord was called far , and spoke of his connection with the high school as teacher for two yours nearly two decades ago ) ITS ItKST Athletic Club Knjoyrd u ( iood Program of Alunly hpnrts. i t The best athletic onlortainmcnt over put "up by the Onialm Athletic club -was given Inst uight at the club house , and was wit nessed by about 400 interested members. President Ames acted ns master of cere monies and opened the ovcnmc's entertain ment by announcing Iho program. A wrestling match between J. H. Galatin fof Carroll , la. , nnd Thomas Harschman of Weeping Wnlor was Iho first affair. This was very interosilng , besides being some- Ihing uow lo the clab alhlelos , Grlatln did good work and came out an easy winner , though Harachman cot in a couple of very prolly neck calchos which nearly resulted In "a fall. Jim Hitrhtowerand William Godso , ono of bis pupils , gave a four round boxing exhibi tion lor sciontiBo points. This liiilo by-pluy belweeti toucher und pupil was greatly en- jbved bv the lovers of the nrt. The closing event was an eight-round plovo contest between Sherry , of local , fnmo and Jnmes Harris of Chicago. John T. Evans acted as referee. Both men played oven nearly every round , and gave the spcctalors a peed exhibition. When time was called Sherry had a little the bast of the gatno , but the bout was called n draw. AnlilliK'T Won Klrst. NKW YOIIK , March IS. At the close of iho bicycle race tonight the final score was as follows ! ) : Miles. Laps. AshliiRCr i.iiiB 7 Lamb I.OJ3 7 Martin l.rtSJ 0 ItoadliiK LOSS 5 Ijiuiisdeti 030 2 Schouh 'JIO 1 Mise U4J 1 Thus the first pri/o of $1,000 will go to Ashingor , second $500 to Lamb , third $ ; i. > 0 to Martin , fourth fJ50 10 Heading , llfth $150 lo Lumsden , slxlh $125 lo ScbocK ana seventh SIDO lo Slago. The tlnUh was an ex- ctltng ono. The spurting commenced al 10:20 : and tbo pace was a fast one. Tied again , Martin and Heading essayed to lead , but Ashlneer und Lamb would not lot them , Asblitgor finished iwo fool ahead of Lamb , urald croat choerinir. Lamb wns six feet ahead of Martin and the ivst were some dis- tauco behind. HUHO Hall Nodifl. Louisvn.i.K , Ky. , March 12. Tlio directors of tno Louisville base ball club met todav and decided that they would make no fur ther , effort to secure Pfoffor. CINCIXXAII , O. , March 12. Manager Pow ers of the Nov. * York base ball club was hero today , Ho bus signed "Hoddy" Muck to olay second base in the Now Yorl < club. Ordered the Property Destroyed , SIOD.V FAI.I.S , S. D , , March 13 , Judge AlKous Ibis afternoon decided Iho ca < o of the stale against tbo Sioux Falls Brewing coin- puny adversely lo Iho defendants. Ho declares lhat tbo brewery is a common nuisance nnd aiders the personal property , to the value of $10,009 , destroyed and iho building closed for onp year. Ho has gratilcd a stay of judg ment for sixty days. The defendants will appeal and will resist In uvory legal way the destruction of their property. Stork fur tlio Indian * , LuaK , Wyo. , March 12 , [ Special to THE BBB.J Duitlott Ulctmrds , president of the First. National bunk of Chadron , Nub. , has been awarded the contract for furnishing the government with U.500 milk rows and -100 uuili. The amount of the contract Is f JWxHJ. ( The stock ia to bo distributed among the Indians of the western agencies. .SteamIT Airltalh. At Bromorhaven The Travo , from Now York. At Now York The City of Berlin , from Liverpool , At lirow Head Passed ; Tbo Carthage , from Baltimore ; the Auruiiian , for Liver pool , Al Swansea Sailed : The Massaohusotls , for Baltimore She has a cargo of 4bl)0 ) Ions of Un plain. At the Ll/.ard 1'asjod : The Champagne , from Now York for Havre. / /inau.v.ifc i'.iitsHintrim. Mtts A. Dunham has returned from the oast. oast.Mi Mi s F. M , Hchailoll has returned trom tbo oast. oast.Miss Miss Alioa Isaac * has gene to Now York city on u business trip. Mr. K , M , George nnd son of York wore in ibo city yesterday uud paid a shoit visit tu Tun JlsK All Europa ia Now Honeycombed by tlio Various Anarchistic Organizations. EMPEROR WILLIAM'S ' PERSONAL DANGER lln Unit n Very llo ! o ( 'nll Nonr the llrnnd. oiiburR tlntr-A Sr < T < t of the Her- lln Itluts Tlir .situation In lluropo , irV > p/ | f0Mftlliilcim ! | / Onnlin HewiffU PAHIS , March 12. [ Now York HeraldCablo Special to TUB BIK : , ] The explosion Which took place last night at M. Bonolt's residence at 130 boulevard St , Germain Is much more serious thnn was nt llrst sup posed. The Binlrraso was completely de stroyed , iho windows , mirrors ana pictures in several rooms were itmtternd , nnd ono of the servants , namoi ! Isadoro , was wounded by some broken glasn , not by the dynamite. All this by way of avoiding the exaggera tion , which tinges Iho accounts ot the air current In Paris. Nono-tho-loss , the incident Is serious. Evidently the dynamite was introduced Into the house of M. Uonolt by anarchists to avenge ono of the tenants. M. Bonoit Is thu coun cillors of the court of appeal who presided nt the trial in Paris of Iho anarchists ar rested on May I , lust year. Ho returned two days ago from Hhotrns , where ho had boon presiding nt another trial. It scorns to bo n fact thnt the anarchists have opened a campaign against all whom they have special grievances against. They have u constuorablo quantity of dynamite lii their possession , although when they searched the residences of ihu anarchist loaders the police found none. M. Lozoo , prefect of police , keopi cool and attributes the explosion to nn accident. But the agents of thu prefecture are loss at ihoir oaso. According to onoof these ofllclals the coming 1st of May will bo disquieting. Onuses ( ieuoriil Worry. Strict precautionary orders have boon Is sued , nnd the police in sovorul countries will take stops lu common to guard axalnsl outbroaUs. Tbo Idea of calling nn Inter national congress has , however , boon aban doned , as it would have been useless , Spain Is the country about which most alarm is felt. It is moro sapped by the an archists than people thought , and fresh out rages occur daily. At Valencia nn attempt has been mndo to blow up a caurcn. At Barcelona another attempt has boon maao to destroy the German consulate , nnd the police only arrested the ciimlnnls as they were about to place iho bomb in position. Throe hundred and nineteen atiarchUts have been uuonrihod and arrested nl Jerez within tiio past weak. But all iho energy of the authorities seems ineffectual. As fast as they are broken up the anarchisls form now societies under the very tioso of the police. So many people are suspected that there would bo no end to the arrests If all the supposed malcontents were captured. The anarchists' propaganda nt Vallndolld is made publicly. Anarchist del egates ore travelling all through the sur rounding lowns and villages slirrlng up dis order. Simitar events ore happening in Malaga. If all the Spanish anarchists were in accord wo might suppose that the mon archy wore lost. Happily , in Spain the an archisls are at loggerheads with each olbor , and on May 1 , instead of D revolution , wo shall only have scattered risings of more or less insignificance. VOIIIIR Illooil Is Hot. The Gorman socialist movement &eems to bo taking u now turn. In Berlin , at all events , the young socialists are breaking away from the mass of the party as thov find thai Bobol and Liobknccht are too slow in their methods. The secessionists ore pi cach ing riots and holding public meetings every night , at which Ihoy prolest against their loaders nnd pass motions almost as hostile and injurious to Licbkncchtas the supporters of the government could imagine. It is this secessionist olonmnt in the socialist parly which onuses the street outbreaks nnd which is responsible for the riols which gave the courts so much trouble last month. On Iho second day of Ihe Berlin rioting it scorns the empress wus so much alarmed that preparations for her flight witu her children were begun at tbo schloss. These feurj have not yet beo'i allayed. At the last utato ball in Ihu schloss the troops wnich surrounded the building hud orders to clear the neighborhood by locui at the llrst sign of a rising. The emperor , who has boon moro gravely indisposed for the past two days than is sup posed for ho has boon unable to do any work was not alarmed by the riots. But ho tai < cs a gloomy vlow of Iho future and talks constantly of adopting "Iron measures. " William Was In Imminent Danger. Major Hulson , the Imperial aide-do-camp , who escorted the emperor In the Thiorgarton on the day when ho was booted und insulted by tbo mob , says lhat William kept calm throughout , tbo adventure , bul looked deathly pale. Near the Brundonburg pate Ihe crowd pressed the sovereign so hard lhat ho put his hand to his sword as though ho would havn drawn it. Major Ilulson ut once spurred bis borso forward and exclaimed : "Abormajos- lul ito ! " in n warning tone. The emperor look iho hint and his sword was not un sheathed , Had ho yielded to his first Impulse tbo anger of tbo mob might have resulted in tiorious trouble und caused tremendous misfortune - fortune , in their mood at the tlmo the pee pla would hayo respected nothing. Tins incident has been kept secret till now. Connecting the affair with the explosion in Paris and tbo disturbance in Spain , wo may ace Byinptous of n disquieting i.ocnl Mluu- lion in Europe. Some think that as tboy may lead to International measures of defense - fonso these recent occurrences will prevent war. Others are of opinion that ttio litUo emperor will declare war in order lo escape from iho dangers which ibronlcn him at home. The future will decide which view is correct. In any case the outlook in Europe is dark nnd statesmen nnd business men nliko are anxious. This Settle * the OiiDlnli AllUlr. The emperor has removed the t > cjuostra- lion which has existed on the property of tbo //on/ ; out for counterfeits. Imi tations , und sub stitutes , repre sented /6111IIIIC ) , but bold ut lota tli nil ruKUlur prices liy dcalcra In niwlleines not authorial to fcell Ir. Pkrco'aoiu ( - inc medicines. To guard ngalast fraud and imposition , tlio nmkiTii of lr ) , I'icrou'ti Rbiiuino medicines now t > ell their world-fmuod icmedios only through druggists , authorized IM agents , mid under n jmsitive yuarantcn of Ixmellt or ' cuio.or money refunded. 'Authorized agents onlii cnu , under Ihebo i cgululions , funiibh Ir ) , PJerco'u ynmine medicines , which always Iwo buen. uro , and ol\uiya will Ui , bold ut tin following prices : Dr. Viercu'a ' Golden Medical Discovery ( the remedy for ull diseases arising from impure blood ) , { 1.00 iMir liottln. Dr. I'lercoV Favorite Iptlon ( the remedy for woman's chronic weaknesses arid denaikementfi ) . 81.00 per lx > t- tK Dr. rierco's I'leusaut IVllots ( tbo origi nal llttlo Liver I'ilU. ) . 'J5 cents per vial. . Hut they're the cuuaix t mtxllcincb oold , bwu'OA-j you jiny wily for iLo good ycu got. King of Hanover since 1SOO , nnd It was nn nounrod In the liclolmnglger this evening. This announcement li followed by n letter from thodukoof Cumberland , acknowledg ing the omplro , and the emperor In the strongest possible terms , and declaring that ho will discourage nuy enterprise directed nnltut the emperor or the Prussian &tnto. By the renunciation iho last protest ngnliut the klngJom created In 1SCO Is removed , nnd the motet ot Bismarck thnt might makes right U once moro conllrmod , 'iho approbation of the Guclph party to the sottlomout It assured nnd elements tor along time estranged are once moro harmonious In the omplro. The duke of Cumberland will receive 00,1,00.000 marks In silver , the treasure of the king ot Hanover and the chateau of Hcldoshauson , constituting the Guclph fund , formerly used by the Prussian government for secret ser vice purposes. The coutlscntlon In 1800 was a blot on civilization , and wu must congratu late the Gorman government on having dona nwny with the blot , but the dtiko of Cumberland - borland musl bo pitied lor so Inciting dlgnlly as lo renounce In this way Ins rights to the throne of his ancestors. U'Utnlllo wns today elected a member of the Acndomlo dos Beaux Arts by ! W votes. Cnrolua Uurnti , the opposition candidate , received only 1 ! ) . The emperor of Germany Is still sick. Can't Keep Ihu Hug Doun , American pork wni once moro brought N before the Chamber today. M. Felix Fauro , deputy for I lav 10 , asked leave to tntorpollnto the minister of ngrluulluro ns to the treat ment of American moots , which , after having boon subjected to a microscopic inspection at Havre , are dcslro.vod it Iht'Ir are found to bo affected by trlnchlnosls. The American importers pretest against this method , saying thnt though the government has n perfect right to refuse the eutry of dlsuasod moat , U has no richt to destroy It. The debate on thosubjoclhns boon llxod for Tuesday noxl. The government will not yield. H assorts that the public health is of paramount im portance. The tribunals today proclaimed the bank- ruplcy of M. do Lorolnty , the senator. M. de Lerolnly Is a forvenl royallsl. Ho Is well Known by hU bravo conduct in the war and by his duel with Boulnngor , which prow out of the affair of the duo d'Aumnlo letters. Ho is the very type of honor and of gallantry Ho has kept iho general sympathy in his mis fortune , which is duo to no fault of his own , but to tbo ruin of sugar plantations in the Island of Martinique. The deficit which bo llnds himself unable to pay amounts to 50,000 francs , nnd his wife and son , whoso personal assets are us tliu a ted nl ever UO.OOJ- 000 francs , refuse lo holphlm. This I.oolis Ominous. Nol wilhout amazement , the French gov ernment has learned thnt the grand Gorman mntiauuvres will this year lake plnco near Motz , lu the presence of Kmperor William As the frontier is opened nnd the French nnd Gorman territories are liable to bo easily mistaken , It would huvo been moro courteous not lo choose Ibis dislriot f6r the manoeuvres. Dispatches from Belgium announce thnt Iho explosion In Iho mines at Andnrlucs near Uhurleroi has surpassed all bollpf In horror. The mines nro still burning , and it is im possible to oxlrlcata the victims. Fears oiu entertained lost the flumes should reach the adjoining mines. Immense damage has boon done , and at least 300 lives are Relieved to have been lost. JACQUES ST. CBHK. Misses ( ircaturax'H Pictures. [ Copurlghtftl/Wo/ ; * Oimton llennett. } PAKIS , March la. [ Now YorkiHorald Coble Special to Tun BriU. I Ml s Kathleen Groatorox , an American artist , sands to tlio salon a water color entitled "Carnival , " representing a young girl-aC * * tahlivcovered with glasses and llowor-i. Miss Elanoru Groatorox also'sonds a water color and a small portrait of n young uifln sittluc in u boat among roods and water plains rending. Those and other works of Iho Misses Grcalorex were viewed Ihis afternoon at their studio in the Avenue do L'Allna by a laigo number of the colony. Hln Appointment Stlckd , [ Copj/rio/llfd / / IKI1 liu Jilin'1 G > i-d lit Itcilill'l ] HOME , March 12. [ Now York .Herald Coble Suecial to Tun Bci.l : I have interviewed a high dignitary of the propaganda concern ing Iho appointment of Huv. father Alrx Donald ns bishop of Brooklyn , which is pro bably already known lu Now York , as It waa communicated to Archbishop Corrlguu two weeks ago. The pope ran only rocognuo the candidates submitted by Iho archbishop and must Ignore the priests nii'l the appointment will bo maintained in spitn ot all the opposi lion of Iho clergy of the diocoso. < : it I/ens' Tlcliet In till ! Kli-ld. NRIIHASKA CITV , Nob. , March 12. iSpecinl Telegram to TUB BISK. ] The citizens' con vention was hold at the court house lust nifthl according lo call and a full llckul pul up for Iho approaching city election. That Tired Feeling Is n dangerous condition dim directly to de pleted or Impure blood. U should not ho allowed to continue , as In Its debility the system Is especially liable to seiimis attacks of Illness. U Is icmaikabli ) how Hood's B.iisnpaillliU : In this um-nntlngsUte. Possessing Jtisl thosu ele Hood's ments which the system Sarsaparilla needs niul icmllly scl/cs , this incillclno puilflcs the rilla blood , niul Imparts n feeling of serene .strength which Is couifoitlng and sathfjlnu' . Hood's Sarsap.irill.i If thu bust remedy for that weakness \Milcli pic vails at clinnge of season , cllni.ilo or life. "I hi\o been coiivlncrd Hood's H.II Miipai III.V Is ono of tlio greatest ini'dltho elnos In tlxioild , 1 .say this for the benont of all other tired out , urn down , hinl-\\oiklnn : women. Hooil'tf Sarsap.nlll.i Is imt onlj ox- ccllunl us u blood purifier , hut for ( ill oilier femalu roini'laints , even If of loliKHLiiidliig. " r , NoiIlivlllol'.OMlch. Hood's Sarsaparilla i , ? l ; " liv ( ! . I. IIOOD.t CO. , A | > uthec.irleii , Lowell , M.ns , IOO DOBOB Ono Dollar AMUSEMENTS. NbW I ( let aOood THEATRE ( " " ' ' - Ka > ontconth nnd Jlfiriior Hlrmiti. T11 SUNDAY , MARCH 13 thu Young American Km. GORM TMNNER Under Ihu miinu einenl of Col.V. . II. hum I'lusuiitliii. for the llrit time hero ( 'Union htuitrl'n lllKhlv riutvcjurul I' I ay , WILL SHE DIVORCE HIM ? AuiUlud by u Oanifully Huluctod ( 'ompuny of Pluyois from llroolyn | Park TliOaini. The ( .ToUiut success hoyoiid a doubt of Cora Jaimer'u many uohluvumntits ; Thu Mulu of BcalH will ouuu rialurdny morn- nx ut regular prices. Fa'rnam St. Ol'Uf.Alt . Jheatar I'lUODH 'our nlfhtH. commencing Hnnday nmtlnoe , March M. JAMT.S 11. WAM.AOIJ , In two ureal pluys , Sunday matinee am ) nl ht and Monday nltfht TIN : H.t.Mtir KINIJ. " night , Wi ln < - day matlniu nd nlulit. niK'ATTI.I : K ir. ;