Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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i Tiitr * iiiniM Tn
Everything on tba Board was Weak and
Lower Yesterday ,
Otlin it < M of tlio ( lovrrniiipnt drop Itrpnrt
8lio liiK I.nrgo Supplies of Crrrnis la
the IlnniM of riirinrrn Had
it llrnrlnh r.lfect.
CniCAfio , lll. March H. Everything on tlio
board was wcik : nnd lower today nntl wheat
touched tlio lowest point yet recorded to lust
f cur's crop. A coupto of duys ngo tlio Muy
tuturo went down to87o. ! tholowostllijiiro up
to that time , Tuesday It struolt bsUc. Tlio
government osllmato Issued yesterday nftor-
noon , nftor the close of the board , showing
extremely heavy reserves of wheat and corn
still In farmcr.H1 hands , had a hcarish olTcct oh
these cereals und hog products were nffoctcd
tympathotlcully ; bulthochlorbciirlsh f oat tire
wai u report that the iititl-option bill In con
gress would come un for action on .Monday.
In addition to this the weather gave promise
of decided improvement , thereby rendering
the situation In the winter wheat country loss
perilous nnd cables were weaker , showing
that foreigners put boarl h Interpretation
on thn government estimate. More
over Now York lind heavy Rolling
orders at the start and Lector hold fully
1,000.00 tin. for that account within the llrst
hour. With the brculr there \\nfisonio free
covering liy shoits and all the hard spots
short sellers were Rolling out all they could
nnd the loops wore unloaded. I'ururldgo
drove 11 good deal of short whciat around Mo
but was a c-iioroiis seller at 8S'c and above.
May opened at. ! io lower ut hSlic , fluctuated
for a tlmo but wont to S8c , when the selling
became morn urgent during the lust hou" and
the prlco tcmehcd STUv , was nervous and Ir-
rcgulur near the close but closed steady at
Corn was very weak. Tn addition to the depressing -
pressing Inlluonco of the government cstl-
matu futuies In Mvorpool were ! id lower and
holders sold vlgorounly. It opened Ucoff but
the market was slok from the st i rt , declining
throughout the session till uoar the close ,
when It reacted a point and closoJ with a toss
Oat's were active , but were In sympathy with
the break In wheat and corn and closed with
a loss of He.
Hog product * opened rather strong on nc-
couot of the light icrolpts of and higher
prices for ho s , but the weakness ID grains
und F.OIIIO heavy selling by lenis ( caused a do- '
cllne till near the close , when there was a
slight reaction. Pork shows u loss of 17'io
conip"rod with yesterday. Lard Is 5o lower
and ribs are oir a like amount.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 140
cars ; corn , ! KJ ! cam oats , 135 cars ; hogs , 11,000
The loading futures rtiniocl as follows :
Cnuli quotations were as follows :
I'l.oim Weaker ; not ijnotably lowor.
WHEAT No. 2 sprln : who.iU" 854o ; ; No.
0 t > prlng wheat , 87o ; No. 2 rod. IKle.
Cons' Weak ; No. . ' ' . L08u : Na 3 yellow. 40c.
OATB No. 2 , 29c : No. 2 white. 3143.yc ! ! :
Iso. 3 white , 3332c.
Hvn-No. 2.82We.
IIAIILEV No. 2. 5Gc ; No. 3 , 4038c ; No. 4 , 37
FIAXSEED No. 1 , 97',5@OSc.
TIMOTIIV Sl'.ttD-Prline. J1.20.
PoitK Mess pork , per bbl. , J10.70iJMO.721 , } ;
lard , per rwt. , fO.Mii ; short ribs sides
( loose ) , l5.7.'i5.77M ; dry salted shouldnrs
( boxed ) , $4.75 ( 5.50 ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) ,
WIIISKV Distillers' tinlshcd goods , per gal.
(1.13 *
Itecolpts und shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market quoted : fancy creamery.TfftL'.Hic ;
line western. "fl'o ; ordinary , ' . ' ( xa'-'le : so-
lei-ted dairy , 2a < 32itc ; ordinary , 2i(3-Jlc. ) ( ESSS ,
OIIKESE Firm ; all kinds , Uffil2o.
HIDES UnchuiiRcd.
TALLOW Unchanged.
Now York Markets.
NEW YOIIK , March 11. Kt.ouit Receipts , 3-
iai pkgs ; exports | 8m : bbls , C.U04 sacks :
Heavy fxat'e lower ; sales. 22,25) ) sacks ; low
extra , } ; i.l.VZ l.7. > ; winter wheat low grades ,
fj.lici.75 : ; f.ilr to fancy , ! > j p.itentb ,
tl.40W > .15 ; Minncauolls clear , JI.45 ; rye mix
tures , M.lioiai.TO.
Cons MHAI < Dull ,
WHEAT Hecolpts. oiusa bu. ; exports , 140.374
hu. ; sales , 2,20JOutbn. ) of futures ; 131,000 bu. of
spot. Spot unsettled , dull and lower ;
No. 2 reil , $1.0.i ! ! < aiU.I In store and elevator ;
ri.tilijiitl.04 alloat ; JI.OI f. o. b. ; No. a
rod , ( Wu ; ungraded red. U24C < 31.05VJ ;
No. I northern. * f. lil.02.i : No. 1 hard , gl.'ja.'s
Wl.OJ'i ; No. 2 northein , UU ; > ' ® n7T80. Options
declined 'IK ® liu ! on foruiKn nollliiK. caster ea-
hlcR. hotter weather ; advanced ! ! ® Ko on
shorts covering ; closing steadv at 1H
fSIio under ycutorday. No. 3 rod. March
M.ou Gil.oi ? , ; . closing at ! 1.CO(5 ( : April , il.uu'i
© 1.0I , closlns ut 1.00i ; May , OD c , closing at
Wif ! June. U7iaaUv.losing tvt 97J5c : July.
W ? < 397 ! coloilng at fifliio ; August , UlS'JIiJc ,
closing at 94 > ic.
ItVE Dull and wo ik ; western , DimiOOc.
llAiu.r.v Dull , uut steady ; No,2 Milwaukee ,
llAiti-EV MALT Dull ; 60c ; Canada countrv
made. HTic.
( JOHN Uocolpts. iocr.425 bu. ; exports , 103,851) )
tin. ; sales , l.uiu.iwo bu. futures ; I'.iS.yjo ' bu hpin.
Bpot innrkct elouor and moderately active ;
No.2. 48yIOo In elevator : 4t > , c ® Mc alloat ;
ungraded mixed , 4S'.i < ii514u ! ; No. 3 , ; : tic ;
itoumor mixed , 4au < QiiOc. Uptlons showed ? i
JUo decllno and closed weak with wheat aud
longs bolllnc. Marcli , 48i@iuc ? , closing at
I8u ; April , 4Ue : May , 48ya iic. closing at 4S ie :
Juno , 47U47Jic , closing at 4 > iu ; July , 47 , ' ®
ISUo. closing at477ie : Heptember , 49c.
OATH HocolutH , 64,300 bu. ; exports , 2.V,000 )
bu , ; sales , KtVUO Im. futures : 63oiw bu , hpot ;
ipot dull mid weaker ; optlonsdull and ouslor ;
March , : idc ; April , 3IUc , closing atUiiUo ; May ,
5 'B < aiUlii. : ' . closing at : uj. ) ) tipoc prices : No. 2
white , : waB'io : mixed western , UU&Uti'io ;
whlto nostorn. 11634. 'c.
HAV 1'lriii. quiet.
lloi'fl Kasy. quiet.
SmiAii Hiiw. iiulot ; rellnoil , steady , ( inlet.
MOLABSES Korolgn.dull ; Now Orleans , linn ,
HICK K.riu.
I'ETiini.EUM-Qiilct , steady ; United cloieJ at
WHo for April.
KOSIN Quiet ; strained common to good ,
tl : i7l { < fSl.45. !
Tuui'KNTiNB Quiet , stondy ; 3GUOe. )
Kdos Active ; wustorn , I5o ; rceolpts ,
Bw. : PUKH.
\Vooi tiionilr. quiet ; domostlo fleece , 3X2 (
BGut pulled , 2GtQ&lc ; Toxaa , loa 'lc.
I'OIIK Quiot.
Our MISATS Quint and Ktoucly ; mlddlos ,
quiet ; short clour , * 1.M.
JjAiil ) Lower und dull ; western itoain ,
m.M bldt sales , 1. 000 tlcreoH. JB.uritu.70 : options
inles , 2.500 tlerues ; Muruh , W.05 ; May , K1.6' > ilG.7''i
July , ffl.8. ' . oloslnu. WHS.
lIUTTBit-Stoadvuud bettor demand : western -
ern dalry.l > aS2a ; western cro.unory , 200' . ' ;
western fuutory , 17Q.'oi Elitlns , ' . " .to.
OiiEEBE-Qulet aud steady ; part skims , 4 ®
8So.Tin IIIOM Quiet and easy ; American , ll.\73
t-'oiTKii I'lriu and quiet ; ltko(10.T5 bid.
LEAD Dull nnd firm ; dome. tie , II.22.
TiN-Strongcr nnd quiet ; Btriilt , tlU.UQiamc.V
KUIKUS City .MurUctn.
KANSAS CITY. Mo. . March It. KiO"n Firm
and iinchHiitfed ; patents , KM ; oxtrn fancy.
t..V ' . ' .23 ; fancy , I > 2.0AX2.1.S ( ; choice. ei.WMi'.MJO.
WIIKAT Dull , nothing dolnc and no bids ;
No , 2 hard quoted at TTot No , * red wheat
quoted nominally nt Blc.
CoiiN titcauy ; No. 2 , cash , 3o bid ; March ,
tOUo bldt No. 'A mixed. 34u ; No. 2 white , 3Mio
OATS Easier ; No. U ouch , V7to bid ; No. 2
white , WlVtniu ; No. ? mixed , Ma-6 ! > c.
HVE l.owon No. ! , 77tt78c.
IlliAN Weak at ( lie.
JlAV Stroni ; and ouotatlons are unchancod.
Eons Firm and in ttroiiK dcnmnd ut 10 > i ®
llo.lJUTTin Firm ; creamery , K < 3SOo\ \ rolls , 14O
o.UIIEESB UnohutiRodt You lie America , lOo ;
JUCKiiTS-Whcat , 27,600 bu. ; corn , ll.CbObu ;
outs , 2.000 bu.
HlIIl'MBNTS Wheat , 18.600 bu. ; corn , 22.C03
bu. ; out * . 10tl.a
Uuttuu Murker.
NE\rOnt.EAKS.I < a. , March It. Cotton steady ;
lluff.'A It-lOc ; low inlddUnit. auo ; Rood ur-
jr , BS-lOo ; net receipt * . 5 i bulet ; gross ,
4.B27 lialcs ; oxporls to Great llrltaln. 14" > h lo < ;
to Franco. 78 bales ; sales. 7,400 balr < : stock ,
5MVi Imlcn ! weekly net recelbW. 3.sici : bales ;
rro n. 4'tfi05 bnlos : exports to the continent- .
4.1174 bales ; coastwise , U'.OW bales ; sales. : iO.V )
bail's. ,
Vriltf. March 11. Cotton futures closed
B.VJOfl linlcs ; March , 1'J.M ' : Apr I'
Men : Mny , tn.7n ; .lunc. tanr : July , jnrw : An-
oust , 7.0l ( ; Poplumhor. I7.H ! October ; J7.24 ;
November. J7.u : ; Docctubcr , $7.44.
Oiniilui I'roilncr .MnrkrM.
FI.OUII Otnnlfi MlilliiK company's Hollnneo
1'jitL'iit , ! . ' , : . ) ! invlnclhlo I'atont.40 : Lone
Star HiiDcrlatlvf. I..VO : ijiiownuke , HM : Kunoy
Famllv. f I.Mj S. T. ( lllmuirs Oold Medal. I . ' .5 1 !
Snow White. 12.25 ! Snowllako , 12,00 : low p ratio.
ll.nn ; Queen of the Patitry. } . ' M.
I'DDLTitv-Chlckcns peed Rtn.'k ,
prcso , ducks and turKcys , liai"c.
1IUTTRH llest chiilco country roll ,
lower Krados , Kl8e.
IlinuflNo. . 1 eri'cn salted hides. 4ift.Joi ! {
> o. Vstrren tailed hitler. 4'i' liei ! No 1 urcun
salted hides. ! W to 40 lbs.ia.iici ! " - croon
sailed liitlo-i. 2ito40 Ibs. , : viWa : No. I veal
c.ilf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . tic ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to IS Ibs. .
4ut No. I ury Hint lililoi. TftSc : No. 2 dry Mint
hides , r > (2i'c ( : No. i dry-tailed hides , .Mfe Tal
low , No. I , llH lo : tallow , No. " . iiliu ; xronso ,
white A , 4u ; uroiiBO , white II , Jilia-'lUc : nron i' .
yellow , : ic ; Rinaec. dark. 2Jo ! ! old butter , 25p
" , io : bccswnx , pi Inn1 , ICul roiizh tallow , 14 !
© 2i' .
HAY Slow ut $ 'l.50 < a.'i.OO. The latter prlco
could only bo obtained for noiiicthlnR oxtrn
1'nuiTfl Callforiiln rlvcril'lo or IIRCI. JJ.2"i ;
Winhlnu'ton navels , f.l.r > 0 < & 'l.7. > : peed apples.
t2.AOQ > . ' .7. > : choice lemon1) , $4.2.i : fanuy leinona.
SI..V ) : Mulaca Krapos , 3l.2.i nor bill. : bananas.
t-ratiMl. JiOOfff.M : cr.inborrles , shipping stock ,
SO.OUlST.uni straivbet rlcs , liOo it. |
VKORTAtiLKH Oiilirotnla oibhae , SUe per
It' . In crates ; homo ciown letliico. 4JJi ! : > o per
dt)7. ; California caullllnwcr , ; : onions ,
7JWMo ( per bu. ; Nebraska h.itid picked ho 1111.
81.7'iai.N'i ; metllum , Jl. 40161.00 ; celery , 3)c ;
Huect potatoes , $2..iU ; Colorado und western
Nnhr.iska pot itoos. HViJI 10 ; ' natlvo potatoes ,
2V5tiJc : : limn beans , 4Urai { e per lb. ; watercress
cross , 24U | casci , I'JiiS ' : per tt. | ; spinach ,
$ f.W ) purhbl. ; punish onions , fl.M per ernto !
ilH-nnnor.Tl : market. 11(11 Hie.
( UMP.-Miillardducl.s , fVJai.uOi teal , (2.00 ;
mixed , il.5T@1.75.
I.lvrrponl .Markets.'oou March II. WIIBAT Quiet ; hold
ers olfor inodcratoly ; Nn. 2 red win tor , 7s I0d@
7s lOJjil p.r cental , Uecolpts of wheat past
thrco d y fM.llOJ centals , all American.
CollK Klrm : demand fair ; mixed western ,
4s KH'id percental. HocelptHOf Aiuerlcati corn
pist ; three dnys88.MK ) centals.
A.MIIUICAN HKFiliniiiiATiiit HnEr Forcquiir-
tori , 4'd ; hind tiiiirters | , fiJ4tl per pound.
AMRIIIUAN I.ivu ( JATTI.K Sinking the offal.
0Bd ! per pound.
New York Dry ( leeds AInrkct.
Nnw YOIIK. March II. lluslnossln dry coeds
was attain Hotter at llrsthands with continued
activity In tlio Jobbing houses. I.o.-al jobber- )
nro not buying a irreat deal , but a creiit cloil :
of orders of all descriptions of pooil.s conie-i
from western centers of tradn. 1'rlnt.s wnro
r.tiher moro dull , Including liulUo.bluus anil
shlitliii's. l-'lno ( 'ooilHof all kinds are sold up
und hcuriio for prqmpt delivery. The market.
Is unchanged und stoady.
Mir.wAtiKRr. WK. March II. WHEAT
Lower ; May , H4 ? ias.'i'su ' ; No. 2 spring , 8j4c ! ;
No. I noithern , II u.
UnilN-Nninltiitl ; No. 33 ® 10 ? .
OATS In modcrato supply ; No. 2 white ,
ai'-io : No. : uvh'te , 'Me.
llAiti.EY Haslor ; No. 2. .Mo.
HVE Doproued : No. I , 83'Se.
I'lto VISIONS slivtdy.
I'uui. MuritlU.IV.
St. 1. Jills .Markoti.
ST. Louis. Mo. . Marcli 11. WitCAT Lower : Wo ; May. h'l'j&.De. '
COHN Lower ; cash , 'll'jc.
OATH Sto i > iy to lower : cash. 3315o.
I'oitic Htoady tit tll.'JSliO.l.Sj.
iMttu-Dull at Jfl.2 (20.2 ( .
WlllHKV fl.CL
HUTiKii Finn ; creamery. 2T > Q:9e : ; dairy. 15 ®
MlniirapiilU Wlieiit Alurkot.
MiNNiAi'OMH. : Minn. . March 11. May opened
at Hie. fluctuated between S.'c , the lowest of
the season , and Kl' 'e , finally closhiK at 8'lp.
Cnnslderahlo activity displayed : KOOI ! do-
rniind for simple wheat ; low t'ruli's : draitco.1.
Hecelpts , lufl cars. Oloso : No. I northern. May ,
8.c ! on tr.tck ; No. 1 linrd , 8l4e ! : No. 1 northern.
SJUc : No. 2 northern , "w&SOc.
1'orrlKii Oil Market.
ijONDOK , March 11. CAt.cuTi-A LINSEED 37s
Od per quarter.
I.iNSKKD OIL 18s Od per cwt.
SPIIIITS TiTllt'EXTlNE 20s Bl per cwt.
HoaiN American strained. 4s 7 d per owt.
Si > iii.\i Oni'47 per ton.
Livuiii' 01. , March 11. TUKPUNTINB SPIH-
ITS 27s per cwt ,
ConVjo Mnrket.
NEW YoitK. March It. Options opened
steady and tinchnngod to 5 points up ; closed
steady and nnchaimcd to lu points up : sales ,
ii.2. : > o bans , liicludlnit March , Sl.l.M-Iti : ! . * ) :
April. IIS.maiuiO : ; May. 812.93 : June. 112.40 ®
12.45 : July. Jl.3" > ; Au mt. $12.30 : Soptciu-
bor. fl2.1.vai2.20. Spot lilo dull Out steiuly ;
No. 7. $14.871' .
Cliicliiiiutk Mnrkots.
OIN-INNATI. O. . March 11. WIIBAT Steady ;
No. 2 red , IWJe.
Coits Firm ; No. 2 mixed. 4'lc.
OATS Steady : No. 2 mixed , Siiic.
WHISKY Finn ; $1.13.
Toledo ( Jrulii Murkest.
TOLEDO. O. . March II. WHEAT Lower ; No.
2 c.ish and Marcn. Ill n.
COHN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 4lc.
OATS -Quiot ; cash , IKc.
Aiiiorlcuu Itoufln KiiRlaiul.
LONIION , March H. American refrigerator
beef , forodiiurtur.-f. 3sftis : : ia : hlndiiuurtcr ,
3s lOd per S pounds by the carcass ,
Traders' Talk.
CmCAflo , III , Mnroh II. F. 0. Lozan & Co.
to J. Sands Commission company : 'I h ac
tion of today's wheat market has demon-
ht Kited the actual reading of the Kovcrnment
rnport by the Kfaln trade. Last nlnht and
this morning the general sentiment was that
It was u bullish report , but expressions have
proved that the parties were ovlttently trylnR
to load themselves by their bootstraps , 'Ihu
nullliiK has been lurgoly loiri wheat and some
of It by lar o Itilliiontlal holders. A moderate
number of short contracts litivo bfen put out
and tonlKhtll , looks lll'o Jllio til-oil , scattered
\oi\s \ Interest would bo moro apt to liquidate
than the sellers who have profits. Export de
mand modur.ite , showliu u decided falling otT
from yesterday's raiiKo In price. Corn heavy
from start to ilnlsn , receiving houses Kood
sellers us well as tired lunss. A moderato
export demand. O.its active mourn ! : ,0c.
Theru was considerable buying done on old
oitsldo orders , The crowtl wore the
best sellers. Provisions rnlo weak , decllnlim
under moderato holllnR by u prominent local
opor.itnr and liquidation by I ones. Shorts
were the principal buyers The market closes
ut about Inside. jiiU'csiaiid steiuly.
OiitCAno , lllMurch 11. Counselniiin & Day
to Oouknill llros. : Thotiraiu markets today
were depressed by llquluatlon by lonss. Inllu-
oucod by Improved weather , lower cables and
tlio irovcrnmcnt roport. It was notlceablo
that the closing pilous of vusturday wuro the
hlKh lltnirct. made on the momentury openlni :
rally In May whunt. In corn and oats nttlo
attention was p.ilil to outsldu news ,
other tlmn to I.nulMi cables. That
these were depressed soumed to ho
siilllulont cause for cenurul HolllnK. Thuro
wax hut llttlo rally In anything and wheat
and corn finally closed lu lowor. Outs closed
! ( c lower and dull at the decline , Indicating
that liquidation Is not quitu complete. Pro
visions suirorcd with the rest of the market
under sales by tlrrd Ionis. Cork declined 25c ,
rallied 7'ic and closed stoady. Lard and ribs
oiihcd olT " ! io and closed llriu at fioduullnc.
' 1 ho shipping demand wan ( 'ood but thcru was
no llfo to speculation. Otherwlso the market
looked as If In shapu fur a uood rally ,
UltiOAdO , III. , March II , Komiott. Ilop-
kinu & Co. toy. A , McWhorter : Mr. Dodiro'u '
report has been an inllucutliil factor In fillour
iniirkots today. A I CiiSonr.ljUi Interpretation
will show nothliiK limrUh In It as regards
wlieat , but tlio lack of oiUxlilo support Ims
enabled the boars to depress prices iniiter-
lully , I'.ii'jlluh markets rolloct the weakness
horu , but continental advlcoa are rather
strong und Indio.tto apprehensions of crup
( laimiKUs , Longs vtcru shukun out on
the hrcnk near the closn anil
the market appears to ho for thu present In
the control of the boar : ) . ThoiiRricultiiio department -
partment reports ooiiBidorahlo moro corn In
farmers' hands than the trade oxpeutoil but
perhaps still moro bearish U thn stati-mont
that u Creator pcrcontiitie Is miTchantablo
tliiiu of any other crop over produced ,
This Is taken as concluslvu ovldimcn
that there will bo trouble with regard
to grading when thu wouthor turns warm und
dry , It is nUi ) bmloved that receipts will
largely increase with Nitltublo Bhlppliii ;
wouther. Long * have been gottliiK out of
their holdings moderately today and It U
probublu that further liquidation will carry
prices considerably lower. Outs have been
unite us weutc us corn , IOIIKU having sold
freely , und both markets plosed weak anil di-
urcsacd. The t-'ovcnimunt
- report on com.
tukon In connection with Its report some weeks
IIL-O on the hoi supply hn been thu ehlnf
cuube of woaknusi in hog productu. The sup
ply of IIOKS was niadu about l.TUO.O O lurKCr
thun u yuar BEO , und now that the supply of
corn U shown to bo unexpectedly lamIt U
concluded by pauUers ihut the number of hozs
to ha murkutcd during the bunimur souson
will bu very lureo , and ubovn the uvurunn lu
welKht , hence tlio oirurlnira of provisions have
been unusually fruo today , und the market
depressed ,
Truiuuctloim lu 8t. I'uul ( luvo AYny to lix-
cltement III the L'oaleri.
NKW YOHK , March ll.-Tho St. I'nul nmt-
tei lu the Htoclc market guvu way to the ro-
iiowitl of the pxoltementla thu COH ! Blocks
today , und while the gcnBral list wut still
very qulot , oven to dil'lncsi. the amount of
bus.nbM ilntio durliiif thu tl y by Kjbson In
the * was \ery , Tim Inter *
est In the ft. I'aul illvldimd seemed
to have licrn nxhaiistod by the tlmo
the boar ) opened this iiKirnltu. nnd whKo Pt.
Paul opcuetl tluwn 'i per cent rallied
partially nml showed n Mc.-icllly ilwlnilllne
voluiiioiif buslncKS at pr.ictlcally unchiinitotl
prices. The pn suifo of the bill In the Now
.lor ny loels atiiro to lecnllzo the comp.tct bo-
twooii the L-oul comp nles. hnwcver. hccaino
thoLMtisoof it now movomcnt amen thtxo
stocks , and thtlr old activity was renewed
and their prices immntod qullo In the did
fityle. Thu only other foutiiro of note In the
market , nnd ono which Is nut regarded with
qullu us much f.ivor ny thoie who look for u
now upward movumciit base. ! on roul Viillles ,
was the rcnowed nnlinatloii In tlio Industrials ,
nhkli uoi-o both prominent In the doatliiKs
and almost as strout us the coalers.
Siitniriind Distillers , however , inonotiollred
this now ininoiiH'iit , whllo Corduso , ChleaiEO
lias an I others were kept qulot with thu con-
oral r.illrojtl Mst. Amour the low priced
shares only lUHTiilo. llochcstor fi 1'lttUnir/
showed slKns of life , and they soon subsided
lu tlio face of moro attractive metal mention ,
There was some buying of and apparently for
the London account nnd Now KiiRliiml dis
played soinn uctlvlty and slronmh , but none
of the other railroad stocks shown. ) i.ny unl-
inalloii throughout the day. The opcnlnc
of the Konural nrirkot was at lower IlKiircs
and .St. I'aul was down 7i per cent
ut 77. but rallied quickly to "i per cent and
afterward' rotiohcd oven bettor prices. Thu
riwt of the market soon dovolopcd stromrth.
though It was not until toward thu oloso that
the mo mini ! of the action of the Now Jersey
lojIsl'ititiH was seen and then thcro was u
scramble for the coalers. Koadliis io o to , " > ! > .
LicUawanna to 1Vl. ( .lersov Central to I4lj ? aud
llulawiuu X Hudson to 14IX. Thej-o were
rumors later of negotiations between
the Suitnr trust and oilier outsldo rollncr-
les nml * thi'sn eroatud a iloiuand for tljat
slock which sent the common up to IHU nud
thu pruforro I up to U7ii whllo Distiller * kept
pnco for some tlmo with thu upward movo-
miMit. The oxcltcmunt died out toward 2 p. in.
and ruiill/lnit sales on thu Htlvanco of sattcod
prices were llttlo for some time , hut favorable
developments In lchtuond& { | West Point Hindu
the securities of that road the future In thu
last few minutes , and whllo the niarxot
wits stiffened up again the close was
actl vo and firm to strong at or near tlio best
prices of the day. 'the only chiiu os uro In
almost all cnscs advances , aud the Important
ones comprise : Head UK , 4 per cent : Doluwuru
.t Hudson , 2j per cent : Susur. 2J ! uor cent :
Laukiiwnnnii , 2 > 6 per cunt ; D.stlllers , Hi per
conU and Lake Hhoroi \ percent.
( Jovornmetit bonds bavo been dull and
State bonds have been entirely neglected.
Thu followlnu uro the closing iiiotatuina | for
the leading stocks on thu Now York Stock ex-
chnii'-0 toil 11 v
bid. 1 cx-illv.
.Tho total sales of stocks today were MS , Hit
shares. IncliullnB : Delaware , Luoktiwannu , &
Western , 4,140 ; Delaware & Hudson , 0.2I5 : Erie ,
ii.S2o : : Now Jorcy Central , H-SKi ; Now Ens-
land , CUT. ) ; Hbiidlni , 'Ul.llO ; UlchmondTer-
inliml , 11,1,20 , St. I'uul , UT.OUO ; Northwestern ,
Financial Jlovlew.
NBW Yonic. March 11. The Post says :
The furious blddlnz In the coal stocks en-
courapnd a few sympathetic advances In Lakn
Shore & Now England , whllo Distilling trust
ut u respectable dlstunco followed , liut the
transactions even In those wore InslitnlQount
und the majority of the stocks on the market
buroly stirred. Tlio sharp advance In Richmond
mend Turmliiiil preferred was made , it will bo
observed , on purchases of the most Inslptnlll-
ouiit volume , Quito naturally the guplnencas
of the general list provoked realizing In the
acrobatic stocks of the day and there were
suvoral reactions In the lust hour. liut the
trading ended as it begun , purely profes
New York Money .Market.
NEW YOIIK. Muroh il. MONEY OM OAr.t.
1M- percent ; lust loan 2 per cent ; closed of-
ferou at 2 percent.
1'itiMR MKUCANTILK I'AVBII 50 per cent
HTBIIMNO E.XCIIANOE Firm at * I.S : > ! i for
sixty-day bills and } l.i7Jfor ( ! demand ,
The closing quotations on bonas :
110 Mutual Union ts. . . . 'I07X
17 , S. 4s coup 117 North. I'acltlc lstc..UH
U.S. 4Kn reir -100 North l'nclHc < 'nds..ll2
I'uclHcDsof'fli lU'J Nortliwi'atern Con.l37ie
l.n. Btnmpcil 4s 85 North. Douont. ( .3..107 .
Tcnn. now sclOs.,105 St. U A I. M. Uun. 5s. 8.
Tonn. now set 5i.tlUIH St. L. A S. K. Uon.M.'IOS
Tonn. now set 3s 7U dt.I'au ! Consols 1211
Canada So. 2nds 1UI St. ! ' . . < ; . Al'no.'JO
Cun. 1'acltlc-i t , . . . lUlij Tor. 1' . U O. Tr. lifts 87
Don. All. O. Ists. . . .117Jt Ter. 1' . Ili. Tr. llcts MX
I ) . Alt. G. Wcitia. . . 61 Union I'aclUc Uts. . . < IU7Vj
Erlo2nds 1074 Wcrt Shore 1UBH
U.K. AT. ( Jen Ci. . . 8'JH ' U. U. W 7U1 !
M. K. AT.dun 5 . . . . 81
bid. tasked ,
London Stock Market.
Capirlyh'.etlS9J It'j ' Jum Gor IT Ittn'H'.t.
LONDON , Mnrcnll. [ Now Vork Herald Cable
Special to THE HUB. ] The sottfomunt has
been satisfactorily concluded. In the Stock
exchange today no dlfllcultlcs were reported.
New bualnuss has boon on a vury small scale.
A slightly llrmur tendon -y In iiionoy ciiusud
consols toKlvo way l-ir jer ) cont. Homo rail
ways , after showing considerable doprosalon
owing to the Impending co il strike , closed
with u better tendency. Ilrlghton left off
U per cent hhrhuritnd a su.ull rlnols murked
In liruut Eastern. Great Wostorn. Metro
politan and North British. American railways
leiivo olVhtiong , after ImrliiK been dull aud
unsettled. Canadian lines uru strong In sym-
puthy. ospoclally Uruna Trunk Issues , which
urn from J > to 'i per cent lilghor. Korelgn
railways met with moilrrate attention , Max-
lean fluctuated n Rood doul , ordinury and first
preference are U per cent higher , whllo second
end preference uroi \ per cent oaslor. Money
has boun In good demand In Lombard street
today und Hi to 2 pur cent Ims boon paid for
short loans. The discount market has also
been firm , two and three months' bills being
quoted at I'i par cunt.
LONDON , March II. The following were the
London stiL' < quotation * doling at 4 p. m
Consoln , nioniy'Ji lil-Hi Mexican ordinary , . . ' "J
do , account MM at. I'nul com .1'J
N. V. . P. A O Ists. . . . MH l'onnnylvnuhi , , . , , . , . M
Cun. Pacllla DlH Iliudlni ; ? b
KrlB 3l'4 '
1IAU SlI.VBll 415-lfid.
MO.NKV l',5iy ppr cent.
Kate of discount In the open market for
both short and three-months bills , lit per
cunt ,
The amount of bullion RonK ! Into the Hunk
of Knglund on baliiiu'cs was JK.iOOuO.
I'lii.inHut Motus ,
NKW YOIIK. March 11 , 01oarliiR8 , IIU.OOJ.SOO ;
balances , W.M1.4S- ' ) .
HOSTO.V , Kass. , March 11. Clearings , tl5r,40. '
LTri ; bftluuccH. ( l,4H.'UUH. Monuy , S per cunt.
Kxclmngu on Now York , MM'-i'io discount.
I'llli.ADUl.l'iilA , 1'a. , Muruh 11. Uluarlnss ,
KlU.Gtll.Wi balances , } | , GJI,441 ; money , an per
cent ,
lui/miuiiK. Md..Mnruhli. Olenrlngs. t2ai8- :
I'J ' ; bal.ini'fs. * SJO..tW. Unto. U percent.
KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , Muroh 11 , Uluarlngs ,
I'Altiy. March II. Thrco per cent rentes , OOf
B7Uo for the account.
MEMi'iiia. Tonn , March 11 , Now York ox-
uhungc sulllnz ute percent. Clcurliujs. tT''O-
itoiit baluncus , fil.,4 ; ( ) | .
CIIIRAOO , III. , March 11. Money easy ut 4i ! ®
5 per tent on call nnd MM per cunt on time ,
OloiirlncH , IKl.8l8-ji. , New Vork oxuhungu ,
.WJilOo discount. Htnrlln < uxchan o. JI.K.'i4' for
falxty duy bills und tl.HTfor sight drafts.
Is thp olosln. ; nuotnttnns on the Minim cx-
cnnngo loihiy , H. < li > Mlt\2,0.
AllORhnnyTTIT I llfick 44
Amity , - - , . . . . . . . ll't
Arcnnant. , , . WnolnlinJ .4
llRllnrat 12 iJustlco 11
llarifiknji Corn H , , , , -ft M , a enwnrih 4
llalej.lluiitpr , IK tl slnntnn , < 42
111(4 Indian TW M.lttlc Iliile U >
HlKPlT , , . , 'HH.Mny Mnrepp.l. . . . . . TO
Itrownlow I' " Mornlnjr ( lllm . . . . , Ki
Cnllloiic Imlrtlro . . . . . , 400
Clilnlln J. . .1 Park Consolidated. . ( I
Century "U.'l'nj-Hock 2' <
Clar County , , iwMVnUKl , . , , ,
CUM Ill" j'Puttlcr ' 2
Diamond It. SH'Mlo d National 75
Denver ( Inn nnd Oil .TKUtlnlto Ilo
Kinmonfl ? . IM Mtiinnlng lxdo it.1
( icttyshiirK W .YU'lmlo u
( loldcn Treasure. . . . 9J
Hun I'riuu'liro Alining ( J.
PAN I'ltANCtsco. Oil. . MarJh II. The ofllelul
closlnn niiolattoas Cur inlnliu sloolti tuilay
wuro as foliowii
Alii to Narnjo . ' >
lultrcr , ID ( Iphlr ZTO
llcntA llolcticr . . . 201 I'otoil V5
HodloConitollilfltcil. 4)
Cliollnr , . . , , 100 Slcrrn Novadn . 1M
; on. 1'nclllc. 4IA Union Uun . 140
Cruirn Point , , , , , , , M lltnli . , . 2" .
luulil A Cnrrj 12 : , Vullotr Jacket . 115
Into ! t Norcrosj. . . , 12J Com . 2- '
tli'tlcnn 1T5 N. y . IS
Mono BO
Now Vork .Mining ; yuotntlntn.
NB\V VOUK , March 11 , Thn following are the
closing mining stocK ( ] iintatlons :
Hot A Hclchcr. . . . , 'Ml Ontario 4'AJU
Cliollnr , luu Onhlr 270
Con. Cat. A Va 4U I'ij-inuiltll 175
Donilnooil , , lift 1'oloM , 100
KurvkaCon , I'.W Snvnuc 110
lloulii A. Curry ll.'i Sierra Ncvniln 15J
llnlo A Norcron. . . . 1.VJ Hlnnilnnl. . , K-0
lorn Silver RTU Union Con I'M
Mexican 10 Vollow Jnckot 10
KxtrciiKily I.lfjlit Iti'colpti I'lnil
lluycrs ut Ailvnnri'il 1'rlccs.
OMAHA. March II. RccotnU for the past flva
tlays , 10,121 cattlu , U,5 | luus aiut 4iil : ) slicop ,
aKalnst ID..US cattlo. I8.I2J ho.zs and 4,018 sihcop
the corr09ondliiR | II vo ilayH of last wouk.
Itccolpts of o.ittlo were the lightest In nourly
thrcu months , or slnco Uhristmas , Whllo thuro
were hardly unttlo Dimigh boio to nuilio u
market , the smldon falllnu elf In luuplh-'s has
liad it very bonullclal cITccton prlcos in RCII-
oral , a KUOI ! share of Wednesday's sharp ( lo-
clluo boliiK ruKalnod , The iniirkot actlvo
and stronger , und If there had been thrco
times us i.iuny cattle hero business would
probably have boon moro lively and the ad
vance moro marked. As It was , on
account of the limited supply und gen
erally Indifferent quality of the offerings
shipping und export buyers were handicapped
and bought only a few loads of l.WJtii ' .400-lb.
sloors at from J.t.55 to SLltf. Dressed beef buy
ers had good orders and took handy 1,100 to
I.SUU-lb stcors nt from nili to tl.SO. Thnro
was not a great deal of llfo und snap to the
trade , but prices were unevenly monger , the
cuttle selling all the way from strain : to lOo
higher than Wednesday , the low day of the
week. Nearly everything hud changed hands
by closing time.
There were not over ton Ipads of butchers'
nnd cunnors * stock In the yards. In fact for u
week past the supply of COWH and
mixed stock has been comparatively
sin.ill and for this reason prices have been
fairly well maintained notwithstanding u
decrease In outside orders. Trading Vras
actlvo ami prices lOo to 15o h ghor than
Wednesday. Hood to choice cows and heifers
sold from $2.8i to $ .UJ , fair to good stuff from
L''i" > to & .G5 ana ; i few fiuinen from II .VMo
KXOO. A few odd bulls ana stags sold nt fullv
steady nrlces from J2.4J to JJ.OJ. Veal calve *
were In actlvo demand und strong on the basis
of * J.'J5 to $ i.l'5 for prlmo stoelc.
There were very few fresh stool , and feeding
cattle received and whllo the trade lucked llfo
lirlcos worn not noticeably changed , sales'
being largely from * 2.4B to JJ.-.5. Uepresonta-
tlvo sales : ' '
No. Av. I'r No. AV. l r No. Av. Pr.
t. 1410 $ J 10 K .1176 Kt 40 19. .1213 WO , ' .
3. 11J3 U 15 IS 1112 : i40 IS .12 8 375
a. .1100 ar > : u..iia : i 45 4. . 1477 3S'I '
I. . U40 : i 25 12 13.1J 380
. .1100 ais : 10 .uw ; i so 13. 385
18. .1112 a 40 IT. . 1117 : i35 3J..I4U 405 a so a > . .i.'U a 35
C'J2 1 50 7. . Wtf 2 40 2. 1305 285
bOO 1 05 U. I-'IO 2 40 10. IH I 2Ki
6..1U16 1 8J 21. .1012 2 45 II JJ..I 3 00
1. . MM 2 00 1. OS9 'J 5'l ' 8. . 1)87 ) 3U5
1 : lt ! 225 2..iuai 2 50 2 .1UOO 305
3. . 1210 240 0..1053 -1 05
H/lIFEIts. /
11. . 555 1 7J 10. . . .757 3 10 0..1040 330
OAty Ei.
i. . 120 s'oa' '
1..1SSO 2'40" .1..140) 240 1..1S03 300
2. 1170 2 50
17. . 394 240 1. . 4CO 300 17. . 031 320
0. 408 300 7. . 307 310 4. . 015 325
3. . 510 300 7. . 72 310 11. . 014 325
Hoes Light receipts , favorable eastern ad
vices and u fair local and shipping demand
gave us : i strong , actlvo market from start to
finish. Prices wore about lOo higher than
Wednesday on all irradcs. Shipping and fresh
moat buyers paid M.70 to 11.8'J for good light
and butelior weight liojs und common , heavy
and mixed packers sold ut f ran : $1.05 to (4.72i. !
Tno pens were cleared early , the mcugur re
ceipts changing bands by 10 o'clock , the bulk
selling ut from f I.7J to f 1.7.1 uga nit $ I.OJ to
$1.05 Thursday , the uver.igoof prices p lid beIng -
Ing tl.72 against il.K'i ' Thursday and 11.54 ! . ;
Friday of last WCOK. i'nc market U now at
the highest point touched slnco October G , 1801.
Kepresentullvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
% . . . .250 * 4 00 04 . . . . .2J1 1470
7. . . . .381 40 4 53 58. . . . . 245 120 470
. .351 4 50 55 . . , . .333 210 470
. .344 200 4 55 50. . . . . .240 280 470
12. . . .308 60 4 : . . ' . 121. . . ' " SO 4 7-
0 . . .auo 4 55 74 . . .2-.S 200 4 7'/ !
20 . . .200 4 05 05 . . :7 ? *
" . .425 4 05 ' 79. . . 120 475
7" . .ail 4 05 5J. . . ! ! .SIB 475
02. . . .290 240 4 05 73. . . . . .208 80 475
7tt. . . .205 120 4 05 75. . . , . .22.1 120 475
5 . . .310 4 05 52. . . . .25i : 475
71. . . .1WJ 200 4 05 85 . , , . .205 120 47
5. . . .210 4 05 57 , . , , . .213 47.1
74. . . .255 KX ) 4 < 174'i ! 81. . . . .210 475
( . . . .217 280 4 (1715 ( ' , . .22.1 475
05. . . .300 240 4 ( i"4 ! CO. . ! . . .103 475
HI. . . .170 40 470 70 . . . . 23.1 120 475
rrj. . .220 120 4 70 , . ' 70 , . . .21(1 ( 4 77J1
07. . bO 4 70 'C5. . . . .244 48)
55 . . . .214 200 4 70 51. . . , . .214 40 460
61 . 108 4 25 1 . 570 40 440
SIIKF.I' Only two loads ot sheep were re
ceived and they worn conblgncd direct to a
local packer und not offered on the market.
The demand from local houses Is strong and
deslrublo muttons would moot with n ready
sale ( itllrin prices. Quotations : Fnlr to KOIK !
natives , { 4.5'i.40 ; westerns , { 4.005.25 ; com
mon und stock sheep , f ' . . ' .031.75 ; good tochotco
lumbs. weighing 40 to tu Ibs. . tl.'JifO.OJ.
Itecalpti ii'i'.l IN | > 34ltliin of Stoa'c.
Official receipts und disposition of steak as
shown by the beaks of the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-foiirhoUM , ending at
5o eloek p. m. .March II , l&'Jl.
CATTLE. nous SHEEP. 11OHSEH * M'l.H.
Cars. Head Cars , | Head Cars. 1 Head Cars , I Head. ,
OumliH 1'ncklntf coiiipiiny. . 4'J
Thu O. II. Hnmuionil ( X.y. . 27U
, . htlil 35'J
Uuiluby racklnncoinpaur .1 21 IUI
John 1' . bqulrcn .V Cot ) < i. ,
KliiRun , V ton . n.M'i
Shippers and fcudcra , , i1v 417
Total. 2.SBI
Mtu Stock Market.
OillUACio , III. . MurillUt. IHpuolul Tolosr.ini
to Tin : llii : : . ] Thi'ro'Was u docrousu today
In tlio arilvtils of on tie. As a consciiiienco
the niurket took niiVMIrmar tone. It did not
uilvancu to any nof-kbln oxlonU Local dressed
beef linns , oustcrn xhrppers und apcratorh all
bounhr. moro or luhh"freuly on a bubU of f ruin
tl.tu tot4.Ml for very ( oniinon to Kood Moors
and from Hltf to iU&.for choiuo to oxtrn with
most of the gules al from ( M SO to tIM. Cows
and heifers woru In demand at from Jl.Ti'j to
la.Vifor poor to untr.i' < iualltlcs iindsalosof
biilU were reportudoat from il.'M to M.7.ri.
Moekors und fceilUC * Continued lu active du-
inund at from * . ' . -3 MVI.7V. .
IHioro was contlnhed firmness in the IIOR
market. I'rlcui. now show un ndvanco on
Wcdncsduy'tiiiuotatlohHof fully lOc. There
woroH-ih'sof Il-'ht hogs us high asM.OJ und
f rom * S.IO to W.U7V1 wus pjilil for medium und
heavy woiffhts. 1'oorlots changoil hands ut
from ( l.fiJ to II. W und thoru WUH trudlni : lu
culls ut from (2.51 to ( | . 'J5. Hut whllo thu
rungo of values was thus wide there wiui llttlu
busuiesiiouUldDof the limits of from * l.K5 to
t'nO. C'losln'i < iinitallims were from i.5j to
( : > . u for lUht und from (4.03 to J.'i.iS for
medium nnd heavy.
IntUcblieup und lamb market there was
llttlu cbutiKi' . 'I'hu tone of thu market up-
puured ti > hu loss firm lhui : earlier In ( hu wouk
but nominally values wuruhtuady , Theru wuu
nn active domun I nnd a supply ut
from ll.W td * .OUfor poor to cholcu sheep und
ut from IVU to tll.TA for lambs of corruspond-
ln ( | iiullty , Durlna the week us hltili us tll.2i
wus paid for sheep , und thcro nuin u fewu.ilo *
of lambs ut f rom tbU to J 7.1K ) . whllo culls sold
ut from ? -1 to J3.W. Nubrasku contrlbutud u
Iiirvu part of the supply and most of the
ueok' trudlnir wan ut from JVJ > to li.KO.
ItuculiitH wuro ; Cuttle , 7,0-JUi Logs , 1 ,000 ;
, .
The Kveiilnz Journal roportit OATTI.B He-
colpu , T.fiWi uhlpinoiitfc. : i.o.(0 ( : iiiurkothtuady ;
cholcu steers , ( l.iXXf(4.U ) ; othurs. l.'i'ai.&Ol
t uk r , l.8.Vrii3i : cowr , tl.-aa.-l.9i.
IlouU oolpt , I4.0W ; hipmuut , 10,000 ;
market nctlvonnd higher ; ropslv tl.l5QI5 :
Rood nilxod , $1.01 ; prime heavy and butoher
wrtehts. N\lV. ( lluht , tl.MViftUll
SilKKl' Kccolpti. T.OcOf ililpmonts , 2.5M : mnr-
kot notlvo und stoiily : owes. JIKVai.R ;
ml\od. l .W.VVi ) wothort.KV.n7jO. tl ! westerns
Inmbs ,
Now York I.Hn Stork
NKW YOHK , March II. IlKEvns-llccolpts ,
J.nm he.'id , Ini'luilliiit ' . * 0 iiuurtots for sale.
Murkot toaiiyt nntlvo ilccrK. | .i. ? . ' > 5fj.7.'i | i.or
owt , . Toxanr fLUtt bulls and cows fj.uocjfi. : ! ! :
dressed beef steady ut RfO'fc ' pur lb. fhlp-
incuts today , , ' .OJ bcovcs nnd i.IIsO n'larloM ' i > f
OAt.VKS-Uocclpts. 149 head ! market steady :
t.Vliutt7.uJ par 10J Ibs.
HIIKF.IIteoilplB. . 'J.IIVlioid ; innrkut firm !
IninbM , dull and weak : sheep. tVOO'iWUUH per
IK ( ) Ibs. ! Inmbs M.50J17.3S : dros od mutton.
stfiidy i\t8'iIOo pur lb.drt'Jod ; Inmln , slow
Iloai KecolpK S.lno head. conllRnoddlreot ;
nominally stonily nttl.iVKii\.nl per lul ) Ibs.
Oily I.Hn Stock Market.
KANSAS CITV. Mo , March -GATTM : Ke-
oolpts , 3.400 ! Rhlpmcnto. 700. Tno mninet wim
fulrly iictlvo null Kuner.illy ubout steady.
Hulcs : Dressed 'joof und shlpiiln ; ; slccM. J.I..IO
< H)4.)0 ) : ) ; cows nnd hrtfurt , } l.0iil..l.r : ) ) : stackers
nnd tcednrs , titlKjM. ;
lions liecolpts. HIKjghlpmcnts ) , XV.'OO.
The imirKut w..s lulrly iictlvo nnd steady lo.'o
lowor. Kxtroino ritn.'u , $1,2 OI.73 ! bulk , } 4.0'J
MlKKl'-ltccelpK 70J : shlpmonts , 4Ma. The
market was qulot nnd barely Bluntly. Sn.'L" > .
Kt. I. Dili * [ . ! Stork 'Mnrket.
ST. Lninp , Mo. . Mnroli'll. U\TTI.B Uoeolpts.
8011 ; shipments. 'J.Wj ; market stoudy ut tlo-
cllnoi fulr to uiioil jiallvo steers , HOOftl.Ol ;
fair to coed Indian uud Toxnn steers. J.'J.'iffi
170.lions Hecolpts , : i.400i shlpmenK u.OW : mnr-
kct hlchur : heavy , J l.75'S4.1Ki ( ; mixed , * 4.'J'J514.8l !
light , * l.054.8r . _
"Lntn to boJ nnd onrly to nso will shorten
the rend to your homo" In the skies. " Uut
onrly to bed and a "Llttlo Harly Klsor , " the
pill that in ; i It os llfo lotigor ana butter and
A \ . \ U tHJC.1I K.V T.S.
Today the Boito.iliiu oloso tbolr suc
cessful cnguiromont at Doyd's'I ' > ow theater
with their delightful performance ) of "Uobln
Hood" nt the inatinco , with the lovely
Cainlllo D'Arvlllo as Maud Mnrlutn and Tom
Kurl as Uobln Hood. lu the ovonlnp the
beautiful onoru of "Dorothy" will bo thu nt-
traction , with a strong cast , InuludlnK thn
prtatost of Amorlcuti contr.iltos , Jesslo Bart-
lutt Davis ; Carolina Hamilton , the clover
California primn donnn : Edwin W. Iloff , tlio
popular touor , nnd W. H. MncDotinla , the
baritone ,
Cora Tanner , InWill She Divorce Him ! "
will appear nt Boyd's now theater Sutiduy
oroninp. Miss Taunor takes the chnractor
of Isabel Spencer , wltti a strong cast , includ
ing Harold Uussoll , O. H. Barr. J. H. Brown
Beverly Turner , J. K. Hutchlnson , Ernest
Foster , Charles Diehl , Ada Dwyer , Matxarot
Montkomory and Mrs. S. A. Louctnnrc. Mr.
and Mrs. S. K. Chester , and Miss Helen
Blake In support. _ _
Dewitt's Sarsapnrilla cleanses the blood.
KillpitVhlIi ) Itc lstlni ; Arrest.
AIIII.CNC , Tex. , March 11. A telegram re
ceived by Sheriff Cunningham yesterday
uiorninc states that John Fulford ivns Hilled
in Bolllnpor while rosistinn arrest for at
tempting the murder of William Brookerson.
Broolicrson will recover.
PKKSUXtl I. 1'A 11.1(3'IlS.
H. O. Mason of Norfolk Is nt the Arcndo.
T. V. Golden of O'Neill is nt the Arcade.
Thomas Frohm ol Hastings is at the Mur
W. A. Mills of Grand Island is at the Mer
Thomas Bryant of Schuyler is at too Mor-
J. M. Moore of Butte , Mont. , is at the
Arcade. .
W. D. Post of York is stopping ut the
Arcade- .
P. C. King of Claries Is registered nt tno
J. K. Leek of Kearney i a guest nt the
, . T. C. Collnhan of Friend la a guest at the
H. H. Halto of Norfolk was at the Dellouo
J. O. Chase of Wahoo was at the Paxtou
J. A. Piper of Alma was at the Mtllard
R. M. Grant of Beatrice was at the Mlllnrd
J. H. Coburn of Atkinson is stopping at
the Arcade.
L. Broulllard of Salt LiUo is stopping at
the Dcllono.
John Home of Broken Bow is stopping nt
the Millard.
H. B. Tomson of Lincoln is registered at
the Dullono.
Sam Shears of Lincoln was at the Murray
last evening.
George C. Parker of Chadron Is registered
at the Arcade.
W. C. Harris of Columbus was nt the Ar
cndo yesterday.
John Bradford of Gretna was at the Del-
lone yesterday.
A. H. Carter of Winsldj is registered nt
the Merchants.
C. F. Cnlhoun of Springfield is stopping nt
thu Merchants.
Dr. W. D. Jones of RUing City w-is at tha
Paxton yesterday.
Leonard Steel , of Dillon , Mont. , was at the
Paxton yesterday.
J. B. uruzer of Hayes Center was at the
Paxlon yesterday.
Brynn Chirk of Plattsmouth was at the
Paxton yesterday.
C. H. Keller of Beatrice was n late arrival
at the Merchants.
C.V. . McCuno of David City is stopping
at the Merchants.
L. N. Mowry and O. S. Mardon of Kearney
are at the 1'axton.
II. H. Lyon of Mandnn , N. D. , was at the
Murray yesterday.
N. J. 1'iilmur of Grand Island was at the
Dcllono yesterday.
George Palmer of B roll en Bow was at the
Dollono yesterday.
J. F. Armstrong of Beatrice was at the
Milard | yesterday.
E. A. Wasbburn of Holdrego was nt the
Millard yesterday.
County Commissioner Tlmmo has gone to
Culoago on business ,
Thorwald Olson of San Antonio is regis
tered at the Murray.
N. J , Colgruvo and wife of Denver are
guests ut the Dollono.
Dr. Clark liapun nud S. L. Wiley left
ycstordny for Chicago.
C , S. Miller and wile of Fairmont nro
stopping at the Dullono.
M. Cole and C. K. Morriion of Salt Laio
are guests at too Arcade ,
N. M. Grunts and wife of Lincoln nro
gucsU at thu Merchants.
T. C. Dunn , wife and son of Nebraska City
are guests at the Dcllor.o.
J. K. Hill anil J. H. AMr of Lincoln were
nt the Millard yesterday.
K. C. Calkins and J. N. Dryden of Kournov
are guests ut thu Paxton.
C. J , Carlisle and wife of HarrisburgNobt
are guests at tbo Murray ,
Juan Boyle of Kearney was In the city
yesterday enrouto to Chicago ,
II , P. Chcstloy and James V , Mahoney o
Sioux City uro at the Millurd.
Gunerul Robert B. Boalh , U. S A. , of
Philadelphia , is ut the Murray.
J. F. Tlnls and wife and M. E , House und
lady of Shulton ure at the Millard ,
Attorney General George H , Hastings of
Lincoln wits at the Millard yesterday.
Charles F. Aitvlno und Gus Sirombcrg of
Sioux City nro icglsterod at the Arcade.
T. H. Tibbies and wife , "Bright Eyes , " of
Bancroft are slopping at the Morcliants.
County Commissioner Paddock loft for
the cast lust night to ho absent two weeks ,
Ex-Lieutenant Governor George D. Mel-
Itnljohn of Fullerton tarried awhile at the
Millurd yesterday.
J , H , Stafford , general storekeeper of the
Union Puclllc h.vstem , has gonu to Hot
Spritik' " , Ark , , to recruit hu health.
Mrs. Robert Lorton , Miss Rita Lorton ana
Mrs. M , E. Catron of Nebraska City .irs
guests ut the Paxton. They cuino up to hoar
thu Bostonlaqs.
Mr. Will 1'ower , a popular representative
ol the Consolidated TanU Line company of
St. Josephwas at the Paxton yostorduv with
bis bride , nee Ml i Laura Mocker of Hiawa
tha , Kan.
HHIK. linimnocln , oil nnd
nilihcr clothing , Smul fur
catalogue. 1113 Kiunam.
Importer * nnil mnmific *
Flour trucks , Iturlnpi nail
Itlc'clo sold ( ill monttilr
120 Jf. ISth st. ,
I1UJ llownrdStroJt.
KncSnrr corner lltli nml lou la ntrooti.
Wo nronmklnit elo < et > fli'0 toonih turor < . nnd nro
n clnsj or noodi which li vcrr BAlo-
ublo ivllh nuirclmuti.
Wholosnto Mnnufnotn'ri. llootv diooi. rubbcrt
Aucnt for Ilo ton lluli- nnil felt Roods.
bcr Hhoc Co , lll . IIQI
nnil HUti Ilnrnoy slruoU 1201-n llnrnr ntraot.
CO. , Mnnnf.icluioi bneey top <
A. T D.irtiy , MnniiKcr , lincki , cushUins. etc
Tup , i uililont , llauks ,
D.iihcs , etc. Send for CntnloKiio.
214 N I5lh Kt. - Oimlm SI9 S. 12tli trrct
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water ,
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Obappod Hands , 'WJoundB , Burns , Etc.
A Delightful Shampoo.
Extract of Beef.
Do you want n copy of
HKHKTUA ? Sec tin tit
is inuilo from tlio oiN-
UINU. InroinpiU'ably
tlio best. Pure , pnlit-
tnblo , refreshing. Dis
solves clonrly.
See Huron UeblK's
sltfimtnro lubluoon
oaeh lahul , thus ;
A new and Coniil | ta 'J'runUutmt , tontlitlnu c < (
BuppotltorlM.'Olntuivnt In Cu | ule * , vita lu llo <
and I'll ! , ) a l'o ltlvu turn fur Kiteroal , lulornal
llllnd or lilcolln * lluhluClirunlo , Itocunt ur
Herudlurr I'llvu. Till , JCenieJr IIA * ncvur been
knunn 10 tall. II per box ( or II ; ttint Ur null ,
Wliy futlorfroiu lUU turrlbla dlieun wlien a writ
ten truaranluu li i > o ltlvelr ) ttlvua nlltittbuK 01 , ur
refund Ilia IIIOIHT If nut curdd Uond 11811111 lor
free iiau ! | > l . ( iuarunuio li u d l > r Hnhn A > < J. ,
Uruntrltli , Hole * , curuur litU aud Uouglai
Commission .M or chant.
nutter , cheese , OKEI.TOJ- Produce , nutter. Kgft ,
ctublot , frulU , poultry ChoojO nnd Poultry.
12th nnd Howard Bis.
nud tinuio. Onizthn.
Spi'claltlpi , bmur. ox Send us your KitKf , Hut
clioono. poultry , ota No. tur , 1'oiiltry. ( inino ,
IH. llti liar. In Nit. llldus , Ktc.
Lank. 1701-3 Iearenirurll St.
42J Eouth llth St.
Iluttor. Ck-iiM. DO 1 try. Our upcclnltloi : Uutter ,
came , hides nnd fruit , OKffs and poultry , 1U14
lAi ( ; lluMnrdst llonnrd street
WrnpplnE paper , nil klujl
Carry n full slock of
printing , wrapping and of twines , etc ,
1408 Howard st.
writing paper , card pa-
pur , eto. Tel. 17JO.
Stove repair ] nnd water
aitnchraenlK for nny kind
of movomado.
1237 DoiiKlni.
Manufacturers of rnsh. 'Toys , dolli , albums ,
Ooors. blinds and fnnoy gooiH. house fur *
niouldlnvs. llrnneh of- nl"hln Koodi , child * \
flce. litli nnd Uard Sts. ron'i carrlauai.
131U Karnnm Stroot.
KoomlU i : clmn oimllJIlooms , U } and 111 Kl-
llulUlnu Suulh clmnua bulldliii.
Om.iha. Soutti O.nahi.
u Parties ,
Uudcr the ptitronngo of
. , , ,
70 and 71 Globe Bldg. , Boston.
Tour of 80 days. $500 ; Tour of 60 dnya ,
$ -100 ; Tour of GO days. $ I7o ! ; Tour of 4
days , $300.
All truvollnx , hotel und nlxht-soctnx expenses In.
( I'artlcn to sail with Mrs , Krntar , July 't , BIO am
vliln hotTiilA.Cunnnl I.liio. Iloston )
NOItTII UAl'K 1'Alll V , to vullJnno IB , by I'AVO
NIA frpm lloiton. 16ilnyh , fMXJ
AppllLMitlonNunlit bu nimlunt once for this tou
nnil for circular itiul ufemucn.
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Fas <
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent ,
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Tke Lmr Fastest nnd finest In the World.
NKW VOUK , milTcAliTK'il'nncI ' NAPLES ,
Atreirular Intervals.
atos on lowest terms t < i and from Iho principle
LicuJlon llckgU avallabtu Ui rt'tura ly cllliifr ltittrlc.\k
uni-rjue Clrdu A Nurtli "t Ireland ur X < pla < t Illkrtftar i
Dafu. tat Uctir Oritti fir in iKut tt Unit Sitll.
' ' ' la any of our local Agents or 10
JiltOTIIHItli. ( Jhlcnao , IU.
) CAl'HUI.tH : aio ti |
DOCUTAJj , and enl > capnulrs | > rtt.'rltt'd bf
rvuular plirilrlani for I ho cure ot
( Jo orrliw anddltcliarvc * from tliu urinar
t tll l' In 0 d > > . II.W UT box.