Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1892, Image 1

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Btowart of Nevada Proposes in the Senate a
Sixteenth Constitutional Amendment.
lloimo I'rorcrilltiRn or Moro Tlmu Usunl
Intrrmt-lllttpr I'nrtlnnii Hirr | 'hri mill
In AorliiiouloUH ItntorlH TurllVntid I'ol-
\VASUINOTON , D. C. , March 11. Senator
atowartof Nevada today offered a joint resolu
tion proposing n sixteenth amondinont to ths
constitution , which states that "after
18J7 no person who has held the
-nffllco of president for four yoorj , or
nny part thereof , shall bo eligible
to thnt ofllco within four years nftor the ox-
plratlon of such term. " The resolution ,
which was referred to the commlttco on
civil service reform , further provides that
the amendment , shall not take effect until
otter March 4 , 1897.
Speaking of the resolution , Senator blow-
nrtkald : "Tho object of the advocates of
civil service reform , as I understand It , is to
remove from the administration of ofllco po
litical considerations. It Is dinicult to un
derstand how this can bo accomplished by
placing the appointment of clerks and others
under the control of a civil service board ,
while the presidential ofllco , In whloh the np-
volutlng power Is lodged , may bo used for
eilinuing : in ofllco the incumbent who over
lie may bo. "
( ) | i)0 iMl to St'inford'H Iitcn ) .
Mr. Stanford's silver hill wa then taken
up and made the text of a speech by Mr.
Uolph. Mr. Dolph'H speech was in opposi
tion to the subtreasurv scbomo and reciproc
ity with Canada and In favor of protection ns
sot forth in the McKinley act. Ho followed
the line of argument adopted in his recent
speech at Detroit.
At the close of Mr. Uolph's speech Mr.
Cullora , from the committee on nppropria-
lions , reported back this military academy
appropriation bill.
The postofllco buildings bill was then taken
up , nnd on motion of Mr. Vest the appropria
tion of $500,000 was struck out , tbo object
being to leave that question to the committee
on appropriations. The bill was discussed
nt great length , but no action was takon.
The urgent deficiency bill was then tnkon
up and passed and the senate adjourned till
Dclintc on the Vivo Wool Hill Wnx i Warm
Seine Hot Itotorti.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. The tariff
fcjllscussion In the house today was moro than
f ( Jaually interesting , and there were several
IVvely passages which forcibly reminded one
of the florco political scenes of past con
gresses when this all-absorbing Issue was tc
the front. Tbo speeches today on both sldoi
of the houio were well for tilled nnd listened
to with n great deal of attention hy members ,
The somewhat unique spootaclo of the largos !
individual woolen manufacturer In tin
United States arguing In favor of the fro <
wool bill was presented when Mr. Slovens
of Massachusetts , a member of tlio ways ant
moans commlttco , took the floor in supper
of the Springer bill , and the democrats pale
close attention to his remarks and grootci
his arguments with applause. No loss flat
turing was the attention paid by all the mom
bars of the house to the next speaker , Hep
resentatlvo Montgomery of Kentucky.
T. II. Brooksblro of Indiana took oocasior
in the of his remnrus to denounce tin
so-called reciprocity schcmo of tbo repub
llcan party as u delusion and a snare.
I'rovoki'il TurtUnii Strlfi' .
Representative Hay of Now York , th
chief republican orator of the day , succoedoi
in provoking moro than usual partisan strife
and It looked for u tlmo as though his alter
oatlon with Representative Meredith of Vii
jffula might surpass parliamentary bounds.
/ Among the petitions presented In th
* house were memorials urging congres
to pass a law to prevent the landln
of criminals nnd pauper immigrants
to rovlso tbo naturalization laws and to sub
niit n constitutional amendments provldini
that no state shall grant the rlght.of kulfrag
to any person not a oltlzon of the Uuitoi
The house wont into committee of tin
whole on the free wool bill am
was addressed by Mr. Steven
of Massachusetts. Mr. Stevens read fron
manuscript , but In so lotv a voice that h
could not bo board ten feet awuj
Ho believed the pending hi
would bonollt alike the manufacture
of woollen goods and the great muss ot th
American people who consumed them. Th
abolition ot the duty on wool did not men
necessarily a smaller demand or lower price
for American wool It meant both America
wool and foreign could ho used to the bs :
advantages for the purposes to whloh oac
was host adapted.
Mr. Montgomery of Kentucky then teethe
the floor and spouo In support of the bill.
Attacked Itcdprocity.
Mr. Montgomery having concluded h
speech , ho was followed by Mr. Brcokshli
BJr. Brooksnlro sold that Mr. Blalnc's s
called reciprocity scheme and the lax upc
raw wools were the two most eminent fa
x by which the protective system wi
to bo maintained. Ho made a sur
\ jf tbo agricultural exports of this coui
t'\ . Jr the purpose of suggesting to 01
farmers to what countries those oxpor
were aestlnod. It was not the agrlcultur
products thut the people of South Amorii
wauled. In the main they wanted manufa
turcd goods. Reciprocity scorned to I
tha slocun nf tbo republican parly. In h
Judgment the whole scheme of roelproci
was a snare nnd a delusion and fell far she
of developing necessary markets for the su
plus of agriculture , Jt was but an artf
contrivance for tba people , In the most si
ifbh , oppressive and unjust system of tax
tion over fastened on a free , loyal and sol
respecting pcoplo.
Air , Ituy l'rii < < liltiit | < ' the TrouLJe.
Mr. Ray of Now York said that the dem
cratlo party nn the tariff question was tl
great American political and reciprocal en
with ten legs , reaching In all direction
| LuughtirJ , ItwRsso weak in the Join
that it bad not a single nolron which it cou
sfjkid alone. If anything was wanting
show that the democratic party as u par
\\-as for free trade , the fnvorubla report
this rill bad supplied the proof , Tl
cry of the p rty was thai It wanted fr
raw materials and wool was classed 1
tlio uomooratla friends as raw matorli
They Ignored the fact thai eight-tenths
thP voluo of a pound of wool roproscnti
human labor and skill , and that when the
imported wool free of duly American farmo
und laborers were thrown oulof omploymo
uiid foreign farmers and laborers were pa
tbo money ours sought to rucelvo. The doir
criulo party in this houto did not know wh
to do with Us Immense majority , secured 1
falsa pretenses and by stupendous lying ,
was the most unmanageable IUOD over i
sembled lu the capital of any nation eluco t
dbys of the French revolution.
Tlirvaterieit with I'olltli'al Dentil.
Political death stared moro than ouo-lu
the democratic members In the fnco. T
political kindergarten law-mailers nrotnU
vound llnsnco and oh honest dollar ; t
eocUlessstatesman from Knuius premisedci
Vj ds of cheap money to every constltue
Jfroo ut coat.
In the course of Mr. Ray's ' speech , wh
be was oitlag cortsiu figures in regard to t
price of wool under the policy of protect !
and ot low lattff , ho was frequently Inti
luptcd with nucsllons by Mr , I'eudlelon
West Virginia , Mr , Hlmpiou and othei
Finally Mr , Ray stated that ha was not
teacher In a democratic kindergarten u
Would uot bo further luteviuplod by
man , who could find nil the Information
wanted In the proper books. Ho furtncr In-
tlmntcu that tils Inloi'locuiors were snaly In
need of Information.
To thin Mr. Meredith replied that although
thoyinight need loforrantlbn in regard to the
tariff , they did know the courtesy thnt
ought to exist ootwoon gentleman , fSonsa-
tlon , ]
Air. liny thought that he could show as
much courtoiy to members ns the gentleman
from West Virginia showed to him when ho
made a remark of that Itlnd when ho ( Mr.
Hay ) had siild nothing to the gentleman ,
1IU llitiir U'Diild Not Work.
"Tho gentleman dcstrua you to understand
that ho stand * by his remarks here or elsewhere -
where , " was Mr. Morodlth'a roplv.
"I nm perfectly witling that ho should
stand by his remarks , " said Mr. Hay with
dignity. "I nm willing he should Inquire for
Information ; but when ho asks mo nrllh-
imutcal problems which he can IInd written
In the paces of this book ( exhibiting a treas
ury statement ) I Know that It Is not done by
the gonllcman or any other gentleman In
good faith , "
"If ttio gentleman states that I nsk ques
tions not In good faith , the gentleman states
what Is not true , " said Mr. Morodlth llrmly.
"Tho gonlloMiin will not nmku mo very
angry by intimating that I lie , " said Mr.
Hay , laughingly. "I have held too many
combats with the democratic party and the
individual members thereof to be easily
frlghtouud. I was not brought up in tlio
woods to bo scared by an owl. [ Great
laughter. ]
"That Is an old chestnut , " was the only response -
sponso Mr. Morodlth dclencd to make.
Mr. Coombs ot Now York spoke for free
wool ,
The commlttco then rose and the house
took a recess until 8 o'clock , the evening ses
sion to bo for the consideration of private
pension bills.
Arliotm tuiil Now Mexico Present Their
CluluiB lor ItnrOKiiltlon.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. The house
committed on territorloi today finished the
consideration of Delegate Josoph'8 bill , to
onnblo tha pcoplo of Now Mexico to form n
constitution and state government so that
the territory may bo admitted into the union
as a stato. A number of Important amend
ments Imvo been made to the bill.
The committee dealt vorj liberally with
the territory In the matter of publlo lands.
ODD of the amendments adopted gives the
territory one-ninth of all the publlo lands
( except mineral ) for school purposes. The
usual amount allowed for this purpose in
cludes ovcrv lUth and 116th section. Another
amendment was adopted grunting 500,000
acres of land for reservoir purposes utul 700-
000 acres for technical and scientific schools
and asylums for the douf , dumb and blind.
The bill will no doubt bo favorably reported
to the houso.
The house committee on territories today
began the consideration of Delegate Smith's
hills to provide for the admission of the
territory of Arizona as a sliito.
Hydraulic Mining In California.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. The sub
committee , appointed by the house comintttea
on mines and mining , to which was referred
the Geary and Camlnotti mining bills , toaay
agroad toroport a substitute. This substitute
Is the measure Introduced i > y Mr. Camlnotti ,
with suggestions from the War department
added , providing that its provisions shall bo
enforced "under tha supervision of the chief
of engineer * and direction of the secretary ol
war. " It also contains at the request of the
commlttco of the California Minors' conven
tion , a clause providing for a tax of 'J par
cent on the gross output of hydraulic mines ,
to bo expended in building dams and main
taining the samo.
The report says : "We luvo doomed it ad
visable to omit reporting on amounts ol
money required to carry tno provisions of the
proposed lnw into effect , believing that theE
articular duty required of us was to exam-
E 10 the question on its merits and submit a
plan of action. This wo have done. Wo arc
Impressed with tbo Importance of the subject
and the necessity for legislation , not only ic
behalf of river conservation , but also in" behalf -
half of such public interests which are effect
ually subserved by the encouragement ol
mining development In the state of Cali
fornia. "
Foot mid Mouth Disease.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. Much uneasiness -
easiness is felt by stock owners , and particu
larly by Secretary Husk , on account of a serious
rious outbreak of the fool and mouth disease
In Great Britain. Sheep nro Imported Intx
tin. country from Great Britain , and as the
animals are very much subject to the conta
glen of foot and mouth disease It Is foarei
that it will bo Introduced by then
into this country in solte of the quaran
tine now enforced. If the disease continues
lopravall In Uroat Britain It will no doubt
ho necessary for the government of thi
United States to entirely prohibit the Intro
auction of cattle , sheep , goats and swim
until the outbreak has neon completely sup
pressed. This dlseaso does not exist on tin
American continent , and It would bo a nil
tlonalcnluralty | tohavo It Introduced , nsevorj
animal that Is In the least exposed to It becomes
comes diseased.
IIIII Concludes to Knuli Ilurtcr.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. Sonatoi
Hill was besieged yesterday by queries as to
what answer ho would make to Congress
man Harter's letter asking him to dollno hi
position on free silver. The senator stood i
1:001 ! naturodly for a tlmo , but llnallv grew
Irritated and used language wbloh Is any
thing but parliamentary toward the nnli
silver leaders :
" 1 will pay no attention whatever to Har
ter's letter , " said the senator. "Ho 1
merely seeking clioiip notoriety and I do no
propose to help him. Ho nas twice addressei
communications to members ot the senate
and bo 1ms each tlmo been snubbed.
"Now I happen to bo the target for Mr
Harter's third literary effort , and It wll
give mo much pleasure to add one moro snu
which this now member U piling upon him
self. "
How Kiichinil Fulfill * I'roiuUrx ,
\VA8iiiNOTON , D. C , March 11. The tw
British vessels seized in Boring sea last yea
for violating the terms of the modus vivenc
and turned over to the British authorllias fc
prosecution under that acreomcnt , uro sal
to bo among the vessels that have nlread
started for the aoallng grounds. The o vessels
sols are the Otto and E. B. Marwlu. So fa
as known tbo British government has m
Instituted proceedings against thorn. On tti
other hand tbo Lunimta and Ktliol , tw
American vessels , seized forcxacily the sain
offense , were libelled and condemned by th
United Status courts.
ii .Make !
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. A core
mitteo from the meeting of postmasters , no' '
being hold here , was before the commute
on postoftlces and post roads today to mnli
arguments and suggestions of various maters
tors which iho postmasters think will bo fc
the good of tbo service. The commlttco coi
slslod of iho following ; Brown of Tolodi
Hart of Boston , Wells of Nashville , Lowls c
Atlanta and Clarkson of Omaha.
MM. rainier lullCH to CoiifrciH > ncn.
WASHINGTON , ! ) . , March 11. Mrs , Potto
Palmer today made an address before th
special house committee on the World's Col
umblan exposition urging favorable actlo
on the bill before tbo committee to anon
priato $ iar ,000 to bo disbursed directly h
tbo Board of Lady managers of the ei
llluliiK nuil Springer lloti | llettcr.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11 , Secrotar
Blalne continues to Improve slowly and unless
loss he has a relapse , will probably bo ubl
to leave hit room next week ,
Kopresentatlvo Springer pasted anoiho
peed night and the improvement lu his coi
dlllou still continues.
Cabinet Took No Action.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 11. The Be
a 1 ing oea question was again considered at t
il I day's meeting of the cabinet , but It is uudc
> I stood no action was taken ,
Farmers Contract to Furnish the Norfolk
Factory Five Hundred Acres.
It U'lll fll\o Kinploymrnt to n I.nrgo Num
ber or I'ooplo unit Anure. n Supply of
the Vrgotnlilrg Tor tlio
Local I'liinU , Neb. , March 11. | Speclal
to THE BEE. ] Jewoll Bros. , ono mlle south
of this city , contracted today wilh the Nor
folk Beet Sugar factory to rnlso 800 acres of
sugar beets which will make the largest
sugar boot field In America. Fifteen or
twenty others hnvo also contracted for small
amounts which will run the acreage up to
500 or more. A carload of machinery was
ordered today from Mollno , 111. , to cultivate
and plant the beets. This will glvo employ
ment to n great many pcoplo In this locality.
Union I'nclllu Improvements.
OHAND ISIAND , Nob. , March 11 , [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE. | General Superin
tendent P. J. Nichols , Chief Engineer Smcad
nnd Division Engineer Schormcrhorn of the
Union Pacific were in the city today loouiiid
up now locations for buildings which will
have lo bo moved hotoro the location of the
now Union Paciilo depot , It is now expected
that something definite will develop in lha
near future arid that work will soon com
railed to 1'uy thu .
SEWAIID , Nob. , March 11. [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] W. W. Woodward had a preliminary
hearing before County Judge Minor ynster-
day on the charge of selling mortgaged prop
erty. do borrowed several hundred dollars
on a lot of brcom corn , sold It and failed to
pay off the mortgage. Ho was oound ever to
the district court in bonds of $1,000 , which
ho gave and was released ,
Verdict Against Fremont.
FHEMOXT , Nob. . March 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The suit of Joseph
Boltroall against the city of Fremont for
damages was on trial In the district court
yesterday and today. Botlreall fell on Ihe
sidewalk May 18 , 1891. and sustained In
juries for which ho sued the city for in , 000.
The Jury hroueht In a verdict at 4 o'clock
awarding Boltreall $100.
Funds fur -tiio World's I'nlr.
Yoitit , Neb. , March 11. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Wednesday a finance committee ap
pointed by the World's fair committee ol
this county went before the county board ol
supervisors for tbo purpose of getting as
sistance for making an exhibit ut Ibo World's
fair. The committee presented the question
and was successful in securing an appro
priation of $300.
Fire nt Tort .Mohnmi.
FOIIT NionnAnA , Nob. , March 11. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Fire broke out in
the quarters of company G , Eighlh infantry ,
this evening , and but for the timely arrival
of the local ilro department the building
would hnvo been a smouldering mass o (
ruins. The origin of the fire is unknown.
The damage is quite heavy.
IurflnrH at Norman.
NOHMAN , Nob. , March 11. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The general merchandise store of C ,
H. Woodruff was entered by burglars
Wednesday night. A dog in the store cav <
the alarm and Ihoy were frightened away
without securing anything.
Narrow I > eapo of H Urniiil Inland Family ,
GIUND ISLIND , Neb. , March 11. ISpcoial
Telegram to THE BEE. | The family 01 G ,
M. Hoin , editor of the Herald , came neai
bolntr asphyxiated last night. A now ser
vant girl blow out the gas. Physicians thlnli
all will recover.
onnty'M Convention.
BCATIIICE , Nob. , Maroh 11. [ Special Tclo-
gram to THE BEE. ] The Gage county repub
lican convention for electing delegates to the
state and congressional conventions has
ueon called lo moot in thU city April 7 at 10
o'clocK a. ra.
MiliiRlcil Ills Foot.
DUNIIUI , Neb. , March 11. [ special to Tin
BEE. ] Frank MoWilliaras , who recently
moved to Vesta from this place , while cul
line wood accidentally cut off all the toes o
the left foot except the little one.
Itoblied thn Police .Iiulen ,
BEATUICE , Neb. , March 11. [ Special Telegram
gram to THE BKE. ) The room of Pollci
Judge J. A. Colllsou was broken into b ;
burglars last evening and gooas and chattel
to the value of MO takon.
Northoru New YorK ( liven i > Tin to o
WuiitlH-r Wcitorii Storm Notcg.
WATHIITOWN , N. Y. , March 11. A bllzzan
prevails throughout northern Now York. 1
heavy snow Is blocking the railroads am
breaking down lolograph wires. Severn
feet of snow has fallen nnd the storm Is sill
raging , causing a cessation of business li
some parts.
DULUTU , Minn. , March 11. It is estimate' '
the damage from Ibo bllizard will cxcooi
* 100)00. ( )
AI.IHHT LKA , Minn. , March 11. Nolsoi
Blackwerwus lost in the blizzard and no
having neon found It Is feared ho Is dead.
ASHLAND , Wls. , March 11. There are re
ports of several homesteaders near Iron rive
perishing in the storm. They wore oul ex
plorlng about the now copper field and huv
been missing several days. Two or thrc
searching parlies went oul this morning.
UUI.UTII , Minn. , March II. The body of 01
unknown man , apparently about 40 years old
was founa this noon u few mlles back o
town on the Hermantown road , Ho ha
frozen lo death ,
NEW ROCKFOIID , N. D. , March 11. ' Ol
Larson was frozen in yesterday's storm.
HuMiioutT , la. , March 11. The gale her
capsized John Owonson and his load of ha
and broke bis nock. It also throw John Old
son on the ground nnd broke bis skull.
DEVILS Lt.KE , N , D. , March 11. Tore
farmers named ( Jarskor and another part
named Gus Gnrmaln , were overtaken by th'
storm when near dome. Tboy are all frozoi
more or less , but it Is not thought that thel
sufferings will result fatally , Conslderabl
stock was frozen , A. Wilson was frozen ti
death near Iho residence of his omployoi
Morris Duffey , fifteen miles north. Other
uro reported missing ,
AI.IIKIIT Liu , Minn. , March 11. The froze
body of Nelson lilackmer , lost In the bllj
zard , has been found ,
WILLOW CITY , N. D. , March 11. Mrs
Lokken and a boy by the uamo of Torgu
Thompson , who live about twenty miles eas
of hero , started to go to the house of Join
Tvoten , about one-half mlle frm their home
the boy having boon sent for Mrs. Lokken o
account of Mrs. Tiolen being sick. A lei
rlblo blizzard raged and Ihoy losi their waj
Tboy wandered about until Ihey became ei
hauslcd and lay down. The. woman diet
hut the boy nwoko about 2:80 p. ra. tbo no *
duy and stumbled to a house only a fexv rod
distant and told his story. The boy Is in
bad condition and may dio.
CIXXJUKT , Minn. , March 11. Tbo body c
Frank Defoe was found frozen stiff thl
morning a mile and a half from bis boini
Ho was caught in the terrible storm.
Mysteriously DUuppearcil ,
ANOKA , Minn. , March 11. The 5-yoar-ol
child of Henry Slovens has mysteriously dl
appeared. Large searching partial are ou
Kidnapping is feared.
Went Hack to 1'olycnuiy.
SALT L KE , Utah , March 11. Nlcho !
Uroesbgck , pardoned last year by Preildci
Harrison on his promise to abandon polyg
amy , hus bcon again arrested and held In
$1,000 ; bonds for unlawful cohabitation. U
was n very flagrant CBJO right * in this city ,
the offotidtng parties living ppcnly in their
polygamous rotations. t
Solicitor Dnilit ot the Stntiilnril Oil Trout
Mnlten u SliUriiirut.
Niw : Youic , March 11. Tlio announcement
that the managers ot Iho Standard Oil trust
have Invited the certificate holders to vote
on n motion to dissolve thojru3t : has aroused
wide interest and u kceu dcslro to know the
form under which It Is propose ) to conduct
the enormous bustnots of the concern.
In accordance with a provision ni the trust
deed n special mooting of the holders of the
trust certificates has boon called for Monday
the " 1st to vote on lha proposition. At thnt
tlmo , too , thcso holders may decide the raodo
In which the affairs of the trust shall ho
wound up , and whether the trust property
shall bo distributed or whether' part , and If
so what part , Mi all uo divided and what part
sold and whether such sales shall bo publlo
or private.
When asked today whether the trust would
bo reorganized In sotno other form , nnd what
was iho reason for the dissolution , S. C. T.
Dodd , the solicitor of the trust , said : "No ,
wo hnvo no Intention of reorganizing the
trusl ; our nurposo is lo dissolve , not reor
ganize. Wo thlntc the trust has boon a
benefit to every body. Besides largely reduc
ing the prlco of oil to the consumer It has
enabled every person in our employ who has
saved a dollar or got n dollar lo invest to
share In the profits ot the trust and , In that
way , It has been n profit-sharing Industry.
When the trust was organized it comprised
about thirly-oight persons. Now there iiro
2,000 persons' names on the book ns certifi
cate holders , and these persons are scattered
all ever the world. The capital of the trusl
is 595,000,000 , nnd during the ten years of its
existence it has paid quarterly dividends of 3
per cenlor IB per cent per annum. Ils ex-
porl business amounts lo about $ oO,000,000 ,
or about two-thirds of Us total business. "
President McClicsnoy or the Illinois Live
Stock Commission Aroused.
CHICAGO , ill. , March 11. fSpoclal Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] President McChosnoy
of the stnlo board of livestock commissioners
Is making great preparations f6r tbo re-trial
of the ) suit of J. B. Groonhut aeainst tbo
board in the circuit courtof Peorla count } ' in
May , tha first trial having resulted In a dis
agreement of the Jury. The suit is called "Tho
lumpv Jaw caso" nnd grow out of the seizure
of 100 head of cattlesblppod to Nelson Morris ,
on the ground that they were jnreclod wilh
lumpy Jaw. It Is designed to determine Judi
cially whether lumpy Jaw is contagious or
not , Greonhut denying It and President Mc
Chosnoy tiftirining that it is iconiagious not
only to cattle but toman , ' Ho has prcnarod
an argument on this subject covering twenty
typo written panes In the form of an open
latter to Green hut and Mbrris , and ha
threatens that If the whisky trust people
provoke him ho will give < lt to the public
before the trial.
Once She Won the Most Huuutlrill Woman lu
HouO , > orn Imllitna ; t
NKW Ai.nAr , Ind. , March ; 11. Kale
Smith , onrouto to this city frobv Louisville ,
early this morning committed aulcido on the
train by taklngjj.lrychnimw S.beidlod In hor-
rlblo agony. She wus at ono iilno considered
the handsomest woman in southern Indiana.
Two years ago she eloped wjtffi a Cincinnati
traveling tmmwho deserted hor.
liutlHimpolltt . Meri.'luint Commits Suicide.
INIMANAVOI.IS , Ind. , March 11 , Isaac B.
Johnson , member of the firm of Rowland &
Johnson , agricultural Implements , shot him
self dead oaply this morning1. No reason-U
known for tbo action.
Som Idellortlio Crowds That Will Attend
the Triennial Conclave.
DENVER , Colo. , March 11. The monstrous
dimensions ot the Knignls Templar conclave
lo occur In Denver next August are not at all
appreciated by the average citizen. The fol
lowing faots were obtained today by Presi
dent Elbort of the Chamber ot Commerce :
Up to date 80,1500 people have pontrncldd for
rooms , 20,000 moro have engaged Pullman
cars for their nccommopation and over 500 of
these cars will stand In they Denver yard's
and bo occupied by 3,000 ftttjbndnnts at the
conclave. Stretched out in a'llno , the sleep-
era would form an unbrqk < U | train seven
mlles long. _ _ /
UOLI > iriiifK o.irn.
They Object to tha Itiimovul or u Dishonest
SANTA FB , N. M. , March l } . Information
from Taos says lhat whita op troubles arc
expected in that county. The county com
roissionors are about to remove the collector
for failing to pav over publlo funds. Tbo
willto cap organization has threatened to kil !
the now collector and to kill the Board ol
County Commissioners if tbOohangois made ,
Mounted and well armed whlto caps para dec
the streets and made these threats today.
FloiuIUh Duuil or Ilrutes ,
NEW HAVEN , Conn. , March II. Three mor
entered the homo of Albert DenMow in Ham
don , a suburb of Now Haven , last night
bound and caggod Denslow and a man namcc
Monk , who boarded in iho houso. The mor
than cauebt Mrs. Emily Johnson , Denslow' ;
sister , tied her bands behind hur and carried
her Into a bed room adjoining. Here ihuj
ravished Iho woman repeatedly. The met
were In Iho house two hours and all this time
Denslow and Monk lay helpless on Iho floor !
and \vcro unoblo to rendur assistance. Tin
police nro wocklng on the case and ono of th <
men has been caugnt. Mrs , Johnson's inju
rlos uro quilo series , She U 3'J years old.
Tried lo HIIIIJ ; the > M jirdcrer.
K ANSIS CITY , Mo. , March 11 Amos Avery
of Lamnr , who wai yesterday- convicted of
the murder of James A. Mile * and sentenced
to bo hanged on April 3d , is now in the Kan
sas Cltv Jail , where ho was placed this morn
ing by Sheriff Bartlolt u BArtan counly foi
safekeeping. Last night cfanfe near
Avcry's last on earth , -asn the citizens ol
Lamar decided not to wait for April 2 $ to see
the law carrind Into affect , and attempted Ic
lake Avery from the sheriff ! ) and lynch him.
Sheriff Bartlett got away and > ihid bun In i
church belfry and tblsrinoruuigi brought bin
to Kansas City. {
French Labor Commljiiloiicr.
DENVEII , Colo. , March 1LM. . Paul do :
Chanel , a representative of the Frenct
government , arrived m Dourer yesterday
bearing several letters of Ulh' recommend
allonlolho governor and President Jeffrey
of Iho Kin Grande from thoEFfeach consul li
Chicago. The gentleman hu-Deen sent l <
the United States to truiko. n series of In
qulrlus Into the condition of Uaboraml to report
port tbo same In writing 'to the legislature
Ho will leave for California tomorrow.
Will Stop Oxer1 | u Uonver ,
DKNVEII , Colo. , March tl. Tbo ( jroystoni
club has sent an Invitation to Hon. M. F ,
Tarpoy and the Call forma delegation to tb <
national uemocrailo contention at Ctilcngc
to bo the guoits of the Uroystono club wblli
tu Denver curouta tof Chicago. It is expected
pectod thai iho California ilelcgallpn will ur-
rlvo in Denver early on June IT , remain It
Denver during the day and uo on to Cblcagi
tbo next day In company with iho Coloradi
delegation. /
Tlio Flra Id-cord.
NEW YORK , March 11 , A flro causlnf
damage amounting to 130,000 occurred in thl
city last night In lha li vu Mory building occupied
cupiod by Henry Lewis & Son's , ladles
underwear. The ( Ire was confluod to th
building la which It originated.
Awful Explosion of Gas in a Oolliory Near
Ohailoroi in Belgium , .
Only n IVw l > ripe : rroni the Dcnth Trap
MiiuyVoiiifii nuil Children Iln-
CtiUcil In the DUmtcr I.Utlo
llopo for tlio . Missing.
lropj/H < ; Wf < J 1KI2 t > u Jama Gonlnn
BnusgKi.9 , March 11. [ Now York Horsld
Cahlo Special to Tun BEC. ] A terrible dis
aster occurred today In the Andorluos coal
tnlno , near Charlorol. In the central Belgian
coal district , caused by a llro damp explosion ,
o violent as to shako the country within n two
mlle radius llko an earthquake. Over 350
lieu nnd women were at work In the mine.
Vain attempts were made to descend into
ho mtno by rescue parties. The explosion
occurred nt 0 a. m , , but it was 11 before the
Ir&t rescue party succeeded in getting down.
t rescued three girls nllvo , but badly burned.
L.ntor forty men were got out allvo , and seven
corpses , charred beyond recognition. All
hcso were found at a depth of 200 motors or
ess , but hundreds of bands working at a
depth of 500 motors have not yet booh
reached , owing to the enormous quantity of
debris which tills the galleries.
At the tlmo ot cabling (0 ( p. m. ) it seams
certain the disaster will exceed in fatality
the similar disaster which occurred in the
same pit In April , 1SSO.
Litter Kxtltiutto or tlio IMmmtor.
BuusoBLS , March 11. INew York HorMd
Cable Special to Tun Bun. ] The number
of victims of the mine disaster Is as yet un
ascertained , as the lower gallery has not yet
been reached by the rescue party. It Is be
lieved tno number of killed will not bo less
than 150. Most of those rescued nro so badly
burned that hardly ono in four will survive.
The rumor that the Belgian government Is
about to propose an International conference
for putting down anarchism is totally untrue ,
although Germany would bo glad to do
something of tbo sort covertly through the
agency of little Belgium.
It has been ascertained that the foot and
mouth disease , exactly resembling the Eng
lish outbreak , has appeared among the Uol-
t'ian cnttlo. Uroat consternation exists in
the agricultural districts , and the Brussels
cattle market will probably bo closed.
Prince Chlmay , Belgian mtnislorof foreign
affairs , is III and believed to bo dying.
In the House of Representatives today
Premier IJornaort announced that the gov
ernment would soon introduce n bill asking
for a money grant to provide for Belgium's
participation in the Chicago exposition , also
that the government would glvo every assist
ance to the Belgian Argentine bondholders
In their efforts lo protect their interests.
It la n'Question Which Mothers the Mem
bers or thn House o | Common * .
LONDON , March 11. Tha question of the
defenses of the ports of Esquimau ! * , in Vau-
couvor Island \yat r.ilsod in the House of
Commons yesterday and was discussed with
heat by Lord George Francis Hamilton , llrst
lord of the admiralty and several liberal In-
lerrogalos. Hardly had this breeze died out
when the Boring sea controversy was
brought before the house by the question
addressed by Elward Tomporly Gourloy , the
advanced llocral member from Sundorland ,
and answered for the government by under
secretary of foreign ofllco Lowther.
Mr. Ferguson , member from Loith , led off
by asking these questions of the llrst lord of
tbo admiralty : Uoos the slto of the navy
yard at Esquimault belong to Canada or tbo
crown } Wll the work of Improving Ibo'de-
fonses of the harbor , including plans , engi
neering nnd coustiuction , bo done by Iho
Canadian government or the crown 1 Are
any advantages secured to her majesty's ves
sels at Esquimault harbor thai are nol
accorded ihcin in such porls as the United
States , Franco or other civilized uatloiih ?
If Iho garrison bo put under eruow of the
Canadian government , will the homo gov
ernment have any moans of assurance of
the support of thu same for her majesty's
fleet in tlmo of war ? If , as has heon sug-
gculcd , Canada should decide lo cast her lot
with the United States and oecomo incor
porated wilh Ibat country , would she carry
with her the guns and other portable equip
ments of the fortifications )
The interrogatories were delivered amid a
storm of exclamations and ramonstrunces.lhc
last being put In such a way as to supgost
that in litno of wiir the imperial government
could not rol/upon the loyally of Iho do
minion. Tbo impression was lhal tilt
speaker intended to' say that Canada had
ilriftod too far towards iho Untied States to
bo trusted to cooperate with the mother
country in case of iroublo wilh the Ameri
can Bovernmcnt.
Lord Hamilton said ; "Tho slto of ino
n ivy yard at Esquimault belongs to the
crown , and Ihe Canadian government lias
reserved for her majesty's ships exclusively ,
a part of the harbor. The Canadian govern
ment will provide the bite for Iho forliflca-
tlons a dtno euns , and will bn responsible
for Ibo manning of tlioni. The honorable
genlloman's other question seems lo have
been put with the otjjoct of causing the In-
fornnco that in tlmo of Iroublo or danger ,
Canada will not ho ready to co-opornlo with
Ibo homo government. I decline to un.iwor
these hypothetical questions which arc
prompted by suppositions at once injudicious
and dangerous.1'
Mr. Ferguson Jumped up asking : "I beg
tbo first lord of admiralty to answer mj
inquiry wheiher in the event of Canada sepa
rating herself from her majesty's erapiro , the
guns , stores , ammunition and fortifications
will belong tO the imperial governmentf"
The liouro was In a hubbub when Mr. Ferguson
guson sat down , and rang with the cries ol
' don't answer. " Lord Hamilton made no
under Secretary Lowiher of the foreign
office In response lo the inquiries ot Mr ,
Gourlcy as lo Iho report of the Bering soacom <
mission , said that all'tho commissioners bail
signed iho Joint report uihbodymg iho point :
which they were agreed ns regards Ibo pro
tection and preservation of Iho seal Industry ,
The points upon which no agroomoni ; could
bo arrived at , nud llioso were the main
points , ho aJilod , concerned Ibo length of tin
season around Iho 1'elagio Islands , Tb <
questions wnukl'-bo referred to Ibo arbitra
tion commission for settlement.
rou woitir ,
ImpovorUhrd Ourmiiu I.tihorors Miiku u
Dmnoiihtrutloii ut I.ulpalc.
BKIIUN , March 11 , Meetings were held it
Leipslcat which J,000 mon out of work were
present. It was decided that delegate ;
should be sent to Ibo municipal authorities
asking that publlo works for the relief of the
dlbtrossod people bo Immediately started.
In Cologne 400 destitute mon were todaj
given employment on relief works , starlet
by tbo city ollicloU , It was found impossl <
bio to supply work to more than a compara
lively small numbir of all the great crowd o
Impoverished nieu who bosomed the uuthorl
ties , begging to bo given a chance to earn i
little money with which they might purchasi
food for their starving families. The author
itlos , however , doipito their efforts to flue
places for us many of the applicants as the ;
could possibly put to work , were forced ti
turn away hundreds of tbo clamoring work
rneu , Those- who fallen to obtuln employ
ncnt then formed themselves into n proccs-
Ion nnd marched In n body to the town hull ,
lore , In answer to the shouts and cries Of
ho mon , the burgomaster appeared and made
n mollifying nnd encouraging address. Ho
aid tno authorities wcro doing all in their
lower lo nllovlato thu great distress prevail'
ng , mid hoped thai some tnonn * would soon
) o reached to accomplish this end. Hoproni-
scd that they would try to IInd worn for
every one , nnd that In tlio meantime employ
ment would he given to those who were mar-
rloa and had families dependent on them.
The processionists acted in an orderly man
ner , and when the burgomaster finished
slinking they cheered him heartily nnd then
At Dortmund , n town of Prussia In Wesl-
ihnlla , much suffering exists among Iho In-
jorers. Over 'J.OOO men employed In the Iron
vorks ntlhat place have boon thrown out of
vorlt within a week and left without any
CI.AMOKt.NU roil HIS AKltr.ST.
: iictnlg or MrrclarViuit Him I'roirnuloil
to thn I.IIH'H I.lmlt.
MONTKHAI , Out. , March 11. Mr. Morclor
s roporlod lo have recovered his spirits nnd
o ho In much batter health. Ills friends declare -
clare that the conservatives will not dare to
carry out their throats of prosecution against
itm , as they say such n claim would bo ro-
; nrdol as persecution.
La Prosso nnd other loading conservative
: > apors nro calling for his arrest and trial.
Mr. Morolor. during the days of his in-
luonco nnd power , was extremely arrogant
nnd wounded the feelings of many who now
ire only too anxious that he should bo
tumbled in the dust. Should this feeling
prevail Mr. Morclcr will probably have to
suffer further humiliation nnd the country
will bo treated to a sensational criminal
trial. It Is llkoly that although Mr , Merclor
has tendered his resignation It will not be ac
A prominent conservative said today that
the government will not bo content with
anything loss than his expulsion , nnd that
that will probably bo the course adopted ,
iKi\v : iii.oou.
Another Frouch Dual In AVlilch Ono or tlio
I'rliiripiiln Was In.lurril.
PA ins , March 11. A duel with swords was
fought today between M. Isaac , formerly
subprofoct of Fourmlos , the scene of the
riotous demonstration on Iho 1st of May last
when a number of worktngmon were shot
down by soldiers , and M. Duoots , a member
if the start of iho Iruranslgoant , Henri
itocheforlo's paper. The duel grow out of
iirUclcs written by M. Uubois in which M.
Isaac was violently attacked for iho port ho
had taken in the Muy dav troubles. M. Isano
| ) roved himself Iho bettor swordsman and
Intlictod a serious wound in M. Uubois' ab-
Wales nuit I'umlly 011 tlin Itlvlcrn.
ICopiirtaMtillSQlbii Jitmci Gnnlnn Hemif'M
NICE , March 11. [ Now YorK Herald Cable
Special to THE Bcn.j The prlnco nnd
princess of Wales , Prince George nnd Prin
cesses Maude nnd Victoria , accompanied by
Major General Ellis and Miss Knolllos ,
arrived at Montana this morning. No ono
except the British vlco consul and the corre
spondents of the Times and Herald were
allowed on the platform when the royal party
alighted from the train. All looked remark
ably well , especially Prlnco Gcorgo. The
royal party at ouco drove to the Cafe Martin
hotel , where ihoy occupy Iho first lloor of
the western win ? . Empress Eugcnlo , also In
tbo same hbtoloccupies tlio suite immediately
over the prince of Wales' apartment , The
stayer the royal party Is qulto private.
Austria' Currency Commission.
VIENNA , March 11. At the meeting of the
currency commission Hcrr Hahn , director of
tha Lander bank , declared that $200,000,000
In gold would-bo required for'Iho proposed
reforms. HcrrDubose of tbo Rothschilds
firm , established the amount at ? 300,000,000.
Hitherto It has been supposed that $100,000-
000 would sufllco. Herr Elbergcn , director
of the Anglo-Austrian bank , dropped nn in
discreet remark to the effect thnt in tno end a
cold loan would bo the cheapest war loan.
Tutor .MorolHinI ( ilvuu Ten Yearn.
LONDON , March 11. The trial of Malllaud
Francis Morolnno , the ngod Oxford lutor ac
cused of atlempllng lo blaclimail members of
Iho nobility , took place todov. When Mora-
land was arraigned ho pleaded guiily lo Iho
charge of allempllng lo oxlort money from
Earl Russell and not cullty to , iho chargn of
extortion. The prisoner wus sentenced lo
Ion years' servitude. This is equivalent tea
a Ufa sentence , for More-land is now 05 voars
Itcclproi'lty wltli Culm ,
ICopi/r/o/ilol / 1893 liy Jiimen fiord /femielt.l
MADIIID. March 11. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : BEE.-Tho ] reci
procity between the Uniled States and Spain
for Cuba was ratillod in the Corto ? last
night by a majority of twenty-throe , after n
long and boated dobato. The vote stood 73
to 50.
Separated 1'rom Hrr Chlldrmi.
CANNKS , March 11 , Mr. Deacon sent repro-
soninllvos lo Cannes yesterday with power
of otlornay lo tnko his son nnd"Ihlrd daugh
ter from his wifo. Mrs. Deacon violently
opposed tills separation and a heartrending
scene occurred. Later in the day Mrs. Deacon
con slarlod for Paris. The othe'r daughters
bavo gene to Genoa wilh tliolr grandmother.
Woman SiiHrnRi' lu France ,
PAHIS , March 11. The deputies have
adopted a proposal giving to women the right
to vote in elections for members of the Con-
soils dcs Prudhoinmcs , but rojuctod a motion
making women eligible ) as members of these
Will Mill Hliiy lu the House.
BEIIUN , March 11. Tbo emperor left his
bed today , bul by Iho alvico of his physi
cians ho remains confined 10 his room.
Mmiiifulppl MIscrenntH Dlteli n I'
Train -Several 1'eoplo Injured.
JACKSON , Miss. , March 11 , A successful
attempt ut train wrecking was made throe
miles below hero last night. The Illinois
Central patsongor was derailed just . .below
hero. Five cars Jumped the track nnd
landed in the ditch. No passengers were
hurt but several of the trainmen were seri
ously Injured. Tbo spikes and fish plates
hud bcon drawn and laid to ono side , being
conclusive nvldonco of malicious Intent.
Such accidents are gelling so frequent on
tha Illinois Central that it is said the state
railroad commission is to make un invostlga'
.Survey-Ink" Our Southern Jloiinilury ,
EL PASO , Tex , , March 11 , The United
and Mexican Boundary Survey commliMon
has at last completed arrangements and Ihc
parly began Us slow march along Iho bordot
to tbo Pacific coast today. The "United
States contingent is under iho command ol
Colonel Harlow and tlio Mexicans nro undni
Senor Jose Blanco. It Is estimated the trlf
will occupy twenty-six months.
Nelra lm' Content ,
CIIETB , Nob. , March H. [ SpecialTalc-gran
to Tin : BEE. ) The eighth annual contest ol
Ibo Nebraska Colloglalo Oratorical assocta
lion took place at the opera houee In this cil\
this evening. Decision of judges : U. E
Winters of Wosloynn university , llrst : C. M
Sidles of Stain university , secouu , apil Mis :
Bertha Htull of Doano Iblrd.
Thu Death lloll.
lIoi.TOKB , Colo. , March 11. { Special
gram to THE Bee.j Hon. M. Francis , chair
man of the Board of County Commissioners
died here today. Ho was an old resident sun
highly oslectned. The funeral will b lick
Sunday under the auspices of thn local ( Jrant
Army of the Republic pott , of which thu da
cwused VYBI a member.
3oth BratU ; ' ' . of the Iowa Legislnlura
> (1 ( at
ilii' , ' AtlmlnlMrntlou < lru.
emlly niiiloA ijL ' While No Inittruo-
tlon * uere \ . r&t , Ho l < Fiitorvil ny
thn l > clcKiitc In Mnny Onsen.
Uns MOINRS , la. , March 11. A bill was in.
troducod lu the senate toJay to abolish oan-
tal punishment ,
The committee appointed to Investigate
.ho charge that u motnoor of the senate hud
) eon arrested In n house of III fame reported
t was found to bo groundless.
This morning the Australian ballot bill
lasted without n dissenting uuto. Ittsdlf-
'oront ' from the ballot hill passed lu the
house and will now go to that body again.
The Gatch collateral Inheritance bill ,
shaped after the Now Vent law on the sauio
mbject , passed the scmuo , only n few votes
iolng recorded against It , It provides that 3
? or cent of all estate * over $1,000 shall bo
mssod into the state treasury except those of
direct inheritance. .
The Kelly Innocent purchaser bill , provld-
ng for n defense by makers of nugoitablo
mpor imuto for certain purposes , sunh ai
Ighiulng rods , trees , patent rights , etc. , was
also passed. This bill Is loss swooping than
the house hill which Included all uogatlabio
The Gatch bill for a Board or Control of
state Institutions was made n spccliil order
for 10 o'clock tomorrow. Adjourned "till to
In the house the railroad oominlttco re
ported unfavorably on n bill to require
freight oars to bo equipped with nutomr.tlo
brnkus. The telegraph and telephone com
mittee reported unfavorably on a bill to allow
the railway commissioners to fix the eharcos
of telegraph companies. The ways and means
committee recommended the passage of the
bill for the endowment tax for the State
university and Agricultural college.
rho Oat oh bill came over from the sonnto
and was referred to the committee on the
suppression of intumporauco. The bill for n
permanent endowment tax for the State uni
versity was then taken up. Springer made
along speech favoring the bill. Hichraan
mid Love also spoito favorably of the mons-
uso. Brulo spoke ntratnst it. Dayton also
spoke against the measure. The bill failed
passage by several votes. A bill of the same
sort for Agricultural college was taken
up , but was lost by a larger vote than the
university bill.
The evening session of the house was devoted -
voted entirely to n concert by the Iowa Stnto
band. An effort Is being made to Imvo the
legislature oniolnlly rocoenlzo the hand ,
hence the concert to show the organisation's
Kmlnracil 1'roslilont Harrlnoii.
BOONU , In. , March 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bni : . ] The republican county con
vention hold here this afternoon was presided -
sided over bv W. B. Weaver of this city
with C. L. Zolltngor of Ogdoa as secretary.
Tha following were elected doloputos to the
state convention : Hon. A. J. Holmes , Hon.
M. Brookf , J. H. Carpenter , O. IP. Good , J ,
U. Dornn , C. L. Xollinger , J. S. Freidley , J.
W. Near , A. J. Uarkley , A. .H Cobb , T.-J.
Davis , N. B. Goldthwnito and D. P. Toter.
Addresses were made by Representative
Brooks and ox-Congressman Holmes. Tlio
detonates were uninstruclod , but a resolu
tion was passed endorsing the able , wlsoand
patriotic administration of President Harri
son , tbo Mclvinloy bill with Its reciprocity
clause and declaring thutBoono county Is
opposed to instructing the delegates to the
republican national convention In favor of
any candidate for president. A resolution
declaring neutnst the appropriation nf moro
than $50,000 for Iowa's exhibit at the World's
fair was tabled nf a sharp dcbato.
MISSOURI VAI.I.P.Y , In. , March 11. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Bui : . ] The republican
countv convention assembled today at Logan
to elect cloven delegates to the state con
vention. The attendance was full nearly
every precinct being rowosoutcd. The ma
jority nro fuvornblo to the nomination Of
Harrison. Than * were no Instructions.
runcnil ol Dr. HHITOWH.
Du-KXKWT , la. , March 11. The funeral of
Dr. E. S. Barrows , who died at the ago of 03 ,
was held in this city today. Ho was the
llrst physician to regularly practice In this
stato. He came here In IBM from Florida.
Itix Suddenly Kmlml.
Ki.noiiA , la. , March 11. When the court
convened this afternoon tha attorneys far
the plaintiff asked tbo court to maka tbo fol
lowing entry , which was done : The deoroo
ofdlvotco granted Ellsworth Ddcomhor fi ,
1891 , against his wife , Hattie A. , before
JuUgd Illndman , IB , upon motion of the
plaintiff's attorney , sot usido and the case is
to be tried on Its tnurlts. After reading
sovorul letters from Mrs. Ellsworth , tha
plaintiff's attorneys moved that the case bo
dismissed without prejudice. So unds for
the present one of the most sensational suits
of Iowa divorce courts.
Odrtr ItuplcU Olulil Fatuity Hurt ,
CKDAU U VWDS la. , March 11. | Special
Telegram to Tin : BEI : . ] Alexander Matuo-
aon n 0-yoar-oid boy while walking along the
railway truck today was struck by a Bur
lington train and probably fatally Injured.
ArriiKiiil of .Striillni ; Mull I til ) , ' .
CBDAH Kirinx. la. , March U. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bui : . ] Dan Blano who was
arrested on n charge of stealing a mull bag
from the depot platform nt Bolla I'lulno
Saturday yight , had his preliminary bearing
before the commissioner today and M as con
tinued to the grand Jury of the April term of
the federal court.
Kllltti ! hy FiillhiK Witlln.
Cui'STON , In. , March 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB.I Sixty feet of the south
wall of the First National bank at Vllllsca
fell in last night , kllllull Churlos A. Bunker.
The bank people wore warned sotno time ago
that the building was unsafe.
Outgrowth ol u Niiloon
UIIKHTOS , la. , March 11. ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKE.J Judge S. H. Davli of
the superior court comes out In n " ( fitter today
in which ho chaoges city officers" with collu
sion with gamblers and saloon men rnd with
accepting bribes , Ho charges K. J , Sldey.
editor of the Commonwealth and ox-clork or
the superior court , with being a defaulter.
The letter is the outgrowth of the recent
saloon llpht. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.Trio of ArrldmiU ut Crouton.
CiiKsruN , lu. , March 11. [ Special Tolt > -
gram to THE Biii'.J Several accidents oc
curred near here last night and today.
Drakmnan Charles Walker had nn arm
mashed , Fireman Charles Walker Jumped.
from bis onglno point : at full speed and u-n ;
seriously Injured , und the railway brlu.-o
west of the city burned this mo mini ; .
Narrow IMCIIIO : | or School Clillilrm ,
Dt'liuqui : , In. , March 11. ( Special 'J . 'i- |
gram to Tin : BKE. ] The public school In i I-
Ing In West Dubuqup was entirely dostiu > .1
by lira this afternoon. Loss , (15,000lu , Iv
Insured , There were over 1100 chlldn > i lu
tha building when the Uro broke out u l a
panto onsucd , but they bad been trail i < 1 for
Just such an emergency , and at the i -11 of
the teachers the fell into line and imiuhod
out of the burning building with tno IIIKU-
larlty of n regiment of soldiers , The llru was
so rapid that " 11 the books , stationary and
furniture wcro destroyed.
DoWltl's Sarsaparlila uloan * > 7 the li.iod ,
Inou'iueitlio appetite und tonoi up the sys
tem It hus bonotlttcd m py people who
lmvouffci-etl froai blood diitmlori. it , will