THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FttTDAV. MAltCIT 11. 1892. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , „ Foil THK8B COLUMNS ADVEU1ISEMKNT8 11:80 p. tn. for the overlnn nnd until 6TXJp , m. for tlio morning or Sunday cill- All ailvrrtlaomrnta In thcuo columns 15 cents a linn first Insertion , find 10 cents a line thereafter , or n per line | ior montli. No n < Uertl ament taken for less than 25 cents for thn flrft Insertion. Term , cash In mlvnncn. Count nhont ovcn words lo tno line. Initial * . ( Inure * , symbols , etc. , ench count as a word. All ndvortln-mcnts must run consecutively AdTcrlliets by requesting n numbered chock , can linvr the letter * addrp ned in n numbered letter in cnrffof IIIK line. Ainwcrs no nddrc cd will l > o delivered on presentation of thochccfc. SITUATIONS WANTED. HATKB-ISo a line first tlmo end lOe a line tlif-ro- after. No advertisement taken for lca than 25o. "AWANTKDPOSIT10N BY VnDDLK-AGKp J limn In giocery business , has money to Invral nftcr a llttlo experience , Address 8 7 , " " . . . . "AWANTED , POSITION WITH A MOltTOAGK .Aconipany ni examiner : con furnl li Kopd refer ences. Address HI I , Bco. MI.VU4 * POSITION AHSTATIONAUV EN- -WASTED , A /VKlneer , First class references. Addres * . A. \ . I'ntten , Grnnd Islond. M4GHfi * WANTED--MALE HELP. HATES Uc n line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken ( or less than 2ic. - -WANTKO , BALKHMKNONSALAIIY Oil COM- .Omission to Imndlo the new patent chemical Ink erasing iiencll. The Krentost selling novelty over produced ; ornscs Ink thoroughly In two n-conds ; no nbroidon of paper I 2UU to WO | , cr cent profit ; ono nxent's nulos nmomilcd to fIKO In six days , nnothcr 132 In two hours. Wo want onn general agent In each state and territory. For terms nnd lull par- tlculars mldiess Monroe Krnscr Mfg. Co , l.nUo o. > - WANTED. F111ST-CLAS8 MACHINIST. illnvls A CowKlll. n-1'OHTKAIT AIIT181H WANTKD TO ( IIVK Jioiirelectric llulit prlninn trial. Kxrclslor Portrait trait Co. , Ware block , Omaha. M.Mt MU * 1-CANVA SKIIS WANTKII TO SOLICIT Olt- J > dcm for our portraits. Kxcelelor Portrait Co. . Ware block. Omabn. M334MI3 * _ -MKV TO TAKB OUDKItS ; NO IIKLIVKHI.NU or rollrrtlnici nooxporli-ucoj stonily work : best tor ins ; best spcclnltlcs ! onmples frco. Ulcn llros , Jtochpstcr , N , Y. MU3M2 * > -SALKSMEN. PAYS WELL. 401 niu : innc. I01I-AS' B - WOIIK AT KOUT lUlOOK NOW for pick nnd shovel hands. 127 10 * -WANTKI > A ROOM 11AIINKSS MAKKIt CAN J > ot slcncly work nnd Kood wngcs by applying at once ono wl\o speaks ( iernian Is preferred to b. 11. Itiischo. O luiubus , Neb. MI17 III * B-WANTK1) . A MAN OK KXPRIUKNCK TO work on stock nnd Brnln farm , ( lo'.d wnKes and IIOUHO furnlnliiHl. Address T. K. Jordnn , box ? X > . Dunlnp , Iowa. 131-11 J-HAHNESS MAKKUS WANTED , GOOD 'wages paid. K. Btnelie. York , Neb. 420i i B WANTKII. AN 1NSTIIUCTOU IN ALRKIIltA. Bcomctry nnd trlRonomelry for three hours a day until llrst pf May : stnte terms. Address 810 , lloo. 43U-1U' HSALAltY AND COMMISSION PAID TO GOOD k 3Ict. Mfg. Co. , 1 M Howard street. M mi lit1 B-WANTED. ONE PEUSON I1ECE1VE INSTUIJC- HOIIB , keep booka : March 23. 915 Now York Life. - M44212 * -u , T > WANTKD.I BOYS , STEADY WOIIK , OMA 11 A JJbox factory , Knst Omahn. 444 "o WANTKII. 3 GOOD MEN. .SALAIIY GUAItAN J-'tCeil torlgbt parties ; cull nt once room 515 Bhccioy block. . 440 12' ' WANTED. BOOK AND JOB COMPOS1TOBS B steady work , union prices. W. II. Conkoy , U arborn ntrout , Chicago , 44'J-ll T > WANTKII , TWO GOOD UUSTLKllS ; SOMK- Jlthlng new. Apply9 to H n. m. K. J. Ilarley. Hotel Casey. M4.W1I * B-MAN WITH flUO.OO TO HANDLE A HOUSK hold article In tbls xtuto ; j'.WI.IXI per month In It. Call today. 1621 Douglas , room 3. M459 12r B WANTED. SALKS.MKN CAN EASILY MAKK from J2."i to 175 per week nbovo expenses selling our Patent Non-Kvnporntlng , Nnn-Freezlng Cbem- Ical Klru pulln. tlOO a day IH possible ; big demand fen-these goods ; no experience necessary. Sold only by ngents , to whom exclusive territory la Itlvcri. Wo can prove this stntomcnt If you wll luldrem The Worcester Klru Appllnnco Co. ( In COrpornted ) , Worcester , Mass. Wo have otber money making specialties. .Ml' > l 11 * WANTED--FEMALE HELP. UATKS 15c a line llrst tlmu and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than l'5c. e WANTI1O , GOOD LOOK AND LAUN1WKSS. ' - en n WANTKI ) , A GIUL KOU GHNKUAL VVwork. Cull ut once. 1212 bouth 31st street , Mrs , J. W. Craig. MU75 C ! -WANTKI ) . AGIIILKOIIGKNEUAL HOUSK work at HUO N 24tb St. 27D-1U * 1 ( ! OOD WAGKS TO GIUI. KOU I1OUSKWOIIK ' 'In small family. Apply 2U25 Charles street. M4I8 11 G ; -WANTED , GIUL , UKNEUAL HOUSEWOKIC HOI S. ffltli at. 424 11 * -AOlltLKOll OKNEItAL IIUUS15WOUK. CAOlltLKOll AP- ply at 1SIO North 26th street. 427 11 * C-WANTKII , GOOD GIUL KOU G1SNK11AI houaowaik ; good wages ; 512 N."Jth Bt. 443 13 * WANTED , OIUL TO COOK AND DO LAUNDJU wor , ' 1914-Locustst. 415 13 -WANTKI ) . AT 1110 DOUGLAS ST. , ItlllGTlT girls to nmko elgar und puper boxes ; expert 'diced ' proforrell. Also u quick. Intelligent boy. 450-10 * . /I WANTED , A MIDDLE AGKD OU YOUNI. J-/l keep house on u much near Kearney Nub.Address Downey i Osborne , Plensniitun Nob. M15II1 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. \ - UOOM FLAT , 240J LKAVKNWOUTH ST. ' 757m25 * D-9-1100M HOL-SK. 27T1I AND I1AVENPOUT all conveniences , J25.00 per montli , F , K. Dnr- llug. Barker block. h D I-HOUSES , COTTAGES. BOOMS , 1114 N. I7tb st. 475-UI17 * D - UKNT , 4-BOOM FLAT , FUONT ICTH ANt Hickory. 729-lti * f7IIOOM COTTAGE , 27TH , KAST FBONT. J-'mllu from P. O.ull mod. Imp. , (25. 7-rnom cottage.1211 Scnard , new , pretty. ( U 6-room house , 25th near St. Mary's nvo. , } 13. Fidelity Truit Co. , K. ontruncu N. Y. Life. 784 M l -HOUSES AND APAUTMKNTS1N BEST UKrtT dcnco block In city. 610 S. 22U street. Tel. 179.1 MltU D - LIST OF HOUHKs ) . 8TOIIK8. FLATS etc. , fi und up. Pnul , 17 llonrd of Trude. 213 A 5 * TTV-IIESIIIKNCK FLAT ? , OAND7IIOOMS , WITI J-'bath , convenient lo business , only fJl ) . Mem Invt. Co. , 442 lluo building. MXI7 -15-IIOOM HOUSK WITH ALL MODKIIN CON -'ilonccK , IncludlnKBtenm heat , set bowls am -.burn mid enrrlngi ) liouse , at 2018 Daven . . .ruet ; south front ovvrlooklnic High tfchoo _ .omuls ; now being papered and painted tliroiigb nut : | Hssi'K loii given on tboSOili Hint. Tbos. K Hall , IW Puston block , 398 J FOIl HUNT , 9-IldOM 11OU8I5 ; BATH. HO'I /aud cold waterpbolca locullou , U17 h. 20tli. 402-10' ' r > -KOU UKNT. NICK NEWLY FUUN1S11KI rooms , 522 N , 19th , lirenmm flats. MIM FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. IIATKS I5on line llrst tlmo and lOa n Una there after. No advertlnemunt taken for lean than :5c -FutcNroiw bnck furnlBlisd or unf urnlabeJ rooms. 122 Soutl t5th atreet. b E-NICELY FUIIN1SHKDKIIONT BOOM FOItONK or two gentlemen , 2010 Davenport at. Po7 E-KUBNItfllKD UOOMS WITH OU W1TI1OU1 board , 104 S. Uth. 1IIO-10 * * , kOll HUNT , KLUGANTFUUNISIIED ItOOMH JaluKlooronaultu. 2 adjoining nrlor. sultublu i. for I nfi laillea or nmrrleil eounl beat of refer mco required. ll > > Do. Wli nt. IU7 11 , ' -1 WO N1CKL1FUUNI8I1KD IWKIMS. MUKKil * . -/convenleucea , oed location. 620 N. 19th at. ' * U'Jii-lO FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. UATKS-licu line ( Int time and lOc a line the ittcr. No ntyvertlaument taken for Jon * than 25c 17-NICKLY FUUNIBHKD UOOM WITH lioAlU X for man and wlfo or t p ladlua. prl ntu family 14 week caclii modern convenlencea , M5 N , airil at UOOM WITH AI.COVK. ALSO IIOOJ uufurnlnlied If ilculrcil. 2li So. 25th st. liTI 17--BOOM8 AND BOABD , 118 B. 25TH. 8t * 421-mli 17-VKUY DEiJlltAllLK FlllST AND HKCONl 1 floor , oulhitind oast. furnlnliBil rooma at "Tin froniur. " lltl No , Uth street. M24U It * l-2 YKUY DK81UABLK UOOMS WITH BO.Utl ) J. * lr . fahrliiur , 8248. 20th atreut. 279 12 l4rltMlMalANO ( HOABD , 1610 CHICAGO ST. MBS i Churchill. 413 | j. li-HOOMS FUUN1811KD OU UNI-UBN18IIKI with llrst CU be rd. 1121 ] ) ayenp.n , st. 4JU * BOARD ] KO. IlATKK-l'o a Una drat llmi , rait ICeVllim tTno aft < -f. _ Ha ailverllaeiucrt Inttii.'oi HOUSE , . B.u.l rODDll.OODTUI < - „ - . * ! > tu ( ) alloor uiiottit tc ll < l. 11 r. Uci * ii . i.u M A IJ' HOARDING/ . Continued. H ruiBT CLASS noAnu MAY UK on.TAt.Nnn nl now boarding houte recentlr opened at KM lodge St. . convenient location. Terms reasonable. ? OR nENT 3T gs jOETIC3E3. IATKS I5o a line first tlmo nnd lOc n line there' nftcr. No advertisement taken for lest than 25c. I Foi KENT. l oin Karnan street. The building hns n flra-proof cement basement , complete Mentn-licatlnu futures , water on nil the floor * , pas , eto. Apply nt the oftleo of The lice. 1(13 IKOll HKNTTsTOUK , 1(131 ( HOWAUII. 1 M.1 1 HtJlTADLK BUILDINGS KOIl MAMUFACTUIl- I InK purposes at Kekornmnn IMnce , good engine nnd bollor , 135 par montli. C. K llnrrlson , 012 N. V. .Ife. U92nl 1-FOIt HUNT. IN BEST UKTAIL LOCATION IN JLOmahn , nntlra second tloor or departments In iolrteu Kaglo Shoo Store , 114 S ICth st. Mil 1-FUU UENT.TUACKAQK WAUKHOUSrt 4IXPO. J Apply 1223 Hartley st. M43.II8 1-STOIlK UOOM ON N STUKKT , SOtITU -I Omnha. Apply nt room 2413 N street , or Wnugli A Westorflold , 428-10 * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATES lie n line Hrst tlmt and IDc n line there after. No Bdvprtlsemont taken for loaa than 25c. 1AUDEN t'Aliiiis"T01II5NT. rrMUliITAY7 J -BIIICK YABDS TOU BENT. T. MUllllAY.Mfi52 I' TO LEASE. LONG TEIIM. 2 LOTS , PAYED I business street , Cnll7W ( N. 18th. - - - - - RENTAL AGENCIES. L UKNTAI. AHIiNCVt HANK IIKKICUKNCKS. K. C.J rvln A.Co.,2WSlieely ( block. Tolcphono 1KU. - WANTED-TO KENT. UATI'.S--l. > c n line llrat line anil I Do n line there after. No advertisement taken tor lejs K-WANTKU I.M.MKDIATKI.V , LAUOM KOIIN- Micd room with board for ninn nnd wlfo In prl- vntn family where there nro no otbcr hoarders. Address SU , lluo. Mi,511 ; , STOUAOE. -OLIK8T , CltHAPKdTASlI MUST STOIlAdK MiOLIK8T : house In the cityWllllnms & Crosj.l'Jll Ilnrncy. 887 WANTED-TO BUY. UATK8 15o n Una llrst tlmo anil lOc u linn thnroaf- tcr. No adrertlseiuunt taken for less than 'i" > c. T--FUUN1TUUK BOUGHT , BOLD , STOHKI ) . I Well. , 1111 Karnam st. 883 " \ TKCOND HANI ) KiniNlTUKKIlOUdllT.SOI.I ) - ! ' and excbaiiKCdi highest prices paid for secontl- hnnd goods. Huston Kurnlturo Co. , COS N. HHh st. UJO M21 * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. ItATKS 15r n line llrst llmo nnd lOo n line tbercaf tcr. No advertisement taken for lots tlmn > a. 0-FOIt HALE. VE11Y CHEAP. ELEGANT LEA- thor upholstered furniture , right chnlra nnd louiigo : suitable for olllco or library. Addrcs P.'iO , licoolllce. 323 0-KOIt 8ALK , VU11N18HINOS COMPLKTK KOU n 10-roora house , with lease for 14 months. 4 blocks west of poitolllco. tUirrounilliiKs strictly llrst class , none butter. On corner , larKO yard , Hbadu trcct , Imrn , modern convenloiiceH , suit able for bonrdhiK or room lotting. Ponnrinlon Blvon any tlmo from now to May 1. Iteht ffiO.O } per month. Prices will bo found very icnsoimblo. If condi tions nre favorable vrlll remain in boarders. P 42 , lieu olllco. M 1811-11 * FOR SALE-HORSES , WAQONS , ETC. t-KOlt SALK CHKAP , OPI2N 2-8KATI5I ) KAKM bUKKy. Call 2520 Davenport street. 2i8 ! 13 1KOU SALK. AN KLKANT ! NKW CAUIIIAUK J nnd line carriage borsnt party BohiK east. Apply nt the olllco of till ! Mcrrlnm , 25lh mid Dodue. 425 13 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. UATI58 15e a line llrnt tlmo and lOc a line ther ? nfler. No ndvertUomcnt taken for less than Uc' ' Q-KINK Ol'lllOIIT PIANO , STANDAUI ) MAKK , used only n few months , at a sacrlllco. Kyi Cald- Vbll st. 48J - SALK. TWO UILLIAUI ) ANI > 2 POOL Q-KOIl tables with cues , balls , racks ; good order : t'S.UO each. Duff Oreen , Unrkor block. Jl-840 Q-PLANTS AND CUT KLOWK11S. OUT YOUU plants nnd cut ( lowers of W. H , Jones , Horlst , Grand Island , Nob. 4M 12 * f ) .N'TKHNATIONAL TYPKWUITKU KOU SALK Wor trade for hliih Brndo bicycle If In Bood shape. L. I. Abbott , 8 Ware block. MI32 13 * Q KOU SALK , ONK CIIANK HYD11AULIO KLK vator for tllrect city pressure : modern pasnon- Ber cur , with lover operating system , G > 4 lifting cables complete , with all modern safety appliances. Windsor , Kemp ft Co. , 203 N. Y. Life bldB. M457 MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS-150 u line tint tlmo und lUo a line there after. No advertisement taken far loss than 23c. II CLAIMS KOU 8ALAItIKS,8KllVHKSWA(3KS : , J-Xetc. , nKalnttt corporations or Individuals , DouBht nnd ndvnnced on.V. . K. Uuvls.H M Contlnontnl blk 3W-M12 R-CANADIAN KMPLOYMKNT OKKICK , 1503 Knrnnm at. up stairs , mate nnd fenmlo help : orders by iunll promtly ] nttended to , Uefcrenco : Omnhn National bnnk , Tel. 834. 7B2-.M 2i 1 HAMILTON BUOS. CAUPKNTEHS AND i builders. All kinds Jobbing ; 414 S. IStli. Tel. 1179. 282-Ati * II WANTED , OLD Y1KWS OF OMAHA , NOW. Iteea Printing Co. , llth nnd Howard M437 It CLAIRVOYANTS. HATES 15c a lluo Hrst time uud 10u a line there after. No advertisement taken for leas than 25c , O MADAME FUIT2.UO CUMING 8TUKET. Oclalrvoynnt and trance medium ; Independent voices ; tolls puat and future. VJ4M2I * S . NANNIKV. WAU11KN , CLAIUYOYANT ; reliable buslncaa medium , fifth year 1IJ N. lUtb SS'J AIUtlVAL KXTUAOUDINAllY. WONDKUKUL S revelations. Chiillongea tbo world. Mrs. Dr. M. Legrnvo , dead trnnco clairvoyant , astrologlit , palmist nnd life reader ; tells your life from tbe cradle to grave ; unites tbe separated ; causes mar riage with thu ono you love ; tells nlioro you will succeed and In wbat bualueaa beat adapted for ; baa the celebrated Kgyptlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Influences ; curus IIto. Intemperance and nil prlvnte complnlnts with rnnaaago , butlia nnd nlcoliol treatment. Send t2. lock of hair , name and data of birth and roceua accurate llio chart ; J cents In stamps for circular ; give Initials of ono you will marry ; also photos of same , tllllce 1001 foulli llth street , tlrst iloor ; hourr,9a.m to 9 p. m. Come one , como nil. nud bo couvlncnd of tills wonderful oruclu. MJuKi 13 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rr-MASSAGK TUEATMENT. KLKCTUO-THEH -1. mat baths , scalp nml hnlr treatment , mnnlenro and chiropodist. Mr .Poat,3l9H 8.15tbWltliuell blk , S'.fl 'I' MADAME SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS 8TUEIKT , J- room 7,3dUoor. Alcobol.tulphur and > a baths. MS8114 -MISS t'TOWB , MABai'.USK ELECTU1C1AN 322 ItauiBii block. M930I4 'PMASSAGE , IIo 8. 1JTII STBKKT , 2D KLOOll , L 019 M20- rpMADAME LA HUE , MA8SAGK. 41U 8O11TH -M5tli street , Ird tloor. Hat 4 , assistant. M74.VI1 * PERSONALS. HATK8 15callnu llrst time and lOa u lluo there after. No advertisement taken for leia than 25o. U-KOIl 8ALK OU HKNT , THE ONLY II In the Incorporated town of Kenuard , Wn Neb. Address T. Davidson. 1 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE , IIATKS 15e a line llrst time and lOo n line there after. No ndvertlsemeiit tnkun for lust than 23u , T G. F , GKLLKNBKCK , BANJO TKACHK3 , with Hoape , orSiaN. 16tll at , 912 V BEFOUK BUYING A PIANO KXAMINK THK ; new scale Kltubull piano. A Uospe , 1513 Douulaa. b'JI V'OU HALE , CHKAP FOIl CASH. A FINK T uprUht plnuo , nearly new unit standard luauu fucluro. Addres OS3 , Bee otllce , 484 MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. HATKB-i : > o a HUB tlrst time nud lOo a line tuero- lifter , No advertisement taken for lots tlmn 23o \V-C1SNTUAL LOAN A TltUriT CO. BEK BLDG. J > S'.id \\r-UIANS ON l.MPUOVEirA NH UNIMPUOVKD i' city property.WO ! ( and to b per cent , No delay * . w.Furuaui Suittli A Co.,15th aiulHuriiuy. \\r-BKAL ISSTATK LOANS , U TO 7 PEIl CKNT ; ' i uo uddltloual rlmrgea for commission or attor npy'a fees.V , B. Meikle , first .Nutlonul bank bldg , 900 \Vr-COATE9 , llill FAllNAil , 2AHTKUN MONHY ' > 901 W-LOANS , O , O , WALLACE , 319 BUOWN 11UC. fe92 TV - , UEAI4KSTATK1XANS.3IJ BEE BLII'd 420 AV r-0 PER CKNT F1BST MOUTGAGK LOANS. Hlcburd C. Patterson , lilt Fnruaut at. Wl \\r-MONKY TO IXAN ON 1MPBOYED OMAHA if properly : bulldliu loan * a specialty. Ilrenimu A Co. , Karbach tlock. IITOB M24 AT LOWEST BATES. F. F. WII , Mi'iDt , nm National Bank bulduc. | | M733 ' \V-OMAHAriAYINOH BANK MAKC.S 'i on rusl ejlutu Bt luwoit market ratu. . uaJo In ama't ' or largo uni and for ulioit or long tin * Nu ecniuiltalou Is ca'it4 , acd ( Lo i uf aru n l > otii In Ibj ta ( , but un ' * r I'Vvt.oil it vuu.ur of IvtU 004 Uaul uu t MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. \V-PI1IVATE MONEY , FIB8T AND SECOND > < mortgage lonns , low rates. Alex. Moore , 401 Bcohulldlng M78-S \\T LOANS ON IIKA1. KSTATE AND COLLAT- > toral note * nnd mortgages bought , Herd , t Eclhy.Ml Hoard of Trade. 903 \\r-C W. UAINEY.3ISO.MAHA NAT. UK. 11MMJ. > City mortgngea , Lowest rates. Money on hand. -\\r-WANTED , 10 I'KIt CENT MONKY TO LOAN 'on gilt pilicd town property Ih St , Edwards , Neb. lloferenco. Exchange bank , Ht. Edward * Neb. A. II. White , Itoal Katnto ami t.oan Agency. 137 n .t \V-APPLY TO J. U , LOVKTT FOB CHEAP1 > l money ; only nral class aecurlty , 820 f. 18th. 891 V MONKY TO IXIAN ON IMPIKV'PD CITY AY , low rnto. A , C" Frost , DoLrfli. : hlk. AY " MONKY TO LOAN ON 1XN OU SHOUT time In sums of 1300 to 110.000. Mutual Investment Company. fW \\r ANTHONY LOAN AND TU1IST CO. . 313 N. Y. 'I Life , lend at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farina or Omnha city property. 89.1 \\r-WK AUK NOW PHEPABKI ) TO PLACE ' largo lonns on Inside business property nt very low rates of Interest. Wo also bnndlo ground lenses on business properties , lleo. J , 1'nul. 17 Board of Trade. -LOAN WANTK1) , 1 WANT JCO.OOO KOU KIVK ycnrs ntfl per pent , will RTO | llrst mortcnKo on ICO 1I 1 fnnus In Nobrnakn. AOilrctsbox JO Krnnkfurt , i I mi , aron MONEY TO fOAN-OIIATTELS. 11ATKS ISo n line llrnt lime nnil lOo n line there' nftcr. No advertisement tnkeit for loss tlmti 2. > c. X-DO YOU WANT"tONKY [ If so do not f nil to KOt our rates lioforo bor- rowlnu. Wo nmko loi\n < , without removal or publicity , on furniture , plnnon , hordes , naKons , otc.nttbo low * cd posntbte rnto , There Ii no unnecessary rtolny. lint you get the money on the mime dny you ask for It. Wo will carry tbo loan n * long us you desire , cIvliiK you tbe privilege of pnylnn | l In full or In pnrt nt nny tlmu to milt your convotilenoe , anil nny part paid reduces tbo cost of carrying llio loan In proportion to the niuount pntd , Our ofllcos nre centrally located nnrt nro ao nr- rnnct'd tliat partloscalllnif on us cnn bo waltod on quickly and courteously. It will bo lo your advantage to soous bcforo securing - curing a loan. Omnhn Morlcnuo Loan Cu. , Itoom 11 , Oreluhtnn llloclc , litbSU , south of I'ostolllco. . 287 X WILL LOAN MONKV ON ANV KIND OK security : strictly contldontlnl. A , K. Harris , room 1 , Continental block , 1115 X -IIOB'T PlllTCHAllD , It , 3 , W1TIINKLL 11LK. IW X MONKY ON KUUNlTirilK , 1IOUSKS , PIANOS. Keystone MtKO , Co. , room 2iM , 8bculy block. 903 X -WI1KN YOU WANT A CUATTKL LOAN SKK W. U. Davis , room UO , Continental block. IKtt X--MONEY LOANKD ON KUHNITUUK.HOUSKS , wagons , plnnos , etc. Krod Terry , It. 433 , llnnme , 010 X MONKY TO LOAN , 30. CO , ! X ) DAYS ON KUUNI- turc , live stock , etc. Dull Ureen , removed to Koom 8 nnd J. Darker blk 1S3 X MONKY ON dONIIB , STOCKS. WA11UANTS personal properly.WuyneiUalley,11.40. Kurhnch 1WM31 * X MONKY TO LOAN- FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. On household Boods , pianos , orgnus , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , at tbo lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or cbaugo ot possession , Tlmo arranged to suit tlio borrower. Payments of nny amount can be niado at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giv ing patrons nil the benefits of the purtlnl payment plan. Cull and see mo wheu you want a loan , or If more convenient , call telephone 1C21 nnd your business can be transacted nt borne. Money always on hand : no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rules ; business confidential. Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co. , II. F Masters' old Bland , H. 4 , Wltbncll blk , 15tb and Ilnrncy. M45S BUSINESS CHANCES. IlATES-l ! > c u line ilrst tlmo nnil lOc H line tboro- nfter. No ndvortlsemcnt taken fpr less than 25c. V' IIUY THE COMMKHCIAL , TUB. LKAIIINQ hotel nt Ilrokcn Dow , Neb , No land In trudc.till till- Y Mll SALK , A K1IIST CLASS OPKNING KOU ii mull with a small capital t ? Invest In n stock of general mt'rcuandlso ! nell established business ; good protlts. Address box 713. Omaha , Neb. 4 7 m 16 * V'A.SH PAID KOU KNIIOWMK.XT POL1C1K8 J In old line companies. Bend description A. K. llrticklesby , box liXI. Hartford , Coniiw til ) 13 * Y ' ' 'Oil BALK-SALOON , DOING A GOOD I1USI- Xncss : Kood reason given ror soiling. Address Lockbox 8U. West Point , Neb. M3SO Y-WANTKD , ULACKBMITH TO LOCATE m i no w town on new railway ; Inducements to' right party. Qunsoll , iowuslto agent , Suvngc. AnteloCCo. ] , Neb. . it/1711' / Y' KOU HALE , A CIGAlt MANUKACTOUY AND tobacco store of twenty-one years' standing , on account of old age. Inquire of U. A melt , lllnlr. Neb , SII2I a3 * V WANTED , A CHKASIKUY AT ST. K1MVAUDS , .LXoli. Good Inducements ollercd u good man cither In bonus or stock. Addroua A. Powell , sec retary UUHluoss Men's nssoclatlon. 1S8 13 \7-KOU SALK , A HAUNKSS SHOP. 18X11 AND X Vlntou sts. . on account of sickness. Address l-'rml Mueller , 1724 Ylnlon st. 1S1-1S Y-1'"OU BALK , MY IIAI'HINO UE8ORT AT JL Lake Manawo. Address J. J , Mulouncy , Hebron , NeK 20D V FOU 8ALB. THK ONLY FIU8T CLASS J- hotel In the town of Wllbcr. All furnished In good runnlni ; order , dolntc n good business. Itcns- OIIB for selllnir , don't like the climate. Will null cheap for cash or part on tlmo. For further partic ulars wrltu to Jos. F. Kylu , Wilbur , Hnllno Co. , Nob. 272-13 V KLOIJKINO MILL FOIl SALK. THK STEAM -L power Uourlng mill , with a capacity of 125 lib Is. per day , of nil modern Improvements , built 2 yearn ago with the expense of tl4.OOU.UJ , In Prnguc , Haunderu Co. . Neb. , Is ottered for sale nn oaay terms. Kor further particulars addrasa Knsp&r Ilro . , Prague , Suundcrs Co. , Neb. M4U7 08 V WANTKD-A PAUTNBUTO BUY ONK-HALF X Interest In "good business In n good booming real ottutn business hi eastern Nebraska. Kor par ticulars uddresa Albert Itood , Itoom 704 , Now York I.If ii building , Omaha. Y.410 15 * Y FOIl SALK OU EXCHANGE , A GOOD CASH business that will pny party oporntlng It tlfly per cent profit ; itood reason for ulllng : good farm ur lota taken In exchange , Address 8 0 , lleo. M414 15 * Y-FOHTHE NK.XT TEN DAYS. KOU SALK my saloon nt Wnusa , Neb. A booming town , N > ' . 1 locution. Building 20x40 , Two story. No. 1 cellar and llxtures. Only saloon In town. Prefer to sell but will rent unloon and llxtures for f-VJiiu per month. Aadrcas , C. C. TullborViuna , Neli. 119-11 * V WH BALK , ONK-HALK IN1KUK8T IN THE X Atlantic foundry nnd inacblnu shop ; clolnu a good business ; good chauco for a machinist. J.I- ; , Wurr. Atlantic , la. M434 1U V THE BEST OPKNING IN NKIIUASKA KOU A 1 utore. Address Ij. T , Brooklnir , Kunk , Neb. M4UO-1IJ * Y A KINK STOCK OF IIAltDWAItli .IN CITY OF J-B.tXW. iloliiK Int business ) Hrst class stoek ; store centrally located ; has leuso of 2 years , stock Invoice f5OOU. llest reasons for selling. Ad dress Omahn llardwnro Co , M4U2-20 FOR EXOHANQE. HATK3-150 a Una llrst lime und lOou lluo there after. No udvcrtlsemont taken for less Uian25o , y C1.HAN STOCK OF GKNKIIAL M'D'HK ; WILL /Jlukc real estate & mouoy. Box2'J5Fraiikfort , Ind. UI3 /-IFYOUHAVKAfiOODUI'ItlGHT PIANO TO /Jtrnilofor lot 40 , block 1 , Armour Place , South Omuba ; clear of all lucumbrauce. Address N 4j , lleeouice. M1KI1 y-HUNllUEDHKAD OK 1IO118KS AND LAND /win eastern Nebraska for a Block of dry goada , clothing , boots and uliooa , liata nnd capj. Adilrosj box 10H. Nobrnska City , Neb. 2i5 M10 * y-ONlS-THIHD OAHII. BALANOK IN CHOICE fJclenT Nebraska land or trotting atalllona to ex change for a good , clean stock of merchandise or hardware ; wrllo with full imrtlc'jlurs , or better come and sea me and tbo laud. Henrr CbauihorJIn , Wood Hlver , Neb. 178 ib y-FOH KXCHANOE. ONE NOItMAN STALLION /Jniul one trotting stallion ; want clear land ; price , fl.UOOcitcli , lloi WSil , Bheuundoah , lo. M4Ud 12 * y-FOUK.\ClIANGK.HALF8KOT10NOKIllGHLY / Improved land In Cherry Co. , Nubruiika , tor uicr * chnndlso. Thot , P , Matthews , Woob Lake , Neb. 42313 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ItATKS 15o a line llsrt tlmo and Ida a Una there after. No advertisement taken fur leas than 2ic , KOUNT/K PLACE. BAltGAlNM , NINK'HOOM house on Win. K500:11.OOJ : cash. Klettnnt liomu on Plnkner , fi.&OOi f.'OJ cash , balance 135OU per mouth : other Hue liumes ; would oonilder touio tradu. J , J , Glbsou , Crvlubton block. M73Jtlt& * I70U SALK AT A BATioAINTl OT 15. HLOck L W. U Hoit > r' nr t addition to Poulb Omaha. Small paymuut down , balance monthly If dvulred , InqotroU. B. Tmuuck , unalia lieu. Bt > 3 MODKIIN JU ItOOM UOU'SK. UIXJ1I LOCATION , uu trade ; cath bargain. AdUruM O24. Peo. MltOMI * ! * _ "TMU sTT.K , iToTi t , Av r n 1 1 B. 7 w. n , fw 1 1 1 i i term * , tutu tli'ur pioportr trit psru u U II , laro. liiown block , Icth ort I > ui , III FOR SALE-llEAL ESTATE. 1OU SALK -400 ACHEr\UM , IN BLUE UtVEtl i. valley , Thnyor count * , . 1 , inHcs west of Hebron. Ono of the tury best fntrr\s \ In tha county : good house , barn , granaries , crlb , etc. , nnd an abundance of fruit , Umber nnd running water. Also for sale or exchange for good larfda or rlty property , a brick pork packing liou-p nniljtutnrcs ( n Hebron , Thayer county , near B. A M. if'ipot. For particular * In- qulro of nny real estate nrapt In Hebron. 633 ifOll SALE. NKBIlASKXlFAUM LANDS. ( I. 0. Wallace , 312 Brown b6i&T ! 1Mb nnd Douglas , rfOHSALKOn HKNT-'Snt ' rnl desirable medium -I tired and small houses cheap ann on eaay terms. W.M. Mlllnrd.alOmaha , * * ! , ; bank. W ) 1'OU HALK-S-K COUNIllt 17th , DOUCAP. 81HX 1 I St. 3 collates , stable forilliorsca , can be divided Into 5 lota. Inquire at pruulscs , 112 Hi * IJMVK ACUE LOT , ) ADJOINING THK TOWN OF Blair , Neb , : good laud. H. W. Mcllrlde. 144-A-3 * OU BALK-ON A PUOMINKNT 8TUKKT , AS phalt , east front , on grade , a flue residence , stable , We. , complete In every detail ; latest Im provements ; houin decorated throughout ! ton minutes from court house by motor ; n great cbnnco to fecuton modern liomo. Address P 4f , lleeotllre. M207 13 * 170H 8ALK-8KVKNTKKN THOUSAND ACItKS i. unimproved InndA In Howard. Sherman , Greoley nnd Valley counties , Nebraska , on very liberal terms , on deferred payments , C per cent Interest , Address D. Itomlck , P. O. box 21)04 ) l.os Angeles , I'nl. 271 nfl * poll SALE , 9BVBUAL KI.KGANT HOU8K8 i-near Hnnscom park , just completed , all modern conveniences ! can glvo Immediate possession. Gee , N. Hlck8,305 , N. V. Life bldg. 283-13 XT K. COUNF.Il 29TH AND HICKOlfV , 60X150 -I' feet : n bargain for a few days only , F. K. Dar ling , Barker block. 914 UNION PACIFIC UAILHOAD LAND 4.00 PKU aero on Platte bottom : must sell. Address 8 9 , lice , M41311 * Oll SALE , A-UOOM COTTAOK ( ONLY ) 1 ntcd ir,14 Itnrd street. Cull on A. Hope jr. 420 IMl'ltOVKD KAUM , GOOD LAND , 21 MILKS FllOM -ioniaha ; f.'t au neru on time. Co-oporntlvo Land nnd Lot Co. , 205 N , Kith street. M 452 4 T7011 SALK , ONK 14-ltOOM HOTEL AND T1II1KK -L lots , well locntodi part cash , balance nn time. Address lock box 114. Wllaonvlllo , Neb , M4.'il 21 HAIR GOODS. ItATKS I5cn line llrst time nnd lOc n line there after. Ko ndvortlsomont taken for less thnn 23e T AHVKSTTT cTrTNTl llK vlST ; rmA -LJrlCal WBS | and beards a specialty. Wigs , bangs switches , hair chains , etc. . hend for catalogue Mall orders solicited , llavlcs. ' 111 8.15th St. , Omaha IHO riMIK IDEAL LADIKS' HAIll DUKSSINO PAH- JLlom , awltcbos , bniigf , wigs , toupees , Jewelry nnd hair ornnmenta In stock ) wlgato order , special at tention given to mall orders. 'AW S. 15th at. , 3d Moor. , M511I .M20 * PAWN BROKERST 11ATK3 ISe a line llrst tlmo nnd lOc n line there- nfter. No advertisement tnkeu for less thnn 25c. BKN F. MAItTI , HKMOVKD TO 107 8. I5TI1 ST. mi Ali * _ SNYDKlt'S LOAN OFFICE , 1510 DODGK ST. Ml ) 13 31 * FAUNAMSrI\ DKES3MAKINO. ItATKS 15c n line first time nnd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than 25e. ENTAGKMKNTS TcP iVuKSS SIAIJING IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 320 8. 2Cth st. Hffii-.M31 * MASQUERADE ( COSTUMES , ETC. UATKS 15c a line HrstHliina nnd lOcnllno lliero nfter. No mlvcrtlscnicjH , tnkcn for loss than 2JC. "uK radocostutuoj at 114 tth. $ Goldeu Eagle store. ' 'JUO-ral2 MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. . /K , * - . . . HATESI5c n line llrst tlmo nud lOc u line there nfter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c LD. CA119ON & UAKKS , Barker blockOumlm. 918 CUTLERY.QRINDINQ. JEND YOUll SClSSOIWSllAZOUS , ETC. , TO UK -Vrouml to Undorlan'd if p. . IW S. 14th t. UI'J REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN Jos. P. MEGEATII , 16071 Farnm Street , Omaha. Neb. RfllLVffiYTIMEGRRD leaves I1IU11L1NGTON A MO. ItlVKU. ) Arrives Omuba.J Depot lUth iintl Mason 8U. | Omaha. 6.45 p in ; St. Paul Limited I'.i.-'i a m Leaves ICIIIUAGOA NOUTHWESTHItN | Arrives OmnhnlU. P. depot , 10th und Mnrcy his. I Oninba Leaves OMAHA & ST. LOUISArrives [ OiuttlmlU. P. depot. IQtli ami Miircy StaOmaha [ 4.10 p m | Kt. Louis Cannon Ball [ I2.S5 p in Leaves 1 F. , K. A .MO. VALLKV. Arrives Onialial Depot , 15tb and Webster Hta. Omnlm T u Yc > iuiK Qoorgo GOJS , a 13-year-old lad living at ' "J30 South Firtconl'u street , Uas boon mlas- lug slnco Mondny. MUs Llzzlo Matbow * , tlirro fool olpbt inches tan , welching olgbl ; pounas , I > II < P- eyed aod L-f A'a-bair , ' . 'J y srs ui I Vut looV- Ing-llkH ' 4 , bas - > ter mUUon a'l tli < r lt I IV ) tn aar Some ai f'.f .Kcutb EUovenlb : v jAti ( ) . UP CO THE INSURANCE RATES Local Fire Protectionists Will Damaml Bol ter Risks in the Future. MARCY STREET TAKEN INTO COURT rroporty Ownrm Object to the 1'ro. cd Kriitnt iif the Street Mutt Ctnlru dels n Vercllrt Kit- Jolneil it Mr. Chris Hnrtmati , compact rannnsor of the flro Insurance compautos dotne business tn Omaha , has rocolvod pororaptory orders from thooniclnls In char o of this division to advance Insurance rntos nt once , nnd to tnko 110 now business nt protont rntos nnd to got rid of the old business ns rapidly as possible. This order hixs ooon considered nccossnry tn order to got ratoi bnck to sotnothlnff line what they worp when the old compact , was irokcn In Oninhn last Oolobor nnd tnsurnnoo wns tnltou by rlvnl llrrai at any llRUro ob- talnnblo. Alt of the old sores hnvo boon healed now , howovor.andnll of the companies doing business In Omausi are morabors of llio now compact of wulch Mr. Hnrtmnn Is man- ngor. During the war last fall SI insurance wns written for i5 ! cents , nnd wlillb the business men got the bonolU the locnl ngonu nnd tbolr companies took risks that would liavo bankrupted them , so they claim , had they experienced iiuy big losses. This Is now n thing of the pnst , and future flro risks In Omahn will bo written at n rnto which will give tuo lusurancn com panies n clmnco'to ' live. "During tlio past yonr 103 Insurnnco com panies wont out of business In tlio United States , und thirty more are now malting efforts - forts to close up their nlTairs and cot out from under. This dropping- out wns occasioned by hcnvy losses and Inadequate rates , borne of thn companies wont Into the year with big surplus funds , but they did business nt nn unprofitable rate and had losses which sim ply wiped out the surplus funds and made the ownora of the stock anxious to cot into some business where the risks were not so groat. "It Is all wall enough for merchants to try and squeeze down the rntos of insurance , " continued Mr. llartman , "and they generally do , but not ouo merchant in llfty could got the credit ho has and do the business ho dons if It were not for tlio Insurance Indemnity behind him , yet ho asks the in- auranco company to tnko a hazardous risk at an unprolltablu rate and raises n uowl If the company refuses to grant his request. Insurnnco companies Imvo had a hard time of It for the past few years In this city and they have decided to do uo inoro business at au absolute loss. " WANT FOUKTKKNTH STHI2KT. Property < ) \vni-rs Knjoln tlio City from Clos- lt < K up till * Thoroughfare. The olty council can pot make Its proposed contract with the Chicago Lumber company for the occupancy by the company of Marcy street between Fourteenth und Fifteenth streets until after the courts have passed upon the cnso. For several years citizens owning property tn that vicinity have boon trying to got the lumber company to vacate certain parts of the street occupied by Its yards. Last year Chief Soavoy was instructed ro have the ob struction removed , but no definite action was taken. At the council mooting on Tuesday evening March 1 , a resolution was adopted granting the lumber company the USD of thogrounds in question for a period of 11 vo years at a rental of JTiO per year. Yesterday Hon. Eleazor Wakeloy nnd Abra ham Kosonoory applied for an Injunction re straining the city from entering into the pro posed contract. The petitioners allege ttat thov own property on Marcy street between Fifteenth and , Sixteenth streets to which they bnvo prr.ctically no access on account of tuo lumber yards , as tlio street Is llllou with railway tracks making It almost impossible - siblo to reach Iholr property either from Fif teenth or Sixtccntn streets. They allege that their property , whllo valuable for busi ness purposes , is rendered almost wholly useless by tbe nroposed renting of Four teenth street to the lumber company. Tnoy ask that the city bo enjoined from malting the proposed contract und tbut the street bo declared open to its full wldtb for public travel. Judge Hopowoll granted a temporary re straining order nnd set Thursday , March 17 , for the hearing of arguments in the caso. KnJoliuMt a Justice. An order was issued from the district court yesterday restraining Justice Gibson from goliigany further with the case of J. L. Hlco against Bernard Dolan. The defendant , an attorney , routs a house out in the north part of tha city which Hico and his brother-in- law both claim. * Kach demanded the rent and ordered Dolan not to pay the nthor any thing. Then Ulco becan forcible entry pro ceedings In Curtis' name and Curtis entered a disclaimer and Hico renewed the proceed ings in his own name. Dolan wants to pay his rent but don'twant to bo ejected. Hence the application for an Injunction. The Jury In Judge Doano's court returned a verdict at iniduigbt last tilgbt for'$5OUO for tbo plaintiff In the case of Mutt Claire against the Omaha Street Hallway company. Claire sued for $25,000 damages for injuries sus tained by being struck by a cable car on Dodge street two years ago. Other f.l En Koon. wbo wits surrendered by his bondsmen Peter Elsassor and \V. Donnelly , charged with criminal llbol , secured u now bondsman In Nols J. Skew , and was released from Jail. JudgoDoano and n jury are hearing the case of James Richards against tbo city , an- appeal from an award of damages by ap praisers for the grading or Louvouworth street. Jacob Brundcll Is seeking to recover ? 10,000 from John U. Ureen for personal Injuries sustained by falling upon n defective walk on property under Green's control nt Nlutli and Jackson streets. The palnco car used In transporting the stock , scenery and properties of J. II. Wai- lick's "L'attlo King" company , which will ap pear at the Farnam Stroottheaternoxt week , is worthy of moro than passing notice. Tlio cor was built expressly for M r. Wallick at a cost of fJr > 00 , It Is seventy foot long and the usual height , and Is lilted up Insldo with stalls for Mr , Walllck's celebrated trained horses , and compartments for scenery , bag- gngo , etc. So conveniently are tbe stalls for tbo horses arranged ttint "when unoccupied tnoy fold up against thn sides of the car llko tno loaves of u book , leaving the car clear for action.Vliun In use the stalls open out ns ouch horse takox his place , until the whole Is transformed from a reception room Into u palace stable worthy of the great Sunol her self. The outside of the car is beautifully decorated and lettered In gold bronze. Taken as a whole the car Is a paiaco home , and Is worthy of Mr , Walllck's trained horses- Haider , Charger , Egypt and Texas whuso quarters it Is , _ To the proprlelor of Salvation Oil Thou hast built n living monument , A euro for hurts with llttlo money spout , Salvation Oil , the greatest liniment. No one now-thliiKs of a domostlo or foreign trip without a supply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 23 cents. Ai > < i3is cuvsTi" ni.tni > f'ltoar , I'll nil Valuation IncrcuKocI Dollur * Iiir Cent * "Squill ! rd" mill llm I'niHunrccI , HABTIXOH , Neb , , March 0 , Adams county is the most densely populated county in the state , except Do4glas uud Lancaster , Ills also ono of tbo wealthiest , In respect to size , In Nebraska. Today the assessed valuation of the farms of this county U over ? lyoo,000 , while twenty years nco It was not as many cents. There are ever 100 farmers in the county who are worth $5OUO and It is doubt ful If the furnu in Adams could bo purcnusod for f7.000.000. MostoC tlicso wealthy fannert hnvo made their money by close application to worl : In this very county. By far the greater ma- Jnrity of , them came hero a few yonrs ngo without CIBU enough to now p'irtia n a > ' "TW acres of land. Hy economy cnJ p r * arur ac8 they have boconiu inJp u Jaot'y ' f'p' ' * 13. H "lirelow amo to Adami ejuuy In ifJS. As he could not r Un Ui if prc- * " ; * ! "cot r uioul "squatted" on the land tto choio until ho could secure the requisite cash , Hit ulehty ncros which ho obtained from the govern ment for $14 ho has Increased , bv ' good management , to ISO , worth $ ,1,000. Mr. lllgclow Is now county cleric. Previous to assuming the dutlo * of his ofllco , ho sold n largo amount of stock. Ills last year's crop wna valuid nt * IUUO. ' 'Certainly farming pays. " sold Mr. Uigolow , "if n per son' will only alien At it nnd not buy too mue'.i mnnmnerv. " When II. O. Frosoof West Uluo township came to this country in IStJ , his total world ly assets consisted of SUM and a team of horses. Today , ho Is worth ever $3,000. The SO ncrcs whlcn ho purchased then for $1,000 nro now worth f'.fM ) . In addition , ho owns KiO acres of bountiful land , which n parson could not touch fpr loss than $ .1,000. Last yenr ho raised ? lODO worth of rye , corn nnd oats , tilling but half his land , "Chnrlov" Brown bee.imo n Nebraska farmer In 187ii , cringing with him ? .WJ , his family , nnd an abundance of pluck , Uo secured - cured n quarter section for $1iol ! ) , nnd now the snmo land Is worth f',1,500. Mr. Brown's farm Is well stooited nnd ImnrovoJ , nnd buy- Ina nnd selling cattle and hogs Is his spec- laity. His assets nro placed at $ U,000 nbovo liabilities. A , Llncgarlfi nnotbor farmer who could not pay for his farm outright when ho bought It , The 100 acres of laud bought In ISM for W,000 now nro worth $5,000. Besides , ho owns I'M ncro * In Clay county worth $3,000. Last yonri,000 : bushels of coru and -,000 of oat * \vero raised on his two farms , besides n largo quantity of llnx , "Farming has paid uio so far , " said Mr. Llnegnr , "nnd I think this ca lamity howling Is nogood. " His $10,000 worth of nroporty would tend to on force his remarks. Supervisor B. T. Kornuu was n very young man when ho began , In IS75 , extracting a , living from Adams county soil. Ho Immedi ately purchased a quarter section of Union 1'dcillc land In Hlgtilrua township for $ .1 nn nuro , Ho hns since then seen this land qund- ruplo.ln value. Besides tbls , hi ] now owns a tree claim worth $1,000 , nnd i40 ! ncros of ud- olnlng land which would readily urine $ . " > ,200. Mr. Kernan Ua > made much of his mouoy in raising stock. Last , week lie marketed n load of ton bogs which ho had purchased for ? 1'J each four mouths before. The lot was sold fori'.M : , moro capital than Mr. Kernan had when ho came to Nebraska. He is worth $14,000. K Klnkcr of West. Blue township , hns lived In the country for llflcen years. Ho was not n poor man when he came here , ns ho brouuht Si.OOO with him. Ho bought 100 ncros of land for $1,040 , which today ho values at fS.WX ) . Ho also owns some city lots In Hnstingii. Unit of his farm Is yet meadow ; on the remainder last your ho raised $1,000 worth of corn and oats. Mr. Hlnkor's $ 'i,000 oapllal hns Increased now to ever J'J.OOO. ' The Dean brothers James , William nnd Lucien of Llltlo Uluo township , nro among the prosperous farmers or this section. As thov hnvo acquired nil their property by thrifty farming. It is evident that they find that n profitable occupation. Bnnjamia Sherman is a prosperous and cuorgotio neigh bor of the Doans. Louis , William , Agustus and C. Ivortz are a quartet of Germans who began fanning in Xoro township with but ono team , 'llio four brothers huvo now property valued at $40.000. Julius , Fred and Ed Myers of the snmo township , came hero n few years ago with absolutely nothing. Tboy are each worth from $7,000 to $ lli,000 , which they have ac cumulated by German thrift. J. W. Thornton , ono of Adams county's supervisors , has found farming so paving u buslnois that he Is now loaning money to moro unfortunate mortals in the city. Beu S. Snodgruis is n young farmer who hns u beautiful and lucrative farm. His word Is as peed as hia note , and that u us uood as gold. William Huxtablo has lately retired from agriculture with n very respect able competence. Robert nnd Isaac lioyd are bolh ' "well fixed. " Isaac Boyd has always been u prominent member of the Adams County Agricultural society. Elijah Spicor has a productive and largo farm in Juniata township. From those few examples of typical farmers , and more , than a dozen others might bo quoted , as ono solf-mndo man and well-to- do furmor said : "If a person comes to an Adams county farm with a dolcrmiuation to work , und if ho Is industrious , economical , anil doesn't spend too much of ills time and efforts in politics , he can make iribro money than can any professional man or merchant in Hastings. " "I have found sour Bradycrottno a sure euro for headaches. " A. H. Hanks , Moun tain Poalt , Tex. MIOM 'KUUfilt .tllOVT US. NobriiHkn. William Wilson , jr. , living on the island near Doniphan , has been pronounced iusnne. The voters of Honca will decide March 15 whether they will have a now school build ing to cost $15,000. The dates for the Interstate Grand Army reunion at Superior aru August 31 and September 1 and 3. A Boomer man expects to turn out n batch of COO chickens from his incubator evorv three weeks for six mouths. The novcnty-llvo girls at Iho state Indus trial school will bo removed to the now school at Geneva about March 15. Charles Mortcrof Lyons died last Tuesday night aged 0(5 ( years. Ho had resided in Burt county for n quarter of a century. The citizens of Douglas , Otoe county , have petitioned the county commissioners to grant thorn tbo privilege of incorpotatiug ns a vil- lugo. lugo.Bert Bert Nichols of Rosoland throw n pitch fork to Jim Irelnnd from the top of a stacK. Ono of the tines passed through Ireland's foot and pinned it to the ground. H. P. Stoln , an old resident of Minden , ro- celved fatal injurlo.4 the other nU'lit by stop ping from a caboose which was standing on u brldgo and fulling to the roadway below , n distance of twenty feet. The bout at Dodge's ferry In Boyd county broke loose whllo a team wns bcin : ? ferried over nnd drifted down the Nlobrnra river. The team was saved but the wagon and bout were ground up by the Ico. After April 1 the city school of Crete will commence Iho morning session nt 8 o'clock and last until IS o'clock , with nn nftornoon session of only two hours. This Is known ns the Gorman plan and relieves the touchers and scholars durlni ; the hottest part of the day. day.Tho The Jury In the case of the Pabst Brewing company vs Joseph W , Grimes of Beatrice , brought In n verdict of $4,000 in fnvor of Grimes. The brewing company hnd brought suit on account against Grimes for $300 , Grimoslllod a counter claim for dutnagos with the nbovo resulting verdict. Thieves entered the smoke house of John Avion ut Harvard and stele sx | hams. Aylon sworn out a search warrant and had s'orao auspicious places searched , and found the meat in two SOCKS under the bed in u house occupied by n Mrs. Carlson. Herman Carl son and Martin Mahler were arrested. The olDcnr * also found about throe dozen stolen chickens in a barn neat * the house. If Dan Nottleton should run for congress In the Fifth 'district against McKolehnn , there would tie lively times , according to a Clay county paper. Nottinton , who Is re ferred to as the tall cottonwool ] of Spring Hancho , Is aald to bo the homlloat man on earth , and If ho should happen tn Htnllo on Saturday ho would break the Sabbath. Ho Is nbout (1 ( feet 4 Inches high and xllghtly thicker than a boo handle. But ho Is a power politically. If Nottleton Is nominated by tliu republicans and McIColghati by the Indcnumi- onts and democrats , tbo ipectnclo will bo presented of two of the homllest men In America outpu thn stump. Elgin , Antelope county , has lost ono of Its most active independents through the re moval of John Dorlund to. Lincoln , where ho will become an agent for the Farmers Alli ance newspaper. John's departure from Elgin , however , was not so pleasant as it might have been , Ho had loudly declared his belief in conventions that u pas * wni n bribe , but when he came to taking his Jour ney to Lincoln ho liutod to contribute to the grasping monopoly of u railroad the prlco of a ticket. In order to avoid paying this tribute Jonn stored nlniRolf In n box car loaded with household furniture and out of sight of conductor and brnkuman ho hoped to make tlio trip without observation and its cbiibcquerit expense , But ha wns dcomod to disappointment. Tim city marshal wui Informed of tlio situation und ha tologinnhod to the conductor lo search the car , This was dene at Clarkson and Dorland was discovered. Instead of bolng placed under arrest the crnfty independent was lot oif by the monopoly representatives when ho had paid tils fare. John doesn't UiluU It was funny , but oiuur people do. M 'fit3 Headache Wafers euros h < i4ob < n 'Jonuuua. At , till Oroodo's FroSpoots Rapidly Developing Into Valuable Mining Properties. MONEY PLENTY AND BUSINESS GOOD Hoomlng , ItiMtllug Vrorilo , .Mrmi "f Iho Jntratornml Mining Mutt Now * from thn I.ntrnt Attraction of Colu- rnilo'n Mining Districts. n , Colo. , Mnrch P. [ Special Corre spondence of Tun Uitn. | This camp still continues lo boom nt n wonderful rnto. Buildings are springing up nil ever the Hat lands nnd mountain sides. Lumbermen are dolnir n rushing business , ns are alto the hardware and furnlturo dealers , nnd cm n natural consequence Iho saloons nnd gambling houses. Spenklng-of the latter , It Is simply won derful where they got the money from. Money seems plentiful hero , nnd there Is every game played Hint Is known to tha sporting world. Among the Intost games is ono called the nut shell game , which U played ou the snmo principle as three card inento , only they use Ihrco shells of the Mng- llsh walnut and n pea or shot to work with. They go through thu satno process as lha monte trick , Iho player or greeny bets his money nnd never catches thu rtyht shell. This game Is played on Ihostroots , sidewalks nnd on the road between Crcodo nnd Jim- town , and you would bo surprlicd to * to what n number of unsouhlscntcd chumps nro to bo found In a camp of this kind , Slnco writing you last week there lins been -SO moro new buildings started ; they of course are mostly small cabins , yet there is a good number of Inrgo two-story frame build ings such ns Inrgo store rooms nnd hotel buildings. Every building in the town Is mndo of plno. I hnvo now boon here Just ton dnys , nnd I nm BiUtsticd that Iho Value of those slrlkca hnvo not half bbon lold. Every dny 1 BOO some plercs of ere Hint have been brought hero to bo assayed mid which show up very well , running from thirty-six ounces to eighty ounces per ton , nt depths of from leu to thlrty-llvo font from the Rurfaco. If It was not for tno heavy snow on the noun- tains you would hoar of a great ninny moro good strikes. Myself nnd partners nro down about fifteen feet nnd the prospects nro very fair. Wo have Duilt n cabin close by our mtno nnd if wo only hnvo n spoil of nlco wcnthor will cro twonty-llvo or thirty feet deep by Saturday iiluht. l lii dmVorhl. . A proposition has been made to Senator Poole of the Creedo Eloctrio Light company lo suspend an nrc light from the top ol the summit of the precipitous mountain which overhangs Jlmtnwn. The point of rock from which the light will bo suspended is nbout 700 foot above the town. In addition to being the highest light tn the world It will light the pathway from Jimtowu to Upper Croedo. The sixty-six acres of land nt Croodo netted Iho land commissioners the snug lllllo sum of $ ISUU ; ! ( al auction salo. The government has ordered n special resurvey - survey of thu corners In the vicinity of Creedo. It is hoped that the present bound- aiios will not bo chanced ns it would cause an endless amount of litigation to change Uio bound ry lines in nnd about Creedo. It would have been holler lo have legalized the present corners ns they exist. Crccdo's postmaster is in limbo for tam pering with the mails. Ho was caught in the act of opening registered letters , and since bis nrrcs't it is learnea that some sixty letters have mysteriously disappeared. No ono scorns to rtgret his removal , for this Is the worst mail service 1 over saw in all my life. I have up to this writing not roc&ivod n single lollor or paper. If you do not cull nt the postoflico Iho same day the mall arrives they Just tie up all the miill in paultagos und order you to call between 8 a. in. nnd 1 p. m. Iho following day. I understand that when there is moro mail in the olllco ilinn they earn to keep they simply tnko it out ? ml burn it , so If you have mailed mo any of thi > import I huvo failed to get them. I have no ; seen an Omaha paper since my arrival hero. I feel lost without Tin : BEU , havinu boon reading It constantly for the pnst twenty- throe vcars. Hoplnir lo got U at an early date , I urn , respectfully , WOUSDCH KSEK , Disease never successfully attacks n pys- lom with pure blood. Do Witt's Sursaparllln makes pure , now blood and enriches the old. Knrly tlio Year Humid. OMAHA , March 10. To the Editor of TUB BHE : Among the clothiers and merchant tailors of this oitv there exists a plonslnc and most commendable unnnlmity of opinion nnont continuing all the year round to close iheir respeclivo slores ut half past 0 o'clock , Saturdays oxcented. Knowing such lo bo the case , I here sug gest that some ono of our good-naturod lead ing tailors make the inltintlvo icovo by ask ing the tailors nnd clothiers of the city to moot at bin store some night , nay at 7:30 : , and there discuss tha advantages of taking some united action In the matlar. Omaha has far outgrown the village-cor nergroceryunmethodicaldraggingdrawl - Inu'lale-hour slyloof doing business ; there fore llio lallor.i and clothiers of ibis great convention metropolis nro doslrouft to fall In line with the fnshlon that obtains In all the other great commercial centers of the union , For this ro.ison I suggest a mooting of the trade for the purpose of discussing lUo mu tual advantages to on derived. Tbo mom- bora of our trade individually frnnklv declare that there Is no business done after Ii o'clock , nevertheless ouch inurctinnt keeps hU store open , not because It ( .ays him to do so , but because "that other fellow don't shut un. " Yours truly , j > ir . u. it. i .Hum , uucujoru , ju. , ivruus. "From personal experience I can rocommund DuWitt's Sarsaparllla , u euro for 1 in pure blooJ and general debility. " Wednesday evening at the regular nice ting of the Crelgbton dobatlni ? society , tha mem bers wcruplcusnntlyontcrlainodbyn brilliant essny on the poet IConts ny Mr , F. 1' . Gal lagher. Keats , Mr. Gallagher claimed , was n genius from boyhood a bard who had not yet burst into the fullness of song be f ere grim death came upon him. His masterpieces - pieces were "Kndymioti , " a poetical ro- munco , "Lamln. " it tale of Grecian mythol ogy , "Tho Eve of St. Agnes" ami "Hyperion. " His odes and Bonnnts reveal the ir.lenslty of natiiro's genial inlluancoon ono who worshipped at her .shrines , Although , In harmony of numbers , far behind - hind his ever admired Milton nnd Sponsor , and not possessing thu pownrful grasp of ShaUo.spoaro , still ho saw in naturn's coun tenance the fulfillment of his fondest aspira tions. She was over ns u picture to his eyes u vUton to his soul , nnd in one blending chord ho called forth all her beauty , TIII : UI\ITV ; AI.YKKI ; ] ' . rjm'HUMHXTS placed on ruaori March JO. WAIUIANTV Iir.KtK. ly and wife toll W Illoliard- HOII , n ' / of lot in , block - , Improve- nii'nt aisnoliitlon add . , . . . . . ,1 H.COO 1C M Illeks nnil liUHlmm ! to J I < Wanlioii , w 11 fin-t of lots U nhd I' ' , uud u ' 'U foot of lot % l'J und II , bloolc 7 , HUIISLHIMI nluco . 0MO W W ( Jliiyboiiah mid wlfo to NV Skew , lots ( I. 7 and H , block 10. Waterloo . \V WJolieriOiuind wife to KldiilltyTniit comiiiiny , loliO , bUi''k ' \VlliOxV.M ) ! itdd . . 1 Grorito II I'.iynu nd wlfo to 3:11110 : , lot 3 , WlflV Kiib . . . I Henry \Vltt und wife to Iluriuan Iu > r- nur , lots I and > ind u 21 Ifl-'JI foot of lot , block ] \ Klkurn . 'JM Alvin Siiuwiora el nl. Irnitiwi. tn-l A ( Jlmiry. lotll. hluok | U. Oniuhit llel'-tht * . GTS Andruw NuU ll Piid nlfu to 'icii'i-v Htiito tin ill' , lot h , lilock , Kver'tt iilni1" . iii'l HIS of lots U und 10 , hock I , < . ' ctr l pIlfK . < W Wl'con ' Ituriio'iU utnl to Alfred Mny- lunv. lot b , block Waterloo . 75 J Mv. . Ilium * and wlfo lo s.imu , lots 0 mil II1. muno . . . . . f > J F K uok and wlfo tn I'otur I'tmnur , lot l ; ' , block 1 , Tlptoii place . , . . , . B QUIT CIAIU IKK ! > 4. B A llrn-tdwll toT II 1'rli'o , lot 1 , block J5 , ! : V Hmlth's add . _ I Total umount of trauafcrs. ,