Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Was Unsettled , but the General
reeling Was Good.
Vlnllile I'rollM on the Dcrllno ( 'iui ed n IU-
diirtinn TlicnViT S ( . rrnl I'liiclint *
IIIIIIH anil the < 'ln c XViin
nt n Iii" .
CHICAGO. III. . Mnrch 10. Wheat wns un-
Aoltlcd today , lint tin ) general feollnz ' "
about the nvor.ixo. The llrst transactions
were at'40 ' above yesterday's laU llntires ; n
lioavy solllns proistlro was soon made muni *
feat under the Inlliicnco of which the market
broke ovor. The visible profits on the decline
caused a rudnutlon. There were line-
Illations within the cstahlUhcd ran o and the
close was nt u lots of * io compared with
yesterday's closing lUuros.
The cold wave iniido Its appearance as ml-
vcrtlsud but the trade did not fool as nervous
over It us It did yesterday nnd It concluded
that as winter wheat was not a tioplcal plant ,
frcr.liu was not Ilkoly to prove damagl" ? .
especially as the cold promised to ho of short
duration. The signal service predict a rlso In
tornpor.ituru. Now Vork was tha llrst to erasp
the fdlu itlon and It was a selling order
from Now York that started local deals. Lon
don took stock In the cold wave. Another in
centive to soiling was the conural feeling that
the government crop rcpjrt duo this after
noon would prove a hoar document and show
the stock of wheat In farmers' hands doprcss-
Ingly lurgc. In view of all this holders mndo
hnsta to cet rid of It hcforu thu break they
looked for should como , and the hours iiiado
nn equal olfort to get out a short line for the
Mime-reason. The tesiilt of all this wus a
very weak miirket for thu llrst half hour.
There wus then a halt and soilors having ox-
huimtnd thumaulvi's , the market he nn to ro-
nct. The Into cables came In hlghur. almost
without exception. Atmoiir and llru-
mer are until to bo nicking m >
largo lots. confidence was restored
to some extent. At and noarthe opening May
Hold ut from Klc to Hliio iiKalnst HHUc at the
close yotturdiiy. declining to SS'ic , sol.l up to
WfJie. where It was steady for u time. During
the lust hour the market got some streniMli
f i om crop damiign reports from Hnssla und It
was ulso claimed that the late cold weather
had M'Hoiiflly Injured the outlook In Kansas
and Missouri. Kurly short .sellers made an
attempt 10 get hack wnut they hud so d und
prices of Muy WHS advanced to Kio , but tin'
Rcllmt on thu advance was very fti'O und
there wan a quick drop to bSic. louutlng avnln
to H > e , weakened to bSc und closed steady at
Corn was low nnd weak. Influenced by the
decline In and provisions und also by
thu colder noalhur and the stocks In farmers'
bunds. The selling Was free , with a light ilo-
mand. The market Improved somodnrln :
thu lusthonr. but wonkcncd again , closing
only a sh.ulu above the lowest point touched
und nmklnu a loss of 3ic.
Outs wcio weaker and closed with a loss
of 'ie.
Ho.1 products opened higher. Hocelpts of
hogs at the yards weio.'sUJO under the esti
mate , with prices fie higher. Kurly sales of
May pork were us high us $ ll.224 ! , hut there
was a rush to sell under which there was a
steady break to ill.0\ and the close was at
11 l.i" ' , ! , a loss of luc. hard Is S'.io lower und
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. 170
pars : corn , liiicars ; oats , 110 cars ; hos , " 0,100
head ,
The loading fntnrcs ranged as follows :
-iimn.t.H. nri.N. iiidii. i.ouci.or.p. .
WllKAT-.NO. 2
.Mnrch t BOH
COIIN No. 2-
Mnrcli 41 41 40H
Mny 424 414J 41M
June 41H 40H 40X
OATH M ) . J
Mny. TOM 30' ! !
tlrps 1'oiiK
.Mnrch. 11 02K 10 & > 10 sm
Muy. . . . II ' . U 22 > * 11 07H 11 UThi
Mnrch. 035
Mny. . t 45 U 45 U 40 0 42
Mnrch. . . . 6 8''V4
Mny 6 H2 ft 8TM 6 87i !
Casli quotations wore as follows :
I'l.ouu Noinln-ily ; ntiehuiiKcd.
WHEAT-NO. 2 spring wheat , SG c ; No.
D spring wheat , 8lo ; No. S red. ulc.
COIIK Plrni ; No. ' . ' , 40io ? : No. IIyellow. 40J4c
OATS No. 2. SJiiOi No. i ! wlilte , f. o , b. , IK ®
3.Hic : So. ; [ .ilte , r. o. b. , 30.TJc.
Uvi-No. : ! . ' . 4o.
llAin.r.v-No. 2. Me ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4C34e ; No.
4 , f. o. h , , : iT@IOc.
I'l.AXHKun No. 1 , onjj ,
TIMOTIIV SKKD i'rlnio. 11.27(31.22. (
I'OIIK Mobs pork , per bbl. , * ll.0010.02' ) { ;
laid. PIT cwt. , } G.Ti@.liTi ) : ! ; short ribs sides
( looHOi , ID.SJ ! ; dry suited shoulders ( boxed ) ,
8J.7i ( < 1\2J : short clear sides ( boxed ) , M.25.
WIIISKV Distillers' anlshcd Roods , per gal.
SL'fiAiis Cut louf , unchanged.
COIIN No. : l , : iuigi93ie. ( ( :
Itecclpts and shlpinenls today were as fol
lows :
On the Pro luce oxclianco today the butter
market was hluheij fancy crcamerv , tSS-"Jf ! ;
line western , " ( X/iVTc ; ordinary , iWWOSic : se
lected dairy , Kld'Cci ordinary , ll-'lc. ) Kirns ,
Nii\v York Murkuts.
NEW VOIIK , March 10. Kr.oim-Roeolpts , 25-
117 pkKs : exports , UjO bbls , 7.00J sacks ; dull ;
cales. 4K9J hacks.
COIIN MKAt , Steady , iiulot.
, WIIIIAT H'icelptB. 4U5.UUO bu. : exports,07,700
bu. : null's. .W > ,0oo bu. of futures ; Ilr..OCO DII. of
t' spot. Spot unsettled , aet vo , cloilng steady ;
I No.'ion , il.Kl'ifitl.Ol'i In store unu elevator :
' fl.0ln6l.fl , ( ( ) alloat : * l.ui' : ® l.Mi'i f o. b. ; No. : !
rod , ! iu4iiiuijc ; ungraded red. VK\c < iiil.iO ( / > :
No. I noithcin. l.uJiSSI.OJ } > i : No. 1 hard , tlMft
i& tai.05 . Options advanced Utt'uO on cold
I wonther In the west , declined Uin o thiouiili
speculators putting alloat the stutomont that
the tovi-rnmi'iit report will show a lurK'u
reser\n In farmers hands , together with
wnrmor wuuther reports from some sections
und some lo.iiilnt : speculators scalping , ad-
vunocdlj1. ! ! on a Rood export domain ) , but
closed weak at unchanged to lo lower than
last nlKht. No. ' . ' roil , March $1.0IBOI,0' ! ' , clos-
HVE Steady but dull ; western , i > U99c.
HAIII.KV Qnlof. No , i Milwaukee. tS ® ' > a.
llAiti.EV M.I.Tgulotj DOC ; Canada country
made , Ko.
COIIN Iteeolpts , l.,8.000 On. ; exports , 09,030
bu. ; sales. 7U5.UM ) bn. futures ; I73two bu. spot.
Snot mnrket dtoady and moderatoiy active ;
No , " . 40luJio In elevator ; tvjuQ.vjju ; alloat ;
unKrailcd mixed. 4HVJ5HJc ; No. 3. 48io ! ;
Btoiimer mixed , 4ixroO > ie. options woio only
moderately active , with weather report's
ruvrirublo and position with wheat closed J (
OATH-Kocolptx , ai.OA ) Ini.i exports , 31,000
bu , : Rules , 170.ouobu. futures ! Tl.ouo hu. spot ;
pot llrmor und quiet ; options dull anil Irreg
ular ; closing steady ; March , 30'ic ; April.
8tt c. closing at IKlfioi May.30 aio c. oloslnit
at : uis c.i Juno , Ma ; , luly , fttijt . Bpnt prices :
No. S white , toUtt.'Wjjo ; mixed western , 3d ®
37io ; whlto western , 3S < & 4''o.
llAV-Qiili.t. llrm.
Hoi'8 Onlot , weak ,
SuoAU-Uaw. Btcuily ; more active ; ealoa , 673
hhds. and 4,500 buss mtiscovudo , ( i' ' , at 3c ,
and 10,400 bugs centrifugals , VI test , at 3\c , o.
I. f. ; rotlnoil , unto and steady ,
MUI.ABBKS Korolgn.dull.
KICK In fair demand ,
1'KTiioi.KUHOpened steady , nnd after do-
rllnliiK } > o became dull und remained so until
the close ; Pennsylvania oil spot sales , none ;
April option , ouonlne , f.'J'i'J ; liiRhest , 5l Ho ;
lowest , WSJo ; sales ) total sales ,
TAi.i.ow-gulot ,
KOSIN 1'lrm and ( inlet.
TuiifENTlNE Dull and nominal at 3Jo ;
closed active at 3tXuviUUc.
Kaos 1'lrinen KOOI ! deinnnd ! woitorn , Ho ;
receipts , 11,000 pUgs.
I'OIIK Quiet.
CUT MHATH I'Irin. nulnt ; pickled bellies ,
M.WXa ,75 : inliKllos , dnlli shortclear , 3.M.
LAUD About steady , dull ; western steam ,
lo.70a.72Kt bales , l.txi ) tlurces : option sales ,
l.&OO tierces ; March. $ (3.70 ( ; Muy , W.7 & 0.73 ;
OloslliK , t0.74July ; , ( O.U7.
IIUTTKU-Qulot , ousy ; western dairy. 17OJo ;
wrstorn creamery , livtt''Uus western factory.
17 ? -0 ! Kleins , 30c.
( JiiKKSK-gulot , llrm ; part skims , ( V iotio.
1'lfl IIION Dull , cany ; Amorloun , tli7M6l7.5.
Uoi'j'tii HtroiiRor on talk of reduced pro-
dnctlou ; It * ko. 110.75.
LEAH Steady , dull ; dorucUle H.22',4. '
TIN Htionaer. quiet ; BtralU , tllWJUX05. ) (
31liiiu > npolU l"liur Market.
MiMNKAi' , Minn. , March 10. The North-
wesloin Miller Kays : The mills in nil o the
heaviest run lust week that they have made
In uny wiu'U since the uiladle of Drcumbor ,
The total output for the week wus InO.OVU bbls. ,
nstalnit ITT.fvVj bh' , the previous week und
1MJ.833 bbls. for thu corrospondlni ; tlmo
In 1 1 , The output this week will bo
greatly reduced ou account of dulluesj
of the flour jiiarkct. The flour market has
born only f ilr the pant nrok Few mllli have
sold ever linlf their output nnd those who had
orders ahead am catching up on tlioin. The
foreign trade Is pretty nearly , the few
h ds comlnt on iioiialfv being mildi loworthiin
the millers' vlonit. The millers hero hum low *
01 oil the inlddlo ramie of ( lour prices from lOc
to l.'c per hbl. , thon.'h the minimum quota
tions nre proh.ibly about the same. The di
rect export shipments last woik wo re 52.705
bhl . nRnlnsl t3.10 bbls , the preco.llns week.
Omiilm I'roilitro AliirkclK ,
FI.OUII Omiili i Milling company's Kelliinco
I'ulent. ll.ttlt Invincible Patent , (0.40 ; Lone
.Star Siiuerlathe. S..VO : Pnowll'ike , tl,85 ; Kiinoy
I'll m 11 v , Ji,75 : S. I' . Cl Inuin's ( lold Medal. $2.5i ;
Snow while , } 2.25 ; Snowllalio , V..OO : low prude ,
tl.lilll CJiieen of thn I'.utliy , tJ.01.
I'oui.Tiiv-Chlckcns Kood slock , OSIOc !
poc p , ducks and turkeys , IISS1-V. Host choice country roll , 10'Jlo ;
lower urades , KOIHc.
IliiiKs No. I ciccn salted hhlco. 4ijfl'4c ( ' :
No. Screen salted hides. 41i"H'4cl No l ercen
SHltrd hides , 25 lo 40 Ihs.iiiUiic ! No. S Rreon
salted hides. B5 to 40 His. , : ) : nic : No. 1 veal
calf , H to 15 Ihs. , flc ; No. ' . ' veal calf. 8 to 15 Ihs. ,
4ci No. 1 dry flint hides , 7ftWo * No. S dry Hint
hides iCc : No. I dry salteo hides , SSP. Tal
low , No. I , : ii { < 04ct tallow , No. S. fl'jc ; Kronso ,
white A , 4o ; croa e , while II , 3'i4S'IVc ; izrouse.
yellow , 3c ; iiioasn , dark , ' . " ( ; old butter , 218
Uic ! ; beeswax , pi line , IGo ; rouch tallow , 1'i '
G& i' ,
HAV Slow kt M.Vxa.VOO. The latter price
could only bo obtained for snmothliii ? extra
KitiHTS-CallfornU rlvpr l'lo ornnRcs. $2.i * > ;
Washington navels. ? : i.o5l.'l.7. > : good apples ,
li.M ® ' . ' . ? . ' ) ; choice lemons , : fani'y leinnn * .
tl,50 : Malaga Rrapos. H-J5 lior hhl. ; tiaiianas ,
cr.ited , fiOO.50i cranberries , shlliplim stock ,
f .noia7.00 ! straw berries , ( Wo il. |
VKOKTAIILKS Citllfoniln b.ibbugc , ' "ic nor
H' ' . In crates ; homo ciown lettuce. 4'fi.'K ) ( ) ! per
dor. ; California eatimlowcr , ti..YA1. ' > > ; onions ,
7WMo per hu. : Nebraska lund plokud beans ,
} l. ? . " > ai.b."ii medium ,' ) ; celery , 3'ic ;
sncot potatoes , } -.0 ! c.'olorado and western
Nebraska potiloos. HVTJilJc ; native potatoes ,
S.Vl30a ! : Hum beans , 4 > i $ l'ic per Ib. ; water
cress , 2it. | . cases. r. " , j'i iAn per ql. ; spinach ,
$1.50 per hbl. ; Spanish onions , tl,50 per crate ;
radishes , 45J150C.
( lAMi : Malluril diiclo , $100 ; tout , { l.5l,75 ; ;
mixed. JI.M.
Kotis-Ocnoral market , 115JIHJC.
KuiiKiis Oily .Market * ,
KANSAS Ctrv. Mo. . March 11) . Ki.o'in In
peed demand ; llrm , unchanuod ; patents. $ . ' . .V ) ;
extra fancy , t..voii'.U ; fancy. f..OVK..l.'i :
cliolco , Jl.lKhitiOO.
WIIKAT No. 'J hard , ( iiioted nominally at
7fc : No. Jrcd.UI'fe.
Colts Klrm ; No. 2. cish , 3'l < ihld : Murch.
Klc bid ; Miy : ! ! 3io ! bid ; No. 2 white , 35c ; No. a
mixed , aiaru'ju.
OATS Dull ; No 2 cash , and March , We ; No.
S white oats , SUliTA.II .
HVK Steady ; No. - ' . 70c.
Kl.AX SHII > ! Uu on the basin of pure.
HHAN Steady ; ( ! 5c In 100-lb. sucks.
Kdns Stciidy at 10'Jo. '
IlUTTKii-KIrm ; croimery , Si'iOilOc ; rolls , 14 ®
CIIKICSE UnchtiiiKod ; Younz America , lOc ;
Kansas. 7ffllc. )
HECRIITS Wheat , 18,557 bu. ; corn , 2fl,027bn ;
uals , 1.300bii.
Siiii'MKSTS Wheat , 1.400 bu. ; earn , 21,800
bu.louts , none.
Cotton Market.
NuwYoiiK. March 10. Cotton futures closed
mlddllnz , 7 1-lic ; iccelpts. 2,103 ; grots , 4.10J ;
sales , SO.OOj ; stock. 4.VI,2 > 9.
Nou * York I > ry fioods Alurknt ,
Nnw YOIIK , March 10. Now business In dry
; oods uvorases very fair , but Is- made up
chli'lly of small orders for a wldo variety of
roods. The market's tone Is steady , but
lurso transactions would probably require
Cnlleo .Market.
NEW YOIIK. March in. Options steady ; un-
3hnnod at 5 points down : sales. il.7iW lines. In-
2ludlns March. J13.55 ® ! LOO ; April. Jl2.l-i ) ; May.
11105 ; June. $ ! 3.i.Vt& : 3.40 ; .Inly. $ r.3j. Spot
moduli und WOUK ; .No 7. ! ' , .
. O. , March 10. WHEAT Firmer ;
No. y. Olian'ie.
Coiis-l'lnni No. 2 mixed. 4'Ic.
OATS-Sto idy : No. 2 mixed. Si'/kft'UUc '
\\iiiSKV-Sleady , linn ; $1.13.
Toledo tiraln .Murkct.
TOI.KIIO , O. . March 10. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2
sash and Jlurcli , ! ' 5p.
COIIN Steady : No. 2 cash , 41lc. !
OATS -Quiet ; cash. 32c.
Liverpool Markets.
Livciiroou March 10. WIIKAT Quiet ; holders -
ors oiler moderately.
COUN Finn ; demand fair ; mixed western.
Is yd per cental.
Foreign Oil .Market.
ANTWKHI * . Miuch 10. I'ctrolotim , I4if. ! paid
nnd sellers.
IJONIION , March 10. Turnout no spirits , 2Cs
) d per cwt. _ _
Havana Miur .Market.
HAVANA , March 10.-SuKiir quiet ; 287 hhrts.
muscovado , 8 ! ) decrees polariz-itlon , wore sold
ut$2.40xold per quintal.
Triiders * Talk.
CniCAQO. III. . March 10 P. O. Logan & Co. to
J. Sands Commission company : Duo to the bllz-
i-ard in the northwest and Indications of Its
rullns over the winter wheat section there
were enough scattered outside buying or.lers
to Rlvo us a higher oponluir. but Now York
operators lloodod thu market and their per
sistent soiling carried n break to 8Hic , where
good buying sfirted In. N. II. Heam took on
iinlte a little but sold out on the bulge. The
otuected government report and weather
were the absorbln : topics , with widely dlU'or-
cnt Ideas on the former , ranging from Kls.o.'O- '
DO ) to 1115,000,0 0 bushels In farmers' I m nils , ex
clusive of the vlslblo supiily. The damage re
ports were nut numerous. Kansas did FOIIIO
crumbling. Kxport purchases talrly good ,
F.uventy-two loads at out ports inclusive.
Corn ruled heavy from start to finish. Inill-
[ 'iitlons point to an Increased movement , some
Into bulls turning bearish. Wo favor sales on
hard spots. Oats f.ilr.y active , and there was
some coverln ; at 30'c. I'rovlslons opened
Btrons on lighter iccolpti of lioss , but guvu
way ou selling by local opeiators , partly for
short account ,
OiiiUAdO , III. , March 10. Counsel man & Day
to Cockroll llros. : Owing to the steady tone
In cables and the. prospects of severe weather
for fall sown crops at homo speculator * went
home lust night long on wheat. Eurlv cables
were hluhcr and weather reports recorded
lower temperatures than were expected , but
the fact that this wus the day that
the Hist government crop report slnco
December would bo Usuud and
that Mr. Dodge's figures had frequently
disappointed both buyers nnd sellers , caused
11 general dcslro to oven up t-ados. After an
uurly decline on long liquidating and a later
rally on shorts covering , the market closed
uasy at ! Jo deollne. There was plenty of bull
ish crop and export news , but It wus Mr.Dodgo
against the Held and the favorite won , Corn
and oatH were quiet and futures easier In an
ticipation of largo arrivals latorln thu season ,
Sample lots for tmmodluto shipment in light
supply were wiintod at former prices. Provi
sions opened steady to llrm but prices fell
iway with surrounding markets , more from
luck of support than from free olforingR. A
light business was donn and the market closed
ill ! II at quotations.
CIIIUAHO , III , , March 10. Koiinett , Hopkins
k Co. to S. A. MoWhortcr : To the general
iiirprlso early cables on wheat were rather
uaslcr. It was supposed that our strong
[ losing with news of the hlUzard prevailing
In the west nnd northwest would Insure but
ter markets abroad , consequently those u ho
tvont homo long oxpoHIng to make a profit-
iiblo "scalp" this morning , were sellers Bt A
loss. Another depressing feuturo wus thu
Fear of a government report ,
Mr. Dodge's record hoiotoforo causing
Iho bulls to ho very distrust ill
if li'm Hut for tholattcrclrcumnnncu wheat
would doubtless have done bettor toUity ,
There li.ivo lice n reports of sorlous dam.igo
lo the Russian wheat und rye ciops. from
which It might ho Inferred that the oulloo ! . Is
llttlu hotter than at tills tlmo last year. Kan
sas has also sent In bad reports , ono lar.'o
ivlieut grower estimating the loss from Into
Freezing at 30 pur cent. Clearances were
moderate , but export engagements
tout up larttu und closing o.ibles
were better than oxpoclod. The closing tvus
nervous , but tempers ) rong , and If Unnlu Jerry
Itnskuau Ucoo Mr , Dodge from putting out
lee bearish a report the nuirkot Is In shape to
ndynnco. Corn and oats shunnd the prevail
ing distrust of the government report und
long generally reduced tholr lines In iinllol-
liatlon of an unfavorable one. cauilng a
moderate decline. Provisions have hur.lly
liold their own , though the news alTcctlng the
product has ucon encouraging to
holders. Packing for the week has
[ alien thiirt 110,100 of the correspcndlng
wenk last year. In the absence of outsldu
Irado thu big local hours seem to have lltt'o
Illlloulty In holding prices down , but they
ini'ko little headway toward materially lower
l > erulatlon Coni.crnlii | ; SI. I'aiil Common
Attracted .Mont Attention Yentoriluy.
NEW YOUK , March 10. The question as to
whether there was to bn u dividend upon the
Jt. 1'uul ooinmon stock or not was today the
principal feature In the stock inurkot. though
Its liillucnco was to make the traders uncer
tain and therefore to restrict trading thruugh-
nit Iho entire day. Thcro were still plenty
alters af 1 per cent for the dividend , but not
withstanding these and the llrm news of the
general list. bt. 1'aul displayed u droupln ;
toudoncy throughout , whllo lluctuutlng
within narrow Hunts. All the Important
ihungei for ihu day wore made
unont ; Iho specialties and Tennessee
L'oul , Buffalo , Kochcncr & 1'ltuburg
and Kvnnsv lleTeno llnuto were all un-
tttuiilty uctlvo nnd decidedly strong In
in rkcd contrast to the usual lotdoM of the
Kpcculat on. The dullness In the nfternoon
npproicho I lhatof a mldsitmmcrdny nnd the
general list rcnialncd iibKolnlcly dovold of fan-
ture . The rromlnenco of the Industrials wit *
shoit lived , und while ( Mrdnpo wns uctlro fern
n ( thoil tlmo dnrlnztho foionoon , It wns weak
nnd had no inlltionco on Iho rest of the mar
ket. The most pronounced movement of the
day was the ndvancn In [ Ivaiisvlllo ti Teiro
lliiute , which role from IVTU lo ITU'l on ti
llmlled business , while Tennes eo Coal was
ono of the leading active stocks of the day
and rose from 47 to 4'J. ' The other chuir-'es
were on u smaller scale , but Iho rise In Now
Kng.nnd. Kcadlng and Iho llulTnlo. Uochcstor
> V rlttsbnrg Htocks was very marked In Iho
early dcullnjM.dlsaiipuiirln ? with iholrncltvily
IKfoi u noon. 'I'ho aclloii of the directors of
Iho Si , Paul was not announced until after
the close of tlio Stock exchange , though the
leaders covered In Iho last few minutes on n
report that the dividend had been declared ,
in the afternoon there were several marked
movements among the specialties besides
those mentioned. Sugar , nnd Louisville. Now
Albany &l hlcago belli ? most prominent in
the upward movement , which , however , o\-
Kindcd In Iho rest of the list and a general
upward movement of smalt fractions oc
curred , Thn advance , however , was of. llttlo
moment and the market o.osed quiet nnd firm
RiMicriilly nt only slight gains overlast night's
prices being rocordod. Tne nnalchantcs In
no cnsn among the netlvo shares nro Impor
tant , all the largo movements being among
the specialties , which generally closed nt or
near tholr highest figures.
Uovernment bonds have been dull nnd
steady. Stales have been dull and fc.uurc-
less.Tho following are the closing quotations for
the lending stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today
' bid. t nikcd.
tTlie ttniil , sales of stocks today were 218DOS
shurei. Including : Atchtaon , 3..VI5 ; Delaware.
NEW YOHK. Jlnrch lO.-Tho I'ost says :
So far as the movement of prices reflected
anything. It rcllouted a tendency to further
downward action. The declines Drought more
at'tlvlty and were more persistent than the
advances. Una truth Is oh\ Ions In the cur
rent murkol the present wldo and contra
dictory Hnotuatlons In certain nnartrrs are
duo to the real change In the situation ,
brought uhout by the shifting of huge blocks
of holdings from one Interest to another.
Now Vork .Honey Market.
NEW Yonic. March 10 MONBV ox CAM ,
Easy at Hi ® ' . ' per cent ; lust loan at 2 per cent ;
closed jlTercn at2 percent.
I'HIMU MKIlRANTIMt I'AI'Ell 1T { per COllt
STKUI.INO EXCIIANOK Qnlet hut sto.uly at
H.85',4 for sixty-day lillls and $ .87J ! for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
I.umloii .Stock
Cnp'jrlgVel IS ! ) ! Irj Jan\ Climlim HsirieU.
LONDON , Mnrcn 10. INcw Vork Herald Cahlo to THE ItKK. ] There was nochanco
today In the hunk rate , which remains at 3
per cent. As regards new speculative busi
ness this has been an exccedlncly ( inlet day
In the tit oo I ; exchange , but the bcitiomont
which has satisfactory proires > > . has
necessarily encased a KOO I deal of attention.
Funds were well maintained , while Indian I
percent. Kuncoiiapcr , ? . Korelcn government
securities closed dull for the International
stocks , Bomu weakness bolus reported on the
I'arls bourse. Un the other hand , Argentine
Issues are llrmor In suite of the premium on
gold advancing to 245 per cent. Homo rail
ways have been rather unsettled , movements
In prices having been very Irrojjular. In splto
of the little buslnbs dolni ; , Sontlieastern do-
focred fully recovered yesterday's full ,
The Improvement has extended to Caledo
nian deferred. ( Jhathains , North
Kustorn ana Hhelllcld duferrcd. while
others mark small declines. American rails
have boon more or less llrm the sreater
part of the day. lint just at the lust have
eased off somewhat on a few realUatlons.
Money has been In a fair domain ! In Lombard
street today. Short loans have been ehanied
Hi per cent. The ill-count market has also
been harder , two and three mouth bills bolne
( inotod at la percent.
LONDON , March 10. The followini wore the
London stock inotations | olo3ln at 4 p. m :
Mo.s-Ky I'4li per cont.
The bullion In the Hank of Knglund In-
crousd 313,000 during the past woo It , The
proportion of Hank of Kngland's reserve to
liabilities , which lust week WIIK 12.0) ) percent ,
Is now 41.5J pur cent. Amount of hulllun witli-
ilrawn from Dank of Kngland on balances to
il uy , i'lS.OJJ.
I'liiiinciul Notes.
KANSAS OITV , Mo , , March 10. Clearings , Jl-
NBW OUI.EA.MJ , La. , March 10. Olo.irings ,
M , 128,605 ,
NEW YOIIK. Mnrch 10. Clearings , JI'JO.KIO.OOO :
tulancos , W,00'JU27.
I'AHIS. March lO. Tlirco per cent rentes. Oof
BOc for the iiccount.
IIAI.TIMOKE. Md , . March 10. Cloarlngs , I2.2J5-
187i balances. $ .110,077 , ICatu , U per cunt ,
I'uiiiAuui.i'iiiA , I'a. , March 13. Olearlngs ,
( IO,2aJUtJ ( ; balances , tl,272,205money : , 3i ! pur
ST. Louis , Mo. , March 8 , Hank clo irlngs ,
> 3oiowj : ; balances , J.is7.U71i monuy , ujv > 7 jmr
L'unt ,
HAVANA , March 10. Spanish gold , 2f.4 ©
M.'li Ivxchauxo iiiliH ] | on London , IS.'MolU
MKMl'iiiB. Tonn , March 10. Now York o\-
- hungo bulling ut par , Uloiirlirjs. f7JO'Ja5 ;
Datanccs , M.I.M04
Huiti.iN. March 10. The statement of thn
Inipurlal hank of Uerinany shows u decro.iso
In vpcolu ot 4iO.-00 ) murks.
HOSTON , Mass. , March 10. ( Jiearlngs , ilil.-'OI-
100 ; hulanccs. $ lU2- | , Money , 2 nor cunt.
ICxchungo on Now York. r > tl5a discount ,
I'AIIIB , Maroh 10. The weekly stutemont of
the Hunk of Franco shows u douroasu ofSO.UjU
rmncs In gold and 1 , UJOW franoi In silver.
CuiCAao , III. , March 10. Money O'i y nt5li ®
5 per cent. Ule.irlnzs , lit.t : : > 8,53u. Now York
jxchatigu , COo discount. Sterling oxchaiuo.
unchanged at il KVi for blxty day bills und
[ l. 7i ! for sight drafts.
Iloston Stuck . 'Market.
HOSTON , Mass..Match 10 , The followjn : were
Iho oloiliu prlooi on hlouki on tlio Uoston
stock market to lay :
Alclilion \ Topuka. llottou If Montana. . U7) )
lluitun A Albany , , , 210 Calinu-jt A llucla , . , 2.11
llotoa A Muluo. , . . Krnnkllo I2 < i
C. II. lUlli
AM " ' '
KatU'rn U. It. ti > . , . . Uicoola . . . ! , ! ! . . ! , ! ' -J
Kllchburu Kit buntn Ku C'oppor. . . u3
Him A. 1'oru M Tunmruck IflO
Flint & I'uro M. | > M Ho um I.unil Co i , }
MUM. Ccutrnl VVu > t ICnd Land Co , I'J
Mi'x.Con. com . . . . Hell Telc'pliono. . , . 20.
N , V. A N. Knglnad. l.nuiiun hlorj ti. . . . ,
illd Colony Water I'oirur. . . . . . .
lliillniidCuin , , , . . . , 4 I'c'iu. M , . , , . , , . . . . . .
llullunil Cum. pfd , , IVIIbtf II. A II. . . , . . . , , , . , , . , .
Wli. L'UII.CUIU Ibtf , r. \ ii. , . , .
Allouei Mla.Co.uuw
Atlanllo ID
HtmvurMining ; .Stock * .
, March 10. The following list
U thn closing niuitairoji * on the MInlnj ox-
cnnngo today. BaloOj , KHXon
Allcit tinny doM nock , . . .
Amity . rnnrlnil ,
Areoniuit Jnlm.1
llnllnrnt .luKtlco inn
II. , , , I.cntoimnrtli . n
ItMes-Huntcr l < cslngton 4)M
Illit Inillnn I.HIIn llnln. . . M
Mnicppa. >
llromiloir . . ilnu ( film . XII
Cnlllonc . 1C jliro . 100
Clnnilla J . SVM'nrk O > rnolltlntcil. 7
t'cntury . , .
Clay County . W " J'otnM
Dlnnumil II . Imp'1" .
Denver ( inn nnil uli .jW'JIln . . . , tiw
Kinmont . < $ > .iinuinu '
M hVlmlf . . 7
( lolrtcn Troasuro. . , . 24
Now York .Mlnlni ; Oi.
NBW Yoim. Murcli 10 The followliu nro the
closing inliilii.
Cnttlu .Slciuly , ll < > e < Sviirco niul In .Stroll ) ;
OMAHA. Mnrch 10 Hocolplfl fortliopnit four
ilnys , ll.ftOO cuttli ; , liW ( ! liotn iiutl : iHRliuop ,
" nnil : i.'JOO
lia I'om poiulliiK foiirdiiyHof last wuuk.
Donlcrs Rcnonilly , niul soilors. piirtlculiirly ,
were uurouably Hiirpr HIM ! at the uoiiiiirit- | ,
tlvuly Ilitlilruu of cuttle , us It K.IVO thu mar
ket , u iniicli ni'ilol uli iticu to recover trutn the
4ilsn4trmi Directs of Wcilnosdny's liouvy rc-
colpts. Whllu the fliippiv wai little ever u
third us liirzu as Wednesday , there wus no
nolleuuhlu Inipi-ovuiiient It , the cultural qual
ity of tlioolTorlii3s. KOOII llnlsho ! ! hunvy cnt-
tlu uolntf uxtrumoly se.irco. Kast-
ern itdvlecs wuro futrlv satlsfaclory ,
nnd suller-i Hturtod out nskjnir urlcus
Hint wuro somowlmt strouzer than tlioso
provMlltm Wednesday , lluvors , however ,
wuto still Inclined to bo bearish nndoto In
no hurry to pay inoro than stoiidy prices.
( iood heavy oattlo sold fully steady mostly
for export ut from KLB'i to J4.00. l-'alr to peed
l.OSO to I.VUJ-lli. Hteers wuro haroly steady nl
from ( l.i.'i ; to ? .I.H1. ( Common llKhtctkttle were
nolthor hotter nor worse , from ifl. 10 to J.1.1W.
The uonoriil nmrkot wnsulow but about steady
ut Wednesday's share doullno or lUo to ' . ' . " > u
lower tliiin .Monday.
Itut n comparatively small proportion of
the unttlo rpcoluts wuro cows and ml\ud lots
and for this re.ison prices In wore
steady to stronii. Good to choice
L'OWS and liulfor.s sold from JJU'i
to $ : i.w. : Kulr to uoDd Rratlea fioin
$ i5 ! tuSMAiuul Inferior and canning lots fror :
l.'i'i toif..OO. Trudlni ; was ftilrly active , the
ilcmand bold' ' HOIK ! anil an early clearance of
the moaner olfi-rlnss elTcutud , On the bust
bulls and snvs prices were st-ons , several
Citing for export ut from li"i to $ ! .7i. The
ordinary run of this elasi of stock sold nboiit
steady at from JI.OJ to 100. Oalvos wuro In
moderate supply , good demand and steady at
from $ . ' 1.15 to .UO.
StocKers and feeders sold slowly at about
steady prices. Neither outsiders nor regular
dealers were overly active , hut a fair number
of cuttle dimmed hands larpoly ut from { . ' .TO
toJU 20. Kepresentatlve sales :
lions Kccolpts continue U ht. fo far this
ivoek compait'd with lust then ) has been a
riilllniolVof ovor.'t.OJJ head , while tlio first ten
[ lays of Maruh eoinp.iroU with the same ten
lays a year aso show u fallln- elf or over
. 2,0111 head. Tliero wrro comparatively few
Hood heavy ho.-son the market but the llsht
lio-'s were generally very fair stun" .
In tlio absence of any shipping demand for
ll ht Moss prices went elf a shade
lo 5c\ principally 5c , hales ranxlni :
ftom $1.55 to tl.TO , nwalnst $1,0) ) to iM,7,1
WeJnesday. Several loads of heavy butcher
vvoliihH went to an easturii hhlppur at
from $1.00 to tl.70. Ilo ivy and mixed paulcliiK
Eradus woio slow hut steady , mostly ut from
M.iiO to H05. TrudliiK was not overly active at
uny UIIIH during ; the day , but the Hunt receipts
were practically all disposed of by 11 o'clock ,
Iho bnlli sellliiK at from II.0) ) to $1.0.1 , aualnst
M.l < 0 to \Vedncbday. . The general averaKe
uf prices was * 4.02 ! & . iiRalnst $4.05 ? Wednesday
mil $ l.57j Thursday of last week. Kopre-
iontatlvo bales :
No. Av. I'r.
3. 4 35
5 4 40
1 . .410 4 50
M . 4 50
. ? 4 55
. .Si'5 2 0 4 55
10 ; 80 4 55
" T.I78 3'0 4 M
w" , .m 120 4 57 ! i
" 100 4 UU
.m 4 l >
.210 4 GO
)7 109 4 OJ
)7i : ! l')7 120 4 00 / ,
" ' ' 80 4 ( U 1
. . . .slo 240 4 01 , .
. . . 231 8) ) 4 Ulao
ta 240 4 G'J.I '
. . . 2un 40M 4 GQjx ;
242 M 4 V )
207 111) ) 4 < A ? ,
. . . V4i 4 OJ ' '
. . .2213 1110
I . 101 225I 2 . . . .275 4 2 >
double Hocks of cornfud wost-
isrn slieepwcre lecolWd , bit ! they were con
signed direct to a incijl packer and not offered
> u the in irkot. Klu8aru | ) unable to socuru
jnoniih muttons lo biipply thu demand und
want the sheep budtrjit current prices , which
lire not rjiioluhly changed , Kalrto goo.l nu-
tlvcs ( nun 11.25 to JWM , westerns from HM to
ri.-\ coninion aii'J Mflfk sheun from 42..V ) to
M.75 , good to Dliolcrijitntbs wolglung forty to
iilnuiy pounds fromfy25 totJOO.
Itiicnl , ) ! * tin I OM sitl in of St u c ,
' '
OIllclM rJjnlDts Mi'il'dUp'ultlon of HtO3' < us
ihown by the \ni \ > 'u of tlio Union titojk Yard !
3omp.iny for the twaaty-fnurho'iri , ondliii ut
in. .Murcli 10 , 15'Ji
-arj. llenJ Cum. lleud Ciu . lluiul Corn. lloail. .
I.S'JI 41 2'JJt 101
racking couipuny. .
I'liaO. U , llniniuond Co . . . irw
SnlllA Co w 4UI
[ ! uduhy I'ucklnvcoiupnny . .
Miorry A II
1C !
I.ult ovur ( Mi
Total I'M 401
( > lilfiio | ll\o Stock Market.
OIIICAIIO , 111. , Maruli 10 , [ Special To
In TDK llct : ] Value * of cattle wvro
mm variable , Thcro wuru u fuw I
where BuUHinon got a small advance on thu
beat hliln of the day before , and again Iheiu
uttrubiilcs nt nducllnuof from So lo 1M hut
Uiu average uf the market , wua about thu kauie
us for Wcdiipsday , or from lOo lo 20o lowc
than at the beginning of the week. The olTor
Inus wnro Roncriilly of fair lo need qunlltj
and nsall classes of buyers took hold vcn
freely , piilrsiiion did not nnd It nocotsary ti
carry over much stock. A bunch 01
very superior RIOPM sold at IV3' > nni
that tuny fairly bo cotiMdorivI iho toi
of the miirknt. From Kl.Vj toSLOO houalit tin
creator part of iho steers and from UM ti
J.I.OJ the hulk of the cows. A fuw old somb
sold at from tl , & > loj.7. ! ' > . Kccolpts Inclndci
nc.uly I.VOJ Texas cntHu , They sold pr ncl
pally at from } i.n lol.8i.
Without hclnztiotably | hlahor thn IHU mnr
kot was hotislhly stroncer. It w s actlvoa
fmin fl.Sn toll.l'ifor poor to extra grades will
h/ fur the Inr nr part ot thit trailing at fron
Jl.ffl to JI.IM for heavy and modliim uclvht
u ud at from 11.7.1 tuti.M for Ik'ht , Snipper
buiiRlit freely and so did local cutters , tin
former principally at from J1BO tn fl.llJ nni
the latter largely at prices boaiw $1.0) , Tin
close of bnslnpS4 found all Iho ho.'s out o
llrst huiiilH and only n fnw held by speculators
The slioup market was fairly s tttsfactory ti
snllors , thu demand showing no dlmliintloi
and prlcos lining as flrm us licforo. The bes
prides of sheep were quoted around Sii.OO inn
cholci ) to fancy lamhs uora salnblo nt fion
JD.iA to 17.00. Krom those pi let's sales rut
down to IVOJ for poor lambs nnd lo from 12.7. .
to M.50 for scalawntf sheep.
Hocolpts were : O'uttlo , I0,000 | l.o.s , tO,000
sheep , H.OJO.
The KvunltiK Journal reports' OATTI.K Ho' '
colpts. ll,0io ( : shliiinonlk. 0.010 ! nuirkot steady
extra steers , J.VJT ! troo.l lo choice sleors , } l.40ji (
4 Mi others , JJ.7.Vftl.'j ; > : feeders , J.itXiia.M
cow ? , Sl..VH'.r ) .
MotlH KoHuIpls. M.OOOi slilpmonts. 10.001
market brisk and Hteiidy lo a fch.ulo blither
roilRh , * I.OU4.0 : ttood iiiHed. )
prlino heavy and butchers weiRhts , ! < .bT'ti ( !
4nSi lluht. M.H (3H.fipBs ( : | , tl.TOiif 7S.
SIIKKP Uccolpts. 7'itOi shlpincnls , .1.000 : mar
ket active and steady : owe * . flDXftuii
wetliors. ! wcsloins. fVJ.i&'i.fcOi year'
linns. W.70SAhOi lambs , ( l.n < X27.8.l ,
IC'insis City llve Stoolc Mnrlcnt ,
ooipts. 2,100 : shipments. UOO. Steers won
iteady ; choice cows strong and from .Do to l * > c
hlzher : fceder.s were ( lull aim we.ik. Sales ;
Dressed 'ieof anil shlpplns steers , $ .1.0)oo | !
cows and heifers , ! J.ui > iW.-i ; stockcr.s am
leodors , .l.'iVi6 1.50.
Uoos ItScclpts. r .ni ) ' , shipments , 1,100
The market was active and from flo lo Me
higher. Kxtreme ratuo. $ l.i : (31.75 ( : hulk , M 5 :
P Receipts fi.41) ) : shipments , none. Itc-
eetpts worn mostly hilled lo packers and feed'
eis. There was a uood demand for the oll'or
IIIRS and prices wjro sloady to strong , Sties.
Now York ltv Stnrlc
NEW YOHK , March 10. Itncvns Kocolpts
603 head , all for exporters and sltiiiphtorurs :
no tr.ule , feeling llrm : dressed bevf >
at &ate per Ib. Shipments today , IIS beovc !
and iiO hhc < ! ii.
OAi.VKS-Kecclpts. 8' ' head ; market steady
veals. t.Hia7.7r ( > per 101 Ibs.
HIIKEP Kecelpls. 4.77 head ; market dnl
and lower : sheep. $1 0'JJlfl.W per 100 Ibs. : lamb *
J7.0L7..0 ) : drusso.l mutton , slow at SQlOc pel
Ib. : driMHCil lamb , lower at UQllc.
lloos Hccolpts. 2'Juo head , consigned dlructi
nominally steady at $ l.Kffi' ! > .M sper 1UO Ihs.
Nt. I. onls l.lvu Stock .llurknt.
ST. Louis , Mo. . M irch IJ. OvrTi.E-Hocolpts ,
l.SMj shipments , L'Oij market steady : fair to
coon natlvo steers , t-l.lWitl.OI ; fair to good
Indian and Texan steers. $ . ' .4 iii.40.
lions Ueceipts , , ' > , .00 ! slilpmonts , 1,0)0 ) ; iiuir-
kot lower : lio.ivy. $1.0.Vfl > 4.HO ; ml.\cd , t4.u4,75 : :
l , J1.7WB4.80.
firt : TIMKS ITU r.u.ui : ix arx rK.tns ,
What lias Iloen Ion In lvcs ; County
Ciioil Fiirnicrs Are All .M'lklllK Money.
( JiiADito.v , Nob. , March 5. Dawes county
Is not in as good shape to show what f arming
pays us other portions ot the state , owitiK ic
tuo facts that both 1SS9 and IS'JJ witnessed
iho almost total failure of crops In this sec
tion. However , 181)1MS ) a banner year and
did inuch to make up for the two preceding
ones. When you coino to think that the
llrst farmers of this county moved hero in
1885-0 , wo think wo h.ivo a record ofvhlch
to bo proud.
"Havo j'ou made money farming ! " was the
query put to Hon. W. W. Wilson , state sen
ator , otio of the leading republicans and one
of the most prosperous farmers in this county.
"Of course I havo. I have been in Ne
braska twoiity-soven yoaw , moving hero six
years ago from the southwestern part of the
Btate. I find that If a mau will p.iy strict at
tention to his farm there is no reason why ho
cannot make money and plenty of it. I have
a farm of 040 acres , all nicely fenced and
otherwise Improved. I raised wheat , oats ,
corn , in fact everything luat can bo raised ,
last your , Part ot this land I took as govern
ment land and part of it I bought , paying
from $5 to § 1U per aero for the same. I now
consider the plnco worth llvo times what it
cost me. "
' Wo have plenty of good farmers in my
neighborhood , and' they are all making
money , " said genial Tom Lockott of Beaver
Valley. Every ono in this section knows
Tom Lockett. Ho is a hall fellow well mot ,
a good business man , a prosperous farmer
and stock raiser. Ho came to" Uiwcs county
in 1885 and now bos a nno place of 1,000
acres well improved. His herd of cattle is
known as ono of tlio best in the country and
the largest. Ho always takes prizes ut the
county fair for his farm products. He owns
a nice ounch of horses , including ono or two
quite fust ones. U is safe to say bo bus
made f.OUU since bis settlement in this
"A couple of the host farmew I Icnow of in
tbl.s county , " said u well known business
man , "are the Dcebo Drothors of Chadron
Urook. Thov made money in ISS'J and 1SUO
when low other farmers did. They came to
this country with only ono teama wagon and
a few household gooa's. They now own a Jino
farm each , about forty head of cattle , ton or
twelve head of good horaos and do not owe u
dollar. They made monor enough last , year
tnpay off the mortgages they had given to
buy the necessaries of lifo tbo first year , uud
to provo up their laud. "
T. J. Wilson , bolter known as "Happy
Wilson , " is a fnrmer that this country maybe
bo proud of. Ho makes his money farming.
His plnco on Bordeaux crcok is well known.
Ho has u nice lot of stock , a pleasant and
well appointed house nnd barns and in fact
i ono of the most progressive farmers und
business men in the county.
J. W. Carter , president ol the Dawes
County Agricultural bocintv , is another good
farmer. His plnco is on White river , about
six miles north of Cuadron , It is fenced and
othorwUo well Improved.
There are lots of fanners who are making
money whom It is Impossible to see. Taken
lib a whole tbo prospects of farmers in Uawos
county are todav as Haltering as could well
bo imagined. If Chadron gets a beet sugar
factory , which it conlldently expects to , iho
culture of thn boot will add another to tbo
the farmers' nl ready extensive products.
CnlvurHal 1'niUu .Means Merit.
Tbo success of Chamberlain's ' couch remedy -
ody in ofTuuttiiB a speedy euro of In grippe ,
colas , croup and whooping cough , has
brourtit It into great demand , Messrs. Pontius
tius & Son of Cameron , O. , say that it bas
gained a reputation second to noao in that
vicinity. James M. Queen of Johnston , W.
Va. , says it is the best ho ever usea , I ) F ,
Jones , druggist , Winoim , Miss. , says ;
"Chamberlain's cougb remedy is perfectly
reliable. I have always warranted it and
it never failed to give tlio most perfect sa'.Is-
tnctlon. " 50 cent bottles for sulo by drug
Tlio remnrlcnblo merit of tlio Citrlsbad
Sprudel Bait , which ia produced by thu
City of Carlsbad , by the evaporation of
the Carlsbad Spuidcl Water , lias been
known to tlio civilized world for inoro
than five centuries , It has achieved its
unnpnroachcd reputation and letaina it
wholly on its inerilB. It ia a natural
remedy which ia ultvaya pfTeetivo in all
disordeiaof the stomach , liver nnd kidneys -
neys ; for habitual constipation , gouty
nnd rheumatic affections , it is without
equal. It him been largely imitated. Bo
Btiro to obtain the genuine imported ar
ticle , which niiiBt have the seal of the
City of Carlsbad and thu si nature of
"Uianer & Mi'mlelson Co. , New York ,
Solo Agenta , " ou every b/mlu.
luiiactui IMIK1 oiy /
Hnii . linmtnoctK , nil mil
rubber rlothlim. Coml for
111,1 Knrnnm.
ImportvM niul
ttiror .
I'lourSnoki , llurlnpi nnil
M. 0. DAXON ,
Bicycles ioM nn montlilr
120 X. 15th t.i Oiimtin.
Vnc'.orr corner llth nnil Dinntlns utrooK.
Wo tire making cloio prloei to onih uiyeri , mi'l ' nro
delimit a clim of Kuoiti which 11crjr nilo-
nblo with marchMilf.
Wholc nto Mnnufnclirri. llooH. hoiM , riilibCM
Aiipnls fur Moduli Huh * nail felt ttooils.
bcr Shoo Co. , 1102 , 1101
nnil IIW lliirnoysircou ! ) ! llnrnoy stroot.
CO. , Mnnnf.'U't 10. utiKKy tops
A. T Dniby. MnniK'r , Lnoln , cushion * , olc.
Topi , i iHlihnu , llnvkn ,
Semi CntnloKiio.
DusliL" " , utc.
214 N. 1Mb K ( . Oimlm. illO H. 12th Htruot
Hnr.l nivl rnf t S. II.
corner tilth nnil
Mnntifncuror ! < of OM- Mnnufncturorj nnd
TiinliQil Iron Cornice.
Window cnn , mutAlIc Wholesale Clolhleri ,
krlluht , etc. 1110 nnil
. 1IOJ llfirncy streot.
1112 nodiii ) st.
Pry K < " l" , nolloni , fur- '
Dry Kuoils , notion * , xunli'
fiirnUhlim need t.
Corner llth nnil IlowarJ. Cor. llth nnil llowuntsti.
Illustrated catnloxuo
1GI4 Capitol Arcntio.
Succonort tn O.A. Iloeu3
ft Co ,
Gracennd 11th sts.Omi'n
Oonta" furnlihln ? ifooiH , Oents' furiiHIitn-r icooitj ,
clothing nncl notions ,
' '
m'f'E cijlobrntcit llrnni )
( ilvc us n trial. Wo fonil
nauiple9 ciprou yro- "Iliickskln" Overall. ! ,
pulU. pants , thlrtft , roils , etc.
Hnrncy. Knst Oiuiha.
1201-1SOJ Jones etreot , 10th and Harney , Omaha ,
Omuha , Nob. Nob.
215 Ilonrd of Tni.M
I'rulior In urnm , provl-
lions nncmoi'ki. I'rlvitto
wlre to N. V. , Chicago
anil St. IjOtils
lints , cnp , utrnw , Uujieri ot lillni , wool ,
Klovo * anil mitten * , tallow unit fur i.
llth anil Ilnrnoy. M.I South Mill it.
A Common-Sense Remedy.
In the matter of curatives what you want is something that
will do its work while you continue to do yours a remedy
that will give you no inconvenience nor interfere with your
business. Such a remedy is ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS.
These plasters arc not an experiment ; they have been in use
for over thirty years , and their value has been attested by the
highest medical authorities , as well as by voluntary testimonials
from those who have used them.
ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS arc purely vegetable and
absolutely harmless. They require no change of diet and arc
not affected by wet or cold. Their action does not interfere
with labor or business ; you can toil and yet be cured while
hard at work. They are so pure that the youngest , the oldest ,
the most delicate person of either sex can use them with great
Beware of imitations , and do not lie deceived by misrepresentation.
Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to
accept a substitute.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th * eminent nuerlallit In nervnut , chronic , prlvnte , blool , tklnnnil uniinrr UMomoi A rojulur nnil
reuUIered urncluute In muilclno , u > Ulii.omm unit cvrilllciiteB iihow. U ( till treating with tlio grtalcn lucceil
, i"rinmorrhofii , lint mnnhooa.iumlnnl wuaimoK , nuhl loiiei.lmpoicncjr. i/ihlli | . itrlvlure. lion *
orrhuni. turrli Lli'C'l | , vurlcucole.clc. No iiiuriiir ) u e I. .Nuw tru.itiuent torlo < > oJ Tllul puwirr , 1'uMlui uiinlifu to
nmr tie Iroalol nt Iiorue Lj eurreiliunnvncv. JloMU-lue or Initruinentt > unt I'/ mull uraipreii
. Ono pertonal lntcr > low preferred. Coriiullailou
eurulriiitfkuj , no mnrki to Indlcoto contonU orjendcr.
( rue. ( orruipouiloncu itrlcllr prlrutu. lluok ( MyulurUi of Ltlei ieut ( roe. UOIcu uouri V .m. toO p. m.
buuilnji 1U a. U m. Heuil ilnnip ( or rcpl/ .
CAPITAL : ® 100.000.00
DinccTons : A U.WYM/W-E.W.NASH
HANIIAI\VOOD CAI'Hin.l'.H are the
DOCIITASE and ualy rapiulrt pretcrltci ! by
regular i > hy > lcluu > tor Hie euro ut
Jo urrliio and illtcliarut'i from llio urinary urKmmj
r ln ie lu & d y . Jl.W per bo * All iltuiik'lit.
CO. , DeklcrV linnlnnrc nud.
for 10th onil JnckionSK mrchnnlcv ( enl
Uainlin. llttl Douglas Street.
Manor MvrchMili , Importer and .Inbbor of
limifirnny Street , Wines nint Liquors.
Mnniif&etur'raKonn3ily'i lOWnnl 1041 F rnr > mSI.
Illttcn. I'rlrellitton appIlcitloiL
" "
VVIi ilointo liquor ilcilor
IOJI Knrnnni st ,
Itnrilironil luinlar , wnol
cnrpeta nnil im Impo'lol Amorlotn Tort
llonrliiK , Inn I riniont , Mllwaukw.i
nrilrniillc rrmont nnil
Sill nnil DoiiglK. ( Jiihicy nlilto lime. V
Mllllnerf. i clonks 1'lnnin or.'Aiii , nrtliti ,
etc , tn ilcrl.ili , etc
11C-1 < 3 S 1CIU tU Onmlm. 13KI DoiiKlni ( trout.
Packcri "f oy lorj , fish Oysters Ftih niul Culorr ,
nn.l eolory , 3C.I Smith lOt'i Ht
iDSI.jininvvortli 3 : . DnvlJ Cole , M
llonnoil nnd lilhrlcitlni
oils , nxloitrotsu , etc.
Kstnbllthcd , 1879 , BRANCH & . CO. ,
WHITNEY & CO. Troduco , frulti of nit
llutter , I.'KKI nnil 1'oul-
. kinds , oyatori ,
: il'.l S. 13th at. - Onmlm. 13th and llsrncy Streeti.
SONS. , Uultor , chooio ,
Duller. CKK * nnd poultry. poultry and
lli/J turnnmit : II7 SoutU 13th btrooL
Commission Merchant.
nutter. cheo 6 , cgtt.iot- 1'roduco , llutter , IC 'i
ctnblei , frulU , poultry Cheo.o uiiJ I'oultrr.
1'Jtli nnd llonrurd SU ,
nnd icnuio. ( liniilin.
Fpi-clultlos. butur , Scn-1 us yO'ir lcc < . 111
rloo : i > . poultry , ute No tor , I'oultrr. Ctirao ,
IS S lit i ilo < . In Nit llldoj , Utc ,
bank. 71) ) I-J LoiTeatTorih 9tn
4S.J South llth St.
llutter. eeKB. uoultry. Our siecliiltle | : llutler ,
came , ulde nnd fruit , ecus niul puullr ) , 1013
1W7 llOHarilet. Howard btieet.
WrappInK pnpar , nil klnitl
Carry n full itock of
of tirliiiis , no.
printing , wrnppliiv and liOSllotrnnlJt.
wrltlnu paper , card pa-
pur , olo. Tol. 17JJ.
Stove ropnlrd nnd vrator
aiiachmcntH for any klnil
of atovemndo.
1207 Douiilni.
Manufacturer ! of cash , .Toy * , dollt , alb u mi.
fancy eooi9. houiofur * \
doori. bll nils and ,
nl'hlnx Kooilt , child
mouldings , llrnnch of-
Oco , 12th and Irani SU. lea'i rnrrlngoj.
131U Knrnam Stroot.
Uooui 34 HiclmnKO llullj. Ilooins , ( I ) nnd 61 Kz >
llulMIni ; Sou til ch.aiik'o LnlliU.iK.
Umnha. Huutli Omaha.
Glasm'H adjiistod to all visual defect *
Uutarrh ut'cu < > fully troatud ,
Room IS , Barker JJlocK , IStli auJ I'amain