Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DATLY EEJ91UIAY. : : ? MARCH 11 , 1892.
Mexicans Ocmplain of the Manner in Which
Captain Bourke Handled Them.
Jill Troop * \Vern Jfol SiirtlrliMilly Pnrllrn-
Inr In Tlinr ftrgnril for I'rlvnlo I'mp-
erty According tn tin- Statement *
ul tlin Outlaw'i rrleniti.
I 513 FotJHTF.KNTtl STltr.RT , , >
WASHINOTOX , 1) . 0. . March 10.1
The origin of the charges against Captain
John O. Dourko , Third cavalry , U. S. A. , Is
it lust disclosed , They were lllod with the
W r department by Congressman Grain of
Texas some tlmo ago on behalf of his
'groasor" constituency. Congressman Grain
bus more than 15.000 Mexicans In tils dis
trict , many of whom were with Garia , the
Mexican bandit. In hi * late raid which Cap
tain Bourlto suppressed. The charges ngomt
Bourke originate from the sweet-scented
children of tno border who were vigorously
rounded tip by the captain for aiding and
abetting ar. Insurrection against Mexico from
'tho friendly soil of the United States.
rtio first charge comes , naturally 0110112)1 ) ,
from ono Alexander Oonzalos the father-in
law of the bandit , who claims that Uourke
presumed to arrest Um without warrant ,
slapped him In the face when ho dared to
enter Uouko'.i tent nt midnight nnd used
Homo of the fodder on his farm. This salmon
comploxloncd oldroprobnlo Is notorious on
the bordot as a first-elms scalawag nnd an
abettor of mischief. Ho escaped Bourko's
troopers twice , but when ilnnlly corrnllod ,
was hold in doliancn of the rules of courtesy
as laid dawn by Ward McAllister.
AtlliluvlU ot Other Moxlcnn * .
Other Mexicans in&ko affidavit that ho
used very unpollta language la conducting
bis search for bandits which they were un
doubtedly uttomptlni : to corrall , and that
bouses have bcon entered without warrant
and troops stationed on prlvato property
without consent of the owners.
Congressman Grain's district Is what is
celled in Texas "Lullu. " It is500 miles long
by 400 wide , nnd filled with tarantulas and
Mexicans , cowboys , cactus ana desperadoes ,
with a sprinkling of American citizens. Grain
says that in ono part of it u man must wear n
boutouulero while in the other ho carries a
bowie knife. Captain Bourke was operating
in the bowie knife section rind ho did not
fight with bouquets. General Stanley en
dorses Captain Uourko's campaign in the
heartiest manner , nnd says the captain ban
displayed great tact and Druvcry In his con
Itlglit * or Iloyil County Citizens.
The Nebraska delegation received today
the petition of a largo number of residents
of Boyd county asking that they bo allowed
thn same right to commute homestead
entries In that portion of the coded Stoux
reservation lying In Nouraska as Is ac
corded homesteaders living in the coded
portion lying in South Dakota. These peti
tioners ask that the act of March ! ) , 18SU , bo
amended in accordance with their prayers.
Senator Mandersoa will introdtico a bill mak
ing specific ! provision for the Nebraska set
Senator Paddock said today that the ap
parent discrimination arose from the
tralghtcnlng out of the northern Nebraska
Boundary and that the committee on public
lands had alreadv referred the question to a
ubcommlltoo who now had It under con
sideration and would undoubtedly afford the
relief asked.
I'ocnlliir Story ot nn loua Alan.
A curious case of discovery of an Iowa
man , long supposed to bu dead , was un
earthed yesterday by tno pension ofllco.
General Grrcnloaf of the Kochcster , N. Y. .
district recently prepared a prlvato relief
bill which will not now Do Introduced nnd
thereby hongs a tale. "The brother of Miss
Boles'n Rochester , N. Y. , school teacher ,
left homo eighteen years ago for the benelit
of his health , being a sufferer from incipient
consumption. Nothing' , was ever heard of
blm and ho was finally given up as dead
fHls aged mother applied for a pension , but
could not prove the death of her son. It was
at this point that Miss Boles applied to Gen
eral Greonleat for assistance and the bill ho
bad prepared was for tbo dependent mother.
Her application was on tile at the pension
ofllco , her son having been a member
of a New York regiment. A few days ago
an application was received at the pension
ofllco from a man named Boles , who resides
in Iowa. It went to the sumo clerk and was
tossed in the sarao pigeon hole with the ap
plication of Mrs. Boles of ItocboUer. The
next day the clerk , in investigating tbo pa
pers , saw that tbo sou , upon whoso death the
application of Mrs. Boles rested , was the
Identical man who was applying lu his own
behalf. General Grconltmf was notified and
the result will be tbo reunion of an aged
mother and a son long supposed to bo dead.
Congratulating Sniiiitor Paddock.
Senator Paddock was deluged today with
telegrams of congratulation over his victory
la passing his pure food bill. They came
from Individuals and organizations alike.
Many came from Nebraska. The bouse com
mittee on agriculture is now bard at work
considering the bill , section by section , and
promise an early report. The farmers al-
llanco members are taking a deep in
the measure. The light of the corporations
opposing this measure will doubtless bo de
voted to tacking on amendments In the bouse
in order to kill the bill if possible In confer-
once. The opposition in the liouso as in the
senate , will blt > - mam rested from southern
members vrho fear its directs in reducing
cotton seed oil as an adulterant. In this they
are freely In touch with the Standard Oil
company.To ItclinlmrMtt XclmiMkn.
Senator Manderson from the military
Ci. committee reported with a favorable recom
mendation the bill which he Introduced a few
days ago to reimburse tbo state of Nebraska
for the money expended In suppressing the
Sioux Indian outbreak In the northern portion
tion of the stnto two years ngo. The bill as
originally Introduced provided for the up.
proprlation of 150,000 to bo paid to the state
on approval of accounts by the War depart
ment. As It was reported back from the
committee the amount U reduced to $ t.OUO ,
which is believed to bo approximately thn
amount expended ty the state government ,
and Instead of referring the claims to the
"War department thov arc referred to the
Treasury department direct. By this means
a great aeal of unnecessary rod tape will be
dispensed with and there will be a more
prompt payment and settlement if tbo bill
hould become u law.
MUcollunmiuii ,
A pretty homo wedding took place lasl
evening at the residence of the bride's par
ents , 1)H ) ! street , northwest , tbo contract
ing parties being Mr , Lincoln Miller of Wy-
1110ru. Nob. , and Miss Flora , an only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton ,1 , Hull of Udgnr ,
4 Neb. Kov. S. II , Greene performed the cem
> , nionv. The bride was becomingly attired In
\vhlto Japan silk , prettily trimmed wltb
clilllou caught up by sprays of lilies of the
Valley and smllax , and carried n large
bouquet of bridal roses tied with white satin
ribbon * . Mr. and Mrs , Miller left on the
Blft : train amid u shower of rlcu and good
wishes for an extended trip through the
west , after which they will go to Wyinoro.
Neb. , their future home.
Souator Paddoclc was notified by the post'
ofllco department toJav that the curtailment
of mail icrvlco between North Platte and
CurtU requested by ofllclnls some weeksagi
would not no made and that no i-haugo In the
route Is at present contemplated.
Lieutenant Parker of the Ninth cavalrv ,
row at Omaha , has asltcd to bo detailed ill
the Fort Loavonworlh military prison.
A strong potltlou ba& boon received tram
the people of Boyd count ; asking for an ia
crease ot the mall service between O'Neill
mid Fort IlanetallviaKpoucer.
Senator Maudorson recommended the os
tabllthmont of a postofllcu at Southerland ,
Lincoln county , and the appointment ol
Station Agent Carpenter as postmaster.
It Is useless for the aspirants to federal ap
polntniotiU to apply for the position of spec
\ ial agent of the treasury department randi
vacant by the resignation of Captain Yocun
of Hasting * , a * the treasury department docs
not Intend to fill It again , there being ni
fund * from which to pay the salary.
Favorable reports have been made fro it
committee to the sunntu upoa the bill * o
BiMiator WiUoa to pension Mr * . KitUor J
Boone of Iowa , nnd of Senator Allison to
pension David Peterson.
Senator Paddock has Introduced n bill to
remove the charge of do < crtlon from the mil *
llary record of Daniel Morrltl.
A raarrlago license was Issued yesterday to
Lincoln Molor of Wyinoro , Nob. , nnd Flora
A. Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. Uusse'.l ' . I ) . Harrison expected
to start for Omaha lat night but hnvo post
poned the Journey till Friday night. Mrs.
Harrison will sjond some tlmo with her
parents. .
The War department has notified Con
gressman Perkins that the cndet assigned to
the Eleventh Iowa district nt the Woit
Point military academy will hnvo graduated
In .Inly , lbir > , nnd tbnttho vacancy which
will bo created by his graduating ; which
must banned boforoJulvl , 18W. Two or
three applications have already been received
by Mr. Perkins.
The senate committee on commerce today
reported favorably the bill establishing n
port ot delivery at Dos Molncs , and the bill
wont on the calendar.
Mr. Joseph Morgan , prlvato secretary to
Senator Allison , wrllos from Ashville , N. C. ,
that his trip thcro had a very beneficial ef
fect upon his physical condition und hols
rapidly recovering his health.
The postmaster general notlflod Senator
Paddock today of the appointment of Frank
J , Mntcson of Mntcson , Nab. , as postal clerk
between Lincoln and Alma.
George A. Joslyn , president nnd general
manager of the Wo torn Non-spapor union ,
accompanied by his wlfo and nlcco , arrived
In the city yesterday nnd will remain several
> cnator Mnndorson has rocolvod a petition
asking thnt the Postonico department ostab-
llsha closed pouch mall service from Mlnno-
kuhtn to Hot Springs , S. D. , on the B. & M.
J. L. Welsh & Co. nf Omaha bavo boon
awarded the contract for heating nnd venti
lating the buildings at Pine Kidgo agency.
The amoun : of the contract is $ o , < WO. D. Fitz-
pa-rick of Omnha was also a Inddorlatn figure
some $300 higher. P. S. 1.
Ni\V8 : I'OK Till : AllMY.
Complete List of Changes lu the Hcgulur
' Hrrilco.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , March 10. [ Special to
assignments to regiments ot officers recently
promoted and transfers of officers are or
dered :
Colonel Bernard J. D. Irwln , surgeon , Is
ordered to Fort. : Mnckinnc , Mich. , on public
business. Captnln Cnurlc.s B. Thompson , as
sistant quartermaster , Is directed to take
station nt Sackotts Harbor. N. Y. , upon re
lieving Captain George K. Pond , assistant
quartermaster , of bis duties In connection
with the nhargo of construction of tno post
of Madison barracks. The following changes
In the stations of officers In the medical do-
parttnont are ordered ; Major Alfred A.
\Voodhull , surgeon , will proceed to Hot
Springs , Arc. , nnd take station as surgeon
in charge ot tbo nrmy and navy
general hospital. First Lieutenant Philip G.
Wales , assistant surgeon , is relieved from
further duty nt Fort Apache , A. T. , and will
report to the commanding officer , Fort
Bowie , A. T. , for duty , relieving First
Lieutenant William N. Sutor , assistant sur
geon. The retirement from active scrvico
this date. March i ) , by operation of law , of
Colonel Basil Norrls , surgeon , Is announced.
Complaining About thu Food.
CHICAGO , 111. , March 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS Bnu.l Concerning the reported
dissatisfaction among the soldiers at Fort
Sheridan because of the poor food furnished
them , Captain Maus , ono of General Miles'
aides , said today : "It the food furnished
the soldiers is poor and the men are dissatis
fied the remedy rests with themselves. If
but ono of tbo soldiers makes a written com-
ilnt alleging that tbo food Is not UD to the
leijulromouts an Investigation will bo mudo
by Colonel Hoyl hero. But no complaint
has been made as yet and until wo receive
an official complaint no attention will be paid
to the case.
"Colonel Crofton , the commandant at Fort
Sheridan , is ono of the oldest and best am
eers In the service anil I am sure be would
not allow bad mtut ana other supplies to be
used. Ono great trouble is that the army is
not allowed cooks and the nion have to soled
led ono of their number to do the cooking.
Soldiers are chroulo kickers , anyhow , and
are naver satisfied. I am a kicker myself ,
and when In West Point was always com
plaining about every thing. "
\V 'Hli'rn I'ciiHlon-i.
WAsnisoTOS , D. C. , March 10. | Special
Telegram toTiis Bun.J Tno folio wing list of
pensions granted Is reported by TUG Beit and
lixu'mlnor Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original Odoll Peterson ,
Henry Cook. H. John Berger ; J. Krobsbach ,
Ralph T. Wotherell , Cheney A. Shepard ,
Albert Colbv , Charles L. Harris. Henry W.
Vanaorbllt , ZepbamahV , VVoldon , Daniel
II. Maxson , Matthew McConuoll. Add
tional David J. Brown. Supplemental
Daniel II. Mitchell. Original widows , oto.
Harriett Ball.
Iowa : Original Nicholas Schuylor , Oli
ver E. Finch. Ebonczer W. Grahnm. Stephen
E. Nason , Michael H. Skinner , Sylvester
Hall , decoajed , Lorantz Smith , William H.
Newton , Lewis Todhunlor. Theodora L.
Soevors. Additional Charles W. Breed ,
John W. Howe , George D. Elghmy , James
H. Johnson. Renewal and increase Jacob
HIckabaugb. Increase Tobias Nunamnckcr ,
William H. Hammer. Original widows-
Maria L. Bennett , Eliza Lavvton.
South Dakota : Original Adam Gobcrt ,
Platt Wollls. Additional Luman Hoss.
sun : m o.v THIS HOKDEK
Mr * . .In in in ( I. HIilnn , Jr. , Almost I'asson to
I lie Otlior Sliorr.
NEW YOUK , March 10. For seven hours
Mrs. James G. lilalno , Jr. , lay between hfn
and death yesterday with ttireo dojtors gal
lantly fighting for bar life , says n morning
paper. At 8 o'clock yoitorday morning tbo
old nurse attempted to nrouso Mrs. Blalno
nttordrossing Iho boy forhU brnakfast. Mrs.
Blalno was in a comatose condition , bar eyoi
closed , and gasping for braa'h. She was
unconscious and evidently uot far from dis
solution .
The nurse ran to MM. Novms1 room aud
screamed out : "Mario is dying. "
A doctor was speedily in attendance , and
Inter In the afternoon he said : "If Mrs.
Blalno had boon left ton minutes longer with
out attention it would have boon too late. As
it was , it was the turning of your band
whether RUO would llvo or dlo. Her stupor
was alarming , us it was caused by hear
failure. Mrs. lilalno has , as you know , i
'had arm , ' the arm that lies almost dlsabloi
by rheumatism. The only way her life was
saved was by the cruel but necessary forci
ble movement of her arm up and down , The
pain caused kept her from falling entirely
Into the lethargy of death. Thn crisis was
reached shortly baforo noon , and from thu
timelier respiration has been stronger am
her heart notion moro perceptible. She Is
still , however , in u dangerous condition am
will bo for twenty-tour hours. Wo employee
thu artificial administration of oxygen I )
moans of an apparatus. Several times she
was in what may bo called a dying condition ,
1 think there is DO dancer now , however , but
she will require a long rest und careful at
tention. "
A very Sentoiifi'il to llunj ; ,
LMAII , Mo , , March 10. Amo * A very , col
ored , convicted of the murder of James A ,
Miles last September , has boon sont-mcod to
bo hanged April 33 next. An appeal has
been taken and as the case cannot to reached
before October yesterday's sentence is but a
mere formality.
"Lato to bed and early to nso will shorten
the road to your home lu the skies. " But
early to bed and a "Little lOarly Hlsor , " the
pill that makes life longer and bettor and
r i
Coniliuitoritml llrukumnn lUllml ,
IsnuxACous hid. , March 10. Early this
morning two wost-bound { roight trains col
lided near Acton , Ind. The onirlno of tbo
rear train was wrecked and Conductor Me-
Gill ana Brakemaa Mojors were instantly
DoWltt's Sarsapurllla destroys such poi
sons as sorolula , skin disease , eczema , rheu
matism. ) ts timely use save * many lives.
Hultril Tor Liberia ,
NKW YOIIK , Maruh 10. Fifty of the
stranded Oklahoma negroes bound for
Liberia onibaruod yesterday.
Dowltt'a Suraapurllla cioaiuea tbo blood.
Million Dollars Invested in the Indus
try Throughout the State.
Whnl tlin Kccorils on tlin Subject Inillcntn
An Inpxlinnstlliln Supply of Water As *
unroll Vnst llrclonn ttcclnlinril
liy the System ,
LINCOI.X , Nob. , March 10. [ Special to THE
nr.E. ] The history of Irrigation In Nobrasltn
overs a period of bnrdly moro thnn three
onrs , but the records of the progress of the
movement , will-be n rovolntlon to these who
bavo not itont themselves thoroughly pasted
n the matter. Older citizens of Nebraska
vill bo surprised to loam thnt over ono-bnlf
f the total nroa of the stoto will within a
very few years bo rendered entirely Inde
pendent of the capricious whims of the
voathor clerk , The companies already
ormod fcr tno purpose of aiding the wont of
nature by the artlllcial Irrigation of the soil
vill , In the course of a few years , cover
vestorn Nebraska with n labyrinth of Irrigating -
gating dllcboi and canals thnt will make tills
stnta as prollllc ai the most fiu-oruil parts of
ho country. Whole counties that now offer
jut uncertain returns for the husbandman
will bo transformed from semi-deserts to agri
cultural paradises , wboro the fnrmor will bo
is certain of remunerative returns for his
abor ns ho will of the procession of the
The records In the ofllco of the secretary of
state show that fifty-six Irrigating and canal
companies have boon Incorporated within the
[ last three years. With but a single oxcop-
lion these companies nro Nebraska enter
prises. The list , together with their capi
talization , is as follows :
llnrtlry Canal company S 10,000
Broken How Ounal and Improve-
inunt company 500,000
Ilayard Irrigation Oanul and Water
1'ower company 15,000
Itcliiiont IrrlJf.tfnK Ciinal company rfl.UJJ
Itulinont and I'rold I/anal company. 1,000.000
llaynrd Irrigating Canal company. . Du.OM
llluc Creek C'niiat company Wi.OOO
Hush & llaKonnan Cunul company. 0,000
Iturwull Wutor I'owor mid Irrigat
ing company 20,001) )
Brown's Crock Irrigating Ounal
company 20,000
Onlbortson Unnal and WatorSupply
uomuany 40,030
Clilinnuv Hock Irrigation undWator
Power company < > 000
UiiHtlu Hook Irrigating Canal com
pany 20,000
Ciilburtson Canal and Irrigation
and Water Snpnly cniiipnnv 100.0JO
Colorado and Nebraska Land and
Canal company 200,000
Champion Valley Wutor I'owor and
Irrigating company -10,009
Court House Hock Irrigating com
pany 0,000
Cambridge anil Arapuhoo Irrlgat- -
ing and Improvement company. . . 100,010
L'ontral Irrigating Canal comu > ny. . 5,00)
Dundy County Irrigating company. MOO
Enterprise Ditch cotnp.iny 5U.OCO
l > 'arniors Canal company 1,200,003
I'rencliman Valluy Irrigating com
pany 50,000
Partners Irrigation and Improve
ment company 200,000
Oollioiibur-r Cun.-U company S5.000
Hat Creek Canal company 1,000
llalgler Land mid Canal company. . ftO.iiCO
Indian Ciook Canal company 300,00)
Kearney Canal and Watur Supply
comuany. 100,000
Kearney Irrigating ami Water .Sup
ply eompuiv fl,000
LounClty Canal comp-iny U.fOO
LOUD City Canal and Water Supply
comuany 150,000
Laramlo and Scott's HI nil's Irrlgat-
Inscompjny - . U.UOO.OM
Monroe Crcok Ditch company 1.000
iM I nature Canal and Irrigating com
pany 2,1,000
Mutual Irrigating and Water com
pany. . 12,000
MKchnllCanal mill Irrigating coin-
pmy 103,000
Marsland Irrigation und Iriprovo-
mcnt company 100.00)
Meridian Canal companv UbU.OtiO
North 1'latto Irrigation and C.mal
company 103,000
Nionrnra Irrigation and Improve
ment company 2j'-,000
Nohr.iska Irrigation und Improvu-
niont company 50),000 )
Ogalallu und North IMatto Irriga
tion , Canal and Water I'owor com
pany DOO.ODO
Ogalulln I'owor and Irrigation com
pany Si'.OOO '
I'latle Valley hand , Improvement ,
Irrigation und Water I'owor com
pany 100.COO
Pumpkin Crcok Irrigating Canal
and Water Power company 0.000
rium Creek and llastln.s Canal and
Irrigating company 15,000
Turvnll Irrigating Canul und Water
Supply company 203,000
Trenton Farmers' Irrl utinz asso
ciation 10,000
Wood Klvor Irrl.atlon company. . . . 2.UOO
War Itonnct Canul company 1,000
Winter Creek Irrigating company. . 2.1,0)0
Wyoming and Nebraska Irrigating
and Water Supp y oomp my 8lOM ?
Kimball County Water I'ower and
Supply company 33.000
Cnlbortbon Irrigation and Water
I'ower company 20,000
Here Is n capitalization of ever JIO.OOO.OJD ,
the larger proportion of which will bo in
vested in irrigating improvements covering
an area greater in extent than most of the
custom states. Tlicso companies will draw
tnoir supplies of water Irom the 1'latto ,
Loui ) , Niobrara and numberless smaller
rivers and streams. It bus been demon
ulratcd uy competent oneiucors that the
water supply of the i'huto river is practi
cally Inexhaustible in spilo of its shallow
depths und the apparent uncertainty of its
How. By moans of cribs sunk far below the
bed of the stream u supply of water ns cer
tain and as Incxlmstiblo as the great Missis
sippi itself is .secured. This fact has been
amply demonstrated in the construction and
operation of the canal at IConrnoy.
Some of these companies enumerated ubova
have for their object the Irrigation of the
soil , while others propose to furnish water
power for manufacturing oritcrprlsn. Some
will combine the two objects. It wilt bo im
possible to estimate the Immense- and almost
incalculable benefits to arise from the oper
ation of these companies. Manufacturing
enterprise will be stimulated and agricul
tural methods In moro than nno-ualf of tha
state will bo revolutionized. Sections of tno
slate now incapable of supporting but a
small population will furnish homo ? for ten
times tbo number. Irrigation on the magnifi
cent hcalo contemplated by tha companies al
ready organized and those- dauntless to bo cr-
ganlzcd in the future will mono Nebraska
the queen of tbo atrncnltural states ol tha
From tliH Court * .
F. VV. Spencer , ono ot the heirs of the late
D. 0. Spencer of this city , came into cour' .
this nlternoon with a petition to liavo the
present administrator of the estate removed
on the grounds that ho is guilty of gross
neglect in the mnnngomont of tbo nlTalrs. The
administrator isVulter K. Taylor and it is
asserted that ho has turned ever to the
uidow property to which she is not ontitkHl.
lieorgo Lump , an heir ofJ. II , Vunholt ,
who diel rocenti r ii. Colorado , uska I ho pro-
halo court to appoint him administrator of
the estate , valued nt $10,000 , loft by the do
Amanda Madison and Sarah Klclmrds , two
fair petitioners for divorce from their re-
SDucttvu husbands , were notllltid by Juilgo
Field today that they must show cause why
their cases shull not bo atrlcKon from tbo
docket within ten days.
Synchon & Howman have- filed u petition
In I lie district court asking fora Hen on the
properly known as Mount Forest addltlrn on
the grounds that the owners , Munsen &
Walker , ewe them 1,000 on a failureto
curry out a contract for the sale nt' the lots.
DcinnrriktH Mi'i-t In I.lnciitn ,
The democratic congressional central com
mittee for the First congressional district
met at the Capital hotel this afternoon , lliorn
bt'ing a full attendance of commlttoouien , J ,
H , Aiii3 | and T. S , Allen of this city were
made chairman and secretary of the wimmlt-
tca for the cnsulrg year. It was decided to
hold two conventions luU your , the llrsl to
elect delegate ! to the democratic ] national
convention at Chicago , will bo held tit Tecumseh -
cumsoh on April 8 und too second , to nom
inate a candidateto congress will oa huld at
Nonraika City on u date to bo announced
jitor by the committee ,
Ororr Write * to I ho ( iovvriior.
U.K. Grdor , until rios'itly fie cinn'i-
alonvr gancral of the suto to thj World'4
fair , today addiojaud thu following lottur to
Governor Ho.vd ;
'Having been oRlclally notlflod that I have
been removed from the poiitlon of coniruU-
slouur general from Nebraska to thu Coluui-
A Hourly-Handed Granger With a
r , Railroad Pass-Book.
"Choose Ye This Day Whom Ye Will
Serve. "
XJpetts fiotel ,
v Conncn 0TH NO Q Stntct * . , ' *
Burlington & Mo. River R. R. in Neb. Burlington & Missouri River R. R. in Nebraska.
VOID IF DETACHED. Good for Ono Trip only ,
14713 14713
bian World's exhibit for political reasons ,
and that Joseph ( Jarnoau , Jr. , has been np-
nointed by you ns my successor , obviously also
for political reasons , I deslro to say to you as
well as to my successor that the work con
nected with tbo Nebraska exhibit has become
tbo idol of my heart and mind , and that it
should occupy such a place in the heart of
ever } ' citizen of Nebraska. This state should
have a representation of every Interest ,
fully exhibited and intelligently managed by
the best talent of the stato.
"I respectfully tender to my successor all
the facts and assistance In my power that
Nebraska may stand at the head 'of all tbo
states of this union in agricultural and pro
ducing resources , and I can vouch for tbo
united assistance of every citizen of thn
state. "
Itr.ulv lor tin ) World's I'"air.
Before bo was ofllcially docapltatoil , Com
missioner General Groor bad succeeded In
making a valuable collection of the woods of
Nebraska to bo placed lu tha Forresty build
ing at the World's fulr. The specimens se
cured by htm are now loaded on the cars in
this city ready for shipment to Chicago ,
They consist of tbo trunks of oak , elm , hackberry -
berry , white and yellow nine , the latter com-
Inc from Sioux county. The trunks are all
line specimens of uniform size , being about
twenty Inches in diameter ni the butt and
twelve nt the top. The bark is uninjured
and special care bos bcon taken in packing
the trees no that thov will arrive at Chicago
in good condition. The specimens were all
selected under the personal supervision of
Mr. Urccr and will doubtless attract no llttlo
attention from tboso that have heretofore
looked upon Nebraska as a treeless state.
Htuto Oil Inspection for Fulirnary.
During the month of February , or rather
during the tlmo In which Chief Inspector
llolmrod has bad possession of tlio oOico the
following number of barrels of oil and gaso
line were inspected : First district Ap-
nrovcd , & 13 ; rejected , 21 : fees collected ,
Jl.uO ( ) ( ) , Second district Approved , 3.729 ;
rejected , OSO ; fees collectffd , * 11(1,00 ( , Third
district Approved , ! W7 ; rejected , 7 ; fcetf
collected , $ . ' )7.-lO. ) Fourth district Approved ,
J.iWT ; rejected , -US { foes e-olloetod. $107.TiU.
Fifth district Approved , il'Jl ; rejected , 110 ;
foes collected , $ , " > 0.-iO.
The Lancaster county .beet sugar conven
tion meets In this city tomorrow.
Hoclc island representatives in this city
have boon Instructed > ; to dist-onttnuo the
woric of purchasing thq right uf wav from
U to O streets.
Judge Brown 1ms boon listening all dav tea
a vase in which Gowgo Metz and Hob
Slipphurd are accused ofstealing u number
of ho s. J
Judge Drown officiated in police court to
day for Judge IlorKolV-wl'O was so seriously
wounded yesterday bxiM10 mun Warner.
Ill tliu Hnprunio Court.
The case of the HluiWiofinau Manufacturing
compady vs Addlauni'Tower , from Furnas
county , was Hied with-nthe clerk of the an.
prcme court today.The amount involved is
only SHU ! ) . ajl
The inundate In ibouloyd-Thayer case ha *
up to the present wrUmg failed to make Its
appearance * .
The case of WllliamS. Craig vs the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omulm Huil-
road company wa also tiled today. It comus
from Hurt county and 1. u ratu In which
Craig sued the company for $101) damages
for a hon > e that was killed o.i the defendant's
trick. . Ho lost his cjso in the lower court
and will try his luck in the higher tribunal.
'I he following attorneys were admitted to
practice : C. J. Hlllo.t , e&ij , of Ouster
county ; E. P. Campbell , fan , . , of Custer
couniv H. W" . DieSlnsofi , ctq , , of ( Juster
county. Following decisions ivuru rendeivd :
Stale ox rol Wises iJuncun , leave given re.
spondent to Hurvuand lilu bn > ifs In twenty
days ; Lau VH Grim x , leuvu given pluinlill
to serve und lllo briefs in tlx days ; C'htlds
vs Slnti' , reveneil und rfm.inded for further
urncuc'dliigs : Ucboris vs Stntu. no npplira-
lion havliii : been nmdo to udvi'.ucu case and
plalnttlT in error having ter\i-d tbo full sen
tence pronuuncrd by the distiict court the
petition In error Is Ubmu.vd without preju
dice. The com I sojourned to Tuesday ,
March 15 , when the causes from the Tenth
district consisting of the counties of Adams ,
Woostor , Kearney , Franklin , Harlan and
I'holps will bo called.
Dr. Blrnoy.iiosoand tnrcm. BEK bldf ?
ClotMer nnd FimiMirr.
The pajamas are over the retiring garb of
warm weather.
The vulgarians that wear diamond studs in
their cheviot or tlannol shirts need only bo
looked upon to bo avoided.
Judging from tbo preparations In progress ,
and the sales already made , a great season
for leather waist-bolts Is to bo expected.
The high backed turn-over collar will bo
the most feasible wblto collar just so soon as
tbo thermometer climbs beyond the eighties.
Evening gloves are decreed as essential for
wear in summer at any formal or dancing
function whore ladies are to bo present in
full dress.
The moro durable and loss conspicuous
cloths of spring for top-coats , mornimr frocks
and cutaways of domi-dross , are the dull
finish cloths In black and dark gray.
Despite the would-be-supercilious attitude
of our English cousins when any Question of
dross comes up , it may not bo gainsaid that
wo now receive the London fashion mandates
with u decided feeling of reservation.
The turn down neglige collar is the boto
nolr of the Imitation neckwear that buckles
behind. With tbo dressier effects the cravat
will bo cxtonsivnly employed , and some of
the soft crepe feather-weights tied lu a lirm
four-ln-hund knot.
The ranga of jewelry for men's wear In
summer is somewhat curtailed , Thuro will
bo no studs woru with thu neglige shirts ,
which will have pearl buttons , nnd the wearIng -
Ing of the scarf-pin will bo done more charily
than during the other seasons of the year.
Thcro Is a wide range of selection in the
slnulo aud doublo-ornastod effects , With a
white-background percale shirt the waist
coat may bu In ono of tbo more pronounced
patterns , but If the shirting Is in livelier
lines , the waistcoat should bo In a more sub
dued design ,
There is n manifest modification In thorough
rough llnUh goods ns one of the latest dovcl-
fipmenta nf the Hprlnir In moil's clothing ,
The ultra styles continue In the gnarl-
threaded surfaces , fur these nro the fnhrlu *
that soon wear out , and thcrnforo these only
that can afford to often patronise the tailor
may enjoy the luxury of having them ,
H'OMKff 01' ' ' .VOTK.
One woman in cvnry sixty in London is a
gin drinker , und ono in every twenty Is a
pauper , while ono in every thirteen Is Illit
Robert Louis Stevenson's mother is living
with him in the South Boa Islands and is nu-
tonUhingtho natives with her prim widow's '
cap am ! black silk dress.
The OirU" Friendly Society of England Is
a union of over ITO.OUJ women and girU of
all daiso * which holds religious and secular
classes , provides homes of rest and training ,
i lodgis , libraries , etc.
Mrs , Jessie Uussoll of Dav Lodge , Is 105
years old und lias never hud any serious sick
ness. Klin walU upon herself and U u dully
reader of the newspapers. Five generations
of tbo family are now living.
In only live &tutes has the mother absolute
legal right to thu custody of her own chil
dren , 'lliosouro Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas ,
Oregon anil Washington , In all other states
thu right of fatherhood Is paramount.
Tno countess of Aberdeen has opened In
Umigow a hospital lor women , where they
will bu attended by women physicians and
nuiyoH. The experiment is being watched
with much anxiety losoo whctu'ert , o patients
will manifest co'nlldeuce In their sisters at
Mile. S'trmUa IJiloosco , the tlrst woman
admitted to the bar in France , is said to have
taken the highest rank In a class of &UU men
at the Kcole du Oroit , Purls , where ho
studied uflcr receiving the degree o ( liacho.
lor of Lctturi and Science lu Bucharest. She
has begun to practice law in the latter city ,
wboro her father is a banker.
The Philadelphia Now Century club Is ono
of the most successful and active of women's
societies. The membership of tbo club , which
was at first limited to 25U , has bean doubled ,
and a long list of applicants are waiting for
Caroline Popp , who died recently at the
age ol 81 , was tbo only woman journalist in
her country nnd the senior member of the
Belgian press. She received the honor of beIng -
Ing made by the king knight of the Order of
Leopold , which entitled her to a military
Mrs. Annie Laurie Dlggj , alliance orator ,
Is held in great esteem In lCaniaswliero Mrs.
Lease , her whilom associate aim rival , has
reached that period of popular aphelion at
which she is unkindly referred to as ' 'a sala
ried nightmare masculine and bowhisk-
crea. " Mrs. Digits Is n nervous , Impulsive
llttlo woman , terribly In earnest , who feels
nnd sympathizes with everything around her
and has consecrated her life , as nn admirer
expresses it , to her weaker sisters. And the
people like her accordingly.
'Lottu" Is undoubtedly the richest actress
In the world. She owns several apartment
bouses In Now York , the Park theater InJos -
ton , real estate Ju nearly all tbo largo cities ,
and could , as the moo say , "chase up" be
tween two nnd three millions. Her perma
nent residence is nt Lake Hopatcong , and
her homo is most beautiful in design und fur
nishing. If she WHS any one else but "Lottu"
she would bo n woman nearly 60 years old ,
but the name Lotta is over n synonvm for
youth , vivacity nnd merriment ontlr'oly In
compatible with the thought of ilfty birth
Dr. Birnoy euros ciutvrrn. BISK bids :
j.v TIIK i..iiton muii.i ) ,
Our coal Industry employs 300,000 men.
Queen Victoria's ' coon gets flr > 'JO a year.
The cloak makers' strlito has ended In a
slight advance of wagei.
There Is a woman In Oregon who has
worked twenty years at utone cutting.
Wages of the a,50J employes engaged at the
Elgin watch works nt Elgin , III. , has been
i educed all the way from Ifi to ( K ) per cent.
The watch trust lit nt Iho bottom of the
trouble. In order to drive suvorM small con
cerns out of thu Held , the trust pronose.s to
reduce the price of tlekors , uncj to make
Itself whole by reducing wages.
A sensation tvus created in labor circles In
Brockton , Must ) . , last week , by tbo charge of
a local minister , who declared that ceitalu
loicmon in shoo shops subjected women to
iiihultlng proposals nnd threatened them
with dismissal If they refused to submit.
Labor organisations are Investigating tue
emerges nnd the elf unto Is getting decidedly
warm for thu offondlnir foremen.
English coal miners will Inaugurate n eon-
oral strike next Friday. It would be an m-
possible task to approximately estimate the
number of persons wbo will bo thrown out
of wont by the closing of mills , Irou works ,
factories , etc. , but It Is certain that over
1,000,000employes will Had themselves idle.
With their families it Is believed that close
on to 5,000,000 penons will directly or Indi
rectly feel the effects of the attempt ot tbo
minors to prevent any reduction lu their
wages , Of the miner * themselves 411,000
men will take part In the strike ,
W1XKH.ll ,
tct * nf flvt fine * or I wulcrlhU heail.jtftu
- eaeltaitilUtiHMl lint ten emit.
Kuuerul services of Kva 31 uy. wl to of Ulut rles
K. llrown , will be huld at thu First Congrega
tion U chnriih , luth und Davenport , this utter-
noon ul 2 o'clock.
Xnttcitnfflpe Itiiti or lt t uiultrtliU hcatl.flftu
tent * ; McliivktltliiiMl lint ( en ri/i ( .
BAVIDfJK Hurry , aot | a your * .
of Sir. und Mrs. Kdwtml Suv-
Idge , on Mureh P , IH'J ' : . I'unural Krhluy ut
2 Ii. m , , from family runldunuu , Wij tumln !
ttlrcul , to 1'urunt Luwu veiuetory.
At tJ > tnttrt
womanhood , r
cry young girl
needs the wisest
cnro. Troubles beginning - |
ginning then mat )
make lipr Tthofa
life miserable. ,
lint the trout ) '
Ira that nro to bo
fcmrtxl have if
ixwltlvo ronipdy.
fir , ricrco'3 Fnvorlto Proscription builds
up and strengthens the system , nnd trgu-
Intca and promotes every j > rotxr function.
It's n generous , supporting ( onto , nnd a
quieting , ftxithlng ncrvlno n legitimate mfrf-
tcinc , not n Ixjvorngp , frco from alcohol anil
Injurious drugs. It corrccla mid cures ,
safely find surely , nil tlicxo dollcnto derange-
incntfl and weaknesses i > ecnllnr to the ses.
A remedy that iloe.i euro is one that can 1)4
minnnn/m / ? . That' * what the proprietors of
" Fnvorito Proscription " think. If It doesn't
plvo satisfaction , in every cnso for which it's
recommended , they'll refund thu money. No
other medicine for women Is told on such
terms. '
Dccido for yourself whether something else
sold by the dealer , is likely to bo "just a *
good " for you to buy.
Jbj O Cl
Seventeenth nnd Harnoy streets
Thursday , Friday and Saturday
MARCH 10,11 AND 12.
The Urentost of Knxllsli Opern Uoinpnnlos ,
In the 1'ollowliij : Itupnrtolie :
Thumrtnr otonltiK-lUHIlN HOOD.
Friday ovonmit-CAUMH.N.
MnturiUj mntlni-ii-linillN 1IOOI ) .
Snlurtlity uTcnlnif DOIlorilY
8CA1.H 0V rillUKS.
I'nrqiiot ' 'V ?
Circle , tlrsl 5 rows 1W
Circle , In'tS rows I W
llnlconr , llrnt 4 rowi 1W
llalconr lMt&rowi > >
( ionrinl nilmlnslon toroorlialcony. Wo
Every Kvcnlng tills Wt'i'k. Matlni'o Siitnrclnv.
Carletou Opera Couip'y
Krlclny Night. INIlII ( ) .
Hntiirday .Mnttnro. NANON.
Pnliinlay Night , Klt.MINIK.
NO ADVANCIJ IN I'ltlCKS. Scatu now ( in nla.
( let a Rood
THEATRE Scat for We ,
Sovontcontli ntul llnrnoj- Streets ,
Kneagenicnt of the Von UK American Star.
Under the management of Col. W. K. Mini.
Presenting for thn llrst tltno here Clinton
Stuart's lllghlv Successful IMay ,
Assisted by a Carefully Sclented Company
of I'layets from Ilrooklyn ParU Theatre.
The greatest snci-i'ss buyond n doubt of Corn
Tanner's many nchlovcincnts.
The Hale of seats will open Saturday morn.
Ing at regular prices.
Farnam St Thaatar roiM1
, | u
Four nights , commencing Sundav matinee ,
March 13 , JAMKH H. WAI.hAOlC ,
In two prout plays ,
Sunday matinee and nlEht and Monday night ,
TncBilny night , Wodnesiluv matinee and
Wl'ar '
German Carpenters and
Swedish Tug o' WarTeams ,
Admission , 8O Cents.
Under the patronngo of
70 and 71 Globe Bldg. , Boston.
Tour of 80 clays. 8500 ; Tour of f > 0 days ,
4-100 ; Tour of CO utiya. ? a7fl ; Tour of15
days , SHOO.
All truvollnic , hotel und alKhtscnlnK exponsui In-
( I'nrtlOH to nail nrltli Mr . Krnznr , July 'J , eteum-
xlilp HCVTIII.CuiiMrrl I/I no , llostim. )
NOIITII CAl'K I'Altl'V , to unllJiniu It ) , by I'AVO-
NI A f rpin Iliihtoti , & ilnyii , * M >
A iiiillumons mint bu inmlo ut once for this ton
an U for circular and ruforunco' * . r
KUAIICATOIt"Ciiroi h iljsoasai two HUB Itkllli
thu mlcrobo orKOrin. I'ut iipiinl ratnllail In % . ' . tlna4
linto * . thi , Intter IVi L'nllurn. titinl unywliuro pro-
puld on rocolpt nf prlro or < i O. IVelinu I .1 ituar-
nntoo tocuri ) . ' 1'liu public trnilo nnd jiihbiri sup-
tilled by tlm Kln > ! ur Dnu C < itumny. | O nalia ; ( ! . A
Molelior ; llowaril Mi-ycrnml K , I' . Baykorn , Koutli
Oiualu ; A. I ) . Kustur uiid II. J. Kllli , llmmoll Illnili
Hobb's Are the Best on Earth.
Act gently yet prompt
' ly on the MVIlll , Kill.
DR. HOBB'S NKYK onil UUWEI.S , dls-
polling IIoadacbcH , Fov-
< -ra anil Colds , thorough
LITTLE ly cleansing the system
of disease , anil cures
Vegetable habitual constipation.
They nro sugar coated ,
do not irlpe ; , very small ,
easy to talio , nnd iiurrlr
Testable. 45 pills In cncll
vial. 1'orfect dlcostloa
followH their use. They
nbsolalolr cure nlfk licaif.
nclif , und arnrocoinratud *
cd IJJT leading iilif lrlnn . For tialo by InrxdlnR
. ntlal. Aitdrrai
HOBB'S ' MEDICINE CO. , Flops , San Francisco a
t'OIl fiAI.r. IN OMAHA. KHIi. , I1V
Klltin & Co. , Cii.r 15th & Dnuirlan Kit.
J .A Fuller & Co. , Cor. Hth & DouKloi BU.
A D Foster & Co. , Couutll Illufl , la.
An ordinance aincnillnir part of Huctlon 1 , Kne-
ulal Urillniinuo No. IColi. untltluil "Anonllti-
iint'ii levying a horolal tax anil in > s biiniiiit !
on nil lots anil ruul oxtato wllliln pavliu illu-
triut No. ' . ' 8. , In rover the coal of puvlng in
mill district. " anil to repeal thai part of
sect on 1 In Haiti nrdliiHiii ; > mi iiincnilnd.
llu It oiilalned liy thu city council of the city
of Uiimlm :
bei-tlon I , Thut that part of suction J Kpti-
elal Oiillnanue Nn.M2. \ . uavti'd Juiiuaiy W.
1ST.1 , ontltleilAn ordinance luvyini ; it
tax anil iiHHussnicnt on all lot * and real estate
within paving dUtrlul No. * to cover thu uoitt
of pavlnK * aid ilutrlut , " as relates to the us-
m-Hiiiiuint of
"KlUu A llrciwnlue , loll blkl.KeiiduU' *
udil . IMM ,
anil D Kendall , lot II blk. 1 , Kendull'i *
add . . . IKIBO"
bn aiiiundeil to roud nn follows ;
"UlUii A Ilrovyiileo , lot 1 blk 1 , Ken
dall's Hdd . , . IC300
I ) Kendall , lot 11 1)11 ; I , Kendall' * add. 130 M"
Hi'.c'llun 'i Tliat thnt park of mu'tlon 1 Ppe-
nliil Ordiniinuo No. Itti'j as refer * to the lax
anil imsvbNim'nt ' on IOIH I and II , block 1 , Ken.
duil'N addition , n uforiwuld , bo a nil tlie U.IIMO
lu iinriiby lupcali'd ,
Keu. : i. TliutlliU orllnanco ah nil take ofTuot
and ho In forcu from and after IU passage.
I'liy iltrk. :
E , I' . HA\'IH ,
I'rnsldonl ' City Coiinoll.
Apurovod March 8th , mo- ' .