Till * ! OMAUA DAILY BKE ; FRIDAY , MARCH 11. 1892. THE DAILY BEE. HOSEWATEH. Knirnn. KVEKY MORNING. TKKMS OP BUllSCIltl'TION. r > tillyltep.f without SniiilnyyUnQ Year. . . . ! R Ml llnllynnd Hnnilny , Ono Vo.ir. . in 00 Fix Months . R0 > Tlireo Mentis . . . SW > MmdHy HIT , Uno Vrnr. . " M bnturdny lice , OnoVour. . . . . . 1 ' * ; V , cckly lice. Ono Vcnr. , . . . 1 W OITIOB8 rtrnnln. The lire Unlldlnp. FonlhOmnhn , corner N nnd Kith Streets. Council IllnfTo , 12 I'onrl i-trout , Chlcncoonicp. : ) l7l Imml.prof Commerce. New York. Hoonm 13,14 nndlS.TrllninolIulldlng Wellington , 613 Fourteenth biroot. COHlinSPONUENOE. All conitniiiilentlonii relating to nowfonrt editorial mntli-r should bo addressed tc the LdltnrlM Department. HUBINESS LETTEKB. All InnlncM letters nml rolnlttnnrpg Mioiild 1 p ncldrcsicd to The lice Publishing Coinpnny. Ornnha. Draft * . Phccks nnd iMintofllco onion In bo made pnyaulo to the order of the com- puny. TOc BEG PoMing Company. . Proprietors t \\OltN STATEMENT OF OIHOUI.ATION. Hftteof Nohniskn I County of DouitlaR. ( " * Ceo. Jl. Tzschuck. socrotnry of The HER Intllihlnc < oinpiny. : does solemnly swear ihiit the nctuiil circulation of TIIK KAH.Y HUE for the week ending Mnrcli 5 , 1SU2 , was as follows : Fundny. roll 2S. . 23.W Alondny , Pnh. S3) ) . ii,5f : ) Ttifidny. .Mnrcli 1 . 24.01 , , Wednesday. Miin-li 2. . SI.MU Triiirmlny. Mnrcli 3 . " ' -S 2 Friday. SliirolH . HJ.761 tuttirdny. March S . " 4.SUI Avornpo Sworn to I cfore IMP nnd mbscrlticd In tny frrteiiro this Mil day of Mnruli. A. 1) . IBttt biAi. N. I' . KKIU Notary Public. Circulation lor tlnntmry 34,3 4. GUVKKNOH BOYD'S llrst onioinl proo- liiinutlon will serve nottco on the people of Nobnislcji that the 22d dny of Aurll "will bo Arbor dny. Tun Oiniihn Fttkc-Fitclory falls trice- fully back upon the sliilo and titiprollt- ublo chestnut about ro-oponing tbc Boytl-Tlmyor case. PIKTKKNTII street property owners can afford to bo patient. Sixteenth i the princimil north and south thorough- faro. Fifteenth street will got its via duct in duo time. Kitui'1 % the Gorman gunmahor , pays taxes on an income of $1,500,000 per annum. Attention should bo especially called to tlio fact that Krupp is not an American manufacturer. No WONUKK the weather office hna boon demoralized when the oldest in- haoitant is unable to point backward to the time when this section wus visited by a moro protracted gale. SENATOR CUI.LOM and General Algcr ought to bo shrewd enough to BOO that this is a Harrison year and reserve their strength for a grand rush in 1896 , which promises to bo a froo-for-ull race- UNDER Secretary Noblo's now pen sion order congressmen will not bo able to expedite pension claims for their con- Btitucnts. On general principles this is right and its effect will bo a relief to congressmen and senators. SHOULD a platform bo adopted by the republicans declaring that any protected commodity controlled by u monopoly at the expense of the people should bo placed on the free list , trusts would rot bo so greedy and the people would approve - provo the sentiment. INSURANCE rates are to bo raised in Omaha by the insurance combine. Nev ertheless it is shown by the figures that Omaha's lire protection is exceptionally good and at former rates Omaha busi ness loft the insurance companies a roa- Bonablo margin of profit. PEpPLK west of the Missouri river will follow the course of Senator War ren's bill to code the arid lands to the states in which they are situated with a great deal more interest than thn mrilT discussion or Eland's silver bill. It is a subject of vastly moro importance to the future of the arid regions. Foil the information of a hysterical contemporary the fact is made public that the tariff upon manufactures of wlmlobono , etc. . wu- > not changed by the McKinley bill , and therefore the wall over the recently increased cost of oor- Bet stays and the like must bo charged to Homebody or something else. GAMKOitN'iA will occupy five acres of the World's fair grounds with her ex hibit , about equally divided' between the two sections of the stato. It goes without H.iylng that for novelty and In terest California's display will bo unox- collnd. The expansive show this state will make but emphasizes the niggard liness of the Nebraska appropriation. THE stories told to TUB Hiu : by Ne braska farmers are worthy of perusal. Tlioy explain why the slate is prosper ous nnd why so many now settlers ii"u coming into every county. It Is a fact beyond dispute that no industrious , Bobjr , sagacious farmer , starting with an improved farm , who hits devoted himself strictly to business for ton years In this state , has failed to bo successful. NEW MEXICO lias been knocking for admission into the Union for twenty years. For forty years she has worn the swaddling clothes of u territory has boon a place of banishment and a haven of refuge for politicians wlipm it was necessary either to bo rid of or for whom no otl-or places could bo secured. Cor- tnlnly Now Mexico has many equities in favor of her appeal for admission , and she should not much longer bo kept on probation. TUB OMAHA BKB tolls a palpable falsehood when It says that the cordaeo company U In favor of free binding twine. This company controls the entire output of American fac tories , with the exception of a very faw lu- ilgiilllcant plaaU , and the protection of iovon-tenths of a cent per pound Is millions ( n the company's coffers. C"luiii/ju / < Te'tamm. Inasmuch as the National Cordugo company owns and operatoaovory single cordage mill In Canadt the statement that It is In favor of free binding twine doe * not look very much like "a pil- pahefalbohood. ! " A I'OLlTtlAli lAb.lD.l 1111,1 * About twenty years ago there cauio to Nebraska a lank , awkward and homely individual by the nnmo of William .Tones. William hailed from Canada and was a commercial traveler of very eccentric habits and ways that resembled - bled those of the heathen Chinese. Ho always boarded Iho railroad trains adorned with a pair of muddy cow-hldo boots with tops reaching above his knees ; a pair of butternut punts , a leather bolt , conrso cloth coat of Con federate gray , a hickory shirt , slouch hat and a blacksnake whip completed his usual traveling wardrobe. IIo always looked melancholy and dejected Hko a man who had not a friend loft and was at outs with all the world. His appearance was that of a drover who had just sold his hogs , swapped olT his horse for a cow and was walling to bo plucked again. It was Iho habit of this peculiar in dividual to take a seat in the smoking car and talk to himself in a squeaky voice , bemoaning his ill-luck at cards. Presently ho became an object of atten tion and his tale of woo aroused sym pathy. Then ho would pull out r. pack of greasy cards to explain just how ho had lost his money in guessing which ono of three cards was the jack. Soon the crowd about him began to ban lot- am ! nftor a good deal of coaxing ho would stake his last $50 against an equal amount or a gold watch that no man could guess which of the tnreo cards was the joker. Then ho made a pass nnd the money or the watch was his. "I did not wan j , to win your money , my friend , " ho would say gently , and after returning It to the owner nnd being bantered by everybody on board who had a dollar ho would clean out the crowd and mourn fully pick up his hat and quietly slip out at the llrst station with his booty. This simpleton cowboy was none ether than the terror of the western railroads , the most adroit thrco-card-monte gambler , Canada Bill. Canada William died years ago. But his prototype from a political stand point has for several years boon posing as the farmer candidate from Nomaha. His mako-up as a champion toiler is patterned after Canada William. IIo has traveled up and down the state for months in his hickory shirt turl slouch hat , and with his plaintive Hoosicr-liko voice ho has pointed out the danger which threatens the state fem > the dic tation of Omaha and poured vinegar upon the scars of all republicans who felt sore over the disaster of 1890. Meantime his man Friday , who was put upon the pay roll of the state during the last session of the legislature as his private secretary , was distributing rail road passes to politicians "by direction" of our political Canada William. The blue-shirt masquerade is abruptly at an end. The pass books which the private secretary has for months been handling will now bo remanded to rail road headquarters and the republican party will bo rid of an audacious impos tor. OL'O Senator Morgan of Alabama has intro duced in the United States senate a bill declaring inoperative all laws and parts of laws which exempt from the payment of duties articles of commerce that are not on the free list entered in the cus tom house for transportation through the United States or from any British possession. The purpose of th's ' meusuro is to deprive the Canadian Pacific road of its valuable concession of the right to transport goods in bond through the United States from European and other foreign ports. This matter has received more or less attention nnd discussion during the past four or live years , and was made the sub ject of investigation by a congressional committee. Under the concession made to the Canadian Pacific road it has become a formidable competitor of the Ameri can lines to the Pacific , annually taking from these roads n very largo- amount of tralllc. The foreign corporation trans ports to the United. States the greater part of the tea brought to the Pacilic coast , getting this business , of course , by reason of lower rates than the Ameri can roads can make in consequence of tbo restraints imposed on them by the Interstate commerce law. Tlio Canadian Pacific also transports a very largo amount of goods in bond from At lantic ports to points in the United States , thus depriving eastern trunk lines of u largo amount of business for which they cannot successfully compote owing to the legal restrictions they are subjected to. A great many people other than inter ested railroad managers and stock holders have felt that the concession accorded to the Canadian Pacific is tin injustice to American railroads. That corporation is practically a government concern. It was heavily subaidl/.ed by Iho government , Its construction having been prompted by military considera tions , and Its demands upon the favor of the government are always honored. It is thus In a peculiarly favorable position , being free from any such re straints as American roads- are subject to , to parry on business upon conditions which render its competition formidable and which the American roads cannot meet without violating the law. This being the otiso it corlalnly does appear that our government Is far too generous - ous in the concession it makes to the iillon corporation , and if wo remember rightly this wan the opinion of the Into Secretary of the Treafcury Window , who wan called upon to consider seine proposed modifications of the vnhmblo privileges allowed the Canadian Pacific. It is doubtless not to bo quo8tionod that this competition , as well as that of other Canadian roads In ono or two of which a considerable amount of Ameri can capital Is Invested is of benefit to a largo number of our own pooplo. It op erates as a wholesome check upon trans portation rates , saving annually to the people a very considerable sum. For this reason there U nnd ulwnyc will be a largo and determined opposition to leg islation Intended to destroy this compe tition. But it Is confessedly a fair and reasonable demand that our government Bhull not assist in building up , to the detriment of American prop rtien , a for eign aubsldl7.od railroad whioti to all in tents and purpose in a govurnmunt property. The pr , poalUon Umt the fulled States government should do nothing to prevent the free and fair competition of Canadian railroads maybe bo entirely defensible , but this does not involve the requirement that this gov ernment shall grant to any of Ihoso for eign corporations highly valuable con cessions which glvo them nn unfair ad vantage over American roads , restrained as the latter are by a law to which the alien corporations are In no way amen able. WILD CAT mVt. When Kansas City was enjoying her boom a gentleman with the attractive name of Winner was her most famous boomer. Whllo real estate transactions were lively this wide awake gentleman mndo n great deal of money for himself nnd helped no end of customers and clients to llttlo fortunes. When the collapse came it caught Winner , how ever , and seriously crippled , not himself alone , but almost everybody who had reposed confidence In him. Imer/can/nivatnieiif } , a financial jour nal , makes an exhibit of the Winner In vestment company's appraisement which Is fairly startling. It shows this big Kansas City concern to have boon a wild cat of Iho most ferocious and voracious character. The Investment company contained nominal assets in stocks of auxiliary corporations , railroads , manu facturing institutions , water works , syn dicates , notes , mortgages and real estate equities amounting in the aggregate to S2-10,528. } ; The total value placed upon this miscellaneous assortment of vagar ies , plunder and confidence schemes , Is $10,71)7. ) In commenting upon this show ing Investments says : Shrinkage does not seem to bo a word of sufllclcnt force to express the abova state ment. The securities behind the bonds Is sued by the various Winner companies inav , hi some Instances , pay tholr owners from 10 to 23 per cent , but in the majority of tnom , prior liens will absorb everything , leaving thorn out In the cold. Wo may have n perverted - verted taste , but wo cannot hnlp confessing that nftor reading the above wo have no special fascination for complex financiering. ANOTJIKH CUMMKHCIAI * TIIKATI' . The French foreign office has an nounced the conclusion of a commercial treaty with the United States. This result , for which Minister Reid has labored with great Industry for several months , is a recognition by the French government of the reciprocity policy of the United States , and is consequently another important and valuable victory for that policy. The terms of the treaty are notat hand , but it is known to make concessions which cannot fail to materially enlarge our commerce with Franco , the benefits from which will of- course come chiefly to our agricultural interests. The struggle to obtain those conces sions has boon a hard ono , for the rea son that the French govotnmont nnd people are strongly inclined to an extreme - tromo protection policy. It was this sentiment that prevented the conclusion of a commercial treaty with Spain , and it has kept Franco out of commercial al liances with most of the European pow ers. Her economists have long taught the policy of commercial independence for the nation , until the whole people have become thoroughly imbued with faith in the soundness of this view. Hence when the American minister proposed a commercial arrangement that would give recognition to tha reciprocity principle he encountered an opposition that promised to bo insur mountable nnd which made his task a very arduous one. But the French people know the value of the American market , and the possi bility of losing it for any of their pro ducts was suflleiont to induce the gov ernment to seriously consider the pro posals of the representative of the United States. A long stop was taken toward the consummation now attained when the regulations against American pork products were revoked. That ac tion , secured after prolonged effort and discussion , was notice to the French people that the time had come for the United States to demand just treatment iu its commercial relations with ether countries and that this country meant to exact such treatment. Having ac complished this the way was made easier to a commercial treaty more favorable to the Interests of the United States than any over before made with Franco and moro favorable than any ex isting treaty between that country and any other European nation. The testimony to the force of the reci procity policy which this action of the French government nupplios is oven stronger than that furnished by the like action of the Gorman government. As a vindication of the wisdom of that policy nothing bettor could bo desired. And It is an overwhelming rebuke of the democratic charge that reciprocity is n humbug and sham. OMAHA'S CllKDIT. The sale of $175,000 of city hall bonds bearing Interest nt 5 per cent per annum at a premium of $14,717.60 is n most gratifying proof of Omaha's credit. In 1872 $210,000 of school bonds bearing 10 per cent interest were sold at a fraction ever 00 cents on the dollar. Ton years ago It would have boon very difllcult to place a (1 per cent city or school bond at par. Today there would bo no difficulty whatever in scouring a premium on a 4i per cent city bond. At the rate which hus just been paid for the city hall bonds the board of education will realize $43t,04'J : for its $400,000 live per cent bonds and the Butno amount of premium will bo at the disposal of the park commission if it is decided to con vert the bonds which the board is au thorized to issue. That will lonvo quite n margin over the amount to bo ex pended for park lands which the board has already accepted. It is a qucbtlon , however , whether it is prudent or advisable to issue all these park bonds during the present year. The chances are that an Onmlm city -1 per cent bond will bo saleable at par within the next twelve months. THE Now York World has discovered that Governor Holes is certain to bo an important lliruro in the na'tlonal conven tion. That 1ms been apparent for some time to Iho woslurn vision , and it has grown clearer with every now develop ment in the democratic factional light In Now York. Boles Is just now a vig orously grovii5 figure in democratic politics , andSvf4t appears almost certain that the we9H 5ll furnish the candidate there Is ovorf reason lo expect that ho will continue to grow. Ho has the ad- vanlngo over all olhor western candi dates that ho Is not antagonized in his own state. Gtfay him alrouir and blUer enemies in Indiana who will probably prevent his controlling the delegation from that stale , and who will at any rale use their Inlluonco against him in tbo national convention. Palmer of Illinois is antagonized by Morrison. Iowa has hut ono candidate , and the democracy of that state will glvo him their unanimous and enthusiastic sup port If the national convention , there fore , shall find It necessary or expedient lo take the caudtdato from the west , It is obvious that Governor Boles'chances of being selected nro bolter than those of any other candidate thus far named , TllK Indiana stale republican conven tion for the appointment of delegates at largo to the national convention enthu siastically endorsed President Harrison , and instructed the delegates lo support him for ronominatlon as long as his name Is before the Minneapolis conven tion. Only ono volco was raised in op position to the president and that was entirely unavailing , so that the conven tion was practically unanimous. The districts having chosen Harrison dele gates , the president will go before the national convention with the support of n united and harmonious delegation from his own slalo , earnestly deter mined to secure his ronomlnation. OVER 4,000 names , mostly of Omaha ladles , have boon signed to the general membership roll of the Manufacturers' and Consumers' association and the good work goes on. The canvassers expect to secure 10,000 names. Every signa ture represents a personal agreement on the part of the signer to glvo Nebraska- made goods the preference in all pur chases , quality and price being equal. A list of 10,000 names will represent a purchasing consliluency of 100,000 per sons and will bo nn organized sentiment in favor of homo industries which can not fail lo put now life into the manu facturing interest of the city and state. number of known murders com mitted in the United Stales the last year is placed at 10,100 and the number of murderers who sulTored death for their crimes at 552. Of those ! )22 ) were lynched and 230 executed in pursuance of law. Those figured not only show that moro murderers are lynched than are legally executed , but they also explain why so many are puTjigJiod by uprisings of the people. Thoonly way that lynchlngs can bo prevented is by bettor enforce ment of the law > .nd increasing the cer tainty of conviction and punishment. THE Chinese minlslor nt Washington threatens thitvhis government will ex clude American"missionaries if wo shall continue to shutjout Chinese merchants. This would bo retaliation against which wo ought nol lb."complain. Chinese missionaries are very expensive and Chinese converts are said to coat on an average -510,000 each. If the Celestial emperor decides to drive away Ameri can missionaries under these circum stances wo can probably got moro for our money in ether heathen lands. IN selecting a site for the Central school the Board of Education should keep in view the convenience of the largest number of pupils that are to at tend that school. Next to this comes the question of sightliness and accessi bility. It is to bo expected that the now Central school building is to bo a hand some structure , and it would hardly bo creditable to the city to plant it out of sight instead of placing it where it will attract attention. So I.ONO as the treaty between Great Britain and America obtains and Can ada undertakes no naval construction on the northern lakes , the people on the American side need experience no un easiness. It would bo a great waste of money to fortify lake ports and attempt to put lleete on the great lakes. How ever , England should keep her war ships out of the upper St. Liwronco as evidence of good fuiUi. Tint Mission wood yard will bo a terror to some of the individuals who have hitherto boon recipients of charity from the county. There are bonoii- clarlos of public charity lo whom wood- sawing will olTor no attraction , and who will perhaps , take tholr names off the pauper roll rather than work. Cooic county , Illinois , is doubtlesa all right for Palmer * but when Horizontal Bill Morrison attacks the wigwam with his Egyptian janizaries the democracy of Illinois will discover that General .lolin M. Palmer wau elected United States spnator by accident and is not persona grata to Egypt. THE stoiiner ; 'I.i3sourl is loading with the donallonSjof ho west for the famine districts of HuAsla. She will shortly sail with I,0 ; > # , i781 pounds of Hour and ] , oOO,000 poumla.of corn meal us the noble gift of Amorici\ . < 'Twenty-twostates , one territory and tlib District of Columbia are contrlbutotti.i vVMlHiln nil nnrn. IHII'liUIV Tlinet. If there Is any ng iu Herman affair * just now moro intora/ttlng than the emperor's lo quacity it is Biiinorck'a silenco. . 41 l ) ' Clilc-aK' > I.IUuritllty. tllilcaijn Jltill , The man who"tun Rot a iOOOt,000 ) , fran- chlso for $1 could write Hhakspoaro with ono band tied behind him. Therefore wo glvo It out publicly that wo are belluvcri In the Uuuonlau theory. A Homo Thru * ! . J'no ovorwholtninj ; republican victory Just pained In the.- city of Blmira , M. V. , the place of Senator UlU' * residence , shown that the dictator has about reucbod the end of bis political rope. A HriK'lU'lul Mu.iHiire. I'hlawt HeniUl , A puru food law for the benefit of oar own people would Involve no greater atroich of the national authority , and thuro U reason to belii'vo that U would bo inucii moro bonr- llclul. Kvoii tliu producers of compound lard uud of the cotton > > cod oil which outers largely Into Its composition would not bo rjurod In the long run by bolng required to olTcr tholr useful and harmless artlclo for xvlint It really Is , and not ai pure extract of hog. Anirrlomi Idrm Alirnnil. London is so strict In its building laws nnd in tholr enforcement that It Is often hold up as n model for Amorican. cltlos , yotoutof 3.V ! school houses built at n coU of $10,000- 000 In the InU twenty years , 1V ( ) tiavo been found to bo defective , their sanitary condi tion being bad. The blame Is placed upon swindling contractors and dLshonost ofllcors just as though tbo school houses had boon built In this country under n republican form of government. VVumlrrrrs In Spucp. Z'/iftaddiihfci / Lnljcr. Prof. Swift discovered what ho took to bo a'comot , small nnd tailless , out which will doubtless bo claimed by some presidential candidate. There nro several booms nt largo answering that description. row * : or TIIK HTATI : Atkinson Graphic : If mortuary condi tions do not intervene , the World-Herald will bo awarded the soiuatlonnl talio prlo nt the Colttmulan exhibit. Grand Island Independent : If the repub lican party should commit the Immense blunder of nominating Tom Majors for gov ernor , It would bo certain defeat. Grand Island Independent : A forced nom ination Is likely to result In a fearful dofoat. If republicans hope to win they must put up candidates upon whom all republicans can unlto and whom all sections will support. The spirit of punishing sections must not have place In our convontlon , unless wo court defeat. Union Ledger : THE UKE'S history of Ne braska is the most Interesting sketch of the oirly ; organization and rapid advancement of our great state that has over boon placed be fore the people. It records many interesting ovouts connected with the loclslaturcs of territorial days , also some valuable statistics carefully compiled which will bo useful for future roforonco. Lincoln Journal : The alleged ticket of Clat-Kson and Bcldon , put up by some of the republican politicians in Iowa , will not excite - cite n very largo boom. Iowa will doubtless send a HarrNon delegation to Minneapolis. That her first choice might have been Blaine does not argue that sue will have nuothor cuolco than Harrison , since Mr. lilalno has dojlinou to bo considered a candidate. Ansloy Chronicle : On the twenty-fifth an niversary of the admission of Nebraska , with Its usual coirmondablo enterprise , Tin : OMAHA UKK published a very elaborate resume - sumo of the history of the state from its early territorial days down to the present time , reciting the many exciting political events of the llrst years of Its statehood and showing the marvelous dnvclopmont of its material wraith and Its natural resources. Tokamuh Burtonian : The republicans of the state can gain nothing by keeping up the spiteful flight among themselves. Lot's all bo fair and acknowledge that Omaha with her thousands U outitlod to a llttlo bit more consideration than u towu uf a few hundred Inhabitants. And , too , some of the country editors might bo considerate enough to ac knowledge that Tin ; BIF. is entitled to a better standing in the party than norao six teenth sheet with a few hundred circulation. If some of the kicklug republicans in the state thluit they are bettor than their party , why in thunder don't they got out ; the party craft would sail easier. iioKixosT.it , itrr.n. Kansas Uity Times : Colonel Morrisou would stand boltor with the national democ racy If ho would not regard it as his duty to oppose Senator Palmer on all occasions. Chicago Times : Modest stillness nnd hu mility is not a Morrison characteristic , Wherefore tno interstate commerce commis sioner files high. Nothing loss than tenancy of Iho whlto house will suit his towering am bition. Chicago Herald : Bill Morrison of St. Louis thinks ho is a candidate for the presi dential nomination on the democratic ticket. lie has the unqualified support of every re publican paper and politician in Illinois. Globe-Democrat : Colonel Bill Morrison Is convinced tnat General Palmer is too old lor the presidency. Tbo colonel Is u piddy young thing , who will not be TO for three yours to come. Denver News : The Morrison-Palmer fight in Illinois has become bitterly personal. Morrison declares Palmer unlit for the pres idency , wbllo as for Himself , why , Mr. Mor rlson considers bo Is just the man. Neither ono of tbo gentlemen need loose any sleep at night sitting up thinking of tbo whlto houso. Illinois will scarcely bo honored this year by a democratic presidential nomination. Fooln SnivliiK I' ( > eul lliitrcd. annul IfInil liiilejieinluit. Some protosbodly republican papers have unjustly and unprudently attacked TIIK OXUIIA Cir and all Omaha on the pretext tlm Tin : IIKK and the Omaha republicans had not supported iu IS'JO the republican can didate for covornor , Mr. Kiclmrds , and from this pretended fact they have drawn the fonltsh conclusion that In future every Omuba republican candidate who might be nominated must bo opposed by the people outside of Omaha. There is uoUlior truth , nor Justice , nor pru- dcnco In such a statement of Iho situation and the conclusion drawn from it. No truth , because Tun Ilnu always defended - fended that poor candidate of the republican pirty , and at least tno same proportion of re publicans voted for him In Omana us did in any ether locality , if not a largnr ono : no justice , becnuso that what a minority of u place did or failed to do Is not the fault of tbo majority and cannot draw revenge upou the whole community ; and before all It is not prudence to oiiduniior the whole party by drawing local prejudice and local huto Into the decision of an election which U of great importance to tbo whole pcopln. Tin : BKI : has in IS'.H ) done moro for Mr. Hlclinnla than It was iu duty to do for him. It could not do more for him , because liu was a poor nun , who would nnd could not do anything for himself , a weakling who at the time when the nuestlon of prohioltion or no prohibition wus to bo decided had not tbu uourugu to declare himself , either for or nguiuiit it. And If Tim HII : ; , a strong woruor against prohibition , was to bo blamed for anything , It was for the fact that it did not doclucdlv declare against Kiclmrds. But ull over tno country there were repub Hcaus enough who would not VOID for u man for governor who showed lii-t subserviency to the prohibitionists openly by hU refuiul u > declare atrainst prohibition , and tlicy pro- ferrou to vote for Boyd , iillTin : BKK'S de fense of lilcbard's notwithstanding This was the raudo ot Richards' dcloat , and it Is an evidence of childlsti ignorance to lay this defeat to TIIK BUB anil Omaha. And it is the height of political folly , now In the present time of ( lunger to split the party by thti demand that every candidate from Onmlm must bo op poicd because a 1'Vomont man > vas defeated , and Justly defeated , by too people of the whole ttato. The locality of a man's birth or ronidenoc , or Ills religious cried , or his profession , or anv ether irrelevant qualifications ought not to Influence u nomination or election. Only tt-o trim merit * of n man , Ills honoaty , his ability , his indupondonco und his uvj'.mhilliy uro to bo considered , The republicans by tholr own political errors buvo loit HO inut-h that they are ru- du od to u doubtful plurality , which by the least tuUtakc o n Do turned into it defeated minority , The foolish udvloo of short-sighted men , who propoiotosovvioo.il uuctml and factional hostility , must not Uj heard , \Vo Know that Iho other parlies will nil form tholr bust men as standard bcilrcr .unu If Iho republicans do not iio tbo bjino the ; will oarii merited defeat. HORRORS OF THE PEST HOUSE Terrible Stata "of Affairs Discovered by Reporters on North Brother Island. LITTLE RELIEF FOR SICK AND DYING Typhus Sm.illpni , Srarlnt rnvnr mill MpiiMc * 1'atlrnU NuirorliiR AH fill Agonlm ItpraiiMi of u l.nclc at Doctors mill Nurnes. NEW YOIIK , March 10. A. startling condl- ttou of nffnlrs at the city's post house on North Brother island Is sot forth by the World with much display. TUo World reporters - porters landed on North Urother Island at midnight , Tuesday nlcht nnd visited the smallpox hospital , the typhus fovcr hospital , thn scarlet fever nnd measles ward aud the lepers' tout. The reporters wont Into pavil ion nftor pavilion and found neither attend ants nor doctors , and wore appealed to for water nnd assistance by the ucgloctod patients. Ono attendant was found xvho had thirty- two typnns fever patients In his caro. Twenty-nix of them were In pavilion No. : J , four In pavllllou No. 4 and two outside Inn tent. Six of the typhus victims were delir ious and were tlod to their cote. This nt- tondnnt said vary frankly that ho had moro to do than six men could attend to In the pavilion where twonty-slx of his patients lay. If anything wont wrong in pavilion No. 4 or In the tout ho could not help It. A thick fog WAS blowing over the Island and nu Intermittent druzlo was fulling , but the windows nf the pavilions were open and the wind nnd fog swept down on the cots where Iho allllctcd wretches tossed In fever ish delirium. In the quarantine tent for men , fifteen cots had no mattresses. The men were lying on the canvas coverings , with olio thin blanket to each cot for bed clothos. In this quarantine there were live persons who did not oven tuwo cots. They mndo beds on chairs nnd benches. As the reporter pcoroa Into the llttlo over flow tout where the two patients lay , they stretched out tholr arms nnd crlod : "Glvo us something to drink. For Uod's sake pot us some water. Nobody is looking nftor us. " The attention of the attendant In pavilion No. II wus oallod to the sutTercra , nnd ho a1 d despairingly : " 1 know It ; I know it ; but two of the people in here have just died ana 1 have trot another ono dying. 1 cannot be at thirteen places at once. " "What do you do wltn the bodioij" asked a World reporter.Vho helps you roinovo them ! " "I wake up sonic of the convalescents and make them help me , " ho replied. Tlio reporters then discovered by an oxam- ntion of the dining room the extraordinary fact that all the attendants in the various infectious wards and pavilions cat their meals together. Side by slue nt the table sit attendants from the smallpox , typhus , measles and scarlet fever words. They stop from the bedside of thuir patients to the co in moil dining table without fumigation or change of clothing. The reporters aslccd what was to prevent a gcnerul spreading and intermingling of all the contagious diseases , nnd the attendant admitted that there was no safeguard , lie had sat at the lablo with n smallpox nurse at his right and n scurlot fever attendant on his loft , and another from the measles ward across the table. If ho carried disease to his patioutb ho could not bo held responsible , he said. Denies thn Storjr. . President Wilson ol the Board of Health was soon today by a reporter in relation to the report , that the p.itientsconllnodin North Brother island in the tyuhus and smallpox wards were not attended to ; that they were strapped down to their cots In cold un'l ' unin habitable tents and not visited sometimes In twenty-four hours. ' Mr.'Wllson said that Dr. Porclval , the physician in charge , denies tbo story. "As to men being strapped to iron cots , you know that becomes a necessity in a great many cases when patients become uoiir- ius. " The touts , ho said , were all heated by steam. ion PHKK cu.tr. . American Capitalist * liond llc 1'iolils In Xuvii Scotln. OTT.VWOnt. . , March 10. Anticipating the j removal of duties from coal imported Into the United States , a syndicate of American capitalists have bonded stsver.il valuable coal tracts in Capo Breton and Pictou , N. S. , to enable them to eoiapeto with Iho Pennsyl vania mines In the Now Kngluml market if coal is pat on the froa list. Moreover , In the . interest of the mine owners , a considerable I coal property In Nova Scotia has also boon bonded which would make thn t'cmnsylvanin men entirely independent of any negotiation in the way of removing coil duties in the in terest of Now England that Is , If they manage - ago to secure u monopoly of a considerable area of Nova Scotia properties. Canada imported liUJUIX , ) tons of anthra- cita coal from the United States last year and IK)0 ( ) tons of bituminous , Iho latter being subject to a duty of 00 cents per ton. To the United States Canada exported 850- OOU tons of bituminous , which , with the ex coptlon of 175,000 tons , was shipped from nrltlsh Columbia to California. i'lio Novn Scotln mlno owners , supported by members In the parliament of the ptov- ineos , are protesting npalnst the nppoals of Ontario nnd Quehoo to have bituminous coul placed on the Iroo list , aim niisri'.n TIIK , i. o. tr. ir. A Woman Wins an Important Suit unit SP. ptirpa llpr Iliinliiinil'N Insiiranrp , 1J1.00MIXOTOX , 111. , March 10. A very Im portant decision was rendered Iu the circuit court here yesterday which has n bonrliiB upon the business of all Insurance associa tions. It was rendered In the case of Mrs. MnRglo Dolcham , widow of Thomas Hoi- chain of this city vs. Iho Grand Lodge of tlio Ancient Order of United Workmen. Mrs , Hclchnm's husband carried n llfo policy for & .000 In this order for twelve years , but was expelled from the order a few months before nls death for deafness. The claim was made by Mrs. nolcham that whoa ho wnsoxpollodhor husband was Insano. The vordu-t rendered gives Mrs. IJolclintn n judg ment for fi , 115. liiillnn TrrrllnryVnnU Cotirtu , AiiPMoitE. I. T , , March 10. The federal grand jury , In Its llnnl report to the United Slutcs court In session herocontained special requests for the establishment of courts of competent jurisdiction In thu Indian torn- tory. It refers to the fact that It Is not cu experiment , but an unquallllcd success , nnd that the charge that competent jurors caunotK bo had In the territory Is groundless. The faculty of self-government of the people and the thrift , Intclllcanco , enterprise nnd love of law and order of the people of this country are reliable guarantees that the people nro not only fully competent lo opcrnlo homo courts with full nnd complete criminal as well as civil Jurisdiction"but they will bo found equal to any emergency when called upon. Still limiting thwiJLMliillii Flontl. SRIIAI.M , Mo. , March 10. Another hope was dasboa to earth in this city when Sheriff Smith roneivcd a telegram from Detective Kinney nt Sulphur Springs , Tex. , saying that the negro in custody there was not the man Davis wanted In this cltv for the Tay lor outrage. The ufllcors still base their hopf-s of capturing the fugitive In Texas or > . the Indian territory , end Chief Kinney and his force of detectives are closely following the trail. Sheriff Smith Is iu lonstant com munication with Kinney and as soon as the arrest is made it will bo known here. Now York to Ilitvu AllotlinrTlicalnr. Nnw YOIIK , March 10. A now theater U soon to bo built In Fifty-ninth street , bo- twenn MndUon nnd Park avenues , that will probably surpass in magniflcanco anything heretofore attempted in this city. The pro- looted building Is the outgrowth of n plan aiscussed some time ago nmnng the million nircs living in that vicinity. It will cost about $ -100,000 nnd have seating room lor about 1,500. TitUTlIU Atchloon Globe : Id o hands nro usually ac- conip.inled by u busy 10114110. Washington Post : If .Mr. Chnrlos Mitchell could only lilt us Icinl and HH often us ho talus- ho would lo ) a. grout pugilist. I'Mllndclphln Lodger : Colorado has n news paper cjilled the Wiiiuriiiolon , wliluli must fool cut to the core at some of the" remarks ) made about It. Now Orleans I'lcayuno : gome sacrifices must bo tuiidu during Lent , and In nn oleo margarine Doardln house It Is easiest to glvu up butter. Indluiinpolls Journal : Wlokars I don't hoi Hove thorp Is much ditloronco botwium gonlu't ind Insanity. Vu-kars Oh. yes , there la ; , heap. The fun.ttlc Is stuo of his hoard anC clotjies. 8T1IONI IN DEATH. Kcw Ynili Ilcnild. The car was crowded to the doors , They hunt ; on by the si raps , And children iiiilwlchi-d in the throng sat on the womeii'blups. Still the wild L'omluct'jr too' ' ; thorn on. Till , crushed down In the lirunt , h'en us he d cd his last words uurc , " 1'luuso move up there In front ! " Clothier and Furnisher : lllngo-- wish you nould trv some alcohol on ibis coat , und see If von can nut some of the spots out , Mrs. HIIIKO There Isn't any alcohol left , but you might brualho on It Chicago Tribune : Mr. Howell ( of the firm of Oettnp & IlowellJames. ) . Is there any erapu In the store ? Uli-rk" I'lonty of It. sir. Mr. llotttill Vou may to ! u piece of It on the ilooruiiob. put up ll > o shutters , lock up ovury- thlrn ; securely and ao lionio. "No nuws of anv death. I hope. " ( ( jlooinlly. ) " .sot vet , hut there prohubly wll ) ho uoforo nUht. The gas bill lias coino. " Soniprvlllo .Journal : The hatter alwuvs mini res the man who has a gruat head , llu knows thai he must make his huts to order at \ an extra price , THU Tlinm. " 1 am running. Ktfypt , runnlne , " Tims ipioth Horizontal Hill , Hut his boom will Illi a cunning I.IUle grave upon the hill. Oil City Illlzzard : In Kntrlnnd they stand forolllco. In this country they run. and In both countries they IIo more or loss. Gli-nii Fulls Republican : The lover who is jllU'd should cover his WOUIICH wiih court nluHtcr. Illir'lmnUm Itopubilcnn : Architecture li u.lapted to women , for they uro born do- HostonCourlor : Thu stern Judge Is always Immovable In Ills convlullonn. & CO. S. W. fJjr.u.liti .1.11 ) . ; itj. . * * l We've Got a Jag of Winter The man who has lived through Marches of years gone by is not to be deterred from buying his spring suit I or overcoat by this lit tle flurry of weather. ; He knows that the best selections are always taken first and he'll not wait for a warm day , He can buy just as cheap today and have his pick before others have got the best of them. Macintoshes that look like spring overcoats are the thing now and we're go ing to sell lots of them , We've got some novelties in shirts that you ought to see , Browning , Kins : & Co . , Open Bntunlnyk till 10 p. , m I \y icth finrl tiuu HtlOw ; | 15111