THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL DLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEAUL STREET. y Carrier lo any pnrt of tbo City II.V. . Tll.TON. - MANAGER. . i.J llu lncn Ofl1ce N , Y. Plumbing Co. Council muffs Lumber Co. , coal. C tntt's cbnttol loans. 04 Sapp block. Wanted , tlrl ; tor ponoral housoworU. Mrs. T. P. Tblchstun , TJl Willow nvontio. A marrlapo llccnso lias boon Issuoa to .Tnmo < H. Tracy ouil Holoa Huijhos , both of South Urnhbii. .1. M. Paull , rcorosontod Kohn Bros In the Chicago creditors wbo bid In the UlKcman stock of clothlntr , arrived In the city yotor- dny to take charge of the business. Special mooting of Kxcolsior lodRC , No. 259. Ancient Frro and Accented Masons , this ovcnltiR for work In second iloprco. VIsitltiR brethren cordially invited. Uy order of tbo W. M. Lost Hotso Day horse , woarlnR stable blanket nnd baiter , broke out of Dr. Hanch- ctt's barn Tuesday night ; last seen on Broadway poltic wet , fc'oud word to Dr. llanchctt nnd got reward. The two men , Martin and Klnncy. wbo wcro arrested for tl htinc on election uny , werotjlvcii a trial In superior court yester day for illnturliliiK the neaco anil wcro lined. the former $15.00 and tbo latter S'.U'iO. AU members of Uiimp 7 Hoyal Iicluhbors of Amerlcii nro requested tu moot at Adams' shoo store at 0 o'clock p. m. sharp , today , Thurodav , to tnno motor train for South Omaha , where the bupromo olllcers nnd do- Krco staff will liutlluto a new camp. Torvnld. son of .Mr. and Mr * . Cborlos Hill , died yesterday morninB of uiembninu- ous croup after an lllneis of twunty-four hours , ni > ed 5 years and (1 ( months. The lun- eral will take pluco this afternoon nt n o'clock from the titmlly rosltluiico , UJJ nvcnuo G. .lohn P. Huntlnt-ton cotnmoncod a suit In the superior court yesterday to collect fi'i.'i from vV. II Knepuor , which it Is claimed Kncpber received from Hobert HuntinRton In December. 18V.I , for tbo use of the pi iln- tiff and hud failed to turn ever according to iiRrcomcnt. The Snootier comedy company played "A FiBht for a Million" last ovcnln at thu opera house to a lar o and hlRbly pleased audience. The play Is tlio production of Mrs. Spanner , and Is especially well adaptt-a to the tnleiilt of the members of the troupe. It Is said to bo the first play ever probontod In Iowa by an Iowa authoress. An alarm ot lire called the department last evening about li o'clock to the corner of Avenue A and Twelfth street. A foatbor- bea had caught flro tn a closet from spon taneous combustion nnd did considerable 'inmuRQ by burning the clothlnrc that hung near. The flru was iixtitigulsbud before the house was much Injured. The Indies wbo compose thu dopreo staff of Camp No. T , Hoyal Neighbors of America , of this city have been invited to exemplify tlio ritualistic work of the order this evening at the Instituting of a now camp at South nmlm. The mumbors of tbo camp wbo do- .lira to 1:0 and witness the ceremonies will meet nt tbo corner of Broadway and t'oarl Rtrcots , to Icuvo on the 7 o'clock motor. Comolalnt bas been made by a conpp of vouug ladies living near tlio corner of Twnifth street and avenue A that they were followed by two colored men as Ihoy were going homo from church last Suudav nmht > nd insulted by them. Thov fcnrcil that per sonal violence would have been done them bail not two men came up just at tlio right time uncl put tbo negrooa to Iligbt. Thu names of the offenders could not be learned , but the case will bo investigated by the po lice. _ LAST CIIA.NCi : . ( Ircnt 7-Day Snlo of Wlntitr ( iondt nt the HiiKtfin Stori- , Council llluirx , In. Our Buyer boinp in tlio eastern mnr- kots New York and Boston wo dreud the immense arrival of spring goods , /simply bucnuso wo don't know where to put thorn.KOOM KOOMVK MUST IIAVK , nnd room wo are going1 to have , il soll- inc1 goods next to giving thorn awtiy will help us out. Just glance at a few of our prices for 7 tlnys. Although you don't need the goods this winter , a bolter investment you cun't find. find.WORTH WORTH SAI.TIXG DOW.V. Would bo to us , but wo must have room. Ladies' jiit'kots nnd nuwmurkuts that aold for $ o.JO ( , $7.60 , $10.00 and $15.00 , Jholco for $1.1)8. ) Our entire line of childron's coats. * G.60 , W.fiO and $8.50garinonts , for S2.-ia Luuioa' $10.00 , $12.50 nnd 815.00 jackets , choice $3.08. Ladles' Walker plush jackets Hint sold for $10.00 , $10.00 nnd $2.5.00 , choice , for $7. a I adle.s' -12-iiich long Walker plunh sacques , former prico' Sl.oO ! ) , $25.0(1 ( , $81) ) . 00 and JM.OO , t'hoico for $ H.)8. ! ) 10 dozen ladies' nil wool knit jackets , ' sleeveless , worth $1.2.r > , In all colors , dur ing ealo for 48c. $ .125 comforters for $2. 10. $3.75 comforter * for $2.50. $1.75 flno I'Yeni'h uattooii for $ .1.00. $5.00 all wool blankets for $ ! 1.7o. $ 1.50 all wool red blankets for $3.08. $5.00 all wool red blankets for $3.08. Ladies' 50c vests and pants for 33c. Ladles' natural wool vests and pante , ribbtd , $1.00 garments for 0c. ! ) Ladles' all wool scurlot vests nnd pants , $1.25 garments , extra line , dur ing sale , ( i9i\ Gent's heavy gray camel's hair shirts nnd drawers , 33u garments , sale price , "w- . Gent's Scotch random mixed shirts and drawers , also natural wool and camel's hair , all in at one price , 1)7 } i ; , were 50c. Gent's all wool scarlet shirts and drawer * were $1.00 and $ I.2. > , caio prieo 2Jo , or $1.25 u suit. All children' * garments knifed the Fame way. BOSTON STO11K , FOTIII'.IUNOIIAM , WlllTKI AW it CO. . Loaders and iiromotors of low prices. Council Blulls , In. Jarvis wild blackberry is tlio bait J'J.'ffMJXII. I'.IH.tdll.t / / / . > . i A Dr. D. Maerao loft yesterday for Punlap. > Attorney General John Y. Stone is In Des Molnus. Dr , A. P. Ilnnchott went to Mlnnoula yesterday. MUs Nora Brown loft on Sunday evening for Chlojgo to visit friends. W. C , llurrows and wife , who have been vlaltliifr their cousin , \V. H. Lynctiard. for several days past , have returned to their homo In Atchiion , ICun. P. M. Corbally was yoatenlny called to Qulncy , III. , by the new * of the serious III- ness of his wife , who recently went there to attend her molhor , it bo was alarmingly 111. Stray Htiric. Strayed from the barn of the owner , Dr. A. IJ. Hanehott , 120 fourth Btroot , iv 6-year-old bay horse , dark inane nnd tall , wluto spot on its forehead. Had on when ho loft a broken halter and etublo blanket. Fine music , recitations nnd readings Rt Broadway church rooms , Hughes block , Friday evening. JarvU1677 brandy , purust , safest , best. Money to loan. Lowest rates , John- Bton & van Patton , Kvorott o\3).i Broadway Sabbath school jrlvo an en- tortnliinu'iu Friday ovonlnj , ' , Hughcu blouk. AH utteud ; iiuo program. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Bad Weather Did Not Keep the Republicans from the Convention. BRIDENSTEIN AND FIELD NAMED Thi-y Wilt Ooiitrnil for the Srat * In the .School lloiiril nt I'rrnrnt Orrtiplrd by MrMrn. SchoriitRrn anil Hunter Local News Motoi. In splto of the nnd weather a largo number of tlio delegates who snt'ln the city convex lion Ian wouk gathered at the court IIOUBO yestcrJiiy evening for the purpose cf placing In nomination candidates for the School Board to llll the vacancies which will occur by the expiration of the terms of Members tichncntgoti nnd Hunter. The mooting wa called to order by William Ornd , nnd I. M. Trcynor was appointed chairman mid E. J. Abbott secretary. The candidates who were brought tollphlon the Informal ballot , with the number of votoi cui'h received , were us follows : L , , Hridensteln , n \ P. C. Uevol , > ; V. II. Kevs , 7 ; ! ! . O. Cook. 4V. . A. Wood , 1 ; il. H. field , 0. On the formal ( allot the vote stood ns follows : L. lirldon- Htcln , S3 : Field , 87 ; Cook , ! 2 ; Uevol , 3. Url- lenstoln and Field were declared the noml- ices , and nftcr a short speech had bceu oiudo > y each the meutliiK adjourned. MOLD OX. Stop LOUR iniiifli : to Itciitl TliU nnil Think Wlmt It Menus. The creditors' sulo of the $20,000 Bio- dcrinun stoclc of clothing mid ( urntailing goods still continues. Kor Thursday , Friday nnd Saturday extra B.ierllieod will bo undo and you will not anything in the .storo for about one-third the price you have usually mid. mid.Tlioro Tlioro are over UOO styles of spring juita for all classes ot'woarers. The business and professional man can got a. suit of clothe * for what ho ordinarily pays for a pair of pan IB. Railroad and motor men wilt find just what they wunU Hoys' and youth's school suits. WorUinginon's leans and corduroy units , thu best in the word and all at prices in proportion to values as these wo quote below for furnishing goods : FIDO embroidered suspenders , regular SOo goods , at lllc. All standard brands linen collars at 5c. Regular 50c and 7oc neckties at 15c. Regular SI.60 best brands white laundried shirts at 50c. You will make a big mistake if you neglect this opportunity. 502 Broadway , Council Bluffs. HIM < > ii ut Work. The terrific wind that blow all uny long yesterday almost put a stop to business. It was next to Impossible to navigate the streets , excepting In one direction , and con sequently the streets iook on a deserted ap pearance. The city is so protected from the \\lnd by the surrounding bluffs , however , thai tun full force of the storm was not felt. Some of the taller buildings in the city and these on the higher part of the bluffs were caused to sway b.ick anil forth until the ten ants became somewhat alarmed for their safety. Fences were blown down , awnings wcro torn in shreds , tin roofs were torn loose from tbelr moorings , and tbo wind did all sorts of havoc In a play- fi'l sort of way. A barn at the corner of Sixteenth street and Indian creek was lifted from us moorings and thrown into the crick bodily , nnd bugo limbs were torn from the tiooi In all parts of the city. Outside of town the damage was consider ably worse. Full reports have not been ro- coircd , but from what can bo learned the wind reached almost the dignity of a tornado in tno country districts. A ronort was re ceived nt the Burlington ofllco"to the effect that the telegraph wire * were down all over the country for a distance of 100 miles from Council Bluffs , and telephone wires shared the sumo fate , so that the city was practi cally cut off from communication with Its neighbors. Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has nil the latest styles and newest goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have our own vinoyarda in Califor nio , Jarvis Wino coinu.iny , Co. Bluffs Walnut block and Wyoming coal , fresh mined , received dnilj Thatcher , 10 Main street l'lr t of tli Scrips. The Olivette flrclo opened Its sorlos of parties last evening in Hughes' hall. A argo nunifier wnre present nnd n program of sixtcon dances was carried out to the music of the full orchestra. Many of tbo ladles wcro in full evening dross and the affair was one long to bo remembered , the young men acting as entertainers in a very skillful manner. The following were present : Misses Eva Nason , Uenn Fonda , Gcnlo Dndson , P. Uarrouch. Alice Bonham , Nellie Keller , May Sealoy , Jones , Fnnnio Beecroft , Jessie Smith. Smith , Elhgl Colclough , Mln- nlo Ouren , Zena Lance , Sadie Mudgo , Lulu Stanchllcld of Creston , Laura Myers , Eva Marshall , Minnie Mclntyro , Tudio WlcU- ham , Annn Hayes , Ada Stcphonson , Clara Flammant , Cecil Spooner. Edna May Spooner. Messrs. H. S Nason , Curtis Oureu , Gporgo Heston , Julius Lango.V. . F. Martin , M. H. Smith , J. B. Chrlstonsen , U. H. Coffcon , E. B. Urnndnll , II. H. Harper , W. L. Murphy , O. J. Martin , It. I' . Robin son , C. A. Cas < \ B. S. Spooner. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Slophenson , Mrs. O. Stephenson - son , Attend the entertainment Friday evening , Ilughus block. Proceeds to furnish Sabbath school room , Broadway church. at InM. John Maher , who has been carefully keep ing out of tbu clutches of the police over slnco n warrant was Issued for his arrest on the charge of holding up H , R Griflltli find robbing him at the "Court" on February 9 vas caught last evening by Ofllccr ( J , L Martin and taken to the city jail to Mvuit a preliminary examination , which will be civet Him tills morning. HU pal , Frank Williams was bound over to thu ginnd jury uud Is nou in the count" Jail , but , although Maher ha been in tlio city a number of times since tli crime Is alleged to have boon committed , bo has always managed to cludo the vlgllanc of the unlccrs. _ O. Ynnkorman &Co. . feed , seeds , com mission , country produce , 108 Broadway Swnnsou Miidlu Co. , .Mnsonlu temple Ilimtlton IH l.urky. Immediately following the city election a which A. SHazelton was elected to tb oftlre of city attorney nt a yearly salary of f 1,800 be received formal notice from Judgi Woolson announcing that ho had been tin- pointed deputy clerk of the United States district court nt this point , the position now occupied by tM. . Hunter. Thu uppolut- meat was decided upon several weeks ABO , at the samu time witn Himllar UDuolutmonU in other cities , but was uot in a Jo public until after election , it is snld , for four that it might prejudice Mr. Hazclton's chuncca in the election , Carpet weaving at 928 Avenue F. Ens to ni money to loan on real estnto by li II , Slioafo , Broadway and Main. An IlllnoU Triilt .Mini. H. J , Aldrlob , manager of the Fruit Ship- peri1 nssolaUon of Villu UUge , 111. , was being shown around the city yeitonlay bE. . B. Branch. Villa Uldge , which u located about twelve miles from Cairo , in Illluoli , at tbo unction of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. s R great fruit country. Tharldgo is divided p Into small holdings of n few ncrca cacti nd Is devoted very largely to fruit raising nd gardening. The growers there do not think H anything ut of the ordinary to clonr up $100 per ncro n the most profitable crops after nil expenses ro paid. The growers have organized an ns- Delation with n manager nt its head ana they do their own"shipping. . Each grower has n itencll for marking his fruit ) ackato9 ; nnd on being delivered nt tbo stn- Ion nn Inspector examines the fruit nnd it t comts up to the itandnrd it U shipped. Pho cars nro consigned direct to a commls- Ion house , where the fruit Is sold nnd re- urns made to the manager , who divides the iroccods among the growers. The astuclatlon ships to some fifteen differ ent points ana their year's business amounts o something like 'J > 0 to .100 cars. Strawber ries from Villa Uldgo commence arriving on ho mnrkot the latter part of April or the Irst of May. Grapes put In an appearance ho latter part of July. r.Aitait < T at' Tin : SK.I.SO.V. Ycntrrtlity'A Itrorlptu nt Oiittlo at Chicago Itrrnk the Itcrord. CHICAGO , 111 , , March 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BnE.l A supply of 2.3,000 , cattle foronodayts something hitherto unknown nt this time of the year. The effect on val ues of such enormous receipts was precisely vhnt was to bo expected. Thcro was n weakening nil along the lino. Buyers on donvored to beat tbo mnrkot down from JOe to S3o but they did not qulto * succeed , Ifio to 2."o covering .ha reduction. The unwillingness of holders .o make the concessions demanded caused the trade to drag. It was especially dull during the morning , comparatively few cuttle changing hands before 10 o'clock. After -lint hour some activity was developed , jut ninny cattle had to bo rar- ried over nnd the close was bad , Prom fl.lQ to f.VJ5 was the range of quota tions. Steers sold principally nt from $ , ' 1.40 to W.-IO and from JJ.IX ) to f'J.To bought the bulk of tbo cows and bulls , Texas cattle wcro quoted nt from fJ.OO to $1.00 , and stockers and feeders nt from JJ.'Jii to $3.05. There wns a decline of lOo In hogs and the market was dull at the lowest prices. Com * inon to choice light sold on * to from $1.50 to FI.S5 , nnd from fl.t'jO to fl.US wcro the clos ing quotations for common to prime medium nnd heavy weights. Poor grades were off orod ut Iroin (1.25 to $4.40 , and culls sola at , from 2.50 to $1.00. The weakness was attributed li the fact that the receipts were nrger than for some dny.s past aud that thu demand for eastern account tins been rnthcr light this week. The quality of tha hogs wns not nearly so good ns on yesterday and wo note that the major part of the trading was below $1.UJ much of It at , from M.TO to $1.80. A largo proportion of the current receipts of sheep are fed westerns , Nebraska con tributing the major part. They ore of good quality and are bringlt.g remunerative prices. The marKet wns active ucd notwithstanding the very full receipts the previous day's prices were sustair yd. Tbo ranco of values for poor to extra . ( Utilities was from $1.50 to (0.25 , but ther < - was only n limited amount of busiuess at less thun ? " > . ' - . " > and from $5.50 to Sii.lX ) being the prevailing figures. Lambs remained steady at from $5.25 to $0.25 for poor to choice. Receipts wcro : Cattle , 22,000 ; bogs , 30,000 ; sheep , 10,000. IfKSTKHX' VACKIXU IXTEIIKSTS. New SviiHon Opened with u Heavy Decrease lit All I'olllt * . CINCINNATI , O. , March 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BIE. ] Tomorrow's Price Cur rent will say : Packing operations in the opening of the new season show moderate preparations. The total in tbo west for the past week is 175,000 hogs , against 285,000 last year and 185,000 two years ago. Loading places compare as follows from March 1 : I lif.ll-2. | IB'JO-l , Chicago , 8SUOU lliU.UUU Kansas City. . 35.UUO lO.O'O Umnba , 2JKU ZS.UOU St. houlB 12.00U 18.UUU Indianapolis. . BOJU 1U.UUU Milwaukee. . . . 4.UOJ 8UUO Cincinnati 7.0JO , WX ) Cedar Itaplds. C.OJU O.OJU Mou * City. . . . S.OJO B.IWJ Wlcbltn 4.1XKJ 7,000 Kd'ectn of Drink mill .Tcnlniisy. CHICAGO , III. , March 9. Thomas Krlvor , an Italian , while in a drunken nnd jealous rage this morning , shot and Id 11 oil his wife. Ho then shot himself in tno bead and cut his throat , dying soon at tor. THE PRINTER'S OREELEY. A Ilronze Gust of the ruinous Kditur Com pleted. At the Henry-Bonnard works wns shown yesterday , says the Now Yoric Herold. the recently completed bronze statue of Horace Grooloy , by Alexander Doyle , which was subscribed for by the printers of the United States. This effective work loprescnts Mr. Greoloy seated in a natural pose thinking about an article in the paper ho has just been reading. It is intended to unveil the Grooloy statue , which is to stand in ono of tlio city parks , on Memorial day , May 30 , when the oration will bo delivered by Congressman AmosJ. Cummings. Chair man George II. Moore of the state committee - mittoo , said yesterday that the location of the statue had not yet been decided upon. The bron/.o weighs 2,000 pounds and tlio fccatcd figure , of nearly colossal size , is six foot high. The cost of llio work , including the granite pedestal , will bo $15,000. m Justice to I'ostal Clorlm. The bill for the classification of clerks In , iirst and socond-class postolllcos , wh'ich congress is considering , ought to bocoino a law without opposlt on , says Century Topics of the Tlmo.i It was prepared by the National Association of PoBtolllcn Clerks , and is a measure con ceived nnd designed for the solo purpose of securing just and fair treatment to a very hard working and meritorious body of public servants. It llxes their com pensation upon nn equable and reason able babls , insures promotion according tosorvico and ability , and makes faith fulness and ulllcioncy the solo requisites for permanent employment It is u moaauro in the interest of true civil bar- vice reform , us wall as national justice , slnco it classifies the service , makes it mandatory that all appointments to the higher grades shall bo from the lower grades , on the ground of proficiency and length of Sbrvlco , and requires that all now appointment shall bo to the lower cradus aft or competitive examinations as required by the civil sorvlco act. Under the present system , or rather lack of system , the olorks have nocliibsl- fication which in.suros promotion accord ing to horvico and ability , have long hours of labor , are poorly paid and have no annual vacation. To say that a great and rich government like ours is justi fied in treating its employes in thie heartless , unfair and parsimonious man ner is obyioiibly absurd. A private em ployer who pursued such u course would bo censured roundly by all reputable men. As a nation wo nro abundantly able to pay our borvants fair wages , anil wo ought to boo that it is for the best in terest of tliovholo public to have our postolllco olerku a permanent , well- drilled , intolliirent. capable and con tented body of servants , for it is onlj from such a body that tlio beat sorvicu can bo obtained. The Boston Commercial-Bulletin gives of ficial figures sbowiug the number of ahc-op in the country by which the clip oi lb ! j can bo forecast. Tbo total Increase In tlieep la l,51l,2.U. ) : The decrease la mostly in the southern states , Uiouu-n the heaviest shortage Is in Colorado ana Now Mexico. The states showing the largest Increase are Texas , Il linois. Michigan , Iowa , the Dakotas , Culifor- nlu and Ohio. Export estimates tiom tboto figures show tbo total yield of tbo United Stutck in IbllJ will boaiil,053,7 : < l pounds , or a scoured yield pf Ul.oyo.lW pounds. Ono of tbo Hothsotilldi in WcIsbaJeu U tuzed ou au lucoino oi $1,000,000. nvi XTTH ifnt\r > \T'r ' nn / i ins ONLY flXh MORE IWHh UM1 ( , Significnnco of the Late fft ige nt Worth Between Germany aftfl1 Russia. PEACE OF EUROPE 'N&t' IN DANGER _ 'J > ! J Nvlllirr Mnnnrrli Curm li Put It In Words Into < lcls liirl U I'lrillnl ultn it Now blioxv Ollicrrf Ifurclgu Nv\t . > iv lCop/r/Mc | ( < l tK > ! tin Jiimts fJnnlin llrnntlt. ' ] PAIUS , March 0. | No v York Herald Cable Special to Tun BED. ] The gloomy outlook in Uorman homo politics was bound to tell on foreign politics. Fet some days past alarmist rumors hnvo boon In circulation with regard to the relations of Uormany and Hussla. Financial nconts did net venture to spread any moro disquieting reports nbout the relations between the otnptro nud Franco. That Rflmo had grown too dangerous. There was no need for you to exaggerate the Impor tance of the stories nllont regarding Kussln. Hussla docs not wish to hnvo n wnr , which fbo would find Inconvenient Just now. It Is true , however , thnt while referring to the possibility of wnr In conversation with Chan cellor von Caprlvl , the other day , the llttlo emperor remarked : "I could whip Uussln If I chocso. " This remark reached the ours of the czar who at once sent for General von Schwolnliz , the Gorman ambassador to St. . Petersburg , and sild : "Your emperor bhould know thnt nil his words 010 repeated to mo. Ho would do well to De piudcnt. I , too , am able to throw millions of troops on the frontier. " This Booms to have had some effect , for whoiiMnorICoutousoff ] , the Russian mllltnry attache at Berlin , presented his lottoru nf re call on Monday the little emperor commis sioned him to assure the czar of his sincere sympathy. Of course the warmth of the sym pathy existing between the two sovereigns Is none the less douutful nnd It is curious thnt the Incident should have been published. The Gormau-Uussian governments , however - over , seem to havn taken pleasure in making the facts known. So far ns the public is concerned the affair Is ono moro move in the game of chess wnlch is played by Germany , Franco and Russia , and of which the cud will not bo seen for some time to coir.o. An exhibition of n novel kind was opened here today and will no doubt attract the Parisians who like any folly , if it Is orlcltinl. Under tbo name of "Tho Salon of tbo Rosy Cross , " an exhibition of mythical paintings has been organized by ono of tbo so called "Decadents , " Ser Poladau , who pretends to bo ono of the Magi. The Hosicruclans formed , ns you know , n mystical corpora tion which nourished in the middle ages. All the work * in the salon are ot n "symbolic-1 character. Among them are several line paintings notably tboso contributed by the Belgian artist , Knapff. who attracted much attention at the salon of IbS'J. Tbo public , which had como to scoff , stayed to udmtro some of them. The exhibits of the Swiss painter , Schwabo , a mystical artlat Of the mcdhcvai tendencies , are also much admired. Some of the other pictures nro qulto unintelligible , both ns to tbo color and tliu drawing. Tbo organizers of the 1 exposition talk of giving n concert at .which Palcstrina's famous mass is I o bo executed. The singers of the SIstine chapel hayo hitherto had a monopoly of the wotk. JTne whole exhibi tion has a fantastic and artistic character which is pretty sure to please oooplo hire. JACQUES ST. CHUB. juts , osnoitxi : SKNTENCUD. She .111181 Go to Prison for Nine Months and 1'crlorm Hard Labor. LONDON- , March 9.r-Mrs. Florence Ethel Osborne , ngninst whom the grand Jury a few days ago returned a true bill for larccuy and perjury , was arraigned for trial in the Old Bailey todav. She ploaaod guilty and wns sentenced to nine months' imprisonment nt hard labor. The evening papers regard Mrs. Ooborno's scntonco as meeting both the demands of justice and the claims of mercy. Osborno had a short interview with his wife after sentence had been imposed upon her. Ho then loft the court room nnd re turned to his bouse greatly affected at his wife's position. Captain Osborno absolutely refuses to see visitors who call at the houso. His friends express much sympathy for Captain Os berne in bis deep affliction. They say that ho is utterl } crushed with grief over the re sult ot the trial , and keenly feels the terrible disgrace ontnilod by his wife's conviction nnd sentence to imprisonment. DucHn't Adiiilrn Kt'doj- . 1S02 bu Jama Gordon flr.nnrMA PAHIS , March 9. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Bnu.J The following has been communicated by a well known French medical authority to ; tno Herald on tbo subject of ' "Tho French ject ICeeley's gold euro : don't use the 'Kcoley method , as his idea Is unscientific. With considerable bichloride of gold , which produces a special stimulation of Btho brain , is combined u preparation called by 1'Allomande Ivrnss aurlijuo pine , which forms nart of Koeley's treatment. It Is < i violent poison , and has n disastrous effect on the nervous system , producing de lirium and hallucinations. Ills a singular ideate to hope to euro alcoholism by combining two preparations , each causing a special form of obriety , hence it is a dangerous method , and is not to bo used , It is bad , in jurious , capable of producing nccidents , especially disorders of the intellectual faculties. No remedy bus yet been found for chronic alcoholism. Moral treatment , tbo rational use of opium clncbonln , search for the cnuscs , careful treatment of stomachic disorders which frequently induce alcohol ism , iincorjao sometimes in small doses and calomel these means handled by skilful doctors succeed better than violent menus , which are always dangerous. " Itnnsln .Miuslii * ; Troop * . March 9. The Thoruor.oitung , a paper published at Thorn , in west Kussln , says that nn extensive movement is in prog- rest among the Russian troop.s on the fron- trlor , Every place of importance Is filling with soldiers , cblolly CosdacKs , The presi dent states tha * the jgarrisons at Llpno , Clcchanowloc , Nleszavva , and \VIoclawok hnvo received great cpcsslons to tbolr strength. _ ; , v vu ' u ( inlr , LONDON , March U. Ajtqjogram from Port Said states that tbo ( lorraan steamer Mo slim foundered off Sdlly Island during the galoot February 19. 'll'Is ' ' bellcvcdlicrcrow. twenty four in number vere lost , 1,1st of Jetton ronialnhu unrnllel for Inthopoit- orllro for the wcuk cmhnjJ Mitrth ID , | 8W. ! Note Purlloi callliu for 'Uidii lultun will pleiue ay"Ailvertlioil , " Klvln IhJ Unto at the hovl of tha lletand Imjulru ( or aua ; jiji\o | | \ hulloi * tlullvury win- ilow. J. To orold mlitnkoi liirp'your mall aJJruueJ lo yuumrvi'l unil number , l"w GKNl'l.l.'Mlrti'a 14-JF. . \itslt S M A kern \V Anilunon U Ariu trouc J-S llojerUA llarbi-r KII liar C W IJjnillmwilurollJ'JIulor J N llanljter f < IWKloy W llalur.N IJ llvniitiuun A J HttkT lluinifttJU lluwuii J HiiuurJ lluitwlck J llrailni-ll H A llruilftiril 1)0 llrlll V S llruttnu Dr K I. llrounuliW lIui'klr.Hliah Jlr IluiiixunliicrO lliinnolIlL' Jl llutlerlJ llurnicilvr U Ilurifhuhn O. CurncllllC Cn jrT CutT Cnlilll A ( 'liuinbrtlnlu W Cliun.ol J t'lilttvmlun I * F Clauicn 1' CuupvrJ M Culllu M K Colfnmn Itur II CulH-y A It DjvU I1' f Iiuri'rh Mr Denu A II Illxun W Dietrich A Dunuvnn M U lirc'f J liunur M IJ , KdnunliDr KrvloW.M K.pey 11 F KUIuner t' Kalrweallicr Kchut II HukOlI Mmiuvry 1 * Klonvr UM KnulerCJ ruinJ 1'rolilli r'rnttcr 1 * 1'inukJ O. QnducrJ UoiluuU W W QlbiOol'II-2 ( Inldlipra II ( ioltlbrrcS llouilnlnU ( Itcon K ( Irnut 111' ( Italic V tlrecn J VM. M. ItnrtcW Hnrn JV ny J lull W llnlll A Itlbbors Irnlnn III , llolltnpr li llomnlnniin J lol.ntil A 1- Urns KA Ilpnilurrun Dr T llll 11 in.ok i w K lapklni DA MulfClnwM 0 B I. lulcomb 11 d Hubbrll M It I. rcy J JpflcrlPt ( I Johnson I * Uilinnin II O .lolmson J K JulinMin U Jnlinvin UU Julmsun 0 X Juhntun ( ' 0 Jones 1 ! I' 1C R. llanppck J Itllcy .1 W-2 ItlMiinn ,1 llhiKn II Illtiviiinn S llobblnit F M llublnsun J H ItubvrlaJ K S. Bcott .1 n Phnw E W-S Bhohlon Dr K II Shottrhlco UZ Shnwallor I W Hllventon UV Mnler II F Hnilth U Bmllhll W fiiulth T A Smith I ! mthu llonK 0 Hn > tIerJ 11-2 H boiuincr 8 SpllrorOW StnrkiTeiitlierCll MeiKul | l K BtaoyV U Slnrr A btrliiK r ,1 f tonoJ NtunaU Bulllvan KevJ 11 Summers W 3 SiottrV | VT. T. Tencsar MrV Thornburt ! F Thuki J TknluciloJ V. Van Oriinni W Vchra W WV. \V. Wnlsworth C Walters H \Vellman 1) K Welchert t ! Webster II11 Wrcilln K ri Wlllvta W H \Vltturshnk A Winters 1. II Wltnmn M II . ' 0pUO ! 11 Winters M Wolf M WrlKht K O \VrlKlit K J X. LADIKS' LIST A. Alexander Mrs F Altwcnu Mrs \V Atwootl Mrs h U AliBtln N M 11. llarrll .Mrs 0 llankston M llonncs F llartonJ linker Mm Ml llaclinian MraO llenncilulil Mrs A lletmrilG < 1 llurlln II llcan Mrs II Hooker M ra N Mr tl < llowera t : C llojil A llroberjr S llremur Mrs M llryxun Mrs J W Drown 11 llroirn I , lluck 11 Hutlum Mrs.M llurnettet .Mrs O. Capps ] > Cnmoron T ( "nnnvnn Mrs I ) Carney Mrs II Curler MM I. Clmiiiberllu Mrs Chrlstanien A Clark Mrnh'l , At Collins M Cover Mr * M V Cniunilngs S D. IlnvlsII Di'Kim Mrs S Dctvlro Mrs II A IlcwyorMrs II llvckur .M Duniiln O Illnon M IMiimonil J llodrlch Mra t < lloty F Doluii L DrukuA M LK. K. Km ley U Easterly M Fnfoctt Mrs C A Faust .Mrs U Hchl M Klemltm .Mrs d W Klemons A I-onion Ij M rornoson M O. Oalm K F Oalo rayl ? Gchlcn V ( illssmrs M ( irlpnultlT ( i reen M ( irny mrs M K Uruce U UniLo mrs ( lubtufson A II. Hull mrs I. Hatcher mrs T Ullnwklns rnrs A Hanorlh J Harris mrs K Ucaraon N HoiiKli U lloo > emirs It A Houston nirsllW J. JoppcBon E Joslynn mrs KT Jo'efsson I JohiiHoix A C Johnson U Johnaou inrs SK Jobnson uirs D K. KarlKonM t Klnilcll A Klrtloj mrs A TJ. Louck mrs 1C Luxton L LM. M. MarKrano mrs ELMnrch mm A Malmiiren mrs A Marlon li Marten J Mitchell A Mitchell ( > Miller 11 K Mlnener A d Miller mrs G D Moore mrs M Moody mtt M 1 , Moore Moncckuirs K MO. McGlnnS N. Nlelson K Nichols A AU. U. . Oakley mrs U P. Peach mrs A Peterson A Palmer mrs K 1'hures 11 Powers mrs N II R. Rennndcrmrs H HemlnKton rarBMIIellly ! HhorobouRh mrs Uoulstone A Iuy ( rara C S M J Itoys lurs 012 Itoblnton uirs li Huberts O ItustJ 1. 1.S. S. Hcbcrrermrs ( coerano mrs It Bcnttlc A Hcoll mrs K It Hell mrs 8 helrlen M Senbrook M blmwj il Blmon A It Simpson C Sloan inn C J bmlth mrs L Smith mm N Spnrfc-ln A fctured A btclncr mrs A T. Tndlock mrs M S Terry N t Thorp Ii Tlilcson A Thompson mre M Treacy M Trebcr M W. Wadsworlh inrsS Wills mrs C Welhans U Williamson mrs Wilson 1C \VlmanJ C M Withers K li \Vaosun mrs F Withers II WnlkermrsK WoodrulIiiirsCK Tlllltn ANII f'OL'UTII CLASS MATTBIt. n K Sell. H W Nlemnn , .1 A Kstes. I ) Strickland , II Ferries , J May. TJ Wiiltermeyer , C II Miller , MIssO Hondarson , mlsi M ICarlson , ml e A woncor , miss K K tfampson , Mrs A K ( Jnllanher. mrs L U Khruin FOIICION 1'OSTAI , CAIIUS. 0 Shelley. Mrs K C II ; Maude , 518 S II st : O F Wemmerlnu A Co , Kaufman Ilron 2 , Morris llros , Moon & Keriui son , Ueculer.V cliou | > , Fowler i. Mi'L'allnin , Second Nutlonul bonk , Society of Dee Art , Secretnrj 11 C & (1 club , KUltor NcbruHka Advocate , ORIcc l.urul and Loan rnsochttlon , I'dllor Church ( iimrdlun , Oinnha lluttcrand KKK company. Miner Munnfac- turliiK company. Umahn I'litillBhliiK company. Low ell Lumber company , Piirkcr ( iroccry company , NorthwuBtcrn Move Itdpalrlnx company , Bclirlvun Doiit'lns company , Pcrkin Plow company T. 8 CI.AIIICSON. postmaster , uHlTIS IS CAUSED BY A COLD which tcttloi In nnd Inflames the atr tube * lend In to the Ilium. It In thu beginning of Bronchial Consumption Anil If nenlectod lend * lo that illnniuo vorjr epcodlly. A hnri | , mctnlMo riiiinti nrcompanloi It. Take It In llmcnnd you can certainly cure It with SCHENCKS Which Is WUIinut nn rqiiitl Cor BRONCHITIS ami for all diseases loiillng up to Hid Includlnit C'onnumptlon. Dr. Stliciick'H Noi > Hunk on DUuase * nf tint Lungs , Liver nml Sluinncli , slioiilil lo ) In ocry lioino. Scut frcp. Dr. J.II. Sclicnek & Son.l'lill ulniiln ] | ! , I'.i BRAIM 1)11 ' 0V KSrs NBIIVK AND 11HAI.N TUBA I' . JIKNT.n . llr.torl.i , lilttlnun , FIU , Nuu. rMliila , Jluiiilurbu , Ntrrons 1'ruiiratlun caunucl by id. retie ) ur tubicuu , WnkufulnuH. llunlnl l > eiiru lun , budenlni ; of ilia llruln , cuulnj iniHnlty. niliur/ , ilocax , doith , 1'runi itnru Old Azo , llarrdiinuji. I uu uf I'OWIT In I'ltlifr r , liul > oluncy , l-ujurrlioo an 1 nil Kctnnlo We iknojuui , InvulunUry lo ui , Hujr mttirrli < joafau < ol by oTur-aiurllun or tin br.iln Helf-aLuu , ofcr-lniluli'unoj. A inuii.h'i trcafUn ( 11,11 fur l'i , If in ill U'o ( iuarantJ3 > lx b xai tj C'liru. Uiicliurilur ford \io\os \ , wihi | will ien > l written - ten uuarnntua lorHfunJ K nut curuJ , tiuarantuai l > u ilonljr by A Sclirutur , DruKKltt. * ole agents , M C cor. ICtli and Farniiatti , Ouiali i. Nob. I'lso'n ll inodr for tntarrn it the Heat , KlUluet tu Dec , euil Chcaput. Sold brdruggliti or n-nt by mall , We. . Y. Uucltlno , Wureo , 1'a. lATARRHi r ° ' ? vcr ? ? * cflr8 , , . „ I my little girls life was I rnn ( ' ° "I'wniblo ' by t\ IITlDtJM ILUKDM I case of Cntarrh. Tlio tllsclmrge from tlio nose was large , con stant and very offensive. Her eyes be came inllfiincd , the lids swollen and very pnlnftil. After trying various remedies , I gave her S. S. S. The first bottle- seemed to aggravate the disease , but the symptoms soon abated , and in a sliprt time she wns cured. Dr. L. B. RITCIIEY , MACKKY. IHD. A Written Ounrnntco SYPHILIS to Cnro Kvory Cnscjor Money Kotuiuloil , Our euro li permanent nml not pitaMnt in. I'i'ii tatpil oven year < ago have never ( n-p't n fmntin ( Incp. Ily tlP'trlblnuraio fully wo ran treat you by mall , ami wo RVO | llio inno MrmiK Riiiu.viteo loriira crrefiinilallnionoy. The owhn prefer In comoliero fortrcntment cnnito i > oaii < t wo will | < ity rallroa 1 fnro both ways and hotel blllvwlillo hero If wo fall tocura We rhnllpnsc ( ho Wflrlit for it cn c that our MAIO ( ! HKMKIIV wilt not euro. Wrllo for imrtlcu'ari nnl CPttbo pvlilonce * Inour seven yonri * pra tlcj wlt'i thlsMAUICHKMKDV It hn been nint' ilineull tl overpotnollio iirejiiilloji ninhut socsllol < p30l1)l Ilutiiiulprour stronit Kiinrniitiia tlion inli nn trylii Itanil belniieurol. Wo uunmiiteo tn euro orrofnl ovpryilollnr.nnl as wo havAH r > ip iti'lm tl ( iritox al'otlimiiclnl lmcklnof tMtl.OU It Is perfectly cafoto oil who will try thatroatiianU HeretutoM you li tvj been | iultlnitiiianl | imjInioHtyoiirmonsy forillla1 Mil triMitmenti , nnJ nlthoiinh yon Hro not yet curjl nnono hin pnltl bnc' * your money Wo will iioMtlvoly cure you. tjltl hronlo. ileop so.\te I cti o curol In II to 9) < lny . Invi'stlKato our Ihmiu'lil < tnn.1liu , nur reputation m liuslnpM men. Wrllo us for imiiios nn I adilrp"esof these wo bivvii puredlio hnvo Klvon p rnil hm ( o refer to thorn , U potts you only pint- DKCtoiln IliU. If your symitoiii | nro sjro thrnsl , mucous pitches l-i mouth , rlicuniHtlsm In honojnul Joints , Imlr fallhiK out , eruption * on iiuy p.irt nf tin body , foi'llnu of Kencrixl tloproHo i , pnl'is In heal or uones. Von tmro no tlma to waite. Tho'O who r i ron tnntly In'tln ' more ira 1 1 potm'i houl I illi i tlnuclt. l'on taiit n Bof thesa ilriii : will -urely hrhu rores uinl eiillnii ilk-en In the en J. Don't tall lo writo. AU porn' i > on IOIIPO sent sotlol li pi il I pn\uloioi ; \Vclnvlte the moit rlulil In vojtlztlin unJ will do. ill n our power lo nl I you In It. AiMren OOOK REMEDY CO. , - Omibi , MAHIP. IfflHulU ONLY. w.ioo for a i-iiso if IiO T or I''MIINH .MA.V. HOOD , Guni' or Nfitvotis DKIIU.ITV. wcalc- ncssnf Uotly ( irmlnil. the nllVctsnf errors or n\ cesses In oldur votim ? that \vocatinotciiro. Wu puiir.intooovory rriso orri-fuiul every dull ir. I'lvc daystrlnl troatnicnt SI , full course SB. I'crcoptlblo benefits rotllrud In tbroo days. Uy mull , sociiroly piulieil frdiu obborvtitlon. COOK KEMCIIV Co . OMAHA. Neii LADIES ONLY MARIP rimAI.i : KltOl'I..VTOIt. nfo and nlHUlU Curt.'iln to a day or money refunded. Ity mull ( . ' . Securely so.ilol from ohsorTii- tlon. ( UKHi. ICV.rlrilH' < ; > . , Omiihu , Neb Sold in England j for Is. IJad. , and in America I for 25 cents a. bottle. : IT TA.8TJES < 3OO1 > . : Dn Acker's English Fills j Cure Sickness and Headache. : 8mall plcacant , a favorite with tliv ; W. H. HOOKEIt'W CO. , NEW YOIIK. For s.ilo by Kuhn & Co. , luiclShorm a McConncll , Omaha. GONORRHEA , GLEET AND LUCOERRHEA CURED In 2days by the I'rouch Homedy. entitled , Tlio King It dlsnolvcs ngaluit uncl Is absorbed Into the Intlumuil parts Will refuii'I money If U does not cure , or causes .stricture , ( juntlemeat hero U a reliable urtlclo. M | ia''kni'o or 2 fur $ . " > , ly mnll prepaid , fuouUino.V Co. , Omahn. CUBES BOUGH GURE IS A One Minute Remedy Tor all affections of the Throat , Lungs and Bronchial TU'JJJ CXCEl'T CUNSUMl'TION 25 AND SO GIANTS. Kur Silo : by LeDuc's Porloclicnl Pills. The Kronen remoily iiats Ulrjetly upon tlio genoriitivoor ; iuisiuid euros siiiiiirusslon nf tlio monies , t.'or three for $ > , and Lm inallotl. Hhoulil notbo uso.l ilurln prujtiivnoy. .lobbari. drnnRlstiiand tlio nutJllo supplied by Goodman tirus Co. . FINE SPECTACLES Glasses. For the correction of nil ilefecu of vUlon Solid Cold Spectacles Kium MOO upnnril Fine Steel Spectacles I rom fl.OO upwanl Froteotand Improve your oyebii'hi. Your oyef , tasted irue by a rruticnl Oj tl 'Ian. MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. lint. liM. I'AHNAM mid Ibth b'l'llKKTh Oinalia Medical anil Surpi ! INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY ? FORTI-im j rilEATMENT OF ALL lte t fuolllllei , npnar.ttus mid Uomuillos for Hiicci'ssfni tro iliiiont of nvoiy furm of dlsonsu ri-Miilrliu modlual or sur lual trontiiitiil. Wl boils fur patients bond nml nttoiulatice. Host ut'oonimlatioiis In tlio west. Write for olrculnri on dcfiinnltlns and brici < , trusses , club foot , ciirv.ituros nf sulno , iillr * . tiitnnri , cniiFor.ontnrrh , broiichlt s , In- liiiliHlon.d'.cctrlelly , pnralysls , tnillciisy , kid ney , b nddor , OVP. ear , skin and blotM nnd alt suritli'nl iuipr.itlnn , UlobAubd RP V/UlllDM / / A ItookonDlsoisLMof Sl'IUMA liTY. Woniuii I'ltKK. Wu hnvnl'itulv milled u lyliiK * In ilop.irtinoht fur \uiinon ( lurinc ronllm'tnont * ( strictly private. ) Only Ituilablu Medical 111 * ntlluto innUliiR a Kiiootnltv ot . . IMUVATK UfSKAHKS . All H'ooil ' DI--OTSOS suooossfullv trontpu. Sytibldtlo I'nlson toinoved from tlio system \\lthuiit mercury. Now ttoitor.itlva I rpat- inciitror1 s4urVITAIi I'OWKH. I'orsous iin- nblu tn vl lt us mav bo traitod nt liumu by rnrresuun lonvo. All coiiimunioiitlons conn * dcntlnl. Muillelntis or Inslriiinnnl ) sunt l > y until uroxpross. securely piifkud , no tnurU to IndlcntuciintutilHor somlor. One ) pi-r-onnl lu- tcrvlcw proCurroJ. Cull and consult us or send history of your eitsu. anilvu will sunil In plain wrnpiii'r. our I'linRs Uuon I'rlvnto , RflflK Tn MEN DUUn IU men , .spo0i | , , or Nervous His- o.iscs , Inipotciioy , Hvphllls , Qleutunl Viirlco- coo. ! wlthqiipstlnii list. llr.iL-i's. Applliincus fur Defonnlltrs > V Tru * > 09. Only manufactory In the Westof i : KiitM- li 1 .11 I'l 1:1 : > ( h.o , I'll , I'.t.t-.Ul'ltIC H.I Tl'I'.K i hS A \ II It f,7.S. Omaha Medical and Surgical Insliluto , 20th and Broa Iwav , Co neil Bluffe. Ten inliiiites' lido from oontur of iiiii.ilin on Omaha and Council lllnlli electric motor UUD. "THE GRAND HOTEL , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Now , modern , woll-iippointcd , llior * ouj hly woll-kopt , $3 u dty. : E. F. CLARK , Prop. Of Council Cnpltilsloot ( it. > UOOO burplUHiinl I'rortts t > OOOO Xet Capital nn 1 Surplus . 8MOOOO Director * -J. II. Kit naiuHon. K. I , -liuir , . F O , ( ilensun , I ! . K Hurt I A. Miller , .1 V illnchmnu and Clmrlca It. llnnnnn Truns'iulenor il bnnk- < Im ; bubiness. l.uruost capital and surplus oi any haul ; In Southwestern Iowa. NTE3E3T ON TIME DETOSITS Chas , Lunkley , Fiincrnl Director anil 811 Broadway , Council BlulTs. Tuluiihouo 'M'i. ' THE SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee ) & St. Paul R'yi as represented on this man. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. C. Q LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'ITlOIC TRADE niichty noros noiir town for -L registered Htnlllon or lininii tud draft hurso. Address , 11 I , lluuullluo , Uuuiioll II iillti. | 7KH ) SAM : At a b.irsaln. I'-neru fruit nml Jiriirden furm ndjiilnlii ulty ilmliH ; Kood dwollliiK. K. 11. Bheafo. _ . , tr.ido house und lot fur l".un ; will WII.I tlinoon bnlniico. L/.ill ut 015 8. fitll HtlTOl. 171AKMH , pnrJon Ifirvl-i , bniii " . Hit < unJ -L buslticai blocks for silo or r.iuu Day i lloss , U 1'eurl utroot , Oounoll of evnry ilu- svrlptlun ut prices vuryliK from { I to $10U iior month , loe.itod In nil jiiirlH of thu ully , U. 11. Hho > fc. VH Hromlway. _ _ 111 noros nt land a Abort dlxtaiiuo b , R of foum-ll Illnlltt und the 1) ) , nnd II Instltntond K' % pur acru. A nnup. Also K < J < i < l l < H-uuro farm ner Missouri Valley at ITi per HITII. I'dhias * BOII | Rlvnn nt unco If sold , Kiim f.iruiH ami uanlons of all slzus , Jolinstun it Vim 1'iitton , Council llluns. TWIN CITY STEAM : DYE WORKS , G. A. Sauoodsack , Pcoprietop , O.floss O21 Broadway , Oounjl Bluffs and 1321 Farnarn St. , OjTiah a. Dye , clean and ralinlsli fjoodai of every description. Packages received at either office or nl tha WorksCor. Ave. A and 20lh St. Council Blutfs. Send for price Hat. MorohaiiU who have uhop-worn or soiled fubricj of any charuotor can hav them redyod and IliiiahoJ equal to now. HliD KKATIIKriS RKNOVATKI ) AND OLBANED BY STUA.M , with th < I nd most approved tnachinoryutoat ut loss coat than you ever iuld