Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Difficulties Encountered by Omaha Demo
crats in Securing Quarters at Chicago.
Nnt llrnun liy n l.lltlo ftlirowil Talking mill
A 1IIR Deposit dels Arroimiioilntlons
lor tlio HiimosrU i : < prrlonco of
tlio Committee ) In Vlilciigo.
The Snmosots will Imvo a place wherein
to lay tholr aching bonds when they Attend
the national democratic convention , and n
low of the more fastidious will have n whole
bath tub nplcco In which to lave their fov-
orcd brows. The only conditions will bo tbo
ability to put up enough cash und to llnd the
place , which nro llkoly to bo two difllcult
things If wo nro to Judge from the accounts
brought back t > y the commltteo sent to Chi-
cngo to engage food and bedding nnd baths
for Omaha's great unwashed , Messrs.
Adam Snyder nnd Jack Dowllng strayed
buck yesterday morning , but Jack Moynt-
ban's arrival was uncortuln enough to gam-
bio on , whllo Nat Drown got headed In the
wrong dlroctlon and at last accounts was
roaming about Michigan.
"Wo'ro In luck to got any good place to
stay during the convention , " said .Inch Dow-
Jlng yestordny.The Leland hotel had pro
mised to snvon floor for the Snmosots , nnd
wo walked Into the ofllco 01 big ns lifo. When
wo asked to tea the pluco the fallow behind
the counter said : 'Thoro It is , gontlomou,1
nud ho pointed down to the ofllco lloor.
Wanted to 'Make mi Dthllilt of Thorn.
"Well , sny , you could have knocked our
cvci oft with a cluo. And what do you think I
1 hey proposed sleeping us on cots distributed
nbout the public olllco , nnd It was to bo $5 n
dny whether n man took any meals or not
nnd every follow was to take his chances on
getting his bed at night. If ho cnmo In Into
nnd found nnothcr man In his cot the $5 went
just the snmo. Well , you bet wo luld the
Leland man to go to. Then wo
began to skirmish among the first
class hotois , but I tell you It was mighty
thin picking. The Palmer and Auditorium cbouo full , and at houses lilco the Mo-
Coy all wo could got was cots In the halls.
Finally wo struck the Sherman , and Nat
Brown got In his graft.
"Wo found thnt the fifth lloor bad boon i'o-
eorvod for Baltimore , but the cash guarantee
hadn't boon put up. Nat told the landlord
wo had to have that floor , that wo had the
stun" to plank do'vn ana that tbo hard cash
had a stronger pull than promises. Finally
the landlord agreed to glvo us a chance If
Baltimore dlan't , close In on her option by ! l
o'clock. Wo were there In time to hoar the
clock strike , and wo made the rlfllo , putting
up an even $1,000 to hold the rooms.
"Our accommodations at the Sherman will
take in about U50. There will probably bn
room for quite a number of democrats besides -
sides the Samosots who will go. Wo also
got rooms with baths for Governor Boyd ,
Joe Uarnoau and several others. Tno hotels
have a combination to keep prices up to $1
nnd fr > , and they haven't much room lortuvon
at , those ngurcs.
"Tho town is full of democratic politicians.
nnd everything goes. No , I won't say that ,
either , oocauso It wns mostly wine In the
crowds we struck. It cost W5 to set "em up
once , nnd I paid n Dill of Jl.TO for ono of our
fellows. 1 wonder what It will bo when the
convention begins ) "
Wo wish to make a suggestion to persons
troubled with rheumatism. Try a few ap
plications of ChamDorlnln's Pain Balm. If
thnt does not bring relief , dampen n piece of
fluunol with the Pain Balm and bind it on
over the seat of j.alii. The first application
li almost sure to relieve the pain and by its
continued use , many severe cases have boon
permanently cured. 50 cent bottles for sale
by druggists.
Union soap employs Nebraska labor.
rcoplfi lie Voluntarily Coma Ileloro the
.liulKON Considered.
The morning session of the criminal court
wns devoted to taking the pleas of parties
who had boon hold to answer In the lower
courts. All of the parties arraigned pleaded
nut cutlty nnd were remanded to await trial.
William Li. Brown wns the first man to bo
arraigned , lirowti was formerly cashier for
the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
company , nnd wbllo acting In that capacity
It Is charged that ho embezzled $3,000 , which
ho converted to his own uso.
Kd Fitzgerald was charged with having
Jtolun n gold watch from the house of Paul
Prank Allen , so the Information stated ,
burglarized the residence of George F. Free
man nnd carried away property of souio
An Information charged that on February
10 , Frank Wells burglarized the residence of
Juntos Adams and walked away with certain
good i.
Hurry Robbing , cue of the saloonkeepers
on the two-mile strip dunlod that ho sold
liquor In violation of the Slocumb law.
Sustained the Appraise .
In the case of William F. Sweozy nnd
others against the city , the jurv returned a
verdict , finding dnmaeos In the sum of STM
for the plaintiff , the amount being the same
ns was awarded by tha city appraisers , which
throws the costs upon the plaintiff. The
suit grow out of the opening of ono of the
streets west of Croighton college. The
council declared the necessity of opening the
street nnd condemned certafn land foritvoot
purposes , nnd fixed the value of the land so
condemned nt J7I > 0. The owners nppealoa
from the award.
Tired -Married
Catherine Movnck has confided the tale of
nor ninny woes to the district court , and in a
type-written petition done in purple Ink she
Btntes that her husband , Joseph , "is , and has
been , a bold bad mnn. She alleges n mar
riage which took place nt Hod Cloud , Octo
ber 1 , 1SS5 , nud over since that date she Iius
Dcouatrunnnd faithful wife , but Joseph
could claim no such irood qualities. The peti
tioner Htatos that prior to 1SUI Joseph was
not n uad mnn , but with the beginning of
thnt year his wicuodnoss developed nt u
frightful rate. On January 5 ho knocked the
plaintiff down , bruising her fnco nnd body.
February 20 ho threatened to kill the plain
tiff , and In carrying out his threat chased her
nround the table In the kitchen , all ot the
tlmo brandishing a huge butcher knife. Not
, content with this , on March 0 ho drove her
out of the house , nnd to cap the ell max , a few
I days later , forgot his marriage vows nnd
committed adultery with a negro woman.
i Johu U , Stark Is experiencing trouble , but
It , is not sn serious us that into which the No-
1 yack woman tumbled. His trouble consists
of having been abandoned by his wlfo , Care
line , to whom ho wns wedded twenty-eight
years ago , whllo they were both in Germany
Thn case of Ferdinand Stroitz against the
cltyof Omaha Is on trial bo fora Judge ir-
Y.lne. In August , 1SW , the city council
opened South Nineteenth street from the IJ ,
& M , railroad tracks to Center street. StrclU's
land through which the street was extended
was condemned , He at once brought suit to
KOI the condemnation proceedings aside ,
claiming that they wore Irregular ana 11-
Judge llopowoll Is hearing testimony In
tlio coso of Thomas Swobo ugalnst the how
' Omaha Thompson-Houston elootrlo light
, company. Some months ago Swobe and the
electric light company had trouble about the
i price that was charged for the lights hi the
Mlllard hotel. The company attempted to
remove the lights und Swobo secured an In
junction. At the tame tlmo the alo'otrlo light
people brought suit to recover on the con
Tbo Now York Bargain store , which hat >
boontn the bunds of Constable Houck for a
couple of weak * Is now looked after by Sher
iff Beunett. The stock ban boon replovlncd
nnd then attached by Bonnie Wolf , who
claims that tbo proprietor owed him 1 1,000.
money adyanceu to carry on the Duuuess.
The Omaha , Qoal , Coke and Lime company
hni hrouitbt suit against Fred Mongedoht ,
claiming that the sum of $1,377 remains duo
and unpaid upon a promtsicry note.
Frank 1C. Moores , tbo olork of the court
lias a law suit of hli own , which has been
commenced against W. U. Parsons. The
jUuUff ! allege * tbnt on October 113 , IMS , he
loaned the dcfondanlCOO to pay the premium
on n $10.000 life Insurance policy. The note
has never been paidthough it was duo ninety
dnvs afterdate.
Frank Fuller In n petition nskt the olty to
nay him $20,000. The demand Is based upon
this : Ho claims thnt for n number of years
bo has been the owner ot two lots in PaudocK
place , extending from Fifteenth to Sixteenth
streets. Not long ago , to nccommodnto the
Omnhn Brewing association the council
passed nn ordinance ordering the closing of
Fifteenth street along the line of bis prop
Thn I'aMilon.
You nro kindly invited lo nttond the
opening of
2111 N street , South Onmhu , on Thurs
day afternoon und evening , Murcli 10 ,
J. W. LowilY , Propr.
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist. IJoo building
JfltU.11 'ltOUM > AllOUT VS.
Scotia's normal college will open for busi
ness April 5.
Nols Anderson has boon chosen president
of the Cedar County Agricultural society.
P. O. Sullivan , editor of the West Point
Progress , Is hibernating for a few wocics at
C. C. McNish of Wlsnor has declared that
bo is not a candidate for the congressional
nomination ,
The Callawav Courier keeps the names of
Harrison and Husk at the head of Its editor
ial columns.
M. U. Hancock has purchaiod tno Keith
County Hopubllcan , and proposes to make a
newspaper of It.
Putor Coon of Eagle hns been bound over
to district court o.i the charge of allowing
diseased hogs to run at largo.
The Lincoln News has made a great Im
provement in Its appearance by changing
from n four to an olg'ht-paco paper.
The People's News has rnadu Its appear
ance nt Croighton under the guidance of
M. N. Lawrence ana Uonrco A. Urlch.
Two sneak thlovos who made n raid on
Wahl's clothing store nt Fulls City were ,
captured and sent to Jail for twenty days.
Sam Wymoro , for whom the city of Wy-
more was named , has started for Nevada ,
whore ho will make his homo In thn future.
Ton carloads of emigrants loft Eluiwood
last week bound for western Nebraska.
They had sold tholr farms in Cass county to
eastern people.
A. C. Husmer , editor of the Hod Cloud
Chlof , has resigned the position of store
keeper at the Omaha distillery , to which ho
was lately appointed.
A young child of Mr. Hanson , n farmer
near IClwood , was found dead In bed last
Saturday morning. The child seemed per
fectly well when put to bed In the evening.
The Tccumsoh Mining company has aban-
doncu drilling at a depth of 4l7fc'nt. Several
small veins of coal , one fourteen luchos thick ,
were found , out not enough to warrant min
The general store and postofllco together
with the dwelling house of Charles Soltz , at
Do Sola , six miles south of Blair , burned
Monday. A flro had been klndlod In the
tora nnd by some means It sot lire to the
upper part of the store. Ihomall matter
and household effects were saved , but the
buildings nnd atomic worn totally destroyed.
The loss Is $3,000 with light insurance.
Undo Mike Keel , an old resident of Dakota
county , died last week nnd his funeral was
conducted by the Odd Follows of Dakota
City , ho having n membership In that order
at Duucannon , Pa. , dating back over forty
years. The deceased lived the lifo of a her
mit , having no enemies nnd very few friends.
Ho had hoarded up several hundred dollars ,
and this with bis rual estate was willed to
the Dunoannon lodgo.
George L.onodas , a passenger on the Over
land flyer bound easi , Jumped from the train
nt Ogalalln , declaring that ho wns going to
die. As o wns evidently insane , ho was
taken In charge by the officers , who founa
thnt ho had a ticket from San Francisco to
New York and $1,100 in cash. A telegram
was sent to his brother in San Francisco nna
a reply was received that ho would come
after the unfortunate man.
John R. Harvey , the well bnown stockman
of Otoo county , who last year planted trees
along live miles of highway In the vicinity
of Turlington , , has this year made an ar
rangement to furnish treosnt cost to farmers
who will follow his example , and has sent
out men to worn up an interest among the
people nud Induce them to plant trees
wherever they will add to the beauty and
comfort of ho rural districts.
A. E. Kcablos , the picture evangelist , is
holding forth at Norfolk , and has made
quito a sensation In the city. Ho has been
there u week , nnd has had the opera house
crowded every night. Upwards of tlfty have
professed conversion. Ho uses the sforeop-
ticon to illustrate his sermons , after which
the lights are turned up mid ho gives a red
hot exhortation and draws his net. He is
said to ba a most successful lis her of
Lomnr's cloctrlo light plant has been
streiiBhthenod by the addition of another
Henry Winter , a Lemars horsethlof , has
been released from the penitentiary after
serving six years.
Samuel Forgio , a Powcsuiek county
farmer , fell into n flfty foot well and sus
tained fatal Injuries.
Ida Urovo has established the custom of u
market day , and two Saturdays of each
month are sot aside for the purpose.
Michael Swcnson , n wealthy farmer near
Norlhwood , wns found doaa in the road near
his farm the other morning , lie had evi
dently ueon struck uy his horses' hoofs and
rouderod unconscious , aoath resulting from
Pat Lynch nnd Tom Uossor , farmers near
Peterson , had a disagreement about some
leased land , which resulted in a fist light.
Pnt complained to the Justice nud Tom wab
fined. Tom not having money enough to pax
his fine , Pat came to the rescue und loaned
him enough to keep him out of Jail nud the
two wont homo friends.
The Farmers Co-operative society of Hock-
well , the largest and strongest association of
the kind in Iowa , hold ita annual meeting the
other day. The association transacted SJ50-
000 worth of business during the past year.
The membership Is ISO. They felt , confident
of their ability to continue business , not
withstanding the refusal of many largo man
ufacturers to sell thorn goods whore they ore
in comcotltion with regular dealers.
Sam Livingston , a 17-yoar-old lad , stele n
horse last week Tuesday belonging to I ) . W.
Fonnor of Steamboat Rook , Ho nr-
rc3ted Wednesday atAlblon In possession of
the stolen horso. On'Thursdny he was taken
to Klclora nnd arraigned. The grand jury ,
then In session , returned n bill on Thursday
nnd on Frldny Sam was arraigned before
Judge Weaver , pleaded guilty , and was
sentenced to the industrial school. Within
four aays from the hour the offense was com
mitted Sam Livingston had boun n four
years' term in the school.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious CaVe and Pastry , Jjght Flaky
Uiscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome
. No other baking powder docs such work.
THE SESSION ENDED. ! of tlin Convention nUponril of rtml
Hiutonmry Itcnnlutlons Ailiiptnl.
Tbo closing losslon of the luniborruon's
convention was called to order in the Hoard
of TraJorooms [ yesterday morning at 10:30 by
President W. H. Fried.
Tbo first business taken up WAS the elec
tion of two delegates to attend the meeting
of the United Association of Lumbermen at
Kannni City in December next. This mooting -
ing wilt consist largely of n discussion of
loaalng papers to bo rend by prominent lum
bermen. Tno association Is composed of the
rotall dealers of the various states and usu-
nlly attracts considerable attention among
Mr. W. II. Fried of Fremont nnd Mr. .1.
\V. Uar.-y of Fnlrbury were the delegates
elected to attend the Kansas City nicotluir ,
The treasurer wns then asked to make a
statement as to the llnancos of the association
nml whuthar the sumo assessment us that of
the pnst year would bo likely to meet the ex
penses of the association tbo coming year.
Ilo thought an assessment equal to that of
lost year would bo sufficient for tbo coming
year.Mr. . O. Li. CbafToo of Omaha was announced
ns a member of the association to take the
place of the Howell Lumber company , which
has dropped out. This loft the number of
members In Oinuha just the snmo as last year
Messrs. W. II. Hnrrlson of Grand Island ,
C. L. ChnfTco of Omaha nnd M. L. Frlos of
Alliance were appointed to draft suitable
While tbo comiutttoo was out protmrlnK
the resolutions some Informal discussion
took place.
The mutter of wholesalers selling to con-
Rumors was the subject of some Inquiry.
President Fried said there had been but
tbreo complaints sent In so far as ho had
learned upon that score during the pnst
year. Wholesalers han boon especially frco
from violating the rules which uovornod the
furnishing of lists to the trndo , bo said and
harmony seemed to prevail.
Mr. C. L. ChalToo adored a few remarks
regarding methods of Incroasine tbo mem
bership In the association. Ho urged upon
all members the advisability of soliciting
lumbermen to join the association. lie
thought , some vigorous missionary work
along that line would bo a great holo.
The commlttoo on resolution' cnmo In a
llttlo after U o'clock und submitted the fol
lowing report :
Your committee on resolutions bogs leave
to cull attention to the successful mcotliiK of
thu aisooliitlon just bold , Iho hopuful outlook
fonts future , the felicitous mid sitlsMctoijr
fuolliiKS of tlio mpinbnmlilp rulutlvo to the
\\orklncsoflbo organization , and the vuluii-
blo nml happy Intorolunjso of thoughts and
liluas us to the rotations that Jobbers uti.l ro-
tallurs of thu state should proprtrly bear to
each other ; *
And , whnrois , the : iseouliiton ! has proved a
success with a mnmburshlp compitslnj only
nbout ono-mlf ! the do.tiers ofthu state.
It follows as n natural sequence
that tlio cruatrst decree ot success
nan host bo attained by liicro.uslu oiirmom-
beishlp so nt to Include a large majority of
the Jobbers and retailers of the state , there
fore bu It .
liosolvud Thnt our board of dlrootor&ianko
special u ( Torts to secure the membership of nil
dealers now oiitsldo the fo'tl ' ; th it to this oirl
the annual nivctlng of thu association for
If'.i.l ' may bo even mote sitlsfaclorv than the
present session , anil mny establish the associ
ation on a firm fooling for all lime.
And , whereas the rctallois of the state have
been Heated In a cencroiis and considerate
manner by tlio jobbers of thu statti ilurluK the
Instyear anil have beenontei ti : uudlii a royal
and inaKiilflcont manner during this present
session bo It
Kesolvod , That a rNIng vote of th.iuKs be
tendered the jobbers und It Is thu desire of the
tetallers that the lobbers of thestato should
at all times bo given a Drcferenen In thu up
building of the business Interests of the .state
and the growth of our nvignlficonl city iincl
metropolis , Omaha , the pride of mery p.itrl-
olie Nebrnslan ; and
Whoreas. Thu press of the city has talion
great Interest In thu workln.sof tlie. or .ml/u-
Glowing Health !
Rosy Ciie3ks !
Healthy Bodies !
'Boon ' Companions'
Costs 1'our
Cents u Day.
It euro ) catarrh swiftly , radically Von Inh ilo the
nnrru. rich health laden vnpur. Initmulmtcl > It
\tnriu * * . ttouthcs. oxhliuraton ( Mvoi nppctltn unit
nv.urt tlt'op naturally Positive ! ) curpa ( . 'ATAllKII
llronchltla , Asthma , l.n ( hippo , Cmiiumptlon
lleidiiclic. Ir p0iiln | Nervous I'rostraHon
KMINKNT phjsleliuM In chart. ! * of Oninlia atti-iii
Inhalations nnd ndvkc frientollhoH
Ol-jnen Mnnu.'il fret . A p ntiil tcvlx It.
Cnllor write toduy ; liuiulrudK happily have.
3 ) 519 Sli33 Y ll ! < l . cor IStli nml lluwapl utr.-uK
Omnhn , Nebraska.
Jo Soften the Hands.
lieforo retiring take a larco pair of old nloves
nnd spread mutton tallow Inside , r.130 alf over
lue bands. Wear the uloxes all night , ami wash
the hands with olive oil and white castlle soap
the next morning.
The above , together with 1001 other things
ciiually It not moru Important to know , Is found
In the handsomely illustrated new IrooK Just
published by
$ < = >
Betts& Belts
America's most iilfted. pojiular ana
successful ,
This liook tlicy Bend to any address on receipt
of 1 cents to pay j'ostago ' Imt
do more tlian wrltnnluablu IJooks wlilcli tlicj
Clru to those v.lio need ttiem. , TJi y cure
Catarrh ,
Piles , Stricture ,
Hydrocele , Varico'cele ,
Gleet , Spermatorrhoea ,
Syphilis , Gonorrhoea ,
Lost Manhood ,
Blood and
Diseases ,
Female Weakness ,
Effects of Early Vice ,
and every form of
Nervous ,
Chronic and Private
Consultation free. Call upon or address wltb
tttatap ,
119 South 14th St. Corner Hth
and Douglas Sts.
Omaha , Neb.
lion nml cotirtootiMy reported the action *
hero taken ; then-fern , bolt
Hc olved. That it/vote of thanks M hereby
expressed not onlvuiMho resident press , out
to representative * oft the various lumber Jour
nals now on the HOOJV
( Signed ) \V. II , II MinlPON.
M. U KlllKR.
0. 1 , . ClIAFFF.E.
The resolutions iwero adopted by n unanl-
mous vote and the convention adjourned.
"Lain to bed nnd oaviy to nso will shorten
the rend to your homo" In the eklos. " Hut
early to bed mid a"mittlo Kftrly Klsor , " the
pill that makes lifai longer and butter nnd
Lndios nro innra > ptitrlotlo than inon ,
they buy Union soap
Dritnkrmir * * .
A disease , treated 1x9 such nnd perma
nently cured. No publicity. No Infirm
ary. Homo troiittnont. Harmless and
olTochml. Hofor l y ] ) onnisslon to Bur
lington Hawkoyo. Sand 2c stump for
pamphlutShukoquon Cbomlunl Co ,
Hnrliiifrtan , la.
Omnlm's I'rctl.v Siilinrli to llu\o the llpit of
Strcrl Trmispiirliillim.
The Metropolitan Street , Uiillway company
has overcome all obstacle ? and the noxtmovo
will bo to construct nnd equip iiti oloclrlo
motor line to Dundee plate.
A psrmlt for this purpose was trrnntod by
tbo Honrd of Public Works yesterday.
The line will connect with the Farnam
street line of the Omaha Street , Hbllwny
company at the Intrrscctlon of Fortieth nnd
Farnom streets. From that point It will run
north on Fortieth street to Dodgo. thence
west to Woodtnnn avcntio. north on Wood
man uvcnuo to Underwood uvonuo , nnd
thence west to Wilson street , or the cost line
of Happy Hollow. The now line will bo ono
nnd throe-fourths miles In length nnd will
cost 18,000. For the present the rolling stock
will consist of two Detroit motors , which
will make olght mlnuto trips.
The line will Do In chat-fro of Superintend
out James Is' . Urooii nnd will bo put In opera
tion about April 1.
In addition to furnishing the residents of
Dundee plneo with motor cur facilities , the
Patrick Land company will put in mi electric
light plant nnd light the addition wltu arc
300,000 bars Union sean sold in Ne
braska last month. It's the best.
A Of perfect purity.
Lemon -I
- Of great 3tronsth.
Almond Econ ° myir > the'-usa '
- |
Rose GtCfJ Flavor as delicately
and dollcloualyjoa the fre h frultt
The Crlpno Itcspnnslblo for Mono
Dentils nCtof Itocovrry thnu During
Its Course. How to Avoid the Dim-
Grippe. In Itself , Is bad enough , debilitating
onoticli , Lutlt Is the nftoroiTccts , the slowness
of recovery that Rlvo It Its great danger. In
most cases , the person did nnt hare sufficient
vitality to rally after the dlscasu Itself
passed. The forces of nntnro were too weak
to coliteml with the debility which the Urlppo
had loft.
It U sad lo think' how tunny people have
died who might have been savi d If nature had
been properly assisted and fortified lifter the
Orippo had been driven from the pystum
Many physician * rcull/od this fact , nnd as-
slated their patients over the dananrout after
directs by brarlng up and stlimilntlnl tholr
sysirni" . This wan. and can bo done In but
ono wnv , and thai Is by the stonily und n oil-
orntonsoof seine pure yet powerful stlmu-
lutit. Thuro Is but ono absolutely pnronnd
niLMllolnnl stimulant known to thn tnofosMon
audio the ] mlUr. unit thnt Is Dniry's I'nro
Molt \ \ hlskey. The most prominent selcntlits
and physlohitiHot the Innd ondoi so Its purity
and viiMin. It Is not n no whiskey. it bus
boon tiuforo ( bo public for years. It Is not a
fbcnndoeoctlon. but a pure distillation It
Impirts a tonn to the system possible In no
other manner nnd soiids the blood coursing
through the veins with ronownd vigor. It Is
superior In uvery respect nnd however much
any uiiicrupulousdrutiir.lsl orgro.-ormiiy t'ok
to loud .you to bollevo to the contrary do not
TO GOOD LOCKS ; the trade
mark of the YALE & TOWNE
which identifies the YALE LOCK ,
ofviich ! it is the sole maker.
The market is flooded
with shams ; every gen
uine YALE lock or key
now bears the trefoil trademark -
mark as shown herewith.
Sore Throat
Complaints *
6od ! only In our own bot'lcs , All druggists.
Every season , as we have seen the new
suits in our Boys' Department open up bright
and fresh , it has seemed as though the men
who make a specialty of manufacturing clothes
for our rising generation had reached a point
of excellence that they could never hope to
surpass. We thought so in " 89"we almost
knew it in " 9O" we positively did know it in.
91" and hero comes o.ur new spring stock for
" 92" and throws them all in the shade. The
styles look neater , the patterns are hand
somer , and it seems as if we could give you a
little more wear for your dollars this season
than we've been able to before In suits
JoLJL ITv/jr UI.
say from tw.o to four dollars , the valurss ares
exceptionally good.
f We are showing some very
neat fancy cheviot Knee Pant
Suits in "half inch boucle
At $2.00 novelties , to fit boys from four1
to fourteen years of age.
Three dollars worth of weai ?
Igoes with every suit.
fYou can choose from a haH1 !
dozen handsome styles of
Knee Pant Suits , in fine all
wool cassimeres , made up in - rAt
At $2.50 nobby fashions. The "Ne
braska's" two fifty boys' suits
have made a place for them
selves in many of the homes
of "Omaha's 149. "
We have a very handsome
"dust proof" suit. That is
it don't take much "dust" to
At $3.25 buy it and it won7 ! sTTow
dust -when it's "dusf'y. Dost
thou catch on ? It's a wearer
Bijj boys and little men -will find a de
cidedly handsome assortment of long pant
suits , in ages ten to nineteen , in all the popular
fabrics , and in all the correct patterns for
Open Till 8 p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m.
/tA * j eXfc z/vtts L z& . MEN ONLY
A fall oxplanntton or womloi ful method Tor the
n quick restoration
IT EXPLAINS huw to euro nervousness , trepidation , lack of self
tion of PERFECT MANHOOD , In nil the term Implies. coufldonce. \
A method that overcomes EVERY EVIL CONDITION of the male IT EXPLAINS how to euro varlcoccle ( swollen , tender. Bagging
system , clvliif ; to the weakest organs and parts their UTMOST NAT veins and pirts ) .
URAL VIGOR and TONE and to those shrunken and Blunted their
IT EXPLAINS how to glto tone , to remove excitability , to over
FULL and PROPER SIZE. come sensitiveness , to remove phjelcal and mental Irritability.
IT EXPLAINS how to build all otnul .
up f vigor.
IT EXPLAINS how the entire sexual system of the male mny bo
IT EXPLAINS how to build all .
up bodily vigor.
brought to that condition to essential to general good health tnd
IT EXPLAINS how to pic or\e all nontal vigor. pcacoof mind.
IT EXPLAINS how to a\old all the phsteal evlli of nmriei ! life.
IT EXPLAINS how to bo felf-ic
self-controlling , - pectlng , to ba
IT EXPLAINS how to euro most bladder , kidney ami urinary
free from degrading thoughts , superior to debasing Inclinations , to
dlsea c .
IT EXPLAINS how to cure bodily filling , In any stage , for all
tlmo. i IT EXPLAINS bow to develop , strengthen , cnlnrgo all -weak.
Blunted , undo\eloped , feeble organs nnd pitta of the body \ > hlch
IT EXPLAINS how to cure unnatural losses Irom dreams , In
ha\o lost or never attilncd a proper and natural size , whether dua
urine , &c.
( o curly errors , ill-health or natural causes. ( A simple , iufullibla
IT EXPLAINS how to euro mind-wandering , Pirgetfulness
, confusion
MECHANIC * ! , method , cndort-ed by physicians. )
fusion of idem.
To many , this book Is uninteresting nnd viluoleas , beln ? a PURELY MEDICAL TREATISE : to others , to those whose welfare Is al
fSflo simple curiosity seekers It Is not worth the traubla ol writing tor and HO will not send It to such II we know It But we will
( or U In fjood faith , either ( or his own use or ( or some friend.
E& Beware ol petty quacks and all their schemes ; don't even answer a medical advertisement ( or you may be sorry ) till you havt
Studied this remarkable book. II you have already been made a victim don't let prejudice blind you to the light ol SCIENTIFIC TRUTH.
dress. TH ERIE MEDICAL COMPANY , 64 and 66 Niagara Street , BUFFALO , N. Y
To promote health ,
preserve and length
en life , stimulate
and invigorate the
whole system , tone
the stomach , , a id
digestion , create an
appetite and repair
the waste tissues
of the lungs ,
nothing surpasses
I an ahsolutely pure
twhiskey of deli-
'cious' Havor ,
smooth to the taste ,
[ imellow , maturq
and of richest qua- }
inferior whiskies it
will not raspier scald the throat
and stomach. Call for CREAM
PURE RYE sand take no other.
For sale only at high-class liquor
and drug stones.
HI 1 % / norimiiio lint ,
S-J . . . ur.dfnloto-.lOdi
_ _
TO WEAK MEN Bnrfcrinff yuutliful Uie firecu error from ot *
inah who U nerrou atxt tt bUllaUiU. Ailtlrcti ,
1'rot I' . U. I'O WLUJI.Uootluf Coau.
' 1 liuOnly IVrfcct Vnuliml and
ICi-oiul > rliite In
the mil III
la thn onlr 8) rliiKO ever In-
\entcilliy liUh riiulnul In
JIM tloiiM I'.in l > itiliululstorcil
without loukliiK ami nolllnti
the clothing or ni'cu.'ill.iiliiK '
Ihu lieu of n vem'l , nml
which can * lu ho UBpd for
Irfjeellmu or Irrita lll'l.ll
iti ) ituniiKii 111:1,1 : ,
t-i. it1 * : , $ ; t.oi > .
Mali urdcrs eulldted
The Aloe & Pinfold Co
til i'tixt iiffifi :
iftnifully prtvuiml at luw
Do Bailey , $ f
The Lending
Dentist "
Third FlooPjxton Hlos'c.
clqiliono IDS } . Kith anil r'aniiu St <
A full net of tOBtli on riibbor for l'i I'orfHjt lit
loctli without plnttn or romovaMo brMua 0f *
junt tlio tlilnif for liiKorj or pulillo Kpoakort , nn >
drup < luwu.
AllillllnnnUruiiiormlJlo mto , all wink Hjrruiila
Cntlbliiout for :
Under the pntroiinRO of
Mrs. M , D , mm ,
70 and 71 Globe Bldg. , Boston.
Tour of 80 days , WOO ; Tour of 60 days ,
i 100Tour ; of 00 ( lays , * 37o ; Tour of15
days , WOO.
All irmollntf , hotel and tight icclnv i'iienfcO | In
ll'artlo tc > mil with Mm , Krainr , July ' . ' , Blcam-
hln fc < iiilM.l uimril Jjluo , llunIon )
NOIITII C'Al'K I'AUTV to unllJuuo 1H , br I'A VO-
NIA fri'm Ilontuu. liiluyn tuiu.
Aiiillaitluii | < niu t lie. iiiailo ut ouco for thin tour )
uu fur circular uud rcforiiuccn.
TLo Lnrec.t , Fatlrtt nml Flneit In the World.
PuBNellKernccnmcfclatlong unexcelled.
Every Saturday ,
At regular intirvnli
ratomin lovrest lornu to anil f rum the principle )
Kic'li'slon ( Irked nrallnlilu to return hy ulllier tlio jilo
! ! ( ] riiloifc North nf Irelanilorh'uiili'tfitUlljraltai
Drifts tai Ue : 7 Grim fir Ar incut it Icwtst Bid ! ,
Arplr to all ) 'if our local AKarita nr to
HUOTIIUUS. Ulllonica , Jill.
.Ml TuiM-llMf- liirlllill'i ! I III-
llrxt \ < MI r.
A rjci of piirtie * to Kuropu Uurlntf thu un nlntf
ftcaiiiii Mill Icuvu ai f ulluwn
Slay I'aitr J' < 'rf , K JUJi'itlo , April 27.
Hr t Juno Pnrl IVrH - Klriula , .Mnr 21.
HIM cliil Plinrt Tour I'er H H. Klrurln , .Ma ) ' . ' 1
riucitml .liinol'arty I'or h S Tnulunlii. Juno 8.
Thlril.lnna 1'arly PcrS. H .Majentlo. Junu a
I'ourtli .liinii ' I'rrM H ' June
I'uitjr City of I'urlo , V9
T uM | > eelal nhurl Tonu 1'i'r H ri City of .New
Viirk , .Inly I.I : anil ( lly nf I'nrln , Au u t | j.
North Cni'B anil Unman i'mly-rerH U Ktrurlit
Jlltli ) IS
U'o are ilnlly liooklnn munition for theio oicur-
aloii * . andluvllitirniiiuillulo apiilleatlon fruiuall who
Inleiul ID avail tlieimehennl Iheni lllil'lriiti'il ile-
ftptlvo \ proKr.iiuinei can bu obt lined by nililruitlnu
I'llltt. I'OOii , f ,1O ,
Ml Ilrotulnuy , Now York.
Allan Lxine
ItOVAl. MAir < SI
Hill regularly iluriiK wlnturruin
Catln ItOanil ni' arUi utrnnil cabin , til bteurH.'U
atluwritlut No \rn 1 1
si-iuvion oi '
Noir turk anl ai unw rorlal-hlly |
CnMnllJ. t-uounil I abln I.'V. htuor < o tlJ. Auiily
lo Af.r.ANt A CO. Cliloii' ) H. K .MD0.15J. Walitil
Tlrlot omuoV ; If VAIIi'lurlltut ja Tlojj mill
nnOIITl HANIMI.WIXH ) t'AI'SI'I.Kd are thn
Illllill I ut t > e t unit only rapnuleii prefer I l/eil liy
UUUU I nrllIHHr | phvulclain lor thu euro of
( ionorrliui anil .ll . 'liar e I ruin lh urinary ur
utcu > e I
DR. J. E.
W P. P -
r A k your Druggist lor - i
J bottlu ol Illg U. The only .
J neil jtoltonoiii remedy ( or all I
J llio unnatural 'llichtrnt ana
i private illbrtM-g ol men and tli
[ ileljilllutlny MfnVnt-m peculiar
1 to women. It cunii in a lew
IiU > B without the aid or
iiulillclty o ( h clortor.
\Tlii I'ndfrml Amnlctm Cvre.
Maruifarliircil by I
uTb E\au Chemical to. "
U. H , A ,
in lud j. , anil uuier relurin. No
Flpurcciin iile uututipovitory.buf *
am iif * Impla rvinuur l'r e bytdt .