TI-H5 OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAUPII 0 , 1892. SPEGIHL NOTICES , ADVKiniSKMKNTH KOll TIIHSB COI.UMNS will I * taken until 1JSO : p , m. for the evening nud nnlll8ni. : | tn , for the morning or Sunday edr tlon. tlon.All advertisement ! In these column ! IS rents a linn first Insertion , and torrents n line thereafter , or tl per line | ipr month. No advertisement taken for Jess tlinn 2i cents for the tlrst Insertion. Terms , cash In advance. Count nbuiil seven wordi to the line. Initials , figures , synibnK etc. , each count as a word , Alt advertisement" must run consecutively. Adverll ot IIT requesting n numbered check , can linvc the letters nddres ed In annmbered letter In cn.ro of Til ) : HEE. Answers so dctre scd will bo delivered nn presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. IIATKSlf.cn linn llrfl time nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2jo. "TtTwANTKIVA srnJATIOX'AS HOOKKKtSI'mi. J\or position In ofllcoi reliable ! good refer- cnces. Ad.tress I'M. Ilco. KO 8' - WANTKI ) , POSITION AH IIOOKKKKPRIl Oil assistant bookkeeper and cashier by young ladyi liest city references from former employers. Ad < dress H .1 , lleo. MTO30 * WANTKI ) , A H1TUATIONTO IO DAY WOItK hylady. Address H I. lleo. M2-.IMO * - ) - BITtJATION TO DO JANlTOIt AWANTKIBITtJATION work IIT a young married main good references. AddrcsaSS , lioo. Mill ! U * WANTK.n-l'OHITlON 11V MIDDt.K-AOKII A tnnn In urocery business , IIM money to Invest utter a llttlu axperlcnco. Address S 7 , lira. WANTED-MALE HELP. JIATKH Hen line ItrM tlinn nnd lOc a line thpro- after. No advertisement ( niton for le s tlinn 2)c. 1WANTKI > . HAUCHMKNONSAI.AHY OU COM. -Omission to handle the new patent chemical Ink rraslnit pencil. The greatest selling novelty ever lirndmcd ; ernses Ink tlioinnglity In two seconds ; no nbrnilnn of paper : SIM to MO per cent pro lit : ono niront's sales nmountcd to list ) In six days , another t ; In two bourn. Wo want cni general opi-nt In each stnte nnd territory. Tor terms and full par ticulars ndilrctH .Monroe Krnter MIg. Co. , LnCrnoe , " Ws. . X 30. 8il _ ] j - WAN'i'KI ) . KIllbT-UI.ASS MACHINIST. Davis fi L'owBl T > POIITIIAIT AUT1STS WANTKI ) TO 01VK Jiour electric llxht ( irlnmn trial. EjtceMor Portrait trait Co. , Ware block , Omaha. MM I MU * IJ-CANYASSKHS WANTKI ) TO SOLICIT Oil- Jiders for our portraits. Excelsior Portrait Co. , Ware block , Omaha. MM > M1.1 * 15-MKN TO TAKK OIIDKIIS : NO DKLIVKHINO 4Jor rolli'i'llnu ; no experience : steady work : best terms : best specialties : samples free. Olon llron , IlochCBtcr , N. Y. . ' MMI-12 * > -8AIKSMKN. 1'AYS WKUi. 401 ,11KK HUH } . > KM-A2 * 1J-ONK HENril AND 2 .lOUHNKYMAN CAH- -lientcr | .t uuoe. Address L. llox U7 , Alllnnrc , Nob. ' 1UI8 * - OK WOIIK AT KOKT CllOOIC NOW 5 for pick and shovel hands. 137 10 * 13 -WANTEI-TWO COAT AND ONE PANTS makers. C. Aron , Crete , Neb. M2IW 10' - WANTED , KOll KUHTHEIl INKOH- B-HAKElt hiatlon address S. J. Corner , Oreoloy Ccntar.Ncb U-WANTKI ) . A 00l ( > 1ILACK3M1TH WITH JJtooln t Pralrlo Home , Nob. , Immediately ThOi. Kcrrllmrd. MW ) 'J % n-SMAHT , ACTIVK CANVASSHHS TO 8KI.I. J > lllihOi | > Life ) of Leather shoo blacking. Call at A. Helml-r , Hotel llarker , 8-10 a. m. 'l' b * WANTKI ) , IIHHHIT YOHNH MAN , WHO writes neat , rapid hand , nnd who can typewrite. Call tetwecn 7 nnd 8U : ) nt Murray hotel. T. It. Harvey. J140i-7 : J-SMAHT HOY TO TKNI ) KKKI > STOHK , ONK Jwho can dpetato typewriter. 200. ' ) Cumliig. B-WANT11I ) JIKN TO TIlAVHlj KOll OUIl Canada inirajrlos. Stouo ti Widllnglon , Mudl on , Wls. 1 } BA1.K9MK.V WANTI'.I ) TO UKLli OUIl ( JOOIS JJhy sample to the nholcinlo and rotnll trade. Liberal nalary and e.xpeusc < pitld. Permanent po- Kltlon. Money advanced for wagex , advertliliiK , etc. Kor full partlcular nud reference addreus Centennial Mfg. Co. , Chlcngu. 111. M41)'i ' 'J * T > WANTHI ) . MOIti : HAI.KH.MKN IN NU- JL > brnska ; good territory not tiikiin ; salusmen iiro making t6.tx ) to flO.ou udar ; why not you ? Ku- cloec ntniiip. AddrensJ. A. West * Co. , Jowoll , In. MIO 10 * -I > _ WANTII ) A GO'JDHAUNUSS ' MAKKIl CAN J'nut steady work and good wages by applying at o'nco uno who speakn lieriuim Is preferred lu K. 11. Hurdic. < 'oli"imbii8. Nob. M4I7 IS * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HATES 15cn line llrst tlmo and Won line th'drc- nftcr. No iidvertltement taken for Ion than 20o. C-\v"ANTHI > r. GOOD COOK AND LAUNDHESS , lluUS.2itll ) si. ' 7M - , ' GIHL KOll GENEHAL HOUSE- C-WANTED'A once. 1212 South 31st street. .Mrs. 3. W. Crnlg. J1'J75 G-WANTED , LADIES AND GIHLS TO DO OUIl now work for IIH nt homo ; f3 to $8 per week easily made ; no painting or canvassing ; send self- nddre.-iscd envelope. Echo Manufacturing Co. . 4 JJborty square , lloston , Mann. 145 8 * -GIHLTHATUNDEHSTANDS COOKING AND doing housework , 2 In family. 1821 Davenport f\ \ n-\VANTED. AGIHLKOHUENEHAL HOU6E v work ntlWN 2lth St. 270-10' -WANTED. A GOOD GIHL OH-WOMAN KOll general housonork.Mrs. , W , H. Davis , IbuiiS inth. - 275-9 * ' C I WANTED , A OOOI ) COOK ; HEKEHKNCKS required. W. W. Marsh , Sth und Pine ets.sso sso a * j 1 WANTKI ) . OIHL KOll GKNKHAL HOUSE- VJwnrk , 2II4 llownrd st. , nt unco. 1M U * WANTED. COMPETENT COOK AT2U2 N. IRTH street. 409-S' CJ1HLTHAT UNDEIIhTANDS COOKING ANI ) housework ; three In family ; 1410 Sherman aro. ; callmornlngd. MI15' ) * C 1-GOOD WAGES TO ( Hill. KOll HOUSEWOHK ID , small fiimlly. Apply 2(125 ( Charles street. M4I8 It * FOR RENT-HOUSES. -\-0'KOOM KhAT , iiiOJ l.KAVKNWOHTHHT. J- ' 757m'J3' VOll HUNT , 8TKAM IIKATKU KIMTH IN the I' . K. Her block , corner llith and .IncUsun rlroolB. They liuvu nil conveulonooi and are In Rood repair. Call at Her A Cu's. , llfj Ilarnoy - - HOUSE , 27TH AND DAYENPOHT , -'nll riinTtnloncc.t , (25.00 per month , K. K. Da. ling , Marker block. SMI . 1HOUSES , COTTAUKS. HOOMS , U14 N. 17th st. JJ 476-IHI7' TTk-KOIl HKNT,4-HOOM KLAT , KHONT IBTH ANI ) X'Hlckory , 72ii-il * D-FOll IIKNT. KHAMK HOUSE , NO. SOD S li/l'll strvot , In good repair. Hent f 15.0U : nouth. Call ut Her A I u's. . 1112 llurney Btrcet. M7I5 7-HOOM COTTAGE , 27TI1. KAST KHONT. 1 from' ! ' . O.ull mud. Imp. , (25. " room cottage , 11211 Seward , new , pretty , f U 6-roiiiu lioiisu , 25th near St. Mary's nvo. , fU. Kldellty Trust Co , , E , entrance N , Y. Llfo. 76 ( Mil D I-lIOUBKrt ANIIAI'AIITMKNTHIN IIEST HKS1- , dunce block III clly , bid S. Zfd ntrcot. Tol. IT'.U. J1IK ! Del U : UST OK IIOIIHKS. 8TOUICS , KLAT3 etc. , IS and up. 1'uul , 17 Hoard of Tradu. 213 A B 1IIKSIMI.NCK ! lliATf ) , 0 AND 7 IltlOMS. WITH Lsbntli , ciinvonlont to hiibliicns , only ftio. Mead invt. C'i . ,44 lleubtillillng. JIRi ; n-15-HOOM 1IOIJHM WITH AMi MOOKIIN CON- J/viMilcnci'D , IncludliiK ntuaui hral , net howls und laundry , barn and rarihiKii houno , at'JUIS Ihirt'ii- port utruct : Biinth front ovorlooklni ; HlKh tfrliuol Kroundni now holnir puporcd nnd painted throuKh- nuti ponni'Miloii Klvi-n on thoajth IniU Thoa. F. 1'uston hlork. 14 D I-KOll HUNT , IMWOM 1IOUSU : 1IATI1. HOT ttiid cold water , cliulco loeuilon. 607 U. * Jlh. 41W-IU' FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROO'MS. JIATKrt 15cn line tint tlmo and Illo a line thurtt- nfter. No advertUeiuent tnken for lemi than ' . ' 60. n oulyi all modvrn Improvcuiuiitn. HIM Douglaint.- 170.M7' "IKOll HUNT. ONK l.AIKIK KUONT OH TWO J Jlmck ( urnlilii'd.Gr unliiriilthod ruoiuH. I ? ' Huulh 17 < NIOKI.VKUIINIHMKI ) KHONTKOOM FOllONB Jurtwocontloiiiun. iu Duviuiport it. tt > 7 fr-KpH ItKNT. KllltNIHHKl ) Oil U.STUII. -iiil hedroinuiiforllglithoiiiokei'pliie. ! 1112 S. llth HIlTNIBIIHl ) KIIONT .n. all modern cvnvcnlonco , convenient to lr Ve ) n liimrd.na Xurlh Huh ir ut. illla iy . 7KuilMSHUI ) ltlOMW. MONTH. IlKrJl'Alt.NAM 't- t ; rt U- _ _ 17-iruuNiHiiKi ) noolia WITH on wn'fioin Jj t-oura. 1UI 6. 13th , 1IIU-IU * T-F01l IIKNT. 12ll ll AN' ! ' KUIIN1B1IKI ) ItOOMH. JjtiUKloor ' vn ultp , I Bdjoliitnic ror , lultahlu for'1 or 8 ladle * or married roupl bv t of rvfer- cncu rogulri'd. ( ill ho. IJtli it. 101 It E-IMIUJK KHONT HtlO KI.KOANT1.V KUU nUhod , > tuam host , bathotc. . 1S1I Leurenworth trn t. Kor Kentlfimn. M''i'J lu * TWO NICKI.l' KIMINISlli ; ! ) UOO.MB. MODKUN coiiTi'iiluncui , ifUOd loi-nlloii. 620 N. luth l. 8UO-1C * gUBNISHED ROpMBAND BOABD , ; Jl ATKS-1U ) a llrio Ur t tlmu mul lOo a line theru- ft r. Nu natuf tliminctit tnkcu for lixi than a for tuuii nndl wlfo ortnu | aite | , prlrato fumllr ; M week ttkcli ; uicdtru oouvvnluiicii * . JI5 N , iJnl l , ROOMS AND BOARD. . WITH At.COVK , AI JO HOOM .unturnl hod It dfsired , an p . gith t. r'l HOOMS ANI ) llOAItl ) , 119 B. 25T1I. St , 431-mlS' 17-Vr.HV 1)K. tnAIIIE KIIIST. ANI ) SKCONI ) J floor , Koutli anil i-n't , fnrnl hod roonn nt "Tho Krontor. " 110 No. 2Uh direct. Mli ! 12' I ? -S VKUY Dr.RlllAlll.K HOOMS WITH 1IOA111) . I' Mrs. Shrlnor , .121 8. Mtli mrcct. JT9 IJ1 FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS ItATKS ISo a line llrt tlmo and lOo a line there after. No fidTcrlUuiticnt taken for 1c than lie. 0-R1X UNKUHNISK1) UOO.M8. Kll P. 17TH avenue , between Jackson and I/cavcnnorlli. M4 8 * G3 UNFUIlNlSUKt ) ItOOMa.CJI 8. 17TII ST. DOAKDINQ. UATK3 lie a line llrst tlmo andlOcallnn thero- aftor. No ailrortlscniont taken for lem than 25o. H-PULLMAN HOUSll , 1310 DOIHJK , KOtl OOOI ) lionrd , nicer room , convonlenee . mto and lo- ntlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor H-FIIIST CLASS 110A1H ) MAY UK OI1TA1NKII at now bonrdlnx honoo recently opened at 17ZJ o t..convenient location. Tcrnii rcasoiinblo , 12 1OU RENT STOKES AND OFFICES. UATKS Ita n line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there- after. No adfotllsoinont taken for lc > s tlinn i 2. > c. YKll Ki NTTliK 4STOHY lilllriMltMLUlNO J Ilia I'arnan street. Thu hulldliiK has a llro proof eeinent basement , eonipleto uteaui-licatlnR lUtnrcs , water on all the Hour- , Has , etc. Apply at the ollioo of The lleo. 1)13 _ I - KOll UKNTTsTOIIK , 1131 HOWAH1) . J | E93 | _ _ _ -SIJlTAIILKIItllLDINnS KOll MAMIFACTUII- J Init purpo'ot nt ICckermann I'laco , good enxlno nnd boiler , faj per month. C. K. Harrison , BIS N. V , l.lfo. 1-KOIl IIKNT , IN HKSTUKTAIIj LOCATION IN JLOninhn , entlro second lloor or departuientn In Coldcn KnRlu Shoe Store , 114 S Kith st. Wl FOB KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS-l.Vi a line first tlmianil too a line there- after. No udvertlnement taken for lens tlinn Me. T -OAHDEN KAH.MS TO HUNT. T. MUllllAY.KSl , KSl r UlllCK YAHDd KOll HENT. T. MUllllAY.MG52 1-TO LKASH , I.ONO TKHM , 2 LOTS , PAVKn ' business street. Call 70S N. 18th. ! 1-14 * RENTAL AGENCIES. I-llKNTALAOKNCY : HANK IIEKEIIKNCKS. E. JC.Uarvln 4 Co..waiiccly block. Telephone 1M ) US. , STORAGE. -OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND IIEST 8TOKAHK MiOLDEST Mi house lii the city. Williams & Cross , 1211 llarney. 887 WANTED-TO BUY. HATES 15c a line llrst tlmo and lOe line thereaf ter. No iidvcrtlHcmont taken for loss than Uo. \T-KUHN1TUHE HOUIin801 1)7 STOKED. 1 > Wellb , 1111 Fnrnn.ni st , 8SS \T-SKCOND-HANI ) KUHN1TUHE 1IOOI1TSOI.1) ( ! J. ' nnd pxclmnKodi lilKhest prices paid for second hand goods. Hoaton Kurnlturo Co. , GUj N. Kith nt. UJO M21 * J'-WANTED , A (3O01) HOLLEll TOP DESK. ADdress - dross P05 , Ilco. 2S2 NnWANTED , TO 11 UY A ( iOOI ) TWO-STOHY house ; that can bo moved. Address I'l'/j , lice. 234-8' FOR SALE-FTJKNITUKE. HATES-15en line llrnltlmo and lOe aline thereat tor. No advertisement taken for los than 25c. 0-KOH SAL15 , VEHY CHEAP. ELEGANT LEA- thur upholitcred furniture , eluht chairs and lounge ; suitable for olllco or library. Addrcs I'M , lleo olllco. U2S -KOll SALE , FUllNISIIINRS COMPLETE KOll a 10-room IIOIIMO , with lease for 14 months. 4 lilocks west of postotllcc. SiirroundhiKS Ktrlctly llrst class , none better. On corner , lurt'O yard , nhadu trees , barn , modern conveniences , null- able for boarding or room letting. Possession Klvcn any tlmo from now to May 1. Hont } W.OJ pcrmonth. Prices will bu found very reasonable. If condi tions are favorable will remain as boardurn. P42 , lleo olllco. M16'J-11 * FOB. SALE-HOKSES , WAQONS , ETC. ) buKOll SAU'rCHKAlVOL'EN 2-SBATED KAKM. JL bu . Cjil I 2.'ijii Davenport street. ZGS13 FOB 3ALE-MISOELLANEOTT3. HATES Uc a line llrst time and lOo a line thur ? after. No advertisement taken for less than 'A > c * O-KISE OPHKiHT PIANO , STANDAKD MAKE , n-od only a few months , at a sacrltlco. 2t)22 ) Cnld * wellit it 3 _ Q KOll SALE. TWO lULLlAHD AND 2 POOL tables with ones , balls , racks ; Kood order ; (7S.UO each. Dull Green , llnrker block. M-8lii MISCELLANEOUS. HATES 15e u line first tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for lois than 2Jc. R -CLAIMS KOll SALAIIIES.SEHVIOESWAGES , etc : , nKalnst corporutlon.i or Individuals , boimht and advanced on. W. It. DavisII 21) Continental blk . 3UU-M12 -CANADIAN HMI'LOYMHNT OKKICK , 1509 J V Karnam st , up stnlrc , mal and funialo help : orderH by mall promptly attended to , Hufercnco : Oiniiliit National bunk. Tel. 8 1. 7B2-M 2j 11-HAMILTON HHOS. CAHl'UNTKHSANI ) J1bullder . All kinds Jobbing ; 414 S. ISth. Tel. 117 ! ) . 232-AU * 1 > ClHCUfjAHS IllSTHlHUTED , HILLS POSTED , Jietc. , In soiithwestcra lowu. Charles O. Ihivln , Vllllsca. In. M4U4 9 * CLAIRVOYANTS. HATES 15o n line llrst tlmo and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 250. S MADAME KIUTZ , 2:120 : CUMINO STHKET. clairvoyant nnd trnnco medium ; lndei > endent voices ; tells past and future. 734.M24 * Q-MHS. NANNIE Y. WAHHEN , CLAIHYOYANT Orollablo business medium , llftli year Jl'J W. Kith hdi ) S AHHIYAL UXTllAOHDINAHY.VONDEHKUL revolatlons. Challenges the xorld. Mrs. Dr. M. I -uravo , dead trance clairvoyant , astrologlst , pnlmut and llfo reader ; tells your llfo from the crudlo to grave ; uultcs the separated ; caiibes mar- rlngo with the onn you love ; tells nhero you will succeed nnd In what buslneMx bent adapted for ; has Iho celebrated Egyptian hreastplato for luck and to destroy bud InttiieniTii ; curu tun. Intempuranca nnd all pilvnto complaints with masiiiigo , bntln nnd alcohol treatment. Send fi. lock of hair , name nnd date of birth and receive accurate llfo jhnrt ; 2centn In xtampa for circular : glvo Initials of ono you nil ) marry ; al o photos of same. Olllco IUU7 c-outh llth Ktreet. llrxt floor ; hoursI ) n-m to U p. m. Come one , comu nil. und bu convlncud of thu wonderful ornclo. MW1 lu * MAS8AOE7BATHS , ETC. ri-M.\BSAiE ( TItr.AT.MENT. ELECTHO-THEIl. J mul batlm. Bcnliiaml hulr treatment , mnnlriiru nml chiropodist. Mr .Po tbl'Jli S. 15thWlthiiell blk. .S' ' . l 'I * MADAME HMn'lI , 1121 DOUGLAS"STHKET , Jroom 7,3(1 ( Boor. Alcoholnulpbur and ana baths. MH34 14 * 'P-MISS KTOWE , MASSEUSK EL150THIC1 AN J322 Humgo block. JI'JW 14' rp-MADAMKLA HUE , MASSAGE. 411 ! SOUTH J. 15th struct , ! rd lloor , lint 4 , nselntuut , M74VU * fV-MASSAGE | , Ulfl 8. ISTH STHKET , 21) KLOoiti * . I1IVM20 * PERSONALS. HATKH I5oa line llrnt tlmo nnd lUo a Him thorn- nfly. No advertlieiuent lakon for loin than 25c. U-KOIl SAM ! "OH H11NT. THK ONLY OTKIj In thu Incorporated town of Kennard , Wash , f'u Neb , Addrun T. DuvhUon , lijj-ll' HIUSIO , ART AND LANGUAGE. ItATI'.S-lfvo a line first tlmo nud lUc n line there after , No advertisement taken for lc than Wo. J1ANJO t wlthlloipe , or618N , ISthst. UI2 V-HKKOHE HUYING A PIANO KXAMINH THE i IIOM > calo Klmball piano , A Uomie , 1513 Douglas. hill _ _ " \r-KOH. HALE , CIIEAP KOll CASH , A KINK i uprlghl piano , nearly now and standard manu- faclurn. Addrt'ioOiil. lleu.olllco. tU _ MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. HATES 15e u line llr t tlmu ami 103 a line there after. No HdvertUumunt takmi for fat * than Us B'JU | \r-IXAN80NIMPllOYKD AND UNIMPHOVKi ) ii vlty uroporty.f3lXIU aud upwurd .tl to di > er eont. Nu delayi , W.Kurnum Smith \ Co , ,15th nudllurney. _ , _ i \\r HEALKSTATKLOANH. UTO'T I'KH CENT : * i no nddlttonal chnrgea forcommUslon or Attor ney' * ' fees. W , U. Melkle , Klrot National bank bldg , _ UP Ay-COATK8 , 1C14 KAUNAM. .EA8TKKN MONKY Vtr-LOAN3W.M. , HAHHIH , H.20 , > - > lKN/.Klt I1LK. \\r tOANH , U , U. WAI J < ACK , 3U UlWiYN 1ILK. bUJ \\r-ANTIIONV I/JANJVNI ) TiiUST Co'M 319 N. 7 > ' Llfo. loud nt lurnt fur liolc 'ivcurlty on Nobrnk or low * fitruii ur Omatin'vity uropcriy. MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. CVmffriwiI. ir APPLY TO J. li. I.OVKTT KOll C1IKAP i money ; only tint class socurltf , ms , IStb.Kit Kit ir MONKY TO IXMN ON IMPHOYKI ) CITY ' property , low rnto. A. CJ Krost , Douglas blk. Yir MONKY TO LOAN OS' UNU Oil S1IOHT llmolnmimsof NOOto flO.OW. MntiiHl Investment Company , 8M \\r-0. W. VlAISBY.SIJ OMAHA NAT , 1IK. 1II.DO. ' City mortgages. lAiwcsl rates. Money on hand , Kir ? \\r-LOANS ON H1IAL KSTATB AND COLLAT- ' t rnl notci nnd mortgages bought. Heed A Sclby , Ml Hoard of Trailu. ft)3 ) TfB PKIl CKNT KTHST AlOHTGAtlK LOANS , > HlchnrdC. Patterson , till Knrnam si. Wl TrVr ioN KA" " ) LOAN ON 1MPHOVKI ) OMAHA ' property : building loans n specialty. Hrennan A Co. , Karbnchhlock. M7U3 MM t\r-MONKY AT'LOVVKST HATIIS. K. K. wiu- Hams. Klrat National Hank building. M7M \\f-OMAHA SAVlNfJS HANK MAKKS LOANS vv on real estate at lowest market rates , Loans made In small or largo sum and lor short or long tlmo No commission l < charged , and Iho loans are not told In the cast , but can always bo found at the bank on the corner of Uth and Douglas streets 780 W-PIIIYATK MONKY. KIIIST AND HKCONI ) mortgage loans , low rales. Alox. Moore. 401 lleo building M7SS \V-WANTKU. 10 1'Kll CKNT MONKY TO LOAN ' < on pllt ecUcd tonrn property In St , Kdtrards , Neh , lloferenen , l".xclmn i ) bank , St. Kdwardii Neb. A. 1) . White , Heal Kstnto ana Loan Agency. 137 a 3 \\r-WK AHK NOW I'KKI'AHKII TO I'LACB ' ' Inr u loans on Inside huMnens property at very low rate * of Interest. Wo also handle Kround leases on business properties. ( Jco. J. I'anl. 17 Hoard of Trade. M3I5-I.V \ \ rLOANVANTHI ) . I WA T tiW.OOO KOll K1V1C 'I yenr atll poreent , wlll-slvo llrst mortuiiKO on lOo farms lu Nebraska , AddroisboxiU Krankfort , I lid , ' . ' 7012 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. IIATKS ISfl a line llrnt llmo and 10o a linn there after. No advertisement taken for los than 2. > c. X-DQ YOU WANT MONKYC If no do not fall to net our rates before bor- rowlnti. Wu ninko loani , without removal or publicity , on fnrnlttiro. pianos , hordes , wagons , etc. , nttho low est possible rate. There Is no unnecessary delay , but you got the money on thn patno day you ask for It. Wo will carry the loan as long as you desire , Klvlnir you th prlvllceo of paying It In full or In part at any tlmo to milt your convenience , and any part paid reduces the cost of carrylnit Urn loan In proportion to the amount paid. Ouronlces are centrally Ideated and nro so ar- rnntrcd that partlcscalllnK on us can bo waited on quickly and courteously. Hwlll be to your advantage to see us bofora 10- curluit a loan. Omaha MortuaRO Loan Co. , Ilooin II , Orelitliton Illock , litliSt. . south of rostoltlco. 287 V MONKY TO LOAN HY II. K. MASTKIIS ON - VhoiiBchohlKoodx , piaiiOH. orKiinx ; homes , tunics , waiionii , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or clinnno of'pos session. Tlmo arranged to milt the borrower. Payments of any amount can bo matin at any time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus KlvliiK patrons all the bencllts of the partial pay ment plan. Cull niul HCC mo when you want a loan , or If more convenient , call telephone 1IUI and your business * can be transacted nt home. Money nlnn > H on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowont ruU'x ; business coiilldenlliil. 11. K Masters , It. 4 , Wltlmull hlk , loth anil Uarncy. MW WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OP X security ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room I , ( untlnental block. .WJ x -UOIl'T 1'ItlTL'UAUIi , II.-3 , WITHNELL lll.K. IW _ x" MONEY ON KUIlNITUItK , HOUSES , PIANOS. Keystone Mt e. Co. , room 203 , Sheoly block. 1103 WHEN YOU WANT A CUATTEL LOAN BEE X W. It. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. IW1 MONEY LOANED ON KtJKNITUHE. HOUSES , X wagons , pianos , etc. Kred Terry , U. 13.1 , llaiimo. X MONEY TO LOAN , 80. HUM IAY8 ON KUHNI- turo , llvo Block , ute. Dun Uroon , removed to llOHin anndil. Darker blk 183 X MONKY ON ilONDS , STOCKS. WAHHANTS personal property.Waync&tlalley.H. 102 Knrliach ik-ji Mil : * BUSINESS CHANCES. HATES 15e a line llrst tlmo and lOo line there after. No advertisement taken for less tlnm'JJc. r-IIUY THE COMMEUC1AL. THE LEADIX hotel at Urokcn How , Neb , No'Iand' In trade. - " Y KOll SALE. A F1HST CLASS OPENING KOlt a man with asmall capital n Invofct In n stock of general merchandise ; welF established business ; good protlts. AddrL'33 box 713. Omaha , Neb. 4J7 m 1G V KOll HUNT , AI1OUT MAllCII 1. 'HIE HOW JL nrd hotel , corner Howard nnd ICth streets ; con tains about 40 rooms , which are furnished com plete. A tiood opportunity to the rlisht party. Kor particulars call uu Her & Co's. , 1112 Hiirnoy Btrcot. MTI3 \7-CA8II PAID KOll ENDOWMENT POLICIES J In old line companies. Send description A. K. llrocklesby , box 2,13 , Hartford , Conn. 1145 13 * V ( HIAND OPENING KOll CKNKK.U , MEH- X chandlso store ; town booming ; canning ftlctory and sash and door factory already established ; Brent Inducements being offered for ncrenmery ; the best store hiilldlntr In town vacant ; rent low ; rare chance. A. I ) . Whlto Heal Estate AKency , St. Ed ward. Iloono Co. , Neb. - Ml S U ' MEAT MAHKKT KOlt BALE INONE OK \ the most thriving towns of Nebraska. Address Heller & Liver i.o. , butchera' supplle , . | 217 Howard U. Omaha. Nub. llU-i ) ' PAHTNEH WANTKI ) IN THE MANUKAC- turo of brick , biulnoas already established , capacity of plant 40.UUU per day , 2 banks of clay , 15 acres clay In nil , bulldlnK and pavliiK , ( U-horsa l ewer boiler , 55-horse power engine. Ohio brick machine and spreads , nnd all other tools necessary for a tlrst-clnits yard : established 5 yearn and have the trudti of central Nebraska ; will sell half or nil. Kor further particulars Inquire of 1 * . A. Stewart , Hnstlnii9 , Adams Co. , Neb. 7.t ) ' .I Y KOll SALE-SALOON. DOING A GOOD HU6I- ness ; Rood ronion Klven ror selling. Address Lockbox b3. ! Went Point , Neb. ' MSSO \I-WANTKI1 , 1ILACKSUITU TO LOCATE IN new town on new railway ; Inducements to rlifht party. Address Win. H. ( iunsell , townslto agent , Savage , AntelojioCo. , Neb. ill7 ] 14 * V"OU SALE. A CIGAH MANUKACTOHY ANI ) JL tobacco store of twenty-one years' standing , on account of old ago. Inqiilro of U. Arudt , Ilhilr. Neb. M121 o'l * V WANTKI ) , A CHEA.MKHY AT ST. KDWAUDS. L Nob. Good IndueementH tillered n iwuil man either In bonus or clock. Addreus A. Powell , sec retary llutlnuss Men's association. l.'iS 13 \T--KOII SALE , A HAIINKSS SHOP , ISTH AND 1. Ylnton sts , , on account of blckness. Address Kred Mueller , 1724 Vlntoii Bt , 181-16 V-KOll BALK , MY IIATIIIXH HESOHT AT J- Lake Mnnawa. Address * ! . , ! . Malownoy , Hebron , Neb. preY YKOlt HALE. THE ONLY KIIIST CLASS hotiilln the townnf Wllbor. All furnished In tfiHid running order , ilolng n good hurlneBn. lleas. ons for selling , don't Ilko the cllmato. Will sell cheap for cash or part on time. Kor further partic ulars write to Jos. K. Kyle , Wllbcr , Calliio Co. , Neb. 272-13 V NEW8PAPKH I'Oll SALE ; ONLY DEMO lerntlo paper In large democratic county ; pub lished Incltv of S.UOUInhabitants ; H ottlclnl paper nnd has till legal pntronnvo ; largo outllt ; rhenp ; eaiy. terms. Wrltont once , ri 4 , Ilco , M2W U * Y KOll SALE. GOOD HUS1NKS8 IN" OMAHA ; will take pnrt imyment In good real oslute , Good reasons for cullltiK. Address PUS , lleo. M2U2 1U * V KLOtnilNO MILL KOll HALH. THIS STEAM 1 po or ItourliiK mill , with a coiiaclty of 125 bbls. per dny , of nil inodcrii Impruveniunta. . built 2 years ago with the expense of fll.WJ.UU , In Prague , naiindem Co. . Neb. , Is olfered for Biilo on easy turiiK , Kor further particulars address Knspiir linn. , Prague , Suiiudora Co. , Nelj , JH'J7 aS V-WANTKD-A I'AHTNEH TO I1IJV ONE-HALK Interest In good biiBlnottti In it good booming real o.tiilu bu > lnc > In unntorn Nubru kn. Kor par ticular * nililrvra Albert Hood , Itooni TJI , Now Vork l.llu building , Umnha. V.4 | ( ) 15' YH SALE OH H.XCHANK ( ! , A ROOD OASII ibii lnui ( that will pay pnrty operutlng It llfty per cent protlts good romtun for selling ; good farmer or lou taken In oicliango. Ailiircus s I ) , lleo. Mill I5 POIl EXOHANaE. HATES lie H line llrnl lima anil luou line tlioru- nfii'r , No udvorttsumont taken for less than'Jo , yCLEA N fcTOCK OK tlKN EH A L M'D'SK | Wli.T , 'Vnke | teal I'nluto A money , IIox2'MKruukfortl'Ind UI3 _ _ _ ; _ r/-IKVo"nHAVK AOOODUPHirUIT PIANU TO AJIradefor lot 40 , block I , Armour I'lucu. South Oiuuhai clour of all Incumliruncu. Aidre | 4 N 4i , lieo olllco. MJJ V IIUNDIlKnilKAD OK HOUSES AND LAND f-tln entterii Nebrunka tor a utock of dry gnodt , clothing , bonU and shoos , ImU miU caix. Adilroit box ion. Nebraska City , Neb. ' 2M MID" y-WANTEI ) TO TTiAllT. A ( ! lei ) * SA"lDLK ) A/hut i > . also broke to harnc , forn'IIOUIb. hortu. H. & Hee. Sijj 8 * A IILAl'lCSMITH AND WAGN ( J.hoiifurniluor traJo with a residence : will seller or trodu for good farming land. Tappe llrix. . Ver- Uuu. Nub. " y-ON.E-Tlltlll ) OAHII , IIALANCE IN CHOICE ' clear Nebraska land or trotting ntullHin lo fx- change for a good , eleaa Hock uf inurohundl > tor hardware ; wrlto with full partle'jlan , or better tioma nud tee me nnd the laud. Henry Chamborlln , Wood lllvor , Neb. UdlB yKOH KXCilANOK. ONK NOUNTAN'ST/TLLioN 'Jaiid out ) trotting lalllun ; wnnl clear laud ; price , vacli.llx toti , tlii > nando ) i , lu. M4W Ir Q THADs ACLKAll lOUSE und lot or u Nebrutka farm for bou eholtl turn I tula 'AdJrcn 1'U , I'co. ' ' ' MW1 1" FOK SALE , 4fiAI. ESTATE. UATKS-I.V nllnn flsrt time and lOo a linn there- nfler. Nontlvertlscniqilt aken for less tlinn 5.V. KOUNTZ PLACE. HAIK1AINS , NINK-HOOM house on Wlrt. W.MX ) ! P.Rlea h. Elegant homo on Plnkner , tS..Wl ) r < W.'Hh , bnlnnrc M.VB ) per month ; other line hnnMill would consider snmff trade. .1. J. ( llbson. Crclghton block. M7.i1.Mtt * i jla * . _ _ I. OH 8ALK AT A HAIWUIN , I/T IS. DLOt'K 4 , I. W. L. Helhy'n nrst nUimion to South Oninlm. Small payment down , tmliutfo monthly If desired. InqulroU , 11. Trschnck , Umaha llou. INI ODKHN It ) IIOOM ltllftiC ) , HOOD IXXMTIONJ no tradoj cash bargaljl. Addro9. i O24 , lice. j . MIIOMIC * "iron SALK-ioo ACHKFAIM ? | IN"DLUK IHYKH I. valley , Ihnyer county til ) , mlle west of Hebron. Ono of the very best fn/n > * In the county : gooil house , barn , granaries , ctlbfr , etc. . and an abundance of fruit , timber nnd running water. Also fur sale nr exchange for good lands or city property , a brick pork packing house nnd fixtures In Hebron , Thator county , near 11. A M,0 | < 0t. Kor particulars In- qulro of any real cstato Agent In Hebron , 635 AT K. COHNKH KITH AND IIICKOHY , MXIM 1 > .feel : a bargain for n few days only , K. K. Dar ling , Darker block. Oil 17011 SAM : . NKIIHASKA FAIIM LANDS , o. . X1 Wallace , 3U Drown block , ICtli and Douglas , 015 TT'Oll 8ALK , HOMKS , ANY PIUCI5. J7M , IAV ) UP : J. easy terms ; take clearpioporty as llrsl payment. (1 O. Wallace , Hrown block , 10th and Douglas. BIS Foil SALKOH HKNT-Sevcral dcslrablo medium sticd and small houses cheap aim on easy terms. W. tl. Mlllard , at Omaha Nat , bank. Ujil I.IOH HALK-S-K COHNKIl 17th , DOUOAS , R2HX LMBS 3 cottages , stable for flhorses , can bo divided Into 6 lots. Inquire at prcmlsuM , 112U * \\rOIILI ) YOU LIKIt A HI5AUT1KUL HOMK ? 1 have a charming tel nt.lu'ml nnd Woolworth , facing Iho park , which I will sell to nslrahlo party upon most fnvornhlo terms , or will build to suit purchaser upon monthly or quarterly payments , Call at once , David Jamlcson , 412 Hcu building. 13) ) iJMNK ACHELOT.'I AD.101N1NG THE TOWN Of 1 Hlatr , Neb , ; good land. U. W. Mcllrldo. m-A-3 * _ FJIl SALE-ON A PHOM1NKNT 8THKKT. AS- plmlt , east front , on Kradc. n line residence , stable , etc. , complete In every detail ; latest Im provements ; house decorated throughout ; ton minutes from court house by motor ; n great chnnco to secure a modern homo. Address P 47 , lleo ofllce , MM7 13 * _ _ 80 AGUES OK GOOD LAND , 14 MILES KHOM Lincoln. (15 per ncro ; easy payments. Co-Opera- tlvo Land & I < ot Co. , 203 N. ICth st. 2 > u V Ipoll SALE SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ACHES unimproved lands In Howard , Sherman , ( Ircclcy and Valley counties , Nebraska , on very liberal term. ' , on deferred payments , C per cent Interest , Address 1) . Hoiulck , P. O. boxi'UOl Los Angeles , Cnl. an na _ _ _ poll SALE , SEYKIIAL ELEGANT HOUSES JL near Hntiscom park , just completed , all modern conveniences ; can glvo Immediate possession. Geo. N. 1 licks. JUIJN.Y. l.lfo bldg. 58J-13 _ N10N PACIKIO HAILHOAll LAND { l.UO PEH ncro on Platte bottom ; must BOH. Address S V , Uee. M 11:111 : * _ LOST. HATES 15c n line llrst time and lOc a line there after. No advertisement tnkon for less than 25c- sT turn to Krcd Mueller , 1724 Vlnton st. : get re ward. - .M21. " : ! 10 * LOST-IIHBll SETTKll HITCH , ACCOJIPAMlUI ) by pup. ) months old. Hetnrn to CI3 S. 211th nve. and get reward. ' M4I29 * HAIK GOODS. UATK8 ISc a line llrst' time and lOc n linn there- after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c LAHGKST STOCK IN. MNTIHK WEST : THIS AT- , rlcnl wlganndbcnrds o.specialty. Wlgn. bangs switches , hair chains , .etc. , send for catalogue. Mull orders solicited. DaVie.i , III S. 15th St. , Omaha 0111 1)11) ) ) rpriE IDEAL LADIKSVIAIll DIIESSINO PAH- t. lors , switches , bangs , wlg'l. toupees , Jewelry nnd hair ornaments In stockiNtlits to ordur , special nt- tentlon given to mail ordbH. 2JD S. 15th St. . : id floor. ' ' ' MJ'.II M2U' PAWN BAKERS. IIATKS l. > c n line llrst tltrib'1 and lOo a line there after. Noiidvertlsemetit'takoii foileas than 35c. B KN F. MAHTI. UliMOVJiJD TO 107 3. 1STI1 ST. Uu , 71 All' SSYDEll'S LOAN oWf/CK / , 1510 lOIt3K ) ST. . , jrf' MU13 31' F HKD MOIILK , OKKICRWUM KAHNAJI ST. 11 -JIT STHAYED. HATES-lCxi-a-Hno tlHfislnlo'nnd' IBq n.ltnu th'ere- rlftur. . Ndadverilsaiuert < iakt.ii for ll'js C'CHAYIiUjv A DUN PONY AllOUX H VEAJIS ; Owelghs 700 rounds. Address J. Hover , South Oniahn , for reward , , XI290 1U" FOUND. | ? OUN1 > POCKETHOOIC CONTAINING MONEY ; Jl owner may have eamo by proving property and paying advertising. Mlllar.d.Hotel. M-1UI II * DKESSMAKINO. ENGAGEMENTS TO , DHKSS MAKING IN fiirallles solicited. Minn Sturdy , 320 S. 'Jf.th at. IkiS-Mill * MASQUERADE 003TUME3 , ETC. LADIKS&GENTLKMENCAN HENT MASQUE- radocostumoint 114 yililh. Golden Englo store. /1ASH PAID KOll OLD HULII , CAHSON & "MAJ > rKgi V room 30 llarkcr block , O.maha. ' IMS CUTLEHY GBINDINO. SKNI ) YOUll SClSSOHS..nA/.OHS. ETC. , TO HE ground to Undurlnnd & Co. . I 111 S. lull nt. 'Jl'J THI : HiVf.TY : MAKKKr. fNSTUUSIENTS placed on record Miiroh 8 , JL lbl : WAIlltANTV DCED Morris Morrison und wife to II Oltltnnr , lot 7. I ) loolc 1 , .Morrison's udd to South Omaha. . * COO Otto Slcmsseii and wife -to W O Simon- son. lots ii : to 10. Wavorlv add . 1,600 L Suiirooder. truatco. to .losupli 1'orina. lot " 0 , block I. ) . Hrown imrk . 250 II L Colllur to O K Snydor. lots in to 18 , blouk ( I. Collier placn. ' . ' . 2,500 Z l > Hud ccs and wife to I U And rows , lot ( I. liloolc 7. MiiL'oln uliieo . 7.10 J 1' Fliilov and wlfn to I' K Her , lot W. block 13 , Orchard Itlll . 000 QUIT CIUM DKHDI. J II Giossiniiii and wfo ) to J 0 COWH | , wGI foot of c 400 foot , hit 10 , rinrtlotfB add . , . ' . ' ,500 0 K I'orlilns , trustee , to W A Gibbon , G'lxllK foal nns line ofKnrnani struct at point l.W root o of o line of lot ! > , Cap ital add . , - . 0 A I ) Tower to Hast Omaha Land Co , all accretions to lot tin l2-l.i-ii ; . . . 1 K U liu ) > t ot al to .Nicholas 1'rcdoricl- soii. Iota , bloeli 252 , Oniuha . 1 J I' Talbott , special nuistnr. to W S Hyan , 4U.\K15 ffot lniRO o4-l5-it : . m Saiiiu tn S.IIIK.SlUxKL * ) ti''il In HUIIIU. . . . . . . Kil Same tosainuIOX1J3 foot In saino . . bO Toial amount or trali fcrs . , . , . .10.165 THE SHORTEST . NB TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. ias represented on this map. u.wi . V.IAT on ( KM Electric Lightefjji } Steam Heat ed Vestib ulecif [ trains leave Omaha daily a 6:2o : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. ' City Ticket .Offtcp : 1501 Far- nam St.'Omalja | ! 1 . A. NAsffi Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , fyass. Agent. I'ropoAiiU fur llnudH , Sealed blda will bo rcculvud at ; hn olllco of the Ulty Trtvtsuror. Umaliu , Nell' , up to 12 o'ulook March loth , isu for the puroliaso of ilT.VUjU.iiO''lvuurri pur vent Olty Malt HoniU. Tim nrlnolinl and Iniurest nro payable nt Konntzo llrox. , Now Vorl : . Inloriikl payable Buinl-aiinnully , Kuril bid must a Uito the prlcunnd the unioiintoflmnds sought for nntl must include Interest up Iodine ot dullvurv , Issued under niillmrlty oT Cliartcr of mut- ropulltun t-Ktusniia Ordlirincu L"J1U upprovo ] .liinuilry : uth , IM . Thu rl ht Is rosurvod to reject any or all bld& < HKNUV w5tIN. tpltyTreaauror. Notice. The ruiriilarinoatliiR of ( ho ilullclers' und Traduri.'Kxvliunssu will tiku : place Wednus- d jy , March D , at 10 : J u. m. alnvru. Two llvo aubjuvju will lie up for dUuusslon , . . . N. 11. lli'.spKV , 1'rtMliIunt. \V , \\KIXIK , icoretiiry. TIII-I.-O.WVd-in. TliB Liebig COMPANY'S Cattle are reared on their fertile grazing fields in Uruguay , solely to provide prime beef for making the world-famed Liebig COMPANY'S ' Extract of Beef CotmiotontclibiulAts supervise every do- ttill. from the dnro of the cattle nnd throiiRh HID processes of man u fault ) rn Bcriiputuns cloaiillnoss prevails to the palling of the completed uxlrnot. Tlila preserves the ( VUAI.ITV. PI.AVOH and fliil- irviif this famous product , wlileh Is to day , us when llrst put up by the great chemist , Justus von I.leblg. Incomparably the Best I'Yir nnd Kconnmio ' Improved L'ookery. Delicious , Itefreshlng lloef Toa. 'VETERIIMYSPECIFICS For Horses , CatUo , Sheep , Dogs , Hogs , AND POULTRY. 000 PIIBO Hook on TrpntniPiit of Aiilinnta nnd Ulinrt Hunt 1'rro. cuiicj ) j To vorH.r'niiBi'NllmiK , In lln munition A.A.JHplnnl iUi-iiiiiKillH , jllllt I'nvcr. 11.11.-StruliiH , Iniui'iicB , Itlicuiiiiitl.Hiii. < ! . ( ! . DlNlcinptT , Nu nn I DlRclinrgc-t. 11.11 , HolH ii r Crulm , U'oriiiK. KK.--rmiuliH , Ili'iivu ! ' , PiuMiinonln. K.l' Colic or irlpe * , Hcllyarlii- . ( ] . ! . --nilHcarrlnui ! . Hemorrhage * . II.II--Urinary nnd Kidney IHgiMtHCfu ] .l.--Krtipltvn DlKi-iimrs , ill tin go. J.K.--liHL iiHeniif JMiiUMlluii , I'aralynU. Slnglo llottlo ( over 50 doses ) . - .00 tjluliln CIIHC , wllh Sin-cHlos , Manual , . Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator , ST.dO Jnr Voturlnurr Cure Oil , - l.UO Bold tiy llrnrMi | nr M l prfpRld any * htrw anil In lay quantity on rrrrljit ot ( irlre. linirilllKYS' JIKD. (0. , 111 A 119 Hllllaoi St. , XcwTorl. HOMEOPATHIC ISPEC1FIC NO.I In use 30 years. Tha onlynncccuful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nd I'rostratlon , from over-work or other causes. 91 per vial , or 6vlnl9andhirRevlnl powder , lor (5. bnhl lij PniggUIA , or rtnt i > osti | l t > n rt-oel | > t u ( l > rlce. llt'JII'lllltlS'JIKU. ' ftl.Ill A113millmnBU\twVork. For Suffering Women. DR , MILES' ' Restorative NERVINE , cuung : SlceplcEsneee , Nervous Prostra tion , eld : and ner vous headacjao , fits , otc. After fonr years treatment by the best doctors In the land , but without any relief , have need youi Nervine for one week and have not had an attacK elnco.-Hmu > C BIIACUB , Heathville.Pu. Your Ner vine haa cured macoruiuetelyforDervona troubles. J.JI.TJirr.oii. Ixttv.O. Trial hottlo Jreo drucglsta DR. EU.LE3 ItEDIOAIj Co. , Elkhort , tad. Korsuloiy \ lCithn& Co. , 15th und Douglas Sis. ; . LeDuc's Periodical Pills. The Vronch remedy auts dtrootly upon the gonorntlvoorRiinsand ourm supprosilon of the monso.4. tlor three for li , and can on mallod. Should noL bo mod < liirlniproiiuuioy. Jobbori , arngglatsandtho puulla supplied by Goodman l > - . rj0 > j Um-jlj.j REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATII , 1G074 Fnrinm Street , Omata. Neb. RAILWSYTIMEGffiD ! > , HO a ml..Kansas City Day Express. , . . I ! i.M p m 11.45 p in | lC. C. Nlitht Exp via U. P.Trnn < | li.40 n m leaves | UNION PAC1KIC , I Arrives Omaha. | Union Depot HJth unilMarcy Bts.l Omaha. Rolllg I ClllUAiO. ( H. 1. & I'ACIl-'lO. I Kroui Kant. | Union Depot 10th It Marcy St . | Kimt. Leaves [ TJi 11UAIJO , .MIL. A ST PAULlArrlvo Oinnhal U. P. depot and Miirey Sts. | Oinnlii H.20 p ml Chicago Express | 'J. : | " > a m l.OJ p ml Chli-iigo Expre . , . . . , . . . | . p m Leaves'1 SIOUX CITV ti. PACIKIl' . ( Arrives Oinnhal Depot , 101 h mul M a rcy Sta. I Omahit 7.2U n nil. Sioux City PaHsuiigor | li2ip ( ) in O.i : ) p ni | til. Paul Express [ lO.OOn m Leave . * , SIOUX CITV A PACIKIO. I Arrives Omnhul Depot. 15th and Welntur ts , I Oiniihu 8.45 p iuT.T..V..Sl. | Paul Llmlluil . | > II 111 Loaves CHICAGO & NOHTIlWKSTrtllN Arrives Omaha tl. P , depot , Will and Mnrcy Hts. Omahn 7,20 m ( Ex. Sun'yl Cur roll PusseiTtierT lo.2up m 11,21) ) a m . , , Chlenk'n Express 11.0 } n m 5.00 p m , . . . . . . , Vestibule Limited UUa : m 11.15 p lit Eastern Klyer 2.15 p m 1M | i in ( K x. Sat. ) Chic. Pans. ( Ex. Mon. ) 8.05ii m In-nvf. I OJIAHA d S'T. LOUIS. Arrives UniuliulH. 1 * . depot. 10th ami Murey Bin , Omaha 4.10 p m.f..8t. | l.oula Cannon Hail ! . ' . : p m , --v."T P. , K. & .Ml ) . VAI.LKV. Oinnhal DOpot. 15th mid Web tor HU , OlllllllJ . . lU lJ JJ HI .nlVUIIDHaVjIH * llHl * * * | J < B. < * | lAiavu | TUI1AII ( ! ! , lllilTr/N"S cJurNUVT Arrlvo rraniforrIIiiloiilojiot , 'j. " ' ' ? ! ' 11 " * lranifo " _ l.W ) ifiii , . , , , . , , Chicago KxprvDi . . . . . . . . 6.40"p in 1U.OO p ui Chlcugo Kxprux . , U.2J a m TM p ill . . frentuu Local 7 li a m Leave * I UMAIIA & HT. UUIS. Arrives Tumfi'l | Union Hupot. Council Ilium : Trannfor " 4.40 " 't iu | . . ; . , "i t. l.uul Canon Hall. . . . . . ia.n p m i.c-uvfn i SToux CITV " &TMCIKHI ATrfvui Truniferl Union Ili'pot , Council HlulTii. Trainfar 7.45 u niBluux | City Avcoui luilullon. , 1U.W p m 6.M p ml fci | . I'nul Kxprxi 9.4U it in Trnuiferl Chlbn liupot. Cniiiiull IHiiita. ifArrTVoj iTraaifur IS.OlTTTiiT .rr. , IUIICBKO . . . . , , Kxiirem ! UO p m 15 V. > .I , . I l.i.ltn. , 0.1(1 ( 5 p m it nl 11110 p in Kniti-ril Klyur. Lllil | . m 8.M p tu ( Ux-tial ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx Mon ) 7.iU a m 5.10 H m , , , , . , . Lurrull I'miuiuri. . , . . , , , IU.W p ui HOME OF BARBER'S ' MONOPOLY Trinidad nnd Its Bottomless Lafco of Orudo Pftving Material. AN OMAHA MAN VISITS THE ISLAND. How the Asphnltmu I * Secured mill Mnnu- faolm-od Point * of ttitprr t ConcernIng - Ing tlio Urenl liiilmtry Some- About I ho IVople. It would bo dim cult to ( mngino nnythlng that would ' nfTottl a northern man more pleasure - uro ttm'n a wlnlor trip Into the torrid zone. Such a trip ha * Just boon indulgon lu by J. L. Dlnck or tuls city. Ono month ngo Mr. Olaokwrippad In furs , departed from the sconon nnd leu-bound resorts - sorts of this latitude. Two weeks Inter , nt- tlrecl In summer garb , ho was gnthormg or- nneos , dpi nnd bananas on tha Isliind of Trlu- Idail , which boasts of ncllmato that may bo llkpuod to nu eternal aummor. Mr. Dlaclt's tour wai for Iho purpose of In- spooling niul obtaining eomo Information ro- Banting the asphalt dopoilts. Not only did ho do this , but he also had an enjoyable ttmo nnd learned many things about that far-away country , of wliluu BO Itttlo Is known by people ple rosining In the north. Mr. Ulnuk raturncd a day or two ace , nnd inspcauliiKof his trip , Introduced the sub ject by remarking , "It was dolk-blful , and 1 would not have missed It for double the cost. cost.Vo loft Now York on the spiomlid coast steamer , Uurnloy nnd for a fo\v hours had smooth sallinp ; . After Rotting out of sight of hind , not bolng much uf it seaman , 1 had trouble wltu my stomach. This drove mo bulow , nnd there 1 remained for several hours.Vo sailed directly south p/wt / the West I ml hi Islands mid into the Caribbean sen. From there wo steamed Into the tulf ! of 1'ariii and lauded nt Point Lu Hrcn on the Islnmt of Trinidad , which lies just off the north coast of Venezuela. "Of course the llrst thing to do WAS to In spect the nsphalt deposits , Tneso deposits wo found in on asphalt lalto of 11-1,07 acres about ono nillo south of the town of Point Ln 13rca. The lake is of n peculiar formation nnd Is .situated about 1US foot above the level of the soa. It Contains noth ing but the cruao nsphalt In a pure stato. The surface , with tno exception of a small area in the center Is hard and capable of sus taining nl iiioi t any weinht. From this lake wo obtain the asphalt that Is used noon our streets. "Tho island Is ownoa by Englalid nnd has been leased to the Harbor Asphalt company for n term of years. ' In fact that company has a monopoly of the business , us every pound of nsplialt taken from the asphalt lalto must bo bought of the Harbor company. For this privilege the company nays tno Urltish " government an annual rental"of WO.OOO , be sides a royalty of10 cents per ton. "Six years ago the output was 84,84 tons , which Una been increased at nu enormous rate until last year , when moro than 00,000 tons of asphalt wns mined. "Tho mining process Is simple and consists In digging the asphalt out lu chunlts. Tills work Is performed by ncgrooj or coolies , who are paid -10 cents per day. The stuit Is then loaded into two-wheeled carts and taken to the haroor. two miles distant. Then tt Is loaded into light boats nnd rowed out to the steamers. Again the loads nro transferred nnd sent to Now York , where the roUntng process takes place. "Tho peculiar feature about this lake is that as soon as the asphalt is removed from the surface , the hole so formed lllls up nnd in a snort time puru asphalt In its crude form can again bo mined. No person seems to know to what depth the asphalt extends. Holes have bpon dug to the depth of thirty feet and the same formation has been found. "Around the lake , covered by about two feet of earth , there Is another deposit of asphalt , wJiich has undoubtedly bcuii caused by an ovcrllow , but this is not of as good a quality , being mixed with cartbv substance. "Tho island of Trinidad tins nn nren of 1,750 squuro miles , nnd has a population of 175,000 persons , of whom (15 ( per cent are negroes - groos , y , > per cent coolies or natives of the East Indies , and 10 per cent of whites , mostly Scotch. The whlto people nnd the bettor clement of the colored Inhabitants llvo well and seem to hnvo the intelligence of people in the states. "I noticed that with the educated classes the color line Is uot drawn , nnd the whites and blacks seem to bo on the most friendly terms. Those persons who enjoy the dis tinction of belonging to the lower classes are lazy and Indolent. They seem to have no other object In view than to merely exist. "from nn agricultural standpoint the country Is us rich us a garden. Sugar cano grows In abundance WHITE Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water , DUSKY mmm TAR SOAP. For Farmers , Miners and .Mechanics , Curoo Obappod Hands , Wounds , Duma , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. BRONCHITIS IS CAUSED BY A COLD which ncttlui In and tnflamoi Iho nlr tiibm leu din to the lungs , It In ttrj beginning of Bronchial Consumption And If neglected loadi to Multilinear very upoedlly. A lmrp , metalllu cough iiccoinpiiiilui It. Tnko tt In time mid yuu ran certainly euro It with SCHENCK'S PULMONIG SYRUP. Wlilch Is WJIliotit uu Kiiimt for BRONCHITIS and lor all dltuatui lending up ( o mid Including Consumption , Dr. Sulipwk's Now Hook on DNcn'spsof tint l.iiu , iMvor mill Hlmmicli , slioiiM bo in cvj'ry hoino. Sent nvo. Dr. .1.11. Sclnmt'k & .Soiiriilliliililila : ( | , 1'a ( ) riiiiii Sliort I. Inn & llluli .Vnrllii'rn Hull wuy CoiuiMiiy Htoe liiiltlorn' .tlt'vllui ; , Notloo IK lioroby ulvou that tlio iinniuxl innolliiir of the slockhulilora of thu Oruxou Short I. Inn A ; Utuli Nurtliurn Hull way CDIII- liany , for thu o'cutluu ' of ( llroulora and such otlior btiHUiUbO d may loyally uoino beforu thu muotliii ; , ' , vll ] lie liolil ut roiini No , 41 , lloupor llullUIni : , Halt Luku City , Utah Territory. iilionYiHliM > _ < lay , the llitji day of Maruli , 1H/.1 , atioo'uloqk u. in. . HUjcH triiiixfur boo ls > vllt cloio iijinu the fili | < luy of IVIifimry. und ruopun upon tlio 17th duy.uF MaruJi. AltilXANiiKit MII.I.AII , . Hocrutury. I103TON , ' ' nntl nny qtmntlty of suirnr Is mnnufncturod. In AchilUorf ttf thlft'there nro vnn iimntltlM | of ruin niiU rnolimc * mnnnfncttirod for expert - port onch your. Km Us of nil knuti prow In nbuiidnnco nnd n fjnwt ninny orniiRcs , bnn- nnn nntl coconnuts nro boltii ; yhlpiioil nortli. "Port nn Spnln N tlio princlpnl town nnd IIM n populivtlon of MI.OOO. It l.i n line city with pnved streets , Inrgo business houses mid tnnny 1lno resldcpccs. The prln- clpnl at roots nro pnvcd with blocks of crtuto nsphnlttim , cox-orcd with 1'ortlniul cuniont. "Thcro nro two rnllrfinils rumiltiff into the Inturlor. Ono runs oust nntl the other south. Their equipment * nro not very modern in the cars nro built upon the old Kupllsh style , with compartments. The nvornco speed of the trains ronchos nbout twonty-ilvo miles per hour and they nro drnwn by oiiftlncs nbout the slzo of these used on the olovntcd rullrond In Now York city."After "After visiting Port nu Spain wo chartered n bent niul wont down to ( JupynRunynro , nt the mouth of Pilot rlvor. There wo fotit.d nnothor rich country nnd nn oil deposit , The tnnd In Hint locnlltv seems to bo saturated with lubricating oil , which oozes out of the Kround. There Is nny tiunntUy of this do- poslt , ntid in tlmo I nni of tlio opinion thnt the shipping of oil will bo ono of the Industries - trios of tlio island. " Quick , safe nnd suro. This Is said of Sal. vntlon OH , the great rhoumatlo remedy nnd grontc&t euro on onrth for pnlu. I'rlco 115 con tsn bottle. "Down In tlio coal mines underneath the ground1'coughs nnd colds nro very frequent nnd thrro Is whore Dr. Hull's Cough Byrup Is tnvalunblo. AFTER TWENTY YEARS. Onmlm'n 1'lrsl lllKh * eluml Clms Wilt Aloot ill tlio llitiiiiii | < l Iloiii il. Twenty years ngo Oninhn luul dobulliiR club thnt wns the prldo ol the city. It win composed of the members , of the llrsl class of the Oinalin high soliool mid wns known ns the lllch School Dobmlng society. Tno club wns organized In 1ST1. , thollrat mooting bolng held In Koillck'a opera house , afterwards tlio old city hall , which stood on the present , silo of the Uomiiiorclal National bank. The member * of the club were nil promls- ing young men of the city and tholr wonkly meetings were attended by Iho most promi nent people of the city. The club mot In the old building until the present High school butldlua wns completed when the members secured n room In the basement which was lltle'd up for their use. Once or twlco each yonr the moinburs of the club were enter- tatnod at the homos of Hon. John I. Uodlok or Aaron Cahn , bath of whom had sons among the club members. Lr. George L. Miller and Hon. Edward Kosowatcr were honorary members of the organization. This was twenty yuiira aeo and the mem bers are widely scattered , tilling vurlotm spheres of usefulness. An effort Is bolng made , however , to got them together once more , nnd for this purpose n reunion nnd ban quet will bo held < u tlio Omaha club on Sat urday evening , March 12. E.V. . Sunornl will act as toastmaster , und iddressos will bo delivered by various members of the once famous organization. The Invited guosU of the evening will bo Edward Hoiowator. Or. Miller , Aaron Ouhn , John I. liodlck and Uaiph E. Oaylord , tlio last of whom wns Iho pro fessor of the High school clnss. The members of the debating club were us follows : George H , Ilenjamlu , now n wealthy Floridn pliintor ; Henry Durkn , n Cliicauo banker ; Jolin V. Urolghton , Port land , Ore. ; Emory Forbes , cattle owner , Montana ; Alfred U. Gusuurst , mine owner , Lead City ; Fred ICnigbt. artist , New York ; Will H. King , Sau Francisco ; Alox. McCart ney , Denver ; Charles Ii. Hodlcir , lawyer , Oklahoma ; James M. Hess , bun kor , Chicago ; Fred JJ. Stout , Los AngelesV. ; . F. Haws , surveyor , Oregon ; J. U. Steel , Journalist , Sau Francisco ; and these Omaha gentlemen : Murthi Cahu , N. N. Crnry , Charles Campbell , II. D. Esta- brook , C. J. Emory , Dick Hall , A. S. Hunt- ineton , Charles Huntington , George .lowutt , F. B. Luwo , F. K. McConnell , Alfred Mll lard , Charles McDonald , G. M. O'Unoi ! , Frank S. Patrick , W. A. Kodiclt , C. S. Uoy- nolds , C. L. Saunders , George W. Shields , Edwin W. SImorul. Arthur C.Vuuoley , John E. Wilbur. Fred U. Wilson. A KiiiHtis .Mini's Kipuriiiiiuo with anil Colds. Colds and coughs have boon so prevalent during the past few months Hint the experi ence of Albert Fuvorito of Arkansas City , Kan. , cannot full ttf interest some of our readers. Hero it is In his own words : " 1 contracted a cold early last spring that set tled on my lungs nnd hod hardly recovered from It when I caught another that hung on all summer and loft IPO with n hacking cougb which I thought I never would cot. rid of. X had used Chamberlain's couuli remedy sorao fourteen years ngo with much succors and concluded to try It ugnln. When I had got through with ono bottle my cough had loft mo nnd I have not suffered with n cough or cold since. I have recommended it to others and all speak well of It. " 50 cent bottles for salu by druggists. TOLD A PITIFUL TALE. l.Ullo .Myra lliMiiplonmii Itrcltes llur .Stnry to tlio rollro .fudge. Dr. Gcorgo L , . Miller and Colonnl Chase of the Humane society , were nt the poflco court yesterday listening to the case against the grocer , Hcmploman , and hia second wife for cruelty to tholr daughter Myra The testimony given by three riolghbrira was tn substance the same as has been pub lished. The little girl has been compelled to do all the hnra work of the family outdoors and indoors , In all sorts of woathcr and dressed in rags. The child was placed on the stand and told a shameful story of long continued brutality and Inhuman abuse from both father and mother. For the most trivial accidents she lias bean knocked down , Ulekcd and battered with fists and sticks , drugged about the room by the hair and treated In n way that would do credit to the most brutal of BUIVO drivorn. ( lemplemnn , on his part , had n ntimocr of witnesses who testified that they had never witnessed the administration of ultf parental reproofs. * Onn JMIuiilii. Ono minute tlmo often tnakoi a groit dlf feronco a ono minute remedy for bronohltfs choking up of the throat , lungs , otc. , fo oursii Is a blessing. Cubeb Cough Curd 1 such u romody. For sale by all druggUu. Cubub Cough Cure Oaemlnuto. Kxplnriitlmi ol Alunlm. LITTM : KIOIIX. In. , March ( l--To the Editor of THK HIKI : Will yon plonxo Inform mivliu Is to bo lint hoail miiiior supurliitomlunt In' thu exploring party to Ahiskii that IN tOHlurt from UninliiL in .Inno. 1 helluve , to he gene three yours. Any Information yon may ulvu will bu gladly ruuolvutl. " Kwm B. Wisr. : The bill providing for an exploration of Alaska wns Introduced by Senator Mandur- son and has btcn favorably reported from tha committee to the senate , but its tinal adop tion Is not likely , owing to the parsimoniousness - ness of the house ; so that talk of who will liund the exploring partyls at this tlmo very premature. If the bill nhould become law It U generally believed that Captain P. Henry Kay of the Eighth Infantry , United Ktatcu armv , will ou detailed bv the Hocrotury of war to conduct the expedition. Tuo war department ofllcluls huvo not as yut oven thought of nn assignment for tlio party as the chance ] of the bill becoming law uro so ro- moto. The prophesy as to Captain Ituy is made moro upon the ( act of his Illness than nnythiniM'Uc. He bus explored perilous of Alaska aud written several reports upon his work thoi'o. I > o\Vitt's Snrsanarlllu dostroyn sych po | . sonbiis Hcrofuln , skin disease , i-uzumn , rhcu- umlUm. Itu timely use save * many lives. Crop * mid l.iT liiKiininro. Mr. O. I ) . Goodrich of ( irund lsand | , was In the city yostordny. Ho was ou the way east to moot President John A. McCnil of the New York l.lfo Jnsurancu company , who Is golni ; to make n tour through the west. Mr. Goodrich said i "Thissuow Is worth n million dollars to Nouraska. It has Hlmply made pudding of the soil and the crop can't hell ) but grow. I never caw BO tine a pros pect for wheat In Nabraiua at there Is Just now , Tlio numerous snows of tlio winter have kept tuo tender plants welt protected from the frost and tha crop will fairly leap right.out of the unrtb with the approach of warm weather. " I huvo been occasionally troubled with coughs , and In ear.h case bava used Brown's lironehlal troche * , which have never fallod , and I muit nay they arc second to none in tha world. Felix A. Mtty , cashier , St. Paul , Minn.