Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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tcilumlly Cntrlnrlonny pnrtof Uio City
Tl HtiMnesn OITlco . . . No * ]
Kor | , ,
N , Y. I'lumbinp Co.
Counrll Uluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. COt Snpp blocif.
Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 . Butler yesterday
noon , n daughter.
J. .Incohy is confined to his residence on
Uluft street by a compound fracture of the
Tno revival meetings nt the Second Pros-
bytorion church uavo beou postponed on uo-
count of thu bad weather until next week.
A mcotlnc of the I'ottnwnttamlo Domo-
cratle association Is called for Thursday
evening nt the council chamber for the purpose -
pose of bearing the report of the committee-
on the Vntlerson lecture.
The Woman's Missionary society of the
Congregational church will meet with Mra.
IJr. Montgomery , 'Jlfi Fourth street , Wednes
day allcrnoon nt A o'clock. Subject : "Now
West Education Commission. "
' The ladles of Unity Guild last Friday com
menced a. weekly series of Lenten readings
nt the residence of Mrs. Harris , South First
street. The meeting next Friday night will
ho with Mrs. John Grotzor , ICnst IMoico
street , atii3U ! p. m. , to which all visitors nro
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to
the following parlies : David Wobbur nnd
Mary Ann Illco , both of Pottnwnttamlo
county ; Ucnjatnln E. Jenifer and Jessie M.
Gates , both of Omaha , nnd Peter Skcom
Peterson. Clay county , la. , nnd Ilanua M.
Peterson of Council Illuffs.
In the district court yesterday the cnso of
J. J. O'Brien ngalnst the .city was tried nnd
submitted to the court. Thu plnlntilT Is try
ing to recover $303 which bo claims is duo
him for work performed on n contract let by
the city to August Scblutor and sublet to
nim by Scblutcr. The latter skipped the
country end took the money wllh him which
should have been pnld to O'Bnon , nnd
O'Urlon wants to hold the city responsible.
The cnso will probably he icoponod this
morning ana further evidence Introduced.
LAST UllANOi : .
Orcnt 7-Mny Siilo of Winter GoniU nt tlio
Huston Store , Oiiuncll Illuirx , In.
Our Buyer boinp in the eastern mnr-
kots Now York nnd Boston wo dronU
the immense urriviil of spring goods ,
limply because wo don't know where to
put them.UOOM
nnd room wo nro going to hnvo , if BellIng -
Ing goodt ) next to giving thorn away will
help us out.
Just glanuo nt a few of our prices for
7 dnyB.
Although you don't need the goods
this winter , a bettor invostmona you
cunt * find.
Would bo to us , but wo must have
Ladies' inukots and nowmurkots that
sold for r > .00 , $7.50 , $10.00 and $15.00 ,
cljolco for $1.08.
Our on tire line of children's coats.
$0.60 , $7.50 and $8.50garments , for $2.48.
Ladies' $10.00 , $12.60 and $15.00
jackets , choice $ ; t.'J8.
Ladles' Walker plush jackets that sold
for $15.00. $19.00 and $2-5.00 , choice , for
$7. 8.
Ladles' 42-inch long Walker plush
eacqucs , former price $10.50 , $25.00 ,
$33.00 and $35.00 , choice for $14.08.
10 dozen ladies' all wool knit jackets ,
sleeveless , worth $1.25 , in all colors , dur
ing sale for 48c.
$3.25 comforters for $2.19.
$3.75 comforters for $2.60.
$4.75 fine French Battoon for $3.00.
$5.00 all wool blankets for $3.75.
$4.60 nil wool rod blankets for $3.C8.
$5.00 all wool rod blankets for $3.08.
Ladies' 60o vests and pants for 33c.
Ladies' natural wool vests and pant ? ,
ribbtd , $1.00 garments for 09c.
Ladies' ' all wool scarlet vests and
pants , $1.26 garments , extra fine , dur
ing sale , 09c.
Gent's heavy gray camel's hair shirts
nnd drawcrb , 33o garments , sale price ,
2oc ,
Gent's Scotch random mixed shirts
and drawers , also natural wool and
camel's hair , all in at ono price , 37ic ,
were 60c.
Gout's all wool scarlet shirts and
dn.wors were $1.00 and $1.25 , sale price
2 jo , or $1.25 a suit
All children's garments knifed the
same way. BOSTON STORE ,
Leaders and promoters of low prices.
* Council Blulls , lu.
II. L. Tlnloy of Denver Is visiting friend
In the city
John T. Stewart Is In Washington , D. C.
on rjuslnoss.
Mrs. Uagsdulo has cone east to buy ho
spririg stock ,
Mls Delia Morrison of Creston Is th
gucr. ' of Mrs. J. B. Atkins.
Miss Ratio Cnrmany of Cincinnati , a gracl
unto of the Cincinnati conservatory of music
i < > In the city , a guest ot her cousin , K. A
More houso. _
lYaruu's 1'roponltlon ,
COUNCIL Dl.urra , In. , March 7. To the
Editor of TUB DEC : In your Issno of Sun-
dav under head of cold storage. Is given what
purports to bo J. J. Foarou's proposition for
the operation of such a warehouse. Iho
proposition as given is not entirely correct
and dors not go into detail as much ns some
of your readers might dcsiro. Ills proposi
tion in full is as follows :
'Iho plant is to bo on the modern plan
which is known as mechanical refrigeration.
Us capacity is to bo 150 cars , equal to fifty
tons Ice melting capacity dally , tlio maximum
cost of the machinery , oulldlng , and lot on
which It lt > to bo located to bo about 15,000.
This amount nns to bo ralsid by stock sub
scription to bo paid lu a * required , Mr.
Fcaron agreeing to take 75,000 worth of
tbo stock nnd operate tbo plnut , agreeing to
pay the following Interest to the
stockholders ; U per cout tbn first year , 4
per cent the second , and 5 percent tbo re
maining thrco years of bis lease , to carry in
surance and make necessary repairs ou tbo
plant at his own expense , and to turn over
tbo plant at the end ot tlvo years in as good
condition as wbou received , buvo for tlio
natural wear and unavoidable accidents.
Furthermore , ho agreed to give n stockhold
ers' rate of storage of one-half the regular
rates , based on what IH known as card rato.
used by all cold storage warehouses , to all
B took Holders who Invosi to the extent of f-500
or moro. The kind of machinery to bo used
Is to be dcciaod by a committee of tbo stock
holders , Mr. Foaron ouly stipulating that It
ball bo tbo best.
This proposition certainly looks llko a fair
nno , as for the tirst year the house will un-
undouhtedly have to bo run at a finan
cial loss. At tbo end of tbo five
years the plaut should ho a valuable
one , with a market built up under
Mr. Fearon'a enterprising management. Ho
la no auiatour at the business , and ho prom
ises to push our. into all the surrounding
territory and make this a market for perishable -
able goods the year round. His pfTor of balf
rates to stockholders should satisfy tboso
who think tbero is big money in the business ,
as they can speculate and satisfy themselves.
H there are others who think they can
make moro satisfactory propositions tbtm
Mr , Foaron lot them addren their proposi
tions to S. D. Wadsworth , secretary of the
Uoard of Trade , or K. F. Watts , secretary
of Jbo Merchants and Manufacturers asso
ciation , Council Bluffs. L. A. DEVINB.
33 1.3
To Mo ) n day will buy a. flrstclnsa piano
at half prico. For particulars \vrltu or
tee tlio
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la.
Red Hot Election E-orgetionlly Fought
Despite tlio All-Pervnding Slush ,
Other ItrpuMlcnii Ounilliliile * Trluniili |
Otrr lldiiillc r.nil tlui .Mnclilno-IH * Mi-
Rlon I'mxi' * 1'ntiil to Di'innrritry
from HIP \VurilK.
\estordny was Ktcction dity xvlth n big E.
The election was almost the only thing
talked of on the streets nil day long. Nothing
of the kind has nrousod so much interest
slnco the election of two years ngovlinn
the cltlzcnVs iiiovctnont called out hundreds
of voters who hail not visited the polls for
years nnd burled the old administration n
foot deep under n shower of ballots. Busi
ness was practically suspended , and although
the stores wcro kept open nil day no one
thought It wortu whllu to buy anything.
The weather was far from what could hiwo
been desired , as the warm sun mcltod the
snow that fell Sunday ana made the streets
minlaturo Missouri rivers , too deep to bo
iviidcd with any comfort. Notwithstanding
ho condition of the streets ono of the largest
votes WIM polled that has over been known
n the case of n city olcotlun.
In the Fifth ward , \vhoro fiCS votes were
polled lit , tbo county election last full , there
.veioMHi votes cast nt U:30 : o'clock ana the
trcam was still flowing back and forth nt
the little window. In the Third where the
otnl veto is about 700 , there wore 1530 votes
polled at the snino time , and the prospects
wcro that almost the full vuto would bo ,
lolled by 0 o'clock. In tun Second the voting'
was moro qutol than usual , nnd shottly bo-
"ore tha closing of the polls there had been
SCO votes cast , or nearly 1300 loss than the full
vote. Things wcro also quiet all dity long In
the Fourth ward , although a full vatu was
Uood Orilcr Mnlntuliiril.
For the most part the voting was carried
on in a quiet manner. John Morrlssoy trlod
to raise n disturbance In the Sixth ward nnd
was an us ted , but ho was mi exception to
the concral rulo. The saloons were kept
closed nil day long , with only a tow excep
tions , nnd that fact no doubt accounted for
the reign of peace. Only thrco bartenders
wcro arrested for keeping their places open
contrary to pollco orders , Fred Midnight , HUD
Broadway ; N. Smith , 17 1'earl street , and 0.
Thompson , 103 Uroadwuy , and they nil gave
bonds for their appearance this morning in
pollco court.
Corporations Wrro In It.
One of the peculiarities of the election was
the great Interest taken by the motor com
pany , the clcctilu light company and the
waterworks company. Representatives of
all these corporations were on the ground
trom morning until night , wonting hard for
the success of Dr. Liwronco. Another feature -
uro was the uuict work that uas done by the
democratic ! candidates who wore defeated at
the convention to down A. C. Graham.
The brenrli that had bccti mudo in the
democratic ranko hy the nomination of Gra
ham had not been healed by any moans , and
the friends of Macrao ana Wndsworth did a
great deal of bard work to defeat their cx-
oppononl *
A little beadle was used , but 1& was done
for tbo most Dart so quietly as to avoid de
tection. Little tickets of the regulation pattern -
torn had been prepared , bearing the inscrip
tion , "Good for ono day's work. Samuel
Johnson , " and these -.voro passed out plenti
fully by the democratic ward workers to
those who "worked" nt the oolls by casting
their little ballots for tbo representatives of
the faithful.
Hooma Up mill Down.
A great deal of scratching of tickets was
done by both republicans nnd democrats In
almost every wiird , so that it was impossible
siblo to tell what the chances of
any particular candidate wore , even after
the polls were closed. The democrats
did most of their hardest work to elect Gra
ham mayor and Tinlov city attorney. For
these two candidates all others wcro freely
sacrificed. The only claim made with any
degree of assurance was at 5 o'clock in the
Second ward , when the friends of Tlbblts ,
republican candidate for aldermen , claimed e
majority of 400 for him. About that time
Saxuin , his opponent , opened a box of cigars ,
and Tibbits' boom wont a-glimmoring for the
time being' . The friends of Vic. Jonnlnes
also claimed his election when tbo polls
The following table shows the vote for
each candidate by wards :
CANDI s cr
flrnlmm. . . . 1,811
2,1)711 ) 211'
JcnnlnKti. . .
llrowtct. . .
" 1.8--0
( ioull"i ! ! ! 2.07U
Klnnclinn. . 2,077
'llnlcy I.I..U
Unilotun . , 2,182 48E
Oucrholti'r l.T'.W
Tompleton 2.077
Hlclnuunil. 2,007
Cook V.OI'J
Hunllii 2,10' .
Btncjr. . . 1.715
2.11)6 )
Mattaz. . . l.VJI
( Jclzo
HaKiiln. . . ,
'Ilbliuttn. .
l.uhlmnl. .
Hurt n Trump.
A tramp attempted to board Roclc Island
pussetiRor train No. 8 , eastbound , at 4 o'clocl
yesterday afternoon at a point about 100 fee
east of the Union Paclilo bridge. The train
was moving slowly , but iho tramp was no
quick enough to avoid n collision wltn tlio
platform. Ho was struolc nnd Knocked souse
loss , and narrowly oicapod being run over
Tbo train was stopped ami ho was picked U ]
and carried to thu local depot and the com
pony's physician , Dr. I'lnnoy , summoned
An investigation showed that bo had locoivec
a severe contusion on the sldo of tbo boat
and alia u bad bruise In tbo small of tb
back. Tbo company bad uo responsibility In
tbo case , but General Accni Hoff took the
poor follow under til * protection for thu tltni
bolng nnd sent him to the Woman's Chris
tlnn hospital. Ho was unconscious when taken
to tbo hospital , and shortly after reaching
there was seized with an epileptic lit. HI
was unable to give an account of hltnscl.
until Into In tbo ovonltifr , nnd then two the
name of Frank McMlllor or McMillan and
said that his homo was in Ashland , \Vis.
where bo hud very wealthy relatives , OLO
brother being city treasurer and another a
prominent retail morcbnut. Ho claimed t
bo enrouto from California to Chicago.
Telegrams were BOIII to his friends at Ash
land , but up to a late hour last ulplu no ro
spouse had bcon received. Ho was ragged
and dirty and had neither moiioy nor rait
way tickets nnd admitted that ho had beaten
bis way from the west. Ho Is apparently
between 25 and UO years old. He will b
kept at tbo hospital for a week at leas
uulosi ho recovers sooner.
We have our own vineyards in Caltfor
nla. Jarvls Wino company , Co. 13latin
Jnrvisl877 brandy , purust , safest , host ,
O. Yunkerraan &Co. , food , seeds , commission -
mission , country produce , 108 Broadway.
The Contract I.ct.
Council Bluffs is really to have a now city
hall , or at least 10 extensive repairs ore to bo
made on thoold ono that the public will not
recognize It. The city council bold a mooting
lost evening at which tbo contract was lot
for the making of repairs. Tbo following are
tbo bids of tbo various contractors who pro
posed to do the work : Wind , t5SS8j Wick-
ham. W.055 ; Btraub , t < J(174 ( ; Hammer , $7,000 ;
Weaver , $ SGIO. tYoaver was declared the
lowest bidder and the clerk was Instructed
to draw up a coulraot with bm | for tbo work.
The contract for putting In curbing ou
.In coin avenue and Frank street was let to
t A. Moore.
The ctork was Instructed to ndvcrtlso for
bids for putting In the steam boating
pp irntus in the now city brill , the bids to bo
U in by March 14 , when the next meeting of
ho council Is to bo hold ,
The clerk was Instructed to draw up nn
rdlnanco orovlding for the grading of 1 rank
troot , 1'lcrco street from Oak to Canning
itrcot , Mornincsldo avcnuo and Klin street.
? bo ordinance was drawn up according to In-
tructlons nnd was passed under a suipcn-
lon of tbo rules.
Alderman Casper moved that I'ierco street
bo ordered to grndo from Onlt to Canning
IrcoU This Is the move ho has been trying
o cnclnccr through the council for the last
car , but ho wns acnln doomed to dlsnp-
lolntment , as the motion was lost , Graves ,
'ace , Smith and Van Brunt voting no.
Swnnson Music Co. , Masonio temple
Jar vis wild blackberry it Iho boat
Hamilton Our * to Onmlm.
The habeas corpus case of Hnrry Hamilton
waijtrlcd In tbo superior court yesterday
morning nttcr several continuances thnthavo
caused bis residing In Council Bluffs nt the
expense of Pottawattnmlo county for about
.wo weeks. The application for a writ of
mucus corpui was refused and the Omaha
ofllcors , who have been nnxlously nwaltlng
bo result of the trial , nt once took him lo
Omalin , where ho will have a. trlnl on tbo
charge of working n confluence gumo on n
voting man named MIlnlK. Hamilton I ?
suspected of having "turned tricks" with
monotonous regularity for sovcrnl years , but
ho has never been caught In the net until
low. The prospect Is tnat. bo will have a
term In the Nebraska penitentiary , ns Mllnili
nek announces his intention of staying nn
the Held until Hamilton Is sent where ho uo-
Carpet weaving at 028 Avenue P.
Walnut block and coal ,
fresh mined , received dailj Tim toll or ,
10 Main street. _
Eastern money to loan on rcnl O3tato
ty R H. Shoafo , Broadway and Main.
The Miumnn Klrctlon.
The regular spring election was bold at
Manawn yesterday. F. C. Htod wns reelected -
elected mayor over W. Brown by n snfo ma-
lority.V. . Ballon was elected recorder nna
Peter Hlef treasurer. Two trustees were to
bo elected but only Hugh T. Thomas re
ceived a majority of nil the votes cast. U.
Hasklns , W. II. Bussey and W. H. Beck
tied , nn4 they will have to cast lots to de
termine who shall bo the other trustee.
Mrs. Louis llainhart died of cancer Sun
day night nt 0:45 : o'clock , aged Gyears. ! . The
funeral will take place this morning at 10
o'clock from her late residence In Mills
county nnd the remains will bo Interred in
Plumor cemetery.
Roitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles and newest floods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Money to loan. Lowest raV.'S. John
ston & Van Patten , Everett b'.DJk.
Clmr-Red lth lllc
E. E. Josolyn , a former mom or of the
police force , was arrested yesterday after
noon on a charge of Illegal voting. He cast
his vote in the Second word , but was
promptly chnllenKOd bv the republican chal
lenger , Ed Molt. It is claimed that his real-
deuce is not in the city , as ho has been away
for the last two years. In proof of the as
sertion the Pacitio house register is shown ,
Josolvn having registered there immediately
after bis return to this city ou February 3
and 4 , as from Pbouuix , N. Y ,
From .Ifmc. Ulavatshy's Great IPiitfc.
The soul , whoso body-vehicle is the
astral , othoreo-substantial envelope ,
could die nnd man bo btill living on
oarth. That is to say , the soul could
free itself from and quit the tabernacle
for various reasons , such as insanity ,
spiritual and physical depravity , etc.
The possibility of the "sour1 that Is ,
the eternal spiritual ego dwelling in
the unseen worlds , while its body goes
ou livinp on earth , is n pre-eminently
occult doctrine , especially in Chinese
and Buddhist philosophy. Muny are
the soulless men among us , for the occur
rence is found to take place in wicked
materialists as well ad in persons "who
advance in holiness and novnr turn
back/ '
Therefore , that which living men
( Initiates ) can do , the Dhyanls. who
have no physical Dody to hamper them ,
can do stilt'bettor. This wns the belief
of tbo antediluvians , and it is fast becoming -
coming that of modern intellectual so
ciety in "Spiritualism , " as well as in
the Greek and Roman churches , which
touch the ubiquity of their angels. The
Xoroastrians regarded their Amshas-
ponds as dual entities ( Forouors ) , apply
ing this duality In esoteric philosophy ,
nt any rate to nil the spiritual and in-
visibio denizens of the numbarlcss worlds
in bpaco , which are visible to our oye.
Thus proceed the cycles of the septen
ary evolution , in sovcn-fold nature ; the
spiritual or divine ; the psychic or semi-
divine ; the intellectual ; the passional ,
the instinctual or cognitional ; the somi-
corporeal ; and the purely material or
physical natures. All these evolve and
progress cyclically , passing from ono
into another , in a double , centrifugal
and centripetal way , ono in their ulti
mate essence , seven in their aspects.
The lowest , of course , is that depending
upon and BUbserviontto our five physical
senses , which are in truth sovoti , as
shown later , on the authority of the
oldest Upanishads. Thus far , for Individual
vidual , h'umnn , sentient , animal and
vegetable life , each the microcosm of
its higher macrocosm. The same
for the universe , which manifests
periodically , for purposes of the collective -
lectivo progress of the countless Lives ,
the outbroathings of the Ono Life ; in
order that , through the Ever-Becoming ,
every cosmic atom in this infinite universe -
verse , passing from the formless and the
intangible , through the mixed natures
of the semi-terrestrial , down to matter
in full generation , and then back again ,
reascending at each now period higher
nnd nearer the final goal ; thiit each
atom , wo say , may reach , through indi
vidual merits and efforts , that piano
whore it re-becomes the Ono Uncondi
tioned All. But bottvoon the Alpha and
the Omega there is the weary "road , "
hedged in by thorns , that goes down
first , then
Wlnusuphlll all the way ;
Yes , to the very end * * *
Starting upon the Jong journey im-
nmculato , descending 'moro and moro
into sinful matter , nnd having connected
himself with every atom of manifested
space the pilgrim , having struggled
through , and suffered in , every form of
lifo and being , is only at the bottom of
the valley of matter , and half through
his cycle , when ho has Identified him
self with collective humanity. This , Uo
has made in Ills own imago. In order
to progress upwards and homewards , the
"God" iias now to ascend the weary up
hill path of the Golgotha of lifo. It is
ilio martyrdom of self-conscious exist
ence. Like Vishvakarman , ho has to
saonflco himself to himself , in order to
redccd all creatures , to resurrect from
the many into the ono lifo. Then ho
ascends into heaven indeed ; where ,
plunged into the inoomprohonsiblo
absolute being and bliss of Purunimina ,
ho reigns unconditionally , nnd whoncd
ho will rodescond again at the ' 'com
ing , " which ono portion of humanity
expects in HS doad-lettor Bonso as the
'Second Advent , " and the other as the
last "Knlkl Avatara. "
Everything in the universe , through
out nil its kingdoms , is conscious : i. o. ,
endowed with u consciousness of its own
kind nnd on its own plane of perception.
"Wo men must romombur that , bimply
because wo do not pcrcoi 6 Kny signs of
consciousness which wo , iart' recognize ,
sny , in stones , wo have np rffjlit to say
, hat no consciousnessv exists thoro.
Thcro is no such thing as bilhor "dead"
or "blind" matter , as there-Is no "blind"
or "unconscious" law. 'Thuao find no
ilaco among the conceptions of oc-
uilt philosophy. Tlio , ( laUor , never
stops at surface nppeara.nuos , nnd for
it the noumenal essences have moro
reality than their objective counter *
parts'wherein ; it rcsoinblM the system
if the mcdhuval nonnniiH'std , for whom
it was the unlvorsals ihat were the
realities , and the particulars which
existed only in name and human fancy.
The universe la worked nnd guided.
From within outwards. As above so it
is bo low , : m in heaven so on earth ; and
man , the microcosm and minlaturo copy
of thu mac.'ocosm , is the living witness
to tills universal law , nnd to the
mode of its action. Wo see that every
external motion , net , gesture , whether
voluntary or mechanical , organic
ar mcntil , is produced and preceded by
interim ! fouling or emotion , will or vo
lition , nnd thought or mind. As no out
ward motion or chnngo , when normal ,
in man's external body , can take place
unless provoked by an Inward impulse ,
jlvcn through ono of the throe functions
named , so with the external or mani
fested universe. The whole Kosmos is
guided , controlled and animated by al
most endless faorics of hierarchies
of sentient beings , each having a
mission to perform , and who
whether wo give thoin ono name
or another , whether wo call thorn Dhyan
Cholmns or angels are "messengers,1'
In the sense only that they are the
agents of Karmloaud Cosmic laws. They
vary infinitely in ther respective de
gress of consciousness and intelligence ;
and to call them all pure spirits , with
out any of the earthly all "which time
is wont to prey upon'Ms only to indulge
in poetical fancy. For each of those
beings either was , or prepares to become ,
n man. if not in the present , then in a
past or n coining Miinvnntnra. They
are porfcctod , when not incipient , man ;
nnd in their higher , loss material
Bohores ditTor morally from terrestrial
human being only In that they nro devoid -
void of tho'feoUng of personality , and of
the human emotional nature two
purely earthly characteristics.
In sober truth , as just shown , every
so-calltid "spirit" is olthor a disem
bodied or n future man. As from the
highest archangel ( dhynn chohan )
down to the last conscious builder ( the
inferior class of spiritual entities ) , till
such are men , having lived tuons ngo , in
ether manvantaras , on this or other
spheres ; so the inferior , semi-intelligent
and non-intolligont clcmontals are all
future mon. The fact alone that a spirit
is endowed with intelligence is n proof
to the occultist that suoh a being must
have been a man , nnd acquired his
knowledge and intelligence throughout
the human cycle. Tho'ro is but ono indivisible -
divisible and absolute omniscience
and intelligence in > ) , lie universe ,
and this thrills throughout every
atom and iniinitpsimitl 'point of the
whole Kosmos , which htis no bounds nnd
which people call space , considered in
dependently of anything contained in it.
But the first differentiation of its reflec
tion in the manifested > ybrld is purely
spiritual , and the beings generated in
it are not ondowid witli a consciousness
that has any relation to the ono wo conceive -
coivo of. They can have no human con
sciousness or intelligence before they
have acquired such , personally and in
dividually. This may bo ti mystery , yet
it is a fact in osoturic philosophy , and a
very apparent ono , too. „ u
Three distinct representations of tbo
universe , in its three distinct aspects ,
are impressed upon our thoughts by the
esoteric philosophy : The pro-existing ,
evolved from the over-existing , and the
phenomenal the world of illusion , the
reflection nnd shadow thereof. Dur
ing the great mystery and drama of life ,
known as the Munvuntaru , real Kosmos
is like the objects placed behind the
white screen upon which shadows are
thrown. The actual figures and things
remain invisible , while the wires of evolution
lution nro pulled by unseen hands. Mon
and things are thus but the reflections ,
on the white field of the realities behind
the snares of Mahamaya , or the grout
illusion. This was taught in every phil
osophy , in ovcry religion , unto us well
as post-diluvian , in India nnd Chuldoa ,
by the Chinese as by the Grecian sages.
In the former countries those three
universes were allegorized , in exoteric
teachings , by the throe trinities , em
anating from the central eternal germ ,
and forming with it n supreme unity ;
the initial , the manifested , and
the creative triad , or the three
in one. The last is but the
symbol , in its concrete expression , of
the first ideal two. Hence esoteric phil
osophy passes over the ncccbsariunism
of this purely metaphysical conception ,
and calls the flrtt ono , only , the Ever-
Existing. This is the view of every ono
of the six great schools of Indian philo
sophy the six principles of that unit
body of Wisdom of which the Gnosis ,
hidden knowledge , is the seventh.
The Secret Dootrino teaches no athe
ism , except In the sonso-of underlying
the Sanskrit word Nastika , n rejection
of idols.including every anthropomrphio
god. In this sense every Occultist is a
THOSE J.1WVI. lltY ! > AXD U111L8.
Following is a Httlo story told by Joe
Haworth , says the Minneapolis Journal :
A little girl , not moro than 4 years old ,
the only child of some friends whom
Haworth used to visit frequently , was
always puzzling her little brain about
thunder storms what they were nnd
what made those loud noises. One day
she asked her mamma about it , and her
mama answered : "Why , darling , that
loud nolso is the volc'q f God. " A few
dnj'H later the little one-was playing on
the lawn with her d61iH when n dark
muss of clouds rolled.up from Iho west ,
nnd the muttering jthundor / bocnmo
moro frequent and mpV , ° pronounced.
Her mother called to-hur to come in ,
and the little ono collected hoc family
of dolls in her chubbyi/litllo anus and
started to toddle toward the houso.
Just as she rotiuhcdjtio ) piav.x.n stops
there was a torriliu clijjof ] ) thunder , and
she , hastening to gotntb her mamma ,
looked up in the sky nnd said in u hurt
tone : "Oh , Dotl , 'oo'tfoodn't holler BO
loud ; I'so hurwyin' desWsfust ual tan. "
Detroit Free Press : ! / lot of children
up town have organi/Q | ] iidrnmatioclub ,
and the father of ono uf. the youngsters
was making inquiries concerning it.
"What do you doV" ho asked ono ol
"Oh , wo play plays , " was the answer.
"What kind of plays ? "
'Tragedies ; all tragedian , " this in a
very tragic manner.
"But. whoso tragedies ? "
"Shakspraro somutlmos , but wo write
most of them ourselves. "
Boston Jester : "Now run away ,
dearlo , and don't bother mamma when
3ho is ill. "
"But I want to ask you a question ,
mamma. "
"Woll , now , what can it be , you little
tcaso ? "
"Woll , mamma , Is this your birth
day ? "
"Why no , of course not ; what put thai
idea into year head ? "
" 1 hoard the butler next door say to
> ur cook that his mistress wants lo know
low old Mrs. Browstor is today. "
Now York Herald : Mary , the nurse
girl , comes in from a wnlU in the park ,
carrying the prldo of the family , a
young gentleman whoso ngo amounts to
eoino 1-1 months.
"Oh , ma'am , little George spoke tbls
afternoon for the first tlmol"
"Really ; whnidid lie say ? '
"Why , when I was showing him the
mimals ho made mo stop before the
! iigo of monkeys and , clapping his
Ittlo hands several times , ho called out :
Oh , papa ! papal1" *
Now York Tribune : Seated at the
llnnor table a few evenings ngo were
.ho father , mother and tholr two young
lopefuls , the youngest a 6-yoivr-old and
very averse to going to school. The
nothorsatd to the oldest , "Ethel , Lent
will soon bo hero. What nro you going
0 give up ? " She could not muko up
lor mind , but Enid , us quick as a flush ,
said , "Mamma , I Know what I will give
up : I will give up school. "
Washington Star : Ho was a Boston
ad , and his mother had occasion to siy : :
"I tun very sorry , Willie , to find you
mvo told a story ; and on George Wash-
ngton's birthday , too. "
' 'I bog your pardon , mamma,1' ho ro-
ipondcd gently ; "Georco Washington's
jlrthdny anniversary. "
Harper's Young People : "T hope you
lever fight with your little brother , "
remarked the visitor.
"No'm " " 'eauso he's
, replied Bobby ;
1 great deal stronger than I nui. "
Somorvlllo Journal : It Isn't always
the boy with the widest expanse of turn-
lown collar who behaves the best when
10 sits on the front seat at a church on-
Harvard Lampoon : Papa : "Johnnie ,
I hoard that you were a bad boy at
school-today. Did you break some rule
ind the teacher had to whip you ? "
Johnnie : "No , papa ; I didn't break any
rule , but the teacher she hit mo so hard
that she broke hor'n. "
4f v
Puck : "What made Samson weak1
asked the Sunday school toachor.
"A honio-mado hair-cut , " promptly re
plied a boy in the front row.
The Curbstone Ditty Glvrn New
cnncu liy I'll til.
.Pnttihns sung "Annio Roonoy. " And
to a Chicago audionco. Nota public ono.
but n private ono , just as it was leaving
after a call under the auspices of the
goddess of music. Just why Pntti did it
will probably never bo known , says the
Philadelphia Press. Whether she calcu
lated the musical appreciation of Chicago
cage and attuned herself accordingly , or
whether , like the tuning font that sings
in unison , she could not but vibrato such
sweet melodies after meeting the tuneful
swans of the city by the lake , wo wet
not but still the fact remains that she
sang it.
Now , "Annio Roonoy" is not so bad
as the hand organs make it or the va
riety singer sings it. True , it is a com
monplace bit of melody for all the world
llko ether melodies of its kind , nnd
there are thousands who can put all in
it that Is rcqulied , and yet there will bo
many who will aoubtloss have a curi
osity , not born of u Bach , Booth oven or
Borlio/ impulse , but still a curiosity , to
hear the famous singer degrade herself
by trolling the cadence that tells you
that one's sweetheart Is "Lit-tell Annie
Roo-oo-oo-noo. " It was not serious ,
however. Patti's callers who heard it
were "astounded" nnd "surprised , " but
it is dollars to doughnuts that when
some of the audiences which "Somira
mido" will sing to learn that she cao
also sing "Annio Roonoy" our pi -
friend "Coming Thro' the Rye" will bo
forced into an achromatic obscurity ,
while the new favorite comes to the
These who look for omens , perhaps ,
will say that in this piece of abandon ,
this bit of hito night drollery , is shown
the beginning of the end of a great
voice. But why wreck it on Miss
Roonoy ? Pntti cannot but sing it badly
since its coinmonplaconcss is best inter
preted by commonplncencss , and the
diva would hardly wish to bo considered
"commonplace. " If she intends doing
these startling things why not lot us
down easy ? She might by degrees approach
preach the lower stretches of the ladder -
dor , until in the dim future some rein
carnation of "Comrades" would bo pos
Some embryo Leigh Hunt among the
members of the musical society that
Pntti bo honored might write :
Pattl shocked us when wo mot ,
Fulling from her high position ;
Yo who heard her "Juliette"
Muse yo ou this exhibition.
While wo longed for runs and trills.
Music soft and low and spoonoy ,
Cnmo the agony that kills
1'util Binning "Annie Hoonoy 1"
lion Ilutlor UK Ho IH.
A Boston correspondent of the Pitts-
burg Dispatch thus writes of Bon Butler
lor : "A tottering old man , whoso very
breadth of fame seemed a burden to him ,
nnd whoso scant white locks escaped
from n black silk skull cap , attracted u
good deal of attention on board the Fall
River linot steamer Plymouth a few
nights ago. In spite of his feebleness ,
which was shown in his reliance upon
the arms of his trusty colored man and
n friend , ono on each side , whenever ho
loft his stateroom , and in spite of his
ovidotit dcsiro to pass unknown , every
body recognized him , nnd many insisted
upon shaking him by the hand. There
are certain strongly marked features
about General B. F. Butler hat make
him ono of the easiest of our public men
to identify. But I was not prepared to
sue such a shaky ruin of u man whoso
physical vigor wns as remarkable
almost IIH his mental strength in the
campaign of 1881. Wliilo his books , his
snoouhcs nnd his combats in court show
that ho has lost none of his nggressivo-
ncss and robust intellectuality , it is plain
that physical weakness will prevent tlio
dougnty victor of Now Orleans from in
dulging in such violent pastimes as n
presidential canvass.
Chief Artliur'n l > immiiil .
Sioux CITY , la. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIR BBB. ] ( Jblof Arthur spent the
whole day In conference with President Hill
of the Sioux City ft Northern road. At the
conclusion ho demanded the reinstatement of
two discharged engineers.
All ! < lndsof DyeliiKand ClDiinlntdono In tha
hlEhrct ktyloof tlio art. Kadod and Htilnoil
fabrltu made to look as peed us now. Hoc
foatliem cleaned by steam In ilrst-class mull-
nor. Work promptly done nnd delivered In all
puituof the uiiiutry. bund for urlco list.
O. A. MAOIIAN , - - 1'ItOl'UIETOIt.
HUUroadwiy. Near NorthweUoru Depot
Cou.scic. ULUJrrj , IOWA.
Sold in England
for Is * 1 Md. , and
in America
for 86 cents a bottlo.
Dr , Aoker'a ' English Pills :
Cure Sickness and Headache. :
I Small , rl i < l < n favorite with the ;
For sale by Kuhn & Co. , nntlShorman
: McCunnoll , Omaluu
iadcdin20 u\ulw \ ! "
J In paper boxes : enough for two large ptes.
Always ready ; easily prcparedi
] nnd only Complete and Satisfactory
J Condensed Mince Meat In tlio Market.
: Cheap Substitutes and Crude Imitations
. nro offered with tlio aim to profit by tbo
| popularity of the New England.
J Do not be deceived but always Insist on
J the New England Brand. The best made.
Ptifferlnn In mind , body nnd puree from IJ11U.NK-
ENNKt-S or Dll'bO.MAMA can bo mirely. mirely
and pcedlly cured by tbo wonderful now apeciun
No ranttcr whether the person lo modornto or
"porlndlcnl" drinker or n' ' total wreck , " OIII.O-
ItIUUUII > Ic troy nit nppctlto or crnvlnit
Tor nlcotiollc iiilnitiliiiits wltbout hnrui or ln >
eonveplencc. end nssurus tlio iiallantnow Ilfo nnd
[ lapplnetii. llelmr tutteleti It can bo alrcn by n
friend In ton , coffee , lemonade , beer , llquora. or
food without the intlciit'8 kiiowlcdac , or It cnn betaken
taken by the patient In the unmo Ilqnlda , with n
Kuaranteo of nuwluto tuccoss nnd n rndlcnl euro
liiolthcrrnso. Ilundrpdnof euros liava liven nmilo
with CIII.URIUUOI.I > In Illinois nlonc. I'rloo
wltliln roach of nil. only . 2lllOlliOOUl.
cnn bo hud of o-ir nuenla or m > nt itoitpnld by
in. rnmphlotH f iirnlshpd f rpo. All rorrcopoiulenco
confidential. r.IAI > IIIlM'IIEMlAI.CO..S ! < olc
1'roprlotora for the U. H. , 8.V ) Dearborn SU , Chicago
Kuhn & Co. , Co r ISth < fe Duuclas Ets
J .A. Fuller & Co , Cor. Mill A Douglas StD.
A. I ) . Fottcr & Co . Council Bluffs , la.
One Minute Remedy
Tor all affoctlons of the
Throat , Lungs and Bronchial Tuta
For ale by Druggists
MKNT , a epoclrtofor llyatorla , Dlulnon , Kit ) , Nou.
raliila , iloadacho , Nervous frustration cauaod by nl-
cohol or tobnceoVnkof ulnoji , 51ental Ucproislon ,
Softening of the llrnln , causing Iniinlty , misery ,
decay , dotth , I'ronmtiiro Old AKO , llarronnon , Iin
of Tower In oltlieraox , Impotency , I/uncorrhuoa mil
nil female Woikncsioi , Involuntary l.onei , Sasr-
matorrhoetcaused by over-exertion of tha briln
Bolf-abus' , ovor-lndnlizenej. A mun'.h'a troatramit
II , U for f5 , by mill. Wo Guarantee nix bnxei 13
euro 1'iicii ardor for I ! boxes , with ! 5 will son 1 writ
ten RUarnntoe to refund If not curoJ. Uunrnnto3i
Ihsueit only by A. Schroter , Driltfiiht. polo agents , d
E. cor. llith and Karnaru U. , Omaha , Nob.
A navr nnd Cornplcto Treatment , consisting o !
Suppositories , Ointment In Cnimuloi , nUo In 110 *
and 11119 ! a I'onltlvo Cure fur Kxtarnal , Internal
llllnd or llleeillnK Hchlnif , Chronic , Itocont or
Hereditary I'lloi. This Hemedy hna never been
known to fall. (1 forfi : icnt Onnll ,
Why Burii'r from this turrllilo dlsoasa whoa n writ
ten cuarnmuo U positively ( 'lven with ll box os , or
refund the money If nut cured. Horn ! " .tump lor
free Snmplo. Guarnntoo laiuoj tiy Kuhn A Co. ,
UruKKl'tB. Hole AKents. cornnr 16th mid
B reels , Onmlm. Neb ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , well-appointed , thor
oughly woll-kopt , $3 a day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Funeral Director anil Undertaker ,
311 IJroadway , Council Bluffs.
Telephone 3.1'J.
TUADE Eighty iicres near town for
FOR stallion or Imported draft horse
Address , It I , Hue olllce , Council llluiru.
TmOu"rJATE At a bnrttuln , l--acru fruit run
JL Harden ( arm adjoining city limits ; good
dwelling. K. 11. Bhuatu. _
trade lioiibo and lot for team ; wll
WILIj tlmoon balance. Call ut CIJ B
Oth btrt'ot.
171 A It MS , ( { .irJen lands , bonsai , lots anJ
-13 business blocks for a lo or rent. Day A
Uu s , 10 I'oarl nruut , Council Illuifj ,
ijiufl KENT Over 103 dwelling of every do-
I1 Bcrlptlon at prlcos varylnK from ( I to two
pur month , located In all parts of thu city , K
II. BUoife. MX )
1 ( U acres of land u short distance b. II 01
-Lcouncll ItlutTs aim the 1) . nnd I ) . Institute a
(2& pur ucrc. A nup. Also Kood KU-ucre turn
nuar Missouri Vulluy at I ' 5 pur aero. IV > bi us
lion Klvcn ut ottfo If sola , Fine farms and
Burdens of ull bUui , Johnston & Vuu I'aUun
Council ilufti.
What is Rheumatism ?
Ithcumntlsm It the name- for rnrlely of In-
flatnmstorT ancclluns of the Joint * . Acute , or In.
llnmtimloiy HluMinmtlim U likely to occur at Inter ,
vals-lhc main symptoms being pain , tomtomo. * ,
reilne * nnil swelling of Iho attjctetl Joint * , fercr
licaihclK' , chlllliioM. thlrnt ami profuse | .or plra
lion of very acl.l natiiro and illi.iKrocablo odor ,
Chronic Ulipnnmtl mnj begin ni low chrnnlo
Ol < pn e , or may bo acute nt the * l.irl ami b-romo
chronic , after acute nltacki , The Joints nro stilt ,
painful domonhat twollon , nnrt hita n creaking
foollnii feolliiK when niuvlngthoni
Another form Is t'hronlo ItlioiiiiiatMm wllli Do-
fortuity , whlih alfecti chlctly Iho unmllur Joint * ,
Irom nhlcli the Joint lartllagos bccomo wiirn nnar ,
n > thnt iho bone * rub against each other with n pe
culiar ami ptlnful gratlngj finally the Joint * lucerne
rtl'locateil tbo tlngir * . hnndu , feet , anil often the
lirgcr Joints t-tlll and Immornble , ami the unliippy
Mdlnilicooino.i helple * * . Thl * I * Iho condltloiiof
tho'o nho are vxlilMlcd | n miisonras as polrlfloil
Ithciimathm. the mot comman of all dl ? n > i
ililch nllirk ninnklnil between tho.igmof SJnmlR ) *
tear * , I * not ilnngrroua to Ilfo muter ordinary cir
cumstances , but no cll.un.n It moro il'str.utlvoof
iinhirl an.l hnpplnois , moro ne.irlng nml iloMlltif
ng : none moro thorotiKhly Incipacltaloi Ut < or'
What Causes it ?
ItcsptK-lnlljr Bttectitlio owliolmTOi"prcillapost -
Ion" to It , Tlml Is , tholr Joints nro unniinitltulpil
tint n oimje , trlvlnl In ltnoltliiilurt < 9 nn nttnck ut
Acnlo Ithciinmlltni. The blood uf tno mitlorcrcon-
nln nn cxccm of Inotlo no'il ' nnil the nuttinrltloa
ncrco Hint It Is thin which imoiluca Irrlln'l in In I ho
nlTecti'il Joliitn. lloth tlio chronic niul Aiuto forms
occur frcqiipnlh In Ilio o who nrooxpo ol to wet ,
cold or mnrkcd vftrhtlons of tcuiiorntiiro | , o'pocliil-
l > If nr-vcro niiKculnr oiorclio ho nddJd to this.
There Tlio llroln ilnrk , ilnmp roonir nro nnilorfod
nnd limo iiiucli niontnl worry nro Untile to It. Other
dlrcil cmisrs nro tovcro oxrrclro followed liy ITO-
lonccil rest In dnnii | or cold ntimi | ihcii' , sloeplnK In
dnmii toonn or flu-els , liocoiiilnu ilronchod by
rtormi , lixiilllclpnt (1 ithliiK , uxpn'iiro to OrnilitB : ,
norklnc In dump or MitiluM plnra * unit ll\lniiln
nmlnrIM rcsloin , wonkonvd bodily huilt'i ' nnd Im-
IHivi-rlsliuil blood , from lee severe norknnd Imuf-
llclcnl food , Improper ktrnH of food nnd free ute of
Btlinnlniit' < Another Koncrnl eiui-o li found In
( Oino previous or cuntompornnciiii ill t inn or nn
InlipiltiMl tiMidonpy. Improper kind * nf food or nny
food Improperly eaten will prodiieonillic.i'oof the
Moni.'icli licb ! In clmrnctcr icd br too lunch nclil.
Thl ncld ! < < nbsorbid Into tbo blooJ nnd la finally
deponlud Inthomnacloi of the joints , 'lliese emucs
produce tint conillllon of thu blood which In thu lui <
lucdlntorauto of rheumatism.
Is it Curable ?
Yes , beyond qtmtlnn. livery condlllon londlhu to
It cnn bo changed. The dlaturbliiK cnti c unn be ex
pelled from tlio 'ystcm , nnd In every InMrmco suf
fer Ing mny bo promptly nllnycd luci < et of IOIIK
atnndliiK , purmnncnt distortion of the bodycnnnot
borom < i\ed , but pnln end InconTonlncocan lo. The
dl cnse neo.l never .ot Into chronic or conty shnpo
If promptly or properly treated. Kxpcrli-nco has
amply ilumonstrutcd that mcro outward nppllca-
tlona are worthlcsa. The illsea-o Inn I a "eat In the
blood nndnn ) remedy to lie Biiccci' < fiil iinipt deiil
with HID obJtructlto ucld nhlcli polioiu and InHumes -
Humes It.
It a slncllj pclcntlllc propnratlon fonlolnit Juit this
onothlni : It had la ! orl ln In ro.--ulnrinnl nucccss-
fnl medical practice Many CHtabllthed phjxlclnnii
who care moro for iuro than for "ethics" or "pnthy"
prescribe IU They hnvo found and are honesti
enoiuh to admit that tha ahorteot w.iy across 19
NOT tlioloiiRcat way around.
Hy dlro-t , hlmploiind sclentlllc action It operates
( inthu bhidt lillHClesmul Joints by taklnv the pol-
on out of the blood nnd out of tin : * ; tem ; It In *
vlKorntce the action of the muscles nnd llmbcri the
ttltlnca * of the joints It reaches the Liter nnd
Kidney , clcinilni ; them fiom Irrltntlim .inbitnnces ,
and If followed Ui after the rheumatic oundltlomi will restore the oigana to toinlirlty nnd
health , and Mop the maiif icturo of the poltonous
ncld. Inuhinnch at It la primarily the t-' llloocl
I'lirlllcr , It becomes Invnluablo for all dUcn caofa
scrofulous character ns well. This remedy , which
l.ashadanch nnparalollod STICCOJS I ) not an acci
dent. Allfornmof rheumatism huvo } lcldcd tolta
Inlliicncc , oftentlmcH the relief comliiK PO promptly
nnd completely ai to appear almost mlroculoua. In
acutecnaes ciusedbr exposure , Ac , Ita elect lanl-
iuot Invariably seen nt o.ico ; but Ita ureatoit wonder -
der ha\e been wrouzhl where the ill.'ca.'o wns from
Internal causes , and where , by faithful ailhcronc'e to
Ita use , It has cured the most obMlnato cases , leav
ing the patient free from all aiitTerlnR nnd ttlacom-
fort. Some of tbo testimony received from pcraona
who have been for many ycara urenl KUITercrs
would be almost Incredible were It * ot vouchedfoy
by people of the hlKheatrcupoctablllty.
Ath-lo-pho-roa la cold by nil drucKl ta at fl per
battle , nix bottlca fur (5.
Denntlfiil pUturo ent free , postpaid , to any ono
who will vi rlto for It.
Oiilia Mcdid ami Silica
Eye & Eat
F.Oli TI-llH
Host facilities , apparatus nnd Uumocllos
for Hiiccessf ul treatment of iwory form
of dlHUUHO romilriiu mo , Heal or
Hiir.leiil : treatment.
* > 0 beds for puUcntu , htmrd and attendance ,
HcHt iid'OinndiitlDiiit In thu west.
\Vrlto ( or circulars nn deformities nnd
braces , trusses , club feet , eurvut urus of aulne ,
tillcs , tumors , cancur.cmtarrh. InoiiuliltlH , In-
liuliuloii , electricity , jumilyHln , opIliMisy , ItliN
ney , b mliler , eyo. oar , ultln nnd blood itnd ull
Hiirclenl operations.
rtT < 3PA < 3P ( ! nP WflMFH A Hl'ioiA : I.TV.
UlobAuDO Ut WUmtlN llookonDUaususot
Women KUHH. Wo have lately ud Jed lyltiK-
In department fur women durlnv I'oiilliiomenC.
( strictly private , ) Only Itullablo Medleul In *
fitilute making a .Specialty of
All Illood Diseases tnicctissfully treated.
Hypbtlltlo Poison removed from tlio Hystum
without mercury. Now itenloratlvo Treut-
Loss VITAL I'UWKIC. I'ursons
iiiont for of un
able to visit us may bo treated at Inline by
corresDon lence. All commiinlc.itlon.s eonll-
dentlul , Mtidlclnus or Instnime/iti / aunt by
mull oroxiiresu , mscuruly packed , no niurkK to
Indicate contents or Bender , line jieifconal In
terview preferred. Call mid consult tin or send
blutory of your case , and wo will fcund In plalu
wrupnor , our
Pnfllf 77) MFN niEni IJuon rrlvate ,
DdUK IU men
, bpcolul or Ntrvuus ! > !
oases. Impotrnoy. Bvplilllu , Gleet auil Vnrlco-
role , with iituHtfon | list ,
llraces , Appliances for Deformities & Trusei.
Only manufactory Iritliu Wuiiof -
Ifl .11 l > l.l.t.\UI : , llttlnt > l.f , Kl.KUl'lllQ
IH Tfl'.ltll'.H AM > IIKI.'JU.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
26th nnd Broadway , Co neil Bluffo.
Tun mlnuteb' ildo fiotn eiinterof Oinuba on
Onmlm and Council JllufTd eieetrlo motor lino.
Of Council Illalti.
, .8lllOIOO
1'roitg. . . . . . . . .
NotUopltul ami Burplu *
lllrectorB-J. II. Kilmunilion , I' . I , bliiuirt , F.O ,
Oluaxjn , K. K. Hart , I. A. Mllior. Jj V illncumnn
ii < l Charloi II. IlMinun. Transact i-'i'neral bunU-
iiij ; buBiiiiMH. l.arntut capital ami surplus ot
any Lank In Southwixturn lowu ,