Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Showed Much Depression Through
out Most of the Session ,
IVftttlior Condition * Cut nn liniiiirlnnt 1'nc-
tor HMTliln | Continued tiillo Mlicrnl
Corn Wild Wenfc With n
Slight Decline.
ClitCAfio , III. . Mnrch 7. Tlio wheat nmrkot
bowed much depression throughout niostof
the session uncl prices were ganorully weak
mid lower. Tliero was ono or two rallies but
the strength wna only temporary nnd tlio
rnnso win within Uo nf the lowest point dnr-
Inft tlio session und shows u loss of Ha coin-
tinted wllli Saturday's eloslnn fUnres. The
nuws wus ccnenilly discouraging , The
"weather conditions out nn Impor
tant factor. .n they wcro reported
fiivonihlo utmost every whore , not only for the
winter wheat , but for the early commence
ment of spring HocdliiK. Tlioro was uo cold
weather reported anywhere , and oven In the
extreme northern part of Dakota the weather
was said to bo IB0 above zero. A benr factor
wus weak o ibles ; Uverpool'wns reported Mil
lower , und London from nd to Od lower ,
whllo all domestic m.irkutH were very
much depressed. Now York falling olT
lie ; with Diilutb and Minneapolis about
us much. Uecolpts continued to bo
liberal everywhere , especially In the west and
Indications from the start wcro that tlioro
would bo a very considerable Inuruasu In the
visible supply. Many discouraged holders
Blurted to sell at the top and for a time the
pressure was heavy , und May start n ? atf-S o
and tmicliln , ' Wlie , sold olT to hSJic with only u
llRht demand. When the prieo ( rot down to
tbe ! ( , however , the shorts began lo lake ud-
vnutiiKi ! of tlio drop to eovor and tlioro was a
Kradual rally to KSyc.
A report Unit the weather In ITHIICO contin
ued v jry cold , that tlioro WUH some export
buying in Nuw Viirlt , anil that 1.VI.OUO bu. Hud
been worked at Detroit was also bomo help In
blinking about the Improvemont. When the
Increase of 443,000 bu. In the visible supply wus
reported the market lost , a little , but this was
subsequently recovered. Among tbo dls-
putehes received from abroad was ono that
the Liverpool Corn Tradu News had reduced
Its 0.111111110 for the weekly European ro-
( julrements from 7.CS3.030 bu. to leas than
7,000,1.00 bu. This , In elTeet. Is rednolMK tlio
estimate of the needs of Kurope this year
ovor.iii.Wiyi.U bu. or In other words that much
less Amorinan whor.t will bo reiiulrcd. Dur-
Ini ! most of thu last hour tlio market held
cteady at from bSiic to ssyu. but ijrew very
wen uuriiiK the lust tun minutes and touched
the lowest point of the o-iy HSc. closed weak
at 8S'e. The break near the close was at
tributed to a cessaslon of the demand by
bhorts nnd weak cables. The clearances of
wheat from the siiiiboard Saturday woio 711.-
II'n ' hit , of who'll and ll.UUO bills , of Hour. Later
eab'cs quoti'd 1'arls lower with Ilrrlln h Kher
on spot but lower on futures. l'ardrhlie imtdo
a piuteiiM ) of soiling some wheat , but wan
generally believed to bo buying heavily
tliroutili the broilers to cover his short line
and sccnro his nrollts.
Corn was 11 u lot and weak but hold down
much butter than wheat , the deullno belli1,1
only aLont one-cinartcr of a cent , The ro-
coiptH were In excess of the estimate by some
fifty ears and Included nineteen ears of con
tract. Trade was slow and the offerings were
( air. Ttiu sli pp UK demand slow , Tlio
closn was at a loss of one-eighth of a cent
compared with ilaturday's.
( Juts \vuro iinlot and weak during most of
the session , but closed with a gain of ! ic.
Hog nroduOts wore stronger , otpeclally for
pork. Llvo bos receipts were litilow the csvl-
iinito ami jirlces at tbu yards from 5c to lOu
liluher. After marking an advance of .Me
pork closed with a gain of I3c. Lard and ribs
nro25o ! higher.
Khiimatuu receipts for tomorrow : Wheat
Sfl I CP rs : corn , 4IU cars ; o.its , 185 cars ; ho s. 10-
000 head.
The lending futures ranged us folloows :
Slnrch i sr
Mnrch 1 4l
Mny M
June 4I1 ! M
OATH No. 7
Mnrch VJU znt 2S >
Mny son WH ao
Slrm Pome
March 11 oo ' II liK 1097W 11 ow
May II 'JO 11 S2H H n 11 27H
Mnrch. r , < o C 40
Mny UBO 0 60
BnoiiT IUII8-
Mnrch 6 ; , L fi82W 685
May 6 UO 6 US 6'JO 5WM !
Cash quotations wore ns follows :
ri.ouit-IUill and unchanged , but easy.
WHKAT No. 2 spring vrhoat. 80Uo ; 'No. 3
BprliiL- wheat , 81ii8o ! ; ; No. 2 rod. UJ o.
COIIN Lower ; No. 2 , 41ioi ! No. 3 yellow , 40 ®
OATS-NO. 2. 20io ! : No. 2 whlto. 3lU < a
82c : * o. 3 white , 2U. ® : Wc.
UVB-No. 2 , aio.
HAiirEV-No. 2. Sfloj No. 3 , t. o. b. , 42a55c ;
Ko. 4. f. o. b. . 3742c.
FI. < XSKEI > No. 1. . . .
TIMOTIIV SBKII i'rlmo , tl. XQ > 1.33.
I'diiK Mess pork , per bbl. , tll.OTU ; Inrd ,
JUT cwt , W.4.iao.42W : short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
I5.85s.f71 $ : drysalted shoulders ( boxed ) , Jo. 70 ;
Bhort clear sides ( boxed ) . $0.25.
WHISKV Distillers' finished goods , per sa ! .
HUOAI13 Cut leif , unchancorl at55iC ? ,
Itecelpts und shlpmonts tod.iy were as fol
lows :
On the Projucooxchanso today the butter
market \vas firm ; fanoy creamorv , M 'Uc :
( Ino wt-storn. 25-7c ; ordlnarv,20iaiitb ; soleetod
dairy , -iittffic. Kggs. I3l3ftc.
UiiESE-Hrni : : full cream Cheddars , n ®
ll'tui Hats. W6l2c : Young Amorlcas , I''anu ,
Hums Unchancod.
TAI.I.OW Unchaiu-td.
Jfuw York .llurkntt.
Niw : VOHK. March 7.-Fi.ouii-nccolpts , 20,893
; yellow wohtorn.
. . . I'lUvtl. ,
WiiKAT-HecolptB. 05.2'fl bu. : exports , 4K,481 : )
bu , : sales , 4.U70.000 bu. of futures ; a0UOO bu. of
pot. Spot market lower , free sellers ; fair bus
iness ; No. 2 re-l , .lK.Tl.ttiS ! | n itoro and
cluvutnri No. 3 rod OS 'jBHc ; un
graded red. l. ; No. 1 northern
il.Ki ( © i.aM ! : No. 1 ImrU. ILosai'iofi" ? . 2
northern , 07iJo. Options declined 7tQUo ( ) | on
lower cablea ; liirgor receipts , west Increase IP
visible supply ; flno crop weather nnd liberal
India shipment * . , advanced ! ® ? ; In local
severing , declining ® o on foreign and
local lines , rolling closed weak at KMiyn
iimler Saturday. No. 2 rod. March lo
Ing atuific.
HVK Qulot , lower : western , 07'409i ) ,
Stocks of grain ashore and alloat March 5 :
Wheat , 3,720,7(14 ( bu. ; corn. I.C08S83 bu , o'ltV
1.20i,30.lbii. ! ; ryeC-Jl,030bu.i bar oy. lil'.Vso liu ;
malt. OI.IKll hu. : peas. 2.571 bu.
liAiiuv-Dull ; No. 2 Mllwaukoo , C5 < ar.Go.
' MAI < T luU | B0o ! OmmUa country
CouN-Hecolpts , 159.075 bu. : exports , 17,0 : ;
bu. : Biilrs , 8O.IM'0 ! bu. flltUrcH ; IHI.UUObu spot
Spot market easier , fair business ; No. 2 , 4 u
COII'yo ' In elevator ; MiO.VUo ) ) atlout ; uu-
Kratled mixed. IdHCtiUie ; No. 3. 49Uo ; steamer
mixed , 40 ? ; < a.WHc. Optloni declined > 4Ko on
weaker cables und dull tradlnz ; March , iuti
© 40 o ; closing nt 4 ! { c : Aprll.S-jaJiojio : closing
nt & 0o ; May. 4i ! © 40Ko : closing at 4U--Vo :
Juno closing ut 48Uo ; July ( tSXv closlui : ut
OATS Receipts , 120,000 bu , ; exports. 10.700
bu. : sales. VOJ.OOO bu. futures : KS.OOO liu. spot ;
ipot market dull , lower ; options modcralolv
notlvo and weaker ; March 38' < c. oloslns u't
MKioi May. 4tl aiJojic. closing at 3Uot !
Juno , 35 ( it30c. oloslnz ut 800 ; No. 2 spot , 38'iii ;
mUod wostorn. uniUSo ; whlto western , b
lie ; No. 1 UhlcHico. nominal.
HAY Firm , quiet.
Hoi's Qulot and easy.
I l-lOo ; stnndard A. 4H4o ; confectioners A ,
l jc ! powdered , 44Ho | granulated , 4J4 ©
< 7-lfio ; ouboR , 4i4io. |
S Poralffii , dull ; 50 test. 18 , oi Now
Orleans quiet und ilriu ; common to fancy , 26 ©
B6c *
KICK Firm ; peed demand.
PuTBOLBOu-gulet , steady ! United closed at
tOUo ( or April.
COTTON bEEU On , Dull ; crude , 23)Joi ) yel
low , ' "Jo.
TAi.LOW-null and easy | city ( J2.CO fornkgs ) ,
il l-lic. (
HOSIN Mrni nml quiott steamed , common
to good , l.iii6il.i7) : ) ; .
Tutii'KNTims Dull nnd lower at 30a30Jc. !
Eons Kasy ; full receipts ; western , 15o ;
receipts , fiu > 0 pkpg.
lllPKtf fctoady and quiet ; wet salted NOH
Orloun * selected , 45 and 75 I Us. at 1X0.80 ; Tuxui
telected , 5U and ( U Ibs. CUc ,
1'oiiK Actlvo und firm ; mess. (9.7 © 10.50.
CUT MEATS Stoudyslow | pickled shoulders ,
V > . ( A ) ; middles , quiet ; short clour. t&55.
itii Firm und quiott western steam
usked ; option sales , 1,750 tierces ) Murcu
M.7R : Muy , SI&O&K ! ) July , M.S2 , oloilng. thOf.
llUTTKii-llullt omys wiMtrrn dairy , 103230 ;
rstf rn creamery. 2l.iOui ! western factory.
. .
Citirsr. Qulot and firm ! partsklnn ,
Pin InoN Dull nnd easy ; American ,
Cori'Kit-Qulot nnd steady ! Irko , HO.riO ©
IjKAD Qulot ami steady ( lomcstlc , > ®
4.20.Tl.sStrnlts , 11060.
Oiniitm I'roilnrn .MirkolB.e
Fl.Otlll Oinalri Milling company's Kollnnco
I'Htent. > . ' , : > ) : Invlnclblo 1'nlcnt , 12.40 ; f.ono
Staryuporlatlvo. f..SOi Snowlliiko , SI.85 : 1'aney
ramllv , tl.Wt S , V. tlllman's ( lold Medal. J-.5) !
Snow white , I2.ZS ! Hnowllako , 12.001 low Rrade ,
II.CU ! Queen of the I'.intry , J2.00.
1'oui.Tiiv Chickens , need stocV , OiilOoj
cccsc. ducks anil turkeys. llK'c.
IIUTTKit Host eholco country roll , lKUV2lci !
lower grndcsi , liffllfc. . . , , . ,
Minus No. I erceu sailed hldo . I SI'jc ' ;
No. 2preeu salted hldo , 4M l'lci No l green
salted hides. 25 to 40 lbs.,3H3ic ! : No a grcon
salted lildu * . 25 to 40 Ibs , , aitillic : No. 1 veal
calf , S to 15 ! ! . . Co ; No. 2 voul calf. 8 to I.Mbs. ,
4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 7&f o : No. 2 dry Mint
hides , 50e : No. 1 dry saltoj hides , 5i' . ' 1 al
low , No. 1. 3ft4c ! : tallow , No. 2. sijc ; grease ,
whlto A , 4o : Kroaso , white II , aVja-'IVc : grnasi' ,
yellow , 'lc : Kinanc , dark , 2'4e ' ; mil butter , 2 ®
2tc ( ; beeswax , prime , IGoj rotich tallow , 14 !
© 'J'1.
HAY Plow ut f.iriOQ.VOO , The latter prlco
could only bo obtained for something u.ttra
good ,
Knos-Market easier at ! 213c. !
I'liiliTS California rlvoMldo oraiigcs. $2.25 ;
Washington navels. $ : ! . . " > > WI. 7,1 ; good apples ,
ti.roS''HA : choice lemons $1,21 : fancy lemons.
$1.50 : Mitlaga grapes , jl.25 nor bbl. ; banaiiiis ,
cr.itrd. t'iWii'M : cranberries , shipping stock ,
$0.0a7.00 ! ) ( ! strawborrlc1 ! , IWo < ) t.
VtoiiTAiu.r.s California eabbagc , " ! io per
Hi. In crates ; luimo ( .rown lottlico. 4JUI50 per
do/ . ; California ciitillllowpr , l..2..a..5) ) : onions ,
T. . ' .Mo per bu. ; Nebraska hand picked bonus ,
fl.f.TOI.xA : medium , Jl. 1031.00 ; celery , , ' ci
sweet potatoes , $2.50 ; Colorado and western
Nebraska pot itoos. : iVle ) ; native potatoes ,
2ViJKe : ) : lima beans , 4UCM/4C par Ib.j water
cress , 'Jl-it | , cases , 1'JIJB flu pjr qt. ; spinach ,
$ ; l.W ) porblil. : Spunlsh onions , pur crnte ;
radishes , 45iMc. !
OAMK Mallard ducks , g'1.00 ; tual , fl.5.l,75 ;
nilAcd , $1.2.1. _
Kitnvia City .Uarknti.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. . March 7. Kr.ontt
In good demand , llrm : otiotatlons for unes-
tabllshed brands In round lots are as follows :
patents , 8..V ) ; extra fancy , $ .V.02.2j ; fancy ,
J3.avas.lfl ! choice , $ I.POa'.00.
WHKAT Dull : no bids.
COIIN Sto.itly ; No. 2 , cash , aicasknd ; March
33o bid.
DATS Nothing doing.
HVR Steady : No. . ' . 7879c.
IlltAN I'lrmer ; ll.ic In 1 00-1 b. sacks.
HAY Market strong ; timothy. $9.03 per ton ;
fancy prairie , $ ( V.M ; coed to choice , $5.UOaoO ;
low grades. SI.5J5.UO.
Eons Active. lower : lie.
llUTTKK-FIrm ; creamery , 22So ! : rolls. 14
© SIP.
CIIKESE YOIIIIT America. 10c ; Kansas. 79u.
HECRIPTS Wheat , 32,300 bu. : corn , 2iGOO ) , bu ;
oats , 2.100 bu.
Smi'jiKNTS Wheat. 10,030 bu. ; corn , 28,200
bu. ; outs , 1,900 bu.
Minneapolis U'hrat Market.
MINNKAPOMH. Minn. . March 7. Tlio spasm
of strength that ovortoulc wheat two woelcs
ago baa dls.ippoarcd and the market today
was back to tlio break below Sic. The lowest
prlroof wliont this crop year was8.l' c. made
o.irly In 1'ebrnary. The market today Is
lower than this. May opened nt 84c. llic un-
dorSaturday's close. It sold down to H'l4'o.
came back to 84c. went to 83'ac. then to 8UsC.
and fluctuated In that way , mid on that range
unilinear tlio close , when It broke to SlUic.
Cash wheat was not vorv active. There was
lots of wheat and the traders did not show
jip : ; rncss to buy. No. 1 northern sold from
< l-i8iyi' ! , but most of the sales were ut or"
close to Hie. Receipts of xvhcat were 707 cars ,
n nil at Duluth nnd Superior SO ears. Close :
March clos rig at b'Jc , Mny opening ut 8lc ;
highest. Sl'4'1 ! lowest , 8l'c. } closing at B3'/Jc :
on trick , .NO. 1 hard , Hl'.io : No. 1 northern.
Sac : No. 3 northern ,
Mllwaukeo Alurkot * .
MILWAUKEE , WIs. . Murch 7. KLOUH Very
WHKAT Weak ; No. 2 spring , 83c ; Na 1
northern , SOc ; May. 8."iic ( ,
UOIIN Dull ; No. 3. 40i ! .
OATS Qulot ; No. 2 white , 321J : No. 3 , white ,
llAittEY Qulot : No. 2 , 52ic ! : simple. 3TJ8e.
KYB In motleriito supply ; No , 1 , bOK37e.
PoiiK-MavII.3' ,
LAitu-May , $ ' .f&
HKCEU-TS Flour , 8,303 Ibs. ; ifheat , 23,700
bu. : barley. 2S.IOO bu.
Smi'.MKNTS-Flour. 13,300 Ibs. : wheat , 15,000
bu. ; barlov , 7.00J bu ,
Ilrltlsh drain Trade ltevlc\r.
LONUOK , March 7 , The Mark Lane Express
n Its weekly review of the Uritlsh L-raln trade
says : Kiullsli wheats wore steady ; forolan
wheats made a fractional advance , California
being Od dearer , und American red wlnlor3d
dealer. Flour was weak , the provincial mar
kets quoting American Od lower. Barley was
llrm ; thrrowasanadvuncoof OJ In prlccs.wlth
a reduced sale at the advance. Corn wont up
: id ; new American on passage was quoted at
20s 9d ; the market for oats was steady. Amor-
loan was quoted at 13s Od. At today's market wheats were ncgleotod. American
Hour wus Od cheuuer. Corn and oats wore 3d
Codco Market.
NEW VOIIK. March 7. Options opened barely
steady at5 to 15 points down : closed steady
at 10 to 20 points clown : sales. 22.75) bass , In
cluding Murch. $ I3.40Tnr)0 : April , $12.8J © 12.91 ;
May. $12.0012.7il ; June , 9KM ; July. 312.30 :
August. H'l.'M ; Sentembor. 112.20 ; December ,
t 1.0.1. Spot Ulodull ; No. 7. 814'.75.
SANTOS. March 7. COKFEE Geol average
Santos. 1 i,8tK ) rols per 10 kilos. Kocolpts during
the week , 72.0JO bags ; purchases for the United
Ktates , 24,0 0 bags ; shipments to the Un ted
Stutes , 1.1,000 bags ; stock. 370.0JO bass.
Cotton Murker. .
Market steady : middles. ( ISJu ; low mid
dles. f > 'io ; good ordinary , 5 o. Not receipts ,
3,531 bales ; gross receipts , 03' . ' bales ; ex
ports to continent , 4,371 bulosisalcs , 3r > 03 bales ;
stock , 458ll > 8 bales.
NKwYoitic , March . 4. Futures . closed weak ;
salos85,40 bales ; March , $1.lii ; ; April. $0,71 :
May , Su > 2i June. $ iiOt July , $7.02 ; August ,'s Soptembor. 17.22 : October. J7.32 ; Novom-
bsr , S7.42 ; December , $7.52.
Dulutli Wlimit Market ,
DULUTH , Minn. , March 7. May wheat
opened at IVc oil'nnd lost JIo In the next ton
minutes , followed by a steady gain und
broke to the opened figures at noon ,
Following wore the closing iirlc < ! s : No. 1 hard ,
cash. S'iic ! ; March , BJ'ic ; May , ESjc : No. 1
northern cash , Ku ) ; March , 82c : May , 8uc ;
Nix 1 norlhern , cash , 75o ; No. 3 , 70o : rejected ,
fiSo. On track : No. lhard , bl'iu ; No. 1 northern -
orn , fc3Jlc. _
J < 'orcliii Oil Market.
Gd per quarter.
LINSIMID OIL IPs Od per ewt.
Tuiti'BNTiNi : Si'iitiTS 27s per owt
ANTWHiu1 , March 7. PETHOLKIIM 15f.
LiVKiii'OOi , . March 7 , TuiirisNriNB Si'iniTS
27s 3d per cwt.
Nrxv York Dry ( iooiU Market.
Nr.w YOIIK , March 7. Business In dry goods
opened encouragliily. The market at first
hands keeps In excellent condition. Prices
continue unchanged und steady to firm.
Liverpool MurkeM.
Liveiirnou March ? . WHEAT Quiet ; hold
ers olTor moderately ,
CoiiN-Domand fair.
lluui' Kxtra mess , 72s Cd per tlcrco.
Trader * ' Talk.
CiiiCAiJO , III. . March 7 , Cottsclman ft Day
to Cookrell llros : Wheat opened iiiSJio
losvor and ulosod lilUo ! lower than Butur-
day. The spuculutlvu Inlluenecs were very
positive on the tear Hldo und soiling for both
loni ; nnd short accounts wus general at the
close. The weather was soring like , Winter
wheat sootlons reported marked Improve
ment In the growing crop an. I a disposition
among fanners to market gr.iln heretofore
withhold as noon as the roads would permit
It , Northwest receipts. 1,107 curs , und nine
cars over the estimates here. The
visible supply increased nearly 500.00J bushels ,
Cubloiiwore lower and soabount markets rela
tively weaker than Chicago. There was seme
lowering by local shorts Inlluenrcd by llbera
clearances , but as this was reported to bo ok
business the llnal closing was heavy at the
low points. The fear of u bearish government
report on Thursday anil anoxpo''tod reduction
In European estimated rnijuiromontH ure the
depressing Inlluonces for the Immediate fu
ture. Corn and oats wore very dull nnd nar
row , chlelly on the Inlluoncu ot the visible
supply figures. Corn cloned ono-elghth of i
cent lower nnd outs one-eighth of u cent
higher than Saturday. Provisions were stronii
In sympathy with the llyllt run of hogs urn :
higher prices ut the stock yards. Puckers seo-
IUK little likelihood of deprcmlng the product
further wcro liberal buyers throughout thu
session ,
CuiCAno , 111. , March 7 , F. Q. Logan fc Cote
to J. Sands Commission company : 'J ho Urs
prlco on wheat was Mlio for May. sold us blirl
as bUu and closed utbtOic. Cables uro lower
The wouthor Is line and farorublo for thu
growing plant , and reserves In farmers' bund
are said to bo I'irgo. The government repor
duo on the loth Is expected to show 45 per con
of the crop still unmarketed. Wo do not look
for much If any advance , although thu mur
ket Is In the condition where u reaction of a
cert or so may bo looked for uny time , The
corn trano was lUht and It sold off In BVIII
pathy with wheut , May closed ut 42jc. Pro
visions more steady with sumo good loca
miyliij.- , The homo and foreign domutrJ Is goot
for ribs und lard.
CHICAOU. Ill , March " . Konuott , Hopklns&
Co , to H. A. McWhorter : Cables were no
much lower , hut the line weather and glowln'
reports from thu Puvltlii coast apparently let
many to l ollovo that wheat would bo heading
out In a few duyu , and there wus u general
scrambling to get out of long stulf. Pardrldgo
aided the downward movement hv sliigcing
he market nt every show Of Rtrcngth , The
Islblo supply show * n moderate lncronc. but
tut nn largo RS generally cxpoctnd ,
'ho world's shipment * for the twnok
ire the Mnullcst for tomo' tlmr ,
Dior linvo been ktcadlly declining.
ml for some reasons the amount on ocann
iaMngo as steadily Increases. This Itonuof
ho Incongruous things about grain MntMk'S
hat nobody can satlnfactorlly explain. Ulos-
IU cables showed tnoro strontth than ux-
lectel. The market ought to rallv from this
Irprpsslon. The Liverpool corn trade news
estimates European requirements for Ihoio-
nnlndor of the season at 11)7,000,000 ) buibcls ,
hu bulk of wliloh will ot course huvu
ocoinufroiu Amcrlcui Corn aim oats have
leld upqulto null considering the wna
wheat , A modcr.ito ncclluo In corn
orward strong support anil keeps the hears
rom raiding It , Provisions were dull but
ather strong all day. lllg bears show mils-
ncllnatlou to add to their short lines and as
hn situation grows healthier It Is not lmpo -
Ihle that the next turn In the market may be
owurd better prices.
lout TruniiirllonnVrro u H Stuallrr Sralo
Thau SiUnrility'A.
Nnw VOIIK , Muroh 7. The stock market
oil ay was not as active as on Saturday and
nest transactions were not on so larrfo a seal even
von for the flvo hours of business Instead of
.wo. There was on the whole u llrm temper to
ho dealings , but considerable Irregularity
listed and whllo the Vandorbllts still dis
played the ni'ist pronounced strength the
oa'ora , Industrials anil Nuw England were
poclally weak nt times. A further ongugo-
nent of gold for export , had some lullucncu In
creating u bearish temper , but there was no
renewal of the raid of Saturday and prices
ver left more to tholr natural bent , and
iftor tlio romov.i of tlio pressure u
Inner tone developed. Thoto was very little
doing on foreign account , but bettor support
n the coal Blocks wis a factor In the Improved
ono which the poslllvo strength shown by the
.akuKhoro and later by the Northwestern ,
iroughtthe whole list along In llio afternoon.
The Ulehmond .t West Point securities wcro
comparatively quiet during thu forenoon , but
.he stocks rallied sharply and the bonds later
n the day more than recovered the loss of thu
ast few days , The grangers were well sup-
lorted throtuh HU Paul on a large business ,
Itictuated within the narrowest limits and
regained during the cntlrn afternoon , Hut as
ho day wore on the entire market showed
fovorlslinossand prices rose slowly In response
to the more settled feeling.
Among the s | equities the Now York ,
Susiiuohauna & Western stocks were again
strong and comparatively active , the pru-
'erred making a material Improvement , whtlo
cordage dropped : i6 ! per cent , only a small
lortlon of which was regained during the
ifturnoun. Tbo leading stocks , however , re-
nalncd feverish und unsettled to the und. and
In the last hours tlioro was the most deter
mined raid of the day made on the list when
Heading , Luke Shore. Northwestern and Now
England wcro materially depressed. Lake
Shore losing almost all of Its heavy gain of thu
lOrenoon. the opening of thu general list was
In must oases fractionally better than Satur
day's ilnal figures , whllo Ml ; ousl Pacltlc for
no apparent reason , was up 1'i per cent and
Omaha and Delaware & Hudson oacn 1 per
cent. There was no settled tendency In prices
luring the ontlro sosalon und por.oils of weak
ness alternated with periods of strength
Lhroushout the entire day ,
The raid In thn lust hour brought almost
everything traded In down to the lowest point
of the day , but a sharp rally In the loaders oc
curred in the last few minutes , tbo market
closing weak and unsettled , generallv at frac
tional losses for the day. Uojullug , however ,
Is down 2'4 per cent , Jersey Central 2 per cent
and New Knglnnd I per cent , wbllo the low
priced specialties retained most of tholr
: ans ! , and the Richmond & West Point pre
ferred closed tit OiJJ , the highest price of the
day and 2i ! per cent better than Saturday.
Government and state bonds have been ( lull
and stoady.
The following are the closing notations for
the leading stocks on the New York tock ex
change today.
bid. t asked.
The total sales of stocks today were 4" > 0C55
shares , Incliiillnc : Atchlson , 5.GOO ; Delaware ,
Ijtiokawanna & Western , 9.000 ; Erie , Ifl.fiOJ ;
I < ako Shore. 21,018 ; Louisville & Nashville ,
7,170 ; Mlchltrau Central. 3.780 ; Norfiwcsti-rn.
3,250 ; Now Jcrsoy 2,103 ; Now Vork
Central. 4.HII ; Northern I'acinc. 4KMi Now
KiiKland , V.U8 : > ; KondliiR , 113.8W ; Ulehmond &
Westl'olnt. 13.00) ; St. Paul. 4,400 ; St. 1'aul &
Omaha , 4,455 ; Western Union , 4,500.
Financial rfuvlow.
NEW VOIIK. March 7. The Post says :
Th reasoning of the operators for higher
prices Is perfectly plain. Stoolis boucht by
outsiders several months auo are conlldently
hold and there are ur.ictlcally no stop orders
from this source. London , whoso liquidation
checkmated all the later plans of the Read
ing bulls , appears to have practically nothing
to soil In the Vaiuiorbllt stocks. This , let It
bu kept In mind , Is the Inference from appo ir-
anco and It Is not to bo forgotten that surface
Indications lotl most people to the HUMID con
clusion about Hoadln : prices , which starloU
the landslide ot holdings. It Is sufo
to assort that no sign of nnch re-
slstanco has been encountered . by
the manipulators of the Vandorbllt
stocks. This , of course , merely shifts thu
iftiustlon and loaves an open query as to who
Is taking up those heavy purchases and what
the buyers moan to do with thorn. That bonu
fldo outsldo capital Is bolng Invested In the
stocks at those prices , few cautious observers
bellovo. There Is as yet no speculative side
buying on a largo scale , yet tlioro can bo no
final profit In such an advance unless bomo-
botly apptmrs on whom the bulls can unload
Ibis ftock ,
'Sow York Money .U'irlcot.
NBW YoiiK , March 7. MONEY on OAi.r.
Easy at li&-percent ! ; last loans 2 per cent ,
closed jn'orod at2 percent.
I'll I Ml ! MUIIOANTIU ! PAI'Ell 42 > VJ [ )0r 00111 ,
HTKIII.INCI KXCHANOE Quiet and oaslor nt
(4.85 for sixty-day Dills and fl.Sili for do-
iiiiinu ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
Flimnrlnl Notm.
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , March 7. CIoarlngH , * ! , -
075.7UI ,
I'A it IB. March 7 , Three per cent rentes OOf
05o for the account ,
NEW YOIIK. March 7-Olearlugs , $77,818,825 !
balances , $ . * > , 105,21)0. )
IIALTIMOHU , Md. . Maroh 7. Olonrlngs , 12,151-
428 ; balances. $3 . 'J1U. Itatr.U per cent.
riiii.AtntriiiA , I'll. . March 7. ( Jluarln.'s
$ | i'il7,8li ; ( ; balances. $1,011,833. Money , 31i per
CINCINNATI , O. , March 7. Money , 3&f ) per
cent. New Vork exchange , 40e dUcount. Cloiir-
IngK. $2,517,200.
llosTO.v , Mass. , March 7. Clearings , $ (5.590.- (
3dUi balances. 8ltW.l.iii. ( : Money , 1'Q'J ( percent.
Kxchungoon Now Vork , 102lSo discount ,
Mr.Jiriiiu. Tenn , Murch 7. Now Vork ox-
ehunge belling at par. Clearings. $ i39,8SJ ]
balances , Si"i7t01 : ,
C'liirAOO , III. , Mnrch 7. Monov easy at 4)1 ) ®
Opur cont. Olourlniis. } 16,5'3I25. New Vorh
oxehunge , 50itWo ( discount. Sterling exchange
dull und unchanged.
London Stock Murliot.
On/rlu'ie ! ( < lS3i b < l Jii'im c7oril < iu Ilcnn:1. ' . .
LONDON , March 7.INuw Vork llorald Cubic
Upoclal to THE llKt. ] An regards buslneea
tliU bus been unexi-t'odlngly quiet day im tla
Stock oxchungo , thu approach ( thg toitlo-
incut no doubt checuln. new eiigagomunta
The increublng und abundance ot money hue
caused funds to nilvamo from'J percent to
24 pur cent , Indian rupee p iuer Is also U to } i
per cent higher , Argentlnu government bondi
are aUo butter , owing to the premium on golu
living declined to 'PI Vpor cent , llnnio r.ills
c'o < icd fairly ROIM ! .llt.nono. IhiallngR have
icon on u very rMlrml Buiilu. In the majority
) fcn csan ImprovevJPhlof from " 4 per rent
o 't per cent Is tiiiljjlslieJ. : The southrrn
Ines are Mlghtly tlui. | Tiwlne tntomparatlTcly
mor trnfllo otatoninlrvlor the cclt. Ainorf-
run railways huvo bpiyt nioro orlc adull all
Iny.whllo ucallngM huVv , been on a very small
scale. C.inadlnn llnciuhnve been comiiara-
Ivcly noglpctd , Orutid trunk IS-MIO and
'anadlitn I'nolflc IvnvioolT from 's per cent to
\ pur rent lower. Money has been itiltu | a
Irng In Lombard street today. Short loan *
mve been obtains ! Ut j pnr cent. Not ninny
bills have been brought forwurl In the dis
count market thoso'ittiwo and thrco mouths
ire nuotod nt from 1 per cent to H { per cont.
liUNtio.v , March 7l'tio folloivlnt were tlio
/umlon Htojk iiiotiUtiii4 | : eloilug nt 4 p. m :
CoimiWnionejr..M I'nnl c-oin . Kill
rte , nccnnnt . tkl .Now . Vork Contrnl. . I50H
N , V. , I' , A.O Ists , . . . ; ilVniinylTanln . MiH
'nn. 1'ncltlo lle.idlni.
, - - _
IIAU 4115(1. (
MoNKV-liiWI't per cent ,
Untcof dl''Diint in thoopon market forshort
bills , 1 \ per cent ; for three month ! ) bills , IU
icrccnt ,
Ito lon Slnrlc .Mnrket.
llOflTON. Mai ? . . March 7 , The fnllnwln * were
the cloilnt price ) on stocks on the lloiton
stock market to.lny :
NBW VoiiK. March 7. The follawliif tire the
closing mining stock quotations :
Week Opens With Higher Trices nnil Vor } "
I.lfjht Supply.
OMAHA. March 7. Tlio week opens out
with very light receipts and ucneially favor
able markets.
Oattlo olTorlnjss were enerally very fair as
to quality , but llio n'rijiiortloii of really cliolco
beeves was hardly as lane as on Saturday ,
Conditions favored an'a.lvaiico and llio mar
ket wis netlvo and linn about , everything.
Shippers and urpurlcitt wanted goii' , heavy
cattle , while Ijcal dreMscd bcof houses wcru
active bidders for thi-'same class of cattle.
Goldsmith took a trUIn of seventeen' em's of
heavy cattle out of hero Saturday and has a
buyer hero who Is ready to take all the irood
export cattle ultured and at the
highest market prices. Ho took a
small bunch of l,4li-lb. ) beeves at $1.40.
Good lV)0-lb. ! to M.VJ-lt ) . beeves sold at from
* ' .7. > to .4 . I < 'alr to good l"M-lb. to l.yOJ-lb.
steers sold at fully steady prices , mostly at
from $ J.45 to 1:1.70. : TriulltiK Wns active ana
the forenoon's business practically cle.iro : ! up
the rccolpls.
Local buyers found tt dimcult to fill their
orders for butchers' anil cannors' stock from
the limited ullorliu'Si and I lie result was an
netlvo market at stronger prices , the strength
belli ! ; most apparant on the fair to Rood
stock. Sales were largely at from J2.CO toii.7- ,
with choice holfers as-hUhlis $ : i.'J. > and' lilfe-
rlor lots at from JI..V ) to $ iOO. The suuply of
bulls , oxen and staza wus limited and prices
strong at from W.15 to 1.140. Common heavy
to choice veal calves were In good demand
and Inn ! at from & -.UO toIIO. .
The yards are full of stocuers and feeders
In the hands of regular dealers , and the sup-
No. Av. I'r. No. At' . Pr.
2 feeders . 1L40$303 38 stockcrrt. 7'.U\K ' ! ! )
23 feeders . 870 300 GMstockors. COI L'W
25 feeders . 10 < i7 II 00
Hods Tlio run of hogs was the lightest
In nearly six months , this being duo partly to
llio lower prices prevailing at the close of last
week but m..lnly no doubt to the storm and
tbo bad condition of country roads.
Eastern advlcos were stronger , but tlioro
were too few hos hero to Interest the packers
beyond a few loads for the fresh moat trade
and ono fresh moat buyer and ono shipper did
thu bulk of the trading. Prices were "ID to lOo
higher than Saturday. Light hog * wont to
thu fresh moat trade mostly at tl.GOrwIlli ono
laryo bunch of sorted shipping heirs nt$4.C5.
Medium and butcher weight hogs sold at from
( ! . ! to$400 and hoavlos from JI.M to $4.0 1. U
was a fuirly active market und everything
sold , the I ) , ill ; atI..V > to $1.03 against f 1.45 to
$4.55 Saturday , The avorugo or prices paid
was SI.58 against 4I.5JK Saturday and fl,49
Monday of lust week. HoureseiUatlvo sales :
I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
J4 SO (13 ( 2.12 40 $1111
4 ftl ill. Ill 11 101 4 to
4 M . 51..P..300 KO 40)
4 53 ' t U-J 275 120 4 M
4 31 m > OS 240 W ) 4 CO
4 f 71 ! 71 ! 103 40 4 ( W
4 A7VO 01 1GU 40 4 CJ
4 CO -
I'ins , ft itomin.
2 00
4 03 ( / )
HiiKKi' There werno sheep offurod on the
iniirlieU Of the i\\nloads \ ruvulved four were
consluned throiiKhTo ihlei : ; n nnd one WIIH
billed direct ton U l sliiiiishtorcr , Thn du-
mund for deslnibfi raiittons U uctlve with
prlees ( inotu'ly llrm. A Fair to good nutlvi's.
fl.2.V&t.4Q : westerns. { 1.00 5.23 ; eommon umt
stock Hhuep. W Wift'tT.MJ KOOI ! to choice lumbH
' ' ' ; from 40 tolIUbs , JI.251
UuoolpU : iul : iJTip Mltlun of St.iaV.
Ofllcliil ru'jolpts * uiii xllspoiltlon of stoaU us
shown by tbo books of the Union Stock YurilH
company for the tvranty-fnurhu'jrj , enilln ; ut
5o clock p. iu. .Muroh 7'IW ' ) , ' .
HIIEtl' . nmiMKHA t'i. .
Cum. Head Cum. llea.l. . .
! iO
Omnlm I'ucklui ; company. . Mi 3)WJ
( i. II. llnunuuiiilcuui | > uny. 1,010 ' . ' ,41 ( WJ
HwKt At1" 4.7&S I.5-.V
Cudaliy I'Bcklnv l.U.b 0
OtUeru 8,13' '
Total 27.IOU 2.UU
l.lvu Stiic-k Alarliot ,
OIIICAQO , 111. , March7-lSpeolalTolOirraiu to
Tim IlKC.1 Sales of cattle today were gen
erally nt an advance of about 1.U' , Some lotl
ohanKO < l hands at former prices nnd others nt
nnndvancoof l.Vx. Tlioro wns an active do-
maud for shipment east and for export , and
iix local slaughtoroDt wpro also buying liber
ally. tbo Biipply tcarccly mol the requirements
of the trade. Cows nnd bulls advanced quite
ns much ns thu better class of chipping steers ,
the former not comprising ns large a proportion
tion of the receipts for ROIIIO time pist. Sales
weru largely tit from J2.25 to IVHto for cows and
mils and nt from t .75 to t l.fft for steers ,
hough the extreme range of limitations was
Irom $1.25 to f ,40. The few loads of Texas
rattle received found buyers at an advance
cq'ial to that noted on the native cattlo.
The smnlllicss of the receipts of hois for
today was n , surprise , The 'opening advuncu
of 5i ! thercforo was soon supplemented by mi
additional ndvance of n nickel , the host light
iortH going to from f5.00 to 15.0.1 nnd $5.10 being
freely paid for choice mediums and ho'ivy
weights , lluyers were willing to piy : from
11.80 to 14.85 for very common stulT nnil them
were not many trades at lower figures , though
n few nulls sold ut from J2.50 to4.2I'rom
M.ftt to $ l,0"i woio the ruling prices for common
to good light and from HIM to $5.1/0 / for medium
and hoavy.
Sheet ) and InmlBsold at full prleoj nt the
start , but the receipts turning out to bo sonlo
. ' .OJO head In excess of the Hrst estimates , the
market , became easier later In the morntnc
anil thu average of prices were a llttlo lowor.
Quotations for sheep ranvo from $ -100 to .1,50.
for culls to $ ,1.0' ) for extra qualities. Lambs
wcro salable at from $ . " > . 0 to JU75. Homo poor
and common stock was left oxer.
llccelpts wcro : Cattle , 1SUUO ; l.o.a , 10,000 ;
sheep. 10,1100.
The Kvetilng Journal reports ! OATTI.K Ite-
cotpt.s , II.MO ; shlpnients. 4,000 ; market was ac
tive and steady ! prime steers , H.M > a : > .00 !
others , J.l.fl.iai.'i ! Miockers , $ ilva3.7U ! cows ,
I . ' . ( IXJII.MI.
IlOtIS Kccelpts , 20.0M ! sblpmonts , 10.000 !
marliot brisk am ) & ® U'e Higher ! rough
and common , JI.G.V34.75 : mlxeil , $4.fsVf&l. ! > 5 !
Jirlmo heavy and butchers weights , ? 4.05tt5.10 !
light. JI.S55W.UHi pigs. $4,50(31.75. (
SIIKKI' Uecolpts. tVJUOjKhlpmonts , 3,000 : mar
ket aotlvo , stoutly : uwcs. $ l.2.Vi.l.75 ) : mixed.
$ .VO:5W,50 ! wethers. $5.503' > .75 : Texans , $ . - ) . !
western , } 5.3.5.iiO : lambs , $ . ' ( .IO7,10 ,
New Vork l.lvo Stuck Mnrket.
NEW YOIIK , Mnrch 7 , HKivis-Hocolpts : ,
' > .71Ghcad , Including 44 cars for sale ; market
H'c ' per cwt. hUher ; nalivo steers , $3.s : > y , : > . ( iu
nor uwt ; bulls und cows , $ l.lKii3.30 ) : dressed
bef Btoady at n3Hu per II ) . Shipments to
morrow , OJfl beeves und n.n.14 iiuartiiisof beef.
UAiviS-Icoolpts. ( 444 head ; market higher ;
grassorn , $2.iVJ < 33.00.
SHEBl' lecelts. { | 8,119:1 : head ; sheep cheaper ;
lambs ! c hlshcr ; sheep..WSB.M ) Per ewt. :
Iambs , t7.7lKa7.bO ; dressed mutton llrm at UTt
10ie ! per lb. ; dressed lambs active at lL'llc.
lloos UocolptH , 13,010 hoid , Including two
cars for sale ; market slow at $1.0Jffi5.5'J per
Kansas Oily Live Stork .Market.
colpts. 1,0 9j shipments. 2.8J2. Steers were ac
tive anil strong to lOo hlulier ; cows ami feed
ers are sten ly. Sales : Dressed bpof and ship
ping steers. $ .l.2'i4. 10 : cows mid helfeis , M.f > 0
© i.0 ' ! stoukors and feeders , ) . ' . ( i5.ti.'i9. '
lions Uiicelpts. l.Krj ; shipments. 2,730.
Heavy higher , steady ; light common. 57clOc
higher : oMrcmo nuue , $ I.3UI.U5 ; bulk , II.&O
® 4 fi5.
Slieup Kocolpts. 201 ; shipments , 4CO. Re
ceipts were mo-tly consigned to puckers and
tbo market was quiet and nominally steady.
St. I.onls l.lvo Stock Market.
ST. Loins , Mo. , Mirch 7. OATTt.B-Koeelpts ,
2.00J ; shipments. 150 : strong ; fair to good na
tive steers , $2.11 "itl.fiO ; fair to good Indian und
Texan steers. * 2.703 IK ) .
lions Receipts' , 2.900 : shipments. 2.iOj : )
stroni : ho ivy. $ l.70ii4.03 ; mixed , $4.30l.8 } ;
light , $1.0 : ® 4.70.
Olnrlnnatl Markets.
ClNINNATI , O. , March 7. WHEAT No. 2
rod , Me.
CoilN-Htronscr ; No. 2 mlxeil. 42K < rJl'ie.
OATS Strotuor : No. 2 mixed , 3-Ji@33c. !
WHISKY { 1,11.
1'roachril on the Illalnc Letter.
NEW YOIIK , Mnrch 7. Father O'Connor ,
the loader ot the Horormea Catholic church
in this city , addressed a largo audience last
nicht iu Christ Mission hall in West T won ty-
first stroot. on the subject of tbo Blaino-
Novins caso. Ho stated that Secretary
IJlaino had blundered in utton.ptmg to make
n scapojioat of Father Ducoy. who married
the couple , and that the cnttro blaine rested
with Archbishop Corrlgau , who crantod the
dispensation for the mar-dago and authorized
Father Ducoy to perform the ceremony.
, AV111 Test the Coal Combine.
HAIWISIIUHO , Pa. , March 7. Attorney
General Honzcl will test iu tbo Dauphin
county .soon as the necessary papers
can bo prepared , tbo constitutionality of the
leases by which tbo Philadelphia & Reading
Railroad company has assumed control of
the Lobigh Valley & Now Jersey Central
railroad. A bill in equity , Including an ap
plication for a permanent injunction to
restrain operations under the lease , will be
the proceedings adopted.
Switchmen's ttrluvuncn Committee.
Tbo members of tbo switchmen's griev
ance committee for the Union Pacific system
left for homo yesterday afternoon. Tbo only
thine done at tholr mooting wa's tbe election
of oflluors for the ensuing year. James S.
Scullcn of Omaha was chosen chairman , and
John Uriflin of Trinidad , Colo. , secretary and
treasurer. Only seven of the eleven lodges
were reprojontod.
Nltro-Olycerlne Can ICvploileil.
WINXIPBCI , Man. , March 7. At Buchan
an's camp , flvo miles from ParrywooJ sta
tion , Edward Eryckson and Frank Savapo ,
while neating water to wash their clothrs ,
were accidentally killed by too nxoloslon of
nn apparently orcpty gl.vrerino can. KrycK-
son thoughtlessly placed the can close to the
lira and an explosion followed , almost in
stantly killing both men.
Turned the Tables on McClure.
PiTTsnuiiii , Pa. , March 7. Robert Mo-
Cluro , agent of the Law and Order tongue ,
who has boon waging war on the news-
dealers , carriers and newsboys for sellincr
newspapers on Sunday , lias boon arrested
for perjury and gave bail for a hearing
DoWitt'a Sarsaparllia is reliable.
For Cleveland mul Harrison.
B.U.TIMOH : : , Md. , March 7. A dailv paper
publishes the personal presidential prefer
ences of ninety-six oaitors of Maryland , Vir
ginia and West Virginia , X'ho total for
Cleveland in tbo throw states is thirty-six ,
against twenty-live for nil other candidate * .
Republican preferences are mainly for Har
Two Killed In n Collision.
RORKVII.I.C , Md. , March 7. An extra 011-
giuo collided with n west bound train train
Haltluioro hire , killing Urakeman Teators
and Fireman HucUalls.
BeecUam'a Pills for a bad liver.
IIiilldliiK I'ermitti.
The following permits were issued by tbo
superintendent of buildings yestordoy :
M. J. ICennnrd , 2st > iry frame residence ,
Tnlrty-llrn and K.irnam directs. . , . . $ S.OOO
Thrcu minor perults 375
Total 88.375
THE ] G-El IT XT I IT 33
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract.
It is thu licst ntitritlvu tunlo in con.
valcscencc , dyspopain , for llio weak and
debiHtuk'd. Beware of other extracts
sold as " Hofr'a" iralt Extract. Always
uuk for the gemiino "Johann Iloir's , "
wliich la imported from Durlin ; ihoat
palatable nnd ploasaut. For sale by all
druggists. Eisner & Mimdulson Co. ,
Solo Agents und Importers of Mineral
Waters , 0 Barclay utreot , Now York ,
aiuifactoi'ors' ' Jotters' Directory
. *
' "
1 l.ik' ' . Imtntnock * , nil ami
rtibtiprrlotlilnu. Soml for
cntnkigur , II I.I Knrnitiii ,
Importers nml innniif ic-
Klotir Sacks , lltirlnpi mul
Twin o.
llOl Doiluo stroll , lllcycle * snM on monthly
Bond for our c.itilozuo
nml prices. 13J N. 15th Hi. , Omnlm.
IIOJ lIotriiM UtreJt ,
Kno'orr corner lltli ml DJUlm .
\Vo nro making cloio ptlcoi to ciuh bujror. , nn 1 nro
n uluss of Kouili which ) i very snlo-
nblanllh inerchviti ,
Wlinlcjnlo Mmiilfnclil'rt. llootn. Mine i , rntiticrj
AKonts for ilostun lluti- anil full Kiiuds.
bcr Shoe Co. , lift ! , HOI
mul llutj HnrmSydrool. . IWI'r trnn.
, Mnmifii'l.ito bnucy ,
A. T. U.itby , Mnn-iKor , Imrki , cushions , etc. tops
Top'i ( 'nMilons , Hacks ,
Dashes , etc. Senil fur CnliiloKiio.
211 N. 14th st , - Omnlm. Sill S. ltti ! ! etreot.
CJAL , COKE , tie. ,
Ilnril and noft 8. 1C.
ccirnor llitli unil
Mnmifucturori of ( tal * Manufacturers mul
Tnnlzod Iron Cornice.
Window caps , mcUllo Wholesale Clothlorj ,
ola. lll'J iiud
11W ( Ilnrncy strool.
Dry KOOI ! , notlon.i , f ur-
nlshlnK Koodi Dry Konds.nntlonj , uonts'
furnlshlnx coed * .
Corner llth nnil Ilownnl. Cor. llth nnd Hownrdsts.
Klectro Dymimoi , hnmpiVlro and Uluctrlenl Sup
plies of All Kinds.
1112 IIOKanl , Uamlix
lllustrnteit cntaloxua
1C14 Cnpltol Arcnuo.
Successors to 0. A. lloobs
A Co. ,
arnconndlJth nts.Omnha
Oenls' furnMhlnjj coeds , Gents' furnishing Kooli.
clothlnz und notions.
Glvo us n trial.Vooend mTu c-lotir.atod Drand
smiiplos express pro- "lluckekln" Ororulls ,
pnld. * pnnts , Milrts , roats. etc.
1113 Harnoy. Kil8t O.-naha.
1201-1505 Jones ( treat , 10th nnd Harney , Omnb.i ,
Onmha , Nob. Neb.
215 nonrd of Tr.idi
I'rokor In Krnin , provi
sions and stocks. Trlvntu
wires to N , V. , ChlcaKO
nnd St. Ixmti.
HATS , E PC. HiD o , ETC.
Hatn , enp , Ptr.iir Keels , Duyori ot lilloi , wool ,
Kloros and mitten ) , tnllow nii > l fun.
llth and Ilurnoy. 51J South 13tli st.
CO. , Donlorii' tinnlnnro nn
Cor. nioclmnlcs' tonlj.
Omnlm. 1101 Doneln * Street ,
l.tqnnr Mi'rrli.Miti , Impiirtor nn.l Jobber of
llllllnrnoy Streol , Wlne nml Mquorj.
oonu Jy'ii lOTJan.l Kill KurnsnHt.
Knit ImlU Hitler i. I'rlralhtion nppllc < tlon.
FRciTfc [ HER3ERT , '
IOJI 1'iirnnmit ,
llnnlirooil lunitor , wool
carpota nnil pnr > | tiut Iini'O lol Anicrlcin I'ort"
lluorliiR , I.1H 1 vo.neiit , MUwi\uk .l
hyilrnulli * ci'iiu'iit nail
9th nml Douvlin. ijulncy whlto luuu ,
Millinery , notion ? , cloaks I'lnnoi. UKani ,
etc , nntorluli , clo.
11(1-118 ( S ICth ft , Umnha. 1MII Douulni atrcot ,
' Oysters , Flth nn I Cclorr.
I'noUuri f nystora , llsh
nml color ; , ainsaiith ut'i ai
St. linvM Cole , M inuir.
Ilcnnoil nnd labrlcnttnx
oils , nila uromo , eto.
Dealers In country proj. I'roiliico , frulti ot all
UCH , frultJ , vonotRtiloi , klnits , oystori ,
1297 Ilowtinl Stroot. I3tli nnil Harney Slreoti.
SONS. , Iluttcr , chcoio , Oig > ,
Butter , eigs nml poultry. poultry nnil gntae.
1IJ. ' t'urnnui IL 317 South 13th Stroot.
Stove repulrs of nil UliUi WORKS ,
Cooks nnd Ilontors Steve rupnln and wntor
attiiclimonli ) for nny klal
forsnle. ol slovumulo. :
arts , nth stroit 1207 1)01111111.
doors , bllnila > .u , - . . . - - - . , . . .
mouldings. Ilraneli of- nl-hlnu gooJj , chllil-
" " "
Bco , l h and liardSls.
KoomSi KiclmnxoUulld. Koonu , 0) nmt Cl Ux-
South clmn a bulldl.iK.
Omaha. Soutli Omaha.
for All Kinils of Graio
U wraln welched , Inape ted an-1 utor.iju rat )
ibllshed by state olllcors.
rlto for rates and full particulars and consign
imcntscaro of
Every MAN can ha
A OHOU.Sin all reijiccls
_ . . _ J by using SPANISH
NISRVINB , the great bpatilBh Uemedy. YOUNG MBN
Oil OlT > BiiirerhiK from NEIIVOUS DHJUWTY , I.OST or
PAIIiINO MANnoODiiiKhtlycinls > ioiiscunvul > ioni , ncrvoiu
. prostration , cnncrd by tlio use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wakefulness -
fulness , mental depression , loss of power in either sei , spermator *
ocrnoRK AMU AFTER ubic , rlicra caused by self abuse and over milulKence or any personal weak *
ness can lie restored to perfect health and the NOHLU VITALITY OF STHONO HIJN.
We give a written guarantee with 6 boxes to cure any cam or refund the money , $ i a boi0 ; boiei Jj
To. ' sale in Omaha by McCormlolc & Lund , 15th & Fnrnnmsts.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
_ _ emli
C tn
Ytalt iiio'iunVl'o'lre'irt'o 1 at iYomt hy corro i onilt-'nci , Aicliilne or liihlruiuciiiii * bnt by nmti'orei'p'ruVa'iii
ourelyparkc'l , nn marks lolndU-atu ronlout" or in'iidur. Ono iiersonal Intunlow | ireferr d. Consultatloo
Jrco. . . . . . . . Corrcfuondcn itrlclly iirlvntu. notin ( Mymirlti ul Liloi tool tioa. Offlvo buuri'Ji.m. ' U > U p , u.
„ in.tojjui , BCII Jiutup lor rtply
rnnn ur imijKV
lllli LAIJIIlo imii'u
TlioUnly IVr/i-
It thu unli tvilnxo t'vi-r In
vi'lilca by nhlHi tnvlnul III.
Ji'ctluns run lit uiliiiliilttert'il
nltliout lunkliiK nml nolllnt
lliu clothliu IT nuco'iiltatliiv
ttiu HMO of u vo4iul , anil
which cuii a ) bu uiuj fur
ruclal InJeciloiH or Irrita
i-.ijij : , $ :
lloll orders tolli'llcd.
The Aloe & Pinfold Co
I , -till ktri-rt.
to i'uHtufflre.
> ' ine crlitlon
carclulljr urcyurcU ut low
. -Ul : your UrupgM for a1 ,
bottle of Jih , ' . 1 he only
itou jx jc/m.ui remedy for all I
, 'tlio ' unnatural dlkclmrie ; nnd
l private ilUmci of wen nnd Iho
debilitating wrnlcnm peculiar
to women. It cures In n few
( l.iya without tbo aid or
publicity of n doctor.
\ L Tkt I'nfirrinl Amrriam Curt.
Miuinfuctiueil by |
Tbt Evans Chemical
J. a , A.
RntTerins frou
tbo vttvct ol
youthrm frron
- - ' -
wluiT U lu-rvntu anri UitillllftU'u7 !
J ruC If. C. VO WLliUiM.0 udui. Cuuu *