Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Ho Favors the Early Consideration of the
Bland Measure ,
Objcctlnru freed In tlin MCIIIIR HrliiK lf i < ( I
l > y the Opponent * or the Hill to Ac.
ciiiiipllftli Itn Hi'fiMit Wnih *
ItiRtnii ( Icxilp ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. . March 7. I
In the house this afternoon Mr. MclCclphan
Jf Nebraska was recognized and spoke for
five minutes In advocacy of the Immediate
ci nildoratlon of the resolution fixing March
S3 as the date of debate on Uland's ( roe silver -
' vor bill. Ills opening remarks were Inaudi
ble , bul ho warmed up as ho proceeded lo
'arguo that the majority should rule and in
sisted that the people would hold iho minor-
"Uy roiponslblo for Its action on this question
which It had sent thorn to Washington lo
lotlln. Ilo said that he would not discuss
tlio Iron coinage qno.iuon at this time ,
bul bo desired lo protect against
ono of 'Iho measures used to defeat
feat Ibis bill. He referred disparagingly
to the sending of petitions to Grand Army
.posts requesting Ihom to protest against free
colnauo. Hero the pivol loll. Mr. Mo-
i Kotghan asbcd unanimous consent to extend
bis remarks to the records , which was re
fused , McICoiahati subsequently renewed
the request but objection was again made
and ho will not bo porm'ttod to print an un
delivered speech and mall It under frank lo
his constituents.
.Springer Muni Tiilco n licit.
Mr. Sprlngar'i Important chairmanship of
tbo ways and means committee U practically
ntan end. Dr. Vincent , who canio from
Sprlngflold lo take charge of Mr. Springer's
* naso , suld loday that oven If his patient
- hould begin to rnllv nl nnco and continue to
Improve Irom this lime on , it would bo 1m
possible for him to attend to any business for
I the next two months. Dr. Vincent says that
under the most tavorablu circumstances Mr.
Springer could not lenvo his house for Iho
next throe weeks. After that tbo doctor will
Insist that Mr. Springer go to Fortress
Monroe or some other health resort
for a stay of four or live jvook * .
When two months are given over lo recup
eration Mr. Springer will bo allowed lo re
turn to the house of roprosonlallves , but will
be cautioned against becoming absorbed In
any taxing business- which might again dis
turb his nervous system.
According to Dr. Vincent's program , thero-
/furo , Mr. bpringor has practically concluded
his services as chairman of Ibo ways and
moans comnilttoo forthls session of congress ,
for Iho larllT bill will bo onllroly disposed of
by thn end of April. Tlio tariff batllo bo-
gfns tomorrow with thu consideration of the
free , wool bill , nnd It Is * tbo policy of Iho
majority to keep hammering away nl Iho
tariff question without any cossallon. This
will got Ibo subject out of Iho way at an
early day. When Air. Springer comes back
two'monlbs hence bo will llnd that the im
portant work which the bead of the ways
and moans commltton direcls has bcon en
tirely completed. Mr. McMlllln Is iu reality
tbe acting chairman ol the conimltteo , and
during the coming weeks of struggle ever
the'tariff construction Mr. McMlllla will bo
the conspicuous loader of the tariff tinkorers.
ThlnkH Prohibition li .Success.
At the fifty-otghlh annual rounlon of Iho
' Congressional Temperance society bore last
night Representative Ploklor of South Da
kota announced himself in the boldest terms
'a * a prohibitionist pure and simple- ana op
posed to any sort of a license law , high , or
, , 'Jow , because ho bolluvcd It wai wrong to
license a wrong. This declaration having
boon louilly applauded , Mr. Plculor wont on
tosay tbatlho ulllmalo tosult , of all tom-
rioranco agitation and clTort must bo prohi
bition , lie was surprised lhat Ibis nation
tolerated the liquor evil for a
Ingle year. The conduct of Chill and
f ho' dispute over a sealing privilege in
Boring sea could create great national ex
citement , but the destruction of thousands of
. .Americans annually and the Impoverishment
of many thousands uioro was barely mon-
. tionoil. Temperance people lie thought were
perhaps a lilllo lo blamofor this Indifference.
if Ihoy would only unite for ono year Ihoy
"would swoop tbo accursed tranio'out of ex
istence. Hurriedly , but clearly , the South
Dauotlan produced testimony to show the
advance made in temperance during the past
' few years. Ho said he was surprised and
pleased ut the sobriety ol congress. His ex
perience was not in accord wllh what no had
poacd of COD grot s before ho came to Wash
ington. Ho felt sure iho end of tbo liquor
trqfllo was much nearer than most temperance -
anco people imagine. Prohibition In tbo city
of. Washington would bo an accomplished
-fact If the church going people of Washing
ton would but make up their minds to It , no
Hloux CIty'H rurUliiR Interests.
Today Representative Perking of Sioux-
City called on Secretary Husk to consult him
'in reference to the appointment of meat In-
, apoctors for the packing houses of Sioux
City. Ho directed tbo attention of tbo secre
tary to the fact that the house on Saturday
.passed the bill appropriating $150,000 for
carrying on Iho Inspection work , and lo the
' further fact that the puckers of Sioux City
. are at a disadvantage in the eastern
markets Docauso they are unable to
nocuro Ibo lacs which cuarautoo iho
\vholcsoinoness of Iho meat products. The
Bpcrotory 4aid lha't Senator Allison hud
. , promised to bring tbo appropriation
bill up In the senate tomorrow and that as
tfodn as this is done and the bill is signed ho
yvill appoint a sufllclunt stall of Inspecting
orllcora lo warrant iho placing of ihe product *
pf iho packing bouses of Ibat city with
'Omilia and other points.
In Ibo senalo loday Senator Potligrew pro-
stntod the polllions of forty-seven cltlzons of
fi 1 .Bronklngs couuty , of tlftocn citizens of Mlii-
nauahu county , of forty-onu citizens of Hutch-
' iifton county , of twenty-five citious of
Moody county , of thirty-throe cltlzons of
Hanson couuly and'Ol twenty-live cltlzons of
McCook county , South Dakota , all against
any chance In the duty on barley ,
.Assistant Secretary Chandler afllrmod iho
decision In the homestead entry supplemonlal
'proof contest of John C. SnyUor against
llenry C. Murphy from Huron , S. D. , dis
missing the contest.
Colonel Grant , assistant secretary of war ,
was Koeii by Representative Porklni foday
relative to tbo proposed removal of Major
Powell , the engineer oftlcor In charge nt Die
work on the upper Missouri from Sioux Clly ,
where bis headquarters now are , back lo
JDlsmurck. The secretary called Mr. 1'or
igin's attention to a letter from Ibo North Da-
Icqtu delegation which was sent lo thorn some
duys'ugo lu wiloh | it was pointed out very
dourly thai it would not be for tbo best In-
torpsU of tbo service lo make tno change.
Ho Inllmulod that there was no present in
tention In the War dopartmebt , of transfer
ring iho beadquwcrs from Sioux Clly lo
Blbiimrck or any olher point.
. .Attorney General Miller has premised lo
iccldb ihls week tho. questions relative to the
right of way of the Honnnpln canal. It it
aalu thai as a rcault Ibo work of survey will
go nil at once ,
i ' A&Utant Secretary Chandler afllrmod the
decision of the commissioner in timber culture
proof case of Kdward M. Kluvln , heir of John
. L. iCIevln , doucaied , enirymun from Iho
North Plane dlslrlcl , rejocllng iho proof for
the reason Ibat at the date of the ilnal proof
there were not upou the tract the number or
> prowlni : ireej required by law. Ho also affirmed -
firmed tbo decision in Iho homestead contest
of Norman B Ladd against Peior Clifford of
Niobrnru iu favor of couuut end cancelling
/.o entry of Iho claimant.
Senator Paddock loduy presented in tbe
sonata tha following petitions ; That of J.
M. Souaer and , savenieeu other citizens of
Herman , VVasblnglon couuly , Neb. , urging
that free delivery and collection of mail mat-
tf r bo extended to every postoftlce In the
Bottled portloueof Ihu country ; of George
Wolfe nnd twenty other citltoni of Wash
ington county urging tbo passage of the
.Bultnrworlh bill defining "options and
futures ; " of C. W. Meyers and cloven olher
citizens of Lincoln protesting against iho
removal of the Uio Indians from Colorado
and urging Increased appropriation * for
Indian education as the cheapest , most hon
est and humane solution of iho Indian prob.
lem , and lhat of A. L. Clarke and twenty-
sue other cllUent ol Hastings yrolostiujf
against thd passage ot a gen oral bankruptcy
Senator Paddock introduced a bill today to
pension Gus Spitr.nagol.
Senator WlUon ot Iowa has Introduced
bills for the relief of James R. D. Morrison
and to pension Eliza A. Crlnor and Mary R.
Senator Carey's bill to punish offences
committed In the Yellowstone National park
was reported favorably from the committee
S. Cox was today appointed postmaster nt
Orammorcy , Sioux county , Nebraska , vice
M. Davis , resigned , nnd M.XlnkntSpoarllsh ,
Lawrence countv , South Dakota , vice J. L.
T. Henry , resigned.
An nfllrraatlonot thojudgmantot the com
missioner Is entered by Assistant Sncrotary
Chandler In Iho case of Orlando F.Davis
from the Salt Lake City district , rojoctlr.e
the application on the ground that there was
and Is already a llnal desert land cntrv upon
the tract ot land In the name of William
B. Chillis. The decision in the case of Or
lando F. Davis , application toonlry by homestead -
stead a tract in the Salt Lake district , was
also confirmed , rojoctlner the application , Iho
tract being alrcadv covered by desert land
entry by George W. Lufkln.
Application has bcon made for the exten
sion of the star mail route from Oatos nnd
( Ic'nct by war of Mtlburn to Edith and
Browster , Blnino county.
A pension examining board of ono physi
cian is asiicd for at Ashland , Sounders
county. Dr. Von Mansfcldt Is recommended
for the position by the petitioners.
John lit alt of North Platte called nt Tun
Bun bureau today.
Today Sonator'Mniulorson introduced the
hill anticipated in a Bur. special last wooic ,
appropriating f > 0,000 to reimburse the stale
of Nebraska for expense incurred In sending
her militiamen to the front during the out
break In the winter of 180(1 ( nnd18U1. . Sena
tor Mandorson boltovos the bill will surely
pass the senate. P. S. U.
Ni\VS : roil TIIK AltJtY.
Itcport of tlio Semite Cjiininlttoo on tlin
Oiithuaitci Military Measure.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 7. [ Special to
TUB BKB. ] Senator Proctor , who was until
recently secretary of "war , has reported to the
sonata from the committee on military affairs
tbo Outhwalto bill , which has been passed
by the house , relating to lineal promotions In
the army. The senate strikes out all but ono
section. In his report Senator Proctor says
the bill In tbo form In which It passed * the
house would benefit many Individual cases ,
it was also found that enactment of the bill
would unsettle the relative position of rank
between olfieor.s that has be'-u maintained
according to existing law for a quarter of a
century. In Its intent and moaning the bill
will affect almost ovcr.v officer of the army ,
anil consequently It has excited a wider in
terest atuong'tbo officers thau any bill which
has had , for years , the consideration of con
"Whatuvor incongruities and anomalies
may hava resulted from the rogluinntal sys
tem of promotion , ' " says Senator Proctor in
the committee report , "while it , was In opera-
llbn it was tlip legal system t6 which persons
entering the army volunlaillv subjected
themselves. Wo doom it advisable , nnd it-
certainly is absolutely fair , to supersede it by
the lineal system lor the future ; but * it
would bo in the hlghast degree' unjust to
make the latter retroactive , mid thus dis
turb well settled title to rank. Every per
son who accepted a regimental commission
as lieutenant In tha regular army , whether
on graduation from thu academy , or promo
tion from the ranks , after service in the vol
unteers , or from civil Ufa without pre
vious military service , know that
under the existing law promotion to
the grade of captain would depend on cas
ualties occurring within his regiment. As
an illustration of tbe working of this law it
may bo remarked that a number of regular
regiments did not roach the seat of Ibo lalo
xvar at all , and in consequence promotion in
those regiments were much slower than In
others that were attached to the armies In
the lild. Would it bo proper at this lalo
date to make good to such of the officers of
those regiments as are still on thu active list
the losses in promotion thus incurred )
"Tho bill icnoros the greater responsi
bility imposed upon the higher commands
exorcised by individual officers as compared
with others of longer commissioned service.
Ono of the results of this measure would bo
its effect upou the discipline and upon the
personal relations of officers in tbo army.
Tbo committee is of opinion that all that is
required in view of the public interests and
rights of all concerned is to repeal tno proviso
vise , in tbo law approved October 1 , 1S9J ,
which is at follows : 'That in the line of the
army all officers now above Wio grade of second
end lieutenant shall , subject to such examin
ation , oo rutitlod to promotion In accordance
with existing laws and regulations. ' "
Orders of Yesterday.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 7. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE.The ) leaveof
absence granted Major Emll Adam , Sixth
cavalry , January 18 , Department of the
PI at to , Is extended to March 15 , 1803 , on ac
count of sickness , and so much as has uot ex
pired on February 10 , is changed to a leave
on account ofsicknogs , from that date. Leave
of absence forolevon days , to take oiloct on
or about March 13 , Is granted Second Lieu
tenant George S. Cartwrlght , Twenty-
fourth Infantry. First lieutenant Fred
erick W. Slbloy , adjutant , Second cavalry ,
now on leave of absence at Chicago , will re
port by telegraph to the superintendent of the
recruiting service , New York City , to conduct
recruits to the Department ot Aruoua. The
superintendent of the recruiting .service will
cause twenty recruits to bo assigned o the
Fifth cavalry and forwarded under proper
'charge to such points in the Department of
tbo Missouri us the commanding general of
tbo department shall design for distribution
to the regiment stationed al Fort Supply , I.
T. ; also fifteen recruits to bo assigned at
David's Island , N. Y. , to Company D ,
liioveuUi infantry , to Madison Barracks , N.
Y.j twonty-llvo recruits to bo assigned ut
David's Island , N. Y. , to the Thirteenth
infantry and forwarded un'der proper charge
lo such point or points in the Department nf
the Platte as Iho commanding general of the
department shall designate ; twenty-five col
ored Infantrv recruits to bo assigned to tha
Tweuty-'flflh Infantry nnd forwarded uuder
proper cbnrpo to such point or points in the
Department of Dakota as iho commanding
general of the department shall dosicrnato.
The superintendent of tbo recruiting service
will cause twenty recruits to bo assigned to
tbo Second cavalry and forwarded under
proper charge to such point or points in the
Department of Arizona as the commanding
general of the department shall designate.
Important Military Conr ri < ncD ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 7. Aa Import
ant conference- military matters will beheld
held at the War department upon tbo arrival
on Tuesday next of Generals Miles and Mor-
ritt. Secretary Elklus and General Schollold
are planning u ousy Umo for the troops this
Hummer and a ilumbcr of ohangoi looking to
the Increased efllchJucv of the service , and
the two visiting generals will bo asked for
ihoir views. The immediate purpose of the
summons , as recently statoil , U lo have them
appear in connection with the bill appropilut
ing $1(09,000 ( for tbo establishment of a large
military post near Helena , Mont.
Disease never successfully attack ] a sys-
loin with pura blood. DoWill's Sanaparllla
makes pure , now blood aud ennohos iho old ,
lloyn mill < llrl Convention.
Colonel Alexander Hoaglaud , president of
the Boys' unit Girls' National Homo and Em
ployment association Ii In the cltv at tha so
licitation of Rev. Dr. Savidgo of the People's *
church and Rev. A. W. Clark of the city mis
sion , for tbo puposo of holding a district con
vention in connection with iho Nebraska
State division of tbo National association.
Thd convention will bo bold on Tuesday at
the rooms of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation. Tbo pastors of Omaha and the
Bluff * bavo boon roquosloil lo appoint from
thulr congregations four delegates , two each
ot Udlos and gentlemen , to take purl In the
convention. lion. A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln ,
president of tbo stale board and others are
expected lo aUend , , President Hoiglaud
apoko Ihroa limes In the Bluffs yesterday and
Will speak ievoral Unioi in the cilv during
Iho next Ion davs. Attention has already
boon called to the opening by Rev , Dr. Sav-
idge tvilblu a few wouki , an iulolllganco
office- and Ibo lending of some twenty boys
and girls to food homes. Two left for Grand
1 1 land this unralng.
DoWilt's Sarsaparilla destroys such poU
on us scrofula , skin disease , eczema , rhou.
mulliui. Its tlmoly use saroa many live * .
Brakeman Kinsay Bollovod to Hiva Bion
Killed by Tramp ? .
Itnyil DofoiuU III * Action In Hi-
fining to O > : i\ono tlio'sl'ituro '
In Kttni nosslon Inlliiciiccil ) > }
Interval * of the Stutr.
LINCOLN. Nob. , March 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins Bun. ] Henry Klusoy , a brakeman -
man on No. 7" , thu Denver fast freight , was
killed this morningsomnwhoro between Crete
nnd Sutton. Kltiscy lived at , 130i Vine street ,
this city. Ho was employed by the company
six months ago as u brakcman under the
name of George Emory , for what reason It is
not upparonl. Two mouths nso un was mar
ried and loaves a wile nnd mother In this
city. Ho was last seen at Crete aud being
missed when tbo train reached Sutton , search
was Instituted and the body found lying on
thu top of a car , stone dead with his suull
crushed In. As there Is no overhead bridge
along tbo line It Is supposed ho was attacked
by tramps and murdered with a coupling pin.
Superintendent lilgnoll wont out Ibis after
noon to conduct un investigation on the part
of the company.
A coroner's Jury is Investigating the case ,
but has adjourned till tomorrow morning to
get the evidence of the conductor and others
on the train.
Governor lloj'il'it Defense.
Governor Boyd said to a BKB representa
tive this afternoon that THE BKE is wholly
mistaken when it states that ho was either
cajoled , Importuned or bulldood by railroad
emissaries to glvo up the Idea of calling
an extra session. Ho says the facts are- that ,
ho has neither conversed with nor has ho
had any communication of any kind from
any manager or employe of n railroad In re
gard to the calling of an extra session. He
says there was no pressure , that ho was
aware of , brought to boar by the railroads
nnd if such had been the case it
wquld have availed nothing. Ito savs Tin :
URI ; is laboring under a mistake nnd that the
principal reason why an extra session was
not celled was tbnt judging from statements
made to him in black nnd white from mem
bers of the legislature nnu still in his pos
session a roasonaolo rate bill would not
have bcon passed nnd ho would have boon
confronted with n bill similar to the Mow-
berry measure or one equally as rudlcal and
obnoxious. Besides the democratic members
who favored the calling of an extra session
did so with the expressed understanding
that ho ( the govorpor ) would lirst satisfy
himself that good results would bo accom
Iu tlio Courts.
Judge Lansing ran up against a snag today
while hobring tbo claims Iu tbo estate ot
Ziichiirlnh Wells , late of Spraguo. 'Four
young women who claimed to have once
boruo the name ofVolls came into court and
demanded some $1,000 between them for ser
vices rendered as domestics aud corn shuck-
ers for the deceased. The other heirs sot up
that the claimants were children of their
muthor , but were born before .Ziichariah as
sumed the responsibility of husband and in
reality have no visible fathor. The four retorted -
tortod that Zacharlah bus , in addition
to his Nebraska brood , soma
children scattered nrounct through
Kentucky , and that if the Nebraska heirs
don't do what is right by the claimants they
will inform the Kentucky Wells of the cash
in store for them bore , and then there will bo
moro trouble.
Judge Hall this morning- gave Reuben S.
Rlssor a verdict for $1,950 against the Ameri
can Biscuit Manufacturing company , which
operates the cracker factory in this city.
Rissor was employed there last Aucust when
an elevator fell with htm. Tho" company
failed to make any answer or appearance nnd
Judgment , was rendered by default. '
Judge Hall aud a jury are trying tlio case
of William Jameson against Walter A. Cole
and Edward A. Sacuott. Jameson is a
farmer living in Cass , county , and ho claims
that tbo defendants took advantage of bis in
experience and lack of knowledge of the
world and did him up to the tune of 3,000 by
selling him a third Interest Iu a store at
Weeping Water , representing that it was in
a prosperous condition , but after ho was in
it a short time the lirm was compelled to sus
pend. The defendants claim that Jameson
persisted in breaking into tbe business , and.
when ho succeeded wanted to run a long non
pareil store on primer capital.
William F. Sutholt tolls the court that Wil
liam Strlne , a real estate man , got him to
trade him same ntco Juicy Lincoln property
for a quarter section in Hayes county that
was warranted to bo as pretty as a Lincoln
gitl. William traded but says ho found it
was tbo worst land in the county ana could
not bo cultivated. Ho thin Its bo has boon
damaged about $1,200 , and in addition wants
back the $50 be paid as commission.
An unusual case .was tried in county court
today. It was that of Louise Carey against
Hardy & Pitcher , brought under a statute
which provides that if a mortgagee fails to
remove from the files a mortcago within ton
days af tor notification that all its conditions
have boon fulfilled ho shall forfeit to tbo
mortgagor tbo sum of $50. Tbo defendant In
this case escaped , however , because hisolork
and not himself bad becu notified.
Uriitnlly Bout uu Old Mini.
Andrew Molz , a young man , was arrested
today for brutally boating nn elderly man
named C. F. Wosscl. The pair had a dispute
and Motz used a cowhldu ns well as hU lists.
Warner Mantoufouol , "Tho Dutch Count1
who was released from the penitentiary last
woe It , has taken out his naturalization papers
in the Lancaster countv district court.
Dr. Birnoy.nosoana tnroat. BEE bldg
Troulilo Tlmt Iii8 Coino to Hnnry Mlllnlc
Tliroitli Heine liiinuocd.
Henry Milink has assured himself that
lawing is a bad .thin ? for either winner or
loser , About a month are ho arrived in
Omaha , on route to visit the old homo in
Iowa. Ho was induced to make a loan of
$10 to a guileless stranger whom ho mot at
the depot. After a time bo awoke to the
fact that ho had boon confldonccd. The
stranger , Harry Hamilton , was arrested in
Council Bluffs. Allllnk was detained in
Omaha as complaining witness , Hamilton
used tbo f 40 to fee a lawyer who has tried to
wear Miliutt out. For three wooKa ho has
habeas uorpused , Bubpoomeil , summonsed ,
semper paratused , and la fact used up about
all tbo legal phraseology extant.
Yesterday Hamilton WAS finally brought
ovur , but his lawyer could not come nnd the
case was again continued , while Mlllnlc goes
to Iowa for a slice of his visit under bonds to
uppoar next \\ook. Just now ho is trying to
ilguro out who has the worst of IU His $10
is gone ; four weeks time U KOIIO ; the visit to
the old homo Is gene into the misty future ,
and ho Is under bond to patioull/ abide the
law's delay , while all the machinery of the
criminal cede is sot In motion to see If some
thing cannot ha ground out which will event
ually free the man who has caused his woo.
Mrs. Wlnstow's Soothing Syrup Is tbo best
of all remedies for obildroa toothing. 35
cents a bottle.
i i fr-
, | UKO | and Jiirlo * Inturosteil In tlio Wool
of Many I.ltlgiintn.
The Jury in the case of the Omaha nnd
Council Uluffa Uridgo aud Street Hallway
company deliberated for thlr.ty-six houra and
then the members concluded that they could
not agree upon the amount of damages , The
plaintiff , ( Jatos , was the owner of n couple of
lots on lower Douglas , near Eighth street.
When the Douglas street bridge waj con
structed ho conceived the Idea ( hat his pro
perty had been damaged to the extent of
$ UUOO ) and sued to recover that amount.
In criminal court tha case of the state
against John II , Murphy is on trial. Tan in-
formutiop charges that Murphy was li the
employ of J. A. Uldor.and while so employed ,
ho embezzled f 100 nnd converted it to his own
Dewitt's Sarsaparilla neanies tbe blood.
The superintendent of buildings Imi
started oat on a still hunt and U Uotermluod
to locate all of the < onsafo and dangerous
buildings In the city. Yostordav ho found
two , the Lorlng building , on Loavcnworth
between Twenty-sedohd and Twonly-tblrd
streets , and Um Powell building , near the
corner of Fifteenth jind Jarkton streets.
Both of the building1) liavo been condpmnoJ
and will bo torn UbwiA '
ittunr FOH .tfi
Iliironrss ilcitntrs ( Vrmilcd n Hltnrco from
Her CruM HiiAli'itiil ,
Siot'.v Fu.i.s , S. D.j March 7. Uoronoss
do Strurs Is a free woman no far as the wear
ing the yoke of matrimony Is concerned.
The Uocroo of divorce was ( lied today by
Judge Alkuns. In his decision ho does not
roclow the case , out simply records a uum-
bcrof findings of facts. Hpglnnlnc with tbo
second , ho declares that the baroness was n
resident ot the stnto for moro than nlnuty
davs preceding Iho commencement of tbo
action. The Intorfistlng portion of the decis
ion runs as follow * :
"That slnro their marrlapo the baron has
bcon guilty of acts of extreme cruelty toward
the baroness which have Indicted grievous
mental sufferings upon bar. The nets con *
siitcd of repeated violent exhibitions of 111
temper and unmerited censure lu the pres
ence of others , ami linully culminating on the
inth of Juno , 1W , In the baron spiriting
away from the society the custody and con
trol of his wife bor two minor children upon
the pretext that she was in an unbalanced
stnto of mind : that her children woru In
danger of being affected by her mulady. to
their great detriment , If they were allowed
to bo with hor. Iu justification of this
net ] the baron -presents the certificates
of certain physicians , ono of whom Is a re
nowned gpociallst on nervous diseases. The
extent of the acquaintance of sal.l physi
cians tvtth the baroness were Insufficient for
any human being to base or form nn intelli
gent nna Just opinion on , and for this reason
the court tlnds that ( ho children were spir
ited away from their mother without Just
cause , the daughter being placed In a con
vent by a schdtno which It would not bo
doing violence to reasonable Inference to
find was , in its inception , Intended to cud in
the incarceration of the mother , and was
sufficient to warrant the plaintiff In ceasing
to live and cohabit with the baron. The
conclusion of the law is to the oftoct that
the marriage Is dissolved nnd both free from
the obligations thereof. "
The custody of the minor child , Margaret
Euironlo nnd Abel Vlctorino do Stcursls given
to the mother , ns she requested In her orig
inal complaint.
The bareness is still 111 at the Caraut , be
ing slightly hotter than at any time since
her illness which follo.vod the trial. Im
mediately after the tiling of tbo decree a
mnrringo" license vas Issued by the clerk of
the court , permitting1 the marriaco of Mar
garet do Stours and Elliott Zoborowskl.
This brings the whole trial to a climax \\hlch
.will bo a surprise to the Now York friends
of each. Zoborowski is a Now Yorker of immense -
monso wealth , being the owner of the Broad
way theater. Ho has bcon the constant
companion of the baroness through all her
troubles and it is a lilting ending to the suf
fering of an American woman in the hands
of a forolen diplomat. It Is undecided when
the marriage will take place , but will occur
'n ' all likelihood tonight. The press corre
spondent called on H. A. Shlpman , the New
York attorney for the baroness , nnd asked if
ho had any statement to make with regard
to the ma'rrlago with EoborowsKi nnd the
Baroness do Stours.'und he declared tboro
was absolutely nothing Jto say. Tbo certificate
cateIs good until used.
'Extending thU 'lliirlliiRton.
DEADWOOO , S. D. , March 7. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEBKllp.itrick Bros. &
Collins have boon awarded tho'contract for
an important extension of the Burlington's '
Black Hills road. Thpj proposed extension.
will bo twonty-llvo miles long and will take
the road from Englewood station , ten miles
south of Dcadwood , through Bald Mountain
and Ruby Basin mining districts to tbo citv
of Spoarflsh. H. F. tUark , chief bpokuoeper
for the contractor * , lsJ. in the citv toc"ay and
states that from 2,000"'to 5,000 men xvlll bo
put nt work at the grade within' 'ton ' days.
Completion of the extension will make the
fourth railroad through the mining districts
mentioned and will1 hasten development of
many valuable mines.
ItlK Mining Denis.
DEADWOOD , S < " D. , March 7 [ Special Tele
gram to Tni ! BEE.J Interest In mining mat-
tars continues unabated and a number of big
projects are developing. Ono of tbo latest to
coma to noticeis the Bald Mountain Con
solidated Mining company , which only re
cently organized with a capitalization of $ . ' ! , -
000,000 , has purchased all the property
owned by tbo Keystone Mining and Milling
company. Tbo sale included the Keystone
chlorinatlon works nt Garden City nnd fif
teen well developed mining claims in Bald
Mountain and Ida Gray districts. Among
the lodes transferred nro the Annie , Katie
and Josie. purchased by the Keystone com
pany for gt5OQO last week.
EiiguRad an Ohio Divine.
YASKTOX , S. D. , March 7. fboeclal Tele
gram to THE BEK. ] The First Congrega
tional church of this dity has extended a call
to Ilev. A. Eugene Thompson , pastor of tbo
First Congregational church of Cleveland ,
O. Uov. Dan F. Bradley , the present pastor
of the Ynnkton church , goes to Grand Hap-
Ids. Mich. , April 1.
W. L. Cain of Fletcher is nt the Dollone.
Bon D. ttuppxif Wahoo is at tbo Millard.
H. U. Fry of Cheyenne is at the Paxton.
W. M. Cowell of York Is at tbo Merchants.
B. M. Nesbit of Alnsworth is at the Del-
one.G. . A. Robinson of Ashland is at tbe Ar-
cado.M. E. Cowan of Tecumseh Is at the Mer
\V. H. Harrison of Grand Island is at tbo
S. D. Ayr03 of Ord Is registered at the
F. Ueifort of.Hnrtlagton is stopping at the
E. C. William of Douglas Is stopping at the
M. F. Cloary of Hubbell is stopping at the
W. F. S. Noligh of West Point is at tbo
George E. Ford of Kearney is registered at
thu Murray ,
Chauncoy Abbott of Scbuylcr fa a quest
the Millard.
M. C. Bralnont of Lincoln Is stopping at
the Millard.
John L. Marshall df Lincoln Is a guest at
the Murray. „ , ,
A. II. Shlckloy of Broken Bow is a guest
at the Arcade. , . ;
Frank H. GalbraiUxpf Albion is stopping
nt the Arcade. .
M. C. Keith of North Platte is registered
ut the Paxton. ' ' "
O. A. Cooper of HiJrapoldtwas nt the Mur
ray yosterdav. , ; n , t
H. C. Hussoll of S < Jbiiylor was at the Ar
cade yoiterduy , .
" ; v
James C. MoDonald"pf Hastings is a euost
at the"r
K. M. LaUrango of 'Fullorloa is registered
at the Millard. " " "
G. W. Randall of Nb'tvman Grove is stoo
ping uttho Arcade.
Jumos Browning ' of.Doadwootl is registered
' '
tered at the Arcade'1 ,
W. W. Armstrong of Winnipeg was at thu
Murray last evening.
C' , D. Goodrich of Grand Island was a low
arrival at the Paxton.
George Motcalf and wife of Sioux City are
slopping at tno Murray.
i' . S. Baroos and wlin of Wcoplng Water
are guests u the Merchants.
Cburles W. bUinabury of Grand Island
wns.ut tbo Dellonu yesterday.
Frank M. Ouorhout and wife of David
City are stopping at the Millard ,
John Uarsbv , E. C. Bursbv and C. Hoblu-
ROII of Fairmont are at the Murray ,
Deputy Oil Insj > cctor C. E. Forbes of St.
Paul is registered at the Merchants.
Frca 11. Smith and P. H. DOUKIS ! of Ne
braska Cltjr are ingisjerod ut the Dc-llono.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C , Burrow * of Alchuon ,
Kan. , wcro uinouu' the vlsitotu at Tin : BBB
Dr. Usrnoy cures imarrn HUB
South Side Citizens Express Their Senti
ments on Two Important Matter ? ,
SyniUrnlo I'nrk anil the Olnrh Trnct lioiikcit
Upon \Vltli 1'imir ( llnrlr * of tlin
.South Nlilo mill the 1'rgriit
JSrnl of Vlmlnct .
In response to a publUhod call n lurgo
Catherine of south sldo cltlzons assembled
last evening In "Mueller's hnll lit Eighteenth
nnd Vlnton. When President William
Kolbo called the mcctlnp to order ho stntod
that the moinbors of the South Sldo Im
provement club had boon called together to
dUcuss the Sytidlcato pnrk question.
Judge HttBCitll stated Hint the proprietors
of Syndicate park hud offered llfty-lhreo
ncro aud driveways for $ JO.OOfl , wnich was
really the value of improvements that had
been mado. do thought it dirt cheap but
was in favor of having Iho proprietor ) tnalta
a map showing the true' , nnd the roadways
to got In and out of it.
Dlclc O'KcofTo ' thoucht that the main thing
was to cot parks and roadways would come
as n matter of necessity. Ho was In favor of
urizlnp the pirlt commissioners to clinch the
bargain as soon as possible to got possession
of Syndicate park.
Dan O'Koofo said ho VIM in favor of hav
ing both Syndicate park and the Chirk and
Murray tracts. Ho wanted to know what
assurance tbo city had that Torn Murray
would make good his promlso to glvo thoclty
a foxv acres. Ho paid his rospoots to the
Fifth Ward ICicliors' club , and urged that a
post bo erected for them to lilcK against. Ho
said that the Fifth wnrdors wci'O advocating
the purchase of the Dlstlu tract , not one foot
of which was iusido tbo cltv limits , whereas
the proposed tracts on the south sldo were
not only Inside the limits , but loss than one-
third as tar from the center of the cltv.
Dick O'Kcoffo vouchsafed the Information
that many of the Fifth ward Itlckors wore
men who did not pay a cant of taxes , ana as
fur as actual values went the purchase of the
proposed south sldo tracts for fO'1,000 would
glvo the city live times as much as would the
dxpendlturo of the remaining $340,000 on the
north sldo of i'nrninn street.
Hiiscall did not think that the entire north
sldo should an held responsible for the utter
ances of a man with more mouth thau brains.
Goonjo Bortrand extolled thonuturnl buau-
tles of the south sldo parks , and Frank Kus-
per gave the twin partt project a boost.
Frank Crawford pt.itoj as a representa
tive of the Seventh ward thit the citizens of
his ward wore in favor of the latter tracts.
A committee consisting of Messrs. lius-
call , Easloy , Donovan and O'Keoffo , was ap
pointed to confer with tbo Syndicate Land
company to secure a map of Syndicate park ,
showing roadways and outlets , and hava if
brought before the board at the next raeul-
IIIR of the park commissioners.
Mr. Hascall moved that it bo the sense of
the mooting , representing the First , Second
and Seventh wards , that both tracts should
bo purchased , ns the joint cost woula bo
within the limit , and It carried unanimously.
Took Up the Viaducts.
That disposed of the park matter and Has
call then moved that the council bo requested
to pass the ordinance ordering tbo erection
of viaducts on Fifteenth and Sixteenth
It was socondoa by Mr. Kaspor , who
stated that the railroads wcro continually
working against the clty.and now that the
city hail the power in its own hands , it was
advisable to bring tbo stiff necked corpora
tions to time. Ilo thought that any council
man who would not vote for the ordinance
. did not represent the wishes and Interests of
Uio property owners of any part of the city.
Mr. Hascall thought that lawmg took
time and if it had to bo entered upon it
could not bo begun too soon.
C. Stahiuan advised requesting the council
to cioso tbo Sixteenth street viaduct , now
that it has been condemned , nnd then tboro
would bo some kicking that would do some
good.W. .
W. H. Gatowood said that ho worker * on
the Sixteenth street viaduct last year when
it was being repaired , and the stringers wera
too rotten to hold nulls. Ho found It neces
sary to put on cleats to null the planks toand
an ordinary wind swaveditvory perceptibly.
He thought it might stand tno passage of a
heavy train , or several of them , and then the
next ono smash It down.
Hascall thougnt tbo railroads had been
treated well in Omaha and deserved as well
at their hands as eastern cities , where all
thoroughfares are bridged.
Mr. Crawford stated that at a meeting In
thoSevonth ward it was the prevailing senti
ment that there should bo a viaduct on
Marina street running east and west , and
tnat an ordinance would bo introduced at the
council mooting tonight providing for tbo
erection ot a viaduct on that street.
Mr. Hascall said that it was generally un
derstood that nelihor councilman from the
Seventh ward would support a viaduct
ordinance , and ho did not think it well to
load the project down with so many viaducts
ns to endanger the passage of any ot thorn ,
Coiinrlltiirn I'rninltn Support.
Mr. Crawford laid that Chnffoo promised
on Saturday evening to support both the
Fifteenth , Sixteenth and Martha street via *
duct ordinances , nnrl that Mr. Steel and Mr.
Howell would do the same.
Mr. H&scall said ho would toke bark what
hosald , in pan , ns ho had forgotten that Mr.
Howell WOA A councilman from the Seventh
ward , and ho know ho had expressed himself
ns In favor of It ,
Mr. Unrtrand said that the rallrondu wore
ilolni * a cioittor buslnost now than ever before -
fore and could build inoro cheaply now than
nl any other ttmo.
Mr. Bachelor advised taking ono thing at a
time , taking llrst the ono needed most. Ilo
snld that If the city started for too many
things at once the railroads would gel tbo
different sections of the city divided and
lighting cnch other and the public would
ilnallv Riit nothing.
Dan U'ICcofosald ' that a viaduct on Martha
street was n necessity , as all children west
of Twenty-fourth street had to cross the
tracks to got to a city school without going
Into another district.
The motion calling for three viaducts car
ried unanimously.
TlllSlt TIIK /.III',1 1HA1 > LKTTKK.
liiitlrntlons flint Ilnllrimiln Iguoro tlio
Intrrntiito CommiTco Communion.
Ciuc.uio , 111. , Marcn T. A morning paper
devotes two pages to the results of nn in
vestigation made by its representatives in
Minnesota , Iowa , Missouri and Nebraska , in
regard to the workings of the Interstate
commerce law. The various interviews
with shippers , railroad men utul
state ofllclals Indicate that viola
tions of the law are more general
and flagrant than has generally been sup
posed. Laree shippers are favored against
the small ones at all commercial centers ,
sometimes by a system of robn'.rs , some
times by other device * accomplishing the
same ond. The conclusion is that the law is
not only a dead letter throughout the west ,
but that It Is adotrlniontto public Interest be
cause it has had the effect of ruining whatever -
over was gamed by the old pooling systani
In the manor of stability of rates.
There nro shippers nnd railroad mon In
Chicago who talk much in the same strain ,
though tno majority of tnom say the situa
tion is not sn bail as It Is painted. As n rule ,
of course , the oniclals of ruilroud companies
argue that tuo only way to put a stop to
secret rule cutting is to legalize pooling , nnd
yet every ono of thorn is ready to swour that
his company Is obeying the law to the lottor.
\ \ , H. Morribon ot the Interstate Commerce
morco commission said today that further
legislation to amend the law will soon bo In
troduced and the law mndo inoro ofllulont.
Ilo does not think the violations are as
numerous or widespread as have boon made
to appear In some quarters.
Notwithstanding tbo reported bad condi
tion of country roads in Illinois , Iowa and
Nebraska , there was a further inorouso In
the volume ofoasibound trattle from Chicago
last wonk. The total number of tons of dead
freight carried eastward by all lines was
lOO..C , against 117,074 during tbo preceding
week and 71,814 during the corresponding
week lost year.
Trafllc Manager Dusenbark of the Chicago ,
St. Paul & Kansas City road has returned
from a visit to the Missouri river points
reached by that system , wborc ho hold con
ferences with wholesale merchants relative
to giving thorn oottor terms and greater ad
vantages iu the matter of freight rates than
they have heretofore bad. The trouble between -
twoon the Chicago westbound roads bavlnc
transmissouri lines of their own ever the
movement recently Inaugurated by the rail
road commissioners of Kansas for a reduc
tion of tlfth class rates In that state has in
duced tbo Maple Leaf poaplo to favor a Hat
rate for the bonollt of Kansas City , St. Joseph -
soph and Loavcnworth Jobnors.
Litigation U\cr tlin Itcaillng Uonl.
Wir.UAMiroiiT , 1'a. , March 7. M. S. Ar-
nol , banker of Syracuse and a stockholder In
the Reading road , filed a bill In equity today
askliic to bnvo declared null and void tna
various contracts which go to make up what
is known ns the "Heading deal. "
Jtoiuly to Hnrulio llor Carjo.
NEW Yoitic , March 7. Tno British steam
ship Missouri , which is going to take the
grain offering of tlio bountiful west to tuo
sufferers from famlno in Russia , arrived yes
terday from Philadelphia. She. was towed
free of charge to tlio dock at the foot of
Twenty-seventh street , where she remains
also free of charge until abe taitos her cargo
and cool.
NCRTOOH mill I'oloH 1'lght.
BUFFAIO , N. Y. , March 7 ; In a fight be
tween negroes and Poles working nt the
tunnel uoar Niagara Falls at midnight last
night the latter wore badly beaten. Quo
Polo was shot dead and another was fatally
wounded , while a negro was fatally hurt and
another seriously wounded. Three colored
mon have been arrested for the shooting.
Grain Stock Jncri'imod.
M1XNKAPOLI3) ) Mtnn. , March 7. Figures
compiled by the Northwestern Millar and
tbo Market Kocord show on aggregate north
western grain stock of 111,420.778 bushels , an
increase for the week of 400,847 bushels. A
year nso tbo ontlro stock was 21,937,000
bushel * .
By.tbe peculiar searching and cleansing qualities of
this medicine it expels like magic all poisons
from the system. No one need suffer from blood
disorders who will give the celebrated compound
Indian Sagwa
a fair trial. It is simple , harmless , yet powerful and
unfailing ; prepared from herbs , roots , and barks
gathered by the Indians. Its ingredients are
Blood = making ,
Blood = cleansing ,
Life = sustai n ing. _
( tit Hie orlirlnil Indian r mdy fur the btmd. Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure
, , , .
tlmnach llvir klilneyi anil bond.In common
uio for a liundrcd ye > r > ut more H.W buttle. Sure and quick relief from cousin mA
, .
coldi jo cent *
After Years of Unsuoojssful S3 a roll fjr a
Cure , Martin Anderson Qols Relief from
Iho Doctor-A VolunUrTut
OMAHA , Nob. . Jnn. 18 , 1832.
To whom It May Concern :
This is to cortlfv Unit 1 hnvo boon n
constiuit snfforor for ninny yuara with
cntiu'fh , usthinn. nnd bronchial alToc-
tiom of the thront. nnd tried nil tlio
uulont medicines nnd rotnotlios I overheard
hoard of , but with no success. I ticnlod
with doctors in various parts of the
country , but rtono of thorn could do mo
any peed further thnn Riving mo shor
tompornry roliof. I sulTorod nicht nil-
day , nnd continued to grow worse not
withstanding all the medlclno I Imd
tnkon. I had nlmoat clvon up inv case
ns hopeless whan I wits Informed by ft
friend of Dr. C. Goo Wo , the ChlncHO
doctor , and ndvised to L'o and BOO him in
the liopo of putting relief nl least , if not
n ( lortimnont euro for my trouble. I was
Blow in making up my mind to mnlco
such n radical change in my treatment ,
aaI known trial with the Chinese doe-
lor would bring me , but I dually con
eluded to glvo him n trl il. BO I culled nt
hirtollico with that intention. 'I lotind
the doctor n clover , entertaining gentle
man , thoroughly jxmod on my condi
tion , nnd It took only a , vary short tlmo
to convince mo that ho wns tlio parly I
wns BO long in search of. Ho told ino
my cnso was curable , and that ho could
euro mo , nnd prepared uio tv snoulnl
treatment to HUit my condition , and in
two weeks 1 was to much bettor that I
had the fullest confidence in the doctor's
ability nnd committed my case to his
treatment. I continued to grow bailer
rapidly nnd nin now entirely well. I
ewe my euro to Dr. C Goo Wo , nnd am
not ashamed to admit it. I ndvisn all
who want relief from tholr troubles to
call on Dr. C. Goo Wo. nnd they will bo
cured. For nil particulars apply or
wrlto to MARTIN L. 'ANUKRSON ,
5J121 Cuming St. , Omnhn , Nob.
UU. C. 01315 WO ,
KoRiilnr cnduiito of Chinese inodfclno. oliht
yours1 study , tun yo-irs" practice. Treats suc
cessfully nil diseases known to sulfurlng hu
Hoots , plants anil herbs nature'sromotllos
his medicines the world Ms wltni-ss ; l.uuu tes
timonials. ( Jill ; anil sco him , Oonmittutlon
freo. Has also constantly on hind roinoilloi
for the following diseases ready prepared :
Asthma , Catarrh , Ithoum itlsin , Inillgintlon ,
Lost Mnnhooil. I'ema'.o Weakness. Kick Hoail-
ncho , Illood 1'urlflnr , nnd Kliln y ami Liver.
Pi Ice , one dollar pur linttlo or six for flvo del
lars. These who cannot cull , onulosu 2-cont
stamp for question list anil full particulars.
Lfflco , Cor. 10th nnd California Sts. . Oma'i
placed o\cr the Ghost and
another ono between tlio
Shoulders Insures not onlj
Immediate lellcf , but quick-
cst cure for these
Pains that ucconipany thu
Grippe ; all Rheumatic rnln-v
pass away like magic. Wean
InffllENSON'S Plasters pr
vents the Gilppo iIurhiR n
contnslon. It Is the only true
medicinal porous plaster. It
la not a nostrum In any genstt.
Inilorei-il liyover5.0001'liyfl-
tlaus nnd Drupclsts Don't
ullow Commercial Dnifju'lsts
to palm oft olioap suhsll-
tutlons. Out the genulnt
BENSON'S anil you will not
be dK'ippolnti-d.
MKNT.n ipoolHc for llyatorll , Dlnlneif , Kit ) . Noil-
rnltrtn , IloadacliD , Nerroui 1'ruitratlon cnuaod br nl-
cDhol or tobacco , \Vnkefulnois. Menial Depreulon ,
Boftenlnn of tlio 11 rain , cautlnv Iminltr. mlssrr.
ilecny , ilentli , 1'romaturo Old A o. lltrrenneis , Ijoii
of 1'ovror In either aox , Iintmtency , I.oncorrhoon aul
all Komalo Wonknosioi , Involuntary I/oisoi , Soir-
matorrhoon cauiod by orer-oxortlon of the brain
Bolf-abusa. oror-lnttultfonco. A munth'A treatment
II , i ; for f.'i. br mall. We ( iimrantne nix linnet to
euro. Knoli orilur forO 'jurtu , wlthll will eonit writ
ten guarantee to refund If not cured. Uuarnntnoi
Isaucil only br A. Sclirotor , DrtiKglit. "Olo agonti , d.
U. cor. lull nnd H'nriiMiuU. , Omaha. Nob.
AH Traveling inpcii : i'H Inuluduil I Ifty
llmt irnr.
A ccrloi of parties to Kiirnpo ilurlnii tlio cnnulni
soul un will leiivn an fallows.
M r I'urtr-I'crH. S. Mnjvitlc , April 2T
Mrst Juno 1'artrI'crH. . S. Ktrurln , May 21.
Kpeclnl Bluirt Tonr-IYr H , H. Ktrurla , May 21.
rluconil Juno 1'urtyI'nr H. H 'Inulimli' , Jnnn 8.
Third Juno I'nrljI'orS. . H. Jlnjosllo , Jnuo 22
1 onrth JUDO Paitjr Per H 8. City of PnrU.Junc 2 .
T oHpi'Clul Miurt ToimPur a r ) . Clt > of Now
York , July II ; unit Clly uf Pnrli , Aiifust. )
North Capo and Ituaslnij Pmty Per B. B. Ktrurln ,
Juno 18.
Wo tire ilatlr booking men t > 3rs for tlioeo oxcur-
ulnna , an dint Ilo I miuoUluto application from nil who
Intunri to arull ihcnMUlronuf tliciu llluMratedilo-
icrlptlvc programmes cmi be olitnlnod by uddroialiitf
CUOh , VlHf > ,
2(11 ( Hroadwny , Now York.
Nnrpulnn Jflnl * . ,
curtdfa I to2Odii
\J' Hopurtlllcir 4.DRJH
Sunday , Monday and Tuesday , March G , 7 , 8.
In her orlKlnal character' ! laiel'
\VHIi the orliihml 'Duimtan , '
Supported br Trunk \Vo ton unit a carefully at'loo *
lodiuiiijituiy In
"lluxil Klrko Ooe * Home to Kvurr Heart.
Bnlo opi'n HatunUr iiioriilnvat regular prlroi.
' > 0' ' ' "
! / . / ; / < oi < .11 , net ; ii < irn ,
Mitlnjun HunJnjr , WoilnoJilay nnd Huturday ,
Carleton Opera Comp'y
Illl'KlllOllIK !
Beat * now on iitlo.
BJWfVO New i"liSr IN
DUIU oThaatrel
Buviinteonth mid Iliirnuy utruuU.
Wednesday. Thliialav. Trldiiy and buturdity
Alurrli II , 10 , J | mill 13 ,
The nrnatest of KiiKll > h Opura. Couipanlu * ,
KAMI , . X UAUfvAllKH. I'rup'ri.
The innnaL'cmunt bcf lunvti to unniiuicu to tlie
| iu Irons uf tlilt'Ilicntre tliu fultjHlnoluctr per-
t'iry fur thu l ! < i liin au <
Wtdnenlar orenlnit I1OII1N HOOD.
Thuriitaretenlnic IIOIII.V HOOD.
! rlday u veiling - tM IIM 15 N.
Saturday iDatlii < | o-llDHIN HOOD
fkturrliir DTenhiirDOJIOI'IIY
BL'Al.H OK rilK.'KS.
Pnruuot , . . . . , . . II M
flrclii. lim&rowi . . . 1 ia
I'lrclo , Iamftru4i . , . . . . , . , , . , , , 1W
llnliony , MMI 4 ruwt , . , , , . . . I VI
llalcuii/ J l 5roH , . . , , . . . , Jio