THE OMAHA DAT-LY I3EE : MONDAY , MARCH 7 , 1892. SPEG1HL NOTICES. . AtlVKIfllflKMKNTfl Toil TIIK81 ! C01.UMNS will lie t krn until 12. * ) p , m. for the evening nil until 8.30 p.m. for tlio morning or Sunday edi tion. tion.All ndvt-rtliicracnt * In HIOKO cnluninii 1& rcnt a line ( Iff I Inrrrtton , and 10 cent * a line Hiprontter , nr tJl > cr line per month. No advertisement taken for ICM Ilinn Vi conu for tlio nmt Insertion. Terms , rath In nrtvnnco Count nliont seven word * to tlio line Initials , flftiiroii , ( ijmbolii. eto , each count as a , word All advertisements must run consecutlvelr. Advertisers by rentioiitlnK n numbered check , can have tbn letters addressed to n numbered letter In caronf lur IIFE. Answers so addressed will to delivered nn presentation of the check. "SITUATION ? WANTED. JIATKS- a line nrstllmo unit lOc a linn there- lifter. No advertisement taken for loss than 25c. VANTRD.A smTATItMnrs'lTcJoKkKKPKlT. A or position In oltlco ! rcllabloi gooJ refer ence ! , AddrcM t'M.JIec. 220 8 * A-WANTKD. A IHJSlT7o.V AS Ct.KHK IN 1IO- tel orolub. Root ! references. Address I'M , UPC , M230 fl WANTED-MALE HELP. HATKH Man line first tlmo nnd lOo a line thero- Bftor , No advertisement tnkon for lo s thnnSJc. UINON SAI.AHY OH COM- handle the new patent chemical Ink , . , I. "Iho greatest selling novelty over ( produced ! erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper : 200 to MX ) tier cent profit ; ono necnt'i sales amounted to ffiTO In six days , nnothor 112 In tno bourn. Wo want one. general agent In rach state nnd territory. For terms nnd full par ticulars mldri'Bs llonroo Krasor Mfg. Co , LaCros o , Wl . \ Sfi. 877 . "rTTwANTKD.KHIHT-UI.ASSMACHINIST. n-l'OHTIlAlT AHTI8T9 WANTKI ) TO ( JIVK JJour electric light prints n trlnl. Kicolslor I'or- trait Co. , Ware block , Ornnha. MMI MIJ * AV.\NTK1) AN IINKIKiKTIC MAN IN A NI'.W linn of soliciting. Cnll or address N. V. I.lfo llldg. room ail. 7 * - * WANTI3I ) TO SOLICIT Oil- B-CANVASSIlll1 dcrs for uur portrait * , Kxcolslor Portrait Co , , Wnro block , Oninlin J1334 M13' n-MKN TOTAKK OUDKItHt NO DKUVniTlMJ J or collecting } nooxperlonce ; stcndy work ! host terms ! bout upeclnltlcs ! rninples free. Olen Uros , Itochcster , N. Y. MU3) ) 12 B -8AM53MEN. PAYS WKM * . 401 11121 ! IH.IlC. IW A3 > B-ONK llKNrit AND J .tOUHNKYMAN CAU- ponteri at once. Address L. llox G7 , Atllnnco , Nob. IUI8' B WIDKAWAKK WIIKKUS KVKIIYWIIKUK f for the greatest boor on vnrth ; "Shopp's pho- togrnphsof the World , " costing 1100,000 ; mam moth Illustrated circulars nnd terms free ; unpnrn- lellod success ; Mr. Ihomns L.Mnrtln , Centcrvlllo , lex. , clcnred (711 In ! l dnys ; Miss ItosoVilnius , Woostcr , O. , 121 In 41) ) minutes ; Itov. J Hownrd Madlsnn , Lyons , N , Y.&IU1 In 7 hours ; abonnniu ; magnificent outfit only II , Hooks on credit. Freight pnld. Address ( ilol o lllliln Publishing Co. , No. .US Di'iirborn street , Chlcngo , 111. , or 1'lillndel- pill a , 1'n. Ml S3 8 * B ! PLKNTY OF WO11K AT FOIIT t'UOOK NOW for pick nnd shovel hands. 12710 * T5 WANTKI ) . GOOD III.ACK8M1TH ; 8T15ADY .IJwork to right man. Address N. Lundqulst , Val ley , Neb. 173 7 B-CKIA1I8 , I1Y A CIUAU MANUKAOTUItINO linn , salesmen traveling the western stntes to carry their goods as n side line onnllliornl commissions - missions these selling drugs or liquors preferred ; best of reference required O. P. Merryman A Co. , 875 North Howard st , llnltlmoro , Md. 177 7 B &TIIONH IIOY A110UT 10 YUAUS OLI ) TO learn hnrdwnro busluess. Address P , Cl lien. M2.VJ 8 B -\VANTKI1-TWO COAT AND ONK l'ANT3 milkers. 0 Aron. Crete , Neb. M2'W ' 10 * 1J-WANTKI ) AOKNTS TOSKLL TUB OIIANO- Jcst ft. Patrick's dny ornament ever scon ; K > to tM mndo ; don't miss It. Snruplo 100. M. Krnst , Clovt'lanrt , O. M2C4-8 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. 11AT1CS 15o n line first time nnd lOc n linn there after. No advertisement taken for loss thn f 'lliWANTKI ) . UOOU ' ' 'lliiUS.S'JthBt. 73J C -WANTKI ) , A OIUL FOll OKNKUAL work. Call at once. 1213 South 31st street. .Mrs. J. W. Craig. MU76 WANTKI ) , LADIIIS AND OIUL8 TO DO OUll now work for us nt homo ; ft to tS per week easily Hindu ; no pnlntlng or canvassing ; send self- nddresscd envelope , Keho Mnnnfacturlng ( \ > .r 4 Liberty square , Iloston , Mabs. 145 b * C-A I.ADY WANTKD TO MANAOI ! TOII.KT parlor nt homo. Sylvan Toilet Co. , I'ort Huron , Mich. M 211-7 * /T WAM'HI ) GIHf. foil OKNIMIAL HOUSK VVwork. 2U22 Hurt Bt. M i 8 C WANTKIJ. KXPID1UK.VCKD DINING HOOM girl. 2101 Douglas. J1227 S C--WA.vrr.D , A SCHOOL GIHL TO WOHK FOH her hoard. Fnmlly of three. Enquire nt 537 S. Sotlinvomio. M2U 7 * C-WANTKI ) , A 8KCOND GIRL AT 614 N. 10TH street. M107 7 * C-WANTKI ) . A GIHL FOH HOUSKWOHK IN A private family. Apply to 51U 8. 22d St. 107 S * WANTIM ) . A COOK AND DISHWASHKH AT Clty Hotel , cor. 10th and Harncy. 10(1 ( S * C ANKAT GIHLTO DO LIGHT HOUSHWOHK In lamlly of II adults ; n good plaoo for the right girl. Applyat2011 Spriica bt. 1415 * C WANTKD YOUNH LADY TO HOTTLK PKH- fnuie and to handle ladloV toilet articles. Must l > o willing to travel. No canvassing. Cnll at 104 S. 15th St. , from 10 to 12 n. ui. and 'i to 4 p.m. M S07 ' , FOR RENT-HOUSES. D FOll lir.NT. 14-HOOM HOUSK FILLED WITH roomers and boarder * , and furnlturo for sale ; location best. Address P Ml , Hoe. M2.I5 7 * D-.I , 4 A. f > HOOM HOUSKS , f IU to $15. HKST HKS- Idence tints In city. Mead Inv't Co. , 442 Hoe bldg. 878 D | - ROOM FLAT , 2105 LHAVKNWORTH 8T. Tl-FOH HKNT , STEAM IIKATKD FLATS IN J-'tlio P. K. Her block , corner 11th nnd Jackson plreots. They ha\o nil conveniences and nru In KOOd repair. Call at Her & Co'o. , 1112 Ilurnoy utroot. M714 D-9 HOOM HOUSi : . S7TII AND DAYKNPORT all conveniences , fiSOJ per month , 1' , 1C. Da ling , Darker block. ' 881 } \-IlOU8KS , COTTAiiS. : HOOM8 , tilt N. 17th nt. / 475 ml7 * n-FOIl HENT AT IbTH AND CH10AUO L/itrooti : 2 room cottage with water , 13. < 4 room Hat vf Itli nator , 110 , C room tlatatoani hent. Newly puperuit and pnlntod , 110. HoburtH , 1018 Chicago street. S11)7'J ) 8 < DHOOM FLAT OVKIl 032 HdUTH IBTH street ; freshly pnpured ; nil modern conveni ences. Including Inrgu kitchen range.Apply Wind , or , Kemp A. Co. , Wl ) N. Y. I.lfo bldg. . M 7K T1-KIH HKNT,4-HOOM FLAT , FUONT 1GTI1 AND JJ lIlckory , D FOH HKNT. FHAMK HOUSH. NO. 60U rt KITH street. In good repair. Hent $15 00 per month. Call nt Her A Co's. , 1112 llarney street. M7I5 D7-HOOM. COTTAGK , 271'II. KAbT FHONT. 1 mlle froin P , O .nil mod. Imp , , 135. 7-rooni cottage , S.MI Sownnl , n ir. pretty , IU 6-rooiu bouse5th near St. Mary's avo. , IU. Fidelity Trust Co. , K. entrance N. Y. 1.1 fn. 784 M3I k-iiouHK8 ANDAPAHTMHNTHIN MUST HKSI- 'dcnto block In city. b8 ! a.M Btrcet. Tol. ll'.i ! . MIM D , -1-011 HKNT , FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. GROUND Uoor.-choupto , right party. 2504 Hereout.MM MM 6 \-I.AHOK X.1ST OK IIOUSK8. 8TOKK3 , KIM T8 'eto , & and up. Paul , 17 Hoard of Trade. FOB nENT-FUKNISHED BOOMS. HATES 15ca line Hrst tlmo and lOo n linn there after. No advertisement taken for losx than 25e. -ELlaL YVmiWsTfiS'H tlemen only ; nil modern Improvements , I40J Douglas st 170.M7 * TP FOR RKNT. ONK I.ARGK FRONT OH TWO 4 Jlnick fnrnlslied or unfurnUhod rooms , If ! South 13th street , 8 1 E-NICKLY FURNISH KI ) FRONT KOOM FOH ONB or two Kentlomcn , 3010 Davenport st , W7 TT'-FOlt HKNT. FUHNI8IIKD OH UNFUH. J-Jnlihod roomsforlltibt housekeeping , 1112 H. llth trcet 103 9 E-VKKY DUSIHAHLK FlMNlbllKD FUONT room , all modern conveniences , convenient to Brst class boardU4 North ll'lli street. MI1J 10 * 7-VUUNItllIKII ' HOOMS WITH OH WITHOUT 'J bpard. 101SJHOOMS E -TWO NICKI.V KUItNIHIllil ) HOOMH TO HUNT with modern convenluncvs. Dot location , 2 CitpHulavo , KOT E-TOH HKNT , KIICUANT KUUNIBIIKU HOOM3 , ilnnlooreuiulto , 1 udjalnliig nrlor , lulUUlo tor I or 7 ladle * or iimrrlodcouut ba < t of refor- unce required. UI to. lilli t. ItT II iJ-MCBLY VUUNIBHUb KHONT HOOM. 034 ' MtttJ E-I.AHOB FHONT HOOM KLKOANTI.V KUll nUliutl , ktouta hunt , Imlli , etc. 1817 Ix > avonirorth troct 1.1KOH HKNT. FUHNISIIKI ) HUOM ; 1-1.ICA8ANT Vrront ruom for Innlti ntntluia n In fanillr of twoi 10 ucr luontbi lioum comfort * : reference ax- clientoJ. Aitdrmn 1' , U Duo , JI2UJ g < JUItNiaHED ROOMS AND BOAKD. UATKtt-l&oa Una nr t llaiu ainl lOo a HDD tlitmT attar. No tulverllinmenl tuken lur leu than I'M. T > -N1CKLV KUIINllKiloM\Vl BOAHI ) 4- for man and wlfu or two ladle * , prlrato family ; * 5 week each : uodvru COUTHUUUCC . ( li N. Utii t. ROOMS AND BOARD. Continual. i - WITH AI.COVK , AIJSO HODM ' nnf iirnltlicil It ( lMlre.1. ? U So. 23tli t. C7I TjHOOM3 AND liOAHI ) , 113 8. 2ATII St. ' JL' 121-mti * J ? IIOO.MS , KUHNISHKI ) OH UNKUHNISIIRI ) , 1 i > nd sooil table Imnnl. 2103 lougli > . MIW8 FVBHV DKSIHAHI.K KIHST AND 8KCONI ) floor , noiitli nml pint , f urnltlied rooms nt "Tlio Kronicr , " HO.Vo , 2Uti ttrcot. 512 IU 12 * 17-KINKI.Y rilltKimiKll HOOM8 AND HOAIU ) | 1. unite united for four ! bent auiumer location , 312 N. 22(1. M22I-7 * in-H HOOMS AND HOAllI ) . I.1K Cnpltol nvcnuo. mi 5 * TOR RENT-UNFURNISIIED ROOMS HATK8 Ifxi n line flrt tlmo nnd lOo n line there- nttor. No ndvcrtlscmgnt taken for Ic s than 250. GKO tJi NICK UNKulNsHKI ) llOOMa ANI ) two Rood bn'oment rooms ; alio ttnblo , 2120 Douglae. Ml 47 ; _ _ SIX UNKtmNISKl ) HOOMS. Ml H. 17TH avenue , between Jackson and Lonvonworth. 061 8 p-3 IWUKNISUIIU ROOMS , 631 8. 17TII ST. BOARDING. 11ATK8 1Bo nllno nret tlmo nnd lOc a line thero- nftor. No ndvcrtlaomcnt tnkpn for leaa thnii 5Jo. -I'tIiiM AN llOtJSi : , 1310 fOiniB. TOlVaOOD bonrt ] , nicer room * , convenience , rftto nnil lo- nllon It cannot bo wicollwl. Mrs. Horn , proprietor FOR RENT..3TgRE8 AND OFFIOEF. HATBS lie n line llrnt tlmo nml I Do n linn tlicro- utter. No advertisement tnken for less tunn 2Jc. JKOl | YlBNT HE 4-H'roriY iVltYcK HIlH.lHNrji DIG Knrnnn ntrcot , Tlio building tins n llro-prunt cninuiit bnttomcnt , complete ntcnm-liontlnit lUtnrui , wntor on nil the Doors , ga , etc. Apply nt Uio ofllco of Tlio Heo. Via _ 1- roil HUNT , 8TOHK , Ifi21 1IOWAHU. 8B3 _ T SUITAHIiK llUII.Dl.NnS KOIl MAMUHACTUH- Alnit purposes nt Kckcrrunnn 1'laco , &oo < \ ondlno nnd boiler , t-V > per monlli. C. F. Harrison , 912 N. V , Llfu. t)32nl ) _ 1"KOIl HICNT , IN HKITUKTAIIj LOCATION IN Omnlm , cntlro scconil lloor or departments In ( iolden KnKlo Blioo Btoro , Hi 8 Ilitn. at. OT1 _ T STOUK HOOH-ON N ST. , SOUTH OMAHA. J-Apply nt room , 2413 N St. M SCO 7 FOR RENT-MISOELIjANEOTJS. HATKS-Uo a line IIret Unitnnd lOo n line tlicro- after. No vdvcrtlncmont taken for loss tbun25c. J OAltDKN KAII.MS TO ItENT. T. MUIUIAY. 834. J UIUCK YAHD3 FOll IHSNT. T. MOItllAY.MM2 T-100 ACItKS , HOtlRB AND I1AUN FOll M HKAU tl Ilutchlnson & Wead , 1524 Douglas. 101-5 WANTED TO RENT HATKS I5c n line llrst time and lOc n Una tlioro after. No ndvurtlsomcnt taken for less thnn 2Jc. Kce centrally located ; state terms. Address I'M Doe. M2i > 2 S * BENTAL AGENCIES. UATKS ICon line llrst tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnken for less than 25c. L-ltKNTALAGKNCY ; HANK UKKKUKNCKS. K. C.Uarvln , V Co.UStalioely ) block. Tulcphouo IKlOf 8SS STORAGE. M OLDKST , CHirAPKdTANI ) 11KST 8TO11AOK house In the city. Williams .V Cross,1214 Unrnoy. WANTED-TO BUY. UATKS I So a Una tlrst tlmo nnd IDa n line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lees than 25c. ' -KOK N m in KUKir SOLI ) , STOHH D. Wclli , 1111 Farnaru st 8SS VT SKCOND-HANI ) FUIINITUHK IlOUOHT.SOLl ) 1 > nnd oxclnuiKoil ; highest prices paid for second hand goods. Iloston Furniture Co , CDS N. Kith st. 630 M2I \T-WANTKD , PAHl OF 8CAM39 , lftK ) TO l.SOO J.1 pounds capacity. Address O 03 , Ueo. ' 7JS TV" WANTKITO BUY A FULL LOT ON COIINIMI , -L-s preferred us U Is for church purposes nnd must ho located uctueoii Cumlngand Burdetto nts. und 21M iiud27th sts. ; glvo prices , locution , etc. Ad dress M Toft , 107 S. loth. IMS * JF.OB SALiE-FTJBNITPBE. _ UATKS 15c a line tlrst time nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for leas than 2to -Foil SALi n tun room house , with lease for 14 months , four blocks west of postolllco. Surroundings strictly llrst elms , none hettcr. On corner , largo yard , shade trees , barn , modern convcnloncos , suit able for boarding nr room letting Possession given nny time from now to May 1 , llent ftiJOO per month. Prices will bo found very reasonable. If condi tions are fnvorablo will remain as boarders. P 42 , Ueo olllce. MI83 11 * FOll SALE. VKIIY CHKAP. KLUQANT LKA- thcr upholstered furniture , eight chairs and lounge ; niiltnblo for oftlco or library. Address I'M ) . Hco olllco. 328 FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS I5o a line tlrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than Uc Q used only a few montlia , at a sacrlUoo. 20/2 Cnld well bt. 433 _ Q-FOIl 8ALK , TWO HILLIAllI ) AND TWO POOL tables , with cues , balls , racks ; good order ; $75 each. Duff ( Jreon , Ilarkor block. M8U1 Q FOH SALK , PAHROTT. GOOD TALKKIl , very tamo. HON. 15th street , room 1. M23U 7 * WANTKD. TO HKLL A DOG HALF NKW- Q foundland and half bull dog. Call at 2210 8. 1Mb 135 5 * MISCELLANEOUS. _ KATKS-ISc u line first tlmo and lOe a line thereof - of tor. No advertisement taken for less th an 2Jo. 'HAMILTON ntos. builders. All kinds jobbing. 414 Bo.ieth. Tel. 1179 1U3M7 * _ E CLAIMS FOH SALARIES. 8KKVICKS , WAGES , etc. , against corporations or Individuals , bought add advanced on.V. . It. lavtsH20 Continental blk - , li-MU ) _ _ 111. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICK. 3H < 4 A. I5th , male nnd femala help ; orders by mall promptly attendeeI to Hofurunc'o : Omaha Natlonn bank. Tel. 831. 702-M 35 CLAIRVOYANTS. HATES 15o a Una llrst tlmo mid lOe n line there after , No advertisement taken for less than Mo. ' - MA b"A > iTE viiiim , aii w cUM iNo 8riiK Si\ clnlrvo > nnt and trance medium ; Independent voices ; tells past und luturo. 734.M34 * S-MH8. NANNIE V. WAHRKN. CLAIRVOYANT , reliable business medium , llfth year 11J W. 10th. 8-j'J C-AHH1VAL EXTRAOHDINAHY , WONDKKFIIL lovulatlons. Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr. M. ] /'gnivu , dead trunco clairvoyant , nitrologlat , palmist mid llfu reader ; lolls your Ufa from the criidlo to grave ; unltei the separated ; causes innr- rlaeo with the ono you love ; tells nhoro you will succeed nnd In what builness best adapted for ; has the celebrated Egyptian breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Intluoncos ; cures tits. Intemperance and all nrlvuto complaints with mausago. baths and alcohol treatment. Send M. lock of hair , name nnd data of birth nnd receive accurate lire chart ; 2 rents In slnmpit for circular ; glvu Initials or on you will uiurry : also photos of name. Olllco IUU7 South llth street , tlrst lloyr ; houri'.U a. m to U p. m. Come one , come all. and bu convlucud of this wonderful oracle. JlW.ti 7 * BTAaSAOE , PATHS , TO. fl'-MABSAOK THKATMKNT. KLKOTRO-TIIKR- 1. mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist Mrs.Posl.SIWB. 15th , Wlthuell blk , 8'Ji ) T -MAUAMK HM1T11. mi DOUGLAS STHGIET , room 7W door. Alcoholsulphur and saa baths. M631 m7 * ril-MASSAQK , Ulo B. I3TU STREET , 21) FLOOIt. 1. Oil ) M20' rp MISS t'TOWK , MASSKUclU ULEin'HICIAN -L 832 Hamgo block. MU3U 7 , rp-MADAMKI.A HUE , MAdSAGK. 41(1 ( SOUTH -L 15th street , 'rd lloor. Hat 4 , assistant. M745-7 * PEB80NAI.8. HATKS 15o a Hue llrst tlmo and lOa a line there after. No advertisement taken for leis than 25a U-FOH 8ALB OH HKNT , THE ONLY HOTKL III llio Incorporated town of Kunuard , Wain. Cu , Nob. AddretsT , Da\ldson. 10J-U- -MRS. MARY WOODWORTH HAS LKFPMY bed nnd board without Just causa. All porions are hereby notltlvd that 1 will not bo respouslblo for any debts shu may contract. F , Woodworth. M2057' jttUSIO. ABT AMD LANOUAOE. HATKB-lSo line drst tlmo and lOo line there after , No adverllsoniDiit taken for less than 25o , > wllli Hinpu , or Mi N. Ibtli t V -UKKOltIC 1IUYINH A PIANO KXAMINK TUB new cull ) Utuibiill piano , A LIoipo , 1513 UotiKlat. BUI \r-K01l BALK , CHKAP FOll CABII. A KINB aprlfbt plauo. Dearly now and standard manu- facturc. AddrcM O . lloa ofllca. 434 ' ' MONEY TO LOAN-ItKAL ESTATE. HATE8-lic a Hue tlr.t tlmo and lOo a Una tUero- after. Mo adwrlUuineut takoa for leu than Uo AYr- KNfHAUi iNiTlMJiiTCO. 11KK BIba MONEY TO LOAN-KEAL ESTATE. \\T ( .OA.NdONIMPItOVKI ) AND UNIMI'KUVKI ) city property.H.OM nnd upwnrds.rt to S per cent. No delays , VV.Karnnm Smith A Co. ,15th andllnrnny. _ 6M _ \Vr IIKAMCSTATK LOANS , TO 7 I'Kll OKNT ; ' 'nn nddltlonal charges forcommlstlon or attor noy's fees , W , 1) . Molklo , first National bnnk hhlg , WO ' \\r-CO\TK9,1014 KAUNAM. KASTKUN MONKV .M , 1IAIUUS , 11. W , FIIKNZKH Ill.K. W-LOANS , O. O. WALliACK , 312 HHOWN Ill.K. ir-UHL , HEAL KSTATE I.OAN3.3I2 HUH III.D'O AIT ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIUST CO , .IIS N. Y. * T Mfp. lend at low rates for eholro security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property.89J 89J ir-APPLY TO .1. K IXVKTT KOIl CUKAP > monoyi only flntclnss security , 2208. 13th. 691 ir-MONKV TO LOAN ON IMIMIOVKD CITY property , low rato. A. CJ Frost , Douglas blk. \r-MONKY TO LOAN ( IV IXJNO OH SHOUT ' time In sums of MOO to HO.OOU. Mutual Investment Company. CM V C. W. HAINKY..1I5OMA1IA NAT. UK. 111,1)0. > City mortgngcs , Ixjvrust rates. Money on hnnd , bV7 \\r I.OAN8 ON 11KAI. KSTATK AND COUjAT- ' ' tcrnl notes nnd mortgnges bought. Hood & Bclby.ail Uoard of Trnrto. WJ ir-fi PKH CKNT KIHST MOHTOAOK LOANS. ' Hlchard C. Patterson , 1511 Knrnitm st. 101 W-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMP11UVUI ) OMAHA property ! building loans a specialty. Hrcnnnc & Co. , Knrbach block. M706 M2I \\r-MONKY AT 1.OWK8T 11ATI1H , K. K. Wltr > Hams. Klrst National Hank building. M7M YV-OMAHA SAVINOS HANK MAKKS LOANS ' on real estate nt lowest market rates. Loans mndo In small or largo sum nnd for short or long tlmo No commission Is charged , and the loans aru not raid In tlio cast , but can always bo found nt the bank on the corner of Uth and Dousing streets 78(1 \V PIUVATK MONKY. KIKST AND HKCOND > ' mortgage loans , low rates. Alox. Mooro. 401 Hco building M7SS \\r-WANTKI ) , 10 I'Klt CUNT MONKY TO LOAN ' on gilt ciUoil town property In St , Kdwnrds , Nch. Ilefcrence , Kxchnnga bnnk , St. Kdwards Nob. A. I ) . White , Ilonl Ustnto nnd Loan Agency. U7f > 3 _ \\r-WK AI115 NOW t'niCI'AUKI ) TO I'LACK ' ' largo lonns on Insldo business property at very low rates of Interest. Wo nlso handle ground lenses on business properties. Uco. J. Paul. 17 Hoard of Trade. M 315-13' MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. ItATKS-lSo n line first tlmo nnd lOo a line there- after. No ndvertlscmcnt tnken for less thnn 23c. MONKY TO LOAN HY 11. K. MASTK11S ON X household goods , pianos , orgnns , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , ut the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chnngo of pos session. lime nrrnngod to suit the borrower. Payments of nny amount can bo mada nt nny time , reducing both principal and Interest , thus giving patrons all the bcncutM of the purlin ! pay ment plan. Cnll nnd sco mo when you wnnt n lonn , or If moro convenient , call tclcphona HrJl and your business * can bo transacted nt homo. Money always OIL hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. a K. Masters , U. 4 , Wltlmell blk , 15th nnd Unrnoy. SUM WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OV security : strictly conlldentlnl. A. 1C. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. VUS X - OB'T IMUTClIAlllJ , 11.3 , W1THNKLL HLiW - MONKY : ON FUIINITIIIIK. IIO11SK3 , I'lANOS. KiMONKY Keystone Mtge. Co. , room SW , Sbeoly block.WW WW WHKN YOU WANT A CUATTKL IXAN SIB X \V. It. Uavls , room W , Continental block. txw X MONKY LOANKD ON FU11N1TUHK. HOH8KS , wagons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , K. 4JJ , llnmgc. 010 MONHY TO LOAN,80. ( O. IX ) DAYS ON FUHNI- turo , llvo stock , etc. Dull Uroeu , removed to Itoom 8 and U. Darker blk 183 "V MONKY ON itONDS , STOCKS. WAHHANTS - .personal property.Waync\UalleyIl.40J Karbach BUSINESS CHANCES. HATKS 15c n line tlrst tlmo and lOe a line there after. No ndverllHomcnt taken for less tlianiic. HUY TllK I COMMHHCIAI * THK hotel at Uroken How , Neb , No land In trade. [ J 1)11 ) _ _ _ _ FOIl SALi : , 1IOTI3L , FUUNIbHKl ) , 17 HOOMS. doing n good business ; terms easy : location best. Address Hex MM. Chadron Nob. M284 M8 * KH SALK , A FIHST CLASS OPKNINO FOR a man with a small capital to Invest In n stock of general merchandise ; well established business ; KOOd prollts. Address box 7U. Omaha , Neb. 417 m 1C * _ Y-ONB-1IALF OH ALL OF II AHUWAHK h.TOCK. fiood trade , good location , cheap rent , and good rennons for selling. Address Lock llox VJ2 , Lincoln. Neb. _ M851 8 Y FOll HUNT , ABOUT MAIICH 1. THK HOW. ard hotel , corner Howard and Kith streets ; con tains about 40 rooms , which are furnished com' plcte. A good opportunity to the right party. For particulars cull at Her & Co's , 111 ] Hurney street. M7I3 _ -CASH PAH ) FOll KNDOWMKNT POLIC1K3 In old line companies. Send description A. K , Hrocklcsby , box 2JJ , Hartford , Conn. C45 13 * XT OHANl ) OPKNINO FOll OKNEHAL MBit- 1 clmndlso store ; town booming ; canning factory nnd sash and door factory already established ; great Inducements being offered foracroamory ; the best store building In town vacant ; rent low ; rare chance. A. I ) . White Heal Estate Agency , St. Bd- wurd , Iloone Co. , Nob. MUDS U \ ' MKAT MAHKKT FOll SALE IN ONK OK the most thriving towns of Nebraska , Address Heller & Liver Lo , butchers' supplies , 1217 Howard St. , Omaha , Neb. 110-9 "VPAHTNKH WANTKI ) IN THK MANUFAC- 1 turo of brick , business already established , capacity of plant 40,000 per day.-J banks of clay , 15 acres clay In all. building and paving. W-horso power boiler , & 5horso power englno , Ohio brick machine and spreads , nnd alt other tools necessary for llrst-clnss yard ; established S yenrs and have tlio trodo of central Nebraska ; will sell half or all. For further particulars Inqulro of P. A. Stewart , Hastings , Adams Co. , Nob. 720 u Y FOK 8ALK-SALOON , DOING A GOOD IIUSI- ness ; good reason given ror selling. Address Lockbor 813 , West Point. Neb. MJaU V -WANTKI ) , ULACKSMITH TO LOCATK IN J-no w town on now railway ; Inducements to right party. Address Win. II. Gunsell , townslto agent , Suvngo , AntelopoCo. , Neb , M117 14 * V FOll SALK , A CIGAR MANUFACTOHY AND I- tobacco store of twenty-ono years' standing , on account of old ago. Inqulro of 1) . Arudt , Hlnlr. Nob. M121 03 * _ WANTKD , A CIIKAMKRY AT ST. KDWAHDS , Neb. Good Inducements offered n good man cither In bonus or stuck. Address A * Powell , sec retary Dullness Men's association. li > 3 Id WANTKI ) AT ONCK , A 1'AHTNKH WITH ftk.OOO , or will sell for f 10,000 a line established business In South Texas that Is paying * i.OOJ per annum , und line prospects for Increase , near Houston , ( ialvoston nml Yulasco ; town of several railroads ; good reasons for selling. Address J , W. Henry , Hlchmond , Tex. 1711 7 V FOll HKNT , A TWO BTOKY HHICIC HOTKL , -L well furnished , 24 sleeping rooms , reasonable rent , located on a good corner on the main bust- neysstroet In a wldunwnko county sent town hav ing good railroad facilities ; good references ra- quired ; lessee must Imvo oxporlonco In the hotel business ( married man preferred ) and able satis factorily to secure rent , Address T. It. Wallace. agunt , St. Paul. Neb. 1757 _ V FOlt HALK , A HAHNKSS SHOP , I8T1I AND 1 Vlnton sts. , on account of sickness. Address Frnd Mueller , 1724 Vlnton st. 181-18 _ V FOH BALIS , MY UATHINO IUWOHT AT A Lake Mannwo. Address JJ. Malownoy , Hubron , Nob. 20 ! ) _ FOR EXCHANGE. HATKS l&o a Una tlrxt tlmo and luon Una there after , No advertisement taken for loss than25c , Z-CL1SAN ' bTOCkOK ' GKNKHAL M'D'SlB ! ' WlUj take real estate & money , llox W5 , Frankfort , Ind. tllJ _ _ _ _ _ y-IFYOUIIAVKAOOODUlMUOIlT PJANO TO AJtradufor lot 40 , block 1 , Armour Place , South Omaha ; clear of all liicumbrouco. Address N 43 , Dee olllco. J12JJ f/-IlUNIHKU IIKAD OK IIOHSBS AMI ) LAND fJla eastern Nebraska for a stock of dry goods , clothing , boots and shoes , Imtaunilcnpi , Address box 101V Nebraska City , Nob. 2M MIO * r/-HAHOAlN , A BLACKSMITH AND WAGON 'Jihop for sale or trade wltU a retldonco ; will seller or trauo for tioodfurnilng land. Tappu Bros. , Vor- don , Neb. M705U * Z-nNK-TlIlHU CASH , HALANCK IN CHOICE clear Nebraska land or trotting stallions to ex change for u good , clean stook of merchundleoor liardwaro ; wrlto with full particulars , or better come and see uio and the land. Henry Charnborllu , Wood lllvor. Neb. m 18 _ f OR 8ALE--BEAL ESTATE. HATKS-150 a line flsrt tlmo and 10o a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 26o. TSjrS.'OlNKt iWTH ANl i i > feeti a Iiarealn for u few days only , F. K. liar ling. Ilarkor block. D14 _ 17011 SALH. NBI1HASKA FAUM LANDS. Q. O. -L1 Wallace , 311 Drown block , IGtU and Douglas. [ 1115 _ _ iMW BALE , HOMKB. ANY I'KICE. I7M , 11.240 UP ) easy terms ; take clear property as tlrst payuiunt , U U. Wallace , Drown block , 18th aud Douglas. 815 _ IOH HALK AT A HAIU1AIN , 1XXT 15. 1ILOCK 4 , J.1 W. U. Helby' * nrst addition to Boutli Omaha , Small payment down , balance monthly If iloilreil. Inquire U. U. Tucbuck , yuiaha li . 8J FOK SALTJ-TOJAL ESTATE. Contfttiud. M UDKKN IW HOOM lOJTdK , (1OO1) I/rATION | no tradei cash Jbargflp. Address O 24. Dee. , , y , M440MIC * 170118ALK-400 ACnnTIlIM IN I1I.UK HIVKIl 1 valley , Thayer county. 10 miles west of Hebron. One of the very best tntfrts In thn county ! good house , barn , granaries , Iritis , cte. and an ahundonco of fruit. Umber and rmihlnr water. Alsn for sale or eichnngo for good latids or city property , n brick pork packing house nml , intiircs In Hebron , Thayer county , near II. .V M.ilrput. Kor particulars In qulro of any real cstatofnmmt In Hebron. MS trado. J. J , Gibson , Crdlithton block. M73.1M23 * IWH8ALK-MSTO7-IIOOM HOUSICd , $1.20000 TO ( . . ) , . per mo. 1 house to rontnt 4MCumInRst. , IIUIW p r mo. K. (1. Mlrrcll' 4512 Patrick avo. 076 7 * I'Oil SALK OH HUNT Several dcslrnblo medium sired nnd small houses cheap ana on onsy terms. W. U. Mlllnrd , nt Omaha Nat. bank. ItiO IWIl SALK-S-K COHNKH 17th , DOllCAP , ISft .Icottajes , stnblo for Ohorscs , can bo divided Into , ' > lots. Inquire nt premises. 1121) ) \irOULD YOU LIKK A DKAtlTlKIlL IIOMK ? > ? 1 have n charming lot at 32nd and Woolworth , fnclng thopnrk , which 1 will sell to dcslrnblo party upon most favorable terms , or will build to suit imrehnscr upon monthly or quarterly payments. Call nt once , David Jnmlcson , 41 } Ueo building. 131 1MNK ACHKLOT.I ADJOINING Till ! TOWN OF 1 Hlnlr , Neb. ! good laud. U. W. Mcllrldo. 14I-A-3 * l Oll 8ALK OH HKNT , S-HOOM COTTAOK ( NKW ) I1 with full lot , In Orchard hill. Apply to Wm. Anderson. Murray hotel , or 2UU So. 20th street. street.MI577 FOll SALK-ON A I'HOMINHNT STHKKT , AS- phnlt , cnst front , on grade , n fine residence , stable , etc. , complete In ovcry detail ; Intest Im provements ! house decorated through out ; ten minutes from court house by motor ; n grent chance to secure n modern homo , Address 1' 47 , Hco ntHco. M207 13 * TJKAUTIFUL HHICIC HKSIDKNCi : OF 8 HOOMS. Dmodcrn , Inrgo Darn , ground 10x1115. Price , nil complete , fO.600 ; Jl.OOOcnsu , bal. 8 per cant. C. F. Harrison , I2 N , Y. Lite. 100J. ' ) HAIK GOODS. llATUS 15o n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line there after , No advertisement taken for less than 2oc . JJrlcnl wigs and beards n specialty. Wigs , bangs switches , hair chains , etc. . send for catalogue Mall orders solicited. Davlos , 111 8. 15th st. , Omaha DID rpIIK IDKAL LADIES' HAIK DHKSSINO PAH- -l-lors , switches , bangs , wigs , toupees , jewelry and hnlr ornaments In stock ; vlgs to order , special at tention given to mall orders. 20V 8.15th st. , 3d lloor. M5'J4 M20 * PAWN BROKERS. HATKS 15e a line llrst tlmo and lOo n line there- after. No advertisement taken for loss than 23c. BKN F. MARTI , HEMOVBD TO 107 8. 15TH ST. 871 AC' SNYDICH'S LOAN OFFICE , 1510 UODGK ST. MV43 31 * TfllKO MOHLK , OFFICE 1SI1K FAUNAJl ST. 017 STRAYED. UATKS-l5c n line llrsl Imo and lOen line there after. No advertisement taken for HMS than ZV ) STHAYKI ) . A DAHK HAY MAHK , 4-YKAH OLD , Any Information will bo rewarded by John Hols- dorlf , r.Hh nnd Dnpont streets M242 8 * .LO T. HATUS 15o n line first Itlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c L OST.FOXTKRIUKHrt'BACK : ANDTAN whlto body , black rumps reward for return. 1512 California Bt. „ , M257-8 DUESSjlIAKING. , MAKINO IN -LJfamllles solicited. s faturdy. 320 S. 2Cth st. MASaUERADE.CpSTUMES , ETC. T ADIES&GKNTLEMfcNteAN HUNT MASQUK- JUrado costumes at 114 fltClli. Golden Kaglo store. UtiO-mI2 O : JEWELERS. CASH PAID FOR OLI ) BOLD. CAHSON i UANKS , room 30 Barker block.xinmha. 013 _ OUTLBByi OBINDING. _ S KND YOUK 8ClbSOUa.niAZOJtS.i imif TO HK 'ground ' , to Undcrland * r o , , 1OI 8. 14th gt , illii REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , 16071 Fnrnm Street , Omaba. Neb. TO WEAK MEN Buffering youthful tlio oiTccta errors from of tarly deenr , wasting weakness , lost manhood , etc , I ill send a valuable treatise ( iu-alcd ) coutalnlnj full particulars for homo cure. Fit Ell of charge. A splendid medical work i should L > p read by every man who Is nervom nnd debilitated , /ildrerjt , I'rof. V. C. VU WJLIillt. flloodUH , Couil * RHILWHYTIMEGRRD Leaves IHUKLINGTOtt MO. UIVKH. | Arrives Onmha. I Depot lUth anil Mason Sts Omaha. Ixiaves I K. U. , S1' . J. & C. U. Arrlv Omaha. I Depot 10th an 1 Muon SU I Oill'i I)0 ) ) n ml..Kansas City Day ICrjirosj . . . I 665 p m 04Sp mlK.C. Night K p via U. P. Trans | 1140 n m Going CHICAGO , It. I. A PACIFIC. , From Kan. Union Depot 10th A Marcy bts. | East 1000 a ra , .Atlantic Express I (120 ( p m 4 05 p m .Vcstlbulo Express 1,10 p m ) p m . . . .Night Express | U.40 a m Going | CHICAGO , It. 1,4 PACIFIC. I From West. I Union Depot 10th and Marcy Sts. I West. p nil . Denver Limited . la.W p m 705 p m | . Denver Express . | 7.JO o m Leaves 8IOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Uniahal Depot. lUlli nml Marcy Sts. I Omaha a ml blouxClty Passenger , llti'AJp m 585 p ni | bt Paul Kxpresa llUUOa m LoavesT SIOUX C1TV A PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omahal Depot , 15th and Wflbiter sts. I Omnlm p m | til. Paul LI in I mil. . , | U.i5 ! a in Leaves CHICAGO & NOHTHWKSTKItM Arrive ] Omaha U. P. depot. lUth and Maroy Hts , Omaha 7.30 a m ( Ex. Sun'y ) CarfrQll I'ns in II.'JO a m , , niloago Rxprosi ilOJa m 600 p m VostlbuldLlmltod II 3D a m U.15 p m Kuiternii lyer 2.15 p m 7.00 p m ( Kx. Sat. ) ChlatP.a s. ( Ex. MJn.l 8 05 a m Leaves OMAIAJST. LOUIS. Arrives OiuahaU. | P. depot. I0il4nd } Marey Bts.Omana | 1.10 p in | HU Lonla Cajifaon Hall 112.85 p m HAVE YOUjniE GRIPPE ? Mi\ny People Hnvo Itnr.d Do Not Knoxvlt How to Recognize the Symptom * nnd .low to TrontThem. Hundreds of people Imvo the Drlppo who do not know It. Not nocc .sarlly the flnil stages but tlio flrtt stages. They ( col pnlns in the bond , nnd u bnd tnsto In the mouth , got tired nnd despondent , Imvo chilly sunvatlons limbs mid muscles nclio. In some cases thcso things are overlooked , In mos tcusos porhnps they nro considered simply n slight cold. In nearly every cn o they Indicate the coming of Urlupo. Tlicro U but ono thing to do when these symptoms appear , nnd that U to take promp nnd vigorous menstirct. to fortify naturoto repel the enemy , A llttlo well dlroctod effort ntjmt the right tlmo will accomplish very much irtoro tliun labored efforts afterward * . Tlicro Is but ono thing to Lo done , nnd that Is to lisa a pure stimulant , something thnt will promptly nrrost nnd In no way Injure , something - thing endorsed by scientists recommended by physicians , and populnt booanso so ofllelotit- > Duffy's I'uro Malt Whiskey. Two years tgo , nnd Instyoar when the Grippe wns rnglniMhls Win the standard rumody used , unit recom mended by the profession. It did inoro to prevent the Orlppo tliun nil other known or rccommondod remedies. It preserved many pcoplo In hoitlth who would otherwise have noon Krlorously sloU , perhaps even worao. It Is ii3 efllclent todny ns over , U should bo bornolnmlnd thnt other so called whiskies mnv nnt be so atllclcnt , nnd If nny dealer as sorts thnt such whiskies nro the same , distrust him ut once. Thoru In but ono mcdlulnnl whiskey , nnd thnt Is Duffy's 1'uro Malt. _ A Wrltton Uunrnntco SYPHILIS to Cure Kvory Cnso or Money Kofunilod. Our euro l permnnont nnd notn pxtc'.ilnt tin. Cull entod seven years nno have never seen n irmnto-n slnco. Hy describing cmo fully wo mil troil you by mall , and troKlvo the anmo strong gtinrnntou Uicuro orrofund nil money. These who prefer to como hero for treatment cnn do so nnil wo will pay rallromt faro both ways nnd hotel bills wlillahoro If we fall to euro Wo Challenge the World for n cuso that our MAGIC ItKMKDV will not euro. Wrlto for particulars nnd get the evidence. In our seven yoirV prncttco with this M AGIO HKMKDV U Imi boon moil dinioult to overcome the prejudices against socilloi spaoltDi lliitundcr our strong fiinmntoo UicnunmH nru trrln r Itanil being curoil. Wo Kuarnntoo to euro orrufiinl ovcry dollar , nnd'as ivo have n reputation to pr > io n nlioflnnnclal backing of l'iX.OW ) It Is porfoctlv'unfe to nil who will try the trentraent. llerototo'o you hnvj been puttlngup an 1 pnjlim outyour money fordinar vnt trentmonts , nnd nlthouith you nro not yet cunt no ono hns pnld back your monoy. Wo will Do | tlvely euro you. Old chronic , deep sontoJ c&sosouroi In 3) ) to DJ days. Investigate our llnanclnl stnnilliu , our reputation ns liuslno'i men. Wrlto us for names nntl nddrcssoa of these we Imvo cured who hnvo Klvon parruLsslon to refer to thorn. It costs you only po-it- ago to do this. If your sympto ns nro sore turott , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones tin 1 joints , hair foiling out , eruption * on nny part of tin body , fooling of gcnornl depression , pains In head or ooncs. You hnro no tlmo to watto. Tlioso who nr ] constantly taking more iry a-i 1 potash shouU dlsoon tlnuolt. Conitanl use of those drugs will suruly bring aorcs nnd cntlng ulcers In the en 1. Don't fnll to wrlto. Allcorrosponlouco nent soaloJ In plain cnvolopai Wolnvlta the most rigid Investigation unJ will do all n our power lo alJ you In It. Addros * EEMEDY 0. . - OmaH Nebra 'a. FORMEN ONLY. Sfloo fora cnso of I O T or KAIM.NQ MAN- Iioou , Oetinr.U or Nfitvoua DBliiMTr. weak ness of body or mind , the effects of errors or nx- fossosln elder younKthatwoc.-innotouro. ttiiuruntoo every cns > o orrnfund cvnry dollar. Vive dnys trial troiitment * 1 , full course K ! > . I'ercoptlblo benollis realized In thrco days. Ity mull , securely p icUotl from observation. COOK REMEDY Co. , OMAHA. Nun LADIES ONLY UAPIfl FRMALK Itn < ! UrVTOK , Safe and nlHUlU Certain to a dny or money refunded. Hy mall 8J. Soeuroly soaloJ from obsurrn- tlon. COOK KKJIKlfV Clt. , Oinnh u Neb LeDuc's Periodical Pills , The French remedy acts directly upon the generative orrfiuinund euros suppression of the mouses. SJur throe for t > , nnd em \ > n mallocl. Should not bo usoddurlii' { lire rnaiiuy. .Tobberj , drngulsts and tlio public suppllod by Ooudmau Oinahi Jo Soften the Hands. Ucforo retiring take a large pair of old gloves end spread mutton tallow Inside , also all over Hie hands. Wear the cloves all night , and wash the hands with ollvo oil and white castlle soap the next morning. The above , together \vltb 1001 other things equally If not more Important to know , Is found In the handsomely Illustrated tiew book Just published by BettsiBetts A mrrlc&'F most gifted , poimlarand This book tliry ccnd to any address ou receipt of 4 cents to pay postage- but DRS. BETTS & BETTS do more than wrlto valuable books which the ) give to tboiu wlio need tliui. They euro Catarrh , Plies Stricture , , . ' lydrocole , Varicocelev Gleet , Spermatorrhoea , Syphilis , Gonorrhoea , Lost Manhood , Blood and Skin Diseases , Female Weakness , - Effects of Early Vice , anil every form of Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases. Consultation free. Call upon or addrtss wtib stamp , DRS. BETTS & BETTS , llOSo uth 14th St. . Curnor 14th end Douglas Sts. Omaha , Neb. Short 1,1 no & Utah .Vortliurn Hull way Cuinimny Stool < lioliler ' .McetliiK. . Notice Is Iioruby Klvon Unit the inooUnir of tlio btoeldioldora of thu Ureson bliort Line & Utnli Nortliurn lUIIwuy coin- puny , for tlio election uf cllroetors und aucli otliur buslnoxs js iniiy loyally uoino before thu mootlnir , will bo hold ut room No. 41 , Hooper llnlldlnr , Suit I < iiku City , Utah Territory , upon Wednesday , tlio Kith day of March , 13J. , ut 10 o'clock n. in , Utocly tr.uufor boolcs will oloso upon the SOtlitlay of February , und rcopon upon tlio 17th day of March. ALBXANIIEU MU.UAII , Bucrctary , llosTON. Mnsa. . Fob. 3.16'Ji. FlOd VUtai l'ro | > i ml * for lloniU , Sealed bids will bo received at th olllco of thu Oily Treasurer , Onmha , Nob. , up to 12 o'clock Mnroli lOtb , IstC , for the purchase of 1175.000.00 2J year 5 per cent City Halt Honda. Tlio principal und Interest nro payable at KounUo llron. , Now York. Interem payable aumi-aimuully , Hach bid must a tutu the price and the amount of bonds sou ( 'lit for and mustIneludo Interest uptodatouf delivery. Issued under authority of Charter of met- ropolltnn cltlosuuu OrdlirinceJID auprovoi ) Jiuiunry aotli , IbOJ. The right U reserved to reject any or all bid * . JIENnv IIOIjIjN F12d27tM City Treasurer. MILITABY MATTKnS. A Onoil Wonl fur the Wonror * of the Yrllow rtiintet ( liMtlp of the \VrAtnrii Torts. A gay lad is ttio trooper , young or old ; oftl- cor , non-commlisloncd ofllcor or prlviuo. A rolling gait when dismounted , with legs somcuvlmt wldo npnrl nnd a llttlo percoptlblo stiffness In the muscles of the Milgh distin guish him from tuo "doughboy , " ns ho ao- llijhts In colling the Infnntrymnn or nrllllor- ist , Llko tbo nlllpntor , the JUCK nnd olhor ntnphtbloui creatures , the troonor Is , so to spook , of two olomonts. Dismounted ho la a good soldlor nntt roixtly to light If so onlorcd , but tbo detriment of the diminution of nutn- bors.ovory fourth man being required to hold the horses and the comparatively restricted range of his carbtno , render him nt a disad vantage under such circumstances , Mouutod , the cavalryman Is In his cle ment. Ho Is a king on his throna nnd mon arch of all ho surveys. Only horsemen know the strong sympathy that exists be tween tbo liorso and his manor. It Is n species of magnotlstn. Stood and rider Inspires the olbor with his own life , spirit and courago. Something of the superior In- tolllgonco of the man M transmitted to the horse , who soon learns his master's sllatnost wish nnd ontura with him Into the spirit of tbo chase , the pnrado or the charge. This thrilling soti3o of power nnd delight , of mu tual confidence nnd enjoyment , render the troonor und his horse akin to Uio centaurs of mythology. Experiments with the electric light for nlgnnllng purposes continue to bo made In tno English sorvlco. hut so far with only partlnl success , the tllftlcuHy being to cut oft the light nufltciontly sharply to Inalcato the duration of the Hashes. As It Is the Incan descence continues sotno moments nftor the current has boon shut oft" , and ono llnsh is thus connected with nnothor. To remedy this fault a naval oillcor on the retired list has recently submitted to tbo admiralty nn Invention by which , by means of discs or arms , the light Is entirely blinded automa tically at the same moment that , tbo current census to oporato. The Inventor contends that by hU plan not only could ordinary signaling bo carried on , or ships might at all times show tuo COIU-KO they were steering , of light ships might indicate to lifeboats the position of wrecks , etc. Until the now sys tem has bcon trlod It Is impossible to say whether It is nn improvement upon these now Doing experimented with , and which enables n message to bo sent at the rate of about fifty words a minute , but having re gard to the Importance of sending mossugos nt even n creator speed if possible , there seems to bo good reason for considering the expediency of givinc it n trial. A "kicker" up nt Fort Meade sent the fol lowing complaining loiter to the editor of the Army und Navy HogUtor : "Our library Is the \vorst I ever saw and htirdly deserves Its name , as thuro Is only a very limited number of books , and even these are in a degraded state. The reading room , too , Is n fraud. We have only llvo or six newspapers and ono monthly magazine. When ofllcors glvo n hop or dance , which they unfortunately glvo often , the sinclo lamp which Illuminates the library Is taken away and wo nro deprived of the pleasure of reading vhnt llttlo there is. Our present comm.kiidlng ofllcoi1 takes considerable Inter est in our physical welfare.Vc got plenty of fivtlguo for tbo development of our muscles , sawing wood , shoveling snow , etc. , hut what about our morals. From 5 until ' . ) o'clock nt night Is a very long time. What Is n man to do ? Lying on the bunk and reading "Rider Haggard" or Jules Verne , or even to play sovcn-up with a comrade , are plonsar.t enough occupations for two or three nights , but not for ovnry night In the year. If there is anything that drives meu out of the array it is the droirlncsi of the soldier's life. The same thine today , the amo thing tomorrow , the same all year- round. Could not our honored colonel do something for us to make Ufa the least bit moro pleasant ? Wo nro so much In need of n good library and reading room. If for Instance , a gymnn- sturn could bo built where u man could de velop his muscle Instead of having to work In the saw mill for that purpose , and if , and n great many It's 1 could point out.but Idon't wlsti to occupy your valuable time with my ungramin.mcal writing. I shall therefore conclude by remaining yours , very respect fully , " 'A SurrEitin. : Kort Mdncy. Private George Tlbbltts , Company K , Twenty-first Infantry , returned on the 25th from a three months' furlough. Acting Hospital Steward Samuel H. LiOO- nold rejoined the post from nfour months' fur lough on the 25th nnd loft , two days later for Kort Crown , Tex. , to which post ho had been assigned durinc his absence. The following named recruits enlisted by Lieutenant Stamper , Twenty-first Infantry at Lincoln end other points In eastern Ne braska , arrived during the week : Joseph Hanson , Leroy Riason nnd John 13. Galla gher. Sergeant Thomas H. Oliver , Company 12 , was discharged on the Slllh by expiration of term of service. Private Patrick G. Wcstwater. Company E , who was sent from hero to Fort Omnlm for monical observation , was discharged nt that post on the 38th by order of the War department. Private Daniel C. Casey , Company A , Twenty-first Infantry , was discharged on thu 28th. A very succossfnl amateur drnmatln enter tainment for the bonollt of the Episcopal church In the udjacont village of Sidney , was given nt the post thoutro on Tuesday evening - ing last. It wns termed "Our Koglment. " CAST Of ClUIUCTKItS. Mr. Dobblnson , u retired incrchunt Caulaln KlMtoln Mr. nilaby. his filend Oaptuln Uuiican Captuln 1'othorslon , Klghth Iiiuicurs . . . . J.louteiiiint Morrow Lieutenant Guy Warri'nor. Eighth Lanr-ori Lieutenant Vim Duiiuin Itov , John Talbot , uiralo ut MudlmroiiKli. Luuileiiiint L'pton Hatti ) ' * , Dobblnson's servant rlcutcniint I'almor Mrs. Dobblnson , .Mn. Hlowltst ullvc. liurUuiiRliter Miss Juwutt Knld Thurston , .Mr , Dobbliison's nliu-o and wind Mi- . . Jocelyn Maud Ullaljy , I'llnby's nloro . .Ml * * Illanclmid Scene > ludloroiicli-oii-Slu ) li. Act L Dr.uv In ; room at Air. Dohlilnso.Vs. Act ! ! . Morning loom at Mr. KIlaDy's. Act : ! . Mr. Donblnson's grounds. The following promotion * and appoint ments were made hero during the pnst week : Corporal Carl Morrcsnn , promoted Sergeant , and Artificer Miles G. Wcllman , appointed cotpornl , both In Company E , Twenty-first Infantry , and Prlvntu Gooreo Soiiollkopf , Tliis young lady examines tlio young scholar , " Jolmnio , wliuro In Cailsbntl ? " "Part of it hicvurydrugBtoro in the United States. " " How ilo you nmlfo that out ? "Tim Carlsbad Sjirudol Sulla anil the "NVatursnie , " "What have they donn for you , thnt you know t > o much about them' { " "Why , they hnvo cured pnpa of hid dyspepsia , u'nd in to ! ) plnco of a cross fiither they have given mo a kind and loving parent. " Dyspepsia will spoil the moat anpeho temperament. Too much Uilo inactivity of tlio liver will start it. Try the Carln- bad Sprudel Balta or use the imported Carlsbaa "Water * . A standard , n novor- failing icmedy. The conutno have the signature of " Eisner & Jfendi'lson Co. , Solo Agenta , Now York , " ou every bottlo. I'lwi' * Hcniodr for Ininrni it the L'ant , Ifulott to Uio , ua < 4 Cliea/t.i > t , CATARRH Boldbrdrucolit * 01- Rant br mall , We , K. T. ilaxsltlne , Warren , I'o. Company A , Twcnt.v-flrsUnf ntrjr , nppolnted cori > oral. Schollkopf is one of our veterans , hnvinir boon with the roplmcnt rontlndouslr slnco It took .itntlon In Arltonn , nlmrst n qunrtor of n vontury npo. AUIiouRli ever hnlf of the performers were douutnntcs In the thcntrlcnl line , the per- fornmnco wn most excellent ntul hnn boon followed bv the moU fnvorablo crltlcMm. It would bo impossib'.o to Indlvldunllro where so much merit existed , ns ovcry ono ptnyod lih or lirr part to perfection. Tno house wns Jam in ( Hi ns It never been bcforo , stniut- inc room even bolnint n nrcmlum. Although the onlranco fee wn nioroly noinlunl , the church will reooivo between fM ntut f70. Lloutcnnnt F. L. Pnlmcr rontl n highly In- torcstlnR nntl Instructive unpor , entitled "Will Mortality Incrciuo orDecronso During future Wnrs. " before the post lyceum on Iftst Friday. Thoptpor sbowod ire a I pain nnd rojonrch , I'ort MnJorS. M. Whltsido rolurnod last Tues day from n short lonva of niisonoo. Llautonnnt . J , Nicholson M negotiating for n carload of Colorado potiuotu for use in the mess hall , ICnnsns potntoos nro not good onounh for tno "YnnKOos" nt this post. Forns-o-Miistor.I. A. Hubert wont to Law rence Tiioattnr to attend the funeral of his uncle , Chnrlos Uroshcldor. 1'rlvtito Hnnkcr , n musician of sonio repute , onllslod for nnd wns sent Tuesday to the First Carnlrv band , l-'ort Custor. Montnna. John K. Uravoi. who do crtod front 1) troop , Seventh cavalry , lait August , was nr- roslod In Louvonworth n few days ape and turned ever to the military authorities at Fort Leavonwortli. A deputy United Stntos mnrshnl mndo thii nrrost nml rocolvod his $60. Miss Frltra Unrnnrdvlio has been vlslt- ItiK with Captain nnd Mrs. Jacobs , returned Thursrtny to her homo in Omaha. Corpoial IColly of O troop , Seventh cav alry , came In last S.Uurdny with another bntyh of "rain tnnkors" from Kansas City , Mo. Mo.Dr. Dr. Jnmcs Ciloiuian returned during tlio week from n three months' sick leave , and loft immediately for his proper station , camp nt Ohlahom.i Citv. banco Corporal McIConzIo , B troop , loft Tuesday morning for recruiting service In Kansas City , The oHlcors' school and lyceum nro both well attended. Several line ossavs have boon road by the younger odlcors.Vo would Hko tosondTiin lii ) : n few of thnm , ns they are vorv Intcrostlnc1 ns well nt valuable roadlng , The oniccrs' mess nnd club Is In a very flourishing condition. The following nro tliojo who run tun concern : Ptosldont , Uon- oral James W. Foray th ; vlco president. Cap tain \V. S. Kdgerly ; First Lieutenant lul- lock Is the secretary , and First Lieutenant Slocum treasurer. Privates Moronu and Qnuni , D troop. Sev enth cavalry , who were recently tried by a general court mnrtial and uaving been nc- qulttod , the department commander dlroots they bo released nnd restored to duty. Our olllclcnt quartermaster , liotol Keeper nnd farmer. Lieutenant W. J. Nicholson , has already several aeroa of land on the post farm plowed up and boa sown onion nnd spinuuu seod. so that the man will have early vegotnbles. If there is nn ofllcor In the .sorvlca who works harder for the enlisted - listed men's Interest than Lloutonant Nichol son wo would lltto to nave bis photograph. Private Clarence Lodor , Light Battery F. Fourth cavalry , served a whole your nnd then bought his discharge. Tbo deal was consummated last Tuesday. Clarcnco is a grcnt elocutionist nnd n shlniue lltht ; in the foung Men's Christian association , but was never cut out for a soldlor. Captain C. A. Vnrnum , Seventh cavalry , who came very near being knocked out by the "grip , " Is around again , as chipper as a bird. That now boy cured him. Kort Wiiilmklo. The onicora and ladies of the post enjoyed n social hop on Friday evening. At midnight the party adjourned to the rasldonco of Cap tain Hay , where they were served with a Una sunpvr. Cnptain Pitcher , Eighth infantry , has gone cnsl on leavo. Private Melody , formerly of the Fifth cavalry , has ro-milistod lu the Sixth and joined troop. D. Corporal Knupfer , troop D , has boon promoted meted surgcant , and as the former sergeant will bo discharged In a low daysagoncral all uround nroinoUou will follow. Lieutenant Boardstoy , Sergeant Scnocnl , and party hnvo returned from their hunting expedition und were very successful. The guard house is undergoing n thorough repairing and so also Is the cat ) teen building. The latter will soon present the nppoaranco of an eastern stock emporium , as a largo quantity of goods Is dally expected. A correspondent for tlio Buffalo Echo In sneaking of tlio Indian soldier says : Company I , Eighth infantry. Is now ut Its maxfmum alrcngth , has a full complement of noncommissioned o Ulcers and two trumpet ers. One-fourth of the men of the company spent : Knclish nnd a good portion of the re mainder can understand it. All of them thoroughly understand the commands which nro luvuriaoly civen m English , nnd the alacrity wth which thov throw tholr piece ? into any proscribed position would do credit to any organisation In the service. Thov are well fed , well clothed , and are content. There nro allll n good many young warriors who nro anxious to enlist , as they see the difference in comfort between tbolr lot and that of the moro fortunate brothers who have embraced the military norvlco as a moans of livelihood and a sura road to civiliza tion. If they could be Induced to leave the vicinity of their homos other regiments could bo provided for from amongst the uiuibln Shoshone or Uio stalwart Aropuhoc. fort bully. Lloutonant Ullno , Twelfth Infantry , ono sergeant , ono corporal and six pr vales of samn regiment loft the post the 1M lust , to moot the paymaster at Pierre and to .asuort that gentleman hero. This Is ono of the few ronialmnc posts that still receives bimonthly payments. 'Maybo Homodny the authorities will cast their watch ful O.VCH In our direction und plaoo us on ou equal footing ( monthly payments ) with our more favored comrades ut loss Isolated posts. Father Fonton of Plorre , S. D , , is ex pected hero Sunday. The toplo now la , "til ! : masque the 17th of Ireland. " Sergeant Murnhy , Third infantry , arrived nt uost March - in charge of ton recruits for company I , Third Infantry , which Is no lotigor n skeleton but a full blooded company , Cot'i/orul Focller nnd Private Snvdorof the Eighth cavalry and Sercoant Hco , Musician Woodface nnd Privates Hod Eagle nnd Klllo- dow the Too , Third cavalry , out on recruit ing sorvlco for company I , Third cavulr1. p-isvod through hero last week en route to Fort Menau , S. D. Post Sergeant Major Lnng has applied fern n thtoo months' furlough , with probable dls- churgo from the sorvlco on expiration of sumo. Ills company commncder does netlike like the idea of p irtlng with the sergeant , ha being ono of the best men In hit company. I'ort ItoliliiHiiu , Hospital Steward Parker has started tbo llrst not bi-u In the pen for the uio of the hospital gardener. If Parker 1s ua good a farmer as ho U n soldlor ha can safely count on havlnu ' , ' 10 bust garden In Fort Uoblnson. As wo got new ofllcoi we nru led to the study of now Ideas. Mayor Ilslev thinks that all cavalry horses should huvu their tails uniformly "b.inicod" six Inches aunvo the hock Joint ; ono of his claims Is that it Is conducive to cleanliness. Major Ilsloy has mudo a decided Improve ment iu the uppenranco ol hU quartori DV having removed the high latticed fence which nearly Kurmouiitod the house aud made it look llku a hen coop. David O. Hclmo , ono of the clarionet play ers of tlio Ninth cavalry baud , was burled this afternoon with military honors , The body was curried from tbo hospital to thu post hall , where n funeral sermon was preached by Hey. Plummer.rcglmontal chap lain. It wns the largest funeral ulncotlia ono for our la to lamented colonel , Edward Hatch. A KIIIIHIIH Mull' * Ki | ) < irli'iice with uml Colilii , Colds and coughs have boon 80 prevalent during the past few months that the experi ence of Albert Favorite of Arkansas City , Kan , , cannot fall to lute real sumo of our readers , Iluro It Is In his own words : " 1 contracted a cold oailyJmt spring that set tled on my lutirfs aud had hardly recovered from It when I caught another tuftt hung ou all summer aud loft mo with a hacking couga which I thought X never would eel rid of , 1 had used Chamberlain's cough remedy some fourteen yean ago with much succon and concluded to try It again , When I hud got through with ono bottle my cough had left mo und I have not suffered with a cough or cold Bin co. I have recommended It to others aud nil speak well of It. " 60 cent bottles tor sale by druggists.