THE OMAHA DAILY flEE ; MONDAY , MARCH 7 , 1892. THE DAILY BEE noSKWATKH , EniTon. L'U PUSHED KVEUY MOHNINC TMtMS OP SUnSCUlt'TION. Dnlly Hen ( without Bumlny ) Ono Year. . . .I R /inllv niul Sunday , Uno Yuiir. , , . . . . . . . . in Tlirco. Months . " t-midiiy Her , Onn Vpnr. . > . 2 fiiitureliiy Ilcc , Ono Year . . . . . . 1 \\cuklyllce.UnoYonr. . . 1' ' OflMOES Omnlm , Tim llco Hnllcllns. BoiilhOtnilin , cnrtior N nml Sfith Street ? . ( 'ounoll IlliifK 121'onrl Street , Chlcncd ? i hambrr of Comniorco. Now York.IlootiuP , 14nndlS.Trlbiinolluillln ( Wellington , Mil Fourteenth btroot. counnsi'oNnnson. All communications relating to now * an editorial matter should bo addressed to tl : KdltorKl Department. ntTBINRSS . All liiinltici' lottrrsanil remittances shoul 1 n ndcl rested to The lloo Publishing Coin ( inn ; Oimilm. Drafts , checks and pnstofllci ) oreloi to lie tn ml o pnynblo to tlio order of tlio com tinny. Ibc Bee PiiiSulng CompaaYi Jroprietor PWOKN STATEMENT 0V OIUOULATIOt Matpof Nebraska { , Comity of DoiiKlns. f0- Oco. II , TzRcliuck , soerotary of Tlio UK luhllshlng company , does loloninly swon thiit Ilio actunl circulation of Tin : DAILY Dr. for tlio week ending March f > , 1KB ; wan n Sunday. I'ol ) . S . . 2B.K Monday , Kob. 20 . ' . : U > > Tnrsdny. March 1 . > . SM.Oi Wednesday. Mnrch 2. . S3.M 'Jhiirmlny , March ! ) . S'.M i'rlday. MarclH . ' . : i.7 : feutnrdny. March 0 . 24.2 ! Average. , . , . at , nil OEO. 11. TZSOIIUOK. Hwnrn tn before mo nnd subscribed In in prnenco thlcSth day of March , A. D. 1603. BfAr. N. 1 > . Fetu Notary Public. AtariiRa Circulation lor iliinimry SlHyt , Bunr > ono viaduct at a tlmo. Tin fable of the foolish ctuilno who dcoppoi his meat into the stream touches homtily but useful truth. BUYAN'S genera hotiltli 1ms boon very good but it will bi safe to quurnntino against him on ac count of his foot and mouth diboaso. As TIIKUK is to bo no ox Ira scssioi the SttUo Board of Transportation 1m ono inoro opportunity for i-cdoomlnj itself and the promises of the ropubllcai party. A FUND of $1,000,000 to invest in th < stock of promising- factories lojking thii way for n location judiciously admin istoro-l would bo worth $100,000,000 t < Omaha. THIRTEEN now proposals to soil par ! lands have boon received in answer t < the advertisement of the park commis sioners and prices range consldornblj below these named for the formerly tic- copied tracts. CANADA cannot hope for a reciprocity treaty with Amorio'i which shall no'l give America advantages in Canadian markets over Great Britain. So suit Soerotary Blaine to the Canadian com missioners and so say wo all. TWKNTY members of the Iowa legis lature nro in Chicago on u junketing trip. It may bo safely stated that the newspaper correspondent whom Souatot Finn punished a short tnno ago was nol invited to accompany the party. THERE is some speculation among democrats as well as republicans as tc how the democratic- party will succeed in constructing n platform of principles conaistont with Governor Boyd's address - dross relative to an extra session. TUB same old chestnut about the proposed - posed union depot near the old nail works has been revamped by the Omaha F. J < \ ( fake factory ) . Whether it is for homo consumption or intended to draw euckors from abroad has not transpired. THE BEE hopes that tso time is not distant when there will bo substantial t and permanent viaducts over every rail road crossing. But Homo was not built in a day and auy attempt to overload the railroad by ordering viaducts promiscu ously in ono season can only result in de feating all the projects. EIGHTEEN now cotton mills , repre senting 1,350,000 spindles , arc in course of erection In Lancashire , England. This ought to DO convincing proof to Americans that there is still room for a good many cotton mills on this side the Atlantic , where the raw material and the consumer of the manufactured arti cle can shako hands. FIFTEEN persons connected with the Louisiana Lottery company indicted by the grand jury have boon placed undor. bonds of S200 each to appear at the next term of court From the amount of bail required it is clear otthor that the ac cused gentlemen are not in much danger of conviction or it is expected they may want to default upon their bail bonds. THK young khcdivo of Egypt is not mature enough in years to take up his Unties as ruler of that country. Ho is old enough , however , to understand in ternational comity , and ho proves it by gracefully announcing to William Will- tor Phelps that the United States min ister to Germany needs no diplomatic Introduction to tiio successor of the Pharaohs. DON'T ask too many things at ono tlmo. If wo insist on building the Sixteenth - teonth and Fifteenth street viaducts this season there are ton chancoa to ono that wo will have no viaduct built olthor at Sixteenth or Fiftoonth. Nine tlmos out of ton the coupling of two propositions , defeats both , and this la liabloto happen with the viaduct ordinances if the attempt - ' tempt is made to force both ordinances through at the sumo tlmo. A FBW days ago John M. Thurston positively refused to allow his name tote to before the national convention as a candidate for vice president. And now It is announced from the city of Wash ington by u special telegram that J. S. Clarkeou has never authorized anybody to usu his immo as a presidential candi date , What is to become of our party if both Thurston and Clurkson refuse to run ? The next thing we hoar will bean an announcement that the Hon. Put O , Huwoa , who is now in Washington , positively declines to allow the use of hid name for u position in the cabinet UK LOST AX OPPOnTVNlTY. The ollicial declaration on the part i Govoinor Boyd that ho had decided m to cell the legislature In extra sosslc scores another decided triumph for tl : railroad magnates , .lust before ho wt reinstated in his ofllco by the drcision < the supreme court Governor Boyd mud no secret of his Intention to call n extra session of the legislature , if for r other purpose than to formulate a max mum rule bill on stuplo commodltlo Including grain , live stock , coal , hnnbc and salt. No sootier had Governor Boy boon reinstated than ho was cajoled , In portunod and bulldozed by rallron emissaries to give up the idea of callln an extra session. Tlio governor hoi out very bravely for nearly a month , hi ho finally weakened and gave in. Tlio reasons glvon for changing hi mind have boon glvon to the publl frankly and without reserve. They nr plauslblo and would under ordinary cli cumstancos have boon satisfactory t the people. Tlio truth is , however , tlui tbo pressure brought to boar upon th governor has emanated chlolly If nc wholly from railroad headquarters. Th railroad managers wore soriousl alarmed if not absolutely frightened n the prosnoct that the legislature woul enact a reasonable maximum rate lai framed in conformity with the views o the governor. Had they really boliovc What they have made Governor Boy believe , namely , that the logislatur would break up without agreeing upo any bill , they would not have taken s much trouble to dissuade him fret : calling the session. The railroad mar agors would have cared very little abou the cost of a session that would grim out emptyings. Their share of thn expense would have been a more bagatelle tollo in view of the millions which the ; take out of Nebraska every your ii oxcces of what they should charge. The truth Is the legislature would no have dared to adjourn without makhij a moderate reduction in freight rates Most of the men who compoao the legislature laturo , independents , democrats am republicans , either hope to go b.icl next winter or want to go higher. The ; have all boon homo since the last sossioi and know the temper of the people The blustering letters which the mos radical independents have sent to tin fjovornor are no index of what thoj would have done had they boon put U the test of accepting moderate ruilrout legislation or returning to their consti Luenta empty handed. The bugGean vbout scaring away foreign capital foi [ ear of extreme legislation relative t ( loans and credits was too gauzy to bi worthy of attention. The legislature 3ould not touch a single issue not in jluded in the governor's call and eastort 3apitalists know this as well as wo do. Governor Boyd has lost an oppor tunlty to render the state n service .vhich . Is not likely to present itsel vpr'iin. AN OliVlOUS SCJIKMK. The Springfield ( Mass. ) Republican. . cforring to the article in the Iowa Stati Register of March 1 urging that the opublican delegation from Iowa to the .ational convention bo instructed tc , 'oto for Mr. Blaine , says : "If there it 10 well-laid scheme behind this rep osontativo republican newspaper's ittoranccs , then the case becomes the rory saddest of the many sad ones re' iordod in the history of Blaincophobiu n this country. " The Republican's implication that hero may bo a well-laid scheme in the ilTorts of J. S. Clarksnn to send a dele gation from Iowa to Minneapolis in- tructod for Blaine is fully warranted. Dho design is to make a trade in the in- orestof Clarlcson. That individual IE lot at all modest in his political aspira- lons. His zeal for Mr. Blaine was duo argoly to the hope that ho might secure ho second place on the ticket. Ho will 10 very well satislled now to make a largain for a cabinet position , and if ho an got the Iowa republican delegation nstructod for Blaine it is not to bo loubted that ho will endeavor to make uch a bargain. Clarlcson has no ox- loctation that Blaine will bo nominated. Micro is not a republican londnr whoso pinion is of any weight who doaa no ogard as final the refusal of the socro- ary of state to bo considered a prcsi- ontinl candidate. There is not u , re- lutablo republican having faith in the andor and honesty of Mr. Blulno who oos not hold tliat view of his doclin- tlon. The assumption that low i "has ho power to make him the next presi- ent of the United States" is manifestly bsurd. But if the Iowa delegation hould bo instructed for Blaine It would o in a position to be manipulated in the ntorost of some other o.indidato , and ho inlluonco of Chvrkson would bo xorted in behalf of the candidate from fhora ho had reason to expect the most iboral consideration. The schema behind the utterances of lie licyister la sulllolontly obvious. It is D plain that very fowof the republicans f Iowa are likely to bo docolvod by it. 'horo are not many of thorn who have ny doslro to promote the political aspl- ations of J. S. Clurkson. Ills course as solf-uppolntod loader of the ropubll- uns of Iowa has not boon to the ad- milage of the party in that stiuo. lis conduct on a broader stage of polltl- al notion has not helped the republican arty in the nation. Ho lacks" the ca- aoity for wise and safe leadership. The andoncy of what ho is now ondo woring a do in [ owa is against party harmony , a essential to republican success In that late this your , and it Is the imperative nty of the republicans of tiiat state to ofoat his transparent scheme. TllK VOLK NUISANCE , Whether this city orders the wires of ho telephone , telegraph or electric ighting companies underground or not , iiothor polo for wires should not bo ilantod In this city without a permit rom the Board of Public Worka and nder supervision of a competent in- poctor , detailed to see to it that the olos shall bo planted without seriously umnging sidewalks and interfering rlth the poles already existing. It is ad enough to have our streets ob- truotod by a forest of poles in the heart f the city , but it is an outrage on prop- rty owners who have gone to the ex cuse of costly permanent sidewalks , nd who have expended largo sums for ub-collars in front of their store houses , to submit to having thoin torn up 1 laborers who nro not competent to n pair the damage. The fact Is that the city ought 1 compel the corporations who own po' ' lines In this city to deposit mono enough with the city treasurer to pr for all damages liable to occur before permit is granted to tear up the walk Another very desirable reform woul bo to require all poles to bo of unifori height and permit only ono sot on on side of any street , conditioned that a competing companies shall have joli use of such poles on payment of roi Bonablo charco to the company ownln the lino. This would do away with tli promiscuous polo nuisance in our street TUllN-l'IKR 110TMAN. Congressman Hutch hit Holtnan wicked blow between the eyes on Satin day. Ilolman has boon playing hi favorite role of obstructionist nl through tl'o session and has arrogate to himself prlvllogos which tnu3t cot tuinly have boon exasperating to othu democratic loadofs. In the Saturda melee ho attempted to kill an appri priution of $ loO)00 ( ) foi > the buro au i animal industry and $10OOJ for hoe sugar experiments by claiming that th proposed expenditures wore not proper ! matters belonging to the committee o agriculture , but to the cnmmlttoo 01 appropriations. Ho w.vs first knockoi out by the speaker , who overruled hi point of order ; and when ho rose aguli Uncle Bill [ latch struck him with ; shaft of ridicule which wilted him com plotely. Uolmun has attempted to run th government nil by himself this wlntoi Instead of confining humalf to the business of his own committee on ap proprlations ho has imUtod upon uaini his choose knife on every sort of oxpon iliturc without regard for the courlos ; which precedent and politeness accord to other committees. The Indian ap propriatlon bill as passed by the hous is u mosaic of contradictions and a re markublo conglomeration of crude idea lisa result of the extreme activity c the Indliunun's proboscis in a vicinit ; whore ho was not at nil at homo. Th Agricultural mo.isuro presented by Mr Elutch had boon very carefully consid Bred and when Ilolman proposed t jutechiso the Minsourian upon tin measure that able and experience ) parliamentarian frankly and with tin expressed sympathy of his outrage ) issociatos told him to mind his owi business. The colloquy did not end there , how aver , for Holiniin novel- knows when h < s in danger until the house falls on hin ind ho insisted upon intermeddling whereupon Mr. Hatch , although a fol ow democrat , oxpobcd him in a wa ; vhich brought down the house and wil iripplo the old man's efforts at pars ! nony for the remainder of the session Mr , Hatch entered congress in tin ? orty-sixth session and ho announce ) ; hat at that early period Mr. Holmai vus lighting all appropriations excop , hose for his own constituency and hue won doing so over since. The argutnon vus clinched amidst ripploi of laughtoi it the complete discomfiture of Holmat vhon Mr. Hatch , raising his voice in hi leuuliur way , stated that ono of the ( Irs ipeechos ho had heard from the lips o tfr. Holman was in favor of a Dill ti ) uild a turn-piko road in the state o Indiana. Mr. Holman subsided and the bill wa ! massed. The democrats wore in as higi floe over the result as the republicans , t is to bo- hoped the gentleman from Indiana has boon effectually squelched , or next to Buck Kilgoro of Texas , he md become the most intolerable nul anco on the floor of the house of ropro- ontatlves. In future debates the com- lound word "turn-piko" will bo used to mmonso advantage whenever Holman iccomos obstreperous. The chances arc hut ho will become Jcnown us Turn-Pike lolman. A ( lllEAT STHIKK TJlllKATRNED. If the coal minors of England carry ut their announced intention , there , 'ill bo inaugurated this week ono of ho greatest strikes in the history of hat country. The lutost advices inti- lute that the threatened conflict may o averted. It is stated thut of the 00,000 minors in Great Britain not lore tliun one-third of them have oven isoussed the question of u strike , and ti view of the fact that coal sioclts arc aw and prices high it is thought proba- lo that a satisfactory arrangement may 0 inudo between the operators and the liners by which hostilitloj will bo voided. Meanwhile the price of coal .as gone up to extraordinary figures nd there is much , suffering in conso- uonco among the poor. The coal minors of the United'King- om constitute a powerful organization , 'ho National union of minors was or- iinlzod eleven years ago , and two voara : iter it had become strong enough ta arry a 16 per cent advance through the Lingdom. Slnco that time the minors ave reckoned with the oparutors on qual terms. Within the lust four youre ho mon have obtained two advances , mounting to . ' 10 per cent. Under a plan dopted three years ago , wages and nil thor differences between employers and liners have boon settled by an organ- ted system of local , district and ational committees. Fully CO per cent f all the minors belong to the National ulon , which keeps a largo fund to bo sod in cane of strikes and also disburses considerable amount annually In relief. It will thus bo scon that this powerful rganization has a long period of suc- 088 behind it to , give oncourngomont nd confidence to its members , but It is tiggostod that they face odds never mot oforo. Great strikes have failed in the ast year In Germany and Franco , 'hero ' wages are far lower than in Eng- ind. The depression that extends over Inglish trade is unfavorable to uny ad- anco in the wages for mlnfng coal , and the mon insist upon their demand a rolongod conflict will bo inevitable , .ccordlng to n cable dispatch , If the xport trade Is cut off one-third of the liners in the country might remain on strike six months without restricting 10 output consumed at homo. If that 1 the fact It would seem that under ex iling conditions the minors of the nitcd Kingdom will make a very seri ns mistake if they precipitate a con- let. The effect of doing this must necessarily bo to Increase the ponon business dourcjlslon , while the siillonn of the poor-t , li ; ( consnqiionco of the ni vnncod prlco of coal will bo very greu and the 6nd'rf ' moro likely th in not 1 bo n ropotllloujpf the experience of th striking inintjM of Germany and Franci IT is not remarkable that all Em oi ls In n state ofMinrost. There Is cnoug misery In dy dry monarchy of the ol world to touch i the hearts of humntill generally. Starvation ttnd opprosslo cannot long intftch along hand in hand Starvation moans desperation , and dos porntlon Is the twin brother of nnarchi Germany Is turbulent and oven the in porlnl castle could not shut out the cr of the workless for broad. In Vlonn 30,000 mon to whom a few louvos wet given by the government fought fe crumbs like hungry dogs striving for bono. In Hungary moro than 20OC peasants have boon subsisting on reel and the bark of troos. In Kusslu 20,000 , 000 nro starving and the Russian so rtiors have manfully sacrificed part < their rations to relieve the fnmin stricken. In Italy there la likewise grer want. Yet in all these countries stum Ing armies are maintained to cotisum the substance of the nation and oxtruvr gant courts are not wanting In luxuries The conditions are too hard for th people to endure , and It will not bo BUI prising to see a tremendous , fur-roue ! Ing rovolt. War can hardly bo avuido olthor ut homo or with some foroig country in Germany , Austria , Kussi nnd Ituly. Meanwhile America prospers pors , and blessed Is the man whos allegiance Is sworn to the stars nn stripes. SECUETAHY NomE gives to the publi n severe loiter written to Commissiono of Pensions llaum concornlncr some mul tors of administration. This suggest the remark thut u practice has grow up In the departments at Washingto which Is wholly ut variance with olliciii courtesy , and that is the publication o letters from cabinet onieors and head of bureaus containing severe reflection upon subordinates. The R mm Instunc is not 'jxcoptionul. but such letters are n u rule published not so much to improvi the service'to which they apply us ti catch the attention of the public am win u little applause or to shift an om buriMssing responsibility. They ur often couched in language which woule not bo tolerated outside of olllciul circle nnd is sometimes insulting in the ox tromo. Whtjn 'a superior officer finds 5 necessary to discipline u subordinate hi should bo courteous enough to uddrcs his strictures'ioohim verbally or by pos and not through tha newspapers. THE authorities of Pennsylvania wil proceed against the combine of anthra oito roads in Order to test in the courti whether it is InMolution of the consti tution of thaUstato. Governor Puttisot very promptly tbok hold of the muttoi when the proper complaint was pro 3entcd to him , and although the com plninnuts fuilotPto perform their dut.\ iijhon the hearing \V4S hold the ajtornoj sonoral ; , presumably by direction'of the governor , will bring judieiul proceed ings to uscortain the status of the com bine under the law. The whole couiv try will bo interested in the result , sinci it is the evident purpose of the monopoly to advance the pice of anthracite coal , Instead of carrying out the promise thai iho public should share in the ocono- nics which the combinution would make practicable. THE most creditable thing David Bon ictt Hill has done in a very long time vus his refusal to ucceptstilury from the josrinning of his term us United Stutes lonator , March 4 , 1891. Mr. Hill was iworn in us senator January 7 , 1892 , but it the beginning of the current month 10 had a right to claim a full year's sal- iry. On applying to the clerk of the lonuto for money ho was tendered that imount , with miloajro , but declined to ocoivo it and inaisted upon signing 'ouchors only for the time since lie was worn in , so that over $4,000 which ho night have had will bo covered back nto the treasury. As a financial trans- tction Mr. Hill was bettor oil by remain- ng to the end of his term as governor of Tow York , the pay of that position > oing larger than the compensation of u onutor , but none the loss his action was loth creditable and judicious. THE democrats of Rhode Island , who icld their convention u few days ago , oft no doubt as to their position regard- ng the currency. ' 'Every dollar of Unorlean money , " says the platform , 'whether of gold , silveror paper , ought o bo of equal vulno the world over. " 'his is sound , but it is not money of this cind that the country would have If the lomocrallc advocates of the free , nd unlimited coinage' of silvur , nd they are unquestionably u nujority of the party could huvo heir way. The , dansjor that confronts ho couatry now is in the possible sue- uss of thut larger element of the domoo- ucy , which in agreement with ho position oPtho Rhode Island domo- irutlc platform SOUTHOMA'IIX > is wise in making pro- 'islon for a pUo { hospitalund the pro * losition for bonds with which to uocuro uch nn instjjtg ion should bo voted ' louklutf > < > iit for Ht. John. ( Hllhc-Demncrat , St. .lotm Is trrBR to rcjuvo mta the prolil- Ition party , wjlli a view , of course , to so. uring aaothor cpoM ct with the ) democratic ational commlltooiaj a campaign apeukor at iio rate of I'ut Diivld on the ll ok. SI. J'liiil I'loneer-Press. Republicans should not bo ton severe on 10 misdoings of Soimtor Hill , for wa firmly ollovo that ho has roudorod thorn a great jrvlco by making Now York state surely jpublicaa this fall. -.I . . . Clieiip nt Any I'rloe , Tbo domooratlo wigwam on tbo lake front ' 111 imt $ ilOOJ and seat 18,030 persona. 'rom ' this It appears that the overage cost of season ttokot will bo $1.3j > , lu view of IB highly diverting uaturo of .tho ujr/orm- 4 co this U dirt chojp , Hcnjumlii Is the MUD , St. awl I'l'inecr-l'rat. Mr. Harrison has plvoa the country a rang1 , wise and clean administration , HU momlaatiou for t. second term will be tbo customary , as it will bo a Just recognition < the clftlms of faithful sorvlco In his big oOlco to Its appropriate ) rownrdi. No othi candldnto has boon mentioned slnco BlMnc withdrawn ] , who has , nil things consieloro anything llko an equal tHlo to the fnvor i his pnrty. Ho would bo stronger with tl people in this yonr of grnco than any of the : other candidates. It inr to llccoino Notorious. The three most promising methods for nl mining notoriety , nccordlnp to proiont Ind cations , nro : To nttompt to atlflo the vole of a political party , to rob nn oxpros * Iran or to lay claims to the butlorahlp of polli society , Curiously enough , wo nro indobtc to Now York state for the exhibition of r three. Taking u ProMi Hold. ' /ftitixt * City Journal. Republican majorities in Kansas will sue n big Increase this year. The young crowd all ICeinsans nro young In spirit nevi showed more enthusiast lo energy than in tt meetings of the present winter nnd sprln There was the right ring in the Topeka moo In ? of the Loucjuo of Hopubllcan clubs , ring that moan1) defeat to all opposition. ilorrj-S Cnlumlty Clerk. . / Orca niliin. Hon. Jeremiah Simpson of Kansas wont ' congress on the strength of his sooltlo ! foot , but his admirers have al ways bocn woi to say that ho was a very intelligent anet 01 ucatoel man , who would quickly make h mark in public. Ho has tnndo his mark , BO' ' oral of thorn on tno backs of a few bll which ho has Introduced , and the nowspupi reporter * In Washington nro having grot sport over thorn. Hero Is Jerry's liulorsi inont on ono of those papers : "For then Icof of cortln Sellers within what was fcrml the Forte Doge military Reservation 1 Foord County , Kansas , and to conform or trees of i'ubllc Lands Eronoously allowo tlinreon.1 Another Indorsement roads n follows : ' ' .foln Resolution athcrlZIng tb publlcIC Printer to print ouo Hundoro thousan coppys of laws rolatolng to Lioano curency and so fourth. " And the Kansn statesman's famous bill for the ropual of "th pornlclous" cold law began as follows : "T ronuol the portions of section forto&n of ni act Approved februnry 12 , olchtcon and 7 ! wioh made the goido Dollar the unite c Value.1 ovn man iwivun TAUS. St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Most Amoi leans will bo apt to think that that bill c between ? . ' ,000,0no and ? J,000Oll ) which th ivounded sailors of the Baltimore and th friends of the dead sailors nro brlngin ugalnst Chill Is rather stoop. Chill has ol fored to make repartition , but the demand sught to bo uopt within reasonable limits. Now York Advertiser : The sailors of th United States steamship Baltimore hav Formally tiled their claims against the Chiliai jovornmont for damages. Tne damage nkod range from ! 0OUU each for false 1m prisonment to ? 150OUO for "vory grave m lu.-ios" in all amounting to ever fi.OOO.OOU ( Vt rates it is believed our Jack Tar tvould consent to bo Hogged aud Jugged n avery port tboy strike. Philadelphia Uecord : Claims to the amoun ) f ? 3,00.-,000 have already been filed In thi 3luto department on behalf of the sailors o : ho Baltimore who sustained injuries in thi riots at Valparaiso. Jack Tar may bo slov ind ungainly on shore sometimes , and undulj ionsllivo to the blandishments of the bunci itoeror ; but whoa It cornea to making out i : luim for salvage , prlzo money or exomplarj laraagns bo can hold his own with anv laud ihark of them all. Now York Herald : The saiors who figured n the Valparaiso row must either have ai : xrrogioualv high opinion of their own ner icnal value or fancy that the Cniliun coffers ire legitimate objects of looting. Thlrty-foui if them havd filed In the State department ai IVashington claims for pjrsonal injuries , These claims foot up the modest total ol ioinotbing ever ? JOOU.OJO. Several of tin ilaimants put their damages at the tnodnsl igure of SloO.OOO each , and others demand c ound $100,000. Some will bo content witb i'n.OOO and some with even $50,000. It need lardly bo saiei that oo ono would ever thinli if presenting such extravagant demands as hose for similar injuries Jn'auy court of jus- ice. _ Froil NJO'H Succcxs. A private loiter convoys the informatloE hat Fred Nve , formerly well known in ) maha as editor of the Daily Republican , ha ; icon made night editor of the Chicago Dally Jorald. Fred's friends in Omaha will not 10 surprised to learn of his success anywhere mt many will bo mighty glad of lr. The lorald is ono of the greatest dailies of the irorld few , very few , are bettor. The fact hat the proprietors of such a paper have teen quick to recounize the stuff of which 'rod. Nye U tnaae is only another iustaueso irovlng that they know a good thing when hey see It. It.Hilt. Hilt. IlVKTISa UIl'l'LES. Ttlnghamton Loader : Wlril's the use of allliiK : i girl Is.ihcllo when slio Isn't ? Iloolioator Post : The sorlnz poet hits few Titus that publishers iiru bound to rtspoct. Harper's Maa/lne : Sir llodlvoro do Verc h , I suy , how you do uhalr ! You never take 10 seriously ! American Hello You never asked mo. ( No arils. ) Dolrolt Tree 1'ross : "Wo should llko an tide from your pen , " wrolo a Huston editor 3 a lltor.irv frloud In Chicago , but tlio llt- rary frluiul's brother icculvml the letter and u forthwith sent by express u IIOK uulKnlng ) I ) pounds. Chloaso Tilbunu : Oculist Tlioro H nothlns 'hatovor the inutturltn this oyo. It MHVors lily thiouuh symimthy with tlio other oyo. HulTorur 1 wouldn't mind Us sympathising little , doctor , but It imiUcsmn tlro.l to have : shedding tears ever It all tbo time. WHV HE L1KKU TO CM1IU. Hnslnn Courier. T remember , I roimmihor , The hickory tree HO liUli „ Thut I would ollinb with hope to bag Home shollburks on the ly. O ( oocir-,0 It was a vhllilHh whim lint uh ! 'twin little joy Tn llticl how Kaimor Jones' dog Could mustlcato a boy , Kate Field's WtialilnKlon : Tuttle-I sou on uvnrywhoro with Miss Menlbowo nowu- ays You scorn to lie very frjondly with eir , but'you don't say iiuioli uuoui It , Uittlo No. Whurovor I po 1 ( InU you've ivod mo the tioublo , I'hlladolphla LndRcr : A Now Jersey toljo < - luilne uoiiiujny has gone down , owint ; to the arolty of unow durliu thla und last winter , ho profits wuro to IKUO boon on a : alu , out there wornn't any , IliMton Tr.inscrlut : Wlion a woman rises tn irmlnato a vlall , aim has moro to say than urlni ; licr whole stay. In tills respoot u Oman Ix like a gun , wliluh makes the most jlae when It's golnc olV. Now Orleans I'loayunuVhona : little iilrl i a Huneluy scliool choir wnnts to bo an ank'ul 11 hho liaH to do IstoHliu out. The Idua that Ingg maue the angel Is merely u matter of liilon. Onlunibus I'ostt You can't Imlo feolniK sorry ir thu pretty girl who married another ful- w while you wore still single. AKL-l'ltVlt \YMMnglan Star. Tlio girl whoso conversation Is Kiiuiuli lo maUu you sloop aluy well bouald to roprusQiit ' 1 lie terrors of thu deep. Leap , girls. Icau with oaro , J.uup with a pop ut your parl'nore , Nn moro need for triu and nnaru ; 1'ou , jlrU. pop , to the bachiilalro , . Paper , 'tU said , will keep us wiirmj This fact , poor ft loud , pruy note- Anil In your vnst thu tiukot wuar Kor your imwnoa ovurooau Kew YoiH lltruld , "I woudur. " miuod the hlushlni ; maid , "If lie will dare to bo my brother'/ lint ulelit times four Is I'm afraid Tu llniur tamely till another , " ficiv I'uiH l'ie . After populnx thu question Tlio youth didn't htop , Hut , at bur uuiiostloa. Went and iuuktlunod thu "pop. " AVII HOOKS AXU I The number of these to whom n trip nroum the world Is notually pormlttoil Is compara lively small. Uvon persons of moans sul flclcntly ample for the Indulgence of such i Journey may not have the leisure , or , whoi they possess boih moans and leisure , lack th ouorpy to face the oxortlon Involved. Man ; nro restrained by homo tlos or family Inter oils too dear to bo broken , ovou for n fov months , or by busluots uocossltlos that cnn not endure a prolonged Interruption. Has ; ns the Journey has boon made by the fnclll ties of modern travel , Ills still too formidabli nn undertaking for the majority of mankind That largo class that cannot travel mus tall back lor their knowledge of the worle wo llvo In upon books of travel. For this purpose wo know of no bolter book thai "Shepp's Photographs of the World. " It the compilation of this work the services o si-oros of travelers have boon enlisted am pictorial contributions hnvo been ohtalnct Irom every portion of the habitable globo. From the extreme north to the extreme south ; from tbo North Capo , photographed bv the light of the Midnight Sun , to the temple ; nnd bazaars of India and tbo Islands of the South Sons , the reader may journey In those pages , aud obtain such n revolution of the wonders of nature and thu great haunts ol mankind ns could only bo made clearer couU his own eyes contemplate them In tlio rcalltj as I bo eye of the camera has conlomplatce them for him. No moro description could sc graphically convoy what pictures show , urn no pictures , even from the most Rifted nnei skillful hand , could possess the value ) of ac curacy and completeness of thcso nctua transcriptions from nature , fixed unoti Ihe photographic plato and roprodncod In tholr intogrlly by iho art of priming , lu them , a ; In n mirror , nro reflected the busv llfo of the great cities of the world as well as the memo' rials of historical activity aud the remain ! ot civilizations long passed away. This bcauilful volume would make a magnlllconi present and ono that would not bo likely tc bo soon forgollen. Published bv Glebe Pub lishing Co. , T05 Choslnut street , I'hiladol phia , Pa. "In every human eonoratlon there Is a certain tain small number of picked men concerning whom puDlio Interest , beginning early , con- tlnucs long lo bo so general and so vivid lhat everything proceeding from them , ovorythitiR said about thorn , everything connected with them , Is sure lo engage the attention of man kind. Of this select class of men belonging to our goneratlon by eminence was Charles Hnddon Snurgoon. " Thus wrlles Prof. W. C. Wilnmson of the deceased great English preacher in his Introduction to the llfo of "Charles Haddon Spurgcon : i'reachor , Au thor , Philanthropist , with Anecdotal Remin iscences , " by ( J. lloHIcn Pike. The con cluding chapters of this work nro written by James C. Fernald. This U an exceedingly interesting story of this wonderful man's career and is especially rich in anecdotes and pcu-nnd-ink sketches. The stages and inci dents of the final Illness are given with spe cial fullness and clearness , including Mr. Spurgcon's own letters from Mentono , up to January 17 , only two weeks before his death. The work is graphically written and the reader seems to sco the boy Sourgeon In his godly homo , the young con vert engaging zealously ns tract distributor , aim making Sunday school talks till surprised into preaching when only sixteen yean old. the "boy pre.ichor" settled ns pastor at Wa- torboach at 17 years of ago ; the odd , but iviunmg and mighty young preacher begin ning bis pastorate in the world's metropolis it 10 , soon crowding the llttlo chapel , and tinll uftor hall in London , till the grand 1'abornaclo was built , where from six to seven thousand persons have assembled thrlco a ivook for thirty years to hoar the gospel aroached by this ono man. Wo road , too , of its orphanage and other charities ; tbo bo- ] ollcent , book fund coneluotca by Mrs. Spur- ; eon for Iho paslars of feeble churches .hroughout England , Published bv Funk & IVagnnlls , 18 and : JO Aslor Place , Now York. Helen Mathers has glvon us a delightful ) ook doscriptivoof Iho boaulios of the Sand- vich Islands , under the title of "Ono Sumner - nor In Hawaii. " Always u Graceful and iu- .ercsting writer , the unalloyed pleasure she coins to hnvo enjoyed while on this trip np- > cara to have inspired her with a moro than irdinary keenness of observation and a 'acllity in putting down in black and white ho sentiments evoked by her briel residence n what has been poetically termed tno Paradise of the P.icilic. " What a charming piece of word-painting is ho following : "Tho morning dawned , tbo leaving deep no louerer rocked mo in its om- irace. I hoard ttio innumerable voices of ho land , and breathed the balm of a tbou- aud llowers. I still reeled with the after onsations of the sea , but was e-ontcnt lo enow that I was stranded upon a rock. Hopping unon the veranda la the cool hush if the morning , I anpreciuted for the llrst Imo the luxuriant repose of the tropics. "The bloom of unwonted ( lowers , the bur- lished nheon ot the leaves , the lancoliko ollago ot the p.ilmsall bespoke a now world. "Boforo mo stood a group of dusky oUil- Iren with wonder in their liquid eyes tmld , fawnllko and flowor-dockod. Tdoy von mo nt once. I said : If thcso are loathon , lot thtm remain heathen , 'for of uch is the kingdom of heaven. " " But the bonk is full of such beautiful lan- uago , and at the same lime contains so lucli valuable information about Hawaii and ho Hawailns as to make it both entertaining na instructive. Typographically it is all ut perfection nnd its cover is a veritable , -orkofart. Published by Cassoll Publish- ic company , 104 ana 100 Fourth stieot , Now 'ork. "It is wonderful how woman-worship , idiciously applied , will help you on in the 'orld ' , " soliloquizes Bertlo Clifford , the here [ Alfred Larder's lalojt novel , "A Sinner's cntence. " This gives the keynote ot the hole story. Bertie Clifford la a young man about town with an Income aufllclont to kcop him from uclng obltcod to work and with a great talent for conquering the hoarls of the fair sex. The story starts out with n rocltnl ol Iho complications tlmt naturnlly nriso * * from the erratic love-making of Bortlo ' Clifford. Whllo cngacod lo nn nrtstoerailc , stately young lady , Blanche HnvllanU , who possesses n vast estate and largo annual / rontnl , ho falls In love with npretly and / slmplo-mlndod governess , Vera Marrhmont , * who reciprocates his affection with so much ardor , that llndlng It impossible Hint Bortle can ovoc marry her slio consents to live with him , with Iho understanding that when ho marries the wealthy nnd haughty beauty she nlono will Imvo his tovo. This would appear to bo a pretty good start In the way of lovers' complication , but nothing woulel suit Bortlo but nn ombamis d'amours , so to to speak , lie ihoroforo manages to got entangled with n French maid nnd n missionary's wife , while still maintaining his peculiar relationships with Vern Mnrchmont nnd Blanche Ilavlland. The book Is bright nnd breezy nnd uovor palls on the reader. Published by Edward Bramlus & Co. , 80 Broad Btroot , Now Yon : . A very amusing llttlo broohuro has Just born published bv .1. S. OgUvIe , 57 Rosa , sirool , Now York , under the caption of J "How to Miinngo n Husband ; Containing the Opinions unil Experiences of moro than Ono Hundred Woinou. " This subject was recently - contly discussed nt considerable length by the members Of Sorosls , the pioneer of women's clubs. Some very good leloas wore ) advanced by these who took part lu the debate , but the great problem was loft unsolved. The Now York Evening World offered a prlro of fc.'l ) for tlio best plan showing how to manage a husband , and tun letters sent In response to this olTor are pub-X llshud in this lllllo book. Mrs. Jonnlo M. % Lazier , president of iho Sorosls , noted ns > Judge ami awarded the prlzo to the writer of a short essay entitled "Companionship the Requisite , " which is certainly very prettily wordod. Them is , however , another on'o which while somewhat curt has nt least the merit of extreme brevity. U is told In three words : . "Feed the brulo. " Perhaps , us Daisy writes , "tho bosl way to manage n husband is lo lot him do as ho likes and never kick. " A plcco ot ndvico which most laelloi will llnd very hard to follow Is that given by n wlfoof two years' standing : "Don't talk too much. " But after all the host ndvico It contained In the lotlor of "A Long Islander" who urges her umrrlod slslors lo just use n lltilo common souso. On thu whole iho book will bo found very ontortalnltif ; . rho contents of the March Arena nro suf- flclcntly varied lo interest all lovers of sorl ous literature. Rev. Mlnot J. Savage con tributes n remarkable paper on psychical re search , giving many thrilling storlos , for Iho truth of which ho vouches. Prof. .Insopli Rhodes Buchanan writes thoughtfully on "Full-Oroed Education" and Henry Wood contributes n paper of great ability and inter e&l , ontillod "Revelation Through Nalure " General J. B. Weaver wnles on "Tho Three fold Contention of Induslry. " llamlln Dai- land describes , In his graphic manner , thu farmers' alliance of the present congress. This paper is accompanied by ulno uhoto gravuros. Hon. Walter Clark furnishes a masterly argument in favor ot governmental control of the telegraph and telephone. Wil 11am Q. Judge , who stands at thu head of tlio movement in America , answers Moncuro D. Conwuy's rccont article on "Madamo Blavotsky at Adynr. " Charlus Schroder instllutos a comparison between Chrlstianllv mid Buddhism.showlng wherein Lho former religion Is superior to Iho uollof ot the East Indians. Nemo Booth Simmons' "Battlo Hymn ot Labor" is ono of Ihe host poems of the monlh. Miss Will Alien Droni- goolo contributes a story of East Tennessee , entitled "The War of the Roses. " H will doubtless become very popular. "Tho Dead Sea of the Ninolconin Century , " a Ihought- ful paper on the increasing misery of the very poor in our great cities , will attract much attention. A mostinterostlng article on "Tho Indians if North America , " by Captain Will .am ' D. Douejherty , U. S. A. , oppns the Ovor- and Monthly for March. It is illustrated , vith pictures of Indian tepees , portraits of imminent , chiefs and sketches of Indian lilo. u this issue Horace Davis , one of the load- ng business men of thocoastgivcsaresumoof Wuaragra canal prospects and Its desirability 0 the Pacifies coast. Mrs. Banditti's sketch of mnting with loxbounds In the foothills is ull of movement and freshness , and the piritcd illustrittons of Wuitosldo uld nuch to its vividness. Prof. Brown of the Stanford university , describes his ideal of an rt school for Amorlca. The stories this nonth are "Caledonia of Rod Cloud , " by Lilian H. Shuoy , a very effective little liecoof romance "la the life of a beautiful alfbreod girl in the mounlalns ; "Tho Cre mated Digger , " by Albert Williams , jr. , a torv of thd mines that is no imitation at all f Broto Harte , but is enliroly original ; 'Polo's Last Appearance , " a story of a real race down the mountain between the .re goddess and a Kanaka here , with a _ lov- iii woman lo turn the scale ; and the Santa iaruara serial. The variety and character 1 the March number of this magazine are " iriking and attractive. * > " Pooms. " \ "Aftorwhilos" and "Neighborly , vo volumes uniform with "Sketches In " nro collections of James Whitcomb llev's rose published poems in convenient form. these hose books , ono of which contains a line urtralt of the author , will matte a welcome idltlon to the American poets in nny library , uhllshod by tbo Bo wen-Merrill , company , idiauapolis. "Tho Book Buyer" for February is ns right and neat as ever , and contains , in ad- iliou to the usual amount of interesting ht- ary matter , a ourtralt and biographical cotch of Alfred" Parsons , the celebrated ngllsh landscape painter. Published by harlos Scrlbuor's Sons , Now Yoik. & CO. S. > V. ( Jjr.ur .ml lj.iluit ) , " * - Grand Spring Opening We spring our spring goods on you tomorrow morn ing , and such spring nov elties as they are , too ! All the neatest shapes and shades of suits and over coats for spring wear. Cheviots , plain and checked cashmeres , un finished worsteds , Scotch tweeds , etc , , in endless variety , A suit or overcoat - coat $10 and up as high as you want. The spring styles are very neat and nobby this year. An early inspection invited. We fill mail orders. Browning , King & Co -IS. W. Corner 151 ! ) and Douglas Si ,